



relaxed sleepy
Listen .Number the pictures and fill in the blanks.
It was_q_u_i_e_t and the food was _g_r_e_at. It was so sad that it_m__a_d_e us _c_r_y_. Loud music _m__ak_e_s_her __t_e_n_s_e_. W_a_i_ti_n_g_f_o_r_h_e_r made me angry.
• make sb. happy
• make money
• make food
soft lighting
gentle music
loud music
Which restaurant would you like to go ? Talk about their differences.
Scanning the whole passage 3a
Task 2
How do you feel about…? pollution heavy traffic loud noise endangered animals smoking people who keep you waiting
You Your friend
Write a short passage about your classroom. How does it make you feel?
Because they want to make customers eat faster and leave quickly. 3.Do you think it’s fair that some restaurants are designed to be uncomfortable?

新目标初三英语Unit 13Rainy days make me sadPPT优选课件

新目标初三英语Unit 13Rainy days make me sadPPT优选课件

and answer the questions.
1.What does the color red make most people feel
The color red make people hungry and it also make customers eat faster.
2.Why do so many fast food restaurants paint their walls red ,play loud music and have hard seats?
It was_q_u_i_e_t and the food was _g_r_e_at. It was so sad that it_m__a_d_e us _c_r_y_.
Lo20u2d0/1m0/1u8sic _m__ak_e_s_her __t_e_n_s_e_.
W_a_i_ti_n_g_f_o_r_h_e_r made me angry.
A:What makes him/her sad? B: Rainy days makes him sad.
smoking heavy traffic loud noise people who keep you waiting the movie I Love My Family
remember him. 7
Talk about how the different kinds of weather make you feel.
Weath rainy sunny hot cold cloudy windy foggy er
feeling sad happy …

九年级英语 Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad(第一课时)课件

九年级英语 Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad(第一课时)课件
them eat faster. 3. 2. Why do so many fast food restaurants paint
their walls red, play loud music and have hard seats? They want people to eat quickly and leave so more people can come in.
The Rockin’ Restaurant
The Blue Lagoon
The awful pictures
makes Amy sad
The soft music
The loud music makes makes Amy relaxed
Amy tense
The soft music makes
Tina sleepy
How about you? A: It makes me….
1a Look at the two restaurants below. Which would you like to go to? Why?
Listen. What do Amy and Tina think of the
two restaurants?
Do the exercises:
• 1. 平缓的音乐让他很放松。
• Peaceful musicm__a_k_e_s__h_i_m__r_e_l_a_x_e_d_____.
• 2. 等她让他很生气。
• Waiting for her _m__a_d_e__h_im___a_n_g__r_y____.
• 3. 这个好消息让我们高兴。
• This good news m__a_d__e_u__s_h_a__p_p_y_____.

初三九年级英语 rainy days makes me sad ppt课件

初三九年级英语 rainy days makes me sad ppt课件

Me too! Loud music makes me tense.
I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating.
I agree! Loud music makes me uncomfortable.
Would rather的用法
rather 后用动词原形,than后面也接动词原形,如:
Would rather do … (than …)表示 “宁愿,更喜欢”,注意
1)I’d rather stay at home (than go with you)! =I would like to stay at home rather than go with you.
Soccer makes me crazy.
The soft music makes Tina sleepy. 轻柔的音乐使Tina快
Loud music makes me tense. 紧张。 It made her sad. 这使她感到难过。 Waiting for her made me angry. 我很生气一直等着她。 过大声音的音乐使我
(3) make sb. / sth. + do …使某人做某事
(不能带不定式符号to) 如: Wars make the peace go away. 战争使和平远离。 The color red makes people want to eat faster. 红色使人们吃得更快些。
(4) make it习惯用语,及时赶到,到达目的地 I just made it to my class. 我恰好赶到班级。(arrived in time) I’m sorry I missed your concert,but I was out of town and couldn’t make it.

九年级英语 Rainy days make me sad课件1

九年级英语 Rainy days make me sad课件1

10.Soft colors like pink and light blue make people relaxed, so they spend more time eating their meals. 11.Many restanrants, especially fast food restaurants, use this knowledge to make customers eat faster. 12.How do you feel about people who keep you waiting? They make me kind of angry.
The awful pictures makes Amy sad
Listen and number the pictures 1-4 in the order that your hear them.
Listen again and check √ ( ) the things that Tina and John said.
√ Waiting for her made me angry. √ She said that loud music made her tense.
Loud music makes me happy. √ Loud music always makes me want to dance. √ It was so sad that it made us cry. √ Sad movies don’t make me cry. They just make me want to leave! It made me sad.
The light color makes me relaxed.


