页码 规格 切削参数
软钢 普通钢
不锈钢 铸铁 有色金属 耐热合金 高硬度钢
1534SU03 1534SU03C 1734SU03C 通用加工 麻花钻 1536SU05 1536SU05C 1736SU05C
外冷 内冷 内冷 外冷 内冷 内冷 内冷 外冷 内冷 内冷 内冷 内冷 外冷 外冷 外冷 外冷 内冷 外冷 外冷
2 C
钻削刀具一览表 整体硬质合金钻头
整体硬质合金钻头牌号介绍 整体硬质合金钻头命名规则 整体硬质合金钻头明细表 整体硬质合金钻头推荐切削参数 整体硬质合金钻头技术信息 整体硬质合金钻头非标订制
C4 C5-C94
C5 C6 C7-C71 C72-C82 C83-C89 C90-C94
14 23 23 14 23 23 14 23 23 14 23 23 14 23 23 14 23 23 14 23 23 14 23 23
36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36
Mechanial Units
2000 1500 1000 500 0 -500
1250 1000
刀 具 型 号 :1534SU03-1000 尺 寸:Ø10mm 被加工材料:42CrMo(HRC35) 切 削 速 度 :100m/min 转 速:3200r/min 每转进给量:0.20mm/r 进 给 速 度 :640mm/min 钻 削 深 度 :30mm(L/D=3) 冷 却 方 式 :水溶性冷却液(外冷) 加 工 机 床 :Mikron UCP 1000
食品添加剂使用卫生标准(四)【GB 2760—1996】A2暂时允许使用的香料品种暂时允许使用的香料品种共163种。
各成分用量在GB 2760《食品添加剂使用卫生标准》中有规定者按规定执行,未规定者按生产需要适量使用。
长途区号国家代号国家名称(中文)国家名称(英文)684AS美属萨摩亚American Samoa1264AI安圭拉岛(英)Anguilla1268AG安提瓜和巴布达Antigua and Barbuda1242BS巴哈马国Bahamas (Commonwealth of the)1246BB巴巴多斯Barbados1441BM百慕大群岛(英)Bermuda1284VG英属维尔京群岛British Virgin Islands1CA加拿大Canada1345KY开曼群岛(英)Cayman Islands1767DM多米尼加联邦Dominica (Commonwealth of)1809DO多米尼加共和国Dominican Republic1473GD格林纳达Grenada1671GU关岛(美)Guam1876JM牙买加Jamaica1664蒙特塞拉特岛(英)Montserrat1670MP北马里亚纳群岛Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of the) 1787PR波多黎各(美)Puerto Rico1869KN圣基茨和尼维斯Saint Kitts and Nevis1758LC圣卢西亚Saint Lucia1784VC圣文森特和格林纳丁斯Saint Vincent and the Grenadines1868特立尼达和多巴哥Trinidad and Tobago1649特克斯和凯科斯群岛Turks and Caicos Islands1US美国United States of America1VI美属维尔京群岛United States Virgin Islands20EG埃及Egypt (Arab Republic of)212MA摩洛哥Morocco (Kingdom of)213DZ阿尔及利亚Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of)216突尼斯Tunisia218LY利比亚Libya (Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) 220GM冈比亚Gambia (Republic of the)221SN塞内加尔Senegal (Republic of)222MR毛里塔尼亚Mauritania (Islamic Republic of)223马里Mali (Republic of)224GN几内亚Guinea (Republic of)225科特迪瓦C魌e d'Ivoire (Republic of)226布基纳法索Burkina Faso227NE尼日尔Niger (Republic of the)228TG多哥Togolese Republic229BJ贝宁Benin (Republic of)230MU毛里求斯Mauritius (Republic of)231LR利比里亚Liberia (Republic of)232SL塞拉利昂Sierra Leone233加纳Ghana234GG格恩西岛(英)Guernsey234NG尼日利亚Nigeria (Federal Republic of)235TD乍得共和国Chad (Republic of)236CF中非共和国Central African Republic237CM喀麦隆共和国Cameroon (Republic of)238佛得角共和国Cape Verde (Republic of)239ST圣多美和普林西比Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of)240GN赤道几内亚Equatorial Guinea (Republic of)241GB加蓬Gabonese Republic242CG刚果(布)Congo (Republic of the)243DC刚果民主(金)Democratic Republic of the Congo244AO安哥拉Angola (Republic of)245GW几内亚比绍共和国Guinea-Bissau (Republic of)246DG迪戈加西亚岛Diego Garcia247阿森松岛Ascension248塞舌尔Seychelles (Republic of)249SD苏丹Sudan (Republic of the)250RW卢旺达Rwanda (Republic of)251ET埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of)252SO索马里Somali Democratic Republic253吉布提Djibouti (Republic of)254KE肯尼亚Kenya (Republic of)255TZ坦桑尼亚Tanzania (United Republic of)256UG乌干达Uganda (Republic of)257BI布隆迪Burundi (Republic of)258MZ莫桑比克Mozambique (Republic of)260ZM赞比亚Zambia (Republic of)261MG马达加斯加Madagascar (Republic of)262留尼汪(法)French Departments and Territories in the Indian Ocean 263ZW津巴布韦Zimbabwe (Republic of)264纳米比亚Namibia (Republic of)265MW马拉维Malawi266LS莱索托Lesotho (Kingdom of)267BW博茨瓦纳Botswana (Republic of)268SZ斯威士兰Swaziland (Kingdom of)269科摩罗Comoros (Union of the)269马约特岛Mayotte27ZA南非South Africa (Republic of)290圣赫勒拿(英)Saint Helena290特里斯坦-达库尼亚群岛Tristan da Cunha291厄立特里亚Eritrea297阿鲁巴(荷)Aruba298FO法罗群岛(丹)Faroe Islands299GL格陵兰(丹)Greenland (Denmark)30GR希腊Greece31NL荷兰Netherlands (Kingdom of the)32BE比利时Belgium33FR法国France34ES西班牙Spain350GI直布罗陀(英)Gibraltar351PT葡萄牙Portugal352LU卢森堡Luxembourg353IE爱尔兰Ireland354IS冰岛Iceland355AL阿尔巴尼亚Albania (Republic of)356马耳他Malta357塞浦路斯Cyprus (Republic of)358FI芬兰Finland359BG保加利亚Bulgaria (Republic of)36HU匈牙利Hungary (Republic of)370LT立陶宛Lithuania (Republic of)371LV拉脱维亚Latvia (Republic of)372EE爱沙尼亚Estonia (Republic of)373MD摩尔多瓦Moldova (Republic of)374AM亚美尼亚Armenia (Republic of)375BY白俄罗斯Belarus (Republic of)376AD安道尔Andorra (Principality of)377MC摩纳哥Monaco (Principality of)378圣马力诺San Marino (Republic of)379梵蒂冈Vatican City State380UA乌克兰Ukraine381塞尔维亚Serbia (Republic of)382黑山Montenegro (Republic of)385克罗地亚Croatia (Republic of)386SI斯洛文尼亚Slovenia (Republic of)387波黑Bosnia and Herzegovina389MK马其顿The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia39IT意大利Italy39梵蒂冈Vatican City State40RO罗马尼亚Romania41CH瑞士Switzerland (Confederation of)420CZ捷克Czech Republic421SK斯洛伐克Slovak Republic423LI列支敦士登Liechtenstein (Principality of)43AT奥地利Austria44GB英国United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland45DK丹麦Denmark46SE瑞典Sweden47NO挪威Norway48PL波兰Poland (Republic of)49DE德国Germany (Federal Republic of)500FK福克兰群岛(马尔维纳斯群岛)Falkland Islands (Malvinas)501BZ伯利兹Belize502GT危地马拉Guatemala (Republic of)503SV萨尔瓦多El Salvador (Republic of)504HN洪都拉斯Honduras (Republic of)505NI尼加拉瓜Nicaragua506CR哥斯达黎加Costa Rica507PA巴拿马Panama (Republic of)508PM圣皮埃尔和密克隆(法)Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Collectivit?territoriale de la R閜ublique 509HT海地Haiti (Republic of)51PE秘鲁Peru52MX墨西哥Mexico53CU古巴Cuba54AR阿根廷Argentine Republic55BR巴西Brazil (Federative Republic of)56CL智利Chile57CO哥伦比亚Colombia (Republic of)58VE委内瑞拉Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)58LC圣卢西亚590瓜德罗普(法)Guadeloupe (French Department of)591BO玻利维亚Bolivia (Republic of)592GF圭亚那Guyana593EC厄瓜多尔Ecuador594GF法属圭亚那French Guiana (French Department of)595PY巴拉圭Paraguay (Republic of)596MQ马提尼克(法)Martinique (French Department of)597苏里南Suriname (Republic of)598UY乌拉圭Uruguay (Eastern Republic of)599荷属安第列斯Netherlands Antilles60MY马来西亚Malaysia61AU澳大利亚Australia62ID印尼Indonesia (Republic of)63PH菲律宾Philippines (Republic of the)64NZ新西兰New Zealand65SG新加坡Singapore (Republic of)66TH泰国Thailand670TL东帝汶Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste672AU澳大利亚Australian External Territories673文莱Brunei Darussalam674NR瑙鲁Nauru (Republic of)675PG巴布亚新几内亚Papua New Guinea676TO汤加Tonga (Kingdom of)677所罗门群岛Solomon Islands678瓦努阿图Vanuatu (Republic of)679斐济群岛Fiji (Republic of)680帕劳Palau (Republic of)681WF沃利斯群岛和富图纳群岛Wallis and Futuna (Territoire fran鏰is d'outre-mer) 682库克群岛(新)Cook Islands683纽埃(新)Niue685WS萨摩亚Samoa (Independent State of)686基里巴斯Kiribati (Republic of)687新喀里多尼亚(法)New Caledonia (Territoire fran鏰is d'outre-mer) 688TV图瓦卢Tuvalu689法属玻利尼西亚French Polynesia (Territoire fran鏰is d'outre-mer) 690TK托克劳(新)Tokelau691FM密克罗尼西亚联邦Micronesia (Federated States of)692MH马绍尔群岛共和国Marshall Islands (Republic of the)7KZ哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan (Republic of)7RU俄罗斯Russian Federation81JP日本Japan82KR韩国Korea (Republic of)84VN越南Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of)850KP朝鲜Democratic People's Republic of Korea852HK香港Hong Kong, China853MO澳门Macao, China855柬埔寨Cambodia (Kingdom of)856LA老挝Lao People's Democratic Republic86CN中国China (People's Republic of)870海事卫星电话Inmarsat SNAC880BD孟加拉Bangladesh (People's Republic of)886TW台湾Taiwan, China90TR土耳其Turkey91IN印度India (Republic of)92PK巴基斯坦Pakistan (Islamic Republic of)93AF阿富汗Afghanistan94LK斯里兰卡Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) 95MM缅甸Myanmar (Union of)960MV马尔代夫Maldives (Republic of)961LB黎巴嫩Lebanon962JO约旦Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of)963SY叙利亚Syrian Arab Republic964IQ伊拉克Iraq (Republic of)965KW科威特Kuwait (State of)966SA沙特Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of)967YE也门Yemen (Republic of)968OM阿曼Oman (Sultanate of)970PS巴勒斯坦Reserved for the Palestinian Authority.971阿联酋United Arab Emirates972IL以色列Israel (State of)973BH巴林Bahrain (Kingdom of)974QA卡塔尔Qatar (State of)975BT不丹Bhutan (Kingdom of)976MN蒙古Mongolia977NP尼泊尔Nepal (Federal Democratic Republic of)98IR伊朗Iran (Islamic Republic of)992TJ塔吉克斯坦Tajikistan (Republic of)993TM土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan994AZ阿塞拜疆Azerbaijani Republic995GE格鲁吉亚Georgia996吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrgyz Republic998UZ乌兹别克斯坦Uzbekistan (Republic of)h of the) an Arab Jamahiriya) mocratic Republic of)e Indian Oceanoniaain and Northern Irelandollectivit?territoriale de la R閜ublique fran鏰ise)鏰is d'outre-mer)n鏰is d'outre-mer) ran鏰is d'outre-mer)of)。
5.900.016 共 11 页 第 3页
版次: 取代:
EN 1982:铜和铜合金。锭铁和铸件。 EN 12167:铜和铜合金。用于一般性用途的型面、矩形件 EN 12420:铜和铜合金。锻件 UNI 5649-1+FA1-90:铜-锻造铜制品-质量、需求与测试 UNI 5649-2+FA1-90:铜-锻造铜制品-质量、需求与测试 6- 责任 本款不适用 7–标准 7.1–特性 此处所指特性系指那些与测试样品和样件一致的特性 7.1.1- 铸件机械特性 此类产品目前尚未被列为达涅利机械标准。如果有特殊需求或要求,请参照以下标准: EN 1976、EN1982;可使用指定用于半成产品的同类材料。 7.1.2 – 铸件化学成份(%) 本款不适用 7.1.3- 铸件电学特性 本款不适用
表 7.1.4/1 可示 Cu 半成品 尺度 mm 薄板、 板条 厚度 0.1-5 DIN 40500-1 - SE-Cu F20 (EN___ - Cu-HCP-R200) (EN____ - CW021A-R200) (原为 DIN1787-SE-Cu-UNI5649 -1-Cu HCP) 厚度 平面 2-40 DIN 40500-3 - SE-Cu F20 (EN—Cu-HCP-R200) (EN—CW021A-R200) (原为 DIN1787-SE-Cu-UNI 5649 含磷 型铁 厚度 2-20 -1-Cu HCP) DIN 40500-3 - SE-Cu F20 (EN ____ - Cu-HCP-R200) (EN ____ - CW021A-R200) (原为 DIN1787-SE-Cu-UNI 5649 -1-Cu HCP) 大型管 所有 DIN 40500-2 - SE-Cu F20 (EN ____ - Cu-HCP-R200) (EN ____ - CW021A-R200) (原为 DIN1787-SE-Cu-UNI 5649 -1-Cu HCP) 无缝板 厚度 6-60 EN 12167 - Cu-DLP-R240S EN 12167 - CW023A-R240S (原为 DIN1787-SW-Cu-UNI5649 -1-Cu DLP) 非 合 金 平面 厚度 2-40 DIN 40500-3-E-Cu57 F20 (EN_-Cu-ETP-R200) (EN_-CW004A-R200) (原为 DIN1787-SE-Cu-UNI5649 -1-Cu HCP) 2 4 0 200-250 ≤120 ≥38 45-70 6 60 ≥240 (≥180) (≥18) 45-70 所 有 所 有 200-250 ≤120 ≥38 45-70 2 20 200-250 ≤120 ≥38 45-70 2 40 200-250 ≤120 ≥8 45-70 0.1 >1 1 5 200-250 ≤120 名 称 厚度 mm 最 小 最 大 抗张 强度 Rm MPa ≥38 ≥45 0,2%弹 性强度 Rp0,2 MPa 延展度 A5 % 硬度 布氏 值 45-70 维 氏 值
英文名称 中文名称 地区代码
