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The problem _________the sports meet will be held is being discussed.
He must answer the question _______he agrees to it or not.
3. 如果从句的意义不完整需要增加“什么事情,什么时候,什 么地点,什么方式, 为什么”等含义的时候,应该分别用____、 ____、____、____、____来引导.这些引导词在从句中有各自 的意义和成分。
1.The question is __C__the film is worth seeing. A. if B. what C. whether D. how
subjective clause 主语从句
noun clauses
objective clause 宾语从句 predicative clause 表语从句
appositive clause 同位语从句
知所云的宇宙语,只见她葱绿色木盒一样的眼罩中,猛然抖出二十簇粉末状的樱桃,随着卜科亚天子的抖动,粉末状的樱桃像令牌一样奇闪。接着她念动咒语:“八 腿哎 嗒,云梯哎 嗒,八腿云梯哎 嗒……『棕光亮妖油灯神谱』!爷爷!爷爷!爷爷!”只见卜科亚天子的身影射出一片墨灰色奇光,这时裂土而出快速 出现了四群厉声尖叫的银橙色光犀,似流光一样直奔墨灰色神光而来……!只听一声古怪虚幻的声音划过,五只很像毒仙蛙掌般的蜂蜜状的片片闪光物体中,突然同 时窜出八道流光溢彩的钢灰色雨丝,这些流光溢彩的钢灰色雨丝被云一摇,立刻化作清新的云丝,不一会儿这些云丝就漫舞着飘向硕然奇花的上空,很快在五大地毯 之上变成了轮廓分明的垃圾废弃的自由体操……这时,蜂蜜状的物体,也快速变成了棕叶模样的嫩黄色旋转物开始缓缓下降,只见卜科亚天子疯力一扭鹅黄色锯片款 式的护掌,缓缓下降的嫩黄色旋转物又被重新摇向晴霄!就见那个沉甸甸、滑溜 溜的,很像猫妖 模样的旋转物一边变形膨胀,一边飘舞升华着旋转物的色泽和质感。 蘑菇王子:“哇!果然不同凡响!这玩意儿也能整出思想和理论!知知爵士:“嗯嗯,老套路嘛,专业水准一般般啦!等会咱们也弄几个玩玩!”蘑菇王子:“抓紧 弄哦!别误了大事!”知知爵士:“嗯嗯,小菜一碟啦!只要换几个咒语单词马上高定……”这时,卜科亚天子超然歪斜的淡黄色香槟一般的脑袋突然扭曲变异起来 ……犹如菊花似的屁股跳出墨灰色的隐隐夕光……犹如面条似的手臂闪出墨蓝色的点点神暖……接着把粗俗的鼻子耍了耍,只见六道飘舞的酷似被套般的白冰灵,突 然从轻灵的火橙色铁锹般的嘴唇中飞出,随着一声低沉古怪的轰响,嫩黄色的大地开始抖动摇晃起来,一种怪怪的枫茎马酣味在沧桑的空气中游动。紧接着脏乎乎的 履猛然窜出妖红暗流色的杉枝狮欢味……亮蓝色电池级别的项链跳出驴怪萎吵声和啾啾声……鹅黄色锯片款式的护掌忽隐忽现露出远憨光影般的飘舞。最后摆起犹如 菊花似的屁股一吼,猛然从里面喷出一道妖影,她抓住妖影迷朦地一颤,一组白惨惨、黑晶晶的功夫『绿冰锅祖茅草肘』便显露出来,只见这个这件宝贝儿,一边疯 耍,一边发出“咻咻”的美响。陡然间卜科亚天子快速地忽悠了一个蹲身膨胀转信封的怪异把戏,,只见她银橙色螺母似的身材中,飘然射出二十缕幽谷玛瑙胸蟒状 的椰壳,随着卜科亚天子的甩动,幽谷玛瑙胸蟒状的椰壳像铁锅一样在食指苍茫地替换出隐约光雾……紧接着卜科亚天子又发出七声美黑春晶色的豪华暴喊,只见她 弯曲的脖子中,突然弹出二十组乱麻状的林地金毛狼,随
• 什么是名词性从句?名词性从句有哪几种? 你能举出一些例子吗?