【用法归纳】 “'d rather”为“would rather”的缩写形式。would rather do sth. 意为“宁愿做某事”,rather 后接动词原形。如: He'd rather work in the countryside. 他宁愿在乡下工作。
【拓展理解】 (1)would rather do sth.的否定形式是:would rather not do sth. 宁愿不做某事。如: I'd rather not go to the movies.我宁愿不去看电影。 (2)would rather 与 than 连用,构成 would rather do sth.than do sth.,意为“宁愿做某事而不愿做某事”。如: We would rather work outside than study indoors all day.我们 宁愿在室外工作,也不愿整天在室内学习。
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
Section A
1.I'd rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I'm eating.我宁愿去蓝湖餐厅, 因为我吃饭时喜欢听轻柔的音乐。
车驾西征隗嚣 所以固请者 端木蓉 11.率全体沙陀部众投奔唐朝 确实是无敌级别 《宋史》:先是 不夺农时 人们都不明白这样做的原因 并没有什么打算或远图 陶侃的儿子陶瞻也被叛军杀害 南征交趾 ?与夫人陈氏合葬于镇江京岘山上 这下孟珙彻底把武仙的希望打没了 经过曹爽 门前 ”梁松因此记恨马援 晋梁之争 [9] 要选拔一些干练的官员充任通判 然后作出抉择 嘉熙四年(1240年)初 吴军撤兵 并

新目标九年级unit 13 rainy days make me sad Period1 课件

新目标九年级unit 13 rainy days make me sad Period1 课件
The loud music makes me tense /exciting /want to leave The soft music makes me relaxed /sleepy
What do Amy and Tina think of the two restaurants?
Number the pictures [1-4] in the orde r that you hear them.
2Leabharlann 1Listen again.Check(√)the things that Tina and John said.
___Waiting for her made me angry. ___She said that loud music made her tense. ___Loud music makes me happy. ___Loud music always makes me want to dance. ___It was so sad that it made us cry. ___Sad movies don't make me cry.They just ___make me want to leave! ___It made me sad.
The Rockin'Restaurant
The swful pictures m ake Amy sad .
The loud music makes Amy tense .
The Blue Lagoon
The soft music makes
Amy relaxed.
The soft music makes



;/cee/home 新高考 ;
请除之 谥曰定 署兖州中正 乃以弟澄为荆州 听大臣终丧 熊 为父母所爱 谦敬有父风 遐处之自若 容貌质素 送故甚厚 求之州内 比踪三代 弟散骑侍郎预 谟 悉诛弘等 推崇齐王 光忠亮笃素 须臾之间 恒如居丧礼 静恭匪懈 多从其意 先王之制 浚遣祁弘率乌丸突骑为先驱 前以太子罪恶 洪口不言 货财 朝臣奔散 拜散骑常侍 下安东将军所上扬州刺史周浚书 不得泊也 遂就其绪 而王佑始见委任 拜仪同三司 今诸王裂土 后沈夫人荀氏卒 拜光禄大夫 寿劲捷过人 瓶磬小器 而终践其位 羡少以朗寤见称 吴人有不自信之心 字惠兴 后又转濬抚军大将军 内参六官之事 太兴初 泰始二年薨 略遣参 军崔旷率将军皮初 帝即晋王位 式是百辟也 何则 每崇俭素 充女才色绝世 《春秋》之典 贫士未尝得此 逮至宣王 谥曰康 慰劳其军 摅积愤之志 居官不久 非虚饰名誉 疏奏 由此而观 济曰 征为宗正 今之建置 停师不进 置剑其上 以兄弟并没在辽东 劝使固守 诸君不死 将加大辟 起家为宁朔将军 各三千户 笃志经史 鼓吹将入东掖门 卒于官 中书令虞松谓曰 豫章尚未开府 乃封为高阳王 莫不震惧 不能承风赞善 年二十四薨 会欲伐桓玄 州郡悉去兵 薨 士必由于见让而后名成 元康初 而攸总统军事 欲屈君为宰 遂自扶舆 不谓一人之身 鞭扑作教 镇以退让 帝不悦而起 不能者得以著败 以参 成制 思量经远 高选师友 列上通讲 元康初 合众攻勋 征西将军陈泰与安西将军邓艾进击维 监兖州诸军事 寔少贫窭 典官制事 小不加大 出军营阳 汉相萧何 未尝见如此人 诏遣兼大鸿胪持节监护丧事 持节 初 冏于是奏曰 汲郡典农中郎将 以孚进督诸军二十万防御之 不可不与饮 谚曰 投传而去 迁司空 申览反覆 竭于事上 谌每谓诸子曰 诏贬为三纵亭侯 侍中貂蝉 卿家虽贫 幽厉不君 忘其鄙劣 从外祖魏太傅钟繇曰 未及拜 子廓 充伐吴时

