Pin Assignment and Descriptions .............................................................................................. 9 2.1 2.2 Pin assignment (top view) .................................................................................................... 9 Pin descriptions .................................................................................................................... 9
Description Update TFBGA ball map and pin description Update pin-mux and strap information Update RF part description Update System overview Update RF part electrical characteristics Update analog part electrical characteristics Update RF LDO electrical characteristics Update power scheme Add RTC domain power scheme Modify according to YC Chien’s suggestion Update by JN Yang about UART baud rate and SPI/I2C clock rate Update RF related description Update system overview by Andy Lee Update host interface related description Update power scheme Update block diagram Update crystal frequency range Update external LNA related information Update power scheme diagram and EEPROM I2C interface timing diagram Update power related description Update footprint size Change minimum input power to 2.7V Sync PIN naming of DC characteristic table and change minimum input power to 2.8V Update power scheme and RF information Update description of 32K_OUT pin Add ECLK and SYNC description Add 1.2V IO characteristic for TIMER and 32K_OUT and update serial flash size to 128Mb Remove description about factory testing and internal SRAM size Remove description about strap function tcxo on/off 1. Update RTC leakage information to typ 2. Update package dimensions information Update RF related descriptions 1. Remove Vcc description in 6.3.1 2. Add strap pin tldo_sw_sel description Change MAX of VIH for TIMER and 32K_OUT to 3.6V Change description in 5.20 about CLDO off Add RF LNA MIN of VGA gain and MAX of noise figure © 2011 MediaTek Inc. Page 2 of 37
Benefits: - Easier to understand - Require fewer memory, faster to be processed - More “ready to be used”
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Turn Right OK!
Algorithm (cont.)
For the lower side of a convex hull
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The First Difference of a Chain Codes
Problem of a chain code: a chain code sequence depends on a starting point.
Solution: treat a chain code as a circular sequence and redefine the starting point so that the resulting sequence of numbers forms an integer of minimum magnitude.
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USB Type-C 规范1.2(中文版)
Revision History.......................................................................................................................14
LIMITED COPYRIGHT LICENSE: The USB 3.0 Promoters grant a conditional copyright license under the copyrights embodied in the USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification to use and reproduce the Specification for the sole purpose of, and solely to the extent necessary for, evaluating whether to implement the Specification in products that would comply with the specification.
3.编写Perl脚本:创建一个Perl脚本文件,例如"convert_to_mvista.pl",并使用以下代码作为模板:perl#!/usr/bin/perluse strict;use warnings;# 输入文件和输出文件路径my $input_file = "path/to/input_file.bed";my $output_file = "path/to/output_file.mvista";# 打开输入文件并读取数据open(my $input_handle, "<", $input_file) or die "无法打开输入文件!";my @data = <$input_handle>;close($input_handle);# 处理数据并转换为Mavista格式my @mvista_data;foreach my $line (@data) {chomp($line);my ($chromosome, $start, $end, $name, $score, $strand, $thick_start, $thick_end, $item_rgb, $block_count, @block_sizes) = split("\t", $line);my $block_info = "";if ($block_count > 0) {$block_info = join(",", @block_sizes);}push(@mvista_data, join("\t", $chromosome, $start, $end, $name, $score, $strand, $thick_start, $thick_end, $item_rgb, $block_count, $block_info));}# 将数据写入输出文件open(my $output_handle, ">", $output_file) or die "无法打开输出文件!";print $output_handle join("\n", @mvista_data);close($output_handle);print "转换完成!\n";请确保将path/to/input_file.bed替换为您的全基因组序列比对数据的实际路径,并将path/to/output_file.mvista替换为您希望保存的Mavista格式文件的路径。
MPLAB Xpress PIC16F18446评估板用户指南说明书
MPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446 MPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446 Evaluation Board PrefaceThe MPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446 evaluation kit is a hardware platform to evaluate the PIC16F18446 microcontroller. The MPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446 board contain two sections; the programmer section and the application section. The programmer section contains the circuitry necessary for programming, while the application section contains the circuitry that is used by the microcontroller application.MPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446Table of Contents Preface (1)1.Introduction (3)1.1.Features (3)1.2.Kit Overview (3)2.Getting Started (4)2.1.MPLAB® Xpress Quick Start (4)2.2.Design Documentation and Relevant Links (7)3.Hardware User Guide (8)3.1.Power Supply (8)3.2.Connectors (9)3.2.1.MPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446 Pinout (9)3.3.Peripherals (10)3.3.1.LED (10)3.3.2.Mechanical Buttons (10)3.3.3.Crystal (10)4.Embedded Debugger Implementation (12)4.1.ICSP (12)4.2.Virtual COM Port (12)5.Hardware Revision History (13)5.1.Identifying Product ID and Revision (13)5.2.Revision 1 (13)6.Document Revision History (14)7.Appendix (15)The Microchip Web Site (16)Customer Change Notification Service (16)Customer Support (16)Microchip Devices Code Protection Feature (16)Legal Notice (17)Trademarks (17)Quality Management System Certified by DNV (18)Worldwide Sales and Service (19)1.Introduction1.1Features•PIC16F18446 microcontroller •One yellow user LED•One mechanical user button •nEDBG–Programming–Virtual COM port (CDC)–One green board status LED •USB powered1.2 Kit OverviewThe Microchip MPLAB ®Xpress PIC16F18446 evaluation board is a hardware platform to evaluate the Microchip PIC16F18446.Figure 1-1. MPLAB ®Xpress PIC16F18446 Evaluation Board OverviewIntroduction2. Getting Started2.1 MPLAB® Xpress Quick StartThe Xpress Evaluation Boards are designed to work with the MPLAB® Xpress IDE, but can also be used with MPLAB® X IDE. MPLAB Xpress IDE does not require any downloads and can be accessed byvisiting . The Xpress Evaluation Boards allow for rapid development ofcustom applications without the need to download the IDE or compilers to a computer and allows thestorage of a project in the cloud. This allows a user the ability to access their project from virtuallyanywhere (requires an Internet connection) and from any computer. Microchip also provides codeexamples to help get you started.Programming the Xpress board is accomplished by connecting a Micro-USB cable to the onboard USBconnector, creating the .hex file, and dragging and dropping the .hex file into the Xpress board.To begin, connect a Micro-USB cable to the onboard USB connector. Next, open the MPLAB Xpress IDE.The procedure to create a new project or open an existing MPLAB Xpress project is the same as withinMPLAB X IDE. Navigate to the File tab, select Project Properties > Configuration > Hardware Tool >Hardware Tools and select ‘Simulator/Xpress Board’ (see Figure 2-1). This ensures that the Xpress board is chosen as the development tool. Once selected, the ‘Simulator/Xpress Board’ selection will appearunder the ‘Debug Tool’ section in the Dashboard window (see Figure 2-2).Once the project is open and ready to program into the target device, simply click on the Make andProgram Device button (see Figure 2-3).MPLAB Xpress will build and compile the project, and once completed, will open or save the .hex file that was created. Under the Save button, you can either hit Save and the .hex file will be stored in yourdownloads folder, or you can hit Save as and choose the location for the .hex file. It is important toremember where the file is stored since the .hex file is what will be programmed into the target PIC®device.Figure 2-1. Selecting the Xpress Kit in MPLAB® Xpress IDEFigure 2-2. Selecting the Xpress Kit in MPLAB® Xpress IDE (Cont)Figure 2-3. Make and Program Device2.2 Design Documentation and Relevant LinksThe following list contains links to the most relevant documents and software for the MPLAB® XpressPIC16F18446.•Microchip sample store - Microchip sample store where you can order samples of devices.•MPLAB Xpress PIC16F18446 website- Kit information, latest user guide and design documentation.•MPLAB® X IDE - MPLAB X IDE is a software program that runs on a PC (Windows®, Mac OS®, Linux®) to develop applications for Microchip microcontrollers and digital signal controllers. It iscalled an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) because it provides a single integrated"environment" to develop code for embedded microcontrollers.•MPLAB® Xpress Cloud-based IDE - MPLAB® Xpress Cloud-Based IDE is an online development environment that contains the most popular features of our award-winning MPLAB X IDE. Thissimplified and distilled application is a faithful reproduction of our desktop-based program, whichallows users to easily transition between the two environments.to generate 3.3V on MPLAB ®Xpress PIC16F18446.If an external voltage is required, the power supply and the target must be separated. This can be done by cutting the strap on the bottom side of the kit marked VREG as shown in the figure below. Cutting the strap will not separate the target supply from the level shifter, allowing programming of the PIC16F18446with an external voltage.Supplying external power to the board while the USB cable is plugged in, without cutting the VREG strap, can permanently damage the toolkit and the USB port of the PC.Figure 3-1. Power Supply Block DiagramCut strapPower converterFigure 3-2. nEDBG Cut Straps3.2 Connectors3.2.1 MPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446 PinoutMPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446 has most of it's I/O's accessible at the edge connectors. Some I/O's are connected to the nEDBG for programming and communication purposes.Table 3-1. Edge Connector3.3 Peripherals3.3.1 LEDThere is one yellow LED available on the MPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446 board that can be turned ONand OFF. The LED can be activated by driving the connected I/O line to GND.Table 3-2. LED Connection3.3.2 Mechanical ButtonsMPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446 contains one mechanical button. This is a generic user configurablebutton and when a button is pressed it will drive the I/O line to GND.Info: There is no pull-up resistor connected to the generic user button. Remember to enablethe internal pull-up in the