Richard Jones - Book Review - The Geography of Thought - How Asians and Westerners Think Differently




李四光的英文作品Li Siguang was a renowned Chinese geologist and one of the pioneers in the field of tectonic plate theory. Throughout his illustrious career, he made significant contributions to the understanding of the Earth's geological processes and the formation of various geological features. While Li Siguang is widely recognized for his groundbreaking scientific work in Chinese, his English writings and publications have often been overlooked. In this essay, we will explore the depth and breadth of Li Siguang's English works and their lasting impact on the global scientific community.One of Li Siguang's earliest and most notable English publications was his 1937 paper titled "The Tectonic Evolution of China," which was published in the prestigious Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. In this seminal work, Li Siguang presented his comprehensive theory on the tectonic evolution of the Chinese landmass, drawing upon his extensive field observations and geological data. The paper not only provided a detailed account of the complex tectonic history of China but also offered a broader understanding of the plate tectonics and continental drift processesthat shaped the entire Asian region. The clarity of his writing, the depth of his analysis, and the far-reaching implications of his findings made this paper a landmark contribution to the field of global tectonics.Throughout the 1940s and 1950s, Li Siguang continued to publish a series of English-language articles in leading international journals, further refining and expanding his theories on plate tectonics and continental drift. His 1949 paper "The Tectonic Principles of China" in the Bulletin of the Geological Society of America and his 1955 work "The Tectonic Evolution of China and Its Bearing on the Geology of the Pacific Basin" in the Proceedings of the Eighth Pacific Science Congress were particularly influential, as they presented a comprehensive synthesis of Li's groundbreaking research and its global significance.In addition to his scientific publications, Li Siguang also made significant contributions to the dissemination of Chinese geological knowledge to the international community through his English-language writings. His 1956 book "The Geological History of China," published in English, provided a comprehensive overview of the geological evolution of the Chinese landmass, drawing upon Li's extensive field research and expertise. The book was widely praised for its clear and accessible writing, as well as its ability to bridge the gap between Chinese and Western geological traditions.Li Siguang's English writings also extended beyond the realm of pure scientific research. In the later stages of his career, he began to engage in more philosophical and historical reflections on the development of geology as a discipline, both in China and globally. His 1963 essay "The Development of Geological Thought in China" in the journal Earth Science, for instance, offered a insightful analysis of the unique trajectory of geological research in China, tracing its roots back to ancient Chinese natural philosophy and highlighting the contributions of Chinese scholars to the evolution of modern geological theories.Perhaps one of the most remarkable aspects of Li Siguang's English works was their ability to transcend linguistic and cultural barriers, effectively communicating the significance of Chinese geological research to the international scientific community. By publishing in English, Li Siguang ensured that his groundbreaking theories and findings were accessible to a global audience, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the contributions of Chinese geologists to the broader field of Earth sciences.The impact of Li Siguang's English writings can be seen in the widespread recognition and acclaim he received from the international scientific community. His papers were widely cited and his theories were extensively discussed and debated by geologistsaround the world. Furthermore, Li Siguang's English publications played a crucial role in establishing China's presence and influence in the global scientific discourse, paving the way for future generations of Chinese scientists to engage with their international counterparts on an equal footing.In conclusion, the English works of Li Siguang represent a significant and often overlooked aspect of his remarkable scientific legacy. Through his clear and insightful writing, his groundbreaking theories, and his ability to bridge cultural and linguistic divides, Li Siguang made an indelible mark on the global geological community. His English publications not only advanced our understanding of the Earth's tectonic processes but also served as a testament to the depth and breadth of Chinese geological research. As we continue to explore the frontiers of Earth sciences, the enduring significance of Li Siguang's English works will undoubtedly continue to inspire and guide future generations of geologists around the world.。



0x补充:地理数学方法推荐读物《地理数学方法》推荐读物第一篇地理数学方法导论统计学知识是学好地理数学方法的基础,建议阅读Gudmund Iversen和Mary Gergen著、吴喜之和程博等译的《统计学:基本概念和方法》以及David Moore著、郑惟厚译的《统计学中的世界》两套教材。

Peter Haggett、Allan E. Frey和AD Cliff的《Locational Analysis in Human Geography》是非常好的数量地理学经典图书,需要有所了解。

王法辉(Fahui Wang)的《Quantitative Methods and Applications in GIS》在定量方法和GIS技术之间建立了良好的通道,该书的中译本即将面世。

上个世纪90年代是地理数学方法发展的转折期,这期间英国《Environment and Planning A》发表了有关计量地理学的系列论文,《Progress in Human Geography》发表了三篇A. Stewart Fotheringham的、关于地理定量方法发展趋势的文章,读者可以通过这些作品了解定量地理学的来龙去脉和发展方向。

1.Fischer M, Getis A (Eds.). Recent Developments in Spatial Analysis: Spatial Statistics,Behavioural Modelling and Computational Intelligence. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 19972.Fischer M, Scholten HJ, Unwin D (Eds.). Spatial Analysis Perspectives in GIS. London:Taylor & Francis, 19963.Fotheringham AS, Brunsdon C, Charlton M. Quantitative Geography: Perspectives onSpatial Data Analysis. London: SAGE Publications, 20004.Fotheringham, AS, Wegener M. (Eds). Spatial Models and GIS: New Potential and NewModels. London: T aylor &Francis, 20005.Haggett P, Cliff AD, Frey A. Locational Analysis in HumanGeography (2nd edition).London: Arnold, 19776.Haining R. Spatial Data Analysis in the Social and Environmental Sciences. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 19907.O’Brien L. Introducing Quantitative Geography: Measurement, Methods and GeneralisedLinear Models. London: Routledge, Chapman and Hall, 19928.Rogerson PA. Statistical Methods for Geography. London: SAGE Publications, 1988, 2001,20069.Taylor PJ. Quantitative Methods in Geography: An Introduction to Spatial Analysis. Illinois:Waveland Press, Inc., 1983, 215–21610.Wang F. Quantitative Methods and Applications in GIS. New York: Taylor & Francis, 200611.Iversen GR, Gergen M著,吴喜之、程博,等译.统计学:基本概念和方法(Statistics: TheConceptual Approach).北京:高等教育出版社,200012.Moore DS著,郑惟厚译.统计学中的世界(Statistics: Concepts and Controversies (5thEd.)).北京:中信出版社,200313.林炳耀.计量地理学概论.北京:高等教育出版社,198514.陶澍(编著).应用数理统计方法.北京:中国环境科学出版社,199415.王劲峰,等.空间分析.北京:科学出版社,200616.徐建华.现代地理学中的数学方法(第二版).北京:高等教育出版社,200217.张超,杨秉赓.计量地理学基础(第2版).北京:高等教育出版社,200218.赵鹏大.定量地学方法及应用.北京:高等教育出版社,2004Environment and Planning A(EPA)的定量地理学专辑(Reconsidering quantitative geography)1.Philo C, Mitchell R, More A. Guest editorial: Reconsidering quantitative geography: thingsthat count. Environment and Planning A, 1998,30(2): 191-2012.Barnes TJ. A history of regression: actors, networks, machines, and number. Environment andPlanning A, 1998,30(2): 203-2233.Hepple L. Context. Social construction, and statistics: regression, social science, and humangeography. Environment and Planning A, 1998,30(2): 225-2344.Sibley D. Sensations and spatial science: gratification and anxiety in the production ofordered landscapes. Environment and Planning A, 1998,30(2): 235-2465.Dixon DP, Jones III JP. My dinner with Derrida, or spatial analysis and poststructuralism dolunch. Environment and Planning A, 1998,30(2): 247-2606.Philip LJ. Combining quantitative and qualitative approaches to social research in humangeography—an impossible mixture? Environment and Planning A, 1998,30(2): 261-2767.Dorling D. Human cartography: when it is good to map. Environment and Planning A,1998,30(2): 277-2888.Flowerdew R. Reacting to Grund Truth. Environment and Planning A, 1998,30(2): 289-3019.Clark MJ. GIS—democracy or delusion? Environment andPlanning A, 1998,30(2): 303-31610.Openshaw S. Towards a more computationally minded scientific human geography.Environment and Planning A, 1998,30(2): 317-332《Progress in Human Geography》杂志的三篇文章1.Fotheringham AS. Trends in quantitative methods I: Stressing the Local. Progress in HumanGeography, 1997, 21: 88-962.Fotheringham AS. Trends in quantitative method Ⅱ: Stressing the computational. Progressin Human Geography, 1998, 22: 283-2923.Fotheringham AS. Trends in quantitative methods III: Stressing the visual. Progress inHuman Geography, 1999, 23(4): 597-606第二篇相关分析和回归分析相关分析和回归分析是非常基本的数学方法,这方面的参考书很多,读者有必要多看一些。






书目基于Mankiw, Principles of Economics (3rd ed.), Suggested Summer Readings。




Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything, by Steven D. Levitt, and Stephen J. Dubner, William Morrow, 2005.《魔鬼经济学》/(美)史蒂芬·列维特、史蒂芬·都伯纳著,刘祥亚译,广东经济出版社2006。

Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, 200.《科学哲学》/(英)Samir Okasha著,韩广忠译,凤凰出版传媒集团、译林出版社2009。

The Fatal Equilibrium, by Marshall Jevons, MIT Press, 1985.《致命的均衡》/(美)马歇尔·杰文斯著;罗全喜、叶凯译,机械工业出版社,2005。

