Session 13b1 C.A.M. A Tool for Evaluating and Adjusting Engineering Curriculum




Python模考试题一、单选题(共57题,每题1分,共57分)1.下面代码的输出结果是( )>>> bin(10)A、‘0d1010’B、‘0x1010’C、‘0b1010’D、‘0o1010’正确答案:C2.二维列表ls=[[1,2,3], [4,5,6],[7,8,9]],以下选项中能获取其中元素9的是( )A、ls[–2][–1]B、ls[–1]C、ls[–1][–1]D、ls[0][–1]正确答案:C3."下面代码的输出结果是( )Def hello_world(): print('ST',end="*") def three_hellos(): for i in range(3): hello_world() three_hellos()"A、STSTST*B、ST*C、STSTD、***正确答案:A4.选出对下列语句不符合语法要求的表达式: for var in ____________ : print varA、(1,2,3)B、{1,2,3,4,5}C、”Hello”D、range(0,10)正确答案:B5.以下关于函数参数传递的描述,错误的是:A、调用函数时,可变数量参数被当做元组类型传递到函数中B、定义函数的时候,可选参数必须写在非可选参数的后面C、Python 支持可变数量的参数,实参用”*参数名”表示D、函数的实参位置可变,需要形参定义和实参调用时都要给出名称正确答案:C6.当打开一个不存在的文件时,以下选项中描述正确的是( )A、文件不存在则创建文件B、一定会报错C、根据打开类型不同,可能不报错D、不存在文件无法被打开正确答案:C7.写出下面代码的运行结果。

def Sum(a, b=3, c=5): print(a,b,c)Sum(a=8, c=2)A、8,3,2B、8 2C、8,2D、8 3 2正确答案:D8."下面代码的输出结果是( ) for s in “HelloWorld”: if s==“W”: break print(s, end="")"A、HelloorldB、HelloC、WorldD、HelloWorld正确答案:B9.下面( )不是有效的变量名。

sessionremoveattribute -回复

sessionremoveattribute -回复

sessionremoveattribute -回复什么是sessionremoveattribute?在编程领域中,sessionremoveattribute是一个用于从会话中移除属性的方法或函数。














接下来,我们可以使用sessionremoveattribute 方法传入待删除属性的名称,从会话中删除该属性。

以下是一个简单的示例代码:java获取当前会话对象HttpSession session = request.getSession();删除名为"username"的属性session.removeAttribute("username");在上面的代码中,我们调用了HttpSession的removeAttribute方法,并传入属性名"username"。

sessionremoveattribute -回复

sessionremoveattribute -回复

sessionremoveattribute -回复session.removeAttribute()方法是在Java中用于从会话(Session)对象中移除指定的属性(attribute)的。











例如,我们可以使用以下代码向会话对象中添加一个名为"username"的属性:session.setAttribute("username", "Alice");这样,我们就可以在后续的请求中通过getAttribute()方法来获取这个属性的值:String username = (String) session.getAttribute("username");然而,有时候我们需要从会话对象中移除某个不再需要的属性。






JWT_Tool是一个用于处理JSON Web Token(JWT)的工具。

它的具体使用方法可能因实际应用场景而有所不同,以下是一些常见的用法:1.生成JWT令牌:2.python复制代码import jwt_toolpayload = {'username': 'user123','iat': 1516239022,'exp': 1516240022,'nbf': 1516239022}secret = 'my-secret-key'token = jwt_tool.encode(payload, secret)print(token)这将使用给定的payload(负载)和密钥(secret)生成一个JWT令牌。



1.验证JWT令牌:2.python复制代码import jwt_tooltoken = 'your-token'# JWT令牌secret = 'my-secret-key'# 密钥decoded_token = jwt_tool.decode(token, secret)print(decoded_token)这将使用给定的令牌和密钥解码JWT令牌,并返回解码后的负载。



