Dynamic schema hierarchies for an autonomous robot
BW 名词解释

BW GLOSSARYLast Changed:Administrator WorkbenchTool for controlling, monitoring and maintaining all those processes involved in data procurement and processing within the Business Information Warehouse.after-import methodMethod that is used in connection with the transport of an object into a different system. The after import method is called in the target system after the object has been imported. The after import method is object specific and, therefore, you have to rewrite it for every object type.You might typically use the after import method to activate the imported object, in order to integrate it in a new context in the target system.aggregateAn aggregate stores the dataset of an InfoCube redundantly in a summarized form. In this instance, summarization means condensing the original fact table of an InfoCube for an aggregate table. This table no longer contains certain characteristics of the InfoCube that has been summarized using attributes, or characteristic values, or a hierarchy level.The summarization enables you to access the data of an InfoCube quickly when reporting. Therefore, aggregates are tools for enhancing performance.Aggregates are created from logical data packages (requests). You can distinguish between the processes of filling and rolling up here:∙The first time that data is loaded in an active aggregate is described as filling. After filling, the aggregate is used in reporting.∙Rolling up is understood as loading data packages from the fact table of an InfoCube in all of the aggregates for this InfoCube.aggregation levelSelection of characteristics and navigation attributes of an InfoCube, from which aggregates are constructed.You have the following aggregation options:∙All characteristic values (“*”): Data is grouped by all values of the characteristic or the navigation attribute.∙Hierarchy level (“H”): Data is grouped by hierarchy level nodes.∙Fixed value (“F”): Data is filtered according to a single value.alert monitorMonitoring tool used for displaying exceptions, whose upper or lower threshold value has been exceeded. The exceptions concerned are found in background processing using the reporting agent and are displayed in the alert monitor as a follow-up action. Exceptions are displayed not only in the BEx Analyzer, but also in the reporting agent scheduler of the Administrator Workbench. Moreover, exceptions can also be displayed as an alert monitor in a Web application.Meaning of the alert monitor in the BEx Web Application:Web item that displays the query views, which were found in background processing using the reporting agent, as a list or hierarchy in a Web application. You can jump between query views and see conspicuous key figure values that deviate from the defined threshold values at a glance. You can also set filters.and-processCombined process of the process chain maintenance.When you use an and-process in the process chain maintenance, the application process is started only when all events in the previous process, on which this process is waiting, have been triggered. application processA process that is automated in the process chain maintenance. For example, data loading process or attribute change run.attributeInfoObjects that are assigned or subordinated to a logical characteristic and which cannot be selected in the query.Example: To a given cost center, you could assign the attribute:∙"Cost center manager" (the attribute here is a characteristic), or∙"Size of cost center in square meters" (the attribute here is a key figure)axis data setCombination of different values on an axis.Data sets for elements (members) of an axis dimension are used when defining MDX queries. BasicCubeData container, on which reports and analyses are based. A BasicCube contains two types of data: key figures and characteristics. A BasicCube is a collection of related tables that are put together according to the star schema. The star schema is a large fact table in the center with several surrounding dimension tables. The fact table is there to store all the key figures with the minimum of detail, whereas the dimension table stores the characteristics that are needed for reporting on and evaluating these key figures.Dimension tables are considered independently of each other. Only the fact table links the dimension tables to the key figures. All data is consequently stored multi-dimensionally in the BasicCubes.BEx MapThe Business Explorer’s geographical information system (GIS). The BEx Map allows you to display data with a geographical connection (characteristics such as customer, sales region, and country) together with key figures relevant for business management on a map. You can then use this map to evaluate the data.BEx Mobile IntelligenceUse of Web applications for mobile devices that have an online connection to a BW system. Synonyms: Business Explorer Mobile Intelligence, Mobile IntelligenceBEx Query DesignerTool for defining queries that are based on a selection of characteristics and key figures (InfoObjects) or on reusable InfoProvider structures. In the BEx Query Designer, you can parameterize queries by defining variables for characteristic values, hierarchies, hierarchy nodes, texts or formulas. You can specify the selection of InfoObjects more precisely by:∙Restricting characteristics and key figures by characteristic values, characteristic value intervals and hierarchy nodes∙Defining calculated and restricted key figures for reuse∙Defining structures for reuse∙Defining exceptions∙Defining conditions∙Defining exception cellsYou can use all queries that you define in the BEx Query Designer for OLAP reporting, and for flat reporting.BEx Web ApplicationWeb-based application of Business Explorer for data analysis, reporting, and analytical applications on the Web. You can format and display your data differently in the BEx Web Application Designer with a series of Web items (for example, tables, filters, charts, maps, and documents). In this way you can individually set Web applications like BI Cockpits and access them by using the intranet or by using an enterprise portal.BEx Web Application DesignerDesktop application for creating Websites with BW contents. With the BEx Web Application Designer you can create an HTML page that contains BW-specific contents, such as different tables, charts, or maps. This HTML page serves as the basis for Web applications with complex interactions like BI Cockpits. You can save the Web applications as a URL and access them by using the intranet or by using mobile terminals. Additionally, you can save the Web applications as an iView and integrate them into an enterprise portal.Synonyms: Business Explorer Web Application Designer, Web Application DesignerBEx Web Application WizardAssistant that supports the creation of Websites with BW-specific contents. This enables a simplified design process by means of an automatic step-by-step sequence. The Web Application Wizard is integrated in the Web Application Designer.Synonyms: Business Explorer Web Application Wizard, Web Application WizardBusiness ExplorerAbbreviation: BExThe analytical and reporting tool in the Business Information Warehouse. The Business Explorer (BEx) covers the following areas:∙Query design and application design: BEx Query Designer and BEx Application Designer∙Analysis and reporting: BEx Analyzer, BEx Web Applications, and Mobile Intelligence∙Formatted reporting: Crystal Reports Integration∙Organization: BEx BrowserBusiness Explorer AnalyzerAbbreviation: BEx AnalyzerAnalytical and reporting tool in the Business Explorer that is embedded in Microsoft Excel. In the Business Explorer Analyzer, you can analyze selected InfoProvider data by navigation to queries created in the BEx Query Designer and can create different query views for the data.Business Explorer BrowserAbbreviation: BEx BrowserTool for organizing and managing workbooks and documents. Using the Business Explorer Browser (BEx Browser), you can access all documents in the Business Information Warehouse that are assigned to your role and that you have stored in you favorites. You can work with the following document types in the Business Explorer Browser:∙BW workbooks∙Documents that are stored in the Business Document Service (BDS)∙Links (references to the file system, short cuts)∙Links to Internet pages (URLs)∙SAP transaction calls∙Web applications and Web templates∙Crystal Reportsbusiness intelligence cockpitabbreviation: BI cockpitsynonyms: Web cockpit, information cockpitWeb-based "control panel" with Business Intelligence contents. Just like a cockpit in an aeroplane, it gives the management of a company an overview of all the relevant business data.You use the Business Explorer Web Application Designer to generate individual BI cockpits that display data in tables, charts, or on maps. The alert monitor that is integrated into the BI cockpit tells you immediately if any critical data falls outside of the specified range of acceptable values. You also have the option of adding additional information to the business data in the form of documents, graphics, or hyperlinks.BI cockpits have the following functions:∙You can collect data from different data sources and display it in various ways (as a table, a chart, and so on)∙You can use structured (BI contents) and unstructured (documents, and so on) information to enhance each other∙Personalized initial screen: Parameters are filled with user-specific values (for example, values regarding cost center, region and so on) automatically∙Role-specific variants: Different BI cockpits for different rolesYou can get a quick overview of business information in much the same way that you scan the front page of a newspaper. To access more detailed information you can use user-friendly navigation elements such as hyperlinks, dropdown boxes, pushbuttons and so on. You can save BI cockpits as iViews. These are completely integrated into an Enterprise Portal.characteristicAn evaluation group such as company code, product, customer group, fiscal year, period or region. Characteristics provide classification possibilities for the dataset. The master data encompasses the permitted values of a characteristic, the so-called characteristic values. Characteristic values are discrete names.Note: The characteristic region could, for example, have the values 'North', 'Central' and 'South'. chartWeb item that retrieves data from a query view to create a diagram for a Web application. You can choose from a range of display options for the diagram. You can also navigate within interactive charts and analyze the data displayed.classic InfoSetCorresponds to the InfoSet, already familiar from R/3 Basis: An element of a SAP query. The InfoSet determines to which table, or which fields of the table, the query refers. InfoSets are mostly created using table joins or logical databases.cleansingCleans data before update, checks data for feasibility before update and suppresses incorrect records. collation processAllows you to gather together several chains into a single chain in process chain maintenance screens. This means that you no longer have to schedule application processes individually.The process chains maintenance screens contain the following collation processes:∙AND-process (last):The application process starts when all the events for the preceding processes have beentriggered successfully.∙OR-process (each):The application process starts each time an event in a preceding process is triggered successfully. ∙EXOR-process (first):The application process starts when the first event in one of the preceding processes is triggered successfully.communication structureThe communication structure is independent of the source system and has the structure of an InfoSource. It contains all the InfoObjects that belong to an InfoSource. All the data is updated into the InfoCube with this structure. The system always refers to the actively saved version of the communication structure.Technically (i.e. with respect to length, type) the fields of the communication structure correspond to the InfoObjects of the Business Information Warehouse.Common Warehouse Metamodel (Abbreviation: CWM)The official definition from the OMG Web Site: The Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) is a specification that describes metadata interchange among data warehousing, business intelligence, knowledge management and portal technologies.condenserProgram that compresses the contents of an InfoCube fact table.control queryA help query that you execute before you execute the queries in the Web template, the result of which you use to parameterize the Web template.Crystal EnterpriseServer component for scheduling, caching, and displaying reports on the Web. Content and user administration is carried out as part of the integration using the BW server.Crystal Reports DesignerDesign component for creating a Crystal Report that contains the report definition (layout).Crystal ReportBW object type.Report definition created using the Crystal Reports Designer and saved in BW. In a Crystal Report, several queries can be imbedded with several queries (similarly to an EXCEL workbook). A Crystal Report contains no current data.A Crystal Report contains no current data.data managerPart of the OLAP processor that controls the data bank access that arises from the definition of a query.Part of Warehouse Management that writes data into the data bank.data mart interfaceEnables the user to update data from one data target to another. Enables the user to update data within a BW system (Myself system) and also between several systems. If several BW systems are used, the system delivering the data is called the source BW and the system that is receiving data is called the target BW. The individual Business Information Warehouses in this type of setup are called data marts.data providerObject that delivers data for one or more Web items. A data provider has the same navigation status as a query at a particular point in time. The start view of a data provider corresponds to the query view. By navigating through the data or parameterizing the call, you change the status of the data provider.data requestDenotes:∙The request that is sent to the source system by the scheduler, and also;∙The quantity of data and information that results in BW and in the source system through this request, and also;∙The loading procedure.DataSourceContains a number of fields that are provided in a flat structure, the extract structure, for data transfer to the Business Information Warehouse. Additionally, it describes the properties of the related extractor with regard to the data transfer to the Business Information Warehouse.data targetSuper-ordinate term for objects, into which data is loaded. InfoCubes, ODS objects, and InfoObjects (characteristics with attributes, texts or hierarchies) belong to these objects. Standard data targets, for which you cannot create or execute queries, and data targets, for which you can define queries, are different. The latter are also called InfoProviders. Data targets are the physical objects that are relevant for data modeling and for data loading.data warehouseA system that makes theme-oriented, integrated, stable, and time-related data available and supports making decisions on management levels. The function of a data warehouse is to pull together, clean up, consolidate, and provide consistently accessible data using analysis, reporting, and evaluation tools from various internal and external sources. The knowledge gained from this data forms the basis for guiding decision-making in an organization. A data warehouse is, therefore, a system that is primarily used for supporting company control.delta processExtractor feature. Specifies how the data is to be transferred. As a DataSource attribute, it specifies how the DataSource data is to be forwarded to the data target. The user can determine, for example, with which data targets a DataSource is compatible, how the data is to be updated, and how serialization is to take place.device recognitionRecognition by the server of mobile devices for device-specific adjustment for displaying Web applications. Using device recognition, the system decides whether a Web application or a mobile application (WAP or PDA application) is to be sent back to the client.dimensionA grouping of those evaluation groups (characteristics) that belong together, as regards contents, in one generic term. With the definition of an InfoCube, characteristics are summarized into dimensionsin order to store them in a table of the star schema (dimension table).dropdown boxWeb item that places characteristic values for filtering in a Web application in a dropdown box. elementary testPart of a test that can not be split further into sub-tests. An elementary test checks related logical objects for consistency.eventSignal to the background processing system that a certain status has been reached in the SAP system. The background processing system then starts all processes that were waiting for this event.event collectorA number of events that have been successfully completed independently of each other, and to which the background processing is to respond.The event collector corresponds to the and-process and the process chain maintenance. If an application process is scheduled using an event collector, it starts when all events for the preceding process are successfully triggered.exor-processCombined process in process chain maintenance.When you use an exor-process in the process chain maintenance, the application process starts when the first event of the previous processes has been triggered successfully.external systemSystem that stages data for the Business Information Warehouse and thus serves BW as a source system.An external system can either be:∙an R/3 System with a release status before 3.0D, or∙ a non-SAP systemData and Metadata transfer from an external system to the Business Information Warehouse takes place using Staging BAPIs.extraction structureIn the extraction structure, data of a DataSource is made available in the source system.The extraction structure contains the number of fields that are offered by the extractor in the source system for the data loading process in BW.extractorProgram used to fill the extract structure of a DataSource with data from datasets in the SAP source system.fact tableThe fact table is at the center of the star schema of an InfoCube. The data part contains all key figures (also called "facts") of the InfoCube and the key is formed by links to the entries of the dimensions of the InfoCube.filterWeb item that displays those filter values for a query view in a Web application that you created when navigating. Also allows you to select single values.flat reportingReporting based on one-dimensional tables, meaning the analysis is restricted to one dimension and its attributes. Unlike OLAP reporting, with flat reporting you can arrange the columns any way you like when you are designing a query in the tabular editor mode of the BEx query designer. For example, you can put a column for a characteristic between two columns for key figures. During the design of the query, you decide how you want the columns to be displayed. Once you have chosen a display type you are not able to change it. In flat reporting, the interactive options are restricted to filter, filter and drilldown according to, sort according to, and navigate on hierarchies. Navigation functions that alter the geometry of the flat list, meaning that they change the number and order of the columns, for example, swapping or adding a drilldown, are available with OLAP reporting but not with flat reporting.formatted reportingStructure for reports that use master data, ODS objects, and multi-dimensional InfoProviders. Formatted reporting has all of the options for formatting reports (for example, font, font size, colors, graphics, and styles), and allows you to place report elements anywhere on the screen to the accuracy of one pixel (no grid positioning). The focus is on formula-based reports and the printing of reports. There are no analytical functions: Interaction options are introduced at the time of designing the report.generation templateTemplate, from which a program is generated.A generation template is used when the desired program can not be generically written and must be suitably written for each special situation anew.generic navigation blockWeb item that retrieves data from a query view and displays it in the form of a table. All characteristics and structures of the query view are listed in the table and their filter values are displayed. You can change the navigation status in the block by:∙Placing characteristics and structures in an axis (rows or columns) or removing them from an axis. ∙Filtering by single values or removing filters.hierarchy attributeAttribute that describes the properties of an entire hierarchy (for example, level table type: specifiesthe form that a level table takes).impact analysisGroup of methods that assess the effect of changes made to any dependent objects when an object is checked and activated.The impact analysis ensures that the objects are consistent.Examples:∙ A navigation attribute is deleted from a characteristic. When the characteristic is activated, all the InfoCubes that use this characteristic are set to inactive. The InfoCubes have to be reactivated (without the navigation attribute) to make them consistent.∙In other cases, dependent objects are adjusted immediately if this is not possible without manual changes.InfoAreaGroups meta-objects together in the Business Information Warehouse:Every data target is assigned to an InfoArea. The resulting hierarchy is then displayed in the Administrator Workbench. In addition to their property as a data target, InfoObjects can also be assigned to different InfoAreas using InfoObject catalogs.InfoCubeThe central objects, on which reports and analyses are based in BW, are known as InfoCubes.An InfoCube describes a self-contained dataset (from the reporting view), for example, for a business-orientated area. This dataset can be evaluated with the BEx query. With an InfoCube, you might be dealing with:∙ A BasicCube, that shows a quantity of relational tables in the star schema.∙ A RemoteCube, whose transaction data is not managed in the Business Information Warehouse, or∙ A MultiCube that presents a view on data from several BasicCubes orRemoteCubesUnlike the ODS object, the data fields of the BasicCube fact table cannot contain any character fields as key figures. Character fields are thus interpreted as keys.InfoObjectBusiness reporting objects (customers, sales,...) are called InfoObjects in BW. They are categorized as characteristics, key figures, units, time characteristics and technical characteristics (for example, request number).InfoPackageThis describes which data in a DataSource should be requested from a source system. The data can be precisely selected using selection parameters (for example, only controlling area 001 in period 10.1997).An InfoPackage can request the following types of data:∙Transaction data∙Attributes for master data∙Hierarchies for master data∙Master data textsInfoPackage groupLogically related InfoPackages are combined in an InfoPackage group.InfoProviderSuper-ordinate term for objects, for which queries are created and executed in SAP BW. There are two types of InfoProvider; objects that contain physical data and objects that do not contain physical data. Data targets, such as InfoCubes, ODS objects, and InfoObjects (characteristics with attributes, texts or hierarchies) belong to the first type of InfoProvider, and InfoSets, RemoteCubes, SAP RemoteCubes, and MultiProviders belong to the second type. InfoProviders are the objects or views that are relevant for reporting.InfoSetSemantic layer using ODS objects and master data to create reports from these objects, in particular joins between these objects. In contrast to the classic InfoSet, this data view is BW-specific. InfoSets are created and changed in the InfoSet Builder. You can define reports based on InfoSets using the BEx Query Designer.InfoSet BuilderTool for creating and changing InfoSets using repository objects from BW (InfoObjects with master data and ODS objects).InfoSet query (Abbreviation: ISQ)Corresponds to the InfoSet query, already familiar from R/3 Basis (Business Content-SRV-QUE): Tool for creating lists. The data that is to be evaluated is compiled in InfoSets. The output medium for InfoSet queries is the SAP List Viewer.InfoSourceAn InfoSource describes the quantity of all available data for a business event, or type of business event (for example, Cost Center Accounting).An InfoSource is a quantity of information that has been grouped together and can be said to belong together logically from a business point of view. InfoSources can contain either transaction data or master data (attributes, texts, and hierarchies). An InfoSource is always a quantity of InfoObjects that can be said to belong together logically. An InfoSource always refers to one scenario from an application (for example, Financial Accounting).key figureValues or quantities, such as sales revenue, fixed costs, sales quantity or number of employees.In addition to the key figures saved on the database, you have the option of defining derived (calculated) key figures in the query definition in the Business Explorer. Such key figures are calculated using a formula from the key figures of the InfoCube.Examples of derived key figures are "sales revenue per employee" (sales revenue divided by number of employees), or "variance as a percentage" or "contribution margin".labelWeb item with which you display characteristic, attribute and structure component descriptions and with which you can set a link to the context menu for the characteristic, attribute or structure component.list of conditionsWeb item that lists the available conditions and their status (active/not active/not applicable/not used) for a query view in a Web application.list of exceptionsWeb item that lists the available exceptions and their status (active/not active) for a query view in a Web application.mapWeb item that contains all the information necessary for displaying a geographical map in a Web report. The "map" Web item relates to the "map layer" Web items that are used. It has no direct connection to a data provider.map layerWeb item that contains all the information about a particular layer of a map. You use this information to determine the various display formats (color shading, bar charts, and pie charts) and their settings for the map layer.master data ID (SID)Internal key of type INT4 that you use for master data for master data-bearing characteristics, especially for hierarchy nodes and for characteristic names. Master data IDs and characteristic values are stored in master data tables (SID tables). Information about time-independent or time-dependent master data, which is stored in a P table or a Q table, is saved again in an X or Y table, using SIDs instead of characteristic values.master Web itemTemplate for a Web item. The master Web item determines the type of the Web item (for example, table, filter, chart, map, and so on) and includes default values for the attributes of each Web item. The various master Web items are available on the "Standard" tabstrip in the BEx Web Application Designer or in the BEx Web Application Wizard. You choose a master Web item from this list, assign a DataProvider to the Web item, and process the attributes to generate a Web item of your own. You add your Web item to your Web template or store it in the library so that it can be reused in the future. Web items that are stored in the library can become master Web items and be used as a template for additional Web items.Example: You take the "chart" master Web item and create various master Web items for your library: Bar charts with either vertical or horizontal bars, pie charts, and so on.master Web templateA Web template that is copied and used as a template for a new Web template.MDXMultidimensional ExpressionsQuery language for queries about data that is saved in multidimensional cubes.metadataMetadata is data about data. That is, metadata describes the origin, history and other aspects of data. Metadata enables you to use the information saved in the Business Information Warehouse effectively for reporting and analysis.There are different classes of metadata:∙technical∙businessmetadata repository。