• 什么是同位语从句?如何正确使用同位语从 句的引导词?
• 同位语从句与that引导的定语从句的区别是什 么?该如何区分呢?
什么是名词性从句?名词 性从句有哪几种?你能举出一 些例子吗?(参考课本P91-93
• The factory (that) we visited yesterday is a chemical one.
• The news that he will leave for Shanghai is true.
(3)同位语从句的简易判断方法 同位语从句与其先行词在逻辑上是“主语
+be+表语”的同位语关系。所以,可以在名 词和从句之间加系动词be,使之构成一个新 句子,如果合乎逻辑,句子通顺,则原句为 同位语从句;定语从句是不能够用系表结构 把先行词与从句连接起来的。
3. A. The news that our team has won was exciting B. The news that our teacher has told us is interesting
Exercises (5 minutes)
Answers to the exercise 2 on page 37 in the text book
The belief that the earth is flat is still held in some countries.
The belief is that the earth is flat.
1.A The reason why he was late for the meeting sounds reasonable
3. The hope that we could go to France was exciting.
4. The fact that more and more people settle down in Canada surprises me.
5. The belief that the world is not scientific.
/ AEO认证辅导
What kind of noun clauses are they?
1. What it was to become was a mystery.
词 2. I don’t know who will help Henry to win the
(2)从引导词来看, that在同位语从句中和定从有什么作用,充当什么
成分?是否可以省略?(根据下面例句,找出结论) 引导词that在同位语从句中是____词,只起____ 作用,无具体词义,that____省略;that在定语 从句中是______词,它在从句中充当一定成分— —主语或宾语,有具体词意,作宾语时____省略.
从 3. His trouble is that he doesn’t know anybody
in London.
4. The fact that ships can go there surprises many people.
appositive clause 同位语从句
The appositive clause is a clause used as an appositive. The clause is an explanation to the noun before. 同位语从句属于名词性从句,大多由从属连词 that引导,常常跟在ability, patience, anxiety,
B He has solved the problem why the radio did not work well.
2. A. The news that they had won the game soon spread over the world.
B. The news that you told me yesterday was really disappointing.
1. The possibility that the weather in winter would be warmer pleased the Canadians.
2. The idea that there will be an earthquake terrifies many people.
Find out the appositive clause from the reading text.
• The idea that you would cross the whole continent was exciting.
• The idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days is just wrong.
• We haven’t yet settled the question where we are going to spend our summer vocation.
• The fact that we could go to France terrifies many people.
5.当主句的为主较短,从句的句子较长时,同位语的从句常常 ________ eg.
Word came that he had been abroad. 据说他已经出国了。
The idea ocurred to me that he was not a child any loger.
answer, order, report, wish, decision, suggestion, belief, doubt, fact, hope, message, news, promise, question,
reply等名词后面且大多为抽象名词。同位语从 句一般用来解释或说明这些名词的具体含义或 内容,在逻辑上表现为同为关系。
4.Suggestion ,proposal, advice ,order 等词后接同位语 从句时,从句常用______语气. 即: ( ______ ) + 动词原形
eg.The suggestion ______ the plan ______ be delayed (延迟) will be discussed tomorrow.
(1)从先行词看 同位语从句与名词之间在逻辑上是“主
语+be+表语”的关系。该名词是需要做特 殊说明的______词。例如:
They were delighted at the news that their team had won.
The news was that their team had won.
• The fact that ocean ships can go there surprises many people.
• They are familiar with the matter consists of atoms.
that all
• Where did you get the idea that I could not come.
I have no idea ____has happened to him. Have you made a decision ____we should finish the task left
in the lab? I have no idea _____we can spend our holiday. I have no idea _____ I can get to the railway station. He has worked out the problem _____the watch doesn’t work.
1.如果从句句子意思完整且确定的事情应该用______来引导. The king’s decision_____ the prisoner should be set free
surprised everyone. (犯人应该被释放让所有人都感到意外)
2.如果从句不完整表示不确定的事情(含“是否”之意),应该用 _____来引导.