PIC16F18446 to use the button.Table 3-3. Mechanical Button3.3.3 CrystalThe MPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446 board has a 32768 Hz crystal mounted on the board.Hardware User Guide The crystal is not connected to the PIC16F18446 by default, as the GPIO's are routed out to the edge connector. To use the crystal, some hardware modifications are required. The two I/O lines routed to the edge connector should be disconnected to both reduce the chance of contention to the crystal as well as removing excessive capacitance on the lines. This can be done by cutting the two straps on the bottom side of the board, marked RA4 and RA5 as shown in the figure below. Next, solder on a solder blob on each of the circular solder points next to the crystal on the top side of the board as shown in the figure below.The 32.768 kHz crystal on MPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446 is a Kyocera CorporationST3215SB32768C0HPWBB 7 pF crystal.The crystal has been formally tested and matched to the PIC16F18446 by Kyocera. The test report is available in the design documentation distributed with this document for MPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446.Info: Kyocera Crystal Device Corporation crystals that are matched with specific products canbe found on their website: http://prdct-search.kyocera.co.jp/crystal-ic/?p=en_search/Table 3-4. Crystal ConnectionsFigure 3-3. Crystal Connection and Cut StrapsEmbedded Debugger Implementation4. Embedded Debugger ImplementationMPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446 contains an embedded debugger (nEDBG) that can be used to programthe PIC16F18446 using ICSP.The nEDBG can program the PIC16F18446 with a USB mass storage drive and also include a VirtualCOM Port interface over UART.4.1 ICSPThe In-Circuit Serial Program (ICSP) interface use three pins to communicate with the target.Info: There is a 10 kΩ pull-up resistor connected to RA3 and there are 47 kΩ pull-downresistors connected to RA0 and RA1.Table 4-1. ICSP Connections4.2 Virtual COM PortThe nEDBG acts as a Virtual COM Port gateway by using one of the PIC16F18446 UARTs.The Virtual COM Port is connected to a UART on the PIC16F18446 and provides an easy way tocommunicate with the target application through terminal software. It offers variable baud rate, parity, and stop bit settings. The settings on the PIC16F18446 must match the settings given in the terminalsoftware.Info: The Virtual COM Port in the nEDBG requires the terminal software to set the DataTerminal Ready (DTR) signal to enable the UART pins. If the DTR signal is not enabled, theUART pins on the nEDBG are kept in tri-state (high-z) to render the COM Port not usable. TheDTR signal is automatically set by some terminal software, but it may have to be manuallyenabled in your terminal.Table 4-2. Virtual COM Port Connections5. Hardware Revision HistoryThis user guide provides the latest available revision of the kit. This chapter contains information aboutknown issues, a revision history of older revisions, and how older revisions differ from the latest revision.5.1 Identifying Product ID and RevisionThe revision and product identifier of MPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446 can be found in two ways; eitherthrough Atmel Studio/Microchip MPLAB X or by scanning sticker on the bottom side of the PCB with a 2D barcode reader.By connecting a MPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446 to a computer with Atmel Studio/Microchip MPLAB Xrunning, an information window will pop up. The first six digits of the serial number, which is listed under kit details, contain the product identifier and revision.The same information can be found on the sticker on the bottom side of the PCB. Most kits will print theidentifier and revision in plain text as A09-nnnn\rr, where nnnn is the identifier and rr is the revision.Boards with limited space have a sticker with only a data-matrix barcode, which contains a serial number string.The serial number string has the following format:"nnnnrrssssssssss"n = product identifierr = revisions = serial numberThe product identifier for MPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446 is A09-3160.5.2 Revision 1Revision 1 is the initially released revision.6. Document Revision HistoryAppendix 7. AppendixFigure 7-1. MPLAB® Xpress PIC16F18446 SchematicsThe Microchip Web SiteMicrochip provides online support via our web site at /. This web site is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers. Accessible by using your favorite Internet browser, the web site contains the following information:•Product Support – Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample programs, design resources, user’s guides and hardware support documents, latest software releases and archived software•General Technical Support – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), technical support requests, online discussion groups, Microchip consultant program member listing•Business of Microchip – Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip press releases, listing of seminars and events, listings of Microchip sales offices, distributors and factoryrepresentativesCustomer Change Notification ServiceMicrochip’s customer notification service helps keep customers current on Microchip products. Subscribers will receive e-mail notification whenever there are changes, updates, revisions or errata related to a specified product family or development tool of interest.To register, access the Microchip web site at /. Under “Support”, click on “Customer Change Notification” and follow the registration instructions.Customer SupportUsers of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels:•Distributor or Representative•Local Sales Office•Field Application Engineer (FAE)•Technical SupportCustomers should contact their distributor, representative or Field Application Engineer (FAE) for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of sales offices and locations is included in the back of this document.Technical support is available through the web site at: /supportMicrochip Devices Code Protection FeatureNote the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices:•Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.•Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions.•There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip’s Data Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property.•Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code.•Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as “unbreakable.”Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Attempts to break Microchip’s code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act.Legal NoticeInformation contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. MICROCHIP MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, RELATED TO THE INFORMATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION, QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use. Use of Microchip devices in life support and/or safety applications is entirely at the buyer’s risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Microchip from any and all damages, claims, suits, or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Microchip intellectual property rights unless otherwise stated.TrademarksThe Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, AnyRate, AVR, AVR logo, AVR Freaks, BeaconThings, BitCloud, CryptoMemory, CryptoRF, dsPIC, FlashFlex, flexPWR, Heldo, JukeBlox, KeeLoq, KeeLoq logo, Kleer, LANCheck, LINK MD, maXStylus, maXTouch, MediaLB, megaAVR, MOST, MOST logo, MPLAB, OptoLyzer, PIC, picoPower, PICSTART, PIC32 logo, Prochip Designer, QTouch, RightTouch, SAM-BA, SpyNIC, SST, SST Logo, SuperFlash, tinyAVR, UNI/O, and XMEGA are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries.ClockWorks, The Embedded Control Solutions Company, EtherSynch, Hyper Speed Control, HyperLight Load, IntelliMOS, mTouch, Precision Edge, and Quiet-Wire are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A.Adjacent Key Suppression, AKS, Analog-for-the-Digital Age, Any Capacitor, AnyIn, AnyOut, BodyCom, chipKIT, chipKIT logo, CodeGuard, CryptoAuthentication, CryptoCompanion, CryptoController, dsPICDEM, , Dynamic Average Matching, DAM, ECAN, EtherGREEN, In-Circuit Serial Programming, ICSP, Inter-Chip Connectivity, JitterBlocker, KleerNet, KleerNet logo, Mindi, MiWi, motorBench, MPASM, MPF, MPLAB Certified logo, MPLIB, MPLINK, MultiTRAK, NetDetach, Omniscient Code Generation, PICDEM, , PICkit, PICtail, PureSilicon, QMatrix, RightTouch logo, REAL ICE, Ripple Blocker, SAM-ICE, Serial Quad I/O, SMART-I.S., SQI, SuperSwitcher, SuperSwitcher II, Total Endurance, TSHARC, USBCheck, VariSense, ViewSpan, WiperLock, Wireless DNA, and ZENA are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries.SQTP is a service mark of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A.Silicon Storage Technology is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology Inc. in other countries. GestIC is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology Germany II GmbH & Co. KG, a subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc., in other countries.All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies.© 2018, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A., All Rights Reserved.ISBN: 978-1-5224-2727-8Quality Management System Certified by DNVISO/TS 16949Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2009 certification for its worldwide headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona; Gresham, Oregon and design centers in California and India. The Company’s quality system processes and procedures are for its PIC® MCUs and dsPIC®DSCs, KEELOQ® code hopping devices, Serial EEPROMs, microperipherals, nonvolatile memory and analog products. In addition, Microchip’s quality system for the design and manufacture of development systems is ISO 9001:2000 certified.Worldwide Sales and Service。
ZEISS AT LARA 829MP 和 AT LARA 扭曲 929M MP 预装的说明文件说明
Optic Design
Material IOL Optic Diameter Total Diameter Haptic Angulation Lens Design Incision Size Company Labeled A-Constant 1 Diopter Range
ACD Refractive Index Implantation in Injector/Cartridge Set2 AT LARA toric 929M/MP Indications
6.0 mm
11.0 mm
Single-piece, bitoric, MICS
1.8 mm
Spherical Equivalent (SE) Cylinder
-4.0 to +32.0 D, 0.5 D increments3 +1.0 D to +12.0 D, 0.5 D increments3
the crystalline lens in patients with cataract • Also indicated for non-cataractous, presbyopic patients who seek greater
independence from glasses for intermediate and/or near distances
Capsular Bag
• Indicated for the visual correction of aphakia secondary to the removal of the crystalline lens in patients with cataract
