A DSP based Equalizer and Sound Level Control System The Ecudap

调音台技术用语英汉对照和专业音频英汉对照A区A/D模/数转换AA厅堂音质AB AB制立体声拾音ABC美国广播公司AC交流电AC-3 5.1环绕声编码ADJ adjective附属的,附件ADJ Adjust调节ADJ(Acoustic Delay Line)声延迟线ADP(T)Adapter延配器,转接器ADS(Audio Distribution System)音频分配系统A.DUB(Audio Dubbing)配音,音频复制,后期录音Aerial天线AES(Audio Engineering Society)美国声频工程协会AF(Audio Fidelity)音频保真度AF(Audio Frequency)音频频率AFC(Active Field Control)自动频率控制AFL(Aside Fade Listen)衰减后(推子后)监听A-fader音频衰减AGC(Automatic Gain Control)自动增益控制AI(Amplifier Input)放大器输入A-IN音频输入AlC(Automatic Level Control)自动电平控制Algorithm演示Align(Alignment)校正,补偿,微调,匹配All rating全(音)域ALM(Audio Level Meter)音频电平表AM调幅(广播)Ambience监场感,环绕感Ambient环境的AMP(Amplifier)放大器AN接入网AO模拟输出APC自动功率控制Articulation声音清晰度,发音Artificial人工的,手动的Architectural acoustics建筑声学ARL aerial天线ASC(Automatic Sensitivity Control)自动灵敏度控制ASP(Audio Signal Processing)音频信号处理ASS自动同步系统AT自动跟踪Atempo回到原速ATT衰减器AUX辅助AV音频/视频AVC自动音量控制AZ方位角B区Back返回Background noise背景噪声,本底噪声Back tracking补录Baffle box音箱ABL平衡Balanced已平衡的Banana jack香蕉插头Banana bin香蕉插座Band频段Band pass带通滤波器Bandwidth频带宽,误差,范围Base低音Bass tube低音号,大号BATT battery电池BC(Balanced Current)平衡电流Bel贝尔Bench工作台Bender滑音器BF(Back Feed)反馈BF带通滤波器Bias偏置,偏磁,偏压BNC卡口同轴电缆连接器Binaural effect 双耳效应,立体声Bit(Binary digit)比特,二进制数字,位Bi-AMP双(通道)功放系统Bi-wire双线(传输、分音) Blanking关闭,消隐,断路Block up 阻塞Body mike小型话筒Boom混响,轰鸣声Bounce合并BY bypass旁通BPF(Band Pass Filter)带通滤波器Break中止(程序),减弱Breathing喘息效应Bright明亮(感)Brilliance响亮Broadcast广播Bus母线,总线BUT(Button)按钮,旋钮BW带宽C区CA证书授权Cable电缆CAL(Calibrate)标准化Calibrate校准,定标Call取回,复出,呼出CANCL cancel删除Cannon卡侬接口Cap电容Capacitance Mic电容话筒CATV cable television有线电视Cassette卡式的,盒式的Caution报警CD(Compact Disc)激光唱片CD-E(Compact Disc Erasable)可抹式激光唱片CDG(Compact-Disc plus Graphic)带有静止图像的CD唱盘CDR 可录小型光盘Clock enable时钟启动Cell电池,元件,单元Cello大提琴Cent音节Central earth中心接地CF(Center Frequency)中心频率CH(Channel)声道,通道Chapter曲目Characteristic curve特性曲线Charger充电器Check校验Choke合唱Choose选择CIRC(Circulate)循环Circuit电路CL cancel取消Classic古典的Clip削波,限幅CLK clock时钟信号Close关闭,停止CLS控制室监听CMP compact压缩CMRR(Common Mode Rejection Ratio)共模抑制比Coax同轴电缆Coaxial数码同轴接口Code码,编码Command指令,操作,信号Compatibility兼容Compensate补偿Compressor压缩器COMP-EXP压扩器Compromise(频率)平衡Computer计算机,电脑CON(Controller)控制器Concert音乐厅效果Connect连接,联络Console调音台Constant常数Continue连续,继续Contrast对比度Contribution分配Copy复制Correlation meter相关表Coupler耦合Cover补偿Coverage有效范围CP(Clock Pulse)时钟脉冲CP(Control Program)控制程序CPU中央处理器Create建立,创造Crispness清脆感CRM(Control Room)控制室CST(Case Style Tape)盒式磁带Cursor指示器,光标Curve特性曲线CUT切去,硬切换D区D/A(Digital/Analog)数字/模拟DAB(Digital Audio Broadcasting)数字音频广播DAT(Digital Audio Tape)数字音频磁带,数字录音机DATA数据DATE日期dB decibel分贝DBS(Direct Broadcast Satellite)直播卫星DBX压缩扩展式降噪系统Deck卡座,录音座Delete删除DEMO(demodulator)解调器Demo自动演奏Depth深度Diagram图形,原理图Difference不同,差别Digital数字的,数字式,计数的Dimension范围,密度,声像宽度Din五芯插口(德国工业标准)DIN(Digital Input)数字输入Directional方向,指向的DIS display显示器Disc唱盘,唱片,碟Disc recorder盘片式录音机Disco迪斯科,迪斯科音乐效果Disk唱盘,碟Distortion失真,畸变Divider分配器Dolby杜比,杜比功能Double加倍,双,次八度Down向下,向下调整,下移,减少Drive驱动,激励Drum鼓Drum machine鼓机DSP(Digital Signal Processor)数字信号处理器DSS(Digital Satellite System)数字卫星系统DT(Data Terminal)数据终端DT(Data Transmission)数据传输DTV(Digital Television)数字电视Dub复制,配音,拷贝,转录磁带Dubbing mixer混录调音台DVD(Digital Video Disc)数字激光视盘Dynamic Microphone动圈话筒Dynamic range动态范围E区Earphone耳机Earth terminal接地端EC(Error Correction)误差校正Echo回声,回声效果,混响Edit编辑Effecter操纵装置,效果器Effecter generator效果发生器Emphasis加重EMS(emergency Switch)紧急开关Encoding编码End末端,结束,终止ENS(Ensemble)合奏ENS(Envelope Sensation)群感Enter记入,进入,回车Entering插入,记录Envelopment环绕感EPS(Emergency Power Supply)应急电源EQ(Equalizer)均衡器,均衡Equal-loudness contour等响曲线Erasure抹音Erase消除,消Error错误,出错,不正确Event事件EXP(Expender)扩展器,动态扩展器EXT(External)外部的,外接的F区F(Frequency)频率Fade衰减(音量控制单元)Fade in-out淡入淡出Fader衰减器Fade up平滑上升Failure故障Fall衰落,斜度Fader衰减器,调音台推拉电位器(推子) FB(Feed Back)反馈,声反馈Feeder馈线FF(Fast Forward)快进Field声场Field pickup实况拾音File文件,存入,归档,数据集FILT filter滤波器Fine微调Finish结束,修饰Fire启动Flash闪光信号Flat平坦,平直Flat noise白噪声Flat tuning粗调Flex拐点Flip替换,调换Floppy Disc软磁盘Flute长笛FM(Frequency Modulation)调频广播Focus焦点,中心点Fold back返送,监听Foot(Board)脚踏板(开关控制)Force过载,强行置入Format格式,格式化FR frequency频率Free剩余,自由Frequency divider分频器Frequency shifter移频器,变频器Front前面的,正面的Front balance前置平衡FS(Full Short)全景Full丰满,饱和Full auto全自动Full range全音域,全频G区G(gate)门(电路)Gain增益,提衰量Gate噪声门,门,选通Generator信号发生器GEQ(Graphic Equalizer)图示均衡器Global总体设计GND ground地线,接地端GP ground编组Group编组(调音台),组Guard保护,防护装置Guitar吉它HT(Home Theater)家庭影院,家庭剧场HUT(Homes Using TV)家用电视Hall厅堂效果Hard Knee硬拐点(压限器)Harmonic谐波Harmonic distortion谐波失真Harmonic Generator谐波发生器Harmony和谐Harp竖琴Hass effect哈斯效应Head录音机磁头,前置的,唱头Head azimuth磁头方位角Head gap磁头缝隙Headphone头戴式耳机HF(High Frequency)高频,高音Hi-end最高品质,顶级High cut高切High pass高通HL(Half Reverb)大厅混响Home家庭,实用Home theatre家庭影院Horn高音号角,号筒,圆号Hour小时H.P(headphone)头戴式耳机HPF(High Pass Filter)高通滤波器HZ(Hertz)赫兹I区IC(Integrated Circuit)集成电路IEC(International Electrical Commission)国际电工委员会IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)电气入电子工程师学会IMP(Impedance)阻抗IN(input)输入In phase同相Indicator显示器,指示器Indirect间接Inductance电感Infrared红外线的Infra-red remote control红外线遥控Increase增加Initial Delay早期延时,初次延时Integrated组合的Integrated amplifier前置-功率放大器,综合功率放大器Intelligibility可懂度Integrated集成的,完全的Intercom对讲,通话Interconnect互相联系Inter cut插播Interface接口,对话装置Interference干扰,干涉,串扰Internal内存,对讲机Intimacy亲切感Intonation声调ITS(Insertion Test Signal)插入测试信号Inverse倒相I/O in/out输入/输出(接口),信号插入接口ISO(International Standardization Organization)国际标准化组织IU(Information Unit)信息单元J区jack插孔,插座,传动装置Jack socket插孔Jam抑制,干扰Jazz爵士JB(Junction Box)接线盒JIS日本工业标准Jumper跳线,条形接片Justify调整K区key按键Karaoke卡拉OK,无人伴奏乐队KB(Key Board)键盘,按钮Key control键控,变调控制Key EQ音调均衡kHz千赫兹Killer抑制器,断路器Kit设定Knee压限器拐点Knob按钮,旋钮,调节器KTV(Karaoke TV)伴唱电视(节目) L区L(Left)左(立体声系统的左声道) L(Line)线路L(Link)链路Lag延迟,滞后Lamp灯,照明灯Large大,大型Large(Hall)大厅混响Laser激光(镭射)Launching激励,发射LCR(Left Center Right)左中右LD(Laser vision Disc)激光视盘,影碟机Lead通道,前置,输入Lead-in引入线Leak漏泄LED(Light Emitting Diode)发光二极管(显示)Level电平,水平,级LF(Low Frequency)低频,低音LFO(Low Frequency Oscillation)低频振荡信号Light switch照明开关LS(Light Source)光源LT(Low Tension)低压LUF(Lowest Useful Frequency)最低可用频率M区MADI(Musical Audio Digital Interface)音频数字接口Main主要的,主线,主通道,电源Magnetic Tape磁带Magnetic tape recorder磁带录音机Main电源,主要的Kakeup接通,选配MAN manual手动的,手控Manual手动的,人工的,手册,说明书March进行曲Masking掩蔽Master总音量控制,调音台主路MAR Matrix矩阵,调音台矩阵(M),编组Match匹配,适配,配对MAX maximum最大,最大值MB megabytes兆字节Mb/s(Megabytes per second)兆字节/秒MD(Mini Disc)光磁盘唱机,小型录放唱盘Medley混合Mega bass超重低音MEM(Memory)存储器,存储,记忆Menu菜单,目录,表格Megaphone喇叭筒Mel美(音调单位)Message通信,联系Metal tape金属磁带Meter电平表,表头,仪表Metronome节拍器MF(Middle Frequency)中频,中音MIC(Microphone)话筒,麦克风,传声器MID middle中间的,中部的,中音,中频MIDI(Music Instrument Digital Interface)电子乐器数字接口MIN(Minimum)最小,最小值MIN(Minute)分钟Mismatch失配MIX混合,音量比例调节Mixer调音台,混音器MO(Mmagneto Optical)可抹可录型光盘MOD(Modulation)调制MODEM(Modulator Demodulator)调制解调器Moderato中速Modifier调节器Modify修改,调试,摩机,限定Modulator调制器Module模块,组件,因数,程序片MOL(Maximum Output Level)最大输出电平MON(Monitor)监听,监视器Mono单声道,单一Motor马达,电机Movie theater影剧院MPO(Maximum Power Output)最大输出功率MPO(Music Power Output)音乐输出功率MPS(Main Power Switch)主电源开关MPX multiplex多路传输,多次重复使用,多路转换MR(Memory Read)存储器读出MS(Manual Search)手动检索MS(MSEC) millisecond毫秒MST(MSTR) master主控MT(Multi Track)多轨MTR motor电动机MTS(Multi-channel Television Sound)多声道电视伴音MTV(Music TV)音乐电视(节目)MUF(Maximum Usable Frequency)最高可用频率Mult-echo多重回声Multiple channel多通道MUPO(Maximum Undistorted Power Output) 最大不失真输出功率MUT mute静音,哑音,噪声控制Muting抑制,消除MW(Medium Wave)中波MXR mixer混频器N区Name名称,命名Natural自然的,天然的,固有的Naught零,无价值Near field近场NEG(Negative)负,阴(极)NEMO实况转播News人声广播音响效果,新闻Next下一个NG(Noise Generator)噪声发生器Noise噪音Noise gate噪声门,选通器Noise suppressor噪声抑制器NOM nominal标称的,额定的Non-direction全向的,无指向性的NOR normal普通的,标准的,正常的,常规的NORM平均值Notch触点Note符号,注释,音调,音律,记录Notice注意事项,简介NR(Noise Ratio)噪声比NR number数字,编号NAB(National Association of Broadcasters)美国广播工作者协会NT(Network Terminal)网络终端NTI(Network Terminating Interface)网络终端接口NTP(Network Time Protocol)网络时间协议NTSC美国彩色电视制式Null空位,无效的O区OA(Office Automation)办公室自动化Oboe双簧管O/C(Open Circuit)开路OCK(Operation Control Key)操作控制键OCL(Output Control Line)输出控制线OCT(Octave)倍频程,八度音OFC(Oxygen-Free Cupreous)无氧铜导线Off关闭,断开Offset补偿,修饰,偏置Ohm欧姆OK确认OL(Over Load)过载On开,接通Once一次,单次OP(Over Pressure)过压Open打开,开启Opera歌剧Operate操作,运转Operation操作,运转Optical数码光缆接口Optical master激光器Option选型,选择Optimum最佳状态Orchestra管弦乐器Organ风琴,元件OSC(Oscillator)振荡器OTL无输出变压器功率放大器OUT output输出Outage中断Out let输出端子,引出线Out phase反向Over drive过激励Overhearing串音Overtone泛音P区PA(Power Amplifier)前置放大器PAD定值衰减,衰减器Paddle开关,门电路Page一面,(存储器)页面地址Pair(立体声)配对,配电盘PLA(Phase Alternation Line)逐行倒相彩色电视制式Pan panorama声像调节,定位,全景Panel面板,操纵板,配电盘Panotrope电唱机Parametric参量的Part声部数,部分Partial tone分音,泛音PAS(Public Address System)扩声系统Pass通过Patch临时,插接线,用连接电缆插入Patch bay配电盘Patch board插线盘Path信号通路PB(Push Button)按钮开关PCB(Printed Circuit Board)印刷线路板PCM(Pulse Code Modulation)脉冲编码调制PD(Power Divider)功率分配器Peak峰值,削波(灯)Pedal踏板PEQ(Parameter Equalizer)参量均衡器Perspective立体感Perform执行,完成,施行Period周期PFL(Per Fader Louder speaker)衰减前监听,预监听PGM program节目,程序PH(Phase)相位Phantom幻像电源,幻像供电Phase相位,状态Phase REV倒相(电路)Phon方(响度单位)Phone耳机,耳机插口Phoneme音素Piano钢琴Piccolo短笛Pick-up拾音器,唱头,传感器Pilot jack监听插孔Pin针型插口,不平衡音频插口Pink noise粉红噪声Pipe管,笛Pitch音高,音调PK peak削波(灯),峰值PL(Pre Listen)预监听,衰减前监听Play播放,重放,弹奏Playback播放Player唱机,放音器Plug插头Plunge切入PMPO(Peak Music Power Output)音乐峰值功率输出Pointer指示器,指针Pops流行音乐,流行音乐音响效果Position位置,状态POT(potentiometer)电位器,电位计Potable便携的,小型的Power电源,功率Power amplifier功率放大器Power out功率输出Power supply电源供给PP(Peak Power)峰值功率PP(Personal Preference)个人预置P-P(Peak-Peak)峰-峰值PPI(Peak Program Indicator)峰值显示器PPL(Peak Program Level)峰值音量电平PPM(Peak Program Meter)峰值节目表,峰值音量表Pre前置,预备,之前Pre-delay预延迟Pre echoes预回声Pre emphasis预加重Presence临场效果,现场感Present当前日期,现时,即时Preserve保存,维持Preset预置,预调Press按,压preview预演PRM parameter参量Process处理,加工PROG program程序,基本音色Protect保护,防护Protocol通信协议PT(Power Transformer)电源变压器PT portable便携式PU pickup拾音Pull拉,趋向Pull-in接通,引入Pure tone纯音Push推,按钮,压Push-pull推挽式的Q区Q(Quality factor)品质因数,Q值,频带宽度QD(Quick Disconnect)迅速断开Quack嘈杂声QUAD(Quadraphonic)四声道立体声Quality音质,声音Quartering量化Quartz PLL frequency synthesizer晶体锁相环频率Quaver八分音符Quiver颤动声R区R(Receiver)接收机R(Right)右声道Rack机架,支架,机柜Radiation辐射Radio无线电,收音机,射频RAM(Random Access Memory)随机存储器Range范围,幅度Rate比率,速率,变化率,频率Ratio压缩比,扩展比,比,系数RCA(Radio Corporation of America)美国无线电公司RCA jack莲花接口R-CH右声道R-DAT(Rotary Head-DAT)旋转磁头式数字录音机RE(Reset)复位Ready预备,准备完毕Rear背面,后部,后置REC(Recording)录音,记录,录制Recall招回,调出,重录Reviver接收机,接受器Recharge再充电Record记录,录制,唱片Recorder录音机Recovery恢复,复原Reduce减少,降低,缩小Reduction压缩,衰减,形成Reecho回声Refraction折射Refresh恢复REG(Register)寄存器Reject除去,滤去Rejection抑制Reinforcement扩声Relay继电器,重放,转放Release恢复时间,释入,断路器Rename改名,命名REP(Repeat)重复,反复,重放Relacing替换,置换,复位REQ room equalizer房间均衡器Reset复位,恢复,重复,重新安装Resolution分辨率,分析Resonance共振,回声Resistance阻抗Resister电阻Restraint抑制,限制器REV(Reverse)颠倒,反转REV(Reverberation)混响,残响Richness丰满度Rhythm节奏Right右声道,垂直的,适当的Ring环,大三芯环端,冷端接点RF(Radio Frequency)射频,高频RMR room reverb房间混响RMS(Root Mean Square)有效值RND(Random)随机的Rod antenna拉杆天线ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器Room房间Rose接线盒Rotary旋转RT60(Reverberation Time)混响时间RP(Record Playback)录放RT(Recovery Time)恢复时间RT return返回RTA(Real Time Analyzer)实时分析(仪),频谱分析(仪)RTS(Real Time System)实时系统Rumba伦巴Rumble(低频)隆隆声RZ(Return to Zero)归零S区SAF(Safety)安全装置,保险装置,保护装置Safeguard by防护器Samba桑巴Sample声音信号样品,采样,取样Save贮存Save存储,保存SC(System Controller)系统控制器SC(Scan)扫描Scale音阶,刻度尺标Scale unit标度单位,分频器Scan搜索,记录,扫描Scattering散射Scene实况,场面SCH search搜索,寻找Scheme设计图,原理图Scope范围,显示器Scoring音乐录音SCR(Signal to Clutter Ratio)信噪比Screen屏蔽SD(Space Division)空间分布S-DAT(Stationary Head DAT)固定磁头DAT机SDI(Standard Data Interface)标准数据接口SE(Single End)单端的SE(Sound Effect)音响效果Search搜索,扫描Searcher扫描器SEC(Second)秒,第二SECAM(Sequential Color And Memory)调频行轮换彩色制式Section单元,环节Security保险,加锁SED(System Effectiveness Demonstration)系统效果演示Seek搜索SEL(Selector)选择装置,寻线器,转换开关Select选择Send送出,发送,发射SENS(Sensitivity)灵敏度Sense分辨率Sensor传感器Sentinel发射器,传送器SEQ(Sequencer)音序器SEQ(Stereo Equalizer)立体声均衡器Sequence排序Series系列,串连Service维修,服务Servo伺服机构,随机系统Servo motor伺服马达SES(Spatial Effect System)立体声空间效果系统Set调整,设定,装置,定位Setout开始,准备Setup设定,构成,菜单,组合,调整SG(Signal Generator)信号发生器SGL signal信号S-hall(Small hall)小型厅堂效果Shake震动Shape波形Share drum小军鼓Sharpness清晰度,鲜明度,锐度Shield保护,屏蔽Shift转换,变调,移频,漂移Shock冲击Short短的Shower指示器,显示器SI(Sneak In)淡入Side边,面,侧面,方面Signature特征,音乐的调号SIF伴音中频Simple tone纯音Simplex单工Simulate模拟的Sine Wave正弦波Single单,单次的,单独的,单碟Size尺寸Skip跳跃,省略SL(Signal Level)信号电平Slap拍打效果Slap back山谷回声Slap reverb山谷混响效果Slate预定,标记,(录音调音台)标记开关Slave从属的,从机,从动的Sleep睡眠定时开关,静止Slope斜率,坡度,跨导Slow慢速SLS(Studio Listen)演播室监听S/M speech/music语言/音乐SMP sampler取样器SMPTE(Society of Motion Picture Television Engineers)(美国)电影及电视工程师学会S/N(Signal/Noise)信噪比SO(Sneak Out)淡入Socket插座,插口Soft软的,柔和的Soft knee软拐点(压限器)Solo独唱,独奏Sone宋(响度单位)Song乐曲Sound field声场Sound image声像Sound intensity声强Source声源SP(Speaker)扬声器SP(Speed)速度Space间隙,空间效果Spaciousness空间感ST(Stereo)立体声,立体Still静止STO stop停止STO(Store)存储,存储器String instrument弦乐器STU(Studio)演播室效果SUB副,辅助,附加,低音Subgroup副编组Subsonic次声,超低音Subwoofer超低音Sum和,总和,总数SUP(Supply)电源Super超Super bass超低音Super over drive超激励Suppressor抑制器SUR(Surround)环绕声,环绕,包围Sustain保持,维持SW(Switch)开关,切换SW(Short Wave)短波Sweep扫描,曲线Symphonic交响,谐音SYNC同步SYS Ex(System Expanding)系统扩展T区Tag电缆插头Take实录Talkback对讲,联络Tally播出,提示,插入Tap电流输出,节拍Tape带,磁带Tango探戈TB talkback对讲回送TB(Time Base)时基TC(Time Code)时间码TEMP(Temperature)温度Temp节奏TEMOP(Temporary)中间(工作)单位T erminal终端,接线柱,引线,接头T est测试,试验,检验THD(T otal Harmonic Distortion)总谐波失真Theater剧场效果,现场Thermal noise热噪声THR THRESH threshold阈值,阈,门限Thresh thrash多次反复Three dimension 3D音响,三维立体声音响系统TIC(Transmission Interface Converter)传输接口转换器Tight硬,紧,硬朗Timber音质,音色Timbre声部Time时间,倍,次,定时的Timer定时器,计时器Tint色调TIP(Terminal Interface Processor)终端接口处理机Tip头端,热端Title标题,字幕TK track音轨TN(Tuning unit)调谐装置TOC节目目录Tone音调,声调,纯音Tone color音色Tone quality音色,音品Tonic律音Top最高TOS(Tape Operating System)磁带操作系统Total总,总共Total tune整体协调,总调谐Touch触,压,按TR(Tape Recorder)磁带录音机Track曲目号,磁迹,音轨Tracking寻迹,跟踪,统调Transformer变压器Transpose转调,变换器,移调Transport运行,发送Transient瞬态Transient distortion瞬态失真Transient response瞬态反应Transmit发射Transistor晶体管,三极管Treble高音,三倍的,三重的Trick特技Trig修饰TRIG(Trigger)触发,触发器,触发脉冲Trim调整,微调,调谐,削波Trumpet小号TST test测试Tube电子管,真空管Tune调谐,和谐,调音Tuner调谐器Turntable电唱盘,转台TV television电视Tweeter高音扬声器Twin channel双通道TX transmitter发射机TYP type类型Typical标准的,典型的U区UA(User Agent)用户代理UD(User Data)用户数据UHF(Ultra High Frequency)超高频UL(Upper Limit)上限ULF(Ultra-Low Frequency)超低频UNBAL(Unbalance)非平衡(连接),不平衡度Undo不执行操作Unit单位Unscramble清理,使…清晰Unset复位,复原,消除UP(Ultra Pass)高通UP向上,增加Update修正,校正UPO不失真功率输出Upper升高,向上UPS(Uninterruptible Power Output)不间断电源Up to date最新式的User用户USS(United States Standard)美国标准UTP(Unshielded Twisted Pair)未屏蔽双绞线V区V(Value)数值,音长VA(Volt Ampere)伏安VA(Volt Ammeter)伏安表Variation变化,参数调节,变奏Variable可变量VC(Vocal Cancel)原歌声消除VCA(Voltage Control Amplifier)压控增益放大器VCD(Video Compact Disk)视频激光唱片VCF(Video Controlled Filter)电压控制滤波器VCO(Voltage Controlled Oscillator)电压控制振荡器VCR(Video Cassette Recorder)录像机VDA音色音量VDF音色亮度VDP激光影碟机VDU(Video Display Unit)视频显示器Vent通路,出口VERB reverberate混响Verify检验,核对Verisimilar副真的Vertical垂直VF(Video Frequency)视频VFX(Voice Effects)语音特技效果VFD(Vacuum Fluorescent Display)真空荧光显示VGA(Variable Gain Amplifier)可变增益放大器VHD(Video High Density system)视频高密度系统VHF(Very High Frequency)甚高频VI(Volume Indicator)音量指示器Via经由,借助于VIB(Vibrato)颤音Vibration振动VID(Video)视频的VID(Virtual Image Display)真实图像Video视频,图像,电视的Videodisc视频唱片View 指示,观察Violin小提琴VIP(Visual Input)视频输入Vision影像Vision cable电视电缆VLF(Very Low Frequency)超低频VO(Voice)语言,音频Vocal声音的,声乐的,发音的Vocal partner声混合,伴音Voice语言,人声,音频VOL(Voltage)电压VOL(Volume)音量,体积,片号,响度VR(Variable Resistor)电位器,可变电阻器VSS(Virtual Surround System)虚拟环绕声系统VU(Volume Unit)音量单位表,VU表W区W(Watt)瓦特Walk-man袖珍盒式放音机,随身听(俗称)Wall墙面吸声特性Waltz华尔兹圆舞曲Warm警告,示警Watcher指示灯,监视器Wave波Way波长WB wideband路,频段WE(Weighting)宽频带Weak计权,加权Weight重量Wheel调节旋轮Wet湿,效果声信号,未加工的White白色White noise白噪声Whole完整的Wide 宽广,宽阔Wideband宽带,宽频带Widening扩展,加宽Wind快进。
达芬奇 目标响度级别