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 10g项目实施问题解答汇总2008年4月10日目录:仪表板: (4)仪表板分组下拉显示: (4)设置默认的仪表板: (7)撤销页面“刷新“按钮(不建议) (8)如何跳过注销页面,直接跳转到登陆界面 (9)交叉表行数限制 (9)报表显示上的列级别控制 (10)报表中现实自己有权限访问的第一个列 (10)登录界面“版权所有“信息客户化 (10)仪表盘顺序定制 (10)时间细度不一样 (11)Prompt值显示的顺序定制: (11)表格下的“125-”是1到25条记录的显示方式,需要改成“1-25”(附图) (11)查询大数量时,出现等待提示,可以在下面修改 (12)Dashboard中钻取返回提示修改: (12)友好打印PDF中的空格 (12)Answer中的主题文件夹层次现实: (13)Excel下载如果不自动变成科学计数法: (13)如何强制Answer中列的宽度 (13)个性化汇总查询: (14)在仪表板上加入当前client日期显示: (15)在Answer的Titel中加入变量显示: (15)客户化仪表盘右上角的产品清单,如去除等多产品中的Marketing (16)在仪表板制定位置显示Deliver的内容 (16)OBI EE and oracle stored procedures WITH parameter passing (16)如何将Go URL中的“页选项”按钮去除 (18)Configuration for the Dashboard Prompt Types Feature (19)图形: (21)中文显示方块问题 (21)BIEE中雷达图中文显示问题: (21)图形鼠标点到的地方的值的背景希望是透明的: (21)BIPublisher Chart Description (21)图形出现“Evaluation Time Limit“ (22)指定BIEE中图形的类型(flash,SVG,PNG) (22)图形中“上”字,“名”字和“作”字的链接错误 (22)配置和服务 (24)几处配置文件的作用优先级别 (24)禁止OC4J自动启动 (24)如何在Office 2003中启用BIEE Excel Add-in (24)BIP (25)BI Publisher 和Oracle BI Server 的安全集成 (25)报表复制 (27)RDF to RTF Template Generator (27)RDF to Data Template Generator (27)其他 (27)修改BIEE中的用户密码 (27)BIEE和其他应用集成,如果出现频繁登录提示: (32)Metadata report (32)Oracle BIEE性能提高 (33)使用BIP和iBot中的外部认证 (33)BIEE中ibot的配置: (34)其他Web程序调用BIEE的报表方式: (34)其他Web程序调用BIEE的仪表板方式: (35)Customizing OBI EE – GO URL Parameters (36)从BIEE的报表链接到其他系统: (39)Writeback for dashboard commentary in OBI EE (40)Siebel Analytics Web Catalog 升级到Oracle BIEE Presentation Catalog (46)How To Log An Oracle Support Service Request Via SupportWeb for Oracle BusinessIntelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) (49)Applies to: (49)Goal (49)Create SR for BIEE from metalink: (51)仪表板:仪表板分组下拉显示:1.配置instanceconfig.xml,加入<DahboardMaxBeforeMenu>的配置,然后重启BI presentation server.数字3表示,当一个组的仪表板数量大于等于3时,会将仪表板分组下拉显示。
USB Type-C 规范1.2(中文版)

