



The following is the list of Analog Devices, Inc. processors supported by the IAR Embedded WorkBench®develop-ment tools. For information about the IAR Embedded WorkBench product and software download, The ADSP-CM40x processors are based on the ARM Cortex®-M4 core and are designed for motor controland industrial applications.The ADSP-CM41x processors are based on the ARM Cortex-M4 and ARM Cortex-M0 cores and are de-signed for motor control and industrial applications.Product InformationProduct information can be obtained from the Analog Devices Web site and CrossCore Embedded Studio online Help system.Analog Devices Web SiteThe Analog Devices Web site, provides information about a broad range of products—ana-log integrated circuits, amplifiers, converters, and digital signal processors.To access a complete technical library for each processor family, go to:The manuals selection opens a list of current manuals related to the product as well as a link to the previ-ous revisions of the manuals. When locating your manual title, note a possible errata check mark next to the title that leads to the current correction report against the manual.Also note, is a free feature of the Analog Devices Web site that allows customization of a Web page to display only the latest information about products you are interested in. You can choose to receive weekly e-mail notifications containing updates to the Web pages that meet your interests, including documentation errata against all manuals. provides access to books, application notes, data sheets, code examples, and more. Visit to sign up. If you are a registered user, just log on. Your user name is your e-mail address. EngineerZoneEngineerZone is a technical support forum from Analog Devices. It allows you direct access to ADI technical sup-port engineers. You can search FAQs and technical information to get quick answers to your embedded processing and DSP design questions.Use EngineerZone to connect with other DSP developers who face similar design challenges. You can also use this open forum to share knowledge and collaborate with the ADI support team and your peers. Visit http:// to sign up.ADSP-BF7xx Blackfin+ Processor xxxNotation ConventionsText conventions used in this manual are identified and described as follows. Additional conventions, which apply only to specific chapters, may appear throughout this document.Example DescriptionFile > Close Titles in reference sections indicate the location of an item within the CrossCoreEmbedded Studio IDE's menu system (for example, the Close command appearson the File menu).{this | that}Alternative required items in syntax descriptions appear within curly brackets andseparated by vertical bars; read the example as this or that. One or the other isrequired.[this | that]Optional items in syntax descriptions appear within brackets and separated byvertical bars; read the example as an optional this or that.[this, …]Optional item lists in syntax descriptions appear within brackets delimited bycommas and terminated with an ellipse; read the example as an optional comma-separated list of this..SECTION Commands, directives, keywords, and feature names are in text with LetterGothic font.filename Non-keyword placeholders appear in text with italic style format.NOTE:NOTE: For correct operation, ...A note provides supplementary information on a related topic. In the online ver-sion of this book, the word NOTE: appears instead of this symbol. CAUTION:CAUTION: Incorrect device operation may result if ...CAUTION: Device damage may result if ...A caution identifies conditions or inappropriate usage of the product that couldlead to undesirable results or product damage. In the online version of this book,the word CAUTION: appears instead of this symbol.ATTENTION:ATTENTION: Injury to device users may result if ...A warning identifies conditions or inappropriate usage of the product that couldlead to conditions that are potentially hazardous for devices users. In the onlineversion of this book, the word ATTENTION: appears instead of this symbol. Register Documentation ConventionsRegister diagrams use the following conventions:•The descriptive name of the register appears at the top with the short form of the name.•If a bit has a short name, the short name appears first in the bit description, followed by the long name.•The reset value appears in binary in the individual bits and in hexadecimal to the left of the register.•Bits marked X have an unknown reset value. Consequently, the reset value of registers that contain such bits is undefined or dependent on pin values at reset.ADSP-BF7xx Blackfin+ Processor xxxiIntroduction 1 IntroductionThis Blackfin+ Processor Programming Reference provides details on the assembly language instructions used by Black-fin+ processors. The Blackfin+ architecture extends the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core developed jointly by Analog Devices, Inc. and Intel Corporation. This manual applies to all ADSP-BF7xx processor derivatives. All devi-ces provide an identical core architecture and instruction set. Additional architectural features are only supported by some devices and are identified in the manual as being optional features. A read-only memory-mapped register, FEATURE0, enables run-time software to query the optional features implemented in a particular derivative. Some details of the implementation may vary between derivatives. This is generally not visible to software, but system and test code may depend on very specific aspects of the memory microarchitecture. Differences and commonalities at a global level are discussed in the Memory chapter. For a full description of the system architecture beyond the Black-fin+ core, refer to the specific hardware reference manual for your derivative. This section points out some of the conventions used in this document.The Blackfin+ processor combines a dual-MAC signal processing engine, an orthogonal RISC-like microprocessor instruction set, flexible Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD) capabilities, and multimedia features into a single instruction set architecture.Core ArchitectureThe Blackfin+ processor core contains two 16-bit multipliers (MACs), one 32-bit MAC, two 40-bit accumulators, one 72-bit accumulator, two 40-bit Arithmetic Logic Units (ALUs), four 8-bit video ALUs, and a 40-bit shifter, shown in the Processor Core Architecture figure. The Blackfin+ processors work on 8-, 16-, or 32-bit data from the register file.ADSP-BF7xx Blackfin+ Processor1–1。





1.AD1672单片12位模数转换器的原理及应用 [J], 高光天
2.同步采样A/D转换器AD7262原理及应用 [J], 钟念兵;肖全红;王玲
3.高精度同步V/F转换器:—AD652的原理及其应用 [J], 纪宗南
4.电压频率转换器AD652原理及在电子称重仪中的应用 [J], 姚永刚[1];卢家成[2]
5.北京英斯泰克电气工程公司特约稿——单片同步V/F转换器AD652原理及应用[J], 高光天



常用的功率场效应管( 5V逻辑电平驱动)(贴片封装) 在由单片机、数字集成块等组成的电路中,当被控制电路部分也用5V电源供电时,我们选用的功率场效应管就要求其阀值电压不超过3V,以便由5V的逻辑电平直接驱动它们。

型号生产公司封装沟道主要特性参数备注沟道 20V/7A/24mΩ双管NAO8822 AOS TSSOP-8APM4953 ANPEC茂达 SO-8 P 沟道 -30V/-4.9A/80mΩ双管沟道 30V/52A/20mΩCEB6030L CET华瑞 TO-263 N沟道 30V/60A/15mΩCEB6031L CET华瑞 TO-263 N沟道 30V/25A/40mΩCEB603AL CET华瑞 TO-263 NFDS4953 FAIRCHILD沟道 -30V/-5A/95mΩ双管SO-8 PTO-252 N沟道 30V/67A/10mΩFDD6644 FAIRCHILDTO-252 N沟道 30V/54A/14mΩFDD6692 FAIRCHILD沟道 30V/51A/0.017ΩFQB60N03L FAIRCHILD TO-263 N沟道 -30V/-5A/80mΩSO-8 PSI9435DY FAIRCHILD沟道 30V/67A/10mΩTO-252 NFDD6644 FAIRCHILDTO-252 N沟道 30V/54A/14mΩFDD6692 FAIRCHILD沟道 -30V/-10A/0.02ΩIRF7416 IR SO-8 P沟道 30V/13A/9mΩIRF7823PbF IR SO-8 NIRF7832ZPbF IR SO-8 N沟道 30V/21A/4mΩ沟道 60V/210A/300W/3mΩIRFS3206PbF IR TO-263 NIRFS3306PbF IR TO-263 N沟道 60V/160A/300W/4mΩ沟道 25v/50A/12mΩIPD09N03LA Infineon TO-252 N沟道 16V/6A/20mΩ双管NNK8810 NANKERTSSOP-8沟道 20V/10A/24mΩ双管PMWD20XN PHILIPS SOT530 N沟道 55V/58A/20mΩPHB60N06LT PHILIPS SOT-404 NPHB66NQ03LT PHILIPS SOT-404 N 沟道 25V/66A/16mΩPHD66NQ03LT PHILIPS SOT-428 N 沟道 25V/66A/16mΩ沟道 -20V/-2.8A/120mΩSOT-23-3L PST2301 STANSON沟道 20V/2.8A/80mΩSOT-23-3L NST2302 STANSON沟道 -30V/-2.0A/180mΩSOT-23-3L PST2303 STANSONSOT-23-3L N沟道 30V/2.0A/105mΩST2304 STANSON沟道 -10V/-3.5A/50mΩSOT-23-3L PST2305 STANSONSOT-23-3L N沟道 30V/2.8A/95mΩST2306 STANSONSOT-23-3L P沟道 -30V/-2.5A/115mΩST3403 STANSONSUD30N03-30 VISHAY TO-252 N沟道 30V/30A/0.045ΩSTB60N03L-10 ST TO-263 N 沟道 30V/60A/10mΩ沟道 30V/60A/9mΩSTD60NH03L ST TO-252 N。



