
新视野大学英语(第二册)答案Unit OneSection AII Comprehension of The Text1.The attitude is that if one is not moving ahead, he is falling behind.2.Time is treated as if it were something almost real. People budget it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; they also charge for it. They do this because time is a precious resource.3.Everyone is in a rush—often under pressure. In the writer‟s eyes, city people always appear to be hurrying to get where they are going, restlessly seeking attention in a store, or elbowing others as they try to complete their shopping.4.Don‟t take it personally. This is because people value time highly, and they resent someone else “wasting” it beyond a certain appropriate point.5.This is because Americans generally assess and enquire about their visitors professionally rather than socially. They start talking business very quickly. Time is always ticking in their inner ear.6.Americans produce a steady flow of labor-saving devices: they communicate rapidly through faxes, phone calls or emails rather than through personal contacts.7.The impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand.8.It is taken as a sign of skillfulness or being competent to solve a problem or fulfill a job with speed in the U.S.III Vocabulary1.Budgeted2.acute3.restless4. surroundingspetent6. assessing7.elbowed8.conductingIV.Filling the Blank1.behind 2 for 3.to 4. out 5.of 6.to 7.in 8.intoV Word Buildingmitment2.attraction3.appointment4.impression5.civilization6. composition7.confusion8.congratulation9.consideration 10..explanation11.acquisition 12.depressionVI1advisable 2desirable 3favorable 4considerable 5remarkable 6 preferable7 drinkable8.acceptableVII Structure1. much less do they take them out for dinner2.much less a big company3.much less carry it upstairs4.much less spoken to him5.much less ( to ) read a lot outside of itVIII.1.Having meals at home can cost as little as two or three dollars, whereas eating out at a restaurant is always more expensive2.We thought she was rather proud, whereas in fact she was just very shy3.We have never done anything for them, whereas they have done everything for us.4.Natalie prefers to stay for another week, whereas her husband prefers to leave immediately.5.Some highly praise him, whereas others put him down severelyIX Translation Chinese to English1.In the eyes of some people, Picasso‟s paintings would seem rather foolish2.The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy.3.The man told his wife to keep the medicine on the top shelf so that it would be beyond the children‟s reach.4.Happiness doesn't always go with money5.That car has given me nothing but trouble ever since I bought it.X Translation English to Chinese1.这种态度的结果是,全国人民都投身到研究、实验和探索中去了。

“‘在画画呢!’她大声说道。‘多么有趣。可你还在等什么呢? 把画笔给我---大的那支。’她猛地用笔蘸起颜料,还没等我缓过神来,她已经挥笔泼墨在惊恐不已的画布上画下了有力的几道蓝色。谁都看得出画布无法回击。我不再迟疑。我抓起那支最大的画笔,迅猛异常地向我可怜的牺牲品扑了过去。自那以后,我再也不曾害怕过画布。”
2. He felt so inspired to paint that he was distracted from his personal problems.
3. His sister-in-law’s painting inspired him to try his hand at it; his wife rushed out to buy all the materials he would need; and the wife of Sir John Lavery helped him overcome his fear of the blank canvas.
2. Unpleasantly startled by the appearance of a mouse, we promptly decided to clean our apartment.
3. Tired of their own cooking, they’ve decided to go to a restaurant for a change.
5. After his failure in the election campaign, Dr. Smith retired to a small village, where he tried his hand at farming.

5) What are the advantages of biofuels? The advantages of biofuels are that they contain no petroleum, and they are nontoxic and biodegradable.
Unit 2 》Part II 》Main Reading
3. Review the text to find information about the advantages and disadvantages of renewable sources. List the points in the table below.
Task 2 (Page 39) 1. Answer questions 2. Write Summary 3. Advantages and disadvantages
Unit 2 》Part II 》Main Reading
Task 2 Understanding Main Ideas and Important Details in the Text
Renewable Advantages Energy Source
Unit 2 》Part II 》Main Reading
solar energy Advantages: It is easy for people to be able to benefit from solar power.

4. Even a failure that seems total can prompt fresh thinking, a change of direction.
5. Though we may envy the assurance that comes with success, most of us are attracted by courage in defeat.
Cloze VIII. Choose the best word from each pair to complete the passage below.
X. Translate the following sentences into English.
《读写教程 II》: Ex. X, p. 112
1. 庇护孩子不让他们知道自己已经失败对于他们的成长是
shield children from the knowledge
anything but beneficial
Shielding children from the knowledge that they have failed is anything but beneficial to their development.
Translation 2. 爱默生认为在失败与成功之间并无天壤之别。

