聋校语文第四册教案 第四册语文全册教案
第一课时 1内容:了解春天的特征,感受春天清新和充满生机的美,体验投身到大自然怀抱中去的情趣。
a. 学生自由读课文。
b. 分段抽读课文。
(根据学生提出的问题,采取不同的方式解决)a. 启发思考,自己解决。
b. “害羞”“躲躲藏藏”“遮遮掩掩”等词语可以通过动作演示让学生理解。
c. 学生之间互助解决。
d. 老师解答。
a. 课文的题目是《找春天》,你们跟随课文中的小朋友找到春天了吗?都找到些什么?b. 分小组合作学习,老师发给每个小组一页纸,由小组长组织大家在课文里寻找答案,并把大家找到的答案记录下来。
山东教育出版社初中美术八年级第四册备课教案教学设计(全册)第一章:艺术基础知识- 研究目标:通过研究本章内容,学生将掌握艺术基础知识,包括色彩学、线条和构图等方面的基本概念和技巧。
- 教学重点:色彩的基本知识和运用、线条表现和构图的要点。
- 教学内容:- 色彩基础知识和配色原理- 线条表现的技巧和表现力- 构图的基本原则和方法- 教学步骤:1. 引入:通过展示一些艺术作品引起学生的兴趣,并导入本章主题。
2. 知识讲解:逐步介绍色彩基础知识、线条表现的技巧和构图的基本原则。
3. 练与实践:组织学生进行相关的练和实践活动,巩固所学知识和技巧。
4. 总结:对本章内容进行总结,并检查学生的掌握情况。
5. 作业布置:布置相关作业任务,要求学生运用所学知识和技巧创作作品。
- 教学资源:教科书、课件、艺术作品图片、绘画工具等。
第二章:素描与写生- 研究目标:通过研究本章内容,学生将学会进行素描和写生,提高观察力和表现能力。
- 教学重点:素描的基本技法和写生的方法。
- 教学内容:- 素描的基本技法和练- 写生的方法和实践- 教学步骤:1. 引入:通过展示一些著名艺术家的素描和写生作品,引发学生的兴趣。
2. 知识讲解:详细介绍素描的基本技法和写生的方法。
3. 练与实践:组织学生进行素描技法练和户外写生活动,提高他们的观察和表现能力。
4. 总结:总结本章所学内容,并检查学生的掌握情况。
5. 作业布置:布置相关作业任务,要求学生进行素描和写生创作。
- 教学资源:教科书、课件、艺术作品图片、素描工具、户外写生用品等。
快乐英语辽师大版第四册全册精品教案一、教学内容1. Chapter 1: My School详细内容:描述学校设施、介绍学校活动。
2. Chapter 2: My Family详细内容:介绍家庭成员、描述家庭生活。
3. Chapter 3: My Hobbies详细内容:谈论兴趣爱好、表达喜好。
4. Chapter 4: Health详细内容:关注健康、了解健康生活方式。
5. Chapter 5: Food and Drink详细内容:学习食物和饮料名称、讨论饮食习惯。
6. Chapter 6: Weather and Seasons详细内容:描述天气和季节、表达感受。
二、教学目标1. 能够熟练掌握本册书中的词汇和句型,提高英语表达能力。
2. 能够运用所学知识进行日常交流,增进对英语的实际运用能力。
3. 培养学生的合作意识,提高团队协作能力。
三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:词汇的掌握、句型的运用、语法知识。
2. 教学重点:口语表达、听力理解、阅读理解。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:多媒体设备、教学挂图、卡片、录音机等。
2. 学具:英语课本、练习册、字典、文具等。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过实践情景引入,激发学生学习兴趣。
2. 新课内容呈现:通过挂图、卡片等形式展示新课词汇和句型。
3. 例题讲解:针对每个章节的重点内容,设计相关例题,进行详细讲解。
4. 随堂练习:设计与新课内容相关的练习题,巩固所学知识。
5. 小组活动:分组进行角色扮演、讨论等活动,提高学生的实际运用能力。
六、板书设计1. 快乐英语第四册2. 内容:各章节重点词汇、句型。
第四册教案 第一课语法(Grammaire )Imparfait et plus-que-parfait du subj on ctif和愈过去时Formati on :虚拟式未完成过去时由直陈式简单过去式第二人称单数去掉词尾加上下列词尾构成:- sse - sses - at -ssi ons - ssiez - sse nttu parla sje parlassetu parlassesil/elleparlatnous parlassi onsvous parlassiezils/elles parlasse nttu fin isje fini ssetu fini ssesil/ellefin?tnous fini ssi onsvous fini ssiezils/elles fini sse nttu ven dis je ven dissetu ven dissesil/elleven d?tnous ven dissi onsvous ven dissiezils/ellesven disse ntavoirtu eus faire tu fise tretu fusouvrir tu ouvrisvoir tu vis con duiretucon duisisn a?tre tu n aquisvaincretu vainq uistenir tutinspouvoir tu pusvouloir tu voulus croire tucrussaoir tu sus vivre tu v e cusprendre tuprisL ' imparfait et le plusen fran?ais e crit et remplacent le pr e sent et le pass e compose du subj on ctif qua nd le verbe prin cipal est au passe :Exemples :Il voulait que je lui expliquasse ce texte.虚拟式未完成过去时-que- parfait s employe nt seuleme ntElle a ni e que cela f?t sa faute.Il e tait tr e s e tonn e que nous partassons si vite. L ' enfant restait a la maison jusqu Il fallait que nous fussi ons arrivIls ne s ' employe nt pas en g plus rarement a l 'e crit par leurs s ' employe nt a mono syllabiques etc.'a ce que sa m e re f?t revenue. e s a l ' h?tel avant minuit.e n e ral a l ' oral et de plus en formes lourdes. Seuleme nt ils la 3 me personne du singulier, surtout aux formes:qu ' il f?t, qu ' il e?t, qu ' il p?t, qu ' il f?t, e me2 forme e est li peutse Con diti onnel pass Le con diti onnel pass dans le pass e . Il l ave nir. Par exemple : S' il avait eu le temps hier, il aurait fini son travail. Si on me con fiait un jour cette affaire, je l r e gl e.a l ' irr e el du pass e , on trouve souvent en fran?ais e crit, ce qu ' on appelle la 2 me forme du conditionnel pass e (une forme semblableau plus-que-parfait du subj on ctif.) Par exemple :S' il avait eu de l S' il e?t eu de l S' il e?t eu de l条件式第二式 e a un fait qui n rapporter aussi au 'est pas r e alis e pr e sent qu 'a 'aurait vite 'argent, il e?t achet 'argent, il avait achet 'argent, il e?t achete e ce livre. e ce livre. ce livre.e peut e tre employ e e dans laLa 2 me forme du conditionnel passsubordonn e eintroduite par ? si ? pour exprimer une supposition, elle remplace, dans ce cas, le plus-que-parfait.EXPLICATION DU TEXTE 词汇与句型解释):Nuanc e -e adj. exprimer d ' une mani e re d e licate, en tenant compte des diff e rences, souvent au passif C' en tier) C' est une opinion nuanc e e. 不同、不明确的意见 (co ntre :est une expression e l e gante et nuanc e e.优美而细腻的表Elie a un sen time nt tr e s nuanc e. 她有着纟田腻的情感Mesure n. mDiscuter avec mesure (m e nagement, contre viole nee)Pendre des mesures contre la hausse des prix (mani e re d' agir, dispositi ons)Mesures (措施) admistratives 行政,consevatoires 保守,fiscales税收,douani e res关税,s e v e re严厉,positives 积极S accommoder de qch s' en satisfaire, s ' en contenter langue soutenue 满足于、对…将就II a d? s ' accommoder de cette chambre de l ' h?tel inconfortable.Cet homme s' accommode de tout. 