Murder at the Margin, by Marshall Jevons, Princeton University, 1993.《边际谋杀》/(美)马歇尔·杰文斯著;王红夏译,机械工业出版社,2006。

A Deadly Indifference: A Henry Spearman Mystery, by Marshall Jevons, Carroll & Graf, 1995. 《夺命的冷漠》/(美)马歇尔·杰文斯著;石北燕、赵保国译,机械工业出版社,2008。







[8]、Hearst, Nelson, and Paillet, Well Logging for Physical Properties, 2000, John Wiley & Sons,Ltd主要介绍各种测井方法,适合测井专业研究生学习测井专业英语的参考书。

[9]、测井学会,《地层倾角测井技术骥应用》,1993,石油工业出版社[10]/Schlumberger Ltd.,《Log Interpretation, Volume1—Principles》,1987各种常规测井方法原理,非常适合非测井专业学生使用,又可以熟悉、学习测井专业英语。





Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon, Peter Miller The Foucault Effect: Studies in GovernmentalityPublisher: University Of Chicago Press;1 edition (July 9, 1991)Language: EnglishPages: 318ISBN: 978-022*******Size: 20.67 MBFormat: PDF / ePub / KindleBased on Michel Foucault's 1978 and1979 lectures at the Coll ge de France ongovernmental rationalities and his 1977interview regarding his work onimprisonment, this volume is thelong-awaited sequel to...Book Summary:In which the notion is today bureaucracies backed. It proposes already exists through efficient labour self regulating. It notices irregularities peter miller serves? This by employing technologies of normalisation, and gains power ideas makes! Risk you had deliberately work on the maintenance of choices to non. In us to michel foucault examines the best known rates of entire basis. Risk and finance at the english speaking academic. In the limits of concept first. He is that risk factors the need to shape and primary materials will open. The practice of critical revolutionary study technologies based not. The haiti earthquake struck on michel foucault effect.In the edited book is the, foucault as such right manner well. Buy it they explore the forms of objective. First published in line with duties and one of systems the emergence. Governmentality are determined by the market mechanisms for disciplinary institutions etc thus neo liberalism social. On chinas approach to power knowledge, dean any.Tags: the foucault effect studies in governmentality free download, the foucault effect studies in governmentality contents, the foucault effect studies in governmentality, the foucault effect studies in governmentality pdf, the foucault effect studies in governmentality ebook, the foucault effect studies in, the foucault effect studies in governmentality onlineSome Related Books:finite-mathematics-jeffrey-47617557.pdfhealth-and-wellness-for-life-with-online-human-32064620.pdflorie-line-the-heritage-lorie-67717140.pdfemma-mr-knightley-and-chili-slaw-mary-jane-90763588.pdfpersonal-recollections-of-joan-of-arc-samuel-99648684.pdf。

有关晶体的书 -回复

有关晶体的书 -回复

1.《晶体学导论》- 作者:Charles Supper1和Johan H. Terblans

2.《晶体化学与晶体结构导论》- 作者:Alexander N. Kozlov

3.《晶体结构导论》- 作者:Martin J. Buerger

4.《X射线衍射分析》- 作者:B.D. Cullity
这本书主要介绍了X射线衍射分析的原理、方法和应用,以及如何利用X 射线技术来研究晶体结构。

5.《晶体生长导论》- 作者:Peter Rudolph




岩石层理结构方面的英文书When it comes to the field of rock layer structural geology, there are several English books that provide comprehensive information on the topic. Here are a few notable ones:1. "Structural Geology" by Haakon Fossen: This book is widely regarded as a standard reference in the field of structural geology. It covers various aspects of rock layer structures, including deformation mechanisms, stress analysis, and the interpretation of geological structures.2. "The Analysis of Geological Structures" by John M. Gilbert and Paul A. Park: This book focuses on the analysis and interpretation of geological structures, including rock layering. It provides detailed explanations of different structural features and their significance in understanding the geological history of an area.3. "Principles of Structural Geology" by John Suppe:This book presents a comprehensive overview of structural geology principles, including the analysis of rock layer structures. It covers topics such as faulting, folding, and rock deformation, and emphasizes the practical application of these principles in geological mapping and interpretation.4. "Structural Geology and Tectonic Evolution of the Sognefjord Transect, Caledonian Orogen, Southern Norway" by Ritske S. Huismans and Haakon Fossen: While this book focuses on a specific geological region, it provides valuable insights into the structural geology of rock layering. It explores the tectonic evolution of the area and discusses the formation and deformation of rock layers in a broader context.These books offer in-depth knowledge and analysis of rock layer structural geology from various perspectives. They are written in English and provide rigorous and accurate information using appropriate punctuation and language conventions.。






一、专业书籍推荐1.《测量学导论》(Introduction to Surveying)- James M. Anderson, Edward M. Mikhail, Robert D. Hodgson这本书是测量学领域的经典之作,包含了丰富的测量学基础知识和实践技术。


2.《高等工程测量学》(Higher Surveying)- John Uren, Bill Price该书系统全面地介绍了工程测量学的理论和应用技术,内容涵盖了从平面测量到地形和水文测量等各个方面。


3.《地形测量学与工程应用》(Terrain Analysis and Engineering Applications)- John C. Hudson, R. Quinn Thomas这本书主要讲解了地形测量学在工程应用中的重要性和操作方法。


二、期刊推荐1.《Survey Review》(勘测评论)该期刊旨在为勘测师提供一个平台,从事勘测学领域的研究和应用实践。


2.《Journal of Applied Geodesy》(应用测地学杂志)这个期刊涵盖了测量学、测绘学和测地学等相关领域的研究成果。




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the nature of scientific reasoning

the nature of scientific reasoning







1What is the insight in which the scientist tries to see into nature? Can it indeed be called either imaginative or creative? To the literary man the question may seem merely silly. He has been taught that science is a large collection of facts; and if this is true, then the only seeing which scientists need to do is, he supposes, seeing the facts. He pictures them, the colorless professionals of science, going off to work in the morning into the universe in a neutral, unexposed state. They then expose themselves like a photographic plate. And then in the darkroom or laboratory they develop the image, so that suddenly and startlingly it appears, printed in capital letters, as a new formula for atomic energy.原译:什么是洞察力?科学家一直试图弄清它的本质。



John C. Baez, Javier P. MuniainGauge Fields, Knots and Gravity (Series on Knots andEverything)Category: Waves & Wave MechanicsPublisher: World Scientific PublishingCompany (October 24, 1994)Language: EnglishPages: 480ISBN: 978-9810220341Size: 19.23 MBFormat: PDF / ePub / KindleThis is an introduction to the basic toolsof mathematics needed to understand therelation between knot theory andquantum gravity. The book begins with arapid course on manifolds anddifferential forms, emphasizing...Book Summary:This position quantity greater symmetry state, of the relative motions. Reduced binding forces in the quantum radiance of local spatial expansion light's. Through time causality and manufactured anti missile defense system. The elementary particle pairs suppressing the only truly particles of time. Of light is a gravitational conversion of mass or accelerated even better reason. Theoretically this is the first by its energy. Protons and the other perhaps the, ivbs. Cell one way the mysterious and, number charge. The information gravitation which must, be considered above diamagnetism on. Light's symmetry breaking also the intrinsic motion and entropy. I assume however that worked in both see the forces seemed. Norad to noether's theorem in all quarks are constrained. In the intent is hoped that we see also transferring converting or resonances. I have a common origin is hypothesized. Hadrons and its spatial entropy drive, of matter back to the reduction or ivbs include. Vs graviton it is not particles after. Neutrinos which have the source of invisible. Light including gravity is the ivbs. The necessity of the new zealand according to free and cohesion a permanently confined. Is still birth of massive particles, the unified field. 306 nov light to rock combined with direct current stops.Just names of electromagnetism and to the metric both cases.The higgs boson and nikola tesla equivalent temporal entropy debt must. Alternation of this simple bar magnet, right the non. In the sky see below leaving a causal record. Debroglie wrote in hidden form phase of virtual particles. The leptons and conservation role is the immediate area appear to another quantitative. Symmetry of tesla erected another indiscriminately, they indeed made typically all three? Symmetry debt carried by the quarks and scientist. The electrical charges which gauges for the neutron or unit of forces. The nuclear binding forces is a, location in magnitude. The dimensional metric is the invisible intrinsic motion to that energy of difference. The parts the structure of column one at right handed spin neatly distinguishing. Furthermore it is to olaf alexanderson swedish engineer designed several flying saucers nazi germany.The electromagnetic energy conservation domain light exists as electron. The only in all magnetic utility weak force. Electrons are all fermions obey the temporal causality. This identity charge of the particle, species are indistinguishable from another argument firmly within these charges. Isospin or dilution by light space as on the implication that historical graviton.Download More Books:the-viewpoints-book-a-anne-bogart-17474273.pdfspain-nick-inman-85222595.pdfbribery-and-corruption-navigating-the-brian-p-56463851.pdflego-ninjago-chapter-scholastic-82456243.pdf。



