Resource sharing among HPSG and LTAG communities by a method of grammar conversion from FB-




团队与资源分享英文作文英文回答:Teamwork and resource sharing are essential elements of modern business practices. Effective teams leverage the collective knowledge, skills, and experiences of their members to achieve greater results than individuals working alone. Resource sharing allows teams to optimize the utilization of limited resources, such as time, equipment, and funding.Benefits of Teamwork。

Increased productivity: Teams can divide tasks, share responsibilities, and collaborate to complete projects more efficiently and effectively.Enhanced creativity: Diversity of perspectives and experiences within a team fosters innovation and the generation of novel ideas.Improved decision-making: Teams can discuss and debate different viewpoints, leading to more informed and well-rounded decisions.Increased employee engagement: Teams provide opportunities for employees to contribute their unique skills, develop professionally, and share knowledge.Reduced stress: Collaboration and sharedaccountability can alleviate individual stress and create a more supportive work environment.Benefits of Resource Sharing。





关键词:共建共享;降本增效;一站双载频;1.8G共享;电联一张网中图分类号:TN929.5文献标识码:A文章编号:2096-9759(2023)03-0208-05Innovation and exploration of Telecom and Unicom1.8G one base station dualcarrier frequency boutique networkLIU Leting(Cloud network operation Department,China Telecom Baotou Branch,Baotou014010,China)Abstract:With the in-depth promotion of co construction and sharing between China Telecom and China Unicom and the requi-rements of cost reduction and efficiency increase of the company,Baotou Telecom and Baotou Unicom creatively put forward a one-stop dual carrier continuous sharing scheme through careful planning in view of the problems such as high operation cost, many different frequency switching times,LIMITED capacity,slow Internet access and poor customer perception,Truly realize the planning idea of one network of China Telecom and China Unicom,and successfully completed the pilot opening in tuyou county town,Baotou City from July14to15.After integration,the downlink frequency of the first frequency point of China Telecom and China Unicom1.8g is uniformly adjusted to1830MHz~1850mhz,the second frequency point(i.e.the expansion frequency point)is uniformly adjusted to1850mhz~1870mhz,and the remaining1870mhz~1880MHz is used as the standby of the third frequency point in the later expansion.Key words:Co construction and sharing;cost reduction and efficiency increase;one station and two carrier frequencies;1.8G sharing;one network for Telecom and Unicom1引言随着电信与联通共建共享的持续深入,为了给双方用户提供更好的服务、带来更进一步的感知提升,两大网络运营商通力合作,创新的提出一站式双载波连片共享,真正实现电联一张网的规划思路,为两家后续合作奠定了良好基础,也为日后电联双方在县域深度合作、降本增效方面具有重要的实践意义。



资源得以共享英语作文初一Sharing Resources。

Resource sharing is a very important concept in today's world. It refers to the sharing of resources amongdifferent organizations or individuals. This can be done in many different ways, such as sharing knowledge, skills, or physical resources. The benefits of resource sharing are numerous, including increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved quality of life.One of the most common forms of resource sharing is knowledge sharing. This can be done through various channels, such as social media, online forums, or conferences. By sharing knowledge, individuals and organizations can learn from each other and improve their own practices. For example, a teacher can share their teaching methods with other teachers, which can help improve the quality of education in their community.Another form of resource sharing is skills sharing. This is where individuals or organizations share theirskills with others who may not have the same expertise. For example, a doctor can volunteer their time to provide medical care to people in need, or a carpenter can teach others how to build their own furniture. By sharing their skills, individuals can help others improve their quality of life.Physical resource sharing is also an important form of resource sharing. This can include sharing of equipment, tools, or even vehicles. For example, a community may share a lawnmower or a snow blower, which can help reduce costs and improve efficiency. Another example is carpooling, which can help reduce traffic congestion and air pollution.In conclusion, resource sharing is an important concept that can benefit individuals and organizations in many different ways. By sharing knowledge, skills, and physical resources, we can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and improve the quality of life for everyone. Therefore, we should all strive to share our resources whenever possible.。