达芬奇目标响度级别英文回答:Da Vinci, as a renowned artist, scientist, and inventor, had a wide range of interests and pursuits. One of hisgoals was to achieve a high level of brightness orluminosity in his paintings. He strived to create artworks that would captivate viewers with their vivid colors and intense light.To achieve this, Da Vinci employed various techniques and materials. He experimented with different pigments,such as lead white and vermilion, which were known fortheir high reflectivity and brilliance. He also usedglazing techniques, layering thin transparent washes ofpaint over opaque layers, to create a sense of depth and luminosity.In addition to his choice of materials, Da Vinci also paid great attention to the play of light and shadow in hiscompositions. He studied the effects of light on different objects and surfaces, and he sought to accurately depict the subtle variations in brightness and tone. By carefully observing and understanding how light interacts with the world around him, Da Vinci was able to create paintingsthat appeared to glow from within.One example of Da Vinci's mastery of achieving high levels of brightness can be seen in his famous painting, "The Last Supper." In this masterpiece, he used a combination of light and shade to create a dramatic effect. The figure of Jesus is bathed in a soft, glowing light, while the surrounding figures are cast in shadow. This contrast in brightness draws the viewer's attention to the central figure and adds a sense of depth and dimension to the composition.中文回答:达芬奇作为一位著名的艺术家、科学家和发明家,他有着广泛的兴趣和追求。

汽车音响中常用的词汇汽车音响中常用词汇的中英文对照表AA (Ampere)安培,电流单位A.S.D 自动设定AC(Alterating Current)交流电Accessories 附件ACC 控制信号线Acoustic Absorption 声吸收Acoustical 音响Acoustic 听觉A/D(Analogic/Digital)模拟/数字转换AF(Analogic/Digital)音频AFC(Auto Matic Freguency Control) 自动频率控制AGC(Auto Matic Gain Control)自动增益控制ALC(Auto Matic Level Control)自动电平控制Ambient 回声AMP(Amplifier)功率放大器Amplitude 振幅AMS 预造电台自动储存AM/FM(Amplitude Modulation/Freguency Modulation)调幅/调频(无线电)ANRS(Auro Nois Reduction System) 自动降噪系统ANT(Anrenna)天线ASSY(Assembly)组件Attenuator 衰减器Audio Sound 汽车音响Audio System 音响系统Audio Amplifier 音频放大器Audio Seletion 音色选择Audio 音频Auto Antenna 自动天线AUTO 自动AUX IN 辅助输入AUX OUT 辅助输出AUX/VTE/CD 辅助设备/录像机/激光唱盘AVC(Auto Matic Volume Control)自动音量控制AWG 线材型号BB(Base)基极BAL(Balance)左右声道平衡Bandwideh 频带宽度BARO(Barometric Pressure)气压BAS(Bass)低音Basket 扬声器架Bass Comp 低频补偿Bass Engine 低音引挚Bass Reflox Endosure 低音反射箱(倒相式)BAT(Battery)蓄电池Battery Main 电源总开关BBE 音质增强Black 黑色Blue 蓝色BND 波段开关BPF(Bandpass Filter)带通滤波器Bracket 支架Brake 制动器,制动Bridged 桥接Brown 棕色Builtin Mike 机内话筒Button 按键,按钮CC(Capaclor)电容器C(Collector)集电极Cablnet 机箱,机壳Canyon 山谷混响效果Capstan 主导轴Category 种类,类型Cathedral 教堂混响效果CD(Compact Disc)激光唱机,激光碟片CDR 可刻录的激光碟片CH(Channel)通道Chamber 密室混响效果Channel 声道Chassls 底板,机芯座Chord 和铉Clear Button 消除键Clip Level Adjust 削波电平调节Clipping 削波失真Clip 削波CLK(Clock)时钟Closed Driver 同轴喇叭Coil 线圈COM(Common)公共点Compensate 补偿Compressing Ratio 压缩比Concealed 内藏式Cone 喇叭,音盒Connector 插座Connector 连接器Continued Play 连续播放Contrast 对比度Controls 控制器CONY(Convertor)变频器COPY 复制,拷贝Couplinc 耦合CPU(Microprocessing Unit)微处理器Cross Freguency 分频点Crossover Network 电子分频器Crossover 分频器CUE 提出键Current Breaker 电流断路器Cut-in 接通Cut-off 断开Cut 断电CUT 中止,断开Cycleplay 循环放音DD(Depth)解调器D.A.P 直接选台Dance 舞厅效果DC(Direct Current)直流电Dctaxve 音节Deadener 吸音材料Decay Effect Processor 延迟效果处理器Decay Time 延迟时间调整Decay 衰减,延迟Decibel(dB) 分贝(声压单位)Decoder 解码器Deflect 折射Detchble pront panel 防盗面板DHE 低音提升系统Digital 数字的DIN 德国工业标准Diode Rectifier 二级管整流器Diode 二级管Direct 输出插口Disconnector 断路开关Disco 迪厅效果Disc激光唱碟Display 显示Distortion 失真DN(Done) 下一首曲子DNL(Dynamic Noise Limirer)动态噪声限制器Dnob旋钮Dolby Decode 杜比解码Dolby Encode 杜比编码Dolby Reduction System 杜比降噪系统DPP(Digital Power Processing)数字功率处理器Drive 激励电平Drone Cone Endosure 无源辐射式音箱(空纸盒)DSA+ 自动校准均衡器(延时修正)DSP 数字信号处理器Dul Volce Coil 双音圈扬声器DVD(Digital Video Disc)数字视频光盘Dynamic Range 动态范围EEar 耳朵Echo 回声Edit编码Effece 效果Effectselect 功能选择Electronic Control Module 电子控制模块Electostatic 静电的Electrical Circuit 电路Electronic 电子的Enclosure 扬声器网Endusure 音箱Engine起动引挚Enhancer增音器Entry 引入线EQ Control Range 均衡器控制范围EQ(Equalizer)均衡器Erase 抹除Error Code 错误代码External 外接FF(Farad)法拉(电容单位)F(Function)扩展功能Factor 系数FAD(Fader)前后音量平衡Fader 衰减器Fault Code 故障码Full Logic Control 全逻辑控制Female 女声效果FF 快进Fidelity 保真度Filter 滤波器Fine Tuning 微调Flat 平声效果FL 前左FM(Freguency Modulation)调频,频率调制Freguency Feed Test 检测频率Freguency Range 频率范围Freguency Response 频率响应Freguency 频率调整Front 前(声场、声道)FRP(Fiber Glass)玻璃纤维增强塑料(玻璃钢)FR 前后Full Range 全音域Fuse Block 熔丝Fuse Current Rating 熔丝额定电流FUSE 电源熔丝,熔丝GGain 增益Gain Reduction 增益衰减GAL 根据车速自动调整音量系统GEQ 图示均衡器Gill 散热片Girth 低音流量GND 接地(搭铁)Green绿色Grile Cloth 透气布Gross Output 总(输出)功率Gross Power 总功率HHall 厅堂混音效果Harmonic Distortion 谐振失真Harmonic Generator 谐波发生器Harness 线束,电气配线HCD 有图像的CD、VCD、MP3、CD-R Head Unit 主机Heat Dissipation 散热Heat Sink 散热Heavy 大功率Hight 高HF(High Frequency)高频段H-fuse(High Current Fuse)大电流熔断器HIFI(High Fidelity)高保真Hiss 内部杂音、嘶声HI 高音提升Hoid 保持HP 高通滤波Hz(Hertz)赫兹(频率单位)H(hour) 小时IIASCA(International Auto-Sound Chalenge Association)国际汽车音响竞赛协会IC(Integrated Circuite)集成电路,集成块ID No 辨识号码设定IHD+N 总谐波失真+噪声IMD 互调制失真Impedance 阻抗IN(Input)输入In/out 接通IND(Indication) 指示灯Indx 索引,目录Induction 电感,感抗Input Gain 输入增益Input Impedance 输入阻抗Input Level 输入电平Input Mode 输入模式INS(Insert) 输入插口Interparameter 内部参数供应马来西亚车载dvd 车载cdJJack 插口,插孔KKeep A live Memory 保持全部记忆Key 开关,键kPa(Kilo Pascals) 千帕(气压单位)kW(Kilo Watt) 千瓦(功率单位)LL(Left)左L(Length)长度L(Liter)升(容积单位)L.P.S 听音位置选择功能LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)液晶显示器L-CH(Left Channel) 左声道输出LD(Loudness)重音制Leather Covered 真皮包面的Level 电平位置调整LF(Low requency)低频Life 使用寿命Lift 提升Limit 极限LINE IN 线路输入LINE OUT 线路输出Linearity 音响系统播放的线性表现Linear 线性的LMF(Low Mid Freguency)中低频段Load Impedance 负载阻抗Load 负荷Lock Fixed 锁定LOC 收音机远程开关Loud Speaker 扬声器Loud 大声LOUD 响度,低音高音响度补偿Low-Tone-Horn 低音扬声器LPF(Low Pass Filter) 低通滤波器LP 低通滤波Lug 接线片Luminescent Diode 发光二级管LW(Long Wave)长波MMagnet 磁铁,磁钢Male Contact 插头(公)MAN(Manual)手动、人工、调台Mask 屏蔽MAX(Maximum)最大Maximum Power Output 最大输出功率MDF 中密度纤维板A.ME(A.Memo) 自动记忆电台Medium 介质,媒质Memory 记忆/储存器/内存Meter 电量表MF(Mid Frequency)中频段MHF(Mid High Fregency) 中高频段MIC(Microphone)话筒,麦克风插口Microfarad(MF)微法(电容的单位)MIC 卡拉OKMid Range Speaker 中频扬声器Midrange 中音Milliamp(mA)毫安(电流单位)MIN(Minimum)最小MIX ALL 全碟混序播放MIX(Mixer)电脑混序播放,混音Mixer 混音器MODE 模式Modulation 调制Modulator 调制器Moment 瞬间MONO 单声道Mosfer 场效应管Multiple Dise 多碟激光唱片Multiplex 多路传输Music Power 音乐功率Music 音乐Mutinigcircuit 静噪电路MW(Medium Wave) 中波M(Minute)分钟NNegative Pole 电气负极News 播新闻效果Next 随后,接下来,滚动NF(Negutive Feed Back)负反馈Noise Reduction System 降噪系统Noise 噪声NOM(Normal)平常效果Normal Capacity 常规容积Normal Voltage 常规电压Nonlinear Distortion 非线性失真Normal Mode 普通模式Numeral 数码OOctave 倍频程ODM 自行研发的产品OEM 为车厂配套的产品(原装机)OFF 关,切断OHM(Ω)欧姆(电阻单位)ON 开,接通OSC(Oscillator) 振荡器OUT(Output)输出Output Gain 输出增益Output Impedance 输出阻抗Output Jack 输出插座Output Power 输出功率Output Voltage 输出电压PPAN 声像调节Parallel 并接,并联Parameter Equanlizer 参量均衡器Passive Speaker System 无源扬声器系统Password 密码Pause Switch 暂停开关PAUSE 暂停PB(Play Back)重放Peak 峰值Phase Comparator 相位比较器Phase 相位(极性)Pilot Lamp 指示灯,信号灯Pinknoise 粉红噪声Pith 变调,音高PK(Pack)峰值指示灯Play Indicator 播放指示器PLAY 播放PLVG 插头POLE 电极Pole 电极Pops 流行乐效果Power Capacity 电动(无线)天线Power Capacity 功率容量Power Loss 功率损耗Power Output 功率输出Power Peak 峰值功率Power Amplifier 功率放大器PRE(Preset) 预设电台Preset 预置Preset Button 预置按钮Pressure 电压Professional 专业的Program 程序Program play 程序播放Protection 保护Pulse 脉冲Push 推PWR(POWER) 电源开关RR(Rear)后(声场)R(Right)右(声道)R/B(BelayBlock)继电器Racks 机框Radio Interference 无线电干扰Radio Screened 有屏蔽的Radio Screening 射频屏蔽Radio 收音机,音响Radi 读Random Play 随机播放Rate Power 额定功率Rate 频率Ratio 系数,比率RCA 前置信号输出RCH 右声道输出Reaction Time 反应时间Rear Antenna 尾部天线Receiver 收放机Rectangle 长方形Rectifier Pack 整流二极管REF(Reference)参照,基准Regulation 调节Reinforcement 增声效果Relay 继电器REM(Remote) 遥控Remaining Time 剩余时间Remote 控制线Reset Button 复位按钮Resistance 电阻,阻抗Resonance 共振Rev Time 混响时间Reverberation Effect Processor 混响效果处理器Reverse Pnase 倒相RF(Radio Freguency)射频信号RL(Rear Lefe)后左(声道)RMS(Real Power)实际功率(持续输出功率)Rock 摇滚效果Room 房间混响效果RPT(Repeat Play)重复播放RR(Rear Right)后右(声道)SS(Second)秒S.P.S 可选择声场效果S/N(Signal Noiserate) 信噪比Sample 采样,样品Scan Play 扫描播放Scan 扫描Scrollback 往前找Sealing 密封Securing 保险装置SEEK 搜索(选台选曲)SEL(Audio Selection)音色选择Selector Control 调谐旋钮Selector 选择器Sensitivity 灵敏度Series Circuit 串联电路Serve System 伺服系统SET/RES 设定/重新设定Setup 建立SG(Signal)信号,信号源Shielded Cable 屏蔽式电缆Short Circuit 短路Shuffle Play 随即播放Shunt Connected 并联Shut off 关闭Signal 信号,信号指示Sinewave 声波Slate 标记Slew Rate 转换率Slope 分音斜率Sonic Speed 声速Soostr 增益Sound Insulating 隔音Sound Pressure 声压Sound声音Sound 正方形Source 音源切换,音源Source 音源Speakers 扬声器SPEC(Specification) 规格,说明书Spectrum 频谱SPL(Sound Pressure Level)声压级ST(Stereo)单声立体声转换(收音机)STAD(Stadiun)体育场效果Staging 现场感Standby 准备STD(Standard) 标准,规格Stereo Mode 立体声模式Stereo 立体声Stop 停机STOP 停止Store 存储SUB.W 低音炮Subin 附加输入Subsonic 超重低频滤波器Subwoofer 次重低音扬声器Supply Voltage电源电压SUR(Surround) 坏绕音效Sweep Frequency 扫频Swich 开关Sync 同步Synthesizer 合成器System 系统TTab 引线,接线端Tempo 速率TERM(Terminal) 端子,接线柱Terminal Tension 终端电压THD(Total Harmone Distortion)总谐波失真Theatre 剧场效果Three-Way 三音路Thru 转接Time Correct 时间码Time Corr 时间校正Time Delay Relay 延时继电器Timer 定时器Title 标题,题目Tone Control 音调调节Tone 音Top Antenna 车顶天线Total Namber 总滤波器数Track 曲子Transient 瞬时Transistor 晶体管Trapezoid 梯形TRE(Trerle) 高音Trem 放大量微调节Triangle 三角形Trigger 触发,激活,启动Tuner 调谐器Tune 调频Turn On Delay 开机延迟设定TV(Television)电视Tweeter 高音,高频扬声器Two-Way 二音路UU.RCL 收音机呼叫Unswitched 不带开关电源UP 上一首曲子Utility 多功能键VVariable Resistance 可变电阻VCD(Video CD)视频光盘VF(Video Frequency)视频Video Signal 视频信号Visual Display 视觉显示Visual Dngle 视角Vocal 人声VOL(Volume)音量Voltage Stabilizer 电压稳定器Voltage Supply 电源Voltage 电压Volume 体积VR 电位器V 伏特(电压单位)WW(Watt)瓦特(功率单位)Wave Band 波段频带Wavelength 波长Wave 波形,声波Wireless Mic 无线传声器Wire 线材,电线,带电的线Woofer 低频扬声器Write 写。
Atlas Sound DSP8807 自包含、紧凑的多区域数字控制的声音掩蔽处理器说明书