新视野大学英语第二版读写教程第二册答案Unit 1 Section A: Vocabulary III. 1. charge 2. convention 3. ef icient 4. obtain 5. competent 6. assessing 7. ful ill 8. conducting 9. consequently 10. signi icance IV. 1. behind 2. at 3. in 4.out 5. to 6. to 7.in 8.with 9.but 10. for V. 1. L 2. C 3.D 4. N 5. O 6.A 7. E 8.G 9.I 10. K Word Building VI. mitment 2. attraction 3. appointment 4.impression 5. civilization position 7.confusion 8.congratulation 9.consideration 10.explanation 11. acquisition 12.depression VII. 1.advisable 2.disirable 3.favorable 4. considerable 5. remarkable 6.preferable 7.drinkable 8.acceptable Sentence Structure VIII. 1. much less can he write English articles 2. much less can he manage a big company 3. much less could he carry it upstairs 4. much less have I spoken to him 5. much less to read a lot outside of it IX. 1.Having meals at home can cost as little as two or three dollars, whereas eating out at a restaurant is always more expensive. 2. We thought she was rather proud, whereas in fact she was just very shy. 3. We have never done anything for them, whereas they have done so much for us. 4. Natalie prefers to stay for another week, whereas her husband prefers to leave immediately. 5. Some praise him highly, whereas others put him down severely. Translation X. 1. She wouldn't take a drink, much less could she stay for dinner. 2. He thought I was lying to him, whereas I was telling the truth. 3. How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week? 4. The increase in their pro its is due partly to their new market strategy. 5. Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work ef iciency. 6. We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on. XI. 1. 我认为他不会抢劫, 更不用说暴力抢劫了. 2. 男工平均工资每小时10美元, 而女工才每小时7美元. 3. 自然界的平衡一旦遭到破坏, 就会带来很多不可预知的影响. 4. 期终考试迫在眉睫, 你最好多花点时间看书. 5. 有趣的是, 消费者发现越来越难以辨别某些品牌的原产国. 其部分原因来自于全球化带来的影响, 部分原因是由于产地的变化. 6. 最近一次调查表明,妇女占总劳动力的40%. Cloze XII. 1. C C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.C 13.C 1. 14.B 15.A Section B Comprehension of the Text II. 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.B Vocabulary III. 1. utilize 2.reject 3.considerable 4.temporary 5.acceptable 6.recognition 7.alleviate 8.appreciate 9.furthermore 10.interact IV. 1. interact with 2.gone through 3.deal with 4.recovered with 5.adjusting to 6.familiar to 7.In spite of 8.were tired of 9.prevented from 10.came to 新视野大学英语读写教程,第二版,第二册课后练习答案unit2 Section A Vocabulary III. 1.promosing 2.amusing 3.lowered 4.persisted 5.rank 6.swear 7.unfair 8.presence 9.frowning 10. approximately IV. 1.on 2.upon 3.on 4.in 5.by 6.to 7.in 8.of 9.on 10.out V. 1.O 2.K 3.D 4.H 5.J 6.E 7.M 8.G 9.B 10.A Word Building VI. 1.observe - observer: one who observes a person or an event 2.ski - skier: one who skis 3.visit - visitor: one who visits somebody or some place 4.learn - learner: one who learns something 5.report - reporter: one who reports on persons or events for a newspaper 6.drink - drinker: one who often drinks alcohol, esp. too much VII. 1.tropical 2.musical 3.occasional 4.environmental 5.global 6.dangerous 7.natural 8.central Sentence structure VIII. 1. They didn't lose heart despite of lots of frustration. 2. Despite the heavy rain, the boys played football in the yard all afternoon. 3. I will try my best despite the slim chances of success. 4. Despite a thorough search for the escaped prisoner in the mountain, no sign of him was found. 5. Despite their increased income, their life became poorer because of the rising prices. IX. 1. nor do I think it necessary to do so 2. nor would they go to my sister's 3. nor do we have her telephone number 4. nor would I like to go to work immediately 5. nor would I Translation X. 1. Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she is never babied by her parents. 2. 2. Mike Mike Mike didn't didn't didn't come come come to to to the the the party party party last last last night, night, night, nor nor nor did did did he he he call call call me me me to to to give give give an an explanation. 3. The person sitting next to him did publish some novels, but he is by no means a great writer. 4. He has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins to loses. 5. The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his absence. 6. This is the irst time that he has made a speech in the presence of so large an audience. XI. 1.尽管那项计划一开始就证明是不切实际的,但是他们还是坚持要实施. 2.我无法说服他接受这项计划,也无法使他认识到这项计划的重要性. 3.你是怎么把那么多东西塞进这个小行李箱的? 4.别人对他怎么看,他全不在意. 5.我能否指出你犯了个小错误. 6.他母亲让他开车慢一点儿,但是他从不把她的话放在心上. Cloze XII. 