



苏州大学英语文学、英语翻译考研大纲、参考书目及备考经验考试大纲:①101 思想政治理论②202 俄语或 203 日语或 244 法语(自命题)或 245 德语(自命题)③615 基础英语④828 英语翻译与写作复试:1、英美文学与英美概况(笔试)2、综合(面试)参考书目:备考建议:忍了好久,终于还是决定写下这篇帖子。








2018年苏州大学英语语言文学专业真题回忆基础英语单选 20道主要是词汇辨析和近义词替换阅读 4篇翻译 6道30分全是书上的无选项完型有人说是书上的不过书我怎么么看过不太清楚改错不是很难作文给的材料关于imitation和innovation 写自己的看法400字(也有可能是350 记不太清了)法语单选30道今年复习重点不对所以感觉还是有点难不过考的很基础只是自己没有看时态填空 15道好好背动词变位阅读理解两篇一篇阅读一篇判断翻译短文挺简单 10个句子全是课文上的不难翻译和写作汉译英关于压力的来源比较贴近现实生活的类型英译汉关于甘地的小作文问你会走没有路的路还是走有痕迹的路我感觉像未选择的路这首诗一样不知道对不对 350字大作文 should life be elsewhere? 450字这是今年翻译英译汉原文In judging a man like Gandhi one seems instinctively to apply high standards, so that some of his virtues have passed almost unnoticed. For instance, it is clear even from the autobiography that his natural physical courage was quite outstanding: the manner of his death was a later illustration of this, for a public man who attached any value to his own skin would have been more adequately guarded. Again, he seems to have been quite free from that maniacal suspiciousness which, as E.M. Forster rightly says in A Passage to India, is the besetting Indian vice, as hypocrisy is the British vice. Although no doubt he was shrewd enough in detecting dishonesty, he seems wherever possible to have believed that other people were acting in good faith and had a better nature through which they could be approached. And though he came of a poor middle-class family, started life rather unfavorably, and was probably of unimpressive physical appearance, he was not afflicted by envy or by the feeling of inferiority. Color feeling when he first met it in its worst form in South Africa, seems rather to have astonished him. Even when he was fighting what was in effect a color war, he did not think of people in terms of race or status.The governor of a province, a cotton millionaire, ahalf-starved Dravidian coolie, a British private soldier were all equally human beings, to be approached in much the same way. It is noticeable that even in the worst possible circumstances, as in South Africa when he was making himself unpopular as the champion of the Indian community, he did not lack European friends。



)(回忆版回忆版)2014年苏州大学MTI考研复试试题考研复试试题(本试题由网友¿.๑提供②英翻中是爱因斯坦名著<我的世界观>的节选,难怪里面各种高级词汇…具体信息请参考百度百科:/link?url=GpkEVst3t3r9iPADhwsL2dMcD_ECK2gONmE6N ddgdCqSNg4bldD2i4N32WDBr38hS9HyEyh_DjzJgrsgrvoFLa③中翻英是关于墨子生平的一些介绍,现代汉语为主其中掺杂一些文言书名和文言句子.复试笔试真题及参考答案苏州大学外国语学院2014年翻译学及MTI复试笔试真题及参考答案1. 英译汉(75分)How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people-first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy.A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving. I am strongly drawn to a frugal life and am often oppressively aware that I am engrossing an undue amount of the labor of my fellow-men. I regard class distinctions as unjustified and, in the last resort, based on force. I also believe that a simple and unassuming life is good for everybody, physically and mentally.我们这些凡人的命运是多么的不可思议啊!我们每个人来到这个世界后都只作一个短暂的停留,目的为何,却不了解,尽管他时而觉得自己能感知到它。