英文名称中文名称地区代码AAlbania 阿尔巴尼亚355 Algeria 阿尔及利亚213 Andorra 安道尔33628 Angola 安哥拉244 Argentina 阿根廷54 Australia 澳大利亚61 Austria 奥地利43BBahamas 巴哈马1809 Bahrain 巴林973 Bangladesh 孟加拉国880 Barbados 巴巴多斯1809 Basil 巴西55Belgium 比利时32Belize 伯利兹501Benin 贝宁229Bermuda 百幕大1809 Bhutan 不丹975Bolivia 波利维亚591 Botswana 博茨瓦纳267 Brunei 文莱673Bulgaria 保加利亚359 Burma 缅甸95Burundi 布隆迪257CCameroon 喀麦隆237Canada 加拿大1Canary Islands 加那利群岛34Cape Verde 佛得角238Cayman Islands 开曼群岛1809 Central Africah Republic 中非共和国236 Chad 乍得235Chile 智利56China 中国86Colombia 哥伦比亚57Congo 刚果242Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加506Cube 古巴53Cyprus 塞浦路斯357 Czechoslovakia 捷克斯洛伐克42DDanmark 丹麦45Djibouti 吉布提253Dominican Republic 多米尼加国1809EEastern Samoa 东萨摩亚685Ecuador 厄瓜多尔593Egypt 埃及20El Salvador 萨尔瓦多503England 英国44Equatorial Guinea 赤道几内亚240 Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚251FFalkland 福克兰群岛306Fiji 斐济679Finland 芬兰358France 法国33French Polynesia 法属波里尼西亚689GGabon 加蓬241Gambia 冈比亚220Germany 德国49Ghana 加纳233Greece 希腊30Grenada 格林纳达1809Guam 关岛671Guiana 圭亚那592HHaiti 海地509Honduras 洪都拉斯504Hongkong 香港852Hungary 匈牙利36IIceland 冰岛354India 印度91Indonesia 印度尼西亚62Iran 伊朗98Iraq 伊拉克964Irish Republic 爱尔兰353Israel 以色列972Italy 意大利39JJamaica 牙买加1809Japan 日本81Jorban 约旦962Juinea 几内亚224KKampuchea 柬埔寨855Kenya 肯尼亚254Korea N. 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国850 Korea S. 韩国82Kuwait 科威特965LLaos 老挝856Lebanon 黎巴嫩961Lesotho 莱索托266Liberia 利比里亚231Libya 利比亚218Liechtenstein 列支敦士登41 Luxemburg 卢森堡352MMadagascar 马达加斯加261 Malawi 马拉维265Malaysia 马来西亚60Maldive 马尔代夫960Mali 马里223Malta 马耳他356Mariana Islands 马里亚纳群岛670 Martinique 马提尼克(法) 596 Mauritania 毛里塔尼亚222 Mauritius 毛里求斯230Mexico 墨西哥52Monaco 摩纳哥3393 Montserrat 蒙特塞拉特岛(英) 1809 Morocco 摩洛哥212 Mozambique 莫桑比克258NNamibia 纳米比亚264Nauru 瑙鲁674Nepal 尼伯尔977New Caledonia 新喀里多尼亚687 New Zealand 新西兰64Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜505Niger 尼日尔227Nigeria 尼日利亚234Niue Island 纽埃岛683Norfolk Island 诺福克岛6723 Norway 挪威47Ntherland 荷兰31OOman 阿曼968PPakistan 巴基斯坦92Panama 巴拿马507Papua New Guiea 巴布亚新几内亚675 Paraguay 巴拉圭595Peru 秘鲁51Peurto Rico 波多黎各1809 Philippines 菲律宾63Porland 波兰48Portugal 葡萄牙351QQatar 卡塔尔974RReunion 留尼旺岛(法) 262Romania 罗马尼亚40Rwanda 卢旺达250SSan Marino 圣马力诺39549Sao Tome and Principe 圣多美及普林西比239 Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯966Senegal 塞内加尔221Seychelles 塞舌尔248Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂232Singapore 新加坡65Solomon Islands 所罗门群岛677Somalia 索马里252South Africa 南非27Spain 西班牙34Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡94St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla 圣克里斯托弗和尼维斯1809 St. Lucia 圣卢西亚1809St. Vincent 圣文森特岛1809Sudan 苏丹249Surinam 苏里南597Swaziland 斯威士兰268Sweden 瑞典46Switzerland 瑞士41Syria 叙利亚963TTaiwan 台湾886Tanzania 坦桑尼亚255Thailand 泰国66Togo 多哥228Tonga 汤加676Trinidad and Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥1809 Tunisia 突尼斯216Turkey 土耳其90Turks and Caicos Islands 特克斯和凯科斯群岛(英) 1809 the Comoros 科摩罗269the Cook Islands 科克群岛(新) 682the United Arad Emirates 阿拉伯联合酋长国971UUganda 乌干达256United State of America 美国1Uruguay 乌拉圭598VVenezuela 委内瑞拉58Vietnam 越南84W暂无信息X暂无信息YYemen 也门969 Yugoslavia 南斯拉夫38ZZaire 扎伊尔243 Zambia 赞比亚260 Zimbabwe 津巴布韦263。
C B A 选择的通道0 0 0 IN00 0 1 IN10 1 0 IN20 1 1 IN31 0 0 IN41 0 1 IN51 1 0 IN61 1 1 IN7数字量输出及控制线:11条ST为转换启动信号。
ISO/IEC 18092:2004(E)信息技术 -系统间电信和信息交换- 近距通信接口和协议-1(NFCIP -1)目录前言 (4)1 范围 (4)2 一致性 (4)3 规范性引用文件 (5)4术语和定义 (5)4.1主动通信模式 (5)4.2 ASK调制 (5)4.3 二进制编码十进制(BCD) (5)4.4 碰撞 (5)4.5 帧 (5)4.6 HThreshold (6)4.7发生器 (6)4.8 负载调制 (6)4.9 lsb 优先 (6)4.10 LSB 优先 (6)4.11 曼彻斯特编码 (6)4.12 调制指数 (6)4.13 msb优先 (6)4.14 MSB优先 (7)4.15 NFCIP-1设备 (7)4.16 NFC标识符(NFCIDn) (7)4.17 被动通信模式 (7)4.18 射频冲突避免(RFCA) (7)4.19 SEL_PAR (7)4.20 遥感 (7)4.21 单设备检测阶段(SDD) (7)4.22 副载波 (7)4.23 目标 (8)4.24 时间周期 (8)4.25 时隙 (8)4.26 协定 (8)5公约和符号 (8)5.1数字表示 (8)5.2名称 (8)6 缩略语 (8)7 概要 (10)8 RF场 (11)8.1被动通信模式 (11)8.2主动通信模式 (11)8.3外部RF场的阈值 (11)9射频信号接口 (11)9.1位持续时间 (11)9.2主动通信模式 (12)9.2.1 106 kbps (12)9.2.2 212 kbps和424 kbps (13)9.3被动通信模式 (15)9.3.1 106 kbps的发起到目标 (15)9.3.2 106 kbps目标至发起设备 (15)9.3.3 212 kbps和424 kbps 发起设备到目标 (16)9.3.4 212 kbps和424 kbps 目标至发起设备 (17)10通用协议流程 (17)11初始化 (18)11.1射频冲突避免 (18)11.1.1初始化射频冲突避免 (18)11.1.2反应射频防撞 (20)11.2被动通信模式 (20)11.2.1 106 kbps的初始化与单设备检测 (20)短帧 (21)11.2.2 212 kbps和424 kbps的初始化和SDD (32)11.3主动通信模式 (35)11.3.1 106,212和424 kbps的初始化 (35)11.3.2主动通信模式射频冲突避免 (35)12传输协议 (36)12.1传输数据 (36)12.2被动通信模式的激活流程 (36)12.3主动通信模式激活流程 (37)12.4命令 (38)12.5 协议激活 (39)12.5.1属性请求和响应命令 (39)12.5.2唤醒请求和响应命令 (44)12.5.3参数选择请求和响应命令 (45)12.6数据交换协议 (48)12.6.1数据交换协议请求和响应 (48)12.6.2响应超时延期 (51)12.6.3注意事项–现存目标 (51)12.6.4协议操作 (51)12.6.5多重激活 (51)12.6.6更多信息(链) (52)12.7协议的去激活 (52)12.7.1取消选择请求和响应命令 (53)12.7.2释放请求和响应命令 (54)附件一(规范)CRC计算 (55)A.1 106 kbps的主动和被动通信模式CRC校验 (55)A.2 106 kbps CRC计算示例 (55)A.3 212 kbps和424 kbps下的主动和被动通信模式CRC。
DHCP配置ZXR10(config)#username admin password 8008301118ZXR10(config)#ip local pool dhcp DHCP地址段ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/2 内网口ZXR10(config-if)#porttype l3ZXR10(config-if)#ip address 内网网关ZXR10(config-if)#exitZXR10(config)#ip dhcp enableZXR10(config)#ip dhcp server dns根据实际情况修改ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/2ZXR10(config-if)#ip dhcp mode serverZXR10(config-if)#ip dhcp server gateway default ip pool dhcpZXR10(config-if)#exitZXR10(config)#ip dhcp server update arpZXR10(config)#ip local pool conflict-ip 10ZXR10(config)#ip dhcp server leasetime 90NA T配置ZXR10(config)#ip nat startZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/2ZXR10(config-if)#interface-attribute lanZXR10(config-if)#ip nat insideZXR10(config-if)#exitZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1 外网口ZXR10(config-if)#porttype l3ZXR10(config-if)#ip address 外网地址ZXR10(config-if)#ip nat outsideZXR10(config-if)#interface-attribute wanZXR10(config-if)#exitZXR10(config)#acl standard number 10ZXR10(config-std-acl)#permit nat pool outpool prefix-length 30ZXR10(config)#ip nat inside source list 10 pool outpool overload路由配置ZXR10(config)#ip route上例中f1/1口是W AN口配置外网IP。
剧毒化学品目录(2012年版)序号中文名称英文名称化学名别名化学名(英文) 别名(英文)1 氰氰气Cyanogen Dicyanogen; Dicyan2 氰化钠山奈Sodium cyanide Cyanogran3 氰化钾山奈钾Potassium cyanide Hydrocyanic acid, potassium salt4 氰化钙Calc ium cyanide Calcyanide5 氰化银钾银氰化钾Potassium silver cyanide Potassium cyanoargenate6 氰化镉Cadium cyanide7 氰化汞氰化高汞;二氰化汞Mercuric cyanide Mercury dicyanide; Dicyanomercury8 氰化金钾亚金氰化钾Gold potassium cyanide Potassium aurous cyanide9 氰化碘碘化氰Cyanogen iodide Iodine cyanide10 氰化氢氢氰酸Hydrogen cyanide Hydrocyanic acid11 异氰酸甲酯甲基异氰酸酯Methyl isocyanate Isocyanatomethane12 丙酮氰醇丙酮合氰化氢;2-羟基异丁腈;氰丙醇Acetone cyanohydrin2-Hydroxyisobutyronitrile;2-Methyllactonitrile13 异氰酸苯酯苯基异氰酸酯Isocyanic acid phenyl ester Phenylcarbimide; Carbanil序号中文名称英文名称分子式CAS号UN号受限范围化学名别名化学名(英文) 别名(英文)1 4 甲苯-2,4-二异氰酸酯2,4-二异酸甲苯酯Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate2,4-Diisocyanato-toluene;DiisocyantotolueneC9H6N2O2584-84-920781 5 异硫氰酸烯丙酯人造芥子油;烯丙基异硫氰酸酯;烯丙基芥子油Allyl isothiocyanateAllylisosulfocyanate;Allyl mustard oilC4H5NS 57-06-715451 6 四乙基铅发动机燃料抗爆混合物Tetraethyl leadTetraethylplumbane;TEL; Motor fuel anti-knock mixture;C8H20Pb 78-00-216491 7 硝酸硝酸Mercuric nitrate Mercury pernitrateHg(NO3)210045-94-01625汞高汞1 8 氯化汞氯化高汞;二氯化汞;升汞Mercuric chlorideMercury perchloride;Mercury bichloride;Corrosive sublimateHgCl27487-94-716241 9 碘化汞碘化高汞;二碘化汞Mercuric iodideMercury biiodide;Mercury iodide redHgI27774-29-16382 0 溴化汞溴化高汞;二溴化汞Mercury bromideMercury dibromide;Mercuric bromideHgBr27789-47-116342 1 氧化汞一氧化汞;黄降汞;红降汞;三仙丹Mercury oxideMercury oxide, red;Red precipitateHgO21908-53-216412 2 硫氰酸硫氰化MercuricthiocyanateMercuricsulfocyanate;MercuicHg(SCN)2592-85-81646汞汞,硫氰酸高汞sulfocyanide; Mercury (Ⅱ) thiocyanate序号中文名称英文名称分子式CAS号UN号受限范围化学名别名化学名(英文)别名(英文)2 3 乙酸汞醋酸汞MercuricacetateMercuric diacetate C4H6O4Hg 1600-27-716292 4 乙酸甲氧基乙基汞醋酸甲氧基乙基汞Methoxyethyl mercuryacetateAcetato(2-methoxyethyl) mercuryC5H10HgO3151-38-220252 5 氯化甲氧基乙基汞Methoxyethyl mercurychlorideMethoxyethylmercuricchloride; MerchlorateC3H7ClHgO123-88-620252 6 二乙基汞DiethylmercuryMercury diethyl C4H10Hg 627-44-129292 7 重铬酸钠红矾钠SodiumdichromateSodium bichromate Na2Cr2O710588-01-930862 8 羰基镍四羰基镍;四碳酰镍NickelcarbonylNickel tetracarbonyl;Tetracarbonyl nickelNi(CO)413463-39-312592 9 五羰基铁羰基铁IronpentacarbonylPentacarbonyl iron;Iron carbonylFe(CO)513463-40-619943 0 铊金属铊Thallium Thallium, Metal Tl 7440-28-032883 1 氧化一氧化ThalliummonoxideThallous oxide Tl2O 1314-12-11707亚铊(二)铊3 2 氧化铊三氧化(二)铊ThalliumoxideDithallium trioxid;Thallium sesquioxideTl2O31314-32-517073 3 碳酸亚铊碳酸铊ThallouscarbonateThallium carbonate Tl2CO36533-73-917073 4 硫酸亚铊硫酸铊ThalloussulfateDithallium sulfate Tl2SO47446-18-617073 5 乙酸亚铊乙酸铊;醋酸铊ThallousacetateThallium (I) acetate C2H3O2Tl 563-68-817073 6 丙二酸铊丙二酸亚铊ThallousmalonateThallium (I) malonate C3H2O4Tl22757-18-81707序号中文名称英文名称分子式CAS号UN号受限范围化学名别名化学名(英文) 别名(英文)3 7 硫酸三乙基锡TriethyltinsulphateTriaethylzinnsulfateC12H30O4SSn257-52-331463 8 二丁基氧化锡氧化二丁基锡DibutyltinoxideDibutyloxostannaneC8H18OSn 818-08-631463 9 乙酸三乙基锡三乙基乙酸锡AcetoxytriethylStannaneTriethyltinacetateC8H18O2Sn 1907-13-727884 0 四乙基锡四乙锡Tetra ethyltinTetraethylstannaneC8H20Sn 597-64-829294 1 乙酸三甲基锡醋酸三甲基锡TrimethyltinacetateTrimethylstannium acetateC5H12O2Sn 1118-14-527884 2 磷化锌二磷化三锌ZincphosphideTrizincdiphosphideZn3P21314-84-717144 3 五氧化二钒钒(酸)酐V anadiumpentoxideV anadicanhydrideV2O51314-62-128624 4 五氯化锑过氯化锑;氯化锑AntimonypentachlorideAntimony(v)chloride;AntimonyperchlorideSbCl57647-18-91734 5 四氧化锇锇酸酐OsmiumtetroxideOsmic acidanhydrideOsO420816-12-24714 6 砷化氢砷化三氢;胂ArsenichydrideArsenictrihydride;ArsineAsH37784-42-121884 7 三氧化(二)砷白砒;砒霜;亚砷(酸)酐ArsenictrioxideWhite arsenic;Arsenous acidanhydride;ArsenicsesquioxideAs2O31327-53-315614 8 五氧化(二)砷砷(酸)酐ArsenicpentoxideArsenicanhydrideAs2O51303-28-215594三氯氯化Arsenic Arsenous AsCl37784-34-1 1569 化砷亚砷trichloride chloride 0序号中文名称英文名称分子式CAS号UN号受限范围化学名别名化学名(英文) 别名(英文)5 0 亚砷酸钠偏亚砷酸钠SodiumarseniteSodiummetaarseniteNaAsO27784-46-520275 1 亚砷酸钾偏亚砷酸钾PotassiumarsenitePotassiummetaarseniteKAsO210124-50-216785 2 乙酰亚砷酸铜祖母绿,翡翠绿,巴黎绿,帝绿,苔绿,维也纳绿,草地绿,翠绿CopperacetoarseniteEmerald green;Imperial greenC4H6As6Cu4O1612002-03-815855 3 砷酸原砷酸Arsenic acid Orthoarsenic acid H3AsO47778-39-4155315545 8 氧氯氯化PhosphorusoxychloridePhosphorylchloride;POCl310025-87-3181化磷磷酰;磷酰氯;三氯氧化磷;三氯化磷酰;三氯氧磷;磷酰三氯Phosphorusoxytrichloride;Phosphorus oxidetrichloride;Trichlorophosphorusoxide5 9 三氯化磷氯化磷,氯化亚磷PhosphorustrichloridePhosphorus (Ⅲ)chloride;TrichlorophosphinePCl37719-12-218096 0 硫代磷酰氯硫代氯化磷酰;三氯化硫磷;三氯硫Thiophosphoryl chloridePhosphoroussulfochloride;Phosphorus(Ⅴ)thiochlorideCl3PS 3982-91-01837磷6 1 亚硒酸钠亚硒酸二钠SodiumseleniteDisodium selenite Na2SeO310102-18-8263序号中文名称英文名称分子式CAS号UN号受限范围化学名别名化学名(英文) 别名(英文)62 亚硒酸氢钠重亚硒酸钠SodiumbiseleniteSodium hydrogenseleniteNaHSeO37782-82-3 263063 亚硒酸镁MagnesiumseleniteMgSeO315593-61-0 263064 