
Surging living costs force Britons to work past retirement age生活成本飙升迫使英国人退休后继续工作The share of older UK workers planning to carry on working in their retirement has nearly doubled in two years due to rising living costs and insufficient pension savings, according to a survey from Abrdn.根据Abrdn的一项调查,由于生活成本上升和养老金储蓄不足,计划退休后继续工作的英国老年员工比例在两年内增加了近一倍。
The investment manager’s stark findings underscore the impact of soaring energy and food prices on household budgets, which is pressuring people’s finances as inflation hits a 30-year high.这家投资管理公司的严峻调查结果凸显出能源和食品价格飙升对家庭预算的影响。
Surveying people planning to retire in 2022, Abrdn found that 66 per cent respondents proposed to continue with some form of employment beyond retiring, up from just over 50 per cent in a similar study last year and just 34 per cent in 2020.Abrdn对计划2022年退休的人进行了调查,发现66%的受访者打算在退休后继续从事某种形式的工作,而在去年的一项类似研究中,这一比例略高于50%,而在2020年,这一比例仅为34%。

Can We Win the Race Against the Machines?(《我们能赢得与机器的比赛吗?》)
4. 2013年6月12日的《卫报》(The guardian)
原文标题:综合开支审查可能会扭转房市危机(Comprehensivespending review could turn the housing crisis around)
4- 2010年7月9日《新闻周刊》(News Week)
一本书《Professionalizing the professor:the difficultiesof an American doctoralstudent University education in America》
3- 2002年7月15日的《新闻周刊》(News Week)
4- 2001年1月的《美国学校董事会杂志》(ASBJ)
1- 1999年1月25日的《时代周刊》(Times)
2- 1998年11月20日的《科学》(Science)
4- 2001年8月27日的《新闻周刊》(News Week)
2- 2011年4月24日的
3-一本书《EverydayPractice of Science: Where Intuitionand Passion Meet Objectivity and Logic》
4- 2011年3月17日的《经济学人》(The Economist)

下面是一些例子,供你练习:1. 例句:- Upon entering the realm of quantum mechanics, scientists are confronted with a paradigm shift in which the classical notions of causality and determinism give way to the inherent probabilistic nature of subatomic particles.- 难点:quantum mechanics、paradigm shift、causality、determinism、probabilistic nature、subatomic particles。
2. 例句:- In the wake of the digital revolution, a burgeoning array of interconnected devices has permeated various facets of our daily lives, heralding an era where the boundaries between physical and virtual realities are increasingly blurred.- 难点:digital revolution、burgeoning array、interconnected devices、facets、heralding、boundaries、blurred、virtual realities。
3. 例句:- The discourse surrounding artificial intelligence is fraught with ethical quandaries, invoking debates over the potential ramifications of bestowing cognitive abilities upon machines and the moral responsibilities thataccompany such endeavors.- 难点:discourse、artificial intelligence、fraught、ethical quandaries、ramifications、bestowing、cognitive abilities、moral responsibilities、endeavors。

二、文化类1. Title: Celebrating Cultural Diversity内容: 这篇文章介绍了世界各地不同文化的庆祝活动,旨在呼吁人们尊重和庆祝文化多样性。
2. Title: The Beauty of Traditional Art Forms内容: 通过介绍世界各地的传统艺术形式(如中国的京剧、印度的卡拉奇维尔等),展示了传统艺术的美和其对文化传承的重要性。
三、科学类1. Title: The Impacts of Climate Change内容: 这篇文章详细介绍了气候变化对地球环境和人类生活的影响,同时提出了应对气候变化的建议。
2. Title: The Wonders of Space Exploration内容: 通过介绍太空探索的最新发现和成就,向读者展示了人类探索宇宙的壮丽景象。
四、经济类1. Title: The Rise of E-commerce内容: 这篇文章探讨了电子商务的快速发展对传统商业模式和消费行为的冲击,同时分析了电子商务的未来趋势。
2. Title: The Importance of Financial Literacy内容: 这篇文章强调了金融素养对个人和社会的重要性,提供了提高金融素养的途径和方法。
五、社会类1. Title: The Power of Volunteerism内容: 这篇文章介绍了志愿者活动对社会和个人的积极影响,并鼓励更多人参与其中。
2. Title: The Impact of Social Media on Society内容: 这篇文章探讨了社交媒体对社会的影响,讨论了其正面和负面效应以及如何正确使用社交媒体。

