HP Virtual Connect Flex-10 NICs Solution Recipe




Hp 刀片服务器Virtual Connect特性介绍惠普虚拟连接按照其实现的功能不同,可以分为 Converged Networking、Ethernet和Fiber Channel三个不同的系列,针对这三个系列,惠普为用户提供多元化的I/O虚拟解决方案。

Ethernet VC可以提供以太网虚拟化; Fiber Channel VC可以提供FC存储的虚拟化;Converged Networking VC 单模块就可以实现以太网和存储的虚拟化。

VC-Enet 配置配置VC-enet基本流程:首先给一台blade定义一个profile,然后定义2个虚拟网络,分别指定这个网络的uplink 和downlink,最后把profile assign给一台刀片即可。

1.物理连接,通常物理连接如图所示:Figure 1 Aggregating NIC Bandwidth Using Team (TLB) and SmartLink2.网络配置说明a.Server NIC1 和NIC2之间做APA(Fail over), windows主机做Team 。

b.VC与客户交换机之间链路做trunk (cisco叫port channel),VC-Enet模块无需配置LACP协议,VC模块自动提供LACP功能。

c.配置 net1,net2 为smart link(等同于上层端口检测),如果uplink连接失效,vc会自动断开downlink连接,从而保证APA可以failover至另一网卡。

详细配置及fail over说明见58页VC-Enet_cook_book。

3.初始化VC配置过程a.初始化C7000,在液晶面板给C7000 OA一个配一个IP,然后通过网络管理OA,OA初始用户名密码在OA模块的标签上。

VC在安装到Bladesystem机箱中之后,需要给VC配置一个管理IP地址,才可以使用VCM 去管理VC-Ethernet和VC-FC模块。

HP Connect-It 9.40 兼容性矩阵说明说明书

HP Connect-It 9.40 兼容性矩阵说明说明书

HP Connect-It 9.40 - Compatibility matrixNotesThird-party components, such as databases, are supported at the minor-version level, unless a different minimum level is specified. Future maintenance and patch releases (including fix packs or service packs) on the same minor are expected to be supported, unless a conflict specific to that release arises.Click on the link below to jump to the section of your choice.ModulesOperating SystemsLanguage SupportConnector Supporto Inventory connectorso Hewlett-Packard connectorso Application connectorso Protocol connectorso ERP/CRM connectorsRemoved SupportModules(*) For Unix, supported hardware platforms are: Sun SPARCstation, IBM p-Series, and HP Itanium.Operating Systems(*) Hardware emulation with VMware GSX Server 2.x and 3.x and VMware Workstation 4.x, 5.x, 6.0 and 6.5and VMware Server 1.0 and 2.0. is supported.(*) Connect-It is a 32 bit application and only supports 32 bit interfaces.Java Virtual machineOnly 32-bit JVM is supported Connect-It requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed. UNIX mayrequire patches to support JRE.Connect-It Web(*) These languages are supported on Windows and Linux only. To enable these languages, select the “Current Language” option. See the User Guide for more information.Inventory connectorsInventory connector are based on the Database connector - so check Database connector compatibility forbackend server compatibilityHewlett-Packard connectorsApplication connectorsProtocol connectorsERP/CRM connectorsRemoved Support。



Hp 刀片服务器Virtual Connect特性介绍惠普虚拟连接按照其实现的功能不同,可以分为 Converged Networking、Ethernet和Fiber Channel三个不同的系列,针对这三个系列,惠普为用户提供多元化的I/O虚拟解决方案。

Ethernet VC可以提供以太网虚拟化; Fiber Channel VC可以提供FC存储的虚拟化;Converged Networking VC 单模块就可以实现以太网和存储的虚拟化。

、VC-Enet 配置配置VC-enet基本流程:首先给一台blade定义一个profile,然后定义2个虚拟网络,分别指定这个网络的uplink 和downlink,最后把profile assign给一台刀片即可。

1.物理连接,通常物理连接如图所示:Figure 1 Aggregating NIC Bandwidth Using Team (TLB) and SmartLink2.网络配置说明a.Server NIC1 和NIC2之间做APA(Fail over), windows主机做Team 。

b.VC与客户交换机之间链路做trunk (cisco叫port channel),VC-Enet模块无需配置LACP协议,VC模块自动提供LACP功能。

c.配置 net1,net2 为smart link(等同于上层端口检测),如果uplink连接失效,vc会自动断开downlink连接,从而保证APA可以failover至另一网卡。

详细配置及fail over说明见58页VC-Enet_cook_book。

3.初始化VC配置过程a.初始化C7000,在液晶面板给C7000 OA一个配一个IP,然后通过网络管理OA,OA初始用户名密码在OA模块的标签上。

VC在安装到Bladesystem机箱中之后,需要给VC配置一个管理IP地址,才可以使用VCM 去管理VC-Ethernet和VC-FC模块。

意锐 小盒加强版移动支付机具使用说明书

意锐 小盒加强版移动支付机具使用说明书

自助式移动支付机具Hands-free Mobile Payment Devices 意锐小盒加强版使用说明书InsPos S Scanning DeviceOperation Instruction北京意锐新创科技有限公司Beijing Inspiry Technology Co., Ltd.版权所有All rights reserved郑重声明Notice意锐小盒加强版移动支付机具已在中国专利局和商标局注册。

InsPos S Mobile Payment Device has been registered in Patent Office and Trademark Office of People’s Republic of China.本说明使用的商标、商号及图标均属于北京意锐新创科技有限公司或其授权人,并受中华人民共和国法律及国际条约保护。

All the trademarks and trade names used in this Instruction belong to Beijing Inspiry Technology Co., Ltd or its authorized persons, and are protected by the laws of People’s Republic of China and international treaties.本说明书仅适用于书中所介绍的意锐小盒加强版移动支付机具的使用和使用条件及环境要求的说明。

This instruction applies only to the application, operation environment and environmental requirement of InsPos S.本说明书的资料的正确性已经认真审核,但北京意锐新创科技有限公司对内容的解释有保留权。

The correctness of the information in this instruction has been carefully reviewed, but Beijing Inspiry Technology Co., Ltd retains the right of the interpretation of the contents.本说明书的所有权属于北京意锐新创科技有限公司。

hp asp考试试题

hp  asp考试试题

3.在融合基础架构中池化和共享资源有哪些优势?(选择两项)A. IT 可以更准确地为业务提供支持。

B. 所有用户都可以访问相同的“存储区域网络”(SAN),从而缩短发布C. IT 可以快速重新分配资源,以满足不同应用程序不断变化的性能和容量D. IT 可以更快速地响应业务变化,并且可以在几星期,而不是几个月内处E. 不需要在服务供应的任何方面用到 IT 资源。

4.HP融合基础架构有哪些特征?A. 虚拟化、弹性、协调性、优化和模块化B. 虚拟化、弹性、协调性、持续性和模块化C. 虚拟化、可靠性、协调性、优化和模块化D. 虚拟化、可靠性、协调性、优化和受管5.HP Insight Manager 通常可以将哪种类型的成本降低至少 29%?A. 采购B. 管理C. 服务器D. 地面空间6.HP CI-MM Express 是什么?A. 它提供对客户当前“原样”IT 环境的评估,然后提出融合基础架构的演进路径。

B. 它是一项旨在评估整个服务器和存储器环境的容量的服务。

C. 它是一项帮助客户实施“云计算”的服务。

D. 它是一个融合基础架构的度量方法,使客户能够预测将来的服务器容量需求。

7.为什么在销售情境中询问“探寻”问题如此重要?(选择两项)A. 有助于评估客户是否具有真实需求,并且可能会购买。

B. 有助于发现或创建客户的业务需求。

C. 有助于确定客户对竞争对手的看法。

D. 有助于理解客户的问题或挑战以及关联的影响。

E. 有助于为项目制定最准确的定价结构。

8.“态度”问题后应接着询问哪个类型的问题?A. 验证B. 承诺C. 成交D. 因果9.客户会议的开始阶段对会议的总体成功至关重要。

每次客户销售会议开始时您应总是对几项表示同意?(选择两项)A. 会议持续时间和议程B. 接下来的行动和行动负责人C. 客户的会议目标D. 下次会议的日期E. 项目的时间表和预算SMART 目标可帮助在每次客户会议中获得最大进展。

HPE Virtual Connect 技术介绍

HPE Virtual Connect 技术介绍

采用创新的Flex-10技术,为以太网或融合iSCSI连接 提供最优支持
571956-B21 605865-B21 (dual module with VCEM) HPE Virtual Connect 8 Gb 20-Port Fibre Channel Module
638526-B21, 662048-B21 (dual module with VCEM) HPE Virtual Connect 8 Gb 24-Port Fibre Channel Module
VC Fibre Channel Modules
• 8Gb/16Gb FC • Native Fibre Channel SAN
• Isolated traffic
Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager

产品编码 638526-B21 571956-B21 691367-B21 466482-B21 572018-B21 751465-B21
Virtual Connect 虚拟连接模块产品
组件名称 HPE Virtual Connect FlexFabric-20/40 F8 Module HPE Virtual Connect FlexFabric 10 Gb/24Port Module HPE Virtual Connect Flex-10/10D Module
产品定位 支持融合以太网和光纤通道或iSCSI环境 691367-B21 691380-B21 (dual module with VCEM) HPE Virtual Connect 16 Gb 24-Port 组件名称 Fibre Channel Module 部件号

HP LaserJet Pro CP1020 彩色打印机系列用户指南说明书

HP LaserJet Pro CP1020 彩色打印机系列用户指南说明书
ac 變更紙張尺寸與類型 ........................................................................................................... 19 在 Mac 調整文件大小或列印自訂紙張尺寸 ................................................................................... 19 在 Mac 建立和使用列印預先設定 ................................................................................................... 19 在 Mac 列印封面頁 ........................................................................................................................... 20 在 Mac 進行單張多頁列印 ............................................................................................................... 20 使用 Mac 進行紙張的兩面列印(雙面列印) ............................................................................... 21 在 Mac 設定色彩選項 ....................................................................................................................... 21

HP Engage One 10t 维护与服务指南说明书

HP Engage One 10t 维护与服务指南说明书
1 Getting started
Read this chapter to learn about safety information and where to find additional HP resources.
Important safety information
Carefully read the cautions and notes within this document to minimize the risk of personal injury to service personnel. The cautions and notes are not exhaustive. Proper service methods are important to the safe, reliable operation of equipment. Improper service methods can damage equipment. The service procedures recommended and described in this service manual provide effective methods of performing service operations. Service engineers should have prior repair knowledge and experience as well as appropriate training for the product before performing service procedures.
Table of Contents
1 Getting started ..............................................................................................................................................................1 Important safety information..................................................................................................................................1 Important service information and precautions ......................................................................................................1 RoHS (2002/95/EC) requirements............................................................................................................................2 General descriptions ...............................................................................................................................................2 Firmware updates ...................................................................................................................................................2 Before returning the repaired product to the customer.........................................................................................2

惠普1910、2010、2210、2310、2510 和 2710 LCD 显示器 用户指南说明书

惠普1910、2010、2210、2310、2510 和 2710 LCD 显示器 用户指南说明书

显示器用户指南©2010Hewlett-Packard Development Company,L.P.Microsoft、Windows 和 Windows Vista 是Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家的商标或注册商标。

