

9182 溶解氧校准过程

9182 溶解氧校准过程

a) 更改参数:进入Conc.calib.菜单, 进入slope菜单,将programming菜单下,Type类型更改为:
a) 更改参数:进入Conc.calib.菜单, 进入slope菜单,将programming菜单下,Type类型更改为:in air;2)校准执行前的准备:



钠离子电极校准方法高量程校准(1mg/L以上)1.安装氯化铵凝胶2.连接主机3.注满凝胶,确保凝4.往50ml烧杯中加入电极跟主机要配套胶充满电极25ml 100mg/L和这样才能应用上次校1000mg/L的标液,准的记录各加入一包离子增强剂,搅拌至溶解5.开机,设置相应参6.选择ISE离子测量7.按校准键,选择浓8.将烧杯放到搅拌器数,按read键确认模式度单位(mg/L),上,加入磁力搅拌子,按read键确认调节适当的转速9.将电极放入到100 10.显示屏会显示11.取出电极用去离子12.将电极放入到Mg/L的烧杯中stand 1?,按read 水冲洗干净并沾干,1000mg/L的烧杯中键确认,待读值此时显示屏会显示稳定后按read键stand 2?确认13.按read键进入校准,14.此时屏幕会显示15.按review键去查看16.用去离子水将电极待读值稳定后按store?,按read 之前校准记录冲干净,用滤纸Exit键退出并保存键存储校准曲线沾干方才的曲线(不校准第三点)17.准确量取25ml样18.加入一包ISA离子19.将电极放入到烧杯20.待读值稳定后便可品于50ml烧杯中增强剂中,并将其置于搅读值(等stabilizing伴器中,放入搅拌子消失即可)调节适当转速21.将电极用去离子水冲净,并存储于与平时所测钠离子浓度接近的标液中,待下次使用,如果长期不使用,将氯化铵凝胶拆下,并清洗电极,将电极放于存储液中保存低量程(1mg/L)以下1.安装氯化钾凝胶2.将电极安装到主机上3.将氯化钾凝胶充分4.校准前在电极存储电极跟主机要配套,注入到电极中液中至少浸泡一个这样才能应用上次校小时(推荐半天)准的记录然后在0.1mg/L的标液中至少浸泡8个小时以上,建议是一天。

5.用量筒量取400ml6.再将去离子水倒入7.在泡完电极后用去离8.加入0.4ml 10mg/L 去离子水600ml塑料烧杯中子将其冲干净,并用的标液于烧杯中,加入一包ISA离子滤纸沾干,将电极放在使之前将电极极增强剂,并搅拌均入到600ml烧杯中。















二、校正1、PH值校正在PH值测量模式下,长按开关键大约3秒直至显示屏上OFF字样变成CAL 后松手,主显示屏上显示7.01字样,这时我们可以放入PH值为7(瓶子上有标注)的校正液中校正(放入方法同测量)。


当主显示屏左边CAL 字样不再闪烁,且下方USE字样闪出OK字样(持续约1秒),就表示PH值已经校正完成。


2、电导率校正在电导率测量模式下,长按开关键大约3秒直至显示屏上OFF字样变成CAL 后松手,主显示屏上显示1413字样,我们将笔放入电导率校正液中进行校正。






调整方法:用HMA6070连接电缆把HM70手持式温湿度传感器和HMW61温湿度传感器连接起来,打开HM70手持式温湿度传感器电源,等待30分钟以上,通过调整主板上相应的RH offset和RH gain进行调整。



HANNA HI98129、HANNA HI8424和HANNA HI9142仪器校准步骤

HANNA HI98129、HANNA HI8424和HANNA HI9142仪器校准步骤

水质检测仪器校准步骤:1、HANNA HI98129 pH校准pH测试模式下,关机,长按ON/MODE,直到屏幕出现CAL,探头放进7.01校准液中,自动识别7.01,CAL闪烁,等待OK出现即校准成功,蒸馏水漂洗,吸水纸轻轻吸干探头水滴,放入4.01校准液,自动识别4.01,CAL闪烁,等待OK出现即校准成功,仪器将返回正常测量模式,显示屏上显示CAL符号,表示仪器已经过校准。

2、HANNA HI98129调整温度单位关机长按MODE,CAL出现,按SET改变温度单位,按MODE两次返回正常测量模式。

3、HANNA HI98129调整校准液系统关机长按MODE,CAL出现,按SET改变温度单位,按MODE显示当前7.01/6.86校准液,按SET改变校准液,按MODE返回测量模式。

4、HANNA HI98129 电导率校准(1413μs/cm)电导率(μs)测试模式下,关机,长按ON/MODE,直到屏幕出现CAL,探头放进1413μs/cm 校准液中,等待屏幕显示OK即校准完成。

5、HANNA HI8424 pH校准开机,按RANGE切换到pH测量模式,按CAL,进入7.01校准,pH探头和温度探头同时放进7.01校准液,仪器滴一声即校准完成,需要按CFM保存,蒸馏水漂洗,吸水纸轻轻吸干探头水滴,放入4.01校准液,自动识别4.01,仪器滴一声即校准完成(“pH”不再闪烁,屏幕左边漏斗消失),需要按CFM保存,仪器将返回正常测量模式。

6、HANNA HI8424 氧化还原电位校准开机,按RANGE切换到Mv测量模式,按CAL,氧化还原探头和温度探头同时放进256Mv校准液,等待屏幕左边漏斗消失,校准完成。

7、HANNA HI9142开机,湿润电极,按CAL,探头在空气中转圈,等待100%时按CAL确认,进入测量模式。














SOP-3040 98127型PH计使用、维护保养与清洁标准操作规程

SOP-3040 98127型PH计使用、维护保养与清洁标准操作规程




4. 内容4.1 使用方法4.1.1 检查电池状态4.1.2 持续按ON/OFF/MODE键直到显示屏启动,所有功能项均在显示屏上显示1秒钟,然后显示电池的容量,如100%BATT。

4.2 进行测量4.2.1将电极插入待测样品,轻轻搅拌等待数字稳定,显示屏左上角的稳定指示符消失时进行测量,主显示显示的是经过温度补偿的pH值,副显示显示的是样品的温度值。


4.3 关机当处于正常测量状态时,按ON/OFF/MODE键,等到副显显示OFF字样时放开按键。

4.4 维护与保养4.4.1 测量前,确保仪器已经校准。


4.4.2 若要连续测量不同样品的pH值,为避免交叉污染,要仔细漂洗探针,清洗完后,最好用待测样品再漂洗一下。




4.5清洁4.5.1 每次使用完毕,立即清洁仪器,悬挂标识,及时填写使用记录。

4.5.2 每次测定结束后,将电极用水漂洗干净,使污染减少到最小,在保护盖内滴几滴保存液(HI703001)或PH(HI7007)缓冲液,千万不能用去离子水或蒸馏水储存电极。