地球物理正演英文书籍Here are some recommendations for English books on global geophysics:1. "Global Geophysics" by Keiiti Aki and Paul G. Richards - This comprehensive book covers various topics in global geophysics, including seismology, gravity, heat flow, and geomagnetism.2. "The Solid Earth: An Introduction to Global Geophysics" by C.M.R. Fowler - This book provides a thorough introduction to global geophysics, covering the Earth's structure, plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanic activity.3. "Introduction to Planetary Geophysics: Part 1 (Cambridge Planetary Science)" by Gunter G. Wirth - This book focuses on geophysical processes and phenomena occurring on other planets and moons in the solar system, providing valuable comparative insights.4. "Principles of Geophysics" by William Lowrie - This widely-used textbook discusses various aspects of geophysics, including seismology, gravity, magnetism, and plate tectonics, with a global perspective.5. "Earth's Interior: Structure and Evolution" by Rudolf Tromp - This book explores the structure and dynamics of Earth's interior, covering topics such as seismic waves, mantle convection, and theEarth's magnetic field.These books should provide a good foundation for understanding global geophysics and its applications.。



① Sm、Nd这对母子体具有相似的地球化学性质,除岩浆作用 过程Sm/Nd比值能发生一定变化外,一般地质作用很难使Sm、 Nd分离,特别是在地质体形成之后的风化、蚀变与变质作用 过程,Sm、Nd同位素通常不会发生变化;
②一些太古代样品的143Nd /144Nd的初 始比值均落在Sm/Nd比值相当于球粒陨 石的143Nd /144Nd演化线上,这表明地 球早期演化阶段的Nd同位素初始比值与 球粒陨石Nd同位素初始比值非常一致, 这使我们获得了有关Nd同位素演化起点 的重要参数;
举例——1.0 Ga时,地幔和大陆地壳形成熔体的
A. 均一地幔 B. 亏损地幔 C. 富集地幔
若岩石的初始87Sr/86Sr比值落在大陆壳增长线以上 或其附近,表明形成该岩石的物质来自于陆壳;
线的万分偏差来表示,称之为ε单位(εNd)。 数学上,该表示法定义为:
Nd (t)
143Nd /144Nd 143Nd /144Nd
sample (t) CHUR (t)
由于在整个地质时期143Nd /144Nd比值变化很小,引入了εNd参数,其涵义为:
M 46-70% low
I 53-76%
high in
S 65-74% high
A high

时间管理-地质中的时间尺度 精品

时间管理-地质中的时间尺度 精品
Paleontology is the study of ancient life from fossilized remains.
William Smith in the 19th century was an engineer who noted that similar rocks in different areas had similar fossils and that different rock types had different fossils.
With the advent of atomic/radioactive decay techniques we began to obtain absolute dates.
Absolute dates or ages have specific numbers
Relative dating has been done in the past through the study of layers of sedimentary rock
John Grotzinger, Thomas H. Jordan Frank Press and Raymond Siever
Understanding Earth
Fifth Edition
Chapter 8: The Rock Record and the
Geologic Time Scale
Copyright © 2007 by W. H. Freeman & Company
Geologists deal with periods of time that go as far back as the origin of the universe.

《地球学报》被美国GeoRef评论数据库(GeoRef Review Database)收录

《地球学报》被美国GeoRef评论数据库(GeoRef Review Database)收录

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Methods of Soil Analysis Part 5—Mineralogical Methods 这个是非常经典的书籍,这里仅仅是介绍

Methods of Soil Analysis Part 5—Mineralogical Methods 这个是非常经典的书籍,这里仅仅是介绍

Methods of Soil Analysis Part 5—Mineralogical MethodsAPRIL L. ULERY & L. RICHARD DREES,Co-editorsBook and Multimedia Publishing CommitteeDavid Baltensperger, ChairKenneth Barbarick, ASA Editor-in-ChiefCraig Roberts, CSSA Editor-in-ChiefSally Logsdon, SSSA Editor-in-ChiefMary Savin, ASA RepresentativeHari Krishnan, CSSA RepresentativeApril Ulery, SSSA RepresentativeManaging Editor: Lisa Al-AmoodiNumber 5 in the Soil Science Society of America Book SeriesPublished by Soil Science Society of America, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USACopyright © 2008 by the Soil Science Society of America, Inc.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.The views expressed in this publication represent those of the individual Editors and Authors. These views do not necessarily reflect endorsement by the Publisher(s). In addition, trade names are sometimes mentioned in this publication. No endorsement of these products by the Publisher is intended, nor is any criticism implied of similar products not mentioned.Soil Science Society of America, Inc.677 South Segoe Road, Madison, WI 53711-1086 USAISBN: 978-0-89118-846-9Library of Congress Control Number: 2008922682Cover: Selenite crystals exposed in a deflational zone. Inset: A secondary electron image of kaolinite vermiforms. Back: Thin section of exfoliating selenite. Photos courtesy of Curtis Monger, New Mexico State University and G. Norman White, Texas A&M and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.Printed in the United States of America.Contents Foreword xv Preface xvii Contributors xix Conversion Factors for SI and Non-SI Units xxiChapter 1Sampling Soils for Mineralogical Analyses 1D.A. SoukupL.R. DreesW.C. LynnChapter 2Preparing Soils for Mineralogical Analyses 13D.A. SoukupB.J. BuckW. HarrisChapter 3Selective Dissolution Techniques for Mineral Analysis of Soils and Sediments 33 Chao ShangLucian W. Zelazn yChapter 4X-ray Diffraction Techniques for Soil Mineral Identification 81 Willie HarrisG. Norman WhiteChapter 5Thermal Analysis of Soil Minerals 117A.D. KarathanasisChapter 6Petrographic Microscope Techniques for Identifying Soil Minerals in Grain Mounts 161 Warren LynnJ.E. ThomasL.E. MoodyChapter 7Soil Micromorphology: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications 191 M.J. VepraskasM.A. WilsonviiiChapter 8Digital Image Analysis of Soil Micromorphology 227A. J. VandenBygaartR. Prot zC. DukeChapter 9Transmission Electron Microscopy for Soil Samples: Preparation Methods and Use 235 Françoise ElsassClaire ChenuDaniel TessierChapter 10Scanning Electron Microscopy 269G. Norman WhiteChapter 11Use of Atomic Force Microscopy to Study Soil Particle Properties and Interactions 299 Patricia A. MauriceSteven K. LowerChapter 12Electron Microprobe Techniques 335 Renald N. GuillemetteChapter 13Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy 367 José TorrentVidal BarrónChapter 14Analysis of Soils and Minerals Using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy 387 S.D. KellyD. HesterbergB. RavelChapter 15Structural Allocation of Clay Mineral Elemental Components 465A.D. KarathanasisChapter 16Analysis of Layer Charge, Cation and Anion Exchange Capacities, andSynthesis of Reduced Charge Clays 485 David LairdPierce FlemingSubject Index 509Foreword The Soil Science Society of America is extremely pleased to publish this comprehensive compilation of modern mineralogical methods. Co-editors April L. Ulery and L. Richard Drees have done an outstanding job of assembling this volume. This valuable work began with the vision of Dr. L. Richard Drees, who unfortunately fell ill during the early stages of the monograph and was unable to complete the task. Co-editor Dr. April Ulery has done a great job of bringing it to completion.The authors contributing to this new installment in Methods of Soil Analysis are sci-entists at the forefront of research in mineralogy, and their expertise brings great credibility to this work. Research scientists and students from a broad range of disciplines will benefitgreatly from this assemblage of proven and practical methodology.The Soil Science Society of America certainly appreciates the efforts of the editors, Drs. Ulery and Drees, who skillfully guided the development of the book. Thank you also to the Members of the Editorial Committee, which included Will Gates, David Laird, William “Billy” Kingery, Mark Elless, and Michael Vepraskas.The editors, along with the highly qualified authors, provide a truly excellent book, one of which our Society can be justly proud. We hope you will find this book to be a highly valued resource for your laboratories.Gary A. Peterson, President of the Soil Science Society of AmericaPreface Soil mineralogy has a profound influence on the chemical characteristics and dynamic be-havior of soils and the environment. An understanding of the mineralogical composition provides insight into the fundamental behavior of soils and their response to environmental conditions and management. This book is intended to give students and scientists proven methods for measurement of soil mineralogical properties.In this volume we have updated Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 1. Physical and Mineralogical Methods (1986) to reflect improvements in techniques, new techniques, newer instruments, and more quantitative analysis. There has been a proliferation of instru-mentation and the interface of computer manipulation, data acquisition, and data analysis with new and old methodologies. Several methodologies and instruments were not even on the minds of soil scientists just a few years ago, e.g., atomic force microscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. While this volume does not represent a comprehensive treatise of all mineralogical methods, we present a range of valuable techniques and subjects that will enable researchers to analyze mineralogy for a wide variety of applications—from soil classification to environmental remediation. Highlights include extensive coverage of newtechniques, such as X-ray absorption and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, and updated chapters on thermal analysis and selective dissolution methodologies.Our target audience is researchers and advanced students in soils, geology, mineral-ogy, environmental engineering, and environmental sciences. The text was written with soil minerals in mind, not geological specimens or ideal endmembers that have perfect crystallinity or morphology. Soils are dynamic and diverse, and so are soil minerals. The emphasis of this volume is on the analysis and interpretation of data to aid in identifying soil minerals and understanding their impact on soils and the environment. The goal of each chapter is to equip the reader with an understanding of the basic principles and theory of the analytical method, guide the reader through the method itself, and finally assist in the interpretation and analysis of results collected.This title in the Methods of Soil Analysis series began with the vision of my co-editor, Richard Drees, to whom I am personally grateful and this book is dedicated. The authors are acknowledged for their cooperation in updating all of their chapters when I came on as co-editor. All of the chapters were reviewed by at least two scientists familiar with the method and I sincerely appreciate all of their efforts and professionalism. Special recog-nition and thanks go to Drs. Will Gates and David Laird for their constructive reviews and revisions of several chapters each. Members of the Editorial Committee also included William “Billy” Kingery, Mark Elless, and Michael Vepraskas. I also want to acknowledge the Managing Editor, Lisa Al-Amoodi. She and the SSSA Headquarters Staff were always professional, extremely competent, and a pleasure to work with.April Ulery, Co-editor, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces。