亚硒酸Selenious acid H2SeO37783-00-8 263065 硒酸钠SodiumselenateDisodiumselenateNa2SeO413410-01-0 263066 乙硼烷二硼烷;硼乙烷DiboraneDiboronhexahydride;BoroethaneB2H619287-45-7 191167 癸硼烷十硼烷;十硼氢DecaboraneDecaborontetradecahydrideB10H1417702-41-9 186868 戊硼烷五硼烷PentaboranePentaboronnonahydrideB5H919624-22-7 138069 氟Fluorine F27782-41-4 104570 二氟化氧一氧化二氟OxygendifluorideFluorinemonoxideOF27783-41-7 219071 三氟化氯ChlorinetrifluorideChlorotrifluoride ClF37790-91-2 174972 三氟化硼氟化硼BorontrifluorideBoron fluoride BF37637-07-2 100873 五氟化氯ChlorinepentafluorideClF513637-63-3 254874 羰基氟氟化碳酰;氟氧化碳CarbonylfluorideFormyl fluoride;CarbonoxyfluorideCOF2353-50-4 2417序号中文名称英文名称分子式CAS号UN号受限范围化学名别名化学名(英文) 别名(英文)7 5 氟乙酸钠氟醋酸钠Sodium fluoroacetateFluoroacetic acidsodium saltC2H2FO2Na62-74-82629II7 6 二甲胺氰磷酸乙酯塔崩EthylN,N-dimethylphosphoramid ocyanidateTabunC5H11N2O2P77-81-6281I7 7 O-乙基-S-[2-(二异丙氨基)乙基]甲基硫代磷酸酯维埃克斯;VXSO-Ethyl S-2-diisopropylaminoethylmethylphosphonothioateVXC11H26NO2PS50782-69-92817 8 二(2-氯乙基)硫二氯二乙硫醚;Di(2-chloroethyl)thioetherDichloroethylsulfide; MustardgasC4H8Cl2S 505-60-22927I醚芥子气;双氯乙基硫7 9 甲氟膦酸叔已酯索曼PinacolylmethylphosphonofluoridateSoman C7H16FO2P 96-64-0281I8 0 甲基氟膦酸异丙酯沙林Isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridateSarin C4H10FO2P 107-44-8281I8 1 甲烷磺酰氟甲硫酰氟;甲基磺酰氟MethanesulfonylfluorideMSF; Fumette;Mesyl fluorideCH3FO2S 558-25-829278 2 八氟异丁烯全氟异丁烯OctafluoroisobutylenePerfluoroisobutyleneC4F8382-21-831628 3 六氟丙酮全氟丙酮Hexafluoroacetone Perfluoroacetone C3OF6684-16-22428 4 氯液氯、氯Chlorine Liquid chlorine Cl27782-50-51017气。
2408 济宁
Shandong 2409 泰安
2410 威海
2411 日照
2412 滨州
2413 德州
2414 聊城
2415 临沂
2416 菏泽
2417 莱芜
2901 海口
2902 三亚
2903 三沙
2904 儋州
2905 五指山
2906 文昌
2907 琼海
2909 东方
2910 2911
定安 屯昌
2208 龙岩
2209 宁德
2210 平潭
2301 南昌
2302 九江
2303 上饶
2304 抚州
2305 宜春
Jiangxi 2306 吉安
2307 赣州
2614 仙桃
2615 潜江
2616 天门
农药除草剂通用名(一)农药除草剂通用名(二)序号通用名称国际通用名称(E-ISO) 1696 二硝酚DNOC1697 地乐酚dinoseb1698 地乐酯dinoseb acetate 1699 戊硝酚dinosam1700 特乐酚 dinoterb1701 特乐酯dinoterb acetate 1702 氟乐灵 trifluralin1703 乙丁氟灵 benfluralin1704 氨氟灵dinitramine1705 氯乙氟灵 fluchloraline1706 环丙氟灵 profluralin1707 乙丁烯氟灵 ethalfluralin1708 地乐灵 dipropalin1710 异丙乐灵isopropalin1711 仲丁灵butralin1712 甲磺乐灵nitralin1713 二甲戊灵pendimethalin1714 氨磺乐灵 oryzalin1715 氨氟乐灵 prodiamine1716 地散磷 bensulide1717 胺草磷amiprophos1718 甲基胺草磷 amiprophos-methl1719 哌草磷 piperophos1720 莎稗磷 anilofos(草案)1721 抑草磷 butamifos1722 草甘膦 glyphosate1723 草铵膦 glufosinate-ammonium1724 杀木膦fosamine1725 双丙氨膦bialaphos-sodium,bialaphos(酸) 1726 草硫膦sulphosate1727 磺草膦LS 8305561728 西玛津simazine1729 莠去津atrazine1730 扑灭津propazine1731 草达津trietazine1732 特丁津terbuthylazine1733 氰草津cyanazine1734 环丙津cyprazine1735 甘扑津proglinazine1736 丁嗪草酮isomethiozin1737 扑灭通prometon1738 西草净simetryn1739 扑草净prometryn1740 敌草净desmetryn1741 莠灭净ametryn1742 特丁净terbutryn1743 异丙净dipropetryn1744 异戊乙净 dimethametryn1745 氰草净cyanatryn1746 氟草净1747 咯草隆 cisanilide1748 非草隆fenuron1749 灭草隆 monuron1750 绿谷隆monolinuron1751 炔草隆buturon1752 溴谷隆metobromuron1754 氟草隆fluometuron1755 敌草隆diuron1756 利谷隆 linuron1757 草不隆neburon1758 甲氧隆metoxuron1759 氯溴隆chlorbromuron1760 绿麦隆chlortoluron1761 枯草隆chlorxuron1762 枯莠隆 difenoxuron1763 酰草隆phenobenzuron1764 草完隆noruron1765 环莠隆cycluron1766 苯噻隆benzthiazuron1767 甲基苯噻隆 methabenzthiazuron1768 噻氟隆thiazfluron1769 丁噻隆 tebuthiuron1770 异丙隆isoproturon1771 杀草隆dimuron(草案)1772 异恶隆isouron(草案)1773 噻苯隆thidiazuron1774 甲基杀草隆 methyldymron(JMAF)农药除草剂通用名(三)序号通用名称国际通用名称(E-ISO)1775 磺噻隆ethidimuron1776 恶唑隆 dimefuron1777 吡喃隆 metobenzuron1778 氯磺隆chlorsulfuron(草案)1779 甲磺隆metsulfuron-methyl, metsulfuron(酸)(草案) 1780 苯磺隆tribenuron-methyl, tribenuron(酸)(草案)1781 胺苯磺隆ethametsulfuron1782 醚苯磺隆triasulfuron(草案)1783 噻吩磺隆thifensulfuron-methyl, thifensulfuron(酸)(草案) 1784 醚磺隆cinosulfuron(草案)1785 氟胺磺隆triflusulfuron-methyl ,triflusulfryon(酸)1786 氟磺隆prosulfuron1787 甲嘧磺隆sulfometuron-methyl ,sulfometuron(酸)1788 氯嘧磺隆chlorimuron-ethyl ,chlorimuron(酸)(草案) 1789 氟嘧磺隆primisulfuron-methyl ,primisulfuron(酸)(草案) 1790 苄嘧磺隆bensulfuron-methyl ,bensulfuron(酸)(草案) 1791 吡嘧磺隆pyrazosulfuron-ethyl ,pyrazosulfuron(酸)(草案) 1792 烟嘧磺隆nicosulfuron(草案)1793 啶嘧磺隆flazasulfuron(草案)1794 砜嘧磺隆rimsulfuron1795 唑嘧磺隆1796 四唑嘧磺隆 azimsulfuron1797 唑吡嘧磺隆 imazosulfuron1798 氯吡嘧磺隆 halosulfuron-methyl,halosulfuron1799 酰嘧磺隆amidosulfuron1800 环丙嘧磺隆 AC3221401801 除草醚nitrofen1802 甲氧除草醚 chlomethoxyfen(草案)1803 甲羧除草醚 bifenox(草案)1804 三氟硝草醚 fluorodifen1805 草枯醚chlornitrofen1806 氟除草醚fluoronitrofen1807 乙氧氟草醚 oxyfluorfen1808 三氟羧草醚 acifluorfen(酸) cifluorfen-sodiuma1809 苯草醚aclonifen(草案)1810 呋氧草醚 furyloxyfen(草案)1811 氟磺胺草醚 fomesafen(草案)1812 乙羧氟草醚 fluoroglycofen ,fluoroglycofen-ethyl(草案) 1813 环庚草醚cinmethylin(草案)1814 异恶草醚isoxapyrifop(草案)1815 氟乳醚HC-2521816 嘧草醚KIH 61271817 双草醚KIH 20231818 吡草醚ET 7511819 嘧草硫醚pyrithiobac-sodium 1820 苯胺灵propham1821 氯苯胺灵chlorpropham 1822 氯炔灵chlorbufam1823 燕麦灵barban1824 苄胺灵dichlormate1825 灭草灵swep1826 特草灵terbucarb1827 甜菜安desmedipham 1828 甜菜宁phenmedipham 1829 三甲苯草酮 tralkoxydim(草案) 1829 特胺灵karbutilate1830 磺草灵 asulam1831 棉胺宁 phenisopham1832 燕麦敌di_allate1833 野麦畏tri_allate1834 丁草敌butylate1835 克草敌pebulate1836 茵草敌 EPTC1837 灭草敌vernolate1838 环草敌cycloate1839 禾草丹thiobencarb1840 禾草敌 molinate1841 硫草敌ethiolate1842 菜草畏sulfallate1843 苄草丹 prosulfocarb(草案) 1844 哌草丹dimepiperate(草案) 1845 稗草丹pyributicarb(草案)1846 戊草丹esprocarb(草案)1847 坪草丹orbencarb(草案)1848 仲草丹tiocarbazil(草案)1849 敌草胺napropamide1850 毒草胺propachlor1851 丙炔草胺prynachlor1852 甲草胺 alachlor(草案)1853 丁草胺butachlor1854 异丁草胺delachlor1855 二丙烯草胺 allidochlor1856 乙草胺 acetochlor1857 异丙草胺 propisochlor1858 异丙甲草胺 metolachlor1859 乙酰甲草胺 diethatyl-ethyl,diethatyl(酸) 1860 丙草胺 pretilachlor1861 特丁草胺 terbuchlor1862 二甲苯草胺 xylachlor(WSSA)1863 二甲草胺 dimethachlor1864 吡唑草胺 metazachlor1865 丁烯草胺 butenachlor(草案)1866 杀草胺 ethaprochlor(中国)1867 克草胺 ethachlor(中国)1868 噻吩草胺 thenychlor1869 二甲吩草胺 dimethenamid1870 敌稗 propinal1871 庚酰草胺 monalide1872 丁酰草胺 chloranocryl1873 环酰草胺 cypromid1874 二氯己酰草胺1875 炔苯酰草胺 propyzamide1876 甲氯酰草胺 pentanochlor1877 双苯酰草胺 diphenamide1878 双酰草胺 carbetamide1879 萘丙胺 naproanilide(JMAF)1880 氟磺酰草胺 mefluidide1881 烯丙酰草胺 dichlormide(WSSA)1882 牧草胺 tebutam(草案)1883 吡氟酰草胺 diflufenican(草案)1884 异恶酰草胺 ixoxaben(草案)1885 苯噻酰草胺 mefenacet(草案) 1886 溴丁酰草胺 bromobutide(草案) 1887 氯甲酰草胺 clomeprop(草案) 1888 氟氯草胺 nipyralofen(草案) 1889 氯硫酰草胺 chlorthiamide1890 丁咪酰胺 isocarbamide1891 乙氧苯草胺 ethobenzanid1892 甲磺草胺 sulfentrazone1893 唑嘧磺草胺 flumetsulam1894 唑草胺 CH 9001895 丙炔氟草胺 flumioxazin(草案) 1896 磺草唑胺 metosulam1897 敌草腈 dichlobenil1898 碘苯腈 ioxynil1899 辛酰碘苯腈 ioxynil octanoate 1900 溴苯腈 bromoxynil1901 辛酰溴苯腈 bromoxynil octanoate 1902 苯草酮 methoxyphenone(JMAF) 1903 稗草烯 tavron1904 敌草快 diquat1905 百草枯 paraquat1906 野燕枯 difenzoquat1907 恶草酮 oxadizon1908 灭草唑 methazole(BSI)1909 氯草敏 chloridazon1910 溴莠敏 brompyrazon1911 氟草敏 norflurazon1912 醚草敏 credazine(JMAF)1913 除草定 bromacil1914 环草定 lenacil1915 特草定 terbacil1916 杀草强 amitrole1917 乙氧呋草黄 ethofumesate1918 苯草灭 bentranil1919 灭草松 bentazone1920 苄草唑 pyrazoxyfen(草案) 1921 吡唑特 pyrazolate(草案)1922 氟啶草酮 fluridone1923 氟硫草定 dithiopyr(草案)1924 呋草黄 benfuresate(草案)1925 环嗪酮 hexazinone1926 烯禾啶 sethoxydim(草案)1927 烯草酮 clethodim(草案)1928 噻草酮 cycloxydim(草案) 1930 呋草酮 flurtamone(草案)1931 嗪草酮 metribuzin1932 苯嗪草酮 metamitron1933 乙嗪草酮 ethiozin(草案)1934 异恶草松clomazone(草案) 1935 吡草酮 benzofenap(草案) 1936 磺草酮 sulcotrione(BSI)1937 氟咯草酮 fluorochloridone(草案) 1938 氟胺草唑 flupoxam(草案)1939 氟草肟 fluxofenim(草案)1940 溴酚肟 bromofenoxim1941 灭藻醌 quinoclamine(草案) 1942 灭草环 tridiphane(草案)。
IND780 高精度重量指示器说明书
Power and Performance Advanced Weighing ApplicationsW e i g h i n g I n d i c a t o r sIND780Flexible ConfigurationPowerful Connectivity and ControlsHazardous Area ApprovalsI N D 780 W e i g h i n g I n d i c a t o rPowerful Performance Improve Process ControlThe IND780 is a highly flexible weighing indicator and controller designed to support advanced weighing applications as a stand-alone or integrated solution. Configure up to four concurrent scales and a metrologically-approved sum scale, and then view one or all on the display at the same time to maximize process visibility and control across a variety of possible applications.IND780 Weighing IndicatorCustomize Your InterfaceOptimize the amount of visible information with the QVGA graphical LCD display to make process infor-mation easy to view in your preferred visual layout.Ensure Operational UptimeUse TraxEMT TM Embedded Maintenance Technician as a preventative strategy to predict and plan scale mainte-nance, rather than react after equipment is already down.Maximize Your ProductivityIncrease throughput with the IND780 multi-processor de-sign, which provides the fastest A/D performance at 366 Hz and includes TraxDSP TM digital filtering to deliver accurate re-sults in challenging environments.Configure the soft keys for single-key-press operation of the most important functions to enable users to seamlessly, accurately and quickly execute processes.Match Your Weighing EnvironmentMeet the challenges of your specific application by selecting the enclosure that best fits your needs, including an IP69K-rated harsh enclosure or Type 4x/12 panel-mount option. Applications with strict cleaning requirements willbenefit from 304 Stainless Steel construction and sanitary finishes.Visualize Your Process StatusImprove the speed and accuracy of manual or semi-automatic operations with SmartTrac TM , which offers three display modes to graphically show live weightversus the target.F l e x i b l e C o n f i g u r a t i o nFlexible ConfigurationTailor to Your Weighing ApplicationEasily configure this flexible and fast controller to meet the needs of your most complex weighing applications, from the truck scale to the laboratory. IND780 offers a compre-hensive package of weighing, communication and control functions, supported by high-speed, multi-task processing to drive increases in productivity and boost overall yield.Filling and dosingIND780 offers true multi-tasking capability to enable efficient and accurate filling and dosing on up to four scales simultaneously. Op-erators can actively monitor pro-cess status on the user-friendly interface.Batching and predictive filling Predictive filling algorithms and control of manual and automatic batching processes are available with IND780 advanced applica-tions