HI98129便携式防水型袖珍 pH/EC/TDS/℃测试笔
注意: 1、测量前,确保仪器已经校准 2、若要测量不同样品的PH值,为避免交叉污染,要仔 细漂洗电极,清洗完后,最好用待测样品再漂洗一 下。 PH测量和标准 PH测量 1、按SET/HOLD键选择PH模式 2、将电极浸没在待测溶液中,只有待稳定标志显示时 方可进行测量
3、精度(@20℃) • 温度:±0.5℃ • PH值:±0.02 • EC/TDS:全量程±2% 4、标准EMC偏差(指仪器在电磁干扰环境下) • 温度:±0.5℃ • PH值:±0.02 • EC/TDS:全量程±2%
HI98129便携式防水型袖珍 pH/EC/TDS/℃测试笔
5、温度补偿 • 自动,每度温度补偿系数β=0.0~2.4%℃ 6、环境 • 0~50℃ • RH 100% (相对湿度) 7、EC/TDS转换因子 • 0.45~1.00(CONV)

EC/TDS测量 1、按SET/HOLD键选择EC或TDS模式; 2、将电极浸没在待测溶液中,请使用塑料烧杯以避 免任何电磁干扰;
HI98129便携式防水型袖珍 pH/EC/TDS/℃测试笔
3、只有待稳定标志显示在显示屏左上角处时方可进 行测量; 4、自动温度补偿后的EC/TDS值显示在主显示屏上, 样品的温度显示在副显示屏上。 EC校准过程 在测量模式下持续按MODE键,直到CAL字样显示在 显示屏的下部; 放开此键,将探头插入正确的校准溶液中; 仪器自动校准完毕后,显示OK字样,1秒钟后返回 正常的测量模式; 因为EC和TDS读数之间存在一已知的关系,因此, 没有必要对仪器进行TDS校准;
HI98129便携式防水型袖珍 pH/EC/TDS/℃测试笔

HI 981402 Hanna Instruments 水洼的水洼的pH仪器有警报说明书

HI 981402 Hanna Instruments 水洼的水洼的pH仪器有警报说明书

Instruction Manual(HI 981402)On-line, WaterproofpH meter with Alarmw w w .h a n n a i n s t .c o mHanna Instruments reserves the right to modify the design, constructionand appearance of its products without advance notice.WARRANTYHI 981402 is warranted for two years against defects in work-manship and materials when used for their intended purpose and maintained according to instructions.The electrode is warranted for a period of six months.This warranty is limited to repair or replacement free of charge.Damages due to accident, misuse, tampering or lack of prescribed maintenance are not covered.If service is required, contact the dealer from whom you purchased the instrument. If under warranty, report the model number, date of purchase,serial number and the nature of the failure. If the repair is not covered by the warranty, you will be notified of the charges incurred. If the instrument is to be returned to Hanna Instruments, first obtain a Returned Goods Authorization Number from the Customer Service department and then send it with shipment costs prepaid. When shipping any instrument, make sure it is properly packaged for complete protection.All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibitedwithout the written consent of the copyright owner.Dear Customer,Thank you for choosing a Hanna product.This manual will provide you with the necessary information for correct operation of the meter. Please read it carefully before using the meter.If you need additional technical information, do not hesitate to e-mail us at ******************.Remove the in strumen t from the packin g material an d examin e it carefully. If an y damage has occurred durin g shipmen t, immediately n otify your Dealer or the n earest Hanna Customer Service Center.The meter is supplied with:•HI 1286 pH electrode •Calibration screwdriver•12 Vdc power adapter an d in struction s.Note:Con serve all packin g material un til the in strumen thas been observed to function correctly. Any defective item must be returned in its original packing.PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONHI 981402 is a pH meter specially design ed to meet the needs of simple continuous monitoring of pH.The housing has been completely sealed against vapors and humidity with IP54 ratin g.Simply hang the meter right above the sample to be tested for continuous measurement.The HI 1286 gel-filled pH electrode is interchangeable and the BNC connector is protected behind a waterproof sheath.The unique design of the electrode provides longer life even in aggressive solutions.This instruemnt also provides for a selectable setpoint and alerts the user with a flashing LED alarm when an abnor-mal situation occurs.Measuremen ts are highly accurate an d the meter can be calibrated at one or two points.You no longer need to worry about battery changes either:the unit runs without interruption on 12 Vdc power supply.1.Molded eye2.Alarm LED3.“pH 4” calibration trimmer4.BNC connector5.HI 1286 pH electrode6.12 VDC power adapter7.Power supply connector8.Protective sheath9.“pH 7” calibration trimmer 10.Liquid Crystal DisplaypH ELECTRODE CONNECTION & MAINTENANCEIn order to protect the instrument against vapors and humidity, the BNC connector is shielded behind a waterproof sheath.•Slide the protective sheath down . Conelectrode to the BNC con n ector an d then slide the protective sheath back up. Since the protective sheath is rubberized to en sure maximum waterproof protection ,make sure the connector is completely covered.•Do not be alarmed if white crystals appear around the electrode protective cap. This is n ormal with pH elec-trodes and they dissolve when rinsed with water.Range 0.0 to 14.0 pH Resolution0.1 pH Accuracy (@ 25°C/77°F)±0.2 pH Typical EMC Deviation ±0.2 pH Calibration Manual, through offset and slope trimmerspH Electrode HI 1286 (included)Setpoint 3.0 to 11.0 pH Hysteresis ±0.5 pH aroun d setpoin tAlarm LED blinks when pH is outside hysteresis rangeCasing IP54Power supply 12 Vdc adapter (in cluded)Dimensions 86 x 110 x 43 mm (3.4 x 4.3 x 1.7’’)Weight150 g (5.3 oz.)•When not in use, rinse the electrode with water and store it with a few drops of storage (HI 70300) or pH 7(HI 7007) solution in the protective cap. Always replace the protective cap after use.DO NOT USE DISTILLED OR DEIONIZED WATER FOR STORAGE PURPOSES.•If the electrode has been left dry, soak the tip in a storage (HI 70300) or pH 7 (HI 7007) solution for at least one hour to reactivate it.•To minimize clogging and provide longer life for the pH electrode, it is recommen ded to clean it mon thly. Im-merse the tip of the electrode in HI 7061 for one hour an d then rin se it with tap water.TAKING pH MEASUREMENTS•Turn the meter on by con n ectin g the 12 Vdc power adapter to the meter an d to the main s.•Remove the protective cap from the pH electrode an d immerse the pH electrode tip (4 cm/1½”) in to the sample.•The LCD will show the pH value. Allow the reading to stabilize and the instru-ment will start continuous monitoring.Note : To preven t damages to the pH electrode, remove it from the sample before turning the meter off.ADJUSTING THE SETPOINTWith HI 981402 you can select the desired setpoint and be alerted with a visual LED alarm when an abn ormal situa-tion arises.•To access the MEASURE/SET switch an d the setpoin t adjustment trimmer, remove the rear panel.•Move the switch to the left (SET position).•With a small screwdriver adjust the setpoint trimmer to display the desired value in the range from 3 to 11 pH.For the greatest accuracy, frequent calibration of the instru-ment is recommended. In addition, the instrument must be recalibrated when ever:a)The pH electrode is replaced b)After testing aggressive chemicals c)Where extreme accuracy is required d)At least once a monthPREPARATIONPour small quan tities of pH 7.0 (HI 7007) an d pH 4.0(HI 7004) solution into two clean beakers.For accurate calibration use two beakers for each buffer solution, the first one for rinsing the tip of the electrode and the second one for calibration.For the secon d calibration poin t, the pH 4.0 (HI 7004)buffer is recommended if you are going to measure acidic samples, while pH 10.0 (HI 7010) should be used ifsamples to be tested are alkaline.•Moved back the switch to the MEASURE position.•Close the meter with the rear panel, while making sure the gasket is in place before tightening the screws.•When ever the pH readin g varies more than ±0.5 pH from the setpoin t, the red alarm LED blin ksto warn the user.CALIBRATION PROCEDURE•Turn the meter on and make sure that the MEASURE/SET switch is on the MEASURE position.•Remove the protective cap from the electrode, rin se an d immerse it in pH 7.0 buffer solution. Stir gen tly and wait a couple of minutes for the readin g to stabilize.Note: The electrode should be submergedapproximately 4 cm (1½”) in the solution.•With the calibration screwdriver,adjust the “pH 7” trimmer until the LCD shows “pH 7.0”.•Rin se an d immerse the pH electrode in pH 4.0 (or pH 10.0) buffer and stir gently.•Wait a couple of minutes, then adjust the “pH 4” trimmer until the LCD shows “pH 4.0”(or “pH 10.0”).The calibration is now complete.。