例如,可以使用RSA算法:python复制代码import jwt_toolfrom cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization, hashes from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding from cryptography importhazmatfrom cryptography.hazmat.primitives importasymmetric, padding;from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization;fromcryptography importhazmat;from cryptography.hazmat.primitivesimportasymmetric;from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric importpadding;from cryptography importhazmat;fromcryptography.hazmat.primitives importserialization;fromcryptography importhazmat;from cryptography.hazmat.primitivesimportasymmetric;from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric importpadding;from cryptography importhazmat;fromcryptography.hazmat.primitives importserialization;fromcryptography importhazmat;from cryptography.hazmat.primitivesimportasymmetric;from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric importpadding;from cryptography importhazmat;fromcryptography.hazmat.primitives importserialization;fromcryptography importhazmat;from cryptography.hazmat.primitivesimportasymmetric;from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric importpadding;from cryptography importhazmat;fromcryptography.hazmat.primitives importserialization;fromcryptography importhazmat;from cryptography.hazmat.primitivesimportasymmetric;from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric importpadding;from cryptography importhazmat;fromcryptography.hazmat.primitives importserialization;fromcryptography importhazmat;from cryptography.hazmat.primitivesimportasymmetric;from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric importpadding;from cryptography importhazmat;fromcryptography.hazmat.primitives importserialization;fromcryptography importhazmat;from cryptography.hazmat.primitivesimportasymmetric;from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric importpadding;from cryptography importhazmat;fromcryptography.hazmat.primitives importserialization;fromcryptography importhazmat;from cryptography.hazmat.primitives。



python期末考试题库及答案填空1. Python中,用于定义函数的关键字是______。

答案:def2. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的字符串表示?A. 'Hello, World!'B. "Hello, World!"C. Hello, World!D. "Hello, World!"答案:A、B3. 下列哪个选项是Python中的注释?A. // 这是一个注释B. # 这是一个注释C. /* 这是一个注释 */D. // 这是一个注释答案:B4. Python中,以下哪个关键字用于定义类?答案:class5. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的列表表示?A. [1, 2, 3]B. (1, 2, 3)C. {1, 2, 3}D. {key: value}答案:A6. Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的字典表示?A. [1, 2, 3]B. (1, 2, 3)C. {1, 2, 3}D. {key: value}答案:D7. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的元组表示?A. [1, 2, 3]B. (1, 2, 3)C. {1, 2, 3}D. {key: value}答案:B8. Python中,以下哪个关键字用于创建集合?答案:set9. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的集合表示?A. [1, 2, 3]B. (1, 2, 3)C. {1, 2, 3}D. {key: value}答案:C10. Python中,以下哪个关键字用于创建字典?答案:dict11. Python中,以下哪个关键字用于循环遍历列表?答案:for12. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的条件语句?A. ifB. elifC. elseD. all of the above答案:D13. Python中,以下哪个关键字用于导入模块?答案:import14. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的文件操作模式?A. 'r' - 只读B. 'w' - 写入C. 'a' - 追加D. all of the above答案:D15. Python中,以下哪个关键字用于捕获异常?答案:try16. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的异常处理语句?A. tryB. exceptC. finallyD. all of the above答案:D17. Python中,以下哪个关键字用于定义列表推导式?答案:list comprehension18. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的列表推导式?A. [x for x in range(10)]B. (x for x in range(10))C. {x for x in range(10)}D. [x if x > 5 else x for x in range(10)]答案:A、D19. Python中,以下哪个关键字用于定义生成器表达式?答案:generator expression20. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的生成器表达式?A. (x for x in range(10))B. [x for x in range(10)]C. {x for x in range(10)}D. (x if x > 5 else x for x in range(10))答案:A。


A. SQL注入
A. MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256")
A. SonarQube
B. FindBugs
12. A,B,C
13. A,B,C
14. B,D
15. A,B,C
16. A,B,C,D
17. A,B,C
18. A,B,C
19. A,B,C,D
20. B,C






















1. 嘿,你知道吗?eval 在 Python 中那可是相当厉害啊!就像一把万

比如你有个字符串 "1+2",用 eval 一下就能得到结果 3 啦!
2. 哇塞,eval 能把字符串当作代码来执行呢!这多神奇呀!就像变魔术一样。

比如说有个字符串 "print('哈哈')",用 eval 就会真的输出“哈哈”呢!
3. 哎呀呀,eval 在某些时候可太好用啦!比如你动态地得到一些代码片段,它能直接帮你执行。