苏州大学——外国语言学及应用语言学考研心路:一、关于参考书:615 基础英语1) ENGLISH BOOK 5 黄源深、朱钟毅(主编)。


2) ENGLISH BOOK 6 黄源深、朱钟毅(主编)。


3) ENGLISH BOOK 7 黄源深、朱钟毅(主编)。


4) ENGLISH BOOK 8 黄源深、朱钟毅(主编)。














还有一本苏州大学指定的考研参考书:《普通语言学概论》R. H. Robins 著。



本书特色:著名语言学家R. H. Robins语言教学经验丰富,能抓住核心问题,重点阐述,将复杂难懂的问题直观、深入浅出地分析给读者。









2020年苏州大学外国语言学及应用语言学考研经验分享一志愿录取院校:苏州大学录取专业: 外国语言学及应用语言学一、择校随着考研人数的增加,竞争越来越激烈。


应该如何选择学校呢?可以看以下几点:1.看专业排名;2.看学校排名;3.特色鲜明的学校 4.自身实力以及本科院校。









所属英语语言文学专业于1984年获得硕士学位授予权,1994年和2001年连续两次被确定为省重点学科,2002 年被评为省特色专业,2003年获得博士学位授予权,2009年被批准设立博士后流动站。
























目 录2010年苏州大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2011年苏州大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2012年苏州大学211翻译硕士英语(A 卷)考研真题及详解2015年苏州大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2010年苏州大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解I. Vocabulary and Structure (30%)Directions: Each of the following sentences has an underlined word or phrase. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases marked A), B), C) and D). You are to choose the ONE word or phrase which, if substituted for the underlined word or phrase, would keep the meaning of the original sentence.1.This is an abstract of a sermon.A. an agentB. an accommodationC. an abbreviationD. a summary【答案】D【解析】句意:这是布道的概要。



2.The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the United States from the people of France to memorialize the alliance between the two countries.A. negotiationB. anniversaryC. treatyD. association【答案】D【解析】句意:自由女神像是法国人民送给美国的礼物,以纪念两国之间的联盟。




二、阅读4篇,30个,第一篇是有关核心家庭的争议,各个研究者的看法,争论核心家庭到底占不占主导,第二篇忘了,第三篇是分子,物理方面的,第四篇,供求关系,经济方面,诗歌The Road not taken的主旨,貌似之前出过。

三、作文500词,某人在某部作品说的we are largely holpless prisoners by the language in general use around us,问同不同意,基本上作文都是观点题。

百科:一、词语AIIB;paternity leave;friendvertising;phubbers;宏观调控;优化什么资源合理配置二、翻译,汉译英又考的墨子,英译汉开头第一句to be or not to be,是一个说要活着就得不停充实自己的文章三、选择,达尔文的物种起源,水浒谁写的,不过今年考了些经济上的,贸易顺差逆差,还有好多第一,中国第一个载人航天谁,杨利伟,美国第一个绕太阳系航天器名字(差不多,记不太清了),建议大家多看点,别仅限于方华文的那本书四、你作为优秀毕业生在毕业生上台发言写一个毕业发言稿五、作文,传统与现代完美结合的城市(经济发展的同时保存古建筑风貌)复试包过请联系育明教育孙老师考研学习规划第一阶段:预热(3月1日至7月1日)预热原因:育明教育老师认为考研复习比较理想的时间长度是6-9个月,因此从3月开始比较科学。


















































2020年苏州大学学科英语专业初试考研经验分享一、个人简介1. 初试成绩:政治67英语二86333教育综合 124889英语教学论 120总分3972. 专业报录比情况:(1)苏大2019年学科英语报考人数将近700,官网计划招24人,最终扩招一共录取了30人。



(3)其实我的分数不算高,初试第18名,复试第11名……有很多人考了400+,但其实大家初试好像拉不开差距……复试有400+的也被刷了……(我现在想想还是挺后怕的)二、政治我的政治只能是血的教训!!后悔自己开始的太晚了!导致后期我真的心力交瘁……所以请你们一定要暑假就开始复习!1. 时间规划总:9-12月分:①9-11月:听视频课+做选择题②11-12月:做各种选择题+看分析题③12月:背诵Tips:①政治时效性很强,上面我所讲到的资料,大家可以挑适合自己的、一定要去买新的,某些笔记和表格,我相信这些微博大佬们会到时候给大家整理的,或者你们自己关注的一些公众号、机构也会有的,不用担心,资料多的是,根本背不完。