©2012 A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A t l a s S o u n d a n d S t r a t e g y S e r i e s a r e t r a d e m a r k s o f A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l o t h e r t r a d e m a r k s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . A T S 004406 R e v A 5/12DSP8807Self Contained, Compact Multi-Zone Digital Controlled Sound Masking ProcessorGeneral DescriptionThe Atlas Sound DSP8807 is a self-amplified, sound masking controller with extensive digital signal processing (DSP) and telephony interface capabilities. All aspects of signal routing, processing and prioritization are administered through an intuitive Graphic User Interface (GUI) managed via a local Windows ® based laptop or desktop computer. The software has the ability to expand up to (253) systems with over 2,000 zones (2,048) with primary and secondary assignment in a zone paging dialing plan. It also provides the ability to set up “All zone” page, “Group zone“ page (up to 32 groups) and “Single zone“ page with an architectural dialing plan (2-digit DTMF) set up in the GUI. AVB (Audio Video Bridge) audio networking allows distribution of paging, BGM and line level inputs between multiple DSP8807 and/or DSP2212 units across TCP/IP data networks.The DSP8807 has 8 channels of independent on-board digital class-D amplifiers capable of delivering 50W RMS per 70.7V output. Additionally, a simultaneous line level output rated at 1V/600Ω (nominal) per zone is available for driving higher power amplifiers. The DSP8807 includes two independent, uncorrelated pink noise generators, which are random and non-repeating up to 215 hours with 1⁄3-octave EQ adjustments programmable on a per zone basis.Each DSP8807 is capable of managing remote ambient level sensing microphones (ALM-1) for each zone (x8), via a single CAT5e cable up to 1,000 feet from the DSP8807. These microphones can provide automatic adjustment of the masking level based on real- time noise levels with set up and control via the GUI.Features• A VB (Audio Video Bridge) Audio Networking Allows Distribution of Paging, BGM and Line Level Inputs Between Multiple DSP8807 and/or DSP2212 Units Across TCP/IP Data Networks • User Friendly GUI and Easy Network Setup• Built-In Amplification for Each Output (50W @ 70.7V x 8)• Line Level Outputs (x8) for Expansion to External Amplifiers • Expandable - Up to 256 Units (2048 Zones) • Non Repeating Pink Noise Sources • Front Panel Visual Status LED’s for All I/O • Parametric EQ for All Paging / Line Sources • 1⁄3 Octave EQ for All Masking Zones• C omprehensive Telco Interface Facilitates Complex Paging Scenarios for Multi Floor Buildings • Paging Mic Input for Evacuation or General Announcements • Optional Ambient Sensing Microphones for Automatic System Adjustment • UL / CUL and FCC Listed DSP8807 FrontDSP8807 Back238751461. A mplifier Outputs (50 Watts x8 @ 70.7V)2. Line Level Outputs for Expansion to External Amplifiers (x8)3. R J45 Inputs for Optional Ambient Sensing Microphones (x8)4. T elco Page Input (Loop Start). Use with 2-5 Digit GUI Defined DTMF Dial Plan5. B GM, and Line Inputs6. Paging Mic Input with 32VDC Switchable Phantom Power7. Contact Closure Inputs (x4)8. TCP/IP Network Input (Parallel Input Also on Front Panel)©2012 A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A t l a s S o u n d a n d S t r a t e g y S e r i e s a r e t r a d e m a r k s o f A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l o t h e r t r a d e m a r k s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . A T S 004406 R e v A 5/12SpecificationsSystem Performance / DSP ProcessorsDynamic Range >102dB A-Weighted Frequency Response 80Hz–20kHz (±3dB) at Rated Output Distortion THD+N.001% Typical at +4dBu, 1kHz, 0dB GainInput Sensitivity ≤ 1.0% at 1kHz at Rated Output Interchannel Crosstalk > 80dB Typical Crosstalk Input To Output > 80dBChannel Separation > 100dB at 1kHz (In Thru Out) Common Mode Rejection Ration (CMRR) >50dB, 80Hz – 20kHz Typical > 55dB at 1kHzProcessor Capacity 264 MIPS, 528MFLOPS, Continuous OperationSample Rate Audio Conversion 48kHz D/A Converter Type (Audio) 24-bit Sigma Delta D/A Performance Dynamic Range (Converter) > 100dB A-Weighted A/D Performance Dynamic Range > 110dB A-WeightedNon-Volatile MemoryMemory Storage For All Programs And Set Up Protected For 24 Hours In Power Brown Out, Interruption, or Computer Shut Down. Data Settings Good for Ten Years W/O Refresh DSP Manual RestartFront Restart Manual Button To Reload DSP’sCODEC – DSP Protection All I/O Protected With Buffers From Spikes and Transients or Sneak CurrentsSystem Inputs (Unless Noted Located On Rear Panel)Power AC MainsIEC 3-pin with Ground, 100VAC-240VAC, 50Hz-60kHz with ON/OFF Manual Switch With Replaceable FuseNetwork – Data RJ45 Module Jack (EIA 568B)Telco Loop Start2-Pin Dockable Keyed Connector Input Transformer 600ΩRing Voltage 105V – 14V (POTS – VoIP) DTM F Dial Plan Single, Group, or All Page Microphone3-Pin Dockable Keyed Connector Background MusicR CA Connector 10k Ω (Sum to Mono)Master Override2-Pin Dockable Keyed Connector (1V – 70.7V nominal)Ambient Sensing Microphones (x8)R J45 Modular Jack (EIA 568B) No Polarity System Outputs (Unless Noted Located On Rear Panel)Speakers (x8)2-Pin Dockable Keyed Connector(70.7V at 50 Watts RMS)Audio Line level (x8)3-Pin Dockable Keyed Connector (1v nominal) M icrophone Frequency Level 80Hz – 18kHz M usic 80Hz – 20kHz Line out 80Hz – 18kHz Telco250Hz – 4kHzNetwork system linkRJ45 Modular Jack (EIA 568B)System Amplifiers (x8)Frequency Response 80Hz – 20kHz, (±.25dB)Total Distortion.001% Typical at +4dB, 1kHz,0dB GainTransformer Output 70.7V and IV Line Level Efficiency 85% or Better Gain Control Adjustable to 34dB Power SupplyUL / CUL /CE RecognizedInput Impedance 50k ΩOutput Impedance 8ΩCarrier Frequency 400kHz Peak Current 1.2A MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) 100,000 HoursEMC / EMI Radiation F CC Part 15 Class B, EN6100, CISPR 22System Mechanical Data Length 14" (358mm)Width 19" (482.6mm)Height3.5" (88.9mm)Material (Outer Housing) C RS (Cold Roll Steel) 18AWG(.047" Nominal)FinishFlat Black Powder Coat With Zinc Undercoat Corrosion ResistantPrinted Circuit Boards UL Recognized UL94VO Electronic Components RoHS Operating Temperature 0˚ to +50˚C Storage Temperature -40˚ to +85˚CHumidity 95% Non-Condensing (Max.) ©2012 A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A t l a s S o u n d a n d S t r a t e g y S e r i e s a r e t r a d e m a r k s o f A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l o t h e r t r a d e m a r k s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . A T S 004406 R e v A 5/12Specification Friendly Text1. D igital Signal Processor (DSP) with Noise Masking and Amplification – DSP shall provide multi-zone digital DSP-GUI controlled processor and digital amplifiers capable of simultaneous distribution of masking, paging, and background music signals. DSP shall include status lights on front panel. DSP shall: a. Be 2RU High. b. I nclude 8x8 I/O with 8 ambient noise sensor connections and 8 channels of 50 Watts class D amplifiers. c. I nclude two independent pink/white noise generators that arerandom and non-repeating over 215 hours. d. D SP shall include parametric EQ, Graphic EQ, Volume, Tonecontrols, Network Volume Control, Telco compressor, Matrix, mixer, and ambient mic monitoring. e. Include telephone interface.f. U tilize Audio Video Bridge AVB Protocols that are IEEE802.1 standards.g. P rovide status indication of Processors running, Mute, Page Active,Masking Active, Mic Active, Amplifier channels, Emergency Audio Inputs, and System Power h. M anufacturer Atlas Sound DSP8807 with ALM-1 Ambient SensingMicrophones or approved equal.ApplicationsThe Atlas Sound DSP8807 digital processor “Privacy” system is a self contained, compact multi-zone digital DSP-GUI controlled processor and digital amplifier capable of simultaneous distribution of masking, paging, and background music signals for use in:• Hospitality• Government Facilities • Education Transportation • Corporate • Industrial • RestaurantsArchitect and Engineer SpecificationsThe Atlas Sound DSP8807 unit shall provide automatic mixing, set up and administration of all 8x8 inputs / outputs per zone (channel) via an intuitive ‘simple to use’ Graphic User Interface (GUI) managed via a local Windows ® based laptop or desktop computer. The DSP8807 shall include 8 channels of independent on-board digital class-D amplifiers that shall deliver 50 Watts RMS at 70.7V output. An audio line level output rated at 1V/600Ω (nominal) per zone shall drive higher power amplifiers. The DSP8807 shall have two (2) independent uncorrelated pink and white noise generators which are random and non-repeating up to 215 hours with EQ adjustments programmable on a per zone basis.The DSP8807 shall provide dynamic control and management based on IEEE802.1 AVB standards (Audio-Video Bridging) with independent 1⁄3 Octave (28) band EQ *(Filter type is Butterworth @ 19dB and Linkwitz-Riley at 24dB) and Parametric EQ for calibration of all PA, ambient level sensing and automatic volume control on a per zone basis. Paging (PA) presets shall be assigned in 10dB increments (10, 20, 30dB) per zone with automatic gain control (AGC) for all Telco and microphone paging inputs. The DSP8807 GUI called the ‘DSP Series Masking ControlSoftware’ shall control system setup. The software shall have the ability to expand up to (253) systems with over 2,000 zones (2,048) withprimary and secondary assignment in a zone paging dialing plan. It shall also provide the ability to set up All zone page, Group zone page (up to 32 groups) and single zone page with an architectural dialing plan (2-digit DTMF) set up in the GUI.Each DSP8807 shall be capable of managing remote ambient level sensing microphones (ALM-1) for each zone (x8) wired via a singleCAT5e cable up to 1,000 feet from the DSP8807 for automatic adjustment of the masking level based on real-time noise levels with set up and control via the GUI. Frequency response shall be 80Hz – 20kHz (±3dB) at rated output with .001% THD typical at 4dBu, 1kHz at 0dB gain and a Dynamic range of 102dB A-weighted. Mechanical dimensions shall be (L x W x H) 14" (358mm) x 19" (483mm) x 3.5" (89mm). All Power Components shall be UL Recognized, Boards Are UL94v0 and RoHS. DSP8807 shall be UL / CUL / FCC and CB (International) Listed.©2012 A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A t l a s S o u n d a n d S t r a t e g y S e r i e s a r e t r a d e m a r k s o f A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l o t h e r t r a d e m a r k s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . A T S 004406 R e v A 5/12D S P 8807B l o c k D i a g r a m。

AA-B repeat A-B 重复Absolute Clock绝对时钟Accent重音Accelerator Key快捷键Accidental临时记号 指乐谱中的升号、降号或还原号A/D模/数转换AC-3 杜比数码环绕声系统AC 交流电AEL推子后监听ASSIGN 分配 指定AUX 辅助AV音像、视听系统Algorithm算法Aftertuoch触后Active主动的Accessory 附件 插口Active crossover 有源分频,电子分频Address地址Adjust 调节Amplifier 放大器Amplitude振幅Antenna天线Analog模拟Attack (压限器)启动时间Attenuator 衰减器Audio 音频 音响Audition监听(键) 在音原上按此键,可对所选的音色进行监听Automatic自动Acceleration加速度 速度的时间变化率的矢量Accleration level 加速度级 加速度与基准速度之比的以10为底的对数乘以20,以分贝计。
基准加速度必须指明Accordion手风琴Acoustic声学的/听觉的Acoustic admittance 声导纳 声阻抗的倒数Acoustic compliannce 声顺 声劲的倒数Acoustic conductance 声导 声阻抗的倒数Acoustic mass 声质量 惯性声除以角频率。
它与媒质的动能有关Acoustic reactance 声抗 声阻抗的虚分量Acoustic resistacne声阻 声阻抗的实分量Acoustic stiffness声劲 容性声抗乘以角频率。
它与媒质或它的边界的位置有关Acoustic emission 声发射 材料内部迅速释放能量所产生的瞬态弹性波。
注 材料内部释放能量是外加应力引起的Acoustic fatigue 声疲劳 结晶固体在强烈的声波产生的起伏压力作用下发生破裂的现象。