ISL6524是主板CPU供电控制芯片,常用于845芯片组以下的主板中,如QDI W1E2/OMB主板。

ISL6524的内部电路框图 ISL6524PWMEA1VCCPGOODPWMGNDVSEN1OCSETVID3VID2VID1VID0FBCOMP DACOUTUGATEPHASE200µA28µA4.5V+-+-+-+-VID25LGATE PGND DRIVE4DRIVE3VSEN3+-INHIBITDRIVE2FIXEA2FAULT/RT VSEN2+-+-+-1.8V or 1.26V(DAC)+-VCCVCCSS131.2VDRIVE1+-+VSEN4FAULTOVOC-SS24+-VAUXVAUX0.90x 1.10x 1.15x x0.75x0.90+-1.5V or 1.26V28µA4.5VVCCVTTPG+-x0.75+-EA3EA4UV3UV4UV2D CLK QQ >SET CLR软启动&错误逻辑DAC转换器驱动控制器上电复位振荡器同步驱动器控制器 ISL6524的各引脚功能 ISL6524的针脚封装图DRIVE2FIX VID3VID2FAULT/RT VSEN2SS24SS13VSEN4VCC PGND LGATE PHASE DRIVE3COMP GND VAUX DRIVE4UGATE 28272625242322212019181716151234567891011121314PGOOD VID1VTTPG VSEN1VSEN3VID0VID25OCSET FB 引脚号引脚名称引脚功能1DRIVE2 1.2V 供电开关管驱动信号输出端2FIX 1.5V、1.2V 供电电压补偿端,通常空置不用3VID3CPU 电压模式识别端。

若这5个引脚均悬空,则工作在“无CPU”模式,此时无控制信号输出4VID25VID16VID07VID258PGOOD POWER GOOD 信号输出端9VTTPG VTT 电压POWER GOOD 信号输出端10FAULT/RT 过压保护信号输出端/振荡电阻连接端11VSEN2 1.2V 供电检测反馈输入端12SS24软启动控制端13SS13软启动控制端14VSEN4北桥芯片1.8V 供电检测反馈输入端15DRIVE4北桥芯片1.8V 供电开关管驱动信号输出端16VAUX 3.3V 供电输入端17GND 接地端18DRIVE3AGP 显卡1.5V 供电开关管驱动信号输出端19VSEN3AGP 显卡1.5V 供电检测反馈输入端20COMP 误差放大器输出端21FB 主电压反馈输入端22VSEN1主电压检测输入端23OCSET 振荡频率设置端24PGND 接地端25LGATE 下开关管驱动信号输出端26PHASE 电流检测输入端27UGATE 上开关管驱动信号输出端28Vcc+12V 供电电压输入端 ISL6524的输出电压由3-7引脚控制,而这些引脚电平的组合便可以控制输出电压递增或递减。



2)本人用单片机对AD420输入一个数据10913希望得到4mA的电流输出,但很 遗憾,一直输出4.2mA,我用示波器测了DIN,CLK和LATCH脚,波形和时序都
大家好,现用AD2S1210,设置分辨率为10bit时,A,B输出正常;设置分辨率 22 AD2S1210 AD2S1210的A,B输出问题 为12bit时,在旋转变压器不转动时,A,B会有矩形波产生,频率不定,不知道 /adi/showtopic.aspx?id=221360
2B31 2B31的问题
采集两路应变信号,分别用2B31进行调理,设定的放大倍数是500,低通滤波 频率100Hz。现在当输入电压差为1.5V时,未经滤波和经过滤波的输出电压都 是3.64V。其他给定电压输出也不正常。请问会是什么原因?我确定放大和滤 /ADI/ShowTopic.aspx?id=118832 波用的电阻都没有问题。 附上电路图。采用外部3V电源对应变片供电的。
无论你们提供什么方法,我都会试一试的。从去年到现在这个问题已经把我 折磨的没有一点办法了!!

BL6522B 高精度三相多功能电能计量芯片 产品说明书

BL6522B 高精度三相多功能电能计量芯片 产品说明书
高精度三相多功 能明书
如需得到最新的产品信息,请与上海贝岭有限公司联系,本公司保留不需要通知本数据 手册读者而修改本数据手册的权利。
Edit by Richard Han, Shi Fei, Fei yu hang
1)电参数性能指标................................................................................................................. 12 2)极限范围 ........................................................................................................................... 15 二 工作原理 ............................................................................................................................................ 17 (一)系统框图及原理.................................................................................................................... 17 1)三相原理结构描述图 ......................................................................................................... 17 2)单相原理结构描述图(以 A 相为例)................................................................................ 19 (二)电流电压瞬态波形测量前端(以 A 相为例) ........................................................................ 20 1)前端增益调整 .................................................................................................................... 20 2)相位补偿 ........................................................................................................................... 20 3)输入偏差校正 .................................................................................................................... 21 4)通道增益校正 .................................................................................................................... 21 5)电流电压波形输出 ............................................................................................................. 22 6)电压通道增益粗调 ............................................................................................................. 22 (三)有功功率计量原理(以 A 相为例)....................................................................................... 23 1)有功功率偏差校正 ............................................................................................................. 24 2)有功功率增益调整 ............................................................................................................. 24 3)有功功率的防潜动 ............................................................................................................. 24 4)有功功率的小信号补偿...................................................................................................... 25 5)有功功率反向指示阈值 ...................................................................................................... 25 6)正向有功能量计算 ............................................................................................................. 25

