英语课程标准 英文版

英语课程标准英文版English Curriculum Standards。
The English curriculum standards are essential guidelines that outline the knowledge and skills students should acquire in English language arts by the end of each grade level. These standards are designed to ensure that students develop proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening, and they provide a framework for educators to plan and deliver effective instruction.The English curriculum standards are based on the belief that language is at the center of learning, and that proficiency in English language arts is critical for success in all academic areas. By setting clear and high expectations for what students should know and be able to do, the standards help to ensure that all students receive a high-quality education that prepares them for college, career, and life.In the early grades, the focus is on developing foundational skills in reading, writing, and language. Students learn to read with fluency and comprehension, and they begin to write for different purposes and audiences. They also build their vocabulary and grammar skills, and they learn to effectively communicate and collaborate with others.As students progress through the grades, the standards become more complex and rigorous. They are expected to read and comprehend a wide range of texts, including literature, informational texts, and multimedia sources. They also learn to write in different genres and for different purposes, and they develop the ability to conduct research and present information in a clear and organized manner.In addition to reading and writing, the standards also emphasize the importance of speaking and listening skills. Students learn to engage in discussions, make presentations, and participate in collaborative conversations. They also develop the ability to comprehend and evaluate spoken language, including presentations, media, and conversations.The English curriculum standards are designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing educators to meet the needs of diverse learners. They provide a set of learning goals that can be achieved through a variety of instructional methods and materials. Educators are encouraged to use their professional judgment and expertise to design instruction that meets the needs of their students, while still ensuring that all students have the opportunity to meet the standards.In conclusion, the English curriculum standards play a crucial role in shaping the education of students in English language arts. By providing clear and high expectations for student learning, the standards help to ensure that all students receive a high-quality education that prepares them for success in college, career, and life. They provide a framework for educators to plan and deliver effective instruction, and they help to ensure that all students develop the knowledge and skills they need to become proficient in English language arts.。

资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随 时间变 化而变 化的, 是时间 的函数 ,随时 间的推 移而增 值,其 增值的 这部分 资金就 是原有 资金的 时间价 值
1.2能听懂课堂简短的指令并做出相应的反应; 例如:【小学英语课堂用语100句: 1 Let’s get ready for class. 准备上课。
资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随 时间变 化而变 化的, 是时间 的函数 ,随时 间的推 移而增 值,其 增值的 这部分 资金就 是原有 资金的 时间价 值
28 Repeat after me/Follow me. 跟我读。 29 Listen to me, please. 请听我说。 30 Look at the blackboard/screen, please. 请看黑板/屏 幕。 31 All eyes on me, please. 请都看着我。 32 Can you solve this problem? 能做出这道题吗? 33 Let’s read it together. Ready, go! 大家齐声朗读,预 备,起。 34 Read slowly and clearly. 读慢一点,清楚一点。 35 Who wants to try? 谁想试一试? 36 Who wants to do it on the blackboard? 谁愿意到黑 板上来做?
资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随 时间变 化而变 化的, 是时间 的函数 ,随时 间的推 移而增 值,其 增值的 这部分 资金就 是原有 资金的 时间价 值
19 We’re going to have a new lesson today. 今天我 们要上新课。 20 First let’s have a revision. 首先我们复习一下。 21 Who can answer this question? 谁能回答这个问 题? 22 Do you have any questions? 你们有问题吗? 24 Let me see. 让我看看/想想。 25 Put up your hands if you have any questions. 如 果有问题请举手。 26 Raise your hands, please. 请举手。 27 Hands down. 把手放下。


一、基本要求1. 熟练听、说、读、写基本的英语词汇和句型,能够用英语进行简单的交流。
2. 培养学生对外语学习的兴趣,提高学生的学习主动性和自信心。
3. 培养学生良好的学习方法和学习策略,能够独立学习和解决问题。
4. 培养学生的跨文化交际能力,增强学生的全球视野和拓展国际视野。
二、教学内容1. 听力:培养学生对于英语听力的敏感度,提高学生的听力理解能力。
2. 口语:培养学生的口语表达能力,增强学生的口头交流能力。
3. 阅读:培养学生的阅读能力,提高学生的阅读理解和阅读速度。
4. 写作:培养学生的书写能力和表达能力,提高学生的写作水平。
5. 语法:教授基本的语法知识,培养学生正确使用语法的能力。
6. 文化:介绍英语国家的文化和传统,培养学生的跨文化理解和交际能力。
三、教学方法1. 情景教学法:通过创设真实的情景,让学生在真实的环境中进行英语交流,提高学生的英语口语能力。
2. 游戏教学法:通过游戏化的教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣,增加学生的参与度,提高学生的学习效果。
3. 多媒体教学法:利用多媒体技术,丰富教学内容,提供多样化的学习资源,激发学生的学习兴趣和学习动力。
4. 任务型教学法:通过设置实际的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习英语,培养学生解决问题的能力和合作精神。
5. 母语教学法:合理使用学生的母语,解释难点和引导学生,提高学生学习的效果。

一、课程目标1.1 总体目标培养小学生英语学习的兴趣,使其初步形成英语语感,掌握基本的英语语言知识,具备初步的英语听、说、读、写能力,为以后的学习打下良好的基础。
1.2 分级目标一级目标:- 能听懂简单的日常用语,进行基本的问候和自我介绍。
- 能看懂简单的英语文字,理解图片和简单的故事情节。
- 能用英语进行基本的句子表达,如介绍自己、询问他人等。
- 掌握基本的英语字母、单词和简单句子结构。
二级目标:- 能听懂日常生活中的对话,理解一定程度的故事和说明性文字。
- 能进行简单的阅读和写作,如编写简单的日记和故事。
- 能在适当的情境中使用所学的英语知识进行交流。
- 进一步扩充英语词汇,提高英语语法应用能力。
二、课程内容2.1 语言知识- 字母表、单词、固定搭配、日常用语、句型结构等基础语言知识。
- 简单的语法规则,如时态、语态、主谓一致等。
2.2 文化意识通过英语学习,了解西方文化背景,提高跨文化交际能力。
2.3 学习策略培养学生的自主学习能力,教给学生有效的学习方法,如如何记忆单词、如何进行听力训练等。
2.4 情感态度激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立自信,培养积极的学习态度。
三、教学建议- 教学活动应以学生为主体,注重培养学生的参与意识和合作精神。
- 教师应采用多样化的教学手段和评价方式,充分调动学生的学习积极性。
- 注重培养学生的实际应用能力,鼓励学生在日常生活中使用英语。
- 关注学生的个体差异,因材施教,使每个学生都能在原有水平上得到提高。
四、评价方式- 形成性评价:通过课堂表现、作业、小测验等方式,及时了解学生的学习情况,给予指导和帮助。

中学英语课程标准研究与教材分析模块一: 课程标准研究基础教材本课程的教学内容主要涉及下列课程标准和外语能力指标1.《义务教育英语课程标准》教育部, 20112.美国TESOL 2007 English Language Proficiency Standards, TESOL, 2007. (WIDA Version)3.《高中英语课程标准(实验稿)》教育部(2003)外语能力指标The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment, The Council of Europe, 2001.第一章: 课程标准的基本概念1.本课程的主要内容2.课程标准和课程大纲的关系3.课程标准的作用4.课程标准的读者对象5.作为教师的课程标准的解读方法本章参考读物《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011)教育部。
The Council of Europe. (2001). Illustrative descriptors, in The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. (pp. 25-31).WIDA. (2007). The sample performance indicators. In Pre-K – 12 English Language Proficiency Standards. (pp. 30).第三章:课程标准的能力指标对教学设计的作用1.课堂教学设计的基本知识2.教学设计的例子3.使用课程标准的能力指标(PD)CAAS结构来设计教学目标4.学会使用ABCD模板写出“教学目标”(Objectives)本章的参考读物Short. D. J. (2000). Using the ESL standards for curriculum development. In Snow M. A. (ed.). Implementing the ESL Standards for Pre-K – 12 Students Through Teacher Education. Alexander, VA: TESOL. (pp. 103-136)Nunan. D. (1988). Objectives. Syllabus Design. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (pp. 61-71)第四章:材料特点和能力指标1.以”能做…”作为课程标准的基础的意义和教学价值2.教学材料特点分析(找出Teachable thing)(以Preparing for a trip to the USA为例)本章的参考读物邹为诚,(2013),帮助困难学习者,邹为诚、程晓主编《外语教师职业技能发展》(第二版),北京:高等教育出版社,171-193页。

高中英语课程标准_新课标_英文版The English Version of the High School English Curriculum Standards for National Compulsory EducationIntroduction:The high school English curriculum standards, also known as the new curriculum standards (2017 version), serve as a guideline for English education in Chinese high schools. These standards aim to promote students' comprehensive English language proficiency, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. In this article, we will explore the details of the high school English curriculum standards for national compulsory education.1. Overall Goal of the High School English CurriculumThe high school English curriculum standards aim to cultivate students' ability to understand and use English effectively. It emphasizes the integration of language knowledge, skills, and strategies. The curriculum is designed to help students become competent language users who can communicate confidently in English and develop a deep understanding of various cultures.2. Curriculum ObjectivesThe high school English curriculum standards define specific objectives for students, focusing on four main areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.2.1 ListeningStudents should be able to comprehend various listening materials, such as conversations, lectures, and speeches. They should develop the ability to extract information accurately, understand main ideas, and grasp the speaker's intent. Additionally, students should enhance their listening strategies, such as note-taking and predicting.2.2 SpeakingStudents should develop communication skills, including fluency, clarity, and accuracy in spoken English. This involves expressing ideas, opinions, and arguments effectively in both formal and informal contexts. Students should also develop intercultural communicative competence and engage in meaningful interactions with others.2.3 ReadingStudents should become proficient readers, capable of comprehending a wide range of texts, including fiction, non-fiction, and academic literature. They need to employ various reading strategies to understand the main ideas, infer meanings, and analyze textual structures. Furthermore, students should develop critical thinking skills through reading and demonstrate an understanding of different cultures.2.4 WritingStudents should possess the ability to produce coherent and well-organized written texts in English. They should master different writing genres, including narratives, descriptions, argumentative essays, and research reports. Writing skills should also encompass grammar accuracy, vocabulary richness, and logical development of ideas.3. Key CompetenciesThe high school English curriculum standards highlight seven key competencies that students should acquire throughout their English learning journey. These competencies include linguistic competence, sociolinguistic competence, pragmatic competence, socio-cultural competence, strategic competence, intercultural competence, and aesthetic competence.3.1 Linguistic CompetenceLinguistic competence refers to students' knowledge of English language systems, including grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. It enables students to understand and produce English accurately.3.2 Sociolinguistic CompetenceSociolinguistic competence focuses on students' understanding of language variations, registers, and styles. It enables students to use appropriate language in different social contexts.3.3 Pragmatic CompetencePragmatic competence involves students' ability to use English appropriately in different communicative functions and situations. It encompasses comprehension of idiomatic expressions, indirect speech acts, and cultural norms in English communication.3.4 Socio-cultural CompetenceSocio-cultural competence refers to students' understanding of the cultural aspects embedded in English language and its varied communities.It enables students to become culturally sensitive and develop cross-cultural communication skills.3.5 Strategic CompetenceStrategic competence involves students' ability to apply effective learning strategies and problem-solving skills in English learning. It includes the use of context clues, inferencing, and self-regulation strategies.3.6 Intercultural CompetenceIntercultural competence focuses on students' understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures. It enables students to communicate and interact with people from different backgrounds respectfully and effectively.3.7 Aesthetic CompetenceAesthetic competence involves students' appreciation and interpretation of different literary texts, such as poems, short stories, and novels. It enhances their language proficiency and cultural understanding.Conclusion:The high school English curriculum standards for national compulsory education provide a comprehensive framework for English language teaching and learning in Chinese high schools. By following these standards, students can develop their language proficiency, intercultural competence, and critical thinking skills. With a solid English foundation, students will be better prepared for future academic pursuits and global communication.。