HANNA数字酸度计的使用方法HANNA(哈纳)pH210、pH211、pH212、pH213系列精密酸度离子计是目前大专院校、研究院所、工矿企业使用较为广泛的一类数字显示pH 计,适用于实验室测定水溶液的pH值和电极电位(mv)值。














pH 标准缓冲溶液有5种:pH4.01、pH6.86、pH7.01、pH9.18和pH10.01。

一般采用仪器默认的进行两点校准,一个为零点(pH6.86或pH7.01),另一个为斜率(pH4.01酸性或pH9.18、p H10.01碱性);也可设置为单点校准。
















HI 96831 乙二醇折射计使用说明书

HI 96831 乙二醇折射计使用说明书

Instruction ManualHI 96831 Ethylene Glycol Refractometer12All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of the copyright owner, Hanna Instruments Inc., Woonsocket, Rhode Island, 02895, USA.Remove the instrument from the packing materials and examine carefully to ensure no damage has occurred during shipping. If any damage has occurred, notify your Dealer or closest Hanna Customer Service Center.Each instrument is supplied with:• 9 V battery • Instruction manualNote:Save all packing material until you are sure that the instrument functionscorrectly. A defective instrument must be returned in its original packing.Dear Customer,Thank you for choosing a Hanna product. This manual will provide you with the necessary information for the correct use of this instrument. Please read it carefully before using the meter. If youneedadditionaltechnicalinformation,*******************************************.TABLE OF CONTENTSPRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONPRELIMINARY EXAMINATION (2)GENERAL DESCRIPTION (3)SPECIFICATIONS (3)PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION (4)MEASUREMENT UNITS (5)FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (5)DISPLAY ELEMENTS (6)MEASUREMENT GUIDELINES (7)CALIBRATION PROCEDURE (7)MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE (8)TO CHANGE MEASUREMENT UNIT (9)TO CHANGE TEMPERATURE UNIT (9)MAKING A STANDARD SOLUTION (10)BATTERY REPLACEMENT (10)WARRANTY (10)ERROR MESSAGES (11)3GENERAL DESCRIPTIONSPECIFICATIONSTemperature Compensation:Automatic between 0 and 40 °C (32 - 104 °F)Measurement Time:Approximately 1.5 seconds Minimum Sample Volume:100 μL (cover prism totally)Light Source:Yellow LED Sample Cell:Stainless Steel ring and flint glass prism Case Material:ABS Enclosure Rating:IP 65Battery Type / Life: 1 X 9V / 5000 readings Auto-Off:After 3 minutes of non-use Dimensions:19.2(W) x 10.2(D) x 6.7(H) cm Mass:420 gThe HI 96831 Digital Refractometer is a rugged portable, water resistant device that utilizes the measurement of refractive index to determine the % volume and freezing point of ethylene glycol based coolants or antifreeze.The HI 96831 device benefits from Hanna’s years of experience as a manufacturer of analytical instruments. The digital refractometer eliminates the uncertainty associated with mechanical refractometers and is easily portable for use in the field to optimize your cooling system.The HI 96831 refractometer is an optical device that is simple and quick to use. Samples are measured after a simple user calibration with distilled or deionized water. Within seconds, the refractive index and temperature are measured and converted into one of two measurement units;% Volume or Freezing Point. The instrument utilizes internationally recognized references for unit conversion and temperature compensation for ethylene glycol solutions (e.g. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 87th Edition).The temperature (in °C or °F) is also displayed on the large dual level display along with helpful message codes.Key features include:•IP65 waterproof protection•Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC)•Battery operation with Low Power indicator (BEPS)•Automatically turns off after 3 minutes of non-use em u l o V %t n i o P g n i z e e r F )F °(C °:e g n a R %001o t 0)F °85-o t 23(C °05-o t 0)F °671o t 23(C °08o t 0:n o i t u l o s e R %1.0)F °1.0(C °1.0)F °1.0(C °1.0:y c a r u c c A %2.0±)F °0.1±(C °5.0±)F °5.0±(C °3.0±4Ethylene Glycol determinations are made by measuring the refractive index of a solution. Refractive Index is an optical characteristic of a substance and the number of dissolved particles in it. Refractive Index is defined as the ratio of the speed of light in empty space to the speed of light in the substance. A result of this property is that light will “bend”, or change direction, when it travels through a substance of different refractive index. This is called refraction.When passing from a material with a higher to lower refractive index, there is a critical angle at which an incoming beam of light can no longer refract, but will instead be reflected off the interface.The critical angle can be used to easily calculate the refractive index according to the equation:sin (θcritical) = n2/ n1Where n2is the refractive index of the lower-density medium; n1is the refractive index of the higher-density medium.In the HI 96831 refractometer, light from an LED passes through a prism in contact with the sample. An image sensor determines the critical angle at which the light is no longer refracted through the sample. Specialized algorithms then apply temperature compensation to the measurement and convert the refractive index to: % Volume or Freezing Point.PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION5MEASUREMENT UNITSFreezing point is displayed as a temperature from 0.0 to -50.0 °C corresponding to 0-58 % by volume. The display blinks the freezing point when the concentration of Ethylene glycol is greater than 78 % concentration by volume.When the display shows “LO”, the freezing point is at a minimum (below -50 °C).FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION1.Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)2.READ Key (User Measurement)3.ZERO Key (User Calibration)4.RANGE Key (User Measurement Unit)5.ON/OFF 6.Stainless Steel Sample Well and Prism 7.Secondary Display 8.Primary DisplayTOP VIEW6DISPLAY ELEMENTS1.Battery (blinks when low battery condition detected)2.Measurement in Progress Tag 3.SETUP: Factory Calibration Tag 4.CAL: Calibration Tag 5.Automatic Temperature Compensation (blinks when temperature exceeds 0-40°C / 32-104°F range)6.Primary Display (displays measurement and error messages)7.Temperature Units 8.Secondary Display (displays temperature measurements; when blinking,temperature has exceeded operation range: 0-80°C / 32-176°F)9.Range indicator9.Battery Cover10.Battery CompartmentBOTTOM7•Handle instrument carefully. Do not drop.