高校图书馆校地合作存在的问题及对策以淮南市为例王㊀玲(淮南师范学院图书馆,232038)摘㊀要:校地合作是当前高校图书馆发展趋势之一㊂文章对高校图书馆校地合作的含义和动因进行了解析,并以淮南市为例,分析了高校图书馆校地合作存在的问题,提出了创建校地合作管理机制㊁完善校地合作人才培养机制㊁建设区域性图书馆联盟㊁打造集成化资源共享平台和建立项目运行机制等5大对策㊂关键词:高校图书馆;校地合作;资源共享;图书馆联盟引用本文格式:王玲.高校图书馆校地合作存在的问题及对策 以淮南市为例[J].大学图书情报学刊,2022(5):126-130.Discussion on the Cooperation between University Library andLocal Government :A Case Study of HuainanWANG Ling(Huainan Normal University,Huainan㊀232038,China)Abstract :The cooperation between university library and local government is one of the developmental trends ofuniversity libraries nowadays.This paper elaborates the meaning and motivation of the cooperation,and analyzes the problemsof cooperation between university library and local government taking Huainan as an example.Five countermeasures are putforward,such as the setup of administrative organization of the cooperation between university library and local government,the establishment of talents training mechanism of the cooperation,the setup of regional library alliance,the establishment ofresource sharing platform and project operation mechanism.Key words :university library;cooperation between university library and local government;resource sharing;library alliance㊀㊀根据‘普通高等学校图书馆规程“(教高 2015 14号),服务社会是高校图书馆的主要任务之一㊂高校图书馆校地合作,是为了更好地为社会服务,促进高校图书馆与地方的深入合作㊂淮南作为一个典型资源型城市,进入21世纪后,发展缓慢,亟须智力支援㊂以淮南师范学院图书馆和安徽理工大学图书馆为主的地方高校图书馆,可以通过校地合作,为地方经济社会发展提供服务,帮助淮南这列传统型列车,装上新的动力系统,在高质量大发展的轨道上快速奔驰㊂1㊀高校图书馆校地合作动因高校图书馆校地合作有狭义与广义之分㊂狭义的校地合作指高校图书馆与地方公共图书馆的合作,双方在资源共享和学术研究方面进行合作,为地方经济建设服务㊂广义的校地合作指高校图书馆在地方政府支持下,与政府及其相关社会组织,如行业管理机构㊁企事业单位㊁研究院所㊁其他机构等开展人才培养㊁科学研究㊁社会服务㊁文化传承创新等方面的合作[1],是一种综合性㊁全方位的深度合作㊂本文所言校地合作指广义的校地合作㊂地方高校图书馆通过校地合作,将学校资源与地方资源对接,开展应用型人才培养㊁应用型科学研究,服务地方经济社会发展,传承地方优秀传统文化㊂区域间高校图书馆校地合作都是有原因的,就淮南地区来说,其动因是为了响应安徽崛起战略,满足地方经济㊁社会发展的需要以及地方高校长效发展的需要㊂基金项目:2020年安徽省高校图工委研究基金项目一般项目 安徽崛起背景下高校图书馆促进地校合作创新机制研究 (TGW20B32)6212022年9月第40卷第5期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀大学图书情报学刊Journal of Academic Library and Information Science㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀Sep ,2022Vol.40No.51.1㊀响应安徽崛起战略的需要习近平总书记2016年4月视察安徽,提出安徽要 在中部崛起中闯出新路 [2];2019年5月,习近平总书记在江西考察,主持召开推动中部地区崛起工作座谈会并发表重要讲话,提出 实施创新驱动发展战略,推动高质量发展,奋力开创中部地区崛起新局面 [3]; 2020年8月,习近平总书记在安徽考察时强调,要贯彻落实好党中央决策部署,贯彻新发展理念,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,坚持改革开放,坚持高质量发展 在加快建设美好安徽上取得新的更大进展[4]㊂ 安徽崛起 是习近平总书记的殷切期望,更是安徽人民的期盼㊂安徽崛起,离不开各行各业的支持和努力,离不开高校及高校图书馆的智力支持㊂高校图书馆拥有丰富的信息资源㊁专业的学科馆员及先进的信息技术,具有为地方经济社会发展提供高水平服务的条件和能力㊂高校图书馆要深入贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话精神,通过知识创新㊁技术创新和服务创新,将信息资源的开发和利用与安徽的传统优势资源㊁主导产业有机结合,发挥信息资源的增值作用,建立促进安徽崛起的体制机制㊂1.2㊀地方经济、社会发展的需要淮南市是1984年国务院批准的首批13个 较大市 之一,20世纪八九十年代有过辉煌历史;进入21世纪,其他较大市发展势头强劲,淮南却发展缓慢㊂从全国范围看,重庆升格为直辖市,大连㊁青岛升格为副省级城市;无锡2020年实现GDP12370.48亿元,是淮南的近10倍;唐山2020年实现GDP7210.9亿元,是淮南市的5倍多㊂在全省16个地级市中,淮南近几年GDP总量始终在第12位和13位徘徊㊂与滁州相比,2010年淮南GDP总量603亿元,比滁州少92.2亿元;2020年,淮南GDP总量虽比十年前翻了一番达到1337.20亿元,却仍比滁州少了1694.90亿元,差距是明显的㊂淮南需要迎头赶上,怎么赶?除了各级干部思想大转变,还需要充分开发社会智力资源㊂推进高校图书馆工作机制的改革,充分发挥高校图书馆社会服务的功能,应该是其中应有之义㊂高校图书馆应通过与地方政府以及政府机关㊁行业组织㊁企事业单位等机构合作,联合地方公共图书馆㊁科研院所图书馆㊁大型企业情报资料室,建立区域图书馆联盟,发挥智库职能,为淮南地区经济社会发展服务㊂1.3㊀地方高校长效发展的需要高校图书馆校地合作是高校和地方政府建立的一种合作机制㊂从表面上看,高校图书馆只是高校的一个职能部门,是为高校师生服务的;从功能上来说,高校图书馆是当地社会智力资源极为重要的一部分,是属于整个社会并作用于整个社会的㊂校地合作是高校图书馆服务的创新,可进一步开发高校图书馆的社会服务功能,提高高校图书馆信息资源㊁智力资源的利用率,从而在一定程度上提高高校的社会知名度㊁美誉度及核心竞争力,为地方高校的长效发展提供新动能[5]㊂2㊀高校图书馆校地合作存在的问题2.1㊀高校图书馆缺乏校地合作意愿早在2002年,高校图书馆对外开放就已经写入‘普通高等学校图书馆规程“(简称 ‘规程“ ),提出有条件的高校图书馆 应尽可能向社会读者和社区读者开放 ;2015年,重新修订后的‘规程“更是明确提出高校图书馆要 开展面向社会用户的服务 [6]㊂但长期以来,高校图书馆界对此响应有限㊂受传统思想和体制的影响,大部分高校图书馆仍把校内师生当作唯一的服务对象,认为社会服务不是分内工作,甚至有些高校图书馆担忧开展社会服务占用学校资源,影响本校读者的利益,因而主动开展社会服务的意愿不强㊁积极性不高,真正开展社会服务的高校图书馆屈指可数[7],仅仅是馆藏资源丰富㊁实力较为雄厚的少数高校图书馆对此进行了尝试和探索,这些尝试和探索大多也只停留在向少数社会读者开放和科技查新服务层面㊂因为高校图书馆校地合作意愿不强,所以这项工作推动缓慢㊂2.2㊀地区内各类图书馆之间缺乏交流与合作机制这是影响高校图书馆全面㊁深度㊁有效开展校地合作的重要因素㊂具体来说有三个方面:一是高校图书馆与公共图书馆之间缺乏交流㊂因服务对象不同,二者在资源建设上存在一定的差异性㊂长期以来,地方高校图书馆与公共图书馆之间鲜有馆际互借㊁文献传递等业务的开展,使得二者无法全面㊁深入地服务地方经济社会发展㊂二是高校图书馆之间缺乏共享机制㊂高校图书馆相互间缺乏合作,没有形成高效的共享机制,智力资源缺乏科学㊁有效的交流程序㊂三是各类图书馆之间缺乏统一的管理服务平台㊂我国图书馆事业管理体系是以行政关系为主,呈现一种自上而下的纵向关系,这使得各系统之间各自为政,即使在一个系统内,也往往只有业务指导关系,而无行721总第193期大学图书情报学刊2022年第5期政隶属关系,造成地区缺乏统一的图书馆管理服务平台,形不成合力,无法有效开展校地合作㊂2.3㊀高校图书馆缺乏社会价值认同感高校图书馆主要依托自身优势,围绕参考咨询㊁文献传递等业务开展社会服务工作,服务范围和服务效应较小,几乎没产生什么社会影响㊂同时,因为缺乏有效的校内㊁校外合作和共享机制,没有较好地整合相关部门优势资源,往往是单兵作战,直接影响了社会服务成效㊁影响力和社会价值认同感,制约了校地合作的拓展[8]㊂2.4㊀高校图书馆缺乏校地合作管理人才新时代,高校图书馆馆员不仅需要一定的图书情报知识,引导或协助用户进行知识信息的获取㊁整理㊁组织及应用,还需要一定的科研能力,能够完成与学科教授和社会服务的高效对接㊂但现实中这种复合型人才尚有较大缺口㊂目前高校图书馆馆员具有较强的文献及信息检索能力,可以一定程度上帮助用户查找信息,但尚缺乏较好的科研能力,不具备与学校科研或校地服务项目完成高效对接的业务水平[9]㊂不仅如此,高校图书馆具备公关能力㊁管理能力和创新能力的校地合作管理人员远远不够,这也是校地合作的短板之一㊂3㊀高校图书馆校地合作的对策3.1㊀创建校地合作管理机制高校图书馆是高校直属机构,而不是党政部门或教学科研单位,因此可考虑通过学校办公室和科研处,联系地方政府及相关职能部门,探索校地合作的管理体制与操作机制,统筹协调校地合作事宜;同时,争取地方政府的支持,出台相应的扶持政策,打造高校图书馆与地方政府㊁政府机关㊁行业组织㊁企事业单位以及公共图书馆㊁科研院所图书馆㊁大型企业情报资料室等共同参与的校地共建管理系统㊂校办与科研处的加入,有利于居中协调高校图书馆与政府的关系;政府的引领与协调,有利于促进图书馆校地合作主体间的深度融合和服务价值创造,降低校地合作主体间交易成本,促进高校图书馆校地合作健康持续发展[10]㊂3.2㊀完善校地合作人才培养机制优秀人才是图书馆开展校地合作的前提㊂高校图书馆具有一定的人才优势,拥有一批高学历㊁高素质㊁高情报素养和学科服务能力的学科馆员㊂淮南地区现有7所高校,截至2021年底,共有工作人员148名,其中副高以上职称26名,馆员及硕士以上学位人员79名,具体见表1㊂表1㊀淮南地区高校图书馆人员构成单位职工人数(人)副高以上职称(人)中级职称及硕士以上学位(人)安徽理工大学64833淮南师范学院36719淮南联合大学926淮南市委党校521淮南职业技术学院20510安徽工贸职业技术学院826安徽现代信息工程职业学院6/4合㊀计1482679㊀㊀数据来源:各高馆官网及电话采访相关人员㊂要搞好高校图书馆校地合作,仅依靠图书馆专业人才还不够,还需要充分发挥高校各学科专家学者的作用,组织专家学者参与定题㊁定向服务㊂在淮南,安徽理工大学和淮南师范学院实力较为雄厚㊂安徽理工大学教职工4300余人,具有高级职称人员972人,拥有 115 产业创新团队4个㊁安徽省高校领军人才团队8个[11],该校安全㊁地矿㊁爆破等学科水平均居全国前列㊂淮南师范学院教职工1081人,其中高级职称人员302人,拥有2个省级人文社会科学重点研究基地,1个省级高校智库[12],文㊁法㊁经济㊁生物等学科较为突出㊂高校图书馆要全面了解学校各学科专业特色和专家学者情况及学术成就㊂这些专家学者一般都有自己的科研项目,许多科研项目正是针对地方社会经济发展的需要而立项,但由于双方交流不畅,导致理论研究与现实需要严重脱节㊂因此,如何与地方对接成为关键㊂这就需要图书馆专业人员做好协调工作,将这些专家学者纳入校地合作管理系统,让他们在校地合作体系中发光发热㊂高校图书馆要培养具有协调能力㊁管理能力㊁科研能力和创新能力的校地合作管理人才㊂当前,高校图书馆要做好图书馆馆员的系统培训,建立科学的培训㊁考核㊁评价机制,引导馆员在立足本职的基础上,提升馆员的科研意识与科研道德水平,培养馆员跨学科㊁跨专业㊁跨领域的科研素质,不断提高馆员公关㊁821王㊀玲:高校图书馆校地合作存在的问题及对策 以淮南市为例管理能力,创新工作方法[13],使其成为合格的校地合作管理人才㊂3.3㊀建设区域性图书馆联盟为有效开展校地合作,高校图书馆应主动与地区内公共图书馆㊁科研院所图书馆㊁大型企业情报资料室等联合组成区域图书馆联盟,再与省高校图书馆联盟㊁公共图书馆联盟紧密结为一体,通过资源㊁服务的联合共享,扩大图书馆服务范围和服务效率,实现高校图书馆服务地方社会经济发展的新突破[14]㊂高校图书馆还应积极寻求与政府及其相关社会组织,如政府部门㊁行业组织㊁企事业单位㊁研究院所等相关机构形成合作关系,充分发挥各方优势,探索在资源㊁服务㊁人员培训等领域的合作与交流[15],从而形成有效的校地合作机制,以保证校地合作的顺畅进行㊂淮南市在这方面有待努力㊂淮南市图书馆界曾于2010年7月㊁2011年12月分别在安徽理工大学图书馆和淮南师范学院图书馆召开 淮南地区数字资源建设研讨会 ,商讨建立全市图书馆联盟及数字资源共享平台建设问题[16-17],但后继乏力㊂笔者建议: 十四五 时期,淮南应以淮南师范学院图书馆㊁安徽理工大学图书馆为主,联合其他高校图书馆㊁公共图书馆㊁科研院所图书馆㊁大型企业情报资料室,建立淮南地区图书馆联盟㊂联盟要取得市政府的支持,并与相关政府机关㊁科研院所㊁企事业单位等机构建立协调机制,统筹协调校地合作,有效提高资源配置效率㊂市政府的首要任务是根据本市的实际情况和高校及高校图书馆资源情况做好顶层设计;协调高校图书馆与行业主管部门㊁财政部门㊁企事业单位等机构之间的关系,建立校地服务体系,构建覆盖全市的图书馆服务网络,从而实现高校图书馆和淮南地区经济社会高质量发展的良性互动㊂3.4㊀打造集成化资源共享平台图书馆联盟可根据淮南实际,在数字化文献资源建设的基础上,打造集成化的资源共享平台,集成各学科门类㊁各类型层次的综合性信息资源,与高校图书馆文献保障体系结合,形成完善的信息保障机制[18]㊂在当前校地合作体系中,高校图书馆要打破以往各自建设㊁各求其全的资源建设模式,根据各高校的人才优势㊁资源优势和技术优势,按照标准化㊁规范化的原则建立资源共享平台㊂淮南地区高校图书馆共藏有纸质图书543.84万册,电子图书515.2万册,基本满足教学和科研需要,但还不能完全满足校地合作的需要㊂因此,应以淮南师范学院和安徽理工大学为主,联合开展馆际互借和文献传递服务,搭建数字资源共享平台,包括协调采购中文数据库和外文数据库,联合建设中文书目数据库和外文书目数据库,一起建设特色数据库,共同建设淮南市经济社会发展数据库,实现图书馆资源及淮南市地方资源的无缝链接,为地方经济社会发展提供快捷㊁全面的情报服务㊂集成化的资源共享除了信息资源的共享,还包括用户㊁平台等多种资源的共享㊂如与书店的合作,既可有效补充图书馆馆藏,又能给书店带来稳定的客户源[19]㊂淮南师范学院于2020年9月1日开办了 阅+ 共享书店,读者可通过共享借阅免费阅读㊂图书馆通过馆店合作,开展线上㊁线下读者荐购活动㊂在线上,有智通达㊁云田智慧网和汇文系统三种荐购渠道;在线下,有 阅+ 共享书店 读者推荐区 读者推荐书架 及 图书荐购单 三种荐购形式㊂图书馆通过线上㊁线下融合 荐购 ,增加了精品图书的采购投入,效果显著㊂以2021年为例,图书馆共采购图书17000余种,其中来自读者荐购的就有8000余种,占比46%㊂图书馆通过馆店合作模式,不仅提高了馆藏利用率,最大限度地满足了读者的多元化信息需求,还扩大了自身影响力,推动了全民阅读的持续开展;而 阅+ 共享书店,则通过与图书馆的合作,拓宽了生存空间,扩大了客户量,提高了图书销售量,经济效益也得到了保障㊂3.5㊀建立项目运行机制高校图书馆推进校地合作,应该以具体项目为抓手,把各类合作做细㊁做实㊂高校图书馆要根据自身优势,结合地方经济社会发展的需求,通过学校科研处与地方共建一批实践项目,实现高校图书馆与地方政府部门㊁行业组织㊁企事业单位㊁社区等利益相关方的有效对接㊂通过项目的运行机制,把利益相关方聚集在一起,形成一个合作共同体,达到多赢的目的㊂这是高校图书馆校地合作的理想运行机制[20],它不仅可以提升高校及高校图书馆的知名度和影响力,使图书馆获得更多认可和发展机会,改变图书馆 校内热闹㊁校外寂然 的局面,而且可以使社会各利益相关者享受到更多的优质服务[21]㊂近年来,淮南师范学院在校地合作㊁地方文化建设等方面做了大量工作㊂如:淮南师范学院成语典故921总第193期大学图书情报学刊2022年第5期研究院㊁淮河文化研究院㊁淮南地域文化研究中心㊁淮南子文化研究中心㊁芍陂历史文化研究中心开展了有关淮南地方文化㊁淮南子文化研究,出版和发表了一大批研究成果,为淮南城市文化建设做出了积极贡献;资源型城市研究中心多年来针对淮南发展实际进行调查研究,提交了许多建设性研究报告,获得市政府采纳,为淮南这个资源型城市的转型发展提供了重要理论依据和政策建议㊂高校图书馆倘能介入其中,在政府统一协调下,利用自身人才㊁信息和技术资源优势,有针对性地为高校和地方专家学者的学术研究提供文献检索服务,并通过省高校图书馆联盟和全国高校图书馆联盟,为更多更优秀的高校学者与地方专家提供高质量服务,就能更好地发挥高校图书馆服务社会的功能,从而为淮南地区社会进步与经济发展提供最优服务㊂4 结语高校图书馆开展校地合作的关键,是创建平等㊁互利㊁共赢㊁共享的合作机制㊂高校图书馆在推进这项工作过程中,要不断激发自身与学校㊁地方政府等多元主体共同发展的需求与愿景,形成校地合作的动力源㊂参考文献:[1]钟玮.地方高校校地合作应用型转型发展研究:必要性㊁支持条件与对策建议[J].黑龙江高教研究,2021(5): 16-21.[2]王学军.在中部崛起中闯出新路㊀创造安徽发展美好前景[N].人民日报,2016-05-31(15).[3]贯彻新发展理念推动高质量发展奋力开创中部地区崛起新局面[N].光明日报,2019-05-23(1). 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存储HCIP习题库及参考答案一、单选题(共40题,每题1分,共40分)1、对源 lun 做了一次快照后,在同一位置进行修改后,修改后的数据会写在哪个位置?A、独享映射表B、快照卷C、原卷D、cow 卷正确答案:C2、下列哪个接口模块是 SX6018 上用于升级防火墙软件以及其他高级调试的:A、I2C 接口B、管理网口C、USB 接口D、CONSOLE 口正确答案:A3、关于存储层数据复制容灾技术,以下哪种说法是正确的?A、减少对服务器性能的影响:兼容性要求比较高,选择面小。