HP 产品和服务的所有保修限于这些产品与服务所附带的明确保修声明。


HP 不对本文的技术性错误、编印错误或疏漏承担任何责任。


未经Hewlett-Packard Company 事先书面许可,不得将本文档的任何部分影印、复制或翻译成其他语言。

第二版(2010 年 1 月)文档部件号:594300-AA2关于本指南本指南提供与安装显示器、安装驱动程序、使用屏幕显示菜单、故障排除和技术规范有关的信息。




iiiiv 关于本指南目录1 产品特性 (1)HP LCD 显示器 (1)2 安全和维护准则 (3)重要安全信息 (3)安全预防措施 (4)维护准则 (5)清洁显示器 (5)装运显示器 (5)3 安装显示器 (6)打开显示器包装 (6)安装显示器 (6)连接显示器电缆 (10)高带宽数字内容保护 (HDCP) (11)连接音频电缆 (12)连接电源线 (13)调整显示器的倾斜角度 (13)调整扭转角度 (14)键盘存放 (15)4 操作显示器 (16)CD 软件和实用程序 (16)安装驱动程序 (16)使用自动调整功能 (17)前面板控制按钮 (18)使用屏幕显示 (OSD) (19)选择视频输入接口 (23)识别显示器状况 (23)调整屏幕质量 (24)省电功能 (24)v附录 A 故障排除 (26)解决常见问题 (26)从 获取支持 (27)准备致电技术支持 (27)查找额定值标签 (28)附录 B 技术规格 (29)HP LCD 显示器 (29)预设视频模式 (33)LCD 显示器质量和像素策略 (35)附录 C 机构规定注意事项 (36)(美国)联邦通信委员会注意事项 (36)修改 (36)电缆 (36)标有 FCC 徽标的产品的一致性声明(仅适用于美国) (36)适用于加拿大的注意事项 (37)Avis Canadien (37)欧盟规程通告 (37)德国人机工程学通告 (38)适用于日本的注意事项 (38)适用于韩国的注意事项 (38)电源线配件要求 (38)适用于日本的电源线要求 (38)产品环境注意事项 (39)废弃物品的处理 (39)日常处理废旧器件的注意事项(适用于欧盟) (39)化学物质 (39)HP 回收办法 (39)有害物质的限制 (RoHS) (39)土耳其 EEE 法规 (40)vi1产品特性HP LCD 显示器HP LCD(液晶显示)显示器采用具备有源矩阵和下列特性的薄膜晶体管 (TFT) 屏幕:●大尺寸屏幕●最大图像分辨率:◦1910m:1366x768@60 赫兹◦2010f:1600x900@60 赫兹◦2010i:1600x900@60 赫兹◦2010m1600x900@60 赫兹◦2210i:1920x1080@60 赫兹◦2210m:1920x1080@60 赫兹◦2310i:1920x1080@60 赫兹◦2310m:1920x1080@60 赫兹◦2510i:1920x1080@60 赫兹◦2710m:1920x1080@60 赫兹◦且支持较低分辨率的全屏显示●VGA 模拟信号●DVI 数字信号●高清晰度多媒体接口 (HDMI)(适用于部分型号)●反应迅捷,玩核心游戏和图形制作时可获得更佳效果●视角宽广,无论是坐着、站着还是从显示器的两侧,均易于观看●动态对比度,提供更深的黑度和更亮的白度以实现出众的色差效果,令玩游戏和观看电影更具特色●倾斜度调整●扭转角度调整HP LCD 显示器1●可拆卸式的底座和符合视频电子标准协会 (Video Electronics Standards Association,VESA) 标准的安装孔,便于进行灵活的安装(包括墙上安装)●安全锁定插槽,用于连接安全锁定电缆(需要单独购买安全电缆)●即插即用功能(如果您的计算机系统支持此功能)●屏幕显示 (OSD) 可调,便于设置和优化屏幕(可选择英文、简体中文、繁体中文、法文、德文、意大利文、西班牙文、荷兰文、日文或巴西葡萄牙文)●内置立体声低音炮扬声器●键盘存放装置●节能装置,有助于减少能源消耗●“快速查看”设置显示●DVI 和 HDMI 输入具有 HDCP(高带宽数字内容保护)(适用于部分型号)●软件和实用程序 CD,其中包含以下内容:◦驱动程序◦自动调整软件◦相关文档2第 1 章 产品特性2安全和维护准则重要安全信息本显示器已附带电源线。

HPE BladeSystem产品家族介绍

HPE BladeSystem产品家族介绍
0.5Gb 服务控制台
8Gb 存储网络
10Gb 虚拟机网络
1.5Gb VMotion
增加连接带宽灵活性 最大化容量利用率
融合 LAN 和 SAN 增加每链接虚拟机 降低总体拥有成本
集中管理 非破坏式带宽调整
简化的, 融合的
HPE BladeSystem BL刀片服务器
HPE BladeSystem WS刀片工作站
HPE BladeSystem D2220sb刀片存储
HPE BladeSystem系统优势
这一魔力象限图由 Gartner 公司发布,作为更大的 研究报告的一部分,应在整个报告环境中进行评估。 用户可以向惠普申请索要该 Gartner 报告。 魔力象 限的版权已于 2009 年由 Gartner 公司获得版权,可 在获得批准的情况下重复使用。魔力象限图以图形方 式来表示特定时期内的市场格局。它描述了 Gartner 根据自身定义的标准对某些厂商的市场表现所做的评 测分析。Gartner 并不公开支持魔力象限中描述的任 何厂商、产品或服务,也不建议技术用户只选择位于 “领导者”象限中的厂商。魔力象限图仅作为一种研 究工具,对用户行为不具有明确的指导意义。 Gartner 对此项研究不承担任何明确或隐含的担保,
HPE BladeSystem c3000 概览
• •
HPE BladeSystem产品家族介绍
个卡式的服务器单元,刀片服务器就像“刀片”一样,每 一块“刀片”实际上 就是一块系统主板。 高效率 高密度 低成本

HP Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager 6.3 发行说明 中文

HP Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager 6.3 发行说明 中文

HP Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager 6.3发行说明HP 部件号:484328-KA1出版日期:2011 年 4 月第 1 版© 版权所有 2007, 2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.机密计算机软件。

必须有 HP 授予的有效许可证,方可拥有、使用或复制本软件。

根据供应商的标准商业许可证的规定,美国政府应遵守 FAR 12.211 和 12.212 中有关“商业计算机软件”、“计算机软件文档”与“商业货物技术数据”条款的规定。


随 HP 产品及服务提供的明示性担保声明中列出了适用于此 HP 产品及服务的专用担保条款。


HP 对本文中的技术或编辑错误以及缺漏不负任何责任。

UNIX 是 The Open Group 的注册商标。

声明Microsoft® 和 Windows® 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。

Windows® Server 2003 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的商标。

Adobe 和 Acrobat 是 Adobe Systems Incorporated 的商标。

版本说明VCEM 6.3 是 VCEM 1.20、1.3x、1.40、6.0、6.1、6.2 和 6.3 的更新。

当前版本号直接取代 6.2 并与 HP Insight Software media6.3 上的其他产品保持一致。

本发行说明同时取代 VCEM 先前的发行说明。

目录HP Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager 概述 (4)支持的 VCEM 组件 (4)增强功能 (4)先决条件 (4)问题和解决办法 (5)常见问题 (5)警告对话框没有翻译成日语 (5)VCEM 性能 (5)在安装或升级到 VCEM 6.3 后管理 VC 域固件 3.10 (5)从 VC 域组删除最后一个 VC 域 (5)重新安装 Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager (5)VC 域组和 VC 域管理 (6)作业 (7)服务器电源管理 (7)服务器配置文件操作 (7)VC 配置文件故障切换 (7)配置文件操作失败,出现错误消息“An invalid boot LUN was entered. Check the storage arraysfor the proper LUN number” (7)将以太网(标记为 VLAN)从一个共享上行链路移动到另一个 (8)如果在从组中删除 VC 域或删除 VC 域组时选择 HP 预定义的范围,将弹出错误消息 (8)更多信息 (8)软件支持的语言 (9)目录3HP Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager 概述HP Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager(VCEM)6.3 版集中了 HP 刀片系统服务器的网络连接管理和工作负载移动性,这款服务器使用 Virtual Connect 来访问局域网 (LAN)、存储区域网络 (SAN)和聚合网络环境。



产品性能介绍1、产品特性(1)HP BL460C G6的特性HP BL460c服务器采用2路多核处理器,其不仅能够提供与标准1U机架安装服务器相同的特性,而且具备高效的计算能力和较高的密度。


刀片系统c7000机箱最多可容纳16台BL460c刀片服务器,比IBM BladeCenter机箱多两台。

在没有配置扩展刀片服务器的情况下,每台ProLiant BL460c 所支持的内存容量比IBM HS21服务器多一倍。


尽管ProLiant BL460c外形小巧,但可提供众多特性,足以确保获得较高的可用性。


特性HP ProLiant BL460c刀片服务器不仅保持了出色的节能和密度设计,而且其提供的企业级功能有助于实现卓越的性能和可靠性。



另外,这款服务器在漏电控制方面表现卓越,并且采用了智能型电源管理(system transparent energy smarttechnology),待机耗电量减少达50%∙最大支持96GB ECC 667MHz DDR2全缓冲DIMM;具备镜像内存、内存交叉存取和在线内存备用等功能。

∙标准BTO型号中的2个夹层卡扩展插槽,以及带有64 MB读高速缓存和可选的电池支持写高速缓存的HP Smart Array P410i管理∙Integrated Lights Out 2 (iLO 2) Management包括免费的虚拟KVM和图形远程控制台,可为用户带来极为出色的高速管理能力。

HP OfficeJet Pro 7740 宽幅多功能一体机系列用户指南说明书

HP OfficeJet Pro 7740 宽幅多功能一体机系列用户指南说明书
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HP OfficeJet Pro 7740 Wide Format All-inOne series
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HP ProLiant BL495c G5服务器板条件参考手册说明书