•Do not immerse instrument under water.•Do not spray water to any part of instrument except the “sample well” located over the prism.•The instrument is intended to measure ethylene glycol solutions. Do not expose instrument or prism to solvents that will damage it. This includes most organic solvents and extremely hot or cold solutions.•Particulate matter in a sample may scratch the prism. Absorb sample with a soft tissue and rinse sample well with deionized or distilled water between samples.•Use plastic pipettes to transfer all solutions. Do not use metallic tools such as needles, spoons or tweezers as these will scratch the prism.•Cover sample well with hand if measuring in direct sun.MEASUREMENT GUIDELINES CALIBRATION PROCEDURECalibration should be performed daily, before measurements are made, when the battery has been replaced, between a long series of measurements, or if environmental changes have occurred since the last calibration.1.Press the ON/OFF key, then release. Two instrument test screens will be displayed briefly;all LCD segments followed by the percentage of remaining battery life. The meter will then briefly display an indication of the measurement unit set. When the LCD displays dashes, the instrument is ready.ing a plastic pipette, fill the sample well with distilled or deionized water. Make sure the prism is completely covered.Note:If the ZERO sample is subject to intense light such as sunlight or another strong source,cover the sample well with your hand or other shade during the calibration.8MEASUREMENT PROCEDUREVerify the instrument has been calibrated before taking measurements.1.sample well are completely dry.2.Note:If the temperature of the sample differs significantly from the temperature of theinstrument, wait approximately 1 minute to allow thermal equilibration.3.Press the READ key. Theresults are displayed as %Volume or Freezing Point.Note:instrument is turned off. Temperature will be continuously updated.Note:The ”ATC ” tag blinks and automatic temperature compensation is disabled if thetemperature exceeds the 0-40 °C / 32-104 °F range.3.Press the ZERO key. If no error messages appear, your unit is calibrated.(For a description of ERROR MESSAGES see page 11).Note:The 0.0 screen will remain until a sample is measured or the instrument is turned off.4.Gently absorb the ZERO water standard with a soft tissue. Use care notto scratch the prism surface. Dry the surface completely. The instrumentis ready for sample measurement.Note:If the instrument is turned off the calibration will not be lost.94.Remove sample from the sample well by absorbingwith a soft tissue.ing a plastic pipette, rinse prism and samplewell with distilled or deionized water. Wipe dry.The instrument is ready for the next sample.TO CHANGE MEASUREMENT UNITPress the RANGE key to select the measurement units. The instrument toggles between the two measurement scales each time the key is pressed and the primary display indicates “Vol ”% Volume or “FrPt ” for Freezing Point. When the instrument displays the screen with 4 dashes,the instrument is ready for measurement. A number on the display indicates the selected unit: “1”denotes % Volume and “2” denotes Freezing Point (as indicated on the instrument cover).Note8 secondsTO CHANGE TEMPERATURE UNITTo change the temperature measurement unit from Celsius to Fahrenheit (or vice versa), follow this procedure.1.Press and hold the ON/OFF key continuously for approximately 8 seconds. The LCD will display the “all segment” screen followed by a screen with the model number on the primary display and the version number on the secondary display. Continue pressing the ON/OFF key.2.While continuing to hold the ON/OFF key, press the ZERO key. The temperature unit will change from °C to °F or vice versa.Note : The selected unit will be used in Freezing Point mode.10To make a Ethylene Glycol Solution, follow the procedure below:•To make an X % ethylene glycol solution volumetrically add X mL of high purity ethylene glycol (CAS #: 107-21-1; MW 62.068) to a 100 mL Grade A volumetric flask.•Use distilled or deionized water to bring the flask close to the total volume, mix, allow the solution to return to room temperature.•Once the solution has returned to room temperature use distilled or deionized water to bring the total volume to 100 mL. Mix solution well before use.WARRANTYThe HI 96831 is warranted for two years against defects in workmanship and materials when used for its intended purpose and maintained according to the instructions.This warranty is limited to repair or replacement free of charge.Damage due to accidents, misuse, tampering or lack of prescribed maintenance is not covered.If service is required, contact your dealer. If under warranty, report the model number, date of purchase, serial number and the nature of the failure. If the repair is not covered by the warranty,you will be notified of the charges incurred.If the instrument is to be returned to Hanna Instruments, first obtain a Returned Goods Authorization Number from the Customer Service Department and then send it with shipment costs prepaid. When shipping any instrument, make sure it is properly packaged for complete protection.To validate your warranty, fill out and return the enclosed warranty card within 14 days from the date of purchase.l o c y l G e n e l y h t E em u l o V l a t o T e u l a V t n i o P g n i z e e r F d e t c e p x E V%01L m 00.01L m 00.001)F °2.52(C °8.3-V %04L m 00.04L m 00.001)F °4.51-(C °3.62-MAKING A STANDARD SOLUTIONTo replace the instrument’s battery, follow these steps:•Make sure the instrument is off.•Turn instrument upside down and remove the battery cover by turning it counterclockwise.•Extract the battery from its location.•Replace with a new 9V battery making sure to observe polarity.•Insert the back battery cover and fasten it by turning clockwise to engage.BATTERY REPLACEMENTERROR MESSAGES11Hanna Instruments Inc.Highland Industrial Park584 Park East DriveWoonsocket, RI 02895 USALocal Sales and Customer Service officeHanna Instruments United States Inc.Highland Industrial Park584 Park East DriveWoonsocket, RI 02895 USATel. (800) 426 6287Fax (401) 765 7575/usaTechnical Support for customersTelephone (800) 426 6287Fax (401) 765 7575************************Printed in Romania, EU MAN96831 10/0912。