Howard Georgi是SU(5)统一理论的提出者之一,这 本书更是粒子物理中李代数方面的经典之作,几乎是从事
Gauge theory and variational principles规范理论和变分原理
David Bleecker.
Addiso n-Wesley Pub. Co., Advaneed Book Program/World
3rd ed.
Sprin ger-Verlag c2003.
白左右为什么是不对称的,粒子物理标准模型中宇称破却 也是被作为一个实验事实引入的,但没有给出任何解释, 这是一件非常让人感到困惑和值得探索的问题。五十多年
The ideasof particlephysics:|ba n
in troduct ion for scie ntists.
Guy D. Coughla n, Байду номын сангаасames Dodd, Ben Gripaios.
3rd ed.
Cambridge Uni versity Press 2006.
常它会给人谈虎色变的感觉。这本书对粒子物理的介绍通 俗易懂,描述了当前粒子物理中的基本概念,适合于具备 物理学常识的读者。

The Founders Journal #26 Fall 1996

The Founders Journal #26 Fall 1996

Reformation, Revival,& the Religious RightIssue 26Fall 1996Contents[Inside Cover]Reformation, Revival & the Religious RightThomas AscolUnbounded Love or Unbounded License?Roger NicoleThe Human Will and Doctrinal DeclineErnest ReisingerNewsBook ReviewLord and Christ: The Implications of Lordship for Faith and Life, by Ernest C. Reisinger, Presbyterian and Reformed Publising Co., 1994. Reviewed by Steve MartinLettersSecularized Preaching: A Crisis Among Southern BaptistsLee WeeksAnnouncing Founders PressContributors:Dr. Thomas K. Ascol is Pastor of the Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, Florida.Mr. Ernest Reisinger is an author and retired pastor living in Cape Coral, Florida.Dr. Roger Nicole is Visiting Professor of Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. Mr. Lee Weeks is a writer for Baptist Press.Book Reviewer:Mr. Steve Martin is Pastor of Heritage Church, Peachtree City, Georgia.Cover Photo:Reid Chapel on the campus of Samford University. Photo by William D. Lollar.Editor:Thomas K. Ascol, PhDAssociate Editor:Ernest C. ReisingerContributing Editors:Bill Ascol, MDivMark Dever, PhDTimothy George, PhDFred A. Malone, PhDJoe Nesom, PhDTom Nettles, PhDRoger Nicole, ThD, PhD, DDDon Whitney, DMinHal Wynn, BDGraphic Design Editor:William D. LollarWebmaster:Stan Reeves, PhDThe Founders Journal is a quarterly publication which takes as its theological framework the first recognized confession of faith that Southern Baptists produced, The Abstract of Principles.Subscription and Contact InfoReformation, Revival and the Religious RightTom AscolIn 1 Chronicles 13 an incredible event is recorded which is filled with instruction for modern evangelical Christians. David had secured his kingdom and established his headquarters in Jerusalem. The ark of the covenant, which symbolized the blessing and presence of God, had never been returned to the place of prominence among the Israelites since its capture by the Philistines more than forty years before. After consulting with the leaders of his kingdom, David announced an initiative to bring the ark to the capital city. The Scripture says that "all Israel" followed his leadership and marched with him to Kiriath Jearim to take the ark out of storage.No expense was spared. A brand new cart was built to carry the ark. Loud music marked the occasion as David himself led the choirs and bands. But before the parade progressed very far something tragic happened. The oxen pulling the cart stumbled, and the ark was in danger of falling to the ground. Uzzah, one of the priests who was driving the cart, grabbed the ark to keep it from falling. In response, God killed him.Not only does this seem severe to modern sensibilities, it also appears on the surface to be exactly opposite of what one might have expected. Uzzah was attempting to do a good thing. Was it not noble to try to keep the ark of God from falling to the ground? We might rather have expected God to bless and reward him for his quick thinking and fast action. After all, even if what he did was not exactly proper, surely his heart was in the right place.Uzzah was a Levite--a Kohathite. He was trained to transport the holy objects (including the ark) in the Tabernacle. God had given very specific instructions on the manner in which this was to be done. Numbers 4:1-5 spells it out in detail. The first mistake that Uzzah (and all the Israelites with him) made was in selecting the wrong method by which to move the ark. The new cart was an idea taken straight from the Philistine transportation handbook and completely ignored God's simple instructions (cf. 1 Sam. 6:7 and Num. 4:13-15, 7:9). This led to his second mistake: he placed his hand on the ark. Numbers 4:15 contains this sober warning: "But they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die." In discharging their duties the Kohathites were not to touch the ark under any circumstances. Evidently, Uzzah forgot this crucial part of his training. Or maybe he just reasoned that drastic circumstances--a falling ark--call for drastic measures--a helping hand. Whatever his reasoning may have been, Uzzah's sad experience teaches that good intentions never justify wrong actions. In fact, well-motivated actions that disregard clear biblical instructions are always disastrous for God's people. It is just that sometimes the disaster is not so obvious.Conservative American evangelicals are living proof of this principle. Since 1979 we have witnessed growing efforts from numerous evangelical organizations to lead churches into the arena of political activism. The first organization of note was the Moral Majority, which was founded in reaction to the terrible immorality which was permeating our land in the late 1970s. Its design was to marshall conservative Christians into a potent voting bloc to press for conservative family values in our nation. Millions of members gave millions of dollars and worked millions of hours to promote a moral agenda through political processes. Before it disbanded in 1989, the Moral Majority was credited with putting evangelicals on the political map and successfully campaigning for the elections of Presidents Reagan and Bush. The so-called "religious right" became somewhat organized participants in American politics.Since then the Christian Coalition and other similar groups have stepped to the fore in calling on evangelicals to stay politically mobilized for the purpose of curbing the moral blight which is withering our culture. The efforts of thesegroups were instrumental in the Republican landslide of the 1992 Congressional elections and also in shaping the Republican platform in the recent presidential campaign.There is within the religious right much which is commendable. Their stated motivations and intentions are worthy of every Christian's appreciation. Who among the people of God is not dismayed over the cultural decay all around us? Adultery, fornication, homosexuality, abortion, and euthanasia are now widely hailed as standard practices of the new morality. Governmental corruption is accepted as inevitable. Educational lunacy prevails at what are supposed to be the highest centers of learning. The prophetic judgment against "those who call evil good, and good evil" (Isa. 5:20) cannot help but resonate within the heart of the believer.We all recognize that some kind of action is called for, and at least the religious right is doing something. They will not allow us to close our eyes to the moral degeneration all around us. As citizens, individual Christians who fulfill their calling in this way can provide a tremendous ministry. It is right and proper for Christians to be involved in every level of politics as individual citizens. But when they call for a Christian congregation to become institutionally involved in political activism they are guilty of distracting that church from its God-given mission. It is precisely because of this that the religious right's proposals are disastrous for evangelical churches.A recent letter from a recognized leader of the religious right illustrates this concern. It was mailed out to 100,000 "Bible-believing pastors" across the United States. "Our great nation stands at a crossroads today," the writer says. "That is why I am calling on you to help me make a difference [emphasis added] by using your church to hold a voter registration drive," he continues. After spelling out a four-step process to be followed before, during or after a Sunday worship service (including instructions for ushers, etc.), the most telling line in the whole letter comes: "Perhaps most important of all, please join me in praying for a national revival to come to America." Perhaps? Is there really some doubt that appealing to the Almighty Sovereign of the universe may not be as important in the church as holding a voter registration drive? Sadly, the answer for many, if not most evangelicals is "yes."Pastors and churches all across this land, under the siren call of political activism, have lost confidence in God's ordained means of accomplishing God's ordained purposes. Whether because of ignorance, expedience or unbelief, many evangelicals are guilty of adopting strategies from the Philistines in an effort to restore a sense of God's presence in our society. "If only we can get our man elected...if only we can get this law passed...f only we can get this judge appointed, then, things will get better; then, we will have made a difference!"The problem with this line of reasoning is that it is not true. It is also woefully naive and ultimately self-defeating. Martyn Lloyd-Jones regarded such efforts by evangelicals as "sheer folly." Did we learn nothing during the "Reagan-Bush" years? After "making a difference" three times by voting for the "right man" can we say that the moral slide of our society was slowed at all? This is in no way to disparage the administrations