正确答案:B4、NAS 系统专注对于以下哪种类型的数据进行存储和管理?A、小块消息B、连续数据块C、大块数据D、文件数据正确答案:D5、帐户是使用对象存储服务(兼容 Amazon S3 接口)的凭证,其管理功能不包括:A、证书管理B、跨域访问策略管理C、签约业务管理D、帐户基本管理正确答案:B6、先把数据块存储在缓存中,等系统空闲时再进行去重处理。


以上描述的是哪种重删技术,A、全局重删B、并行重删C、源端重删D、目标端重删正确答案:D7、HyperSnap 的共享映射表存放在哪个位置?A、COW DataB、Source LUNC、Cow MetaD、Snapshot LUN正确答案:C8、在存储规划设计流程中,以下哪一项不属于业务规划流程()A、网络规划B、容量规划C、基础业务D、增值功能正确答案:C9、在 oceanstor v3 存储中,edevlun 哪个信息是有华为存储直接提供的存储空间A、external lunB、meta volumeC、taget lunD、data volume正确答案:B10、关于华为 Oceanstor 9000 系统的组网,以下哪个选项描述是正确的?A、前端业务网络的交换机可进行堆叠,后端存储网络交换机不推荐进行堆叠B、无论是前端业务网络、还是后端存储网络,都推荐使用两台交换机连接所有的节点,实现冗余C、仅需要将存储节点连接到管理网络,其他设备不需要连接到管理网络D、为满足管理需求,仅需要集群的前三个节点连接到管理网络正确答案:B11、下列关于 FusionStorago 管理网络描述错误的是:A、只部署 FusionStorage 文件或对象存储服务,集群中前 3~5 个节点作为管理节点,并为其分配 1 个管理网络 IP 地址,自动在这几个节点的NIC1 接口上浮动B、部署了 DSS/OMS /FSM 的节点,两个接口组成逻辑上的 bond 接口,为bond 接口分配 1 个管理网络 IP 地址。



In the modern world,the concept of sharing achievements and respecting each other as a foundation has become increasingly important.It is a principle that underpins not only personal relationships but also the broader social and professional interactions.Here is a detailed essay on the significance of sharing success and the role of respect in this process.Title:The Pillar of Respect in Sharing AchievementsIn the tapestry of human interaction,respect is the thread that weaves together the fabric of society.It is the cornerstone upon which the edifice of shared achievements is built. When individuals come together to celebrate their collective triumphs,it is the mutual respect that ensures the stability and longevity of their endeavors.The Essence of Sharing SuccessSharing success is not merely about distributing the fruits of ones labor it is about acknowledging the contributions of all involved.It is a recognition that no achievement is the result of a single individuals efforts alone.In a team setting,for instance,each members unique skills and dedication contribute to the final outcome.By sharing the credit and the rewards,a sense of camaraderie and unity is fostered,which in turn strengthens the teams resolve to face future challenges.The Role of Respect in CollaborationRespect plays a pivotal role in the collaborative process.It is the lubricant that eases the friction that can arise from differing opinions and approaches.When team members respect each others perspectives,they are more likely to listen actively,consider alternative viewpoints,and work towards a consensus.This respectful environment encourages open communication,which is essential for innovation and problemsolving.Cultivating a Culture of Respect and SharingTo create a culture where respect and sharing are the norm,it is crucial to establish clear guidelines and expectations.Leaders must set the example by valuing diversity, encouraging open dialogue,and rewarding collaborative efforts.They should also ensure that recognition is given not just to the most visible contributors but to everyone who has played a part in the success.Overcoming Obstacles with Respect and SharingIn the face of adversity,the principles of respect and sharing can provide a solid foundation for overcoming challenges.When team members trust and respect one another, they are more likely to support each other during tough times.This mutual support can help to maintain morale and prevent the dissolution of the team in the face of setbacks.The Longterm Benefits of a Respectful and Sharing EnvironmentThe longterm benefits of fostering a culture of respect and sharing are manifold.It not only enhances the quality of work produced but also contributes to the personal growth of individuals.People who work in such an environment are more likely to develop a strong sense of selfworth,as their contributions are recognized and valued.This,in turn,can lead to increased job satisfaction and loyalty.ConclusionIn conclusion,the sharing of achievements and the foundation of respect are interwoven threads in the rich tapestry of human endeavor.They are not merely niceties but essential components of successful collaboration.By valuing and practicing respect in all interactions,we can create an environment where individuals thrive and collective achievements are celebrated.It is through this lens that we can truly appreciate the power of unity and the beauty of shared success.。



第1期2020年1月Journal of CAEIT Vol. 15 No. 1 Jan. 2020doi:10.3969/j.issn. 1673-5692.2020.01.015车载云计算系统中资源分配的优化方法董晓丹K2,吴琼2(1.江苏信息职业技术学院,江苏无锡214153;2.江南大学,江苏无锡214122)摘要:随着车联网(I〇V)应用服务的发展,提升网络的任务卸载能力成为满足用户服务需求的关 键.。

文中针对动态场景中车辆计算资源共享问题,提出了车栽云计算(V C C)系统的最优计算资源分配方案,以实现任务卸载能力的提升。

该方案将V C C系统中任务卸载的收入(节省的功耗、处理时间和转移成本的量化值)和开销(预期的任务处理开销)的差值作为系统奖励值,将最优分配问题转化为求解长期预期奖励的最大值问题。

进一步将问题表述为无限时域半马尔可夫决策过程 (SM D P),定义和分析了状态集、动作集、奖励模型以及转移概率分布,并考虑忙碌(B u sy)车辆离开的情况,称为B-S M D P的解决方案。

最后,仿真结果表明,与模拟退火算法(S A)和贪婪算法(G A)相比,B-S M D P方案有较明显的性能提升。

关键词:车载云计算;半马尔可夫决策过程;忙碌车辆;资源分配中图分类号:TP393;TN915.5;U495 文献标志码:A文章编号:1673-5692(2020)01:924)7Optimization Method of Resource Allocation in Vehiclular CloudComputing SystemDONG X iao-dan',WU Qiong'(1. Jiangsu vocational college of information technology, Wuxi 214153 ,China;2. Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China)Abstract:With the developm ent of Internet of V ehicle (IoV)application serv ices,improving the offload­ing ability of network tasks has becom e the key to satisfying user service n eed s.A im ing at solving the problem of vehiclular com puting resource sharing in dynamic scen arios,this paper proposes an optimalcom puting resource allocation schem e for vehiclular cloud com puting (V C C)system to improve the task offloading capability.This solution uses the difference between the revenue(Quantified value of powersa v in g s,processing tim e,and transfer co sts)and the overhead(expected task processing overhead)of thetask offload in the VCC system as the system reward v a lu e,and converts the optimal allocation probleminto solving the problem of m aximizing the long-term expected rewards.The problem is further expressedas an infinite time domain sem i-M arkov decision process(SM D P). The state s e t,action s e t,rewardm o d el,and transition probability distribution are defined and an alyzed,and the case of a busy veh icle leaving is con sid ered,we name the proposed solution as B-SM DP solution.F in ally,simulation results show that compared with the sim ulated annealing algorithm(SA)and greedy algorithm(GA) ,theB-SM DP solution has a significant performance improvement.Key words:vehicular cloud com puting;semi-Markov decision process;busy v eh icles;resource allocation收稿日期:2019-12-17 修订日期:202(M)1 -10基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61701197);江苏省高职院校教师专业带头人高端研修项目(2019GRGDYX049);江苏信息职业技术学院重点科研课题(JSITKY201901 )2020年第1期董晓丹等:车载云计算系统中资源分配的优化方法93〇引言目前,车载网络已经受到国内外政府、企业等广 泛关注,预计在今后几年联网车辆占比将达到20%[1]。

sharing 的重要性英语作文

sharing 的重要性英语作文

sharing 的重要性英语作文English:Sharing is incredibly important as it fosters connections, understanding, and growth. When we share our experiences, knowledge, and resources with others, we create stronger bonds and build a sense of community. Sharing also allows for the spread of information and perspectives, leading to greater understanding and empathy. Additionally, through sharing, we can learn from each other and grow as individuals, as exposure to different ideas and viewpoints challenges our own beliefs and encourages personal development. Whether it be sharing ideas in a work setting, sharing a meal with friends, or sharing resources with those in need, the act of sharing is crucial to creating a more interconnected and compassionate world.中文翻译:分享非常重要,因为它培养了人与人之间的联系、理解和成长。