苏大学科教学英语复试经验Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】2019苏大复试经验贴前言昨天刚刚结束苏大复试,早上7am就睡不着了,起来模拟面试一轮,去体检,再回顾所有准备的问题,候考到结束,下午 pm。





今年苏大报考690+ 录取应该不会超过27,竞争相当激烈,复试线387,第一名415,总分差不超过30,一共40人进复试,所以说最后一名可能上岸,第一名可能被刷,因为苏大变态的面试构成:总成绩(950)=初试(500分)+复试(笔试150+面试300)。



看到分数的时候蛮高兴的,按照18年的情况能排到第三.. 然后看到大家晒出分数,就不乐观了,那会儿400+分就有个了。

事实证明,大神都是默默的不说话的, 415分的高手是在初试成绩公布才看到的。















苏大给的参考书是黄某某的ENGLISH5-8册,以前坛子里人说只要看5-7册就行了,当我拿到卷子的时候就傻眼了,20个单词选择就3-5个是第7册的,其他是第8册的啊,没看呀,没看呀,硬着头皮在纠结中选完了20个单词,阅读4篇,20个,40分,难度适中,第一篇Virginia Woolf的那篇是2013年星火英语专八阅读里的原题,题目都一样的,可惜我没做……然后是中翻英,5个翻译,20分,翻译全都不是课后的翻译了,书上的那些表达到了考场全忘了,用的自己的语言翻的,然后是改错,10个,有正确的,但不告诉你哪个错的,接下来是2篇无选项完形填空,平时练练呗,我没练,死的很惨,最后作文题目是 a sensible attitude towards learning,引言是很多年轻人对学习的态度很消极,发表一下你的看法,以及怎么做到积极态度。


Speech act theory
the choice of textbook,反正就是如果教师发现教科书不
适合应该怎么做(how to learn English)新加的书本里面的
达尔文的故事,以前爱动,不好好学习,后来在- -位老师的
主要都在凯程上,就是背! !不过有一道超纲题,就是简答
889! !注意了注意了,今年基本题型全改! ! !很坑,简
affective filter