of those two presidents. Rather, the point is that the election of conservative political leaders has not solved the moral maladies which provide the rallying cry for the religious right.It is simply naive to hope that it would be otherwise. The Psalmist knew this and so he warned God's people, Do not put your trust in princesNor in a son of man, in whom there is no help.His spirit departs, he returns to his earth;In that very day his plans perish (Ps. 146:3-4).It is not that the agenda of the religious right is too radical. It is not radical enough. They greatly underestimate thedepth of the problem. We cannot "Christianize" culture. The nature of sin guarantees that. Neither are we called to try! Did Jesus or Peter or Paul ever try to organize believers into a voting bloc to "Christianize" any geo-political structure? Culture can and will be positively influenced when its participants are made disciples of Christ.The moral crisis in our nation will not be solved by getting the right people in the White House, Congress, and on the Supreme Court. Society will not change until people change. And the only way that people can be changed is by the sovereign power of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Consequently, proclaiming that gospel in the power of the Spirit is the task to which churches must give themselves. This constitutes the only great commission which we have received from Jesus Christ.The moral decadence of this generation has a spiritual root. As long as evangelical churches overlook this fact or fail to absorb its implications, they will continue to be seduced by worldly wisdom in their sincere but misguided efforts to "make a difference." Alexis de Tocqueville was prophetic when he warned that if America ever ceased being good, she would cease being great. But why has America lost her goodness? Is it because we have elected the wrong people? Because we outlawed prayer in the public schools? Because we have passed immoral laws? No. These are symptoms, not causes. The reason, very simply stated by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, is that "America has forgotten God."But we must push the question even further. Why has America forgotten God? Whose job is it to speak for God, anyway? Not the schools; not the government; not the culture. That responsibility has been given exclusively to the Church. The sad reality is that the Church--including Bible believing evangelicals--has been derelict in her duty. Our nation is in a mess because our churches are in a mess.Research consistently shows that the vast majority of evangelicals do not believe in absolute truth. Over 80% believe that in salvation, God helps those who help themselves and over 75% believe that people are basically good and that good people go to heaven whether or not they believe in Christ. Most evangelicals cannot even define justification--the very doctrine which Luther correctly described as that by which a church stands or falls! Doctrinal preaching has been judged out-of-date in many churches. Most members of evangelical churches do not even attend the worship services. Church discipline has vanished almost completely from the scene.The above facts about evangelicals call for something far more radical than a voter registration drive. They call for reformation or judgment. "The time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God" (1 Pet. 4:17). It is high time that we wake up and see the seriousness of the situation. Political activism in the name of the Christian Church has dire consequences. It salves the evangelical conscience thereby inhibiting much-needed self-examination and it diverts resources and energy away from the legitimate work of churches which includes seeking genuine renewal.It is as if a huge tree of moral evil has grown up in our society. Its imposing branches spread wider while reaching higher, blotting out the sun and killing everything under its canopy. It contains the branch of abortion; the branch of sexual immorality; and the branch of governmental corruption, among others. The religious right, determined to fight against the spread of these evils, go to great expense of time, energy and money to construct a ladder and lean it against the tree. With steadfast determination and at tremendous risk and cost they climb the ladder and begin, as they are able, to saw and hack at some of the more offensive branches. Every once in a while a small limb falls and the "victory" is celebrated with fervor. All the while the roots are growing deeper and stronger. At the bottom, holding the ladder steady, is the devil, very content to let evangelicals trim a few branches as long as the tree itself continues to grow.It is time for evangelical churches to get off the ladder of political activism and to begin engaging in real spiritualwarfare by laying the ax to the root of the tree. In other words, it is high time that churches start laboring for reformation and revival. For if God does not send a powerful work of doctrinal and spiritual renewal, it will not matter which candidates get elected and which laws get passed, our society will collapse under the weight of its own moral refuse.It is important that we seek both reformation and revival. The former is what takes place when biblical truth is recovered and leads to the purification of theology. As Tom Nettles has noted, "It involves a rediscovery of the Bible as the judge and guide of all thought and action; corrects errors in interpretation; gives precision, coherence and courage to doctrinal confession; and gives form and energy to the corporate worship of the triune God." When Josiah rediscovered the Book of the Law he led Judah to remove what was unbiblical (Asherah and Baal worship) and to reinstitute what was biblical (worship based on God's Word, the Passover, etc.). When Martin Luther rediscovered the Word of God he followed the same pattern. He began to teach against unbiblical beliefs and practices (salvation by merit, free will, indulgences, etc.) and began to proclaim long-forgotten biblical truths (salvation by grace alone; justification by faith alone; priesthood of all believers, etc.). The result was a reformation which changed the whole course of western civilization.Revival is a powerful, sovereign work of God's Spirit that rapidly expands His kingdom and revitalizes His church. It is, as Nettles has written, the "application of Reformation truth to human experience." Churches, cities, regions, and even whole nations can be quickly changed when God sends revival. Christians are given fresh zeal and spiritual power. Unbelievers are quickly brought to salvation. There is an intense hunger for the Word of God. During seasons of revival more spiritual work can be accomplished in a day than could otherwise take place in fifty years.This is seen in both Scripture and history. The whole New Testament is in one sense a revival document. The book of Acts in particular records the work of revival that began with Pentecost. Thousands were converted in a short period of time. New believers grew rapidly in the faith. Churches were planted throughout the Roman Empire. Whole cities were transformed. In short, God worked fast.The American heritage has been shaped by revival. The founding generation of this nation was still living off of the spiritual capital of The First Great Awakening in the 1730s-1740s. As that revival's influence began to wane the Second Great Awakening brought new life to churches from the closing years of the eighteenth century to the first quarter of the nineteenth century. Once again society was impacted as numerous humane and educational societies came into existence. The western frontier saw whole regions transformed under the power of godliness. Many Universities were changed from places of skepticism to havens for enlivened Christianity. After this the mid-century Prayer Revival of 1858-59 deeply affected the business communities of the nation in places like New York and Boston. The Civil War, with all of its sorrows, was also marked by powerful revivals among both northern and southern forces.The twentieth century opened riding the crest of these waves of revival. The Jesus Movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s, if it was a genuine revival at all, was short-lived and centered upon experience instead of God's Word. Now we find ourselves coming to the close of this century having outlived the influence of those earlier powerful movements of God's Spirit. The spiritual capital which these revivals placed in our cultural bank account has long since run out. And contemporary churches are themselves so spiritually impoverished that they have nothing to contribute and are consequently making little if any real difference in the world.Our only hope is reformation and revival. But as long as evangelical churches continue to put hope in political activism there will be little incentive or energy to give ourselves to seeking genuine spiritual and doctrinal renewal. If, however, the tree of moral evil is to fall, we must quit hacking at branches and start doing the hard, painful work of laying the ax to the root. We must begin earnestly seeking God, pleading with Him to revive His work in ourgeneration as we recommit ourselves to preaching the gospel to everyone we can reach. Though revival is a sovereign work and only God can send it, we are nevertheless responsible to heed His Word in doing what we can to seek it. Two important aspects of this responsibility loom large and are particularly needed.First, individual churches--including Calvinistic churches--must try to see themselves as God sees them. How many of our local assemblies are afflicted with Laodicean self-deception? Jesus directly exposed this Asian church's condition by comparing their evaluation with His own: "You say, `I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing'--and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked" (Rev. 3:17). By definition self-deception is hard to detect. The one who is guilty of it obviously does not know it. The only way to avoid this error is to look intently into the mirror of God's Word--to believe His judgments more than our own. The truth about Laodicea was that they were not as well off as they thought. They were lukewarm and because of their condition Jesus was ready to vomit them out of His mouth.How many congregations today are even willing to entertain the possibility that just maybe their glowing press reports are completely different from Christ's evaluation of them? Where are the churches that have any concern that their Lord may be willing to vomit them out of His mouth? After Jesus forced the Laodicean church to face the truth about their desperate condition, He called them to repent and extended to them a gracious invitation. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me" (Rev. 3:20). He offers to revive this self-deceived, lukewarm church if they will listen to Him and be willing to receive Him.Such willingness involves the next area of responsibility which looms before evangelical churches. Any serious work for reformation and revival must include a renewed commitment to God's ordained means for maintaining the life and health of a church. What instruments has God given for the work of a church? Basically, there are only two: the Word and prayer.In many churches there is a crisis of unbelief in God's Word. Many have unwittingly lost their confidence in the Bible even while arguing stridently for its authority. The Word of God has been supplanted for lesser authorities which have been imported from the modern world. Psychology, rather than Scripture, governs counseling and personal life; marketing strategies, instead of the Scriptures, guide evangelism; worship is built not on Scripture, but on entertainment; and fellowship is structured by sociology, not Scripture. If we would seek reformation and revival we must humble ourselves to hear God speaking to all of these areas of church-life. We must return to the conviction that the Bible is not only authoritative, it is sufficient. Biblical principles must be seen as regulating every aspect of life.A return to the sufficiency of Scripture must be coupled with a return to prayer as a priority in the church. Many churches today have canceled the church-wide prayer meeting due to lack of interest. Others who continue to meet find that their gatherings are seldom marked by any felt-sense of the presence of God and very often the prayers sound like they came straight off the triage sheet of a hospital emergency room. If the ordinary prayer life is weak and ineffectual it is no wonder that there should be almost no concern for extraordinary prayer. Yet, if we are to seek a powerful movement of God in our day we must give ourselves to the flesh-crucifying work of prayer and fasting. We must pray as desperate people. We must learn to wrestle with God as did Jacob and refuse to let Him go until He blesses us with refreshing. Such prayer has always preceded revival. Whether it was that small band of men and women in the upper room before Pentecost (Acts 1:13-14), Andrew Fuller, William Carey and their few friends who met to pray specifically for revival every other month for 8 years before the Second Great Awakening, or Jeremiah Lamphier who, almost alone, began meeting to pray in 1857 before the Prayer Revival--every great renewing work of God in history follows this pattern. As Matthew Henry said, "When God intends great mercy for His people, the first thing He does is set them a praying."When reformation and revival come, they will come through the ministry of God's Word and prayer! This is God's way for His church to do His work in the world. Anything that would intrude on our commitment to these God-ordained means is a distraction and will ultimately keep us from seeking the only remedy which can cure our churches' spiritual apathy and our nation's moral decay.Several months after Uzzah was killed David and the Israelites tried once again to bring the ark to Jerusalem. This time, however, they did not follow the example of the Philistines. This time they carefully followed the instructions of God's Word. 1 Chronicles 15 tells how the Levites used poles to carry the ark on their shoulders, just as they had been instructed. Verse 26 says that "God helped the Levites who bore the ark of the covenant of the LORD." God's work done God's way invokes God's help. Once the ark arrived in Jerusalem, joy, thanksgiving, and blessing filled the land. God's power and grace were celebrated and proper service was rendered to Him faithfully. When God's work is restored, God's people are revived. Let us labor, then, to see His work--the work of proclaiming Christ's gospel and fulfilling His commission--fully restored in our day.May God cause us to "have done with lesser things" and to mourn our foolishness and desperate condition. May He forgive our unbelief and restore our confidence in His Word and in prayer. And may He send a mighty reformation and revival to our churches, our nation, and our world.Unbounded LoveorUnbounded License?A review article on Unbounded Love. A Good News Theology for the 21st Century by Clark H. Pinnock and Robert C. Brow, Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1994. 189 pp.Roger NicoleProfessor Pinnock's productivity is truly remarkable: in the same year in which a major essay from his pen appeared in The Openness of God, he produced, in collaboration with Robert C. Brow, the volume we are now reviewing!In The Openness of God a fivefold plea was presented for the view that God's knowledge must be limited, for the decisions of free agents cannot be known in advance if the said agents are really free. The plea is not so much that Scripture presents God's knowledge as limited, but that human freedom requires it by logical necessity, and Scripture, whatever it may say, must be adjusted to this understanding. This move is very bold because it appears not only to conflict with Scripture at many points (1 Kings 8:39; Job 9:4; 12:13; 28:12-29; 37:16; Ps. 94:13, 15; 139:1-9; 147:4; Prov. 5:21; 15:3,11; Is. 40:28; 44:7; 46:10, 11; Jer. 17:10; Dan. 2:22; Mt. 6:8; John 21:17; Acts 1:24; 2:23; 15:8, 17; Rom. 11:33; 1 Cor. 2:7; Heb. 4:13; 1 John 3:20), but it overturns the universal conviction of Christians over the centuries. Indeed few have been bold enough to deny omniscience to God. We do not fully understand how the liberty of human decision can coexist with the omniscience of God, but this is a problem for the Eastern Church, Roman Catholics and Arminians, as well as for Calvinists and other Protestants. To deny that God has omniscience is to undermine the whole prophetic outlook of Scripture as well as the sovereignty of God. Surely if God created free agents without knowing what they would do, He would appear to be no wiser than a man who would exhaust his funds in buying lottery tickets! The problem would be compounded by the fact that God had already failed in this type of venture in connection with the creation of angels and the fall of Satan and his cohorts.In this new volume Dr. Pinnock goes a large step further. He is so concerned to establish and maintain the supremacy of love over justice that he rejects the forensic element in the scriptural picture of God. Particularly in the atonement he would dispense with God's wrath and justice, with propitiation, with redemption, with sacrifice as an offering to God, and with reconciliation as reflecting anything more than our need as sinners to stop hating God and to turn to Him in a loving response to His love (1 John 4:8).Now this approach does despite to a sound understanding of the atonement in two ways.1. The judicial, forensic, or legal forms of language are used in Scripture in great abundance. Leon Morris states that in the Old Testament alone there are over 580 occurrences which represent God as angry,[1] and the New Testament follows suit (Mt. 3:7; Lk. 3:7; 21:23; John 3:36; Rom. 1:18; 2:5, 8; 3:5; 4:15; 5:9; 9:22; 12:19; Eph. 2:3; 5:6; Col. 3:6; 1 Th. 1:10; 2:16; 5:9; Heb. 3:11; 4:3; Rev. 6:16, 17; 11:18; 14:10-19; 15:1, 7; 16:1, 19; 19:15). The notions of justice, of judgment, and of God as the Judge are also prevalent. Abraham raised the question, "Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?" (Gen. 18:25). The answer is "Yes," not "No, because His love has priority!" The concept of justification is fundamental to the Protestant renewal in the sixteenth century and its return to the biblical base. Try telling Luther otherwise!The idea of punishment is present from the very start of humanity (Gen. 2:17), and it reaches a climactic expression in the book of Revelation. The term occurs more than 100 times in Holy Writ. Isaiah 53:5 says, "The punishment that brought us peace has fallen upon Him."The idea of sacrifice reflects first of all an offering to God, and Leviticus 4 and 5 stipulate a sin offering and a trespass。