English Curriculum Standards for compulsory Education (2017-year Edition).Ministry of Education of the people's Republic of China.Directory.Part one Preface .I. nature of the curriculum .II. Basic concepts of the curriculum .III. Ideas for curriculum design .Part II Curriculum objective .I. overall objective .II. Hierarchical objectives .Part III grading criteria .I. language skills .II. Language knowledge .III. Emotional attitudes .4. Learning strategies .V. Cultural awareness .Part IV implementation of recommendation .I. pedagogical recommendations .II. Evaluation recommendations .III. Recommendations for the preparation of teaching materials .Appendix .Appendix 1 list of speech items .Appendix 2 Grammar item Table .Appendix 3 Glossary .Part I Preface.Nowadays, the world is in the period of great development and great adjustment, showing the development trend of world multi-polarization, economic globalization and informatization. As a big country with peaceful development, China bears an important historical mission and international responsibilities and obligations. English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It has become an important tool for international exchanges and scientific, technological and cultural exchanges. Learning and using English plays an important role in absorbing the achievements of human civilization, drawing lessons from advanced foreign science and technology, and enhancing the mutual understanding between China and the world. Offering English courses in the compulsory education stage can lay the foundation for improving the whole national literacy of our country, cultivating the talents with creative ability and cross-cultural communicative ability, and improving the international competitiveness of the country and the international communication ability of the people.The establishment of English courses in compulsory education is of great significance to the future development of young people. Learning English will not only help them better understand the world, learn advanced scientific and cultural knowledge, spread Chinese culture, and enhance their mutual communication and understanding with the youngpeople of other countries. It can also provide them with more opportunities for education and career development. Learning English can help them to form an open and tolerant character, to develop the awareness and ability of cross-cultural communication, to promote the development of thinking, to form a correct outlook on life, values and good humanities. Learning English can provide students with the ability to participate in knowledge innovation and scientific and technological innovation in the future, as well as lay the foundation for them to better adapt to the multi-polarization of the world, economic globalization and informationization in the future.I. the nature of the curriculum.The English curriculum at the stage of compulsory education is of the dual nature of instrumentality and humanism. As far as instrumentality is concerned, English curriculum undertakes the task of cultivating students' basic English literacy and developing their thinking ability, that is, students can master basic knowledge of English language and develop basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in English through English courses. Form the ability to communicate with others in English, further promote the development of thinking ability, for the future to continue to learn English and other relevant scientific and cultural knowledge in English to lay the foundation. As far as humanity is concerned, English curriculum undertakes the task of improving students' comprehensive humanistic quality, that is, students can broaden their horizons, enrich their life experiences, form cross-cultural consciousness, enhance their patriotism and develop their innovative ability through English courses. Form a good character and a correct outlook on life and values. The integration of instrumental and humanistic English curriculum is conducive to the lifelong development of students to lay the foundation.II. The basic idea of Curriculum.(1) pay attention to quality-oriented education and embody the value of language learning to students' development;The main purpose of English curriculum in compulsory education is to lay a foundation for students to develop their comprehensive language ability and to create favorable conditions for them to continue to learn English and to develop in the future. Language is not only a tool for communication, but also a tool for thinking. Learning a foreign language can promote people's mental development, help students to understand the diversity of the world, experience the similarities and differences between Chinese and foreign cultures to form cross-cultural awareness, enhance international understanding, and carry forward the spirit of patriotism. Form the sense of social responsibility and innovation consciousness, improve humanities accomplishment.(2) for all students, pay attention to the different characteristics and individual differences of language learners.Compulsory education is an important part of education for all. The English curriculum at the stage of compulsory education should be open to all students and embody the student-centered thinking. The development needs of all students should be taken into account in the aspects of teaching objectives, teaching contents, teaching process, teaching evaluation and the utilization and development of teaching resources. English curriculum should be a process in which students construct their knowledge, develop their skills, broaden their horizons, enliven their thinking and show their individuality under the guidance of their teachers. Due to the differences in age, personality, cognitive style and living environment, students have different learning needs and characteristics. Only to meet individual needs to a large extent, it is possible to obtain the maximum overall teaching efficiency.(C) overall design objectives, taking full account of the progressivity and continuity of language learning.English learning has obvious characteristics of progressiveness and continuity. Language learning lasts a long time and needs to accumulate gradually. The English Curriculum Standard for compulsory Education (hereinafter referred to as "this Standard") and the English Curriculum Standard for Senior High Schools, which converge with it, set the objectives of the English curriculum for the basic education stage at nine levels. The aim is to embody the organic cohesion of primary, junior middle and senior middle school courses and the gradual development of students' English language competence, so as to ensure the integrity, progressiveness and continuity of English curriculum. English teaching and evaluation activities should be organized in accordance with the students' language proficiency and the corresponding grade requirements.(4) emphasizing the process of learning and paying attention to the practicality and application of language learning.Modern foreign language education pays attention to the process of language learning, emphasizes the practicality of language learning, advocates that students should contact, experience and understand the real language in the context, and learn and use language on this basis. English curriculum advocates the adoption of language teaching approaches and methods that both emphasize the language learning process and improve the students' learning effectiveness, so as to create as many opportunities as possible for the students to use the language in the real context. Encourage students, under the guidance of teachers, to discover language laws through experience, practice, participation, inquiry and cooperation, to gradually master language knowledge and skills, to constantly adjust their emotional attitudes, and to form effective learning strategies, Develop the ability of autonomous learning.(5) to optimize the evaluation method, with emphasis on the evaluation of students' comprehensive language ability.The evaluation system of English curriculum should be conducive to the development of students' comprehensive language use ability. It should be evaluated by adopting multiple and optimized evaluation methods to assess the development level of students' comprehensive language use ability, and stimulate students' interest in learning by means of evaluation. Promote the development of students' autonomous learning ability, thinking ability, cross-cultural awareness and healthy personality. The evaluation system should include formative evaluation and summative evaluation. The evaluation in daily teaching focuses on formative assessment, focusing on the performance and progress of students in the learning process; the final assessment focuses on the students' comprehensive language use ability. Including language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness and so on.(6) enriching curriculum resources and expanding English learning channels.Language learning requires a great deal of input. Rich and diverse curriculum resources are especially important for English learning. According to the needs of teaching and learning, English curriculum should provide English learning resources that are close to students, life and times. We should creatively develop and make use of the fresh English learning resources in real life, and actively use audio-visual, radio, television, books, newspapers, magazines, Internet information, and so on, to expand the channels for students to learn and use English.Ⅲ. The idea of curriculum design.The general idea of English curriculum design is: under the guidance of the scientific concept of development and advanced foreign language curriculum concept, based on the national conditions, comprehensive consideration of the current situation of English education in China, starting from the stage of compulsory education; To establish a student-oriented, systematic and progressive English curriculum system. This curriculum system aims at fostering students' comprehensive language application ability, according to the law of language learning and the development needs of students in the compulsory education stage. From the language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness of the five aspects of the design of the overall curriculum objectives and grading goals. These five aspects are interrelated and complement each other, which makes English curriculum attach importance not only to the cultivation of students' basic language knowledge and basic skills, but also to the optimization of the learning process, so as to guide students to form effective learning strategies and certain cultural awareness. Cultivate positive emotional attitudes and values.According to the above design idea, the compulsory education stage English curriculum take the elementary school 3 grades as the starting point, take the junior middle school graduation as the end (namely compulsory education 9 grades), and with the senior middle school stage English curriculum links up. The English curriculum of the entire basic education stage (including compulsory education and senior high school) is divided into nine levels according to the ability level, forming a gradual and sustainable development of the curriculum. The aim of setting graded courses is to reflect the learning needs and cognitive characteristics of students of different ages, and to make English courses with integrity, flexibility and openness, using the international grading methods for reference.In the nine-level target system, the first to the fifth level is the goal requirement of the compulsory education stage. Level two is the basic requirement to be met at the end of the sixth grade, and grade five is the basic requirement to be reached at the end of the ninth grade. Grades 6 to 9 are the target requirements for ordinary high schools. Among them, level 7 is the basic requirement for high school graduates, and levels 8 and 9 are designed for high school students who are willing to further improve their English proficiency. Of the nine levels of targets, levels I, III, IV and VI are transitional levels. The setting of grading objectives is conducive to teaching and evaluation in the implementation of the curriculum, but also provides a basis for the flexibility and openness of the curriculum.The levels in the curriculum grading objectives are not entirely equivalent to the grades in the basic education stage. However, the grading goal provides the instruction requirements for the teaching and evaluation of grades 3, 6, 7, 9 and senior high school, and the compilation of teaching materials, which is conducive to the overall implementation of the curriculum. In the period of compulsory education, schools offering English courses from the third grade, the fourth grade should complete the first level goal, the sixth grade should complete the second level goal, the schedule of classes should reflect the principle of short time and high frequency as far as possible, and guarantee three or four teaching activities per week; The total weekly class time shall not be less than 80 ~ 90 minutes. Grades 7, 9 and 9 completed the goals of levels III, IV and V respectively, and the weekly class hours were carried out in accordance with the national curriculum plan.Considering the fact that our country has a vast territory, numerous nationalities and unbalanced economic and educational development, each region can formulate its own curriculum implementation plan according to the situation of teachers' condition and resource allocation, etc. To determine the starting grade of English teaching in primary schools and the grade requirements to be reached when graduating from primary and junior high schools, the factors such as theavailability of teachers and the teaching conditions should be fully taken into account in the establishment of English curriculum in primary schools. Local teaching and research departments should strengthen the classification, stratification guidance and evaluation of teaching, help schools to implement the local curriculum implementation plan in accordance with local conditions, and pay attention to the coordination and convergence between the good learning sections. In particular, we should do a good job in the smooth transition between primary and junior high school, and promote the balanced development of regional English education.Part II Curriculum objectives.I. overall objectives.The general goal of English curriculum in compulsory education stage is to make students form the initial comprehensive language using ability, promote the mental development, and improve the comprehensive humanities accomplishment through English learning. The formation of comprehensive