对什么都能讲究(accepter) Cet homme s' accommode de peu. 容易满足Comme nt les dirigea nts des gran des en treprises fran? aises s' accommoden-ils du pouvoir actuel ? 怎么样顺应现政权的呢?*Heurt n. m Iangue soutenue, souvent avec une n e gation 矛盾、冲突、碰撞D e placez sans heurt ce vase fragile. (usuel)Il y avait entre eux des heurts continuels.(frictio n)Se r e signer d qhc : supporter sans protester une chose p e nible, qui appara?tin e vitable :Il est inutile de se r e volter contre la fatalit e , il faut se r e signer.(subir)Nous devons nous r e signer a notre sort. 顺从、听天由命(se soumettre)(Se) proclamer annoncer a haute voixL' accus e a proclam e hautement son inoncence. (crier, clamer)Le pr e side nt proclame l ' e tat de si e ge.(annon cer)Wu Zetian se proclama empereur apr e s la mort son mari. (称帝) Proclamer roi 宣告登基,la guerre 宣战,la R e publique宣告共和国成立Go?t n. mAvoir des go?ts litt e raires, communs, modestes( 品位不高,vulgaires( 低级趣味),pour la musique.Avoir le go?t difficile, e troit, dFaire quelque chose par go?t C est unplat sans go?t. amer.Cela a pris un go?t de moisi, de fume e.Ordre n.mMettre de l ' ordre ou du d e sordre dans ses livres, ses papiers, ses affaires. Mettre qch en ordre ou en d e sordre e tre en ordre ou en d e sordreApparent - e adj.Sans raison apparente, il nous a quitt e s.Sa politesse apparente ne cache pas son hostilite r e elle.Le dan ger est plus appare nt que re el.Ses succ e s ne sont qu ' apparents, en r e alit e , il a e chou e.In terrompre v. t--qch : une conv ersatio n, son travail, la chasse --qn : un interlocuteur,qn dans sa r e flexion, son travail, sonreposSon voyage est in terrompu par le mauvais temps. Je suis souvent interrompu par lese tudiants (par les questions).Obe ir v. t. ind a qn ou a qchCette ma?tresse sait se faire ob e ir de ses e l e ves. Maltraiter v.tMaltraiter un enfant, un chien, ses livresIn scrire v. t.--qch : l ' e crire sur un cahier, un registreIl inscrit son nom et son adresse sur la fiche de l ' h?tel.Elle a in scrit ce ren dez-vous sur son age nda. --qn :le mettre sur une liste Elle a in scrit son enfant a l ' e cole.--S - : a l e cole,a un parti,a un clubPasser la mesure :d e passer ce qu 'est permis ; dire qch qui n 'estpas r e el, exag e rerExercer v. t : le soumettre a un entrainement m e thodiqe, lese licat, s e v e retrouver qn a son go?t Ces souve nirs ont un go?thabiterLe professeur exerce ses e tudiants a parler en fran?ais. Exercer une m e moire, un jugement (former)Ignorer v. t - qch : ne pas le conn a?tre, ne savoir riend ' ellePersonne n ' ignore la loi.Personne n ' ignore ce que nous allons faire. Je n ' ignore pas qu ' il e tait parti.J ' ignore qu ' il puisse se blesser pour cette plaisanterie.Professer v. t(avoir pour opinion, exprimer, d e clarer qch comme e tant uneopinionpersonnelle)Ils professe nt leur attacheme ntElle profes se m e pris profond pour la vie fq,iliale pour le mariage.(de)recevoir un bie n tran smis par Il a h e rit e d ' une ferme de son p e re. Elle a gaspill e toute la fortune dont elle avait h e rit e.D e terminer v. t -- qn a qch ou a f. qch : l ' y porter, l ' yamener aNous l ' avons enfin d e term in e a ce voyage. (d e cider)On n ' a pas en core d e term in e la cause de cet accide nt. Il a d e term in e ce jeune homme a appre ndre ce m e tier. Qu est - ce qui vous a d e term in e a appre ndre le fran? ais ?a la patrie.He riter v. t successionRejler v. tElle se montre en classe uneR e gler une montre, une pendule(enmettre au point,lefonctionn eme nt)R e gler l ' ordre d ' une c e re monie(e tablir) R e gler une dette(payer)R e gler une facture, sa note d 'h?tel (acquitter) R e gler une affaire, un proce s, uncon flit(r e soudre,(se dit de qn qui est souvent pr e sent aupr e sd ' une autre personnetermi ner)Assidu - e adj.ou pr e s d ' un endroit) e l e bve assidue.Elie est une e tudiante assidue de la biblioth On exige la pr e senceassidue aux cours.Priser v. t estimer (litt e r)Il prise fort peu ce genre de plaisa nterie.丹疋匕J、u、赞员)Elle prise beaucoup les oeuvres de Balzac. Parcourir V. t un lieu, un chem in, une rue, etc. (se d e que.