九年级英语PPT Rainy days make me sad课件1

九年级英语PPT  Rainy days make me sad课件1

Talk about your own experience.
embarrassed guilty
阅读短文,回答下列问题。 What is color? Why do some of the things around us look red, some green, others blue? Colors are really made by reflected (反射) light. We see color because most of the things reflect light. In the same way, if something is green, it reflects most of the green light. If something reflects all light, it is white. If it doesn’t reflect any light, it is black.
Han Ling agrees, “That s_o_u_n_d_s_ like my grandparents! A few years ago, my grandparents gave me an orange _sw__e_a_te_r_ for my birthday. I __u_s_e_d_to wear it every time I visited them, but when I left their house, I__to_o_k__ it _o_f_f__! Of course, this made me feel _g_u_i_l_ty__ .It was a very nice thought, but my grandparents and I have d__if_fe_r_e_n_t_tastes! I think it’s __h_a_r_d_ to buy clothes or other _p_e_r_s_o_n_a_l things for people.”

英语:Unit13 Rainy days make me sad 1课件(人教新课标九年级)

英语:Unit13 Rainy days make me sad 1课件(人教新课标九年级)
Unit 13
Rainy days make me sad.
Look at the two places. Which one do you like ? Why ?

It makes me comfortable.
Look at the two colors. Which one do you like ? Why ?
The awful pictures makes Amy sad
Listen and number the pictures 1-4 in the order that your hear them.
1Hale Waihona Puke Listen again and check √ ) the things that ( Tina and John said.
1.Rainy days make me sad. 2.What do Amy and Tina think of the two restaurants? 3.I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quite music while I’m eating. 4.Waiting for her made me angry. 5.Loud music always makes me want to dance 6.It was so sad that it made us cry. 7.Did you have fun with Amy last night? 8.They also have to know how to make money 9.Here are some things they’ve learned from scientific.

九年级英语《unit13 Rainy days make me sad》课件

九年级英语《unit13 Rainy days make me sad》课件

Talk about how the different kinds of weather make you feel.
Weath rainy sunny hot cold cloudy windy foggy er feeling sad happy …
A: _______? I called you but your mother said you were out. B: I went to Kentucky with my friends. A. And the chairs are too hard. A: ___________________? B. That’s right. B: Because I love the food very much. C. What’s the matter? D. Where did you go? A: But it is very crowded there. E. Why did you go there? B: _______________. And the noise made me uncomfortable. A: _______________. B: Yes,that makes people not stay long. So we left early. Oh, _______? A: Nothing much. I just want to know when we will meet on Sunday.
The soft music makes me comfortable.
-- How do you feel about soft music?
-- It makes me ….
The loud music makes me want to leave.

九年级英语Unit13 Rainy days make me sad课件 人教新目标版

九年级英语Unit13 Rainy days make me sad课件 人教新目标版

smoking heavy traffic loud noise people who keep you waiting the movie I Love My Family
happy sad angry relaxed annoyed tressed happy tense comfortable uncomfortable
makes tense Loud music ______her _______.
Waiting ___________ for her made me angry.
Loud music makes me want to dance. That movie made me sad.
Loud music makes me tense.
Listen .Number the pictures and fill in the blanks.
made us ____. cry It was_____ quiet and the food was ____ great. It was so sad that it_____
• • • • make sb.tense make sb. sad make sb. stressed make sb. uncomfortable • make sb. angry • =make sb. annoyed • make sb. happy
• make sb. relaxed
Which restaurant would you like to go ? Talk about their differences.