language competence is based on the overall development of language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitudes, learning strategies and cultural awareness. Language skills and language knowledge are the basis of comprehensive language use ability, cultural awareness is conducive to the correct understanding of language and proper use of language, effective learning strategies are conducive to improving learning efficiency and developing autonomous learning ability; A positive emotional attitude is conducive to active learning and sustainable development. These five aspects complement each other and jointly promote the formation and development of students' comprehensive language ability.Language skills, language knowledge, emotion and attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness constitute the overall goal of English curriculum, which not only embodies the instrumentality of English learning, but also embodies its humanism. It is not only conducive to the development of students' language ability, but also conducive to the development of students' thinking ability, so as to comprehensively improve students' comprehensive humanistic literacy.II. Graded objectives.The objectives of English curriculum at all levels in compulsory education stage refer to the students' comprehensive performance in five aspects: language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitudes, learning strategies and cultural awareness. Table 1 provides a description of the first to fifth level goals.Part III grading standards.In accordance with the general objectives of the compulsory education English curriculum, this standard puts forward the requirements of language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness respectively in five aspects: language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness. Among them, the language skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and other skills put forward five different levels of goal requirements, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness put forward the target requirements of two and five levels.I. language skills.Language skills is an important part of language skills, mainly including listening, speaking, reading, writing and other skills and the comprehensive use of these skills. Listening and reading are skills of understanding, speaking and writing are skills of expression. They complement and promote each other in language learning and communication. Students should form comprehensive language competence through a large number of special and comprehensive language practice activities to lay a solid foundation for real language communication. Therefore, listening, speaking, reading and writing are not only the contents of learning, but also the means of learning. The main content of the language skill standard is what the students can do at a certain level, which not only helps to arouse the students' learningenthusiasm and promote the improvement of the students' language application ability, but also helps to evaluate the students' learning results scientifically and rationally.II. Language knowledge.The basic knowledge of the English language that students should learn and master in the compulsory education stage includes pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and language forms used to express common topics and functions. Language knowledge is an important part of language application ability and an important basis for the development of language skills.III. Emotional attitudes.Emotional attitude refers to interest, motivation, self-confidence, will and spirit of cooperation and other factors that affect students' learning process and learning results, as well as the gradual formation of national awareness and international vision in the learning process. Maintaining a positive attitude towards English learning is the key to success in English learning. Teachers should constantly stimulate and strengthen students' interest in learning and guide them to gradually transform interest into stable learning motivation, so that they can build up self-confidence, exercise the will to overcome difficulties, and realize the advantages and disadvantages of their own learning. Willing to cooperate with others to develop a harmonious and healthy character. Through the English curriculum, enables the student to enhance the motherland consciousness, expands the international field of vision. Table 4 is a rating scale for affective attitudes of grade two and five.Table 4 rating criteria of affective attitudeⅣ. Learning strategies.Learning strategies refer to the various actions and steps taken by students in order to learn and use English effectively, and the beliefs that guide these actions and steps. English learning strategies include cognitive strategies, regulatory strategies, communicative strategies and resource strategies. Cognitive strategy refers to the steps and methods taken by students in order to accomplish specific learning tasks, while regulatory strategies refer to the actions and steps that students plan, implement, reflect, evaluate and adjust their learning. Communication strategy is the action taken by students in order to gain more communication opportunities, maintain communication and improve communication effect. Resource strategy is the way and method for students to learn and use English reasonably and effectively through a variety of media.Learning strategies are flexible and diverse, the use of strategies varies from person to person, from time to time, from place to place, and from event to event. In English teaching, teachers should consciously help students to form their own learning strategies, and constantly adjust their own learning strategies. In the implementation of English curriculum, helping students to use learning strategies effectively not only helps them to grasp the direction of learning, adopt scientific approach and improve learning efficiency, but also helps them to form the ability of autonomous learning. Lay the foundation for lifelong and sustainable learning. Table 5 is a two-level and five-level learning strategy rating standards.Table 5 grading criteria for learning strategiesV. Cultural Awareness.Language has rich cultural connotations. In foreign language teaching, culture refers to the historical geography, local conditions and customs, traditional customs, life style, behavior norms, literature and art, values and so on of the language country. In the process of learning English, contact with and understanding of foreign culture is beneficial tothe understanding and use of English, to the deepening of the understanding and love of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and to the acceptance of the edification of the advanced culture belonging to all mankind. It's good for international awareness. In teaching, teachers should gradually expand the content and scope of cultural knowledge according to the characteristics of students' age and cognitive ability. In the initial stage, students should have a rough understanding of the similarities and differences between Chinese and foreign cultures, and the foreign cultural knowledge involved in teaching should be closely related to students' study and life, and can stimulate students' interest in learning English. In the higher stage of English learning, we should expand the scope of students' contact with foreign culture, help them to broaden their horizons, improve their sensitivity and ability to distinguish the similarities and differences between Chinese and foreign cultures, and then improve their intercultural communicative competence.Table 6 grading standard of cultural awarenessPart IV implementation recommendations.I. Teaching suggestions.At the stage of compulsory education, the English curriculum aims to cater to all students, lay a good foundation for the development of students' comprehensive language ability, and at the same time, promote the improvement of students' overall humanistic quality. Teachers should consider language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness of the five aspects of the curriculum objectives, according to the development of students, the overall planning of each stage of the teaching task; Effectively integrate the curriculum resources, optimize classroom teaching, cultivate students' autonomous learning ability, and lay the foundation for the sustainable development of students. At the same time, teachers should constantly improve their professional level and try to adapt to the new requirements of English curriculum for teachers. To this end, the following teaching recommendations are made:(I) for all students, to lay the foundation for each student to learn English.In teaching, teachers should adhere to student-centered, facing all students, pay attention to individual differences, optimize classroom teaching, improve teaching efficiency, and lay the foundation for students to continue learning.1. Teachers should fully understand the current English level and development needs of all students, choose appropriate teaching methods and methods, grasp the difficulty of learning, mobilize the enthusiasm of all students and make them maintain their confidence in learning English. Experience the fun of learning English, get a sense of success in learning English, and make them progress in all stages of learning.2. Teachers should fully understand students' different learning experiences, learning levels and learning styles, respect students' individual characteristics, fully explore students' different potentials, establish a sincere, understanding and trusting relationship with students, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and encourage innovation. For students to provide a broader space for thinking and independent development of space. Students should be given targeted guidance on the problems in the process of learning.3. Teachers should arrange the teaching contents and steps reasonably, organize various forms of classroom interaction, encourage students to learn and use English by observing, imitating, experiencing, exploring, presenting, and so on, so as to create as many opportunities for language practice for them as possible. Guide them to learn independent learning and cooperative learning. Teachers strive to create a harmonious atmosphere in the classroom, to take a tolerant attitude towards students' language errors in the process of learning, and choose the right time and appropriate methods to deal with.4. According to the actual situation of the students, the teachers should establish the teaching objectives that are conducive to the gradual improvement of the students' basic language literacy and basic foreign language learning ability. Especially in primary school, teachers need to cultivate students' strong interest in learning, positive learning attitude, good learning habits and awareness of creative use of language.(2) pay attention to language practice and cultivate students' ability of using language.The purpose of this standard is to emphasize the cultivation of students' comprehensive language ability by settingthe goals and requirements in the form of "can do things in English". From the perspective of language use, the presentation of knowledge of various languages and brothers should serve to improve students' ability to "do things in English". By creating various contexts close to real life, teachers should adopt progressive language practice activities, as well as various teaching approaches and methods that emphasize both process and result, such as task-based language teaching approach, etc. Develop students' ability to do things in English.Teachers play an important role in students' language learning and practice. Teachers should pay attention to the relationship between knowledge learning and ability development, the relationship between language practice and language use, and the relationship between regular teaching and examination, so as to make teaching activities more effective.1. The activities should have clear communication purposes, real communication meanings and specific operational requirements, and provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their learning achievements, so that students can develop their language and thinking abilities in individual and cooperative practical activities. And can feel successful in the exhibition activity.2. The content and form of the activities should be close to the students' real life experience and their cognitive level, and should be as close as possible to the actual situation of language use in real life. To enable students to understand and master the real meaning and use of the target language project.3. Activities should include the process of learning language knowledge and developing language skills, so that students can gradually realize the internalization of language knowledge through contact, understanding, practice and application of language in language practice. It should help students to learn to do things in English, especially to acquire, process and transmit information in English, to express simple personal views and feelings, so as to improve their ability to use language in practice.4. Activities are not limited to the classroom, but can also be extended beyond the classroom. Activities should be conducive to the mutual penetration and contact between English and other disciplines, so as to promote the comprehensive development of students' cognitive ability, thinking ability, aesthetic taste, imagination and creativity.(3) to strengthen the guidance of learning strategies and cultivate students' autonomous learning ability.In the stage of compulsory education, it is very important for students to form effective learning strategies step by step in order to improve the learning effect. Developing effective learning strategies is one of the important goals of English curriculum.1. According to the students' experience of learning their mother tongue and the needs of their cognitive development, and in view of the characteristics, similarities and differences between the English and American languages, this paper focuses on the cultivation of the students' ability to use learning strategies, the perception and imitation of the English pronunciation, and the characteristics of the English pronunciation. To master the methods of memorizing and using English vocabulary effectively; to understand the structure and pragmatic functions of English sentence patterns; to acquire, process and transmit the necessary information by using the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing; to carry out effective communication in the specific context; Active reflection。
National English Course Standard 英语课程标准 英文版