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LIMITED COPYRIGHT LICENSE: The USB 3.0 Promoters grant a conditional copyright license under the copyrights embodied in the USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification to use and reproduce the Specification for the sole purpose of, and solely to the extent necessary for, evaluating whether to implement the Specification in products that would comply with the specification.
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Tested by (name+signature) ............ : ...................................................... Witnessed by (name+signature) ...... : ...................................................... Supervised by (name+signature)...... : ...................................................... Approved by (name+signature) ........: ...................................................... Date of issue..................................... :.......... :Address ............................................ :Testing location/ procedure ..............: CBTL RMT SMT WMT TMPTesting location/ address.................. :............................ :Address ............................................ :Standard ........................................... : IEC 60598-2-1:1979+A1:1987 used in conjunction withIEC 60598-1:2003EN 60598-2-1:1979+A1:1987 used in conjunction withEN 60598-1:2004Test procedure ................................. : CB / CCANon-standard test method………….. :N/ATRF Originator .................................. : Intertek Semko ABMaster TRF....................................... : Dated 2004-09This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes as long as the IECEE is acknowledged as copyright owner and source of the material. IECEE takes no responsibility for and will not assume liability for damages resulting from the reader's interpretation of the reproduced material due to its placement and context.Trade Mark ....................................... :Manufacturer .................................... :Model/Type reference....................... :Address ........................................... :Ratings ............................................. :................................................ .- test case does not apply to the test objec.t.................: N/A- test object does meet the requirement .....................:.. P(Pass)- test object does not meet the requiremen ................: F(Fail)....................................................................... ..Date of receipt of test item ......................................... ..Date (s) of performance of tests .................................:..The test results presented in this report relate only to the object tested.This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of the Issuing testing laboratory. "(see Enclosure #)" refers to additional information appended to the report."(see appended table)" refers to a table appended to the report.List of test equipment must be kept on file and available for review.Throughout this report a comma (point) is used as the decimal separator.In this report requirements valid for EN only are marked with (EN).1.2 (0.1)1.2 (0.3)1.4 (2.2) 1.4 (2.3) 1.4 (2.4)Yes / No Yes / No Luminaire for rough service .......................:1.5 (3.2) Mandatory markingsPosition of the marking Format of symbols/text1.5 (3.3) Additional informationLanguage of instructions 1.5 (3.3.1) Combination luminaires 1.5 (3.3.2) Nominal frequency in Hz 1.5 (3.3.3) Operating temperature 1.5 (3.3.4) Symbol or warning notice 1.5 (3.3.5) Wiring diagram 1.5 (3.3.6) Special conditions1.5 (3.3.7) Metal halide lamp luminaire – warning 1.5 (3.3.8) Limitation for semi-luminaires 1.5 (3.3.9) Power factor and supply current 1.5 Suitability for use indoors (3.3.10)1.5 Luminaires with remote control (3.3.11)1.5 Clip-mounted luminaire – warning (3.3.12)1.5 Specifications of protective shields (3.3.13)1.5 Symbol for nature of supply (3.3.14)1.5 Rated current of socket outlet (3.3.15)1.5 Rough service luminaire (3.3.16)Type of protection .......................................: Degree of protection ...................................: Luminaire only suitable for non-combustible surfaces .....................................................:Luminaire suitable for normally flammable surfaces ....................................................................: Luminaire suitable to be covered by insulating material .......................................................:Luminaire for normal use ........................... : More sections applicable .................................... :Information for luminaire design considered Standard Yes / No Yes / NoClass IP Yes / NoYes / No Yes / No1.4 (2.5)—————————最新精品文档,知识共享!1.5 Mounting instruction for type Y, type Z and some (3.3.17) type X attachments1.5 Non-ordinary luminaires with PVC cable(3.3.18)1.5 Adequate warning on the package (EN)(3.3.101)1.5 (3.4) Test with waterTest with hexaneLegible after testLabel attached1.6 (4.2) Components replaceable without difficulty1.6 (4.3) Wire ways smooth and free from sharp edges 1.6 (4.4) Lampholders1.6 (4.4.1) Integral lampholder1.6 (4.4.2) Wiring connection1.6 (4.4.3) Lampholder for end-to-end mounting1.6 (4.4.4) Positioning- pressure test (N) .................................. :- bending test (Nm) ................................. :1.6 (4.4.5) Peak pulse voltage1.6 (4.4.6) Centre contact1.6 (4.4.7) Parts in rough service luminaires resistance totracking1.6 (4.4.8) Lamp connectors1.6 (4.4.9) Caps and bases correctly used1.6 (4.5) Starter holdersStarter holder in luminaires other than class IIStarter holder class II construction1.6 (4.6) Terminal blocksTailsUnsecured blocks1.6 (4.7) Terminals and supply connections1.6 (4.7.1) Contact to metal parts1.6 (4.7.2) Test 8 mm live conductorTest 8 mm earth conductor1.6 (4.7.3) Terminals for supply conductors1.6 Welded connections:( stranded or solid conductor- spot welding- welding between wires- Type Z attachment- mechanical test according to 15.8.2- electrical test according to 15.9- ageing test according to and 1.6 (4.7.4) Terminals other than supply connection1.6 (4.7.5) Heat-resistant wiring/sleeves1.6 (4.7.6) Multi-pole plug- test at 30 N1.6 (4.8) Switches:- adequate rating- adequate fixing- polarized supply- compliance with 61058-1 for electronic switches 1.6 (4.9) Insulating lining and sleeves1.6 (4.9.1) RetainmentMethod of fixing........................................... :1.6 (4.9.2) Insulated linings and sleevesa) & c) Insulation resistance and electric strengthb) Ageing test. Temperature (°C) ............... :1.6 (4.10) Insulation of Class II luminaires1.6 No contact, mounting surface - accessible metal (4.10.1) parts - wiring of basic insulationSafe installation fixed luminairesCapacitors and switchesInterference suppression capacitors according toIEC 60384-141.6 Assembly gaps:(4.10.2)- not coincidental- no straight access with test probe1.6 Retainment of insulation:(4.10.3)- fixed- unable to be replaced; luminaire inoperative- sleeves retained in position- lining in lampholder1.6 (4.11) Electrical connections1.6 Contact pressure(4.11.1)1.6 Screws:(4.11.2)- self-tapping screws- thread-cutting screws- at least two self-tapping screws1.6 Screw locking:(4.11.3)- spring washer- rivets1.6 Material of current-carrying parts(4.11.4)1.6 No contact to wood(4.11.5)1.6 Electro-mechanical contact systems(4.11.6)1.6 (4.12) Mechanical connections and glands1.6 Screws not made of soft metal(4.12.1)Screws of insulating materialTorque test: torque (Nm); part ....................:Torque test: torque (Nm); part ....................:Torque test: torque (Nm); part ....................:1.6 Screws with diameter < 3 mm screwed into metal (4.12.2)1.6 Locked connections:(4.12.4)- fixed arms; torque (Nm) ............................ :- lampholder; torque (Nm) ........................... :- push-button switches; torque 0,8 Nm ....... :1.6 Screwed glands; force (N) ..........................:(4.12.5)1.6 (4.13) Mechanical strength1.6 Impact tests:(4.13.1)- fragile parts; energy (Nm) ......................... :- other parts; energy (Nm)........................... :1) live parts2) linings3) protection4) covers1.6 Straight test finger(4.13.3)1.6 Rough service luminaires(4.13.4)- IP54 or highera) fixedb) hand-heldc) delivered with a standd) for temporary installations and suitable formounting on a stand1.6 Tumbling barrel(4.13.6)1.6 (4.14) Suspensions and adjusting devices1.6 Mechanical load:(4.14.1)A) four times the weightB) torque 2,5 NmC) bracket arm; bending moment (Nm) ...... :D) load track-mounted luminairesE) clip-mounted luminaires, glass-shelve.Thickness (mm) ......................................... :metal rod. Diameter (mm) .......................... :Fixed luminaire or independent control gear withoutfixing devices1.6(4.14.2)1.6(4.14.3)1.6(4.14.4) 1.6(4.14.5) 1.6(4.14.6) 1.6 (4.15)1.6(4.15.2) 1.6 (4.16)1.6(4.16.1)1.6(4.16.2)1.6(4.16.3) 1.6 (4.17) Load to flexible cablesMass (kg) ....................................................:Stress in conductors (N/mm²) ..................... :Semi-luminaires – mass (kg) ..................... :Semi-luminaires – bending moment (Nm) .. :Adjusting devices:- flexing test; number of cycles ...................:- strands broken- electric strength test afterwardsTelescopic tubes: cords not fixed to tube; no strainon conductorsGuide pulleysStrain on socket-outletsFlammable materials:- glow-wire test 650 o C- spacing > 30 mm- screen withstanding test of 13.3.1- screen dimensions- no fiercely burning material- thermal protection- electronic circuits exemptedLuminaires made of thermoplastic material with lamp control geara) constructionb) temperature sensing controlc) surface temperatureLuminaires marked with F-symbolNo lamp control gearLamp control gear spacing:- spacing 35 mm- spacing 10 mmThermal protection:- in lamp control gear- external- fixed position- temperature marked lamp control gear"F" curve measuredDrain holesClearance at least 5 mm(compliance with Section 12)(see 12.6)最新精品文档,知识共享!1.6 (4.18) Resistance to corrosion:1.6 - rust-resistance(4.18.1)1.6 - season cracking in copper(4.18.2)1.6 - corrosion of aluminium(4.18.3)1.6 (4.19) Ignitors compatible with ballast1.6 (4.20) Rough service vibration1.6 (4.21) Protective shield:1.6 Shield fitted(4.21.1)1.6 Particles from a shattering lamp not impair safety (4.21.2)1.6 No direct path(4.21.3)1.6 Impact test on shield(4.21.4)Glow-wire test on lamp compartment1.6 (4.22) Attachments to lamps1.6 (4.23) Semi-luminaires comply class II1.6 (4.24) UV radiation, metal halide lamps1.6 (4.25) No sharp point or edges1.6 (4.26) Short-circuit protection:1.6 Uninsulated accessible SELV parts(4.26.1)1.6 Short-circuit test(4.26.2)1.6 Test chain according to Figure 29(4.26.3)最新精品文档,知识共享!Working voltage (V) ....................................:Voltage formPTIRated pulse voltage (kV) ............................ :1) Current-carrying parts of different polarity: cr (mm); cl (mm) ............................................. :2) Current-carrying parts and accessible parts: cr (mm); cl (mm) ............................................. :3) Parts becoming live due to breakdown ofbasic insulation and metal parts:cr (mm); cl (mm) ......................................... :4) Outer surface of cable where it is clamped and metal parts: cr (mm); cl (mm) ..................... :5) Not used6) Current-carrying parts and supporting surface: cr (mm); cl (mm) ............................................. :Sinusoidal [ ]Non-sinusoidal [ ]< 600 [ ] > 600 [ ]—————(see Annex 1) (see Annex 3)(see Annex 1) (see Annex 4)最新精品文档,知识共享!1.8 (7.2.1 + 7.2.3)Accessible metal partsMetal parts in contact with supporting surfaceResistance < 0,5Two self-tapping screws used Thread-forming screwsThread-forming screw used in a groove Connector earthing first1.8 (7.2.2 + 7.2.3)Earth continuity in joints etc.1.8 (7.2.4) Locking of clamping meansCompliance with (7.2.5) Earth terminal integral part of connector socket 1.8 (7.2.6) Earth terminal adjacent to mains terminals 1.8 (7.2.7) Electrolytic corrosion of the earth terminal 1.8 (7.2.8) Material of earth terminalContact surface bare metal 1.8Class II luminaire for looping-in(7.2.10)Double or reinforced insulation to functional earth 1.8Earthing core coloured green-yellow(7.2.11)Length of earth conductorSeparately approved; component listPart of the luminaireSeparately approved; component listPart of the luminaire1.10 (5.2) Supply connection and external wiring1.10 Means of connection ................................... :(5.2.1)Connecting leads (EN)- without a means for connection to the supply- terminal block specified- relevant information provided- compliance with 4.6, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.10.1, 11.2, 12and 13.2 of Part 11.10 Type of cable ..............................................:(5.2.2)Nominal cross-sectional area (mm²) ........... :1.10 Type of attachment, X, Y or Z(5.2.3)1.10 Type Z not connected to screws(5.2.5)1.10 Cable entries:(5.2.6)- suitable for introduction- adequate degree of protection1.10 Cable entries through rigid material have rounded (5.2.7) edges1.10 Insulating bushings:(5.2.8)- suitably fixed- material in bushings- material likely to deteriorate- tubes or guards made of insulating material1.10 Locking of screwed bushings(5.2.9)1.10 Cord anchorage:(5.2.10)- covering protected from abrasion- clear how to be effective- no mechanical or thermal stress- no tying of cables into knots etc.- insulating material or lining1.10 Cord anchorage for type X attachment:( at least one part fixedb) types of cablec) no damaging of the cabled) whole cable can be mountede) no touching of clamping screwsf) metal screw not directly on cableg) replacement without special toolGlands not used as anchorageLabyrinth type anchorages1.10 Adequate cord anchorage for type Y and type Z( Tests:( impossible to push cable; unsafe- pull test: 25 times; pull (N) ........................:- torque test: torque (Nm) ........................... :- displacement 2 mm- no movement of conductors- no damage of cable or cord1.10 External wiring passing into luminaire(5.2.11)1.10 Looping-in terminals(5.2.12)1.10 Wire ends not tinned(5.2.13)Wire ends tinned: no cold flow1.10 Mains plug same protection(5.2.14)Class III luminaire plug1.10 Appliance inlets (IEC 60320)(5.2.16)Appliance couplers of class II type1.10 No standardized interconnecting cables properly(5.2.17) assembled1.10 Used plug in accordance with(5.2.18) - IEC 60083- other standard1.10 (5.3) Internal wiring1.10 Internal wiring of suitable size and type(5.3.1)Through wiring- not delivered/ mounting instruction- factory assembled- socket outlet loaded (A) ............................ :(see Annex 2) - temperatures ............................................ :Green-yellow for earth only1.10 Internal wiring connected directly to fixed wiring( area (mm²) ........................ :Insulation thicknessExtra insulation added where necessary1.10 Internal wiring connected to fixed wiring via internal current-limiting device ( cross-sectional area and insulationthickness1.10 Double or reinforced insulation for class II( Conductors without insulation( SELV current-carrying parts( Insulation thickness other than PVC or rubber( Sharp edges etc.(5.3.2)No moving parts of switches etc.Joints, raising/lowering devicesTelescopic tubes etc.No twisting over 3601.10 Insulating bushings:(5.3.3)- suitable fixed- material in bushings- material likely to deteriorate- cables with protective sheath1.10 Joints and junctions effectively insulated(5.3.4)1.10 Strain on internal wiring(5.3.5)1.10 Wire carriers(5.3.6)1.10 Wire ends not tinned(5.3.7)Wire ends tinned: no cold flow最新精品文档,知识共享!1.11 Live parts not accessible(8.2.1)Basic insulated parts not used on the outer surfacewithout appropriate protectionProtection in any positionDouble-ended tungsten filament lampInsulation lacquer not reliableDouble-ended high pressure discharge lampRelevant warning according to 3.2.18 fitted to theluminaire1.11 Portable luminaire adjusted in most unfavourable (8.2.2) position1.11 Class II luminaire:(8.2.3)- basic insulated metal parts not accessible duringstarter or lamp replacement- basic insulation not accessible other than duringstarter or lamp replacement- glass protective shields not used assupplementary insulationClass I luminaire with BC lampholder1.11 Portable luminaire:(8.2.4)- protection independent of supporting surface- terminal block completely covered1.11 Compliance with the standard test finger or relevant (8.2.5) probe1.11 Covers reliably secured(8.2.6)1.11 Discharging of capacitors 0,5 F(8.2.7)Portable plug connected luminaire with capacitorOther plug connected luminaire with capacitorDischarge device on or within capacitorDischarge device mounted separately最新精品文档,知识共享!1.12 (12.3) Endurance test:- mounting-position .....................................:- test temperature (o C) ................................ :- total duration (h)........................................ :- supply voltage: Un factor; calculated voltage (V)....................................................................:- lamp used .................................................:1.12 After endurance test:(12.3.2)- no part unserviceable- luminaire not unsafe- no damage to track system- marking legible- no cracks, deformation etc.1.12 (12.4) Thermal test (normal operation) (see Annex 2) 1.12 (12.5) Thermal test (abnormal operation) (see Annex 2) 1.12 (12.6) Thermal test (failed lamp control gear condition):1.12 Through wiring or looping-in wiring loaded by a(12.6.1) current of (A) ................................ :- case of abnormal conditions ..................... :- electronic lamp control gear- measured winding temperature (o C) at 1,1 Un :- measured mounting surface temperature ( o C) at1,1 Un .........................................................:- calculated mounting surface temperature (o C) :- track-mounted luminaires1.12 Temperature sensing control(12.6.2)- case of abnormal conditions ..................... :- thermal link- manual reset cut-out- auto reset cut-out- measured mounting surface temperature ( o C)....................................................................:- track-mounted luminaires1.12 (12.7) Thermal test (failed lamp control gear in plastic luminaires):1.12 Through wiring or lopping-in wiring loaded by a(12.7.1) current of (A) .................................. :- case of abnormal conditions ..................... :- measured winding temperature (o C) at 1,1 Un :- measured temperature of fixing point/ exposedpart (o C) at 1,1 Un ....................................... :- calculated temperature of fixing point/ exposedpart (o C) ......................................................: ————————————最新精品文档,知识共享!Temperature sensing control1.12(12.7.2)- thermal link- manual reset cut-out- auto reset cut-out- measured temperature of fixing point/ exposedpart ( C) .....................................................:最新精品文档,知识共享!1.13 (9.2) Tests for ingress of dust, solid objects and moisture:- classification according to IP ....................: IP- mounting position during test .................... :- fixing screws tightened; torque (Nm) ........ :- tests according to clauses ........................:- electric strength test afterwardsa) no deposit in dust-proof luminaireb) no talcum in dust-tight luminairec) no trace of water on current-carrying parts orwhere it could become a hazardd) i) For luminaires without drain holes – no waterentryd) ii) For luminaires with drain holes – nohazardous water entrye) no water in watertight luminairef) no contact with live parts (IP 2X)f) no entry into enclosure (IP 3X and IP 4X)f) no contact with live parts (IP3X and IP4X)1.13 (9.3) Humidity test 48 h ————最新精品文档,知识共享!1.14 Insulation resistance test(10.2.1)Cable or cord covered by metal foil or replaced by ametal rodInsulation resistance (M ):SELV:- between current-carrying parts of different polarity....................................................................:- between current-carrying parts and mountingsurface ........................................................:- between current-carrying parts and metal parts ofthe luminaire ...............................................:Other than SELV:- between live parts of different polarity ......:- between live parts and mounting surface . :- between live parts and metal parts ........... :- between live parts of different polarity throughaction of a switch ........................................:1.14 Electric strength test(10.2.2)Dummy lampLuminaires with ignitors after 24 h testLuminaires with manual ignitorsTest voltage (V):SELV:- between current-carrying parts of different polarity....................................................................:- between current-carrying parts and mountingsurface ........................................................:- between current-carrying parts and metal parts ofthe luminaire ...............................................:Other than SELV:- between live parts of different polarity ......:- between live parts and mounting surface . :- between live parts and metal parts ........... :- between live parts of different polarity throughaction of a switch ........................................:1.14 Leakage current (mA) ................................. :(10.3.1)最新精品文档,知识共享!1.15 Ball-pressure test:(13.2.1)- part tested; temperature (o C) .................... :- part tested; temperature (o C) .................... : 1.15 Needle flame test (10 s):(13.3.1)- part tested ................................................. :- part tested ................................................. : 1.15 Glow wire test (650 o C):(13.3.2)- part tested ................................................. :- part tested ................................................. : 1.15 Tracking test: part tested ............................: (13.4.1)(2.2)(3.3)(4.5.1)(4.5.1)(5.2.1)(13.3) (13.3) (13.3.2) Class 0 not acceptedDK: power supply cord with labelIT: warning label on Class 0 luminaireDK: socket-outletsFR: socket-outletsDK, FI, SE, GB: type of plugDK: Needle flame test during 30 s for luminaires in access routesGB: Requirements according to United Kingdom Building RegulationFR: Glow-wire test 850o C alt. 750o C for luminaires in premises open to publictype/model technical data standardThe codes above have the following meaning:A - The component is replaceable with another one, also certified, with equivalent characteristicsB - The component is replaceable if authorised by the test houseC - Integrated component tested together with the applianceD - Alternative componentcode manufacturer/trademarkmark(s) ofconformityobject/part No.Type reference ............................................ :Lamp used ..................................................:Lamp control gear used .............................. :Mounting position of luminaire ....................:Supply wattage (W)..................................... :Supply current (A) ....................................... :Calculated power factor ..............................:Table: measured temperatures corrected for ta = 25 。