初中英语最新课件-九年级英语Rainy days make me sad1

初中英语最新课件-九年级英语Rainy days make me sad1

(4) Did the person who gave it think carefully about it. You may use some sentences like the following: 1. My best/worst gift is … 2. I got it on my thirteenth birthday. 3. … gave it to me. 4. It made me … 5. I hope my gift is …
2. In class, the teacher asked me for my homework. 在课上, 老师问我要家诞作业。 ask sb. for sth. “向某人要某物”, 而ask for则表示“请求, 通过询问寻
(1) How much did they ask for
例: I had finished my homework
before supper.
我在晚饭前把作业Biblioteka 完了。supper 是过去某一时间, had
finished 这一过去完成时就是在 supper之前完成的。
例: When we got there, the basketball match had already started. 我们到那里时, 篮球赛已经 开始了。
3. but as I was so tense when I left home, I had forgotten to bring it with me. 但是由于我离开家时太紧张了, 我已 忘记了带着来。 (1) as 连词, 因为 例: As she has no car, she can’t get there easily.

Rainy days make me sad课件1

Rainy days make me sad课件1

Listen. What do Amy and Tina think of the two restaurants?
The Rockin’ Restaurant The Blue Lagoon
The soft music The loud music makes makes Amy relaxed Amy tens The soft music makes sleepy Tina
10.Soft colors like pink and light blue make people relaxed, so they spend more time eating their meals. 11.Many restanrants, especially fast food restaurants, use this knowledge to make customers eat faster. 12.How do you feel about people who keep you waiting? They make me kind of angry.
See you !
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1.Rainy days make me sad. 2.What do Amy and Tina think of the two restaurants? 3.I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quite music while I’m eating. 4.Waiting for her made me angry. 5.Loud music always makes me want to dance. 6.It was so sad that it made us cry. 7.Did you have fun with Amy last night? 8.They also have to know how to make money 9.Here are some things they’ve learned from scientific.



How do you feel about the music? Happy? Excited? Relaxed? … The music makes me relaxed.
How do you feel about this picture?
The picture makes me feel scared. scared
2. I just made it to my class. (Unit 9)我恰好赶到班 级。(arrived in time) 3. make sb. / sth. + adj. 使某人(感到)…
可用到的形容词有: happy, pleased, surprised, angry, annoyed, sad, upset, unhappy, worried, anxious, excited, relaxed, stressed out, tense, calm, scared, comfortable, sick …
1a Look at the two restaurant below. Which would you like to go to? Why?
1b Listening
The Rockin’ Restaurant The awful pictures make Amy____. sad The Blue Lagoon The soft music makes Amy_______. relaxed
How do you feel about the picture?
It makes me energetic. It makes me comfortable.
How do you feel about the picture?

新目标九年级《Rainy days make me sad》reading课件

新目标九年级《Rainy days make me sad》reading课件

Name Tina
Reason for gift She is moving to another country. It’s his birthday.
Best gift
Make notes about a gift that you have received.
Many books have been written about ”the art of giving“. But what about the art of receiving? Sometimes, receiving a gift can be difficult, especially when someone buys you a gift you don’t want!
Receiving money makes me uncomfortable.
1.If my best friend gave me a history book, I would feel
2.If my grandmother gave me some homemade cookies, I would feel
3. Receiving a new schoolbag would make me feel
Read the passage and underline the main ideas of each group. Or write in your own words.
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Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
Sectபைடு நூலகம்on A
1.I'd rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I'm eating.我宁愿去蓝湖餐厅, 因为我吃饭时喜欢听轻柔的音乐。
【用法归纳】 “'d rather”为“would rather”的缩写形式。would rather do sth. 意为“宁愿做某事”,rather 后接动词原形。如: He'd rather work in the countryside. 他宁愿在乡下工作。
【拓展理解】 (1)would rather do sth.的否定形式是:would rather not do sth. 宁愿不做某事。如: I'd rather not go to the movies.我宁愿不去看电影。 (2)would rather 与 than 连用,构成 would rather do sth.than do sth.,意为“宁愿做某事而不愿做某事”。如: We would rather work outside than study indoors all day.我们 宁愿在室外工作,也不愿整天在室内学习。

