



9.5 Anatomy of a Cover Group
9.5.1 Defining a Covergroup in a Class
class Transactor; Transaction tr; mailbox #(Transaction) mbx; covergroup CovPort; coverpoint tr.port; endgroup function new(input mailbox #(Transaction) mbx); CovPort = new(); // Instantiate covergroup this.mbx = mbx; endfunction task run(); forever begin mbx.get(tr); @ifc.cb; ifc.cb.port <= tr.port; <=; CovPort.sample(); end endtask Chapter 9 Copyright 2011 G. Tumbush, C. Spear v1.1 endclass
Functional Coverage is not
• Code coverage • Line Coverage – how many lines of code executed • Path Coverage – which paths through the code and expressions have been executed • Case statement branches • If statement conditions • Expression coverage • y = (a | b) + (c & d); • Toggle Coverage – which single bit variables have had the values 0 or 1 • FSM Coverage – Which state machine transitions and states have been visited

IBM Cognos Transformer V11.2 用户指南说明书

IBM Cognos Transformer V11.2 用户指南说明书
IBM Cognos Transformer 11.2
User Guide
Product Information
This document applies to IBM Cognos Analytics version 11.2.0 and may also apply to subsequent releases.
• Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. • UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. • Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies:
• Adobe, the Adobe logo, PostScript, and the PostScript logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States, and/or other countries.



9.2 燃烧室空气动力学燃烧室空气流动在燃烧室的设计和性能方面非常重要,如果有一个好的空气动力学的设计,并且与喷雾匹配良好,则燃烧室的气动热力性能就不会有太大的问题。



图9.26 燃烧室的内部流动和外部流动外部流动的主要特征是扩压降速,并保证流动均匀,不发生分离,为内部流动提供良好的进气条件。







图9.27 燃烧室的流动过程9.2.1 扩压器流动在航空燃气涡轮发动机燃烧室中,为了减小燃烧过程的压力损失以及缩短燃烧室的长度,从压气机出口的高速气流首先进入扩压器,通过扩压器将压气机出口高速空气流动的动压头尽可能大的恢复成静压然后进入燃烧室火焰筒。








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第9章 The World Wide Web

第9章 The World Wide Web

Abbreviations GML (Generalized Markup Language) 通用置标语言 SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) 标准通用置标语言 XML (Extensible Markup Language) 可扩展标记语言 PDA (personal digital assistant) 个人数字助理 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language ) 超文本标记语言
HTTP是每个网址的第一个字母组合,位于网址的起始位置,紧跟着它的是域名。域 名指定组织(机构)的服务器计算机,而文件收藏于服务器计算机上。大多数公司 有一个与其官方公司名字相同或接近的域名。
The directory path and document name are two more pieces of information within the Web address that help the browser track(跟 踪) down the requested page. Together, the address is called a Uniform Resource Locator, or URL. When typed into a browser, a URL tells it exactly where to look for the information.
超文本是使用嵌入式链接形成格式化网页的一种方法,这些链接将文档彼此联结, 而且将网页链接到其他对象如声音、视频或动画文件。当你点击一个图形和一个 视频剪辑播放按钮的时候,你在点击一个超链接。 clip:修剪, 夹子, 回形针, 剪下来的东西
double-click :双击



