Readout System for the CMS RPC Muon Trigger
数据库out of memory解决方法
数据库out of memory解决方法嘿,朋友们!当遇到数据库 out of memory 这个头疼的问题时,可别慌了神呀!这就好比一辆汽车在路上跑得好好的,突然没油了,那不得赶紧想办法加油让它重新跑起来嘛!首先呢,咱得看看是不是自己的数据量太大啦。
总之呢,遇到数据库 out of memory 不要怕,办法总比困难多呀!咱得冷静下来,仔细分析分析原因,然后对症下药。
unrecovered read error 0x281, -回复
unrecovered read error 0x281, -回复如何解决“未恢复的读取错误0x281”引言:在使用计算机的过程中,可能会遇到各种各样的问题。
可以采取以下步骤进行检查:1. 检查硬盘连接:确保硬盘正确连接到计算机,并且电缆没有松动或损坏。
2. 使用其他电脑:将硬盘连接到另一台计算机上,看看是否可以正常访问文件。
3. 使用硬盘健康工具:运行硬盘健康工具,例如CrystalDiskInfo,以检查硬盘的健康状况。
以下是一些常用的数据恢复工具:1. Recuva:Recuva是一款免费的数据恢复软件,具有简单易用的界面和强大的恢复功能。
这个情况很普遍微软IE8 最近发布的补丁稳定性极差安了就会出现你这种情况唯一解决办法卸掉IE8如果不是IE的问题请直接看最后俩条解决方案或者下载windows更新如果想了解一下那就从头看吧该内存不能read 或written数值叙述0 0x0000 作业完成。
1 0x0001 不正确的函数。
2 0x0002 系统找不到指定的档案。
3 0x0003 系统找不到指定的路径。
4 0x0004 系统无法开启档案。
5 0x0005 拒绝存取。
6 0x0006 无效的代码。
7 0x0007 储存体控制区块已毁。
8 0x0008 储存体空间不足,无法处理这个指令。
9 0x0009 储存体控制区块位址无效。
10 0x000a 环境不正确。
11 0x000b 尝试载入一个格式错误的程式。
12 0x000c 存取码错误。
13 0x000d 资料错误。
14 0x000e 储存体空间不够,无法完成这项作业。
15 0x000f 系统找不到指定的磁碟机。
16 0x0010 无法移除目录。
17 0x0011 系统无法将档案移到其他的磁碟机。
18 0x0012 没有任何档案。
19 0x0013 储存媒体为防写状态。
20 0x0014 系统找不到指定的装置。
21 0x0015 装置尚未就绪。
22 0x0016 装置无法识别指令。
23 0x0017 资料错误 (cyclic redundancy check)24 0x0018 程式发出一个长度错误的指令。
25 0x0019 磁碟机在磁碟找不到持定的磁区或磁轨。
26 0x001a 指定的磁碟或磁片无法存取。
27 0x001b 磁碟机找不到要求的磁区。
28 0x001c 印表机没有纸。
29 0x001d 系统无法将资料写入指定的磁碟机。
30 0x001e 系统无法读取指定的装置。
31 0x001f 连接到系统的某个装置没有作用。
32 0x0020 the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.33 0x0021 档案的一部份被锁定,现在无法存取。
远程溢出示例以下是几个常见的远程溢出示例,用于获取cmd示例:1. MS08-067MS08-067是指微软在2008年发布的一个安全公告,修复了Windows操作系统中的一个远程代码执行漏洞。
攻击步骤: 1. 攻击者利用漏洞扫描工具,寻找存在MS08-067漏洞的目标系统。
2. 构造恶意代码,利用漏洞远程执行代码。
#include <tybs/commandline.h>令狐采学#include <tybs/dir.h>#include <tybs/entropy.h>#include <tybs/file.h>#include <tybs/hash.h>#include <tybs/os.h>#include <tybs/platform.h>#include <tybs/resource.h>#include <tybs/stdio.h>#include <tybs/string.h>#include <tybs/task.h>#include <tybs/timer.h>#include <tybs/util.h>#include <tybscc/result.h>#include <dns/dispatch.h>#include <dns/name.h>#include <dns/result.h>#include <dns/view.h>#include <dst/result.h>#define NS_MAIN 1#include <named/ns_smf_globals.h> #endif#ifdef DLZ#include <dlz/dlz_drivers.h>#endifstatic tybs_boolean_t want_stats = TYBS_FALSE;static char program_name[TYBS_DIR_NAMEMAX] = "named"; static char absolute_conffile[TYBS_DIR_PATHMAX];static char saved_command_line[512];static char version[512];static unsigned int maxsocks = 0;voidns_main_earlywarning(const char *format, ...) {va_list args;va_start(args, format);if (ns_g_lctx != NULL) {tybs_log_vwrite(ns_g_lctx, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,NS_LOGMODULE_MAIN,TYBS_LOG_WARNING,format, args);} else {fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", program_name);vfprintf(stderr, format, args);fprintf(stderr, "\n");fflush(stderr);}va_end(args);}Voidns_main_earlyfatal(const char *format, ...) {va_list args;va_start(args, format);if (ns_g_lctx != NULL) {tybs_log_vwrite(ns_g_lctx, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,NS_LOGMODULE_MAIN,TYBS_LOG_CRITICAL,format, args);tybs_log_write(ns_g_lctx, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,NS_LOGMODULE_MAIN,TYBS_LOG_CRITICAL,"exiting (due to early fatal error)");} else {fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", program_name);vfprintf(stderr, format, args);fprintf(stderr, "\n");fflush(stderr);}va_end(args);exit(1);}static voidassertion_failed(const char *file, int line, tybs_assertiontype_t type,const char *cond){if (ns_g_lctx != NULL) {tybs_assertion_setcallback(NULL);tybs_log_write(ns_g_lctx, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,NS_LOGMODULE_MAIN,TYBS_LOG_CRITICAL,"%s:%d: %s(%s) failed", file, line,tybs_assertion_typetotext(type), cond);tybs_log_write(ns_g_lctx, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,NS_LOGMODULE_MAIN,TYBS_LOG_CRITICAL,"exiting (due to assertion failure)");} else {fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: %s(%s) failed\n",file, line, tybs_assertion_typetotext(type), cond);fflush(stderr);}if (ns_g_coreok)abort();exit(1);}static voidlibrary_fatal_error(const char *file, int line, const char *format,va_list args) TYBS_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 0); static voidlibrary_fatal_error(const char *file, int line, const char *format, va_list args){if (ns_g_lctx != NULL) {tybs_error_setfatal(NULL);tybs_log_write(ns_g_lctx, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,NS_LOGMODULE_MAIN,TYBS_LOG_CRITICAL,"%s:%d: fatal error:", file, line);tybs_log_vwrite(ns_g_lctx, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,NS_LOGMODULE_MAIN,TYBS_LOG_CRITICAL,format, args);tybs_log_write(ns_g_lctx, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,NS_LOGMODULE_MAIN,TYBS_LOG_CRITICAL,"exiting (due to fatal error in library)");} else {fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: fatal error: ", file, line);vfprintf(stderr, format, args);fprintf(stderr, "\n");fflush(stderr);}if (ns_g_coreok)abort();exit(1);}static voidlibrary_unexpected_error(const char *file, int line, const char *format, va_list args) TYBS_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 0);static voidlibrary_unexpected_error(const char *file, int line, const char *format, va_list args){if (ns_g_lctx != NULL) {tybs_log_write(ns_g_lctx, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,NS_LOGMODULE_MAIN,TYBS_LOG_ERROR,"%s:%d: unexpected error:", file, line);tybs_log_vwrite(ns_g_lctx, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,NS_LOGMODULE_MAIN,TYBS_LOG_ERROR,format, args);} else {fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: fatal error: ", file, line);vfprintf(stderr, format, args);fprintf(stderr, "\n");fflush(stderr);}}static voidlwresd_usage(void) {fprintf(stderr,"usage: lwresd [-4|-6] [-c conffile | -C resolvconffile] ""[-d debuglevel]\n"" [-f|-g] [-n number_of_cpus] [-p port] ""[-P listen-port] [-s]\n"" [-t chrootdir] [-u username] [-i pidfile]\n"" [-m {usage|trace|record|size|mctx}]\n"); }static voidusage(void) {if (ns_g_lwresdonly) {lwresd_usage();return;}fprintf(stderr,"usage: named [-4|-6] [-c conffile] [-d debuglevel] ""[-f|-g] [-n number_of_cpus]\n"" [-p port] [-s] [-t chrootdir] [-u username]\n"" [-m {usage|trace|record|size|mctx}]\n"); }static voidsave_command_line(int argc, char *argv[]) {int i;char *src;char *dst;char *eob;const char truncated[] = "...";tybs_boolean_t quoted = TYBS_FALSE;dst = saved_command_line;eob = saved_command_line + sizeof(saved_command_line);for (i = 1; i < argc && dst < eob; i++) {*dst++ = ' ';src = argv[i];while (*src != '\0' && dst < eob) {if (quoted || isalnum(*src & 0xff) ||*src == '-' || *src == '_' ||*src == '.' || *src == '/') {*dst++ = *src++;quoted = TYBS_FALSE;} else {*dst++ = '\\';quoted = TYBS_TRUE;}}}INSIST(sizeof(saved_command_line) >= sizeof(truncated));if (dst == eob)strcpy(eob - sizeof(truncated), truncated);else*dst = '\0';}static intparse_int(char *arg, const char *desc) {char *endp;int tmp;long int ltmp;ltmp = strtol(arg, &endp, 10);tmp = (int) ltmp;if (*endp != '\0')ns_main_earlyfatal("%s '%s' must be numeric", desc, arg);if (tmp < 0 || tmp != ltmp)ns_main_earlyfatal("%s '%s' out of range", desc, arg);return (tmp);}static struct flag_def {const char *name;unsigned int value;} mem_debug_flags[] = {{ "trace", TYBS_MEM_DEBUGTRACE },{ "record", TYBS_MEM_DEBUGRECORD },{ "usage", TYBS_MEM_DEBUGUSAGE },{ "size", TYBS_MEM_DEBUGSIZE },{ "mctx", TYBS_MEM_DEBUGCTX },{ NULL, 0 }};static voidset_flags(const char *arg, struct flag_def *defs, unsigned int *ret) { for (;;) {const struct flag_def *def;const char *end = strchr(arg, ',');int arglen;if (end == NULL)end = arg + strlen(arg);arglen = end - arg;for (def = defs; def->name != NULL; def++) {if (arglen == (int)strlen(def->name) &&memcmp(arg, def->name, arglen) == 0) {*ret |= def->value;goto found;}}ns_main_earlyfatal("unrecognized flag '%.