Hanna Instruments产品说明书

Hanna Instruments产品说明书

BL 983320-10.0 to 199.9 µS/cm 0.1 µS/cm±2% f.s.BL 983329-10.0 to 1999 ppm 1 ppm ±2% f.s.BL 983315-10.0 to 199.9 ppm 0.1 ppm HI 98127pH-2.0 to 16.00.1 pH ±0.1 pH pH AutomaticA TCHI 98311EC 0 to 3999 μS/cm TDS 0 to 2000 ppm 1 μS/CM EC 1 PPM TDS ±2% F.S. EC/TDSA TCHI 98121pH -2.00 to 16.00ORP ±1000 mV 0.01 pH 1 mV ORP ±0.05 pH ±2 mV ORP pH AutomaticA TCHI 98129pH 0 to 14.00EC 0 to 3999 uS/cm TDS 0 to 2000 ppm0.01 pH 1 μS/cm EC 1 ppm TDS ±0.05 pH ±2% F.S. EC/TDS pH AutomaticA TC HI 98130pH 0 to 14.00EC 0 to 20.00 mS/cm TDS 0.00 to 10.00 ppt0.01 pH 0.01 mS/cm EC 0.01 ppt TDS ±0.05 pH ±2% F.S. EC/TDS pH AutomaticA TCWaterProof Handheld TestersGood Water Warehouse Inc.Supplying The WorldWater Treatment Systems & ComponentsOver 25,000 Water Products from Over 120 Manufacturers at Outstanding ValuesSingle Source Supplier For All oF Your Water Treatment NeedsGood Water Warehouse Inc.1700 E. Walnut Ave.Fullerton CA 92831PHONE: 714-441-2893TOLL FREE: 800-749-0252FAX: 714-441-0525TOLL FREE FAX: 800-749-0331****************************Range Accuracy CalibrationResolution Pricing Good Through July 31st, 2007Visit us at the AWWA Show in Toronto June 24th to 27th booth 600-604Free Probe with AllBL EC/TDS mini controller ordersP erfect S olution for W ater a nalySiS and c ontrolFREE PROBE#HI7634-00EC/TDSTDSEC TDSBL 983315-10.0 to 199.9 ppm0.1 ppm ±2% f.s.BL 983320-10.0 to 199.9 µS/cm0.1 µS/cm ±2% f.s.BL 983329-10.0 to 1999 ppm1 ppm ±2% f.s.($30.00 value)CALL FOR PRICINGL o w e s t Pr i c e Grade: IonPlus™ CA-10Appearance: Light brown spherical beads Description:divinylbenzene strong acid cation resin in bead form. Specially developed to eliminate taste and odor and provide excellent stability. It is primarily used for softening water in municipal and industrial water treatment.(1-39 bags) (1 pallet) (2 pallets) 40 bags 80 bagsION EXCHANGE RESINStrong Acid CationIntroducing NSF CertifiedFDA Regulation: Carbochem® CA-10 is in compliancewith FDA regulation paragraph 173.25BYCARBOCHEM INC.Pricing Good Through July 31st, 2007Water Softeners & Media Filters14” to 63” Tank SizeSingleTwin Alternating or ParallelTriplex QuadC ommerCial F il tration F il tration Packing:L o w e s t P r i c e Call For System Configurationsand PricingCALL FOR PRICING®L engthL ength L ength L engthL engthD iameter(e nD P ort S tyLe )14”1+21”1+40”1+2Element80”1+3Element120”1+2.5”(400 PSI) RO2511RO2512RO2513RO2514RO2515(600 PSI) RO2516RO2517RO2518RO2519RO2520(1000 PSI) RO2531RO2532RO2525RO2526RO2527 4”(400 PSI) RO4039RO4040RO4031RO4033RO4034(600 PSI) RO4099RO4100RO4091RO4092RO4093(1000 PSI) RO4129RO4130RO4121RO4122RO4123C ommerCial m embranesm embrane P ressure V esselsF iberglass P ressure V esselsTap Water 2.5x401206729TW30-2540RE2540-TE 4x211206750TW30-4021-DRY RE4021-TE 4x401206774TW30-4040-DRY RE4040-TE *Brackish Water 2.5x401206727BW30-25404x401206761BW30-4040RE4040-BE 8x401206784BW30-400RE8040-BE Low Energy 2.5x401206802XLE-2540RE2540-TL 4x211206812XLE-4021RE4021-TL 4x401206816XLE-4040RE4040-TL2.5X40PV-2540 MH-2540SS.C 4X21PV-4021NS MH-4021SS.C 4X40PV-4040NS MH-4040SS.C 4X80PV-4080NSMH-4080SS.CSTAINLESS STEEL (CHINA)PVC (USA)Part#Part#Part#1+1+1+Pricing Good Through July 31st, 2007Pricing Good Through July 31st, 2007Pricing Good Through July 31st, 2007FULL LINE STOCKING DISTRIBUTOR - CALL FOR SIZES AND MODELS NOT LISTEDFILMTEC ™M e M b r a n e sCall For Other Sizes/Pressure Ratings And Side Port Style.Custom Configurations Available.Made in U.S.AGet Additional Discounts When You Order Pressure Vessels And Membranes TogetherHighest QualityCALL FOR PRICINGMotors & Adapters Sold SeparatelySeries 2 Case QTY - 12115/140 GPH BrassSeries 3 Case QTY - 12115/140 GPH S.S.Series 4 Case QTY - 9100/330 GPH BrassSeries 5 Case QTY - 9100/330 GPH S.S.Series 6 Case QTY - 1300/660 GPH S.S.SPV Platinum Certified Series w/ICE BallastDescription Part # 1+3.5 GPM SPV3.58 GPM SPV812 GPM SPV1215 GPM SPV1520 GPMSPV20* SQ SeriesDescription Part # 1+5 GPM S5Q-PA 8 GPM S8Q-PA 12 GPM S12Q-PA 24 GPMS24Q* 220V Same PriceProcon Products manufacture six different styles of pumps with flow rates ranging from 15 to 660 gallons per hour. Available in brass or stainless steel configurationPricing Good Through July 31st, 2007CALL FOR PRICINGCALL FOR PRICING0 / "OX .ORTH 0ALM "EACH &,4OLL FREE ,OCAL &AX % MAIL SALES HARMSCO COM, - "Á4IRED OF LISTENING TO hSCIENTISTSv WITH THEIR EXOTIC SOLUTIONS TO YOUR WATER CHALLENGES ONLY TO lND THAT THEIR SOLUTIONS ONLY WORK IN THE LABORATORY (ARMSCO ¤ HAS BEEN QUIETLY PROVIDING SOLUTIONSIN THE 2EAL 7ORLD FOR OVER YEARS (ARMSCO ¤ PRODUCTS MAY NOT BE mASHY AND EXOTIC BUT TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN RELIABLY USING THEM FOR HALF A CENTURY 4(%9 !2% 2%!, 7/2,$ "%!54)&5, WWW HARMSCO COM ,i> Ê7 À `Ê7>ÌiÀÒ(URRICANE 3WING "OLT 3ERIES(52 X &, v