CHAPTER 9RISK ANALYSIS, REAL OPTIONS, AND CAPITAL BUDGETINGAnswers to Concepts Review and Critical Thinking Questions1.Forecasting risk is the risk that a poor decision is made because of errors in projected cash flows.The danger is greatest with a new product because the cash flows are probably harder to predict.2.With a sensitivity analysis, one variable is examined over a broad range of values. With a scenarioanalysis, all variables are examined for a limited range of values.3.It is true that if average revenue is less than average cost, the firm is losing money. This much of thestatement is therefore correct. At the margin, however, accepting a project with marginal revenue in excess of its marginal cost clearly acts to increase operating cash flow.4.From the shareholder perspective, the financial break-even point is the most important. A project canexceed the accounting and cash break-even points but still be below the financial break-even point.This causes a reduction in shareholder (your) wealth.5.The project will reach the cash break-even first, the accounting break-even next and finally thefinancial break-even. For a project with an initial investment and sales after, this ordering will always apply. The cash break-even is achieved first since it excludes depreciation. The accounting break-even is next since it includes depreciation. Finally, the financial break-even, which includes the time value of money, is achieved.6.Traditional NPV analysis is often too conservative because it ignores profitable options such as theability to expand the project if it is profitable, or abandon the project if it is unprofitable. The option to alter a project when it has already been accepted has a value, which increases the NPV of the project.7.The type of option most likely to affect the decision is the option to expand. If the country justliberalized its markets, there is likely the potential for growth. First entry into a market, whether an entirely new market, or with a new product, can give a company name recognition and market share.This may make it more difficult for competitors entering the market.8.Sensitivity analysis can determine how the financial break-even point changes when some factors(such as fixed costs, variable costs, or revenue) change.9.There are two sources of value with this decision to wait. Potentially, the price of the timber canpotentially increase, and the amount of timber will almost definitely increase, barring a natural catastrophe or forest fire. The option to wait for a logging company is quite valuable, and companies in the industry have models to estimate the future growth of a forest depending on its age.10.When the additional analysis has a negative NPV. Since the additional analysis is likely to occuralmost immediately, this means when the benefits of the additional analysis outweigh the costs. The benefits of the additional analysis are the reduction in the possibility of making a bad decision. Of course, the additional benefits are often difficult, if not impossible, to measure, so much of this decision is based on experience.Solutions to Questions and ProblemsNOTE: All end of chapter problems were solved using a spreadsheet. Many problems require multiple steps. Due to space and readability constraints, when these intermediate steps are included in this solutions manual, rounding may appear to have occurred. However, the final answer for each problem is found without rounding during any step in the problem.Basic1.a. To calculate the accounting breakeven, we first need to find the depreciation for each year. Thedepreciation is:Depreciation = $896,000/8Depreciation = $112,000 per yearAnd the accounting breakeven is:Q A = ($900,000 + 112,000)/($38 – 25)Q A = 77,846 unitsb.We will use the tax shield approach to calculate the OCF. The OCF is:OCF base = [(P – v)Q – FC](1 – t c) + t c DOCF base = [($38 – 25)(100,000) – $900,000](0.65) + 0.35($112,000)OCF base = $299,200Now we can calculate the NPV using our base-case projections. There is no salvage value or NWC, so the NPV is:NPV base = –$896,000 + $299,200(PVIFA15%,8)NPV base = $446,606.60To calculate the sensitivity of the NPV to changes in the quantity sold, we will calculate the NPV at a different quantity. We will use sales of 105,000 units. The NPV at this sales level is:OCF new = [($38 – 25)(105,000) – $900,000](0.65) + 0.35($112,000)OCF new = $341,450And the NPV is:NPV new = –$896,000 + $341,450(PVIFA15%,8)NPV new = $636,195.93So, the change in NPV for every unit change in sales is:∆NPV/∆S = ($636,195.93 – 446,606.60)/(105,000 – 100,000)∆NPV/∆S = +$37.918If sales were to drop by 100 units, then NPV would drop by:NPV drop = $37.918(100) = $3,791.80You may wonder why we chose 105,000 units. Because it doesn’t matter! Whatever sales number we use, when we calculate the change in NPV per unit sold, the ratio will be the same.c.To find out how sensitive OCF is to a change in variable costs, we will compute the OCF at avariable cost of $24. Again, the number we choose to use here is irrelevant: We will get the same ratio of OCF to a one dollar change in variable cost no matter what variable cost we use.So, using the tax shield approach, the OCF at a variable cost of $24 is:OCF new = [($38 – 24)(100,000) – 900,000](0.65) + 0.35($112,000)OCF new = $364,200So, the change in OCF for a $1 change in variable costs is:∆OCF/∆v = ($299,200 – 364,200)/($25 – 24)∆OCF/∆v = –$65,000If variable costs decrease by $5 then, OCF would increase byOCF increase = $65,000*5 = $325,0002.We will use the tax shield approach to calculate the OCF for the best- and worst-case scenarios. Forthe best-case scenario, the price and quantity increase by 10 percent, so we will multiply the base case numbers by 1.1, a 10 percent increase. The variable and fixed costs both decrease by 10 percent, so we will multiply the base case numbers by .9, a 10 percent decrease. Doing so, we get:OCF best = {[($38)(1.1) – ($25)(0.9)](100K)(1.1) – $900K(0.9)}(0.65) + 0.35($112K)OCF best = $892,650The best-case NPV is:NPV best = –$896,000 + $892,650(PVIFA15%,8)NPV best = $3,109,607.54For the worst-case scenario, the price and quantity decrease by 10 percent, so we will multiply the base case numbers by .9, a 10 percent decrease. The variable and fixed costs both increase by 10 percent, so we will multiply the base case numbers by 1.1, a 10 percent increase. Doing so, we get: OCF worst = {[($38)(0.9) – ($25)(1.1)](100K)(0.9) – $900K(1.1)}(0.65) + 0.35($112K)OCF worst = –212,350The worst-case NPV is:NPV worst = –$896,000 – $212,350(PVIFA15%,8)NPV worst = –$1,848,882.723.We can use the accounting breakeven equation:Q A = (FC + D)/(P – v)to solve for the unknown variable in each case. Doing so, we find:(1): Q A = 130,200 = (€850,000 + D)/(€41 – 30)D = €582,200(2): Q A = 135,000 = (€3.2M + 1.15M)/(P –€56)P = €88.22(3): Q A = 5,478 = (€160,000 + 105,000)/(€105 – v)v = €56.624.When calculating the financial breakeven point, we express the initial investment as an equivalentannual cost (EAC). Dividing the in initial investment by the seven-year annuity factor, discounted at12 percent, the EAC of the initial investment is:EAC = Initial Investment / PVIFA12%,5EAC = £200,000 / 3.60478EAC = £55,481.95Note, this calculation solves for the annuity payment with the initial investment as the present value of the annuity, in other words:PVA = C({1 – [1/(1 + R)]t } / R)£200,000 = C{[1 – (1/1.12)5 ] / .12}C = £55,481.95The annual depreciation is the cost of the equipment divided by the economic life, or:Annual depreciation = £200,000 / 5Annual depreciation = £40,000Now we can calculate the financial breakeven point. The financial breakeven point for this project is: Q F = [EAC + FC(1 – t C) – Depreciation(t C)] / [(P – VC)(1 – t C)]Q F = [£55,481.95 + £350,000(.75) – £40,000(0.25)] / [(£25 – 5) (.25)]Q F = 20,532.13 or about 20,532 units5.If we purchase the machine today, the NPV is the cost plus the present value of the increased cashflows, so:NPV0 = –฿1,500,000 + ฿280,000(PVIFA12%,10)NPV0 = ฿82,062.45We should not purchase the machine today. We would want to purchase the machine when the NPV is the highest. So, we need to calculate the NPV each year. The NPV each year will be the cost plus the present value of the increased cash savings. We must be careful however. In order to make the correct decision, the NPV for each year must be taken to a common date. We will discount all of the NPVs to today. Doing so, we get:Year 1: NPV1 = [–฿1,375,000 + ฿280,000(PVIFA12%,9)] / 1.12NPV1 = ฿104,383.88Year 2: NPV2 = [–฿1,250,000 + ฿280,000(PVIFA12%,8)] / 1.122NPV2 = ฿112,355.82Year 3: NPV3 = [–฿1,125,000 + ฿280,000(PVIFA12%,7)] / 