常用软件词汇中英文对照英文: access中文: 访问英文: click中文: 单击英文: code中文: 代码英文: Combo box中文: 组合框英文: command中文: 命令英文: container中文: 容器英文: control中文: 控件英文: database中文: 数据库英文: Destination folder 中文: 目标文件夹英文: display中文: 显示英文: document.中文: 文档英文: double-click中文: 双击英文: drop-down中文: 下拉列表英文: editor中文: 编辑器英文: export英文: field中文: 字段英文: file中文: 文件英文: folder中文: 文件夹英文: form中文: 窗体英文: form中文: 窗体英文: format 中文: 格式英文: header 中文: 标题英文: install中文: 安装英文: macro中文: 宏英文: menu中文: 菜单英文: options 中文: 选项英文: prompt 中文: 提示英文: property 中文: 属性英文: query中文: 查询中文: 报表英文: right-click 中文: 右键单击英文: Run mode 中文: 运行模式英文: Save as中文: 另存为英文: speech中文: 语音英文: start-up 中文: 启动英文: subform 中文: 子窗体英文: tab中文: 选项卡英文: tool中文: 工具英文: toolbar中文: 工具栏英文: transform 中文: 转换英文: undo中文: 撤消英文: utility中文: 实用工具英文: view中文: 视图英文: voice中文: 声音英文: wizard中文: 向导英文: tab中文: 标签英文: syntax中文: 语法英文: convert 中文: 转换英文: database 中文: 数据库英文: utilities 中文: 实用工具英文: category 中文: 类别英文: tag中文: 标记英文: pane中文: 窗格。