to eliminate batching errors, improve production throughput and ensure consistent quality.Vehicle weighingThe Drive-780 vehicle manage-ment application offers user-de-fined tables for commodities, car-riers and contracts. Controls for traffic lights and gates help to quickly and efficiently move vehi-cles through your site.Custom ApplicationsIf you have a specific application that requires additional control or functionality, your local METTLER TOLEDO team is able to modify and expand the standard capabilities of the IND780 to tailor to your process requirements using our TaskExpert custom programming environment.H a z a r d o u s A r e a A p p r o v a l sGlobal Approvals for Hazardous Areas Ensure Safety and ComplianceThe IND780 is the go-to indicator and controller for connecting multiple scales in a hazardous area classified as Zone 2/22 or Division 2. Both the harsh and panel-mount models are suitable for use in these challenging environments and also support con-nectivity to a wide range of analog and precision scales, so you can take full advan-tage of its powerful performance and flexibility.Connect multiple scales in the Hazardous AreaA maximum of four Analog, IDNet, POWERCELL or SICS scales can be connected, which provides flexibility when managing weighing processes in tough environments.Truck ScalesBench ScalesTank ScalesorFloor ScalesIND780 IndicatorsBenefit from non-incendive approvalThe IND780 can be connected directly to power, PC, ERP , PLC and printers in the Non-Hazardous Area without the need for barriers by using wiring methods allowed for Zone 2/22 or Division 2.Get support for safetyMETTLER TOLEDO offers a comprehensive package of resources to help ensure safe and accurate weighing processes, starting with initial set-up and supporting reliable continu-ous operation.METTLER TOLEDO Service delivers resources to enhance your efficiency, performance and productivity by providing service packages that fit your operational needs, maximize your equipment lifetime, and protect your weighing solution investment.`/IND-ServiceExplore Our Service SolutionsTailored to Fit Your Equipment NeedsStart withprofessional installationInstallation services include support for your unique production situation:• Professional IQ/OQ/PQ/MQ documentation• Initial calibration and confirmation of fit-for-purpose• Hazardous area installationsExtend yourwarranty coverageAdd two years of preventive mainte-nance and repair coverage to protect your indicator or full system purchase and achieve maximum productivity and budget control.Maintain accuracy over timeReceive professional guidance (GWP Verification TM ), including a routine test-ing plan that specifies four key factors to maximize your efficiency and en-sure quality:• Tests to perform • Weights to use • Testing frequency • Tolerances to applySchedule maintenanceFull preventative maintenance plans of-fer inspection, functional testing, and proactive replacement of worn parts.Health inspections offer a full assess-ment of current condition with profes-sional maintenance recommendations.For more informationMETTLER TOLEDO Group Industrial DivisionLocal contact: /contactsSubject to technical changes©07/2021 METTLER TOLEDO. All rights reserved Document No. 30658453 A /IND780。
角 接 触 球 轴 承
推 力 及 推 力 调 心 滚 子 轴 承◆推力圆柱滚子轴承
推 力 及 推 力 角 接 触 球 轴 承◆单向推力球轴承
◆推力角接触球轴承(Angular Contact Thrust Ball Bearing)
圆 锥 滚 子 轴 承◆单列圆锥滚子轴承
转 盘 轴 承四点接触球转盘轴承
代码国家(英文)国家(中文)对应中国时间亚洲973Bahrain巴林13:0095Burma缅甸9:3082South Korea韩国7:0081Japan日本7:00850D.P.R.Korea朝鲜7:0091India印度11:0062Indonesia印度尼西亚9:0098Iran伊朗13:00964Iraq伊拉克13:00972Israel以色列14:00962Jordan约旦14:00965Kuwait科威特13:00856Laos老挝9:00961Lebanon黎巴嫩14:0060Malaysia马来西亚8:00960Maldives马尔代夫10:30674Nauru瑙鲁4:00977Nepal尼泊尔11:00968Nepal阿曼12:0092Pakistan巴基斯坦11:0063Philippines菲律宾8:00974Qatar卡塔尔13:00966Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯13:0065Singapore新加坡8:3094Srilanka斯里兰卡11:00963Syria叙利亚14:0066Thailand泰国9:00967Yemen也门13:0090Turkey土耳其14:00971U.A.E阿联酋13:0084Vietnam越南9:00欧洲355Albania阿尔巴尼亚15:00376Andorra安道尔16:0043Austria奥地利15:0032Belgium比利时15:00359Bulgaria保加利亚14:00357Cyprus塞浦路斯14:0042Czech捷克15:0045Denmark丹麦15:001809Dominica多米尼加21:00358Finland芬兰14:0033France法国15:0049Germany德国15:0030Greece希腊14:0036Hungary匈牙利15:00354Iceland冰岛15:00353Ireland爱尔兰16:0039Italy意大利15:004175Liechtenstein列支敦士登15:00 352Luxemburg卢森堡15:00356Malta马耳他15:003393Monaco摩纳哥14:0031Netherlands Holland荷兰15:00 47Norway挪威15:0048Poland波兰15:00351Portugal葡萄牙16:0040Romania罗马尼亚14:0042Slovakia斯洛伐克15:0034Spain西班牙15:0046Sweden瑞典15:0044U.K英国16:0039Vatican梵蒂冈15:0038Yugoslavia南斯拉夫15:00北美1USA美国21:001Canada加拿大21:00拉美501Belize伯利兹22:0055Brazil巴西19:0056Chile智利20:0053Cuba古巴21:00502Guatemala危地马拉22:00592Guyana圭亚那19:00509Haiti海地21:00504Honduras洪都拉斯22:001809Jamaica牙买加20:0052Mexico墨西哥22:00507Panama巴拿马21:0051Peru秘鲁21:00589Uruguay乌拉圭19:00南美54Argentina阿根廷19:00591Bolivia玻利维亚20:0056Chile智利20:0057Colombia哥伦比亚21:00593Ecuador厄瓜多尔21:0058Venezuela委内瑞拉21:00澳洲61Australia澳大利亚6:00676Togo汤加3:00674Nauru瑙鲁4:00非洲213Algeria阿尔及利亚15:00244Angola安哥拉15:00257Burundi布隆迪14:00237Cameroon喀麦隆15:00235Chad乍得15:00242Congo刚果15:0020Egypt埃及14:00224Guinea几内亚16:00254Kenya肯尼亚13:00231Liberia利比里亚16:00218Libya利比亚14:00261Madagascar马达加斯加13:00223Mali马里16:00230Mauritius毛里求斯12:00212Morocco摩洛哥14:00227Niger尼日尔16:00234Nigeria尼日利亚15:00221Senegal塞内加尔16:00252Somali索马里13:00249Sudan苏丹14:00255Tanzania坦桑尼亚13:00228Togo多哥16:00216Tunisia突尼斯15:00243Zaire扎伊尔15:00260Zambia赞比亚14:00263Zimbabwe津巴布韦世界主要城市与北京时差表[说明:+表示早上北京时间;-表示迟于北京时间]|亚洲|欧洲|美洲|非洲|大洋洲|城市时差Abadan阿巴丹[伊朗]-4:30 Abu Dhabi阿布扎比[阿联酋]-4 Aden亚丁[也门]-5 Amman安曼[约旦]-6 Ankara安卡拉[土耳其]-6 Baghdad巴格达[伊拉克]-5 Baku巴库[阿塞拜疆]-6 Bandar Seri Begawan斯里巴加湾港[文莱]0 Bangkok曼谷[泰国]-1 Beirut贝鲁特[黎巴嫩]-6 Bombay孟买[印度]-2:30 Calcutta加尔各答[印度]-2:30 Colombo科伦坡[斯里兰卡]-2:30 Damascus大马士革[叙利亚]-6 Dhaka达卡[孟加拉]-2 Djakarta雅加达[印度尼西亚]-1 Guangzhou广州[中国]0 Hanoi河内[越南]-1 Hong Kong中国香港0 Irkutsk伊尔库次克[俄罗斯]0 Islamabad伊斯兰堡[巴基斯坦]-3 Jerusalem耶路撒冷[巴勒斯坦]-6 Karachi卡拉奇[巴基斯坦]-3 Katmandu加德满都[尼泊尔]-2:30 Kuala Lumpur吉隆坡[马来西亚]0 Kuwait科威特[科威特]-5 Kyoto京都[日本]+1Macao澳门地区0Manila马尼拉[菲律宾]0Mecca麦加[沙特]-5 Nagasaki长崎[日本]+1New Delhi新德里[印度]-2:30 Nikolayevsk-on-Amure+1尼古拉耶夫斯克(庙街)[俄罗斯]Omsk鄂木斯克[俄罗斯]-3Osaka大阪[日本]+1 Phnom Penh金边[柬埔寨]-1 Pyongyang平壤[朝鲜]+1 Rangoon仰光[缅甸]-1:30 Rawalpindi拉瓦尔品第[巴基斯坦]-3Seoul汉城[南朝鲜]+1 Shanghai上海[中国]0 Singapore新加坡[新加坡]0Taibei台北[中国]0Tehran德黑兰[伊朗]-4:30 Tokyo东京[日本]+1Ulan Bator乌兰巴托[蒙古]0 Vladivostok符拉迪沃斯托克(海参崴)[俄罗斯]+2 Yokohama横滨[日本]+1EUROPE欧洲回页首城市时差Aberdeen阿伯丁[英国]-8 Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹[荷兰]-7 Antwerp安特卫普[比利时]-7Athens雅典[希腊]-6 Belfast贝尔法斯特[英国]-8 Belgrade贝尔格莱德[南斯拉夫]-7 Berlin柏林[德国]-7 Birmingham伯明翰[英国]-8 Bonn波恩[德国]-7 Brussels布鲁塞尔[比利时]-7 Bucharest布加勒斯特[罗马尼亚]-6 Budapest布达佩斯[匈牙利]-7 Constantsa康斯坦萨[罗马尼亚]-6 Copenhagen哥本哈根[丹麦]-7 Dublin都柏林[爱尔兰]-8 Edinburgh爱丁堡[英国]-8 Frankfurt法兰克福[德国]-7 Gdansk格但斯克[波兰]-7 Geneva日内瓦[瑞士]-7 Genoa热那亚[意大利]-7 Gibraltar直布罗陀[英国殖民地]-7 Glasgow格拉斯哥[英国]-8 Hamburg汉堡[德国]-7 Helsinki赫尔辛基[芬兰]-6 Istanbul伊斯坦布尔[土耳其]-6 Kiev基辅[乌克兰]-5 Leeds利兹[英国]-8 Leipzig莱比锡[德国]-7 Lisbon里斯本[葡萄牙]-8 Liverpool利物浦[英国]-8 London伦敦[英国]-8Madrid马德里[西班牙]-7 Manchester曼彻斯特[英国]-8 Marseilles马塞[法国]-7Milan米兰[意大利]-7 Moscow莫斯科[俄罗斯]-5Munich慕尼黑[德国]-7 Murmansk摩尔曼斯克[俄罗斯]-5 Odessa敖德萨[乌克兰]-5Oslo奥斯陆[挪威]-7Paris巴黎[法国]-7Prague布拉格[捷克]-7 Reykjavik雷克雅未克[冰岛]-8Rome罗马[意大利]-7 Rotterdam鹿特丹[荷兰]-7St.Peterburg圣彼得堡[俄罗斯]-5Sofia索非亚[保加利亚]-6 Stockholm斯德哥尔摩[瑞典]-7Tirana地拉那[阿尔巴尼亚]-7Vatican梵蒂冈[罗马教廷所在地]-7Venice威尼斯[意大利]-7Vienna维也纳[奥地利]-7 Warsaw华沙[波兰]-7Zurich苏黎世[瑞士]-7AMERICA美洲回页首城市时差Anchorage安克雷奇[美国]-17 Asuncion亚松森[巴拉圭]-12Atlanta亚特兰大[美国]-13 Baltimore巴尔的摩[美国]-13 Belem贝伦[巴西]-11 Bogota波哥大[哥伦比亚]-13 Boston波士顿[美国]-13 Brasilia巴西利亚[巴西]-11 Buenos Aires布宜诺斯艾利斯[阿根廷]-11 Caracas加拉加斯[委内瑞拉]-12 Chicago芝加哥[美国]-14 Churchill丘吉尔港[加拿大]-14 Colon科隆[巴拿马]-13 Dallas达拉斯[美国]-14 Denver丹佛[美国]-15 Detroit底特律[美国]-13 Edmonton埃德蒙顿[加拿大]-15 Havana哈瓦那[古巴]-13 Houston休斯敦[美国]-14 Kingston金斯敦[牙买加]-13 La Paz拉巴斯[玻利维亚]-12 Las Vegas拉斯韦加斯[美国]-16 Lima利马[秘鲁]-13 Los Angeles洛杉矶[美国]-16 Mexico City墨西哥城[墨西哥]-14 Miami迈阿密[美国]-13 Montevideo蒙得维的亚[乌拉圭]-11 Montreal蒙特利尔[加拿大]-13 New Orleans新奥尔良[美国]-14 New York纽约[美国]-13Ottawa渥太华[加拿大]-13 Panama巴拿马城[巴拿马]-13 Paramaribo帕拉马里博[苏里南]-11 Philadelphia费城[美国]-13 Pittsburgh匹兹堡[美国]-13Port-of-Spain西班牙港[特立尼达和多巴哥]-12 Quebec魁北克[加拿大]-13Ria de janeiro里约热内卢[巴西]-11saint Louis圣路易斯[美国]-14Salt Lake City盐湖城[美国]-15San Diego圣迭戈[美国]-16San Francisco旧金山(圣弗兰西斯科)[美国]-16San Juan圣胡安[波多黎各]-12 Santiago圣地亚哥[智利]-12 Seattle西雅图[美国]-16 Toronto多伦多[加拿大]-13 Vancouver温哥华[加拿大]-16 Washington,D.c.华盛顿[美国]-13 Winnipeg温尼伯[加拿大]-14AFRICA非洲回页首城市时差Abidjan阿比让[科特迪瓦]-8Addis Ababa亚的斯亚贝巴[埃塞俄比亚]-5 Alexandria亚历山大[埃及]-6Algiers阿尔及尔[阿尔及利亚]-7 Bamako巴马科[马里]-8 Banghazi班加西[利比亚]-6Beira贝拉[莫桑比克]-6 Brazzaville布拉柴维尔[刚果]-7 Cairo开罗[埃及]-6 Cape Town开普敦[南非]-6 Dakar达喀尔[塞内加尔]-8 Dar el Beida达尔贝达(卡萨布兰卡)[摩洛哥]-8 Dar es Salaam达累斯萨拉姆[坦桑尼亚]-5 Djibouti吉布提[吉布提]-5 Douala杜阿拉[喀麦隆]-7 Durban德班[南非]-6 Gaborone哈博罗内[博茨瓦纳]-6 Johannesburg约翰内斯堡[南非]-6 Kampala坎帕拉[乌干达]-5 Kano卡诺[尼日利亚]-7 Khartoum喀土穆[苏丹]-6 Kinshasa金沙萨[民主刚果]-7 Lagos拉各斯[尼日利亚]-7 Las Palmas拉斯帕耳马斯[加那利群岛]-8 Luanda罗安达[安哥拉]-7 Lusaka卢萨卡[赞比亚]-6 Maputo马普托[莫桑比克]-6 Mogadishu摩加迪沙[索马里]-5 Mombasa蒙巴萨[肯尼亚]-5 Monrovia蒙罗维亚[利比里亚]-8 Nairobi内罗毕[肯尼亚]-5 Ndjamena恩贾梅纳[乍得]-7 Niamey尼亚美[尼日尔]-8 Nouakchott努瓦克肖特[毛里塔尼亚]-8Pointe-Noire黑角[刚果]-7Port Louis路易港[毛里求斯]-4 Pretoria比勒陀利亚[南非]-6Rabat拉巴特[摩洛哥]-8Sao Tome圣多美[圣多美和普林西比]-8 Tananarive塔那那利佛[马达加斯加]-5Tripoli的黎波里[利比亚]-6Tunis突尼斯[突尼斯]-7 Windhoek温得和克[纳米比亚]-6OCEANIA AND PACIFIC LSLANDS回页首大洋洲及太平洋岛屿城市时差Agana阿加尼亚[关岛]+2Apia阿皮亚[西萨摩亚]-19 Auckland奥克兰[新西兰]+4 Brisbane布里斯班[澳大利亚]+2 Canberra堪培拉[澳大利亚]+2 Fremantle弗里曼特尔[澳大利亚]0Hobart霍巴特[澳大利亚]+2 Honolulu火奴鲁鲁(檀香山)[美国]-18 Melburne墨尔本[澳大利亚]+2 Noumea努美阿[法属新喀里多尼亚]+3 Papeete帕皮提[法属波利尼西亚]-18Perth佩思[澳大利亚]0Port Moresby莫尔兹比港[巴布亚新几内亚]+2Suva苏瓦[斐济]+4 Sydney悉尼[澳大利亚]+2vila维拉港[瓦努阿图]+3 Wellington惠灵顿[新西兰]+4。
12ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST A = 25°C. V S = 5V, 0V; V S = 3V, 0V; V SHDN = open; V CM = V OUT = half supply, unless otherwise noted.SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS I OS Input Offset Current V CM = V+0.05 1.2µAV CM = V– + 0.2V0.24µA ∆I OS Input Offset Current Shift V CM = V– + 0.2V to V+0.25 5.2µA e n Input Noise Voltage Density f = 10kHz16nV/√Hz i n Input Noise Current Density f = 10kHz5pA/√Hz C IN Input Capacitance2pF A VOL Large-Signal Voltage Gain V S = 5V, V O = 0.5V to 4.5V, R L = 1k to V S/22580V/mVV S = 5V, V O = 1V to 4V, R L = 100Ω to V S/2410V/mVV S = 3V, V O = 0.5V to 2.5V, R L = 1k to V S/21542V/mV CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio V S = 5V, V CM = V– to V+6682dBV S = 3V, V CM = V– to V+6178dB CMRR Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 10)V S = 5V, V CM = V– to V+6082dBV S = 3V, V CM = V– to V+5578dB Input Common Mode Range V–V+V PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio V S = 2.5V to 10V, V CM = 0V7187dB PSRR Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 10)V S = 2.5V to 10V, V CM = 0V6587dB Minimum Supply Voltage (Note 6) 2.3 2.5V V OL Output Voltage Swing LOW (Note 7)No Load1250mVI SINK = 5mA50120mVI SINK = 25mA180375mV V OH Output Voltage Swing HIGH (Note 7)No Load2080mVI SOURCE = 5mA80180mVI SOURCE = 25mA330650mV I SC Short-Circuit Current V S = 5V±45±85mAV S = 3V±35±70mA I S Supply Current per Amplifier12.517mASupply Current, Shutdown V S = 5V, V SHDN = 0.3V0.55 1.25mAV S = 3V, V SHDN = 0.3V0.310.90mA I SHDN SHDN Pin Current V S = 5V, V SHDN = 0.3V420750µAV S = 3V, V SHDN = 0.3V220500µA Output Leakage Current, Shutdown V SHDN = 0.3V0.175µA V L SHDN Pin Input Voltage Low0.3V V H SHDN Pin Input Voltage High V S – 0.5V t ON Turn-On Time V SHDN = 0.3V to 4.5V, R L = 10080ns t OFF Turn-Off Time V SHDN = 4.5V to 0.3V, R L = 10050ns GBW Gain-Bandwidth Product Frequency = 2MHz160MHz SR Slew Rate V S = 5V, A V = –1, R L = 1k, V O = 4V P-P300V/µs FPBW Full Power Bandwidth V S = 5V, V OUT = 4V P-P23.5MHz THD Total Harmonic Distortion V S = 5V, A V = 1, R L = 1k, V O = 2V P-P, f C = 5MHz–86dB t S Settling Time0.1%, V S = 5V, V STEP = 2V, A V = –1, R L = 500Ω27ns ∆G Differential Gain (NTSC)V S = 5V, A V = 2, R L = 150Ω0.015%∆θDifferential Phase (NTSC)V S = 5V, A V = 2, R L = 150Ω0.05Deg34SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITS V OSInput Offset VoltageV CM = V + LT1809 SO-8q 1 3.0mV V CM = V – LT1809 SO-8q 1 3.0mV V CM = V +q 1 3.5mV V CM = V –q 1 3.5mV V OS TC Input Offset Voltage Drift (Note 8)V CM = V +q 925µV/°C V CM = V –q 925µV/°C ∆V OSInput Offset Voltage ShiftV CM = V – to V + LT1809 SO-8q 0.5 2.5mV V CM = V – to V +q 0.5 3.0mV Input Offset Voltage Match (Channel-to-Channel)V CM = V –, V CM = V +q 1.2 6.5mV (Note 10)I B Input Bias Current V CM = V + – 0.2V q 210µA V CM = V – + 0.4Vq –30–14µA ∆I BInput Bias Current ShiftV CM = V – + 0.4V to V + – 0.2V q 1640µA Input Bias Current Match (Channel-to-Channel)V CM = V + – 0.2V q 0.15µA (Note 10)V CM = V – + 0.4V q 0.510µA I OS Input Offset Current V CM = V + – 0.2V q 0.05 1.5µA V CM = V – + 0.4Vq 0.40 4.5µA ∆I OS Input Offset Current Shift V CM = V – + 0.4V to V + – 0.2Vq 0.456µA A VOLLarge-Signal Voltage GainV S = 5V, V O = 0.5V to 4.5V, R L = 1k to V S /2q 2075V/mV V S = 5V, V O = 1V to 4V, R L = 100Ω to V S /2q 3.58.5V/mV V S = 3V, V O = 0.5V to 2.5V, R L = 1k to V S /2q 1240V/mV CMRR Common Mode Rejection RatioV S = 5V, V CM = V – to V +q 6480dB V S = 3V, V CM = V – to V +q 6075dB CMRR Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 10)V S = 5V, V CM = V –, V CM = V +q 5880dB V S = 3V, V CM = V –, V CM = V +q 5475dBInput Common Mode Rangeq V –V +V PSRR Power Supply Rejection RatioV S = 2.5V to 10V, V CM = 0V q 7083dB PSRR Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 10)V S = 2.5V to 10V, V CM = 0V q 6483dB Minimum Supply Voltage (Note 6)q 2.3 2.5V V OLOutput Voltage Swing LOW (Note 7)No Load q 1260mV I SINK = 5mA q 55140mV I SINK = 25mA q 200400mV V OHOutput Voltage Swing HIGH (Note 7)No Loadq 50120mV I SOURCE = 5mA q 110220mV I SOURCE = 25mA q 370700mV I SC Short-Circuit Current V S = 5V q ±40±75mA V S = 3Vq ±30±65mAI SSupply Current per Amplifier q 1520mA Supply Current, ShutdownV S = 5V, V SHDN = 0.3V q 0.58 1.4mA V S = 3V, V SHDN = 0.3V q 0.35 1.1mA I SHDNSHDN Pin CurrentV S = 5V, V SHDN = 0.3V q 420850µA V S = 3V, V SHDN = 0.3V q 220550µA Output Leakage Current, ShutdownV SHDN = 0.3Vq 2µA V L SHDN Pin Input Voltage Low q0.3V V HSHDN Pin Input Voltage Highq V S – 0.5VThe q denotes the specifications which apply over the 0°C ≤ T A ≤ 70°Ctemperature range. V S = 5V, 0V; V S = 3V, 0V; V SHDN = open; V CM = V OUT = half supply, unless otherwise noted.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS5The q denotes the specifications which apply over the 0°C ≤ T A ≤ 70°Ctemperature range. V S = 5V, 0V; V S = 3V, 0V; V SHDN = open; V CM = V OUT = half supply, unless otherwise noted.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITSt ON Turn-On Time V SHDN = 0.3V to 4.5V, R L = 100q 80ns t OFF Turn-Off Time V SHDN = 4.5V to 0.3V, R L = 100q 50ns GBW Gain-Bandwidth Product Frequency = 2MHzq 145MHz SR Slew RateV S = 5V, A V = –1, R L = 1k, V O = 4V P-P q 250V/µs FPBWFull Power BandwidthV S = 5V, V OUT = 4V P-Pq20MHzSYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITS V OSInput Offset VoltageV CM = V + LT1809 SO-8q 1 3.5mV V CM = V – LT1809 SO-8q 1 3.5mV V CM = V +q 1 4.0mV V CM = V –q 1 4.0mV V OS TC Input Offset Voltage Drift (Note 8)V CM = V +q 925µV/°C V CM = V –q 925µV/°C ∆V OSInput Offset Voltage ShiftV CM = V – to V + LT1809 SO-8q 0.5 3.0mV V CM = V –q 0.5 3.5mV Input Offset Voltage Match (Channel-to-Channel)V CM = V +, V CM = V –q 1.27mV (Note 10)I B Input Bias Current V CM = V + – 0.2V q 212µA V CM = V – + 0.4Vq –35–17µA ∆I BInput Bias Current ShiftV CM = V – + 0.4V to V + – 0.2V q 1947µA Input Bias Current Match (Channel-to-Channel)V CM = V + – 0.2V q 0.26µA (Note 10)V CM = V – + 0.4V q 0.612µA I OS Input Offset Current V CM = V + – 0.2V q 0.082µA V CM = V – + 0.4Vq 0.56µA ∆I OS Input Offset Current Shift V CM = V – + 0.4V to V + – 0.2Vq 0.587.5µA A VOLLarge-Signal Voltage GainV S = 5V, V O = 0.5V to 4.5V, R L = 1k to V S /2q 1760V/mV V S = 5V, V O = 1V to 4V, R L = 100Ω to V S /2q 2.57V/mV V S = 3V, V O = 0.5V to 2.5V, R L = 1k to V S /2q 1035V/mV CMRR Common Mode Rejection RatioV S = 5V, V CM = V – to V +q 6380dB V S = 3V, V CM = V – to V +q 5875dB CMRR Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 10)V S = 5V, V CM = V – to V +q 5778dB V S = 3V, V CM = V – to V +q 5272dBInput Common Mode Rangeq V –V +V PSRR Power Supply Rejection RatioV S = 2.5V to 10V, V CM = 0V q 6983dB PSRR Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 10)V S = 2.5V to 10V, V CM = 0V q 6383dB Minimum Supply Voltage (Note 6)q 2.3 2.5V V OLOutput Voltage Swing LOW (Note 7)No Load q 1870mV I SINK = 5mA q 60150mV I SINK = 25mA q 210450mV V OHOutput Voltage Swing HIGH (Note 7)No Loadq 55130mV I SOURCE = 5mA q 120240mV I SOURCE = 25mA q 375750mV I SC Short-Circuit Current V S = 5V q ±30±70mA V S = 3Vq ±25±60mAI SSupply Current per Amplifier q 1521mA Supply Current, ShutdownV S = 5V, V SHDN = 0.3V q 0.58 1.5mA V S = 3V, V SHDN = 0.3Vq0.351.2mAThe q denotes the specifications which apply over the –40°C ≤ T A ≤ 85°C temperature range. V S = 5V, 0V; V S = 3V, 0V; V SHDN = open;V CM = V OUT = half supply, unless otherwise noted. (Note 5)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSThe q denotes the specifications which apply over the –40°C ≤ T A≤ 85°C temperature range. V S = 5V, 0V; V S = 3V, 0V; V SHDN = open; V CM = V OUT = half supply, unless otherwise noted. (Note 5)SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS I SHDN SHDN Pin Current V S = 5V, V SHDN = 0.3V q420900µAV S = 3V, V SHDN = 0.3V q220600µA Output Leakage Current, Shutdown V SHDN = 0.3V q3µA V L SHDN Pin Input Voltage Low q0.3V V H SHDN Pin Input Voltage High q V S – 0.5V t ON Turn-On Time V SHDN = 0.3V to 4.5V, R L = 100q80ns t OFF Turn-Off Time V SHDN = 4.5V to 0.3V, R L = 100q50ns GBW Gain-Bandwidth Product Frequency = 2MHz q140MHz SR Slew Rate V S = 5V, A V = -1, R L = 1k, V O = 4V P-P q180V/µs FPBW Full Power Bandwidth V S = 5V, V OUT = 4V P-P q14MHzT A = 25°C. V S = ±5V, V SHDN = open, V CM = 0V, V OUT = 0V, unless otherwise noted.SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS V OS Input Offset Voltage V CM = V+ LT1809 SO-80.8 3.0mVV CM = V– LT1809 SO-80.8 3.0mVV CM = V+0.8 3.5mVV CM = V–0.8 3.5mV ∆V OS Input Offset Voltage Shift V CM = V– to V+ LT1809 SO-80.35 2.5mVV CM = V– to V+0.35 3.0mV Input Offset Voltage Match (Channel-to-Channel)V CM = V+, V CM = V–16mV (Note 10)I B Input Bias Current V CM = V+210µAV CM = V– + 0.2V–30–12.5µA ∆I B Input Bias Current Shift V CM = V– + 0.2V to V+14.540µA Input Bias Current Match (Channel-to-Channel)V CM = V+0.15µA (Note 10)V CM = V– + 0.2V0.410µA I OS Input Offset Current V CM = V+0.052µAV CM = V– + 0.2V0.405µA ∆I OS Input Offset Current Shift V CM = V– + 0.2V to V+0.457µA e n Input Noise Voltage Density f = 10kHz16nV/√Hz i n Input Noise Current Density f = 10kHz5pA/√Hz C IN Input Capacitance f = 100kHz2pF A VOL Large-Signal Voltage Gain V O = –4V to 4V, R L = 1k30100V/mVV O = –2.5V to 2.5V, R L = 100Ω 4.512V/mV CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio V CM = V– to V+7089dB CMRR Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 10)V CM = V– to V+6489dB Input Common Mode Range V–V+V PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio V+= 2.5V to 10V, V– = 0V7187dB PSRR Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 10)V+= 2.5V to 10V, V– = 0V6590dB V OL Output Voltage Swing LOW (Note 7)No Load1260mVI SINK = 5mA50140mVI SINK = 25mA180425mV V OH Output Voltage Swing HIGH (Note 7)No Load35100mVI SOURCE = 5mA90200mVI SOURCE = 25mA310700mV6ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST A = 25°C. V S = ±5V, V SHDN = open, V CM = 0V, V OUT = 0, unless otherwise noted.SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS I SC Short-Circuit Current±55±85mA I S Supply Current per Amplifier1520mASupply Current, Shutdown V SHDN = 0.3V0.6 1.3mA I SHDN SHDN Pin Current V SHDN = 0.3V420750µAOutput Leakage Current, Shutdown V SHDN = 0.3V0.175µA V L SHDN Pin Input Voltage Low0.3V V H SHDN Pin Input Voltage High V+ – 0.5V t ON Turn-On Time