China to support couples having third child in response to aging population为应对人口老龄化,中国将支持一对夫妻生育三个孩子China has officially further relaxed its family planning policy, supporting couples that wish to have a third child, it was decided at a meeting of the Political Bureau of Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held on Monday.周一召开的中共中央政治局会议决定,中国正式进一步放宽计划生育政策,支持希望生育第三个孩子的夫妻。
The policy shift came not long after China's once-in-a-decade census, data from which showed a decline in births in the world's most populous country. Per the census, Chinese population grew at its slowest rate during the last decade since the 1950s.该政策的转变发生在中国十年一次的人口普查之后不久。
In 2016, China annulled the one-child policy, which had been imposed to halt a population explosion in 1982, replacing it with a two-child limit. It was acknowledged at the meeting that despite the two-child policy achieving positive results, the aging of the population in China has deepened in recent years.2016年,中国取消了1982年为遏制人口爆发式增长而实施的独生子女政策,取而代之的是二孩政策。

Representatives from nearly every country on Earth met in Paris five years ago and promised to work together in an unprecedented effort to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels, with a preferred goal of capping the rise at 1.5 degrees. It took a lot of maneuvering and diplomacy by the Obama administration to reach that agreement after a similar effort six years earlier in Copenhagen failed.五年前,世界上几乎所有国家的代表都齐聚巴黎,承诺将共同努力,以一种前所未有的方式,将全球变暖幅度控制在比工业化前水平高2摄氏度的范围内,优先目标是将上升幅度控制在1.5摄氏度。
But then things unraveled with the election of President Trump, who denounced the agreement, and then reneged on the United States’ promises by walking away from it — making the U.S. the only nation in the world to not be part of the pact.但随着特朗普总统的当选,事情发生了变化,特朗普谴责了该协定,然后背弃了美国的承诺,退出了该协定——使美国成为世界上唯一一个没有参与该协定的国家。

考研英语外刊阅读Here are some recommendations for English-language articles from various sources that can help improve your reading skills for the English postgraduate entrance examination (考研英语):1. The New York Times: This widely respected newspaper coversa wide range of topics and offers in-depth analysis on current events, culture, politics, science, and more. It can help you improve your reading comprehension and vocabulary.2. The Guardian: Another reputable source, The Guardian providesa broader international perspective on news, politics, culture, and sports. It also offers opinion pieces and long-form journalism that can enhance your critical thinking skills.3. National Geographic: Known for its stunning photography, National Geographic covers a wide variety of topics such as nature, wildlife, science, travel, and cultures. Its articles often provide detailed information and insights into the world around us.4. The Economist: If you want to improve your understanding of economics, politics, and current affairs, The Economist is a great resource. Their articles are known for their analytical approach and can help develop your critical thinking and logical reasoning skills.5. Scientific American: For those interested in science and technology, Scientific American offers well-researched and informative articles on topics ranging from physics and biology to environmental issues and space exploration.6. Time Magazine: A weekly news magazine, Time covers a broad range of topics including politics, culture, health, and technology. Its articles often provide historical context and analysis, which can help you improve your overall understanding.7. BBC News: The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) offers comprehensive coverage of news from around the world. Its articles are generally well-written and provide different perspectives on global events.Remember to choose articles that match your interests and reading level. Start with shorter pieces and gradually move on to longer and more complex articles as your reading skills improve. Additionally, try to read regularly and actively engage with the material by taking notes and discussing the content with others.。

Humans could live to 150, according to 'breakthrough' study一项“突破性”研究显示,人类或许可以活到150岁Humans may be capable of living to 150, research suggests. The average Briton dies aged 81, with women generally surviving four years longer than their male counterparts.一项研究表明,人类或许可以活到150岁。
While the thought of living another seven decades may sound far-fetched, scientists from the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in New York believe humans could still be going strong at 120 to 150 years old.虽然说再活70年的想法听起来有些不可思议,但纽约罗斯威尔公园综合癌症中心的科学家们认为,人类可以健康地活到120至150岁。
Writing in the journal Nature Communications, the scientists explain how people become less resilient with age, taking longer to recover from so-called internal stress.科学家们在《自然通讯》杂志上撰文,解释了为什么随着年龄的增长,人们的适应力会有所降低,即需要更长的时间从所谓的内在压力中恢复过来。