LCS 652说明书

LCS 652说明书

LCS 652说明书
本说明书仅适用于LCS 652微机型保护测控装置。







LCS 652微机型保护测控装置(以下简称LCS 652)是在消化吸收国内外先进技术的基础上设计开发的用于110kV及以下电压等级

LCS 652采用了高端配置:高性能32位嵌入式单片机、高精度AD采样、大液晶人机界面、支持软件在线升级。

LCS 652高可靠性的继电保护功能与自动控制功能、完备的遥控与出口输出功能,可实现电力线路、变压器、高压电动机、电容器、分段母线的保护与测控。

大气压力:70 kPa-106 kPa


七、推荐工作条件: 总电源电压: 工作温度范围
+VS~-VS 30V -55℃~+125℃
五、封装形式及引线功能 1.封装形式
L2652S/AD652S 电压频率转换器
一、特点: · .由内部系统时钟设置全范围频率(可达 2MHz) . 非常低的线性误差(1MHZFS 下 0.005%,2MHZFS 下 0.02%) . 无关键外部元件要求 . 精确 5V 基准电压 . 低飘移(≤25ppm/℃) . 双或单电源工作 . 电压或电流输入 . 有 MIL—STD—883 应允的形式可利用 二、概述: AD652S 同步电压频率转换器是一种精密的模拟一数字转换的大功率装配器件。100KHz 输出频率下仅 产生典型非线性度为 0.002%(最大 0.005%)。转换功能的固有单一性和宽范围时钟频率允许转换时间和分 辨力实现特殊应用下的最佳化。 AD652S 应用一种普通的电荷平衡技术的更新来实现转换功能,应用一种外部时钟来实现全范围输出 频率,而不是靠外部电容器的稳定来实现的。结果是一种更加稳定、更加线性的转换功能,在单路和多路 系统中都有重要的应用。 AD652S 可实现在—55℃—+125℃温度范围内工作。 三、等效电路图:
四、电特性 AD652(TA=+25℃,VS=±15V)



Vol. 21 Rev.01 07/2021Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 89 MODELS 6522, 6524, 6526, 6532, 6534 & 65362155.51Megohmmeter Model 6522 (Digital w/Analog Bargraph, 250V, 500V, 1000V, Continuity, V)2155.52 Megohmmeter Model 6524 (Digital w/Analog Bargraph, Alarm, 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V, Ohm, Continuity, V, kΩ, Memory)2155.53 Megohmmeter Model 6526 (Digital w/Analog Bargraph, Alarm, 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V, Ohm, Continuity, V, kΩ, Capacitance, Memory, Bluetooth w/DataView® software)2155.54Megohmmeter Model 6532 (Digital w/Analog Bargraph, Alarm, 50V, 100V, Ohm, Continuity, V, kΩ, Cap, Memory, Bluetooth w/DataView® software)2155.55Megohmmeter Model 6534 (Digital w/Analog Bargraph, Alarm, 10V, 25V, 100V, 250V, 500V, Ohm, Continuity, V, kΩ, Memory, Bluetooth w/DataView® software)2155.56Megohmmeter Model 6536 (Digital w/Analog Bargraph, Alarm, Variable 10 to 100V, Ohm, Continuity, V, kΩ)2155.57Megohmmeter Model 6536 ESD Floor Kit (Meter, set of 2, 5lb weights and carrying case)6526, 6532 & 6534 (only)90 FRONT PANEL & FUNCTIONAL DISPLAYSFEATURES*• True Megohmmeter ®• Test voltage from 10 to 1000V • Insulation resistance up to 200GΩ• Manual, Lock, Timer modes & PI/DAR Ratio calculations • Alarms with Green/Red Pass/Fail indicator light• 200mA/20mA continuity with active protection without fuses • Measurement of V (TRMS & DC), F, Ω, kΩ, Hz, C and cable length • ∆Rel mode for comparison measurements• Configurable alarms• Data retrieval• Automatic discharge after test• Automatic test inhibit if device under test is energized >25V* Features are model dependent. Bluetooth on selected models.Access to the instrument information and setup forTest Lock, Timer,PI/DAR and Times Navigation buttons:• Display instrumentinformation • Turn buzzer ON or OFF • Turn power saverON or OFF• Program test time • Select displayedparameters • Program alarmset pointsTest lead resistance compensation∆Rel set and compare measurements to a reference valueTest button Test function selection switchMemory recall/ Bluetooth activation Alarmactivation/deactivation with Pass/Fail indication(model dependent)PRODUCT INCLUDES6522 & 6524Soft carrying case, (2) 5 ft color-coded (red/black) leads, (2) color-coded (red/black) alligator clips, (1) black test probe, (6) AA batteries and a user manual.6526Soft carrying case, (2) 5 ft color-coded (red/black) leads, (2) color-coded (red/black) alligator clips, (1) black test probe, (6) AA batteries, quick start guide, USB stick with DataView ® software and a user manual.6536Soft carrying case, (2) 5 ft color-coded (red/black) leads, (2) color-coded (red/black) alligator clips, (1) black test probe, (2) color-coded (red/black) grip probes, (6) AA batteries, and a user manual.6536 ESD FLOOR KITField case, (2) 5 ft color-coded (red/black) leads, (2) color-coded (red/black) alligator clips, (1) black test probe, (2) color-coded (red/black) grip probes, (2) 5 lb weights with conductive rubber bottom pad, (2) 4mm non-insulated adapters, (6) AA batteries, and a user manual.6532 & 6534Soft carrying case, (2) 5 ft color-coded (red/black) leads,(2) color-coded (red/black) alligator clips, (1) black testprobe, (2) color-coded (red/black) grip probes, (6) AA batteries, quick start guide, USB stick with DataView ® software and a user manual.SHOWN: 65326526, 6532 & 6534MEGOHMMETERS96 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391Vol. 21 Rev.01 07/2021©2021 Chauvin Arnoux, Inc. d.b.a. AEMC Instruments. All Rights Reserved.AEMC MODEL NUMBERAEMC CATALOG NUMBER TEST VOLTAGE INSULATION RANGE RESISTANCE RANGE CONTINUITY RANGE CAPACITANCE RANGEVOLTAGE DETECTION POWER SOURCE DISPLAY DATAVIEW ® SOFTWARE65012126.51500V 0.5 to 200MΩ500kΩ100Ω–600V ac Hand-cranked Analog No 65032126.52250V 500V 1000V 1 to 500MΩ 1 to 500MΩ 10 to 5000MΩ–600V acHand-cranked Analog No 65272126.53250V 500V 1000V 1kΩ to 4GΩ 1kΩ to 4GΩ 1kΩ to 4GΩ400kΩ400Ω–600V ac 1000V dc 6 x AA Alkaline Batteries Digital/ Analog No 65222155.51250V 500V 1000V 50kΩ to 10GΩ 100kΩ to 20GΩ200kΩ to 40GΩ–10Ω–700V ac /dc 6 x AA Alkaline Batteries Digital/ Analog No 65282126.54250V 500V 1000V 0.050MΩ to 4200MΩ 0.100MΩ to 4200MΩ 0.20MΩ to 11GΩ0 to 420kΩ0 to 40Ω (200mA test current ≤ 2Ω)–700V ac 700V ac /dc 6 x AA Alkaline Batteries DigitalNo65292126.5550V 100V 250V 500V 1000V 0.010MΩ to 420MΩ 0.020MΩ to 420MΩ 0.050MΩ to 420MGΩ 0.100MΩ to 4200MΩ0.20MΩto 11GΩ0 to 420kΩ0 to 40Ω (200mA test current ≤ 2Ω)–700V ac 700V ac /dc6 x AA Alkaline BatteriesDigital No65242155.5250V 100V 250V 500V 1000V 10kΩ to 10GΩ 20kΩ to 20GΩ 50kΩ to 50GΩ 100kΩ to 100GΩ200kΩ to 200GΩ1000kΩ10Ω, 100Ω–700V ac /dc6 x AA Alkaline Batteries Digital/ AnalogNo65262155.5350V 100V 250V 500V 1000V 10kΩ to 10GΩ 20kΩ to 20GΩ 50kΩ to 50GΩ 100kΩ to 100GΩ200kΩ to 200GΩ1000kΩ10Ω, 100Ω0.1n to 10µF 700V ac /dc6 x AA Alkaline Batteries Digital/ Analog Yes65322155.5450V 100V 10kΩ to 10GΩ 20kΩ to 20GΩ1000kΩ10Ω, 100Ω0.1n to 10µF 700V ac /dc 6 x AA Alkaline Batteries Digital/ Analog Yes65342155.5510V 25V 100V 250V 500V 2kΩ to 1GΩ 5kΩ to 2GΩ 10kΩ to 10GΩ 50kΩ to 25GΩ100kΩ to 50GΩ1000kΩ10Ω, 100Ω–700V ac /dc 6 x AA Alkaline BatteriesDigital/ AnalogYes65362155.5610V 100V (variable in 1V steps)2kΩ to 20GΩ1000kΩ10Ω, 100Ω–700V ac /dc6 x AA Alkaline Batteries Digital/ AnalogNo6536 ESD Floor Kit2155.5710502130.0150V 100V 250V 500V 1000V 2kΩ to 200GΩ 4kΩ to 400GΩ 10kΩ to 1TΩ 20kΩ to 2TΩ 40kΩ to 4TΩ400kΩ40Ω0.005 to 4.999µF 1000V ac /dc8 x 1.5V C Cell Batteries Digital/ AnalogNo10602130.0350V 100V 250V 500V 1000V 2kΩ to 200GΩ 4kΩ to 400GΩ 10kΩ to 1TΩ 20kΩ to 2TΩ 40kΩ to 4TΩ400kΩ40Ω0.005 to 4.999µF 1000V ac /dcRechargeableNiMH Battery Digital/ AnalogYes65052130.18500V 1000V 2500V 5000V 10kΩ to 2TΩ 10kΩ to 4TΩ 10kΩ to 10TΩ 10kΩ to 10TΩ–0.001 to 49.99µF2500V ac 4000V dc RechargeableNiMH Battery Digital/ Analog No50502130.20500V 1000V 2500V 5000V 10kΩ to 2TΩ 10kΩ to 4TΩ 10kΩ to 10TΩ 10kΩ to 10TΩ–0.001 to 49.99µF 2500V ac 4000V dc RechargeableNiMH Battery Digital/ Analog No50602130.21500V 1000V 2500V 5000V 10kΩ to 2TΩ 10kΩ to 4TΩ 10kΩ to 10TΩ 10kΩ to 10TΩ–0.001 to 49.99µF 2500V ac 4000V dc RechargeableNiMH Battery Digital/ Analog Yes50702130.30500V 1000V 2500V 5000V 10kΩ to 2TΩ 10kΩ to 4TΩ 10kΩ to 10TΩ 10kΩ to 10TΩ–0.001 to 49.99µF 2500V ac 4000V dcRechargeableNiMH Battery Graphic/ DigitalYes65502130.31500V 1000V 2500V 5000V 10,000V 10kΩ to 2000GΩ 10kΩ to 4000GΩ 10kΩ to 10,000GΩ 10kΩ to 15,000GΩ 10kΩ to 25,000GΩ–0.001 to 19.99µF2500V ac 4000V dc RechargeableNiMH BatteryDigital/ AnalogYes65552130.32500V 1000V 2500V 5000V 10,000V 15,000V10kΩ to 2000GΩ 10kΩ to 4000GΩ 10kΩ to 10,000GΩ 10kΩ to 15,000GΩ 10kΩ to 25,000GΩ 10kΩ to 30,000GΩ–0.001 to 19.99µF2500V ac 4000V dcRechargeableNiMH BatteryDigital/ AnalogYesSELECTION CHART–Consult factory for NIST Calibration prices。