(con sta nte)(appr e cier e placer dans ce lieu endivers sens pour trouver, sisiter, suivre un chemin, une rue etc) Parcourir le village a la recherche d ' un e picierParcourir l e jardi n sans trouver le lap in e chapp e.Le train parcourt cette dista nee en deux heures.Parcourir ce texte, la letterapideme nt)Servir v. tOn ne peut servir deux ma?tres a la fois.qch)Ces livres serve nt a enri chir nos conn aissa nces. ou a f. qch)Il lui sert de guide.qn ou qch)Elle se sert souve nt de la voiture.qch)C?t e : (partie ou face lat e rale d ' une chose) On entre dans la maison par le c?t e gauche.Il marchait sur le c?t e droit de la route. (le ou la lire(qn —qn ou(qch - a qn(qn ou qch - de(qn se —deIl y a un fauteuil de chaque c?t e de la commode.Je vois un parc de l ' autre c?t e de la grille.De c?t e : en pr e sentant une partie lat e rale, obliquementLe crabe marche de c?t e.Cherchez de trois c?t e s un animal e gar e.a c?t e de ( a un c?t e voisin de)La poste est a c?t e.Passez dans la pi e ce a c?t e.Il s ' assit a c?t e de moi.Vous r e pondez a c?t e de la question (en d e hors)Du c?t e de ( a proximit e de, dans la directi on de, vers)II habite du c?t e de la Mairie. La pluie arrive au c?t e de la mer.Perfecti onner v. tQn ou qch : le rendre meilleur, plus proche du mod e le id e elII a suivi un stage professionnel qui l ' a perfectionn e.Ce nouveau mod e le d ' aspirateur a e t e perfectionn e .(am e liorer) Se -- en Ian gueIl a fait un s e jour en Allemag ne pour se perfecti onner en allema nd. Dict ee :第二课语法(grammaire )动词 faire 用来限定动词 (Le verbe ? faire ? dans la restriction des verbes):作为限定的对象,我们已学过不少。
一、谈话导入: 1、同学们,你们知道一年中有哪几个季节 吗? 2、我们刚刚过完春节,该到什么季节了? 对,春天正在向我们走来,我们就和书中的 小朋友一起找一找春天吧! 二、学习生字词。 1、请同学们自己读课文,把生字画下来, 记记它的读音和字形。 2、这些新朋友你都认识了吗?我们来检查 检查。 3、我们全班一起读一读。出示生字卡片。
一、复习: 1、出示生字卡片。 2、指名读课文。
学生读字音并组词。 每人一个自然段。
7 分钟 巩固。
学生自己练习读古诗和生字。 请两名学生读古诗。 同桌互读。
10 分钟
给其他学生作示范。 使每个学生都有读的 机会。
3、我们通过读古诗,知道小草这样坚强(生 学生自由发言。(小草)
命力这样顽强),此时你想到了什么?想对 (生命力顽强。)
看到美丽的世界 长成健壮的竹子
1、学生自由读课文。 2、组内说说。 3、全班交流。
6 分钟 了解大致的内容,理 清层次。
(在老师的帮助下总结: 一个劲地向上钻(2-5 自然段。) 看到美丽的世界(6 自然段。) 长成健壮的竹子(7 自然段。) )
2、在这几个内容中你最喜欢哪部分就学习 哪部分,把最喜欢的语句画下来,想想为什 么喜欢?然后有感情地读一读。
快乐英语辽师大版第四册全册教案一、教学内容1. Chapter 1: My SchoolLesson 1: My ClassroomLesson 2: My TeachersLesson 3: My Schoolbag2. Chapter 2: My FamilyLesson 4: My FamilyLesson 5: My MotherLesson 6: My Father3. Chapter 3: My HobbiesLesson 7: My HobbiesLesson 8: I Like ReadingLesson 9: I Like Sports4. Chapter 4: Around TownLesson 10: Around TownLesson 11: At the SupermarketLesson 12: At the Library二、教学目标1. 知识与技能:掌握本册书中的重点词汇和句型,能运用到实际生活中;提高学生的听说读写能力,特别是口语表达和阅读理解能力;培养学生的英语思维能力。
2. 过程与方法:通过实践情景引入、例题讲解、随堂练习等形式,激发学生的学习兴趣;采用任务型教学法和合作学习法,培养学生的自主学习能力和合作精神;利用多媒体教学手段,提高课堂教学效果。
3. 情感态度与价值观:培养学生对学校、家庭、兴趣爱好和周围环境的热爱;培养学生积极向上的生活态度;增进学生对英语学习的兴趣和自信心。
三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:各章节的重点词汇和句型;对话的理解和运用;阅读理解的提高。
2. 教学重点:培养学生的听说读写能力;情景交际能力的培养;学生英语思维能力的培养。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:多媒体设备;教学挂图;卡片、图片等辅助教具。
2. 学具:学生用书;练习册;笔记本、文具等。
五、教学过程1. 导入新课:利用实践情景引入,激发学生的学习兴趣;通过提问、讨论等方式,复习旧知识,为新课的学习做好铺垫。
2024年快乐英语辽师大版第四册全册教案一、教学内容1. Chapter 1: My School LifeSection 1: School SubjectsSection 2: School FacilitiesSection 3: School Rules2. Chapter 2: My FamilySection 1: Family MembersSection 2: Family ActivitiesSection 3: Family Traditions3. Chapter 3: My HobbiesSection 1: Sports and Outdoor ActivitiesSection 2: Artistic ActivitiesSection 3: Collecting Hobbies4. Chapter 4: Healthy EatingSection 1: Balanced DietSection 2: Food GroupsSection 3: Eating Habits二、教学目标1. 知识目标:通过本册教材的学习,使学生掌握基本的英语语法、词汇和句型,提高学生的英语表达能力。
2. 能力目标:培养学生运用英语进行日常交流的能力,提高学生的听说读写技能。
3. 情感目标:激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,培养学生的合作精神、自主学习能力和跨文化交际意识。
三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:词汇、语法和句型的掌握,以及在实际场景中的运用。
2. 教学重点:培养学生的听说读写技能,提高学生的英语表达能力。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:多媒体设备、PPT、卡片、挂图等。
2. 学具:课本、练习册、字典、笔记本等。
五、教学过程1. 引入:通过情景对话、歌曲、游戏等形式,引入本节课的主题,激发学生的兴趣。
2. 新课内容展示:详细讲解新课的词汇、语法和句型,结合实际情景,让学生进行模仿和练习。
3. 例题讲解:针对本节课的重点难点,进行例题讲解,帮助学生理解和掌握。
新标准小学英语第四册全册教案1Module 1 Friends Unit 1 she鈥檚a nice teacher. Teaching objectives: 1. Words and phrases: nice \ a bit \ shy \ clever \ naughty 2. Sentences: This is Ms Smart. She is a nice teacher. 3. Grammar: Using adjectives to describe person. Teaching properties: cards \ pictures \ photo \ Tape-recorder \ CAI Teaching procedures: A: Song: There are twelve months in the year. B: Free talk: Talk about your holiday. C: New concepts: Step one: One :鍒╃敤CAI璇句欢,ice \ a bit \ shy \clever \ naughty 柊鍗曡瘝銆?Two: Learn the new lesson. Listen to the tape .Try to read the text. Translate the sentences. Listen to the tape again, read follow the tape. Read the text, boys and girls. Step Two: Talk about the pictures. Close your books, show the pictures (parrot锛?Xiaoyong锛?Maomao锛?Ms Smart) Example :( 1) This is Parrot. Parrot is a very naughty bird. (2) This is Xiaoyong . He鈥檚a clever pupil. Step Three: Using adjectives to describe person. 鍒╃敤瀹炵墿鎶曞奖灞曠ず瀛︾敓甯︽潵鐨勭収鐗囥€?Describe the person using the adjectives Homework: Introduce your classmates to your family. Example: This is Xiaoyong. He鈥檚a clever pupil. Game: 鎺ラ緳娓告垙Example: A: I鈥檓XiaoLan. I鈥檓a bit shy. B: XiaoLan is a bit shy. I鈥檓ZhangYong. I鈥檓very nayghty. C: ZhangYong is very naughty. I鈥檓Jim, I鈥檓a nice boy. 