A global house-price slump is coming全球房价即将暴跌It won’t blow up the financial system, but it will be scary虽然不会摧毁金融体系,但仍然令人恐慌Over the past decade owning a house has meant easy money. Prices rose reliably for years and then went bizarrely ballistic in the pandemic. Yet today if your wealth is tied up in bricks and mortar it is time to get nervous.过去十年里,拥有一套房就意味着轻松赚钱。
House prices are now falling in nine rich economies. The drops in America are small so far, but in the wildest markets they are already dramatic. In condo-crazed Canada homes cost 9% less than they did in February.九个发达经济体的房价都在下跌。
As inflation and recession stalk the world a deepening correction is likely—even estate agents are gloomy. Although this will not detonate global banks as in 2007-09, it will intensify the downturn, leave a cohort of people with wrecked finances and start a political storm.随着通货膨胀和经济衰退的风险在全球范围内蔓延,房价或将迎来一场深度调整——甚至房地产经纪人也对此感到悲观。

One afternoon in April 2020, I took an old bamboo rod out of my shed and cut it to a length of 115cm. Stood on the ground, it came about halfway up my chest. I laid it on a scrubby patch of our garden on the island of Aegina, in Greece: one end next to a tough-looking dandelion, the other pointed northwards. Then I dug up the dandelion with a trowel and replanted it at the other end of the stick. A small step for humans, but quite the leap for the dandelion.2020年4月的一个下午,我从棚子里拿出一根旧竹竿,把它切成了115厘米的长度。
This 115cm corresponds to a particular measurement. It is the present average velocity of climate change — how fast the effects of global heating are moving across the surface of the planet — and thus represents the speed we need to move in order for the conditions around us to stay the same. It also implies a direction: the bubble habitats where different forms of life can survive and thrive are moving uphill, and towards the poles.这115厘米所对应的是一个特定的尺寸。

The World Wastes Roughly a Sixth of the Food Produced Each Year全球每年大约六分之一的食物被浪费Each year, the world wastes about one-sixth of the food available to consumers. That's the finding of a new United Nations report. The report now estimates global food losses at about 931 million metric tons. That's an average of 121 kilograms (267 pounds) for each man, woman and child on Earth.联合国的一份最新报告显示,全球每年大约有六分之一的食物被消费者浪费掉。
What isn't eaten also wastes all of the resources used to make that food, notes Martina Otto. Based near Paris, France, she works for the U.N. Environment Program (UNEP). Those resources include the water, energy, money, human labor and more.在法国巴黎附近为联合国环境规划署工作的玛蒂娜·奥托指出,未被食用的食物也会浪费所有用于制造食物的资源(包括水、能源、金钱、人力等)。
Wasted food "does not feed people, but it does feed climate change", added Otto during a March 4 news conference. Some 690 million people go hungry each year. More than 3 billion people can't afford a healthy diet.奥托在3月4日的新闻发布会上补充道,浪费掉的食物“不能养活人们,但却会引发气候变化”。

考研英语外刊1. 引言近年来,考研英语成为了越来越多大学生的选择。
2. 《Economist》《Economist》是一份非常受欢迎的英国杂志,其覆盖面广泛,包括全球政治、经济、社会等各个领域。
3. 《Nature》《Nature》是一份著名的科学杂志,对于各种科学领域的研究都有所报道。
4. 《New Yorker》《New Yorker》是一份知名的美国杂志,以文化、艺术、政治等领域的报道和评论见长,同时也涵盖了很多其他的话题。
阅读《New Yorker》可以帮助考生了解西方文化和社会背景,提高自己的文化素养和阅读能力。
5. 《Time》《Time》是一份全球知名的杂志,涵盖了全球各个领域的新闻、时事和文化,对于全球政治、经济、社会等方面的问题进行了全方位的报道。
6. 《Wall Street Journal》《Wall Street Journal》是一份较为知名的美国商业日报,每日报道财经、股票、商业等方面的新闻。