*s'", arglen, arg);found:if (*end == '\0')break;arg = end + 1;}}static voidparse_command_line(int argc, char *argv[]) {int ch;int port;tybs_boolean_t disable6 = TYBS_FALSE;tybs_boolean_t disable4 = TYBS_FALSE;save_command_line(argc, argv);tybs_commandline_errprint = TYBS_FALSE;while ((ch = tybs_commandline_parse(argc, argv,"46c:C:d:fgi:lm:n:N:p:P:""sS:t:T:u:vVx:")) != -1) {switch (ch) {case '4':if (disable4)ns_main_earlyfatal("cannot specify -4 and -6");if (tybs_net_probeipv4() != TYBS_R_SUCCESS)ns_main_earlyfatal("IPv4 not supported by OS"); tybs_net_disableipv6();disable6 = TYBS_TRUE;break;case '6':if (disable6)ns_main_earlyfatal("cannot specify -4 and -6");if (tybs_net_probeipv6() != TYBS_R_SUCCESS)ns_main_earlyfatal("IPv6 not supported by OS"); tybs_net_disableipv4();disable4 = TYBS_TRUE;break;case 'c':ns_g_conffile = tybs_commandline_argument;lwresd_g_conffile = tybs_commandline_argument;if (lwresd_g_useresolvconf)ns_main_earlyfatal("cannot specify -c and -C");ns_g_conffileset = TYBS_TRUE;break;case 'C':lwresd_g_resolvconffile = tybs_commandline_argument;if (ns_g_conffileset)ns_main_earlyfatal("cannot specify -c and -C");lwresd_g_useresolvconf = TYBS_TRUE;break;case 'd':ns_g_debuglevel = parse_int(tybs_commandline_argument,"debug level");break;case 'f':ns_g_foreground = TYBS_TRUE;break;case 'g':ns_g_foreground = TYBS_TRUE;ns_g_logstderr = TYBS_TRUE;break;/* XXXBEW -i should be removed */case 'i':lwresd_g_defaultpidfile = tybs_commandline_argument;break;case 'l':ns_g_lwresdonly = TYBS_TRUE;break;case 'm':set_flags(tybs_commandline_argument, mem_debug_flags, &tybs_mem_debugging);break;case 'N': /* Deprecated. */ns_g_cpus = parse_int(tybs_commandline_argument,"number of cpus");if (ns_g_cpus == 0)ns_g_cpus = 1;break;case 'p':port = parse_int(tybs_commandline_argument, "port");if (port < 1 || port > 65535)ns_main_earlyfatal("port '%s' out of range",tybs_commandline_argument);ns_g_port = port;break;/* XXXBEW Should -P be removed? */case 'P':port = parse_int(tybs_commandline_argument, "port");if (port < 1 || port > 65535)ns_main_earlyfatal("port '%s' out of range",tybs_commandline_argument);lwresd_g_listenport = port;break;case 's':want_stats = TYBS_TRUE;break;maxsocks = parse_int(tybs_commandline_argument,"max number of sockets");break;case 't':ns_g_chrootdir = tybs_commandline_argument;break;case 'T':if (strcmp(tybs_commandline_argument, "clienttest") == 0) ns_g_clienttest = TYBS_TRUE;elsefprintf(stderr, "unknown -T flag '%s\n",tybs_commandline_argument);break;case 'u':ns_g_username = tybs_commandline_argument;break;case 'v':printf("BIND %s\n", ns_g_version);exit(0);case 'V':printf("BIND %s built with %s\n", ns_g_version,ns_g_configargs);exit(0);usage();if (tybs_commandline_option == '?')exit(0);ns_main_earlyfatal("unknown option '-%c'",tybs_commandline_option);default:ns_main_earlyfatal("parsing options returned %d", ch);}}argc -= tybs_commandline_index;argv += tybs_commandline_index;if (argc > 0) {usage();ns_main_earlyfatal("extra command line arguments");}}static tybs_result_tcreate_managers(void) {tybs_result_t result;unsigned int socks;#ifdef TYBS_PLATFORM_USETHREADSunsigned int cpus_detected;#endif#ifdef TYBS_PLATFORM_USETHREADScpus_detected = tybs_os_ncpus();if (ns_g_cpus == 0)ns_g_cpus = cpus_detected;tybs_log_write(ns_g_lctx, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER,TYBS_LOG_INFO, "found %u CPU%s, using %u worker thread%s", cpus_detected, cpus_detected == 1 ? "" : "s",ns_g_cpus, ns_g_cpus == 1 ? "" : "s");#elsens_g_cpus = 1;#endifresult = tybs_taskmgr_create(ns_g_mctx, ns_g_cpus, 0, &ns_g_taskmgr);if (result != TYBS_R_SUCCESS) {UNEXPECTED_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__,"tybs_taskmgr_create() failed: %s",tybs_result_totext(result));return (TYBS_R_UNEXPECTED);}result = tybs_timermgr_create(ns_g_mctx, &ns_g_timermgr);if (result != TYBS_R_SUCCESS) {UNEXPECTED_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__,"tybs_timermgr_create() failed: %s",tybs_result_totext(result));return (TYBS_R_UNEXPECTED);}result = tybs_socketmgr_create2(ns_g_mctx, &ns_g_socketmgr, maxsocks);if (result != TYBS_R_SUCCESS) {UNEXPECTED_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__,"tybs_socketmgr_create() failed: %s",tybs_result_totext(result));return (TYBS_R_UNEXPECTED);}result = tybs_socketmgr_getmaxsockets(ns_g_socketmgr, &socks);if (result == TYBS_R_SUCCESS) {tybs_log_write(ns_g_lctx, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER,TYBS_LOG_INFO, "using up to %u sockets", socks);}result = tybs_entropy_create(ns_g_mctx, &ns_g_entropy);if (result != TYBS_R_SUCCESS) {UNEXPECTED_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__,"tybs_entropy_create() failed: %s",tybs_result_totext(result));return (TYBS_R_UNEXPECTED);}result = tybs_hash_create(ns_g_mctx, ns_g_entropy, DNS_NAME_MAXWIRE);if (result != TYBS_R_SUCCESS) {UNEXPECTED_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__,"tybs_hash_create() failed: %s",tybs_result_totext(result));return (TYBS_R_UNEXPECTED);}return (TYBS_R_SUCCESS);}static voiddestroy_managers(void) {ns_lwresd_shutdown();tybs_entropy_detach(&ns_g_entropy);if (ns_g_fallbackentropy != NULL)tybs_entropy_detach(&ns_g_fallbackentropy);tybs_taskmgr_destroy(&ns_g_taskmgr);tybs_timermgr_destroy(&ns_g_timermgr);tybs_socketmgr_destroy(&ns_g_socketmgr);tybs_hash_destroy();}static voidsetup(void) {tybs_result_t result;#ifdef HAVE_LIBSCFchar *instance = NULL;#endifns_os_inituserinfo(ns_g_username);ns_os_tzset();ns_os_opendevnull();#ifdef HAVE_LIBSCFresult = ns_smf_get_instance(&instance, 0, ns_g_mctx);if (result == TYBS_R_SUCCESS)ns_smf_got_instance = 1;elsens_smf_got_instance = 0;if (instance != NULL)tybs_mem_free(ns_g_mctx, instance);#endif /* HAVE_LIBSCF */#ifdef PATH_RANDOMDEVif (ns_g_chrootdir != NULL) {result = tybs_entropy_create(ns_g_mctx, &ns_g_fallbackentropy);if (result != TYBS_R_SUCCESS)ns_main_earlyfatal("tybs_entropy_create() failed: %s",tybs_result_totext(result));result = tybs_entropy_createfilesource(ns_g_fallbackentropy,PATH_RANDOMDEV);if (result != TYBS_R_SUCCESS) {ns_main_earlywarning("could not open pre-chroot ""entropy source %s: %s",PATH_RANDOMDEV,tybs_result_totext(result));tybs_entropy_detach(&ns_g_fallbackentropy);}}#endifns_os_chroot(ns_g_chrootdir);ns_os_minprivs();result = ns_log_init(TYBS_TF(ns_g_username != NULL));if (result != TYBS_R_SUCCESS)ns_main_earlyfatal("ns_log_init() failed: %s",tybs_result_totext(result));if (!ns_g_foreground)ns_os_daemonize();result = tybs_app_start();if (result != TYBS_R_SUCCESS)ns_main_earlyfatal("tybs_app_start() failed: %s",tybs_result_totext(result));tybs_log_write(ns_g_lctx, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_MAIN,TYBS_LOG_NOTICE, "starting BIND %s%s", ns_g_version,saved_command_line);tybs_log_write(ns_g_lctx, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_MAIN,TYBS_LOG_NOTICE, "built with %s", ns_g_configargs);(void)tybs_resource_getlimit(tybs_resource_stacksize,&ns_g_initstacksize);(void)tybs_resource_getlimit(tybs_resource_datasize,&ns_g_initdatasize);(void)tybs_resource_getlimit(tybs_resource_coresize,&ns_g_initcoresize);(void)tybs_resource_getlimit(tybs_resource_openfiles,&ns_g_initopenfiles);if (! tybs_file_isabsolute(ns_g_conffile)) {result = tybs_file_absolutepath(ns_g_conffile,absolute_conffile,sizeof(absolute_conffile));if (result != TYBS_R_SUCCESS)ns_main_earlyfatal("could not construct absolute path of ""configuration file: %s",tybs_result_totext(result));ns_g_conffile = absolute_conffile;}result = tybs_time_now(&ns_g_boottime);if (result != TYBS_R_SUCCESS)ns_main_earlyfatal("tybs_time_now() failed: %s", tybs_result_totext(result));result = create_managers();if (result != TYBS_R_SUCCESS)ns_main_earlyfatal("create_managers() failed: %s", tybs_result_totext(result));ns_builtin_init();#ifdef DLZresult = dlz_drivers_init();if (result != TYBS_R_SUCCESS)ns_main_earlyfatal("dlz_drivers_init() failed: %s", tybs_result_totext(result));#endifns_server_create(ns_g_mctx, &ns_g_server);}static voidcleanup(void) {destroy_managers();ns_server_destroy(&ns_g_server);ns_builtin_deinit();#ifdef DLZdlz_drivers_clear();#endifdns_name_destroy();tybs_log_write(ns_g_lctx, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_MAIN,TYBS_LOG_NOTICE, "exiting");ns_log_shutdown();}static char *memstats = NULL;voidns_main_setmemstats(const char *filename) {if (memstats != NULL) {free(memstats);memstats = NULL;}if (filename == NULL)return;memstats = malloc(strlen(filename) + 1);if (memstats)strcpy(memstats, filename);}#ifdef HAVE_LIBSCFtybs_result_tns_smf_get_instance(char **ins_name, int debug, tybs_mem_t *mctx) {scf_handle_t *h = NULL;int namelen;char *instance;REQUIRE(ins_name != NULL && *ins_name == NULL); if ((h = scf_handle_create(SCF_VERSION)) == NULL) { if (debug)UNEXPECTED_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__,"scf_handle_create() failed: %s",scf_strerror(scf_error()));return (TYBS_R_FAILURE);}if (scf_handle_bind(h) == -1) {if (debug)UNEXPECTED_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__,"scf_handle_bind() failed: %s",scf_strerror(scf_error()));scf_handle_destroy(h);return (TYBS_R_FAILURE);}if ((namelen = scf_myname(h, NULL, 0)) == -1) { if (debug)UNEXPECTED_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__,"scf_myname() failed: %s",scf_strerror(scf_error()));scf_handle_destroy(h);return (TYBS_R_FAILURE);if ((instance = tybs_mem_allocate(mctx, namelen + 1)) == NULL) {UNEXPECTED_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__,"ns_smf_get_instance memory ""allocation failed: %s",tybs_result_totext(TYBS_R_NOMEMORY));scf_handle_destroy(h);return (TYBS_R_FAILURE);}if (scf_myname(h, instance, namelen + 1) == -1) {if (debug)UNEXPECTED_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__,"scf_myname() failed: %s",scf_strerror(scf_error()));scf_handle_destroy(h);tybs_mem_free(mctx, instance);return (TYBS_R_FAILURE);}scf_handle_destroy(h);*ins_name = instance;return (TYBS_R_SUCCESS);}#endifmain(int argc, char *argv[]) {tybs_result_t result;#ifdef HAVE_LIBSCFchar *instance = NULL;#endifstrlcat(version,#ifdef __DATE__"named version: BIND " VERSION " (" __DATE__ ")",#else"named version: BIND " VERSION,#endifsizeof(version));result = tybs_file_progname(*argv, program_name, sizeof(program_name));if (result != TYBS_R_SUCCESS)ns_main_earlyfatal("program name too long");if (strcmp(program_name, "lwresd") == 0)ns_g_lwresdonly = TYBS_TRUE;tybs_assertion_setcallback(assertion_failed);tybs_error_setfatal(library_fatal_error);tybs_error_setunexpected(library_unexpected_error);ns_os_init(program_name);dns_result_register();tybscc_result_register();parse_command_line(argc, argv);if (ns_g_chrootdir != NULL) {int len = strlen(ns_g_chrootdir);if (strncmp(ns_g_chrootdir, ns_g_conffile, len) == 0 &&(ns_g_conffile[len] == '/' || ns_g_conffile[len] == '\\'))ns_main_earlywarning("config filename (-c %s) contains ""chroot path (-t %s)",ns_g_conffile, ns_g_chrootdir);}result = tybs_mem_create(0, 0, &ns_g_mctx);if (result != TYBS_R_SUCCESS)ns_main_earlyfatal("tybs_mem_create() failed: %s",tybs_result_totext(result));tybs_mem_setname(ns_g_mctx, "main", NULL);setup();do {result = tybs_app_run();if (result == TYBS_R_RELOAD) {ns_server_reloadwanted(ns_g_server);} else if (result != TYBS_R_SUCCESS) {UNEXPECTED_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__,"tybs_app_run(): %s",result = TYBS_R_SUCCESS;}} while (result != TYBS_R_SUCCESS);#ifdef HAVE_LIBSCFif (ns_smf_want_disable == 1) {result = ns_smf_get_instance(&instance, 1, ns_g_mctx);if (result == TYBS_R_SUCCESS && instance != NULL) { if (smf_disable_instance(instance, 0) != 0)UNEXPECTED_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__,"smf_disable_instance() ""failed for %s : %s",instance,scf_strerror(scf_error()));}if (instance != NULL)tybs_mem_free(ns_g_mctx, instance);}#endif /* HAVE_LIBSCF */cleanup();if (want_stats) {tybs_mem_stats(ns_g_mctx, stdout);tybs_mutex_stats(stdout);}if (ns_g_memstatistics && memstats != NULL) {FILE *fp = NULL;result = tybs_stdio_open(memstats, "w", &fp);if (result == TYBS_R_SUCCESS) {tybs_mem_stats(ns_g_mctx, fp);tybs_mutex_stats(fp);tybs_stdio_close(fp);}}tybs_mem_destroy(&ns_g_mctx);tybs_mem_checkdestroyed(stderr);ns_main_setmemstats(NULL);tybs_app_finish();ns_os_closedevnull();ns_os_shutdown();return (0);}#define ZEND_INCLUDE_FULL_WINDOWS_HEADERS #include "php.h"#include <stdio.h>#include <fcntl.h>#ifdef PHP_WIN32#include "win32/time.h"#include "win32/signal.h"#include "win32/php_win32_globals.h" #include <process.h>#elif defined(NETWARE)#include <sys/timeval.h>#ifdef USE_WINSOCK#include <novsock2.h>#endif#endif#if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H#include <sys/time.h>#endif#if HAVE_UNISTD_H#include <unistd.h>#endif#if HAVE_SIGNAL_H#include <signal.h>#endif#if HAVE_SETLOCALE#include <locale.h>#endif#include "zend.h"#include "zend_extensions.h"#include "php_ini.h"#include "php_globals.h"#include "fopen_wrappers.h"#include "ext/standard/php_standard.h" #include "php_variables.h"#include "ext/standard/credits.h"#ifdef PHP_WIN32#include <io.h>#include "win32/php_registry.h"#include "ext/standard/flock_compat.h" #endif#include "php_syslog.h"#include "Zend/zend_exceptions.h"#if PHP_SIGCHILD#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/wait.h>#endif#include "zend_compile.h"#include "zend_execute.h"#include "zend_highlight.h"#include "zend_indent.h"#include "zend_extensions.h"#include "zend_ini.h"#include "php_content_types.h"#include "php_ticks.h"#include "php_streams.h"#include "php_open_temporary_file.h" #include "SAPI.h"#include "rfc1867.h"/* }}} */#ifndef ZTSphp_core_globals core_globals;#elsePHPAPI int core_globals_id;#endif#define SAFE_FILENAME(f) ((f)?(f):"-") /* {{{ PHP_INI_MH*/static PHP_INI_MH(OnSetPrecision){int i = atoi(new_value);if (i >= 0) {EG(precision) = i;return SUCCESS;} else {return FAILURE;}}static PHP_INI_MH(OnChangeMemoryLimit){if (new_value) {PG(memory_limit) = zend_atoi(new_value, new_value_length);} else {PG(memory_limit) = 1<<30; /* effectively, no limit */ }return zend_set_memory_limit(PG(memory_limit));}static void php_disable_functions(TSRMLS_D){char *s = NULL, *e;if (!*(INI_STR("disable_functions"))) {return;}e = PG(disable_functions) = strdup(INI_STR("disable_functions"));while (*e) {switch (*e) {case ' ':case ',':if (s) {*e = '\0';zend_disable_function(s, e-s TSRMLS_CC);s = NULL;}break;default:if (!s) {s = e;}break;}e++;}if (s) {zend_disable_function(s, e-s TSRMLS_CC);}}static void php_disable_classes(TSRMLS_D){char *s = NULL, *e;if (!*(INI_STR("disable_classes"))) {return;}e = PG(disable_classes) = strdup(INI_STR("disable_classes"));while (*e) {switch (*e) {case ' ':case ',':if (s) {*e = '\0';zend_disable_class(s, e-s TSRMLS_CC);s = NULL;}break;default:if (!s) {s = e;}break;}e++;}if (s) {zend_disable_class(s, e-s TSRMLS_CC);}}static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdateTimeout){EG(timeout_seconds) = atoi(new_value);if (stage==PHP_INI_STAGE_STARTUP) {/* Don't set a timeout on startup, only per-request */return SUCCESS;}zend_unset_timeout(TSRMLS_C);zend_set_timeout(EG(timeout_seconds));return SUCCESS;}static int php_get_display_errors_mode(char *value, int value_length) {int mode;if (!value) {return PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS_STDOUT;}if (value_length == 2 && !strcasecmp("on", value)) {mode = PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS_STDOUT;} else if (value_length == 3 && !strcasecmp("yes", value)) { mode = PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS_STDOUT;} else if (value_length == 4 && !strcasecmp("true", value)) { mode = PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS_STDOUT;} else if (value_length == 6 && !strcasecmp(value, "stderr")) { mode = PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS_STDERR;} else if (value_length == 6 && !strcasecmp(value, "stdout")) { mode = PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS_STDOUT;} else {mode = atoi(value);if (mode && mode != PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS_STDOUT && mode != PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS_STDERR) {mode = PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS_STDOUT;}}return mode;}static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdateDisplayErrors){PG(display_errors) = (zend_bool) php_get_display_errors_mode(new_value, new_value_length);return SUCCESS;}static PHP_INI_DISP(display_errors_mode){int mode, tmp_value_length, cgi_or_cli;char *tmp_value;TSRMLS_FETCH();if (type == ZEND_INI_DISPLAY_ORIG && ini_entry->modified) {tmp_value = (ini_entry->orig_value ? ini_entry->orig_value : NULL );tmp_value_length = ini_entry->orig_value_length;} else if (ini_entry->value) {tmp_value = ini_entry->value;tmp_value_length = ini_entry->value_length;} else {tmp_value = NULL;tmp_value_length = 0;}mode = php_get_display_errors_mode(tmp_value, tmp_value_length);cgi_or_cli = (!strcmp(sapi_, "cli") || !strcmp(sapi_, "cgi"));switch (mode) {case PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS_STDERR:if (cgi_or_cli ) {PUTS("STDERR");} else {PUTS("On");}break;case PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS_STDOUT:if (cgi_or_cli ) {PUTS("STDOUT");} else {PUTS("On");}break;default:PUTS("Off");break;}}static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdateErrorLog){/* Only do the safemode/open_basedir check at runtime */if ((stage == PHP_INI_STAGE_RUNTIME || stage == PHP_INI_STAGE_HTACCESS) &&strcmp(new_value, "syslog")) {if (PG(safe_mode) && (!php_checkuid(new_value, NULL, CHECKUID_CHECK_FILE_AND_DIR))) {return FAILURE;}if (PG(open_basedir) && php_check_open_basedir(new_value TSRMLS_CC)) {return FAILURE;}}OnUpdateString(entry, new_value, new_value_length, mh_arg1, mh_arg2, mh_arg3, stage TSRMLS_CC);。
正试图在os加载程序锁内执⾏托管代码正试图在 os 加载程序锁内执⾏托管代码。
不要尝试在 DllMain 或映像初始化函数内运⾏托管代码...当我在窗体初始化的时候,调⽤了⼀个外部的dill时,它就不知什么原因的抛出⼀个“正试图在 os 加载程序锁内执⾏托管代码。
不要尝试在DllMain 或映像初始化函数内运⾏托管代码”的异常,程序就卡掉了,在⽹上查了查,相关说明如下:.NET2.0中增加了42种⾮常强⼤的调试助⼿,MDA.Loaderlock 是其中之⼀。
Loaderlock检测在⼀个拥有操作系统loader lock的线程上运⾏托管代码的情况。
⼤致理解:就是窗体还没有完全⽣成,⽽你在这个时候就调⽤了别的dll,可能就抛出了这个异常!解决此异常的⽅法为:⽅法⼀把vs2005菜单的调试->异常->Managed Debuggin Assistants->LoaderLock 的选中状态去掉如果异常(exception)这⼀项没有的话,在⼯具---⾃定义---命令选项卡---左边选择调试--右边把异常托到菜单⾥快捷键Ctrl+Alt+E,修改Managed Debuggin Assistants->LoaderLock 的选中状态去掉⽅法⼆在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework下⾯增加⼀个String,值为"0"不过这样做,在该计算机上所有基于.NET2.0开发都得不到MDA的好处。
cann't initialize sys standard streams
"Can't initialize sys standard streams" 是一个错误消息,通常出现在尝试初始化标准输入(stdin)、标准输出(stdout)和标准错误(stderr)流时。
1. 系统资源不足:如果系统没有足够的内存或其他资源来创建这些流,可能会导致此错误。
2. 权限问题:如果没有足够的权限来访问或创建这些流,也会引发此错误。
3. 库或依赖项的问题:如果你的代码依赖于某些库或模块,而这些库或模块有问题,可能会导致无法初始化标准流。
4. 代码错误:如果你的代码中存在错误,比如在不正确的上下文中尝试初始化这些流,也可能会导致这个问题。
- 检查系统的资源使用情况,确保有足够的资源供你的程序使用。
- 检查你的程序是否有适当的权限来访问和创建这些流。
- 如果你使用了第三方库,请检查它们是否正常工作,并确保已经正确地安装和配置了所有依赖项。
- 检查你的代码,确保你在正确的上下文中初始化标准流,并且没有语法错误或逻辑错误。
ce memory read error
CE Memory Read Error是计算机系统中的一种错误类型,主要出现在内存读取数据时发现异常或错误。
下面将从以下几个方面进行详细介绍CE Memory Read Error的定义、原因、影响、解决方法等内容。
一、CE Memory Read Error的定义CE Memory Read Error是指在计算机系统运行过程中,当CPU尝试从内存中读取数据时,发现内存中存储的数据与其原始值不一致,或者发现内存中存储的数据出现了损坏、错误或异常。
二、CE Memory Read Error的原因1. 内存硬件故障:内存条损坏、接触不良、插槽故障等都可能引起CE Memory Read Error的发生。
2. 电压不稳定:系统供电电压不稳定可能导致内存读取数据时发生错误。
3. 高温损伤:内存长时间高负荷运行或工作环境温度过高可能造成内存读取数据出现错误。
4. 软件错误:操作系统、驱动程序等软件的错误也可能导致CE Memory Read Error的发生。
三、CE Memory Read Error的影响CE Memory Read Error一旦发生,可能会导致以下几种严重影响:1. 系统不稳定:CE Memory Read Error会导致系统运行不稳定,出现卡顿、死机等现象,严重影响用户正常使用。
2. 程序崩溃:部分程序依赖于内存的数据读取,如果出现CE Memory Read Error,可能导致相关程序崩溃无法正常运行。
3. 数据丢失:如果CE Memory Read Error发生在数据读取过程中,有可能导致读取的数据出现错误或丢失,对数据的完整性和准确性造成严重影响。
四、CE Memory Read Error的解决方法1. 检查内存硬件:首先要检查内存条是否损坏,是否接触良好,内存插槽是否故障等,必要时更换故障的内存条或插槽。
stream is closed reading get -回复
stream is closed reading get -回复以下是一篇2000字的文章,详细解答了“stream is closed reading get”这一主题。
其中一个常见的错误是"stream is closed reading get"。
"stream is closed reading get"错误通常发生在以下情况下:1. 试图在流已关闭后继续读取数据:当我们关闭一个流之后,再试图读取该流时,就会导致“stream is closed reading get”错误。
2. 多次读取流:有时,我们会多次尝试读取同一个流。
3. 引用已关闭的流对象:有时我们可能会将流对象保存在变量中,并在其他部分使用。
premature end of stream readuint
premature end of stream readuint
"Premature end of stream readuint" 这个错误通常与数据流或文件读取有关,尤其是当尝试从一个不完整或已损坏的数据源中读取无符号整数(uint)时。
这包括“Premature end of stream”错误,以及其他可能的I/O错误。
解决“Premature end of stream readuint”错误通常需要仔细分析代码和数据源,以及使用调试工具来跟踪问题的根源。
.Net内存溢出(System.OutOfMemoryException)的常见情况和处理⽅式总结在什么情况下会出现OutOfMemonryException呢? 在我们试图新建⼀个对象时,⽽垃圾收集器⼜找不到任何可⽤内存时被抛出,这种情况下我们是可以捕获该异常的; 另⼀种情况是,CLR需要内存时,⽽却系统却不能提供,也会抛出该异常. 但此时,我们的应⽤程序是不能捕获该错误的.内存溢出(OutOfMemoryException)的调试分析32位操作系统的寻址空间是4G,其中有2G被操作系统占⽤,也就是说留给⽤户进程的内存只有2G(其中还要扣除程序加载时映像占⽤的部分空间,⼀般只有1.6G~1.8G左右可以使⽤)。
如果进程运⾏中需要申请内存,⽽操作系统⽆法为其分配内存空间,则会产⽣内存不⾜的异常,在.net中为System.OutOfMemoryException(The exception that is thrown when there is not enough memory tocontinue the execution of a program.)。
iis应⽤程序池内存溢出错误 System.OutOfMemoryException在 Web服务器上,所能够⽤到的内存,通常不会等同于所有的内存数量。
java中system的用法 -回复
1. System类的常用方法System类提供了许多常用的方法,下面是一些常用的方法及其作用:- exit(int status):终止当前正在运行的Java虚拟机。
- currentTimeMillis():返回当前时间的毫秒数。
- getProperty(String key):获取与指定键关联的系统属性值。
- getenv(String name):获取与指定环境变量关联的值。
2. System类的属性除了方法,System类还提供了一些属性,下面是一些常用的属性:- in:标准输入流。
- out:标准输出流。
- err:标准错误输出流。
3. System类的使用示例为了更好地理解System类的使用,让我们来看几个示例:- 示例1:获取当前时间javalong currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("当前时间(毫秒数):" + currentTime);- 示例2:获取系统属性值javaString osName = System.getProperty(""); String javaVersion = System.getProperty("java.version");System.out.println("操作系统:" + osName);System.out.println("Java版本:" + javaVersion);- 示例3:标准输入输出javaScanner scanner = new Scanner(;System.out.print("请输入一个数字:");int num = scanner.nextInt();System.out.println("你输入的数字是:" + num);System.out.println("这是标准输出");System.err.println("这是标准错误输出");4. System类的注意事项- System类是ng包下的一个类,所以无需import语句就可以使用。
axis error reading xmlstreamreader
axis error reading xmlstreamreader一、问题概述在处理XML数据时,我们可能会遇到“axis error reading xmlstreamreader”的错误。
这个错误通常与Apache Axis库在读取XMLStreamReader时发生问题有关。
二、问题原因出现此错误的原因可能有以下几种:1. XML数据格式不正确或不符合预期。
2. XMLStreamReader对象创建失败,可能是由于读取的数据流不完整或格式不正确。
3. 使用的Apache Axis版本与Java环境或其他依赖项不兼容。
4. 内存溢出或其他系统资源问题。
三、解决方案针对上述可能的原因,我们可以采取以下解决方案:1. 检查XML数据:确保XML数据的格式正确,没有遗漏的元素或属性。
2. 确保正确创建XMLStreamReader对象:确保在创建XMLStreamReader对象时,使用了正确的数据流。
3. 更新Apache Axis版本:如果是版本问题,考虑更新到最新版本或回退到一个已知稳定的版本。
4. 检查系统资源:确保系统有足够的内存和其他资源来处理XML 数据。
5. 捕获异常并进行处理:在代码中添加适当的异常处理逻辑,以便在发生错误时能够获取更多信息,从而进行故障排除。
6. 逐步调试:通过逐步执行代码,逐行检查数据流和XMLStreamReader对象的创建过程,以确定问题的具体位置。
请注意,这只是一个简单的示例,实际应用中可能需要进行更复杂的处理:```javaimport*;import*;public class XmlProcessingExample {public static void main(String[] args) {try {// 读取XML数据流InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream("example.xml");XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();XMLStreamReader reader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(inputStream);// 处理XML数据...// 确保正确关闭XMLStreamReader对象 reader.close();} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}}}```请注意,上述代码仅用于说明目的,实际应用中需要结合具体需求进行适当的修改和错误处理。
Running an Application from Internal Flash Memory on the TMS320F28xxx DSP(spra958h)
Application ReportSPRA958H – September 2008 Running an Application from Internal Flash Memory on theTMS320F28xxx DSP David M. Alter DSP Applications - Semiconductor GroupABSTRACTSeveral special requirements exist for running an application from on-chip flash memoryon the TMS320F28xxx DSP. These requirements generally do not manifest themselvesduring development in RAM since the Code Composer Studio™ debugger can maskproblems associated with initialized sections and how they are linked to memory. Thisapplication report covers the requirements needed to properly configure applicationsoftware for execution from on-chip flash memory. Requirements for both DSP/BIOS™and non-DSP/BIOS projects are presented. Some performance considerations andtechniques are also discussed. Example code projects are included that run from on-chipflash on the eZdspF2812™, eZdspF2808, and eZdspF28335 development boards. Codeexamples that run from internal RAM are also provided for completeness. These codeexamples provide a starting point for code development, if desired.Project collateral and source code discussed in this application report can be downloadedfrom the following URL: /sc/techlit/ that the issues discussed in this application report apply directly to current membersof the TMS320F28xxx DSP family, specifically: F2810, F2811, F2812, F2801, F2801-60,F2802, F2802-60, F2806, F2808, F2809, F28015, F28016, F28044, F28232, F28234,F28235, F28332, F28334, and F28335 devices. Applicability to future devices in theTMS320F28xxx family, although quite likely, is not guaranteed. In addition, the code andtechniques presented in this application report for DSP/BIOS projects were developed onCode Composer Studio v3.3.81.5 using C-compiler v5.1.0 and DSP/BIOS v5.33. It isalways suggested that the reader upgrade to the latest version. However, keep in mindthat future versions of DSP/BIOS may have differences that make some of the itemsdiscussed in this report unnecessary (although in all likelihood backwards compatibility willbe maintained, so that the techniques discussed here should still work).Finally, this application report does not provide a tutorial on writing and building code forthe F28xxx DSP. It is assumed that the reader already has at least the main framework oftheir application code running from RAM, probably using the Code Composer Studiodebugger to perform the code download. This report only identifies the special items thatmust be considered when moving the application into on-chip flash memory.Code Composer Studio and DSP/BIOS are trademarks of Texas Instruments.eZdsp is a trademark of Spectrum Digital Incorporated.Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.1SPRA958HContents1Introduction (3)2Creating a User Linker Command File (3)2.1Non-DSP/BIOS Projects (3)2.2DSP/BIOS Projects (4)3Where to Link the Sections (4)3.1Non-DSP/BIOS Projects (5)3.2DSP/BIOS Projects (7)4Copying Sections from Flash to RAM (9)4.1Copying the Interrupt Vectors (non-DSP/BIOS projects only) (9)4.2Copying the .hwi_vec Section (DSP/BIOS projects only) (10)4.3Copying the .trcdata Section (DSP/BIOS projects only) (10)4.4Initializing the Flash Control Registers (DSP/BIOS and non-DSP/BIOS projects) (12)4.5Maximizing Performance by Executing Time-critical Functions from RAM (14)4.6Maximizing Performance by Linking Critical Global Constants to RAM (15)4.6.1Method 1: Running All Constant Arrays from RAM (15)4.6.2Method 2: Running a Specific Constant Array from RAM (18)5Programming the Code Security Module Passwords (19)6Executing Your Code from Flash after a DSP Reset (23)7Disabling the Watchdog Timer During C-Environment Boot (25)8C-Code Examples (27)8.1General Overview (27)8.2Directory Structure and File Utilizations (28)8.3Additional Information (35)References (38)Revision History (39)FiguresFigure 1.Specifying the User Init Function in the DSP/BIOS Configuration tool (11)Figure 2.Specifying the Link Order In Code Composer Studio (17)Figure 3.DSP/BIOS MEM Properties for CSM Password Locations (22)Figure 4.DSP/BIOS MEM Properties for CSM Reserved Locations (22)Figure 5.DSP/BIOS MEM Properties for Jump to Flash Entry Point (24)TablesTable 1.Section Linking in Non-DSP/BIOS Projects (Large memory model) (6)Table 2.Section Linking In DSP/BIOS Projects (Large Memory Model) (7)Table 3.Example Code File Directories (28)Table 4.F2812 Example Code File Inventory and Utilization (29)Table 5.F2808 Example Code File Inventory and Utilization (31)Table 6.F28335 Example Code File Inventory and Utilization (33)2Running an Application from Internal Flash Memory on the TMS320F28xxx DSPSPRA958H1 IntroductionThe TMS320F28xxx DSP family has been designed for standalone operation in embeddedcontroller applications. The on-chip flash usually eliminates the need for external non-volatilememory and a host processor from which to bootload. Configuring an application to run fromflash memory is a relatively easy matter provided that one follow a few simple steps. This report covers the major concerns and steps needed to properly configure application software forexecution from internal flash memory. Requirements for both DSP/BIOS and non-DSP/BIOSprojects are presented. Some performance considerations and techniques are also discussed.Note that the issues discussed in this application report apply directly to current membersof the TMS320F28xxx DSP family. The term F28xxx here, and throughout the remainderof this document, refers specifically to the F2810, F2811, F2812, F2801, F2801-60,F2802, F2802-60, F2806, F2808, F2809, F28015, F28016, F28044, F28232, F28234,F28235, F28332, F28334, and F28335 devices. Applicability to future devices in theTMS320F28xxx family, although quite likely, is not guaranteed. In addition, the code andtechniques presented in this application report for DSP/BIOS projects were developed onCode Composer Studio v3.3.81.5 using C-compiler v5.1.0 and DSP/BIOS v5.33. It isalways suggested that the reader upgrade to the latest version. However, keep in mindthat future versions of DSP/BIOS may have differences that make some of the itemsdiscussed in this report unnecessary (although in all likelihood backwards compatibility willbe maintained, so that the techniques discussed here should still work).Finally, this application report does not provide a tutorial on writing and building code for theF28xx DSP. It is assumed that the reader already has at least the main framework of theirapplication code running from RAM, probably using the CCS debugger to perform the codedownload. This report only identifies the special items that must be considered when moving the application into on-chip flash memory.2 Creating a User Linker Command File2.1 Non-DSP/BIOS ProjectsIn non-DSP/BIOS applications, the user linker command file will be where most memory isdefined, and where the linking of most sections is specified. The format of this file is no different than the linker command file you are currently using to run your application from RAM. Thedifference will be in where you link the sections (to be discussed in Section 3). More information on linker command files can be found in reference [9]. The non-DSP/BIOS code projects thataccompany this application report contain linker command files that can be used for reference.The DSP281x, DSP280x, DSP2804x, and DSP2833x peripheral header files contain linkercommand files named DSP281x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd, DSP280x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd, DSP2804x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd, and DSP2833x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd respectively (see references [15-18]). These files contains linker MEMORY and SECTIONS declarations forlinking the peripheral register structures. Simply add the appropriate one of these linkercommand files to your code project in addition to your user linker command file.Running an Application from Internal Flash Memory on the TMS320F28xxx DSP 3SPRA958HIn general, the order of the linker command files is unimportant since during a project build, CCS evaluates the MEMORY section of every linker command file before evaluating the SECTIONS section of any linker command file. This ensures that all memories are defined before linkingany sections to those memories. However, advanced users may need manual control over the order of linker command file evaluation in some rare situations. This can be specified withinCCS on the Project → Build_Options, Link_Order tab.2.2 DSP/BIOS ProjectsThe DSP/BIOS configuration tool generates a linker command file that specifies how to link all DSP/BIOS generated sections, and by default all C-compiler generated sections. When running your application from RAM, this linker command file may be the only one in use. However, when executing from flash memory, there will likely be a need to generate and link one or more user defined sections. In particular, any code that configures the on-chip flash control registers (e.g.flash wait-states) cannot execute from flash. In addition, one may want to run certain timecritical functions from RAM (instead of flash) to maximize performance. A user linker command file must be created to handle these user defined sections.CCS supports having more than one linker command file in a project. Hence, all one needs to do is add both the user linker command file, as well as the DSP/BIOS generated linkercommand file, to their project. In general, the order of the linker command files is unimportant since during a project build, CCS evaluates the MEMORY section of every linker command file before evaluating the SECTIONS section of any linker command file. This ensures that