1.123NPV3 = ฿108,796.91Year 4: NPV4 = [–฿1,000,000 + ฿280,000(PVIFA12%,6)] / 1.124NPV4 = ฿96,086.55Year 5: NPV5 = [–฿1,000,000 + ฿280,000(PVIFA12%,5)] / 1.125NPV5 = ฿5,298.26Year 6: NPV6 = [–฿1,000,000 + ฿280,000(PVIFA12%,4)] / 1.126NPV6 = –฿75,762.72The company should purchase the machine two years from now when the NPV is the highest.6.We need to calculate the NPV of the two options, go directly to market now, or utilize test marketingfirst. The NPV of going directly to market now is:NPV = C Success (Prob. of Success) + C Failure (Prob. of Failure)NPV = $20,000,000(0.45) + $5,000,000(0.55)NPV = $11,750,000Now we can calculate the NPV of test marketing first. Test marketing requires a $2 million cashoutlay. Choosing the test marketing option will also delay the launch of the product by one year.Thus, the expected payoff is delayed by one year and must be discounted back to year 0.NPV= C0 + {[C Success (Prob. of Success)] + [C Failure (Prob. of Failure)]} / (1 + R)tNPV = –$2,000,000 + {[$20,000,000 (0.75)] + [$5,000,000 (0.25)]} / 1.15NPV = $12,130,434.78The company should not go directly to market with the product since that option has lower expected payoff.7.We need to calculate the NPV of each option, and choose the option with the highest NPV. So, theNPV of going directly to market is:NPV = C Success (Prob. of Success)NPV = Rs.1,200,000 (0.55)NPV = Rs.660,000The NPV of the focus group is:NPV = C0 + C Success (Prob. of Success)NPV = –Rs.120,000 + Rs.1,200,000 (0.70)NPV = Rs.720,000And the NPV of using the consulting firm is:NPV = C0 + C Success (Prob. of Success)NPV = –Rs.400,000 + Rs.1,200,000 (0.90)NPV = Rs.680,000The firm should conduct a focus group since that option has the highest NPV.8.The company should analyze both options, and choose the option with the greatest NPV. So, if thecompany goes to market immediately, the NPV is:NPV = C Success (Prob. of Success) + C Failure (Prob. of Failure)NPV = ₦30,000,000(.55) + ₦3,000,000(.45)NPV = ₦17,850,000.00Customer segment research requires a ₦1 million cash outlay. Choosing the research option will also delay the launch of the product by one year. Thus, the expected payoff is delayed by one year and must be discounted back to year 0. So, the NPV of the customer segment research is:NPV= C0 + {[C Success (Prob. of Success)] + [C Failure (Prob. of Failure)]} / (1 + R)tNPV = –₦1,000,000 + {[₦30,000,000 (0.70)] + [₦3,000,000 (0.30)]} / 1.15NPV = ₦18,043,478.26Graphically, the decision tree for the project is:₦3 million at t = 0The company should undertake the market segment research since it has the largest NPV.9. a.The accounting breakeven is the aftertax sum of the fixed costs and depreciation charge dividedby the aftertax contribution margin (selling price minus variable cost). So, the accounting breakeven level of sales is:Q A = [(FC + Depreciation)(1 – t C)] / [(P – VC)(1 – t C)]Q A = [($340,000 + $20,000) (1 – 0.35)] / [($2.00 – 0.72) (1 – 0.35)]Q A = 281,250.00b.When calculating the financial breakeven point, we express the initial investment as anequivalent annual cost (EAC). Dividing the in initial investment by the seven-year annuity factor, discounted at 15 percent, the EAC of the initial investment is:EAC = Initial Investment / PVIFA15%,7EAC = $140,000 / 4.1604EAC = $33,650.45Note, this calculation solves for the annuity payment with the initial investment as the presentvalue of the annuity, in other words:PVA = C({1 – [1/(1 + R)]t } / R)$140,000 = C{[1 – (1/1.15)7 ] / .15}C = $33,650.45Now we can calculate the financial breakeven point. The financial breakeven point for this project is:Q F = [EAC + FC(1 – t C) – Depreciation(t C)] / [(P – VC)(1 – t C)]Q F = [$33,650.45 + $340,000(.65) – $20,000(.35)] / [($2 – 0.72) (.65)]Q F = 297,656.79 or about 297,657 units10.When calculating the financial breakeven point, we express the initial investment as an equivalentannual cost (EAC). Dividing the in initial investment by the five-year annuity factor, discounted at 8 percent, the EAC of the initial investment is:EAC = Initial Investment / PVIFA8%,5EAC = ¥300,000 / 3.60478EAC = ¥75,136.94Note, this calculation solves for the annuity payment with the initial investment as the present value of the annuity, in other words:PVA = C({1 – [1/(1 + R)]t } / R)¥300,000 = C{[1 – (1/1.08)5 ] / .08}C = ¥75,136.94The annual depreciation is the cost of the equipment divided by the economic life, or:Annual depreciation = ¥300,000 / 5Annual depreciation = ¥60,000Now we can calculate the financial breakeven point. The financial breakeven point for this project is: Q F = [EAC + FC(1 – t C) – Depreciation(t C)] / [(P – VC)(1 – t C)]Q F = [¥75,136.94 + ¥100,000(.66) – ¥60,000(0.34)] / [(¥60 – 8) (.34)]Q F = 3,517.98 or about 3,518 unitsIntermediate11.a. At the accounting breakeven, the IRR is zero percent since the project recovers the initialinvestment. The payback period is N years, the length of the project since the initial investmentis exactly recovered over the project life. The NPV at the accounting breakeven is:NPV = I [(1/N)(PVIFA R%,N) – 1]b. At the cash breakeven level, the IRR is –100 percent, the payback period is negative, and theNPV is negative and equal to the initial cash outlay.c. The definition of the financial breakeven is where the NPV of the project is zero. If this is true,then the IRR of the project is equal to the required return. It is impossible to state the paybackperiod, except to say that the payback period must be less than the length of the project. Sincethe discounted cash flows are equal to the initial investment, the undiscounted cash flows aregreater than the initial investment, so the payback must be less than the project the tax shield approach, the OCF at 110,000 units will be:OCF = [(P – v)Q – FC](1 – t C) + t C(D)OCF = [($28 – 19)(110,000) – 150,000](0.66) + 0.34($420,000/4)OCF = $590,100We will calculate the OCF at 111,000 units. The choice of the second level of quantity sold is arbitrary and irrelevant. No matter what level of units sold we choose, we will still get the same sensitivity. So, the OCF at this level of sales is:OCF = [($28 – 19)(111,000) – 150,000](0.66) + 0.34($420,000/4)OCF = $596,040The sensitivity of the OCF to changes in the quantity sold is:Sensitivity = ∆OCF/∆Q = ($596,040 – 590,100)/(111,000 – 110,000)∆OCF/∆Q = +$5.94OCF will increase by $5.94 for every additional unit sold.13.a. The base-case, best-case, and worst-case values are shown below. Remember that in the best-case, sales and price increase, while costs decrease. In the worst-case, sales and price decrease,and costs increase.Scenario Unit sales Variable cost Fixed costsBase 190 元15,000 元225,000Best 209 元13,500 元202,500Worst 171 元16,500 元247,500Using the tax shield approach, the OCF and NPV for the base case estimate is:OCF base = [(元21,000 – 15,000)(190) –元225,000](0.65) + 0.35(元720,000/4)OCF base = 元657,750NPV base = –元720,000 + 元657,750(PVIFA15%,4)NPV base = 元1,157,862.02The OCF and NPV for the worst case estimate are:OCF worst = [(元21,000 – 16,500)(171) –元247,500](0.65) + 0.35(元720,000/4)OCF worst = 元402,300NPV worst = –元720,000 + 元402,300(PVIFA15%,4)NPV worst = +元428,557.80And the OCF and NPV for the best case estimate are:OCF best = [(元21,000 – 13,500)(209) –元202,500](0.65) + 0.35(元720,000/4)OCF best = 元950,250NPV best = –元720,000 + 元950,250(PVIFA15%,4)NPV best = 元1,992,943.19b. To calculate the sensitivity of the NPV to changes in fixed costs we choose another level offixed costs. We will use fixed costs of 元230,000. The OCF using this level of fixed costs and the other base case values with the tax shield approach, we get:OCF = [(元21,000 – 15,000)(190) –元230,000](0.65) + 0.35(元720,000/4)OCF = 元654,500And the NPV is:NPV = –元720,000 + 元654,500(PVIFA15%,4)NPV = 元1,148,583.34The sensitivity of NPV to changes in fixed costs is:∆NPV/∆FC = (元1,157,862.02 – 1,148,583.34)/(元225,000 – 230,000)∆NPV/∆FC = –元1.856For every dollar FC increase, NPV falls by 元1.86.c. The accounting breakeven is:Q A= (FC + D)/(P – v)Q A = [元225,000 + (元720,000/4)]/(元21,000 – 15,000)Q A = 68At the accounting breakeven, the DOL is:DOL = 1 + FC/OCFDOL = 1 + (元225,000/元180,000) = 2.25For each 1% increase in unit sales, OCF will increase by 2.25%.14.The marketing study and the research and development are both sunk costs and should be ignored.We will calculate the sales and variable costs first. Since we will lose sales of the expensive clubs and gain sales of the cheap clubs, these must be accounted for as erosion. The total sales for the new project will be:SalesNew clubs €700 ⨯ 55,000 = €38,500,000Exp. clubs €1,100 ⨯ (–13,000) = –14,300,000Cheap clubs €400 ⨯ 10,000 = 4,000,000€28,200,000For the variable costs, we