HP ProLiant BL495c G5服务器板条件参考手册说明书

FAQ for iSCSI on NC532The NC532m (mezzanine) and NC532i (integrated LOM) use a single Broadcom 57711 controller. TheNC532m was launched in September 2008 as a Type-1 mezzanine card for c-class blades. The NC532i is the embedded, or LAN-On-Motherboard (LOM) version, used on the BL495c G5 server blade, and some (but not all) G6 server blades.(1) Do NC532m and NC532i support iSCSI?Yes. However, there are some limitations.(2) What version of Windows support iSCSI on the NC532?iSCSI capabilities are available on the following operating systems:∙Windows Server 2008∙Windows Server 2008 x64∙Windows Server 2003∙Windows Server 2003 x64In Microsoft Windows Server 2008 there is a software iSCSI initiator which comes with the OS image.For Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2003 x64 systems, the Microsoft® iSCSI Software Initiator version 2.0 or later software must be installed. This software is required to configure the iSCSI protocol, including discovery portals, iSCSI targets, authentication, and so on.For systems running Windows Server 2003 (SP1) or Windows Server 2003 x64 (SP1), you must upgradeto Service Pack 2 or later.(3) Can the NC532 act as an iSCSI target on Windows?Not on ProLiant servers. Microsoft’s iSCSI software ta rget software only installs on HP storage server products. See /products/storageworks/ms_iscsi/index.html.(4) What versions of Linux support iSCSI on the NC532?RHEL4, RHEL5, SLES9, SLES10.(5) Do I need the Accelerated iSCSI Pack to run iSCSI?No. The ProLiant Essentials Accelerated iSCSI pack enables iSCSI offloading capabilities. This feature is not required if you just want to enable basic software iSCSI functionality which is handled by the OS.(6) How do you enable iSCSI on the NIC?You can enable iSCSI from the NIC option ROM menu by hitting Ctrl-S when the ProLiant banner is displayed at POST. You need to enable iSCSI as the boot protocol and then hit Ctrl-K from the menu to configure iSCSI.(7) Is iSCSI supported with Flex-10?Normal iSCSI traffic is supported with Flex-10. See answers below for questions about using Accelerated iSCSI and iSCSI boot with Flex-10.(8) For Accelerated iSCSI, do you need an additional license?For NC532m (mezzanine), you do not need an additional license to use Accelerated iSCSI.For NC532i (LOM), you need to purchase the ProLiant Essentials Accelerated iSCSI pack.(9) Why do you need a license for Accelerated iSCSI with the LOM, but not with the mezzanine card? As part of a negotiated agreement with Broadcom, the Accelerated iSCSI license is included with the mezzanine card, but not with the LOM.(10) What versions of Linux support iSCSI offload?HP has an Accelerated iSCSI driver that supports RHEL5 and SLES10.(11) What's different between iSCSI capability on NC532 and older NICs?Fundamentally there are no differences for HP Broadcom cards. Some of the 1gb cards do not support acceleration, some do. Some support PXE boot. We have Intel mezzanine cards & Rack/Tower stand up NICs that will support iSCSI boot in July (NC360T, NC364T, NC364m, and NC112T). Right now it only supports PXE and straight iSCSI.(12) Is Accelerated iSCSI supported when connected to a Virtual Connect Flex-10 Interconnect? Accelerated iSCSI is not currently supported when connected to a Virtual Connect interconnect. NC532 enumerates itself differently to the host depending on whether or not it is connected to a Flex-10 VC-Enet module. In Flex-10 mode, eight (8) FlexNICs are visible to the OS and both iSCSI offload and iSCSI boot are not supported.For the NC532, each of the eight FlexNICs can be declared as either “Ethernet-only” (E) or “iSCSI” (I). If a FlexNIC is defined as “E”, then accelerated iSCSI will not be turned on and the iSCSI boot option ROM will not run (because there are no iSCSI devices present). At this point, VC defines all eight FlexNICs as “E” and there are no provisions at this time to set any of them to “I”.(13) Is accelerated iSCSI supported when connected to a 1/10Gb Virtual Connect (non-Flex-10) module?In non-Flex-10 mode (including connecting it to a 1/10Gb VC-Enet module), the NC532 appears like a dual-port 10Gb NIC and both accelerated iSCSI and iSCSI boot are supported.(14) Is iSCSI boot supported when connected to a Virtual Connect Flex-10 Interconnect?Flex-10 does not support iSCSI boot. A future version of Virtual Connect Flex-10 will enable iSCSI boot and accelerated iSCSI with the NC532.(15) Does iSCSI with NC532 work on VMWare?VMWare supports normal iSCSI traffic with NC532. However, iSCSI boot is not supported.Any server supporting the NC532i (LOM) and/or NC532m (mezzanine) should be running VMware ESX 3.5 Update 3 with specific patches or later. Please visit VMware KB 1007982(/kb/1007982) for these patches and the official support statement.(16) Does iSCSI boot work with NC532 on VMWare?No. iSCSI boot is not supported by VMWare on the NC532. This is not a limitation of the NC532; VMWare does not support iSCSI boot on any multifunction NICs. iSCSI boot is only supported on the Qlogic mezzanine card (Qlogic QMH4062 1Gb E iSCSI Adapter for HP BladeSystem c-Class)(17) What limitations when using LeftHand software?HP LeftHand VSA supports iSCSI with NC532m (mezzanine) and NC532i (LOM) and has been tested. It works whether Flex-10 is enabled or not.(18) When using LeftHand software with NC532, what limitations are there with Virtual Connect Flex-10?HP LeftHand SAN software works with Virtual Connect, and works with Virtual Connect Flex-10. HP LeftHand SAN software can utilize the NC532 at 10Gb speed. Note that you cannot iSCSI boot using Virtual Connect; see question (14).(19) What is the MAC address for the iSCSI adapter?Reference Documents:HP ProLiant Accelerated iSCSI for Windows User Guide/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c00577553/c00577553.pdfHP ProLiant Accelerated iSCSI for Linux User Guide/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c01309558/c01309558.pdfHP ProLiant iSCSI Boot for Linux User Guide/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c00782461/c00782461.pdf10 Gigabit Ethernet technology for industry-standard servers/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c01608915/c01608915.pdfHP Virtual Connect Flex-10 Technology brief/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c01608922/c01608922.pdfHP NC532m Dual Port Flex-10 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adapter/products/servers/networking/nc532m/index.htmlHP Virtual Connect Flex-10 10Gb Ethernet Module for BladeSystem c-Class/products/blades/components/ethernet/10-10gb-f/index.html Compiled by Edmond McGee and Daniel R. Bowers, July 2009.。



HP刀片框Virtual Connect管理卡使用指南OA是HP BladeSystem Onboard Administrator的简称VC是HP Virtual Connect的简称这里以HP BladeSystem c7000刀片服务器为例说明,所用设备如下:OA: HP BladeSystem c7000 DDR2 Onboard Administrator with KVMVC: HP 1/10Gb-F Virtual Connect Ethernet Module1。


VC板卡的缺省控制台通过内部总线指向OA(Onboard Administrator),正确使用VC板卡控制台的方法是登录到OA运行show interconnect list查看哪一个Bay是VC板卡,然后使用connect interconnect X的方式连接到X槽位VC板卡。

OA-D8D3855D8F6D> show interconnect listBay Interconnect Type Manufacturer Power Health UID Management IP --- ----------------- -------------------- ------- --------- --- ---------------1 Ethernet HP On OK Off Ethernet HP On OK Off Ethernet HP On OK Off Ethernet HP On OK Off Fibre Channel BROCADE On OK Off Fibre Channel BROCADE On OK Off [Absent]8 [Absent]Totals: 4 interconnect modules installed, 4 powered on.OA-D8D3855D8F6D> show interconnect info 11. EthernetProduct Name: HP 1/10Gb-F VC-Enet ModuleWidth: SingleURL to Management interface: IPv4 Address: Assigned Name:Part Number: 447047-B21Spare Part Number: 447103-001Serial Number: TW2926016MTemperature Sensor: PresentJS2 Connector: AbsentInternal Ethernet Interface to OA: PresentInternal Ethernet Route to OA: EnabledInternal Serial Interface to OA: PresentInternal Serial Route to OA: EnabledSerial Port Baud Rate: 115200External Serial Port Interface: AbsentExternal Ethernet Interface: AbsentManufacturer: HPFirmware Version: 3.01OA-D8D3855D8F6D> connect interconnect 1NOTICE: This pass-thru connection to the integrated I/O consoleis provided for convenience and does not supply additional access control. For security reasons, use the password features of the integrated switch.Connecting to integrated switch 1 at 115200,N81...Escape character is '<Ctrl>_' (Control + Shift + Underscore)Press [Enter] to display the switch console:VCEFTW2926016M login:每块机箱一般配备两块VC板卡,采用主备工作模式,部分关键数据(例如用户密码信息)是二者共享,一般是主用VC卡用户密码起作用。