AD9253 14-bit 125 MSPS Four-Channel ADC Reference

AD9253 14-bit 125 MSPS Four-Channel ADC Reference

连接/参考器件电路笔记 CN-0249Circuits from the Lab™ reference circuits are engineered and tested for quick and easy system integration to help solve today’s analog, mixed-signal, and RF design challenges. For more information and/or support, visit /CN0249.AD9253 14位、125 MSPS 四通道模数转换器(ADC)14位、125 MSPS 四通道ADC ,通过后端数字求和增强SNR 性能Rev. 0Circuits from the Lab™ circuits from Analog Devices have been designed and built by Analog Devices engineers. Standard engineering practices have been employed in the design and construction of each circuit, and their function and performance have been tested and veri ed in a lab environment at room temperature. However , you are solely responsible for testing the circuit and determining its suitability and applicability for your use and application. Accordingly , in no event shall Analog Devices be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages due to any cause whatsoever connected to the use of any Circuits from the Lab circuits. (Continued on last page)One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 Fax: 781.461.3113 ©2013 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.ADC 1,2,3,4:AD9253QUAD 14-BIT,125MSPSANALOG SIGNAL INPUTnn + 210303-001CLOCK INPUTADC 1ADC 3ADC 4ADC 2POST DIGITAL SUMMERΣnnnANALOG FRONT-ENDCLOCK CIRCUITRY图1. 四个并联ADC 求和得到更高SNR 的基本框图评估和设计支持设计和集成文件原理图、布局文件、物料清单电路功能与优势图1所示电路是14位、125 MSPS 四通道ADC 系统的简化图,该电路使用后端数字求和将信噪比(SNR)从单通道ADC 的74 dBFS 提升到四通道ADC 的78.5 dBFS 。



可按上述 p(t)=v(t)*i(t)计算,此处不再详述。
电流信号和电压信号先分别经高精度的模数转换(ADC)将模拟信号转换为数字信号, 然后通过降采样滤波器(SINC4) 、高通滤波器(HPF)滤去高频噪声与直流增益,得到需 要的电流采样数据和电压采样数据。 将电流采样数据和电压采样数据相乘,便得到瞬时有功功率,接着经过低通滤波器 (LPF1) ,输出平均有功功率。 电流采样数据和电压采样数据分别通过平方电路、低通滤波器(LPF2) 、开平方电路, 得到电流有效值和电压有效值。 有功功率通过一定时间的积分,可获得有功能量。 前端增益调整 BL6523A 每个模拟通道具有一个可编程益放大器 PGA, 其可选增益 16 级可调整。 增益 选择可以通过对增益寄存器(GAIN)的写入来实现,GAIN 的缺省值为 000H。 增益寄存器各用 4 位用来选择电流通道或电压通道的 PGA。电流 A 通道用[3:0]位,电 流 B 通道用[7:4]位,电压 V 通道用[11:8]位。 如电流 A 通道,用[3:0]位调整。 0000 = 1x 0001 = 2x 。 。 。 。 。 。 1110 =15x 1111 =16x
度(相对误差) 电流有效值测量精 度(相对误差) 模拟输入电平 模拟输入阻抗 模拟输入带宽 模拟输入增益误差 模拟输入相间增益 匹配误差 内部电压基准 基准偏差 温度系数 逻辑输入高电平 逻辑输入低电平 逻辑输出高电平 逻辑输出低电平 电源 AVDD 电源 DVDD AIDD DIDD VAVDD VDVDD IAVDD IDVDD AVDD=5.25V DVDD=5.25 Vref Vreferr TempCoef DVDD=5V±5% DVDD=5V±5% DVDD=5V±5% DVDD=5V±5% (-3dB) 外部 2.5V 基准 电压 外部 2.5V 基准 电压 IRMSerr 1000:1 input DR 差分输入 (峰值)