国家英语课程标准New English Curriculum for Chinese Primary Schools andJunior/Senior Middle SchoolsExperimental Version drafted by the Education Ministry of the PRCPart 1: IntroductionWith the advent of the information age and the global economy, English has become increasingly important. English is the dominant carrier of information and the most widely spoken language in the world. Many countries have made English a cornerstone of quality education when developing strategies for basic education.Since China’s reform and opening, the scale of its English education has continually grown, attended by significant achievements in teaching and learning. However, English education in its current form is failing to meet the needs of contemporary social and economic development.The current round of reforms to the English curriculum aim to end the following practices:●Over-emphasizing the transmission and explanation of knowledge about grammar and vocabulary●Neglecting to develop students’ ability to use language for realIn their place, the reforms aim to establish a curriculum that:●Develops students’ comprehensive language competence●Motivates students, is relevant to their life experiences and cognitive level●Promotes task-based teaching methods●Involves students in experiential, practical, participatory and cooperative learning●Develops students’positive attitudes, thinking skills, practical abilities, cultural awareness andautonomy through the language learning process1.The Nature of the New CurriculumThe new English curriculum strives to accomplish far more than just help students learn English. At one level learning English should involve helping students to:●Develop a certain level of comprehensive language competence and the ability to use language forreal communication●Master certain basic language knowledge●Master listening, speaking, reading and writing skillsHowever, at another level the curriculum should also serve students’ all-round development, providing them with opportunities to:●Strengthen their interest in studying English●Grow in self-discipline, perseverance and self-confidence●Improve their cooperative, investigative and thinking abilities●Develop their memory, imagination and creativity●Adopt good study habits and effective learning strategies●Develop as autonomous and lifelong learners●Build moral integrity and a healthy outlook on life●Establish both national spirit and an awareness of and respect for cultural differences●Broaden their horizons and enrich their life experience●Take part in cultural life●Develop as individuals2.Basic Principles of the New CurriculumThe curriculum promotes quality education (as opposed to exam-orientated education) and the all-round development of the studentsTo promote quality education particular attention must be paid to:●Valuing each student’s feelings●Stimulating students’ interest in studying English●Helping students gain a sense of achievement and self-confidenceThe curriculum must go beyond developing students’comprehensive language competence to include areas such as:●Improving students’ ability to contribute to cultural and social life●Developing students’ practical abilities●Fostering students’ creativityThe curriculum objectives are holistic and flexible.The fundamental aim of the new English curriculum is to develop students’comprehensive language competence. This aim is broken down into five general objectives. These objectives are then divided into nine ability levels with descriptors provided for each level. The five general objectives are:nguage Skillsnguage Knowledge3.Attitudes to Learning4.Learning Strategies5.Cultural AwarenessThis design allows students to progress systematically through each level whilst meeting the full range of the curriculum’s demands.Students are put at the centre of the curriculum and individual differences are respected Students’ must be at the heart of the new curriculum. For example, their developmental needs must be the central consideration when developing:●Curriculum objectives●The teaching and learning process●The assessment process●Teaching and learning resourcesWhen implementing the curriculum each student must be allowed to develop individually under the guidance of the teacher:The curriculum promotes activity-based methods, experiential and participatory learningThe curriculum promotes task-based learning whereby, under the guidance of the teacher, the students gain a sense of achievement by reaching the goals of the task. Task completion will involve the following types of learning:●Sensory●Experiential●‘Hands on’/practical●Participatory●CooperativeIn order to improve their ability to use language for real communication, students should also be able to: ●Adjust their learning strategies and control their emotions●Form positive attitudes towards learningThe curriculum recognizes the important role of formative assessment in promoting student’developmentThe assessment system should combine formative with summative assessment. The purposes of assessment should be to:●Promote students’ comprehensive language competence●Encourage and motivate students●Help students become more autonomous learners●Benefit students’ healthy personal development●Give teachers useful feedback from which to develop teaching and learning●Inform the ongoing development and perfection of the English curriculumFormative assessment should be an important part of the English teaching and learning process with a particular emphasis on:●Encouraging students’ active participation in learning●Improving students’ self-confidenceSummative assessment should focus on:●Testing students’ integrated language skills●Testing students’ ability to use languageThe curriculum expands the range of learning resources and opportunities availableThe curriculum should strive to use and develop resources whose content is:●Realistic●Close to the students’ lives●Contemporary●Healthy●Rich and variedActive use should be made of:●Audio visual material●Print media●The InternetStudents should be encouraged to take responsibility for finding, using and developing learning resources themselves.3.The Curriculum DesignThe curriculum follows the international practice of dividing the general objectives into different ability levels. When designing these nine levels consideration was given to the following:●The nature of language development●The different needs of different age groups●The needs of different ethnic groups and areas●The economic imbalances that exist in ChinaThe aim is to have designed a system that is holistic and flexible.The correspondence between the level system and the grade system is shown in the following diagram:Part 2: Introduction to The General ObjectivesThe fundamental aim of the new curriculum is to develop students’ comprehensive language competence. This comprehensive language competence is achieved through the five general objectives as shown in the following diagram:Diagram 2: The General ObjectivesA further diagram illustrates the more comprehensive nature of the new curriculum compared to the old●Language skills and knowledge form the basis of comprehensive language competence●The students’attitudes to learning strongly influence their learning and development●Successful learning strategies improve the effectiveness of students’ learning●Cultural awareness ensures students use language appropriatelyThe overall descriptors for comprehensive language competence (i.e. a combination of all five general objectives) for Levels 1 to 9 are presented below:Part 3: The General Objectives in DetailDetailed descriptors for Levels 2 and 5 of each of the five general objectives are presented in the following tables. Please refer to the translation of the senior English curriculum (available from the VSO Programme Office) for Level 6 – 9 descriptors.Part 4: Guidelines for Implementation1.Suggestions for Teaching and Learning1.1Lay the groundwork for students’ all-round and lifelong developmentTeaching and learning should meet the diverse needs of all students, ensuring the healthy development of their mind and body. In particular the teacher should pay attention to the following:●Encourage students to use English bravely, taking a lenient attitude towards mistakes they makeduring the learning process.●Provide students with ample opportunities to collaborate with others and to become autonomouslearners.●Give students plenty of space for self-development.●Encourage students to develop their language skills in an integrated way through experiential,practical, cooperative and inquiry-based learning.●Create conditions that allow students to explore questions they are personally interested in and solveproblems by themselves.1.2Create a relaxed, democratic and harmonious learning environmentPositive attitudes are an essential condition for effective learning. Negative attitudes can not only reduce the effectiveness of study but also adversely affect students’long-term development. In particular, teachers should heed the following:●Respect each individual student, actively encouraging everyone to try and safeguarding theirself-esteem and enthusiasm.●Integrate students’English education with their emotional education. Develop cooperative spirit byorganizing learning activities that let students work together, help each other and experience group recognition and achievement.●Pay particular attention to introverted students or weak learners, trying to give them as many languagepractice opportunities as possible.●Establish a friendly and democratic channel of communication between students and teacher,frequently reflecting on the learning process and results together, and offering mutual help and support.1.3Use task-based learning methods to promote students comprehensive language competence Teachers should try to adopt task-based learning methods as much as possible. Teachers should creatively design learning activities that are relevant to the students’ real lives, according to the overall curriculum objectives and content. Teachers should engage students’interest in the activity and organize them effectively so that they participate actively and complete the tasks, learning and using English through thinking, carrying out surveys, discussing, communicating and cooperating. Attention should be paid to the following points when designing tasks:●Activities must have clear and achievable aims and objectives.●Activities must be relevant to students’ life experiences and interests; the content and style should beas true to life as possible.●Activities must benefit the development of students’ language knowledge, language skills and ability●Activities should be of a cross-curricular nature, promoting the integrated development of students’thinking and imagination, aesthetic and artistic sense, cooperative and creative spirit.●Activities should make students gather, process and use information, using English to communicatewith others in order to develop their ability to use English to solve real problems.●Activities should not purely be limited to the classroom but also extend to out of school learning.1.4. Provide increased guidance about learning strategiesHelping students to adopt good study habits and effective learning strategies is one of the important tasks of the new curriculum. Teachers should consciously give students guidance about learning strategies so that, through learning and using English, they are learning how to learn. To this end the teacher should observe the following:●Give students chances to establish their own study targets and the means of fulfilling these.●Help students to use inference, research and inquiry style methods to carry out their learning.●Develop students’ practical abilities and creative thinking by designing inquiry based activities.●Encourage students to use observation, discovery and induction to acquire language knowledge andgrasp language functions.●Help students to carry out self-assessment during the learning process and adjust their own learningobjectives and strategies appropriately according to the results.1.4Develop students’ awareness of and ability in cross-cultural communicationLanguage and culture are closely related, language being the main transmitter and carrier of culture. Teachers should work hard to help students achieve the following during the English learning process:●Understand foreign cultures, especially those of English speaking countries●Use English appropriately●Constantly broaden their cultural horizons●Deepen their understanding of their own culture●Develop an awareness of and ability in cross-cultural communication1.5Use modern teaching technology and expand learning opportunitiesIn order to increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning, teachers should make good use of modern technology, expand the range resources and opportunities through which students can learn, thereby modernizing learning ways. Conditions permitting, teachers should try to:●Use audiovisual material and the Internet to enrich the learning content and form and improveoutcomes.●Use computer and multi-media software to explore new teaching and learning methods and promotemore individualized study.●Create conditions for students to study more independently through sensible use of a variety oflearning resources, such as broadcasts, print media, libraries and the Internet.1.6Organize lively and active extracurricular activities to promote students’ English learning Teachers should arrange a variety of extracurricular activities according to the students’ age and interests to help them expand their knowledge, broaden their horizons, strengthen their intellect and individuality and use their talents. The content and form of these carefully planned activities should be rich and varied. Suggestions include:●Recitals●Songs●Story telling●Speeches●Performances●English corner●English wall displays●Cclass discussions●ExhibitionsThe teacher should be good at leading these activities to maintain students’interest and foster their creativity and initiative.1.7Continue to develop professionallyTeachers should aim to:●Familiarize themselves with the principles, objectives, content, teaching and learning methods,psychological theories and language learning research findings of this curriculum●Select and adjust English teaching and learning strategies according to their students’ psychologicalcharacteristics●Develop their ability to organize and monitor activities●Use a variety of teaching skills and methods flexibly●Master the use of modern educational technology, using it increasingly in their own continuing studyand real classroom practice●Consciously deepen their knowledge of Chinese and foreign cultures●Actively and creatively explore which teaching and learning methods best suit their students’ needs,local conditions and the objectives●Continuously reflect on their own practice, endeavouring to become a creative and research driventeacher1.8Follow high frequency principles to ensure effective teaching and learningIn Grades 3-6 there should be a minimum of four teaching and learning periods per week, with shorter periods for the younger years. For Grades 5 and 6 classes should not exceed two periods in length. In order to ensure the effectiveness of teaching and learning, class sizes should not exceed 40 at primary level. Grades 7 –9 and senior school students should have a minimum of four lessons a week.2.Suggestions for Assessment and EvaluationAssessment and evaluation is an important component of the new curriculum. Assessment should be carried out according to the requirements of the curriculum standards, focusing not only on the results but also the process of learning. The primary purposes of assessment are to:●Let students continuously experience progress and success during the learning process●Let students know their own progress and build confidence●Promote all aspects of students’ comprehensive language competence●Provide the teacher with feedback on the teaching and learning process●Help the teacher reflect on their own teaching practice and adjust it accordingly●Help the teacher continuously improve the quality of their teaching●Provide the school with prompt feedback on the implementation of the curriculum●Help improve educational management●Inform the ongoing development and perfection of the new English curriculumThe assessment system should diversify both the subjects and forms of assessment. Assessment should focus on students’comprehensive language competence, combining both formative assessment (concentrating on the study process) and summative assessment (concentrating on the learning outcomes).Ensure that students are the subjects (not objects) of assessmentStudents are at the centre of learning. The development of their comprehensive language competence should be the starting point for both teaching and learning and assessment.●Assessment should help students know their own progress, develop self-confidence, reflect on andadjust their own study process, thereby ensuring the continuous development of their language ability.●Teachers should help students carry out self-assessment.●Students should be active participants and collaborators in a variety of assessment activities.●Assessment should be an organic part of teaching and learning activities.●Assessment should help students to analyse their own successes and shortcomings, clarifying thedirection in which they need to work.Make sure formative assessment plays a role in student developmentFormative assessment is an important component and driving element of teaching and learning. Formative assessment should check the students’learning outcomes, attitudes and strategies during the everyday learning process. The purpose of formative assessment is to encourage students, help students adjust the learning process effectively, help students gain a sense of achievement, strengthen their self-confidence, and improve their cooperative spirit. Formative assessment helps students develop from passive objects of assessment to active participants in the assessment process. In order to let formative assessment become an organic part of the study process its important to:●Establish an open and relaxed atmosphere for assessment●Use both tests and other methods●Use a combination of individual and small group assessment●Encourage students, classmates, teachers and parents to collectively participate in assessment, therebydiversifying the subjects of assessmentFormative assessment can take many forms, such as:●Comparison and assessment of classroom learning activities● A learning portfolio●Questionnaires●Interviews●Feedback from parents●Everyday quizzes and testsFormative assessment can be recorded in the form of descriptions, levels or marks. No matter what method is used, the role of assessment in encouraging learners must not be forgotten. According to the assessment results, teachers should give students individual feedback, ensuring their steady progress and encouraging them to reflect on and better themselves.Make sure assessment methods are varied and flexibleTeachers must select assessment methods suitable for the age of the students and the learning conditions. During formal assessment teachers should permit students to select assessment methods that suit their characteristics or strengths. If students get unsatisfactory results during a certain test they should be allowed to negotiate with the teacher to retake the test after sufficient preparation.Make sure assessment feedback is used to increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning The teacher should ask themselves the following questions:●Does the assessment help promote autonomous learning and self-confidence?●Does the assessment reflect the students’ achievements?●Does the assessment reflect the teachers’ strengths and weaknesses?●Does the assessment reflect problems in the students’ learning process?Teachers should promptly adjust their teaching methods and plans according to assessment feedback.Summative assessment should focus on checking students’ comprehensive language competence Summative assessment (such as end of term exams and graduation exams) is the main means of measuring the level of students’ comprehensive language competence. It also reflects the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process and is a major indicator of the schools’ quality in managing teaching and learning. Summative assessment must have the target of assessing students’ comprehensive language competence, striving to scientifically and comprehensively check students’ language level at the end of a particular stage of learning. The following should be observed:●Exams should include oral, listening and writing amongst other components in assessing students’comprehensive language competence.●Listening tests must account for a minimum of twenty percent of termly, yearly and graduation exams.●Listening tests should check students’ understanding and ability to gain information rather than askingthem to distinguish between different pronunciations.●Writing exams should avoid testing knowledge of phonetics or grammar in isolation.●There should be an increase in questions that require students to use English in a specific languagecontext.●Objective questions with a single correct answer should be reduced in favour of more subjectivequestions with several correct answers.●Exam results should not be publicly displayed nor students ranked in order of their results.Recognize the special characteristics of assessment for Grades 3 – 6The main purpose of assessment at primary level should be to encourage students’interest and active participation in learning English. Assessment methods should be varied and choice should be offered. Formative assessment should be the main type, focusing mainly on students’ performance and ability to cooperate during a variety of everyday teaching and learning activities.●In Grades 3 and 4 end of term or end of year assessment should use assessment activities similar tonormal teaching and learning activities. Through observing students’behaviour and discussing with them teachers should assess their ability to use English to do things.●For end of term or year assessment in Grades 5 and 6 a combination of oral and written tests can beused. Oral tests should check students’ ability to use language to communicate about content close to their real lives. Written tests should focus on checking their listening and reading skills, using methods that are as active and lively as possible.Pay attention to the relationship between assessment and teaching and learningPay attention to the proportion of teaching and learning time spent on assessment. Only carry out assessment that has useful results. Avoid over-elaborate and time-consuming assessment processes. Don’t let assessment become the sole end of teaching and learning.The assessment of each level should be founded on the general objectivesThe general objectives should be the basis for all assessment. Since the assessment of Level 2 will be organized by individual places and schools, formative assessment should be the main means. The same applies to all other levels apart from Levels 5 and 8, whose assessment is organized by national and provincial education bodies. Selection exams should unite the requirements of this curriculum with those of local conditions to establish suitable levels and test demands.Example 1: Self assessment questionnaire for Grade 7-9 students about learning strategies Includes statements such as:●I can concentrate during study.●During communication I use gestures and facial expressions to help express myself.●I often use associations to help study and remember new wordsStudents choose between ‘never’, ‘rarely’, ‘sometimes’, ‘often’ and ‘always’.Example 2: Assessment reference sheet for Grade 3-6 for English ‘playing, performing, watching, speaking and listening’Example 3: Formative assessment scheme for Grade 3-6 listening at Level 2Example 4: Guidelines for using student portfoliosPortfolios might include:●Some kind of baseline assessment● A record of the students’ classroom performance – e.g. participation in role-plays, volunteering to read●Examples of the students’ best written homework, as selected by themselves●Teachers’ and parents’ observations on the students’ study situation●Results of tests and quizzes marked by the teacher, student or students’ classmates, either as grades orwritten comments●Students’ self-assessments and reflections on their own attitude, methods and outcomesExample 5: Guidelines for oral testsEnd of term or end of year oral tests should test students’real ability to express themselves orally. Students can be tested in groups of two, three or four. According to a situation or topic (that might be presented through words or pictures), students discuss and communicate. Teachers should assess their oral expression, communicative ability and effectiveness. The following questions may be useful:●Is information coherent and easily expressed? (Students may make grammar and vocabulary mistakesthat affect the accuracy but the basic information is still transmitted effectively.)●Are the pronunciation, intonation and rhythm natural? Can the speaker be understood?●Does the speaker use appropriate communication strategies, such as repetition, clarification, usingexpressions and gestures, to complete the activity successfully?Example 6: Reference sheet for the assessment of writing for Levels 3 – 8.3.Exploitation and Use of Curricular Resources4.The compilation of teaching materials and guidelines for their useSource of this translation:英语课程标准教师读本(修订本),华中师范大学出版社,2003,武汉,ISBN 7-5622-2557-5/G.131721。
综合英语 课程标准