must include the units gained or lost from the existing clubs. Note that the variable costs of the expensive clubs are an inflow. If we are not producing the sets anymore, we will save these variable costs, which is an inflow. So:Var. costsNew clubs –€320 ⨯ 55,000 = –€17,600,000Exp. clubs –€600 ⨯ (–13,000) = 7,800,000Cheap clubs –€180 ⨯ 10,000 = –1,800,000–€11,600,000The pro forma income statement will be:Sales €28,200,000Variable costs 11,600,000Costs 7,500,000Depreciation 2,600,000EBT 6,500,000Taxes 2,600,000Net income € 3,900,000Using the bottom up OCF calculation, we get:OCF = NI + Depreciation = €3,900,000 + 2,600,000OCF = €6,500,000So, the payback period is:Payback period = 2 + €6.15M/€6.5MPayback period = 2.946 yearsThe NPV is:NPV = –€18.2M – .95M + €6.5M(PVIFA14%,7) + €0.95M/1.147NPV = €9,103,636.91And the IRR is:IRR = –€18.2M – .95M + €6.5M(PVIFA IRR%,7) + €0.95M/IRR7IRR = 28.24%15.The upper and lower bounds for the variables are:Base Case Lower Bound Upper Bound Unit sales (new) 55,000 49,500 60,500Price (new) €700 €630 €770VC (new) €320 €288 €352Fixed costs €7,500,000 €6,750,000 €8,250,000Sales lost (expensive) 13,000 11,700 14,300Sales gained (cheap) 10,000 9,000 11,000 Best-caseWe will calculate the sales and variable costs first. Since we will lose sales of the expensive clubs and gain sales of the cheap clubs, these must be accounted for as erosion. The total sales for the new project will be:SalesNew clubs €770 ⨯ 60,500 = €46,585,000Exp. clubs €1,100 ⨯ (–11,700) = – 12,870,000Cheap clubs €400 ⨯ 11,000 = 4,400,000€38,115,000For the variable costs, we must include the units gained or lost from the existing clubs. Note that the variable costs of the expensive clubs are an inflow. If we are not producing the sets anymore, we will save these variable costs, which is an inflow. So:Var. costsNew clubs €288 ⨯ 60,500 = €17,424,000Exp. clubs €600 ⨯ (–11,700) = – 7,020,000Cheap clubs €180 ⨯ 11,000 = 1,980,000€12,384,000Sales €38,115,000Variable costs 12,384,000Costs 6,750,000Depreciation 2,600,000EBT 16,381,000Taxes 6,552,400Net income €9,828,600Using the bottom up OCF calculation, we get:OCF = Net income + Depreciation = €9,828,600 + 2,600,000OCF = €12,428,600And the best-case NPV is:NPV = –€18.2M – .95M + €12,428,600(PVIFA14%,7) + .95M/1.147NPV = €34,527,280.98Worst-caseWe will calculate the sales and variable costs first. Since we will lose sales of the expensive clubs and gain sales of the cheap clubs, these must be accounted for as erosion. The total sales for the new project will be:SalesNew clubs €630 ⨯ 49,500 = €31,185,000Exp. clubs €1,100 ⨯ (– 14,300) = – 15,730,000Cheap clubs €400 ⨯ 9,000 = 3,600,000€19,055,000For the variable costs, we must include the units gained or lost from the existing clubs. Note that the variable costs of the expensive clubs are an inflow. If we are not producing the sets anymore, we will save these variable costs, which is an inflow. So:Var. costsNew clubs €352 ⨯ 49,500 = €17,424,000Exp. clubs €600 ⨯ (– 14,300) = – 8,580,000Cheap clubs €180 ⨯ 9,000 = 1,620,000€10,464,000Sales €19,055,000Variable costs 10,464,000Costs 8,250,000Depreciation 2,600,000EBT – 2,259,000Taxes 903,600 *assumes a tax creditNet income –€1,355,400Using the bottom up OCF calculation, we get:OCF = NI + Depreciation = –€1,355,400 + 2,600,000OCF = €1,244,600And the worst-case NPV is:NPV = –€18.2M – .95M + €1,244,600(PVIFA14%,7) + .95M/1.147NPV = –€13,433,120.3416.To calculate the sensitivity of the NPV to changes in the price of the new club, we simply need tochange the price of the new club. We will choose €750, but the choice is irrelevant as the sensitivity will be the same no matter what price we choose.We will calculate the sales and variable costs first. Since we will lose sales of the expensive clubs and gain sales of the cheap clubs, these must be accounted for as erosion. The total sales for the new project will be:SalesNew clubs €750 ⨯ 55,000 = €41,250,000Exp. clubs €1,100 ⨯ (– 13,000) = –14,300,000Cheap clubs €400 ⨯ 10,000 = 4,000,000€30,950,000For the variable costs, we must include the units gained or lost from the existing clubs. Note that the variable costs of the expensive clubs are an inflow. If we are not producing the sets anymore, we will save these variable costs, which is an inflow. So:Var. costsNew clubs €320 ⨯ 55,000 = €17,600,000Exp. clubs €600 ⨯ (–13,000) = –7,800,000Cheap clubs €180 ⨯ 10,000 = 1,800,000€11,600,000Sales €30,950,000Variable costs 11,600,000Costs 7,500,000Depreciation 2,600,000EBT 9,250,000Taxes 3,700,000Net income € 5,550,000Using the bottom up OCF calculation, we get:OCF = NI + Depreciation = €5,550,000 + 2,600,000OCF = €8,150,000And the NPV is:NPV = –€18.2M – 0.95M + €8.15M(PVIFA14%,7) + .95M/1.147NPV = €16,179,339.89So, the sensitivity of the NPV to changes in the price of the new club is:∆NPV/∆P = (€16,179,339.89 – 9,103,636.91)/(€750 – 700)∆NPV/∆P = €141,514.06For every euro increase (decrease) in the price of the clubs, the NPV increases (decreases) by €141,514.06.To calculate the sensitivity of the NPV to changes in the quantity sold of the new club, we simply need to change the quantity sold. We will choose 60,000 units, but the choice is irrelevant as the sensitivity will be the same no matter what quantity we choose.We will calculate the sales and variable costs first. Since we will lose sales of the expensive clubs and gain sales of the cheap clubs, these must be accounted for as erosion. The total sales for the new project will be:SalesNew clubs €700 ⨯ 60,000 = €42,000,000Exp. clubs €1,100 ⨯ (– 13,000) = –14,300,000Cheap clubs €400 ⨯ 10,000 = 4,000,000€31,700,000For the variable costs, we must include the units gained or lost from the existing clubs. Note that the variable costs of the expensive clubs are an inflow. If we are not producing the sets anymore, we will save these variable costs, which is an inflow. So:Var. costsNew clubs €320 ⨯ 60,000 = €19,200,000Exp. clubs €600 ⨯ (–13,000) = –7,800,000Cheap clubs €180 ⨯ 10,000 = 1,800,000€13,200,000The pro forma income statement will be:Sales €31,700,000Variable costs 13,200,000Costs 7,500,000Depreciation 2,600,000EBT 8,400,000Taxes 3,360,000Net income € 5,040,000Using the bottom up OCF calculation, we get:OCF = NI + Depreciation = €5,040,000 + 2,600,000OCF = €7,640,000The NPV at this quantity is:NPV = –€18.2M –€0.95M + €7.64(PVIFA14%,7) + €0.95M/1.147NPV = €13,992,304.43So, the sensitivity of the NPV to changes in the quantity sold is:∆NPV/∆Q = (€13,992,304.43 – 9,103,636.91)/(60,000 – 55,000)∆NPV/∆Q = €977.73For an increase (decrease) of one set of clubs sold per year, the NPV increases (decreases) by€977.73.17.a. The base-case NPV is:NPV = –£1,750,000 + £420,000(PVIFA16%,10)NPV = £279,955.54b.We would abandon the project if the cash flow from selling the equipment is greater than thepresent value of the future cash flows. We need to find the sale quantity where the two are equal, so:£1,500,000 = (£60)Q(PVIFA16%,9)Q = £1,500,000/[£60(4.6065)]Q = 5,427.11Abandon the project if Q < 5,428 units, because the NPV of abandoning the project is greater than the NPV of the future cash flows.c.The £1,500,000 is the market value of the project. If you continue with the project in one year,you forego the £1,500,000 that could have been used for something else.18. a.If the project is a success, present value of the future cash flows will be:PV future CFs = £60(9,000)(PVIFA16%,9)PV future CFs = £2,487,533.69From the previous question, if the quantity sold is 4,000, we would abandon the project, and the cash flow would be £1,500,000. Since the project has an equal likelihood of success or failure in one year, the expected value of the project in one year is the average of the success and failure cash flows, plus the cash flow in one year, so:Expected value of project at year 1 = [(£2,487,533.69 + £1,500,000)/2] + £420,000Expected value of project at year 1 = £2,413,766.85The NPV is the present value of the expected value in one year plus the cost of the equipment, so:NPV = –£1,750,000 + (£2,413,766.85)/1.16NPV = £330,833.49b. If we couldn’t abandon the project, the present value of the fut ure cash flows when the quantityis 4,000 will be:PV future CFs = £60(4,000)(PVIFA16%,9)PV future CFs = £1,105,570.53The gain from the option to abandon is the abandonment value minus the present value of the cash flows if we cannot abandon the project, so:Gain from option to abandon = £1,500,000 – 1,105,570.53Gain from option to abandon = £394,429.47We need to find the value of the option to abandon times the likelihood of abandonment. So, the value of the option to abandon today is:Option value = (.50)(£394,429.47)/1.16Option value = £170,012.70。

