RX 高一(上)必修一 Unit 2 Reading
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Pre-reading 1. With your partner, list the countries
that use English as official language.
5. As English is widely used, it will be more and more important to have a good knowledge of English. T
6. Noah Webster wrote the American Dictionary of the English Language. T 7. From 1765 to 1947 English became the language for government and education in India. T 8. America has the largest number
English became the language for _g_o_v_e_r_n_m_e_n_t_a_n__d_e_d_u_c_a_t_io_n__.
By the 19th century
The road to modern English
The English language was settled. Two big changes in _E_n_g_l_is_h__sp__el_l_in_g__
In the 1600s
_S_h_a_k_e_s_p_e_a_r_e_ made use of a wider vocabulary than ever before.
In 1620
Later in the 18th century 17651947
The road to modern English Some British settlers moved to A__m__er_i_c_a. Some British people were taken to _A_u_s_t_r_a_li_a_.
Happened: Samuel Johnson wrote his d_i_c_ti_o_n_a_r_yand Noah Webster wrote T__h_e_A__m_e_r_i_ca_n__D__ic_t_io_n_a_r_y__o_f_____ t_h_e__E_n_g_l_is_h__L_a_n_g_u_a_ge.
3. English began to be spoken in other counties in 17th century. T
4. Native English speakers can’t understand each other because they don’t speak the same kind of English. F
All languages change when _cu__lt_u_r_e_s_ communicate with one another. So there are British English, American English, Australian English and so on. They all have their own _i_d_e_n_t_it_y_. English is also spoken as a foreign or second language in _m_a_n__y_ _o_th_e_r__c_o_u_n_t_r_ie_s_. Maybe one day Chinese English will become one of the world English.
3. From AD 450 to 1150, English sounded more like _C__. A. French B. Chinese C. German D. Russian
4. When was English spoken in Australia? D A. At the end of the 16th century. B. Between about AD 450 and 1150. C. In 1620. D. Later in the 18th century.
3. Why does India have a large number of English speakers?
India was ruled by Britain from 1765 to 1947. And during that time English became the language for government and education.
Task 4
Fill in the form
AD 4501150
AD 8001150
The road to modern English English was based more on G__e_rm__a_n_.
English became l_e_ss___ like German Because those who r_u_l_e_dEngland spoke first Danish and later French.
3. Look at the title of the following passage and guess what it is about. Then read it quickly and see if you are right.
1. English spoken in some other countries 2. changes of English 3. the change of English speakers 4. different kinds of Englishes
2. Which of the following statement is true? D A. Languages always stay the same. B. Languages change only after wars. C. Languages no longer change. D. Languages change when cultures change.
Unit 2 English around the world
Look at the pictures. Can you speak them in American English and British English?
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Am E soccer
Br E Am E
Para 3-4:English is changing over time. (cultures & places)
Para 5: English is spoken as a foreign or second language in many countries.
Choose the main idea of the text.
America, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Philippines, India
2. Which country do you think has the most English learners?
For those that speak English as their first language the USA or India must have the largest number of native speakers as they have the largest populations. For those who learn English as their first foreign language China must have the largest number as it has the largest population.
Task 1
True or False
1. Most English speakers in the 16th century lived in England. T
2. More and more people use English
as their first or 2nd language. T
A. How to learn English well
B. The brief history of modern English
C. The way to England D. The difference between modern
English and old English
following questions. 1. What is the clue of the passage?
Time. 2. When did people from England begin to
move to other parts of the world? In the 17th century.
_m__a_n_y_ o_t_h_e_r_ _c_o_u_n_t_r_ie_s_. Today, __m_o_r_e__ people speak English as their _fi_r_s_t_, second or foreign language. _N_a_t_i_v_e_ English speakers _c_a_n__ understand each other but _n_o_t_ _e_v_e_r_y_t_h_in__g_.
1. Read the passage carefully and decide whether the statements are true or false and explain why.
5. Which country has the fastest growing number of English speakers in the world? B A. Australia B. China C. India D. Britain
Task 3 Read the text carefully and answer the
English is also spoken as a foreign or second language _in__S_o_u_t_h_A__s_ia_._.
Task 5
Retell the text.
At first, only people in _E_n_g_l_a_n_d_ spoke English. Later, people from England _m__o_v_e_d_ to other parts, so English began to be spoken in
Para 1:More and more people speak English.
①At the end of… ②Later in the next century… ③Today… Para 2:Native English speakers can
understand each other but not
of English learners. F
Task 2 Choose the correct answer 1. English has the most speakers _A__.
A. now B. when the British ruled many
parts of the world C. in the time of Shakespeare D. in the 12th century