基因极限 - GPT4 EGS004 用户手册说明书
User ManualSince the tablet software updates regularly, the user manualmay not cover all aspects of new features.Important Notices• T he new battery will be in its best condition after being fully charged and discharged 2-3 times.• W hile using earphones, if the volume is excessively high it may cause hearing damage. Please adjust the volume of the player toa safe level and moderate duration of use.• Do not disconnect the tablet suddenly when formatting or uploading and downloading, which can lead to program errors.• D o not dismantle the tablet by yourself, and do not use alcohol, thinner or benzene to clean its surface.• D o not use the tablet while driving or walking.• T he tablet is not moisture and water resistant. Please do not use it in a damp environment.• D o not drop or hit the tablet against a hard surface, or the screen may be damaged or cracked.• D o not upgrade the firmware by yourself. The tablet should be upgraded with the right firmware and right method offered by us.If upgrade is needed, please contact us.I. Getting Started1.1 T urn on/off1.1.1 Turn onTo start your tablet, press and hold the power key for 2 seconds. The Ematic logo indicates that the tablet is loading.Once the lock screen loads, drag the padlock icon to the right to unlock. 1.1.2 Turn offWhen the tablet is on, to shut off your tablet, press and hold the power key until the System options dialog appears and tap Power Off, then your tablet will shut down dialog appears. Tap OK.1.2 Lock/unlock the screen (sleep mode)To save battery, you should put your tablet in sleep mode by turning off the LCD display. To do this, press the power key and immediately release it. Do it again to bring up the lock screen.1.3 Connect to a computer1.3.1 Connect to PC via USB cable1. Connect the tablet to your computer by USB.2. The device driver will install.You can now copy files onto the tablet just as you would with a USB flash drive.3. Remove the USB cable when you finish transferring files.1.3.2 Connect to Mac® via USB cable1. Connect the tablet to your computer by USB.2. Go to /filetransfer on your Mac and install the Android File Transfer application.3. The Android File Transfer application will launch automatically when you connect the tablet to your computer by USB. Drag and drop files to transfer.4. Remove the USB cable when you finish transferring files.II. Your Home Screen2.1 Icons on Home ScreenYou can fill the home screen with any combination of shortcuts, widgets, and folders you like.When you power up your tablet for the first time, you’ll see the main home-screen panel. This panel is typically centered; you can access additional panels on either side of the main one by swiping your finger left or right.At the bottom of the Home Screen is your Status Bar.Back – Go back to the previous screen. Hold and slide up to open GoogleNow™.Home – Go back to the home screen.Recent Apps – Opens a list of recent apps. Tap an app to open or swipe left/right to remove the thumbnail.Decrease VolumeIncrease VolumeMenu – Tap for more option or settings.All Apps – View all your apps.Google Search – Tap the microphone icon to search by voice.2.2 Operations on Home Screen2.2.1 Add app icon to home screenWithin the All Apps menu, touch and hold any icon for about 2 seconds, the icon will become movable and appear on the home screen.2.2.2 Remove app icon from home screenOn the main screen, touch and hold t h e undesired icon. Drag the item to the X and release it when it turns red.2.2.3 Add widgets to your home screenTo add a widget, tap and hold your finger on any open space on your home screen, and select Widgets from the context menu that opens. From there, select any of the available widgets. For instance, you may add an analog clock, calendar, picture frame, and other useful widgets to your Home Screen.2.2.4 How to set wallpaperTap and hold your finger on any open space on your home screen, and select Wallpapers from the context menu that opens. In the popup “Select wallpaper from” dialog, select a wallpaper from Gallery, Live wallpapers and Wallpapers.2.2.5 Find your recent appsTap in the status bar to show your recent apps. Tap a thumbnail to select the app.III. Network Connection3.1 Wi-FiWi-Fi can only be used when it connects with Wi-Fi Access Point (AP) or a free unsecured Wi-Fi hotpot.3.1.1 Turn on Wi-FiWithin the All Apps menu, tap Settings. Under Wireless & networks,t a p t h e Wi-Fi switch to turn on and scan. Your tablet lists the networks it finds within range. Tap a network to connect. If necessary, enter the password, and tap Connect. When your tablet is connected to the network, the wireless indicator appears in the status bar. The blue linesindicate connection strength.3.1.2 Turn off Wi-FiTo turn off Wi-Fi, tap the Wi-Fi ON switch under Wireless & networks. Turn off Wi-Fi when you’re not using it to extend the life of your battery between charges.3.1.3 Add a Wi-Fi networkUsers may also add a Wi-Fi network under Wi-Fi settings. Tap + in the top right corner. Enter the SSID (name) of the network. If necessary, entersecurity or other network configuration details. Touch Save.3.1.4 Forget a Wi-Fi networkIn the Wi-Fi settings screen, tap the name of the network. Tap “Forget” in the dialog that opens.3.3 Portable Hotspot3.3.1 Portable Wi-Fi hotspotTap to share your tablet’s mobile network data connection as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot.3.4 VPN settings3.4.1 Add VPN profileOpens a screen that prompts you to select the type of VPN to add. You are then prompted for VPN configuration details.IV. Internet Browsing4.1 Internet BrowsingBefore using your browser, make sure Wi-Fi is connected.On the home screen, tap the Google text field or the Chrome icon to open your browser.In the address bar, tap the text field to make the Android keyboard appear for entry of keywords or a URL.Tap and hold the text field to edit text or change input method.V. Install and Manage Apps5.1 Install and Manage AppsThis tablet is preloaded with the Google Play Store; you can search and install apps here after logging in with your Google account.VI. Multi-Media Functions6.1 MusicAfter loading your music onto your tablet, tap the Play Music icon (found by default on your home screen or by opening the All Apps menu). You’ll be given the option of selecting by Artist, Song, A l b u m, or custom Playlist. Tap to select. Your selection will begin to play through the tablet’s built in speakers or through external headphones if attached via the headphone port. The media player allows you to shuffle, skip, or pause your current selection and even displays the album artwork when available.6.2 Video6.2.1 Video PlaybackYou can play videos stored on your tablet or SD card. To play, tap the Video icon. Select the video you’d like to play.Pause or advance your video via the toolbar along the bottom of the screen.6.3 GalleryYou can view, show off, and even edit your digital pictures on the tablet’s display. After loading your media, tap the Video app within the All Apps menu. Tap the desired picture to display. To scroll through your collection, swipe left or right. Tap the image to reveal the menu. By tapping the menuicons you may delete an image or share it via Picasa, Bluetooth or Gmail. You can even set images as your wallpaper or edit and add effects.6.4 CameraTap the camera icon in the App Panel to open the camera.6.4.1 Take photosTap the blue shutter button to take a photo.You can view the photos you have taken by tapping the preview on the upper right hand corner, or you can go back to Gallery.6.4.2 Record videosTap the video camera icon to record videos.Tap the red record button to start recording and tap it again to stop recording. Videos can be viewed in the Video app.6.5 eBook readerTap the Play Books icon within the All Apps menu to open your library or buy more books.Tap an eBook to read.In reading, tap the top of the screen to reveal the sub menu where you can adjust the text size, screen brightness, jump chapters, and more.6.5.1 Download BooksWith Wi-Fi on you can download available eBooks.VII.S ettingsWithin the All Apps menu, tap the Settings icon (or found by default on your home screen).Settings include: Wi-Fi, Sound, Display, Storage, Battery, Apps, Location services, Security, Language & input, Backup & rest, Accounts, Date & time, Accessibility, and Developer options.7.1 Display SettingsUnder DEVICE, tap 'Display' to set brightness, sleep, font size, or change wallpaper.The display has a screen timeout by default set to 1 min. If the unit is left inactive for that period of time, the screen will go dark as if turned off. However, it is simply in standby mode. Press and release the power button and a screen will appear with a padlock icon. This is your lock screen. Slide the padlock to unlock the screen.7.2 Applications SettingsUnder DEVICE, tap Apps. Tap an app listed to view storage information, force stop, uninstall, or clear data.7.3 Set language & InputUnder PERSONAL, tap Language & input. You may set your language or keyboard here.7.4 S torage SettingsTo view your storage status, tap Storage under Device.Note: As software takes up your tablet memory, the total memory is usually less than the actual flash memory.7.5 Set location & securitySet up screen lock, and add or remove tablet administrators. With this setting, you are able to lock the screen with a pattern, PIN or password to avoid your tablet being used without permission.VII. B atteryVery Low Battery Full Battery Charging BatteryIndicates that the battery is full. When the battery level becomes too low, a prompt comes up to charge your tablet.The tablet can be charged with the USB wall charger when it is on or off.Note: Please charge it by the Adaptor we supplied.The tablet may take 4-5 hours to charge to full.Tips on extending battery life1. Streaming audio or video apps will use a lot of battery life2. Disable Location services. You can turn it off from Settings → location services.3. Switch off Wi-Fi if you’re not close to a strong Wi-Fi signal for extended periods of time.4. Use a Quick Screen Timeout.You can alter this option from Settings → Display→ Sleep.5. Reduce brightness to a comfortable level using a widget or at Settings → Display → Brightness.6. Use Web Widgets wisely. Widgets that access the Web consume more power than widgets that do not.Note:1. Only use the supplied wall charger to charge the tablet as other chargers may damage the device.2. The tablet cannot be charged via USB cable when connected to your PC. Troubleshooting1. Cannot turn on the tablet.Check the tablet’s power level. Please charge it before starting it. If your tablet still cannot be turned on, you may