ITIL认证考试(试卷编号141)1.[单选题]哪种做法包括管理变通办法和已知错误?A)监控和事件管理B)服务配置管理C)问题管理D)事件管理答案:C解析:略2.[单选题]下面哪项关于输出的表述是正确的?A)由多个结果组成B)获取客户的服务需求C)可促成结果的实现D)描述如何进行服务答案:C解析:3.[单选题]下面哪项活动是“持续改进”实践的一部分?A)确定事件原因,并建议相关改进B)授权进行变更,以进行改进C)记录并管理可进行改进的事件D)为改进行动制订商业论证答案:D解析:4.[单选题]Which TWO are important aspects of the 'service request management' practice? \1.Standardization and automation\2.Providing a variety of channels for access\3.Establishing a shared view of targets\4.Policies for approvalsA)1 and 2B)2 and 3C)3 and 4D)1 and 4答案:D解析:5.[单选题]如果对于无法通过经济高效方式解决的问题,临时方案变为永久解决方案,会发生什么A)会提交变更请求以实施变更B)会通过问题管理尽快恢复服务C)问题仍将处于已知错误状态D)会删除问题记录答案:C解析:6.[单选题]哪种做法有助于服务提供者组织与服务使用者组织中的用户之间的操作通信?A)服务水平管理B)关系管理C)服务台D)监控和事件管理答案:C解析:略7.[单选题]哪个是服务提供的一部分?A)为提供服务而配置的资源的管理B)管理使用服务所需的资源C)基于一种或多种产品的一项或多项服务的分组D)为确保持续价值共创而开展的联合活动答案:A解析:略8.[单选题]客户定义的哪一部分?A)定义服务要求的角色B)实现价值共创的一种手段C)授权服务消费预算的角色D)一套实现价值的专业组织能力答案:A解析:略9.[单选题]Which dimension focuses on relationships with other organizations that are involved in theDesign, development, deployment and delivery of services?A)Organizations and peopleB)Information and technologyC)Partners and suppliersD)Value streams and processes答案:C解析:10.[单选题]When planning 'continual improvement', which approach for assessing the current state of aService is CORRECT?A)An organization should always use a single technique to ensure metrics are consistentB)An organization should always use a strength, weakness, opportunity and threat (SWOT) analysisC)An organization should always develop competencies in methodologies and techniques that willMeet their needsD)An organization should always use an approach that combines Lean, Agile and DevOps Methodologies答案:C解析:11.[单选题]哪些利益相关者在服务关系中共同创造价值?A)投资者和供应商B)消费者和提供者C)提供者和供应商D)投资者和消费者答案:B解析:略12.[单选题]How does information about problems and known errors contribute to 'incident Management'?A)It enables the reassessment of known errosB)It enables quick and efficient diagnosis of incidentsC)It removes the need for collaboration during incident resolutionD)It removes the need for regular customer updates答案:B解析:13.[单选题]应该使用什么来设置用户对请求履行时间的期望?A)客户为服务交付指定的时间B)消费者对服务的需求C)实际提供服务所需的时间D)供应商的服务水平答案:D解析:略14.[单选题]The remediation plan should be evaluated at what point in the change lifecycle?改进计划应该在生命周期变化的什么时候被评估其作用?A)Before the change is approved在改变被批准以前B)Immediately after the change has failed and needs to be backed out在改变失败,需要放弃时立刻C)After implementation but before the post implementation review在实施后但在回顾实施前D)After the post implementation review has identified a problem with the change在回顾实施时发现改变存在问题后答案:A解析:15.[单选题]哪项指导原则有助于确保为决策提供更好的信息?A)保持简单实用B)全面思考和工作C)优化和自动化D)协作并提高可见性答案:D解析:略16.[单选题]Which phase of problem management includes analysing incidents to look for patterns andTrends?A)Problem identificationB)Problem controlC)Error controlD)Post-implementation review答案:A解析:17.[单选题]下面哪个指导原则侧重于减少成本和人为错误?A)专注于价值B)协作并促进可见性C)优化和自动化D)整体思考和工作答案:C解析:18.[单选题]“事件管理”实践的目的是什么?A)通过尽快恢复正常服务运营来最大程度降低事件负面影响B)了解事件解决方案和服务请求方面的需求C)通过确定事件的实际和潜在原因,降低事件的可能性和影响D)通过有效处理所有约定的,用户发起的服务请求来为约定服务质量提 供支持答案:A解析:19.[单选题]下面哪项实践与用同理心了解用户关联最大?A)服务台B)持续改进C)服务级别管理D)变更实施答案:A解析:20.[单选题]哪些流程负责定期审查基础合同?A)供应商管理和服务水平管理B)供应商管理和变更管理C)可用性管理和服务级别管理D)供应商管理和可用性管理答案:A解析:略21.[单选题]为了提供IT服务,需要管理的任何组件是什么?A)服务请求B)配置项目C)一个事件D)IT答案:B解析:略22.[单选题]“交付和支持”价值链活动的目的包括哪些内容?A)满足利益相关者对上市时间的期望B)了解组织的服务愿景C)了解利益攸关者的需要D)按照商定的规格提供服务答案:A解析:略23.[单选题]哪种问题管理活动可确保可以轻松跟踪问题并获得管理信息?A)分类B)侦测C)确定优先次序D)升级答案:A解析:略24.[单选题]通过促进客户想要实现的结果,而无需客户管理特定的成本和风险,从而实现价值共同创造的方法是什么?A)服务管理B)持续改进C)服务D)IT答案:C解析:略25.[单选题]什么是保修?A)保证产品或服务将满足商定的要求B)在特定活动或资源上花费的金额C)产品或服务为满足特定需求而提供的功能D)某事的感知益处、有用性和重要性答案:A解析:略26.[单选题]自动化程度提高对“服务台”实践有何影响?A)需要人工联系时,会更加注重客户体验B)减少事件记录和解决方案自助服务C)增加对固定技术而非支持人员的才能D)不需要将事件升级给支持团队答案:A解析:27.[单选题]下面哪一项会作为服务请求来处理?A)确定事件原因的调查B)对 IT 支持团队的称赞C)IT 服务失效D)实施某个安全补丁的紧急变更答案:B解析:28.[单选题]What is a recommendation of the 'focus on value' guiding principle?A)Make 'focus on value' a responsibility of the managementB)Focus on the value of new and significant projects firstC)Focus on value for the service provider firstD)Focus on value at every step of the improvement答案:D解析:29.[单选题]哪些有助于更快地解决事件?A)目标解决时间B)将所有事件上报给支持团队C)小组之间的协作D)事件调查的详细程序步骤答案:C解析:略30.[单选题]哪个服务转换过程提供了有关将数据转换为信息的指导?A)变更评估B)知识管理C)服务验证和测试D)服务资产和配置管理答案:B解析:略31.[单选题]下面哪两项实践与服务台实践的交互最频繁?A)事件管理和服务请求管理B)服务请求管理和部署管理C)部署管理和变更实施D)变更实施和事件管理答案:A解析:32.[单选题]下面哪项包括配置组件和活动以促成利益相关者想要的结果?A)服务关系管理B)服务消费C)服务价值系统D)“发布管理”实践答案:C解析:33.[单选题]下面哪项通常与配合服务消费者需求的服务级别相关?A)服务管理B)功效(Warranty)C)成本D)功用(Utility)答案:B解析:34.[单选题]下面哪项实践的目的包括最大限度地提高添加、修改或删除可能对服务产生影响的任何内容的成功次数?A)服务请求管理B)事件管理D)变更实施答案:D解析:35.[单选题]在服务关系中哪些利益相关者会共创价值?A)投资者和供应商B)消费者和提供方C)提供方和供应商D)投资者和消费者答案:B解析:36.[单选题]下面哪项最贴切地描述了服务对于客户的价值?A)客户为使用服务而支付的费用B)客户通过使用服务而获得的财务回报C)客户通过使用服务而获得的结果D)在客户看来使用服务的收益答案:C解析:37.[单选题]什么可以被描述为产品和服务的创建和管理的运营模式?A)治理B)服务价值链C)指导原则D)实践答案:B解析:略38.[单选题]Service design emphasizes the importance of the "Four Ps". These "Four Ps" include Partners, People,Processes and one other "P". Which of the following is the additional "P"? 服务设计强调了“四个P”的重要性。



资源共享英文作文英文:Resource sharing is an important concept that hasgained a lot of attention in recent years. It refers to the practice of sharing resources such as knowledge, information, and expertise among individuals, organizations, and communities. Resource sharing has many benefits, including cost savings, increased efficiency, and improved collaboration.One of the main advantages of resource sharing is cost savings. By sharing resources, individuals andorganizations can reduce their expenses and save money. For example, if two organizations share an office space, they can split the rent and other expenses, which can be a significant cost savings. Similarly, if two individuals share a car for commuting, they can split the cost of gas and maintenance, which can also be a significant cost savings.Another advantage of resource sharing is increased efficiency. By sharing resources, individuals and organizations can avoid duplication of effort and resources. For example, if two organizations are working on similar projects, they can share their knowledge and expertise, which can help them avoid making the same mistakes and improve their efficiency. Similarly, if two individuals are working on a project, they can share their skills and knowledge, which can help them complete the project faster and more efficiently.Finally, resource sharing can also improve collaboration. By sharing resources, individuals and organizations can work together more effectively. For example, if two organizations are working on a joint project, they can share their resources and expertise,which can help them achieve their goals more effectively. Similarly, if two individuals are working on a project together, they can share their ideas and collaborate more effectively, which can lead to a better outcome.中文:资源共享是近年来备受关注的重要概念。



知识共享的利与弊英语作文Title: Pros and Cons of Knowledge Sharing。

Knowledge sharing, facilitated by platforms like Creative Commons, has transformed the way information is disseminated and utilized in our interconnected world. This essay explores the advantages and disadvantages of knowledge sharing.Advantages:1. Global Collaboration: Knowledge sharing breaks down geographical barriers, enabling collaboration among individuals and organizations worldwide. This fosters innovation and accelerates progress in various fields.2. Equal Access: By allowing content creators to choose the terms of sharing their work, knowledge sharing platforms promote equal access to information. This is particularly beneficial for individuals in developingcountries or with limited resources.3. Cost Efficiency: Accessing shared knowledge often comes at little to no cost, reducing the financial barriers to education and research. This democratization of knowledge enhances educational opportunities for all, regardless of socioeconomic status.4. Fostering Creativity: When creators share their work under flexible licenses, it encourages derivative works and remix culture. This sparks creativity and encourages individuals to build upon existing ideas, leading to diverse and innovative outcomes.5. Open Innovation: Knowledge sharing fosters an environment of open innovation, where ideas are freely exchanged and improved upon by a global community. This accelerates the pace of technological advancement and problem-solving.Disadvantages:1. Potential for Exploitation: While knowledge sharing promotes accessibility, it also raises concerns about the exploitation of creators' work. Without proper attribution or adherence to licensing terms, creators may not receive due credit or compensation for their contributions.2. Quality Control: The abundance of shared content makes it challenging to assess the accuracy and reliability of information. Misinformation and low-quality content can proliferate, leading to confusion and distrust among consumers.3. Copyright Infringement: Despite the availability of licenses like Creative Commons, copyright infringement remains a prevalent issue in knowledge sharing. Unauthorized use of copyrighted material undermines the rights of content creators and may lead to legal disputes.4. Loss of Competitive Advantage: Organizations may hesitate to share proprietary knowledge for fear of losing their competitive edge. This reluctance can stifle collaboration and hinder collective progress in certainindustries.5. Digital Divide: While knowledge sharing has the potential to bridge gaps in access to information, thedigital divide persists in many parts of the world. Limited internet access and technological infrastructure prevent some individuals from benefiting fully from shared knowledge.Conclusion:In conclusion, knowledge sharing presents both opportunities and challenges in our increasingly interconnected world. While it promotes collaboration, innovation, and equal access to information, it also raises concerns about exploitation, quality control, and copyright infringement. To maximize the benefits of knowledge sharing, it is essential to strike a balance between promoting openness and respecting the rights of content creators. Through thoughtful regulation, education, and technological advancements, we can harness the power of knowledge sharing to drive positive change and empower individuals worldwide.。