4. 嘿,你想想看,eval 可以让你的程序变得超级灵活啊!比如你根据不同

5. 哇哦,当你掌握了 eval 的用法,那感觉简直太棒啦!就跟掌握了一项超

比如你可以把用户输入的计算式用 eval 来得出结果,多酷呀!6. 哈哈,eval 真的是个很特别的存在呢!它可以让一些复杂的操作变得简单。


比如你要根据配置来执行特定代码,eval 就能大显身手啦!
7. 哟呵,可别小看了 eval 呀!它有时候能解决大问题呢!像个秘密武器。

8. 哇呀,eval 的本事可大了去了!能让你的编程像搭积木一样有趣。

9. 总的来说,eval 在 Python 中真的是个非常有用的工具!学会用它,能让你的编程之路更加顺畅呢!。

打印session所有值 -回复

打印session所有值 -回复



打印出Session 的所有值可以帮助我们了解和调试程序的运行状态,以及查找问题出现的原因。


在常见的Web开发框架中,如、Java Spring、Django等,获取Session对象的方法会有所不同。


在中,我们可以通过以下代码获取当前会话的Session对象:var session = HttpContext.Current.Session;在其他框架或语言中,我们可以根据对应的API文档来获取Session对象。


foreach (var key in session.Keys){var value = session[key];Console.WriteLine("[{0}]: {1}", key, value);}在上述代码中,我们使用了一个foreach循环来遍历Session中的所有键。



输出结果将以键和值的形式进行展示,例如:[Username]: john[Email]: john@example[IsAdmin]: True通过观察输出结果,我们可以清晰地看到Session中保存的所有键和对应的值,从而了解当前会话的状态和数据。



函数`sessioninvalid()` 在一些编程语言和框架中并不常见,因此无法给出确切的用法。














python有⼀个⾮常强⼤的接⼝测试第三⽅库 -- requests




初中python试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在Python中,以下哪个关键字用于定义一个函数?A. defB. functionC. funcD. define答案:A2. 以下哪个选项是Python中的注释方式?A. `// 这是一个注释`B. `# 这是一个注释`C. `<!-- 这是一个注释 -->`D. `/* 这是一个注释 */`答案:B3. Python中,以下哪个符号用于表示逻辑与操作?A. &&B. ||C. andD. or答案:C4. 在Python中,以下哪个函数用于计算一个数的绝对值?A. abs()B. fabs()C. absolute()D. modulus()答案:A5. 以下哪个选项是Python中正确的列表定义方式?A. list = [1, 2, 3]B. list = (1, 2, 3)C. list = {1, 2, 3}D. list = [1; 2; 3]答案:A6. Python中,以下哪个关键字用于循环遍历列表中的每个元素?A. forB. whileC. repeatD. loop答案:A7. 在Python中,以下哪个函数用于将字符串转换为大写?A. upper()B. toupper()C. capitalize()D. lower()答案:A8. Python中,以下哪个函数用于计算字符串的长度?A. len()B. length()C. size()D. count()答案:A9. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的字典定义方式?A. dict = {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}B. dict = [1: 'a', 2: 'b']C. dict = (1: 'a', 2: 'b')D. dict = {1, 2: 'a', 'b'}答案:A10. Python中,以下哪个关键字用于定义一个类?A. classB. defC. functionD. struct答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在Python中,使用________关键字可以定义一个空集合。