HP Integrity Blade Server系列产品技术白皮书说明书

HP Integrity Blade Server系列产品技术白皮书说明书

Blades (BL860c i2, BL870c i2, andBL890c i2)World’s first scale-up blades built on the industry’s #1 bladeinfrastructureTechnical White PaperTable of contentsExecutive Summary (2)Product Family—A starting point (2)HP BladeSystem c-Class Enclosure Solutions and Integrity Server Blades (4)Building a Bladed Scalable System—Foundation Blade and the BL860c i2 (5)HP Integrity BL860c i2 Server Blade (5)Scalable Blade Architecture—Building larger systems (7)Inter Blade QPI Fabric Communication (7)Integrity Blade Link (7)HP Manageability Architecture (8)QPI Fabric and System Topology (8)HP Integrity BL870c i2 Server Blade (8)HP Integrity BL890c i2 Server Blade (9)Memory Architecture (10)HP Integrity IO Subsystem (10)Flex-10 and Virtual Connect (11)Conclusion (12)Executive SummaryThe HP Integrity server blade architecture builds on the best of HP blade technology with new levels ofscalability, spanning from the BL860c i2 single blade entry solution up to the BL890c i2 quad blademid-range offering. Benefits of the HP integrity server blade solutions include scalability, ease of use,flexibility, best-in-class I/O solutions, and total cost of ownership (TCO). This provides a compellingmission-critical Converged Infrastructure strategy for Integrity server blades.If you are considering upgrading from a current bladed or non-bladed server design to a nextgeneration server, this white paper is intended to highlight some of the capabilities of the HP Integrityserver blades to aid in your evaluation.Product Family—A starting pointThe HP Integrity server blades, as shown in Figure 1, are designed to provide a range of capabilities,replacing the prior Integrity generation BL860c, BL870c, and racked 4-processor module and8-processor module rack mount servers. The Integrity server blades product line is composed of theBL860c i2 single blade server, BL870c i2 two-blade server, and BL890c i2 four-blade server. Theprocessor, Memory, and I/O resources of the Integrity server blades can be adjusted, that is scaled,to meet application requirements. Integrity server blades enable compute, memory, and I/O capacityto scale across the product line, as shown in Table 1. In essence, the supported resources of theBL870c i2 are double those of the BL860c i2, and the BL890c i2 resources are double those of theBL870c i2.A complementary part of the Integrity server blades story is that the Integrity blade productsseamlessly coexist with other HP BladeSystem solutions within the c-Class enclosure, enabling mixedHP ProLiant and Integrity, and StorageWorks storage blade solutions within the same enclosure. TheIntegrity server blades and enclosure solutions are supported by the HP BladeSystem managementsuite of products.The HP Integrity server blade family will support future enhanced capabilities, including memory,processor enhancements, operating system offerings, partitioning abilities, and field product upgradesto further extend its capabilities.2Figure 1: Integrity Server Blades Product Family3Table 1: Blade CapabilitiesIntegrity BL860c i2 BL870c i2 BL890c i2 Processor module Intel® Itanium 9300 processor seriesProcessor/Cores/Threads 2P/8C/16T 4P/16C/32T 8P/32C/64T Chipset Intel® E7500 Boxboro/Millbrook ChipsetMemoryIndustry Standard DDR3 24 DIMM slots96 GB (w/4 GB)192 GB (w/8 GB)*48 DIMM slots192 GB (w/4 GB)384 GB (w/8 GB)*96 DIMM slots384 GB (w/4 GB)768 GB (w/8 GB)*Internal Storage 2 hot swap SAS HDDsHW RAID 0, 1* orMirrorDisk/UX 4 hot swap SAS HDDsHW RAID 0, 1* orMirrorDisk/UX8 hot swap SAS HDDsHW RAID 0, 1* orMirrorDisk/UXNetworking (built-in IO solution) 4 @ 10 GbE NICsFlex-10 capability8 @ 10 GbE NICsFlex-10 capability16 @ 10 GbE NICsFlex-10 capabilityMezzanine IO Slots 3 PCIe slots 6 PCIe slots 12 PCIe slotsManagement Integrity iLO 3 (Integrity Integrated Lights-Out 3), iLO 3 Advanced Packlicense is includedSupported OperatingSystemsHPUX 11i v3, OpenVMS v8.4*, Windows Server 2008 R2** (Future Support)Future enhancements include 16 GB DIMM Memory, Product field Upgrades and Partition support.Integrity server blades have an important set of reliability, availably and serviceability (RAS) features,provided in all key areas of the architecture. Capabilities such as, Intel Cache Safe Technology®,error hardened latches, register store engine, memory protection keys, double device data correction,and CPU sparing and migration as well as Advanced Machine Check Architecture (AMCA) forco-ordinated error handling across the hardware, firmware, and operating systems. RAS details arecontained in the “Technologies in the HP Integrity Server Blades” white paper.Virtual Connect Flex-10 features significantly expand the I/O capabilities of the Integrity server bladesand will be described in more detail later in this white paper.HP BladeSystem c-Class Enclosure Solutions and Integrity Server BladesIntegrity server blades may reside in the c7000 or c3000 BladeSystem enclosures.The HP BladeSystem c-Class enclosure story is composed of four key themes:1.Simple to manage and easy to control: Onboard Administrator (OA), Integrity HP IntegrityIntegrated Lights-Out (iLO 3) Manageability, and HP Insight Control Environment2.Agility: Pre-wired and pre-configured make adding a new server simple3.Reduced capital and operating costs: Uses less power and less than half of the space comparedwith racked solutions.4.Ease of Integration: Flexible power configuration, same management tools as HP rack-mountservers4These four elements are applicable to Integrity server blades and become even more important as the size and capabilities of the servers increase.Table 2 details the capacity of the c3000 and c7000 enclosures for Integrity server blades.Table 2: Enclosure Capacity for the Integrity Server Blade FamilyEnclosure CapacityIntegrity server bladesBL860c i2 BL870c i2 BL890c i24 servers 2 servers 1 serverc3000(full height—4 bays)8 servers 4 servers 2 serversc7000(full height—8 bays)Building a Bladed Scalable System—Foundation Blade and the BL860c i2All Integrity server blades are built on the same basic hardware structure. With the Intel QuickPath Interconnect (QPI) fabric, Integrity Blade Link and the extensible HP Integrity iLO 3 solution, HP defines a family of servers, scaling from the BL860c i2 two-processor module system all the way up to theBL890c i2 eight-processor module system.The Integrity server blades are comprised of one to four physical blades, depending on the Integrity server blade product. Multi-blade solutions are regarded as being “conjoined” or interdependently linked together. The Integrity server blades design relies on a common foundation blade design that is replicated and configured based on the location, for example node address, within the QPI fabric topology, resulting in a scalable architecture. The Integrity server blade architecture can easily be increased in resources, for example processor modules, memory and I/O, with sufficient allocated QPI fabric bandwidth and I/O bandwidth to enable a balanced system as I/O resources are added. As the Integrity server blade architecture is increased or scaled from a minimum configuration to a maximum configuration, all management resources, tools, and user interfaces behave consistently, simplifying administration of the entire product line.HP Integrity BL860c i2 Server BladeThe foundation blade structure provides a set of blade features as shown in Figure 2. A foundation blade combined with a BL860c i2 Integrity Blade Link, will be configured to a BL860c i2 blade.The BL860c i2 server blade supports two Intel® Itanium® processor 9300 series (quad-core ordual-core) processor modules. The two processors are linked together by a full width QPI link providing 19.2 GB/s of bandwidth. Each Itanium processor 9300 series module contains two memory controllers with an aggregate bandwidth of 28.8 GB/s. Each Processor Module supports up to 12 DDR3 memory DIMMs, or 24 memory DIMMs in total for the blade. The blade will support a memory capacity of 384 GB when 16 GB DIMMs are available.The I/O subsystem is composed of built-in I/O functions and three I/O expansion slots. The I/O expansion slots are provisioned with x8 PCIe Gen2 links back into the IO Hub controller (IOH). This provides a raw total aggregate bandwidth of 10 GB/s per I/O Mezzanine card (send and receive).5The BL860c i2 server blade also has four 10 GbE Flex-10 NIC ports provided by two embedded dualLAN controllers. Each dual LAN controller is provisioned with x4 PCIe Gen2 links, providing a rawaggregate bandwidth of 5 GB/s (send and receive).The BL860c i2 server blade contains an on-board SAS RAID controller and a separate PCIe Gen1 x4path to an adjacent blade enclosure bay for support of partner blade SAS mass storage and tapebackup options. A manageability subsystem also resides on the blade which works independently ona single blade basis or as an orchestrated manageability subsystem if multiple blades are conjoinedtogether. As with all c-Class Integrity and HP ProLiant blades, the HP Integrity server blades provide aSUV (serial, USB, and video) port on the front of the blade for service and support.As shown in Figure 2, each Itanium processor 9300 series module provides three QPI fabric links tosupport conjoining of blades, using the Integrity Blade Link. This architectural approach enables thefuture ability to upgrade the BL860c i2 product to a BL870c i2 product, resulting in the scaling up ofinterconnected resources by 2x. The BL870c i2 product could also be upgraded to a BL890c i2,resulting in a further doubling of resources.Figure 2:Foundation Blade Architecture DiagramThe BL860c i2 server blade is designed to be socket compatible with the nextgeneration of Itanium processor modules as well.6Table 3:Integrity Server Blades Supported ProcessorsFuture ItaniumFeature Intel® Itanium® processor 9300seriesCores per processor module 4 EnhancedMulti-Threading Support Yes YesUp to 24 MB L3 Enhanced Processor module Highest LevelCache SizeDIMMs per processor module 2-12 2-12DRAM Technology DDR3 DDR3 Scalable Blade Architecture—Building larger systemsThe Integrity server blade