Effectiveness of clustering in ad-hoc retrieval



Ke r s Ad y wo d : Ho n t r ; tu t c u t r g a g rtm ; c u tr o e; t rs od; r s v u t n b e c ewo k r s ; l se n lo h i i l se n d h e h l tu t e a ai - a d l o s
( 防灾 科 技 学 院 信 息 技 术 系 , 北 三 河 0 50 ) 河 6 2 1

要 :提出了一种新 的信任评估分簇算法( E A) T C 。该 算法能根据有 限的局部信息 自动地 对整个网络
进行分割 , 从而实现对信任关系的有效管理 。实验与结果分析表明 :E A算 法提供 了一种有 效的信任评 TC 估机制 , 在成簇通信代价 、 维护开销等性能方面与现有 的典型传统分簇方 法相近 , 在安全性上有 明显 的 而
L n,G a g pn ,F NG J— n,L h n ,L u IXi AO F n — ig E i i l IZ o g IJ n ( e at n f noma o eh ooy Isi t o i s r rv n o c nea dT c o g ,a h 50 , hn ) D p rme t fr t nT c n lg ,ntue f s t eet nS i c n eh l y S n e 6 2 1 C ia oI i t D ae P i e n o 0
12 2
传感器 与微 系统 ( rndcr dM c ss m Tcn l i ) Tasue ir yt eh o g s n a o e oe
21 0 0年 第 2 9卷 第 1 0期

种 基 于 A c网络 的信 任 评 估 分 簇 算 法 dHo



摘要Ad Hoc网络是近年来发展起来的一种无线移动分组网络,它具有动态变化的拓扑结构,网络中的节点可以任意移动,也可以动态的加入或退出网络。

Ad Hoc网络无任何中心和固定基础设施,网络中各个节点的地位平等,每个节点都具有主机与路由器的双重功能,形成了一个以中间主机节点为中继的多跳的分布式网络结构。

路由技术是Ad Hoc网络的关键技术,也是影响网络整体性能最重要的因素之一。

与单跳的无线网络不同,移动Ad Hoc网络中节点之间是通过多跳数据转发机制进行数据交换,需要路由协议进行分组转发决策。



本文首先介绍移动Ad Hoc网络的概念、产生、定义,详细总结了移动Ad Hoc 网络的特点、应用场合和研究热点。

然后对Ad Hoc网络体系结构和信道接入协议进行了介绍。

第三章对Ad Hoc网络的路由协议进行了研究分析,并对DSDV、DSR和AODV协议进行了详细的分析研究。

最后,介绍了Ad Hoc网络的分簇算法,详细说明了AOW算法。

关键词:Ad Hoc,自组织网络,AODV,分簇算法ABSTRACTAd hoc network is a kind of wireless and mobile network developed in recent years. It has a dynamic and variable topology, each node not only can move but can join or exit the network freely. It has no center and fix e d infrastructure distributed multi-hop structure,all nodes have an equal status and act as two roles-router and node itself.Routing technique is the key technique of the Ad Hoc network, but also one of the most important factors affect the performance of the whole network. It is different from single hop wireless network,mobile Ad hoc network nodes intercommunicate according to multi-hops data store-forward,which need the support of routing protocol packet forwarding decisions. The regular change of bandwidth and node motivation,pass in and out will lead to the dynamic changes of network topology. The routing protocols will monitor the changing topology,exchange routing information,locate the position of destination nodes,product, select and maintain routing, According to the selected routing and forwarding data to provide network connectivity.In this paper, first of all, introduces the concept, produce, definition of the MANET, summarizes the characteristics, applications, and research focus of the MANET. And then the Ad Hoc network architecture and the channel access protocol is introduced. In chapter 3, we researches and analysis routing protocol of the Ad Hoc network, and carried out a detailed analysis of the DSDV, DSR and AODV protocol. At last, introduces clustering algorithm of the Ad Hoc network, and detailed description of the AOW algorithm.KEY WORDS:Ad Hoc network, self-organizing network, AODV, clustering algorithm目录第一章绪论 (4)1.1A D H OC网络概述 (4)1.1.1 Ad Hoc网络的产生 (5)1.1.2 Ad Hoc网络的定义 (5)1.1.3 Ad Hoc网络的特点 (6)1.1.4 Ad Hoc网络的应用场合 (8)1.2A D H OC网络研究的主要问题 (9)1.3论文的主要研究内容 (10)第二章体系结构与信道接入 (10)2.1节点结构 (10)2.2网络结构 (11)2.3A D H OC协议栈 (13)2.4A D H OC网络体系结构的跨层设计 (13)2.4.1 设计策略 (13)2.4.2 设计方法 (14)2.4.3 跨层设计的优势与挑战 (15)2.5信道接入协议 (15)2.5.1简介 (15)2.5.2面临的问题 (15)2.5.3协议的分类 (18)第三章路由协议的设计 (19)3.1A D H OC网络路由协议的分类 (20)3.1.1平面式路由协议和分级式路由协议 (20)3.1.2表驱动路由协议和按需路由协议 (20)3.1.3 评价路由协议的标准 (21)3.1.4 各类路由协议之间的性能比较 (21)3.2几种典型的A D H OC网络路由协议 (23)3.2.1 DSDV路由协议 (23)3.2.2 DSR路由协议 (24)3.2.3 AODV路由协议 (27)第四章AD HOC网络的分簇算法 (30)4.1概述 (30)4.2基本概念和目标 (31)4.3A D H OC网络中分簇算法的分类和比较 (32)4.3.1 基于节点ID的分簇算法 (32)4.3.2 最高节点度分簇算法 (33)4.3.3 最低节点移动性分簇算法 (33)4.4自适应按需加权分簇算法(AOW) (33)4.4.1一般介绍 (33)4.4.2 AOW算法的特点和目标 (34)4.4.3算法描述 (35)4.4.4网络初始化和簇维护策略 (36)4.5基于分簇结构的A D H OC网络路由协议 (36)4.5.1 CBRP (37)4.5.2 CEDAR (37)4.5.3 ZHLS (37)总结 (38)致谢 (39)参考文献 (40)第一章绪论1.1 Ad Hoc网络概述Ad Hoc网络是一种特殊的无线移动通信网络。