A Summary of My Entrance Examination of Doctoral ProgramThis summary commences with my tentative answers to all the questions in the two rounds of entrance examinations in the hope of providing you with hints when you are to prepare for your doctorial program or maybe just for the oral defense of your master thesis. It is comprised of two sub-sections, the former of which summarizes my written examination in Soochow University, while the latter recapitulates the major points of re-examination, namely, the interview and proposal writing. Afterwards, I would like to share some of my thoughts through preparing the examinations.We may begin with the key points of the written examination on linguistics of Soochow University. The exercises on this paper could be categorized into four different types: terminology, theoretical question, critical reading and theory application, the former two types of which, namely, terminology and theoretical question will be discussed in detail.The paper begins with terminology explanation, which requires candidates to select two out of six terms to interpret. Among the six terms, four of them come from applied linguistics or more accurately speaking, language teaching and second language acquisition, while the left two lies in the realm of cognitive linguistics, which were selected by me.1. What is “category” from the perspective of cognitive linguistics?Cognitive view of “Category” is quite divergent from classical category theory, which refers itself as a realm of specific taxonomy according to certain standard with a clear-cut boundary, at least in the four superseding points:1) Cognitive linguistics distinguishes prototypes and peripherals in a specific category and attributes different degrees of typicality to them. Typical members, namely, prototypes, are more likely to be firstly perceived and processed in conceptualization, compared with peripheral members. The same could be applied to the properties of a specific thing as well, which could be divided into prototypical and peripheral features. However, the positions of prototypes and peripherals, they argue, are not stubbornly stable, but reversible or changeable in different contexts. For example, penguin might be considered a peripheral member of the category of “bird”in Africa, but a prototype in Antarctic. The division between prototypes and peripherals, in one way or another, is linked with another important theory of cognitive linguistics, namely the prominence view or figure/ground segregation that figure has the perceptual prominence and more easily to be conceptualized than the ground. Similar to prototype and peripheral, it allows what we call figure/ground reversal. 2) In contrast with the classical view, arguing for a clear-cut border between adjacent categories, the prototypes/peripherals division directly contributes to the view of fuzzy boundary between categories, which, in another word, indicates a gradual shift rather than definite division between different categorizations. A typical case in point is the linkage between thigh and body and one cannot judge accurately which part is the division between the two parts. 3) The prototypical category theory reflects the prototype view of cognitive linguistics, which by nature could be considered as a significant way of conceptualization. To put it differently, the process of identifying certain category, namely, categorization, is one of the fundamental ways to know about the world. Prototype might be accounted as reference point, used to pin down the position of others by judging its relations to prototype. In that case, the prototypes that acquired earlier seem vitally important in understanding specific categories or even in knowing about the world, for instance, if a badly designed table is taken as prototype in one’s mind, then it would bedifficult for him or her to construct a well-accepted category of ‘table’in accordance with the norms of his own community. 4) Prototype is, more often than not, contextually dependant and sometimes culturally sensitive. For example, people from North Pole definitely have divergent perception and understanding of the prototypes of snow compared with those from desert. Categories only exist in connection with other categories and the same could also be said to prototypes and peripherals. “Love”, for example, a rather abstract notion, is constructed by numerous more concrete or more vivid sub-categories, such as parental love, friendship and patriotism etc, which add to more meanings and details to this concept. 5) The members of certain category are linked by a network of overlapping similarities, called family resemblance. Such similarities may encompass all categories members or they may establish relations only between some of them, which open up an alternative to classical view that attributes must be common to all category members or they must be category-wide. This might be closely related to the differentiation between prototypes and peripherals as well as different ratings of typicality of category members.2. What is cognitive semantics?Cognitive semantics, one of the most fundamental research aspects of cognitive linguistics, cannot be covered by a single theory; rather, it is an umbrella term for a series of theories of cognitive linguistics. One of its theoretical foundations is “bodily embodiment”, highlighting that the nature of meaning as reflections of mental representations based on world experience, which could be summarized as embodied view of linguistics.Contemporarily, theoretical hotspots in this field include conceptual metaphor, prototype category theory, frame or script, etc. Metaphor, traditionally considered as “a characteristics of language alone” has been widely-acknowledged as a matter of “thought and action”.Hence, it should not only manifest itself as a linguistic phenomenon, and nowadays it has been extended to multimodality: pictures, music, non-verbal sounds, verbal and written languages and gestures, etc and their different permutations are all possible sign systems in which the metaphorical abstractions occur. It has also been applied to the discursive level, exploring various aspects of discourses. Prototypical category, contrary to classic