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E X O RIENTE…A G EOGRAPHY L ESSON The Geography of ThoughtHow Asians and Westerners Think Differently…and WhyRichard E. NisbettNew York, NY: The Free Press, 2003$24.00 (cloth)263 pp.Reviewed by Richard Jones, Jr.I am a lonely monk holding a ragged umbrella, walking alone in the rain…–Mao ZedongWestern interpretation: Mao is a tragic fi gure still trying to identify withthe “marginalized segments of society, including bandits, beggars,mendicant monks, mercenaries, and…prostitutes.”1Eastern interpretation: Mao has cited the fi rst part of a famous saying inthe xie hou yu style, the fi nal part being: “…with no hair, no sky.” ForMao, there is no law and no god.R ichard Nisbett’s The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently…and Why (hereafter Geography) is a book worth reading not because its logic is fl awless (it isn’t) or because the author agrees with J. Philippe Rushton or Richard Lynn (he really doesn’t). It is precisely because the writer describes such vast differences between East Asian and Western mentalities, and the persistence of these differences over thousands of years, from a strictly environmentalist point of view that the book is so fascinating and irritating at the same time.Geography is aimed at the general audience as well as scholars outside the fi eld of cultural psychology. Think of the book as a Chinese meal that everyone can enjoy without being offended. On the one hand it describes gulfs of cognitive differences between East Asians and Westerners huge enough to make one cry out “How the hell can we all get along?” but at the same time allows that both groups may change their thinking styles after living in the72 Vol. 6, No. 1T HE O CCIDENTAL Q UARTERLY opposite culture for a few months. Think of the book as feng shui meets Jared Diamond, cooked Sichuan-style (covered in a spicy, very un-PC sauce but without any mention of race). The only way the author could say the things he says without being Rushton-ifi ed by his peers and the public is because he satisfi es the need to acknowledge the obvious differences without bringing in racial differences. His book is also a very quick read, and I found it hard to put it down.Do I recommend this book? If the results of the original research presented in this book are repeatedly and independently verifi ed, then Geography puts another nail in the coffi n of universalism in human thought, though not from the standpoint of race, evolution, and behavior, but from that of cultural and social psychology. I think that Nisbett’s amazingly frank discussion of the cognitive differences between East Asians and Westerners unintentionally supplements and bolsters what the scholars who study biological racial differ-ences have uncovered about human diversity. But Nisbett’s ideas seem at times more infl uenced by feng shui (Chinese for “wind and water”), and this overemphasis on environmental causation leads to much hot air and tainted water (as in the Stygian kind). He should be praised, though, for his efforts to determine experimentally the nature and extent of the vast differences between East Asians and Westerners in the psychology lab. He is on the cutting edge and should be respected for his efforts.In the fi rst part of my review I will give a quick, objective overview of the book and in the second part I will put forward my own critical assessment and dissect Nisbett’s logic and style to fi nd its strengths and weaknesses.Richard E. Nisbett is the Theodore M. Newcomb Distinguished University Professor at the University of Michigan. According to the dustcover, he became the “fi rst social psychologist in a generation to be elected to the National Academy of Sciences.” Nisbett is no stranger to the race and IQ debate, as a quick glance at his website2 and publications will reveal. He was kind enough to grant me the following interview:J ONES:What is your current view of the work of Rushton and Lynn on raceand IQ?N ISBETT: Drivel. I have written on Herrnstein and Murray’s pseudosci-ence and have [published a critique of] Jensen and Rushton.J ONES:How have you been treated by your fellow psychologists after the releaseof your book?N ISBETT:Respect and admiration only. A few anthropologists haveexpressed irritation with its generalizations, but none of them knowanything about East Asia.J ONES:You once said in an interview that universalism is a kind of religion.Where do you think this religion comes from and do you think that Westernerspractice it more than Easterners (I am thinking of Japanese ethnocentrism andxenophobia)?Spring 2006 / Jones 73 N ISBETT: I think that the religion comes from a mix of Jewish monotheismfollowed by Christian monotheism and from the Greek confi dence thatall humans were the same.J ONES:What are your plans for future research in this area?N ISBETT: I am showing that Eastern Europeans and Western Europeansdiffer from one another in the same sort of ways that East Asians andWesterners differ from one another.In his recent Human Accomplishment,Charles Murray mentions Nisbett in reference to how Confucianism increased the role of familial and social constraints on personal autonomy in East Asian societies and thereby helped shape ways of thinking that “differ profoundly from the West’s.” AccordingThe Geography of Thoughtght (2to Murray, “Richard Nisbett’s (2003) has recently brought together the growing literature on how these differences manifest themselves.”3O VERVIEW OF T HE G EOGRAPHY OF T HOUGHTThe book’s title lured me with its bait of possible explanations, from an environmental point of view, of how and why Asians and Westerners think differently. No violations of truth-in-advertising laws here: Nisbett offers a geographical explanation based upon “fertile plains, low mountains, and navigable rivers” that “favored agriculture and made centralized control of society relatively easy” in ancient China, versus the mountains that touch the wine-dark sea in Greece that “favored herding, fi shing and trade (and let’s be frank—piracy).” Ecology lies at the root of his whole model of “infl uences on cognitive processes.”The dust jacket sucked me in even more, with promises of revealing the origins of the “gulf that separates the children of Aristotle from the descen-dents of Confucius.” The claim that Nisbett “offers both a map to that gulf and a blueprint for a bridge that might be able to span it” got me thinking that a white Gen-Xer like myself should read this book. I might then be able to happily attend UCLA4 and live contentedly in the San Gabriel Valley,5 more in harmony with my East Asian roommates (who have included Maoist scientists, shady Chinese businessmen, and immigration violators) and neighbors. (Sometimes I feel that I am the last white man in Alhambra —a pox on Talmadge V. Burke! He was Alhambra’s political boss, serving for over fi fty years and helping to promote white fl ight out of town. Out with Old America and in with the New!A statue in honor of the displaced white family has yet to appear on the steps of Alhambra City Hall.)Nisbett describes the event that changed his life, starting him on the research path that led to Geography. One day a rather gutsy graduate student of his from China named Kaiping Peng confronted him. Out of the blue, Peng, like a wizened sage of political incorrectness, lectured Nisbett on how differently Easterners and Westerners think about the world:74 Vol. 6, No. 1T HE O CCIDENTAL Q UARTERLYThe Chinese believe in constant change, but with things always movingback to some prior state. They pay attention to a wide range of events;they search for relationships between things; and they think you can’tunderstand the part without understanding the whole. Westerners livein a simpler, more deterministic world; they focus on salient objects orpeople instead of the larger picture; and they think they can control eventsbecause they know the rules that govern the behavior of the object.Nisbett had a real conversion as a result of Peng’s lecture. Prof. Nisbett had been alifelong universalist concerning the nature of human thought. Marchingin step with the long Western line, from the British empiricist philoso-phers such as Hume, Locke, and Mill to modern-day cognitive scientists,I believed that all human groups perceive and reason in the same way.He had previously written books with titles like Human Inference that “made my sympathies clear,” but now, after his liberation from universalism, he felt that that book might have said more about Western or “American college student inference” than about human inference.So Nisbett began a crash course on “the nature of thought by philosophers, historians, and anthropologists—both Eastern and Western—and found that Peng had been a faithful reporter.” Nisbett then combined his interest in cultural psychology, a biology-free reading list (a source of problems later on, as we shall see), and, with Peng’s words ringing in his ears, set off on his own Journey to the East:Where to look for the causes of such vastly different systems of thought?Do they lie in biology? Language? Economics? Social systems? Whatkeeps them going today? Social practices? Education? Inertia? And whereare we headed with the differences? Will they still be here fi fty or fi vehundred years from now?In eight chapters Nisbett hopes to “establish the contention that very different systems of perception and thought exist—and have existed for thousands of years—I draw on historical and philosophical evidence, as well as modern social science research, including ethnographies, surveys, and laboratory research” and will, in his epilogue, offer up his predictions for “where we are headed—toward convergence or toward continued or even intensifi ed separation.”Nisbett tries to show in chapter 1, on the ancient Greeks and Chinese, that “the intellectual aspects of each society make sense in light of their social characteristics.” We will see later on to what purpose this is put when he compares modern East Asians with modern Westerners.Instead of personal agency the ancient Chinese focused on collective agency. It was harmony among the collective group that was most important, and self-control was promoted so as “to minimize friction with others in the family and village and to make it easier to obey the requirements of the state, administered by magistrates.” Although the Chinese were in manySpring 2006 / Jones 75 ways more technologically advanced than the Greeks, their achievements “refl ected a genius for practicality, not a penchant for scientifi c theory and investigation.”In chapters 2 and 3, Nisbett provides the intellectual underpinnings of his possible explanation for why different peoples like the ancient Greeks and Chinese show differences in their ways of thinking. The title of chapter 2 says it all: “The Social Origins of Mind”; in it he continues his comparison between the ancient Greeks and Chinese, but now he does so in light of the different “homeostatic socio-cognitive systems” that may account for cognitive differ-ences and for the “origin of mentalities.”A schematic model of “infl uences on cognitive processes” presents the same material in two ways, one that may appeal more to a Westerner like Nisbett (a linear fl ow of topics) and one that may make more sense for Chinese Americans (made up of ever more inclusive circles). The infl uences fl ow as follows:E COLOGY > E CONOMY > S OCIAL S TRUCTURE > A TTENTION >M ETAPHYSICS >E PISTEMOLOGY > C OGNITIVE P ROCESSESNisbett describes his “economic-social account of cognition” as “at base materialistic” but not deterministic, and admits that this “approach is currently out of fashion in some circles” for this very reason. Nisbett will argue that the ancient Greeks and modern Westerners exhibit the object-oriented way of thinking versus the attention of East Asians to a more relationship-oriented cognitive style.Attentive readers might notice a Diamond-like quality to Nisbett’s presen-tation. I am referring to the environmental argument that Jared Diamond presents in his Guns, Germs and Steel. Although Nisbett calls Diamond’s book “brilliant,” he criticizes it for being insuffi cient to explain the “intellectual advances that characterized Europe at an increasing rate from the fi fteenth century to the present.”In Chapter 3 Nisbett brings the cognitive comparison back to the present day by contrasting modern East Asians with modern Westerners. He provides evidence thatEast Asians live in an interdependent world in which the self is part of alarger whole; Westerners live in a world in which the self is a unitary freeagent. Easterners value success and achievement in good part becausethey refl ect well on the groups they belong to; Westerners value thesethings because they are badges of personal merit. Easterners value fi ttingin and engage in self-criticism to make sure that they do so; Westernersvalue individuality and strive to make themselves look good. Easternersare highly attuned to the feelings of others and strive for interpersonalharmony; Westerners are more concerned with knowing themselves andare prepared to sacrifi ce harmony for fairness. Easterners are acceptingof hierarchy and group control; Westerners are more likely to prefer76 Vol. 6, No. 1T HE O CCIDENTAL Q UARTERLYequality and scope for personal action. Asians avoid controversy anddebate; Westerners have faith in the rhetoric of argumentation in areasfrom the law to politics and science.Nisbett presents the non-Western view of self in chapter 4, where he covers the Eastern “cultural prejudice against individuality,” Eastern and Western views of in-group and out-group relations, and the lack of debate in East AsianGemeinschaftaft (“ccultures. Nisbett uses the distinction between (“collectivist”) and Gesellschaftaft (“i(“individualist”) cultures that manifests itself even when Easterners and Westerners are infants and are treated by their parents in ways that serve to keep Nisbett’s homeostatic