大气环境:chapter9-对流层臭氧 (一)

大气环境:chapter9-对流层臭氧 (一)
O3 h ( 320nm) O2 O(1D)
O(1D) H2O 2OH
• 重要的温室气体: 9.6μm强吸收带 • 危害人体健康和生态系统
(实际大气演化特征, 各过程贡献)
• O3重要性及其研究方法 • 基本概念及原理 • O3研究重要进展 • 观测为主的分析方法
对流层臭氧 (一)
• O3重要性及其研究方法 • 基本概念及原理 • O3研究重要进展 • 观测为主的分析方法
• O3重要性及其研究方法 • 基本概念及原理 • O3研究重要进展 • 观测为主的分析方法
• 光化学污染的主要代表物 • 对流层中含量最高的氧化剂 [Lei et al., JGR 109, doi:10.1029/2003JD004219 (2004)] • 关键自由基OH的前体物
Kleinman L. I., et al., JGR 107(D23), 4733, doi:10.1029/2002JD002529 (2002)
基本概念 (九)
• 北京大学站OPE:
3.9~9.7 [Chou C. C. K., et al., JGR 114, D00G01,
doi:10.1029/2008JD010446 (2009)]
O3形成机理: 反应链启动–HOx生成
• O3光解
O3 h O2 O(1 D), O(1 D) H2O 2OH
• HONO光解 • 醛类光解 • H2O2光解