鈥?Designs: Module One: FriendsModule 1 Friends Unit 2 He鈥檚cool.Teaching objectives: 1. Words and phrases: cool \ little \ cute. 2. Sentences: This is this is my big brother, He鈥檚cool. Teaching properties: cards \ Tape-recorder \ CAI Teaching procedures: A: Song: Row Row Row your boat. B: Free talk: Using adjectives to describe the poem. C: New concepts: Step one: Warmer: Using the adjectives todescribe your classmates. Example: 鈶?This is Xiaoyong. He is a clever pupil.鈶?This is Yuanjiaqi. She鈥檚very clever, but she鈥檚 a bit shy. Step Two: Listen and point. (1) Point out the different meanings of the word 鈥渃ool鈥? In this unit, 鈥渃ool鈥?means fashionable, and it is most commonly used to mean 鈥渜uite cold鈥? The word 鈥渃ool鈥?has other meanings as well, but they are ones that the students are unlikely to come across in the future. (2) Listen to the tape and underline the new words. Write down these adjectives on the board, and then learn these new words. Listen to the tape again. Read the text. Close your book. Use CAI shows the pictures of text. Choose some students to describe the pictures. Step Three: Listen and say, then say the poem and do the actions. Play the spoken version of the poem. And have the students. Repeat each line. Play the tape and have the students. Step four: Tell the students that they are going to work in groups of three or four. Do the AB unit 2. Homework: Choose some words to write about your friend. Example: This is my friend脳脳脳. She is a clever pupil. At school, she鈥檚a bit shy, but at home, she is very naughty girl. Game: Explain that they are going to play a game where they have to whisper some information to their classmate. That classmate has to whisper the information to the next person. The last person. That person has to say that he \she heard. Then, the other students listen carefully to find out if the message has changed at all. Designs: Unit 2 He鈥檚cool. mother --- nice big brother --- cool little sister --- cute father --- clever friend --- naughtyModule 2 London Unit 1 London is the capital of England. Teaching objectives: 1銆乄ords and phrases: capital, about, beautiful, be from 2銆丼entences: I鈥檓from London. London is the capital of England. It鈥檚very big and very beautiful. 3銆丟rammar: the present tense Teaching properties: cards, pictures, tape鈥時ecorder Teaching procedures: A: Chant: This is a little girl, and she has a little curl. And when she is good, she is very, very good. And when she is bad, she is very, very bad! B: Talk Free: T: Hello! Boys and girls. I鈥檓a teacher. Are you a teacher? S1: No, I鈥檓not.S2: No, I鈥檓a pupil. T: Are you naughty? S3: No, I鈥檓not. T: Are you clever? S4: Yes, I am. 鈥︹€?杩颁汉鐗╂€ф牸鐨勫崟璇嶏細naughty, shy, clever, nice, cool.锛?C: New concepts: Step ?鍒╃敤鍗$墖鏁欐巿鈥渃apital鈥濓紝ondon is the capital of England.鈥濅腑銆俆hen translate it into Chinese.?Step 浜屻€佹柊鎺?my 鍜孡ingling Amyinglingmy 鍚戝ス浠嬬粛浼︽暒鐨勬儏鍐Amy 瀛︿竴瀛︽€庢牱鎻忚堪鍩庡競鍜屾櫙鐗┿€?у?my鍜?Lingling here is London?鈥?鐢熷湪鍦板浘涓婃寚鍑轰鸡鏁︾殑浣嶇疆銆??锛坣ice, big, beautiful, small锛夈€?傗€渂eautifulц?Step 涓夈€佺粌涔?瀹屾垚SB厓娲诲姩3銆?Amy 鍜?Lingling 锛岃繘琛岄棶绛旂粌涔犮€??銆丄: What鈥檚this? B: It鈥檚 a book about London. It鈥檚very nice. 2銆丄: What鈥檚the capital of England? B: It鈥檚London. Step 鍥涖€佷綔涓?瀹屾垚娲诲姩鐢ㄤ功缁冧範1鍒扮粌涔?銆? Designs:Xk b 1.c om Module 2 London Unit 2 This is the River Thames Teaching objectives: 1銆乄ords and phrases: long, wide, many, river, old, famous 2銆丼entences: This is the River Thames. It鈥檚long and wide. 3銆丟rammar: Using adjectives to describe cities and buildings. Teaching properties: cards (pictures), tape鈥時ecorder, CAI Teaching procedures: A: Song: Chant: This is a little girl. B: Talk about: Using adjectives to describe a person鈥檚personality and London. C: New concepts: Step 涓€銆?Warmer: Revise adjectives. Tell the students that I am going to say an adjective. They have to find something in their books that the adjective describes. Ask two or three students to say which object the chose. Example锛?T: It鈥檚big. S1: (points to London) London. S2: (points to elephant) Elephant. S3: (points to Beijing) Beijing. Do more examples with the class. Step 浜屻€丩isten, point and say: 1銆丩isten, point and find out the new words and underlime them. Then revise them using cards or pictures. (Write down these words on the board.) 2銆丄fter doing this, tell the students to close their books. I am going to say the first word of a two-word place name. These places are all in London. The students have to say the second word of the two-word name. Example: T: Buckingham鈥?Ss: alace. T: Hyde鈥?Ss:ark. 3銆丠ave the students continue the activity in pairs. They should take turn to say the first word. 4銆丼howing four pictures on the screen about "the River Thames", "Big Ben", "Hyde Park", and "Tower Bridge". (Write down these words.) The same time, I am going to read the text for the students. Have them remember the sentences. The second times, ask some students to introduce the pictures. 