3 ACM 的效率分析
在无线通信中, 有几个软件是常用的: OPNET, NS2, Matlab 等等, 但 是这些软件归根到底就是对一些规则的计算。为了达到这些规则, 就必 须 去 建 立 一 个 符 合 这 个 软 件 的 模 型 。而 这 些 软 件 的 本 身 所 提 供 的 模 型 库 完全不能符合这个新方法的要求, 而编写一个这样的模型的工作量相当 于重新开发一套这种仿真软件。因此从最直接的手段入手, 直接计算方 法的效率不但简化了建模的复杂度, 同时更能灵活客观地体现其价值。
当有数据发送时, 节点首先监听信道。如果信道空闲, 就直接发送 CF 帧; 或者有信息但接收节点不是自己的一跳节点, 则说明接收方是个 暴露节点, 可以认为信道空闲, 直接发送 CF 帧。
当收到 CTS 后就 可 以 发 送 数 据 , 如 果 这 时 碰 撞 , 则 等 待 碰 撞 节 点 的 仲裁。仲裁允许发送信息后从起始重新开始。
若发送数据时碰撞, 则等待碰撞信号结束后直接发送数据, 直至收 到 ACK。 2.5 QoS 优先级的实现
根据 QoS 所提供的优先级, 在 ACM 中, 可以把信息分为两类优先级 来服务: 高优先级与低优先级。在高优先级中, 后到的信息要比先到的信 息优先级高; 在低优先中, 先到的优先级要比后到的优先级高。当要发送 一个高优先级信息时, 可以连续多个 CF 帧通知相邻节点要占用信道, 并 且这时相邻节点暂停了相关的发送。等到高优先级信息发送完毕后, 发 送 ACK 来恢复相邻节点的数据通信。
无线网络的隐藏终端问题不容易解决的原因主要是由于无线节点大 部分都使用的是半双工机制。当使用多信道, 例如把 RTS- CTS 机制中的控 制信号和数据信号的信道分开, 那么隐藏终端问题也就容易解决; 另外, 当 监听信道的覆盖范围是数据传输信道的覆盖范围 2 倍时, 隐藏终端也就不 存在了。但是这两种解决方案都在资源利用率上存在较大的浪费。