mANGE v v FT v LBS (52 X &,v mANGE v v FTv LBS (52 X &, v mANGE v v FT vLBS(52 X &,v mANGEvvFTv LBS-ODEL-AX &LOW 2ATE'0--AX &LOW 2ATE,0--AX &LOW 2ATE- (2-EDIA 3Q &T0IPE 3IZE ) / .04$RAIN 3IZE .04&ILTER (EIGHT&LOOR 3PACE&OOTPRINT 3ERVICE (EIGHT 3HIPPING 7EIGHTÕÀÀ V> i ÒÊ Õà }ÃÊÕÃiÊ i Õ iÊ >À ÃV ÁÊ ÕÀÀ V> i ÒÊ >ÀÌÀ `}ià .OTE ,OWER mOW RATES AND PRESSURES RESULT IN LONGER CARTRIDGE LIFE $ESIGNING TO OF MAXIMUM mOW WILL INCREASE OVERALL PERFORMANCE➧ &OUR SIZES FOR GREATER MEDIA SURFACE AREA AND SQ FT➧ %XTENSIVE CHOICE OF MICRON RATINGS ANDMEDIA INCLUDING CARBON BLOCK ➧ / RING HOUSING SEAL SWING BOLT CLOSURE ➧ 3TANDPIPES STAINLESS STEEL ➧ 0RESSURE 5P TO PSI MAX ➧ 4EMPERATURE 5P TO &➧ )NLET /UTLET mANGED CONNECTIONS 1,ÊÎÝ£Çä 1,ÊxÝ£Çä 1,ʣݣÇä "ASED ON 'ENUINE (ARMSCO ¤ (URRICANE 3EDIMENT #ARTRIDGES SEE REVERSE SIDE➧ #OMBINATION CYCLONE SEPARATOR AND CARTRIDGE lLTER IN A SINGLE COMPACT DESIGN ➧ "UILT TO !3-% DESIGN STANDARDS0 / "OX .ORTH 0ALM "EACH &,s 4OLL FREE s &AX s % MAIL SALES HARMSCO COM(ARMSCO ¤&ILTRATION 0RODUCTS BENEFITSNo sump disassemblyLightweight, Chemically Resistant Uses Cartridges or Bags No Fluid By-passEasy Access for Manual Cleaning or In-Place Flushing Meets Certification RequirementsWhole House/Commercial ApplicationsFEATURESFilter Elements Top Loaded Polypropylene Construction Convertible Positive Sealing Clean Wall Design FDA, NSF and CE Mark High Flow Rates (50+ GPM)Features:• Patented Upflow Design • Low carbon stainless steel housing construction • “Swing Bolt” closure system • Stainless steel standpipe (standard) • Four sizes for greater media surface area - 170,510, 850 and 1,360 sq. ft. • Extensive choice of micron ratings and media, including carbon block • Combination cyclone separator and cartridge filterin a single compact designSpecifications:• O-ring, housing seal, swing-bolt closure • Standpipes - stainless steel • Inlet/Outlet - flanged connections• Built to ASME design standards • Pressure - Up to 200 psi max.• Temperature - Up to 140 ºF HOUSINGS TAKE HC-170 FILTERSCall For PricingHUR1X170FL $ HUR3X170FL $ HUR5X170FL $ HUR8X170FL $Pricing Good Through July 31st, 2007The XL234 vessel is rated up to 85 psi at 110°F.Features Include:• Sturdy vessel construction—glass-filled polypropylene with UV inhibitors make this vessel extremely durable and compatible with a broad range of chemicals.• Quick-and-easy lid requires no tools for opening and closing. • Highly corrosion and rust resistant.• Modular filter design allows for a variety of inlet/outletconfigurations (specified with order).• Stands upright on molded legs for easy installation. • Available with either 2” NPT or 3” flange connections— 2”NPT — 2”NPT— 3”Flange,Style 2 Standard—(side in,bottom out)A New Choice in Polypropylene Filters forSIMPLICITY , SAFETY & SERVICE LIFEYou’ll save time and money, improve filtration quality and no tools required!As a bag system:• Bag vessel is nonmetallic externallywith 316 stainless steel basket.• Filter bag has 20% more surface areathan standard #2 bag for longer life andflow rates of up to 160 GPM.• EZLoc patented filter ring hermetically sealsfilter to prevent bypass.Variety of bag materials available including:— Polypropylene Felt (PONG)— Polypropylene Monofilament (PMO)— Polypropylene Micron Fiber (POMF)As a cartridge system:• Cartridge carrier is 100% nonmetallic and holds seven 20”, 30” or 40” filter cartridges (2.5”OD) to use with: — Double Open End — Single Open End 222 w/Bayonet • 7 filter cartridges increase filter element surface area for a flow rate of up to 140 GPM • Can use standard (Vorex®) or absolute rated (Vorex® HP) cartridges.Bag Housings20” Cartridge Housingsbags / filters sold separately Call For Sizing help and PricingCALL FORPRICING CALL FOR PRICING5+ Case1+ CaseOTHER SPECIALTY FILTERS AVAILABLE... ALSO AVAILABLE IN (2.5” X 10”) (2.5” X 20”) - Call For PricingMBB Large Diameter Filters combine innovative depth filter technology, and quality to provide excellent filtration value in residential and light commercial applications.10” BB - 10/Case1 Case 10+ Case3015155 MBB7525 DUAL GRADE POLY 3015157 MBB5005 DUAL GRADE POLY 3015159 MBB2501 DUAL GRADE POLY 20” BB - 5/Case1 Case10+ Case3015156 MBB7525 DUAL GRADE POLY 3015158 MBB5005 DUAL GRADE POLY 3015160MBB2501 DUAL GRADE POLYPart#Description1 Case 150233 1" W/PR150234 1" WO/PR 150235 1.5" W/PR 1502361.5" WO/PR20"BB HousingsPart#Description1 Case 155305-43 S1-20BB Pleated Cel. 20mic155358-43 DGD-5005 Dual Grade 50/05 mic 155312-43 CBC-20BB Carbon Briquette 155249-43 GAC20-BB Granular Act. Carbon20"BB FiltersBig Blue ®Filters & Housings GACCBC6646QTYPerCase4444QTYPerCase10"BB Filters (8/Case)20"BB Filters (4/Case)PECIALTY FILTERSSAF-10-1046-BB 10”BB GAC CARTRIDGEAF-10-2015-BB 10” 5 LB KDF/GAC CARTRIDGE AF-10-3003-BB 10”BB SOFTENING CARTRIDGE AF-10-3231-BB 10” BB 100% CALCITE CARTRIDGE