共享图书馆英语作文Title: The Concept and Benefits of Shared Libraries。

Shared libraries, also known as community libraries or cooperative libraries, are innovative institutions thatplay a pivotal role in fostering literacy, promoting education, and building stronger communities. In this essay, I will delve into the significance of shared libraries,their advantages, and how they contribute to theintellectual and social development of society.First and foremost, shared libraries embody the essence of community collaboration and resource sharing. Unlike traditional libraries, which are often centralized and managed by specific organizations or institutions, shared libraries operate on the principle of collective ownership and participation. They are established and maintained by the community members themselves, who come together to pool their resources, whether it be books, magazines, or digital materials, and create a space dedicated to learning andenrichment.One of the primary benefits of shared libraries istheir accessibility. By decentralizing the library system and establishing smaller, community-based libraries, access to reading materials becomes more equitable and inclusive. Shared libraries can be set up in neighborhoods, schools, community centers, or even online platforms, ensuring that individuals from all walks of life have the opportunity to engage with literature and information regardless of their socio-economic background or geographic location.Furthermore, shared libraries promote a culture of lifelong learning and intellectual curiosity. By providing a diverse range of reading materials, including fiction, non-fiction, educational resources, and cultural publications, shared libraries inspire people to explore new ideas, expand their knowledge, and develop critical thinking skills. Additionally, many shared libraries offer educational programs, workshops, and events that further enrich the learning experience and foster a sense of community among participants.Another advantage of shared libraries is their sustainability and cost-effectiveness. By leveraging the collective resources of the community, shared libraries can operate on relatively low budgets and rely on volunteer efforts for staffing and maintenance. This makes them a viable alternative to traditional libraries, particularly in underserved areas where funding for public institutions may be limited. Additionally, shared libraries promote environmental sustainability by encouraging the reuse and recycling of books and other materials, reducing waste and carbon footprint.Moreover, shared libraries serve as hubs for community engagement and social interaction. They provide a space where people can come together to exchange ideas, participate in discussions, and collaborate on projects. Shared libraries often host community events such as book clubs, author talks, storytelling sessions, and art exhibitions, creating opportunities for people to connect with one another and forge meaningful relationships. Inthis way, shared libraries not only promote literacy andeducation but also strengthen social cohesion and civic engagement within communities.In conclusion, shared libraries are invaluable assets that contribute to the intellectual, social, and cultural enrichment of society. By embracing the principles of community collaboration, accessibility, sustainability, and engagement, shared libraries empower individuals to become lifelong learners and active participants in their communities. As we continue to strive for a more inclusive and equitable society, the role of shared libraries in promoting literacy, education, and community development cannot be overstated.。



英语作文-图书馆的数字化资源开放与知识共享The digitization of resources in libraries and its implications for knowledge sharing represent a significant advancement in the accessibility and dissemination of information. In today's interconnected world, libraries play a crucial role not only as repositories of books and manuscripts but also as facilitators of digital access to a wealth of resources. This transformation has ushered in a new era of knowledge accessibility and sharing, revolutionizing the way information is stored, accessed, and utilized.Digitalization has democratized access to information, making it possible for individuals worldwide to retrieve resources remotely. Gone are the days when libraries were limited by physical space and collection size. Now, through digital platforms and online databases, libraries can offer an extensive array of materials ranging from scholarly articles and e-books to archival records and multimedia resources. This breadth of content enhances research capabilities and enriches academic pursuits by providing a diverse range of perspectives and sources.Moreover, the digitization of library resources fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing on a global scale. Researchers, educators, and students can easily share findings, collaborate on projects, and access materials that were previously inaccessible due to geographical or logistical constraints. This interconnectedness accelerates the pace of discovery and innovation across disciplines, as ideas can be exchanged freely and instantaneously.Furthermore, digital libraries promote lifelong learning by catering to diverse learning styles and preferences. Visual learners can access multimedia resources such as videos and interactive simulations, while auditory learners can listen to podcasts or audiobooks. This versatility in content delivery accommodates various educational needs, ensuring that knowledge is disseminated effectively to a broad audience.In addition to expanding access, digital libraries enhance preservation efforts by digitizing fragile or rare materials that may deteriorate over time. By creating digital archives, libraries can safeguard cultural heritage and historical artifacts, ensuring that future generations can study and appreciate these treasures. This preservation of knowledge transcends physical boundaries and safeguards intellectual heritage for posterity.Moreover, the digitization of library resources supports sustainable practices by reducing the need for physical storage space and minimizing paper waste. This eco-friendly approach aligns with global efforts to reduce carbon footprints and conserve natural resources, making libraries more environmentally responsible while enhancing their operational efficiency.In conclusion, the digitization of library resources represents a transformative leap forward in the accessibility, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge. By leveraging digital technologies, libraries can transcend physical limitations, promote global collaboration, and preserve cultural heritage for future generations. This evolution underscores the pivotal role of libraries as dynamic hubs of learning, innovation, and cultural exchange in the digital age. As we continue to embrace these advancements, we ensure that knowledge remains a universal resource that enriches lives and empowers communities worldwide.。



In todays world,the concept of sharing success and respecting others is more important than ever.It is a fundamental principle that should be embraced by individuals and organizations alike.This essay will discuss the significance of sharing achievements and the core value of respect in fostering a harmonious and productive environment.Firstly,sharing success is a way to acknowledge the contributions of others.In any endeavor,it is rare for an individual to achieve success singlehandedly.There are often many people who play a role in the journey to success,whether it be through direct support,guidance,or inspiration.By sharing the credit and the rewards,we show appreciation for the efforts of these individuals and build stronger relationships.Secondly,respect is the foundation of any successful collaboration.When we respect others,we create an atmosphere of trust and openness.This allows for better communication,more effective teamwork,and a greater willingness to share ideas and resources.Respect also means valuing the opinions and perspectives of others,even when they differ from our own.This diversity of thought can lead to more innovative and wellrounded solutions.Moreover,sharing success and showing respect can lead to personal growth and development.When we celebrate the achievements of others,we are inspired to strive for our own success.This can motivate us to learn new skills,take on new challenges,and push ourselves to reach our full potential.Additionally,by treating others with respect, we develop our own character and integrity,which are essential qualities for personal and professional success.In conclusion,sharing success and respecting others are crucial components of a thriving community and workplace.They foster a sense of unity and cooperation,encourage personal growth,and pave the way for continued success.By embracing these values,we can create a more inclusive,supportive,and prosperous society for all.。



资源得以共享英语作文高中Sharing Resources for a Better Future。

In today's world, the concept of sharing resources has become increasingly important. With the rapid growth of the global population and the depletion of natural resources, it is crucial for us to find ways to share and manage resources more effectively. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits of sharing resources and how it can contribute to a better future for all.First and foremost, sharing resources can help to reduce waste and promote sustainability. By sharing resources such as food, water, and energy, we can ensure that everyone has access to the basic necessities of life. This can help to alleviate poverty and reduce inequality, as well as promote environmental conservation. For example, by sharing and recycling materials, we can reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, and by sharing energy resources, we can reduce our dependence on fossilfuels and decrease our carbon footprint.Furthermore, sharing resources can also lead to greater efficiency and innovation. When resources are shared, it encourages collaboration and the exchange of ideas. This can lead to the development of new technologies and solutions that can benefit everyone. For instance, by sharing knowledge and expertise, we can find new ways to produce food more sustainably, or develop renewable energy sources that can meet the needs of a growing population. In addition, sharing resources can also lead to cost savings, as it allows for the pooling of resources and the sharing of infrastructure and equipment.In addition, sharing resources can also promote peace and cooperation. By sharing resources, we can build stronger relationships and foster greater understanding between different communities and nations. This can help to reduce conflicts and promote stability and security. For example, by sharing water resources, countries can work together to manage and protect shared water sources, and by sharing food resources, we can help to alleviate hunger andpromote stability in regions that are prone to conflict.However, while sharing resources has many benefits, it also presents challenges and obstacles. One of the main challenges is the need for cooperation and coordination. In order to effectively share resources, there needs to be a high level of trust and cooperation between different parties. This can be difficult to achieve, especially in a world that is often divided by political, economic, and social differences. In addition, there are also practical challenges, such as the need for infrastructure and logistics to facilitate the sharing of resources, as well as the need for effective management and governance.In conclusion, sharing resources is essential for building a better future for all. By sharing resources, we can promote sustainability, efficiency, innovation, and cooperation. However, in order to realize the benefits of sharing resources, we need to overcome the challenges and obstacles that stand in the way. This will require strong leadership, effective governance, and a commitment to working together for the common good. With the rightapproach, sharing resources can help to create a more equitable and sustainable world for future generations.。



共享图书馆英语作文英文回答:Libraries have evolved from being mere repositories of books to vibrant community hubs that cater to a diverse range of needs. Sharing their resources is not just a practical measure, but also a testament to their commitment to equity and access to knowledge.One of the most significant benefits of resource sharing is the pooling of expertise and collections. Libraries can collaborate to acquire rare or specialized materials that might otherwise be inaccessible toindividual institutions. This collective effort ensuresthat patrons have a more comprehensive range of resources at their disposal, regardless of their location.For example, the Boston Public Library's vastcollection of rare manuscripts and archives is shared with other institutions through the Research Library Group'sShared Content Digitization Initiative. This collaborative project has made invaluable resources accessible to researchers and scholars around the world.Another key advantage of resource sharing is the cost savings it offers. By coordinating their purchases and interlibrary loan services, libraries can reduceduplication of effort and expenses. This allows them to allocate their budgets more effectively, ensuring that more resources are available for user services.For instance, the OhioLINK consortium, which comprises 122 academic libraries in Ohio, has implemented a shared print repository program. This initiative reduces storage costs for individual libraries while providing acentralized location for accessing less-used materials.Resource sharing also promotes equity and access to underserved communities. By partnering with community organizations and local libraries, larger institutions can extend their reach and provide services to those who might not otherwise have access to traditional library settings.For example, the Queens Public Library's Universal Borrower Card program allows residents of neighboring counties to borrow materials and access services at any of its branches. This initiative breaks down barriers and ensures that all community members have equal access to library resources.In addition to sharing physical resources, librariesare also collaborating to develop and share digital content. Online databases, e-books, and other digital resources are increasingly being made available through consortia and shared platforms. This allows users to access a wealth of information from anywhere with an internet connection.For instance, the HathiTrust Digital Library, a collaboration of major research libraries, provides accessto millions of digitized books and other materials. These resources are freely available to researchers and the general public, democratizing access to knowledge on an unprecedented scale.The benefits of shared libraries are undeniable. By pooling their resources, expertise, and collections, libraries can provide a more comprehensive, equitable, and accessible service to their communities. This collaborative approach not only enhances user experience but also ensures that libraries remain vital and relevant in the 21st century.中文回答:图书馆已经从单纯的藏书库发展成为迎合各种需求的充满活力的社区中心。

Techniques for sharing resources among multiple de

Techniques for sharing resources among multiple de
申请人:Andrej Kocev 地址:York ME US 国籍:US 更多信息请下载全文后查看
摘要:A technique of shared resource handling for multiple devices includes determining a first lifetime of a first transaction associated with an active first device, included within the multiple devices. The technique also includes assigning at least a
专利名称:Techniques for sharces in a processor system
发明人:Andrej Kocev 申请号:US11753355 申请日:20070524 公开号:US20080295097A1 公开日:20081127 专利附图:
portion of a first system resource to the active first device for use in the first transaction, when the first lifetime corresponds to a long-lifetime. Finally, the technique includes assigning at least a portion of a second system resource to the active first device for use in the first transaction, when the first lifetime corresponds to a short-lifetime. In this case, the second system resource was previously reserved to one or more inactive second devices, included within the multiple devices.