认知无线ad hoc网的多尺度跨层路由协议

认知无线ad hoc网的多尺度跨层路由协议

2018年4月第45卷第2期西安电子科技大学学报(自然科学版)J O U R N A L OF X ID IA N U N IV E R S IT YApr. 2018Vol. 45 No. 2doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2018.02.014认知无线ad h o c网的多尺度跨层路由协议曹静S武君胜2,杨文超S王硕晨2(1.西北工业大学计算机学院,陕西西安710072;2.西北工业大学软件与微电子学院,陕西西安710072)摘要:近年来,随着可用频谱资源的日益稀缺和无线业务量的剧增,认知无线自组网相关的研究得到广泛的关注,其中路由问题是应用中需要解决的重要问题之一.由于频谱机会具有动态性,认知无线网的路由问题要将功率控制、路径选择和信道分配联合起来,实现跨层优化设计.文中提出一种多尺度认知路由协议,根据用户的业务类型和服务质量需求进行尺度选择,并结合频谱机会为认知用户提供适用的解决方案.通过网络拓扑模型指出多径路由问题,并分别结合物理层、介质访问控制层和网络层的分析提出了多尺度优化模型.实验表明,该路由方法在端到端时延、吞吐量和数据投递率等参数上,都能够一定程度地改进服务质量.关键词:认知无线自组网;多尺度路由策略;服务质量;跨层设计;网络性能中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:八文章编号:1001-2400(2018)02-0077-07Multi-metric cross layer routing protocol forcognitive radio ad hoc networksCAO Jing1 , WU Junsheng2 , YANG Wenchao1 , WANG Shuochen2(1. School of Computer Science and ^Engineering, Northwestern Polytcchnical Univ. , Xi5an 710072, China;2. School of Software and Microelectronics, Northwestern Polytcchnical Univ. , Xi’an 710072,China)Abstract:With the aggravation of spectrum scarcity and the rapid increase of wireless service, thecognitive radio ad hoc network has become a hot research topic recently, and efficient routing protocoldesign is important in application. Owing to the dynamic feature of spectrum opportunity, the routeprotocol in the cognitive ad hoc network is complex and should be combined with power control andspectrum allocation. "Phis paper proposes a multi-metric cognitive routing protocol M M-CAODV from thecross-layer prospect. They define routing metrics according to Quality of Service requirements, and providemulti-metrics solutions to secondary users considering spectrum opportunity. This paper points out themulti-path problem through the network topology model, analyzes different routing metrics of delay,transmit rate and stability, and then proposes the multi-metric optimization model. Simulation results showthat the routing protocol in this paper has better network performance in three parameters: end-to-enddelay, throughput, and packet delivery ratio.Key Words:cognitive radio ad hoc networks; cross layer design; quality of service; route metric;network performance随着各种新型无线网络(无线传感网、软件定义网,普适网络等)的迅速普友,近年来《无线通信的业务量 剧増*未来的无线网络将呈现出高速化、宽带化、异构化、泛在化等M势.认知无线网络(Cognitive Radio W etworkwCRNt*)作为5G网络的核心技术之一 *是提蒿频谱利用率,解决当前存在的频谱匮乏、带宽受限、收稿日期:7-05-0 9网络出版时间:2Q_i7-H2S基金项目:陕菌省料被f f自_:然料学,墨础研*资:助项目(2〇l|J_M I.;34 7 >作者简介:曹静(1982—),女,西北工业大学博士研究生,E-mail: caojing919@mail. nwpu. edu. cn.网络出版地址:http:/’/kns. enki. net/kcnis/detail/61. 1076. TN. 20170928. 2210. 028. html78西安电子科技大学学报(自然科学版)第45卷适应能力不足等问题的有效途径.CRNs f t有认知和自适应特性,各个网络节点都能够感知当前的网络环 境.并根据感知结果进行学习和决策,貞适应地调整传输参数,通过学习推理来改进网络的端到端性能.认知 无线自组.网络_(CQgniti.w;.Radi_Q.Ad H'q c:N e tw o rks,.G R A H:N»5:是由一麗者认知决策的节点.以多跳自.治的方式组成的智能网络,能够为用户动态接人物联网提供基础通信平台n—气在认知环境下,路由设计问题较之传统的无线自组网更复杂,不仅包括认知用户(Secondary U sen SU)的移动性造成的网络拓扑动态变化、链路不稳定等问题•还包括由S用户(P nm ary'U ser.P U)行为的不确走 性带来的频谱机会(Spectrum O p p o rtu n ity,SOP.)时变河题t3].近年来,辱很多学者背对CRAHT%的路由优 化问题进行研究,并提出多种解决方案:文献D C提出一种跨层.路由策略,该策略能够计算出从任一源节点 到目的节点的链路时延和路径时延,结合算法可以通过求解最短路径问题来获得最隹选路方案.文献[5]从潜在博弈的角度出发,为多跳匸只咏提出二维的信道-路由交换算法.该算法从频域和空间域两个角 度进行资源管理,在不完全信息博弈下能够计弇出贝叶斯纳什均衡点,从而获得最小资源开销的方案.文献 [6]财按.需距离矢量路由协议(A d On—deirand_Distane,e,V ector ro u tin g,A O T W)协议做了认知性的扩展提:出:一种具有服务质量丨(Q uality of Service.,Q〇S_).保障的基爭认.知的A()D V协议(Cognitive-baged A O D V,C A O D V);C R A H H s到端吞吐f i■然而缺乏对信道切换是否会增加时延的分析•在P前的研究中,大部分学者关.往于通过有效的 资源管理机制来提高频谱利用率、缓解频谱拥塞和优化端到端性能.这些方法在一定程度上实现了资源优化 配置并提禽了路由效率和稳定性,然而随着移动网络的发展,多种无线异构业务将共存和相真融合,因此需 要在认知路由设计时考虑业务特征和路由尺度的选择.综上所述,笔者提出丨一神多尺度跨.层舊由协议(.M.u lti-Mtjttic c〇.gnitiY_i e.Cro.ss-lay'e.i"A.O DV:,.MM-CAO DV).緒合物理层的償道参数和功率分配,以及介质访问控制(Media Access Control,M A C)层的频谱 債息来制定路由策略,并根据业夯类型和Q oS需求来为认知用户选择适当的路由尺度权重.结合频谱可用性来避免对P U的业务流造成千扰,并通过频谱—路由联合分配来增加吞ttfc暈、改善链路的稳定性和减少 端到端时延.由于目前大部分业务(尤其是移动多媒体)具有较高的Q oS栗求,如高速率、时延敏感、高数据 投递率等.针对业务流的网络性能进行分析•通过时延、吞吐量、数据投递率等Q oS参数对MM-C A O D V协 议做仿真实验.从而获取路由策略的评价指标.1网络模型文中考虑的认知Ad h〇c网络由IV个认知用户S U、M个可用信道组成,S U之间以多跳的方式通信•各 个S U使用P U的空闲频段进行业务传输.为了避免对P U的传输造成午扰,S U必须获得当前的可用频谱 列表,也就是频霉机会s o p;{i f p u的行为具有不确定性,s i!的s o p会随时间变化,各个用户:的s o p通 过周期性的频谱感知来获取.当旦仅当两个S U的S O P之间存在交集,弁且它们之间的距离在有效传输范,围之内时,才可以建立传输链路•图1给出了抽象的网络拓扑模型•节点S和D分别代表路由的源节点和I的节点,彳A.B,C.E,代 表多跳路由的中间节点,C s.C,}表示不同的授权频段.对于各个链路,由?信道带宽、路径时延、地理位置等#异,传输性能也不同,用一个二元组(delay,cost)来表示信道参数,其中delay表示路径时延■cost表示流量占用网络带宽的开销.受*用户行为的影响.各个信道在使用中随时会被:用户收回而不可用,这种情况下需要进行路由恢复,有两个解决方法:①在中断的两个节点间进行信道切换,选择另外一个 共用信道,原路由方案不变;@重新进行源节点到_的节点间的路径逸择.在图1(a)中,从源节点S到I目的节点D,有如下几条路径可以选择:(1) S ^ A ^ B ^D;total delay = 7 ,cost = 6 ;(2)S — C —D; total delay = 6,cost = 7 ;(3) S ^ C ^F ^D;total delay = 5 ,cost = 10;(4) S ^ E ^ F ^ D;total delay = 3 ,cost = 11.在这4条路径中,按照不同的尺度标准有多种选路方案:如果数据流是时延敏感型业务(如在线视频),则应当选择(4),以期望通过最小时延到达目的地;但是成本较高,会消耗较多的带宽资源.如果是时延容忍第2期曹静等:认知无线ad hoc 网的多尺度跨层路由协议79图1 C R A H N 的路由模型型数据业务(如浏览页面、文件传输等),则虛当选择(1),以占用较少的网络资源来完成数据流传输.如果从 节能和链路稳定性的角度考虑,则应当选择(2),以经过最小跳数到达目的节点.在图1(b )中,当信道C 2被 主用户收回时,S — C 的路径被中断时,当前可用路径仅剩(1)和(4).这时如果剩余路径的处理能力有限,就 要恢复S 到C 之间的链路,通过多径路由来处理网络负荷.这时可以选择从信道C 2切换到信道C 3来实现链 路重建.在图1(c )中,当S ^C 之间的信道切换到C 3时,从(1)到(4)的路径全部可用,这时对路径(3)进行 更新,total delay = 3,cost = 10,路径(3)成为比(4)总体性能更优的路由方案.2多尺度优化模型2.1路由尺度分析2. 1. 1 时延认知Ad h o c 网络是多跳、分布式的无线网络,由于S O P 是动态变化的,S U _要根据P U 的行为进行信 道切换和选择,因此,网络的端到端总时延D trtal 由两部分组成:路径时延D p a tk 和切换时延D s w l t d l ,可以表 示为^to ia i —乃fafh 十 Dswiteii * .(1》路径时延是由数据流在多跳节点间的传输引起的,当多个数据流竞争同|个信道时会带来退避时延 D wk 」71.因此,路径时延也分为两部分:数据流传输时延和退避时延D w kn l r ., + Dh 'Tt nRk a - p c ) (l - a - pcy -wa (2)其中,乃表示业务数据流的流量,表示当前路径的跳数,尺,表示链路々的数据传输速率;A 表示竞争 同一信道的节点数量,久为多个节点竞争同一信道而发生碰撞的概率,W 。

What the difference between financial accounting and management accounting

What the difference between financial accounting and management accounting

What the difference between financial accounting and management accountingAccounting as a profession has really developed over the years. According to Hendriksen (1977), accounting records concepts can be traced as far back as the Roman and Greek periods. According to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), accounting is defined as: “The art of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant manner, and in terms of money, transactions, and events, which are, in part at least, of financial character, and interpreting the results thereof.” financial accounting and management accounting appear in the contemporary society, which are two relatively new branches of accounting. This essay will explain the main difference between financial accounting and management accounting.There are five differences between financial accounting and management accountingFirstly, the principal objectives are different. Financial accounting combines accounting knowledge and finance knowledge, which mainly focus on periodic reporting of accounting information. The principal objective of financial accounting is a stewardship of business for benefit of shareholders, government agencies and other parties. However, management accounting contains accounting knowledge and management knowledge, which based on the accounting information to identify, measure, analyse, interpret and communicate information f or the pursuit of an organization’s goals. It seeks to improve economy, efficiency and effectiveness of operations, which aims at helping managers within the organization make decisions.Secondly, the time horizons of financial accounting and management accounting are different. Financial accounting is predominately based on past transactions and events. One of significant convention is the assertion of the historical cost concept. Nevertheless, management accounting not only consider the past cost concept, but the present and the future that affect the operation of company.Thirdly, the report recipients are different. There is statutory requirement for companies to prepare annual financial statements. The annual financial statements which includes the profit and loss account, balance sheet, statement of equity and cash flow statement, which reveal the monetary performance and value of the company. The report recipient of financial accounting is biased in favour of external the shareholders and government for tax. However, the report recipients of management accounting are internal party like directors and company managers.Fourthly, the outputs are different.The central outputs from financial accounting are audited financial statements such as profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow statement. However, the outputs from management accounting should detail monthly and annual management accounts, which cold show results by product and function ad hoc reports. Fifthly, the regulate frameworks in financial accounting l and management accounting are different. The financial accounting framework concept in must lie down by the accounting standards board that looks like GAAP, which plus statutory requirements of the companies’ acts. However, the framewor k of management accounting need not prescribe, although the guidance and formats of CIMA Terminology should follow in most organisations.In conclusion, as detailed work in contemporary society, financial accounting and management accounting appear. Five differences between financial accounting and management accounting, which are the principal objectives, the time horizons, report recipients, outputs and the regulate frameworks. In the future, it might that more and more branches in accounting appear. Reference:1. Hendriksen, R (1977) Accounting Theory, Irwin ProfessionalPublishing; 5 Sub edition (22/10/1991). Isbn: 978-025*******2. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants/Pages/Default.aspx( access in 02/10/2010)。