汽车音响中常用的词汇汽车音响中常用词汇的中英文对照表AA (Ampere)安培,电流单位A.S.D 自动设定AC(Alterating Current)交流电Accessories 附件ACC 控制信号线Acoustic Absorption 声吸收Acoustical 音响Acoustic 听觉A/D(Analogic/Digital)模拟/数字转换AF(Analogic/Digital)音频AFC(Auto Matic Freguency Control) 自动频率控制AGC(Auto Matic Gain Control)自动增益控制ALC(Auto Matic Level Control)自动电平控制Ambient 回声AMP(Amplifier)功率放大器Amplitude 振幅AMS 预造电台自动储存AM/FM(Amplitude Modulation/Freguency Modulation)调幅/调频(无线电)ANRS(Auro Nois Reduction System) 自动降噪系统ANT(Anrenna)天线ASSY(Assembly)组件Attenuator 衰减器Audio Sound 汽车音响Audio System 音响系统Audio Amplifier 音频放大器Audio Seletion 音色选择Audio 音频Auto Antenna 自动天线AUTO 自动AUX IN 辅助输入AUX OUT 辅助输出AUX/VTE/CD 辅助设备/录像机/激光唱盘AVC(Auto Matic Volume Control)自动音量控制AWG 线材型号BB(Base)基极BAL(Balance)左右声道平衡Bandwideh 频带宽度BARO(Barometric Pressure)气压BAS(Bass)低音Basket 扬声器架Bass Comp 低频补偿Bass Engine 低音引挚Bass Reflox Endosure 低音反射箱(倒相式)BAT(Battery)蓄电池Battery Main 电源总开关BBE 音质增强Black 黑色Blue 蓝色BND 波段开关BPF(Bandpass Filter)带通滤波器Bracket 支架Brake 制动器,制动Bridged 桥接Brown 棕色Builtin Mike 机内话筒Button 按键,按钮CC(Capaclor)电容器C(Collector)集电极Cablnet 机箱,机壳Canyon 山谷混响效果Capstan 主导轴Category 种类,类型Cathedral 教堂混响效果CD(Compact Disc)激光唱机,激光碟片CDR 可刻录的激光碟片CH(Channel)通道Chamber 密室混响效果Channel 声道Chassls 底板,机芯座Chord 和铉Clear Button 消除键Clip Level Adjust 削波电平调节Clipping 削波失真Clip 削波CLK(Clock)时钟Closed Driver 同轴喇叭Coil 线圈COM(Common)公共点Compensate 补偿Compressing Ratio 压缩比Concealed 内藏式Cone 喇叭,音盒Connector 插座Connector 连接器Continued Play 连续播放Contrast 对比度Controls 控制器CONY(Convertor)变频器COPY 复制,拷贝Couplinc 耦合CPU(Microprocessing Unit)微处理器Cross Freguency 分频点Crossover Network 电子分频器Crossover 分频器CUE 提出键Current Breaker 电流断路器Cut-in 接通Cut-off 断开Cut 断电CUT 中止,断开Cycleplay 循环放音DD(Depth)解调器D.A.P 直接选台Dance 舞厅效果DC(Direct Current)直流电Dctaxve 音节Deadener 吸音材料Decay Effect Processor 延迟效果处理器Decay Time 延迟时间调整Decay 衰减,延迟Decibel(dB) 分贝(声压单位)Decoder 解码器Deflect 折射Detchble pront panel 防盗面板DHE 低音提升系统Digital 数字的DIN 德国工业标准Diode Rectifier 二级管整流器Diode 二级管Direct 输出插口Disconnector 断路开关Disco 迪厅效果Disc激光唱碟Display 显示Distortion 失真DN(Done) 下一首曲子DNL(Dynamic Noise Limirer)动态噪声限制器Dnob旋钮Dolby Decode 杜比解码Dolby Encode 杜比编码Dolby Reduction System 杜比降噪系统DPP(Digital Power Processing)数字功率处理器Drive 激励电平Drone Cone Endosure 无源辐射式音箱(空纸盒)DSA+ 自动校准均衡器(延时修正)DSP 数字信号处理器Dul Volce Coil 双音圈扬声器DVD(Digital Video Disc)数字视频光盘Dynamic Range 动态范围EEar 耳朵Echo 回声Edit编码Effece 效果Effectselect 功能选择Electronic Control Module 电子控制模块Electostatic 静电的Electrical Circuit 电路Electronic 电子的Enclosure 扬声器网Endusure 音箱Engine起动引挚Enhancer增音器Entry 引入线EQ Control Range 均衡器控制范围EQ(Equalizer)均衡器Erase 抹除Error Code 错误代码External 外接FF(Farad)法拉(电容单位)F(Function)扩展功能Factor 系数FAD(Fader)前后音量平衡Fader 衰减器Fault Code 故障码Full Logic Control 全逻辑控制Female 女声效果FF 快进Fidelity 保真度Filter 滤波器Fine Tuning 微调Flat 平声效果FL 前左FM(Freguency Modulation)调频,频率调制Freguency Feed Test 检测频率Freguency Range 频率范围Freguency Response 频率响应Freguency 频率调整Front 前(声场、声道)FRP(Fiber Glass)玻璃纤维增强塑料(玻璃钢)FR 前后Full Range 全音域Fuse Block 熔丝Fuse Current Rating 熔丝额定电流FUSE 电源熔丝,熔丝GGain 增益Gain Reduction 增益衰减GAL 根据车速自动调整音量系统GEQ 图示均衡器Gill 散热片Girth 低音流量GND 接地(搭铁)Green绿色Grile Cloth 透气布Gross Output 总(输出)功率Gross Power 总功率HHall 厅堂混音效果Harmonic Distortion 谐振失真Harmonic Generator 谐波发生器Harness 线束,电气配线HCD 有图像的CD、VCD、MP3、CD-R Head Unit 主机Heat Dissipation 散热Heat Sink 散热Heavy 大功率Hight 高HF(High Frequency)高频段H-fuse(High Current Fuse)大电流熔断器HIFI(High Fidelity)高保真Hiss 内部杂音、嘶声HI 高音提升Hoid 保持HP 高通滤波Hz(Hertz)赫兹(频率单位)H(hour) 小时IIASCA(International Auto-Sound Chalenge Association)国际汽车音响竞赛协会IC(Integrated Circuite)集成电路,集成块ID No 辨识号码设定IHD+N 总谐波失真+噪声IMD 互调制失真Impedance 阻抗IN(Input)输入In/out 接通IND(Indication) 指示灯Indx 索引,目录Induction 电感,感抗Input Gain 输入增益Input Impedance 输入阻抗Input Level 输入电平Input Mode 输入模式INS(Insert) 输入插口Interparameter 内部参数供应马来西亚车载dvd 车载cdJJack 插口,插孔KKeep A live Memory 保持全部记忆Key 开关,键kPa(Kilo Pascals) 千帕(气压单位)kW(Kilo Watt) 千瓦(功率单位)LL(Left)左L(Length)长度L(Liter)升(容积单位)L.P.S 听音位置选择功能LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)液晶显示器L-CH(Left Channel) 左声道输出LD(Loudness)重音制Leather Covered 真皮包面的Level 电平位置调整LF(Low requency)低频Life 使用寿命Lift 提升Limit 极限LINE IN 线路输入LINE OUT 线路输出Linearity 音响系统播放的线性表现Linear 线性的LMF(Low Mid Freguency)中低频段Load Impedance 负载阻抗Load 负荷Lock Fixed 锁定LOC 收音机远程开关Loud Speaker 扬声器Loud 大声LOUD 响度,低音高音响度补偿Low-Tone-Horn 低音扬声器LPF(Low Pass Filter) 低通滤波器LP 低通滤波Lug 接线片Luminescent Diode 发光二级管LW(Long Wave)长波MMagnet 磁铁,磁钢Male Contact 插头(公)MAN(Manual)手动、人工、调台Mask 屏蔽MAX(Maximum)最大Maximum Power Output 最大输出功率MDF 中密度纤维板A.ME(A.Memo) 自动记忆电台Medium 介质,媒质Memory 记忆/储存器/内存Meter 电量表MF(Mid Frequency)中频段MHF(Mid High Fregency) 中高频段MIC(Microphone)话筒,麦克风插口Microfarad(MF)微法(电容的单位)MIC 卡拉OKMid Range Speaker 中频扬声器Midrange 中音Milliamp(mA)毫安(电流单位)MIN(Minimum)最小MIX ALL 全碟混序播放MIX(Mixer)电脑混序播放,混音Mixer 混音器MODE 模式Modulation 调制Modulator 调制器Moment 瞬间MONO 单声道Mosfer 场效应管Multiple Dise 多碟激光唱片Multiplex 多路传输Music Power 音乐功率Music 音乐Mutinigcircuit 静噪电路MW(Medium Wave) 中波M(Minute)分钟NNegative Pole 电气负极News 播新闻效果Next 随后,接下来,滚动NF(Negutive Feed Back)负反馈Noise Reduction System 降噪系统Noise 噪声NOM(Normal)平常效果Normal Capacity 常规容积Normal Voltage 常规电压Nonlinear Distortion 非线性失真Normal Mode 普通模式Numeral 数码OOctave 倍频程ODM 自行研发的产品OEM 为车厂配套的产品(原装机)OFF 关,切断OHM(Ω)欧姆(电阻单位)ON 开,接通OSC(Oscillator) 振荡器OUT(Output)输出Output Gain 输出增益Output Impedance 输出阻抗Output Jack 输出插座Output Power 输出功率Output Voltage 输出电压PPAN 声像调节Parallel 并接,并联Parameter Equanlizer 参量均衡器Passive Speaker System 无源扬声器系统Password 密码Pause Switch 暂停开关PAUSE 暂停PB(Play Back)重放Peak 峰值Phase Comparator 相位比较器Phase 相位(极性)Pilot Lamp 指示灯,信号灯Pinknoise 粉红噪声Pith 变调,音高PK(Pack)峰值指示灯Play Indicator 播放指示器PLAY 播放PLVG 插头POLE 电极Pole 电极Pops 流行乐效果Power Capacity 电动(无线)天线Power Capacity 功率容量Power Loss 功率损耗Power Output 功率输出Power Peak 峰值功率Power Amplifier 功率放大器PRE(Preset) 预设电台Preset 预置Preset Button 预置按钮Pressure 电压Professional 专业的Program 程序Program play 程序播放Protection 保护Pulse 脉冲Push 推PWR(POWER) 电源开关RR(Rear)后(声场)R(Right)右(声道)R/B(BelayBlock)继电器Racks 机框Radio Interference 无线电干扰Radio Screened 有屏蔽的Radio Screening 射频屏蔽Radio 收音机,音响Radi 读Random Play 随机播放Rate Power 额定功率Rate 频率Ratio 系数,比率RCA 前置信号输出RCH 右声道输出Reaction Time 反应时间Rear Antenna 尾部天线Receiver 收放机Rectangle 长方形Rectifier Pack 整流二极管REF(Reference)参照,基准Regulation 调节Reinforcement 增声效果Relay 继电器REM(Remote) 遥控Remaining Time 剩余时间Remote 控制线Reset Button 复位按钮Resistance 电阻,阻抗Resonance 共振Rev Time 混响时间Reverberation Effect Processor 混响效果处理器Reverse Pnase 倒相RF(Radio Freguency)射频信号RL(Rear Lefe)后左(声道)RMS(Real Power)实际功率(持续输出功率)Rock 摇滚效果Room 房间混响效果RPT(Repeat Play)重复播放RR(Rear Right)后右(声道)SS(Second)秒S.P.S 可选择声场效果S/N(Signal Noiserate) 信噪比Sample 采样,样品Scan Play 扫描播放Scan 扫描Scrollback 往前找Sealing 密封Securing 保险装置SEEK 搜索(选台选曲)SEL(Audio Selection)音色选择Selector Control 调谐旋钮Selector 选择器Sensitivity 灵敏度Series Circuit 串联电路Serve System 伺服系统SET/RES 设定/重新设定Setup 建立SG(Signal)信号,信号源Shielded Cable 屏蔽式电缆Short Circuit 短路Shuffle Play 随即播放Shunt Connected 并联Shut off 关闭Signal 信号,信号指示Sinewave 声波Slate 标记Slew Rate 转换率Slope 分音斜率Sonic Speed 声速Soostr 增益Sound Insulating 隔音Sound Pressure 声压Sound声音Sound 正方形Source 音源切换,音源Source 音源Speakers 扬声器SPEC(Specification) 规格,说明书Spectrum 频谱SPL(Sound Pressure Level)声压级ST(Stereo)单声立体声转换(收音机)STAD(Stadiun)体育场效果Staging 现场感Standby 准备STD(Standard) 标准,规格Stereo Mode 立体声模式Stereo 立体声Stop 停机STOP 停止Store 存储SUB.W 低音炮Subin 附加输入Subsonic 超重低频滤波器Subwoofer 次重低音扬声器Supply Voltage电源电压SUR(Surround) 坏绕音效Sweep Frequency 扫频Swich 开关Sync 同步Synthesizer 合成器System 系统TTab 引线,接线端Tempo 速率TERM(Terminal) 端子,接线柱Terminal Tension 终端电压THD(Total Harmone Distortion)总谐波失真Theatre 剧场效果Three-Way 三音路Thru 转接Time Correct 时间码Time Corr 时间校正Time Delay Relay 延时继电器Timer 定时器Title 标题,题目Tone Control 音调调节Tone 音Top Antenna 车顶天线Total Namber 总滤波器数Track 曲子Transient 瞬时Transistor 晶体管Trapezoid 梯形TRE(Trerle) 高音Trem 放大量微调节Triangle 三角形Trigger 触发,激活,启动Tuner 调谐器Tune 调频Turn On Delay 开机延迟设定TV(Television)电视Tweeter 高音,高频扬声器Two-Way 二音路UU.RCL 收音机呼叫Unswitched 不带开关电源UP 上一首曲子Utility 多功能键VVariable Resistance 可变电阻VCD(Video CD)视频光盘VF(Video Frequency)视频Video Signal 视频信号Visual Display 视觉显示Visual Dngle 视角Vocal 人声VOL(Volume)音量Voltage Stabilizer 电压稳定器Voltage Supply 电源Voltage 电压Volume 体积VR 电位器V 伏特(电压单位)WW(Watt)瓦特(功率单位)Wave Band 波段频带Wavelength 波长Wave 波形,声波Wireless Mic 无线传声器Wire 线材,电线,带电的线Woofer 低频扬声器Write 写。
数字音频视频环绕接收器整合Dolby Digital (AC-3)、Dolby Surround P

MPEG Multichannel Surround Sound decoder
• 400 Watts Surround Power Output : 3 x 100 Watts + 2 x 50 Watts
• Stereo Power Output : 2 x 100 Watts (DIN, 1 kHz, 0.7%THD, 6 Ohm)
• Night mode for Dynamic Range Compression of Digital Sound
• 3 Digital Inputs (2 coax, 1 optical) and a Digital Output Connection (coax)
for Digital (CD) Recordings
Sound Enhancement
Dolby Digital Surround Sound - Available on DVD, Laserdisc *, satellite broadcasts. Digital Surround offers the ultimate experience in home theater surround with six discrete channels of digital CD sound. Discrete means that each channel carries its own sound and depending on what happens on screen each speaker plays its own unique role in providing the right sound. Front left, center and right join two surround speakers to reproduce highs, mid and bass frequencies in five full-range channels of surround. Bass rumble, explosions and low frequency effects you feel are delivered through a dedicated sixth, subwoofer channel. Dolby Digital (also known as AC-3 or Dolby 5.1) and MPEG Multichannel delivered the expanded sense of depth, localization and overall realism which was formerly only known from digital surround sound equipped movie cinemas.

overlap-add-block convolution method重叠相加器
tapped delay line抽头延迟器
root mean square均方根
signal to noise ratio(SNR)信噪比
square wave方波
unipolar natural binary code单极性自然二进制码
bipolar offset binary code双极性偏移二进制码
bipolar two’s complement code双极性二的补码
noise reduction降噪
additive noise加性噪声
NRR (noise reduction ratio)降噪抑制比
SNR (signal-to-noise ratio)信噪比
zero-mean white Gaussian noise零均值高斯白噪声
effective time constant有效时间常数
notch filter陷波滤波器
comb filter梳状滤波器