《综合英语》课程标准课程英文名称:Comprehensive English课程代码: 07023001-4 课程负责人:制定(修订)单位:综合语种教研室制定(修订)人或执笔人:审核人:制定(修订)时间: 2011年6月《综合英语》课程标准课程名称:《综合英语》课程属性:专业核心课课程性质:专业必修课适用专业:应用英语专业(外贸方向)、商务英语开课学时: 212学时1、课程性质和任务《综合英语》课程是应用英语专业(外贸方向)的专业核心课,为该专业主干课程,是一门培养学生听、说、读、写、译等综合技能的课程。
累计212学时,9.5学分;分四个学期开设,第一学期《综合英语I》48个学时,2个学分;第二学期《综合英语II》56个学时,2. 5个学分;第三学期《综合英语III》56个学时,2.5个学分;第四学期《综合英语IV》52个学时,2.5个学分。
训练听、说、读、写、译等基本的语言技能,培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力,指导正确的学习方法, 丰富学生的社会文化知识。
2、语言技能目标:1. 听力理解能力:能听懂内容稍长的对话、短文等,并在其结构较为复杂、观点较为隐含时也能理解要点。

全面贯彻党的教育方针,落实立德树人根本任务,以培养有理想、有本领、有担当的时代 新人为出发点和落脚点。围绕核心素养确定课程目标,选择课程内容,创新教学方式,改进考 试评价,指导教材建设,开展教师培训。
课程结构的构建遵循外语学习规律,借鉴国际经验,立足我国义务教育阶段英语教育实际, 充分考虑学习条件、学习时限和学生学习经验等方面的差异,按照英语能力发展进阶,建立循 序渐进、可持续发展的九年义务教育英语分级体系,由低到高明确学习内容与要求。课程以分 级体系为依据,因地制宜,因材施教,确定起始年级和学习内容要求,灵活安排教学进度。
基本养成良好的学习习惯; 在学习活动中主动探究,与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。
小学英语“四大”核心素养理念解读 核心素养的学段分项特征-以3-4年级为例
小学英语“四大”核心素养理念解读 核心素养的学段分项特征-以3-4年级为例
小学英语的培养目标 具体内容
小学英语的课程 内容及呈现方式
01 主题 02 语篇 03 语言知识
04 文化知识 05 语言技能 06 学习策略
课 程 内 容 总 体 设 置 —— 六 要 素
课 程 内 容 分 级 示 意 图
✓ 1.对学习、探索中外文化有兴趣;能在教师引导下,通过故事、介绍、对话、动画等获取中外 文化的简单信息;感知与体验文化多样性,能在理解的基础上进行初步的比较;能用简短的句 子描述所学的与中外文化有关的具体事物;初步具有观察、识别、比较中外文化异同的能力。

1.The Nature of the New Curriculum2.Basic Principles of the New Curriculum1The curriculum promotes quality education and the all-round development of the students2The curriculum objectives are holistic and flexible.3Students are put at the centre of the curriculum and individual differences are respected4The curriculum promotes activity-based methods, experiential and participatory learning5The curriculum recognizes the important role of formative assessment in promoting student’ development6The assessment system should combine formative with summative assessment.7The curriculum expands the range of learning resources and opportunities availablePart 2: Introduction to The General ObjectivesThe fundamental aim of the new curriculum is to develop students’comprehensive language competence. This comprehensive language competence is achieved through the five general objectives as shown in the following diagram:Diagram 3: Comparison of the Old and New Curriculums●Language skills and knowledge form the basis of comprehensive language competence●The students’attitudes to learning strongly influence their learning and development●Successful learning strategies improve the effectiveness of students’ learning●Cultural awareness ensures students use language appropriatelyThe overall descriptors for comprehensive language competence(i.e. a combination of all five general objectives) forTable 1: The Overall Descriptors for Comprehensive Language CompetenceTable 2: Level Descriptors for Language Skills ObjectiveTable 6: Level Descriptors for Cultural AwarenessPart 4: Guidelines for Implementation1.Suggestions for Teaching and Learning1.1Lay the groundwork for students’ all-round and lifelong development1.2Create a relaxed, democratic and harmonious learning environment1.3Use task-based learning methods to promote students comprehensive language competence1.4. Provide increased guidance about learning strategies1.4Develop students’ awareness of and ability in cross-cultural communication1.5Use modern teaching technology and expand learning opportunities1.6Organize lively and active extracurricular activities to promote students’ English learning1.7Continue to develop professionally1.8Follow high frequency principles to ensure effective teaching and learningEnsure that students are the subjects (not objects) of assessmentMake sure formative assessment plays a role in student developmentMake sure assessment methods are varied and flexibleMake sure assessment feedback is used to increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning Summative assessment should focus on checking students’ comprehensive language competence Recognize the special characteristics of assessment for Grades 3 – 6Pay attention to the relationship between assessment and teaching and learningThe assessment of each level should be founded on the general objectives。