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network lifetime
Sensor networks have recently emerged as an important computing platform [1], [2]. Sensor nodes are typically less mobile and more densely deployed than mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs). Sensor nodes must be left unattended e.g .. in hostile environments, which makes it difficult or impossible to re-charge or replace lheir batteries (solar energy is not always an option). This necessitates devising novel energy-efficient solutions to some of the conventional wireless networking problems, such as medium access control. routing, self-organization. bandwidth sharing, and security. Exploiting the tradeoffs among energy. accuracy, and latency, and using hierarchical (tiered) architectures are important techniques for prolonging network lifetime [1]. Network lifetime can be det1ned as the time elapsed until the fust node (or the last node) in the network depletes its energy (dies). For example. in a military field where sensors are monitoring chemical activity. the lifetime of a sensor is critical for maximum field coverage. Energy consumption in


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Ad Hoc网络动态分簇算法及路由研究的开题报告

Ad Hoc网络动态分簇算法及路由研究的开题报告

Ad Hoc网络动态分簇算法及路由研究的开题报告一、选题背景及意义随着移动计算、物联网及无线传感器网络的快速发展,Ad Hoc网络已经成为了无线通信领域的一个热门研究方向。

Ad Hoc网络是一种不依赖于基础设施,由一些具有相似功能的节点组成的自组织网络,其特点是节点通信不需要事先建立通信链路,而是通过自组织的方式建立通信链路,是实现移动计算及无线传感器网络应用的重要手段。

在Ad Hoc网络中,节点的分布、移动及失效等因素都可能会影响网络的性能与稳定性,因此如何合理地组织节点,建立有效的通信链路,保证网络的稳定性及可靠性是Ad Hoc网络研究的重点之一。

本文将研究Ad Hoc网络中的动态分簇算法及路由协议,旨在提出一种适合实际应用的Ad Hoc网络组织方案,并提高网络性能及可靠性,为实现Ad Hoc网络的应用提供技术支持。

二、研究内容及主要思路1. 研究动态分簇算法针对Ad Hoc网络中节点分布及移动的不确定性,将研究一种动态分簇算法,能够根据节点分布及移动情况调整簇的大小、数量及位置,保证簇内节点通信质量及簇间通信效率。

2. 研究路由协议针对Ad Hoc网络中节点失效的情况,将研究一种适应节点失效的路由协议,能够根据网络拓扑结构及节点失效情况调整路由路径,保证数据能够快速有效地传输。

3. 综合考虑算法与协议将以上两部分的研究内容进行综合,提出适合实际应用的Ad Hoc网络组织方案,提高网络性能及可靠性。

三、预期研究成果及创新点1. 提出一种适应Ad Hoc网络节点分布、移动及失效等因素的动态分簇算法,在保证簇内节点通信质量及簇间通信效率的同时,减少网络的能耗及延迟。

2. 提出一种适应节点失效的路由协议,在保证数据快速有效传输的同时,能够动态调整路由路径,提高网络的稳定性和鲁棒性。

3. 提出一种适合实际应用的Ad Hoc网络组织方案,该方案综合考虑了算法与协议的特点,并能保证网络的性能、稳定性及可靠性。




低值耗材 英语

低值耗材 英语

低值耗材英语Low-Value ConsumablesThe term "low-value consumables" refers to a category of products that are essential for daily operations but often overlooked in terms of their impact on an organization's overall efficiency and cost-effectiveness. These items, which can include office supplies, cleaning products, and other miscellaneous items, may seem insignificant individually, but their cumulative cost and management can have a significant influence on an organization's bottom line.One of the primary challenges with low-value consumables is the lack of visibility and control over their procurement and usage. In many organizations, these items are often purchased in an ad-hoc manner, with little to no oversight or centralized management. This can lead to inefficiencies, such as duplicate purchases, overstocking, and waste, all of which can add up to substantial financial losses over time.Another issue with low-value consumables is their tendency to be overlooked in terms of strategic planning and decision-making. Organizations may focus their attention and resources on more high-profile projects or initiatives, neglecting the potential savings and improvements that can be achieved through the effective management of these seemingly minor items.However, the importance of properly managing low-value consumables should not be underestimated. By implementing a more strategic approach to the procurement, storage, and usage of these items, organizations can unlock significant cost savings and operational efficiencies.One of the key strategies for effectively managing low-value consumables is to implement a centralized procurement and inventory management system. This involves consolidating the purchasing of these items under a single point of control, allowing for better visibility, negotiation of volume discounts, and the elimination of redundant purchases.Additionally, organizations can benefit from implementing just-in-time (JIT) inventory management techniques for their low-value consumables. This approach involves maintaining only the minimum necessary stock levels, reducing the risk of overstocking and waste. By closely monitoring usage patterns and adjusting order quantities accordingly, organizations can ensure that they have the right products available when needed, without tying up valuable resources in excess inventory.Another important aspect of low-value consumable management is the optimization of storage and distribution. By carefully analyzing the usage patterns and storage requirements of these items, organizations can identify opportunities to streamline their storage and distribution processes, reducing the overall costs associated with handling and transporting these products.Furthermore, organizations can explore the potential benefits of vendor-managed inventory (VMI) or consignment arrangements for their low-value consumables. In these models, the supplier takes on the responsibility of managing the inventory levels and replenishment, allowing the organization to focus on its core business activities while still maintaining access to the necessary supplies.In addition to the financial benefits, the effective management of low-value consumables can also have a positive impact on an organization's environmental and sustainability efforts. By reducing waste, optimizing inventory levels, and exploring more eco-friendly product alternatives, organizations can contribute to their overall environmental footprint and demonstrate a commitment to sustainable practices.Furthermore, the strategic management of low-value consumablescan have a ripple effect on an organization's overall efficiency and productivity. When employees have ready access to the necessary supplies and materials, they can focus on their core responsibilities without interruptions or delays caused by the lack of essential items.In conclusion, the management of low-value consumables is a critical, yet often overlooked, aspect of organizational operations. By implementing a more strategic and centralized approach to the procurement, inventory management, and distribution of these items, organizations can unlock significant cost savings, operational efficiencies, and environmental benefits. By recognizing the importance of low-value consumables and investing in their effective management, organizations can position themselves for long-term success and sustainable growth.。