V SHDN = 0.3V to 4.5V, R L = 10080ns t OFF Turn-Off Time V SHDN = 4.5V to 0.3V, R L = 10050ns GBW Gain-Bandwidth Product Frequency = 2MHz110180MHz SR Slew Rate A V = –1, R L = 1k, V O = ±4V,175350V/µsMeasured at V O = ±3VFPBW Full Power Bandwidth V OUT = 8V P-P14MHz THD Total Harmonic Distortion A V = 1, R L = 1k, V O = 2V P-P, f C = 5MHz–90dB t S Settling Time0.1%, V STEP = 8V, A V = –1, R L = 500Ω34ns ∆G Differential Gain (NTSC)A V = 2, R L = 150Ω0.01%∆θDifferential Phase (NTSC)A V = 2, R L = 150Ω0.01DegThe q denotes the specifications which apply over the 0°C ≤ T A≤ 70°C temperature range. V S = ±5V, V SHDN = open, V CM = 0V,V OUT = 0V, unless otherwise noted.SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS V OS Input Offset Voltage V CM = V+ LT1809 SO-8q1 3.25mVV CM = V– LT1809 SO-8q1 3.25mVV CM = V+q1 3.75mVV CM = V–q1 3.75mV V OS TC Input Offset Voltage Drift (Note 8)V CM = V+q1025µV/°CV CM = V–q1025µV/°C ∆V OS Input Offset Voltage Shift V CM = V– to V+ LT1809 SO-8q0.5 2.75mVV CM = V– to V+q0.5 3.25mV Input Offset Voltage Match (Channel-to-Channel)V CM = V– to V+q 1.2 6.5mV (Note 10)I B Input Bias Current V CM = V+ – 0.2V q 2.512.5µAV CM = V– + 0.4V q–37.5–15µA ∆I B Input Bias Current Shift V CM = V– + 0.4V to V+ – 0.2V q17.550µA Input Bias Current Match (Channel-to-Channel)V CM = V+ – 0.2V q0.16µA (Note 10)V CM = V– + 0.4V q0.512µA I OS Input Offset Current V CM = V+ – 0.2V q0.06 2.25µAV CM = V– + 0.4V q0.56µA ∆I OS Input Offset Current Shift V CM = V– + 0.4V to V+ – 0.2V q0.568.25µA A VOL Large-Signal Voltage Gain V O = –4V to 4V, R L = 1k q2780V/mVV O = –2.5V to 2.5V, R L = 100Ωq 3.510V/mV CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio V CM = V– to V+q6986dB CMRR Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 10)V CM = V– to V+q6386dB Input Common Mode Range q V–V+V78The q denotes the specifications which apply over the 0°C ≤ T A ≤ 70°Ctemperature range. V S = ±5V, V SHDN = open, V CM = 0V, V OUT = 0V, unless otherwise noted.SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITS PSRR Power Supply Rejection RatioV + = 2.5V to 10V, V – = 0V q 7083dB PSRR Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 10)V + = 2.5V to 10V, V – = 0V q 6483dBV OLOutput Voltage Swing LOW (Note 7)No Load q 2080mV I SINK = 5mA q 50160mV I SINK = 25mA q 210475mV V OHOutput Voltage Swing HIGH (Note 7)No Loadq 60140mV I SOURCE = 5mA q 120240mV I SOURCE = 25mAq 370750mV I SC Short-Circuit Current q ±45±75mA I S Supply Current per Amplifier q17.525mA Supply Current, Shutdown V SHDN = 0.3V q 0.6 1.5mA I SHDN SHDN Pin CurrentV SHDN = 0.3V q 420850µA Output Leakage Current, Shutdown V SHDN = 0.3Vq 3µA V L SHDN Pin Input Voltage Low q 0.3V V H SHDN Pin Input Voltage High q V + – 0.5V t ON Turn-On Time V SHDN = 0.3V to 4.5V, R L = 100q 80ns t OFF Turn-Off Time V SHDN = 4.5V to 0.3V, R L = 100q 50ns GBW Gain-Bandwidth Product Frequency = 2MHz q 85170MHz SR Slew RateA V = –1, R L = 1k, V O = ±4V,q 140300V/µs Measured at V O = ±3V FPBWFull Power BandwidthV OUT = 8V P-P q12MHzELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS V OSInput Offset VoltageV CM = V + LT1809 SO-8q 1 3.75mV V CM = V – LT1809 SO-8q 1 3.75mV V CM = V +q 1 4.25mV V CM = V –q 1 4.25mV V OS TC Input Offset Voltage Drift (Note 8)V CM = V +q 1025µV/°C V CM = V –q 1025µV/°C ∆V OSInput Offset Voltage ShiftV CM = V – to V + LT1809 SO-8q 0.5 3.00mV V CM = V – to V +q 0.5 3.75mV Input Offset Voltage Match (Channel-to-Channel)V CM = V – to V +q 1.27.5mV (Note 10)I B Input Bias Current V CM = V + – 0.2V q 2.814µA V CM = V – + 0.4Vq –45–17µA ∆I BInput Bias Current ShiftV CM = V – + 0.4V to V + – 0.2V q 19.859µA Input Bias Current Match (Channel-to-Channel)V CM = V + – 0.2V q 0.17µA (Note 10)V CM = V – + 0.4V q 0.614µA I OS Input Offset Current V CM = V + – 0.2V q 0.08 2.5µA V CM = V – + 0.4Vq 0.68µA ∆I OS Input Offset Current Shift V CM = V – + 0.4V to V + – 0.2V q 0.6810.5µA A VOLLarge-Signal Voltage GainV O = –4V to 4V, R L = 1kq 2270V/mV V O = –2.5V to 2.5V, R L = 100Ωq310V/mVThe q denotes the specifications which apply over the –40°C ≤ T A ≤ 85°C temperature range. V S = ±5V, V SHDN = open, V CM = 0V,V OUT = 0V, unless otherwise noted. (Note 5)9Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which the life of a device may be impaired.Note 2: The inputs are protected by back-to-back diodes. If the differential input voltage exceeds 1.4V, the input current should be limited to less than 10mA.Note 3: A heat sink may be required to keep the junction temperature below the absolute maximum rating when the output is shorted indefinitely.Note 4: The LT1809C/LT1809I and LT1810C/LT1810I are guaranteed functional over the operating temperature range of –40°C and 85°C.Note 5: The LT1809C/LT1810C are guaranteed to meet specified performance from 0°C to 70°C. The LT1809C/LT1810C are designed,characterized and expected to meet specified performance from –40°C to 85°C but are not tested or QA sampled at these temperatures. The LT1809I/LT1810I are guaranteed to meet specified performance from –40°C to 85°C.The q denotes the specifications which apply over the –40°C ≤ T A ≤ 85°Ctemperature range. V S = ±5V, V SHDN = open, V CM = 0V, V OUT = 0V, unless otherwise noted. (Note 5)Note 6: Minimum supply voltage is guaranteed by power supply rejection ratio test.Note 7: Output voltage swings are measured between the output and power supply rails.Note 8: This parameter is not 100% tested.Note 9: Thermal resistance varies depending upon the amount of PC board metal attached to the V – pin of the device. θJA is specified for a certain amount of 2oz of copper metal trace connecting to the V – pin as described in the thermal resistance tables in the Applications Information section.Note 10: Matching parameters are the difference between the two amplifiers of the LT1810.SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS CMRRCommon Mode Rejection RatioV CM = V – to V +q 6886dB CMRR Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 10)V CM = V – to V +q 6286dBInput Common Mode Rangeq V –V +V PSRR Power Supply Rejection RatioV + = 2.5V to 10V, V – = 0V q 6983dB PSRR Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 10)V + = 2.5V to 10V, V – = 0V q 6383dB V OLOutput Voltage Swing LOW (Note 7)No Load q 23100mV I SINK = 5mA q 60170mV I SINK = 25mA q 220525mV V OHOutput Voltage Swing HIGH (Note 7)No Loadq 75160mV I SOURCE = 5mA q 130260mV I SOURCE = 25mAq 375775mV I SC Short-Circuit Current q ±30±75mA I S Supply Current per Amplifier q1925mA Supply Current, Shutdown V SHDN = 0.3V q 0.65 1.6mA I SHDN SHDN Pin CurrentV SHDN = 0.3V q 420900µA Output Leakage Current, Shutdown V SHDN = 0.3Vq 4µA V L SHDN Pin Input Voltage Low q 0.3V V H SHDN Pin Input Voltage High q V + – 0.5V t ON Turn-On Time V SHDN = 0.3V to 4.5V, R L = 100q 80ns t OFF Turn-Off Time V SHDN = 4.5V to 0.3V, R L = 100q 50ns GBW Gain-Bandwidth Product Frequency = 2MHz q 80160MHz SR Slew RateA V = –1, R L = 1k, V O = ±4V,q 110220V/µs Measured at V O = ±3V FPBWFull Power BandwidthV OUT = 8V P-P q8.5MHzELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS10TIME (2 SEC/DIV)1809 G21 Slew Rate vs TemperatureV S = ±5VAPPLICATIO S I FOR ATIOW UUU Table 1. LT1809 6-Lead SOT-23 PackageCOPPER AREA BOARD AREA THERMAL RESISTANCE TOPSIDE (mm 2)(mm 2)(JUNCTION-TO-AMBIENT)2702500135°C/W 1002500145°C/W 202500160°C/W 02500200°C/WDevice is mounted on topside.Table 2. LT1809/LT1810 SO-8 PackageCOPPER AREA TOPSIDE BACKSIDEBOARD AREATHERMAL RESISTANCE (mm 2)(mm 2)(mm 2)(JUNCTION-TO-AMBIENT)11001100250065°C/W 330330250085°C/W 3535250095°C/W 3502500100°C/W 02500105°C/WDevice is mounted on topside.Table 3. LT1810 8-Lead MSOP PackageCOPPER AREA TOPSIDE BACKSIDEBOARD AREA THERMAL RESISTANCE(mm 2)(mm 2)(mm 2)(JUNCTION-TO-AMBIENT)5405402500110°C/W 1001002500120°C/W 10002500130°C/W 3002500135°C/W 02500140°C/WDevice is mounted on topside.Junction temperature T J is calculated from the ambienttemperature T A and power dissipation P D as follows:T J = T A + (P D • θJA )The power dissipation in the IC is the function of the supply voltage, output voltage and the load resistance. For a given supply voltage, the worst-case power dissipation P D(MAX)occurs at the maximum supply current with the output voltage at half of either supply voltage (or the maximum swing is less than 1/2 the supply voltage). P D(MAX) is given by:P D(MAX) = (V S • I S(MAX)) + (V S /2)2/R LExample: An LT1810 in SO-8 mounted on a 2500mm 2area of PC board without any extra heat spreading planeconnected to its V – pin has a thermal resistance of 105°C/W, θJA . Operating on ±5V supplies with both amplifiers simultaneously driving 50Ω loads, the worst-case power dissipation is given by:P D(MAX)= 2 • (10 • 25mA) + 2 • (2.5)2/50= 0.5 + 0.250 = 0.750WThe maximum ambient temperature that the part is al-lowed to operate is:T A = T J – (P D(MAX) • 105°C/W)= 150°C – (0.750W • 105°C/W) = 71°CTo operate the device at higher ambient temperature,connect more metal area to the V – pin to reduce the thermal resistance of the package as indicated in Table 2.Input Offset VoltageThe offset voltage will change depending upon which input stage is active and the maximum offset voltage is guaran-teed to be less than 3mV. The change of V OS over the entire input common mode range (CMRR) is less than 2.5mV on a single 5V and 3V supply.Input Bias CurrentThe input bias current polarity depends upon a given input common voltage at whichever input stage is operating.When the PNP input stage is active, the input bias currents flow out of the input pins and flow into the input pins when the NPN input stage is activated. Because the input offset current is less than the input bias current, matching the source resistances at the input pin will reduce total offset error.OutputThe LT1809/LT1810 can deliver a large output current,so the short-circuit current limit is set around 90mA to prevent damage to the device. Attention must be paid to keep the junction temperature of the IC below the abso-lute maximum rating of 