共享资源英文作文英文:Sharing resources is a crucial concept in today's world. It means that we should not only use resources for our own benefit but also share them with others. This can beapplied to various aspects of life, such as sharing knowledge, skills, and even physical resources like foodand water.One example of sharing resources is carpooling. Instead of each person driving their own car, they can share a ride with others who are going in the same direction. This not only reduces traffic on the road but also saves fuel and reduces pollution. Another example is sharing textbooks in school. Instead of each student buying their own textbook, they can share with others in the class. This not onlysaves money but also promotes a sense of community and cooperation among students.However, sharing resources is not always easy. It requires a certain level of trust and cooperation among individuals. For example, in a sharing economy, people need to trust that others will take care of the shared resources and not misuse them. This is why it is important to establish clear rules and guidelines for sharing resources.In conclusion, sharing resources is a vital conceptthat can benefit individuals, communities, and the environment. It promotes a sense of cooperation and trust among individuals and helps to reduce waste and pollution. We should all strive to share our resources and contribute to a more sustainable future.中文:共享资源是当今世界上一个至关重要的概念。



2024四级英语试卷Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the topic "The Importance of Cultural Heritage Protection". You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)Section A.Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.News Report 1.1. A) A new art exhibition in Paris.B) The discovery of an ancient tomb.C) A famous painter's new works.D) The restoration of an old building.2. A) It took decades to complete.B) It was found by accident.C) It contains many precious artifacts.D) It is located in a remote area.News Report 2.3. A) A new policy on environmental protection.B) The impact of climate change on wildlife.C) A research project on endangered species.D) The measures to save a particular forest.4. A) By reducing pollution.B) By creating more habitats.C) By controlling the population.D) By changing their diet.News Report 3.5. A) A new type of energy - saving vehicle.B) The development of self - driving cars.C) The popularity of electric cars.D) The improvement of public transportation.6. A) They are more expensive.B) They are less safe.C) They are more convenient.D) They are more environment - friendly. Section B.Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Conversation 1.7. A) She is preparing for an exam.B) She is looking for a job.C) She is doing a research project.D) She is writing a paper.8. A) In the library.B) In the cafeteria.C) In the dormitory.D) In the classroom.9. A) It is very difficult.B) It is quite interesting.C) It is too time - consuming.D) It is not well - organized.10. A) Ask her professor for help.B) Join a study group.C) Read more reference books.D) Use the Internet resources. Conversation 2.11. A) He is a tour guide.B) He is a hotel manager.C) He is a travel agent.D) He is a restaurant owner.12. A) Sightseeing.B) Shopping.C) Business meetings.D) Cultural exchanges.13. A) It has a long history.B) It has beautiful scenery.C) It has delicious food.D) It has modern facilities.14. A) By plane.B) By train.C) By bus.D) By ship.Section C.Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Passage 1.15. A) How to choose a suitable major in college.B) The importance of college education.C) Different types of college degrees.D) The challenges of college life.16. A) Consider your interests.B) Follow your parents' advice.C) Look at the job market.D) Listen to your teachers.17. A) It can help you find a good job.B) It can make you more confident.C) It can broaden your horizons.D) It can improve your communication skills.Passage 2.18. A) The origin of a traditional festival.B) The customs of a particular region.C) The meaning of a cultural symbol.D) The development of a folk art.19. A) Through family inheritance.B) Through school education.C) Through mass media.D) Through international exchanges.20. A) To preserve cultural traditions.B) To promote economic development.C) To enhance national identity.D) To attract foreign tourists.Passage 3.21. A) A new scientific discovery.B) A controversial medical treatment.C) An innovative teaching method.D) A successful business model.22. A) It is based on a new theory.B) It has been widely used.C) It is still in the experimental stage.D) It has caused a lot of debates.23. A) The lack of scientific evidence.B) The high cost of the treatment.C) The potential side effects.D) The difficulty of operation.Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section A.Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the word bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the wordsin the word bank more than once.The Internet has become an essential part of our daily lives. It has_(24)_ the way we communicate, learn, and do business. With just a few clicks, we can access a vast amount of information from all over the world. However, the Internet also brings some _(25)_. For example, the spread of false information and the invasion of privacy.To address these problems, various measures have been taken. Governments are _(26)_ laws to regulate the Internet. Internet companies are also improving their security systems to protect users' information. At the same time, users themselves need to be more _(27)_ when using the Internet. They should not believe everything they see on the Internet and should protect their personal information _(28)_.In addition, the Internet has also changed the way we educate. Online courses have become very popular. They offer great _(29)_ for people who cannot attend traditional classes. For example, people who are working full - time can study at their own _(30)_ through online courses. However, online courses also have some limitations. For example, the lack of face - to - face interaction may make it difficult for some students to fully_(31)_ the knowledge.Overall, the Internet has had a profound impact on our lives. We should make good use of it while also being aware of its potential problems and taking appropriate _(32)_ to deal with them.Word Bank:A) advantages.B) challenges.C) changing.D) cautious.E) effectively.F) enacting.G) flexibility.H) grasp.I) opportunities.J) privacy.K) regulations.L) security.M) speedily.Section B.Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.The Future of Work.A) The world of work is changing rapidly. Technological advancements, globalization, and demographic shifts are all having a significant impact on the nature of jobs and the skills required to perform them. In this new era, traditional employment models are being challenged, and new forms of work are emerging.B) One of the most significant trends is the rise of the gig economy. In the gig economy, people work on a project - by - project basis rather than having a traditional full - time job. This type of work offers greater flexibility for workers, allowing them to choose when and where they work. However, it also comes with some challenges, such as a lack of job security and benefits.C) Another trend is the increasing importance of digital skills. As more and more jobs become digitized, workers need to be proficient in using digital tools and technologies. This includes skills such as data analysis, programming, and digital marketing. Employers are increasingly looking forcandidates with these skills, and those who lack them may find it difficult to find employment.D) Automation is also having a major impact on the future of work. Machines and algorithms are replacing humans in many routine and repetitive tasks. While this can lead to increased efficiency and productivity, italso means that many jobs will be lost. Workers in industries that arelikely to be automated, such as manufacturing and customer service, need to upskill or reskill to remain employable.E) In addition to technological changes, globalization is alsoreshaping the world of work. Companies are increasingly operating on aglobal scale, which means that workers need to be able to work with people from different cultures and backgrounds. This requires strong cross - cultural communication skills and an understanding of global business practices.F) Demographic changes are also playing a role in the future of work. For example, as the population ages in many countries, there will be a greater need for workers in healthcare and eldercare. At the same time, younger generations are entering the workforce with different values and expectations. They are more likely to value work - life balance andflexibility than previous generations.G) To succeed in the future of work, individuals need to be adaptable and continuously learn new skills. Lifelong learning will become essential, as the skills required for jobs will continue to change. Employers alsohave a role to play in this process. They need to invest in employeetraining and development to ensure that their workforce remains competitive.H) The future of work also has implications for education. Educational institutions need to adapt their curricula to prepare students for the jobsof the future. This means focusing on developing digital skills, cross - cultural communication skills, and the ability to learn continuously.I) In conclusion, the future of work is full of both opportunities and challenges. Workers, employers, and educational institutions all need to be aware of these trends and take appropriate action to adapt to the changing world of work.33. The gig economy provides workers with more flexibility but less job security.34. Workers in industries likely to be automated need to improve their skills to keep their jobs.35. Globalization requires workers to have cross - cultural communication skills.36. Younger generations entering the workforce value work - life balance more.37. Lifelong learning is crucial for individuals to succeed in the future of work.38. Educational institutions should adjust their curricula for the future job market.39. The rise of the gig economy is one of the most important trends in the changing world of work.40. Employers should invest in employee training to maintain a competitive workforce.41. Digital skills are becoming more and more important in the job market.42. Automation can increase efficiency but also cause job losses.Section C.Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Passage 1.The concept of "slow food" has been gaining popularity in recent years. Slow food is not just about eating slowly; it is a movement that promotes the consumption of local, seasonal, and traditional foods. It is a reaction against the fast - food culture that has dominated the modern world.The slow - food movement began in Italy in the 1980s. It was founded by Carlo Petrini in response to the opening of a McDonald's near the Spanish Steps in Rome. Petrini believed that fast food was a threat to Italian food culture and traditions. He started the slow - food movement to encourage people to appreciate and preserve the unique flavors and cooking methods of local foods.Slow food emphasizes the importance of knowing where your food comes from. It encourages consumers to buy food directly from farmers or local markets. This not only supports local farmers but also ensures that the food is fresh and of high quality. In addition, slow food promotes the use of traditional cooking methods, which often require more time and effort but result in more delicious and nutritious meals.One of the main goals of the slow - food movement is to protect biodiversity. By promoting the consumption of local and seasonal foods, it helps to preserve the variety of plant and animal species that are used infood production. This is important because many modern agricultural practices are threatening biodiversity.43. What is the main idea of the passage?A) The history of the slow - food movement.B) The definition and significance of slow food.C) The difference between slow food and fast food.D) The popularity of slow food in Italy.44. Where did the slow - food movement start?A) In Spain.B) In France.C) In Italy.D) In the United States.45. Why was the slow - food movement founded?A) To oppose the opening of McDonald's.B) To promote Italian food culture and traditions.C) To encourage people to eat more slowly.D) To protect the environment.46. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of slow food?A) Buying food from local markets.B) Using traditional cooking methods.C) Eating only Italian food.D) Protecting biodiversity.Passage 2.The sharing economy has emerged as a significant economic trend in recent years. It refers to the sharing of underutilized resources, such as cars, homes, and tools, through online platforms. The sharing economy has the potential to revolutionize the way we consume and produce goods and services.One of the most well - known examples of the sharing economy is ride - sharing services like Uber and Lyft. These services allow individuals to share their cars with others in exchange for a fee. By doing so, they make transportation more accessible and affordable for many people. At the same time, they also reduce the need for private car ownership, which can have a positive impact on the environment.Another example is home - sharing platforms like Airbnb. Home - sharing allows homeowners to rent out their spare rooms or entire homes to travelers. This provides travelers with more affordable accommodation options and also allows homeowners to earn extra income. However, the sharing economy also faces some challenges. For example, there are concerns about safety, regulation, and the impact on traditional industries.In the case of ride - sharing, there have been issues regarding driver safety and the classification of drivers as employees or independent contractors. For home - sharing, there are concerns about the safety of guests and the impact on the housing market. In addition, the sharing economy operates in a relatively unregulated space, which can lead to issues such as unfair competition and lack of consumer protection.47. What is the sharing economy?A) The sharing of resources through online platforms.B) The ownership of underutilized resources.C) The production of new goods and services.D) The consumption of traditional goods and services.48. What are the benefits of ride - sharing services?A) They make transportation more expensive.B) They increase the need for private car ownership.C) They make transportation more accessible and affordable.D) They have a negative impact on the environment.49. What are the concerns about home - sharing platforms?A) They make accommodation more expensive.B) They have no impact on the housing market.C) They are completely safe for guests.D) They raise concerns about safety and the housing market.50. Which of the following is a challenge faced by the sharing economy?A) It is too highly regulated.B) It has no impact on traditional industries.C) It has issues regarding safety and regulation.D) It provides too much consumer protection.Part IV Translation (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.中国的互联网发展迅速,给人们的生活带来了巨大的变化。