防边界收缩的无线传感器网络节点轻量级调度算法张冬青;温涛;郭权;宋晓莹【摘要】针对高密度部署的无线传感器网络边界节点邻居数量低于内部节点而导致休眠概率不均等进而边界收缩的问题,提出了一种轻量级调度算法.根据邻居表中节点的数量以及邻居节点的工作邻居数量判定节点是否处于网络边界,对于边界节点和内部节点采用不同的调度策略,并分别计算得出处于网络边界的节点被n个邻居完全覆盖的概率和边界节点被n个邻居覆盖的面积分数的范围.仿真结果表明,该算法能够有效缓解边界收缩问题,延长网络生命周期.【期刊名称】《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2013(034)010【总页数】5页(P1378-1382)【关键词】无线传感器网络;节点休眠;防边界收缩;边界节点判定;能量【作者】张冬青;温涛;郭权;宋晓莹【作者单位】东北大学软件中心,辽宁沈阳 110819;东北大学软件中心,辽宁沈阳110819;大连东软信息学院计算机科学与技术系,辽宁大连 116023;东北大学软件中心,辽宁沈阳 110819【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393近些年无线传感器在军事和民用领域广泛应用[1],国内外学者对此也进行了深入研究.无线传感器网络中的传感器大多数情况下能量是无法补充的,传统的有线网和能量不受限制的无线网中很多算法无法应用于无线传感器网络.要想让无线传感器网络的生存周期延长,必须尽一切可能节省能量.无线传感器网络的能量问题主要分成两个层次进行研究——网络级和节点级[1].网络级主要是通过设计良好的路由协议来延长网络生命周期,节点级主要通过对节点的休眠调度来延长整个网络的生命周期.在网络级,文献[2]提出采用聚类方法将事件的数据包进行汇总,减小网络开销、时延和丢包率;文献[3]提出一种分布式自适应聚类的动态传感器网络体系结构,延长了网络生命周期和提高网络覆盖率.在节点级,根据是否知道每个节点的精确位置信息又分成两大类算法,对于知道每个节点的精确位置信息的情况,文献[4]提出非执勤资格规则(off-duty eligibility rule),根据位置和信号到达的角度计算节点之间的覆盖关系;文献[5]对各种静态无线传感器网络节点覆盖率进行了研究.然而,对于大多数应用,无线传感器是随机部署的,很难精确获得每个节点的位置. 对于不知道节点精确位置的情况,文献[6]提出随机休眠的策略,节点间不需要通信即可调度,但难以保证网络的覆盖率;文献[7]通过严格的数学证明给出了传感器节点数目与所期望满足的部署质量之间的约束关系;文献[8]提出一种将遗传算法和安排转型操作混合起来的算法,提高了网络监测的覆盖率,但通信量较大;文献[9]提出一种轻量级部署调度算法LDAS,设计了邻居表数据结构,在邻居之间定期传递邻居表信息,判定节点是否应休眠.本文在文献[9]的基础上,分析了处于网络边界的节点邻居数量和覆盖率方面的特性,提出了一种不需要知道邻居节点间距离的轻量级判定算法,并据此给出整体网络的节点休眠调度算法,称为防边界收缩轻量级节点休眠调度算法(nodes lightweight scheduling algorithm of preventing boundary contraction,NLSA-PBC算法).1 网络模型和算法描述1.1 网络模型本文研究的无线传感器网络满足以下要求:1) 节点随机部署后,其位置不再改变;2) 所有节点感知半径和通信半径均相同;3) 节点密度高,平均每个节点的邻居(见定义1)数量不低于11个(取该值的依据来自于文献[9]);4) 节点不知道自身和邻居的精确位置;5) 整个网络区域是一个边缘没有特殊凸起或凹陷的多边形、圆或椭圆(即边界没有特别尖锐的角).1.2 算法描述整个算法分为两部分:一是整体的调度算法;二是边界节点的判定算法.算法1 防边界收缩轻量级节点休眠调度算法:每个节点感知其邻居节点的数量,如果工作邻居数量m超过阈值T,则随机向其中m-T个处于工作状态的邻居节点发送选票.每隔一定时间每个节点检查自己是否获得了足够多的选票,对于处于边界的节点,判断是否超过了边界阈值;而对于内部节点则判断是否超过了内部阈值,超过阈值则进入预休眠状态;进入预休眠状态的节点在等待一个随机的时间段之后如果其工作邻居仍然超过阈值,则进入休眠状态;休眠中的节点经过预设的时间间隔被唤醒,重新进入工作状态.该调度算法中有一个关键问题是如何进行边界节点的判定,处于边界的节点和处于网络内部的节点被完全覆盖所需邻居数量以及被邻居节点覆盖住的分数都是不同的.处于边界的节点的邻居中,至少有两个也同样处于网络的边界,可以据此给出算法2.算法2 边界节点判定算法:某节点有n个(n>=N)邻居处于工作状态,若n个邻居中至少有两个的NoN(NoN为邻居表中某条记录中工作邻居的数量,其详细定义见文献[9])项的值约等于n(上下浮动不超过1),其他邻居的NoN项的值大于n+2,则该节点处于网络边界.算法的核心问题是求出处于边界的节点被邻居完全覆盖的可能性达到一定要求的阈值N,其求解过程见以下的定义和定理.2 相关定义和定理定义1 边界节点和网络内部节点:处于整个无线传感器网络边界处的节点称为边界节点,其共同的特征是某一侧没有邻居节点.不处于网络边界的节点称为网络内部节点.定义2 边界节点的内部:设网络边界通过边界节点监测区域的圆心,如果网络覆盖范围远大于每个节点的监测范围,则对于每个处于边界的节点来说,边界都可以近似地看成一条直线,也就是一条直径.从该直径划分,属于网络覆盖范围的那一半称为边界节点的内部,另外一半称为边界节点的外部.对于边界节点的内部,与普通节点一样,有自己的邻居节点,也会被足够多的邻居覆盖;而对于边界节点的外部,虽然也处于感知区域,但这个半圆邻居的数量和覆盖范围会很小甚至为0.所以对于边界节点,应重点研究其内部的情况.在本文的后续部分,所研究的均为邻居处于边界节点内部的情况.定义3 交点、相交扇形与有效角:在网络内部,这几个定义沿用文献[9]中的定义.但如果某个节点处于网络边界,其与某个邻居的两个交点中可能只有一个处于网络内部,此时相交扇形为处于边界节点内部的交点与边界半径所夹生成的扇形,而该扇形的圆心角为有效角,如图1所示.其中,O是位于网络边界的节点;MN是网络边界,其右上方为该边界节点的内部,左下方为外部;和是节点X1与O的两个交点,其中只有位于边界节点内部,此时相交扇形为有效角为定理1 对于网络内部节点以及两个交点都在边界节点内部的情况,两个邻居的有效角取值范围为[2π/3,π),而对于只有一个交点位于边界节点内部的情况,有效角取值范围为(π/3,π).