AF-10-3314-BB 10”BB ALL PHOSPHATE (4 LBS)AF-10-3335-BB 10”BB GAC/PHOSPHATE CARTRIDGE AF-10-3610-BB10” BB NITRATE SELECTIVE FIL TERAF-20-1046-BB 20”BB GAC CARTRIDGEAF-20-2015-BB 20”BB 5 LB KDF/GAC CARTRIDGE AF-20-3231-BB 20” BB 100% CALCITE CARTRIDGE AF-20-3318-BB 20”BB ALL PHOSPHATE (8LBS) 10gpm AF-20-3350-BB 20”BB GAC/PHOSPHATE (5LB) CART AF-20-3610-BB20” BB NITRATE SELECTIVE FIL TER5+ Case1+ CaseIntroducingPricing Good ThroughJuly 31st, 2007Pricing Good Through July 31st, 2007MBB Large Diameter FiltersCALL FOR PRICINGCALL FOR PRICINGCALL FOR PRICINGNSF (F-4 _ _ _)DescriptionPart # 1+50+50 PSI FILTAMATE 1/4” FQC FMP50PSI 60 PSI FILTAMATE 1/4” FQC FMP60PSI 85 PSI FILTAMATE 1/4” FQCFMP85PSI25-911-100 (100 PSI/kPa) 25-911-160 (160 PSI/kPa) 25-911-300 (300 PSI/kPa) mounting clamps sold separately PMC-2.5-900 (Mounting Clamp)Description Part #1/2" 120V 985A-3051/2" 220V 985A-315 3/4" 120V 953A-305 3/4" 220V 953A-3151" 120V 954A-3051" 220V954A-315• 250 PSI Rated • Up to 9 GPMAll ECI Products on Special ECI Solinoidsa ny QTy(F-5 _ _ _)DescriptionPart #0.2 - 2 GPM: 1/2" FPT F-40376LN-8 0.5 - 5 GPM: 1/2" FPTF-40500LN-8 0.5 - 5 GPM: 1/2" MPT:PM F-45500LHNE-8 0.5 - 5 GPM: 1/2" MPT:PMF-55500L 0.5 - 5 GPM: 1/2" MPT:ADJ,V:PM F-55500LA 1-10 GPM: 3/4" MPT:PMF-55750LBlue-White FlowmetersAvailable in In-Line and Panel Mount• 2.5” Diameter/Back mount• Stainless steel with brass internals • Dual read out - PSI/kPaPart#Description PriceLiquid FiLLed GauGesWhole House Leak ControllerProtect Against Water Damage Pricing Good ThroughJuly 31st, 2007Pricing Good ThroughJuly 31st, 2007RE-ENGINEERED FORUNMATCHED RELIABILITYAquaGate - Now with programmableservice reminder. Program your Leak Controller to alert customers about their next filter change.#LCS14 1/4”#LCS38 3/8”Upon sensing moisture, Leak Controller will engage the shut-off valve and sound an alarm. By preventing continuous water flow, mold and property damage, restricted and user liability is reduced.Leak Controller II - Now with programmableservice reminder. Program your Leak Controller to alert customers about their next filter change.#C100Great for:• Water Softeners • Hot Water Heaters • Restaurants • Convenience Stores • Commercial RO Systems • Water StoresAnd More...Great for:• Filter Systems• Reverse Osmosis Systems • Ice Makers• Coffee Machines • Beverage MachinesAQUAGATELEAK CONTROLLERNew 1”Shut Off ValveCALL FOR PRICINGCALL FOR PRICINGNEWNEWNEWNEWNEWNEWNEWNEWW ireLeSS L oW S aLt a Larm S yStemPut an end to hard water!1+10+• Increase revenue/decrease unnecessary service calls • Increase revenue/decrease unnecessary S ave t ime - m ake m oney1+10+Part #SG-R/F-01Part #SD-110V-US SD-220V-EC Description110V US Cord220V Euro Cord• Works with all brine tanks• Battery operated w/wireless alarm • Visual Alarm • Mechanical Sensor• Remote has a magnetic strip designed to be placed on refrigerator for all to see alarmservice calls• Works with all brine tanks • Audio/visual alarm• Adjustable alarm level• Optical sensor• 115V or 220v options (plug in)Pricing Good Through July 31st, 2007Pricing Good Through July 31st, 2007a PPLicationS :PlumbingP.O.E. Systems Water Softeners Commercial ROCut install time by over 30%Made in U.S.ACall For Free Sample & CatalogPartial Listing ShownCall for Other Sizes and ConfigurationsQuick Connect Fittings• ANSI/NSF 61, ANSI/NSF-14 Uniform Plumbing Code • CSA, ISO 9001, ASTM, FDA Approved Materials • 0-250 PSI Pressure RatingANGLE STOP VALVESNEWPART #PRICE CASE QTY 3561-0604 3/8” comp 3/8” comp 1/4” QC 60+3561-0606 3/8” comp 3/8” comp 3/8” QC60+MALE CONNECTORMALE ELBOWSTACKABLE TEEREDUCING STACKABLE TEEREDUCING TEESTACKABLE ELBOWUNION CONNECTORUNION TEEUNION ELBOWSTACKABLE BRANCH TEEPART # TUBE SIZE PRICE CASE QTY 3534-10 1/2” CTS 50+PART # TUBE SIZE TUBE SIZE PRICE CASE QTY 3501-0808 3/8” CTS 1/2” NPT 120+3501-1008 1/2” CTS 1/2” NPT 150+3501-1012 1/2” CTS 3/4” NPT 100+3501-1412 3/4” CTS 3/4” NPT 40+3501-18161” CTS1” NPT20+PART # TUBE SIZE PRICE CASE QTY 3517-08 3/8” CTS 100+3517-10 1/2” CTS 80+3517-14 3/4” CTS 40+3517-181” CTS 20+PART # TUBE SIZE TUBE SIZE PRICE CASE QTY3519-1008 1/2” CTS 1/2” NPT100+3519-1816 1” CTS 1” NPT 30+PART # TUBE SIZE TUBE SIZE PRICE CASE QTY 3524-1004 1/2” CTS 1/4” O.D. 50+3524-1410 3/4” CTS 1/2” CTS 30+3524R-18141” CTS3/4” O.D.15+PART # TUBE SIZE PRICE CASE QTY 3518-08 3/8” CTS 120+3518-10 1/2” CTS 100+3518-14 3/4” CTS 50+3518-181” CTS25+PART # TUBE SIZE PRICE CASE QTY 3515-08 3/8” CTS 100+3515-10 1/2” CTS 90+3515-14 3/4” CTS 24+3515-181” CTS20+PART #TUBE SIZE PRICE CASE QTY 3533-08 3/8” CTS 80+3533-10 1/2” CTS 50+3533-14 3/4” CTS 50+3533-181” CTS25+PART # TUBE SIZE TUBE SIZE PRICE CASE QTY3533-1004 1/2” CTS 1/4” O.D.50+PART # TUBE SIZE PRICE CASE QTY 3523-08 3/8” CTS 80+3523-10 1/2” CTS 50+3523-14 3/4” CTS 20+3523-181” CTS15+3/8"- 1”FittingsCALL FOR PRICINGCALL FOR PRICING。