architecture is based on distributed shared memory (DSM) architecture, also known as cache coherent Non-Unified Memory Architecture (ccNUMA). The Integrity server blade architecture utilizes the Intel Quick Path Interconnect (QPI) point-to-point fabric to connect the primary system components. Each node in the DSM architecture has access to shared memory. To maintain coherency between all caches in the system, a cache coherency protocol is implemented over QPI. The cache coherency spans all the distributed caches and memory controllers.Inter Blade QPI Fabric CommunicationInter Blade communication is achieved through a glueless structure composed of the Integrity Blade Link, HP Manageability architecture and QPI fabric topology.Integrity Blade LinkFor multi-blade products, for example BL870c i2 and BL890c i2, the Integrity Blade Link conjoins or ties together all the associated blades by providing a physical inter-blade path for the QPI fabric. Additionally, the Blade Link provides a path for auxiliary signals. An additional feature of the Blade Link is to provide description information for the manageability architecture, for use in configuration and initialization of the Integrity server blade hardware.Initially, when the blades are inserted into the enclosure, only the manageability subsystem will be powered on. The attachment of the Integrity Blade Link is required to conjoin the blades into a server, enabling full power-on and boot.The Blade Link physically attaches to the front of one or more blades and is unique for the BL860c i2, BL870c i2, and BL890c i2. The suffix of the Blade Link indicates the size of Blade Link, for example IBL-2 refers to a Blade Link which will support a conjoined two blade solution.7Figure 3: Integrity Blade Link Example—BL890c i2HP Manageability ArchitectureThe HP Integrity HP Integrity Integrated Lights-Out (iLO 3) Manageability system is an important aspectof the overall Integrity blades scalable architecture. From a user point of view, the Integrity iLO 3access point for single and conjoined blades provides a manageability console as well as commandand configuration abilities. As the product scales to larger sizes, the Integrity iLO 3’s on each bladescale as well, working together to manage the product, but providing the administrator with a singleIntegrity iLO 3 server user interface for simplicity. The enclosure Onboard Administrator (OA) behavesin a consistent manner with Integrity server blades and other blade hardware and tools. From anarchitectural point of view, the HP Manageability architecture is the back bone of the system, givingthe ability for each blade to be configured, initialized, and then connected into a scalable set ofnodes with distributed shared memory. Every blade ships with an iLO 3 Advanced license factoryinstalled to enable advanced remote management features such as virtual media.QPI Fabric and System TopologyThe HP Integrity server blades are designed to be scalable. The BL890c i2 supports up to8 processor module sockets, all accessible to each other through the low-latency high bandwidthsystem QPI fabric. Each of these processor sockets supports the Intel® Itanium® processor 9300series module.HP Integrity BL870c i2 Server BladeBuilding a scalable system using the Foundation blade architecture shown in Figure 2, two foundationblades conjoined together with a BL870c i2 Blade Link yields the BL870c i2 topology shown inFigure 4. The BL870c i2 is a four process module system with a fully interconnected QPI fabricbetween all four processor modules.8Figure 4: QPI Fabric, BL870c i2HP Integrity BL890c i2 Server BladeThe HP Integrity architecture can be scaled up to a larger system beyond the BL870c i2 server blade, using the foundation blade architecture shown in Figure 2. Four foundation blades may be gathered or conjoined together using a Blade Link to create the Inter-blade topology structure as shown in Figure 5, resulting in the HP Integrity BL890c i2 architecture.Figure 5:QPI Fabric, BL890c i29Memory ArchitectureccNUMA stands for “cache coherent Non Unified Memory Access.”For ccNUMA systems, CPU memory access time is related to the processor to memory locationproximity. For example a given processor module can access its locally attached faster than memorythat is attached to another processor. Stated in other words, processor module local memory, alsoknown as SLM (socket local memory) has lower latency than accessing memory connected to anotherprocessor module’s memory controllers by sending memory requests through the QPI link across oneor two nodes. Referring to Figure 5, a memory reference from one scalable node to an adjacentscalable node requires communication between the two nodes to access the memory at the target.With the Integrity server blades architecture, QPI fabric provides low latency and high bandwidth tofacilitate node to node communication.UMA or “Unified Memory Access” is a memory configuration in which all processor modules haveuniform memory access latencies. The memory interleaving terminology for this configuration is ILM(interleaved memory). While it is possible for any processor module to communicate with any otherwithin the server, an ILM configuration interleaves across either the top or bottom half of the cube ofFigure 5, resulting in only one node hop for a memory access.A feature of the Integrity server blades architecture is that the user may specify an optimal memoryinterleaving scheme that will be best suited to the user’s application and the host operating system.Different Operating Systems may prefer different configurations for better performance. The user canspecify a range of options from full SLM to full ILM. The default interleaving setting at EFI is “MostlyNUMA” with 7/8th of the memory configured as SLM and 1/8th as ILM. For further details on the topicof memory configuration and optimization please refer to the “Memory Subsystem Information for HPIntegrity Server Blades” white paper.HP Integrity IO SubsystemThe Integrity server blade I/O subsystem brings a broad range of capabilities to the HP Integrityserver product line. As noted earlier in this white paper, the I/O subsystem is supported by a lowlatency high bandwidth QPI fabric. Within the I/O subsystem, four categories of I/O are provided ona foundation blade:1.Three general I/O mezzanine card slots–PCIe Gen2 x8 for each slot–VC Flex-10 capable2.Four 10 GbE built-in LAN ports–Two dual-port NICs, PCIe Gen2 x4–VC Flex-10 capable3.One built-in SAS RAID capable controller–Supporting two hot plug SAS drives–PCIe Gen2 x14.ICH Mezzanine built-in I/O capabilities–PCIe link for adjacent enclosure bay partner blade support–USB controller–VGA controller–PCIe Gen1 x410As the Foundation blade architecture is conjoined to scale up to larger size servers, the I/O subsystem capacity scales linearly. For example the BL870c i2 provides double the capacity of the BL860c i2.For further details please refer to the “Technologies in the HP Integrity Server Blades” white paper. Flex-10 and Virtual ConnectThe Virtual Connect Flex-10 capabilities of HP Integrity server blades set it apart from its competitors. It provides up to four virtual NICs over a 10 GbE LAN server connection, and bandwidth limits can be dynamically configured on each NIC. Virtual Connect Flex-10 can also reduce the number of Ethernet mezzanine cards and blade interconnect modules required within the Blade Enclosure. Note that it is important to scale up the memory subsystem size as the I/O subsystem is scaled up. Please refer to the “Memory Subsystem Information for HP Integrity Server Blades” white paper for further details.The Integrity BL890c i2 server blade configuration example, using Virtual Connect Flex-10, allows the system to expand from a physical implementation of 32 physical NIC ports into a maximum of 128 virtual NIC ports.Table 4:Flex-10 LAN CapacityBase Flex-10 LAN port Configuration Maximum Flex-10 LAN port ConfigurationPhysical 10 GbE built-in NIC port count Virtual ConnectFlex-10 portcountPhysical 10 GbEbuilt-in NIC portcountOptional I/O10 GbE NICcard count(physicalport count)VirtualConnectFlex-10 portcountBL860ci24 16 4 2,(4)32 BL870ci28 32 8 4,(8)64 BL890ci216 64 16 8,(16)128The maximum Flex-10 configuration, as shown in Table 4, leaves one general I/O mezzanine slot per blade within the server available to support an addition type of I/O interconnect, such as dual port8 Gb Fibre Channel. A BL890c i2 System configuration example, customized for Storage Area Network (SAN), would support up to 12 2-port 8 Gb Fibre Channel cards, while still having 16 physical 10 GbE NICs that may be expanded to 64 virtual ports.Other I/O configurations can be implemented to provide the best combination of Fibre Channel, Ethernet and SAS or other types of I/O to meet the user requirements.11ConclusionHP Integrity server blades provide:•A broad product offering within the current c-Class c7000 and c3000 enclosures•Memory, storage, and I/O that scales linearly with compute power•Improved total cost of ownership by increasing Integrity blade features within the existingc-Class enclosure.•Consistent management and tools with existing c-Class blades•Support for Integrity, ProLiant, and StorageWorks storage blades in the same enclosure.With the rich set of features and choices, enabled for use within both the c7000 and c3000 bladeenclosures, HP Integrity server blades provide a balanced, scalable system, for single blade andmulti-blade conjoined configurations. The HP Integrity server blade architecture utilizes a low latencyhigh bandwidth QPI fabric to tie together each of the nodes within the server. The architecture alsoprovides a best in class I/O architecture, utilizing Flex-10 and Virtual Connect.Share with colleagues© Copyright 2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject tochange without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warrantystatements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting anadditional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Intel and Itanium logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.4AA1-1295ENW, Created April 2010。