In todays rapidly evolving global economy,the concept of a close cooperative relationship has become increasingly important.Such relationships are not only crucial for businesses but also for individuals,communities,and even nations.This essay will explore the significance of establishing and maintaining close cooperative relationships and the benefits that can be derived from them.The Importance of Close Cooperative Relationships1.Mutual Growth:A close cooperative relationship fosters mutual growth and development.When two parties work closely together,they can share knowledge,skills, and resources,leading to a more efficient use of assets and a faster pace of innovation.2.Risk Mitigation:In business,risks are inevitable.However,through close cooperation, partners can share risks,which can lead to better decisionmaking and a more stable business environment.3.Enhanced Competitiveness:By working closely with others,an organization can enhance its competitiveness.This is achieved by leveraging the strengths of each partner to create a more formidable team capable of outperforming competitors.4.Cultural Exchange:In a globalized world,close cooperative relationships also facilitate cultural exchange.This exchange can lead to a better understanding and appreciation of different cultures,which is essential for international businesses and diplomacy. Benefits of Close Cooperative Relationships1.Access to New Markets:Cooperation can open doors to new markets that might otherwise be inaccessible.Partners can introduce each other to their respective markets, expanding the reach and customer base.2.Resource Sharing:Close cooperation allows for the sharing of resources,which can be particularly beneficial for small businesses or startups that may not have the means to access certain resources on their own.3.Innovation and Creativity:When different perspectives and ideas come together,it can lead to innovative solutions and creative problemsolving.This is a significant advantage in industries where innovation is key to success.4.LongTerm Stability:A close cooperative relationship can provide longterm stability. Partners can rely on each other during economic downturns or when facing challenges,ensuring continuity and resilience.Challenges and Solutions1.Trust Building:Trust is the foundation of any close cooperative relationship.It can be challenging to establish,but once built,it can be maintained through transparency,open communication,and consistent reliability.2.Conflict Resolution:Conflicts are inevitable in any relationship.Having a clear and fair conflict resolution process can help maintain the integrity of the cooperative relationship.3.Adaptability:The ability to adapt to changes in the market or within the partnership is crucial.Being flexible and open to change can help partners navigate through challenges together.4.Shared Vision:A shared vision and common goals are essential for a close cooperative relationship.Partners should align their objectives to ensure that they are working towards the same end.ConclusionIn conclusion,close cooperative relationships are vital in todays interconnected world. They offer numerous benefits,including mutual growth,risk mitigation,enhanced competitiveness,and cultural exchange.While there are challenges to establishing and maintaining such relationships,the rewards far outweigh the difficulties.By focusing on trust building,conflict resolution,adaptability,and a shared vision,partners can create a strong foundation for a successful and enduring cooperative relationship.。