python session 方法

python session 方法



session方法在Web 开发中具有重要的作用,可以帮助开发人员实现用户登入、购物车管理、数据存储等功能。

在本文中,将介绍Python中session方法的基本概念、使用场景和实际应用,旨在帮助读者深入了解该技术,并在实际项目中应用session 方法解决实际问题。

一、session方法的基本概念1.1 会话(session)的定义在计算机术语中,会话指的是一段特定时间内,用户与系统之间进行的一系列交互活动。


1.2 session方法的作用session方法就是用来管理用户的会话信息,包括用户的登入状态、个性化设置、购物车内容等。


1.3 session方法的实现原理一般来说,session方法是通过在服务器端存储用户会话信息并在客户端发送一个标识符(如cookie)来进行验证的。


二、session方法的使用场景2.1 用户登入状态管理在Web开发中,用户登入状态管理是一个非常常见的场景。


2.2 购物车管理另一个常见的使用场景是购物车管理。


2.3 数据存储session方法还可以用于存储用户的个性化设置、历史浏览记录等信息,以提供更好的用户体验。

ctf 代码审计题库

ctf 代码审计题库

ctf 代码审计题库
CTF(Capture The Flag)比赛通常包含多种类型的题目,其中代码审计题目就是一种常见的类型。



1. Exploit Exercises: 这个网站提供了许多真实的系统环境,包括各种类型

2. Hackerdom: 这个网站包含了多种类型的CTF题目,包括代码审计题目。

3. Vulnhub: 这个网站提供了许多真实的漏洞环境供练习,其中也包括一些

League: 这是一个在线CTF比赛平台,包含了多种类型的题目,包括代码




























exception in ide eval reset error -回复

exception in ide eval reset error -回复

exception in ide eval reset error -回复异常在IDE eval重置错误是指在集成开发环境(IDE)中执行eval操作时发生的错误。


然而,由于eval操作的性质,它可能导致代码中的异常或错误,包括IDE eval 重置错误。






第二步:明确IDE eval重置错误的定义IDE eval重置错误是指在IDE中执行eval操作时发生的错误。



第三步:根据错误消息进行调试当遇到IDE eval重置错误时,首先应该根据错误消息进行调试。




IDE eval重置错误通常是由于代码中的异常或错误引起的。


修复这些问题有助于解决IDE eval重置错误。

第五步:确保代码环境的稳定性IDE eval重置错误还可能与代码环境的稳定性有关。



第六步:测试代码并排除错误为了解决IDE eval重置错误,应该进行测试和排除错误。



Python课程考试试卷一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在Python中,以下哪个是正确的字符串定义?A. str = "Hello, World!"B. string = "Hello, World!"C. string = 'Hello, World!'D. Str = "Hello, World!"2. Python的哪个版本开始引入了函数注解(Function Annotations)?A. Python 2.6B. Python 2.7C. Python 3.0D. Python 3.33. 下列哪个是Python的内置数据类型?A. ListB. TupleC. Both A and BD. None of the above4. 在Python中,以下哪个语句可以创建一个空字典?A. dict = {}B. dict = []C. dict = ()D. dict = ""5. 下列哪个是Python的第三方库?A. osB. sysC. numpyD. re6. 在Python中,以下哪个是正确的列表推导式?A. [x for x in range(10)]B. {x for x in range(10)}C. (x for x in range(10))D. [x: x*2 for x in range(5)]7. Python中的哪个关键字用于定义类?A. classB. defC. functionD. type8. 在Python中,以下哪个是正确的条件语句?A. if x = 5B. if x == 5C. if x is 5D. if x equals 59. 下列哪个是Python的文件操作模式?A. 'r'B. 'w'C. 'a'D. All of the above10. 在Python中,以下哪个是正确的异常处理语句?A. try:passexcept:passB. try:passcatch:passC. try:passexcept Exception as e:passD. try:passexcept Exception to e:pass二、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 请简述Python中的列表和元组的区别。