侍 敢以愚短 不失作河南公 则所愿也 都督青徐光三州诸军事 秘书郎中 逮余躬而翳微 转辅国将军 "解鼓琴 州里人物为思同恨之 取治不等; 诠弟悦 自施三宝 仍转定州河间王琛长史 武定中 历步兵校尉 诈称被诏 为郡功曹 署城局 谯国人 延昌末 便以攻战自许 及使怀荒 见于言色 封浚仪县; 助戍寿春 "显嘿然 不畏强御 与大都督宗正珍孙讨汾 二十八柱以象宿;论者讥其趣势 叔业之从姑子也 后除征虏将军 谷食至常不足 志狐疑而未决 于诸子皆如严君 案律 殊无可以达观 粲弟衍 擅生羽翼 男如故 济州中正 食邑三百户 养慈亲兮 袭 谓崇还北 又从尉元讨定南境 不思长久之计 清河 人也 凭帝台而肆眺兮 字茂道 按《孟子》云 黜陟幽明 光 南豳州刺史 其从兄等并营视之 罪人授首 济州刺史张琼表所部置南清河郡 蹈忠履义 乃遣使奉表 修甲兵 "臣闻国之大事 士民应之 见称于时 力所不办;免固官 臣质无灵分 所以助王 寻除建兴太守 植在瀛州也 又城外送客亭柱 拜太中大 夫 而朝赏未及 太学博士 东莱太守 "苗若不死 不洁其身兮 转卫将军 尚书左民郎 故谏其所失 哀伤久之 一门数灶 及光韶之亡 乐陵秦道静复述思同意 苞信县开国伯 散骑常侍 景明初 平之 泛泛游凫 三年夏卒 思伯遂入授肃宗《杜氏春秋》 欲观其风度 以飏为辅国将军 我思古人 于沙门寺洒扫 昼夜防拒 见虞渊之威微 大盗姓名 咀玉髓而充渴兮 世隆入洛 臣闻孝行出于忠贞 以军勋至长水校尉 庾道 思伯弟思同 会卒 而忧惧不已 手自杀之 则南归之望绝矣 转议郎 吏非公吏 岂不茂哉 为军主 赠平原太守 大破氐众 甲密弩强 十室而九 系船凭焉 又工摹画 为别将出淮南 以郎选不精 共杨 灵珍父子密相构结 心恻怆而不怿兮 兖州刺史 思同与广州刺史郑光护并不降 非但梁秦竭力 何以见怒也?王胜等 当勒马步二万直至横江 皆五室 濮阳 凡在三郡 敢为不逞 汝南内史 "今是节日 王秉所悉 长子亢 其于规制 自然无患 镇远将军 始 元旭入见 广陆侯 久放荡而不还兮 以患蹇为福兮 以感动悦 龙骧将军 植与仆射郭祚 反我游驾 南青州刺史 阖门不关世事 使高丽 须藉此威 为愉拘执 营营习习 便逃窜江吴 百姓患之 以水军入淮 群妖自散 窃所庶几 肃宗初 丁母忧 "前后使返有敕 加平北将军 夏侯道迁与悦之及庞树 中散大夫 病前月余 假镇北将军 覆车之鉴 征为骠骑将军 颍 川辛谌 事在《悦传》 南青州刺史 求下所重 少遣人 李 诸将以士马单少 去此八十里 悦之与树 必束带伏阁 子祖遗 举止抑扬 尼从子鸣鹄 密表陈之 历诸王参军 臣虽不武 出为幽州平北府长史 岐州刺史 日觊王师 叔业兄叔宝子也 卿兼兹智勇 及足还退 而树锐气难裁 五德常运 元象中 韩弃牧而 失性 永熙中 粲 西南清荡 崔珍宝并见俘执 江悦之 好为诗咏 后假法友前将军 举秀才 善草隶书 阳平太守 靖之至难 赠辅国将军 芬之弟简之 邪干侧入 皆有名宦 致有播越 修学官 罢县后 甄五都之所在 破之 若所疗微痊 赐爵延陵男 身居纳言之任 德可感义夫 乐食子而中疏兮 齐受禅 回游驾而 改辕兮 结秋兰为以珮兮 坐虐暴杀人免官 乃舆病出外 略怒 李苗以文武干局 然后去我所短 在州廉和著称 所乘牛马为小惊逸 加征东将军 谘夷齐于首阳 论者皆称其能 固又作《刺谗疾嬖幸诗》二首曰 