5銆丟ames: Guessing game. 6銆丏o AB Unit 2 exercise 1. Quiz: Listen and say the answers. 7銆丼howing AB Unit2 exercise 2 on the screen. Do this exercise together. Step 涓夈€?Practice 1銆丏o SB Unit2 activity 4. Listen and point. First, have students say something about these pictures. Then listen and guess which one is right. 2銆丏o AB Unit2 exercise 4. Write about your school building. Step 鍥涖€?Learn to sing 1銆丠ave the students look at the picture and describe it (children playing a game). 2銆乀ell the students that this song, 'London Bridge is falling down' is a traditional English song. Explain that London Bridge is a very famous bridge in London. 3銆丳lay the spoken version of the song and have the students repeat each line. Play the tape and have the students sing the song. 4銆丒xplain the actions and have the class sing the song again. Choose some students to come to the front and play it. Let's see "Who is the winner?" Have the students sing and do the actions after class. Step 浜斻€?Homework Make a survey to compare London and My hometown. You can using "This is t's (very)鈥? and the other sentences to introduce.London My Hometown Country Language Big/Small 鈥?Games: 1銆丟uessing game Tell the students that I am going to say adjectives and they have to think of some places in China that these adjectives describe. Example T: Old. S1: Great Wall. S2: Palace Museum. Designs:Module 3 Picnic Unit 1 Will you take your kite锛?Teaching objectives锛? words and phrase锛歱icnic take great ball why beacause so 2 Sentence锛?We鈥檙e going to have a picinic Will you take your kite锛?Yes锛孖will./No, I won鈥檛. 3 Grammar: Talk about plan Teaching properties: picture CAI Tape Teaching procedures: A: Songs: London Bridge Following Down B: Free talk: Our school C: New concepts: Step1: Warmer: Teacher show some pictures about the 鈥淗yde Park River Thames鈥?S1: This is Big Ben. It鈥檚very old and very beautiful. S1: This is Hyde Park. It鈥檚very beautiful. S3: ... Step2: Listen and point. T: It鈥檚a ball. (Show the ball) I鈥檓going to play ball. Will you play with me? S2: Yes, I will. T: I鈥檓going to go to Hainain. Will you take a ball? (鍚屾椂鏉夸功) S2锛歂o锛孖won't. Step3: Teacher shows the cards about the new words. Students follow the teacher .The students read oneby one .I play the tape and the students follow the recorder. S1: Will you go to Huanren tomorrow? S2: Yes, I will. S3: Tomorrow we鈥檙e going to have a Music lesson. S4: No, I won鈥檛. Will鍜実oing to 鐨勭敤娉曡瘎鍑烘渶濂界殑涓€缁勩€?Game锛欰锛?Two students play a game 锛嶵hey choose one food or one object and do the action. S1: Will you take some noodles? S2: No, I won鈥檛. S1: Will you take a cake? S2: Yes, I will. B: Four students look some pictures and tale about. A: We鈥檙e going to go to Hainan tomorrow. I will take my coat and my hat. Will you take your swimsuit? 锛堢敤CAI锛?B: No, I won鈥檛. I鈥檒l take my coat, too. Will you take your gloves? C: YES, I Will鈥?D: 璇勫嚭鏈€浣充竴缁勭粰sticker Slep5: Do homework and exercise. Design: Module 3 Picnic 1 Will you take your kite? take We are going to have a picnic.picnic Will you take your kite? great ball Yes, I will. / No, I won鈥檛. why because so . Module 3 Picnic Unit 2 On Monday I鈥檒l go swimming. Content: Module 3 Unit 2 On Monday I鈥檒l go swimming. Function: Talk about the plan of seven days in a week. Teaching points: 1.Words and phrases: homework, help, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 2. Sentences: On Monday I鈥檒l go swimming. Will you play football on Monday? Yes, I will.../No, I won鈥檛. Teaching properties: tape recorder, cards, pictures Teaching procedures: 1. Warming up Write the numbers1-7on the board. Write the words Monday to Sunday under the numbers. Have them predict the meaning of the words, Monday, Tuesday and so on. Point to the words and say them. Have the students repeat them. Now tell the students that you are going to say a day and they have to use an ordinal number and say which day is it. 2. Now point ,ask and answer Have the students suggest activities that they do and write a list on the board .e.g. play football, ride a bike, go swimming, read a book, watch TV, go to the cinema, go to school, walk in the park, play with a friend, do homework. Then draw the following calendar on the board: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Have the students copy thecalendar in their exercise book .They should write activities on the calendar. Then have the students work in pairs and tell one another what they will do on the seven day of the week. e.g.S1: On Monday I will watch TV. S2: I will do my homework on Monday. 