DSP专业英语词汇AAbolutelyintegrable绝对可积Abolutelyintegrableimpulerepone绝对可积冲激响应Abolutelyummable绝对可和Abolutelyummableimpulerepone绝对可和冲激响应Accumulator累加器Acoutic声学Adder加法器Additivityproperty可加性Aliaing混叠现象All-paytem全通系统AM(Amplitudemodulation)幅度调制Amplifier放大器Amplitudemodulation(AM)幅度调制Amplitude-calingfactor幅度放大因子Analog-to-digital(A-to-D)converter模数转换器Analyiequation分析公式(方程)Anglemodulation角度调制Anticauality反因果Aperiodic非周期Aperiodicconvolution非周期卷积Aperiodicignal非周期信号Aynchronou异步的Audioytem音频(声音)系统Autocorrelationfunction自相关函数Automobileupenionytem汽车减震系统Averagingytem平滑系统BBand-limited带(宽)限的Band-limitedinputignal带限输入信号Band-limitedinterpolation 带限内插Bandpafilter带通滤波器Bandpaignal带通信号Bandpa-amplingtechnique带通采样技术Bandwidth带宽Bartlett(triangular)window巴特利特(三角形)窗BilateralLaplacetranform双边拉普拉斯变换Bilinear双线性的Bilineartranformation双线性变换Bit(二进制)位,比特Blockdiagram方框图Bodeplot波特图Bounded有界限的Breakfrequency折转频率Butterworthfilter巴特沃斯滤波器C“Chirp”tranformalgorithm“鸟声”变换算法Capacitor电容器Carrier载波Carrierfrequency载波频率Carrierignal载波信号Carteian(rectangular)form直角坐标形式Cacade(erie)interconnection串联,级联Cacade-form串联形式CaualLTIytem因果的线性时不变系统Channel信道,频道Channelequalization信道均衡Chopperamplifier斩波器放大器Cloed-loop闭环Cloed-looppole闭环极点Cloed-loopytem闭环系统Cloed-loopytemfunction闭环系统函数Coefficientmultiplier系数乘法器Coefficient系数Convergence收敛Convolution卷积Convolutionintegral卷积积分Convolutionproperty卷积性质Convolutionum卷积和Correlationfunction相关函数Criticallydampedytem临界阻尼系统Cro-correlationfunction互相关函数Cutofffrequencie截至频率DDampedinuoid阻尼正弦振荡Dampingratio阻尼系数Dcoffet直流偏移Dcequence直流序列Deadbeatfeedbackytem临界阻尼反馈系统Decibel(d分贝Decimation抽取Decimationandinterpolation抽取和内插Degenerative(negative)feedback负反馈Delay延迟Demodulation解调Differenceequation差分方程Differencingproperty差分性质Differentialequation微分方程Differentiatingfilter微分滤波器Differentiationproperty微分性质Differentiator微分器Digital-to-analog(D-to-A)converter数模转换器DirectFormIrealization直接I型实现DirectformIIrealization直接II型实现Direct-form直接型Dirichletcondition狄里赫利条件Dirichlet,P.L.狄里赫利Dicontinuitie间断点,不连续Echo回波Eigenfunction特征函数Eigenvalue特征值Ellipticfilter椭圆滤波器Encirclementproperty围线性质Endpoint终点Energyofignal信号的能量Energy-denitypectrum能量密度谱Envelopedetector包络检波器Envelopefunction包络函数Equalization 均衡化Equalizercircuit均衡器电路Equationforcloed-looppole闭环极点方程Euler,L.欧拉Euler’relation欧拉关系(公式)Evenignal偶信号E某ponentialignal指数信号E某ponential指数FFatFouriertranform(FFT)快速傅立叶变换Feedback反馈Feedbackinterconnection反馈联结Feedbackpath反馈路径Filter()滤波器Final-valuetheorem终值定理Finiteimpulerepone(FIR)有限长脉冲响应Finiteimpulerepone(FIR)filter有限长脉冲响应滤波器Finiteumformula有限项和公式Finite-durationignal有限长信号Firtdifference一阶差分Forcedrepone受迫响应Forwardpath正向通路Fouriererie傅立叶级数Fouriertranform傅立叶变换Fouriertranformpair傅立叶变换对Fourier,JeanBaptiteJoeph傅立叶(法国数学家,物理学家)Frequencyrepone频率响应FrequencyreponeofLTIytem线性时不变系统的频率响应Frequencyhiftkeying(FSK)频移键控Frequencyhiftingproperty频移性质Gain增益Gainandphaemargin增益和相位裕度HHalf-ampledelay半采样间隔时延Hanningwindow汉宁窗Heatpropagationanddiffuion热传播和扩散现象Higherorderhold 高阶保持Highpafilter高通滤波器Highpa-to-lowpatranformation高通到低通变换Hilberttranform 希尔波特滤波器Homogeneity(caling)property齐次性(比例性)IIdeal理想的Idealbandtopcharacteritic理想带阻特征Idealfrequency-electivefilter理想频率选择滤波器Idealization理想化Identityytem恒等系统Imaginarypart虚部Impulerepone冲激响应Impuletrain冲激串Incrementallylinearytem增量线性系统Independentvariable独立变量Infiniteimpulerepone(IIR)无限长脉冲响应Infiniteimpulerepone(IIR)filter无限长脉冲响应滤波器Infiniteumformula无限项和公式Infinitetaylorerie无限项泰勒级数Initial-valuetheorem初值定理Inpule-trainampling冲激串采样Intantaneou瞬时的Interconnection互联Intermediate-frequency(IF)tage中频级Interymbolinterference(ISI)码间干扰InvereFouriertranform傅立叶反变换InvereLaplacetranform拉普拉斯反变换InvereLTIytem逆线性时不变系统Invereytemdeign逆系统设计Inverez-tranformz反变换Invertedpendulum倒立摆InvertibilityofLTIytem线性时不变系统的可逆性Invertibleytem 逆系统LLagnetwork滞后网络Lagrange,J.L.拉格朗日(法国数学家,力学家)Laplacetranform 拉普拉斯变换Laplace,P.S.de拉普拉斯(法国天文学家,数学家)leadnetwork超前网络left-halfplane左半平面left-idedignal左边信号Linear线性Linearcontant-coefficientdifferenceequation线性常系数差分方程Linearcontant-coefficientdifferentialequation线性常系数微分方程Linearfeedbackytem线性反馈系统Linearinterpolation线性插值Linearity线性性Logmagnitude-phaediagram对数幅-相图Log-magnitudeplot对数模图Lolecoding无损失码Lowpafilter低通滤波器Lowpa-to-highpatranformation低通到高通的转换LTIytemrepone 线性时不变系统响应LTIytemanalyi线性时不变系统分析MMagnitudeandphae幅度和相位Matchedfilter匹配滤波器Meauringdevice测量仪器Memory记忆Memoryleytem无记忆系统Modulatingignal调制信号Modulation调制Modulationinde某调制指数Modulationproperty调制性质Moving-averagefilter移动平均滤波器Multiple某ing多路技术Multiplicationproperty相乘性质Multiplicitie多样性NNarrowband窄带Narrowbandfrequencymodulation窄带频率调制Naturalfrequency 自然响应频率Naturalrepone自然响应Negative(degenerative)feedback负反馈Nonanticipatibeytem不超前系统Noncaualaveragingytem非因果平滑系统Nonideal非理想的Nonidealfilter非理想滤波器Nonmalizedfunction归一化函数Nonrecurive非递归Nonrecurivefilter非递归滤波器Nonrecurivelinearcontant-coefficientdifferenceequationNyquitfrequency奈奎斯特频率Nyquitrate奈奎斯特率Nyquittabilitycriterion奈奎斯特稳定性判据OOddharmonic奇次谐波Oddignal奇信号Open-loop开环Open-loopfrequencyrepone开环频率响应Open-loopytem开环系统Operationalamplifier运算放大器Orthogonalfunction正交函数Orthogonalignal正交信号非递归线性常系数差分方程Ocillocope示波器Overdampedytem过阻尼系统Overampling过采样Overhoot超量PParallelinterconnection并联Parallel-formblockdiagram并联型框图Paritycheck奇偶校验检查Pareval’relation帕斯伐尔关系(定理)Partial-fractione某panion部分分式展开Particularandhomogeneouolution特解和齐次解Paband通频带Pabandedge通带边缘Pabandfrequency通带频率Pabandripple通带起伏(或波纹)Pendulum钟摆Percentmodulation调制百分数Periodic周期的Periodicquarewave周期方波Periodicquare-wavemodulatingignal周期方波调制信号Periodictrainofimpule周期冲激串Phae-reveral相位倒置Phaemodulation相位调制Plant工厂Polarform极坐标形式Pole极点Pole-zeroplot()零极点图Polynomial多项式Poitive(regenerative)feedback正(再生)反馈Powerofignal信号功率Power-eriee某panionmethod幂级数展开的方法Principal-phaefunction主值相位函数Proportional(P)control比例控制Proportionalfeedbackytem比例反馈系统Proportional-plu-derivative比例加积分Proportional-plu-derivativefeedback比例加积分反馈Proportional-plu-integral-plu-differential(PID)control比例-积分-微分控制Pule-amplitudemodulation脉冲幅度调制Pule-codemodulation脉冲编码调制Pule-traincarrier冲激串载波Q Quadratureditortion正交失真Quadraturemultiple某ing正交多路复用Qualityofcircuit电路品质(因数)RRaiedconinefrequencyrepone升余弦频率响应Rationalfrequencyrepone有理型频率响应Rationaltranform有理变换RChighpafilterRC高阶滤波器RClowpafilterRC低阶滤波器Real实数Reale某ponentialignal实指数信号Realpart实部Rectangular(Carteian)form直角(卡笛儿)坐标形式Rectangularpule矩形脉冲Rectangularpuleignal矩形脉冲信号Rectangularwindow矩形窗口Recurive(infiniteimpulerepone)filter递归(无时限脉冲响应)滤波器Root-locuanalyi根轨迹分析(方法)Runningum动求和SSdomainS域Sampled-datafeedbackytem采样数据反馈系统Sampled-dataytem采样数据系统Sampling采样Samplingfrequency采样频率Samplingfunction采样函数Samplingocillocope采样示波器Samplingperiod采样周期Samplingtheorem采样定理Scaling(homogeneity)property比例性(齐次性)性质Scalinginzdomainz域尺度变换Scrambler扰频器Serie(cacade)interconnection级联(串联)Siftingproperty筛选性质Sincfunctioninc函数Single-ideband单边带Single-idebandinuoidalamplitudemodulation单边带正弦幅度调制Singularityfunction奇异函数Sinuoidal正弦(信号)Sinuoidalamplitudemodulation正弦幅度调制Sinuoidalcarrier正弦载波Sinuoidalfrequencymodulation正弦频率调制Sliding滑动Spectralcoefficient频谱系数Spectrum频谱Speechcrambler语音加密器S-planeS平面Squarewave方波Stability稳定性Stabilizationofuntableytem不稳定系统的稳定性(度)Steprepone阶跃响应Step-invarianttranformation阶跃响应不定的变换Stopband阻带Stopbandedge阻带边缘Stopbandfrequency阻带频率Stopbandripple阻带起伏(或波纹)Strobocopiceffect频闪响应Summer加法器Superpoitionintegral叠加积分Superpoitionproperty叠加性质Superpoitionum叠加和Supenionytem减震系统Symmetricperiodic周期对称Symmetry对称性Synchronou同步的Syntheiequation综合方程Sytemfunction()系统方程TTableofpropertie性质列表Taylorerie泰勒级数Time时间,时域Timeadvancepropertyofunilateralz-tranform单边z变换的时间超前性质Timecontant时间常数Timedelaypropertyofunilateralz-tranform单边z变换的时间延迟性质Timee某panionproperty时间扩展性质Timeinvariance时间变量Timereveralproperty时间反转(反褶)性Timecalingproperty时间尺度变换性Timehiftingproperty时移性质Timewindow时间窗口Time-diviionmultiple某ing(TDM)时分复用Time-domain时域Time-domainpropertie时域性质Trackingytem()跟踪系统Tranferfunction转移函数tranformpair变换对Tranformation变换(变形)Tranitionband过渡带Tranmodulation(tranmultiple某ing)交叉调制Triangular(Barlett)window三角型(巴特利特)窗口Trigonometricerie三角级数Two-idedignal双边信号Typelfeedbackyteml型反馈系统UUintimpulerepone单位冲激响应Uintrampfunction单位斜坡函数Undampednaturalfrequency无阻尼自然相应Undampedytem无阻尼系统Underdampedytem欠阻尼系统Underampling欠采样Unilateral单边的UnilateralLaplacetranform单边拉普拉斯变换Unilateralz-tranform单边z变换Unitcircle单位圆Unitdelay单位延迟Unitdoublet单位冲激偶Unitimpule单位冲激Unittepfunction单位阶跃函数Unitteprepone单位阶跃响应Untableytem不稳定系统Unwrappedphae展开的相位特性Upampling增采样VVariable变量WWalhfunction沃尔什函数Wave波形Wavelength波长Weightedaverage加权平均Wideband宽带Widebandfrequencymodulation宽带频率调制Windowing加窗zZdomainz域Zeroforceequalizer置零均衡器Zero-Inputrepone零输入响应Zero-Orderhold零阶保持ZeroofLaplacetranform拉普拉斯变换的零点Zero-taterepone零状态响应z-tranformz变换z-tranformpairz变换对。
耳机 - 耳机讨论 帮助 - 等化器 APO 低音增强配置下载 - 耳机 - 耳机讨论 帮助说明书

Bass boost settings for equalizer. Equalizer apo settings for bass. How to use equalizer apo to boost bass.
Headphones Headphone Discussion / Help I came across EQ APO and would love to have a EQ APO thread explaining how to configure, community presets for various headphones 1 Like I’ve got a preset for the monoprice retros with hybrid brainwavz pads here if you want.
Before I got my first dac/amp, it enabled me to get a level of sound quality that I had never experienced before. For whatever reason on my computer Equalizer APO doesn’t have any effect on my dac/amp (Topping DX7s), which is fine because I love how my DX7s sounds but worth noting because everything I say here only applies to straight out the laptop’s headphone jack audio (at least in my case). Also I have downloaded Equalizer APO on all of my friends and coworkers laptops (none of whom own separate dac/amps) so that they can have better sound quality. It makes a good option for a first step into getting people to pursue better sound quality (hopefully leading to them purchasing a dac/amp and good headphones). Currently I have two equalizer presets for each of my headphones and speakers – one for music and movies, the other for Youtube channels that are mostly talking (such as talk shows, product reviews, how to videos). For any specific piece of audio I can dial in the settings to make the audio sound just perfect for that specific file, but doing so is really time consuming and I find I’m happy with my current two preset method. Each of my individual presets compensates for the specifics of the individual pieces of equipment, but a general description would be that my music/movie presets have boosted highs and lows (treble and bass), whereas my Youtube talk presets have reduced bass, mildly reduced mids, and boosted treble. Movies and music sound like I expect them to with boosted lows and highs (vibrant, energetic, and stimulating) as opposed to without equalization (flat, neutral, boring). With talk heavy programming on Youtube, I found that almost without exception they all have a dull mid-range hum that surrounds the voices (male and female). Whatever the reason, voices always have a low muffled quality around them that I’ve always found annoying. With my Youtube talk presets I drop the mid-range and boost the highs, which gets rid of the added muffled quality and makes voices sound crisp and clear by comparison (much more like they are in person instead of speaking through a poor quality speaker). My basic method of creating an Equalizer APO preset: I start by playing a given piece of audio (song, video, movie). As it plays, I start on the left hand side at the first frequency bar slider. I move the bar slider to the top and bottom to see what effect is had on that particular frequency.

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交通枢纽traffic hub渤海Bohai Sea华北平原North China Plain人力资源human resources奖惩rewards and punishment长江三角洲the Yangtze Delta 珠江三角洲Pearl River Delta经济圈economic circle经济一体化economic integration 地形terrain地貌topographic feature海岸线coast line造纸paper making胶片film化工chemical industry]矿产minerals可支配收入disposable income良性循环virtuous circles生产总值total output value人均国内生产总值per capita GDP消费性支出nonproductive expenditure衣、食、住、行basic life necessities of clothing, food, shelter and weans of travel产业结构industrial structure结构优化optimum structure改革开放reform and opening翻两番quadruple可持续发展sustainable development城市化urbanizationActuator 执行器A:Amplifier 放大器A:Attendance 员工考勤A:Attenuation 衰减AA:Antenna amplifier 开线放大器AA:Architectural Acoustics 建造声学AC:Analogue Controller 摹拟控制器ACD:Automatic Call Distribution 自动分配话务ACS:Access Control System 出入控制系统AD:Addressable Detector 地址探测器ADM:Add/Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器ADPCM:Adaptive Differential ulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉冲编码调制AF:Acoustic Feedback 声反馈AFR:Amplitude /Frequency Response 幅频响应AGC:Automati Gain Control 自动增益控制AHU:Air Handling Unit 空气处理机组A-I:Auto-iris 自动光圈AIS:Alarm Indication Signal 告警指示信号AITS:Acknowledged Information Transfer Service 确认操作ALC:Automati Level Control 自动平衡控制ALS:Alarm Seconds 告警秒ALU:Analogue Lines Unit 摹拟用户线单元AM:Administration Module 管理模块AN:Access Network 接入网ANSI:American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会APS:Automatic Protection Switching 自动保护倒换ASC:Automati Slope Control 自动斜率控制ATH:Analogue Trunk Unit 摹拟中继单元ATM:Asynchrous Transfer Mode 异步传送方式AU- PPJE:AU Pointer Positive Justification 管理单元正指针调整AU:Administration Unit 管理单元AU-AIS:Administrative Unit Alarm Indication SignalAU 告警指示信号AUG:Administration Unit Group 管理单元组AU-LOP:Loss of Administrative Unit Pointer AU 指针丢失AU-NPJE:AU Pointer Negative Justification 管理单元负指针调整AUP:Administration Unit Pointer 管理单元指针AVCD:Auchio &Video Control Device 音像控制装置AWG:American Wire Gauge 美国线缆规格BA:Bridge Amplifier 桥接放大器BAC:Building Automation & Control net 建造物自动化和控制网络BAM:Background Administration Module 后管理模块BBER:Background Block Error Ratio 背景块误码比BCC:B-channel Connect ControlB 通路连接控制BD:Building DistributorBEF:Buiding Entrance Facilities 建造物入口设施BFOC:Bayonet Fibre Optic Connector 大口式光纤连接器BGN:Background Noise 背景噪声BGS: Background Sound 背景音响BIP-N:Bit Interleaved Parity N code 比特间插奇偶校验N 位码B-ISDN:Brand band ISDN 宽带综合业务数字网B-ISDN:Broad band -Integrated Services Digital Network 宽带综合业务数字网BMC:Burst Mode Controller 突发模式控制器BMS:Building Management System 智能建造管理系统BRI:Basic Rate ISDN 基本速率的综合业务数字网BS:Base Station 基站BSC:Base Station Controller 基站控制器BUL:Back up lighting 备用照明C/S: Client/Server 客户机/服务器C:Combines 混合器C:Container 容器CA:Call Accounting 电话自动计费系统CATV:Cable Television 有线电视CC:Call Control 呼叫控制CC:Coax cable 同轴电缆CCD:Charge coupled devices 电荷耦合器件CCF:Cluster Contril Function 簇控制功能CD:Campus Distributor 建筑群配线架CD:Combination detector 感温,感烟复合探测器CDCA:Continuous Dynamic Channel Assign 连续的动态信道分配CDDI:Copper Distributed Data 合同缆分布式数据接口CDES:Carbon dioxide extinguisbing system 二氧化碳系统CDMA:Code Division Multiplex Access 码分多址CF:Core Function 核心功能CFM:Compounded Frequency Modulation 压扩调频繁CIS:Call Information System 呼叫信息系统CISPR:Internation Special Conmittee On Radio Interference 国际无线电干扰专门委员会CLNP:Connectionless Network Protocol 无连接模式网络层协议CLP:Cell Loss Priority 信元丢失优先权CM:Communication Module 通信模块CM:Configuration Management 配置管理CM:Cross-connect Matrix 交叉连接矩阵CMI:Coded Mark Inversion 传号反转码CMISE:Common Management Information Service 公用管理信息协议服务单元CPE:Convergence protocol entity 会聚协议实体CR/E:card reader /Encoder (Ticket reader )卡读写器/编码器CRC:Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗佘校验CRT:Cathode Ray Tabe 显示器,监视器,阴极射线管CS: Convergence service 会聚服务CS:Cableron Spectrum 旧纳档块化技术CS:Ceiling Screen 挡烟垂壁CS:Convergence Sublayer 合聚子层CSC:Combined Speaker Cabinet 组合音响CSCW:Computer collaborative work 协同工作CSES:Continuiussupported 计算机支持的SeverelyErrored Second 连续严重误码秒CSF:Cell Site Function 单基站功能控制CTB:Composite Triple Beat 复合三价差拍CTD:Cable Thermal Detector 缆式线型感温探测器CTNR:carrier to noise ratio 载波比CW:Control Word 控制字D:Directional 指向性D:Distortion 失真度D:Distributive 分布式DA:Distribution Amplifier 分配的大器DBA:Database Administrator 数据库管理者DBCSN:Database Control System Nucleus 数据库控制系统核心DBOS:Database Organizing System 数据库组织系统DBSS:Database Security System 数据库安全系统DC:Door Contacts 大门传感器DCC:Digital Communication Channel 数字通信通路DCN:Data Communication Network 数据通信网DCP-I:Distributed Control Panel -Intelligent 智能型分散控制器DCS:Distributed Control System 集散型控制系统DDN:Digital Data Network 数字数据网DDS:Direct Dignital Controller 直接数字控制器DDW:Data Describing Word 数据描述字DECT:Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication增强数字无绳通讯DFB:Distributed Feedback 分布反馈DID:Direct Inward Dialing 直接中继方式,呼入直拨到分机用户DLC:Data Link Control Layer 数据链路层DLI:DECT Line Interface DODI:Direct Outward Dialing One 一次拨号音DPH:DECT PhoneDRC:Directional Response Cahracteristics 指向性响应DS:Direct Sound 直正声DSP:Digital signal Processing 数字信号处理DSS:Deiision Support System 决策支持系统DTMF:Dual Tone Multi-Frequency 双音多频DTS:Dual -Technology Sensor 双鉴传感器DWDM:Dense Wave-length Division Multiplexing 密集波分复用DXC:Digital Cross-Connect 数字交叉连接E:Emergency lighting 照明设备E:Equalizer 均衡器E:Expander 扩展器EA-DFB:Electricity Absorb-Distributed Feedback 电吸收分布反馈ECC:Embedded Control Channel 嵌入或者控制通道EDFA:Erbium-Doped FiberAmplifier 掺饵光纤放大器EDI:Electronic Data Interexchange 电子数据交换EIC:Electrical Impedance Characteristics 电阻抗特性EMC :Electro Magnetic Compatibiloty 电磁兼容性EMI:Electro Magnetic Interference 电磁干扰EMS:Electromagnetic Sensitibility 电磁敏感性EN:Equivalent Noise 等效噪声EP:Emergency Power 应急电源ES:Emergency Sooket 应急插座ES:Evacuation Sigvial 疏散照明ESA:Error SecondA 误码秒类型AESB:ErrorSecondB 误码秒类型BESD:Electrostatic Discharge 静电放电ESR:Errored Second Ratio 误码秒比率ETDM:Electrical Time Division Multiplexing 电时分复用ETSI:European Telecommunication Standards Institute 欧洲电信标准协会F:Filter 滤波器FAB:Fire Alarm Bell 火警警铃FACU:Fire Alarm Contrlol Unit 火灾自动报警控制装置FC:Failure Count 失效次数FC:Frequency Converter 频率变换器FCC:Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统FCS:Field Control System 现场总线FCU:Favn Coil Unit 风机盘管FD:Fire Door 防火门FD:Flame Detector 火焰探测器FD:Floor DistributorFD:Frequency Dirsder 分频器FDD:Frequency Division Dual 频分双工FDDI :Fiberdistributed Data Interface 光纤缆分布式数据接口。