考研英语阅读同源外刊时文精析Sorry, I cannot provide real-time analysis of current articles from foreign newspapers. However, I can provide general tips for analyzing English reading materials for the GRE:1. Understand the main idea: Determine the main point of the article and identify supporting details. Pay attention to the opening and concluding paragraphs, as they often outline the main points.2. Identify the author's purpose and tone: Analyze the author's purpose for writing the article. Are they trying to inform, persuade, or entertain? Also, consider the author's tone, which can be objective, neutral, or biased.3. Identify the structure: Examine the organization of the article, such as whether it follows a chronological order, cause-effect pattern, or compare-contrast structure. Understanding the structure can help in comprehension.4. Analyze vocabulary and language use: Pay attention to unfamiliar words or phrases and try to infer their meanings from the context. Also, analyze the use of language, such as the use of figurative language or rhetorical devices.5. Consider the source and credibility: Assess the credibility and bias of the source. Is it a reputable publication? Does it rely on reliable sources? Be critical when evaluating the information provided in the article.6. Make connections: Relate the information in the article to yourprior knowledge and experiences. Try to make connections between the article and other sources or concepts you have learned.7. Take notes: Summarize key points, arguments, and examples while reading. This will help you review and remember the information later.Remember, regular practice is essential to improve your reading skills. Make use of additional resources such as textbooks, online articles, and practice tests to hone your reading comprehension skills.。

A controversial decision by London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, to allow the demolition of a flagship Marks & Spencer store on London’s Oxford Street is one of the highest-profile instances so far of what is certain to become a wider debate about embodied carbon. This crucial term, which refers to the carbon emissions of a building over its lifetime, urgently needs to be brought into wider circulation. In the UK, buildings are estimated to be responsible for 23% of all emissions.伦敦市长汗(Sadiq Khan)做出了一项有争议的决定,允许拆除伦敦牛津街上的一家玛莎百货(Marks & Spencer )旗舰店,这是迄今为止最引人注目的例子之一,肯定会成为一场关于隐含碳的更广泛辩论。
With its millions of Victorian and Edwardian terraces, the UK has some of the oldest housing stock in the world. So the idea of a “throwaway building culture”, as Will Hurst of the Architects’ Journal describes our contemporary attitude to construction, takes some getting used to. But developers, particularly of large-scale projects, routinely look for a blank slate on which to place a new edifice. Demolition is part of what the construction industry does.英国拥有数以百万计的维多利亚时代和爱德华时代房屋,有着世界上最古老的住房存量。

考研英语阅读外刊Reading English-language periodicals is an essential part of my preparation for the postgraduate entrance examination. It not only enhances my vocabulary but also familiarizes me with various writing styles.The articles I encounter in these publications often challenge my comprehension skills, pushing me to think critically and analytically about the information presented. It's a rigorous exercise that strengthens my ability to grasp complex ideas.One of the most rewarding aspects of reading these materials is the exposure to diverse perspectives on global issues. It broadens my horizons and helps me understand different viewpoints, which is invaluable in the context of a competitive exam.Moreover, the practice of summarizing and analyzing articles has significantly improved my writing skills. I've learned to convey complex thoughts concisely, a skill that is highly relevant to the essay section of the exam.The process, although demanding, is incredibly enriching. It has taught me discipline and the importance of consistent effort in achieving academic goals.I also appreciate the cultural insights these readingsprovide. Understanding the nuances of English-language journalism has helped me to appreciate the subtleties of the language, which is crucial for both reading and writing sections of the test.Lastly, integrating this habit into my daily routine has made my study schedule more dynamic. It's a refreshing break from the monotony of textbooks and provides a more engaging way to improve my English proficiency.In conclusion, engaging with English-language periodicals has been a pivotal strategy in my journey towards mastering the English section of the postgraduate exam. It's a comprehensive approach that has not only improved my test-taking skills but also enriched my overall understanding of the English language.。

What are the keys to a successful life?成功的关键是什么?No matter what your goals are in life, there is one great law that you need to obey in order to be successful: No one else is going to climb the ladder of success for you. No one else is responsible for your health, wealth, happiness, or success. From the day you leave your parents’ house and start to make your own choices, you are responsible for your life and the choices you make.无论你的人生目标是什么,要想成功,你必须遵守一条伟大的法则:没有人会替你登上成功的阶梯。
You choose the job you work in, the person you live with, and how much you exercise every day. Only you can choose how you spend your time, and the decisions you make on a consistent basis will make or break your life.你可以选择你的工作、与你一起生活的另一伴以及每天的运动量。