2024年小学英语新课程标准英文版2024 Primary School English New Curriculum StandardsIn 2024, the new curriculum standards for English in primary schools are expected to bring about significant changes in the way English is taught to young learners. The updated standards aim to enhance students' language skills, promote effective communication, and foster a love for the English language.The new curriculum will focus on a communicative approach to language learning, emphasizing the importance of speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Students will be encouraged to engage in meaningful conversations, participate in group activities, and express their thoughts and ideas in English.In addition to language skills, the new standards will also place a strong emphasis on cultural awareness and understanding. Students will learn about different English-speaking countries, their customs,traditions, and celebrations, which will help them develop a broader perspective and appreciation for diversity.Furthermore, the new curriculum will incorporate technology into English language learning, providing students with opportunities to use digital tools and resources to enhance their language skills. Interactive activities, online resources, and multimedia materials will be used to make learning English more engaging and fun for students.Overall, the 2024 Primary School English New Curriculum Standards aim to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment that will inspire students to become confident English speakers, effective communicators, and global citizens.。
第一章 英语课程标准(2022年版)解读

“合作与探究”维度重点关注学生与他人沟通合作的能力。英语 学习是一个特别需要交流互动的过程,与他人沟通合作的能力 直接关系着学生英语学习的成败。此外,随着学科交叉融合的 不断深入,与他人合作完成工作已经成为普遍现象,沟通合作 能力在某种程度上决定了学生在未来社会的生存能力。
学段目标是对本学段结束时学生学习本课程应达到的学业成就的预设 或期待,是总目标在各学段的具体化。小学英语课程分为两个学段, 各学段目标设有相应的级别,即一级建议为3〜4年级学段应达到的 目标,二级建议为5〜6年级学段应达到的目标。各学段目标之间具
从区域语言类型上来看,英语属于印欧 语系,中国民族语言属于汉藏语系、阿尔 泰语系、南岛语系和印欧语系。从结构上 看,英语属于屈折语和分析—综合语,汉 藏语属于孤立语和分析语,蒙古语、朝鲜 语等属于黏着语,俄罗斯语等属于屈折语。
(三)义务教育英语课程体现人文 性和工具性的统一
英语学科核心素养下的语言能力与传统意义上的语言能 力侧重不同,作为核心素养的语言能力更强调认知过程。 其中“感知与积累”、“习得与建构”、“表达与交流” 反映了语言学习过程的三个认知阶段。
值得注意的是“感知与积累”“习得与建构”“表达与交流”并 没有明确的先后顺序,而是交互发生的。“感知与积 累”“习得与建构”既可以发生在接受或理解性语言活动中, 也可以发生在产出性语言活动中。“表达与交流”主要发 生在产出性语言活动中。但真正的语言交流通常是接受 性和产出性活动交织在一起的,因此三个语言认知过程 也是交互发生的。

New Course Syllable for EnglishPart 1: IntroductionWith the advent of the information age and the global economy, English has become increasingly important. English is the dominant carrier of information and the most widely spoken language in the world. Many countries have made English a cornerstone of quality education when developing strategies for basic education.Since China’s reform and opening, the scale of its English education has continually grown, attended by significant achievements in teaching and learning. However, English education in its current form is failing to meet the needs of contemporary social and economic development.The current round of reforms to the English curriculum aim to end the following practices:l Over-emphasizing the transmission and explanation of knowledge about grammar and vocabularyl Neglecting to develop students’ ability to use language for realIn their place, the reforms aim to establish a curriculum that:l Develops students’ comprehensive l anguage competencel Motivates students, is relevant to their life experiences and cognitive levell Promotes task-based teaching methodsl Involves students in experiential, practical, participatory and cooperative learningl Develops students’ positive attitudes, thinking skills, practical abilities, cultural awareness and autonomy through the language learning process1. The Nature of the New CurriculumThe new English curriculum strives to accomplish far more than just help students learn English. At one level learning English should involve helping students tl Develop a certain level of comprehensive language competence and the ability to use language for real communicationl Master certain basic language knowledgel Master listening, speaking, reading and writing skillsHowever, at another level the curriculum should also serve students’ all-round development, providing them with opportunities tl Strengthen their interest in studying Englishl Grow in self-discipline, perseverance and self-confidencel Improve their cooperative, investigative and thinking abilitiesl Develop their memory, imagination and creativityl Adopt good study habits and effective learning strategiesl Develop as autonomous and lifelong learnersl Build moral integrity and a healthy outlook on lifel Establish both national spirit and an awareness of and respect for cultural differencesl Broaden their horizons and enrich their life experiencel Take part in cultural lifel Develop as individuals2. Basic Principles of the New Curriculum2.1The curriculum promotes quality education (as opposed to exam-orientated education) and the all-round development of the studentsTo promote quality education particular attention must be paid tl Valuing each student’s feelingsl Stimulating students’ interest in studying Englishl Helping students gain a sense of achievement and self-confidenceThe curriculum must go beyond developing students’ comprehensive language competence to include areas such as:l Improving students’ ability to contribute to cultural and social lifel Developing students’ practical abilitiesl Fostering students’ creativity2.2The curriculum objectives are holistic and flexible.The fundamental aim of the new English curriculum is to develop students’ comprehensive language competence. This aim is broken down into five general objectives. These objectives are then divided into nine ability levels with descriptors provided for each level. The five general objectives are:1. Language Skills2. Language Knowledge3. Attitudes to Learning4. Learning Strategies5. Cultural AwarenessThis design allows students to progress systematically through each level whilst meeting the full range of the curriculum’s demands.2.3Students are put at the centre of the curriculum and individual differences are respected Students’ must be at the heart of the new curricul um. For example, their developmental needs must be the central consideration when developing:l Curriculum objectivesl The teaching and learning processl The assessment processl Teaching and learning resourcesWhen implementing the curriculum each student must be allowed to develop individually under the guidance of the teacher:2.4The curriculum promotes activity-based methods, experiential and participatory learningThe curriculum promotes task-based learning whereby, under the guidance of the teacher, the students gain a sense of achievement by reaching the goals of the task. Task completion will involve the following types of learning:l Sensoryl Experientiall ‘Hands on’/practicall Participatoryl CooperativeIn order to improve their ability to use language for real communication, students should also be able tl Adjust their learning strategies and control their emotionsl Form positive attitudes towards learning2.5The curriculum recogni zes the important role of formative assessment in promoting student’ developmentThe assessment system should combine formative with summative assessment. The purposes of assessment should be tl Promote students’ comprehensive language competencel Encourage and motivate studentsl Help students become more autonomous learnersl Benefit students’ healthy personal developmentl Give teachers useful feedback from which to develop teaching and learningl Inform the ongoing development and perfection of the English curriculumFormative assessment should be an important part of the English teaching and learning process with a particular emphasis on:l Encouraging students’ active participation in learningl Improving stu dents’ self-confidenceSummative assessment should focus on:l Testing students’ integrated language skillsl Testing students’ ability to use language2.6The curriculum expands the range of learning resources and opportunities availableThe curriculum should strive to use and develop resources whose content is:l Realisticl Close to the students’ livesl Contemporaryl Healthyl Rich and variedActive use should be made of:l Audio visual materiall Print medial The InternetStudents should be encouraged to take responsibility for finding, using and developing learning resources themselves.3. The Curriculum DesignThe curriculum follows the international practice of dividing the general objectives into different ability levels. When designing these nine levels consideration was given to the following:l The nature of language developmentl The different needs of different age groupsl The needs of different ethnic groups and areasl The economic imbalances that exist in ChinaThe aim is to have designed a system that is holistic and flexible.The correspondence between the level system and the grade system is shown in the following diagram:。

Compulsory Education English Curriculum Standard 2022PreambleEnglish is an international language, and the ability to use English effectively is an important part of a person's development. In order to improve the quality of English teaching in compulsory education, this curriculum standard is formulated in accordance with the current situation of Englishteaching in China.I. General Principles1. This curriculum standard is formulated in accordance with the requirements of the "Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Regulations on Compulsory Education".2. This curriculum standard is based on the principles of "student-centered, comprehensive development, and meeting the needs of the times".3. This curriculum standard follows the principle of "integrating knowledge and skills, emphasizing practice, and promoting innovation".4. This curriculum standard follows the principle of "paying attention to the cultivation of students' interest in learning, promoting the development of students' personality and ability, and cultivating students' sense of responsibility for the motherland and society".II. Curriculum Objectives1. This curriculum standard aims to cultivate students' basic English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, as well as their comprehensive language application ability.2. This curriculum standard aims to cultivate students' basic knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary, as well as their ability to use English to communicate and cooperate with others.3. This curriculum standard aims to cultivate students' awareness of theinternational community, their ability to understand and respect different cultures, and their ability to use English to explore the world.4. This curriculum standard aims to cultivate students' ability to use English to learn, work, and live in a globalized world.III. Curriculum Content1. Listening and speaking:(1) Listen to and understand English indaily life;(2) Speak English in daily life;(3) Participate in English conversations and debates;(4) Understand and express opinions in English.2. Reading and writing:(1) Read and understand English texts in daily life;(2) Write English texts in daily life;(3) Understand and analyze English texts;(4) Express opinions in English.3. Grammar and vocabulary:(1) Understand and use basic English grammar;(2) Understand and use basic English vocabulary;(3) Understand and use English idioms,proverbs and other expressions.4. Comprehensive language application:(1) Understand and use English in various situations;(2) Learn English through various activities;(3) Use English to explore the world;(4) Use English to communicate with people from different cultures.IV. Teaching Methods1. This curriculum standard advocates "student-centered" teaching methods, which should focus on cultivating students' interest in learning and independent learning ability.2. This curriculum standard advocates "integrated teaching" methods, which should integrate knowledge, skills, and experience.3. This curriculum standard advocates "activity-based" teaching methods,which should focus on creating a rich learning environment and encouraging students to actively explore and practice.4. This curriculum standard advocates "innovative" teaching methods, which should focus on developing students' creativity and problem-solving ability.V. Assessment1. This curriculum standard advocates "formative assessment", which should focus on evaluating students' learning process and progress.2. This curriculum standard advocates "summative assessment", which should focus on evaluating students' learning outcomes.3. This curriculum standard advocates "holistic assessment", which should focus on evaluating students' comprehensive language application ability.VI. Resources1. This curriculum standard advocatesthe use of various teaching resources, including textbooks, teaching materials, audio-visual materials, and online resources.2. This curriculum standard advocates the use of various assessment resources, including tests, quizzes, and projects.VII. Teacher Development1. This curriculum standard advocates the use of various teacher development strategies, including workshops, seminars, and professional developmentcourses.2. This curriculum standard advocates the use of various teacher development resources, including textbooks, teaching materials, and online resources.3. This curriculum standard advocates the use of various teacher development activities, including classroom observation, peer observation, and reflective practice.VIII. Implementation1. This curriculum standard should be implemented in a step-by-step manner, with the primary focus on cultivating students' basic English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.2. This curriculum standard should be implemented in a flexible manner, with the primary focus on cultivating students' comprehensive language application ability.3. This curriculum standard should be implemented in a coordinated manner, with the primary focus on cultivatingstudents' interest in learning English and their ability to use English in various situations.ConclusionThis curriculum standard is formulated in accordance with the current situation of English teaching in China, and aims to improve the quality of English teaching in compulsory education. It is hoped that this curriculum standard will provide guidance for the development of English teaching in compulsory education, and lay a solid foundation forthe development of students' English language ability.。