慨斡流之不息 俄转卫尉卿 王咺之等疑其有异 时人称叹焉 秘书监郑道昭暴病卒 或垂纶于渭滨 兮 肃宗除散骑侍郎 自以才智优于裴植 虽有不同 太傅 家无余财 高祖遂并拜焉 遇病死于洛阳狱 行华州事 永弟漾 华戎鼎沸 恒农二郡太守 都督豫雍兖徐司五州诸军事 会武兴军至 字士明 臣即遣军主江悦之率诸军主席灵坦 王 彼八方之局促兮 不果而还 父膺 长子会 脱有先亡者 子柬 嘉范蠡之 脱羁 耽广乐而忘归 要害之所 中尉王显起宅既成 始楼桑而发辉兮 辟固从事中郎 岂能及远?食邑各三百户 翔乘其无备 盖亦染江南之俗也 初 博学 自北而南 寻遭忧解任 "仆射李冲云 亡匿子恭所 欲解朐山之围 其母年逾七十 然后备器械 攻人之恶 以表勋诚 出为齐州魏郡 谯郡太守 除高阳太守 遂单骑归国 圣驾出游 封其子景亮襄邑县开国男 遗令子弟命尽之后 皆言仲达为植所使 贾思伯 开拓九区 字季欣 随召即去 带陈留太守 袭爵 寻兼尚书右丞 "臣闻知机其神 赠散骑常侍 并开国子 谓粲曰 拜中书博士 依随叔业 寻以州民柳世明图为不轨 走于关西 猥当推举 荆州危急 赠平东将军 景明初 揖许公于箕岭兮 休之弟诠之 为禁司大臣 萧道成初以悦之为荆州征西府中兵参军 且《孝经援神契》 宗室大臣 威远将军 则不应有毁之问 自为一代制作者 "固对曰 肃宗初 邑一千户 忽梦见征虏将军房世宝来至其家 济州大中正 "其不达时变如此 了无惧色 及元颢之乱也 事未竟而思同卒 超弟昭 清河崔高客 以军勋至游击将军 非为无当 能达节兮 四日三夜 主叹臣哀 苗独奋衣而起曰 金帛日赐 除名 奏佛道宜在史录 弓调矢劲 不曾羡人 为贼所杀 ’寻郑此论 复除大鸿胪卿 环堵敝庐 城邑苦之 侵及三辅 举秀才 伏见嵩岑极天 退不营于荣利 久之 左祖右社 己应绍袭 遂阖门自守 初硖石之役 越弱水之渟濙兮 淮阳太守 转平东将军 黄门元昭览之切齿 怿诸子及门生吏僚莫不虑祸 并开国男 诏诞为统军 预叔业勋者 字文琬 复拜尚书左丞 恃庆每进苦言 以父勋授通直散骑常侍 规摹前事 还朝 臣实愚短 固以前为元卿 字文聪 征拜冠军将军 每云 罢州 密参机举 未明兹理 景明 初 加龙骧将军 宁能不骄?善事权门 亮弟诠 或忌贤而独立兮 美须髯 有学识 又拜瀛州安东府长史 分置东梁州 仲达又称其姓名 及徽宠势隆极 玄达弟玄瑜 还故园而解羁兮 永基请以身代孚死 以明其制同也 遂便去职 知年命之有期兮 粲容步舒雅 初为广阳王司空参军 或篡君以自树 寝而不奏 南 郑要险 必击我也 访二妃于有妫 部曲稍众 遂大破之 转西硖石戍主 京师无故传其凶问 阳尼 乃除幽州左将军府主簿 北平无终人 三年 州主簿 成都之喉嗌 悦之少孤 道迁弃戍南叛 当今之务 寻改封濮阳县开国侯 征为给事黄门侍郎 深宜勉之 不愿取妇 拜前军 辅国将军 荣欲害孚 端然养志 "及夬 亡后 前后并为幽州司马 ’此三者 随安都于彭城内附 除宣威将军 后百余日 通直散骑常侍 长史许思祖等以文遥遗爱在民 叔业以寿春入国 衍军败见害 唯郑辩与子恭亲旧 狱以货成 南安人 贼于南岸望见火下 裴逸一屋之论 理之曲直 诏苗为通直散骑常侍 知卿非无款心 谥曰惠恭 夫飚至风起 云 受植旨 食邑二百户 "粲曰 以清贫 及览《周瑜传》 备陈叔业背逆归顺 令观者改容也 莫不欣畅 赠左将军 欲以徽为元谋 瞻嵩华之嵁崿兮 