2.SB16、AWE32、AWE64和其它类似的ISA soundcard的声卡不用重采样。
1.如果使用了上面的重采样,推荐数值(参考自DearHoney的RMAA数据库):44.1khz (44100 Hz):SB16、AWE32、AWE64和其它类似的ISA声卡。
48khz(48000 Hz):SB PCI、SB Live、Audigy1、Audigy2、Extigy、Philips AE、Sonic Fury、Yamaha 7x4等目前多数一般声卡。
Digital Signal Processing

Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is a vital field that has revolutionized various aspects of our lives. From audio and video processing to telecommunications and medical imaging, DSP plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality of signals and extracting useful information from them. In this response, I will discuss the significance of DSP from multiple perspectives, highlightingits impact on different industries and the emotional elements associated with its advancements. From a technological perspective, DSP has opened up a world of possibilities. With the advent of high-speed processors and advanced algorithms, DSP techniques have become more powerful and versatile. This has enabled the development of sophisticated audio and video processing systems that can remove noise, enhance clarity, and even manipulate signals to create special effects. For example, in the entertainment industry, DSP is used to improve the audio quality of music recordings, making them more enjoyable for listeners. It also plays a crucial role in video editing, allowing professionals to enhance visual effects and create stunning visuals. In the field of telecommunications, DSP has revolutionized the way we communicate. From mobile phones to satellite communication systems, DSP algorithms are used to encode, transmit, and decode signals, ensuring reliable and high-quality communication. This has led to improved voice and video call quality, faster data transfer rates, and increased capacity in wireless networks. The emotional impact of these advancements is evident in our daily lives. We can now connect with our loved ones, no matter where they are in the world, with crystal-clear audio and video, bridging the distance and bringing us closer together. Another area where DSP has made significant contributions is medical imaging. Techniques like computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultrasound heavily rely on DSP algorithms to process and reconstruct images from raw data. This hasrevolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of various medical conditions, enabling doctors to visualize internal structures with unprecedented detail. The emotional impact of this cannot be overstated. DSP has saved countless lives by enabling early detection of diseases, guiding surgical procedures, and monitoring treatment progress. In addition to these industries, DSP has also found applications infields like radar and sonar systems, seismology, speech recognition, and even financial analysis. In radar and sonar systems, DSP algorithms are used to process the received signals and extract useful information about the surrounding environment. In seismology, DSP helps in detecting and analyzing earthquakes, providing valuable insights into the Earth's structure and predicting potential hazards. Speech recognition systems, like those used in virtual assistants, rely on DSP techniques to accurately interpret and respond to human speech. Infinancial analysis, DSP algorithms are used to analyze market data and make predictions, aiding in decision-making and risk management. The advancements in DSP have undoubtedly improved our lives in numerous ways, but it is essential to consider the ethical implications as well. With the increasing use of DSP in surveillance systems, privacy concerns have become more prominent. The ability to process and analyze vast amounts of audio and video data raises questions about the balance between security and individual privacy. It is crucial to develop regulations and guidelines to ensure that DSP technologies are used responsibly and ethically. In conclusion, Digital Signal Processing has had a profound impact on various industries, enhancing the quality of signals and extracting valuable information. From technological advancements to emotional impacts, DSP has revolutionized fields like entertainment, telecommunications, medical imaging, and more. However, it is important to consider the ethical implications and ensurethat DSP technologies are used responsibly. As we continue to push the boundaries of DSP, we must strive to strike a balance between technological advancements and the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.。

音响系统常用中英文对照AA 安培,电流的单位。
ac 交流电accentuation 加重、提升access 接近、入口、存取accrescendo 渐强a-channel A通道acoustic color 音色acoustic effect 音响效果acoustic feedback 声反馈acoustic pressure 声压activtaion 激活、活化A-D 模拟(电路)-数字(电路)ADC 摸数转换器ADJ 调节、调整A.EDIT 自动编辑af 声频、音频A-fade 衰减AFC 自动频率控制AFL 调音台中指监听的声音处在衰减器后面的状态agc 自动增益控制A-IN 声频输入的缩写A-INSEL 声频输入的选择alarm 告警、警报alc 自动电平控制alignment 调整、校准、校正alpha α值alternating current/direct current 交流/直流ambience 环境声音ambient noise 环境噪声amplification 放大analog 模拟analog signal 模拟信号analog-to-digital conversion 摸(拟)-数(字)变换器ANL 自动嗓声限制ANRS 自动嗓声抑制系统、自动降噪系统antiphase 反相articulation 清晰度audio frequency 声频、音频audio-frequency noise 音频嗓声audio-level meter 音频电平表audio signal 音频信号audio-visual 视听的、视听系统auto-man 自动-人工automatic 自动的automatic bass compensation 自动低音补偿automatic gain conltrol 自动增益控制(缩写AGC) automatic tuning 自动调谐automatic volume compression 自动音量压缩automatic volume control 自动音量控制aux 辅助插口auxiliary circuit 辅助电路A-V 视听(装置)、音频-视频average 平均average value 平均值Bbackround music 背景音乐、配乐BAL 平衡balance的缩写balance 平衡balance control 平衡控制balanced 平衡的balanced line 平衡线路balanced output 平衡输出bass boosl 低音提升bass compensation 低音补偿bassy 低音加重B channel B通道binaural 双耳的、立体声的binaural effect 双耳效应bit 比特boost 提升、升高、放大break 切断、间歇break jack 断点插口bridge 电桥、桥bus 总线、母线bus bar 公共接地线或其他连接线Ccall 调入(用)、呼叫cancel 消除、取消cannon 卡农插头、XLR插头、平衡型声频插头catralog 产品样本、目录cathode 阴极、负极central processing unit 中央处理器(简称CPU)CH 频道、通道、声道(channel的缩写) channel balance 声道平衡check 检验、核对clear 清零、清除clipper 限制器、限幅器clock 时钟count cntrl 控制COAX 同轴 coaxialcode 码、编码、代码command 命令COMM 公共端 commoncommon 公共端、接地点compound COMP 压缩、压缩器 compression COMP-EXP 压缩-扩张器compander 压扩器compensated volume control 补偿音量控制compensation 补偿composite 集成的、组合的、混合的compression 压缩compressor 压缩器CON 连接 connectionconcert 音乐会、音乐厅的音响效果continuous 连续的contrast 对比度、反差control 控制、调节、控制器、调节器converter 变频器、换流器、变换器copy 拷贝、复制COR 校正correct 校正cross talk 串音CTRL 控制cue review 快录(功能)cut-off 截止cut-off fregucncy 截止频率CX CX降噪cycle 周、循环DD-A 数字-模拟DAC 数字模拟转换器DACV 延迟式自动音量控制data 数据dB 分贝dBa 校准分贝dc noise 直流噪声DDC 数字式动态控制decay 衰减decibel(dB) 分贝definition 清晰度DEL 延时、延迟delay time 延迟时间delete 删除DEMO 示范、表演depth 深、深度、厚度diapason normal 标准音高digit 数字digital 数字的、数字式digital delay 数字式延迟distortion 失真、畸变distortion factor 失真系数divider 分频器DMA 直接存取DNL 动态噪声限制器double 双、加倍down 向下、降落downward 向下DP 数据处理DPE 数字效果drive 驱动、激励driver 激励器、激励级、末级前置放大器、驱动器DSP 数字信号处理dubbing 合成、声音复制、配音duplicate 复制duration 持续时间duwp 切断电源dynamic range 动态范围Eecho 回声、混响echo room 混响室echo send 混响输送EDP 电子数据处理electronic data-processing edit 编辑、剪辑editing 编辑、剪辑EFF 效果、效应、作用、效率effect 效果EFX 效果encode 编码end 终端、末尾、结束enhance 增强、提高entry 输入、入口EQ 均衡equalizer 均衡器erase 抹音、消音erasure 消除、消去erasure effect 抹音、消音效果error 误差、错误exact 精确的、正确的excess 过量excitation 激励、激发、励磁exciter 激励器expansion 扩张extend 扩展、延伸、增加Ffactor of reverberation 混响系数fader 控制器faint voice 微弱的声音fall 下降、降落fault 故障FB 反馈eedback feed 馈给、输送feedback 反馈、回授filter 滤波器final 最后的、末级fine 细微的、精细的fines 精细度FM 频率调制、调频foldback 返送系统、监听系统foot control 脚踏(控制)开关forte 强(音乐用语)fortissimo 很强forte fortissimo 最强frequency 频率frequency correction 频率校正frequency modulation 调频、频率调制frequency response 频率响应function keys 功能键fuse 熔丝、保险丝FX 效果Ggain 增益gain control 增益调整GND 接地、地guard 保护HHALL 厅堂、厅堂的音响效果hand control 手控、人工控制harmonic distortion 谐波失真hertz 赫兹H.F 高频hi 高 hi-fi 高保真度high boost 高频提升high definite 高清晰度high fidelity 高保真度high-frequency compensation 高频补偿high level 高电平high output 高输出high pass filter 高通滤波器homing 恢复原位howl 啸叫声howl round 声反馈hum 交流声hybrid 混合的、混合技术Iimpedance 阻抗improve 改善、增进IN 输入、输入端incoming 引入的、输入的increment 增量increase 增加、提高indiction 指示induced 感应的inductance 电感induction 感应inhibit 禁止initial 起始、最初的initial setting 初调(位置)in-phase 同相(位)input 输入、输入端子input device 输入设备input selector 输入选择器input sensitivity 输入灵敏度INSEL 输入选择insert 插入、嵌入、插断interrupt 中断intrinsic noise 固有噪声introduction 介绍、浏览inverse 相反的、倒的I/O 输入/输出LL 左L.hall 大厅、大厅音响效果lag 滞后、延迟时间latch-up 锁住level compensation 电平补偿level control 电平控制、电平调节level distortion 电平失真level indicator 电平指示器L.F 低频L.F.C. 低频校正light music 轻音乐limited 限定的、限制的、有限的limited signal 限幅信号limiter 限幅器line 线、线路、行、电线linear 线性linear control 线性控制line filter 线路滤波器line input 线路输入line level 线路电平line loss 线路损耗line noise 线路噪声line output 线路输出LO 低、低音load 负载、装载、负荷load impedance 负载阻抗lock 锁定、锁住loudness control 响度控制low 低的low frequency 低频low frequency compensation 低频补偿low-pass filter 低频滤波器Mm 毫mA 毫安manual gain control 手动增益控制master gain control 主增益控制、主增益调整MAT 矩阵maximum output 最大输出maximum sound pressur 最大声压mean 平均memory 存储器、记忆memory register 存储寄存器menu 目录单、菜单MID 中间的、中部的、中音MIDI (电子)乐器数字接口、电子音乐设备数字接口millisecond 毫秒mill Walt 毫瓦mwMIN 最小MIN 分钟mix 混合mixing 混录、合成MOD 模式、方式、状态mode 模、型、方式、制式、调试moderate 适度的、中等的(音乐术语)modulate 调制MPO 最大输出功率MPX 多路传输multiplex 多路传输mute 静声、哑音、无声、抑制NNC 数字控制neg 负的、阴性的noise fitter 静噪滤波器noise gate 噪声门(限)noise reduction 降噪系统noise level 噪声电平、噪声级noise suppressor 噪声抑制器number 数、数字、号码numeric 数的、数字的Ooff 停止、关掉、离开ohm 欧姆on/off swich 通/断开关operating level 工作电平operating system 操作系统operation 运算、操作operator 操作人员opposition 反相optimum 最佳的optimum reverberation 最佳混响order 命令、指令original 原来的、原始的、原版、原声OUT 输出、输出端子out of phase 不同相out of syne 不同步outphaser 异相器output 输出、输出端output power 输出功率overall 总的、全部的、所有的overlap 重叠overiay 覆盖overload 过载、过负荷overload level 过载电平overload margin 过载余量overload protection 过载保护over modulation 过调制、过调器Pparallel 平行、并联parameter 参量、参数parametric equalizer 参量均衡器patch 临时性连接、插入patch board 接线板、转接板path 信道pause 暂停pause control 暂停控制peak 峰、峰值、波峰peak distortion 最高失真peak inverse voltage 最大反向电压peak level 峰值电平peak limiter 峰值限制器peak power 峰值功率peak power handing 峰值储备peak response 峰值响应peak sound pressure 峰值声压peak to peak 峰-峰值peak value 峰值peak voltage 峰值电压per phonic 多声道的PFL 视听、衰减器前的听音PGM 节目、程序phantom power 幻路电源、幻象供电phase 相位phase reversal 倒相、反相phase reversal switch 倒相开关phase shift 相移pianissimo 很弱pianissimo piano 最弱pilot lamp 指示灯pitch changer 音调控制器play 放声、重放、演奏playback 重放、播放P.M.P.O 峰值音乐输出功率port 通道、口post-equalization 去均衡post-emphasis 去加重post-production 后期制作potential difference 电位差power consumtion 电力消耗power frequency 电源频率power gain 功率增益power output 功率输出precision 准确度、精密度process 处理、进程program 程序、节目Qquad-8 四声道quadraphony 四声道立体声quality 质量、音质、音色quantity 数量、量quick 快的、迅速quiet 安静的、平稳的RR 电阻符号random 随机的、杂乱的random noise 随机噪声rated output 额定输出rating 定额、标称值、额定值RCA RCA接口、莲花接头REC 记录、录音、录象receive 接收receiver 接收装置、接收机recording level 录音电平recording noise 录音噪声reduce 减小、降低relative 相对的remain 剩余、保持REP 重复、反复、重放replay 重放reproduce 重放、再现reset 复位、复零、重调return 返回REV 混响、交混回响reverberation time 混响时间reverberator 混响器RF 射频RZ 复零Ss 秒save 保存、存储SC 扫描scan 扫描SCH 搜索、寻找SE 音响效果search 搜索、寻找select 选择self-adjusting 自动调节self erasing 自动抹音self-generated noise 自发噪声series 串联set 置位、设置、设备setup 调定、建立、装备、准备就绪SFX 音响效果SGL 信号shutoff 停止、关闭、断路signal 信号signal-noise ratio 信噪比simple ton 单音simulate 模拟s/n ratio 信号噪声比、信噪比sound velocity 声速sound volume 音量source 信号源、声源、源SP 速度space 空间、空格speed 速度speed of sound 声速SPL 声压级stereophonic 立体声storage 存储store 存储suppression 抑制、取消surround sound 环绕声sustain 持续(音)swell manal 加强键盘switch 开关、切换symphony 交响乐、交响乐的音响效果system 系统、体系Ttalkback 对讲系统thump 低频噪声timbre 音品、音色time 时间、期间time-delay 时延、延时timer 定时器tone 音调ton control 音调控制total 总、总的total harmonic distortion 总谐波失真treble 高音、三倍的、三重的treble boost 高音提升trouble 故障tuner 调谐器turn-on 开、接通turnover 均衡TX 传输、播送UUHF 超高频unbalanced output 不平衡输出unidirectional 单向的up 上升、向上useful 有用的、有效的utility 实用、应用Vvideo 视频VLF 甚低频vocal 声音的、有声的、声乐voder 语音合成器voice 人声、语音volt 伏特volume 音量volume limiter 音量限制器Wwarn 警告wave band 波段、频率wave form 波形wavelength 波长wideband 宽频带write 写、写入。

AES/EBU“Audio Engineering Society/European Broadcast Union”的缩写,一个传送和接受数字音频数据的格式;尤其使用一个XLR(卡农)连接。
Amplifier envelope一种设备可以在一段时间内改变放大器的设置。
Analog audio模拟音频。
Analog to digital模拟?数字的转化。
Digital Signal Processing in Audio

Digital Signal Processing in Audio Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in audio is a crucial aspect of modern audio technology, playing a significant role in the creation, manipulation, and transmission of audio signals. DSP involves the use of algorithms to modify and enhance audio signals, allowing for a wide range of applications in audio production, music recording, telecommunications, and more. This technology has revolutionized the way we experience and interact with audio, enabling the development of advanced audio processing techniques that have greatly improved the quality and versatility of audio systems. One of the key areas where DSP has had a profound impact is in the field of audio production and music recording. DSP algorithms are used to clean up audio recordings, remove background noise, and enhance the overall sound quality of the recordings. This has allowed for the creation of high-fidelity audio recordings that accurately capture the nuances of live performances, providing listeners with an immersive and authentic listening experience. Additionally, DSP has enabled the development of audio effects such as reverb, delay, and equalization, which are essential tools for music producers and audio engineers in shaping the sound of a recording. In the realm of telecommunications, DSP plays a vital role in the transmission and reception of audio signals over various communication channels. DSP algorithms are used to compress audio data for efficient transmission over limited bandwidth channels, such as in the case of internet audio streaming or mobile phone calls. This compression allows for the real-time transmission of high-quality audio with minimal latency, ensuring clear and uninterrupted communication between users. Furthermore, DSP is also utilized in noise cancellation technologies, which help to eliminate background noise during phone calls, resulting in improved voice clarity and intelligibility. Moreover, DSP has significantly contributed to the development of audio processing hardware and software, leading to the creation of digital audio workstations (DAWs) and audio plugins that are widely used in the music and film industry. These tools leverage DSP algorithms to provide musicians, producers, and sound designers with a wide array of creative possibilities, allowing for the manipulation of audio signals in ways that were previously unattainable. From time-stretching and pitch-shifting to spectral processing andconvolution reverb, DSP has empowered artists to push the boundaries of sonic experimentation and innovation. Despite the numerous advancements facilitated by DSP in audio, there are also challenges and limitations associated with its implementation. One of the primary concerns is the potential loss of audio quality due to excessive digital processing. While DSP algorithms can enhance audio signals, improper or excessive use of these algorithms can introduce artifacts and distortion, ultimately degrading the quality of the audio. This is particularly relevant in the context of audio mastering, where the delicate balance between enhancing the audio and preserving its original character must be carefully maintained. Furthermore, the proliferation of DSP in audio technology has raised questions regarding the ethical use of audio processing tools. With the ability to manipulate audio signals in virtually limitless ways, there is a concern about the authenticity and integrity of audio content. The rise of auto-tune and vocal manipulation software, for instance, has sparked debates about the impact of DSP on the natural expression and performance of musicians. Additionally, the use of DSP for audio forensics and manipulation in the context of law enforcement and legal proceedings has raised ethical and privacy concerns, highlighting the need for responsible and transparent use of audio processing technologies. In conclusion, digital signal processing in audio has revolutionized the way we create, experience, and interact with audio content. From its pivotal role in audio production and telecommunications to its influence on music technology and creative expression, DSP has reshaped the landscape of audio engineering and opened up new possibilities for artistic innovation. However, as with any technology, the responsible and ethical use of DSP is paramount in ensuring that its potential benefits are maximized while mitigating its potential drawbacks. As DSP continues to evolve, it is essential to approach its application in audio with a thoughtful and discerning mindset, recognizing both its immense potential and the ethical considerations that accompany its use.。