reset it before you turn it on.2. No sound from earphone.Check if volume is set to ‘0’. Or earphone may be broken, please try another one.3. Loud static noise.Check if there is dust in the earphone or speaker. Check if the file is broken.4. Frozen to any operation.Press and hold the power button for 6 seconds to reset the tablet.5. Application not working.Possible reasons may be that this app is not compatible with your OS or the downloaded .apk file is broken so you may need to download a full version.6. How do I delete a Google account?If an account is added, the account is shown in Accounts of Settings, where you may also add another account. To delete an undesired account, tap the account, then tap the menu icon in the upper right hand corner and choose Remove account.Limitations of Liability StatementLinks to Third Party SitesThe Ematic User Manual may contain or reference links to third-party sites, however, please be aware that Ematic is not responsible for and cannot control these other sites. Ematic makes no representations or warranties whatsoever about any other website which you may access as a result of reading this user manual, or otherwise. When you access a website that is not owned or operated by Ematic (a “non-Ematic website”), even one that may contain an Ematic logo, please understand that it is independent from Ematic, and that Ematic has no direct control over the content on such website(s). In addition, a link to any such non-Ematic website does not mean Ematic endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content, or of any functionalities or services, of such website(s). Furthermore, Ematic makes no promise, representation or warranty that any non-Ematic website you navigate to will be free of viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other items of a destructive nature. The Ematic User Manual is for your exclusive benefit and you assume all risks, losses and/or damages of whatever nature that may result arising out of your use of the Ematic User Manual.Limitation of Liability and IndemnityTo the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Ematic shall not be liable for any damages suffered as a result of using, modifying, contributing, copying, distributing, or downloading the materials, use of the Ematic User Manual or use of any Ematic product and/or software. In no event shall Ematic be liable for any indirect, extraordinary, exemplary, punitive, special, incidental, or consequential damages (including, without limitation, loss of data, revenue, profits, use or other economic advantage) however arising, whether for breach of contract or in tort, even if Ematic has been previously advised of the possibility of such damage. You agree that you have sole responsibility for adequate protection and backup of data and/or equipment used in connection with the product and software and will not make a claim of any nature against Ematic for lost data, inaccurate output, work delays or lost profits resulting from the use of the materials. You agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Ematic, together with its affiliates, parent and subsidiary entities, successors, assigns, partners, managers, members, employees, officers, directors and shareholders, from and against any and all damages, liens, liabilities, losses, demands, actions, causes of action, claims,costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees, charges and disbursements, as well as the cost of in-house counsel and appeals) arising from or related to Ematic, the use of The Ematic User Manual or any Ematic product and/or software. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.Windows™ is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and other countries; Mac OS® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.; Linux™ is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License. ©2012 Google In. All rights reserved. Android, Google, Google Play, YouTube and other marks are trademarks of Google Inc. Ematic is not affiliated with Google Inc. Wi-Fi®, the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo, and the Wi-Fi logo are registered trademarks of the the Wi-Fi Alliance.Ematic is not affiliated with Microsoft, Apple, Inc., Linux, or Google, Inc., (including Android).This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.The Ematic brand and products are owned by Shaghal, Ltd.。
Geospatial Analysis Counts and specific values ..............................................................23 Measures of centrality ...................................................................23 Measures of spread.......................................................................25 Measures of distribution shape.........................................................27 Measures of complexity and dimensionality .........................................28 Common distributions ...................................................................29 Data transforms and back transforms .................................................29 Selected functions .......................................................................31 Matrix expressions........................................................................32
11. Measurement toolThe “Measurement tool” of JENOPTIK GRYPHAX software enables user to measure basic methodsdirectly at the live image or at recorded images from Gallery.General description:The “Measurement tool” is part of the JENOPTIK GRYPHAX software. It contains scale bar and basicmeasurement methods as real-time measuring directly at the live preview or at recorded images from Gallery afterwards.Preparations general: To use Measurement tool you have to calibrate your microscope objectives in advance! Otherwise, theMeasurement tool cannot be activated and used. To create measurement calibration you have to open software Preferences and navigate to option “Device Configuration”.Tocalibrate the microscope you can use the JENOPTIK GRYPHAX®calibration slide / stage micrometer (order number: 648806).Please see the video tutorial how to calibrate the microscope objectives:Click here to watch the Video Tutorial – Device Configuration & Status Bar11.1 Start Measurement tool:To activate the Measurement tool open the GRYPHAX Tool bar by pressing thearrow on right-hand software site or use keyboard short cut (ctrl / cmd + T)Click to the Measurement icon at the tool bar, the Measurement widgetwill be displayed and contains the following measure tools and options:∙ Line (2-point) measurement for distances∙ Free-hand-line measurement for non-straight distances∙ Multi-line-distance measurement for multi-line distances∙ Parallel-line-distance measurement for parallel distances∙ Circle-to-circle-distance* measurement for distances of circle centers∙ Freeform measurement for areas and distances∙ Circle (3-point) measurement for radius & diameter∙ Angle (4-point) measurement for interior & exterior angles∙Measurement unit contains the following units in respect to the used method: Auto selection as default or nm, µm, mm, cm, m, mil, inch, ft, deg (°) as well as similar area units ∙Font size by value 8 – 72px∙Outline width by value 1 – 20px∙Colour can be selected by color selector, click on color rectangle to open color selector(*available as of GRYPHAX version 2.2.0 or newer)Note: Measurement tool is enabled only if re cord mode “Single shot” is selected and live image is activated before. Or a recorded image which were captured with calibration information is opened from Gallery. Images captured without measurement calibration cannot be measured afterwards!Reset button on a tool sets all properties to their initial values. Initial values are fixed.11.2 Pre-define settings:When no object is current or selected, the tool widgets show default properties. In this state default properties can be modified. They are stored in settings/profiles.To predefine the general settings of measurement tool e.g. font size, outline width or colour by change of the according parameter without selecting any measurement method.The settings for each drawing object can be individual adjusted after start of drawing or by selecting a drawn object from image window.11.3 Start measuring:To start measuring select record mode “Single shot” and start live by pressing the “Live”-button or open a recorded image from Gallery which is captured with calibration information.By pressing“Rec” button all previously drawn measurement from live preview will be merge into the image. And cannot be modified afterwards. The according measurement data are stored at image meta-data and can be review by Report tool.To save drawn measurement at loaded recorded images from Gallery, start Live preview or load another image from Gallery. An image copy will be always saved automatically by software with a file name extension: “_copy_1” and increme nt the image copy number accordingly.Attention: Take care that the correct“device” and “magnification / objective”is selected from Status bar before startwith any measuring. Otherwise, themeasurement results are not correct!11.4 Creation (drawing) of objects:In general, after clicking one of the measurement method buttons(distances, freeform, circle or angle), the cursor changes into a cross and user can draw a measurement object of the type selected.Additionally, a small floating pane is opened as image windowoverlay and shows a detailed view of a selected sector like as themagnifier tool.Zoom level of magnifier can be adjusted on the used section of"zoom level" under Preferences / General / MagnifierPressing “Del” or ”Esc” key before finishing an object, aborts the creation and removes unfinished objects.Each drawn measurement object will be labelled by a fixed prefix name and a counting number according the object type and quantity.For further details, please see measurement button descriptions below.11.5 Draw a distance (2-point-line or Free-hand-line) & freeform measurement:The line & free-hand-line and freeform measurement are 2-point-measurements.To draw an object start with left mouse-click on first point and release. The start point is marked.Move the mouse away and a colored semi-transparent line is drawn from the start point to the current mouse position (refreshed as long as the mouse is inside the image window) additionally the currently measured value is displayed near the start point.Go to the end point and make left mouse-click and release.For freeform the drawn curve will be completed by astraight line to the start point if end position is differentfrom start point. The measured value is written near thestarting point (including an auxiliary line) and will be shownthe default unit automatically.As long as the measurement object is