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HP Virtual Connect Flex-1010D Module-c04154336

HP Virtual Connect Flex-1010D Module-c04154336

OverviewHP Virtual Connect Flex-10/10D Module for c-Class BladeSystemSimplify and make your data center change-ready. The HP Virtual Connect Flex-10/10D Module for the c-Class BladeSystem is the simplest, most flexible connection to your networks. The Virtual Connect Flex-10/10D Module is a new class of blade interconnect that simplifies server connections by cleanly separating the server enclosure from LAN, simplifies networks by reducing cables without adding switches to manage, allows you to change servers in just minutes, not days, and tailors network connections and speeds based on application needs. HP Flex-10 technology significantly reduces infrastructure costs by increasing the number of NICs per connection without adding extra blade I/O modules, and reducing cabling uplinks to the data center network. The HP Virtual Connect Flex-10/10D Module for c-Class BladeSystem is an innovative, new class of integrated interconnects from HP.Virtual Connect Flex-10/10D Module Front Bezel1. Module locator UID 3. Link/Port activity2. Module status indicator 4. Port StatusWhat's NewVirtual Connect v4.40 highlights for the Virtual Connect Flex-10/10D Moduleo SR-IOV management allows assigning Virtual Functions to any Physical FunctionsModelsHP Virtual Connect Flex-10/10D Module for c-Class BladeSystem 638526-B21 HP Virtual Connect Flex-10/10D Module Enterprise Edition for BLc7000 Option 662048-B21 NOTE: Includes 2 x HP Virtual Connect Flex-10/10D modules plus 1 x VCEM enclosure license. Customer willreceive a printed license entitlement certificate and 2 Virtual Connect modules as a single deliverable. Thelicense entitlement certificate must be redeemed online or via fax to obtain the VCEM license activation key.CompatibilityHP ProLiant and Integrity Servers and Network options NOTE: The HP BladeSystem c-Class Virtual Connect Firmware v4.40 supports the following hardware. (HP Integrity BL8x0c i2 servers require VC FW 3.0 or higher and HP Integrity BL8x0c i4 servers require VC FW 3.70 or higher). For the HP Virtual Connect Manager Release Notes and Compatibility Matrix and the full listing of recommended and minimum firmware versions, see the HP website ∙ProLiant Server blades and workstation bladeso HP ProLiant BL2x220c G5 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL2x220c G7 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL260c G5 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL280c G6 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL420c Gen8 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL460c Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL460c G5 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL460c G6 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL460c G7 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL460c Gen8 Server Bladeo HP Proliant BL460c Gen8 Server Blade with Intel E5-2600 v2 series Processorso HP Proliant BL460c Gen9 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL465c Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL465c G5 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL465c G6 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL465c G7 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL465c Gen8 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL480c Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL490c Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL495c G5 Server Blade or greatero HP ProLiant BL620c G7 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL660c Gen8 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL680c G5 Server Blade or greatero HP ProLiant BL685c Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL685c G5 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL685c G6 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant BL685c G7 Server Bladeo HP ProLiant xw460c Blade Workstationo HP ProLiant xw2x220c Blade Workstationo HP ProLiant WS460c G6 Workstation∙Integrity Server Bladeso HP Integrity BL860c i2 Server serieso HP Integrity BL860c i4 Server serieso HP Integrity BL870c i2 Server serieso HP Integrity BL870c i4 Server serieso HP Integrity BL890c i2 Server serieso HP Integrity BL890c i4 Server seriesNOTE: BL860c and BL870c are not supported effective VC 4.30∙Virtual Connect Moduleso HP Virtual Connect FlexFabric 10Gb/24-port Moduleo HP Virtual Connect 4 Gb Fibre Channel Moduleo HP Virtual Connect 8Gb 24-Port Fibre Channel Moduleo HP Virtual Connect 16Gb 24-Port Fibre Channel Moduleo HP Virtual Connect 8Gb 20-Port Fibre Channel Module∙Integrated Network Interfaces and mezzanine cardso HP NC325m PCI Express Quad Port 1Gb server adaptero HP NC326i Integrated Dual Port PCI Express Gigabit Server Adaptero HP NC326m PCI Express Dual Port Multifunction Gigabit Server Adaptero HP NC360m Dual Port 1GbE BL-c Adaptero HP NC364m Quad Port 1GbE BL-c Adaptero HP NC370i Dual Port Multifunction Gigabit Network Adaptero HP NC373i Dual Port Multifunction Gigabit Network Adaptero HP NC373m Dual Port Multifunction Gigabit Network Adaptero HP NC382i Integrated Dual Port PCI Express Gigabit Server Adaptero HP NC382m Integrated Dual Port PCI Express Gigabit Server Adaptero HP NC522m Dual Port Flex-10 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adaptero HP NC532i Dual Port Flex-10 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adaptero HP NC532m Dual Port Flex-10 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adaptero HP NC542m Dual Port Flex-10 10GbE BL-c Adaptero HP NC550m 10Gb 2-port PCIe x8 Flex-10 Ethernet Adaptero HP NC551i Dual Port FlexFabric 10Gb Converged Network Adaptero HP NC551m Dual Port FlexFabric 10Gb Converged Network Adaptero HP NC553i 10Gb 2-port FlexFabric Converged Network Adaptero HP NC553m 10Gb 2-port FlexFabric Converged Network Adaptero HP FlexFabric 20Gb 2-port 630FLB Adapter (Only at 10Gb downlinks)o HP FlexFabric 20Gb 2-port 630M Adapter (Only at 10Gb downlinks)o HP FlexFabric 20Gb 2-port 650FLB Adapter (Only at 10Gb downlinks)o HP FlexFabric 20Gb 2-port 650M Adapter(Only at 10Gb downlinks)o HP Flexfabric 10Gb-2 port 536FLB Adaptero HP FlexFabric 10Gb 2-port 534FLB Adaptero HP FlexFabric 10Gb 2-port 534M Adaptero HP FlexFabric 10Gb 2-port 554M Adaptero HP FlexFabric 10Gb 2-port 554FLB Adaptero HP Flex-10 10Gb 2-port 530FLB Adaptero HP Flex-10 10Gb 2-port 530M Adaptero HP Flex-10 10Gb 2-port 552M Adaptero HP Ethernet 1Gb 2-port 361FLB Adaptero HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 366M AdapterNOTE: For optimal operation of HP Virtual Connect Manager, use the following recommendedfirmware version for the Onboard Administrator and iLO.NOTE: For Integrity i4 server blades, recommended Onboard Administrator version is 3.60 or higher.NOTE: For IPv6 management, Onboard Administrator version 4.00 or higher is required.NOTE: Some of the servers and/or options listed above may be discontinued.Virtual Connect Firmware Virtual Connect Firmware v4.40 is recommended with the following release sets for HP ProLiant and HP Integrity environments:HP ProLiant server blades:HP Service Pack for ProLiant : Version SPP 2014.09.0 or greaterThe HP Service Pack for ProLiant (SPP) with HP Smart Update Manager (HP SUM) as the deploymentengine provides a comprehensive approach to firmware and system software maintenance. The SPP isa comprehensive collection of firmware and system software components, all tested together as asingle solution stack that include drivers, agents, utilities, firmware packages for HP ProLiant servers,controllers, storage, blades and enclosures, and other options. It is available on all supported HPProLiant Gen 8 servers (HP ProLiant SL/ML/DL/BL 100, 200, 300, 500, 700, 900 servers, and HPCloudSystem Matrix) in addition to earlier generation HP ProLiant servers. The SPP is released withmost major HP ProLiant server releases.To access the latest HP Service Pack for ProLiant click here:/go/server/service_packsHP Integrity Server BladesTo access latest HP Smart Update Firmware, click here:/products/blades/integrity-release-sets.htmlHP Integrity i4 Server BladesRecommended HP Smart Update Firmware:HP Smart Update Firmware-HP Integrity BL860c/870c/890c i4 System Firmware Bundle for Linux/Windows, 44.01HP Integrity i2 Server BladesHP Smart Update Firmware-HP Integrity BL860c/870c/890c i2 System Firmware Bundle for Linux/Windows,26.36HP BladeSystem c-Class Enclosures The HP BladeSystem c3000 and c7000 Enclosure has been designed up front with the Virtual Connect Architecture in mind incorporating the HP Onboard Administrator, ILO Management, and HP Management tools inside the Virtual Connect framework.Enclosures:∙HP BladeSystem c-Class c7000 Enclosure with Onboard Administrator∙HP BladeSystem c-Class c3000 Enclosure with Onboard AdministratorSupported ConfigurationsHP BladeSystem c7000 Enclosure - Rear View1. Upper Fan System 5. Interconnect Bays 7 / 82. Interconnect Bays 1 /2 6. On Board Administrator3. Interconnect Bays 3 / 4 7. Lower Fan System4. Interconnect Bays 5 / 6 8. Rear Redundant Power ComplexHP BladeSystem c3000 Enclosure - Front View1. Device Bays 1 thru 8 4. Insight Display2. Enclosure DVD Drive 5. Active Onboard Administrator3. Standby Onboard Administrator (reserved for Future)HP BladeSystem c3000 Enclosure - Rear View1. Local KVM interface (reserved for future) 7. iLO/Onboard Administrator Port2. Interconnect Bay 1 8. iLO/Onboard Administrator Port 2 (reserved for future)3. Active Cool Fans 9. Power Supplies4. Interconnect Bay 2 10. Interconnect Bay 45. Enclosure Up-link and Service Port 11. Interconnect Bay 36. Enclosure Down-linkMezzaninesc-7000 Port Mapping Port mapping differs slightly between full height and half height server blades due to the support for additional Mezzanine cards on the full height version.HP has simplified the processes of mapping Mezzanine ports to switch ports by providing intelligentmanagement tools via the Onboard Administrator and HP Insight Manager Software. The OnboardAdministrator Guide, Enclosure Setup and Installation Guide provides detailed information on portmapping.Half Height Server Blade Full Height Server Bladec-3000 Port Mapping Port mapping differs slightly between full height and half height server blades due to the support for additional Mezzanine cards on the full height version.HP has simplified the processes of mapping Mezzanine ports to switch ports by providing intelligentmanagement tools via the Onboard Administrator and HP Insight Manager Software. The OnboardAdministrator Guide, Enclosure Setup and Installation Guide provides detailed information on portmapping.Half Height Server Blade Full Height Server BladeThe following are supported configurations for the Virtual Connect Flex-10 Ethernet Module. Please note that other interconnect options can be installed in the enclosure, but they do not inherit the benefits of Virtual Connect. Switches and Pass-Thru modules will operate per their default configurations. Any moves, adds, or changes to servers which are connected to non-Virtual Connect modules will require reconfiguration on the LAN and/or SAN. The Virtual Connect Manager will only manage Virtual Connect Modules.HP BladeSystem c7000 EnclosureNOTE: The following tables show a number of typical, supported configurations for an HP BladeSystem c7000 Enclosure.[Bay 1] VC-Enet [Bay 2] Empty[Bay 3] Other/empty [Bay 4] Other/empty [Bay 5] Other/empty [Bay 6] Other/empty [Bay 7] Other/empty [Bay 8] Other/empty[Bay 1] VC-Enet [Bay 2] VC-Enet [Bay 3] Other/empty [Bay 4] Other/empty [Bay 5] Other/empty [Bay 6] Other/empty [Bay 7] Other/empty [Bay 8] Other/empty[Bay 1] VC-Enet [Bay 2] VC-Enet [Bay 3] VC-Enet [Bay 4] VC-Enet [Bay 5] Other/empty [Bay 6] Other/empty [Bay 7] Other/empty [Bay 8] Other/empty[Bay 1] VC-Enet [Bay 2] VC-Enet [Bay 3] Other/empty [Bay 4] Other/empty [Bay 5] VC-Enet [Bay 6] VC-Enet [Bay 7] Empty [Bay 8] Empty[Bay 1] VC-Enet [Bay 2] VC-Enet [Bay 3] VC-Enet [Bay 4] VC-Enet [Bay 5] VC-Enet [Bay 6] VC-Enet [Bay 7] Empty [Bay 8] Empty[Bay 1] VC-Enet [Bay 2] Empty [Bay 3] VC-FC [Bay 4] Empty [Bay 5] Other/empty [Bay 6] Other/empty [Bay 7] Other/empty [Bay 8] Other/empty[Bay 1] VC-Enet [Bay 2] VC-Enet [Bay 3] VC-FC [Bay 4] VC-FC [Bay 5] Other/empty [Bay 6] Other/empty [Bay 7] Other/empty [Bay 8] Other/empty[Bay 1] VC-Enet [Bay 2] VC-Enet [Bay 3] VC-Enet [Bay 4] VC-Enet [Bay 5] VC-FC [Bay 6] VC-FC [Bay 7] Empty [Bay 8] Empty[Bay 1] VC-Enet*[Bay 2] VC-Enet [Bay 3] VC-Enet [Bay 4] VC-Enet [Bay 5] VC-FC [Bay 6] VC-FC [Bay 7] VC-FC [Bay 8] VC-FC* This configuration is only applicable for enclosures with full-height servers.[Bay 1] VC-Enet [Bay 2] VC-Enet[Bay 3] VC-FC [Bay 4] VC-FC[Bay 5] VC-Enet [Bay 6] VC-Enet[Bay 7] Empty [Bay 8] Empty[Bay 1] VC-Enet [Bay 2] VC-Enet[Bay 3] VC-FC [Bay 4] VC-FC[Bay 5] VC-Enet [Bay 6] VC-Enet[Bay 7] VC-Enet [Bay 8] VC-Enet[Bay 1] VC-Enet [Bay 2] VC-Enet[Bay 3] Other/empty [Bay 4] Other/empty[Bay 5] VC-FC [Bay 6] VC-FC[Bay 7] Empty [Bay 8] Empty[Bay 1] VC-Enet [Bay 2] VC-Enet[Bay 3] VC-FC [Bay 4] VC-FC[Bay 5] VC-FC [Bay 6] VC-FC[Bay 7] Empty [Bay 8] Empty[Bay 1] VC-Enet [Bay 2] VC-Enet[Bay 3] VC-Enet [Bay 4] VC-Enet[Bay 5] VC-Enet [Bay 6] VC-Enet[Bay 7] VC-Enet [Bay 8] VC-EnetHP BladeSystem c3000 EnclosureNOTE: The following tables show a number of typical, supported configurations for an HP BladeSystem c3000 Enclosure.