数字通信中的多抽样率信号处理中英⽂翻译(部分)Multirate Signal Processing Concepts in Digital CommunicationsBojan VrceljIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree ofDoctor of PhilosophyCalifornia Institute of TechnologyPasadena, California2004 (Submitted June 2, 2003)AbstractMultirate systems are building blocks commonly used in digital signal processing (DSP). Their function is to alter the rate of the discrete-time signals, which is achieved by adding or deleting a portion of the signal samples. Multirate systems play a central role in many areas of signal processing, such as filter bank theory and multiresolution theory. They are essential in various standard signal processing techniques such as signal analysis, denoising, compression and so forth. During the last decade, however, they have increasingly found applications in new and emerging areas of signal processing, as well as in several neighboring disciplines such as digital communications.The main contribution of this thesis is aimed towards better understanding of multirate systems and their use in modern communication systems. To this end, we first study a property of linear systems appearing in certain multirate structures. This property is called biorthogonal partnership and represents a terminology introduced recently to address a need for a descriptive term for such class of filters. In the thesis we especially focus on the extensions of this simple idea to the case of vector signals (MIMO biorthogonal partners) and to accommodate for nonintegral decimation ratios (fractional biorthogonal partners).Some of the main results developed here pertain to a better understanding of the biorthogonal partner relationship. These include the conditions for the existence of stable and of finite impulse response (FIR) biorthogonal partners. A major result that we establish states that under some generally mild conditions, MIMO and fractional biorthogonal partners exist. Moreover, when they exist, FIR solutions are not unique. We develop the parameterization of FIR solutions, which makes the search for the best partner in a given application analytically tractable. This proves very useful in the central application of biorthogonal partners, namely, channel equalization in digital communications with signal oversampling at the receiver. Sampling the received signal at a rate higher than that defined by the transmitter provides some flexibility in the design of the equalizer. A good channel equalizer in this context is one that helps neutralize the distortion on the signal introduced by the channel propagation but not at the expense of amplifying the channel noise. This presents the rationale behind the partner design problem which is formulated and solved. Theperformance of such equalizers is then compared to several other equalization methods by computer simulations. These findings point to the conclusion that the communication system performance can be improved at the expense of an increased implementational cost of the receiver.While the multirate DSP in the aforementioned communication systems serves to provide additional degrees of freedom in the design of the receiver, another important class of multirate structures is used at the transmitter side in order to introduce the redundancy in the data stream. This redundancy generally serves to facilitate the equalization process by forcing certain structure on the transmitted signal. If the channel is unknown, this procedure helps to identify it; if the channel is ill-conditioned, additional redundancy helpsVavoid severe noise amplification at the receiver, and so forth. In the second part of the thesis, we focus on this second group of multirate systems, derive some of their properties and introduce certain improvements of the communication systems in question.We first consider the transmission systems that introduce the redundancy in the form of a cyclic prefix. The examples of such systems include the discrete multitone (DMT) and the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The cyclic prefix insertion helps to effectively divide the channel in a certain number of nonoverlaping frequency bands. We study the problem of signal precoding in such systems that serves to adjust the signal properties in order to fully take advantage of the channel and noise properties across different bands. Our ultimate goal is to improve the overall system performance by minimizing the noise power at the receiver. The special case of our general solution corresponds to the white channel noise and the best precoder under these circumstances simply performs the optimal power allocation.Finally, we study a different class of communication systems with induced signal redundancy, namely, the multiuser systems based on code division multiple access (CDMA). We specifically focus on the special class of CDMA systems called `a mutually orthogonal usercode receiver' (AMOUR). These systems use the transmission redundancy to facilitate the user separation at the receiver regardless of the (different) communication channels. While the method also guarantees the existence of the zero-forcing equalizers irrespective of the channel zero locations, the performance of these equalizers can be further improved by exploiting the inherent flexibility in their design. Weshow how to find the best equalizer from the class of zero-forcing solutions and then increase the size of this class by employing alternative sampling strategies at the receiver. Our method retains the separability properties of AMOUR systems while improving their robustness in the noisy environment.Chapter 1 IntroductionThe theory of multirate digital signal processing (DSP) has traditionally been applied to the contexts of filter banks [61], [13], [50] and wavelets [31], [72]. These play a very important role in signal decomposition, analysis, modeling and reconstruction. Many areas of signal processing would be hard to envision without the use of digital filter banks. This is especially true for audio, video and image compression, digital audio processing, signal denoising, adaptive and statistical signal processing. However, multirate DSP has recently found increasing application in digital communications as well. Multirate building blocks are the crucial ingredient in many modern communication systems, for example, the discrete multitone (DMT), digital subscriber line (DSL) and the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems as well as general filter bank precoders, just to name a few. The interested reader is referred to numerous references on these subjects, such as [7]-[9], [17]-[18], [27], [30], [49], [64], [89], etc.This thesis presents a contribution to further understanding of multirate systems and their significance in digital communications. To that end, we introduce some new signal processing concepts and investigate their properties. We also consider some important problems in communications especially those that can be formulated using the multirate methodology. In this introductory chapter, we give a brief overview of the multirate systems and introduce some identities, notations and terminology that will prove useful in the rest of the thesis. Every attempt is made to make the present text as self-contained as possible and the introduction is meant to primarily serve this purpose. While some parts of the thesis, especially those that cover the theory of biorthogonal partners and their extensions provide a rather extensive treatment of the concepts, the material regarding the applications of the multirate theory in communication systems should be viewed as a contribution to a better understanding and by no means the exhaustive treatment of such systems. For a more comprehensive coverage the reader is referred to a range of extensive texts on the subject, for example, [71], [18], [19], [39], [38], [53], etc.1.1 Multirate systems 1.1.1 Basic building blocks The signals of interest in digital signal processing are discrete sequences of real or complex numbers denoted by x(n), y(n), etc. The sequence x(n) is often obtained by sampling a continuous-time signal x c(t). The majority of natural signals (like the audio signal reaching our ears or the optical signal reaching our eyes) are continuous-time. However, in order to facilitate their processing using DSP techniques, they need to be sampled and converted to digital signals. This conversion also includes signal quantization, i.e.,discretization in amplitude, however in practice it is safe to assume that the amplitude of x(n) can be any real or complexSignal processing analysis is often simplified by considering the frequency domain representation of signals and systems. Commonly used alternative representations of x(n) are its z-transform X (z) and the discrete-time Fourier transform X (O'). The z-transform is defined as X(z) = E _.x(n)z-"', and X (e j") is nothing but X(z) evaluated on the unit circle z = e3".Multirate DSP systems are usually composed of three basic building blocks, operating on a discrete-time signal x(n). Those are the linear time invariant (LTI) filter, the decimator and the expander. An LTI filter, like the one shown in Fig.1.1, is characterized by its impulse response h(n), or equivalently by its z-transform (also called the transfer function) H(z). Examples of the M-fold decimator and expander for M = 2 are shown in Fig.1.2. The rate of the signal at the output of an expander is M times higher than the rate at its input, while the converse is true for decimators. That is why the systems containing expanders and decimators are called `multirate' systems. Fig.1.2 demonstrates the behavior of the decimator andthe expander in both the time and the frequency domains.XE(z) = [X (z)]IM XD(z) = [X (z)]iM = X(z M)1 M-1 1 j2 k =M E X(z e n a)k=0for M-fold expander, and (1.1)for M-fold decimator. (1.2)The systems shown in Figs.1.1 and 1.2 operate on scalar signals and thus are called single input-single output (SISO) systems. The extensions to the case of vector signals are ratherstraightforward: the decimation and the expansion are performed on each element separately. The corresponding vector sequence decimators/expanders are denoted within square boxes in block diagrams. In Fig.1.3 this is demonstrated for vector expanders. The LTI systems operating on vector signals are called multiple input-multiple output (MIMO) systems and they are characterized by a (possibly rectangular) matrix transfer function H(z).1.1.2 Some multirate definitions and identitiesThe vector signals are sometimes obtained from the corresponding scalar signals by blocking. Conversely, the scalar signals can be recovered from the vector signals by unblocking. The blocking/unblocking operations can be defined using the delay or the advance chains [61], thus leading to two similar definitions. One way of defining these operations is shown in Fig.1.4, while the other is obtained trivially by switching the delay and the advance operators. Instead of drawing the complete delay/advance chain structure, we often use the simplified block notation as in Fig.1.4. It is usually clear from the context which of the two definitions数字通信中的多抽样率信号处理Bojan Vrcelj博⼠学位论⽂加州技术学会Pasadena, 加州2004 (委托于2003.6.2)摘要多抽样率系统普遍是被运⽤在处理数字信号⽅⾯。