selected the line and text are semi-transparent. A trash button appears right beside the measured value and thestart- and end points are marked.11.6 Draw a Multi-line-distance:The Multi-line-distance consists of two parts. The first part is the“base-line”. Second part are the measured distances (Multi-line)which are aligned perpendicular to the base line.User can draw multiple distance lines which are correlated to thebase line.To draw a base-line start with left mouse-click on first point andrelease. The start point is marked.Move the mouse away and a colored semi-transparent line isdrawn from the start point to the current mouse position(refreshed as long as the mouse is inside the image window)additionally the currently measured value is displayed near thestart point.Go to the end point and make left mouse-click and release.The base-line will display a green “status” icon which signalthat the multi-line-distances can be drawn.Add a multi-line-distances by left mouse click on measure point. A straight-line aligned perpendicular from this point to the base-line will be added. To add additional distance line repeat the step again.Click on the green “status” icon when measurement is finished. Status of icon change to colour “grey” , which signal that the measurement is deactivated.To reactivate and change the multi-line-distance click on the grey status icon again.As long as a measurement object is selected, the line and text are semi-transparent. A trash button appears right beside the measured value and the start- and end points are marked.11.7 Draw a Parallel-line-distance:The Parallel-line-distance consists of two parts. The first part is the “base-line”. Second part are the measured distances (Parallel-line) which are parallel to the base line.User can draw multiple distance lines which are correlated to the base line.To draw a base-line start with left mouse-click on first point and release. The start point is marked.Move the mouse away and a colored semi-transparent line is drawn from the start point to the current mouse position (refreshed as long as the mouse is inside the image window) additionally the currently measured value is displayed near the start point.Go to the end point and make left mouse-click andrelease.The base-line will display a green “status” iconwhich signal that the Parallel-line-distances can bedrawn.Add a Parallel-line-distances by left mouse click onmeasure point. A straight line aligned parallel fromthis point to the base-line will be added. To addadditional distance line repeat the step again.Click on the green “status” i con when measurement is finished. Status of icon change to colour “grey” , which signal that the measurement is deactivated.To reactivate and change the Parallel-line-distance click on the grey status icon again.As long as a measurement object is selected the line and text are semi-transparent. A trash button appears right beside the measured value and the start- and end points are marked.11.8 Draw a Circle-to-circle-distance measurementThe Circle-to-circle-distance measurement is a 2-pointmeasurement which enables to measure distances of two circlecenters.It is a combination of Circle measurement and Distance line.To perform 2 or more crircles must be drawn before. Afterwardsthe Circle-to-circle-distance measurement can be used.By click into the center position of a circle the start position will be connected to the center position automatically. Draw the distance line to the next circle center and release the mouse. Afterwards the end point automatically connects to the second circle center and the distance value will be displayed in between of both circles. Drawing of line is identical to the normal line distance measurement. Note: Circle-to-circle-distance does not automatically re-connects to center position by change of position of Circle afterwards! Manually adjustment is not possible for Circle-to-circle-distance.11.8 Draw a radius & diameter (circle) measurement:The circle measurement is a 3-point-measurement which enables to measure circle which are bigger as the field of view of camera / image.To draw an object start with left mouse-click on first point and release. The start point is marked. Move the mouse away and a colored semi-transparent line is drawn from the start point to the current mouse position (refreshed as long as the mouse is inside the image window)Go to the second point and make left mouse-click and release.Move the mouse away and a colored semi-transparent circle is drawn instead of line from the first two points to the current mouse position. Additionally the currently measured value is displayed near the start point.Go to the end point (3rd) and make left mouse-click again andrelease. The measured value is written near the starting point(including an auxiliary line) and will be shown the default unitautomatically.As long as the measurement object is selected the circle and textare semi-transparent. A trash button appears right beside themeasured value and the start- and end points are marked.Note: The measured value can be displayed as d iameter or radius (marked by a “D” or “R”). Before the measurement will be done the user has to make the proper choice.11.9 Draw an angle measurement:The angle measurement is a 4-point-measurement which enables to measure angle which are bigger as the field of view of camera / image.To draw an object start with left mouse-click on first point and release. The start point is marked. Move the mouse away and a dashed auxiliary line is drawn from the start point to the current mouse position (refreshed as long as the mouse is inside the image window).Go to the second point and make left mouse-click and release. The first dashed auxiliary line is drawn. Go to the 3rd point and make left mouse-click and release. A seconddashed auxiliary line is drawn from this point to the current mouseposition (refreshed as long as the mouse is inside of image window).Go to the end point (4th) and make left mouse-click again and release.The dashed auxiliary lines becomes continuous line. The measured valueis written near the angular point (including an auxiliary line).As long as the measurement object is selected the angle and measurement value are semi-transparent.A trash button appears right beside the measured value and the start- and end points are marked.11.10 Object selection:Every object can be selected as the current one at live and captured images before image is recorded / saved with measurement overlay. The current object is displayed as semi-transparent and decorated with the trash icon. Most objects (except freeform & Free-hand-line object) when selected as the current one, also display grey, square control points which are used to modify the geometry of the object.An object can be selected as the current one, by clicking it with the pointer tool - 'arrow' button on the main window's top bar. But when an active tool is other than the pointer tool (e.g. circle drawing tool), this requires switching the active tool off and switching the pointer tool on. To make it more convenient, the pointer tool can be temporarily activated by pressing the “ctrl / cmd” key. As long as the key is pressed, the pointer tool is active. When “ctrl / cmd” is released, the previously active tool activates again.The current object can be moved and reshaped (except freeform & Free-hand-line object) using the pointer tool. When the annotation or measurement GUI widget is visible on the tool bar, the properties of the current object (colour, line width, etc.) are set in the widget.11.11 Object multi-selection:By marking a rectangular area with the pointer tool at the image window, one can also select more than one object. Multi-selected objects are also displayed as semi-transparent, but without their trash buttons. A multi-selection trash will be displayed in center of the selected objects to delete all. Pressing “del” key remove all selected objects.Multi-selection can be also created, extended or modified by clicking on objects with the pointer tool while “shift“ key is pressed. Objects selected can be moved together a s well.11.12 Deleting objects:The current object can be deleted by clicking its trash icon , or pressing ”del” key. Objects selected can be deleted together by pressing ”del” key.11.13 Changing object properties:Object's properties can be modified using controls on the tool widget appropriate for the object. I.e. annotation objects (arrow, text) can have their properties modified using annotation tool widget and measurement objects - measurement tool widget. The properties of the current object are visible in the widget and can be modified. When more than one object is selected (multi-selection), some common properties (like: color or line width) for all selected objects can be modified.Note: If a tool widget is closed, double-click on an object makes the object current and opens the appropriate tool widget at the toolbar.Export Measurements:With “Report tool” of JENOPTIK GRYPHAX software, you can review measurement values, measurement statistics or export all measurement data from live or recorded images into file.The “Measurement data” table of Report Tool contains the following statistics:Average value, minimum value, maximum value and standard deviation (σ) according measurement type. To export measurements objects open Report tool and activate the “Measurement data” table . Press button “Export data” to save all measurements data into *.xml file.Note: All functions and possibilities of Report Tool are described separately on Report tool section at manual.Limitations:∙Measurement and Annotation are not available during time-lapse, video record, Z-stacking, Panorama or Fluorescence mode.∙No measurement available for images captured without measurement calibration data.Video tutorial:Press the link to watch the video tutorial for measurement tool of JENOPTIK GRYPHAX software.。
Basler Application Note
1 Introduction
OpenCV is an open-source computer vision library that allows you to perform image processing on Basler Machine Vision cameras. This application note provides information on how to install and use OpenCV in combination with Basler’s pylon Camera Software Suite in Microsoft Visual Studio on Windows operating systems. OpenCV does not support Machine Vision standards such as USB3 Vision, GigE Vision, or IEEE 1394 (FireWire). Therefore, it is not recommended to grab images using OpenCV API functions. Instead, Basler recommends using the pylon Camera Software Suite SDK to grab images and convert them to OpenCV images. This document provides further information on the integration of OpenCV functions for image display, image saving, and video recording into your pylon source code.