category, considers prototypes as cognitive reference point to conceptualize other members. It highlights the fuzziness of boundaries, family resemblance among members and cultural or context variance of prototypes. Traditionally it has been widely applied to the cognitive research of polysemy or the cognitive process of certain linguistic structures as well as generative mechanism of certain construction from the perspective of de-categorization. Some researchers, however, innovatively used it to explore the verbal communication which was traditionally studied from the perspective of grammar, discursive studies, pragmatics, etc. Frame, script or image schema, whatever you call it, refers to mental structure abstracted from world knowledge and experience. It has been widely applied to analyze the similarity or difference between the same group of words in different languages, or the cognitive causes of polysemy or certain linguistic structures. Contemporarily, it has been extended to explore discursive cohesion and coherence and also in translation and language teaching studies.It has to be noted that the theories and researches of cognitive semantics are inclined to merge with other disciplines, such as discourse analysis, pragmatics, translation, literary criticism, semiotics, as well as language teaching. Take conceptual metaphor for example, it has been utilized into issues of discursive level, for instance, coherence and cohesion, and into languageteaching or second language acquisition, for example, metaphorical competence of foreign language. Interdisciplinary studies not only contribute to innovative viewpoints but also testify the validity and credibility of certain theories in practice.The second part requires candidates to select and answer two of the four theoretical questions. Two of them belong to applied linguistics, and the left two stem from cognitive linguistics. The questions and my tentative answers are summarized as follows:1. Formalism and functionalism are two major linguistic schools. Where cognitive linguistics should be put, formalism or functionalism?To decide which school cognitive linguistics belongs to, it seems necessary to delineate major arguments or features of formalism, functionalism as well as cognitive linguistics.The two schools are found to be tremendously divergent in their viewpoints. Formalism concentrates on language per se in research, and more specifically, it highlights the significance of form and universal meaning in phonology, semantics, grammar or syntax, etc, irrespective of the variances of meanings in different contexts, or specific function in use or contextual and cultural factors. Functionalism, on the other hand, focuses on language in use and highlights functional aspect and takes socio-cultural aspect into account. The two, albeit quite divergent in terms of research focus and major arguments, are not entirely unrelated to each other. For one, formalism is foundational to functionalism to some extent in terms of linguistic research. The correct interpretation of literal meaning and structure serves as pre-condition for any further analysis. Second, functionalism furthers develops some unarticulated or neglected points of formalism. Take “competence”and “performance”for example, formalism merely focuses on the former while neglect the latter, which is theoretically developed by functionalist school.As to cognitive linguistics, as an interdisciplinary study of cognitive science and linguistics, strives to exploit the universalities and variances across all cultures in cognition, mind and embodiment. Just similar to functional school, it is also usage-based, taking the language in practice as research subjects. Additionally, it also includes the contextual and cultural factors, etc into account in terms of its researches. Nonetheless, its closeness to functionalism does not signify its disconnected relation with formalism. For one, what formalism highlights, namely, the formal relation among grammatical constituents is sort of foundational to any further research. Without correct understanding of literal meaning and grammatical relation, it might be quite unreasonable to further any research. For another, certain theories of formal linguistics might exert some effects on cognitive linguistics in one way or another. A good example is construction grammar, which defines “construction”as form-meaning correspondence, more specifically, the correspondence among syntax, morphology and meaning. Among the various versions of construction grammar, Fillmore’s view seems quite linked to formal school of linguistics, particularly head-driven phrase structure grammar, which gives very meticulously analysis of the inner structure of construction and concordant description of the forms and functions of grammar.Though formalism and functionalism are the two major school of linguistics, it does not mean that every sub-discipline of linguistics could be exactly classified to either of them, since there might be grey area or fuzziness between the two categories. For example, “cognitive syntax”strives to explore syntax, a classical topic of formal linguistics from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, a usage-based linguistic school. To put it in another way, it is a merged research field with both formal and functional factors in it.What has been discussed indicates the close relationship between cognitive linguistics andfunctional school. It is safe to say that it could be approximately classified into functional school, but we cannot overlook its introvert link with formalism.2. What is the function of blended space in conceptual blending theory?Conceptual blending theory, proposed by Fauconnier, stemmed from “mental space”, a type of conceptual packets constructed as we think and talk. It claims to be able to uncover the online language processing. The theoretical model consists of four spaces, two input spaces, hiring and injecting information which was brought together in the generic space in the form of a new emergent conceptual structure. Eventually, information from both input spaces is blended and processed in the blended space.The projection from input space to blended space could be summarized as three processes: composition, completion and elaboration. Composition refers to the fusing or blending of content from two different mental spaces. Completion refers to the supplement of indispensable elements required to understand or activate specific scenario or frame. Elaboration, however, points to the detailed explanation to the integrated event. All the cognitive processes or handling is called compression, which actually reflects a process of simplification and narrowing, giving rise to a new and complete conceptual structure.The second round of the entrance examination encompasses two sections, proposal writing and interview. The research proposal was expected to be completed in English within an hour. There’s no specific stipulation on the length, but all the candidates were allocated to three pieces of A4 papers in the first beginning, and one could have more if papers were used up. By the way, this procedure was not known by candidates until we sat down in the exam venue, and hence no one had been able to prepare it beforehand, which signified its high requirements on one’s theoretical foundation and English proficiency. Afterwards is the interview. Here in the following are the questions asked by the panel and my tentative answers.1. “What do you want to study?”Thank you for this question. My research interest lies in the interface between cognitive linguistics and multimodality or multimodal discourse analysis. If I was admitted fortunately, I would like to further my previous researches from another perspective. The research topic that appeals to me most at present is gestural metaphor, a special type of multimodal metaphor, in Kunqu Opera. It principally targets at the roles of gesture and other modalities in constructing multimodal metaphors, or maybe the ways of gestural metaphor or multimodal metaphor in meaning or themes construction. This topic was tentatively selected for the reasons as follows: First, gestures and facial expressions actually are very abundant in Chinese traditional opera and more importantly, they play vitally important roles in the performance, which were represented by their artistic and metaphoric use. Therefore, the theory’s feasibility to the corpus is guaranteed, not to mention its practical significance. Second, gestural metaphors, compared with classical multimodal metaphors, is still a quite potential area for linguistic research, particularly in the context of China, where most relevant researches concentrates on commercials, films, TV programs, posters and cartoons, etc, while quite few targets at Chinese traditional operas. Third, I have had some previous experience of relevant studies on multimodal metaphors. Up to now, 5 relevant academic essays were published in recent two years. Additionally, I’ve presided a provincial project on multimodal metaphors, “On Cognitive Construction Mechanism ofMultimodal Metaphors in Guangxi Tourism Publicities”. All these experience, I convince, might contribute to my future research.2. “As far as I know, multimodality is usually conducted from the perspective of functional grammar, but why do you do it from the perspective of cognitive linguistics?”Thank you very much. It is a fairly important question. Just like what you said, multimodality or multimodal discourse analysis is, more often than not, conducted from the perspective of functional linguistics, whose three meta-functions corresponds to the three meta-functions of visual grammar, namely, representational meaning, interactive meaning and compositional meaning. It highlights the systemicity and uncovers the social as well as functional aspect of modalities, while it fails to articulate their cognitive mechanism. It remains a mystery that how different modes are percept and processed and that how should they interact with each other in constructing meaning. In that case, cognitive linguistics is really a good complement, striving to shed lights on exploring the roles played by various modalities in certain conceptualizations or cognitive structures.3. “Gestures are not language, but the program you applied is actually of linguistics. Since you want to study gestures, why do you choose linguistics as your doctoral program? Why do you choose us, why Soochow University?Thank you. In contemporary society, when the dominance of language in communication has been tremendously undermined by latest multimedia and information technology, non-verbal modality, including pictures, sounds, videos, etc, are playing increasingly important roles in personal and social communication. Be it language or other modes, all of them could be considered as semiotics used to generate and disseminate meanings, and it might be too arrogant to exclude other modes in the context of modern linguistics. Gesture, as a typical mode, is no exception. By the way, when I entered this room, I noticed the doorplate reads “Research center of linguistics and semiotics”. Therefore, I have enough reason to believe that you might join me in considering any modes or modalities, including gestures should be taken into account when necessary in linguistic research.In view of the orientation of my tentative research proposal, Soochow University at least has two advantages: first, School of Foreign Languages of this university, prestigious for its advanced studies on linguistics and semiotics, might grant the best access I could have at present to the research of multimodal discourses, since my research interests parallels with the strength of this department. Second, as the birthplace of Kunqu Opera, nowhere could juxtaposes with the city of Soochow in terms of studying the opera, not to mention that Soochow University is one of the most important national research centers for it. Studying here, therefore, is convenient for me to acquire guidance or help not only from you but also from professors other relevant disciplines in terms of the opera. By the way, as one of the cities celebrated for its scenery and cultural atmosphere, who can resist the temptation to study in such a city?4. “Can you give us a new definition of gesture? And how can you relate it to linguistic study?”Thank you very much. It is really a challenging question. I would like to answer the second small question first if