• 有自主学习能力。能听懂有关熟悉话题的演讲、 讨论、辩论和报告的主要内容。能就国内外普遍 关心的问题如环保、人口、和平与发展等用英语 进行交谈,表明自己的态度和观点。能做日常生 活的口头翻译。能利用各种机会用英语进行真实 交际。能借助字典阅读题材较为广泛的科普文章 和文学作品。能用常见应用文体完成一般的写作 任务,并具有初步使用文献的能力。能自主开拓 学习渠道,丰富学习资源。具有较强的世界意识。
• 有较强的自信心和自主学习能力。能就熟悉的话 题与讲英语的人士进行比较自然的交流。能就口 头或书面材料的内容发表评价性见解。能写出连 贯且结构完整的短文。能自主策划、组织和实施 各种语言实践活动,如商讨和制订计划、报告实 验和调查结果。能有效利用网络等多种教育资源 获取和处理信息。能自觉评价学习效果,形成有 效的英语学习策略。了解交际中的文化内涵和背 景,对异国文化采取尊重和包容的态度。
• 有明确和持续的学习动机及自主学习意识。能就 较广泛的话题交流信息,提出问题并陈述自己的 意见和建议。能读懂供高中学生阅读的英文原著 改写本及英语报刊。具有初步的实用写作能力, 如通知、邀请信等。能在教师的指导下,主动参 与计划、组织和实施各种语言实践活动。能主动 利用多种教育资源进行学习。具有较强的自我调 控能力,初步形成适合自己的学习策略。理解交 际中的文化差异,初步形成跨文化交际意识。
• 有较明确的英语学习动机和积极主动的学习态度。 能听懂教师有关熟悉话题的陈述并参与讨论。能 就日常生活的各种话题与他人交换信息并陈述自 己的意见。能读懂供7一9年级学生阅读的简单读 物和报刊、杂志,克服生词障碍,理解大意。能 根据阅读目的运用适当的阅读策略。能根据提示 起草和修改小作文。能与他人合作,解决问题并 报告结果,共同完成学习任务。能对自己的学习 进行评价,总结学习方法。能利用多种教育资源 进行学习。进一步增强对文化差异的理解与认识。
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New English Curriculum for Chinese Primary Schools andJunior/Senior Middle SchoolsExperimental Version drafted by the Education Ministry of the PRCPart 1: IntroductionWith the advent of the information age and the global economy, English has become increasingly important. English is the dominant carrier of information and the most widely spoken language in the world. Many countries have made English a cornerstone of quality education when developing strategies for basic education.Since China’s ref orm and opening, the scale of its English education has continually grown, attended by significant achievements in teaching and learning. However, English education in its current form is failing to meet the needs of contemporary social and economic development.The current round of reforms to the English curriculum aim to end the following practices:Over-emphasizing the transmission and explanation of knowledge about grammar and vocabularyNeglecting to develop students’ ability to use langu age for realIn their place, the reforms aim to establish a curriculum that:Develops students’ comprehensive language competenceMotivates students, is relevant to their life experiences and cognitive levelPromotes task-based teaching methodsInvolves students in experiential, practical, participatory and cooperative learningDevelops students’ positive attitudes, thinking skills, practical abilities, cultural awareness and autonomy through the language learning process1.The Nature of the New CurriculumThe new English curriculum strives to accomplish far more than just help students learn English. At one level learning English should involve helping students to: Develop a certain level of comprehensive language competence and the ability to use language for real communicationMaster certain basic language knowledgeMaster listening, speaking, reading and writing skillsHowever, at another level the curriculum should also serve students’ all-round development, providing them with opportunities to:Strengthen their interest in studying EnglishGrow in self-discipline, perseverance and self-confidenceImprove their cooperative, investigative and thinking abilitiesDevelop their memory, imagination and creativityAdopt good study habits and effective learning strategiesDevelop as autonomous and lifelong learnersBuild moral integrity and a healthy outlook on lifeEstablish both national spirit and an awareness of and respect for cultural differencesBroaden their horizons and enrich their life experienceTake part in cultural lifeDevelop as individuals2. Basic Principles of the New Curriculum2.1The curriculum promotes quality education (as opposed to exam-orientated education) and the all-round development of the studentsTo promote quality education particular attention must be paid to:Valuing each student’ s feelingsStimulating students’ interest in studying EnglishHelping students gain a sense of achievement and self-confidence The curriculum must go beyond developing students’ comprehensive language competence to include areas such as:Improving students’ ability to contribute to cultural and social lifeDeveloping students’ practical abilitiesFostering students’ creativity2.2The curriculum objectives are holistic and flexible.The fundamental aim of the new English curriculum is to develop students’ comprehensive language competence. This aim is broken down into five general objectives. These objectives are then divided into nine ability levels with descriptors provided for each level. The five general objectives are:1. Language Skills2. Language Knowledge3. Attitudes to Learning4. Learning StrategiesThe principle aim of the New Curriculum for the teaching of English is to help the students 'move from competence to performance' (Chen, 2002)1[1]. What does this mean?Well, 'competence' is about what the students know in their minds, their theoretical knowledge, in other words. 'Performance' refers to what it is that the students can do with that theoretical knowledge. 'Performance' refers to what is practical, useful, creative and imaginative. Your job as a teacher is to find ways to help the students' knowledge become active, practical, flexible and responsive, rather than inactive, theoretical, inflexible and imitative. Students need to learn how they can control their own knowledge, use it differently in different situations, and be able to make their own decisions about how they learn. This is a big challenge for you as a teacher.Under the New Curriculum English will be seen not only as a tool for communication, but also for thinking, learning and social participation. It also takes into account the students' feelings about learning, rather than judging them purely as learning machines. This is reflected in the nine-level attainment-target system, which your teachers have copies of. You should study these attainment-targets, as they focus on achievements and what students can do, rather than placing impossible challenges for teachers and students.New Teaching and Learning Approaches with the New Curriculum:Under the New Curriculum, there are new teaching and learning approaches necessary. These are a big challenge, as they will be:•Student-centred2[2]as opposed to teacher-centred•Participatory - as opposed to passive•Experiential3[3] as opposed to rote•Flexible as opposed to pre-determinedThey will encourage:1[1] Chen Xiaotang, one of the people on the New Curriculum (NC) Working Party, said this at a VSO conference in November 2002.2[2] See section on student-centred learning.3[3] See Glossary•Deductive and inductive reasoning;•Critical thinking•Interpersonal skills•Learning how to learn (learning skills) rather than just cramming•Co-operative learning•Use-value - in other words, the knowledge the students gain will be expected to help them practically, rather than remain theoretical knowledge that they can't use.•Participation•Negotiation•Self-discoveryEvaluation:The New Curriculum will also encourage varied forms of evaluation:•Self- and peer-evaluation;•Summative and formative;•Judgements on language performance rather than passive knowledge. This suggests a much greater emphasis on speaking as well as the other skills of listening, reading and writing. The phrase you're going to read again and again in this Handbook (see the title page, for example) is: students must move from competence to performance.What challenges are there for future teachers?Let's look specifically now at the kinds of challenges you will face in implemeting the New Curriuclum. The initial challenge for new teachers will be to understand the New Curriculum, especially the new standards. You will have to update your views on language and language education and adopt new approaches to language teaching, including the task-based teaching approach and its practice.You will have to improve your own professional competence in language proficiency, cross-cultural competence, pedagogical competence, and the adoption of new learning strategies in your methods. As well as that you will have to change the teacher's role from that of knowledge-distributor to facilitator, organiser, participant and advisor, 'using the textbook rather than teaching the textbook.' (See Part Five on tips for using New Curriculum texts.)How can pre-service training prepare students for the challenges?You and your colleagues will need to incorporate the introduction of the New Curriculum into your syllabus and course designs. In addition, you will need to convince the students of the need for change and make them believe they CAN do it.The implementation of the new curriculum needs contributions from, and co-operation among, many groups of people including: teachers, teacher trainers, educational administrators, educational researchers, community, parents and employers.What's new?The new rationale: The aims of learning a foreign language are not to be limited to mastery of knowledge and skills in the foreign language. Like other school subjects such as Maths, Music, Art and Physical Education, foreign languages are part of the overall development of all students. Through learning a foreign language, students can enrich their experience of life, broaden their world vision, and enhance their thinking skills. Language learning is most effective when students' interest, motivation an attitudes are taken into consideration. New learning strategies should be incorporated into the language curriculum, so that students can become autonomous learners, which is fundamental for lifelong learning. Evaluation should be summative and formative and designed and administered to encourage the learners rather than frustrate them. It should be carried out in terms of what students can do rather than what they cannot do.New Curriculum Targets:•Language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing (critical thinking skills and interpersonal skills emphasised for senior high school);•Language knowledge: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, function and topics;•Motivation, interest, confidence, co-operation, patriotism and world vision;•Learning strategies: cognitive, planning, communicative and resourcing strategies;•Cultural awareness: cultural knowledge, cross-cultural competence.New methods of target specification:Students can:•understand and follow instructions;•identify the change in meaning in intonation;•provide personal information and describe personal experience;•comprehend simple stories and grasp the gist.New learning and teaching approaches:The New Curriculum advocates process-oriented language learning and teaching approaches, such as experiential learning and co-operative learning: students are encouraged to experience the language, learn the language by self-discovery, participate in discussion and negotiation activities. It emphasises the role of positive affective (emotional) states on the part of the students. It advocates the task-based approach to language learning and teaching; learning by doing and by using the language. It incorporates learning strategy development into the classroom instruction.New evaluation system:The New Curriculum recognises the role the students themselves play in the process of evaluation, e.g., self-assessment. It combines summative assessment with formative assessment. It adopts multiple, flexible evaluation methods and techniques. It emphasises the evaluation of language performance rather than language competence. (See Part Four for details about Evaluation.)Using the Textbook or Teaching the Textbook?The NC expects teachers to become more flexible in their approach to the use of the textbook in the classroom. Traditionally, teachers have gone through the textbook from beginning to end, following the structure of the books, and making sure that classes cover all the content. This attitude to teaching is going to have to change. The NC requires teachers to use the textbook, rather than teaching the textbook. In other words, the teacher is expected to find new and interesting ways with the students in developing approaches to textbook use inside and outside the classroom. What this means can be found in more detail in Part Five of this Handbook.Task-based learning:This is a phrase you're going to be reading a lot about in this Handbook, and come across in your everyday teaching work. What is it? Task-based means engaging in activities that aim to do two things:•Fit into the students' overall learning-development in English;•Help the student to use the language more effectively. In other words, because of the task, the student should be able to learn something of value and use the knowledge as well. It's not enough for the student simply to understand. That's 'competence'. He or she has to be able to use it as well. That's 'performance'. For example, if a student is learning about places in a town, not only does the student have to understand the words, but s/he also be able to use them in realistic ways - in sentences, speaking, through listening or reading, or indeed in normal conversation, in arguments, discussions etc.. (See Part Five for specific examples of task-based learning activities with 'Go For It'.)In other words, all the tasks, which you engage in with your students as they learn English must fulfil the above criteria.Last Word: Get to know the New Curriculum. You need to study it, discuss it, think about it, ask questions about it, and see how you might work it together with the textbooks. Your first priority, then, is to get to know the textbooks and the NC. Read them together. See how they fit together. Ask questions of your teachers. Don't leave this aspect any longer. Begin working on the New Curriculum and the textbooks TODAY!New English Curriculum for Chinese Primary Schools and Junior/Senior Middle Schoolsdrafted by the Education Ministry of the PRCNote on this translationThis E nglish version of China’s new curriculum for English is intended for VSO volunteers who would like to feel better informed about a document that is central to our work. However, it should in no way be regarded as an official translation. In fact, it is neither a word for