AD常用库及元件名2010-06-24 16:00原理图常用库文件:Miscellaneous Devices。

ddbDallas Microprocessor。

ddbIntel Databooks。

ddbProtel DOS Schematic Libraries。


ddbGeneral IC.ddbMiscellaneous。




TD652(AD652) 同步电压 / 频率 (V/F) 和频率 / 电压 (F/V) 转换器
1 特点 1) 满度输出频率 (最高到 2MHz)由外部时钟确定 2) 非常低的非线性度
满度输出频率为 1MHz 时,非线性度最大:0.005% 满度输出频率 2MHz 时,非线性度最大:0.02% 3) 内部含有一个精密 5V 电压基准,供用户使用 4) 低漂移 (最大为 50ppm/ ℃) 5) 双电源或单电源工作 6) 电压或电流输入 7) 时钟输入与 TTL 和 CMOS 兼容,集电极开路频率输出级与 TTL 或 CMOS 兼容 8) 由电容编程的单稳态电路,可优化输出脉冲的宽度以降低功耗 9) 既可作 V/F 变换,亦可作 F/V 变换 2 应用简介 TD652 是一种高精度、高速、多功能单片同步 V/F 转换器,还可以实现同步 F/V 转换。 TD652 可接成高分辨率 A/D 和 D/A 转换器、频率输出乘法器、前后级隔离电路、σ 调制器、 桥路变换器接口电路、单线多路数据传输系统、远距离隔离信号传输电路及调制解调电路等, 广泛应用于计算机、精密测量、仪器仪表、通讯雷达及航空航天等领域。 TD652 与美国 AD652 的管脚排列和功能完全相同,也与 AD651 完全兼容,可互换使用。 3 封装形式 D—16 线。 4 管脚接法及功能框图
5.4 单电源、正极性输入电压 V/F 转换电路
+ VS
4 TD652 13


















































Rev. 0
Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The AD5253/AD5254 allow the host I2C controllers to write any of the 64-/256-step wiper settings in the RDAC registers and store them in the EEMEM. Once the settings are stored, they are restored automatically to the RDAC registers at system poweron; the settings can also be restored dynamically. The AD5253/AD5254 provide additional increment, decrement, +6 dB step change, and –6 dB step change in synchronous or asynchronous channel update modes. The increment and decrement functions allow stepwise linear adjustments, while ±6 dB step changes are equivalent to doubling or halving the RDAC wiper setting. These functions are useful for steep-slope nonlinear adjustment applications such as white LED brightness and audio volume control. The AD5253/AD5254 have a patented resistance tolerance storing function that allows the user to access the EEMEM and obtain the absolute end-to-end resistance values of the RDACs for precision applications. The AD5253/AD5254 are available in TSSOP-20 packages in 1 kΩ, 10 kΩ, 50 kΩ, and 100 kΩ options. All parts are guaranteed to operate over the –40°C to +85°C extended industrial temperature range.