allmemories are defined before linking any sections to those memories. However, advanced users may need manual control over the order of linker command file evaluation in some raresituations (for example, to preempt and override DSP/BIOS linkage of a section). This can be specified within CCS on the Project → Build_Options, Link_Order tab.The DSP281x, DSP280x, DSP2804x, and DSP2833x peripheral header files contain linkercommand files named DSP281x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd, DSP280x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd, DSP2804x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd, and DSP2833x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd respectively (see references [15-18]). These file contains linker MEMORY and SECTIONS declarations for linking the peripheral register structures. Simply add the appropriate one of these linker command files to your code project as well.3 Where to Link the SectionsTwo basic section types exist: initialized, and uninitialized. Initialized sections must contain valid values at device power-up. For example, code and constants are found in initialized sections.When designing a stand-alone embedded system with the F28xxx DSP (e.g., no emulator ordebugger in use, no host processor present to perform bootloading), all initialized sections must be linked to non-volatile memory (e.g., on-chip flash). An uninitialized section does not contain valid values at device power-up. For example, variables are found in uninitialized sections.Code will write values to the variable locations during code execution. Therefore, uninitialized sections must be linked to volatile memory (e.g., RAM).4Running an Application from Internal Flash Memory on the TMS320F28xxx DSPSPRA958H It is suggested that the -w linker option be invoked. The -w option will produce a warning if the linker encounters any sections in your project that have not been explicitly specified for linking ina linker command file. When the linker encounters an unspecified section, it uses a defaultallocation algorithm to link the section into memory (it will link the section to the first definedmemory with enough available free space). This is almost always risky, and can lead tounreliable and unpredictable code behavior. The -w option will identify any unspecified sections(e.g., those accidentally forgotten by the user) so that the user can make the necessary additionto the appropriate linker command file. The -w option can be selected in CCS on the Project →Build_Options menu, Linker tab, select the Advanced category, and then check the -w optionbox. It is checked by default for new projects.CAUTION:It is important that the large memory model be used with the C-compiler (asopposed to the small memory model). Small memory model requires certaininitialized sections to be linked to non-volatile memory in the lower 64Kw ofaddressable space. However, no flash memory is present in this region on anyF28xxx devices, and this will likely be true for future F28xxx devices as well.Therefore, large memory model should be used. In Code Composer Studio, thelarge memory model is on the Project → Build_Options menu. Select theCompiler tab, choose the Advanced category, and check the -ml option box. Fornon-DSP/BIOS projects, one should include the large memory model C-compilerruntime support library into their code project. For the fixed-point devices, thisis library rts2800_ml.lib (as opposed to rts2800.lib, which is for the smallmemory model). For the floating-point devices, this is file rts2800_fpu32.lib forplain C code, or rts2800_fpu32_eh.lib for C++ code (there are no small memorymodel libraries for the floating-point devices). For DSP/BIOS projects,DSP/BIOS will take care of including the required library. The user should notinclude any runtime support library in a DSP/BIOS project.3.1 Non-DSP/BIOS ProjectsThe compiler uses a number of specific sections. These sections are the same whether you are running from RAM or flash. However, when running a program from flash, all initialized sections must be linked to non-volatile memory, whereas all uninitialized sections must be linked tovolatile memory. Table 1 shows where to link each compiler generated section on the F28xxx DSP. Information on the function of each section can be found in reference [5]. Any usercreated initialized section should be linked to flash (e.g., those sections created using theCODE_SECTION compiler pragma), whereas any user created uninitialized sections should be linked to RAM (e.g., those sections created using the DATA_SECTION compiler pragma).Running an Application from Internal Flash Memory on the TMS320F28xxx DSP 5SPRA958H6 Running an Application from Internal Flash Memory on the TMS320F28xxx DSPTable 1. Section Linking in Non-DSP/BIOS Projects (Large memory model) Section Name Where to Link.cinit Flash.cio RAM.const Flash.econst Flash.pinit Flash.switch Flash.text Flash .bss RAM.ebss RAM .stack Lower 64Kw RAM.sysmem RAM.esysmem RAM.reset RAM 1Table 1 Notes:1The .reset section contains nothing more than a 32-bit interrupt vector that points to theC-compiler boot function in the runtime support library (the _c_int00 routine). It generally is not used. Instead, the user typically creates their own branch instruction to point to the starting point of the code (see Sections 6 and 7). When not in use, the .reset section should be omitted from the code build by using a DSECT modifier in the linker command file. For example:/********************************************************************* User's linker command file********************************************************************/SECTIONS{.reset : > FLASH, PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT}SPRA958HRunning an Application from Internal Flash Memory on the TMS320F28xxx DSP 73.2 DSP/BIOS ProjectsThe memory section manager in the DSP/BIOS configuration tool allows one to specify where to link the various DSP/BIOS and C-compiler generated sections. Table 2 indicates where the sections shown on each tab of the memory section manager should be linked (i.e., RAM or FLASH). Note that this information has been tabulated specifically for DSP/BIOS v5.33. Later versions of DSP/BIOS, although quite likely to be the same, may have some differences. The reader should check the version they are using and simply be aware of potential differences while proceeding. To check your DSP/BIOS version from within CCS, go to the Help → About menu, click the Component_Manager button, and view the TMS320C28XX DSP/BIOS version under the Target_Content_(DSP/BIOS) tree.Table 2. Section Linking In DSP/BIOS Projects (Large Memory Model) Memory Section Manager TAB Section NameWhere to Link Segment for DSP/BIOS ObjectsRAM General Segment for malloc()/free()RAM Argument Buffer Section (.args)RAM Stack Section (.stack)Lower 64Kw RAM DSP/BIOS Init Tables (.gblinit)Flash TRC Initial Values (.trcdata)RAM 1 DSP/BIOS Kernel State (.sysdata)RAM BIOS Data DSP/BIOS Conf Sections (*.obj)RAM BIOS Code Section (.bios)Flash Startup Code Section (.sysinit)Flash Function Stub Memory (.hwi)Flash Interrupt Service Table Memory (.hwi_vec)PIEVECT RAM 2 BIOS Code RTDX Text Segment (.rtdx_text)Flash Text Section (.text)Flash Switch Jump Tables (.switch) Flash C Variables Section (.bss) RAM C Variables Section (.ebss) RAM Data Initialization Section (.cinit)FlashCompiler Sections C Function Initialization Table (.pinit) FlashSPRA958H8 Running an Application from Internal Flash Memory on the TMS320F28xxx DSP Constant Section (.econst)Flash Constant Section (.const)Flash Data Section (.data)Flash Data Section (.cio)RAM Load Address - BIOS Code Section (.bios)Flash 3 Load Address - Startup Code Section (.sysinit)Flash 3 Load Address - DSP/BIOS Init Tables (.gblinit)Flash 3 Load Address - TRC Initial Value (.trcdata)Flash 1 Load Address - Text Section (.text)Flash 3 Load Address - Switch Jump Tables (.switch)Flash 3 Load Address - Data Initialization Section (.cinit)Flash 3 Load Address - C Function Initialization Table (.pinit)Flash 3 Load Address - Constant Section (.econst)Flash 3 Load Address - Constant Section (.const)Flash 3 Load Address - Data Section (.data)Flash 3 Load Address - Function Stub Memory (.hwi)Flash 3 Load Address - Interrupt Service Table Memory (.hwi_vec)Flash 2 Load Address Load Address - RTDX Text Segment (.rtdx_text) Flash 3Table 2 Notes:1 The .trcdata section must be copied by the user from its load address (specified on theLoad_Address tab) to its run address (specified on the BIOS_Data tab) at runtime. See Section4.3 for details on performing this copy.2 The PIEVECT RAM is a specific block of RAM associated with the Peripheral InterruptExpansion (PIE) peripheral. On current F28xxx devices, the PIE RAM is a 256x16 block starting at address 0x000D00 in data space. For other devices, confirm the address in the device datasheet. The memory section manager in the DSP/BIOS configuration tool should already have a pre-defined memory named PIEVECT. The .hwi_vec section must be copied by the user from its load address (specified on the memory section manager Load_Address Tab) to its run address (specified on the memory section manager BIOS_Code Tab) at runtime. See Section4.2 for details on performing this copy.3The specific flash memory selected as the load address for this section should be the same flash memory selected previously as the run address for the section (e.g., on the BIOS_Data, BIOS_Code, or Compiler_Sections tab).SPRA958H 4 Copying Sections from Flash to RAM4.1 Copying the Interrupt Vectors (non-DSP/BIOS projects only)The Peripheral Interrupt Expansion (PIE) module manages interrupt requests on F28xxxdevices. At power-up, all interrupt vectors must be located in non-volatile memory (i.e., flash), but copied to the PIEVECT RAM as part of the device initialization procedure in your code. The PIEVECT RAM is a specific block of RAM, which on current F28xxx devices is a 256x16 block starting at address 0x000D00 in data space.Several approaches exist for linking the interrupt vectors to flash and then copying them to the PIEVECT RAM at runtime. One approach is to create a constant C-structure of function pointers that contains all 128 32-bit vectors. If using the DSP28xx peripheral structures (see references [15-18]), such a structure, called PieVectTableInit, has already been created in thecorresponding file DSP28xxx_PieVect.c. Since this structure is declared using the const typequalifier, it will be placed in the .econst section by the compiler. One simply needs to copy this structure to the PIEVECT RAM at runtime. The C-compiler runtime support library contains amemory copy function called memcpy() that can be used to perform the copy task. Thisfunction is used as follows:/********************************************************************* User's C-source file********************************************************************//********************************************************************* NOTE: This function assumes use of the DSP28xxx Peripheral Header* File structures (see References [15-18]).********************************************************************/#include <string.h>void main(void){/*** Initialize the PIE_RAM ***/PieCtrlRegs.PIECTRL.bit.ENPIE = 0; // Disable the PIEasm(" EALLOW"); // Enable EALLOW protected register access memcpy((void *)0x000D00, &PieVectTableInit, 256);asm(" EDIS"); // Disable EALLOW protected register access }The above example uses a hard coded address for the start of the PIE RAM, specifically0x000D00. If this is objectionable (as hard coded addresses are not good programmingpractice), one can use a DATA_SECTION pragma to create an uninitialized dummy variable,and link this variable to the PIE RAM. The name of the dummy variable can then be used inplace of the hard coded address. For example, when using any of the DSP28xxx deviceperipheral structures, an uninitialized structure called PieVectTable is created and linked overthe PIEVECT RAM. The memcpy() instruction in the previous example can be replaced by:memcpy(&PieVectTable, &PieVectTableInit, 256);Note that the length is 256. The memcpy function copies 16-bit words (as opposed to copying 128 32-bit words).Running an Application from Internal Flash Memory on the TMS320F28xxx DSP 9SPRA958H4.2 Copying the .hwi_vec Section (DSP/BIOS projects only)The DSP/BIOS .hwi_vec section contains the interrupt vectors, and must be loaded to flash but run from RAM. The user is responsible for copying this section from its load address to its run address. This is typically done in main(). The DSP/BIOS configuration tool generates globalsymbols that can be accessed by code in order to determine the load address, run address, and length of the .hwi_vec section. These symbol names are:hwi_vec_loadstarthwi_vec_loadendhwi_vec_runstartEach symbol is self-explanatory from its name. Note that the symbols are not pointers, butrather symbolically reference the 16-bit data value found at the corresponding location (i.e., start or end) of the section. The C-compiler runtime support library contains a memory copy function called memcpy() that can be used to perform the copy task. A C-code example of how to use this function to perform the section copy follows. Note that the PIEVECT RAM is EALLOWprotected. Therefore, inline EALLOW and EDIS assembly instructions must bracket the memory copy of the .hwi_vec section, as shown./********************************************************************* User's C-source file********************************************************************/#include <string.h>extern unsigned int hwi_vec_loadstart;extern unsigned int hwi_vec_loadend;extern unsigned int hwi_vec_runstart;void main(void){/*** Initialize the .hwi_vec section ***/asm(" EALLOW"); /* Enable EALLOW protected register access */ memcpy(&hwi_vec_runstart,&hwi_vec_loadstart,&hwi_vec_loadend - &hwi_vec_loadstart);asm(" EDIS"); /* Disable EALLOW protected register access */ }4.3 Copying the .trcdata Section (DSP/BIOS projects only)The DSP/BIOS .trcdata sections must be loaded to flash, but run from RAM. The user isresponsible for copying this section from its load address to its run address. However, unlike the .hwi_vec section, the copying of .trcdata must be performed prior to main(). This is becauseDSP/BIOS modifies the contents of .trcdata during DSP/BIOS initialization (which also occurs prior to main()).10Running an Application from Internal Flash Memory on the TMS320F28xxx DSPThe DSP/BIOS configuration tool provides for a user initialization function which can be utilized to perform the .trcdata section copy prior to both main() and DSP/BIOS initialization. This can be found in the project configuration file under System - Global Settings Properties, as shown in Figure 1.Figure 1. Specifying the User Init Function in the DSP/BIOS Configuration toolWhat remains is to create the user initialization function. The DSP/BIOS configuration toolgenerates global symbols that can be accessed by code in order to determine the load address, run address, and length of each section. These symbol names are:trcdata_loadstarttrcdata_loadend trcdata_runstartEach symbol is self-explanatory from its name. Note that the symbols are not pointers, butrather symbolically reference the 16-bit data value found at the corresponding location (i.e., start or end) of the section. The C-compiler runtime support library contains a memory copy function called memcpy() that can be used to perform the copy task. A C-code example of a user init function that performs the .trcdatasection copy follows. Check this box Enter yourfunction namehere (note theleading underscore)/********************************************************************* User's C-source file********************************************************************/#include <string.h>extern unsigned int trcdata_loadstart;extern unsigned int trcdata_loadend;extern unsigned int trcdata_runstart;void UserInit(void){/*** Initialize the .trcdata section before main() ***/memcpy(&trcdata_runstart,&trcdata_loadstart,&trcdata_loadend - &trcdata_loadstart);}4.4 Initializing the Flash Control Registers (DSP/BIOS and non-DSP/BIOS