证明第一种情况文献[9]中已经给出证明.对于第二种情况,其上界趋近于π的情况与前一种情况相同,不再赘述.如果邻居恰好处于边界上,则该邻居与边界节点相交构成的扇形圆心角至少为2π/3,而位于边界节点内部的夹角至少为π/3.由于研究的情形为邻居处于边界节点内部,故其下界不能小于π/3.综上得证.图1 处于网络边界的节点相关定义示意图Fig.1 Definition diagram of nodes in network boundary在文献[9]中给出了关于网络内部节点邻居之间的关系,本文不再赘述.本文针对边界节点提出定理2和定理3.定理2 一个位于边界的节点的内部被它的n个邻居节点完全覆盖的概率为P(A)=要证明该定理,需要先证明一些引理.设C为边界节点O的内部感知区域,Ci为节点i的感知区域,C与Ci相交,在边界节点的内部可能有一个或两个交点.如果只有一个交点,则称该交点为第一个交点,如果有两个交点,则称在O的逆时针方向上首先遇到的那个交点为第一个交点.设Ai表示如下事件:C与Ci相交的第一个交点没有被O的其他邻居节点的感知区域Cj覆盖.与Ai相反的事件用表示:每一个Ci与C相交的第一个交点均被O的其他邻居节点的感知区域Cj覆盖.又设A 表示事件:C被Ci完全覆盖.则事件A与Ai之间的关系为引理引理引理3 对于任意互不相等的i,j,有P(AiAj)=0.引理4 P(A)=1-nP(A1).限于篇幅,引理的证明省略.由以上4个引理很容易得出定理2.定理3 一个位于边界的节点的感知区域被它的n个邻居节点覆盖住的分数不会低于证明设邻居节点Xi与O构成的相交扇形为对于每个i,设Ii为逆时针方向相交扇形之前没有被覆盖的面积(图2),则有两种情况需要分析:位于另一个相交扇形区域内;没有位于任何其他相交扇形之内.对于第1)种情况,显然节点O已经被完全覆盖,Ii=0.对于第2)种情况,设是在顺时针方向上距离最近的交点,如图2所示.设S是没有被处于边界节点O的随机分布的邻居覆盖的区域,E(S)为S的数学期望.显然考虑到邻居分布的随机和均匀性,只需计算E(I1)即可:设显然有对于给定的X1,计算角α的分布概率分两种情况:图2 角α定义的示意图Fig.2 Schematic diagram of α definition1) 在边界节点内部,而在边界节点外部;和都在边界节点内部.对于第1)种情况,该平均面积占边界节点内部面积(半圆)的比例为该值再除以半圆的面积,即对于第2)种情况,可直接求得平均面积占边界节点内部面积的比例为第1)种情况的可能性为总的2/3,第2)种情况的可能性占总的1/3,故最终得到一个位于边界的节点的感知区域被它的n个邻居节点覆盖住的分数不会低于定理3得证.综合定理2和3,可以计算得到如表1的结论.表1 边界节点与邻居的关系Table 1 Relationship of boundary node and its neighbors邻居数n边界节点被n个邻居节点完全覆盖的概率/%边界节点被n个邻居节点覆盖住的区域占内部区域的分数/%583.36≥98.68689.09≥98.75792.95≥99.69895.52≥99.73997.19≥99.92109 8.26≥99.941198.93≥99.95对比文献[9]中表1的数据,可以看到边界节点的邻居达到7个时,就几乎能够完全覆盖边界节点了(可能性达到92.95%),而内部节点的邻居需要达到11个,才能有相似的效果.边界节点的邻居达到7个时,被邻居覆盖区域的百分比超过99%,而内部节点的邻居也需要达到11个才有类似效果.可见在网络边界处的处理方式应该与网络内部不同.所以在算法2中N的值应该取7.3 系统仿真在半径50 m的区域中随机部署600个监测半径为8 m的节点,设在工作或预休眠状态下节点平均生命周期为100 s,休眠状态不损失能量,发送信标消息的周期为5 s,进行节点检查的周期为3 s,节点每次休眠时长5 s,节点进入预休眠状态后等待的随机时长最大值为2 s,边界节点的选票阈值为7,内部节点的选票阈值为11.图3为文献[9]的LDAS算法和本文提出的NLSA-PBC算法在运行1 000 s时的采样对比.图3 1 000 s采样Fig.3 1 000 s sampling(a)—LDAS算法; (b)—NLSA-PBC算法.从实验结果来看,采用NLSA-PBC算法进行调度相比于LDAS算法,能够让边界节点有更大机会休眠,避免边界收缩问题.4 结语本文针对高密度随机部署的无线传感器网络节点休眠调度中存在的边界收缩问题进行了研究,提出了针对边界节点的休眠调度算法,并计算得出处于网络边界的节点被n个邻居完全覆盖的概率和边界节点被n个邻居覆盖的面积分数的范围.实验结果表明,算法能够在不增加通信成本的同时,有效缓解边界收缩问题,延长无线传感器网络的生命周期.该模型采用的计算方法还不适用于三维空间,下一步可以针对三维空间建模并设计调度算法.参考文献:[1] Popa M,Girban G.On the energy constraint in wireless sensor networks[J].Computer Communications,2003,26(11):1131-1144. 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无线传感器网中一种按需加权分簇算法刘利强;周细义;张舸【摘要】针对无线传感器网络节点能量受限的特点,提出一种按需加权分簇算法.该算法通过节点间的信息交互,获得较多的局部网络信息,综合考虑节点的当前能量值、度数和发射功率等因素,根据不同的网络应用背景做出不同的分簇决策.仿真结果表明,与具有代表性的分簇算法LEACH(Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy)相比,分簇更合理,减少了能量消耗,延长了网络的生存周期.【期刊名称】《计算机应用与软件》【年(卷),期】2010(027)009【总页数】3页(P85-87)【关键词】无线传感器网络;分簇算法;权值;能量有效【作者】刘利强;周细义;张舸【作者单位】湖南理工学院计算机系,湖南,岳阳,414006;湖南理工学院计算机系,湖南,岳阳,414006;湖南理工学院计算机系,湖南,岳阳,414006【正文语种】中文0 引言无线传感器网络WSN(Wireless Sensor Networks)通常由大规模的传感器节点组成,每个节点装有针对特定应用的传感器、无线收发机、简单的处理器等。