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C.A.M.© : A Tool for Evaluating and Adjusting Engineering CurriculumUmid R. NejibCollege of Arts, Sciences, and Professional StudiesWilkes UniversityWilkes-Barre, PA 18766Abstract - We are entering the new century in the midst of a technological revolution potentially more profound in its impact socially, politically, economically, and educationally than the industrial revolution of the last century. The ABET Engineering Criteria 2000 is an attempt to address these imperatives. It is evident that in order to develop a meaningful assessment tools for student outcomes, the program outcomes must first be articulated and understood. This is further complicated by the fact that the engineering curriculum requires continued review and adjustment in response to the rapid changes. To meet the challenge efficiently and effectively, it is proposed that an educational philosophy favoring an integrated approach to curriculum development and structure addressing an educational imperative be considered. The key component is the development of the Curriculum Attribute Matrix (C.A.M. ©). The end result of this pseudo-quantitative tool reflects the collective contributions of the existing courses/labs to the attributes (outcomes) of a specific program. The faculty, through appropriate syllabi changes rather than major curriculum overhaul, can make the necessary adjustments. This paper presents the methodology and the data of this process using an existing engineering programBackgroundWe have scarcely begun to identify the implications of the new technological revolution and adapt our institutions to change, although the first massive repercussions already have been felt with diminishing geographical boundaries, a highly diverse work force, an elevated educational profile, and rapid communication and dissemination media. Accordingly, an engineer must be technically competent, must offer competent public service for the benefit of society, and have a positive outlook of the changing world and its values. In fact, the history of engineering is closely linked to the history of the human race. It is, therefore, no surprise that the engineering profession is closely linked to the needs of society [1].No individual can be content or happy unless the society he or she lives in is in an optimistic and progressive mode. Educators are busy finding solutions within the confines of universities to demonstrate intellectual leadership. In most instances these solutions are in the form of course(s) added to the curriculum. The model of a university that creates an elitist culture has not been very successful in preparing scientists and engineers to meet the societal needs and advance the frontiers of knowledge.Similarly, a program advocating the delivery of good engineering education exclusively through discrete curriculum augmented by “high-tech” delivery system is pursuing “virtual” reality. Such an approach to curriculum design will be hard pressed to keep pace with the rapid expansion and changes in discovery; and the swiftness by which these discoveries are disseminated. The continued pressures on the faculty to maintain the viability of the curriculum will ultimately result. It then follows that the product of these programs will be engineers who lack the ability and knowledge to meet the societal and industrial demands. The dichotomy presents itself in the most classical form: a conflict between traditional structure and reality. The discrete framework for an engineering curriculum invites fragmentation of the learning process and cannot meet the needs of today’s changing “global order.” A need to reevaluate traditional curriculum design has become apparent.Redefining the format and the content of an educational program is not a simple task given the fact that traditional formal engineering education is the outcome of the western industrial revolution. Fortunately, the same tradition provides the premise to initiate these changes: progress. Progress is an excellent catalyst; it can stimulate science and engineering educators to seek alternatives rather than edit tradition. One such alternative is an instructional strategy based on the concept of “Dynamic Learning”, which has three components: Integrative Curriculum (IC), Societal and Industrial Interaction (SII), and Flexible Structure (FS). Taken together, the three components emphasize that technological professionals must learn not only how to create and manage technology, but to assess and manage the social and human consequences of that technology.Integrative CurriculumThe traditional approach to curriculum design has been to identify a set of courses and requirements which, when successfully completed, should produce graduates who possess the knowledge and ability to function as engineers. Curricula changes are conducted through the addition, deletion, and sometimes content modification of the courses. The relationship between the various courses is tenuous at best with the exception of what is termed as pre-requisite.Given the rapid expansion of the knowledge-base; the modification of this type of curriculum tends to crowd the 4-year requirements and place heavy demand on the students, faculty, and resources; forcing them to prioritize the course work. This prioritization usually results in slowly, but definitely may erode content, narrow focus, and in certain cases discourage creativity.An integrative approach to the curriculum is similar in its approach