ADA-4643 Datasheet说明书

ADA-4643 Datasheet说明书

ADA-4643Silicon Bipolar Darlington Amplifi erData SheetAttention: Observe precautions forhandling electrostatic sensitive devices.ESD Machine Model (Class A)ESD Human Body Mode (Class 1B)Refer to Avago Application Note A004R:Electrostatic Discharge, Damage and Control.RFinGNDRFout & VdGND DescriptionAvago Technologies’ ADA-4643 is an economical, easy-to-use, general purpose silicon bipolar RFIC gain block am-plifi ers housed in a 4-lead SC-70 (SOT-343) surface mount plastic package which requires only half the board space of a SOT-143 package.The Darlington feedback structure provides inherent broad bandwidth performance, resulting in useful ope-rating frequency up to 2.5 GHz. This is an ideal device forsmall-signal gain cascades or IF amplifi cation. ADA-4643 is fabricated using Avago’s HP25 silicon bipolarprocess, which employs a double-diff used single poly-silicon process with self-aligned submicron emitter geometry. The process is capable of simultaneous high f T and high NPN breakdown (25 GHz f T at 6 V BVCEO). The process utilizes industry standard device oxide isolation technologies and submicron aluminum multilayer inter-connect to achieve superior performance, high uniformity, and proven reliability.Surface Mount PackageSOT-343Pin Connections and Package MarkingNote:Top View. Package marking provides orientation and identifi cation.“2T” = Device Code“x” = Date code character identifi es month of manufacture.V CC = 5 VRF inputRF Features∙ Small Signal gain amplifi er∙ Operating frequency DC – 2.5 GHz ∙ Unconditionally stable ∙ 50 Ohms input & output∙ Flat, Broadband Frequency Response up to 1 GHz∙ Operating Current: 20 to 60 mA ∙ Industry standard SOT-343 package∙ Lead-free option available Specifi cations900 MHz, 3.5 V, 35 mA (typ.)∙ 17 dB associated gain ∙ 13.4 dBm P 1dB ∙ 28.3 dBm OIP 3∙ 4 dB noise fi gure∙ VSWR < 2.2 throughput operating frequency ∙ Single supply, typical I d = 35 mAApplications∙ Cellular/PCS/WLL base stations ∙ Wireless data/WLAN ∙ Fiber-optic systems ∙ ISMTypical Biasing Confi gurationADA-4643 Electrical Specifi cationsT A = 25° C, Zo = 50 Ω, Pin = -25 dBm, I d = 35 mA (unless specifi ed otherwise)SymbolParameter and Test Condition:I d = 35 mA, Zo = 50 ΩFrequencyUnitsMin.Typ.Max.Std. Dev.V d Device Voltage I d = 35 mA V 3.2 3.5 3.9Gp Power Gain (|S 21|)2100 MHz 900 MHz [1,2]dB15.517.517.018.5∆Gp Gain Flatness 100 to 900 MHz 0.1 to 2 GHz dB 0.51.8F 3dB 3 dB BandwidthGHz3.2VSWR in Input Voltage Standing Wave Ratio0.1 to 6 GHz2.0:1VSWR out Output Voltage Standing Wave Ratio 0.1 to 6 GHz 1.6:1NF 50 Ω Noise Figure100 MHz 900 MHz [1,2]dB 1dB Output Power at 1dB Gain Compression 100 MHz 900 MHz [1,2]dBm 14.713.4OIP 3Output 3rd Order Intercept Point100 MHz [3]900 MHz [1,2]dBm 29.028.3DV/dTDevice Voltage Temperature Coeffi cientmV/°C-5.3Notes:1. Typical value determined from a sample size of 500 parts from 3 wafers.2. Measurement obtained using production test board described in the block diagram below.3. I) 900 MHz OIP 3 test condition: F1 = 900 MHz, F2 = 905 MHz and Pin = -25 dBm per tone. II) 100 MHz OIP 3 test condition: F1 = 100 MHz, F2 = 105 MHz and Pin = -25 dBm per tone.ADA-4643 Absolute Maximum Ratings [1]SymbolParameterUnitsAbsolute MaximumI d Device CurrentmA 70P diss Total Power Dissipation [2]mW 270P in max.RF Input Power dBm 18T j Channel Temperature ︒C 150T STG Storage Temperature ︒C -65 to 150θjcThermal Resistance [3]︒C/W152Notes:1. Operation of this device above any one of these parameters may cause permanent damage.2. Ground lead temperature is 25° C. Derate 6.6 mW/°C for TL >109° C.3. Junction-to-case thermal resistance measured using 150° C Liquid Crystal Measurement method.Block diagram of 900 MHz production test board used for V d , Gain, P 1dB , OIP 3, and NF measurements.Circuit losses have been de-embedded from actual measurements.Product Consistency Distribution Charts at 900 MHz, I d= 35 mAGAIN (dB)300250200150100500V d (V)300250200150100500*********************************=15.5,Nominal=17,USL=18.5Figure 2. V d *********************=3.2,Nominal=3.5,USL=3.9Notes:1. Statistics distribution determined from a sample size of 500 parts taken from 3 diff erent wafers.2. Future wafers allocated to this product may have typical values anywhere between the minimum and maximum specifi cation limits.ADA-4643 Typical Performance Curves (at 25° C, unless specifi ed otherwise)Figure 3. Gain vs. Frequency at I d = 35 mA.Figure 4. P 1dB vs. Frequency at I d = 35 mA.Figure 5. OIP 3 vs. Frequency at I d = 35 mA.Figure 6. NF vs. Frequency at I d = 35 mA.Figure 7. Id vs. V d and Temperature.Figure 8. Gain vs. I d and Temperature at 900 MHz.FREQUENCY (GHz)G A I N (d B )62135420151050FREQUENCY (GHz)P 1d B (d B m )06213542015105FREQUENCY (GHz)O I P 3 (d B m )062135430252015105FREQUENCY (GHz)0621354N F (d B )65432V d (V)I d (m A )706050403020100I d (mA)G A I N (d B )18171615141312Figure 9. P 1dB vs. I d and Temperature at 900 MHz.Figure 10. OIP 3 vs. I d and Temperature at 900 MHz.Figure 11. NF vs. I d and Temperature at 900 MHz.Figure 12. Gain vs. I d and Frequency (GHz).Figure 13. P 1dB vs. I d and Frequency (GHz).Figure 14. OIP 3 vs. I d and Frequency (GHz).I d (mA)O I P 3 (d B m ) d (mA)P 1d B (d B m )20151050-5-10I d (mA)O I P 3 (d B m )I d (mA)N F (d B )16543210I d (mA)G A I N (d B )402010303030302018161412108I d (mA)P 1d B (d B m )2520151050-5-10Figure 15. NF vs. I d and Frequency (GHz).Figure 16. Input Return Loss vs. I d and Frequency (GHz).Figure 17. Output Return Loss vs. I d and Frequency (GHz).I d (mA)N F (d B )65.554.543.53FREQUENCY (GHz)I R L(d B )-5-10-15-20FREQUENCY (GHz)O R L (d B )0-5-10-15-20-25Freq. GHz11 211222K Mag. Ang. dB Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang.0.10.172 1.1 17.2 7.246 175.9 0.093 -0.8 0.245 -4.1 1.10.5 0.202 10 17.04 7.113 160.2 0.091 -4.5 0.245 -12.6 1.10.9 0.277 12.3 16.67 6.814 144.7 0.088 -7.4 0.269 -20.4 1.11.0 0.286 9.9 16.56 6.726 141.1 0.087 -7.9 0.274 -23.1 1.11.5 0.349 -2.8 15.98 6.292 124.2 0.083 -9.3 0.28 -37.6 1.11.9 0.375 -11.3 15.54 5.984 111.4 0.080 -9.5 0.273 -48.9 1.22.0 0.382 -13.8 15.44 5.918 108.3 0.080 -9.5 0.271 -51.7 1.22.5 0.397 -24.2 14.93 5.581 93.20.078-8.9 0.249 -65.8 1.23.0 0.402 -34.7 14.475.29 78.60.078 -7.8 0.22 -81.7 1.33.5 0.394 -46 14.025.021 64.2 0.079 -6.6 0.192 -100.9 1.34.0 0.378 -58.7 13.58 4.775 50 0.082 -5.4 0.176 -123.8 1.34.5 0.361 -73.1 13.16 4.55 35.9 0.087 -4.6 0.179 -148.6 1.35.0 0.340 -89.3 12.64 4.284 21.9 0.094 -4.9 0.191 -169.9 1.35.5 0.328 -107.1 12.15 4.05 8.3 0.102 -5.9 0.212 173.3 1.26.0 0.318 -124.8 11.6 3.803 -5.4 0.112 -8.3 0.233 158.2 1.26.5 0.299 -141.1 11.09 3.584 -18.6 0.124 -11.5 0.25 141.6 1.17.0 0.274 -159.7 10.56 3.371 -32 0.138 -16.5 0.27 123 1.17.5 0.243 177.3 9.96 3.149 -45.6 0.150 -22.8 0.3 103.6 1.18.0 0.222 148.7 9.29 2.914 -59.1 0.161 -30 0.337 84.8 1.18.5 0.226 119.9 8.41 2.632 -71.8 0.168 -36.7 0.381 70.1 1.19.0 0.26 95.4 7.62 2.406 -83.7 0.177 -43 0.429 58.4 1.19.5 0.305 75.2 6.67 2.155-96.1 0.187 -49.9 