[Bay 1] VC-Enet [Bay 2] VC-Enet[Bay 3] Empty [Bay 4] Empty[Bay 1] VC-Enet [Bay 2] Empty[Bay 3] Empty [Bay 4] Empty[Bay 1] VC-Enet [Bay 2] VC-Enet[Bay 3] VC-Enet [Bay 4] VC-Enet[Bay 1] VC-Enet [Bay 2] VC-Enet[Bay 3] VC-FC [Bay 4] VC-FCNOTE: When using VC Flex-10 Modules with Flex-10 NICs on server blades, only VC Ethernet modulesmay be used for Ethernet connections in the same enclosure.Required Cabling NOTE: For available cables; please see the "Options" section below of this QuickSpecs.Maximum Distances Multimode OM162.5/125 micronMultimode OM250/125 micronMultimode OM350/125 micronSinglemode9 micronSR 2 - 26m/33m* 2 - 82m 2 - 300mLR 2 -10kmLRM 0.5 - 220m 0.5 - 220m 0.5 - 220m* 26m at 160MHz and 33m at 200MHz.NOTE: For additional information on 10Gb cable specifications go to:/rnd/pdfs/10gig_cabling_technical_brief.pdfStacking Configuration Stacking links are used to interconnect Virtual Connect Ethernet Modules when using more than one enclosure or when using more than two Virtual Connect Ethernet Modules in a single enclosure.All Virtual Connect Modules within the VC Domain must be interconnected. Any combination of 1Gband 10Gb cables can be used to interconnect the Virtual Connect Modules; however the followingprovides recommended configurations (note that a built-in 10Gb link is provided between modules inhorizontally adjacent bays). Supported cable lengths on 10Gb uplinks are 3 to 15 meters andsupported 10Gb stacking links (connecting between two HP Virtual Connect Ethernet Modules) are 0.5to 7 meters. Interconnecting the modules allows all Ethernet NICs on all server blades in the VirtualConnect domain to have access to any Virtual Connect uplink port. By using these module-to-modulelinks, a single pair of uplinks can be used as the data center network connections for the entire VirtualConnect domain, and allows any server blade to be connected to any Ethernet network.NOTE: Supported module-to-module and multi-enclosure stacking configurations may be found in theHP Virtual Connect for c-Class BladeSystem Setup and Installation Guide which can be downloaded atthe following address: HP Virtual Connect for c-Class BladeSystem and Installation GuideStandard FeaturesProduct Features Performance∙16 x 10Gb downlinks to server NICs∙Each 10Gb downlink supports up to 4 FlexNICs or 3 FlexNICs and 1 iSCSI FlexHBA∙Each iSCSI FlexHBA can be configured to transport Accelerated iSCSI protocol.∙Each FlexNIC and iSCSI FlexHBA is recognized by the server as a PCI-e physical function devicewith adjustable speeds from 100Mb to 10Gb in 100Mb increments when connected to a HPNC553i 10Gb 2-port FlexFabric Converged Network Adapter or any Flex-10 NIC and from 1Gbto 10Gb in 100Mb increments when connected to a NC551i Dual Port FlexFabric 10GbConverged Network Adapter or NC551m Dual Port FlexFabric 10Gb Converged NetworkAdapter including NC554FLB Dual Port FlexFabric Adapter∙ 4 x 10Gb cross connects for redundancy and stacking∙10 x 10Gb SR, LR, or LRM fiber and copper SFP+ uplinks∙Supports up to 4 FlexNICs per 10Gb server connections.∙Each FlexNIC is recognized by the server as a PCI-e physical function device with customizablespeeds from 100Mb to 10Gb.∙Line Rate, full-duplex 600 Gbps bridging fabric∙ 1.0 µs latency∙MTU up to 9216 Bytes - Jumbo Frames∙Supports up to 128K MAC addresses and 1K IGMP groups∙VLAN Tagging, Pass-Thru and Link Aggregation supported on all uplinks∙In tunneled VLAN mode, up to 4,096 networks are supported per network uplink and serverdownlink. In mapped VLAN mode, up to 1,000 networks are supported on network uplinks perShare Uplink Set, domain or module and on server downlinks up to 162 networks aresupported per 10Gb physical port (VC v3.30 or later).∙Stack multiple Virtual Connect Flex-10/10D modules with other VC Flex-10/10D, VCFlexFabric or VC Flex-10 across up to 4 BladeSystem enclosures allowing any server Ethernetport to connect to any Ethernet uplinkManagement∙Virtual Connect Manager is included with every module∙HTTPS and a secure, scriptable CLI interface is ready out of the box. Easy setup andmanagement via the Onboard Administrator interface∙SNMP v.1, v.2 and v.3, provide ease of administration and maintenance.∙Port Mirroring on any uplink provides network troubleshooting support with NetworkAnalyzers∙IGMP Snooping optimizes network traffic and reduces bandwidth for multicast applicationssuch as streaming applications∙Role-based security for network and server administration with LDAP, TACACS+ and RADIUScompatibility∙Remotely update Virtual Connect firmware on multiple modules using Virtual ConnectSupport Utility 1.11.0 or greater∙CLI auto-filling with TAB key∙GUI and CLI session timeout for security∙QoS configurable based on DOT1P and DSCP∙Configurable filtering of multicast traffic∙sFlow monitoringVirtual Connect Server Profiles∙Create up to 4 individual FlexNICs with their own dedicated, customized bandwidth per 10GbStandard Featuresdownlink connection.∙Set FlexNIC speeds from 100Mb to 10Gb per connection∙Allows setup of server connectivity prior to server installation for easy deployment∙Ability to move, add, or change server network connections on the fly∙Once defined, LAN and SAN administrators don't have to be involved in server changesOptions∙Stack multiple Virtual Connect Ethernet modules together in an enclosure to allow any serverEthernet port to connect to any uplink∙The Fibre Channel Virtual Connect Module included provides a complete LAN and SAN VirtualConnect solution∙Optional HP SFP+ SR, LR, and LRM modules and SFP+ Copper cables in 0.5m, 1m, 3m, and 7mlengths∙Supports all 1Gb Server NICs including LOM and Mezzanine card options and the latest 10GbKR NICsService and Support HP Technology Services for Industry Standard Servers and BladeSystemCapitalizing on HP ProLiant server and HP BladeSystem capabilities requires a service partner whounderstands your increasingly complex business technology environment. That's why it makes senseto team up with the people who know HP infrastructure hardware and software best - the experiencedprofessionals at HP Services.Protect your business beyond warranty with HP Care Pack ServicesHP Care Pack services offer complete care and support expertise with committed response choicesdesigned to meet your IT and business needs.HP Foundation Care services offer scalable reactive support-packages for HP servers and software.You can choose the type and level of service that is most suitable for your IT and business needs. HPProactive Care delivers high levels of system availability through proactive service management andadvanced technical response. HP Datacenter Care provides highly flexible environmental support toaddress unique customer business needs.Choose a recommended service appropriate to your product or contact your HP sales representative orauthorized HP ServiceOne partner for additional HP Care Pack services information.Recommended HP Care Pack Services for your HP productOptimized Care 3-Year HP 6 hour Call to Repair Response, Proactive CareCombined reactive and proactive support for hardware and software helping optimize your systemsand delivering high levels of availability through proactive service management and advancedtechnical response. Hardware problem resolution to return the hardware in operating condition within6 hours of the initial service request. A Technical Account Manager, as your single point of contact, willown your call or issue end to end until resolved./v2/GetPDF.aspx/4AA3-8855EEE.pdfHP Installation and Startup Service for HP BladeSystem c-Class Infrastructure for c7000 enclosureProvides for hardware installation (c-Class ProLiant and Integrity server blades, storage blades,Ethernet Interconnects and Virtual Connect) and software installation and startup of a BladeSystemc7000 Infrastructure in a single enclosure including deployment of OS (two servers), HP Insight Controland Server Deployment (formerly RDP)./V2/GetPDF.aspx/4AA0-5964ENW.pdfHP Installation and Startup Service for HP BladeSystem c-Class Enhanced NetworkHP Provides for the configuration and testing of BladeSystem Ethernet interconnect switches andVirtual Connect to facilitate proper implementation of network protocols and access to advancedfeatures./V2/GetPDF.aspx/4aa0-5969ENW.pdfStandard Care 3-Year HP 24x7 4 hour response, Proactive Care ServiceThis service gives you combined reactive and proactive support including rapid access to our AdvancedSolution Center to manage and prevent problems and a Technical Support Specialist with a broad levelof technical knowledge that will engage with additional technical expertise as needed from HP's vastglobal resources./v2/GetPDF.aspx/4AA3-8855EEE.pdfHP Installation and Startup Service for HP BladeSystem c-Class Infrastructure for c7000 enclosureProvides for hardware installation (c-Class ProLiant and Integrity server blades, storage blades,Ethernet Interconnects and Virtual Connect) and software installation and startup of a BladeSystemc7000 Infrastructure in a single enclosure including deployment of OS (two servers), HP Insight Controland Server Deployment (formerly RDP)./V2/GetPDF.aspx/4AA0-5964ENW.pdfHP Installation and Startup Service for HP BladeSystem c-Class Enhanced NetworkHP Provides for the configuration and testing of BladeSystem Ethernet interconnect switches andVirtual Connect to facilitate proper implementation of network protocols and access to advancedfeatures./V2/GetPDF.aspx/4aa0-5969ENW.pdfRelated Services HP Proactive Care Personalized Support - Environmental OptionThe Personalized Support option provides an assigned Account Support Manager who can bring bestpractices from across the industry plus extra technical skills to your IT team. This option is onlyavailable as an add-on to HP Proactive Care Support.HP Proactive Select ServiceProvides a flexible way to purchase HP best-in-class consultancy and technical services. You can buyProactive Select Service Credits when you purchase your hardware and then use the credits over thenext 12 months. /V2/GetPDF.aspx/4AA2-3842ENN.pdfAdditional HP Care Pack services can be found at: /go/cpcInsight Online/Insight Remote Support HP Insight Remote Support provides 24 X 7 remote monitoring, proactive notifications, and problem resolution. This comes at no additional cost with your HP solution. Learn more about Insight Remote Support /go/insightremotesupport and Insight Online/go/insightonlineNOTE: Insight Remote Support is a prerequisite for Proactive Care. All blades within a single HP BladeSystem enclosure must be at the same service levelHP Support Center Personalized online support portal with access to information, tools and experts to support HPbusiness products. Submit support cases online, chat with HP experts, access support resources orcollaborate with peers. Learn more /go/hpscHP's Support Center Mobile App allows you to resolve issues yourself or quickly connect to an agentfor live support. Now, you can get access to personalized IT support anywhere, anytime.HP Insight Remote Support and HP Support Center are available at no additional cost with a HPwarranty, HP Care Pack or HP contractual support agreement.NOTE: HP Support Center Mobile App is subject to local availability.Parts and materials HP will provide HP-supported replacement parts and materials necessary to maintain thecovered hardware product in operating condition, including parts and materials for availableand recommended engineering improvements.Parts and components that have reached their maximum supported lifetime and/or themaximum usage limitations as set forth in the manufacturer's operating manual, productquick-specs, or the technical product data sheet will not be provided, repaired, or replaced aspart of these services.The defective media retention service feature option applies only to Disk or eligible SSD/Flash Drivesreplaced by HP due to malfunctionWarranty Server Blade Interconnect Limited Warranty includes 1 year Parts, 1 year Labor, 1-year on-sitesupport. Additional information regarding worldwide limited warranty and technical support isavailable at: /products/servers/platforms/warranty/index.htmlFor more information To learn more on HP ProLiant servers and HP BladeSystem servers, please contact your HP sales representative or HP Authorized Channel Partner. Or visit:/services/bladesystemCabling and Transceiver Options HP BladeSystem c-Class 10GbE SFP+ to SFP+ 0.5m Direct Attach Copper Cable 487649-B21 HP BladeSystem c-Class 10GbE SFP+ to SFP+ 1m Direct Attach Copper Cable 487652-B21 HP BladeSystem c-Class 10GbE SFP+ to SFP+ 3m Direct Attach Copper Cable 487655-B21 HP BladeSystem c-Class 10GbE SFP+ to SFP+ 5m Direct Attach Copper Cable 537963-B21 HP BladeSystem c-Class 10GbE SFP+ to SFP+ 7m Direct Attach Copper Cable 487658-B21 HP C-series SFP+ to SFP+ Active Copper 7.0m Direct Attach Cable QK701A HP C-series SFP+ to SFP+ Active Copper 10.0m Direct Attach Cable QK702A HP X240 10G SFP+ SFP+ 7m Direct Attach Copper Cable JC784C HP X240 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 5m Direct Attach Copper Cable JG081C HP X240 10G SFP+ SFP+ 7m Direct Attach Copper Cable JC784C HP X240 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 5m Direct Attach Copper Cable JG081C HP X240 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 3m Direct Attach Copper Cable JD097C HP X240 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 1.2m Direct Attach Copper Cable JD096C HP X240 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 0.65m Direct Attach Copper Cable JD095C HP X242 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 1m Direct Attach Copper Cable J9281B HP X242 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 3m Direct Attach Copper Cable J9283B HP X242 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 7m Direct Attach Copper Cable J9285B HP X242 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 10m Direct Attach Copper Cable J9286B HP X242 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 15m Direct Attach Copper Cable J9287B HP X244 10G XFP to SFP+ 1m Direct Attach Copper Cable J9300A HP X240 40G QSFP+ to 4x10G SFP+ 1m Direct Attach Copper Splitter Cable JG329A HP X240 40G QSFP+ to 4x10G SFP+ 3m Direct Attach Copper Splitter Cable JG330A HP 10G X244 XFP to SFP+ 3m Direct Attach Copper Cable J9301A HP 10G X244 XFP to SFP+ 5m Direct Attach Copper Cable J9302A HP B-series SFP+ to SFP+ Active Copper 1.0m Direct Attach Cable AP818A HP B-series SFP+ to SFP+ Active Copper 3.0m Direct Attach Cable AP819A HP B-series SFP+ to SFP+ Active Copper 5.0m Direct Attach Cable AP820A Ethernet Optical TransceiversHP BladeSystem c-Class 10Gb SFP+ SR Transceiver 455883-B21 HP BladeSystem c-Class 10Gb SFP+ LR TransceiverNOTE: Requires single-mode fiber.455886-B21 HP BladeSystem c-Class 10Gb SFP+ LRM Transceiver 455889-B21 HP BladeSystem c-Class Virtual Connect 1G SFP SX Transceiver 453151-B21 HP BladeSystem c-Class Virtual Connect 1G SFP RJ-45 Transceiver 453154-B21 HP X132 10G SFP+ LC SR Transceiver J9150A HP X132 10G SFP+ LC LR TransceiverNOTE: Requires single-mode fiber.J9151A HP X132 10G SFP+ LC LRM Transceiver J9152A HP LC to LC Multi-mode OM3 2-Fiber 0.5m 1-Pack Fiber Optic Cable AJ833A HP LC to LC Multi-mode OM3 2-Fiber 1.0m 1-Pack Fiber Optic Cable AJ834A HP LC to LC Multi-mode OM3 2-Fiber 2.0m 1-Pack Fiber Optic Cable AJ835A HP LC to LC Multi-mode OM3 2-Fiber 5.0m 1-Pack Fiber Optic Cable AJ836A HP LC to LC Multi-mode OM3 2-Fiber 15.0m 1-Pack Fiber Optic Cable AJ837A HP LC to LC Multi-mode OM3 2-Fiber 30.0m 1-Pack Fiber Optic Cable AJ838A。