I may. As what I have argued above, gesture, as a typical member of non-verbal mode, juxtaposes with language in multimodal communication, and both of them plays certain roles in meaning generation and dissemination. In multimodal discourses involving various modes, linguistics research solely might not be able to depict the whole picture; hence explorationon other modes, like gestures, is essential for a complete and thorough exploitation on meaning construction or other aspects of multimodal discourses. Still, the multimodality of contemporary discourses presupposes a fact that various modes including written texts, pictures, sounds, videos, etc, do not play their roles in isolation, instead, they are involved in various forms of coordination in representing meaning or themes. Hence, it is fairly difficult to separate language from other modes in research. Therefore, in my research, I simply grant gestures or maybe other non-verbal modes the same status with language in explorations of the mechanism for meaning construction. It is to the above two aspects that gesture is related to linguistics in my research.In terms of the definition of gesture, it might be difficult for me to provide a definite concept on the spot. Basically it is considered as one of the modes or modalities applied to generate or construct discourses, in juxtaposition with other modes. From the perspective of cognitive linguistics, it cooperates with other counterparts in constructing metaphors, revealing process of conceptualization in the mind. Hence, it seems applicable to explore the relationship between gestures and conceptual structure through analyzing roles of gestures in representing multimodal metaphors and their synergy pattern with other modes.5. If given a chance to further your master thesis to a doctoral level, how will you develop it?My thesis explores the representation of multimodal metaphors in public service advertising, and it aims to address three questions: first, what types of representations of multimodal metaphors are there in the corpus? Second, how is each type is cross-modally represented cognitively? Third, what are the respective roles as well as their synergy pattern among various modes? Though innovative it was in some respects, it is bound to be with some limitations. If given the chance to further it as a doctoral thesis, there might be the following tentative orientations: 1) it is advisable to introduce different theoretical perspectives since the thesis is mainly conducted from the sole angle of cognitive linguistics. Powerful as it is, cognitive linguistics is good at exploring the cognitive process, yet relatively weak at the functional as well as social aspects, which are the advantages of visual grammar. Therefore, it might be a good idea to propose a blended theoretical framework of cognitive linguistics and visual grammar. 2) The thesis applied a mixed approach of quantitative and qualitative research, yet the corpus merely includes 34 advertisements on 6 different themes, hence its reliability and representativeness might be questioned if the corpus was not enlarged to a larger scale. In addition, my thesis takes no perspective to the differences among advertisements of different themes for it mainly highlights the modal representations overally. Yet, there might be potential preferential link between the mode applied and the intended target or themes of public service advertisements. Hence, it might be a good idea to test the relationship between preferences in modal usage and the themes of advertisements. 3) It might be potential to study the functions of multimodal metaphors in multimodal discourses, since my master thesis and others is mainly concerned with the representation of multimodal metaphors, about multimodal metaphor per se. Furthermore, we can also invite more attention to the role of metonymy in representing multimodal metaphors, which is not mentioned in this thesis.6. Since you want to study gestures, why do you want to study under my supervision?Thank you so much. I would like to study under your supervision for the reasons as follows. First, both of us are interested in cognitive linguistics. As far as I’m concerned, you have influential academic achievements in different subjects, particularly anaphora, metonymy and metaphor, etc, which are quite related to, though not necessarily the same with my orientation. SoI believe I can get very direct help from you in terms of my study.More importantly, I really admire your advanced research capability and potential proved by the number of authoritative papers published in the core journals on foreign language research. Whether or not my research interest or orientation coincide with yours, albeit important, should not be considered as the priority, for it is the method for learning and doing researching as well as capability and skills, instead of the research per se, that really matters. Therefore, I’m really looking forward to studying under your supervision.Above are the summary of the entrance examination of Soochow University. Due to limited time, it will not review the exam of Hunan Normal University in detail. Unlike Soochow University, the entrance examination included two tests on general linguistics and cognitive linguistics respectively. The test of general linguistics concentrates on theories, consisting of several theoretical questions. The first two or three are in English but has to be answered in Chinese, and the left are vice versa. I cannot recall all of the exercises accurately, yet most of them are relevant to foundational notions or concepts in linguistics, such as “langue”and “parole”, “functionalism”and “formalism”, etc. However, they are not as simple as term explanation, instead, candidates were expected to tell the internal link or introvert causes, etc.The test of cognitive linguistics, on the other hand, gives priority to candidate’s practical and analytical capability. Made up of practical questions, it requires candidates to address the question with certain theories. Three of the questions are in Chinese and the left two ones are English questions. For example, 试介绍prominence 和attention理论,并运用该理论解释以下两句话:①鸡不吃了。

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