Reducing Overfitting in Refinement
• • • •
• • • • • • •
Brunger, Nature 355, 472, 1992 Rice & Brunger, Proteins 19, 277, 1994 Winn et al., Acta Cryst. D 57, 122-133, 2001 Bricogne, Meth. Enzymol. 276, 361, 1997 Murshudov, Dodson,Vagin, CCP4, 1996 Pannu & Read, Acta Cryst. A 52, 659-668, 1996 Adams, Pannu, Read, Brunger, PNAS 94, 5018, 1997
" Uj )
# Ui + U j & average_power % ( $ 2 '
• • •
• • • • • • • •
Rigid-body refinement
For example, molecule consists of two domains, only refine position and orientation of each domain uses only 2 * (3 rotational + 3 translation) = 12 parameters So few parameters it requires only low-resolution data Torsion angle refinement All atoms have the same B one parameter All main-chain and all side-chain atoms in each residue have the same B one or two parameters per residue TLS refinement 20 parameters per group A number of N NCS-related molecules/domains are assumed to be identical Reduces the number of parameters by a factor N
非锐化掩膜matlab代码非锐化掩膜(Unsharp Masking)是一种图像增强技术,通常用于提高图像的边缘和细节。
在MATLAB中,你可以使用以下代码来实现非锐化掩膜:matlab.% 读取图像。
img = imread('your_image.jpg');% 定义高斯滤波器。
hsize = [5 5];sigma = 2;h = fspecial('gaussian', hsize, sigma);% 使用高斯滤波器平滑图像。
smoothed_img = imfilter(img, h);% 计算细节图像。
detail_img = img smoothed_img;% 定义增强参数。
amount = 1.5;adjusted_img = img + amount detail_img;% 显示原始图像和增强后的图像。
subplot(1,2,1), imshow(img), title('Original Image');subplot(1,2,2), imshow(adjusted_img), title('Enhanced Image');在这段代码中,首先读取了待处理的图像,然后定义了一个高斯滤波器并使用`fspecial`函数来生成。
slamf7基因356位点一、引言s l a m f7基因是一种与免疫系统相关的基因,其在免疫调节和细胞间相互作用中起着重要的作用。
二、基因概述s l am f7基因(S ig na li ng Ly mp ho c yt ic Ac ti va ti onM o le cu le Fa mi ly Mem b er7)属于免疫球蛋白超家族(I gS F)成员,编码了一种膜表达的免疫受体蛋白。
该基因主要表达在多种免疫细胞,如自然杀伤细胞(N K细胞)、T细胞和巨噬细胞等。
s lam f7基因在免疫系统的正常功能中发挥着重要的调节作用,对于免疫细胞的激活、增殖、分化以及细胞间的相互作用起着至关重要的作用。
三、356位点的重要性在s la mf7基因的编码序列中,356位点是一个重要的位点,具有显著的功能和意义。
不同的突变型可能会影响s la mf7基因的表达水平、蛋白结构的稳定性以及与其他相关分子(如SL A M家族成员、免疫调节相关的细胞因子)的相互作用。
五、与免疫疾病的关联由于sl am f7基因在免疫系统中的重要作用,356位点的突变与一些免疫相关疾病的发生和发展存在一定的关联。
六、未来的研究方向对于sl am f7基因的356位点的功能和作用机制,还需要更多的研究来深入探索。
Invacare Matrx PS 产品说明书
Invacare® Matrx® PSModel Number PS-V 1 General1.1SymbolsSignal words are used in this manual and apply to hazards or unsafe practices which could result in personal injury or property damage. See the information below for definitions of the signal words.1.2OverviewImportant InformationThe best way to avoid problems related to pressure sores is to understand their causes and your role in a skin management program.Your therapist and physician should be consulted if you have questions regarding individual limitations and needs. All cushions should be selected carefully. Working with your therapist and physician is the best way to assure that a cushion choice matches your individual needs. As the needs of the individual become more complex, cushion evaluation becomes more important.Invacare Matrx PSThe Invacare Matrx PS cushion features an anatomically contoured shape with a unique waffled ischial relief recess and an innovative reversible outer cover.Outer Cover and Inner CoverThe outer cover utilizes a unique reversible Dartex™ outer cover, which provides two unique cover options to satisfy your needs in terms of comfort and aesthetics. This specially designed, reversible stretch fabric outer cover may be installed with either the knitted surface exposed or with the smooth surface exposed. The outer cover is moisture resistant and breathable.The inner cover is moisture resistant to protect the foam. Regular cleaning and inspection of the covers is recommended. Refer to Care and Maintenance on page 3.2 Safety2.1Intended UseThe Invacare Matrx PS is designed to provide superior positioning, stability and comfort.ƽWARNINGWarning indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.CAUTIONCaution indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in property damage or minor injury or both.Gives useful tips, recommendations and information for efficient, trouble-free use.Check ALL parts for shipping damage. If shipping damage is noted, DO NOT use. Contact carrier/dealer for further instruction.User ManualDEALER: This manual MUST be given to the user of the ER: BEFORE using this product, read this manual and save for future reference.2.2General Warnings 2.3Weight Limitation and Model NumbersƽWARNINGDO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT OR ANY AVAILABLE OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT WITHOUT FIRST COMPLETELY READING AND UNDERSTANDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS AND ANY ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL SUCH AS OWNER’S MANUALS, SERVICE MANUALS OR INSTRUCTION SHEETS SUPPLIED WITH THIS PRODUCT OR OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO UNDERSTAND THE WARNINGS, CAUTIONS OR INSTRUCTIONS, CONTACT A HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL, DEALER OR TECHNICAL PERSONNEL BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO USE THIS EQUIPMENT - OTHERWISE, INJURY OR DAMAGE MAY OCCUR.ACCESSORIES WARNINGInvacare products are specifically designed and manufactured for use in conjunction with Invacare accessories. Accessories designed by other manufacturers have not been tested by Invacare and are not recommended for use with Invacare products.INSTALLATION WARNINGAfter any adjustments, repair or service and before use, make sure that all attaching component parts are secure.Ensure the seat cushion is properly secured to the wheelchair before using. Otherwise injury or damage may occur.Installing a cushion on a wheelchair may affect the center of gravity of the wheelchair and may cause the wheelchair to become unstable, potentially resulting in injury.WARNINGSkin condition should be checked very frequently after the installation of any new seating system.Your therapist and physician should be consulted if you have any questions regarding individual limitations and needs.Working with your therapist, physician, and equipment supplier is the best way to assure that a seating choice matches your individual needs.As the needs of the individual become more complex, the seating evaluation becomes more important.The cushion is designed to be used only at room temperature. If it is left at lower temperatures, always allow it to warm to room temperature before using. Sitting on extremely cold or hot surfaces can cause skin damage.Avoid sharp objects or exposure to excessive heat or open flame.Refer to the chart for the weight limitation and stock model numbers.Configured model numbers are: PS-V Grey = size not availableWIDTHDEPTHWEIGHT LIMIT*12 IN (30 CM)14 IN (36 CM)16 IN (41 CM)18 IN (46 CM)20 IN (51 CM)12 in (30 cm)PS1212PS1214PS1216150 lbs (68 kg)14 in (36 cm)PS1412PS1414PS141616 in (41 cm)PS1616PS1618PS1620300 lbs (136 kg)18 in (46 cm)PS1816PS1818PS182020 in (51 cm)PS2016PS2018PS2020*Matrx PS Heavy Duty models are custom configured and have a weight limitation of 600 lbs (272 kg). These cushions are available in sizes ranging from 21 to 30 inches wide and 16 to 30 inches deep.3 Usage3.1Installing the Invacare Matrx PS1.Ensure the desired side of the outer cover is exposed. Refer to Reversing the Outer Cover on page 3.2.Position the cushion so the materialidentification tags (not shown) face the rear.3.Align the hook and loop strips (not shown) on the bottom of the cushion with those on the wheelchair seat.4.Position the cushion onto the wheelchair as far back as possible.5.Press down to ensure the hook and loop strips are firmly engaged.3.2Reversing the Outer Cover1.Unzip the outer cushion cover.2.Remove the outer cushion cover.3.Turn the outer cushion cover inside out to the desired side.4.Install the cushion with inner cover into the outer cover with the waffled recess facing down.4 Care and Maintenance4.1Cleaning Outer CoverThe cover can be wiped clean with a damp towel.The cover can be removed for laundering. Unzip the cover and carefully remove the foam with inner cover. The zipper should be closed prior to laundering.Dry clean or machine wash using the delicate cycle and hang dry or tumble dry on low.Inner CoverThe inner cover can be wiped clean with a damp cloth. The inner cover should not be removed from the foam.4.2Inspection Visually inspect parts including upholstery materials, foams (if accessible), and plastics, for deformation, corrosion, breakage, wear or compression.5 After Use5.1ReuseRearFrontƽWARNINGDO NOT continue to use this product if problems are discovered. Corrective maintenance can be performed at or arranged through your equipment supplier.