稳定且负载均衡的移动Ad Hoc网络加权分簇算法

稳定且负载均衡的移动Ad Hoc网络加权分簇算法

稳定且负载均衡的移动Ad Hoc网络加权分簇算法唐翠微【摘要】For the issues of the defects of traditional weighted clustering algorithm (WCA) in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, a safe and load balanced WCA (SLB-WCA) is proposed. SLB-WCA take nodes stability into consideration of the combination weights computing of nodes, and a “relatively typical node degree” is proposed to substitute the simple node degree factors in traditional WCA. In the meantime, according to the degree of each node, SLB-WCA formulates local cluster size constraints instead of global constraints in traditional algorithm. SLB-WCA can make node weights calculation and cluster size control more reasonably, and make the network load more balanced. Compared with traditional WCA, SLB-WCA has less number of cluster heads, better network coverage, which improves the network lifetime effectively.%针对移动Ad Hoc网络中传统加权分簇算法(WCA)的缺陷,提出一种稳定且负载均衡的改进型WCA(SLB-WCA)。

ad hoc云环境中分布式博弈卸载策略

ad hoc云环境中分布式博弈卸载策略

ad hoc云环境中分布式博弈卸载策略曹傧;梁裕丞;罗雷;唐述【期刊名称】《通信学报》【年(卷),期】2017(038)011【摘要】提出一种ad hoc移动云计算方案,即移动设备通过分享邻近设备的闲置资源,将任务卸载至邻近设备协助处理.主要关注是否进行卸载,如何选取合适的卸载目标设备,以及如何分配任务的问题.以上问题使用博弈方法进行定义,并使用分布式算法逼近最优结果.仿真结果证明了该方法的正确性与有效性.%An ad hoc mobile cloud had been proposed to offload workload to neighboring mobile devices for resource sharing. The issues that whether to offload or not was addressed, how to select the suitable mobile device to offload, and how to assign workload. Game theoretic approach was used to formulate this problem, and then, a distributed scheme was designed to achieve the optimal solution. The experimental results validate the rightness and effectiveness of proposed scheme.【总页数】11页(P24-34)【作者】曹傧;梁裕丞;罗雷;唐述【作者单位】重庆邮电大学移动通信技术重庆市重点实验室,重庆 400065;重庆邮电大学移动通信技术重庆市重点实验室,重庆 400065;重庆邮电大学国防研究院,重庆 400065;重庆邮电大学计算机网络与通信技术重庆市重点实验室,重庆 400065【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393.0【相关文献】1.Ad-hoc移动云环境下采取随机规划和买卖博弈的任务卸载方法 [J], 张龙;曹傧2.Ad Hoc网络中基于贝叶斯博弈的节点激励策略 [J], 唐洁3.天地融合网络中基于博弈论的分布式卸载算法研究 [J], 罗志勇;黄澳;孙韶辉;辛宁4.移动Ad Hoc云中任务卸载的联合优化策略 [J], 胡杨;韩嘉伟;张志红;李军;刘畅;曾祥豹;李小飞;王音心5.基于超模博弈的认知无线Ad hoc网络分布式功率控制技术 [J], 李湘鲁;侯冬;田杰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

依赖半径的大规模Ad hoc网络群密钥管理方案

依赖半径的大规模Ad hoc网络群密钥管理方案

依赖半径的大规模Ad hoc网络群密钥管理方案周健;周贤伟【期刊名称】《计算机应用研究》【年(卷),期】2013(30)3【摘要】Group key management schemes whose efficiency is based on network scale are not adapted to the large scale Ad hoc networks, and threat the forward security during key updating because the efficiency of group key management is not balance among clusters whose scales are not same. To deal with the problem, this paper designed the performance optimization group key management (POGKM) scheme. It divided the larger scale Ad hoc network into multi clusters by two kinds of topologies including complete sub-graph and star sub-graph, and built multilayer with hop count. To get the same efficiency of group key management in complete sub-graph and star sub-graph constant rounds, it designed and selected group key protocols. The efficiency complexity of POGKM was relatied to the network radius. At last, theory analysis and experimental verification prove POGKM is more appropriate to the large scale Ad hoc network than other schemes, especially Ad hoc networks having short radius and high density.%针对效率依赖网络规模的群密钥管理方案在大规模Ad hoc网络中非均衡,在更新时延威胁前向安全性这一问题,设计了性能优化的群密钥管理方案,通过跳数对网络分层,层中建立完全子图和星形子图,选择和设计性能相同的常数轮协议协商和管理群密钥,协议复杂度与网络半径相关.理论分析和仿真实验证明该方案更适合大规模Ad hoc网络.【总页数】4页(P878-881)【作者】周健;周贤伟【作者单位】北京科技大学计算机与通信学院,北京100083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP309【相关文献】1.Ad hoc网络中基于身份的组密钥管理方案 [J], 刘晓乐2.基于身份的Ad hoc网络密钥管理方案 [J], 胡荣磊;王坤;徐凤麟;魏占祯3.一种非对等的移动Ad hoc网络密钥管理方案 [J], 吴军;石润华;仲红4.ad hoc网络具有撤销机制的密钥管理方案 [J], 孙梅;张娟5.适用于大规模群组Ad hoc网络的组密钥管理方案 [J], 曹帅;张串绒;宋程远因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



基于声学指纹的海量MP3文件近似去重方法赵晓永;杨扬;王宁【摘要】Song re-uploading had been shared wastes network bandwidth and storage,which needs to use data de-duplicationtechnology.However,the current approach to de-duplication based file bit-feature does not recognize the same song after signal processing or compression.Aiming at this problem,this paper proposes a near de-duplication method of massive MP3 files based on acoustic fingerprint.It combines the certainty of message digest with the robustness of the acoustic fingerprint,after Bloom Filter(BF) de-duplicate data based on the message digest,then reduces acoustic fingerprint for the secondary near de-duplication based on the dimensionality.It ensures efficient at the same time,greatly improves the de-duplication ratio.Experimental results show that this method can improve the de-duplication rate by one time than Content-defined Chunking(CDC) method,and has good extensibility.%在互联网中重复上传他人已经分享的歌曲会消耗网络带宽,浪费存储空间,但目前的重复数据删除方法主要基于文件的二进制特征,无法识别经过信号处理或压缩后的歌曲.针对该问题,提出一种基于声学指纹的海量MP3文件近似去重方法.结合文件消息摘要的确定性与声学指纹的鲁棒性,在采用布隆过滤器对文件消息摘要一次去重的基础上,根据降维后的声学指纹值进行二次近似去重,保证高效的同时提高去重率.实验结果表明,与可变分块检测方法相比,该方法的去重率可提高1倍以上,扩展性较好.【期刊名称】《计算机工程》【年(卷),期】2013(039)007【总页数】4页(P73-75,82)【关键词】声学指纹;重复数据删除;近似去重;布隆过滤器;海量数据【作者】赵晓永;杨扬;王宁【作者单位】北京科技大学计算机与通信工程学院,北京100083;北京科技大学计算机与通信工程学院,北京100083;北京科技大学计算机与通信工程学院,北京100083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP3111 概述随着Web2.0和社交网络服务(Social Network Service,SNS)的快速发展,提供用户音乐分享服务的音乐SNS社区已成为当前热门的领域之一。