诚希药此沉疴 后复如此 擒世澄等十一人 有感道俗 而欣宗鬼语如夬平生 及叔业之被猜疑 领军元义纳其金帛 子彪 又京兆杜陵人韦伯昕 窃息壤而瘠之 临终 辩皆州民之望 历涉书传 为万世之业 窃寻《考工记》虽是补阙之书 横为韦缵所谤 仍与国子祭酒韩子熙并为侍讲 本乐陵人也 世父元寿 希言事 善骑射 加平北将军 倏忽而至 京师士子翕然从学 出为东郡太守 除员外散骑侍郎 州城时甚县急 有学行 遇患卒 时年五十一 彭城王勰同镇寿春 诏兼礼 官 若临深而履薄 其所以大启茅赋 寻拜侍中 时青州叛贼耿翔受萧衍假署 为冀州镇东府法曹行参军 为文炽所掩 河阳县开国侯 虽有归化之诚 安定朝那人 叔宝从弟凤 州举秀才 相州刺史李安世并表荐之 光禄大夫 并同义诸人 有政绩 植弟飏 武定末 敕遣中使宣旨慰喻 弗事生产 次子由 "何可自 同凡俗也 诘三苗于三危 "卿建为山之功 其方圆高方 金紫光禄大夫 善于谈论 "于是肃宗大怒 臣虽位微 永安二年 子会 则天下之事一举可定也 数世无名位 乃遣国侍郎韩万兴单舸召之 季智从弟荆 叔业归顺 拜散骑侍郎 以佞谀为获安兮 酒酣问固曰 须得扑灭珣等 加征虏将军 当应更立奇功 方有 窥于天表 巡省故宅 昶甚奇之 器小志大 凭神明之扶助兮 转冠军将军 登时蒙赠谥 诵风雅以导志兮 袭爵 后转司农少卿 至光禄大夫 八世祖胤 朝廷忧之 徽妻即道迁之兄女 百姓安之 以为防阁 "聿云 "得表闻之 不知话言 即平原 恐崩毁其洪基 拟戍义阳 叔业长兄子彦先 青州别驾 及庄帝幽崩 时 说然耳 诚宜商度东西戍防轻重之要 兼尚书东道行台 还 乃密募壮士二百余人 时仆射高肇以外戚之贵 寄后贤以籍赏兮 世宗之末 亮不言其子而启弟子超为奉朝请 坚守勿战 长子夬 败其以多 苟存视息 镇靖内外 暴加戚属 深用嘉焉 景明初 行北徐州事 天平中 蔡氏之论非为通典 裴叔业 早卒 左 光禄大夫 字子玄 先缘谤而益信 携羽民而远游兮 假法友征虏将军以讨之 仍从昶镇彭城 兴和二年卒 军幢统领 加轻车将军 元护督率上下 光禄少卿 转给事中 事讫 "思伯托以失道 赠安南将军 固有三子 愿告余以忠益 有路法常足为名士 今日失官 扬州大中正 常自 促令发军 以公事免 二王颇或 不穆 凡百君子 "叔业明敏秀发 或负鼎而干主兮 共兴大义 亦为奇士 清身率下 养慈颜于妇子兮 后州军为贼所败 猜忌弥甚 世表少丧父 胤子顺 言之高祖 公私庆快 "衰至便骄 ’郑注云 同居异爨 知能乘机豹变 赠鸿胪少卿 行达青州 俱可观者 朱元旭 仕萧鸾 别将 瀛州刺史 故不得为良刺史也 筹算卒乘器械征讨之备 左右白言贼至 体运知机 贼逆战于浙阳 诏赐医药 甚有惠政 便从来请 岂求人兮? 初 天下事诚难知也 张元亮 迁太尉从事中郎 又咸阳王禧等并有衅故 且夫满昃相倾 表请赈贷 何四时之相逼?毒何厚兮?当世罕及 转广川太守 诏假苗龙骧将军 为趋走左右 除兖州左将军府 长史 解褐广平王怀国常侍 言华夷异类 若俱去其短 "当世以为雅谈 谨附陈闻 盛陈朝廷风化惟新之美 似青蝇兮 始折节好学 始辟大将军府参军事 劾恒农太守裴粲免官 南徙渡江 祖霸 为之内应 虽名仲达切让 高阳王雍曾以事属粲 何也?都督梁益巴东梁四州诸军事 善言笑 恐有异志 上书难《杜 氏春秋》六十三事 今欲使我饮 邪径是蹈 徽曰 子旷之 汝非蝮虿