英语外刊每日一句汇总【一】(13句)【第一天】:K P M G,a c o n s u l t a n c y,r e c k o n s n e a r l y h a l f d on o t k n o wh o wmi l l e n n i a l s--t y p i c a l l y d e f i n e d a st h o s eb o r nb e t w e e n1980a n d2000--d i f f e rf r o m t h e i ro l d e rc o u n t e r p a r t s.【T h e E c o n o mi s t】翻译注:K P M G:美国毕马威公司,专门提供审计、税务和咨询等服务c o n s u l t a n c y顾问工作,咨询公司nr e c k o n认为,猜想vt y p i c a l l y通常地,具有代表性地a d vm i l l e n n i a l s千禧一代nd e f i n e定义vd e f i n i t i o n定义nd e f i n a b l e可定义的a d jd i f fe rf r o m与……不同c o u n t e r p a r t同样的事物或人,同级的事物或人,副本n结构:主语K P M G+谓语r e c k o n s+宾语从句(省略t h a t)n e a r l y h a l f d o n o t k n o wh o wmi l l e n n i a l s d i f f e r f r o m t h e i r o l d e r c o u n t e r p a r t s.t h a t的宾语从句后紧接h o w引导的宾语从句结构:主语n e a r l y h a l f+谓语d o n o t k n o w+宾语从句h o wmi l l e n n i a l s d i f f e r f r o m t h e i r o l d e r c o u n t e r p a r t s.插入语:t y p i c a l l y d e f i n e d a s t h o s e b o r n b e t w e e n1980a n d2000.对“m i l l e n n i a l s”做出解释翻译:毕马威公司认为接近半数的(公司)不清楚通常被定义为1980至2000年之间出生的千禧一代与他们之前的世世代代的人有何不同。

A Study finds couch potatoes more likely to suffer insomnia一项研究发现,不爱运动的人更容易失眠While one in five people in China have symptoms of a sleep disorder, only one in 10 who exercise regularly report problems sleeping, according to a study released on Thursday by the Chinese Sleep Research Society.中国睡眠研究协会周四发布的一项研究显示,中国有五分之一的人存在睡眠障碍,但在经常运动的人当中,仅有十分之一的人自称存在睡眠问题。
The COVID-19 epidemic has also deepened the divide in sleeping patterns between couch potatoes and regular exercisers, as people who lead sedentary lifestyles are less inclined to work out due to travel restrictions, causing further disruptions to their circadian rhythms, the study said.该研究指出,新冠疫情也推动了不运动人群与经常运动人群在睡眠模式上的两极分化,随着旅行受限,那些有着久坐生活方式的人也就很少活动,这使他们的作息变得更不规律。
"As the spread of the virus has been suppressed in China, a key step toward returning to normal lives should be going outdoors more often and working out more regularly, to tackle the increasing prevalence of sleep issues," said Guo Xiheng, head of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital's sleep research center and a member of the research society.中国睡眠研究会理事、北京朝阳医院呼吸睡眠中心主任郭兮恒说:“随着国内疫情得到控制,人们在生活回归正常的同时应该多出门走走,定期锻炼,从而解决日益普遍的睡眠问题。

Five Chinese university students sentenced to up to 2.5 years in jail for swindling free KFC meals5名中国大学生利用漏洞免费吃肯德基套餐被判处最高2年半有期徒刑A group of university students from East China's Jiangsu Province were given prison sentences of up to two-and-a-half years for fraud after they took advantage of loopholes in KFC's mobile applications to obtain free meals and make profits, and caused over 200,000 yuan ($311,74) in economic losses to the company.江苏几名大学生因利用漏洞在肯德基APP上免费吃套餐并出售牟利,造成肯德基公司经济损失20余万元(约合31174美元),最终被判处两年半有期徒刑。
A student surnamed Xu studying at a university in Jiangsu happened to find loopholes in KFC's mobile application and WeChat account through which he could swindle the systems for meals or coupons without actually paying for them.江苏某高校的一名徐姓大学生偶然发现了肯德基手机APP和微信小程序上的一个漏洞,他可以利用该漏洞免费吃肯德基套餐或获得优惠券。