150°C (refer to the Power Dissi-pation section) when the output is continuously short circuited. The output of the amplifier has reverse-biased diodes connected to each supply. If the output is forcedAPPLICATIO S I FOR ATIOW UUU beyond either supply, unlimited current will flow through these diodes. If the current is transient and limited to several hundred milliamps, no damage to the device will occur.Overdrive ProtectionWhen the input voltage exceeds the power supplies, two pairs of crossing diodes, D1 to D4, will prevent the output from reversing polarity. If the input voltage exceeds either power supply by 700mV, diodes D1/D2 or D3/D4 will turn on, keeping the output at the proper polarity. For the phase reversal protection to perform properly, the input current must be limited to less than 5mA. If the amplifier is severely overdriven, an external resistor should be used to limit the overdrive current.The LT1809/LT1810’s input stages are also protected against differential input voltages of 1.4V or higher by back-to-back diodes, D5/D8, that prevent the emitter-base breakdown of the input transistors. The current in these diodes should be limited to less than 10mA when they are active. The worst-case differential input voltage usually occurs when the input is driven while the output is shorted to ground in a unity-gain configuration. In addition, the amplifier is protected against ESD strikes up to 3kV on all pins by a pair of protection diodes on each pin that are connected to the power supplies as shown in Figure 1.Capacitive LoadThe LT1809/LT1810 is optimized for high bandwidth and low distortion applications. It can drive a capacitive load about 20pF in a unity-gain configuration and more with higher gain. When driving a larger capacitive load, a resistor of 10Ω to 50Ω should be connected between theoutput and the capacitive load to avoid ringing or oscilla-tion. The feedback should still be taken from the output so that the resistor will isolate the capacitive load to ensure stability. Graphs on capacitive loads indicate the transient response of the amplifier when driving capacitive load with a specified series resistor.Feedback ComponentsWhen feedback resistors are used to set up gain, care must be taken to ensure that the pole formed by the feedback resistors and the total capacitance at the inverting input does not degrade stability. For instance, the LT1809 in a noninverting gain of 2, set up with two 1K resistors and a capacitance of 3pF (device plus PC board), will probably ring in transient response. The pole that is formed at 106MHz will reduce phase margin by 34 degrees when the crossover frequency of the amplifier is around 70MHz. A capacitor of 3pF or higher connected across the feedback resistor will eliminate any ringing or oscillation.SHDN PinThe LT1809 has a SHDN pin to reduce the supply current to less than 1.25mA. When the SHDN pin is pulled low, it will generate a signal to power down the device. If the pin is left unconnected, an internal pull-up resistor of 10k will keep the part fully operating as shown in Figure 1. The output will be high impedance during shutdown, and the turn-on and turn-off time is less than 100ns. Because the inputs are protected by a pair of back-to-back diodes, the input signal will feed through to the output during shut-down mode if the amplitude of signal between the inputs is larger than 1.4V.Figure 3. 4096 Point FFT ResponseFREQUENCY (MHz)012341809 F035V S = ±5V A V = +2f SAMPLE = 10Msps f IN = 1.394MHz SFDR = 90dBFigure 7. 4096 Point FFT ResponseFigure 5. 4096 Point FFT ResponseFREQUENCY (MHz)012341809 F055V S = ±5V A V = –1f SAMPLE = 10Msps f IN = 1.394MHz SFDR = 90dBFREQUENCY (MHz)012341809 F075V S = 5V A V = +2f SAMPLE = 10Msps f IN = 1.394MHz SFDR = 80dB2122Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no represen-tation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights.23241630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417(408) 432-1900 q FAX: (408) 434-0507 q © LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORA TION 2000sn180910 180910fs LT/TP 1100 4K • PRINTED IN USA。
国家语⾔,语⾔代码,localeid对应表国家语⾔,语⾔代码,locale id对应表。
⽐如 en_US对应的id为1033,中⽂的locale=zh_CN,id=2052.Locale Languagecode LCIDstringLCIDDecimalLCIDHexadecimalCodepageAfrikaans af af10784361252 Albanian sq sq10521250 Amharic am am1118Arabic - Algeria ar ar-dz512114011256 Arabic - Bahrain ar ar-bh153611256 Arabic - Egypt ar ar-eg30731256 Arabic - Iraq ar ar-iq20498011256 Arabic - Jordan ar ar-jo112651256 Arabic - Kuwait ar ar-kw1331334011256 Arabic - Lebanon ar ar-lb1228930011256 Arabic - Libya ar ar-ly409710011256 Arabic - Morocco ar ar-ma614518011256 Arabic - Oman ar ar-om819320011256 Arabic - Qatar ar ar-qa1638540011256 Arabic - Saudi Arabia ar ar-sa10254011256 Arabic - Syria ar ar-sy1024128011256 Arabic - Tunisia ar ar-tn71691256 Arabic - United Arab Emirates ar ar-ae1433738011256 Arabic - Yemen ar ar-ye921724011256 Armenian hy hy1067Assamese as as1101Azeri - Cyrillic az az-az20921251 Azeri - Latin az az-az10681254 Basque eu eu10691252 Belarusian be be10594231251 Bengali - Bangladesh bn bn2117845Bengali - India bn bn1093445Bosnian bs bs5146Bulgarian bg bg10264021251 Burmese my my1109455Catalan ca ca10274031252 Chinese - China zh zh-cn2052804Chinese - Hong Kong SAR zh zh-hk3076Chinese - Macau SAR zh zh-mo51241404Chinese - Singapore zh zh-sg41001004Chinese - Taiwan zh zh-tw1028404Croatian hr hr10501250 Czech cs cs10294051250 Danish da da10304061252 Divehi Dhivehi Maldivian dv dvDutch - Belgium nl nl-be20678131252 Dutch - Netherlands nl nl-nl10434131252Edo1126466English - Australia en en-au 3081 1252English - Belize en en-bz 1024928091252English - Canada en en-ca 410510091252English - Caribbean en en-cb 922524091252English - Great Britain en en-gb 20578091252English - India en en-in 163934009 English - Ireland en en-ie 615318091252English - Jamaica en en-jm 820120091252English - New Zealand en en-nz 512914091252English - Phillippines en en-ph 1332134091252English - Southern Africa en en-za 7177 1252English - Trinidad en en-tt 11273 1252English - United States en en-us 10334091252English - Zimbabwe en 1229730091252Estonianet et 10614251257FYRO Macedonia mk mk 1071 1251Faroese fo fo 10804381252Farsi - Persian fa fa 10654291256Filipino 1124464 Finnishfi fi 1035 1252French - Belgium fr fr-be 2060 1252French - Cameroon fr 11276 French - Canada fr fr-ca 3084 1252French - Congo fr 9228 French - Cote d'Ivoire fr 12300 French - France fr fr-fr 1036 1252French - Luxembourg fr fr-lu 5132 1252French - Mali fr 13324 French - Monaco fr 6156 1252French - Morocco fr 14348 French - Senegal fr 10252 French - Switzerland fr fr-ch 4108 1252French - West Indies fr 7180 Frisian - Netherlands 1122462 Gaelic - Ireland gd gd-ie 2108 Gaelic - Scotland gd gd 1084 Galician gl 11104561252Georgian ka 1079437 German - Austria de de-at 3079 1252German - Germany de de-de 10314071252German - Liechtenstein de de-li 512714071252German - Luxembourg de de-lu 410310071252German - Switzerland de de-ch 20558071252Greekel el 10324081253Guarani - Paraguaygngn1140474LocaleLanguage code LCID string LCID Decimal LCID Hexadecimal CodepageGuarani - Paraguaygn gn1140474Gujarati gu gu 1095447 HID (Human Interface Device) 1279 Hebrew he he 1037 1255Hindi hi hi 1081439 Hungarian hu hu 1038 1250Icelandic is is 1039 1252Igbo - Nigeria 1136470 Indonesian id id 10574211252Italian - Italy it it-it 10404101252Italian - Switzerland it it-ch 20648101252Japanese ja ja 1041411 Kannada kn kn 1099 Kashmiri ks ks 1120460 Kazakh kk kk 1087 1251Khmer km km 1107453 Konkani 1111457 Korean ko ko 1042412 Kyrgyz - Cyrillic 10884401251Lao lo lo 1108454 Latin la la 1142476 Latvian lv lv 10624261257Lithuanian lt lt 10634271257Malay - Brunei ms ms-bn 2110 1252Malay - Malaysia ms ms-my 1086 1252Malayalam ml ml 1100 Maltese mt mt 1082 Manipuri 1112458 Maori mi mi 1153481 Marathi mr mr 1102 Mongolian mn mn 2128850 Mongolian mn mn 11044501251Nepaline ne 1121461 Norwegian - Bokml nb nb-no 10444141252Norwegian - Nynorsk nn no-no 20688141252Oriya or or 1096448 Polishpl pl 10454151250Portuguese - Brazil pt pt-br 10464161252Portuguese - Portugal pt pt-pt 20708161252Punjabi pa pa 1094446 Raeto-Romance rm rm 1047417 Romanian - Moldova ro ro-mo 2072818 Romanian - Romania ro ro 10484181250Russianru ru 10494191251Russian - Moldova ru ru-mo 2073819 Sami Lappish 1083 Sanskritsasa1103Locale Language code LCIDstringLCID DecimalLCIDHexadecimal CodepageSerbian - Cyrillic sr sr-sp3098 1251Serbian - Latin sr sr-sp 2074 1250Sesotho (Sutu) 1072430 Setsuana tn tn 1074432 Sindhi sdsd1113459 Sinhala Sinhalese si si 1115 Slovak sk sk 1051 1250Slovenian sl sl 10604241250Somali so so 1143477 Sorbiansb sb 1070 Spanish - Argentina es es-ar 11274 1252Spanish - Bolivia es es-bo 16394 1252Spanish - Chile es es-cl 13322 1252Spanish - Colombia es es-co 9226 1252Spanish - Costa Ricaeses-cr 5130 1252Spanish - Dominican Republic es es-do 7178 1252Spanish - Ecuador es es-ec 12298 1252Spanish - El Salvador es es-sv 17418 1252Spanish - Guatemala es es-gt 4106 1252Spanish - Honduras es es-hn 18442 1252Spanish - Mexico es es-mx 2058 1252Spanish - Nicaragua es es-ni 19466 1252Spanish - Panama es es-pa 6154 1252Spanish - Paraguay es es-py 15370 1252Spanish - Peru es es-pe 10250 1252Spanish - Puerto Rico es es-pr 20490 1252Spanish - Spain (Traditional)es es-es 1034 1252Spanish - Uruguay es es-uy 14346 1252Spanish - Venezuela es es-ve 8202 1252Swahilisw sw 10894411252Swedish - Finland sv sv-fi 2077 1252Swedish - Sweden sv sv-se 1053 1252Syriac 1114 Tajik tg tg 1064428 Tamil ta ta 1097449 Tatar tt tt 10924441251Telugu te te 1098 Thai th th 1054 Tibetan bo bo 1105451 Tsonga ts ts 1073431 Turkish tr tr 1055 1254Turkmen tk tk 1090442 Ukrainian uk uk 10584221251Unicode UTF-80 Urduur ur 10564201256Uzbek - Cyrillicuzuz-uz21158431251Locale Language code LCID string LCID Decimal LCID Hexadecimal CodepageUzbek - Latin uz uz-uz10914431254Venda 1075433 Vietnamese vi vi 1066 1258Welsh cy cy 1106452 Xhosa xh xh 1076434 Yiddish yi yi 1085 Zuluzuzu1077435Locale Language code LCID string LCID Decimal LCID Hexadecimal CodepageThis table was generated from information at and additional resources listed below.DefinitionsLocale: A collection of language-related, user-preference information represented as a list of values.Locale ID (LCID): A 32-bit value defined by Microsoft Windows that consists of a language ID, sort ID, and reserved bits that identify a particular language.Codepage: "An ordered set of characters in which a numeric index (code point values) is associated with each character. The first 128 characters of each codepage are functionally the same and include all characters needed to type English text. The upper 128 characters of OEM and ANSI codepages contain characters used in a language or group of languages (Taken from Related resources below)".Related resources。