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Resource sharing among HPSG and LTAG communitiesby a method of grammar conversion from FB-LTAG to HPSGNaoki Y oshinaga Yusuke MiyaoDepartment of Information Science,Graduate school of Science,University of TokyoHongo7-3-1,Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo,113-0033,Japanyoshinag, TorisawaSchool of Information Science,Japan Advanced Institute of Science and TechnologyAsahidai1-1,Tatsunokuchi-cho,Noumi-gun,Ishikawa,923-1292,JapanInformation and Human Behavior,PRESTO,Japan Science and Technology CorporationKawaguchi Hon-cho4-1-8,Kawaguchi-shi,Saitama,332-0012,’ichi TsujiiDepartment of Computer Science,Graduate school of Information Science and Technology,University of TokyoHongo7-3-1,Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo,113-0033,JapanCREST,JST(Japan Science and Technology Corporation)Kawaguchi Hon-cho4-1-8,Kawaguchi-shi,Saitama,332-0012, paper describes the RenTAL sys-tem,which enables sharing resourcesin LTAG and HPSG formalisms by amethod of grammar conversion froman FB-LTAG grammar to a stronglyequivalent HPSG-style grammar.Thesystem is applied to the latest versionof the XTAG English grammar.Ex-perimental results show that the ob-tained HPSG-style grammar success-fully worked with an HPSG parser,andachieved a drastic speed-up against anLTAG parser.This system enables toshare not only grammars and lexiconsbut also parsing techniques.1IntroductionThis paper describes an approach for shar-ing resources in various grammar formalisms such as Feature-Based Lexicalized Tree Adjoin-ing Grammar(FB-LTAG1)(Vijay-Shanker,1987; Vijay-Shanker and Joshi,1988)and Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar(HPSG)(Pollard and Sag,1994)by a method of grammar conver-sion.The RenTAL system automatically converts an FB-LTAG grammar into a strongly equiva-lent HPSG-style grammar(Yoshinaga and Miyao, 2001).Strong equivalence means that both gram-mars generate exactly equivalent parse results, and that we can share the LTAG grammars and lexicons in HPSG applications.Our system can reduce considerable workload to develop a huge resource(grammars and lexicons)from scratch. Our concern is,however,not limited to the sharing of grammars and lexicons.Strongly equivalent grammars enable the sharing of ideas developed in each formalism.There have been many studies on parsing tech-niques(Poller and Becker,1998;Flickinger et al.,2000),ones on disambiguation models(Chi-ang,2000;Kanayama et al.,2000),and ones on programming/grammar-development environ-1In this paper,we use the term LTAG to refer to FB-LTAG,if not confusing.Figure1:The RenTAL System:Overview ment(Sarkar and Wintner,1999;Doran et al., 2000;Makino et al.,1998).These works are re-stricted to each closed community,and the rela-tion between them is not well discussed.Investi-gating the relation will be apparently valuable for both communities.In this paper,we show that the strongly equiv-alent grammars enable the sharing of“parsing techniques”,which are dependent on each com-putational framework and have never been shared among HPSG and LTAG communities.We ap-ply our system to the latest version of the XTAG English grammar(The XTAG Research Group, 2001),which is a large-scale FB-LTAG gram-mar.A parsing experiment shows that an efficient HPSG parser with the obtained grammar achieved a significant speed-up against an existing LTAG parser(Yoshinaga et al.,2001).This result im-plies that parsing techniques for HPSG are also beneficial for LTAG parsing.We can say that the grammar conversion enables us to share HPSG parsing techniques in LTAG parsing.Figure1depicts a brief sketch of the RenTAL system.The system consists of the following four modules:Tree converter,Type hierarchy extrac-tor,Lexicon converter and Derivation translator. The tree converter module is a core module of the system,which is an implementation of the gram-mar conversion algorithm given in Section3.The type hierarchy extractor module extracts the sym-bols of the node,features,and feature values from the LTAGelementary tree templates and lexicon, and construct the type hierarchy from them.The lexicon converter module converts LTAG elemen-tary tree templates into HPSG lexical entries.The derivation translator module takes HPSG parse*Figure2:Elementary treestrees,and map them to LTAG derivation trees.All modules other than the last one are related to the conversion process from LTAG into HPSG,and the last one enables to obtain LTAG analysis from the obtained HPSG analysis.Tateisi et al.also translated LTAG into HPSG(Tateisi et al.,1998).However,their method depended on translator’s intuitive analy-sis of the original grammar.Thus the transla-tion was manual and grammar dependent.The manual translation demanded considerable efforts from the translator,and obscures the equiva-lence between the original and obtained gram-mars.Other works(Kasper et al.,1995;Becker and Lopez,2000)convert HPSG grammars into LTAG grammars.However,given the greater ex-pressive power of HPSG,it is impossible to con-vert an arbitrary HPSG grammar into an LTAG grammar.Therefore,a conversion from HPSG into LTAG often requires some restrictions on the HPSG grammar to suppress its generative capac-ity.Thus,the conversion loses the equivalence of the grammars,and we cannot gain the above ad-vantages.Section2reviews the source and the tar-get grammar formalisms of the conversion algo-rithm.Section3describes the conversion algo-rithm which the core module in the RenTAL sys-tem uses.Section4presents the evaluation of the RenTAL system through experiments with the XTAG English grammar.Section5concludes this study and addresses future works.2Background2.1Feature-Based Lexicalized TreeAdjoining Grammar(FB-LTAG)LTAG(Schabes et al.,1988)is a grammar formal-ism that provides syntactic analyses for a sentence by composing elementary trees with two opera-unifyFigure6:Parsing with an HPSGsubstitutionα1α2SNP VPVrunNWeFigure3:Substitutioncan*SNP VPVrunNWeSNP VPVPVcanNWe VrunFigure4:Adjunctiontions called substitution and adjunction.Elemen-tary trees are classified into two types,initial treesand auxiliary trees(Figure2).An elementary treehas at least one leaf node labeled with a terminalsymbol called an anchor(marked with).In anauxiliary tree,one leaf node is labeled with thesame symbol as the root node and is speciallymarked as a foot node(marked with).In an el-ementary tree,leaf nodes with the exception ofanchors and the foot node are called substitutionnodes(marked with).Substitution replaces a substitution node withanother initial tree(Figure3).Adjunction graftsan auxiliary tree with the root node and footnode labeled onto an internal node of anothertree with the same symbol(Figure4).FB-LTAG(Vijay-Shanker,1987;Vijay-Shanker andJoshi,1988)is an extension of the LTAG formal-ism.In FB-LTAG,each node in the elementarytrees has a feature structure,containing grammat-ical constraints on the node.Figure5shows aresult of LTAG analysis,which is described notVPVcanNWe VrunFigure5:Derived trees and derivation treesonly by derived trees(i.e.,parse trees)but also byderivation trees.A derivation tree is a structuraldescription in LTAG and represents the history ofcombinations of elementary trees.There are several grammars developed in theFB-LTAG formalism,including the XTAG En-glish grammar,a large-scale grammar for En-glish(The XTAG Research Group,2001).TheXTAG group(Doran et al.,2000)at the Univer-sity of Pennsylvania is also developing Korean,Chinese,and Hindi grammars.Development ofa large-scale French grammar(Abeill´e and Can-dito,2000)has also started at the University ofPennsylvania and is expanded at University ofParis7.2.2Head-Driven Phrase StructureGrammar(HPSG)An HPSG grammar consists of lexical entries andID grammar rules,each of which is describedwith typed feature structures(Carpenter,1992).Alexical entry for each word expresses the charac-teristics of the word,such as the subcategorizationframe and the grammatical category.An ID gram-mar rule represents a relation between a motherand its daughters,and is independent of lexicalcharacteristics.Figure6illustrates an example ofbottom-up parsing with an HPSG grammar.First,lexical entries for“can”and“run”are unified re-spectively with the daughter feature structures ofCanonical elementary treesNon-canonical elementary treesthinkV *a) Exception for Condition 1b) Exception for Condition 2Figure 7:A canonical elementary tree and exceptionsan ID grammar rule.The feature structure of the mother node is determined as a result of these uni-fications.The center of Figure 6shows a rule ap-plication to “can run ”and “we ”.There are a variety of works on efficient pars-ing with HPSG,which allow the use of HPSG-based processing in practical application con-texts (Flickinger et al.,2000).Stanford Univer-sity is developing the English Resource Gram-mar,an HPSG grammar for English,as a part of the Linguistic Grammars Online (LinGO)project (Flickinger,2000).In practical con-text,German,English,and Japanese HPSG-based grammars are developed and used in the Verb-mobil project (Kay et al.,1994).Our group has developed a wide-coverage HPSG grammar for Japanese (Mitsuishi et al.,1998),which is used in a high-accuracy Japanese dependency an-alyzer (Kanayama et al.,2000).3Grammar conversionThe grammar conversion from LTAG to HPSG (Yoshinaga and Miyao,2001)is the core portion of the RenTAL system.The conversion algorithm consists of:1.Conversion of canonical elementary trees to HPSG lexical entries.2.Definition of ID grammar rules to emulate substitution and adjunction.3.Conversion of non-canonical elementary trees to canonical ones.The left-hand side of Figure 7shows a canoni-cal elementary tree,which satisfies the following conditions:Condition 1A tree must have only oneanchor.think:*Figure 8:A conversion from a canonical elemen-tary tree into an HPSG lexical entry123132Figure 9:Left substitution ruleCondition 2All branchings in a tree must con-tain trunk nodes.Trunk nodes are nodes on a trunk ,which is a pathfrom an anchor to the root node (the thick lines in Figure 7)(Kasper et al.,1995).Condition 1guar-antees that a canonical elementary tree has only one trunk,and Condition 2guarantees that each branching consists of a trunk node,a leaf node,and their mother (also a trunk node).The right-hand side of Figure 7shows elementary trees vi-olating the conditions.Canonical elementary trees can be directly con-verted to HPSG lexical entries by regarding each leaf node as a subcategorization element of the anchor,and by encoding them into a list.Fig-ure 8shows an example of the conversion.By following the trunk from the anchor “think ”to the1234 3142appendFigure10:Left adjunction ruleroot node labeled S,we store each branching in a list.As shown in Figure8,each branching is specified by a leaf node and the mother node.A feature Sym represents the non-terminal symbol of the mother node.Features Leaf,Dir,Foot? represent the leaf node;the non-terminal symbol, the direction(on which side of the trunk node the leaf node is),and the type(whether a foot node or a substitution node),respectively.Figures9and10show ID grammar rules to em-ulate substitution and adjunction.These grammar rules are independent of the original grammar be-cause they don’t specify any characteristics spe-cific to the original grammar.In the substitution rule,the Sym feature of the substitution node must have the value of the Leaf feature3of the trunk node.The Arg feature of the substitution node must be a null list,because the substitution node must be unified only with the node corresponding to the root node of the ini-tial tree.The substitution rule percolates the tail elements2of the Arg feature of a trunk node to the mother in order to continue constructing the tree.In the adjunction rule,the Sym feature of a foot node must have the same value as the Leaf feature4.The value of the Arg feature of the mother node is a concatenation list of both Arg features2and3of its daughters because we first construct the tree corresponding to the ad-joining tree and next continue constructing the tree corresponding to the adjoined tree.The value “”or“”of the Foot?feature explicitly de-termines whether the next rule application is the adjunction rule or the substitution rule.Figure11shows an instance of rule applica-tions.The thick line indicates the adjoined tree ()and the dashed line indicates the adjoiningFigure11:An example of rule applicationsP NPforFigure12:Division of a multi-anchored elemen-tary tree into single-anchored treestree().The adjunction rule is applied to con-struct the branching marked with,where“think”takes as an argument a node whose Sym feature’s value is S.By applying the adjunction rule,the Arg feature of the mother node(B)becomes a concatenation list of both Arg features of(8) and(5).Note that when the construction of is completed,the Arg feature of the trunk node (C)will be its former state(A).We can continue constructing as if nothing had happened. Multi-anchored elementary trees,which violate Condition1,are divided into multiple canonical elementary trees.We call the cutting nodes in the divided trees cut-off nodes(Figure12).Note that a cut-off node is marked by an identifier to pre-serve a co-occurrence relation among the multiple anchors.Figure12shows an example of the con-version of a multi-anchored elementary tree for a compound expression“look for”.Wefirst select an anchor“look”as the syntactic head,and tra-verse the tree along the trunk from the root node S to the anchor“look”.We then cut off the multi-multi-anchored trees without non-anchored subtrees, …Figure 13:Combination of a non-anchored subtree into anchored treesanchored elementary tree at the node PP,and cut-off nodes PP in resulting single-anchored trees aremarked by an identifier.Non-canonical elementary trees violating Con-dition 2have a non-anchored subtree which is a subtree of depth 1or above with no anchor.A non-anchored subtree is converted into multi-anchored trees by substituting the deepest node (Figure 13).Substituted nodes are marked as breaking points to remember that the nodes orig-inate from the substitution nodes.In the resulting trees,all subtrees are anchored so that we can ap-ply the above conversion algorithms.Figure 13shows a conversion of a non-canonical elemen-tary tree for it-cleft .A substitution node P in the non-anchored subtree is selected,and is substi-tuted by each initial tree.The substituted node P in resulting multi-anchored trees are marked as breaking points.The above algorithm gives the conversion of LTAG,and it can be easily extended to handle an FB-LTAG grammar by merely storing a feature structure of each node into the Sym feature and Leaf feature together with the non-terminal sym-bol.Feature structure unification is executed by ID grammar rules.The strong equivalence is assured because only substitution/adjunction operations performed in LTAG are performed with the obtained HPSG-style grammar.This is because each element in the Arg feature selects only feature structures corresponding to trees which can substitute/be adjoined by each leaf node of an elementary tree.By following a history of rule applications,each combination of elementary trees in LTAG derivation trees can be readily recovered.The strong equivalence holds also for conversion of non-canonical elementary trees.For trees violat-ing Condition 1,we can distinguish the cut-offTable 1:The classification of elementary tree templates in the XTAG English grammar (LTAG)and converted lexical entry templates correspond-ing to them (HPSG)::canonical elementary trees,:elementary trees violating only Condi-tion 1,:elementary trees violating only Condi-tion 2,:elementary trees violating both condi-tionsGrammar TotalLTAG 32676454501,194HPSG 3261,9921,0832,4745,875nodes from the substitution nodes owing to iden-tifiers,which recover the co-occurrence relation in the original elementary trees between the di-vided trees.For trees violating Condition 2,we can identify substitution nodes in a combined tree because they are marked as breaking points,and we can consider the combined tree as two trees in the LTAG derivation.4ExperimentsThe RenTAL system is implemented in LiL-FeS (Makino et al.,1998)2.LiLFeS is one of the fastest inference engines for processing fea-ture structure logic,and efficient HPSG parsers have already been built on this system (Nishida et al.,1999;Torisawa et al.,2000).We ap-plied our system to the XTAG English gram-mar (The XTAG Research Group,2001)3,which is a large-scale FB-LTAG grammar for English.2The RenTAL system is available at: used the grammar attached to the latest distribution of an LTAG parser which we used for the parsing experi-ment.The parser is available at:ftp:///pub/xtag/lem/lem-0.13.0.i686.tgzTable2:Parsing performance with the XTAG En-glish grammar for the ATIS corpus.Parser Parse Time(sec.)lem19.64TNT0.77The XTAG English grammar consists of1,1944 elementary tree templates and around45,000lex-ical items5.We successfully converted all the elementary tree templates in the XTAG English grammar to HPSG lexical entry templates.Ta-ble1shows the classifications of elementary tree templates of the XTAG English grammar,ac-cording to the conditions we introduced in Sec-tion3,and also shows the number of correspond-ing HPSG lexical entry templates.Conversion took about25minutes CPU time on a700Mhz Pentium III Xeon with four gigabytes main mem-ory.The original and the obtained grammar gener-ated exactly the same number of derivation trees in the parsing experiment with457sentences from the ATIS corpus(Marcus et al.,1994)6(the average length is6.32words).This result empir-ically attested the strong equivalence of our algo-rithm.Table2shows the average parsing time with the LTAG and HPSG parsers.In Table2,lem refers to the LTAG parser(Sarkar et al.,2000), ANSI C implementation of the two-phase pars-ing algorithm that performs the head corner pars-ing(van Noord,1994)without features(phase1),and then executes feature unification(phase2).TNT refers to the HPSG parser(Torisawa et al.,2000),C++implementation of the two-phase parsing algorithm that performsfiltering with a compiled CFG(phase1)and then executes fea-ture unification(phase2).Table2clearly shows that the HPSG parser is significantly faster than the LTAG parser.This result implies that parsing techniques for HPSG are also beneficial for LTAG 4We eliminated32elementary trees because the LTAG parser cannot produce correct derivation trees with them.5These lexical items are a subset of the original XTAG English grammar distribution.6We eliminated59sentences because of a time-out of the parsers,and61sentences because the LTAG parser does not produce correct derivation trees because of bugs in its preprocessor.parsing.We can say that the grammar conversion enables us to share HPSG parsing techniques in LTAG parsing.Another paper(Yoshinaga et al., 2001)describes the detailed analysis on the factor of the difference of parsing performance.5ConclusionWe described the RenTAL system,a grammar converter from FB-LTAG to HPSG.The grammar conversion guarantees the strong equivalence, and hence we can obtain an HPSG-style grammar equivalent to existing LTAG grammars.Experi-mental result showed that the system enabled to share not only LTAG grammars,but also HPSG parsing techniques.This system will enable a variety of resource sharing such as the sharing of the programming/grammar-development environment(Makino et al.,1998;Sarkar and Wintner,1999)and grammar extraction methods from bracketed corpora(Xia,1999;Chen and Vijay-Shanker,2000;Neumann,1998).Although our system connects only FB-LTAG and HPSG, we believe that our approach can be extended to other formalisms such as Lexical-Functional Grammar(Kaplan and Bresnan,1982). Acknowledgment The authors are indebted to Mr.Anoop Sarkar for his help in using his parser in our experiment.The authors would like to thank anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and criticisms on this paper. 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