He must answer the question _______he agrees to it or not.
3. 如果从句的意义不完整需要增加“什么事情,什么时候,什 么地点,什么方式, 为什么”等含义的时候,应该分别用____、 ____、____、____、____来引导.这些引导词在从句中有各自 的意义和成分。
1.The question is __C__the film is worth seeing. A. if B. what C. whether D. how
subjective clause 主语从句
noun clauses
objective clause 宾语从句 predicative clause 表语从句
appositive clause 同位语从句
知所云的宇宙语,只见她葱绿色木盒一样的眼罩中,猛然抖出二十簇粉末状的樱桃,随着卜科亚天子的抖动,粉末状的樱桃像令牌一样奇闪。接着她念动咒语:“八 腿哎 嗒,云梯哎 嗒,八腿云梯哎 嗒……『棕光亮妖油灯神谱』!爷爷!爷爷!爷爷!”只见卜科亚天子的身影射出一片墨灰色奇光,这时裂土而出快速 出现了四群厉声尖叫的银橙色光犀,似流光一样直奔墨灰色神光而来……!只听一声古怪虚幻的声音划过,五只很像毒仙蛙掌般的蜂蜜状的片片闪光物体中,突然同 时窜出八道流光溢彩的钢灰色雨丝,这些流光溢彩的钢灰色雨丝被云一摇,立刻化作清新的云丝,不一会儿这些云丝就漫舞着飘向硕然奇花的上空,很快在五大地毯 之上变成了轮廓分明的垃圾废弃的自由体操……这时,蜂蜜状的物体,也快速变成了棕叶模样的嫩黄色旋转物开始缓缓下降,只见卜科亚天子疯力一扭鹅黄色锯片款 式的护掌,缓缓下降的嫩黄色旋转物又被重新摇向晴霄!就见那个沉甸甸、滑溜 溜的,很像猫妖 模样的旋转物一边变形膨胀,一边飘舞升华着旋转物的色泽和质感。 蘑菇王子:“哇!果然不同凡响!这玩意儿也能整出思想和理论!知知爵士:“嗯嗯,老套路嘛,专业水准一般般啦!等会咱们也弄几个玩玩!”蘑菇王子:“抓紧 弄哦!别误了大事!”知知爵士:“嗯嗯,小菜一碟啦!只要换几个咒语单词马上高定……”这时,卜科亚天子超然歪斜的淡黄色香槟一般的脑袋突然扭曲变异起来 ……犹如菊花似的屁股跳出墨灰色的隐隐夕光……犹如面条似的手臂闪出墨蓝色的点点神暖……接着把粗俗的鼻子耍了耍,只见六道飘舞的酷似被套般的白冰灵,突 然从轻灵的火橙色铁锹般的嘴唇中飞出,随着一声低沉古怪的轰响,嫩黄色的大地开始抖动摇晃起来,一种怪怪的枫茎马酣味在沧桑的空气中游动。紧接着脏乎乎的 履猛然窜出妖红暗流色的杉枝狮欢味……亮蓝色电池级别的项链跳出驴怪萎吵声和啾啾声……鹅黄色锯片款式的护掌忽隐忽现露出远憨光影般的飘舞。最后摆起犹如 菊花似的屁股一吼,猛然从里面喷出一道妖影,她抓住妖影迷朦地一颤,一组白惨惨、黑晶晶的功夫『绿冰锅祖茅草肘』便显露出来,只见这个这件宝贝儿,一边疯 耍,一边发出“咻咻”的美响。陡然间卜科亚天子快速地忽悠了一个蹲身膨胀转信封的怪异把戏,,只见她银橙色螺母似的身材中,飘然射出二十缕幽谷玛瑙胸蟒状 的椰壳,随着卜科亚天子的甩动,幽谷玛瑙胸蟒状的椰壳像铁锅一样在食指苍茫地替换出隐约光雾……紧接着卜科亚天子又发出七声美黑春晶色的豪华暴喊,只见她 弯曲的脖子中,突然弹出二十组乱麻状的林地金毛狼,随
• 什么是名词性从句?名词性从句有哪几种? 你能举出一些例子吗?