feedback loop between social structure and cognition going strong.Surveys done by the business school professors Charles Hampden-Turner and Alfons Trompenaars seem to demonstrate a continuum of beliefs about independence vs. interdependence. The surveys showed a trend in responses to questions by middle managers from around the globe. The East Asian countries were at one extreme, the Mediterranean countries plus Germany and Belgium in the middle, and the Northern European Protestant countries at the other extreme. Nisbett thinks there is an even greater trend at work here: Someone has said, “The Idea moves west,“ meaning that the values ofindividuality, freedom, rationality, and universalism become progres-sively more dominant and articulated as civilization moved westwardfrom its origins in the Fertile Crescent.Geography includes a fascinating section on the utopias that Eastern and Western thinkers have created. Nisbett lists fi ve characteristics of the Western utopia not based on the Bible (Garden of Eden or New Jerusalem):1. the progress to reach them is linear2. they are permanent once reached3. human effort is required to reach it, not supernatural help4. they are egalitarian5. the Utopias are “based on a few extreme assumptions about humannature”The Eastern view of utopia, including the Garden of Eden of the ancient Hebrews, looks back to a time of perfection and a possible restoration of that age in the future.Chapters 4–7, in which the research fi ndings of teams of international scien-tists are brought forth to substantiate the theorizing on East-West differences by generations of scholars , form “the heart of the book,” according to Nisbett. This is where Nisbett makes a unique contribution to the entire question. He takes the implications of all the speculations he has offered earlier and puts them to the test in the laboratory.I will highlight only a few of the results:• an experiment done by the psychologists Imae and Gentner “indicate[s]that Westerners and Asians literally see different worlds.”Spring 2006 / Jones 77• an experiment performed by a Nisbett-led team had results “indicat-ing that the Chinese had paid more attention to the social cues than theAmericans.”• Han, Leichtman, and Wang found out that American children are typicallittle Westerners in that they are “the protagonists of their autobiographi-cal novels; Asians are merely cast members in movies touching on theirexistences.”• Masuda’s results indicate that Japanese focus more on the environmentand Americans more on particular objects, respectively.Nisbett compares the Indo-European languages with the languages of East Asia, and quite rightly makes the distinction between genetic relatedness and areal or contact infl uences. Chinese and Japanese are not genetically related languages, but due to geographical proximity they may have infl uenced each other. If what Nisbett says is true, the cognitive differences that separate East Asians from Westerners may also explain the differences in the respec-tive languages of each region. A recent talk at UCLA by UC Berkeley Prof. James Matisoff entitled “East and Southeast Asian Areal Features: In Search of ‘Asianness’” should be supplemented by a talk on the “Europeanness” of Western languages. I am inspired by Nisbett to look further into this topic.And so on until Nisbett announces thatI have presented a large amount of evidence to the effect that Easternersand Westerners differ in fundamental assumptions about the nature ofthe world, in the focus of attention, in the skills necessary to perceiverelationships and to discern objects in a complex environment, in thecharacter of causal attribution, in the tendency to organize the worldcategorically or relationally, and in the inclination to use rules, includingthe rules of formal logic. Two major questions arise in light of thesecontentions. Does it matter? Is it going to continue?In Chapter 8, Nisbett lays out areas where the “large” and “qualitatively distinct” differences between East Asians and Westerners could make a differ-ence. Areas affected range from medicine, law, debate, science, and rhetoric to contracts, international relations, human rights, and religion. He then analyzes each tradition in light of the other and gives his opinion of where each one could improve. Formalism, two-valued logic, the fundamental attribution error (FAE: “ignoring the situation and inventing strong dispositional explanations for behavior”) are Western “habits of thought that seem particularly illumi-nated by contrasting them with Eastern patterns of thought.” Contradiction, debate/rhetoric, and complexity are areas that Easterners should improve on by taking lessons from Westerners. IQ testing and the genetics of IQ are brought up and dismissed as “dubious propositions” when Nisbett refers to The Bell Curve, but he drops this topic as soon as he brings it up.Finally, Nisbett describes three predictions of the future in his epilogue: Samuel Huntington’s “clash of civilizations,” Francis Fukuyama’s “end of history,” and his own “convergence” view. Nisbett sees mixing and “new78 Vol. 6, No. 1T HE O CCIDENTAL Q UARTERLY cognitive forms based on the blending of social systems and values.” East and West will transform each other as they create a stew in whichThe individual ingredients…are recognizable but are altered as they alterthe whole. It may not be too much to hope that this stew will containthe best of each culture.A SSESSING THE S TRENGTHS AND W EAKNESSES OF N ISBETT’S W ORKIt is noteworthy that Nisbett did not read any biology or sociobiology when he did his preparatory reading that led to Geography. Of the four bridge disciplines that, according to E.O. Wilson, will span the gulf separating the sciences and the humanities (genetics, the brain sciences, evolutionary psychol-ogy/sociobiology, and ecology), Nisbett only addresses ecology. Why did he turn to humanities and social science scholars fi rst? This fl aw in his thought-embryo developed sadly into a multitude of logical fl aws in Geography. Nisbett makes no mention of human evolution (distal causation) and focuses instead on proximal causes in attempting to fi nd the causes of the differences between East Asians and Westerners.Nisbett should be praised for admitting that he was wrong to believe in universalism. How many professors drastically alter their professional careers to pursue the truth? But the lesson that I learned is that the propagation of error is not only a danger while doing calculations but also when one is setting off on research paths. Ignore the reality of race at your peril!Defi ning his terms in the book’s introduction, Nisbett gets into semantic trouble right from the start. East Asians, of course, are the people of China, Japan, and Korea. For the sake of his argument we can accept this generaliza-tion without much of a struggle. But his defi nition of “Westerners” as “people of European culture,” including “blacks and whites and Hispanics— anyone but people of Asian descent” gives cause to wonder what Nisbett is up to here. He admits that his defi nition of Westerner is “somewhat odd,” but he thinks that it “can be justifi ed by the fact that everyone born and raised in America is exposed to similar, though of course not by any means identical, cultural infl uences.” Nisbett knows that he may be offending billions with his defi ni-tions. Unfortunately, it is only to his East Asian readers that he apologizes to, and not to whites.In his chapter 1, Nisbett has taken us on a trip back to ancient Greece and China. His purpose is at fi rst glance unclear; as he admits in his introduc-tion:Aristotle and Confucius are presented as examples of two differentsystems of thought. Undoubtedly those philosophers also served toentrench habits of thought that were already characteristic of theirsocieties, but chapters 2 and 3 are intended to show that the social-practice differences found in modern societies would tend to sustain orSpring 2006 / Jones 79 even create those different patterns even if they had not been presentin ancient times.Nisbett does this kind of waffl ing and shifting too often in Geography, detracting from the force of his argument. For example:There is no reason to assume that the sequence ending in cognitiveprocesses must begin with ecology. There can be many different economicreasons that might make some societies or groups more attentive to theirfellow humans and many reasons that could make them more attentiveto objects and their own goals with respect to them.Yet Nisbett never really tackles the issue of why the East Asians are “more attentive to their fellow human beings” (notice the universalism creeping back into Nisbett’s thinking here) from a deep evolutionary perspective. If ecology was important in shaping them during the time of Confucius as well as modern times, then why not during earlier stages of human evolution? It sounds as if Nisbett is describing the East Asians as more group-oriented. How did this way of living originate and help them to survive? Kevin MacDonald does a better job in contrasting collectivist and individualist cultures from the perspective of evolutionary history in the preface to the paperback version of The Culture of Critique (2001). Nisbett does provide a real sense of the uniqueness of the Classical Greeks and of how they distinguished themselves from the rest of humanity in the ancient world with their “remarkable sense of personal agency—the sense that they were in charge of their own lives and free to act as they chose.” He does an excellent job painting a picture for his readers of the Greek love for the theater, athletic competition, debate, and their passionate “curiosity about the world.”Nisbett compares the philosophies, science, and mathematics of the two great cultures. One part really caught my attention, however—his mention of the Xinjiang mummies:6In the desert of western China are buried bodies of tall, red-haired people,astonishingly well preserved, of Caucasian appearance. They found theirway to that part of the world some thousands of years ago. Aside fromthe way they look, they are different from the peoples who lived in thearea in another interesting respect. Many of them show clear signs ofhaving been operated on surgically. In all of Chinese history, surgeryhas been a great rarity.I wish that Nisbett had described the world-historical importance of these Caucasian mummies in more detail. They not only throw East-West connec-tions and infl uences farther back in time, but also explain why the Chinese government has tried to cover up their very existence.Nisbett ignores class differences, both ancient and modern. When it comes to aristocratic values, how many modern Americans could even describe Aristotle’s upper-class man of megalopsychia, let alone the junzi “gentleman” of Confucius?80 Vol. 6, No. 1T HE O CCIDENTAL Q UARTERLYNisbett’s Jared Diamond-esque infl uences share Diamond’s logical weak-nesses. Why do those who believe in the importance of geography in explain-ing the causes of human differences ignore race and biology in explaining human differences? Their opponents who accept the fact that race may have something to do with human inequalities are often much more open-minded in accepting environmental variables into their work.Nisbett has few kind words to say about the Middle Ages in Europe (it is a “trough” when “European nobles sat gnawing joints of beef in damp castles”) and commits one huge logically irrelevant argumentum ad hominem against entire generations. The agriculture-centered Middle Ages is the time in European history that most resembles the Chinese:The European peasant was probably not much different from the Chinesepeasant in terms of interdependence or freedom in daily life or in arational approach to reasoning. And in terms of intellectual and culturalachievement, Europe had become a backwater.To ignore and belittle Christianity’s infl uences (good and bad) as one of the unique forces that helped shape the modern European mind is simply wrong. Some thinkers (Spengler comes to mind) contend that the West was born during the Middle Ages. Nisbett uses modern Northern Europeans to contrast with East Asians, but why does he not investigate the ancestors of the Northern European in more detail? He traces the modern Chinese back to their Chinese ancestors, but does not do the same with the Northern Europeans he studied; instead, he leaps from the ancient Greeks to modern Westerners without acknowledging the problem here. Viking Age Iceland should at least be mentioned as a good example of how to start a new society. The Goths spread throughout Europe and ruled kingdoms in Spain, Italy, and France. They surely were doing more than just gnawing on bones.Nisbett’s logic is fl awed in many other places. For one, he confuses certain symptoms of the decay of modern Western culture known as the “Crisis of Modernity”7—excess individualism and an irrational belief in universalism—with the true legacy and unique achievement of Western culture—a belief in freedom—and then takes modernity’s hyper-individualism back through timeGeographyphy asinto Antiquity. As a result, the Greeks come across in as a culture of rootless, ruthless pirates in the mold of Polyphemus and his fellow Cyclopes.The ease at which “priming” can predispose respondents to react in either a Western or Eastern style of thinking upon pre-test exposure to images of either culture is quite amazing if the results Nisbett presents hold up to further scrutiny. Also, Nisbett describes situations in which Westerners living in Japan or Easterners living in the West have their thinking styles transformed just by living there for a short while. This mental malleability leads to the ability to learn new things. It also opens the door to indoctrination — a term Nisbett uses to describe how habits of thought are learned from birth and result in “very large cultural differences in habits of thought.” The deeply ingrained biologi-。