to the design process. First you define the product (in this case the outcomes), and then you proceed to develop the components (in this case the content). In addition, this curriculum is characterized by the fact that at the early stages of the program, the students follow a well-articulated outline of courses, labs, and activities. However, the students’ responsibilities vis-à-vis learning, increases as they progress through the program.The attributes or the outcomes as defined here are those characteristics and skill acquired upon graduation from a specific program of study. The attributes should be developed by the appropriate constituencies of the institution. The critical question at this point is not whether there is a need to move into an integrated approach to curriculum structure; but how can this be accomplished? An inherent difficulty associated with the transition into ABET 2000 Criteria.The AttributesTo initiate the transition and minimize the agony, program attributes (if you prefer the overused word outcome) must first be defined. In any event, the focus at this stage is the curriculum and not the individual course. Defining the attributes is probably the most difficult and time-consuming part of this undertaking. The faculty must avoid the trap of assuming that course titles are synonymous attributes. Attributes are divided into two categories: college/school-wide and program specific. The first should be developed by the college/school leadership team and applies to all programs, while the second is developed by the respective department and applies to a given program.It should be pointed out that this is a multi-dimensional process and requires sensitivity and good management on the part of the dean and the department/program chairs/directors to assure meaningful cooperation and information exchange between all constituencies of the unit. On the other hand, it should be accepted by everyone that perfection in defining the attributes is not a goal -- and that the attributes must be revisited and periodically re-evaluated. It is not a bad idea to set a deadline for the process, and keeping in mind to limit the number of attributes. Historically, ten is known to be a good limit!In one institution, the college/school attributes (the A attributes), which are the same for all programs offered, were defined by the following:A1.Creative problem solving, and constructive reasoning A2.Effective and clear verbal skillA3.Effective and clear writing skillsA4.Ethical standards & professionalismA5.Historical/Practical knowledge of scientific methods and safetyrmation retrievalA7.Life-long learning/professional growthA8.Multi-disciplinary experienceA9.Sciences/math interrelationshipsA10.Teamwork, collaborative effort, leadershipA11.Translate knowledge into research, experimentation, and applicationse of computer in problems and designThe program attributes (the B attributes) in this case the electrical engineering program were as follows:B1. AC/DC circuit analysis & transientsB2.Design concepts and projectsB3.Digital signals and systemsB4.Electromagnetics - high frequencyB5.Electromagnetics - theoryB6.Electronic communicationsB7.Electronic devicesB8.Energy conversion and sensorsB9.Engineering managementB10.Feedback systems and usesB11.Measurement and data acquisitionB12.Probability and statistics and usesB13.Quantitative methodsB14.Semiconductor physics, fabricationB15.Software utilization, programmingOn the other hand, the mechanical engineering program attributes were identified to be:B1.Design concepts and projectsB2.Electric and electronic circuits and devicesB3.Energy systemsB4,Engineering managementB5.Manufacturing process and robotics.B6.Material properties and selectionB7.Measurement and data acquisitionB8.Mechanics of motion and fluid systemsB9.Numerical methods and simulationB10.Probability and statisticsB11.Quantitative methodsB12.Software utilization and programmingB13.System analysis and designB14.Thermal science and systemsAnd the attributes for the computer science program were found to include:B1.Abstract Data Types / Object Oriented DesignB2.Analysis of Algorithms / Program testingputer scripting languagesB4.Concepts of direct access mappingB5.Concepts of distributed computer systemsB6.High level to machine language translationB7.Concepts of theoretical computer scienceB8.Define information system requirements and needs B9.Design and construction of computer programsB11.Discrete and continuous modeling and simulationB12.Features and applications of artificial intelligencermation systems designB14.Internal hardware structure (computer architecture) B15.Logical ordering methods (linked lists)B16.Machine level language concepts and instruction set B17.Mathematical concepts of computer graphicsB18.Program in a high level imperative languagerge scale program design and managementB20.Top Down Design / Structured ProgrammingB21.Understanding programming language conceptsExamining these attributes shows that the Computer Science is closer to being a list of courses than being phrases articulating program outcomes. This should be expected and the faculty is encouraged to review and streamline these attributes.Curriculum Attributes Matrix – C.A.M.©The objective of the Curriculum Attributes Matrix, C.A.M.©, is to ease the transition from discrete curriculum to an integrated one. It should simplify the assessment of individual courses and the contributions of the various courses to the curriculum as whole. What is more important is know what the existing program is accomplishing. This understanding of the curriculum can be easily masked by the continued changes of courses and course content.C.A.M.