0.48148.4 1.110.0 0.356 60.1 5.82 1.954 -107.1 0.195-57.3 0.529 39.7 1Notes:1. S-parameters are measured on a microstrip line made on 0.025 inch thick alumina carrier. The input reference plane is at the end of the input lead.The output reference plane is at the end of the output lead.Freq. GHz11211222K Mag. Ang. dB Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang.0.1 0.151 1.6 17.51 7.504 175.9 0.091 -0.8 0.223 -4.1 1.10.5 0.185 13.1 17.35 7.367 160.1 0.09 -4.2 0.224 -11.7 1.10.9 0.265 14.9 16.98 7.06 144.6 0.087 -7 0.251 -19 1.11.0 0.272 12.4 16.86 6.97 140.9 0.086 -7.5 0.256 -21.7 -0.7 16.27 6.511 123.9 0.082 -8.8 0.264 -36.2 1.11.9 0.367 -9.5 15.82 6.178 111 0.080 -9.1 0.259 -47.6 1.22.0 0.373 -12.1 15.72 6.107 108 0.079 -9.1 0.256-50.3 1.22.5 0.39 -22.7 15.19 5.745 92.8 0.078 -8.5 0.236 -64.4 1.23.0 0.395 -33 14.715.436 78.3 0.077 -7.3 0.209 -80.4 1.33.5 0.387 -44.3 14.235.149 63.9 0.079 -6 0.181 -99.9 1.34.0 0.370 -57.4 13.79 4.89 49.9 0.082 -4.8 0.166 -123.4 1.34.5 0.353 -71.6 13.36 4.657 35.9 0.087-3.9 0.17 -148.9 1.35.0 0.332 -87.7 12.84 4.383 21.9 0.093 -4.2 0.185 -170.6 1.25.5 0.319 -106 12.34 4.141 8.3 0.102 -5.1 0.207 172.5 1.26.0 0.310 -123.6 11.8 3.889 -5.4 0.112 -7.5 0.23 157.5 1.26.5 0.293 -140.2 11.28 3.666 -18.6 0.124 -10.8 0.248 140.9 1.17.0 0.266 -158.8 10.75 3.449 -32 0.138 -15.8 0.27 122.3 1.17.5 0.238 177.8 10.15 3.219 -45.5 0.151 -22.2 0.301 103 1.18.0 0.217 148.5 9.48 2.979 -59 0.161 -29.3 0.34 84.3 1.18.5 0.222 119.5 8.62 2.697 -71.7 0.169 -36.1 0.385 69.6 1.19.0 0.256 95 7.81 2.458 -83.4 0.178 -42.5 0.434 57.9 1.19.5 0.300 74.9 6.88 2.208 -95.8 0.188 -49.5 0.486 47.9 110.0 0.357 59.1 6.01 1.996 -107.2 0.196 -56.9 0.53439.2 1Notes:1. S-parameters are measured on a microstrip line made on 0.025 inch thick alumina carrier. The input reference plane is at the end of the input lead.The output reference plane is at the end of the output lead.Freq. GHz11211222K Mag. Ang. dB Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang.0.1 0.137 2.417.72 7.691 175.9 0.09-0.70.207 -4 1.10.5 0.174 15.317.567.547 1600.089 -4 0.209-10.9 1.10.9 0.25717.417.19 7.234 144.5 0.086 -6.8 0.238-17.6 1.11.0 0.267 14.717.087.144140.80.085 -7.2 0.243 -20.3 0.716.47 6.664 123.70.081 -8.50.253-34.8 1.11.9 0.36 -8.416.01 6.317 110.70.079 -8.7 0.249 -46.1 1.12.0 0.367-10.915.91 6.241107.70.079 -8.7 0.247-48.9 1.22.5 0.386-21.615.36 5.86292.5 0.077 -8.1 0.227 -62.9 1.23.0 0.39 -32.114.865.534 78 0.077 -7 0.201 -78.9 1.23.5 0.382-43.414.385.237 63.6 0.078 -5.70.174 -98.4 1.34.0 0.365 -56.4 13.93 4.97149.7 0.081 -4.5 0.159-122.3 1.34.5 0.348 -70.813.5 4.732 35.7 0.086-3.6 0.164-148.3 1.35.0 0.327 -86.8 12.97 4.45 21.7 0.093 -3.9 0.179-170.4 1.25.5 0.314 -105.112.48 4.205 8.20.101-4.8 0.202172.6 1.26.0 0.304-122.811.93 3.947 -5.5 0.112 -7.1 0.226 157.6 1.26.5 0.287 -139.6 11.41 3.721 -18.70.124 -10.40.245 140.9 1.17.0 0.26-159.1 10.88 3.498 -32 0.138 -15.40.268122.3 1.17.5 0.232177.610.28 3.264 -45.6 0.151 -21.80.3 102.9 1.18.0 0.213147.8 9.6 3.02 -59.10.161 -28.90.339 84.2 1.18.5 0.218120.28.7 2.724 -71.7 0.169 -35.80.385 69.5 1.19.0 0.2694.27.95 2.498 -83.70.179-42.10.434 57.9 1.19.5 0.30374 6.98 2.233 -96.20.189-49.20.48747.9 110.0 0.35259.4 6.14 2.027-107.1 0.196 -56.60.53539.1 1Notes:1. S-parameters are measured on a microstrip line made on 0.025 inch thick alumina carrier. The input reference plane is at the end of the input lead.The output reference plane is at the end of the output lead.Freq. GHz11211222K Mag. Ang. dB Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang.0.1 0.126 2.4 17.88 7.834 175.9 0.089 -0.7 0.194 -3.8 1.10.5 0.165 18.1 17.73 7.696 159.9 0.088 -3.8 0.196 -9.9 1.10.9 0.252 19.6 17.36 7.377 144.3 0.085 -6.4 0.227 -16.1 1.11.0 0.261 16.4 17.24 7.28 140.6 0.085 -6.9 0.233 -18.8 1.11.5 0.33 2 16.63 6.787 123.3 0.081 -8.2 0.244 -33.2 1.11.9 0.359 -7.4 16.16 6.424 110.3 0.079 -8.4 0.241 -44.4 1.12.0 0.365 -9.8 16.05 6.343 107.2 0.078 -8.4 0.239 -47.2 1.12.5 0.386 -21 15.49 5.948 91.9 0.077 -7.8 0.221 -61 1.23.0 0.387 -31.5 14.985.61 77.4 0.077 -6.7 0.195 -76.8 1.23.5 0.381 -43 14.495.301 63.1 0.078 -5.5 0.168 -96.2 1.34.0 0.363 -56 14.025.025 49 0.081 -4.3 0.153 -120.3 1.34.5 0.344 -70.7 13.58 4.777 35 0.086 -3.5 0.157 -146.9 1.35.0 0.323 -87.3 13.04 4.488 21 0.093 -3.7 0.172 -169.4 1.25.5 0.31 -105.8 12.54 4.235 7.5 0.101 -4.6 0.195 173.4 1.26.0 0.301 -123.6 11.98 3.971 -6.2 0.111 -6.9 0.22 158.2 1.26.5 0.281 -140.6 11.44 3.735 -19.4 0.124 -10.2 0.239 141.4 1.17.0 0.257 -159.9 10.9 3.507 -32.7 0.138 -15.2 0.262 122.5 1.17.5 0.228 176.3 10.29 3.271 -46.3 0.151 -21.5 0.294 103 1.18.0 0.212 145.6 9.61 3.022 -59.8 0.161 -28.6 0.333 84.3 1.18.5 0.218 117.8 8.72 2.728 -72.4 0.169 -35.6 0.38 69.5 1.19.0 0.257 92.7 7.94 2.494 -84.1 0.178 -41.8 0.429 57.9 1.19.5 0.302 72.9 6.98 2.234 -96.4 0.189 -48.9 0.482 47.9 110.0 0.359 57.7 6.11 2.02 -107.7 0.196 -56.4 0.531 39.2 1Notes:1. S-parameters are measured on a microstrip line made on 0.025 inch thick alumina carrier. The input reference plane is at the end of the input lead.The output reference plane is at the end of the output lead.11Ordering InformationPart NumberNo. of DevicesContainerADA-4643-TR1 3000 7” ReelADA-4643-TR2 10000 13” ReelADA-4643-BLK 100 antistatic bag ADA-4643-TR1G 3000 7” ReelADA-4643-TR2G 10000 13” Reel ADA-4643-BLKG 100antistatic bagNote: For lead-free option, the part number will have the character “G” at the end.Package DimensionsOutline 43SOT-343 (SC70 4-lead)Recommended PCB Pad Layout for Avago’s SC70 4L/SOT-343 ProductsDIMENSIONS (mm)MIN.1.151.851.800.800.800.000.150.550.100.10MAX.1.352.252.401. E D HE A A2A1b b1c LNOTES:1. All dimensions are in mm.2. Dimensions are inclusive of plating.3. Dimensions are exclusive of mold flash & metal burr.4. All specifications comply to EIAJ SC70.5. Die is facing up for mold and facing down for trim/form, ie: reverse trim/form.6. Package surface to be mirror finish.1.30(0.051)Dimensions inmm (inches)(0.039)For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site: Avago, Avago Technologies, and the A logo are trademarks of Avago Technologies in the United States and other countries.Data subject to change. Copyright © 2005-2012 Avago Technologies. All rights reserved. Obsoletes 5989-3753EN AV02-3598EN - June 8, 2012(COVER TAPE THICKNESS)DESCRIPTIONSYMBOL SIZE (mm)SIZE (INCHES)LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH PITCHBOTTOM HOLE DIAMETERA 0B 0K 0P D 12.40 ± 0.102.40 ± 0.101.20 ± 0.104.00 ± 0.101.00 + 0.250.094 ± 0.0040.094 ± 0.0040.047 ± 0.0040.157 ± 0.0040.039 + 0.010CAVITYDIAMETER PITCH POSITIOND P 0E 1.50 ± 0.104.00 ± 0.101.75 ± 0.100.061 + 0.0020.157 ± 0.0040.069 ± 0.004PERFORATIONWIDTHTHICKNESS W t 18.00 + 0.30 - 0.100.254 ± 0.020.315 + 0.0120.0100 ± 0.0008CARRIER TAPE CAVITY TO PERFORATION (WIDTH DIRECTION)CAVITY TO PERFORATION (LENGTH DIRECTION)FP 23.50 ± 0.052.00 ± 0.050.138 ± 0.0020.079 ± 0.002DISTANCEWIDTHTAPE THICKNESSC T t 5.40 ± 0.100.062 ± 0.0010.205 + 0.0040.0025 ± 0.0004COVER TAPE Device OrientationTape DimensionsFor Outline 4TUSER FEEDEND VIEWTOP VIEW。