职场英语写作--Chapter 9 道歉信与祝贺信

职场英语写作--Chapter 9 道歉信与祝贺信
Tips for an apology letter
职场英语写作--Lecture 9: Apologies and Congratulations
Letters of Apology 1. Guidelines:
(1) 言辞恳切,诚心诚意,指出自己并非故意伤害或开罪对 方,切忌对自己的过失作过多辩解。
What are included in APOLOGETIC letters? The apologies
(The attitude counts.)
The mistake you made
(Why you write this letter of apology?)
The solution or remedial measures taken (The promises)
As per your request, I have reviewed the White & Sons Hardware account. According to our
records, the correct cost of three hundred Slam Bam hammers is $2,975.00.
(For a late payment)
As for a whole, your apology should be brief and to the point. Your reputation as a trustworthy customer and credit risk may be in question, so rebuild your reputation by consistently making

CB-Chapter9 学习与记忆

CB-Chapter9 学习与记忆

How affective response leads to learning
Figure 9.5 How affective response leads to learning
Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education (Australia) Pty Ltd Quester, Pettigrew, Kopanidis and Rao Hill, Consumer Behaviour, 7e
Figure 9.4 Consumer learning through classical conditioning
Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education (Australia) Pty Ltd Quester, Pettigrew, Kopanidis and Rao Hill, Consumer Behaviour, 7e
Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education (Australia) Pty Ltd Quester, Pettigrew, Kopanidis and Rao Hill, Consumer Behaviour, 7e
Involvement and learning
• High-involvement conditions
– High motivation to learn – Seeking out the information
• Low-involvement conditions
– Incidental exposure to information – Most consumer learning is in a lowinvolvement context.

Chapter 11 Complaints & Claims

Chapter 11  Complaints & Claims

我们附上支票一纸清偿所欠全部佣金。 We enclose a check in settlement of all commissions owing.
Chinese version of Letter 2
执事先生: 由“王子”轮运去的你方第123号订单
感谢你方3月20日来函,我方很高兴得知货物及时到达。令我 方很遗憾的是,我们听说第8号箱子中的几个杯子破损了,如你方 来函中所述的那样。 你方可能了解,我方的杯子已在许多外国市场上销售相当长的 时间,并且所有的顾客都对我们的包装满意。每一笔出口货物在装 船前都由我方的运输部门严格检验,每一包装物也都经仔细检验, 上述订单项下的货物在装船时的状况是良好的,且每一个箱子都清 楚地标注有“小心轻放”、“易碎品”及其他必要的谨慎标志。清 洁提单可为这些事实提供依据。 经仔细调查此事,我方猜想破损可能是由于运输途中或卸货过 程中的粗鲁搬运造成的。 关于此事件你方应向船公司或保险公司提出索赔。
5) 由于你方未能按时交货,我方将向你方提出由此而遭受的全部损失 的索赔。
We shall lodge a claim for all the losses incurred as a consequence of your failure to ship our order in time.
Chinese version of Letter 1
free dispatch 免费递送
Please advise us of the dispatch of the goods.
The consignment have still not arrive. 拖运物品仍未到达。
Language Points
2. settlement n. settle v.

固定收益证券chapter09 Options on Bonds and Bonds with Embedded Options[精]

固定收益证券chapter09 Options on Bonds and Bonds with Embedded Options[精]


.5[ 9 8

9 ] .5[98 1.0 9 5

C d

M in[97.7169 , 98]

9 7 .7 1 6 9
C dd

M i n [ 9 9 .9 7 7 , 9 8 ]
Value of Putable bond
BtPM ax[BtNC,PP]
all interest rate paths
Callable and Putable Bonds
Monte Carlo Approach - Example
• Price a callable bond with annual coupon 4.57%, maturity 10 years, redemption value 100 and callable at 100 after 5 years
C = 9, F = 100
.5[97.2346 9] .5[98.6872 9]
96.3612 9] .5[98.9334 9] 1.1 0
6.9 5 2 1
109 B u u 1 .1 2 1
9 7 .2 3 4 6
B ud

109 1 .1 0 4 5
Callable Bonds
Valuation in a Binomial Model
• the value of the callable bond is determined by selecting the minimum of the otherwise noncallable bond or the call price, and then rolling the callable bond value to the current period.


使用含有十二烷基硫酸钠( SDS)和 还原剂(通常为巯基乙醇)的样品处理液 对蛋白质样品进行处理(一般煮沸3~5分 钟),通过加热和SDS可以使蛋白质变性, 多亚基的蛋白质也将解离为单亚基。同时 还原剂可以切断蛋白质中的二硫键(使二 硫键还原)。

经过这样处理的样品中的肽链都是处于无 二硫键连接的,分离的状态。
移界电泳(界面电泳): 对物质只起到部分 分离的作用,混合物以同一界面移动,只有最 前面的成分有部分提纯的,其它则相互重叠。



01 数字读法0(零)zero/oh零增长zero growth零次zero times零点zero hours零度zero degrees无重力zero gravity内线501 extension 501 [five oh one]10美元纸币8张eight $10 [ten dollar] bills14人受伤Fourteen were injured.100亿ten billion 10,000,000,00010兆ten trillion 10,000,000,000,0001,000兆a[one]quadrillion 1,000,000,000,000,000100千兆a[one] quintillion头班车the first train清早我要首先做那件事。

I will do that first thing in the morning.从右数第二个是我。

I am second from the right.第三次终于成功了。

I finally made it on the third try.1/2 a[one] half1/3 a[one] third2/3 two thirds1/4 a[one] quarter/a[one] fourth3/4 three quarters/three fourths1/5 a[one] fifth1/100 a[one] hundredth/a[one] one-hundredth2 1/2 two and a half7 5/8 seven and five eighths7/5 seven fifths5的倒数是1/5。

The reciprocal of five is one fifth.9.622 nine point six two two0.15 zero point one five7.28 billion. seven point two eight billion+5 plus[positive] five-9 minus[negative] nine±6 plus(or) minus six52 five squared/the square of five43 four cubed/the cube of four34 three to the fourth(power)x2 x squaredx3 x cubedx4 x to the fourth(power)xn x to the nth(power)x-2 x to the minus second(power)x1/2 x to the one half(power)6的平方是36。