B - 安装调试 ............................................................................................................10 1. 拆除包装 .......................................................................................................10 2. 送丝机连接...................................................................................................10 3. 主电源的电路连接 .....................................................................................10 4. 焊枪的连接...................................................................................................10
安全说明 .....................................................................................................................2
A - 总体介绍 ...............................................................................................................7 1. 装置简介 .........................................................................................................7 2. 焊接设备组成 ................................................................................................7 3. 前面板描述.....................................................................................................8 4. 选配件..............................................................................................................8 5. OPTIPULS i / i W技术规格 .............................................................................8 6. 尺寸和重量.....................................................................................................9 7. 冷却装置的技术规格......................................................................................9

Headphones/ Line drivers AUXOUT2 AUXOUT1 LHP RHP BTL Speaker LSPKOUT RSPKOUT
5-band EQ 3D
NAU8822A Data Preliminary Rev 2.0
Page 1 of 89
January 25, 2011
Part Number NAU8822AYG
Dimension 5 x 5 mm
Package 32-QFN
Package Material Pb-Free
NAU8822A Design Guide Rev 2.0
Page 2 of 89
NAU8822AYG 32-lead QFN RoHS
22 22 21 21 20 20 19 19 18 18 17 17
Applications Personal Media Players Smartphones Personal Navigation Devices Portable Game Players Camcorders Digital Still Cameras Portable TVs Stereo Bluetooth Headsets
LAUXIN RAUXIN LLIN RLIN LMICN LMICP RMICN RMICP Digital Audio Interface Microphone Bias GPIO PLL I2S PCM Serial Control Interface Stereo Microphone Interface Input Mixer RADC LADC ADC Filter Volume Control High Pass & Notch Filters DAC Filter Volume Control Limiter RDAC Output Mixer LDAC
create schema语句

create schema语句
嘿,朋友!你知道“create schema”语句吗?这就好比给一个杂乱无
这时候,“create schema”
有“create schema”语句的规范,岂不是像大海捞针?
当我们使用“create schema”语句时,就好像是一个优秀的组织者,
所以啊,“create schema”语句真的是太重要啦!。
hierarchyid数据类型 -回复

hierarchyid数据类型-回复什么是hierarchyid数据类型?Hierarchyid是Microsoft SQL Server中的一种数据类型,它被用于存储和处理层次结构数据。
Hierarchyid数据类型的主要功能包括:1. 节点操作:可以通过hierarchyid数据类型的方法来插入、删除、移动和修改节点。
2. 层次查询:可以使用hierarchyid数据类型的方法来查询指定节点的父节点、子节点、兄弟节点等。
3. 层次比较:可以使用hierarchyid数据类型的方法来比较两个节点之间的层次关系。
4. 路径查询:可以使用hierarchyid数据类型的方法来查询指定节点到根节点的路径。
5. 层次关系管理:可以使用hierarchyid数据类型的方法来管理层次结构的层次关系。

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: which change caused this performance difference. 3群 Which method or feature should you use? 交流 A. Compare Period ADDM report CP考试 B. AWR Compare Period report O C. Active Session History (ASH) report
D. Taking a new snapshot and comparing it with a preserved snapshot Correct Answer: B (解析:比较数据库不同时间段的性能差异,最好的方法就是比较 AWR 报告)
QUESTION 48 You want to capture column group usage and gather extended statistics for better cardina lity estimates for the CUSTOMERS table in the SH schema. Examine the following steps: 1. Issue the SELECT DBMS_STATS.CREATE_EXTENDED_STATS (`SH', `CUSTOMERS') FROM dual statement. 2. Execute the DBMS_STATS.SEED_COL_USAGE (null, `SH', 500) procedure.

Logical Drive Not On Preferred PathWhat Caused the Problem?There is a problem accessing the controller listed in the Recovery Guru Details Area. Any logical drives that have this controller assigned as their preferred path will be moved to the non-preferred path (alternate controller). This procedure will help you pinpoint the problem along the data path. Because the logical drives will be moved to the alternate controller, they should still be accessible. Therefore, no action is required on the individual logical drives.Possible causes include:∙The controller failed a manually initiated diagnostic test and was placed Offline.∙The controller was manually placed Offline using the Advanced>>Recovery>>Place Controller>>Offline menu option.∙There are disconnected or faulty cables.∙ A Hub or Fabric switch is not functioning properly.∙ A host adapter has failed.∙The storage subsystem contains a defective RAID controller.The Recovery Guru Details area provides specific information you will need as you follow the recovery steps.CautionDo not replace the controller until you are instructed to do so. This procedure will instruct you to check the components along the connection, check the host adapters, and eventually instruct you to replace the controller, if necessary.CautionElectrostatic discharge can damage sensitive components. Use a grounding wrist strap or other anti-static precautions before removing or handling components.Important Notes∙When Auto Logical Drive Transfer (ADT) is enabled, it can take several minutes for the host-based, multi-path failover driver to recognize a restored or modified preferred path (use the Storage Subsystem Profile to determine whether you have ADT enabled on a mapped host; see Step 9 below). A Logical Drive Not On Preferred Path error will be reported during this time. If you have recently modified the preferred path using the Array>>Change>>Ownership/Preferred Path or Logical Drive>>Change>>Ownership/Preferred Path menu options or performed a recovery procedure that has restored a preferred path, wait at least 10 minutes and run the Recovery Guru again using the Recheck button. If this error is reported again, perform the recovery procedures listed below.∙Not all models of storage subsystems contain batteries. If your storage subsystem does not contain batteries, you can ignore any references to them in the following steps. To determine if your storage subsystem contains batteries, use the Storage Subsystem>>View Profile option and select the Enclosures tab. Storage Subsystems without batteries will not have those components listed.∙If the controllers for this storage subsystem are located in an enclosure containing both controllers and drives, you may have to insert the battery from the old controller canister into the new replacement controller canister. Consult the following steps and your hardware documentation for details.Recovery Steps12 Check the following components on both ends of the connection for loose connections or visible damage:∙External cables∙Hubs and switches3 Use the information in the following table to determine the action to take.4 Remove the defective controller. The defective controller (A or B) is listed in the Recovery Guru Details area.Note: Before you insert a new controller canister into an Out-of-Band Managed Storage Subsystem (refer to the Network Management Type column in the Enterprise Management Window), you must update the DHCP/BOOTP server so that it will associate the new controller's hardware Ethernet address with the host name and IP address previously assigned to the removed controller.To update the DHCP/BOOTP server, find the entry associated with the removed controller and replace its Ethernet address with the new controller's Ethernet address. The controller's Ethernet address is located on an Ethernet ID label on thecontroller canister in the form xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx. If you need more details, consult the Storage System Planning Guide .56 Make sure at least 1 minute has elapsed. Then, insert the new controller canister firmly into place.Note the controller slot (A or B) of the affected controller listed in the Recovery Guru Details area. Highlight this controller slot in the Physical View of the Subsystem Management Window.78 Note the controller slot (A or B) of the affected controller listed in the Recovery Guru Details area. Highlight thiscontroller slot in the Physical View of the Subsystem Management Window.9 If you have logical drives mapped to hosts that have Automatic Logical Drive Transfer (ADT) disabled, it may be necessaryto redistribute the logical drives to their preferred controller. Use the following steps to determine the ADT status of the hosts connected to your storage subsystem:10 Select Recheck to rerun the Recovery Guru to ensure that the failure has been fixed.。
opengauss set schema 用法 -回复

opengauss set schema 用法-回复"opengauss set schema 用法"指的是在OpenGauss数据库中设置模式(schema)的方法。
在这篇文章中,我将逐步解释如何使用opengauss set schema命令以及它的一些常见用法。
第二步:连接到数据库在使用opengauss set schema命令之前,首先需要连接到数据库。
可以使用以下命令连接到数据库:gsql -d dbname -U username其中`dbname`是要连接的数据库名称,`username`是连接数据库所需的用户名。
第三步:设置模式一旦连接到数据库,就可以使用opengauss set schema命令来设置模式(schema)。
该命令的基本语法如下:SET SEARCH_PATH TO schema_name, schema_name, ...;其中,`schema_name`是要设置的模式名称。
例如,要设置模式为myschema,可以使用以下命令:SET SEARCH_PATH TO myschema;如果要设置多个模式,可以使用以下命令:SET SEARCH_PATH TO myschema, public;这将设置模式为myschema和public。
例如,使用`myschema.mytable`可以访问myschema模式下的mytable 表。
Oracle CODASYL DBMS 商品说明书