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AD6523/AD6524GSM Direct ConversionRadio Chip SetThe Othello chip set with each IC measuring only 4.4 mm meets current market demandsfor smaller phones.FEATURES•New ADI Superhomodyne ™Architecture (Direct Conversion Receiver)meets current and future market demands•Flexible and upgradable to support future generations of GSM phones and multiple applications•30-50 percent cost and space savings result in less expensive and smaller phones•RF platform suitable for multi-mode and/or software radio markets •Integrates single chip RF/Modulator/Baseband 28-TSSOP (AD6523) with separate synthesizer 20-TSSOP . Chip scale packaging available next year •Implemented in 0.6 um BiCMOS process •Virtual-IF ™transmitter loop •Multi-band operation•Ultra Fast Locking Fractional-N synthesizer for GPRS•Signal chain optimization by utilizing ADI’s systems experience, design and process technologyGSM DIRECT CONVERSION CHIP SET FEATURES BREAKTHROUGH RF TECHNHOLOGYAnalog Devices’ Othello,™a GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) direct conversion radio chip set, features a revolutionary radio architecture that provides 30-50 percent savings in cost and size for the next generation of dual-band and triple-band GSM phones.Consisting of the AD6523 transceiver and the AD6524 synthesizer, Othello allows incoming signals to be “directly converted” to baseband,thus eliminating the need for IF (Intermediate Frequency) components. In addition, Othello's patented architecture provides two other signifi-cant performance benefits. First, the chip set enables 1,000 hours, or 1.5 months, of standby time for GSM cellular phones. Second, it pro-vides capabilties for data rates of 25-30 times than the 14.4 kbps of current GSM solutions. That allows next generation content, like web browsing,e-mail, games, and real-time video to be possible over cellular phones and GSM platforms.Audio Interface Processing Baseband RF © Analog Devices, Inc., 1999. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies.H3711-5-9/99OTHELLO TECHNOLOGY:Analog Devices’ Othello chip set solution is comprised of the AD6523 transceiver and the AD6524 synthesizer.• AD6523 Transceiver The AD6523 is a monolithic Zero-Intermediate Frequency (Zero-IF) transceiver that combines, on a single chip, all radio transmitter and receiver functions that are necessary to build a complete GSM,DCS1800, or PCS1900 mobile radio. It contains a complete translation loop modulator for directly modulating baseband signals onto a voltage con-trolled oscillator (VCO) as well as a complete direct conver-sion receiver for converting received signals directly to baseband without intermediate frequency conversions. The AD6523 is packaged in a 4.4 mm, 28 lead TSSOP .• AD6524 Synthesizer The AD6524 is a Multi-Band Frequency synthesizer that combines on a single chip, a Fractional-N synthesizer, a crystal oscillator, and four general purpose outputs.These functions are critical in the design of GSM, DCS1800,or PCS1900 mobile phones.The AD6524 is packaged in a 4.4 mm 20 lead TSSOP .Together, the AD6523 and the AD6524 can implement a com-plete dual band RF transceiver known as Analog Devices’Othello.NEW DIRECT CONVERSION ARCHITECTUREThe Othello chip set solution is based on Analog Devices’ new patent-pending direct conversion architecture and features a greatly simplified approach to traditional radio architecture. Direct conver-sion technology reduces cost,component count, and power consumption. At the same time,emerging standards such as EDGE (Enhanced Data GSM Environment), GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) and 3G are addressed.ADI’s architecture lowers manufacturing costs by eliminat-ing the need for intermediate frequency devices, the most expensive components of the radio. In addition, Othello is fully compliant with GSM standards and enables manufacturers to upgrade easily and adapt their products to muti-mode and multi-slot data applications.ANALOG DEVICES: A LEADER IN GSMAn established supplier of components and solutions to GSM handset manufacturers,Analog Devices has an incompara-ble track record of high-volume,low-cost manufacturing and delivery. The company’s mixed-signal processors and baseband converters are used in millions of GSM handsets worldwide. The Othello GSM direct conversion radio chip set represents another example of how Analog Devices continually develops new prod-ucts that meet the needs of the GSM market.ANALOG DEVICES IN COMMUNICATIONSAnalog Devices is recognized for its unparalleled technical capabili-ties in analog, digital, andmixed-signal processing used in RF signal processing, data conver-sion, interfaces, and total system design. The company develops and offers customers a wide range of innovative wireless and broad-band wired communications products including solutions for GSM; CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access); cellular base stations/software radio; RF and IF (intermediate frequency) circuits,and xDSL. The company is committed to supplying thecommunications industry with the highest performance solutions at the lowest possible cost.Othello was designed utilizing ADI’s systems experience, design, and process technology for signal chain optimization.SPECIFICATIONSAD6523Complete Dual BandTransmitter/Receiver includes:Translation Loop Direct VCO ModulatorProgrammable Phase Detector GainOn-chip Flittering of Tx ProductsZero-IF Direct Conversion ReceiverDifferential GSM Low Noise AmplifierIntegrated Active Rx Channel Select Low Pass Filters Programmable Gain Baseband AmplifiersBaseband InterfaceMultiplexed Differential I and Q Inputs/OutputsAuxiliary/Control-Signals Through Serial InterfaceOn-chip Low Dropout Voltage Regulator2.9V to 5.5V Direct Battery Voltage InputOutput to Supply All On-Chip Functions28-Lead TSSOP 1.65 V – 2.95 V Digital InterfaceDirect Interface to AD6524Multi-band Synthesizer AD6524Fractional-N SynthesizerOperation to 1.6 GHz Sigma-Delta Modulator—Eliminates Fractional Spurs Programmable Phase Detector GainHigh-Speed Channel Switching for Data ServicesCrystal OscillatorStandard 13 MHz GSM Operating FrequencyFrequency Doubler for Fractional-N SynthesizerCourse Tuning Function for Fast Startup TimeLow Operating CurrentGeneral Purpose OutputsFour CMOS ouputs for radio switching 10 mA source or sink currentStandard Three Wire Serial Interface 20-Lead TSSOP 2.7-3.3 V Operation 1.65V – 2.95 V Digital InterfaceDirect Interface to AD6523 Zero-IF Transceiver。