projects)The initialization code for the flash control registers, FOPT, FPWR, FSTDBYWAIT,FACTIVEWAIT, FBANKWAIT, and FOTPWAIT, cannot be executed from the flash memory or unpredictable results may occur. Therefore, the initialization function for the flash controlregisters must be copied from flash (its load address) to RAM (its run address) at runtime.CAUTION:The flash control registers are protected by the Code Security Module (CSM). Ifthe CSM is secured, you must run the flash register initialization code from CSMsecured RAM (e.g. L0 through L3 SARAM, see the device data sheet for yourspecific device) or the initialization code will be unable to access the flashregisters. Note that the CSM is always secured at device reset, although theROM bootloader will unlock it if you are using dummy passwords of 0xFFFF.The CODE_SECTION pragma of the C compiler can be used to create a separately linkable section for the flash initialization function. For example, suppose the flash register configuration is to be performed in the C function InitFlash(), and it is desired to place this function into alinkable section called secureRamFuncs. The following C-code example shows proper use of the CODE_SECTION pragma along with an example configuration of the flash registers:。
一.CSMAR问题解决方案1. CSMAR更新数据字典库失败,或者具体某一个业务库更新失败;例如原因:向数据库中插入数据时违背了主键约束引起的。
一般不会出现这种问题,第一次更新失败,就不要在失败的基础上在第二次更新了所有报RS失败的,都手动把结构改成50,1502. MAC地址错误:原因:CSMAR账号只能在两台机器上登陆,当在第三台机器上登陆时就会报错。
3. 登陆服务器CSMAR报错:账户密码不对。
4. CSMAR4.0局域网版,数据查询时,某个节点数据无法在右边显示,而其他数据可以。
5. CSMAR4.0登录时显示:用户类型与软件不匹配原因:因为用户是CSMAR4.0的,而软件是FMD的。
6. CSMAR4.0局域网客户端登录时出现“服务器配置错误,请联系管理员”的问题原因:与ClientUserData.xml文件文件有关解决:重新启动服务端,然后打开客户端;或直接在服务端(局域网)删除ClientUserData.xml 文件。
runtime error怎么解决
Runtime Error 解决指南在软件开发过程中,Runtime Error 是一种常见的错误类型,它指在程序运行时发生的错误。
Runtime Error 可能导致程序崩溃、异常退出或返回错误结果。
在本文档中,我们将介绍一些常见的 Runtime Error 类型以及如何解决它们。
1. 常见的 Runtime Error 类型1.1 空指针引用(Null Pointer Dereference)空指针引用是一种在尝试访问空指针(指向空地址的指针)时发生的 Runtime Error。
1.2 数组越界(Array Out of Bounds)数组越界是一种在访问数组时超出其有效范围的 Runtime Error。
1.3 除零错误(Division by Zero)除零错误是一种在程序中进行除法运算时除以零所导致的 Runtime Error。
1.4 栈溢出(Stack Overflow)栈溢出是一种在程序执行时,递归调用或者嵌套调用的层级过深导致栈空间耗尽的 Runtime Error。
sqlserverexception read timed out -回复
sqlserverexception read timed out -回复标题:解决SQL Server 异常"Read Timed Out" 的一步一步指南简介:SQL Server 是一种广泛使用的关系型数据库管理系统,在处理大规模数据时非常强大。
然而,当我们在使用SQL Server 进行数据操作时,可能会遇到一些异常情况,如"Read Timed Out" 的异常。
本文将为您提供一步一步的指南,帮助您解决SQL Server 异常"Read Timed Out" 的问题。
第一步:理解"Read Timed Out" 异常在开始解决问题之前,我们需要对异常的含义和原因有所了解。
当SQL Server 在执行读操作时,如果没有在指定的时间内完成读取,则会抛出"Read Timed Out" 异常。
您可以尝试通过ping 命令或其他网络工具来测试网络延迟和包丢失。
您可以使用SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 或其他监控工具来查看当前数据库服务器的负载情况。
您可以使用SQL Server 的查询调优工具,如Database Engine Tuning Advisor,来分析和优化查询语句。
[对 策] 检查内存中的其它程序或不再使用此程序。
[英文提示] Drive Not Ready Error
[对 策] 应该重新格式化磁盘。
[英文提示] Incorrect DOS version
[中 文] DOS版本不符
[原 因] 输入了一个不同版本的外部命令。
[原 因] 在指定的驱动器中没有盘或门没关。
[对 策] 插入磁盘到指定驱动器或关上驱动器门。
[英文提示] Program too big to fit in memory
[中 文] 重新太大不能载入内存
[原 因] 见Insufficient memory
[英文提示] Bad Command or file name
[中 文] 错误的命令或文件名
[原 因] 不能识别输入的命令
[对 策] 应该检查以确保输入命令的正确性
[英文提示] Boot error
[英文提示] Access Denied
[中 文] 拒绝存取
[原 因] 试图打开一个标记为只读、存贮在写保护的磁盘上或锁定在网络上的文件。如果在子目录上使用“Type”命令,或在文件上使用“CD(chdir)”命令,也会产生这个信息。
[对 策] 应该用“Attrib”命令删除文件的只读状态或从磁盘中去掉写保护,然后再试试。
[对 策] 用setver设置版本或者使用正确的可执行文件。
英文提示] Insufficient Disk Space
mmap函数buserror1. 无效的内存访问:bus error 错误通常意味着程序试图访问非法或未初始化的内存地址。
2. 对不可映射的文件进行映射:mmap函数用于将文件映射到内存中,如果尝试对无法映射的文件进行映射操作,就会触发 bus error 错误。
3. 无效的参数:mmap函数中的一些参数需要符合特定的要求,如果传递了无效的参数,也会引发 bus error 错误。
例如,offset 参数必须是页大小(通常是 4096 字节)的倍数,否则会触发错误。
4. 内存不足:如果系统内存不足,mmap 函数可能会失败并导致 bus error 错误。
解决这些 bus error 错误的方法如下:1.检查指针的合法性:确保所有指针操作都正确且合法。
3. 检查参数的正确性:确保传递给 mmap 函数的参数是合法、有效的。
特别地,确保 offset 参数是页大小的倍数。
在解决 bus error 错误时,还可以使用调试器来帮助定位问题。
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Single module of Readout System serves 40 optical links and cooperates with one RDPM. The large number of links requires the division of the R/O system into two functional parts: 1. Slave Readout Board (SRB): compressed data streams from optical links are derandomized synchronously with a L1Accept. One SRB serves 8 optical links. All SRB work in parallel. Therห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ are SRB in 18 TC (version Trigger and Readout). 2. Master Readout Board (MRB) in every TC (version Trigger and Readout); one in every second TC is connected to the CMS DAQ. MRB work in two stages: a. they simultaneously take data stored in buffer memories of SLBs within their crates, then b. DAQ MRB executes the final data concentration from two TCs and makes these data available to the RDPM.
no noise 0.04 3.14 14
100Hz/cm2 noise 0.065 4.59 17
Fig. 4 shows the simulated distribution of number of transmitted data packets assuming that 48 links are read out by a Master Card (corresponding to RDPM unit) and losses of trigger efficiency cannot exceed 1%.
Table 1: Analysis results of packets quantity from RE1/1 stations connected to 48 optical links (worst rate case)
number of packets/event average/link average/crate max/crate (106 events)
Muon search algorithm requires all of the hits from RPC chambers to be delivered to the counting room [1]. These hits are transmitted from the detector by fibre optic links. LMUX device realizes an algorithm of synchronous compression, while the (DAQ)LDEMUX device that of synchronous decompression (see Fig. 2). The customized compression/decompression algorithm considerably reduces the number of links, thus leading to considerable saving of money, but causes additional constant delay for all transmitted signals between detector and counting room [2]. Compression and decompression algorithm is based on the fact that the rate of hits (dominated by machine induced neutron/gamma background) for a single bunch crossing in a RPC chamber is relatively low. Fig. 3 shows the expected rate background hits for the CMS detector.
Electronics of the RPC Muon Trigger system is distributed on the CMS detector as well as in the counting room. Fig. 1 shows the functional blocks of the electronics. Analog electronics will be placed directly on the chambers (preamplifiers, discriminators, test circuits, etc). Also part of digital electronics will be placed there (synchronizers, TTCrx, control-diagnostic circuits). The rest of digital electronics (Trigger Boards which identify muons and measure their momenta and Readout Boards) will be located in the counting room.
station ME1 close to the beam pipe (in the RE1/1 chamber). The results of rate analysis presented in Tab. 1 depends on the link system bandwidth. We assumed Poisson distribution and require that I(t)=I0H[S W
Institute of Electronics Systems, ul. Nowowiejska 15/19, 00-650 Warszawa, Poland The idea of readout system and its limitations are discussed below. The paper includes description of prototype boards and tests in the synchronous CERN LHC like test beam H2 in May 2000.
Institute of Experimental Physics, ul. +R*D -681 Warszawa, Poland
Institute of Experimental Physics, ul. +R*D -681 Warszawa, Poland
Readout System for the CMS RPC Muon Trigger
Banzuzi, K.
Helsinki Institute of Physics, Tekniikantie 4 D, FI-02150 Espoo, Finland
Kierzkowski, K.
Pietarinen, E.
Helsinki Institute of Physics, Tekniikantie 4 D, FI-02150 Espoo, Finland Micro-Research.Finland@Kolumbus.FI
Institute of Experimental Physics, ul. +R*D -681 Warszawa, Poland
The CMS detector contains the RPC chambers- a dedicated trigger subdetector- to identify muons, measure their transverse momenta pT, and determine the bunch crossing from which they originated.The RPC Muon Trigger algorithm is based on muon track search and classification in raw data from the RPC chambers. Large part of the RPC trigger electronics will reside in the control room (approx. 90 meters from the detector) where all trigger data are concentrated. Dedicated synchronous compression - decompression algorithm is needed to sent all data for each bunch crossing via optical links. The RPC Readout system uses the same data as Trigger system and will be placed in the Trigger Racks.