Oracle CODASYL DBMSOracle CODASYL DBMS provides a powerful and reliable database environment for mission-critical applications running under the Digital VAX and Alpha OpenVMS operating systems,including large-scale applications such as insurance claim processing, power plant operation,and shop floor control systems. With comprehensive system management capabilities and afull range of features, Oracle CODASYL DBMS optimizes system performance, enhancesuser productivity, and provides a stable foundation for the deployment of new technologies.Proven Stability, Performance, and CODASYL-ComplianceFor years, Digital Equipment Corporation’s DBMS databasesystem provided the id eal foundation for programmers, analysts,or administrators who used conventional, non-relational plan-ning and coding techniques to design, build, and maintainapplications for long-term corporat e use. Its stable architecturewas especially preferred for large-scale, mission-critical appli-cations that did not map well to a relational database model.T oday Oracle continues the tradition of DBMS reliability andperformance with Oracle CODASYL DBMS, a multiuser,CODASYL-compliant database management system for theDigital V AX and Alpha OpenVMS operating systems.CODASYL DBMS is designed for databases of all levels ofcomplexity, ranging from simple hierarchies to sophisticatednetworks with multilevel relationships, and engineered formultiuser environments, supporting full concurrent accesswithout compromising the integrity and security of theuser’s database. For application environments where stability,high availability, and throughput are essential, CODASYLDBMS provides a reliable operating platform and a soliddevelopment base.Multiversioning Support for Continual UptimeOracle CODASYL DBMS brings additional power, performance,and system management features to the Digital environment.New to CODASYL DBMS is multiversioning support, whichfacilitates upgrades in production environments by allowingyou to install and test CODASYL DBMS while you continueto run older versions in production. This eliminates the down-time usually associated with database upgrades, and allowsyou to perform “rolling upgrades” to your CODASYL DBMSenvironment. It also allows you to transition to newer versionsof CODASYL DBMS as they become available, withoutcompromising user productivity.®Enabling the Information AgeComprehensive Management CapabilitiesNew capabilities in CODAS YL DBMS give you greater control over your database, and enables you to fine tune for better performance. A new option to the database verification opera-tion (DBO/VERIFY) enables CODASYL DBMS to run five to 10 times faster than previous versions, and provides a more thorough verification and an enhanced list of corruption diagnostics for facilitating repair tasks. An enhanced database statistics package also provides you with detailed information about the real-time usage of your database resources. In addi-tion, CODASYL DBMS’s RELOAD AREA utility can prevent sluggish I/O performance by efficiently scanning stored records and moving them closer to their optimal target pages. When using RELO AD AREA, you can specify a reload sequence or use the default provided. Y ou can also perform the RELOAD operation while the database is online. This allows you to avoid unnecessary database downtime.Support for Large and Growing DatabasesCODASYL DBMS is tuned for the information management needs of growing enterprises. For example, CODASYL DBMS gives you the ability to utilize V ery Large Memory configurations —configurations with more than four gigabytes of RAM—on your 64-bit Alpha systems. CODASYL DBMS’s V ery Large Memory support allows you to store a larger portion of your database in memory, so less time is spent moving data to and from disk, and more users can access more data from your database faster. In addition, CODASYL DBMS’s after image journaling (AIJ) features prevent AIJ files from consuming vast amounts of disk space. Even if your database is growing rapidly, CODASYL DBMS provides automatic backup of full AIJ files without DBA intervention, and helps maintain optimal performance.Oracle CODASYL DBMSDiscrete Disaster RecoveryT o protect your enterprise against data and productivity losses resulting from a node or cluster failure, CODASYL DBMS’s Hot Standby option allows you to completely duplicate a data-base and its environment. In the event of a failure, you can use the replicated database as the master database, with minimal interruption of database users and application processing. The Hot Standby option automatically performs coordinated database synchronization and verification with minimal impact on system resources—the only manual step the administrator must perform is to start the replication services. An additional, optional component—called the Replication Governor—coordinates the database replication and ensures complete synchronization between the master and standby databases.Y ou can implement master and standby databases on systems running OpenVMS V AX, OpenVMS Alpha, or both. Reliable Database ControlsCODASYL DBMS gives you comprehensive database manage-ment controls that help you to optimize your Digital V AX and Alpha OpenVMS environment. Its incremental backup capabilities speed routine maintenance, while its three-phase recovery-by-page feature determines exactly which pages are corrupt and allows you to restore only those pages. Y ou also gain additional locking control with CODASYL DBMS’s two-phase locking option, which allows you to lock individual pages as well as individual records. Fewer locks are especially useful in high-throughput, low-contention environments, such as OLTP environments.Oracle CODASYL DBMS Key FeaturesHardware and Software RequirementsOracle CODASYL DBMS runs on any valid Digital Alpha or VAX configuration running the OpenVMS operating system.Oracle Corporation World Headquarters 500 Oracle ParkwayRedwood Shores, CA 94065USAWorldwide Inquiries:415.506.7000Fax 415.506.7200/To offer our customers the most complete and effective informationmanagement solutions, Oracle Corporation offers its products, along with support, education, and consulting, in more than 90 countries.Oracle is a registered trademark, and Enabling the Information Age and Oracle CODASYL DBMS are trademarks of Oracle Corporation.All other company and product names mentioned are used for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of their respective owners.Copyright © Oracle Corporation 1995All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA 9680.1295.5K Part #: A24170Performance and AvailabilityRELOAD area utilityAfter-Image Journaling (AIJ) management:circular AIJ, AIJ Backup Server, and AIJ Log ServerIncremental backups Recovery by page Two-phase lockingFull concurrent access capabilities(storage, retrieval, update, and deletion) in a multi-user environment Record locking and journalingAutomatic transaction and verb rollback Multiple database support (one or more databases per process)Two Phase Commit capability automatically commits or rolls back updates across multiple databases in one transaction Full VMScluster support, including automatic recovery upon node failure Integration with CDD/Repository for OpenVMSSecurity and LanguagesSchema, Subschema, Storage Schema, and Security Schema Data Definition Languages (DDLs)Security audit logging of database and Security Schema accessFORTRAN Data Manipulation Language (FDML)Generic DML preprocessor for C, Pascal,and DEC AdaCallable interpretive interface for any OpenVMS Alpha language that adheres to the OpenVMS calling standardAutomatic subschema definition extraction from the CDD/Repository for DEC C,MACRO, DEC Pascal, and DEC Ada when using the high-level call interface or generic DML preprocessorDatabase ManagementEasy-to-use utility command language (DBO)Database Restructuring Utility (DRU)provides the ability to change manydatabase characteristics without unloading and reloading the databaseInitial Load utility; Unload utility for data extraction; functionality for database restructuring with Unload/LoadSimple restructuring, including adding AREAS and initializing AREAS, without unloading and reloading a databaseInteractive Database Query utility (DBQ)with video display of subschema structure diagrams on VT100, VT200, or VT300compatible terminalsVerification and BackupOnline and incremental database verification including verification by setFull and incremental database backup with or without concurrent database users Full and incremental database restore of the entire database or individual areas Ability to redo a sequence of committed transactions (roll forward)Database Tuning and OptimizationBATCH RETRIEVAL ready mode (data-base snapshots) for increased concurrency in large retrieval applicationsSpace Area Management (SPAM) pages which improve database free-space search performanceBoolean record selection expression with index optimization on FIND and FETCH DML statementsData compression of data items and database key (DBKey) pointersDirect record access through database key (DBKey) pointersAutomatic expansion of large records across multiple database pagesSorted sets implemented with B-trees or simple chains; prefix and suffix compression for sort keys with the B-tree implementation DECnet database access for full remote read/write access to non-redundantdistributed databasesPrinted on recycled paper with soy-based inks®Enabling the Information Age。
dolphinscheduler的数据库设计文档 -回复

1. 数据库选型和规划DolphinScheduler支持多种关系型数据库,如MySQL、Oracle、PostgreSQL等,以适应不同用户需求。
2. 数据表结构设计DolphinScheduler的数据库设计采用了常见的关系型数据库表结构,通过建立表之间的关联关系和索引来提高查询效率。
3. 数据库表关系设计DolphinScheduler的数据库设计通过建立不同表之间的关联关系来保证数据的一致性和完整性。
例如,工作流定义表和任务定义表通过工作流ID 进行关联,以建立工作流与任务之间的关系。
4. 数据库索引和性能优化为了提高查询效率,DolphinScheduler的数据库设计中采用了索引和性能优化的方法。
enableautoconfiguration exclude 原理

enableautoconfiguration exclude 原理在许多编程语言和框架中,配置文件是一种常见的配置系统的方式。
Exclude注解的基本原理是在自动配置类上使用@ConfigurationProperties 注解标注特定的属性,然后通过将这些属性标记为exclude来排除特定的自动配置。
例如,如果开发人员希望禁用Spring框架为应用程序自动配置的所有数据库连接池,但仍然希望使用手动配置的一个连接池,可以使用Exclude 注解来实现这一点。

dynamicdatasource的connecttimeout参数摘要:I.动态数据源的概念A.动态数据源的定义B.动态数据源的作用II.connectTimeout 参数的含义A.connectTimeout 参数的定义B.connectTimeout 参数的作用III.connectTimeout 参数的使用A.如何设置connectTimeout 参数B.connectTimeout 参数的取值范围C.connectTimeout 参数对动态数据源的影响IV.connectTimeout 参数与数据源性能的关系A.connectTimeout 参数对数据源性能的影响B.如何根据实际情况调整connectTimeout 参数V.总结A.connectTimeout 参数的重要性B.对动态数据源的展望正文:动态数据源是一种可以根据需求动态调整的数据源,它可以帮助我们更好地应对不同的业务场景。
动态数据源的connectTimeout 参数是一个十分重要的参数,它决定了数据源连接的超时时间。
connectTimeout 参数的含义十分明确,即数据源连接超时时间。
connectTimeout 参数的使用方法也很简单。
我们只需要在创建动态数据源时,设置好connectTimeout 参数即可。
需要注意的是,connectTimeout 参数的取值范围通常在1 到60 秒之间。
connectTimeout 参数与数据源性能的关系也十分密切。
如果connectTimeout 参数设置得过大,可能会导致数据源的性能下降。
反之,如果connectTimeout 参数设置得过小,可能会导致数据源连接不稳定,从而影响性能。