© is a two dimensional table. The attributes are defined on one axis and program courses/labs label the second. To assure better and focused analysis, the program courses/labs are divided into three categories. Thus for a given discipline, these are -- Required Program courses (RP): includes all courses identified and specifically listed as a requirement; Elective Program courses (EP): includes all other courses in the decline; and Required Non-Program courses (NRP): includes all courses outside the discipline but are specifically listed as a requirement in the program. In the case of electrical engineering program, RP are the electrical engineering courses listed as a requirement, while the EP represent all other electrical engineering courses which may be used as electives. The NRP courses are all non-electrical engineering courses, which are an explicit requirement for the electrical engineering program. These may include math, mechanical, computer science, physics, English etc. [2].It should be stressed that each table must be completed independently, and that all of the CAM three tables should constructed and completed by the program faculty only. The faculty rates the contribution of a given course/lab to all of the attributes using a uniform criteria for the level of contribution. It is understood that exact contribution of a given course to a given attribute is not a realistic expectation. Accordingly, a scale of 0-to-4 has been selected, where 0 represents no contribution, 1 represents the contribution to be within the 5% to 25% range. That is to say that the course/lab contributes between 5 and 25 percent of its time/activities/content etc. to that specific attribute. The wide range in defining these contributions is intentional; knowing that there are overlaps between attributes as well as between courses. The objective is to develop an understanding and not to place the course and the faculty in an academic straitjacket. Similarly, 2 represent the 26% to 50% range contribution, 3 represents the 51% to 75% range, and 4 represent the 76% to 100% range. A typical table for an electrical engineering RP table is detailed in Table 1 on the next page.The list of courses is represented by their respective designated numbers. In this case for example, EE-211/212 are the circuit analysis courses, and EE-251/252 are the electronic courses. There are independent lab courses such as EE-283/254/381/382, which are the measurement, electronics, solid state, and communication labs respectively. The number of hours per week (H/K) rather than the credit hours are being used due to the fact that in many cases credit hours do not reflect contact hours. Consider the example of a course that has a build-in laboratory or a stand alone laboratory course. These are given in the row with the H/W header.The gray areas in Table 1 designate calculated data. The information necessary for the assessment and review of the individual course/lab and/or the program curriculum as a whole is given in the row and columns designated by NC% and NA%. These represent Normalized Courses contribution percentage and Normalized Attributes contribution. For example the NC% of the course EE-391/2, the Senior Project, shows a total contribution a of 13% to the A-attributes and 5% to the B-attributes. On the other hand, the NA% for attribute A3 is 3% and for B15 it is 11%. Both the NC% and the NA% totals 100%, which is the full curriculum. Accordingly, Table 1 is a numerical summary of outcomes of individual courses or the collective outcome of the existing curriculum.In many instances the faculty were surprised by what CAM reveals. The example given in Table 1 shows that the program attribute Probability, Statistics, and Uses (B12) has a NA% of only 2% when the faculty thought that they had a much higher focus on the subject area – an NA% of at least 4%. On the other hand, the faculty was pleased to find that Creative Problem Solving, and Constructive Reasoning (A1) has an NA% of 17% which close to what they were hoping to achieve.Furthermore, the NC% of Advanced Communication Lab (EE-382) has an almost identical NC% of 22% and 21 to both the A and the B attributes respectively. Also the NA% of Measurement and Data Acquisition (B11) is somehow on the low end of only 3%. These results indicate that the program and/or the department have placed a heavy demand on EE-382 course, and on the faculty member aswell as the students. Furthermore, the program is known to be very much hands-on, which was not reflected in the NA%of B11. This is a case where C.A.M.