3. Listen and say ,then sing and clap Before singing the song Have the students look the picture and say what type of song this is. Have the children say the names of any clapping songs or games they know. Then act. While singing the song Play the tape and let the student listen to the melody. Then play the spoken version of the song and have the students repeat the line. Divide the students into seven groups. Asking each group a day of the week respectively. Have the students in each group write their day on a piece of paper. Explin that they must hold up their day of the week as they sing that word in the song, now have the class sing the song. 4. Homework ?5. Design xk b 1.c om Module 3 Unit2 On Monday I鈥檒l go swimming homework 瀹跺涵浣滀笟help Monday 鏄熸湡涓€Tuesday 鏄熸湡浜?Wednesday 鏄熸湡涓?Thursday 鏄熸湡鍥?Friday 鏄熸湡浜?Saturday 鏄熸湡鍏?Sunday 鏄熸湡鏃?6. RetrospectionModule 4 Robots Unit 1 Robots will do everything.Function: Describing things in the future and talking about abilities Teaching points: 1.Sentences: One day, robots will do everything. 2. Words and phrases: robot everything one day housework learn our that 3. Using will to describe things in the future Teaching properties: cards tape-recorder CAI Teaching procedures: (1) Warming up: ---Greeting. ---Listen and act : e.g. wash clothes watch TV run walk play the flute play football jump do homework make a cake row a boat play table tennis (will 鐨勫? (2) Presentation: Show a robot to the class and say 鈥淭oday we鈥檙e going to talk about the robots.鈥?Describing the robots, it can sing. It candance. One day, robots will do everything. (杩愮敤鍥剧墖灞曠ずrobot鐨勫惈涔? Ask to the students 鈥淲hat else will the robots do?鈥?Show the CAI to students. (В鏈哄櫒浜鸿兘鍋氫粈涔堜笉鑳藉仛浠€涔? Now show the text to the students. Look at the book and ask. What can Daming鈥檚robot do? Will robots do the housework? Will robots help children learn?... Write the answers on the board: It can walk. Then drill this sentence and then change the word 鈥渨alk鈥? Talk about the sentences: They will do the housework. They will help children learn. Write the sentence on the board One day, robots will do everything. (ne day鐨勫惈涔? Continue the words learning: housework help children learn鈥?In groups, talk about the robots then report. (3) Practice: Do exercises in AB. In pairs act the text. Draw a robot and say what the robot can do .In pairs or in groups then report. (4) Production: Look at Exercise 3 in the book and talk about what the robots will do in the future. Game: Guess what their robots will do. Then act.級(5)Sum: (6)Homework: Draw a robot and describe it. Using This is________________. It can __________________. It will __________________. Design: Module 4 Robots Unit 1 Robots will do everything. robotIt can walk. One day, robots will do everything. Retrospection:Module 4 Robots Unit 2 Will it be windy in Beijing?Function: Describing weather in the future and talking about weather. Teaching points: 1. Words: weather hot cold sunny snow rain windy 2. Sentences: Will it be windy in Beijing? Yes, it will. / No锛?it won't. 3. Using 鈥渨ill鈥?to describe weather in the future. Teaching properties: cards tape-recorder CAI Teaching procedures: (1) Warming up: Look say and act: hot cold rain sunny snow windy (澶嶄锛?(2) Presentation: Show a map pf China. Write city鈥檚name on the map. Show the cards of weather to students. And listen to the tape then point to the pictures. Draw the simple pictures on the board. And write the words. Learn the words and draw the pictures in the exercise books. (鍚屾椂璁茶Вrain涓?rainy 鐨勫尯鍒? Show the robot to the students and say 鈥淭he robots will do everything. So the robots will broadcast the weather, too. Now let鈥檚act. Listen again and repeat the text then act (冨彞鍨? Show CAI to students. (鐨勯噸鐐瑰彞瀛愶紝鏉夸功鍙ュ瓙銆? (3) Practice: Game: Listen and stick. Listen to tape and stick the cards on map. 锛?эㄤ竴璧枫€傦級Do this game in groups or in pairs. Do the exercises in AB. (4) Production: Look at the CAI and ask 鈥淲hat will the weather be?鈥?锛堝嚭绀哄悇鈥淲ill it______________? 鈥?In groups or in pairs to continue the game. ( 5 ) Homework : 璋冩煡妗撲粊鏄庡ぉ鐨勫ぉ姘旀儏鍐碉紝鍒舵垚琛ㄦ牸?Design: Module 4 Unit 2 Will it be windy in Beijing? Hot Cold Will it be _______in_________? Sunny Yes, it will. / No, it won鈥檛. Rain Windy snow Retrospection:Module 5 Size Unit 1 Amy锟紷s taller than Lingling.Content: Book 4 Module 5 Size Unit 1 Amy锟紷s taller than Lingling. School: Guaimozi School Teaching objectives: 1锟絧Words and phrases: old\olderyoung\younger strong\stronger than 2锟絧Sentences: Sam锟紷shorter than Lingling. 3锟絧Grammar: Adj. comparison Teaching properties: Pictures锟絧Tape-recorder Teaching procedures: A: song: Monday Tuesday B: Free talk: Talk abouttwo students like this: Lili is fat, Zhaoxin is thin. C: New concepts: (Step 1.)Write the adj. of the students using on the blackboard. (big small fat thin tall short) Then tell students the adj. what we'll learn. Write them on the blackboard: Old Young Strong Learn to read and make sentences like this (Fengqi is strong.