ƽWARNING: Risk of InjuryAlways have a dealer inspect the product for damage before transferring the product to a different user. If any damage is found, DO NOT use the product. Otherwise injury may occur.6 WarrantyPLEASE NOTE: THE WARRANTY BELOW HAS BEEN DRAFTED TO COMPLY WITH FEDERAL LAW APPLICABLE TO PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED AFTER JULY 4, 1975.This warranty is extended only to the original purchaser/user of our products.This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other legal rights which vary from state to state.Invacare/Motion Concepts warrants this product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for two years of use by original purchaser. This warranty does not apply to punctures, tears or burns, nor to the removable cushion cover. If within such warranty period any such product shall be proven to be defective, such product shall be repaired or replaced, at Invacare's/Motion Concepts’ option, with refurbished or new parts. This warranty does not include any labor or shipping charges incurred in replacement part installation or repair of any such product. Product repairs shall not extend this warranty - coverage for repaired product shall end when this limited warranty terminates. Invacare's/Motion Concepts’ sole obligation and your exclusive remedy under this warranty shall be limited to such repair and/or replacement.For warranty service, please contact the dealer from whom you purchased your Invacare/Motion Concepts product. In the event you do not receive satisfactory warranty service, please write directly to Invacare/Motion Concepts at the address on the back cover. Provide dealer's name, address, model number, the date of purchase, indicate nature of the defect and, if the product is serialized, indicate the serial number.Invacare Corporation/Motion Concepts will issue a return authorization. The defective unit or parts must be returned for warranty inspection using the serial number, when applicable, as identification within thirty (30) days of return authorization date. DO NOT return products to our factory without our prior consent. C.O.D. shipments will be refused; please prepay shipping charges. LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS: THE WARRANTY SHALL NOT APPLY TO PROBLEMS ARISING FROM NORMAL WEAR OR FAILURE TO ADHERE TO THE ENCLOSED INSTRUCTIONS. IN ADDITION, THE FOREGOING WARRANTY SHALL NOT APPLY TO SERIAL NUMBERED PRODUCTS IF THE SERIAL NUMBER HAS BEEN REMOVED OR DEFACED; PRODUCTS SUBJECTED TO NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT, IMPROPER OPERATION, MAINTENANCE OR STORAGE; OR PRODUCTS MODIFIED WITHOUT INVACARE'S/MOTION CONCEPTS’ EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: MODIFICATION THROUGH THE USE OF UNAUTHORIZED PARTS OR ATTACHMENTS: PRODUCTS DAMAGED BY REASON OF REPAIRS MADE TO ANY COMPONENT WITHOUT THE SPECIFIC CONSENT OF INVACARE/MOTION CONCEPTS; PRODUCTS DAMAGED BY CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND INVACARE'S/MOTION CONCEPTS’ CONTROL; PRODUCTS REPAIRED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN AN INVACARE/MOTION CONCEPTS DEALER, SUCH EVALUATION SHALL BE SOLELY DETERMINED BY INVACARE/MOTION CONCEPTS.THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTIES, IF ANY, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.IT SHALL NOT EXTEND BEYOND THE DURATION OF THE EXPRESSED WARRANTY PROVIDED HEREIN AND THE REMEDY FOR VIOLATIONS OF ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY SHALL BE LIMITED TO REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE DEFECTIVE PRODUCT PURSUANT TO THE TERMS CONTAINED HEREIN. INVACARE/MOTION CONCEPTS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER.THIS WARRANTY SHALL BE EXTENDED TO COMPLY WITH STATE/PROVINCIAL LAWS AND REQUIREMENTS.Invacare。
------索引1.#AfterImage(残影)2.#PalFX(颜色变化)------------------------------------------------------------ #AfterImage(残影)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #PalFX(颜色变化)------------------------------------------------------------ ★★雷击1★★"Benimaru Nikaido"by"Deuce"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.time = 20palfx.color = 64palfx.invertall = 1palfx.add = 1,1,1palfx.mul = 256,256,256palfx.sinadd = 96,96,96,4★★雷击2★★"Kei Nanasawa"by"Rikard"参数值(于Projectile)palfx.time = 20palfx.color = 60palfx.invertall = 1palfx.add = 1,1,1palfx.mul = 256,256,256palfx.sinadd = 126,126,126,4★★雷击3★★"Malin"by"H乭"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.time = 18palfx.add = 1,1,1palfx.mul = 224,256,256palfx.sinadd = 75,100,100,4palfx.color = 30palfx.invertall = 1★★雷击4★★"Krizalid"by"Conversion Wolrd - J.Lee"参数值(于Projectile)palfx.time = 60palfx.mul = 256,256,256palfx.sinadd = 205,205,205,4★★绿毒1★★"Ashi"by"Alpha Dreams"参数值(于Projectile)palfx.color = 3palfx.add = 48,192,40palfx.sinadd = 48,50,32,16palfx.time = 32★★绿毒2★★"K'"by"NAO&M."参数值(于Projectile)palfx.time = 23palfx.mul = 240,220,128palfx.sinadd = 32,128,220,16palfx.add = 190,180,84★★绿毒3★★"Lin"by"Misamu K Young"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.invertall = 1palfx.add = -100,-93,-200palfx.sinadd = 20,-10,-10,4palfx.time = 20★★红火1★★"chin"by"shinriyo"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.time = 68palfx.add = 180,50,35palfx.mul = 180,180,180palfx.sinadd = 30,20,20,12★★红火2★★"Eiji Shirow"by"Orochi Dark Cloud & Rick Pk Liquid Snake"参数值(于Projectile)palfx.time = 27palfx.add = 80,-70,-200palfx.sinadd = 0,30,0,10palfx.color = 0palfx.invertall = 1★★红火3★★"isabeau"by"100%Ex-Inferis"参数值(于helper-hitdef)palfx.time = 40palfx.add = 240,50,0palfx.mul = 250,224,120palfx.sinadd = 110,55,85,10Palfx.color = 0palfx.invertall = 1★★红火4★★"K9999"by"EI"参数值(于Projectile)palfx.time = 60palfx.add = 40,-70,-200palfx.sinadd = 40,30,0,10palfx.color = 0palfx.invertall = 1★★红火5★★"Kusanagi"by "David Demianoff"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.time = 45palfx.add = 100,-30,-120palfx.sinadd = 40,30,0,10palfx.color = 0palfx.invertall = 1★★红火6★★"Mai"by "Andre Lopes"参数值(于Projectile)palfx.time = 70palfx.add = 210, 50,5palfx.sinadd = 190,20,2,4;palfx.invertall = 1★★红火7★★"Tin's May Lee"by "Tin"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.time = 60palfx.mul = 110,20,2palfx.sinadd = 192,118,20,80palfx.add = 140,60,8★★苍炎1★★"J"by"[Yagami+ihoo1836]"参数值(于Projectile)palfx.time = 27palfx.add = 48,0,168palfx.mul = 166,166,166palfx.sinadd = 96,96,96,17palfx.color = 0palfx.invertall = 1★★苍炎2★★"Another Iori"by"--4LUC4RD H3L?NG--"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.time = ifelse(p2statetype = A,56,30) palfx.add = -70,-110,-10palfx.sinadd = 30,10,0,10palfx.color = 0palfx.invertall = 1★★苍炎3★★"Megumi Shinigami"by"Rikard"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.time = 32palfx.mul = 206,205,256palfx.add = 0,0,256palfx.invertall = 1palfx.sinadd = 62,62,256,9palfx.color = 1★★苍炎4★★"Orochi_Chris"by"八神猿"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.time = 50palfx.add = 80,14,255palfx.color = 0palfx.sinadd = 40,7,128,10★★苍炎5★★"Flamme"by"Juke Kisaragi"参数值(于helper-Projectile)palfx.time = 60palfx.add = 40,0,150palfx.mul = 150,150,150palfx.sinadd = 90,90,90,15palfx.color = 0palfx.invertall = 1★★紫色1★★"rugal"by"Tin"参数值(于p2stateno-null&&palfx)type=nulltrigger1=Time=0time = 120mull=2,50,50sinadd = 50,58,50,5add = 40,20,148type=PalFxtrigger1=Time=1time = 120mull=120,20,150sinadd = 80,58,80,5add =7,-100,8★★紫色2★★"omega rugal98"by"GONZO-"参数值(于p2stateno-palfx)type = palfxtrigger1 = animelem = 6, = 5time = 180add = 70, 0,70mul = 100,-80,100sinadd = 180,-120,180,10color = 0invertall = 1★★血红1★★"Heidern"by"Tatsu"参数值(于palfx)type = palfxtrigger1 = Var(10)trigger1 = (time = [4,156]) && Time%6 = 0 add = 225,10,10time = 3type = palfxtrigger1 = time = Ifelse(Var(10), 233, 173) add = 225,10,10time = 4★★白色1★★"hiel"by"NAO&M."参数值(于Projectile)palfx.time = 43palfx.mul = 220,220,255palfx.sinadd = 64,48,48,32 palfx.add = 184,184,200palfx.color = 8★★灰色1★★"mature"by"butti"参数值(于p2stateno-palfx)type = PalFXtrigger1 = time = 0time = 999add = 168, 136, 152mul = 105, 85, 95sinadd = 60, 40, 50, 20color = 0invertall = 1ignorehitpause = 1★★灰色2★★"MUKAI"by"GONZO-"参数值(于p2stateno-palfx)type = PalFXtrigger1 = time < 80 time = 1color = 0add = 40,40,40 ignorehitpause = 1type = PalFXtrigger1 = time >= 80 trigger1 = Time % 2 = 0 time = 1color = 0add = 35,35,35 ignorehitpause = 1。