word translation nor a summary. The appendix to the original, which includes lists of specific language items to be mastered, has been omitted, as have some level descriptors and sample learning activities. Despite trying to make it more readable, this version reflects the repetitive nature of the original, with the same key words cropping up over and over again. Volunteers should also refer to the more official (but still not completely official!) translation of the new English curriculum specifically for senior middle schools available from the Programme Office. Any feedback on this version would be welcome.Tim MartinShaanxi Institute of Education, October 2005Part 1: IntroductionWith the advent of the information age and the global economy, English has become increasingly important. English is the dominant carrier of information and the most widely spoken language in the world. Many countries have made English a cornerstone of quality education when developing strategies for basic education.Since China’s reform and opening, the scale of its English education has continually grown, attended by significant achievements in teaching and learning. However, English education in its current form is failing to meet the needs of contemporary social and economic development.The current round of reforms to the English curriculum aim to end the following practices:l Over-emphasizing the transmission and explanation of knowledge about grammar and vocabularyl Neglecting to develop st udents’ ability to use language for realIn their place, the reforms aim to establish a curriculum that:l Develops students’ comprehensive language competencel Motivates students, is relevant to their life experiences and cognitive level l Promotes task-based teaching methodsl Involves students in experiential, practical, participatory and cooperative learningl Develops students’ positive attitudes, thinking skills, practical abilities, cultural awareness and autonomy through the language learning process1. The Nature of the New CurriculumThe new English curriculum strives to accomplish far more than just help students learn English. At one level learning English should involve helping students to:l Develop a certain level of comprehensive language competence and the ability to use language for real communicationl Master certain basic language knowledgel Master listening, speaking, reading and writing skillsHowever, at another level the curriculum should also ser ve students’ all-round development, providing them with opportunities to:l Strengthen their interest in studying Englishl Grow in self-discipline, perseverance and self-confidencel Improve their cooperative, investigative and thinking abilitiesl Develop their memory, imagination and creativityl Adopt good study habits and effective learning strategiesl Develop as autonomous and lifelong learnersl Build moral integrity and a healthy outlook on lifel Establish both national spirit and an awareness of and respect for cultural differencesl Broaden their horizons and enrich their life experiencel Take part in cultural lifel Develop as individuals2. Basic Principles of the New Curriculum2.1The curriculum promotes quality education (as opposed to exam-orientated education) and the all-round development of the studentsTo promote quality education particular attention must be paid to:l Valuing each student’s feelingsl Stimulating students’ inte rest in studying Englishl Helping students gain a sense of achievement and self-confidenceThe curriculum must go beyond developing students’ comprehensive language competence to include areas such as:l Improving students’ ability to contribute to cultural and social lifel Developing students’ practical abilitiesl Fostering students’ creativity2.2The curriculum objectives are holistic and flexible.The fundamental aim of the new English curriculum is to develop students’ comprehensive language competence. This aim is broken down into five general objectives. These objectives are then divided into nine ability levels with descriptors provided for each level. The five general objectives are:1. Language Skills2. Language Knowledge3. Attitudes to Learning4. Learning Strategies5. Cultural AwarenessThis design allows students to progress systematically through each level whilst meeting the full range of the curriculum’s demands.2.3Students are put at the centre of the curriculum and individual differences are respectedStudents’ must be at the heart of the new curriculum. For example, their developmental needs must be the central consideration when developing: l Curriculum objectivesl The teaching and learning processl The assessment processl Teaching and learning resourcesWhen implementing the curriculum each student must be allowed to develop individually under the guidance of the teacher:2.4The curriculum promotes activity-based methods, experiential and participatory learningThe curriculum promotes task-based learning whereby, under the guidance of the teacher, the students gain a sense of achievement by reaching the goals of the task. Task completion will involve the following types of learning:l Sensoryl Experientiall ‘Hands on’/practicall Participatoryl CooperativeIn order to improve their ability to use language for real communication, students should also be able to:l Adjust their learning strategies and control their emotionsl Form positive attitudes towards learning2.5The curriculum recognizes the important role of formative assessment in promoting student’ developmentThe assessment system should combine formative with summative assessment. The purposes of assessment should be to:l Promote students’ comprehensive language competencel Encourage and motivate studentsl Help students become more autonomous learnersl Benefit students’ healthy personal developmentl Give teachers useful feedback from which to develop teaching and learning l Inform the ongoing development and perfection of the English curriculum Formative assessment should be an important part of the English teaching and learning process with a particular emphasis on:l Encouraging students’ active participation in learningl Improving students’ self-confidenceSummative assessment should focus on:l Testing students’ integrated language skillsl Testing students’ ability to use languag e2.6The curriculum expands the range of learning resources and opportunities availableThe curriculum should strive to use and develop resources whose content is:l Realisticl Close to the students’ livesl Contemporaryl Healthyl Rich and variedActive use should be made of:l Audio visual materiall Print medial The InternetStudents should be encouraged to take responsibility for finding, using and developing learning resources themselves.3. The Curriculum DesignThe curriculum follows the international practice of dividing the general objectives into different ability levels. When designing these nine levels consideration was given to the following:l The nature of language developmentl The different needs of different age groupsl The needs of different ethnic groups and areasl The economic imbalances that exist in ChinaThe aim is to have designed a system that is holistic and flexible.The correspondence between the level system and the grade system is shown in the following diagram:Diagram 1: The Levels and the GradesPart 2: Introduction to The General ObjectivesThe fundamental aim of the new curriculum is to develop students’ comprehensive language competence. This comprehensive language competence is achieved through the five general objectives as shown in the following diagram: Diagram 3: Comparison of the Old and New Curriculumsl Language skills and knowledge form the basis of comprehensive language competencel The student s’ attitudes to learning strongly influence their learning and developmentl Successful learning strategies improve the effectiveness of students’ learning l Cultural awareness ensures students use language appropriatelyThe overall descriptors for comprehensive language competence (i.e. a combination of all five general objectives) for Levels 1 to 9 are presented below: Table 1: The Overall Descriptors for Comprehensive Language CompetencePart 3: The General Objectives in DetailDetailed descriptors for Levels 2 and 5 of each of the five general objectives are presented in the following tables. Please refer to the translation of the senior English curriculum (available from the VSO Programme Office) for Level 6 – 9 descriptors.Table 2: Level Descriptors for Language Skills ObjectiveN.B. The original includes Language Skills descriptors for Levels 1,3,4,6,7,8 and 9Table 3: Level Descriptors for Language Knowledge ObjectiveTable 4: Level Descriptors for Affective Attitudes ObjectiveTable 5: Level Descriptors for Learning Strategies ObjectiveTable 6: Level Descriptors for Cultural AwarenessPart 4: Guidelines for Implementation1. Suggestions for Teaching and Learning1.1 Lay the groundwork for students’ all-round and lifelong developmentTeaching and learning should meet the diverse needs of all students, ensuring the healthy development of their mind and body. In particular the teacher should pay attention to the following:l Encourage students to use English bravely, taking a lenient attitude towards mistakes they make during the learning process.l Provide students with ample opportunities to collaborate with others and to become autonomous learners.l Give students plenty of space for self-development.l Encourage students to develop their language skills in an integrated way through experiential, practical, cooperative and inquiry-based learning.l Create conditions that allow students to explore questions they are personally interested in and solve problems by themselves.1.2 Create a relaxed, democratic and harmonious learning environmentPositive attitudes are an essential condition for effective learning. Negative attitudes can not only reduce the effectiveness of study but also adversely affect students’ l ong-term development. In particular, teachers should heed the following: l Respect each individual student, actively encouraging everyone to try and safeguarding their self-esteem and enthusiasm.l Integrate students’ English education with their emotional education. Develop cooperative spirit by organizing learning activities that let students work together, help each other and experience group recognition and achievement.l Pay particular attention to introverted students or weak learners, trying to give them as many language practice opportunities as possible.l Establish a friendly and democratic channel of communication between students and teacher, frequently reflecting on the learning process and results together, and offering mutual help and support.1.3 Use task-based learning methods to promote students comprehensive language competenceTeachers should try to adopt task-based learning methods as much as possible. Teachers should creatively design learning activities that are relev ant to the students’ real lives, according to the overall curriculum objectives and content. Teachers should engage students’ interest in the activity and organize them effectively so that they participate actively and complete the tasks, learning and using English through thinking, carrying out surveys, discussing, communicating and cooperating. Attention should be paid to the following points when designing tasks:l Activities must have clear and achievable aims and objectives.l Activities must b e relevant to students’ life experiences and interests; the content and style should be as true to life as possible.l Activities must benefit the development of students’ language knowledge, language skills and ability to use language for real communication.l Activities should be of a cross-curricular nature, promoting the integrated development of students’ thinking and imagination, aesthetic and artistic sense, cooperative and creative spirit.l Activities should make students gather, process and use information, using English to communicate with others in order to develop their ability to use English to solve real problems.l Activities should not purely be limited to the classroom but also extend to out of school learning.N.B. In Ju ly 2005 VSO’s curriculum advisor, Professor Zhang Lianzhong, mentioned that this section of the curriculum will be revised such that “we will take the TBL (Task-Based Learning) approach as one of the useful tools within the big box of Communicative Languag e Learning.”1.4. Provide increased guidance about learning strategiesHelping students to adopt good study habits and effective learning strategies is one of the important tasks of the new curriculum. Teachers should consciously give students guidance about learning strategies so that, through learning and using English, they are learning how to learn. To this end the teacher should observe the following: l Give students chances to establish their own study targets and the means of fulfilling these.l Help students to use inference, research and inquiry style methods to carry out their learning.l Develop students’ practical abilities and creative thinking by designing inquiry based activities.l Encourage students to use observation, discovery and induction to acquire language knowledge and grasp language functions.l Help students to carry out self-assessment during the learning process and adjust their own learning objectives and strategies appropriately according to the results.1.4 Develop students’ awareness of and ability in cross-cultural communicationLanguage and culture are closely related, language being the main transmitter and carrier of culture. Teachers should work hard to help students achieve the following during the English learning process:l Understand foreign cultures, especially those of English speaking countries l Use English appropriatelyl Constantly broaden their cultural horizonsl Deepen their understanding of their own culturel Develop an awareness of and ability in cross-cultural communication。