\Zhongyao is old.) Then let 2 students stand up, Then say :( Fengqi is strong, Wang kunpeng is stronger.) Write 鈥渆r鈥?behind strong. Students will understand the meaning. Make sentences like this. (Wang kunpeng is stronger than Fengqi.) (Xiaoxiao is younger than Lili.)(Lili is older than Xiaoxiao.) Show out the picture of Amy and Lingling, and handwriting: 鈥淢odule 5 Unit 1 Amy's taller than Lingling.鈥?Show out two bags and let Ss make sentences with (bigger than). Show out two rulers and use (longer than). (Step 2.)A game: Make more sentences about everything. (Eyes hands books and so on.) (Step 3) Practise: (Exercise 1 of Activity Book. Talk about pictures and Ss.) Designs: Module 5 Size Unit 1 Amy's taller than Lingling. ____older bigger____younger than____. Smaller _______stronger fatter thinner taller shorter。
教学过程:Step 1:导入新课 (10分钟)教师通过展示计算机的图片,引起学生的兴趣,并简单介绍计算机的定义和作用。
Step 2:计算机的基本操作方法 (15分钟)教师向学生讲解计算机的开关机操作方法,并进行实地演示。
Step 3:鼠标的使用方法 (15分钟)教师向学生展示鼠标的外观和使用方法,并进行实地演示。
Step 4:打开和关闭软件程序 (30分钟)教师向学生讲解打开和关闭软件程序的方法,并进行实地演示。
Step 5:文字处理 (20分钟)教师向学生讲解使用计算机进行简单的文字处理,并进行实地演示。
Step 6:巩固和拓展 (10分钟)教师向学生提问巩固本节课所学内容,并鼓励学生提出与计算机相关的问题。
Step 7:作业布置 (5分钟)教师布置作业:要求学生再次进行计算机的开关机、鼠标的使用、打开和关闭软件程序、文字处理等操作。
初中英语第四册教案人教版课题:Unit 1 Could you please tell us about yourself?课时:2课时教学目标:1. 能够听懂、说出一系列关于个人介绍的句子。
2. 能够运用本课所学的交际用语进行简单的自我介绍和询问他人信息。
3. 能够正确使用情态动词 could 表示请求。
4. 能够掌握表示家庭成员和职业的词汇。
教学重点:1. 能够运用情态动词 could 进行礼貌请求。
2. 能够用英语介绍自己的家庭成员和职业。
教学难点:1. 正确使用情态动词 could 的用法。
2. 家庭成员和职业的词汇。
教学准备:1. 教材:人教版初中英语第四册2. 课件:家庭成员和职业的图片、词汇卡片3. 录音机和磁带教学过程:第一课时:一、导入(5分钟)1. 教师与学生进行简单的自由对话,引导学生复习情态动词 could 的用法。
2. 引导学生谈论自己的家庭成员和职业,引出本课主题。
二、新课呈现(15分钟)1. 教师展示课件,呈现家庭成员和职业的图片,引导学生说出相应的词汇。
2. 教师播放录音,让学生听录音并跟读,模仿语音语调。
三、交际练习(15分钟)1. 教师组织学生进行小组活动,让学生相互介绍自己的家庭成员和职业。
2. 教师选取几个学生进行全班交流,巩固所学内容。
四、课堂小结(5分钟)1. 教师对本课所学内容进行简要回顾,强调情态动词 could 的用法和家庭成员、职业的词汇。
2. 学生进行自我总结,巩固所学知识。
第二课时:一、复习导入(5分钟)1. 教师与学生进行简单的自由对话,复习情态动词 could 的用法。
2. 引导学生谈论自己的家庭成员和职业,引出本课主题。
二、课堂活动(15分钟)1. 教师组织学生进行角色扮演活动,让学生模拟情景,运用所学的交际用语进行自我介绍和询问他人信息。
2. 教师选取几个学生进行表演,给予鼓励和评价。
三、巩固练习(15分钟)1. 教师布置课后作业,让学生结合家庭成员和职业的词汇,写一篇关于自己的介绍短文。
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Module 1 FriendsLesson 1Time allocation: 40 minsWarmer:The teacher should write the following information on the board beforeinto the classroom.)Student‟s book1.listen and pointT: Open your books to Module 1, Unit 1, Activity 1, please.Point to the girl in the first picture, please, now point to the boy in the first picture.(The teacher points to the panda in the first picture.)T: Is this a dog?Ss: No.T: Is it a cat?What is it….?Listen to the tape. I want you to listen and tell me who is nice. (play the tape as many times as necessary)A Who is nice in the story?B play the tape again, write these words on the boardniceshyclevernaughtyexplain the meaning of these 4 words and practice.2 listen and sayT: Please look at Activity 2. I‟m going to play the tape again, this time I‟m going to pause it after each person speaks, then I want you to repeat the sentence.3 point and say教学后记:Activity book Module 1 FriendsLesson 1Time allocation: 40 mins1.Listen and cicle(1)T: Open your Activity Book to Module 1, unit 1, Exercise 1.Read the names, please.(2)I‟m going to play the tape, you have to listen to the statementsand circle the correct person.(3)Answers: maomao Ms Smart xiaoyong Parrot2.Look and match, then say.(1) Now look at Ex2, please. Read the sentences, please.(2) I‟m going to say a sentence and you have to describe that person.(3) Now I want you to draw a line between each name and the correctadjective.(4) work in pairs.3. Look and say.T: Look at picture1/2/3….what can you see ?What about …..?4 Now ask and answer about you.Look at Ex 4. work in pairs and read the dialogue, please.Now look at the 4 words on the board, which word describes you? YouS1: No, I‟m not.教学后记:Module 1 FriendsUnit 1 she’s a nice teacherTeaching Objectives:A. Learn to say: a bit shy, nice, clever, naughty.B. Use the adjectives to describe your friendsThis is …He\she‟s…Important & difficult points:1. Can understand and say the sentences.2. Use the sentences to describe your friends fluently and correctly.3. Make sure the students can use the new words and the pattern in the real situations.Teaching Tools:The cards & TV &CAI& The video & the picturesTeaching Procedure:1. Warming upSing a song 《The more we get together.》2. Arrange the task.T: This is a song about friends. Today we will talk about our friends.Let‟s see who can describe his\her friends the best. And let‟s seewhich group is the best in this class.3. Pre-task Preparation (Mechanical Drill)A.Activity Onea.T: Now the first, let‟s recognize Pan Pan‟s friends. ShowPanpan‟s four friends‟ photos on computer. Do you want toknow how does Panpan appraise his friends?b.Play the tape, let the students remember:(1)What are their friends‟ names?