在检查、调整和修理任何使用气动装备的部件 前,请断开气源的空气导管并等待压力表指针 下降到 “0”。
只能使用兄弟工业公司指定的正牌的更换零 件。
如果有的安全装置已拆下,务必在使用缝纫机 前重新将它们安装在原来的位置上并检查是否 正确操作。
由于未经授权而对缝纫机进行改装而引起的缝 纫机操作问题不在保修之列。
皮带罩 iv
1. 缝纫机各零部件的名称.................... 1
2. 规格 ....................................... 2
2-1. 规格 ................................. 2 2-2. 选购件 .............................. 3 2-3. PD-9810 编程器 ........................ 3 2-4. 规格改变时的换用部件表................ 4
如果使用有小脚轮的台板,则应该固定小脚轮, 使它不能移动。
使用润滑油和黄油时务必戴保护眼镜和保护手 套,以防润滑油和黄油落入您眼睛或粘到皮肤 上,否则会发炎。 此外,千万不要喝润滑油或吃黄油,因为它们 会引起呕吐和腹泻。 油应放在小孩够不到的地方。















⑧机控制平台枪头参数设置页面,点击红色圆圈内的图标,进入 下一个页面
在此页面方框内分别输入步骤⑦1s与10s时计算的平均值R1、 R2。
⑨ 完成上述操作后,干机控制平台自动修改K值,修改后进行验证 ,分 别校准1s与10s的流量,两次测量误差在0.5%-3%之间,如果校准后的 测量结果不稳定,超过误差范围,则应该继续校准。
③ 阀门关闭后,在枪头处关闭黑料密封盖,如图所示
⑤在干机控制显示屏页面,高压循环调节白料压力稳定后,开启 校准,如红色圆圈所示
⑦校准时间设定后,开始测定枪头样,先测量1s的流量,重复3次,取 平均值R1,然后测量10s的流量,重复3次,取平均值R2。
2 黑料校准 黑料校准与白料校准相同,校准后在干机控制显示屏显示k值, 如下面红色圆圈所示
1 调节ISO、POL的压力与流量,高压循环的压力设定在110-150bar 之间,流量调节在400-800g/s之间,如图所示:
2 工具 小样袋若干
电子天平 精度为0.001g
1 白料校准
① 在干机控制平台,关闭液压站、黑料白料泵,如图示
② 关闭黑料管路阀门



拉力测试机的校正方法1.电源ON,选择TRACK状态.在按下ZERO键之前,会显示出离零点之偏移量,若显示企接近0则为正常.假如显示值过大时,则将拉力计右侧贴纸撕开,调整ZERO旋钮(VR),到显示企接近为0.*显示企如果超过满刻度值的20%以上时,即使按ZERO 也无法归零.荷重元可能已超过负载.2.按下ZERO键,使显示为0.3.放上标准砝码,确认显示真是否与标准值同.如果不一样,则调整SPAN(VR),使其值相符合.4.取下标准砝码,确认显示值为0,若不为0,则重复②~④这步骤,直到荷重重值符合,且取下砝码后显示值为0.5.将所撕开这贴纸再贴上去.HF-20拉力测试机操作方法:测试前的准备:⑴将各种机器连接起来;⑵打开拉力计的电源;⑶打开列表机的电源⑷设定试验条件<TEST>⑸设定荷重值之<ranG>(感知范围设定)⑹设定荷重之最上限值<End>(测试结果之设定)⑺有资料群须定义时,请设定<Grop>数值⑻列表机机能<Prnt>与表示使用CENTRONICS介面⑼如需其他操作,操作<MODE>来设定机能注意事項:1.测试荷重值的感知器(LOADCELL)在轴向的力量(含拉、压二方向)超过最大荷重的15%时会坏掉。



PEAK:1.显示表示PEAK MODE 抓取最大值;2.不显示表示TRACK MODE抓取瞬间值。








发电机在线氢气纯度步骤:根据现场实际运行情况进行范围3:H2 In Air中含量校准前准备工作:1、先将仪表进气门关闭2、将90.1%的氢标气接入标气口3、将仪表上三通阀打至关位4、拧开标气上阀门和减压阀5、将仪表上三向阀打至使标气管路开位置6、等2---5分钟浮子流量稳定,仪表示值稳定后,观察仪表读数,然后记录数据7、将标气瓶关,然后将减压阀关8、将仪表上三向阀打至关位9、换99.99%的氢标气,方法与90.1%的相同,记录数据以上为检验仪表看是否准确校准:现管路状态为已接入99.99%的氢标气1、按SET UP,直到显示:上部显示:CALIBR下部显示:RANGE 32、按FUNCATION,直到显示:上部显示:DISABL(缺省选择)下部显示:RANGE 33、按▲或▼,选择CALIB开始手动校准RANG34、按FUNCTION,在下部显示:R 3 SPAN。



5、按FUNCTION,R3 SPAN闪烁一次,表明显示数值能通过▲或▼进行调整。


6、按FUNCTION,保存R 3 SPAN(即范围3量程)校准值。

显示屏下部显示R3 ZERO(范围3量程)。





即R3 ZERO闪烁一次,表明能通过▲或▼进行调整数值为所要求的。

8、按FUNCTION,保存R3 ZERO(范围3零点)的校准数据,同时范围2的校准已经执行完毕。





辛烷值机操作指导书----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一、引用标准:本操作指导书依据GB/T503-98 GB/T5487-98 ASTM2699 ASTM2700制定。


















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在PH值测量模式下,长按开关键大约3秒直至显示屏上OFF字样变成CAL 后松手,主显示屏上显示7.01字样,这时我们可以放入PH值为7(瓶子上有标注)的校正液中校正(放入方法同测量)。


当主显示屏左边CAL 字样不再闪烁,且下方USE字样闪出OK字样(持续约1秒),就表示PH值已经校正完成。


在电导率测量模式下,长按开关键大约3秒直至显示屏上OFF字样变成CAL 后松手,主显示屏上显示1413字样,我们将笔放入电导率校正液中进行校正。