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Solution RecipeTechnical white paperTable of contentsAbout this document (2)Firmware and Software Updates (2)Baseline Firmware Release Set contents (2)Onboard Administrator (3)Virtual Connect (3)HP ProLiant Server Blade support matrix for Flex-10 NICs (3)HP ProLiant Server Blade BIOS, Firmware and Drivers (4)Integrated Lights-Out Advanced for BladeSystem (6)Flex-10 NICs Operating System Drivers (6)To obtain firmware and Windows , Linux drivers go to the following websites: (7)To obtain VMware drivers, go to the following websites: (8)Flex-10 NICs Adapter Firmware (9)Additional Resources (10)About this documentThis document is for the person who installs, administers, and troubleshoots servers, Virtual Connect and storage systems. HP assumes you are qualified in the servicing of computer equipment and trained in recognizing hazards in products with hazardous energy levels.This document specifies the versions of firmware, and software that are recommended as updates to Release Set 2010.10 for HP BladeSystem environments configured with HP Virtual Connect andHP Flex-10 NICs (NC522m, NC532m, NC532i, NC542m, NC543i, NC550m, NC551m, NC551i, NC552m, NC553i, NC553m). The firmware versions and software versions listed in this document have been tested as a solution set using Release Set 2010.10 as a baseline, and are fully supported by HP. When posted, the Release Set following 2010.10 will contain all of these updates.CAUTION: The specific firmware and software versions listed in this document providesupport for HP Virtual Connect and HP Flex-10 NICs and must be used together to ensurecomplete solution component compatibility and full functionality, since these have beentested as a set. Using other version levels might result in operational issues.What’s New – This document is updated as new components and resources become available. Thefollowing summarizes changes from the previous versions:March 23, 2011 Edition•Updated recipe for VC firmware v3.17 with related updates for HP Smart Update FirmwareDVD, HP Onboard Administrator, ProLiant System ROM, iLO 2, and iLO3. NC532 VMwareDriver update•March 22, 2011 Edition•Added support for iSCSI support in VMware ESX/ESXi 4.1Firmware and Software UpdatesSetup of your HP BladeSystem c-Class enclosure with HP Virtual Connect Flex-10 NICs (integrated andmezzanine cards) will require use of the current HP BladeSystem Firmware Release Set 2010.10 withupdates for specific components of the solution. For best results, follow the pre-deployment planningsteps in the HP Virtual Connect for c-Class BladeSystem Setup and Installation Guide and theHP BladeSystem ProLiant Firmware Management Best Practices Implementer Guide (See AdditionalResources section for download sites) to deploy the baseline set with component updates.Baseline Firmware Release Set contentsHP BladeSystem Firmware Release Set 2010.10 VersionSmart Update Firmware DVD9.20b: /swpublishing/MTX-98ce7a50a19a4d4994aaad8d0e(2nd Dec 2010)9.20b or later2Onboard Administrator3Virtual ConnectHP ProLiant Server Blade support matrix for Flex-10 NICsHP Flex-10 NIC and supported BladeSystem servers Firmware VersionHP BladeSystem c7000 Enclosure Onboard Administrator (OA) /bizsupport/TechSupport/ProductList.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodT ypeId=329290&prodSeriesId=3188465&taskId=135 Version 3.11 or laterHP recommends 3.21 or laterHP BladeSystem c7000 Enclosure Onboard Administrator (OA) – *Required for enclosures with HP ProLiant BL620c and 680c G7 server blades/bizsupport/TechSupport/ProductList.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodT ypeId=329290&prodSeriesId=3188465&taskId=135Version 3.21 or later Onboard Administrator FW/bizsupport/TechSupport/ProductList.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodTypeId=329290&prodSeriesId=3188465&taskId=135 Version = 3.21 or later FirmwareVersion HP BladeSystem c-Class Virtual Connect Firmware, Ethernet plus 4/8Gb 20-port and 8Gb24-port FC Edition /bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodNameId=4144085&taskId=135&prodTypeId=3709945&prodSeriesId=4144084&submit.y=11&submit.x=5&lang=en&cc=us Version =3.17 Smart Component for Windows/bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareDescription.jsp?swItem=MTX-5964a9baf5b0404f97732eb5c6Smart Component for Linux web link /bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareDescription.jsp?swItem=MTX-164da8fa304742c1b26ba71407Binary File for VCSU/bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareDescription.jsp?swItem=MTX-5964a9baf5b0404f97732eb5c6 Version = 3.15 Supported BladesBIOSFlex-10 NIC adapters are supported on the following HP ProLiant server blades: Use the current BIOS inthe baseline SmartUpdate Firmware DVDFor ProLiant serverblades.NC5 22m NC532mNC532iNc542mNC543iNC550mNC551mNC551iNC552mNC553i NC553mBL2x220cG6No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesBL2x220c G7 Yes (VC 3.15)BL280cG6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BL460cG6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BL460cG7 Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes BL465cG7 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BL490cG6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BL490cG7 Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes BL620cG7 Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes BL680cG5 Yes Yes No Yes No No No BL680cG7 Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes BL685cG6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BL685cG7 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BCS IntegrityBL860c i2Server BladeYes YesBCS IntegrityBL860cServer BladeYesBCS IntegrityBL870c i2Server BladeYes YesBCS IntegrityBL870cServer BladeYesBCS IntegrityBL890c i2Server BladeYes YesBCSSuperdomeBladesYes NoHP ProLiant Server Blade BIOS, Firmware and DriversServer blade model VersionBL2x220c G6/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=4 047585&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=135&prodSeriesId=4047584&prodTypeId=3709945I26 ROM 2011.01.30 (A) (11 Mar 2011)BL2x220c G7/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=4 268679&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=135&prodSeriesId=4268596&prodTypeId=3709945I29 ROM 2011.01.30 (A) (11 Mar 2011)BL280c G6/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=3I22 ROM 2011.01.29 (A) (3 Mar 2011)4Server blade model Version 896074&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=135&prodSeriesId=3896073&prodTypeId=3709945BL460c G6/bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareIndex.jsp?lang=en&cc=us& prodNameId=3884099&prodTypeId=3709945&prodSeriesId=3884098&swLang=8&taskId =135&swEnvOID=4038I24 ROM 2011.01.29 (11 Mar 2011)HP ProLiant BL460c G7/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=4 194638&lang=en&cc=us&prodTypeId=3709945&prodSeriesId=4194735&taskId=135I27 ROM 2011.01.29 (A) (11 Mar 2011)HP ProLiant BL465c G7/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=4 132827&lang=en&cc=us&prodTypeId=3709945&prodSeriesId=4132949&taskId=135A19 ROM 2010.12.20( B) (25 Feb 2011)BL490c G6/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=3 884114&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=135&prodSeriesId=3884113&prodTypeId=3709945I21 ROM 2011.01.29 (B) (11 Mar 2011)HP ProLiant BL490c G7/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=4 268597&lang=en&cc=us&prodTypeId=3709945&prodSeriesId=4268682&taskId=135I28 ROM 2011.01.29 (B) (14 Mar 2011)HP ProLiant BL620c G7/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=4 268688&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=135&prodSeriesId=4268686&prodTypeId=3709945I25 ROM 2010.12.02 (A) (14 Jan 2011)BL680c G5/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=3 562397&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=135&prodSeriesId=3454580&prodTypeId=3709945I17 2010.10.25 (B) (11 Jan 2011)HP ProLiant BL680c G7/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=4 268691&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=135&prodSeriesId=4268690&prodTypeId=3709945I25 ROM 2010.12.02 (A) (14 Jan 2011)BL685c G6/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=3 896121&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=135&prodSeriesId=3896111&prodTypeId=3709945A17 ROM 2009.12.09 (12 Jan 2010)HP ProLiant BL685c G7/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=4 132830&lang=en&cc=us&prodTypeId=3709945&prodSeriesId=4132829&taskId=135A20 ROM 2010.12.20 (B) (25 Feb 2011)BCS Integrity BL860c i2 Server Blade/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=4204753&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=135&prodSeriesId=4186428&prodTypeId=3709945Firmware bundle 21.08BCS Integrity BL860c Server Blade/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=3 331045&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=135&prodTypeId=3709945&prodSeriesId=3331044Firmware Blade Infrastructure 3.21, 3.00BCS Integrity BL870c i2 Server Blade/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=4204762&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=135&prodSeriesId=4186432&prodTypeId=3709945Firmware bundle 21.08BCS Integrity BL890c i2 Server Blade/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=4204871&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=135&prodSeriesId=4186437&prodTypeId=3709945Firmware bundle 21.08BCS Superdome Blades/bizsupport/TechSupport/ProdSearch.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&taskId=135&prod=superdome5Integrated Lights-Out Advanced for BladeSystem Component Version HP Integrated Lights-Out 2 (iLO 2) Advanced for BladeSystem /bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=1135772&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=135&prodClassId=-&prodTypeId=18964&prodSeriesId=1146658 2.05 (4 Jan 2011) or later HP Integrated Lights-Out 3 (iLO 3) Advanced for BladeSystem /bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=4154847&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=135&prodSeriesId=4154735&prodTypeId=18964 * Required for HP ProLiant BL620c G7 and ProLiant BL680c G7 1.10 or later 1.15 or later* (11 Jan 2011) HP Recommends 1.20 or higher Flex-10 NICs Operating System Drivers Adapter OS Version NIC Driver iSCSI Driver One Command Windows Server 2008 4.0.534.13825 N/A N/A Windows Server 2008 x64 4.0.534.13825 N/A N/A Windows Server 2008 R2 4.0534.13825 N/A N/A NC522m Linux 4.0.539-3 N/A N/A Windows Server 2008 N/A Windows Server 2008 x64 N/A NC532m NC532i Linux 6.0.53-1 6.0.53-1 N/A Windows Server 2008 N/A N/A Windows Server 2008 x64 N/A N/A Windows Server 2008 R2 N/A N/A NC542m NC543i Linux N/A N/A Windows Server 2008 2.102.517.0 2.102.485.0 N/A Windows Server 2008 x64 2.102.517.0 2.102.485.0 5.0.80 Windows Server 2008 R2 2.102.517.0 2.102.485.0 N/A NC550m NC551m NC551i NC552m NC553m NC553i Linux 2.102.514.0-2 2.102.514.0-1 5.0.80 VMware ESX/ESXi 4.0 2.102.518.0 Not supported NC550m NC551m NC551i NC552m NC553m NC553i NC522m NC532m NC542m VMware ESX/ESXi 4.1 2.102.518.0 2.102.525.96To obtain firmware and Windows , Linux drivers go to the following websites:NC522m /bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodNa meId=3935419&taskId=135&prodTypeId=3709945&prodSeriesId=3935417&lang=en&cc=usNC532m /bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodNa meId=3822502&taskId=135&prodTypeId=3709945&prodSeriesId=3822501&lang=en&cc=usNC542m /bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodNa meId=4071722&taskId=135&prodTypeId=3709945&prodSeriesId=4071874&lang=en&cc=usNC550m /bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodNa meId=4085929&taskId=135&prodTypeId=3709945&prodSeriesId=4085948&lang=en&cc=usNC551m /bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodNa meId=4145269&taskId=135&prodTypeId=3709945&prodSeriesId=4145106&lang=en&cc=usNC552m /bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodNa meId=4324790&taskId=135&prodTypeId=3709945&prodSeriesId=4295117&lang=en&cc=usNC553m /bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodNa meId=4324854&taskId=135&prodTypeId=3709945&prodSeriesId=4296125&lang=en&cc=us7To obtain VMware drivers, go to the following websites:Adapter OS Version NIC DriverNC522 ESX/ESXi4.x4.0.570/d/details/esx4x_qla_nx_nic_dt/ZHcqYmRAdyViZCVodwNC532 ESX/ESXi4.01.62.11.v40.1/d/details/dt_esxi40_broadcom_bcm57xxx_16211v401/ZHcqYnR0JWRiZCpwcA==ESX/ESXi4.11.62.15.v41/d/details/dt_esx41_broadcom_netxtremeii_032311/ZHcqYnR0anBiZCpwcA==NC542 ESX/ESXi4.x1.5.5.436/d/details/esx4x_mell_connectx_dt/ZHcqYnRlQHdiZCVodwNC550 NC551 NC552 NC553 ESX/ESXi 4.x 2.102.518.0/d/details/esx40_emulex_bladeengine10gb_dt/ZHcqYnRlJWpiZCVodwAdapter OS Version iSCSI driverNC550 NC551 NC552 NC553 ESX/ESXi 4.1 2.102.525.9/d/details/dt_esx41_serverengine_be2iscsi/ZHcqYnR0ZEBiZCpldw8Flex-10 NICs Adapter FirmwareAdapter FirmwareNC522m Smart Update Firmware DVD 9.20BQLogic firmware 4.0.534/bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareDescription.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&swLang=8&mode=2&taskId=135&swItem=MTX-98ce7a50a19a4d4994aaad8d0eNC532m Smart Update Firmware DVD 9.20BFW component—2.2.8NC532(i or m) boot code version—5.2.7/bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareDescription.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&swLang=8&mode=2&taskId=135&swItem=MTX-98ce7a50a19a4d4994aaad8d0eNC542m Firmware for HP 10 GbE PCI-e G2 Dual Port Network Interface Card (Mellanox Connect-X2 Rev B0) (HP part number 516937-B21)Mellanox firmware 2.8.0/bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareDescription.jsp?swItem=MTX-1ee6ff125b614986b30bd81cb7&lang=en&cc=us&mode=3&NC550m NC551m NC552m NC553m Firmware image for offline update of Emulex based CNAs, LOMs, and Ethernet Adapters. Emulex firmware 2.102.517.701/bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareDescription.jsp?lang=en&cc=us &prodTypeId=3709945&prodSeriesId=4194735&prodNameId=4194638&swEnvOID=54&swLa ng=13&mode=2&taskId=135&swItem=co-90641-19Additional ResourcesThe following documents provide additional information regarding setup and operation ofHP BladeSystem enclosures and HP Virtual Connect FlexFabric Modules and FlexFabric Adapters:Deployment related resourcesHP Virtual Connect Firmware 3.17 Release Notes/bizsupport/TechSupport/DocumentIndex.jsp?contentType=SupportManual&lang=en&cc=us&docIndexId=64180&taskId=101&prodTypeId=3709945&prodSeriesId=4144084HP BladeSystem ProLiant Firmware Management Best Practices Implementer Guide/products/servers/management/literature.htmlHP Virtual Connect for c-Class BladeSystem Setup and Installation Guide/bizsupport/TechSupport/DocumentIndex.jsp?contentType=SupportManual&lang=en&cc=us&docIndexId=64180&taskId=101&prodTypeId=3709945&prodSeriesId=4144084HP BladeSystem Firmware Maintenance Website/go/bladesystemupdatesHP Virtual Connect FlexFabric 10Gb/24-port Module Connectivity Stream (list of compatible FibreChannel switches and storage)/pages/spock2Html.aspx?htmlFile=hw_virtual_connect.html&lang=en&cc=US&hpappid=hppcf (Requires HP Passport sign-in)Best practice resources/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c02616817/c02616817.pdfHP Virtual Connect FlexFabric Module and VMware vSphere 4/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c02499726/c02499726.pdfHP Virtual Connect for the Cisco Administrator, 3rd Edit (3.1xx)/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c01386629/c01386629.pdfHP Virtual Connect with iSCSI Cookbook/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c02533991/c02533991.pdfOther resourcesHP Virtual Connect Flex-10 technology: Convergence with FlexFabric Components Technical Brief/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c01608922/c01608922.pdfOneCommand Manager Application User Manual/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c02018556/c02018556.pdf© Copyright 2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject tochange without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warrantystatements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting anadditional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.4AA3-3148ENW, Created February 2011; Updated March 2011, Rev. 2。