(2)What is each person‟s temperament?c.Let the students answer the questions as much as they can.(1)Show Maomao‟s photo on computer.T: Who is she? (Maomao)How does Pan Pan describe her?(nice\a bit shy)(2)Use the same way to learn “clever\naughty”B.Activity TwoT: Open your books; you can act Pan pan to introduce yourfriends.a.Play the tape first time, the students listen and imitate together.Plays the tape second time, the students listen and imitate alone,at the same time, do the exercise on Page 2 in the Activity Book.b.Practice the dialogue in groups.c.Act the dialogue out.4. While-task Procedure (Meaningful Drill)A. Teacher shows 4 students …self introduction with photos oncomputer.T: These are our classmates; I hope you can help me to find outwhich one we are talking about.1. The teacher describes, and the students guess.Eg: She is a girl.She has long hair.She is a bit shy.She likes swimming. Who is she?2. Let the students do as the teacher.e the computer to show the funny persons, famous stars.Talk about these friends.a. T: I have some new friends else. I am sure you like them. Let‟ssay hello to them and try to memorize their appearances.b. Ask the students talk about the funny persons, famous stars ortheir friends in work.c. Ask some students to come to the front and talk.(Let the students do as the audience and appreciator assess andjudge.)D.Learn to say: A friends in need is a friend indeed.4. Blackboard DesignFriendsThis isHe\She is shy nice clever naughtyUnit 2Title: FriendsTeaching material: Unit 2Time Allocation: 40 minutesTeacher: Miss HeLearning Objective:1)Learn some new words: cool, little, cute2)Learn to say. “This is ….” “He/ She is….”3)Be interested to English learning.Difficulties:1)Practice well and be able to use the structures.2)Learn to say. “This is ….” “ He/ She is….”3)Teaching Aids: a recorder, a tape, cards.Teaching procedures:Step1: 1) Greetings.2) Warm-up: Sing a song.Step2: Review.1)Some words: nice, a bit, shy, clever, naughty.2)Ask and say.Step3: Listen and point.1)Listen to the tape and repeat it.2)Listen to the tape and read after it.3)Read after teacherStep5: Practice.1)Talk about your classmates.2)Talk about your family and friends.3)Play a game: A: Are you naughty?B: Yes, I am. / No, I am not.Assignment:1)Listen to the tape and read the lesson after class.2)Describe a person‟s personality.Teaching postscripts:Students can grasp the sentence pattern well.教学后记:Module 2Title: LondonTeaching material: Unit 1Time Allocation: 40 minutesLearning Objective:4)Learn some new words: capital, Buckingham Palace, beautiful,Queen‟s house.5)Learn to say. “This is ….” “It‟s very….”6)Can describe a city.Difficulties:4)Practice well and be able to use the structures.5)Learn to say. “This is ….” “It‟s very….”6)Teaching Aids: a recorder, a tape, cards.Teaching procedures:Step1: 1) Greetings.2) Warm-up: Sing a song.Step2: Review.3)Some words4)Ask and say.Step3: Learn to say: A: This is ….B: It‟s very….3) Practice. Practice in pairs. Activity 3.Step4: Listen and point.4)Listen to the tape and repeat it.5)Listen to the tape and read after it.6)Read after teacherStep5: Practice.4)Practice in pairs, and then Act it out.Assignment:3)Listen to the tape and read the lesson after class.Unit 2Title: LondonTeaching material: Unit 2Time Allocation: 40 minutesTeacher: Miss HeLearning Objective:7)Learn some new words: River Thames, Big Ben, Hyde Park, TowerBridge8)Learn to say. “This is ….” “It is ….”9)Be interested to English learning.Difficulties:7)Practice well and be able to use the structures.8)Learn to say. “This is….” “It is ….”9)Teaching Aids: a recorder, a tape, cards.Teaching procedures:Step1: 1) Greetings.2) Warm-up: Sing a song.Step2: Review.5)Review some words6)Ask and say.Step3: Learn to say: River Thames---long, wideBig Ben---old and tallHyde Park---beautifulTower Bridge—famous andbeautiful7)Practice.Step 4: Part 3, sing a song1)London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down,London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady.2)River Thames is long and wide, long and wide, long andwide….3)Big Ben is old and tall, old and tall, old and tall….4)Hyde Park is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, Hyde Park isbeautiful, my fair lady.5)Tower Bridge is famous,famous,famous, Tower Bridge isfamous, my fair lady.Step5: Listen and point.7)Listen to the tape and point.8)Listen to the tape and read after it.9)Read after teacherStep6: Practice.5)Practice in pairs, and then Act it out.6)Point the picture and say.Assignment:4)Listen to the tape and read the lesson after class.Teaching postscripts:Unit 2Will it be windy in Beijing?语言功能:描述将来的行为与状态。