dynamic-datasource+jpa无法生成表结构dynamic-datasource+jpa无法生成表结构,可能是以下原因导致的:1. 数据库连接配置错误:请检查您的数据库连接配置是否正确,包括数据库URL、用户名、密码等信息。
2. 实体类配置错误:请检查您的实体类是否正确配置了JPA注解,例如`@Entity`、`@Table`等。
3. 数据源配置错误:请确保您的数据源已经正确配置,并且已经在运行时可用。
4. 事务管理器配置错误:请检查您的事务管理器配置是否正确。
5. 持久化配置错误:请检查您的持久化配置文件(如`persistence.xml`)是否正确。
6. 数据库引擎问题:某些数据库引擎可能不支持动态表结构生成,此时您可以考虑使用其他数据库引擎,或调整数据库配置。
7. Hibernate版本问题:部分Hibernate版本可能存在bug,导致动态表结构生成失败。
8. 代码问题:请检查您的代码中是否存在错误,例如拼写错误、包路径错误等。
9. 依赖问题:确保您的项目中正确包含了相关依赖,如spring-boot-starter-data-jpa、hibernate等。
10. 权限问题:确保数据库引擎具有足够的权限来创建表结构。
如果您已经排除了以上原因,但问题仍然存在,您可以尝试以下方法:1. 查看控制台输出:查看项目运行时的控制台输出,寻找可能的错误信息。
2. 查询Hibernate日志:查看Hibernate日志,了解其在生成表结构时的详细信息。
3. 使用调试工具:使用调试工具,逐步执行代码,找出问题所在。
4. 请教同行或查阅资料:在遇到困难时,可以向同行请教,或查阅相关资料,了解是否存在类似问题及其解决方案。
5. 重构代码:在确保实体类、配置文件等都没有问题的情况下,可以尝试重构代码,看是否能解决问题。
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Dynamic Schema Hierarchies for anAutonomous RobotJos´e M.Ca˜n as1and Vicente Matell´a n1Universidad Rey Juan Carlos,28933M´o stoles(Spain){jmplaza,vmo}@gsyc.escet.urjc.esAbstract.This paper proposes a behavior based architecture for robotcontrol which uses dynamic hierarchies of small schemas to generate au-tonomous behavior.Each schema is aflow of execution with a target,canbe turned on and off,and has several parameters which tune its behavior.Low level schemas are woken up and modulated by upper level schemas,forming a hierarchy for a given behavior.At any time there are severalawake schemas per level,running concurrently,but only one of themis activated by environment perception.When none or more than oneschema wants to be activated then upper level schema is called for arbi-tration.This paper also describes an implementation of the architectureand its use on a real robot.1IntroductionIt is not sciencefiction to see a mobile robot guiding through a museum1,navi-gating in an office environment,serving as a pet2,or even playing soccer3.Today we’ve got best sensors and actuators ever.But how are they combined to gen-erate behaviors?The hardware improvements have made clear the importance of a good control architecture,making it a critical factor to obtain the goal of autonomous behavior.Robot control architecture can be defined as the organization of robot sen-sory,actuation and computing capabilities in order to generate a wide set of intelligent behaviors in certain environment.Architectures answer to a main question:what to do next?(action selection),as well as another questions like what is interesting in the environment?(attention),etc.Advances in architecture will lead to even more complex behaviors and increasing reliable autonomy.In next section main proposals in robot control architectures will be reviewed. Section3presents our approach,Dynamic Schema Hierarchies,including its action selection mechanism,its reconfiguration abilities and how perception is organized in this proposal.The software architecture developed to implement DSH is commented on section4.Some conclusions and future lines end the paper.1Minerva:/∼minerva2Aibo:3Robocup:/2Jos´e M.Ca˜n as et al.2Robot Control Architectures2.1Deliberative ArchitecturesSymbolic AI has influenced on mobile robotics from its beginnings,resulting in the deliberative approach.This makes emphasis on world modeling and planning as deliberation for robot action.In mid eighties this was the main paradigm for behavior generation.The control architecture was seen as an infinite information loop:Sense-Model-Plan-Act(SMPA).In modeling step sensor data are fused into a central world representation,which stores all data about environment,maybe in a symbolic form.Most robot intelligence lie in the planning step,where a planner searched in the state space and found a sequence operators to reach some target state from the current one.Act were seen as a mere plan execution.There was a single executionflow and a functional decomposition of the problem,where the modules called functions from other modules(vision module, path planning module).2.2Behavior Based ArchitecturesRooted in connectionist theories in mid eighties new approaches which exhibited impressive demos on real robots were proposed.The common factor of such works was the distribution of control in several basic behavior units,called levels of competence,schemas,agents,etc.Each behavior unit is a fast loop from sensor to action,with its own partial target.There is no central representation,each behavior processes its own sen-sory information.Additionally,there are no explicit symbols about the environ-ment.The emphasis is put in real world robots(embodiment)and in interaction with the environment(situated).Distribution of control poses the additional problem of behavior coordina-tion.Each behavior has its own goal,but usually enters in contradiction with another one.How is thefinal actuation calculated(action selection)?.There are two major paradigms:arbitration and command fusion.Arbitration establishes a competition for control among all the behaviors and only the winning one deter-mines thefinal actuation.Priorities,activation networks from Pattie Maes[13] and state based arbitration[3]fall in this mand fusion techniques merge all the relevant outputs in a global one that take into account all behavior preferences.Relevant approaches in command fusion include superposition[2], fuzzy blending[15]and voting[14].Coordination is always a difficult issue.We will present here in more detail two foundational works leaving apart extensions and refinements.They contain main relevant ideas of the approach. Brook’s subsumption In1986Rodney Brooks proposed a layered decompo-sition of behavior in competence levels[6].Since then many robots have been developed using this paradigm(Herbert,Toto),showing a great proficiency in low level tasks such as trash cans collecting,local navigation,etc.A competence level is an informal specification of a desired class of behaviors for a robot.EachDynamic Schema Hierarchies for an Autonomous Robot3 level is implemented by a net of Finite State Machines(FSM),which have low bandwidth communication channels to exchange signals and small variables.Low levels provide basic behaviors,i.e.avoid obstacles,wander,etc..More refined behaviors are generated building additional levels over the existing ones. All levels run concurrently,and upper levels can suppress lower level outputs and replace their inputs.This is called subsumption and gives name to the architecture.This action selection mechanism usesfixed priorities hardwired in the FSM net.Arkin’schemas Following Arbib ideas[1],Ronald Arkin proposed a decompo-sition of behavior in schemas[2].His architecture,named AuRA,contains two types of units:motor schemas and perceptive ones.“Each motor schema has an embedded perceptual schema to provide the necessary sensor information”[2].For instance,the output of a navigation motor schema is a vector with the de-sired velocity and orientation to advance.The navigation behavior was obtained by the combination of avoid-moving-obstacles,avoid-static-obstacles,stay-on-path and move-to-goal schemas.Each schema can be implemented as a poten-tialfield,delivering a force vector for each location in the environment.The commanded movement is the superposition of allfields[2].Extensions to Arkin’s approach include the sequencing of several complex behaviors.A Finite State Acceptor is used for arbitration,where each state means the concurrent activation of certain schemas and triggering events are defined to jump among states[3].2.3Hybrid approachesThe trend in last years is an evolution to hybrid architectures that combine the strengths of both paradigms.For instance,planning capabilities and fast reactivity,because they both are important for complex tasks on real reliable robots.A successful approach is the layered3T-architecture[5],based on Firby’s RAP[9].The control is distributed in afixed hierarchy of three abstraction levels that run concurrently and asynchronously.Upper layer includes deliberation over symbolic representations and makes plans composed of tasks.The intermediate level,called sequencer,receives such tasks and has a library of task recipes describing how to achieve them.It activates and deactivates sets of skills to accomplish the tasks.Skills compose the reactive layer.Each one is a continuous routine that achieve or maintain certain goal in a given context(it is situated). 3Dynamic Schema HierarchiesWe propose an approach named Dynamic Schema Hierarchies(DSH)that is strongly rooted in Arbib[1]and Arkin ideas[2].The basic unit of behavior is called schema.Control is distributed among a hierarchy of schemas.4Jos´e M.Ca˜n as et al.An schema is aflow of execution with a target.It can be turned on and off,and accepts several input parameters which tune its own behavior.There are perceptual schemas and motor schemas.Perceptual ones produce pieces of information that can be read by other schemas.These data usually are sensor observations or relevant stimuli in current environment,and they are the input for motor schemas.Motor schemas access to such data and generate their out-puts,which are the activation signal for other low level schemas(perceptual or motor)and their modulation parameters.All schemas are iterative processes,they perform their mission in iterations which are executed periodically.Actually,the period of such iterations is a main modulation parameter of the schema itself.Digital controllers are an example of such paradigm,they deliver a corrective action each control cycle.Schemas are also suspendable,they can be deactivated at the end on one iteration and they will not produce any output until they are resumed again.A perceptual schema can be in only two states:slept or active.When active the schema is updating the stimuli variables it is in charge of.When slept the variables themselves exist,but they are outdated.The change from slept to active or vice versa is determined by upper level schemas.For motor schemas things are a little bit more tricky,they can be in four states:slept,checking,ready and active.A motor schema has precon-ditions,which must be satisfied in order to be active.checking means the schema is awake and actively checking its preconditions,but they don’t match to current situation.When they do,the schema passes to ready and tries to win action selection competition against other ready motor schemas in the same level and so become active.Only active schemas deliver activation signals and modulation parameters to lower level schemas.Schemas can be implemented with many different techniques:simple rules from sensor data,fuzzy controllers,planners,finite state machines,etc.The only requirement is to be iterative and suspendable.In the case of a planner,the plan is enforced to be considered a resource,an internalized plan[14]instead of a symbolic one.This is because the schema has to deliver an action proposal each iteration.3.1HierarchySchemas are organized in hierarchies.These hierarchies are dynamically built. For instance,if an active motor schema needs some information to accomplish its target then it activates relevant perceptual schemas(square boxes infigure 1)in order to collect,search,build and update such information.It may also awake a set of low level motor schemas(circles)that can be useful for its purpose because implement right reactions to stimuli in the environment.It modulates them to behave according to its own target and put them in checking state. Not only the one convenient for current situation,but also all the lower motor schemas which deal with plausible situations.This way low level schemas are recursively woken up and modulated by upper level schemas,forming a unique hierarchy for a given global behavior.Dynamic Schema Hierarchies for an Autonomous Robot5 At any time there are several checking motor schemas running concurrently per level,displayed as solid circles infigure1(i.e.schemas5,6and7).Only one of them per level is activated by environment perception or by explicit parent arbitration,as we will see on3.2.The active schemas are shown asfilled circles infigure1(1,6and15).For instance motor schema6infigure1is the winner of control competition at the level.It awakes perceptual schemas11,16and motor schemas14,15,and sets their modulation parameters.Fig.1.Schema hierarchy and pool of slept schemasSchemas unused for current task rest in a pool of schemas,suspended in slept state,but ready for activation at any time.They appear as dashed squares and circles infigure1(schemas8,9,10,12,13,17,18,etc.).Actually,schemas 10,12,and13are one step away from activation,they will be awaken if schema 5passed to active in its level.Sequence of behaviors can be implemented with DSH using a motor schema coded as afinite state machine.Each state corresponds to one step in the se-quence,and makes a different set of lower schemas to be awaken.It also activates the perceptual schemas needed to detect triggering events that change its inter-nal state.3.2DSH Action SelectionAt any time the active perceptual schemas draw a perceptual subspace(atten-tion subspace)that corresponds to all plausible values of relevant stimuli for each level(displayed as white areas infigure2).It is a subset of all possible stimuli, because it doesn’t include the stimuli produced by slept perceptual schemas (shadowed area infigure2).This subspace is partitioned into activation regions, which are defined as the areas where the preconditions of a motor schema are satisfied.Parent schema sets its child motor schemas activation regions to be more or less non overlapping.A given situation corresponds to one