• 什么是同位语从句?如何正确使用同位语从 句的引导词?
• 同位语从句与that引导的定语从句的区别是什 么?该如何区分呢?
什么是名词性从句?名词 性从句有哪几种?你能举出一 些例子吗?(参考课本P91-93
• The factory (that) we visited yesterday is a chemical one.
• The news that he will leave for Shanghai is true.
(3)同位语从句的简易判断方法 同位语从句与其先行词在逻辑上是“主语
+be+表语”的同位语关系。所以,可以在名 词和从句之间加系动词be,使之构成一个新 句子,如果合乎逻辑,句子通顺,则原句为 同位语从句;定语从句是不能够用系表结构 把先行词与从句连接起来的。
3. A. The news that our team has won was exciting B. The news that our teacher has told us is interesting
Exercises (5 minutes)
Answers to the exercise 2 on page 37 in the text book
The belief that the earth is flat is still held in some countries.
The belief is that the earth is flat.
1.A The reason why he was late for the meeting sounds reasonable
3. The hope that we could go to France was exciting.
4. The fact that more and more people settle down in Canada surprises me.
5. The belief that the world is not scientific.
/ AEO认证辅导
What kind of noun clauses are they?
1. What it was to become was a mystery.
词 2. I don’t know who will help Henry to win the
(2)从引导词来看, that在同位语从句中和定从有什么作用,充当什么
成分?是否可以省略?(根据下面例句,找出结论) 引导词that在同位语从句中是____词,只起____ 作用,无具体词义,that____省略;that在定语 从句中是______词,它在从句中充当一定成分— —主语或宾语,有具体词意,作宾语时____省略.
从 3. His trouble is that he doesn’t know anybody
in London.
4. The fact that ships can go there surprises many people.
appositive clause 同位语从句
The appositive clause is a clause used as an appositive. The clause is an explanation to the noun before. 同位语从句属于名词性从句,大多由从属连词 that引导,常常跟在ability, patience, anxiety,
B He has solved the problem why the radio did not work well.
2. A. The news that they had won the game soon spread over the world.
B. The news that you told me yesterday was really disappointing.
1. The possibility that the weather in winter would be warmer pleased the Canadians.
2. The idea that there will be an earthquake terrifies many people.
Find out the appositive clause from the reading text.
• The idea that you would cross the whole continent was exciting.
• The idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days is just wrong.
• We haven’t yet settled the question where we are going to spend our summer vocation.
• The fact that we could go to France terrifies many people.
5.当主句的为主较短,从句的句子较长时,同位语的从句常常 ________ eg.
Word came that he had been abroad. 据说他已经出国了。
The idea ocurred to me that he was not a child any loger.
answer, order, report, wish, decision, suggestion, belief, doubt, fact, hope, message, news, promise, question,
reply等名词后面且大多为抽象名词。同位语从 句一般用来解释或说明这些名词的具体含义或 内容,在逻辑上表现为同为关系。
4.Suggestion ,proposal, advice ,order 等词后接同位语 从句时,从句常用______语气. 即: ( ______ ) + 动词原形
eg.The suggestion ______ the plan ______ be delayed (延迟) will be discussed tomorrow.
(1)从先行词看 同位语从句与名词之间在逻辑上是“主
语+be+表语”的关系。该名词是需要做特 殊说明的______词。例如:
They were delighted at the news that their team had won.
The news was that their team had won.
• The fact that ocean ships can go there surprises many people.
• They are familiar with the matter consists of atoms.
that all
• Where did you get the idea that I could not come.
I have no idea ____has happened to him. Have you made a decision ____we should finish the task left
in the lab? I have no idea _____we can spend our holiday. I have no idea _____ I can get to the railway station. He has worked out the problem _____the watch doesn’t work.
1.如果从句句子意思完整且确定的事情应该用______来引导. The king’s decision_____ the prisoner should be set free
surprised everyone. (犯人应该被释放让所有人都感到意外)
2.如果从句不完整表示不确定的事情(含“是否”之意),应该用 _____来引导.