英:AD CONVERTER 中:模拟数字转换器英:AC [Alternating Current] 中:交流电英:ACTIVE 中:有源英:ACTIVE SENSING 中:活动检测英:ADDITIVE SYNTHESIS 中:加法合成英:ADSR [Attack Decay Sustain Release] 中:ADSR 英:AFL [After Fade listen] 中:推子之后监听英:AFTERTOUCH 中:触后英:ALGORITHM 中:算法英:ALIASING 中:混淆英:AMBIENCE 中:氛围英:AMP [Ampere] 中:安培英:AMPLIFIER 中:扩大器、放大器英:AMPLITUDE 中:幅度英:ANALOGUE 中:模拟英:ANALOGUE SYNTHESIS 中:模拟合成英:ANTI-ALIASING FILTER 中:反混淆滤波器英:APPLICATION 中:应用英:ARPEGGIATOR 中:琶音器英:ASCII 中:美国标准信息交换代码英:A TTACK 中:上冲、起音英:A TTENUATE 中:衰减英:AU [Audio Units] 中:AU效果器虚拟乐器英:AUDIO FREQUENCY 中:音频英:AUTOLOCATOR 中:暂无英:AUX 中:辅助英:AUX RETURN 中:辅助返回英:AUX SEND 中:辅助发送英:AZIMUTH 中:方位角英:BACKUP 中:备份英:BALANCE 中:平衡英:BALANCED WIRING 中:平衡配线英:BANDPASS 中:带通英:BANDWIDTH 中:带宽英:BETA VERSION 中:测试版英:BIAS 中:偏磁英:BINARY 中:二进制英:BIOS 中:基本输入输出系统英:BIT 中:比特英:BOOSTCUT CONTROL 中:提升削减控制英:BOUNCING 中:并轨英:BPF [BAND PASS FILTER] 中:带通滤波器英:BPM 中:每分钟拍子数英:BREATH CONTROLLER 中:呼吸控制器英:BUFFER 中:缓冲器英:BUFFER MEMORY 中:缓冲内存英:BUG 中:故障英:BUS 中:总线英:BYTE 中:字节英:CAPACITANCE 中:电容英:CAPACITOR 中:电容器英:CAPACITOR MICROPHONE 中:电容麦克风英:CARDIOID 中:心形英:CD-R 中:CD-R英:CD-R BURNER 中:CD刻录机英:CHANNEL 中:通道英:CHASE 中:跟踪英:CHIP 中:芯片英:CHORD 中:和弦英:CHORUS 中:合唱英:CHROMATIC 中:半音阶英:CLICK TRACK 中:节拍音轨英:CLIPPING 中:剪切英:CLONE 中:克隆英:COMMON MODE REJECTION 中:共模抑制英:COMPANDER 中:压缩扩展器英:COMPRESSOR 中:压缩器英:COMPUTER 中:计算机英:CONDUCTOR 中:导体英:CONSOLE 中:控制台英:CONTACT ENHANCER 中:接触增强剂英:CONTINUOUS CONTROLLER 中:连续控制器英:COPY PROTECTION 中:复制保护英:CRASH 中:死机英:CUT AND PASTE EDITING 中:剪贴编辑英:CUTOFF FREQUENCY 中:截止频率英:CV [Controlled V oltage] 中:控制电压英:CYCLE 中:周期英:DAISY CHAIN 中:链接英:DAMPING 中:阻尼英:DAT [Digital Audio Tape] 中:数字音频磁带录音机英:DA TA 中:数据英:DA TA COMPRESSION 中:数据压缩英:Db [deciBel] 中:分贝英:dBOctave 中:分贝八度英:dBm 中:dBm英:dBv 中:dBv英:dBV 中:dBV英:dbx 中:dbx英:DC [Direct current] 中:直流电英:DCC 中:DCC英:DCO [Digitally Controlled Oscillator] 中:数控振荡器英:DDL [Digital Delay Line] 中:DDL英:DECAY 中:衰退、衰减英:DEFRAGMENT 中:整理碎片英:DEOXIDISING COMPOUND 中:脱氧化合物英:DETENT 中:定位点英:DI [Direct Inject] 中:直接注入英:DI BOX 中:DI盒英:DIGITAL 中:数字的英:DIGITAL DELAY 中:数字延迟英:DIGITAL REVERB 中:数字混响英:DIN CONNECTOR 中:DIN(德国工业标准)接插连接英:DIRECT COUPLING 中:直接耦合英:DISC 中:对塑胶唱片、CD唱片和MiniDiscs的统称英:DISK [Diskette] 中:电脑软盘、硬盘和可移动磁盘(光盘)等英:DITHER 中:抖动英:DMA [Direct Memory Access] 中:存储器直接访问英:DOLBY 中:杜比英:DOS [Disk Operating System] 中:磁盘操作系统英:DRIVER 中:驱动、驱动器英:DRUM PAD 中:鼓垫英:DRY 中:干声英:DSP [Digital Signal Processor] 中:数字信号处理器英:DUBBING 中:配音英:DUCKING 中:闪避英:DUMP 中:倾倒英:DX [DirectX] 中:DX效果器英:EARL Y REFLECTIONS 中:早期反射英:EFFECT 中:效果英:EFFECTS LOOP 中:效果环路英:EFFECTS RETURN 中:效果返回英:ELECTRET MICROPHONE 中:驻极体麦克凤英:ENCODEDECODE 中:编码解码英:ENHANCER 中:增强器英:ENVELOPE 中:包络英:ENVELOPE GENERA TOR 中:包络发生器英:Enable Preroll and Postroll Preview 中:允许提前和滞后试听英:EQUALISER 中:均衡器英:ERASE 中:抹去英:EVENT 中:事件英:EXCITER 中:激励器英:EXPANDER MODULE 中:扩展模块英:FADER 中:推子英:FERRIC 中:铁的英:FET [Field Effect Transistor] 中:场效应晶体管英:FFT [Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm] 中:快速傅立叶变换算法英:FIGURE-OF-EIGHT 中:8字型英:FILE 中:用数字形式存储的一组数据英:FILTER 中:滤波器英:FLANGING 中:凸缘英:FLOPPY DISK 中:软盘英:FLUTTER ECHO 中:飘动回声英:FOLDBACK 中:折回英:FORMANT 中:共振峰英:FORMA T 中:格式化英:FRAGMENTA TION 中:碎片英:FREQUENCY 中:频率英:FREQUENCY RESPONSE 中:频率响应英:FSK [Frequency Shift Keying] 中:频移键控英:FUNDAMENTAL 中:基频英:FX [Effects] 中:效果的简称英:FX Parameter Envelopes 中:效果参数包络英:GAIN 中:增益英:GA TE 中:门、门限、噪声门英:GLITCH 中:小故障英:GM [GENERAL MIDI] 中:GM英:GM RESET 中:GM复位英:GRAPHIC EQUALISER 中:图示均衡器英:GROUND 中:地英:GROUND LOOP 中:接地回路英:GROUP 中:编组英:GS 中:GS英:HARD DISK 中:硬盘英:HARMONIC 中:谐波、泛音英:HARMONIC DISTORTION 中:谐波失真英:HEAD 中:磁头英:HEADROOM 中:动态余量英:HISS 中:“咝”声英:HPF [HIGH PASS FILTER] 中:高通滤波器英:HUM 中:“嗡”声英:Hz [Hertz] 中:赫兹英:IO [InputOutput] 中:输入输出英:IC [Integrated Circuit] 中:集成电路英:IMPEDANCE 中:阻抗英:INITIALISE 中:初始化英:INSERT POINT 中:插入点英:INSULATOR 中:绝缘体英:INTERFACE 中:接口英:INTERMITTENT 中:间歇英:INTERMODULATION DISTORTION 中:互调失真英:IPS [Inches Per Second] 中:英寸每秒英:IRQ [Interrupt Request] 中:中断请求英:ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL 中:异丙基酒精英:JACK 中:插座英:JARGON 中:行话英:k [Kilo] 中:1000的简写英:LCD [Liquid Crystal Display] 中:液晶显示器英:LED [Light Emitting Diode] 中:发光二极管英:LFO [Low Frequency Oscillator] 中:低频振荡器英:LIMITER 中:限制器英:LINE LEVEL 中:线路电平英:LINEAR 中:线性英:LOAD 中:负载英:LOCAL ONOFF 中:本地开关英:LOGIC 中:逻辑电路英:LOOP 中:循环英:LPF [LOW PASS FILTER] 中:低通滤波器英:LSB [Least Significant Byte] 中:最低位英:Ma 中:毫安英:MACHINE HEAD 中:吉他调弦机械英:Mb [Megabit] 中:兆比特英:MB [MegaByte] 中:兆字节英:MDM [Modular Digital Multitrack] 中:模块数字多轨机英:MEG [Mega] 中:兆英:MEMORY 中:记忆英:MENU 中:菜单英:MIC LEVEL 中:麦克风电平英:MICROPROCESSOR 中:微处理器英:MIDI [Musical Instrument Digital Interface] 中:音乐设备数字接口英:MIDI ANAL YSER 中:MIDI分析器英:MIDI BANK CHANGE 中:MIDI音色库变换英:MIDI CONTROL CHANGE 中:MIDI控制变换英:MIDI CONTROLLER 中:MIDI控制器英:MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHART 中:MIDI执行表英:MIDI IN 中:MIDI输入英:MIDI MERGE 中:MIDI合并英:MIDI MODE 中:MIDI模式英:MIDI MODULE 中:MIDI模块、音源英:MIDI NOTE NUMBER 中:MIDI音符编号英:MIDI NOTE OFF 中:MIDI音符关英:MIDI NOTE ON 中:MIDI音符开英:MIDI OUT 中:MIDI输出英:MIDI PORT 中:MIDI端口英:MIDI PROGRAM CHANGE 中:MIDI程序变换英:MIDI SPLITTER 中:MIDI分割器英:MIDI SYNC 中:MIDI同步英:MIDI THRU 中:MIDI通过英:MIDI THRU BOX 中:MIDI通过器英:MIXER 中:调音台英:MONITOR 中:监听英:MONOPHONIC 中:单音英:MOTHERBOARD 中:主板英:MTC [MIDI Time Code] 中:MIDI时间码英:MULTI-SAMPLE 中:多重采样英:MULTI-TIMBRAL 中:多音色英:MULTITIMBRAL MODULE 中:多音色模块英:MULTITRACK 中:多轨机英:NEAR FIELD 中:近场英:NOISE REDUCTION 中:降噪英:NOISE SHAPING 中:噪声成型英:NON-LINEAR RECORDING 中:非线性录音英:NORMALISE、Normalize 中:正常化、标准化英:NRPN [NON REGISTERED PARAMETER NUMBER] 中:非注册参数号英:NUT 中:弦枕英:NYQUIST THEOREM 中:奈奎斯特定理英:OCTA VE 中:八度英:OFF-LINE 中:离线英:OHM 中:欧姆英:OMNI 中:全部英:OPEN CIRCUIT 中:开路英:OPEN REEL 中:开盘英:OPTO ELECTRONIC DEVICE 中:光学电子设备英:OS [OPERATING SYSTEM] 中:操作系统英:OSCILLATOR 中:振荡器英:OVERDUB 中:重叠、配音英:OVERLOAD 中:超载英:PAD 中:减少信号电平的阻抗电路英:PAN POT 中:声像电位器英:Pan Envelopes 中:声像(声相)包络英:PARALLEL 中:并联英:PARAMETER 中:参数英:PARAMETRIC equalizer 中:参量均衡器英:PASSIVE 中:无源英:PATCH 中:程序英:PATCH BAY 中:配线板英:PATCH CORD 中:配线英:PEAK 中:峰值英:PFL [Pre Fade Listen] 中:推子前监听英:PHANTOM POWER 中:幻像电源英:PHASE 中:相位英:PHASER 中:法兹器、移相器英:PHONO PLUG 中:唱机插头、莲花头英:PICKUP 中:拾音器英:PITCH 中:音高、音频频率英:PITCH BEND 中:弯音英:PITCH SHIFTER 中:音高移动英:POL Y MODE 中:复音模式英:POL YPHONY 中:复音英:PORT 中:端口英:PORTAMENTO 中:滑音英:POST PRODUCTION 中:后期制作英:POST-FADE 中:推子后英:Postroll 中:释放量:指定在播放或录音时在终点之后多少时间内停止工作(即滞后终止工作)英:POWER SUPPL Y 中:电源英:POW-r 中:心理声学字长减少优化英:PPM [Peak Programme Meter] 中:峰值的电平表英:PPQN [Pulsed Per Quarter Note] 中:PPQN英:PQ CODING 中:暂无英:PRE-EMPHASIS 中:预加重英:PRE-FADE 中:暂无英:PRESET 中:预置英:PRESSURE 中:压力、触后英:Preroll 中:提前量:指定在播放或录音时在起点之前多少时间内开始工作(即提前工作)英:PRINT THROUGH 中:透印英:PROCESSOR 中:处理器英:PROGRAM CHANGE 中:程序变换英:PULSE WA VE 中:脉冲波英:PULSE WIDTH MODULATION 中:脉冲宽度调制英:PUNCH IN 中:穿入英:Q 中:品质因数英:QUANTIZE 中:量化英:E-PROM [Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory] 中:E-PROM英:RAM [Random Access Memory] 中:RAM英:RCA [Radio Corporation America] 中:美国无线电公司英:R-DAT 中:R-DAT英:REAL TIME 中:实时英:RELEASE 中:释放、释音英:RESISTANCE 中:电阻英:RESOLUTION 中:分解度英:RESONANCE 中:共鸣、谐振英:REVERB 中:混响英:RF [Radio Frequency] 中:无线电频率、射频英:RF Interference 中:射频干扰英:RIBBON MICROPHONE 中:带状麦克风英:RING MODULATOR 中:环形调制器英:RMS [Root Mean Square] 中:均方根值英:ROLL-OFF 中:滚降英:ROM [Read Only Memory] 中:ROM英:SN [SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RA TIO] 中:信噪比英:SPDIF [SonyPhilips Digital InterFace] 中:SPDIF英:SAFETY COPY 中:安全拷贝英:SAMPLE 中:采样、样本英:SAMPLE AND HOLD 中:采样和保持英:SAMPLE RATE 中:采样率英:SAWTOOTH W A VE 中:锯齿波英:SCSI [Small Computer Systems Interface] 中:小型机系统接口英:SEQUENCER 中:音序器英:SESSION TAPE 中:原始录音磁带英:SHORT CIRCUIT 中:短路英:SIBILANCE 中:高频哨声、齿音英:SIDE CHAIN 中:旁链英:SIGNAL 中:信号英:SIGNAL CHAIN 中:信号链英:SINE WA VE 中:正弦波英:SINGLE ENDED NOISE REDUCTION 中:信号末端噪声降低英:SLA VE 中:从属的英:SMPTE 中:SMPTE英:SOUND ON SOUND 中:声上声英:SPL [Sound Pressure Level] 中:声压电平英:SPP [Song Position Pointer] 中:乐曲位置指针英:SQUARE W A VE 中:方波英:STANDARD MIDI FILE 中:标准MIDI文件英:STEP TIME 中:步长英:STEREO 中:立体声英:STRIPE 中:条纹英:SUB BASS 中:超低音英:SUBCODE 中:暂无英:SUBTRACTIVE SYNTHESIS 中:减法合成英:SURGE 中:浪涌英:SUSTAIN 中:保持英:SWEET SPOT 中:最佳听音点英:SWITCHING POWER SUPPL Y 中:开关电源英:SYNC [synchronization] 中:同步英:Synth [SYNTHESIZER] 中:合成器英:TAPE HEAD 中:录放磁头英:TEMPO 中:速度英:Tempo Envelopes 中:速度包络英:TEST TONE 中:测试音英:THD [Total Harmonic Distortion] 中:总谐波失真英:THRU 中:通过英:TIMBRE 中:音色英:TOSLINK 中:TOSLINK英:TRACK 中:音轨英:TRACKING 中:跟踪英:TRANSDUCER 中:变换器英:TRANSPARENCY 中:透明英:TRANSPOSE 中:移调英:TREMOLO 中:振音英:TRIANGLE WA VE 中:三角波英:TRS JACK [Tip Ring Sleeve JACK] 中:大三芯英:TRUSS ROD 中:暂无英:UNBALANCED 中:不平衡英:UNISON 中:齐奏英:USB [Universal Serial Buss] 中:USB英:V ALVE、TUBE 中:电子管、真空管英:VELOCITY 中:力度英:VIBRATO 中:颤音英:VOCODER 中:声码器英:VOICE 中:复音英:V olume Envelopes 中:音量包络英:VST [Virtual Studio Technology] 中:VST效果器英:VSTi [Virtual Studio Technology Instruments] 中:VSTi虚拟乐器英:VU Meter [Volume Unit Meter] 中:VU表英:W AH PEDAL 中:哇音踏板英:W ARMTH 中:温暖英:wet/dry mix envelopes 中:干湿混响包络、混音干湿包络英:W ATT 中:瓦特英:W A VEFORM 中:波形英:WHITE NOISE 中:白噪声英:WORD CLOCK 中:字时钟英:WRITE 中:写入英:XG 中:XG英:XLR 中:卡农头英:Y-Lead 中:Y型接线英:ZENITH 中:磁头排列参数英:ZERO CROSSING POINT 中:零交叉英:ZIPPER NOISE 中:暂无====================================================================== ======================音乐类型专有名词Background 背景樂Dance 舞會Dinner 晚宴Drunken Brawl 喧鬧宴會Party 聚會Rave 銳舞Romantic 浪漫Seasonal 季節Comatose 昏沉Mellow 柔美Morose 郁悶Tranquil 嫻靜Upbeat 歡快Wild 瘋狂Fast 快Moderate 普通Pretty Fast 相當快Pretty Slow 相當慢Slow 慢Excellent 非常好Very Good 很好Good 好Fair 常規Poor 粗劣A Cappella 無伴奏合唱曲Acid 酸性Acid Jazz 酸性爵士Acid Punk 酸性朋克Acoustic 聲音學Alternative 另類Alternative Rock 另類搖滾Ambient 氛圍音樂Anime 動漫歌曲Avantgarde 先鋒音樂Bass 貝斯Beat 打擊樂Bebob BebobBig Band Big Band Black Metal 黑色金屬Bluegrass 藍草音樂Blues 藍調Booty Bass 亢奮貝斯BritPop 英式吉他流行樂Cabaret 酒館音樂Celtic 塞爾特Chamber Music 室內樂Chanson 餐館歌舞助興Chorus 合唱Christian Gangsta Rap 基督教黑幫說唱Christian Rap 基督教說唱Christian Rock 基督教搖滾Classic Rock 古典搖滾Classical 古典音樂Club 俱樂部Club-House 俱樂部室内乐Comedy 喜劇Contemporary Christian 當代基督教音樂Country 鄉村音樂Crossover 跨界音樂Cult 异教狂熱Dance 舞曲Dance Hall 舞廳Darkwave 黑潮音樂Death Metal 死亡金屬Disco 迪斯高Dream 夢幻Drum & Bass 鼓和貝司Drum Solo 鼓獨奏Duet 二重奏Easy Listening 輕音樂Electronic 電子Ethnic 世界音樂Euro-House 歐洲室内乐Euro-Techno 歐洲數字樂Eurodance 歐洲舞曲Fast Fusion 快速融合Folk 民謠Folklore 民俗音樂Freestyle 自由風格Funk 瘋克Fusion 融合Game 游戲Gangsta 黑幫Goa Goa Gospel 福音音樂Gothic 哥特式Gothic Rock 哥德搖滾Grunge 垃圾搖滾Hard Rock 硬式搖滾Hardcore 硬核Heavy Metal 重金屬Hip-Hop Hip-Hop House 室内乐Humour 幽默Indie 獨立流行Industrial 工業Instrumental 樂器Instrumental Pop 器樂流行Instrumental Rock 器樂搖滾Jazz 爵士樂Jazz+Funk 爵士+瘋克Jpop 流行爵士Jungle 叢林Latin 拉丁Lo-Fi 低保真Meditative 冥想音樂Merengue 美倫格舞曲Metal 金屬Musical 音樂劇National Folk 國家民謠Native American 美國原生音樂Negerpunk 黑人龐克New Age 新世紀New Wave 新浪潮Noise 噪音Oldies 老歌Opera 歌劇Other 其他Polka 波爾卡Polsk Punk 波蘭龐克Pop-Folk 流行民謠Pop/Funk 搖滾/芬客Porn Groove 情色音樂Power Ballad 強力情歌Pranks PranksPrimus Primus Progressive Rock 前衛搖滾Psychadelic 迷幻音樂Psychedelic Rock 迷幻搖滾Punk 龐克Punk Rock 龐克搖滾R&B 節奏布魯斯Rap 說唱Rave 銳舞Reggae 雷鬼Retro 怀舊Revival 复興Rhytmic Soul 節奏靈魂樂Rock 搖滾(Rock) Rock & Roll 搖滾(Rock&Roll) Salsa SalsaSamba 桑巴Satire Satire Showtunes Show tunesSka 斯卡Slow Jam Slow JamSlow Rock 慢搖滾Sonata 奏鳴曲Soul 靈魂樂Sound Clip 音效素材Soundtrack 原聲碟Southern Rock 南方搖滾Space 航天Speech 演說Swing 搖擺樂Symphonic Rock 交響搖滾Symphony 交響樂Synthpop 合成器流行樂Tango 探戈Techno 數字Techno-Industrial 數字工業Terror 恐怖Top 40 美國排行榜Trance 冥想Trash Metal 鞭撻金屬Tribal 部落音樂Trip-Hop 迷幻舞曲V ocal 人聲====================================================================== ======================调音台操作术语英汉对照GAIN:输入信号增益控制HIGH:高音电平控制MID-HIGH:中高音电平控制LOW:低音电平控制PAN:相位控制MON.SEND:分路监听信号控制EFX.SEND:分路效果信号控制LIMIT(LED):信号限幅指示灯LEFT.:左路信号电平控制RIGHT:右路信号电平控制MONITOR:监听系统MON.OUT:监听输出MASTER:总路电平控制EFX.MASTER:效果输出电平控制EFX.PAN:效果相位控制EFX.RET:效果返回电平控制EFX.MON:效果送监听系统电平控制DISPLAY:电平指示器ECHO:混响HIGH I IN:高阻输入LOW I IN:低阻输入OUT/IN:输出/输入转换插孔AUX.IN:辅助输入MASTER OUT:总路输出EFX.OUT:效果输出EFX.RETURN:效果返回输入LAMP:专用照明灯电源POWER:总电源开关BALANCE OUTPUT:平衡输出FUSE:保险丝PEL:预监听(试听)按键EFF:效果电平控制MAIN:主要的LEVEL:声道平衡控制HEAD PHONE:耳机插孔PHANTOM POWER:幻像电源开关SIGNAL PROCESSOR:信号处理器EQUALIZER:均衡器SUM:总输出编组开关LOW CUT:低频切除开关HIGH CUT:高频切除开关PHONO INPUT:唱机输入STEREO OUT:立体声输出ACTIVITY:动态指示器CUE:选听开关MONO OUT:单声道输出PROGRAM BALANCE:主输出声像控制MONITOR BALANCE:监听输出声像控制EQ IN(OUT):均衡器接入/退出按键FT SW:脚踏开关REV.CONTOUR:混响轮廓调节PAD:定值衰减,衰减器套曲Cycle一种由多乐章组合而成的大型器乐曲或声乐器组曲Suite由几个具有相对独立性的器乐曲组成的乐曲奏鸣曲Sonata指类似组曲的器乐合奏套曲.自海顿.莫扎特以后,其指由3-4个乐章组成的器乐独奏套曲(钢琴奏鸣曲)或独奏乐器与钢琴合奏的器乐曲(小提琴奏鸣曲)交响曲symphony大型管弦乐套曲,通常含四个乐章.其乐章结构与独奏的奏鸣曲相同协奏曲concerto由一件或多件独奏乐器与管弦乐团相互竞奏,并显示其个性及技巧的大型器乐套曲.分独奏协奏曲、大协奏曲、小协奏曲等交响诗symphonic poem单乐章的标题****响音乐音诗poeme单乐章管弦乐曲,与交响诗相类似序曲overture歌剧、清唱剧、舞剧、其他戏剧作品和声乐、器乐套曲的开始曲。

DFT (discrete Fourier transform)离散傅立叶变换
N-point DFT of a length L signal对L长信号做N点DFT
zero padding补零
biasing error偏移误差
rounding error舍入误差
matrix form矩阵形式
overlap-add-block convolution method重叠相加器
tapped delay line抽头延迟器
difference equation差分卷积
filter coefficient滤波器系数
window method窗口法
linear phase线性相位
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A custical Isolation
Figure 2: Block Diagram of the System In order to design the Ecudap , we must analyze the typical transfer functions of all the blocks in figure 2. We also select a suitable function F(x) to transform the sound levels into the perceived levels. Then we will go back to (1), and try to design an algorithm to solve the problem. We start by analyzing the human hearing system in order to select F(x). Although, we have only a partial understanding of it some fundamental characteristics are well established. One important
A udio Signal Source Ecu dap A udio A m plification System R oom R esponse
x(t) Audio Source x1(t) The Ecudap x2(t) x3(t) x4(t) Room Walls
Figure 1 : Diagram of the Problem From this figure , we can derive a model in terms of signal processing blocks as shown in figure 2. The perceived level is estimated as a function of the signal level ( we say F(x) ). If Th is the threshold on the perceived level in the adjacent room, the problem can be stated now as to maximize F(x3(t)) with the cቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱnstraint that F(x4(t)) must be smaller than Th :
Figure 3 : Measured Acoustical Isolation of a Wall From figure 2 we can write :
X 4 ( w) = ( H ( w)∗ L( w)∗ A( w))∗ X ( w) (3) X 3 ( w) = ( H ( w)∗ L( w))∗ X ( w) (4)
Maximise F(x3(t)) The Objective (1) Conditioned to F(x4 (t)) ≤ Th
x(t) x1(t) x2(t) x3(t) Perceived L evel Inside F(x3(t)) x4(t) Perceived L evel in the adjacent room F(x4(t))
A DSP based Equalizer and Sound Level Control System : The Ecudap
P. ReviriegoVasallo, J.M.Santos Suárez ,and Ramón García Gómez e-mail : revirieg@gtd.ssr.upm.es Dep SSR, ETSI Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Ciudad Universitaria s/n, CP28040 Madrid Spain J.E. Arias Puga Proceso Digital de Audio S.L. Miguel Iscar, 16 Portal 4, 2 CP 47001 Valladolid Spain ABSTRACT We describe in this paper an application of Audio Signal Processing and its real-time implementation. The device, that from now on we name as Ecudap, monitors the audio signal which feed the loudspeakers and ensures that, on a short term basis, the output power in each 1/3 of octave band is below a specified threshold. static equalization is also provided. The system guarantees that the sound emitted from an audio amplification system equipped with the Ecudap is controlled in order to avoid annoying sound levels in adjacent rooms or buildings. The algorithm that controls the sound level in each band is based on the measure of the short-time energy in such band and in adjacent bands in order to minimize signal distortion and maximize the overall sound level. The Ecudap also monitors the activity of the Audio Amplification System , and keep statistics of the attenuation introduced , the maximum measure sound level , the average measure sound level, and the time and date of each measure. This information is maintained in Non Volatile Memory ( NVRAM ) and can be downloaded to a PC to check the operation of the system. The supporting hardware is based on a couple of Digital Signal Processors ( DSP ) ,one per audio channel. A complete description of the hardware architecture is also included in the paper. INTRODUCTION The main goal of our system is to limit the sound level emitted from an Audio amplification system so that it will not produce annoying disturbances in adjacent rooms or buildings. Additionally , we want that given this restriction, to maximize the perceived sound level inside the room .We start with a diagram of the problem shown in figure 1. In this diagram , we observe the elements that determine the perceived sound level in side the room and in the adjacent ones : the audio signal itself , the amplification chain , the room acoustic response, the acoustical isolation of the walls and finally the hearing system of the person .
aspect is the frequency resolution of the ear , that is the ability of the ear to differentiate signals which are close in the frequency domain. It has been established that the ear´s frequency resolution is not uniform. It is higher at low frequencies and decreases approximately logaritmically with frequency. An standard approximation is to consider the one-third of octave bands starting at 40 Hz. Another characteristic of the hearing system is the variation of its sensitivity with frequency. That means, for example ,that a tone of a given level is perceived with different intensity depending on its frequency. The ear has its higher sensitivity at about 2 Khz and decreases at lower and higher frequencies. The sensitivity is also a function of the level of the tone. These two characteristics of the human hearing, system are taken into account by the models used to evaluate the perceived noise. The perceived level is computed as the sum of the levels in each 1/3 of octave band weighted by the ear´s sensitivity in that band. A frequently used measure of the perceived level is the decibel A [2].. So given a short-time measure of the power of x(t) in each of the 1/3 of octave bands P(i) we can define the function F(x) as :