Chapter 9, Solution 14. (a) 3 j14 14.318 77.91 0.7788169.71 0.7663 j0.13912 7 j17 18.385112.38 (62.116 j 231.82 138.56 j80)(60 j80) 24186 6944.9 1.922 j11.55 (67 j84)(16.96 j10.5983) 246.06 j 2134.7
z1 z 2 = [(10–53.13˚)(10–30˚)/(8–120˚)] = 12.536.87˚Ω = (10 + j7.5) Ω z3
Chapter 9, Solution 11. (a) V 21 15o V
(b) i(t ) 8sin(10t 70o 180o ) 8cos(10t 70o 180o 90o ) 8cos(10t 160o ) I = 8‫ס‬160° mA (c ) v(t ) 120sin(103 t 50o ) 120 cos(103 t 50o 90o ) V = 120‫–ס‬140° V (d) i(t ) 60 cos(30t 10o ) 60 cos(30t 10o 180o ) I = 60‫–ס‬170° mA
(a) 10cos(t – 60), (b) 9cos(8t + 90), (c) 20cos(t + 135)
Chapter 9, Solution 4. Design a problem to help other students to better understand sinusoids. Although there are many ways to work this problem, this is an example based on the same kind of problem asked in the third edition. Problem (a) Express v = 8 cos(7t + 15) in sine form. (b) Convert i = –10sin(3t - 85) to cosine form. Solution (a) (b) v = 8 cos(7t + 15) = 8 sin(7t + 15 + 90) = 8 sin(7t + 105) i = –10 sin(3t – 85) = 10 cos(3t – 85 + 90) = 10 cos(3t + 5)



Chapter 9. 机械振动 作者§:9.杨4 简茂谐田振动的能量
P. 7 / 11 .
Ek Ep
E Ek Ep
1 2
1 2
cos 2
( t
t Fig. 0 时的能量曲线
Chapter 9. 机械振动 作者§:9.杨4 简茂谐田振动的能量
1 2
kx 2
dEp dx
Ek Ep
A o
▲ 谐振子的振动势能不一定等于其弹性势能;
▲ 谐振子的振动总能量不一定等于其机械能;
Chapter 9. 机械振动 作者§:9.杨4 简茂谐田振动的能量
P. 5 / 11 .
1 2
kx 2
Chapter 9. 机械振动 作者§:9.杨4 简茂谐田振动的能量
P. 1 / 11 .
x A cos( t )
v A sin( t )
x A
1 2
1 2
m 2 A2
( t
1 k A2 sin2 ( t )
课堂练习 如图,已知:k、m、M、u,子弹击中木块
并留在其中,求碰撞后系统振动方程 。
提示 击中后,系统初始状态:
mu Mm


( G(s)在s=ξk处的第i阶评价值 = vξi ) (G )

∆ min{ vξ k (|G|i)},i = 1,… ,r
结论9.21 考虑传递函数矩阵G(s),r=rankG(s),U(s) 和V(s)为单模阵,则其史密斯-麦克米伦形 ∏ M ξ k ( s) 0 则对任一ξk∈C,必成立
结论9.1 G(s)为q×p有理分式矩阵,rankG(s)=r≤min{q, p},则必存在q×q和p×p单模矩阵U(s)和V(s),使 ε1 ( s ) ψ ( s ) 1 O 0 U ( s )G ( s )V ( s )∆M ( s ) = ε r (s) ψ r (s) 0 0 其中,{εi(s),ψi(s)}为互质,且满足整除性ψi+1(s)|ψi(s) 和εi(s)|εi+1(s)。M(s)为传递函数矩阵G(s)的史密斯-麦克 米伦形。 2
结构指数以统一方式表征传递函数矩阵的极点和零点; σi(ξk)为正整数时表示G(s)在s = ξk处有零点,σi(ξk)为负 整数时表示G(s)在s= ξk处有极点,而σi(ξk)为零时表示 G(s)在s= ξk处既无零点也没有极点; G(s)在s= G(s) s= ξk处极点的重数={σ1(ξk) .. σr(ξk)} ={ ),.., )}中负指 数之和取绝对值, G(s)在s= ξk处零点的重数 ={σ1(ξk),.. ,σr(ξk)}中正指数之和; 结构指数表示的史密斯-麦克米伦形M(s)
结论9.22 Spz为传递函数矩阵G(s)有限极点零点集,则 对任一 α ∉ S pz,必有 ( vαi ) (G ) = 0, i = 1,2,L, r



Chapter5 安装与管理硬件设备和驱动程序
5.1 硬件设备驱动 程序概述
5.3 管理硬件设备 及其驱动程序
5.2 安装硬件设备 及其驱动程序
5.4 硬件错误代码 的含义与解决方法
Chapter5 安装与管理硬件设备和驱动程序
5.1 硬件设备驱动程序概述
5.1.1 什么是硬件设备驱动程序 5.1.2 驱动程序数字签名 5.1.3 硬件设备驱动程序的安装原理
Chapter3 系统启动配置
3.4 从多系统启动环境中删除指定的操作系统
3.4.1 从多系统启动环境中删除Windows XP 3.4.2 从多系统启动环境中删除Windows Vista/7/8/10 3.4.3 解决多系统启动环境中无法启动某个系统的问题
Chapter4 虚拟化技术与安装虚拟操作系统
2.5.5 使用Windows To Go工作区
Chapter3 系统启动配置
3.2 使用系统启动 配置工具设置系统
3.1 Windows操 作系统的启动过程
3.3 使用BCDEdit 命令行工具设置系
3.4 从多系统启动 环境中删除指定的
Chapter3 系统启 动配置
3.1 Windows操作系统的启动 过程
3.1.1 了解计算机固件 3.1.2 理解与系统启动相关的 磁盘的几个重要部分 3.1.3 Windows Vista/7/8/10的启动过程 3.1.4 Windows XP的启动过 程 3.1.5 理解多系统启动环境
Chapter3 系统启动配置
3.2 使用系统启动配置工具设置系统启动项
Chapter7 安装与管理 应用程序