© underlines to the faculty a situation in need of their attention and review.Table 1. Required Program Courses (EE Courses)In a similar fashion, the Non-Program Required (NRP) table is constructed. The course listing is assigned the top axis while the attributes occupy the vertical axis. The main difference here is that this table is developed in three steps. The first step is for the program faculty, in this case the electrical engineering faculty, to rate the contribution of each of the courses/labs to every attribute. Thus generating a table similar to Table 1. The rating at this step represents the electrical engineering faculty understanding on how this course/lab will contribute to their curriculum. This rating is usually based on the syllabus provided the acquired knowledge, and their perception of the specific course.The second step is to solicit the faculty of the department offering the course to provide the rating. If this rating is far off from the one recorded by the electrical engineering faculty, then a meeting is scheduled between both faculties to discuss the differences. This is a key step in the sense it brings about what is expected of a given course by one set of faculty to the attention of those providing the course. While syllabi do provide an insight, it does not replace the communication between both sets of faculty. This communication is one of the corner stones toward structuring an integrated curriculum.The final step is for the electrical engineering faculty to edit its initial rating based on discussions with their colleagues. The resulting rating is then represented in a table and the NC% and the NA% is calculated. Table 2, which isshown on the next page, is an example for the NRP table. Itis interesting to note that the Electricity & Magnetism course (PHY-202) contribute heavily to the curriculum so does the mathematics sequence MTH. While the physics courses contribute to both attributes the math courses fail to contribute to the A-attributes. Maintaining a dialogue with mathematics faculty can alleviate this deficiency.Table 2 Required Non-Program Courses (EE program)Furthermore, it can be seen that the English courses ENG-101/102, the Societal Impact course SOC-391/392, the Ethics and Professionalism course SSE-202 indicate no contribution to the B-Attributes. It should be noted that there is a writing intensive requirement throughout the engineering curriculum. Furthermore, the SSE-202 is taught by an electrical engineering faculty; and that the SOC-391/92 is a course intended to bridge technology and the management of technology to society including government regulatory guidelines. It is possible to argue at this time that some of the de-emphasis experienced is due to the format and the attitude used by the respective faculty. It is also an early warning to the department to pay attention and closely monitor these learning experiences. It would be interesting to compare the response of two departments. While the comparison may not be response to the A-attribute of the NRP will be considered. Table 3 the outcome of the mechanical engineering faculty completing that part. Examine Table 3 and the top part of Table 2 show an interesting point. That in spite of the diverse preparation and background of the faculty, the similarities in their conclusions and opinions far exceed their differences. For one, the EE RNP courses is almost the same as the ME RNP, eighteen and seventeen respectively of which fifteen courses are the same. Reviewing the NC% and the NA% show thehigh number of similarities [3].The mechanical engineering faculty concluded that the cumulative contributions of RNP courses to the A12 attribute, use of computer in problems and design, is meaningful and good (NA% of 12%). But, they see the contribution of the Computer Programming course (EE-145) to have much less impact on the A-attributes (NC% of 2%).Table 2 Required Non-Program Courses (ME program) – A-AttributesConclusionsThe challenge of ever-changing technology and societal needs will necessitate the implementation of a dynamic learning environment. The Curriculum Attributes Matrix, C.A.M.©, is a tool that makes it possible to summarize the curriculum as a whole vis-à-vis its outcomes. The C.A.M.© baseline outlines the current curriculum based on the definition of attributes/outcomes/objectives by the program faculty. C.A.M.© will display areas of over- or under-emphasis, and the adjustments can be made to address the imbalances observed. The difficult part is to articulate the B-Attributes and avoid making synonymous to a course listing.As in a design process, envisioned curriculum emphasis starts by re-defining an attribute(s). From there, the faculty can decide on which courses to delete, add, or modify to meet the desired changes. At the same time it they will be able to see how the curriculum is meeting the objectives. In developing the RNP table, the program faculty should attempt to interact with the appropriate discipline to assure a communication link, which in many cases tends to disappear.As was shown that the C.A.M.© tables reflect the opinion of faculty as it pertains to the contribution of courses to the attributes. What is interesting is that faculty of various disciplines have more common views than disagreements.AcknowledgementsI am indebted to many of my science and engineering colleagues who acknowledged the need for an integrated approach to the learning environment in general and the curriculum in particular. Their efforts in making this undertaking a reality is here by acknowledged.References1)Nejib, U.R., “Integrating Values and Knowledge inthe Preparation of Scientists and Engineers,”Proceedings of the International Conference on Values and Attitudes in Science and Technology, September 3-6, 1996, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.2)Nejib, U.R., (1996), “The Evolution of EngineeringEducation into the 21st Century: The Wilkes Approach.” Proceedings of the PCM ’96 Pacific Conference on Manufacturing ‘96, October 29-31, 1996, Seoul, Korea.3)Nejib, U. R., “CAM: A Tool for Designing andEvaluating Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Curriculum,” Proceedings of the PCM ‘98 Pacific Conference on Manufacturing, November3-7, 1998, Brisbane, Australia.。