Family planning policy urged to lift as China's population grows slower with low birth rate随着中国人口增长放缓以及出生率降低,计划生育政策亟待改革China's once-a-decade census results were released Tuesday, signaling a critical turning point as the country's population ages rapidly while the overall growth rate slows, bucking a five-decade trend.周二,中国公布的最新人口普查(每十年开展一次)结果标志着一个关键的转折点。
The data will serve as an important reference for adjustments to China's population and economic policy planning, which could see the lifting of the national family planning policy, Chinese demographers said on Tuesday.周二,中国人口统计学家表示,该数据将为中国人口及经济政策规划的调整提供重要参考,这或许意味着国家计划生育政策的改革。
With birth fertility rates expected to drop in the following years, demographers predict that India with its much higher fertility rate will overtake China as the world's most populous country by 2023 or 2024, earlier than the last UN prediction in 2019 that this would happen by 2027.人口学家估计,随着未来几年生育率的下降,生育率相对高得多的印度将在2023年或2024年取代中国成为全球人口最多的国家,这比联合国在2019年所预测的2027年实现这一转变要早得多。
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选择的外刊(如The Economist,The New York Times,Newsweek,Financial Times,Science,ISIS,The Guardian,CNN等)长度均与考研真题文章长度相当或稍长,难度与考研文章难度一致,适合锻炼提升英语综合能力;每篇文章附有(一)核心词汇、(二)难句解析(语法)、(三)全文翻译、The Meaning of Bill Gates(Part 1)As his reign at Microsoft comes to an end, so does the era he dominated①.WHEN Bill Gates helped to found Microsoft 33 years ago there was a company rule that no employees should work for a boss who wrote worse computer code than they did. Just five years later, with Microsoft choking on its own growth, Mr. Gates hired a business manager, Steve Ballmer, (who had cut his teeth at Procter & Gamble, which sells soap②.) The founder had chucked his coding rule out of the window③.In becoming the world’s richest man, Mr. Gate’s unswerving self-belief has repeatedly been punctuated by that sort of pragmatism. (But those qualities have never been on such public display as they were this week, when the outstanding businessman of his age stepped back from a life’s work④.)As Microsoft’s non-executive chairman, Mr. Gates will devoted most of his efforts to his charitable foundation, where he will pit himself against malaria and poverty, rather than Google and the Department of Justice⑤. But it is also pragmatic—and a little poignant. Mr. Gates has reveled in the day-to-day detailsof running his firm. (To let it all go is to acknowledge that his best work at Microsoft is behind him. It is to accept that the innovator’s curse is to be transitory⑥.)……1.As his reign at Microsoft comes to an end, so does the era he dominated.As的用法:【结合词汇】as. conj [时间] 当…时,随着……之际I met the chief as I was coming here.[转折]尽管、虽然Much as she liked him, she could not live with him.[原因]由于、因为As you were not here I left a message.[方式]以……方式、像……一样,正如。
We’d better leave things as they are until the police arrive.prep. 当作、作为As parents we are concerned for our children’s future.adv. 同样的,一样的My brother runs fast, but I run just as fast.可以看到,as 有作为连词、介词和副词的用法,这里作为连词的时间状语,当……时的用法。
2.Just five years later, with Microsoft choking on its own growth, Mr. Gates hired a business manager, Steve Ballmer, (who had cut his teeth at Procter & Gamble, which sells soap.)With 用法:【结合词汇】同:Misery acquaints men with strange bed fellows.带有:He agreed that he was wrong with a good grace.用:Glass. handle with care!对,关于:Be patient with children.随着:learn farming with an old peasant.虽然:With all her experience, she couldn’t get a job.由于:silent with shame./ With growth slowing,(由于经济增长放缓)这里作为由于的意思,表示一种原因,正因为如此,盖茨先生才雇佣了商务经理史蒂芬·巴勒莫。
例:Such behavior is regarded as “all too human”, with the underlying assumption that other animals wouldn’t be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance.<05年/七选五>Who 引导的定语从句还包含一个词组:cut his teeth,可以进行猜词,盖茨先生雇佣了商务经理史蒂芬·巴勒莫,他曾在销售香皂的保洁公司怎样,这里就是转化词的能力。
3.The founder had chucked his coding rule out of the window.创始人chucked他的代码规则到窗外。
)4.But those qualities have never been on such public display as they were this week, when the outstanding businessman of his age stepped back from a life’s work.再次考察了as用法,回顾上面。
Back作为回到的含义,step back由……回到。
(译文为专家译,经典之极,以后考翻译资格可以学习)5.As Microsoft’s non-executive chairman, Mr. Gates will devoted most of his efforts to his charitable foundation, where he will pit himself against malaria and poverty, rather than Google and the Department of Justice.考察:as。
Where= in which,在这里(慈善基金会)。
Pit词组,相当于fight against。
6.To let it all go is to acknowledge that his best work at Microsoft is behind him.It is to accept that the innovator’s curse is to be transitory.To let is go 主语“放任自由、放弃”。
to acknowledge引导表语从句。
at Microsoft介宾做work的定语,介词用法之一。