Hemangioma of other sites
Scrotal varices
Unilateral inguinal hernia, without obstruction or gangrene, recurrent
Encounter for antineoplastic immunotherapy
Malignant neoplasm of cheek mucosa
Encounter for antineoplastic immunotherapy
Benign neoplasm of major salivary gland, unspecified
Chronic maxillary sinusitis
Cellulitis and abscess of mouth
Benign neoplasm of tongue
启动马达 重型,正极 — (
) Volt…………………………………………………………………………………………………
发动机干重 风冷带飞轮—kg(lb)……………………………………………………………………………………………………16…90…………………(37…2…5)……… 热交换器—kg(lb)………………………………………………………………………………………………………26…76…………………(59…0…0)……
— (°F)………………………………………………………………………10…4/…10…0 …………(…22…0/…212)
标准节温器温度调节范围 ℃ — (°F)………………………………………………………………………………………8…2-9…3……
最大冷却液静压(不使用压力盖)—kPa(PSI)…………………………………………………………………………10…3 ………………(…15…)
标准容许的排气管直径—mm(in)…………………………………………………………………………………………12…7 ………………(…5)…………………
脏滤芯—kPa(in. H2O)…………………………………………………………………………………………………6.2…3………………(…25…) ……… 干净普通滤芯—kPa(in.H2O)…………………………………………………………………………………………2.…49…………………(1…0)……………… 干净重型滤芯—kPa(in.H2O)…………………………………………………………………………………………3.…73…………………(1…5)………………
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Leistungsgleichrichterdioden Power Rectifier Diodes D 1809 NVWK July 1996ø3,5 x 3,5 tief / depth +0.1European Power-Semiconductor and Electronics Company GmbH + Co. KGD 1809 NElektrische Eigenschaften Electrical propertiesHöchstzulässige Werte Maximum rated valuesPeriodische Spitzensperrspannung repetitive peak reverse voltage t vj = -40°C... t vj max V RRM3200, 3600, 4000V4400, 4800V Stoßspitzensperrspannung non-repetitive peak reverse voltage t vj = +25°C... t vj max V RSM = V RRM+ 100V Durchlaßstrom-Grenzeffektivwert RMS forward current I FRMSM3,85kA Dauergrenzstrom mean forward current t c = 100 °C I FAVM1,8kAt c = 61 °C2,45kA Stoßstrom-Grenzwert surge forward current t vj = 25°C, t p = 10 ms I FSM35kA 1)t vj = t vj max, t p = 10 ms275kA Grenzlastintegral I2 t-value t vj = 25°C, t p = 10 ms I2 t6125kA2st vj = t vj max, t p = 10 ms3781kA2sCharakteristische Werte Characteristic valuesDurchlaßspannung on-state voltage t vj = t vj max, i F = 7,4 kA V T max. 2,82V Schleusenspannung threshold voltage t vj = t vj max V T(TO)0,85V Ersatzwiderstand slope resistance t vj = t vj max r T0,253mΩSperrstrom reverse current t vj = t vj max, V R = V RRM i R max. 100mAThermische Eigenschaften Thermal propertiesInnerer Widerstand thermal resistance, junction beidseitig/two-sided, Θ =180° sin R thJC max. 0,0169°C/W to case beidseitig/two sided, DC max. 0,0160°C/WAnode/anode, Θ =180° sin max. 0,0329°C/WAnode/anode, DC max. 0,0320°C/WKathode/cathode, Θ =180° sin max. 0,0329°C/WKathode/cathode, DC max. 0,0320°C/W Übergangs-Wärmewiderstand thermal resistance,case to heatsink beidseitig /two-sided R thCK max. 0,0025°C/Weinseitig /single-sided max. 0,0050°C/W Höchstzul.Sperrschichttemperatur max. junction temperature t vj max160°C Betriebstemperatur operating temperature t c op -40...+150°C Lagertemperatur storage temperature t stg -40...+150°CMechanische Eigenschaften Mechanical propertiesSi-Element mit Druckkontakt Si-pellet with pressure contact∅ = 58 mmAnpreßkraft clamping force Gehäuseform/case design T F24...60kN Gewicht weight G typ. 540g Kriechstrecke creepage distance40mm Feuchteklasse humidity classification DIN 40040C Schwingfestigkeit vibration resistance f = 50 Hz50m/s2 Maßbild outline Seite/page1) Gehäusegrenzstrom 32 kA (50 Hz Sinushalbwelle) / Current limit of case 32 kA (50 Hz sinusoidal half-wave)0123456D1809N_40,10,2302010D1809N_60,10,20,3D1809N_5[kA]I F(0V)M t [s]Bild / Fig. 2Normiertes Grenzlastintegral / Normalized i²t ∫i²dt = f(t p )t vj = 160 °Ct vj = 25 °CBild/Fig. 1 GrenzdurchlaßkennlinieLimiting forward characteristic i F = f (v F )Bild / Fig. 3Grenzstrom / Maximum overload forward current I F(0V)M = f(t)1 - I FAV(vor) = 0 A; t vj = t C = 25 °C2 - I FAV(vor) = 1800 A; t C = 100 °C; t vj = 160 °C a - v R ≤ 50 Vb - v R = 0,5 V RRMc - v R = 0,8 V RRM Bild / Fig. 4Grenzstrom / Maximum overload forward current I F(0V)M = f(t)1 - I FAV(vor) = 0 A; t vj = t C = 25 °C2 - I FAV(vor) = 1080 A; t C = 100 °C; t vj = 160 °C a - v R ≤ 50 Vb - v R = 0,5 V RRMc - v R = 0,8 V RRMD1809N_710,1D1809N_2D1809N_3Θ [°el]Bild / Fig. 5Differenz zwischen den Wärmewiderständen für Pulsstrom und DCDifference between the values of thermal resistance for pulse current and DCParameter: Stromkurvenform / Current waveformBild / Fig. 6Sperrverzögerungsladung / Recovered charge Q r = f(-di F /dt)t vj = t vjmax ; v R ≤ 0,5 V RRM ; V RM = 0,8 V RRMBeschaltung / Snubber: C = 1,5 µF; R = 2,7 ΩParameter: Durchlaßstrom / Forward current i FMn maxn=1Analytische Elemente des transienten Wärmewiderstandes Z thJC für DC Analytical elements of transient thermal impedance Z thJC for DCBild / Fig. 7Transienter innerer WärmewiderstandTransient thermal impedance Z thJC = f(t), DC 1 - Beidseitige Kühlung / Two-sided cooling2 - Anodenseitige Kühlung / Anode-sided cooling3 - Kathodenseitige Kühlung / Cathode-sided coolingZ thJC = R thn (1-EXP(-t/τn ))ΣKühlg.CoolingPos. n R thn °C/W τn [s]R thn °C/W τn [s]R thn °C/W τn [s]12312345671 - Beidseitige Kühlung / Two-sided cooling2 - Anodenseitige Kühlung / Anode-sided cooling3 - Kathodenseitige Kühlung / Cathode-sided cooling0,00040730,001360,0008490,005330,0008490,005330,0011070,01080,002350,03660,002350,03660,002060,04640,005670,2140,005670,2140,005030,2190,004432,790,004432,79Analytische Funktion / Analytical function0,007391,150,01856,110,01856,110,00000570,0001840,0002010,0007960,0002010,000796NutzungsbedingungenDie in diesem Produktdatenblatt enthaltenen Daten sind ausschließlich für technisch geschultes Fachpersonal bestimmt. Die Beurteilung der Geeignetheit dieses Produktes für die von Ihnen anvisierte Anwendung sowie die Beurteilung der Vollständigkeit der bereitgestellten Produktdaten für diese Anwendung obliegt Ihnen bzw. Ihren technischen Abteilungen.In diesem Produktdatenblatt werden diejenigen Merkmale beschrieben, für die wir eine liefervertragliche Gewährleistungübernehmen. Eine solche Gewährleistung richtet sich ausschließlich nach Maßgabe der im jeweiligen Liefervertrag enthaltenen Bestimmungen. Garantien jeglicher Art werden für das Produkt und dessen Eigenschaften keinesfalls übernommen.Sollten Sie von uns Produktinformationen benötigen, die über den Inhalt dieses Produktdatenblatts hinausgehen und insbesondere eine spezifische Verwendung und den Einsatz dieses Produktes betreffen, setzen Sie sich bitte mit dem für Siezuständigen Vertriebsbüro in Verbindung (siehe , Vertrieb&Kontakt). Für Interessenten halten wir ApplicationNotes bereit.Aufgrund der technischen Anforderungen könnte unser Produkt gesundheitsgefährdende Substanzen enthalten. Bei Rückfragenzu den in diesem Produkt jeweils enthaltenen Substanzen setzen Sie sich bitte ebenfalls mit dem für Sie zuständigen Vertriebsbüro in Verbindung.Sollten Sie beabsichtigen, das Produkt in gesundheits- oder lebensgefährdenden oder lebenserhaltenden Anwendungsbereichen einzusetzen, bitten wir um Mitteilung. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass wir für diese Fälle- die gemeinsame Durchführung eines Risiko- und Qualitätsassessments;- den Abschluss von speziellen Qualitätssicherungsvereinbarungen;- die gemeinsame Einführung von Maßnahmen zu einer laufenden Produktbeobachtung dringend empfehlen und gegebenenfalls die Belieferung von der Umsetzung solcher Maßnahmen abhängig machen.Soweit erforderlich, bitten wir Sie, entsprechende Hinweise an Ihre Kunden zu geben.Inhaltliche Änderungen dieses Produktdatenblatts bleiben vorbehalten.Terms & Conditions of usageThe data contained in this product data sheet is exclusively intended for technically trained staff. You and your technical departments will have to evaluate the suitability of the product for the intended application and the completeness of the productdata with respect to such application.This product data sheet is describing the characteristics of this product for which a warranty is granted. Any such warranty is granted exclusively pursuant the terms and conditions of the supply agreement. There will be no guarantee of any kind for the product and its characteristics.Should you require product information in excess of the data given in this product data sheet or which concerns the specific application of our product, please contact the sales office, which is responsible for you (see , sales&contact). For those that are specifically interested we may provide application notes.Due to technical requirements our product may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the sales office, which is responsible for you.Should you intend to use the Product in health or live endangering or life support applications, please notify. Please note, that for any such applications we urgently recommend- to perform joint Risk and Quality Assessments;- the conclusion of Quality Agreements;- to establish joint measures of an ongoing product survey,and that we may make delivery depended on the realizationof any such measures.If and to the extent necessary, please forward equivalent notices to your customers.Changes of this product data sheet are reserved.。