Short Hedge for Sale of an Asset
Define F1 : Futures p r i c e a t time hedge i s s e t up F2 : Futures p r i c e a t time a s s e t i s sold S2 : Asset p r i c e a t time of s a l e b2 : Basis a t time of s a l e
SD of percentage d a i l y changes i n f u t u r e s
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 9th Edition,
Copyright © John C.Hull 2014
Optimal Number of Contracts
Cost of asset Gain on Futures Net amount paid
F2 −F1 S2 − (F2 −F1) =F1 + b2
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 9th Edition,
Copyright © John C.Hull 2014
Chapter 3 Hedging Strategies Using Futures
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 9th Edition,
Copyright ©John C. Hull 2014
Long &Short Hedges
• Along fu t u r e s hedge i s appropriate when you know you w i l l purchase an a s s e t i n the future and want t o lock i n the price
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② 选择 iL 作为状态变量
i R = i L = iC
di L 1 t Ri L + L + ∫ i L (ξ )dξ = 0 dt C −∞ d 2 i L R di L 1 + + iL = 0 2 dt L dt LC
2 并联 RLC 电路的零输入响应
i R + i L + iC = 0
(3)C=1F,L=1H,R=2 ) = , = , = 特征方程
,uC(0+)=1V,iL(0+)=1A。 = , = 。
R 1 s + s+ =0 L LC
s 2 + 2 s + 1 = 0 ⇒ s1 = s2 = −1
特征根为两个相等的实根,故属于临界阻尼( 特征根为两个相等的实根,故属于临界阻尼(Critically dumped), ), 解的形式为
K 1 = 1.5 ⇒ K 2 = −1.5
uC ( t ) = (1.5e − t − 1.5e −3 t )V
t ≥0
duC = ( −0.5e − t + 1.5e −3 t ) A t ≥ 0 i L ( t ) = iC ( t ) = C dt
(2)C=1F,L=1H,R=1 ) = , = , = 特征方程
s 2 + bs + c = 0
− b ± b 2 − 4c s1 , s2 = 2
① b2 — 4c >0 两个不相等的实根 解的形式
x ( t ) = K 1e s1t + K 2 e s2t 过阻尼响应(overdamped response) 过阻尼响应( )
= K1 + K 2
常数 K1、K2 根据初始条件求解
undamped response
③ b2 — 4c =0 两个相等的实根 解的形式
x ( t ) = ( K 1 + K 2 t )e s1t
临界阻尼响应 Critically damped response
常数 K1、K2 根据初始条件求解
x(0+ ) = K 1 x′(0+ ) = s1 K 1 + K 2
特征根为两个不相等的负实根,故属于过阻尼( 特征根为两个不相等的负实根,故属于过阻尼(overdumped), ), 解的形式为 s1 t s2 t
uC ( t ) = K 1e + K 2 e
(1)C=1/3 F,L=1H,R=4 ) = , = , =
,uC(0+)=0V,iL(0+)=1A; = , = ;
t = 0+
x ′(0+ ) = {−σ e −σ t [ A cos(ω d t ) + B sin(ω d t )] + e −σ t [−ω d A sin cos(ω d t ) + ω d B cos(ω d t )]} = −σ A + ω d B
t = 0+
= 0 , 解的形式 x ( t ) = A cos(ωd t ) + B sin(ωd t ) 无阻尼响应
σ = b/2
ω d = b 2 − 4c / 2
underdamped response
x ( t ) = e −σ t [ A cos(ωd t ) + B sin(ωd t )] 欠阻尼响应
常数 A、B 根据初始条件求解 、
x (0+ ) = {e −σ t [ A cos(ω d t ) + B sin(ω d t )]}
,uC(0+)=1V,iL(0+)=1A。 = , = 。
s2 +
R 1 s+ =0 L LC
1 3 2 s + s + 1 = 0 ⇒ s1 , s2 = − ± j 2 2
特征根为共轭复数,故属于欠阻尼( ),解的形式为 特征根为共轭复数,故属于欠阻尼(underdumped),解的形式为 ),
(4)欠阻尼(无阻尼) )欠阻尼(无阻尼)
uC ( t ) = A cos(2t ) + B sin电路如图所示,分别求以下两种参数条件下的 uC(t)和 iL(t), 。 ) ), (1) C=1/3 F,L=1H,R=4 ,uC(0+)=0V,iL(0+)=1A; ) = , = , = = , = ; (2)C=1F,L=1H,R=1 ,uC(0+)=1V,iL(0+)=1A。 ) = , = , = = , = 。 (3)C=1F,L=1H,R=2 ,uC(0+)=1V,iL(0+)=1A。 ) = , = , = = , = 。
x(0+ ) = K 1e s1t + K 2 e s2 t
t =0
x′(0+ ) = K 1e s1t + K 2 e s2 t ′
t = 0+
= s1 K 1 + s2 K 2
② b2 — 4c <0 两个共轭复根
− b ± b 2 − 4c s1 , s2 = = −σ ± jω d 2
Circuit Theory
湖北工业大学 电气与电子工程学院
Chapter 9 二阶电路
Second Order Circuit • 零输入响应 • 零状态响应 • 全响应
重点 二阶微分方程的求解方法。 二阶微分方程的求解方法。
9.1 二阶电路(Second Order Circuit)的基本概念 二阶电路( )
uC ( t ) = ( K 1 + K 2 t )e s1t
uC (0+ ) = 1V 由初始条件 du ′ uC (0+ ) = C dt
i L (0+ ) = = 1V C
uC (0+ ) = K 1 = 1 ⇒ uC (0+ ) = s1 K 1 + K 2 = 1 ′
串联 RLC 电路
并联 RLC 电路
d2x dx + b + cx = 0 dt 2 dt
R 1 1 c= 串联 RLC电路 b = = 电路 L GL LC 1 1 c= 并联 RLC 电路 b = RC LC
d2x dx + b + cx = 0 dt 2 dt
特征方程 特征根
包含两个动态元件的线性、时不变电路称为二阶电路。 包含两个动态元件的线性、时不变电路称为二阶电路。 两个动态元件的线性 二阶电路通常由线性、常系数二阶微分方程来描述。 二阶电路通常由线性、常系数二阶微分方程来描述。
典型的二阶电路 R
串联 RLC 电路
并联 RLC 电路
R2 C
9.2 二阶电路的零输入响应
1 串联 RLC 电路的零输入响应
uR + uL + uC = 0
① 选择 uC 作为状态变量
diC + uC = 0 RiC + L dt d 2 uC R duC 1 + + uC = 0 2 dt L dt LC
uC ( t ) = e −σ t [ A cos(ωd t ) + B sin(ωd t )]
uC (0+ ) = 1V 由初始条件 du ′ uC (0+ ) = C dt i L (0+ ) = = 1V C
A = 1 ⇒ B = 3
uC (0+ ) = A = 1 ⇒ uC (0+ ) = −σ A + ωd B = 1 ′
解: 电路的二阶微分方程
d 2 uC R duC 1 + + uC = 0 2 dt L dt LC
s2 +
R 1 s+ =0 L LC
(1)C=1/3 F,L=1H,R=4 ) = , = , =
,uC(0+)=0V,iL(0+)=1A; = , = ;
s 2 + 4 s + 3 = 0 ⇒ s1 = −1, s2 = −3
uC ( t ) = e
1 − t 2
3 3 t ) + 3 sin( t ) V cos( 2 2
t ≥0
1 − t duC 3 3 2 = e cos( i L ( t ) = iC ( t ) = C t ) − 3 sin( t ) A t ≥ 0 dt 2 2
−σ t b2 — 4c <0 x ( t ) = e [ A cos(ωd t ) + B sin(ωd t )]
b2 — 4c =0 x ( t ) = ( K 1 + K 2 t )e s1t