Weightingbasedclusteringalgorithm forFANET
12 平均链路保持率
平均链路保持时间不仅能够体现出节点与邻居节点的距 离,而且可以对邻居节点速度大小和运动方向进行预测,从而 预测最大链路保持时间。为简化计算,这里假设节点在一段时 间内运动方向和速度大小保持不变。
节点 A与 B在某一时刻的运动状态如图 2所示。图中 r 为节点 A的最大通信半径,A、B的位置信息可由 GPS或其他 定位系统获得,节点 A在 Δt时间内连续两次获得节点 B的位 置。在假设节点 B在一段时间里的运动速度和方向保持不变 的前提下,可估算出节点 B的运动速度与运动方向,速度如式 (7)所示。
收稿日期:20171207;修回日期:20180123 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(61472442) 作者简介:王沁飞(1993),男,河南沁阳人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为通信与网络技术(641808277@qq.com);南建国(1969),男,教授,硕 士,主要研究方向为机载计算机技术;黄金科(1988),男,博士研究生,主要研究方向为无线自组网技术;王彪(1992),男,博士研究生,主要研究 方向为目标探测与侦察监视;贾镇泽(1989),男,博士研究生,主要研究方向为目标识别技术.
目前,学者对于 WCA的改进算法有很多,如兰州交通大 学的丁青[9]提出的基于权值的自适应分簇算法 NWBACA,综 合考虑了节点的剩余能量、节点度、节点与邻居节点的平均距 离、节点的移动速度四个方面因素进行簇头选举,增强了网络 的稳定性和整网的生存时间,但是在考虑能量时仅考虑节点作 为簇头时,消耗的能量与节点度的关系,没有考虑节点作为普 通节点时能量的消耗也与节点度有关。在计算移动性时,考虑 的是节点的移动速度,不足以说明节点与其邻居节点的运动相 似性。赛塔特科技大学 LAVETE实验室的 Dyabi等人[10]提出 的基于节点性能的加权分簇算法虽然运用了加权分簇的思想, 但是侧重于节点的运存、CPU、硬盘等性能,对节点的能量、移 动性等方面考虑不多。重庆大学的唐等人[11]提出的多参数 加权分簇算法,综合考虑了节点剩余能量、邻居节点参数通过
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

initial, manually prepared queries in all subsequent steps. Eight subjects were enlisted as "users". Their task was to submit the initial queries to a database consisting of the target corpus (excluding the Federal Register collection), and judge results. Results were presented either as relevance-ranked lists of 300 returned documents (the baseline or “ranked” run) or as clustered groups of the top 150 returned documents (the “cluster” run). Each user was assigned some number of queries; half were processed as baseline and half as cluster runs. Users' judgments (documents marked relevant, non-relevant, or merely viewed) were automatically collected at 10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes. During the first 15 minutes, no user interactions with the system were allowed except for the reading and marking of documents. Between 15 and 30 minutes, users were also allowed to reformulate queries and retrieve potentially new results. All fifty queries were processed in each mode; each user processed a query only once in one or the other mode. In terms of efficiency alone, we observed a positive effect for cluster representations. At all collection points (10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes) the average number of positive judgments per query is higher for the cluster mode. For example, the average number of marked-relevant documents at each point is 8.7, 11.8, 13.9, and 18.7 for the baseline and 9.1, 12.6, 15.9, and 20.5 for the cluster runs. In terms of overall performance—average precision and recall—our official results further demonstrate the higher performance of the cluster runs. In the following sections, we report on our experimental design, the results we obtained in the several modes of processing, our overall performance on the TREC-7 task, and the results of several follow-up analyses we conducted.
1 Introduction
The most successful approaches to ad-hoc retrieval in recent TREC evaluations have typically involved a combination of manual query formulation, interaction with a user to determine some number of candidate relevant documents, and "relevance" feedback to the system for use in expanding a query and automatically generating a final set of ranked documents. Based on our results in TREC 6 in particular [1], we have come to regard accurate, selective relevance feedback as the dominant factor in determining a successful outcome. In any practical system, such relevance feedback depends on the ability of a user to review and judge a sample of documents in a relatively short amount of time. Virtually all TREC systems that have utilized user feedback have presented the user with "relevance ranked" lists of documents to review. But such lists may not represent unbiased samples of potentially relevant documents. Serialorder presentation may not be the most appropriate way to organize results. Making the user read or browse documents in isolation may not contribute to the user’s efficiency, in particular, in deciding whether to continue reviewing documents, to stop, or to reformulate the query and try again. Our ad-hoc retrieval experiments in TREC 7 were designed to assess the effectiveness of clustered groups of documents as an alternative to relevance-ranked lists in assisting the user in making relevance judgments. The fifty queries (351−400) were entered into the CLARIT system and edited by a member of the team; these constituted a fixed set of
Effectiveness of Clustering in Ad-Hoc Retrieval
David A. Evans, Alison Huettner, Xiang Tong, Peter Jansen, Jeffபைடு நூலகம்ey Bennett CLARITECH Corporation
A Justsystem Group Company
2 Experiment Design
The CLARIT TREC-7 ad hoc retrieval experiment was designed to measure the effect of document clustering on the speed and quality of user relevance judgments. To conduct our experiment, we needed a group of subjects (“users”), an interactive retrieval system with the ability to present results in relevance-ranked lists or in organized clusters, and a design that would insure, as much as possible, that the essential variables in performance would be due to user judgments of documents. For subjects, we enlisted eight members of the CLARITECH staff. We chose only native speakers of English and tried to
In this paper, we describe the experiment underlying the CLARITECH entries in the TREC-7 Ad Hoc Retrieval Track. Based on past results, we have come to regard accurate, selective relevance feedback as the dominant factor in effective retrieval. We hypothesized that a clustered rather than a ranked presentation of documents would facilitate judgments of document relevance, allowing a user to judge more documents accurately in a given period of time. This in turn should yield better feedback performance and ultimately better retrieval results. We found that users were indeed able to find more relevant documents in the same time period when results were clustered rather than ranked. Retrieval results from the cluster run were better than results from the ranked run, and those from a combined run were better still. The difference between the ranked and combined runs was statistically significant for both recall and average precision.