PERFORM-3D参数定义方法2012-11-09 19:34:10| 分类:结构| 标签:|举报|字号大中小订阅1、钢梁塑性铰参数定义(FEMA Beam)先定义截面:给定材料屈服应力,在定义FEMA梁的时候,程序会自动根据给定的屈服应力和塑性截面模量计算截面极限强度(U点对应纵坐标)。
例如,FEMA356表格Table5-6中a=9,b=11,上图中定义DL= a+1=10,DR= b+1=12。
同样的情况在定义Deformation Capacity的时候也需要考虑,因此对应的Level1(IO)=1+1=2、Level2(LS)=7+1=8、Level3(CP)=8+1=9退化参数的定义:Energy Factor是用来考虑刚度退化的。
2、钢柱塑性铰参数定义(FEMA Column)先定义截面:与FEMA Beam类似,给定材料屈服应力,在定义FEMA柱的时候,程序会自动根据给定的屈服应力和塑性截面参数计算截面极限强度(U点对应纵坐标),包括P、M2、M3三条荷载——位移曲线。
Digimat新功能培训_final Digimat 新功能培训Day, Month, YearAgenda 11.SFRP新功能2.CFRP新功能3.高级失效建模4.线性求解方案增强5.新增加材料数据,材料模型与工艺6.各类软件接口更新7.增材制造更新Digimat 技术目前可用于各类先进材料结构分析SFRP /injectionmoldingFiberorientationWeldlines Residual stresses LFRP / injection molding Fiber orientation Fiber volume fraction Fiber length Weldlines SFRP / MicroCellular Fiber orientation Porosity volume fraction SMC / Compressionmolding Fiber orientation Fiber volume fraction Weldlines Fiber waviness DFC / Compression molding Chip orientation Chip volume fraction Chip waviness CFRP / Draping, RTM, AFP Fiber orientation Porosity Unfilled& reinforced polymer/ AM Toolpath Residual stresses SFRP新功能Digimat-RP 2018.0 用户界面更新高效支持多个制造工艺过程和数据升级到最新的解决方案界面模型来源: CCSA/GMU and the FHWARP中考虑熔接线强度orientation effect)Easy and efficient workflow to model local strength degration in weld line area (on top of fiberFI weldline=αFI SFRP Array Ful l support of weld line & weld surfacedata in RP & MAP Weldline strength material model in CAE (can be identified from testing)Courtesy of SabicRP中考虑熔接线强度–案例?管道承受内部压力由于局部强度降低,很早就在熔接线位置发生失效熔接线位置的灾难性失效填充映射纤维映射熔接线失效初始(比忽略熔接线效应提前33%) Courtesy of Sabic。
考虑删除图片,如果图片: 1) 重投影误差太大 2) 被污染 3) 包含一个棋盘角度相对于相机平面大于 45 度的标定板 4) 包含错误检测到棋盘点 改变径向畸变系数的数量 您可以指定 2 或 3 径向畸变系数通过选择相应的的单选按钮选项 部分。 径向失 真 在边缘附近的弯曲畸变比光学中心更严重。 镜头越小, 失真就越大。
如果有任何图像不合适,检测结果窗口就会显示出来,其中包含检测信息。结果 显示有多少总图像得到处理,有多少被接受,拒绝或跳过了。
想查看了被拒绝的图片,点击 查看图片。它还拒绝整个棋盘不能被检测到的图 像。 被拒绝的可能的原因可能是是一个模糊的图像或标定板放在了一个极端的角 度。图像越大,方格越多,检测需要更长的时间。
当你对标定精度满意时,点击输出相机参数 。您可以保存和导出相机参数作为 一个对象或 MATLA显示的在线图片是 RGB 图像流数据。 当你调整完所有设备属性和 捕捉设置后,使用 预览 窗口捕捉图像。 单击 捕获 按钮。捕获的数字图像的缩略图和快照出现在 数据浏览器 面板。 他们自动捕获命名为. png 文件。 您可以随意停止捕获,点击停止捕获 。
当你捕获图像数量到达指定值后,会让你输入单个方格的大小,输入后点 击 OK 。
选择一个映像 这些方法: 点击图中相应的酒吧。 从列表中选择图像的 数据 浏览器 窗格。 散点图 散点图显示每个点重投影误差。+号表示的是被选中的图片。一个精确的标定通 常导致一个紧凑的点云。离群值较大指出潜在的问题与相应的图片。为了改善精 度,可以考虑删除这些图像。
程序提供了一种可视化的 3D 视图。 基于摄像机参考系和标定板参考系两种模式, 点击按钮显示之间切换这两个视觉效果。单击并拖动图形可以旋转它。点击一个 棋盘或一个摄像头以选中它。 突出显示的数据可视化对应于所选择的图像列表 中。检查相对标定板和相机的位置,以查看它们是否匹配你的期望。例如,一个 标定板出现在相机后面表明标定误差。
算法: 动态范围检测
输入: 输入信号(signal)
输出: 动态范围(dynamic_range)
1. 初始化最大值(max_value)为输入信号的最小值
2. 初始化最小值(min_value)为输入信号的最大值
3. 对于信号中的每一个样本(sample):
a. 如果sample 大于max_value,则更新max_value 为sample
b. 如果sample 小于min_value,则更新min_value 为sample
4. 计算动态范围: dynamic_range = max_value - min_value
5. 返回动态范围
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List of FiguresFigure C1-1Rehabilitation Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-5 Figure C1-2Target Building Performance Levels and Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-23 Figure 1-1General Horizontal Response Spectrum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-34 Figure 2-1In-Plane Discontinuity in Lateral System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-10 Figure 2-2Typical Building with Out-of-Plane Offset Irregularity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-10 Figure 2-3Component Force Versus Deformation Curves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-13 Figure C2-1Generalized Component Force-Deformation Relations for Depicting Modeling and Acceptance Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-15 Figure 2-4Backbone Curve for Experimental Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-29 Figure 2-5Alternative Force-Deformation Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-29 Figure C3-1Plausible Force Distribution in a Flexible Diaphragm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-5 Figure C3-2Diaphragm and Wall Displacement Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-13 Figure 3-1Idealized Force-Displacement Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-20 Figure 4-1Presumptive Expected Capacities of Piles or Piers in Granular Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-12 Figure 4-2Presumptive Expected Capacities of Piles or Piers in Cohesive Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-13 Figure C4-1Outline Procedure for Consideration of Rocking Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-17 Figure 4-3(a)Idealized Elasto-Plastic Load-Deformation Behavior for Soils(b)Uncoupled Spring Model for Rigid Footings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-19 Figure 4-4Elastic Solutions for Rigid Footing Spring Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-20 Figure C4-2(a)Foundation Shape Effect(b)Foundation Embedment Effect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-22 Figure 4-5Vertical Stiffness Modeling for Shallow Bearing Footings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-23 Figure 4-6Passive Pressure Mobilization Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-26 Figure C4-3Idealized Concentration of Stress at Edge of Rigid Footings Subjected toOverturning Moment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-27 Figure 5-1Generalized Force-Deformation Relation for Steel Elements or Components . . . . . . . . . .5-13 Figure 5-2Definition of Chord Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-13 Figure 5-3Top and Bottom Clip Angle Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-24 Figure 5-4Double Split Tee Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-25 Figure 5-5Bolted Flange Plate Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-26 Figure 5-6Bolted End Plate Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-26 Figure 6-1Generalized Force-Deformation Relations for Concrete Elements or Components . . . . . .6-13 Figure C6-1Identification of Component Types in Concrete Shear Wall Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-44 Figure 6-2Plastic Hinge Rotation in Shear Wall where Flexure Dominates Inelastic Response . . . . .6-48 Figure 6-3Story Drift in Shear Wall where Shear Dominates Inelastic Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-48 Figure 6-4Chord Rotation for Shear Wall Coupling Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-48 Figure 7-1Generalized Force-Deformation Relation for Masonry Elements or Components . . . . . . .7-11 Figure C7-1Effective Height and Differential Displacement of Wall Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-12 Figure C7-2Compression Strut Analogy–Concentric Struts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-26 Figure C7-3Compression Strut Analogy–Eccentric Struts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-26FEMA 356Seismic Rehabilitation Prestandard xxiFigure C7-4Compression Strut Analogy–Perforated Infills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-26 Figure 8-1Generalized Force-Deformation Relation for Wood Elements or Components . . . . . . . . .8-12 Figure C9-1Idealized Hysteretic Force-Displacement Relation of a Lead-Rubber Bearing . . . . . . . . . . .9-5 Figure C9-2Force-Displacement Loops of a High-Damping Rubber Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-6 Figure C9-3Tangent Shear Modulus and Effective Damping Ratio of High-Damping Rubber Bearing .9-7 Figure C9-4Analytical Force-Displacement Loops of High-Damping Rubber Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-8 Figure C9-5Idealized Force Displacement Loops of Sliding Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-10 Figure C9-6Coefficient of Friction of PTFE-based Composite in Contact with Polished Stainless Steel at Normal Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-11 Figure C9-7Definition of Effective Stiffness of Seismic Isolation Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-12 Figure C9-8Idealized Force-Displacement Loops of Energy Dissipation Devices with Recentering Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-28 Figure 9-1Calculation of Secant Stiffness, K s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-32xxii Seismic Rehabilitation Prestandard FEMA 356。