point in such subspace,and may lie in the activation region of one motor schema or another.Only the corresponding motor schema will be activated,so situation activates only one schema per level among checking ones.This is a coarse grained arbitration based on activation regions.6Jos´e M.Ca˜n as et al.Fig.2.Perceptual space,attention subspace and activation regions Despite such coarse grained arbitration may appear situations where more than one motor schema for a level satisfy their preconditions(activation regions overlap infigure2).Even situations where none of them are ready for activation, that is,not covered by any activation region(absence of control).Child schemas detect such control failures checking their brothers’state,and then parent is called forfine grained arbitration.Parent can change children parameters or just select one of them as the winner of control competition is its level.This is similar to context dependent blending[15],the parent schema knows the context for that arbitration,and so it can be very behavior specific.The action selection mechanism in DSH has a distributed nature.There is no central arbiter as in DAMN[11],just parent and children.There is a competition per level,that occurs once every child iteration.This allows fast reconfiguration if situation changed.It is a commitment between purposiveness top-down and reactive motiva-tions.Only schemas awaken from upper level are allowed to gain control,but finally perceived situation chooses one and only one winner among them per level.The winner schema has double motivation,task-oriented and situation-oriented.Schemas without any of them don’t add enough motivation for their activation and remain silent,checking or slept.Activationflows top-down in the hierarchy,similar to architecture proposed by Tinbergen and Lorenz[12]for instinctive behavior in animals.Addition of motivation and lateral inhibition among same level nodes also appear in such ethological architectures.3.3PerceptionIn DSH motor schemas make their decisions over information produced by per-ceptual schemas.Perception is distributed in perceptual schemas,each one may produce several pieces of such information.They exist because at least one mo-tor schema eventually needs the information they produce.It can be sensor data that the schema collects,or more complex stimuli about environment or the robot itself built by the schema(for instance a map,a door,etc.).All the events or stimuli that we want to take into account in the behavior require a computa-tional effort to detect and perceive them.DSH includes them in the architecture as perceptual schemas,each one searches for and describes its stimulus when present,updating internal variables.Dynamic Schema Hierarchies for an Autonomous Robot7 Due to hierarchical activation in DSH,perception is situated,and context dependent.Perceptual schemas can be activated at will.The active ones fo-cus only on stimuli which are relevant to current situation or global behavior (attention).Thisfilters out huge amounts of useless data from the sensors,i.e. shadowed area infigure2.It makes the system more efficient because no com-putational resource is devoted to stimuli not interesting in current context.There can be symbolic stimuli if they are convenient for the behavior at hand.These abstract stimuli must be grounded,with clear building and updating algorithms from sensor data or other lower level stimuli.Actually,different levels in perceptual schemas allow for abstraction and compounded stimuli:perceptual schemas can have as input the output of other perceptual schemas.3.4ReconfigurationFor a given task certain hierarchy generates the right robot behavior.The net of schemas builds relevant stimuli from sensor data and reacts accordingly to environment state.If the situation changes slightly,currently active schemas can deal with it and maybe generate a slightly different motor commands.If the situation changes a little bit more maybe one active schema is not appropriate anymore and the environment itself activates another checking motor schema, that was ready to react to such change.In the case of bigger changes they cause a control conflict at a certain level. In that case,the parent is called for arbitration and may decide to sleep useless schemas,wake up another relevant ones,change its children modulation,or prop-agate the conflict upwards forcing a hierarchy reconfiguration from upper level. The mechanism to solve conflicts may vary from one schema to another(fuzzy logic,simple rules,etc.).This reconfiguration may add new levels or reduce the number of them.This can be seen as a dynamic controller,composed of several controllers running in parallel and triggering events that change completely the controllers net.Each event requires a corresponding perceptual schema to detect it.This is similar to discrete state arbitration from[3],but accounts for hierarchy of schemas not only for a single level.The levels are not static but task dependent as in TCA task trees[16].These changes must be designed to work properly.Schemas don’t belong to any level in particular.They can be located in a different level,probably with other pa-rameters,for another global behavior.This way the schemas can be reused in different levels depending on the desiredfinal behavior.4Implementation issuesWe have used a small indoor robot,composed of a pioneer platform,and a off-the-shelf laptop under Linux OS(figure3).The robot is endowed with a16sonar belt,bumpers,and two wheel encoders for position estimation.We have added a cheap webcam connected through USB to the computer.Two DC motors allow robot movements.8Jos´e M.Ca˜n as et al.Fig.3.Supercoco,our robot and Saphira c simulatorA software architecture has been developed to test the cognitive architec-ture proposed.All our code is written in ANSI-C.We have developed two socket servers which make available camera images,motor commands,raw sonar, bumper,and encoder data to client programs through message protocol.These servers can be connected both to robot simulator(Saphira environment[10])or real platform,so the same control program can run seamlessly on real robot or on the simulator(without vision).The use of a simulator is very convenient for debugging.Additionally,the laptop is wireless connected,so the control program for real robot could run on-board,or in any other computer.The DSH control program is a single client process,but with many kernel threads inside.Each schema is implemented as a thread(we use standard Posix threads on Linux)which periodically executes an iteration muni-cation between different threads is done through regular variables,because all the threads share virtual memory space.Motor schemas read variables updated by perceptual schemas,and low level schemas read their own parameters set by a higher level schema.To implement slept state we have used pthread condition variables. Each schema has an associated condition variable,so it can sleep on it when needed consuming no CPU cycles.Any schema may ask another one to be halted writing on a shared variable.The next time that recipient schema executes its iteration it will be suspended on its condition variable.The schema can be resumed when another thread signal on its condition variable.Typically the parent schema sets the child parameters and then wakes it up signalling on its condition variable.Activation regions and arbitration are implemented as callback functions. Every iteration the motor schema calls its activation region function to check whether current situation matches its preconditions or not.Parent schema de-fines the activation region functions for each of its children.Additionally on each iteration the motor schema also checks the state of its brothers in the level to detect control overlaps or control absences.In such case,arbitration functions are invoked to solve the conflict.Dynamic Schema Hierarchies for an Autonomous Robot9 4.1ExampleAs an example we describe the gotopoint behavior developed using DSH:the robot reaches its destination point in the local environment and makes detours around obstacles if needed.It has been implemented as a parent motor schema that activates two perceptual schemas and three motor ones:stop,followwall and advance.Stop schema stops the robot if obstacles are too close.This is the default schema in case of control absence.Followwall schema accepts sonar data and moves the robot parallel to closest obstacle.Advance schema moves it in certain orientation,faster if there are no obstacle in such angle,and turning to get it if needed.Activation regions are set in parent schema:if there is an obstacle closer than100cm in goal angle then followwall schema is activated,otherwise advance schema sends its motor commands.If a sudden obstacle gets closer than 20cm then stop schema wins control competition.First perceptual schema collects sonar and encoder data,and second one calculates distance to closest obstacle in goal angle.Actually it can calculate such distance in any orientation,but parent schema modulates it to do it in goal one.Parent schema read encoder data and computes relative distance and orientation to destination from current robot location.When detects the robot is over the target point it suspends all its child schemas.Followwall schema alone makes the robot to follow walls.So this is an example of schema ed with a different activation region an together with other schemas can help to achieve another global behavior.5ConclusionsA new architecture named DSH has been presented,which is based on dynamic hierarchies of schemas.Perception and control are distributed in schemas,and grouped in abstraction levels.These levels are not general but task dependent which allow greaterflexibility thanfixed hierarchies.Perceptual schemas build relevant information pieces and motor schemas take actuation decisions over them in continuous loops.It shares features with both deliberative and behavior based approaches. It may use symbolic stimuli when needed,directly grounded on sensor data or even on other stimuli,growing in abstraction.Also the absence of a central world model overcomes the SMPA bottleneck and avoids the need for such complete model before starting to act.The perception is task oriented,which avoid useless computation on non interesting data.Timely reactions to environment changes are favored by low level loops and fast arbitration and reconfiguration capabilities.Deliberative schemas can be used too,but they are enforced to deliver an action recommendation each itera-tion.This prevents the use of plans as programs and enforces its use as resources for action.A distributed arbitration is used for schema coordination.Each schema is the arbiter for its children,defining non overlapping activation regions.This10Jos´e M.Ca˜n as et al.combines top down(target oriented)and bottom up(environment oriented) motivations for action selection.The architecture is extensible.Adding a new schema is quite easy,it requires to define the schema parameters and its iteration,arbitration functions.Also all previous schemas can be reused as building blocks for new behaviors.We are working to perceive more abstract stimuli,specially vision based(in particular doors)and to extend the schema repertoire with more abstract ones, as narrow door traversal.References1.Arbib,M.A.,Liaw,J.S.:Sensorimotor transformations in the worlds of frogs androbots.Artificial Intelligence,72(1995)53–792.Arkin,R.C.:Motor Schema-Based Mobile Robot Navigation.The InternationalJournal of Robotics Research,8(4)(1989)92–1123.Arkin,R.C.,Balch,T.:AuRA:Principles and Practice in Review.Journal of Ex-perimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence,9(2-3)(1997)175–1884.Ali,K.S.,Arkin,R.C.:Implementing Schema-theoretic Models of Animal Behaviorin Robotic Systems.Proceedings of the5th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control,AMC’98.IEEE,Coimbra(Portugal)(1998)246–2535.Bonasso,R.P.,Firby,R.J.,Gat,E.,Kortenkamp,D.,Miller,D.P.,Slack,M.G.:Experiences with an Architecture for Intelligent,Reactive Agents.Journal of Ex-perimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence,9(2)(1997)237–2566.Brooks,R.A.:A Robust Layered Control System for a Mobile Robot.IEEE Journalof Robotics and Automation,2(1)(1986)14-237.Corbacho,F.J.,Arbib,M.A.:Learning to Detour.Adaptive Behavior,5(4)(1995)419–4688.Firby,R.J.:Building Symbolic Primitives with Continuous Control Routines.Pro-ceedings of the1st International Conference on AI Planning Systems AIPS’92.(1992)62–699.Firby,R.J.:Task Networks for Controlling Continuous Processes.Proceedings ofthe2nd International Conference on AI Planning Systems AIPS’94.AAAI(1994) 49–5410.Konolige,Kurt:Saphira Software Manual.SRI International,2001nger,D.,Rosenblatt,J.K.,Hebert,M.:A Behavior-Based System for Off-RoadNavigation.IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation,10(6)(1994)776-78212.Lorenz,K.:Foundations of Ethology.Springer Verlag(1981)13.Maes,P.:How to Do the Right Thing.Connection Science Journal(Special Issueon Hybrid Systems),1(3)(1989)291–32314.Payton, D.W.,Rosenblatt,J.K.,Keirsey, D.M.:Plan Guided Reaction.IEEETransactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics,20(6)(1990)1370–138215.Saffiotti,A.:The uses of fuzzy logic in autonomous robot navigation.Soft Com-puting,1(1997)180–19716.Simmons,R.G.:Structured Control for Autonomous Robots.IEEE Transactionson Robotics and Automation,10(1)(1994)34–4317.Tyrrell,T.:The Use of Hierarchies for Action Selection.Journal of Adaptive Be-havior,1(4)(1993)387–420。