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.B 11.B 12.D 12.D 12.D 13.B 13.B 13.B 14.C 14.C 15.D Section B Reading skills I. 1.D 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.B Comprehension of the Text II. 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.B Vocabulary III. 1. sake 2.sacri iced 3.crack 4.pursuing 5.explosive 6.overcome 7.indicated 8.opponents 9.stripped 10.denied IV. 1. Natasha made herself stand out in the group interview by acting as the leader in her group. 2. To be successful, you need a careful plan, good luck, help at the right time, and above all, hard work. 3. They are not doing this to gain recognition or money; they are doing this for the sake of society. 4. It was actually what he said rather than what he did that made me sad. 5. Once my mother sets her mind on something, it will be very hard to stop her. 6. Years of research had set the stage for their success in their ield. 7. Local people are used to the phenomenon, so they are not surprised at all. 8. Today at this meeting we are going to focus on the question of air pollution. 9. He never expected that his best friend would charge him with cheating in the exam. 10. His parents were so strict with him in his studies that he had little time to participate in any activities outside of class. 新视野大学英语读写教程,第二版,第二册课后练习答案unit3 Section A Vocabulary III. 5.proceeded 6.resolve 4.overlooked 5.proceeded 1.mutual 2.illusion 3.canceled 4.overlooked 7.prejudice promise 9.con irm 10.subsequently IV. 1. having nothing to do with 2.taking care of 3.met with 4.on the surface 5. work out 6.incompatible with 7.ups and downs 8.learned of 9. indication of 10.all along V. 8.C 9.I 10.K 10.K 6.O 7.A 1. M 2.L 3.F 4.D 5.H 6.O 7.A 8.C Word Building VI. 6.beginning 5.ending 6.beginning 1.shopping 2.feeling 2.feeling 3.storage 4.cooking 5.ending 12.marriage 11.writing 12.marriage 7. gathering 8.removal 9.arrival 10.passage 10.passage 11.writing VII. 4.membership 5.boyhood 1. relationship 2.citizenship 3.leadership 4.membership 9.adulthood 10.neighborhood 6. livelihood 7. brotherhood 8.authorship 9.adulthood 11. wisdom 12.ownership Sentence structure VIII. 1. It is never too bad for us to do something about the situation. 2. One is never too old to learn. 3. It is never too late for you to put a stop to this madness. 4. It is never too late for you to mend your ways. 5. His income was never too small to support his family. IX. 1. My best friend, Anna, was here last night. 2. 2. The The The company company company manager, manager, manager, Mr. Mr. Mr. Madison, Madison, Madison, gathered gathered gathered his his his staff staff staff and and and announced announced announced the the decision. 3. You should have seen an ophthalmologist, an eye doctor. 4. He sent for the accountant, the most experienced person in accounting. 5."Leave it to me," said David, the man on night duty. Translation X. 1. You are never too experienced to learn new techniques. 2. There remains one problem, namely, who should be sent to head the research there. 3. Their relationship did meet with some dif iculty at the beginning because of cultural differences. 4. Though he has had ups and downs, I believed all along that he would succeed someday. 5. I have some reservations about the truth of your claim. 6. She isn't particularly tall, but her slim igure gives an illusion of height. 1. 应尽早告知年轻人:必须认真对待法律. 2. 他现在面临一个重要决定,这个决定可能会影响他的整个前程. 3. 即使在情况最糟糕的时候,你也必须保持镇静和信心. 4. 人际关系的成功与否与双方相处是否融洽以及交流是否顺畅有很大关系. 5. 他受到袭击,身受重伤,随后不治而亡. 6. 他的举止至少在表面上像个正常人。

新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第二册课后练习答案新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第二册课后练习答案Unit 1Section AIII1. charge2. convention3. efficient4. obtain5. competent6. assessing7.fulfill8. conducting consequently 10. significanceIV.1.behind 2. at 3. in 4. out 5. to 6.to 7. in 8. with 9. but 10.for V.1. L2. C3. D4. N5. O6.A7.E8.G9.I 10.KWord BuildingVI1. commitment2. attraction3. appointment4.impression5. civilization6. composition7. confusion8.congratulation9. consideration 10. explanation 11. acquisition 12.depressionVII.desirable favorable considerable acceptabledrinkable advisable remarkable preferable1. advisable2.desirable3. favorable4. considerable5. remarkable6. preferable7. drinkable8. acceptableStructureVIII1. much less can he write English articles2. much less can he manage a big company3. much less could he carry it upstairs4. much less have I spoken to him5. much less to read a lot outside of itIX1. Having meals at home can cost as little as two orthree dollars, whereas eating out at a restaurant is always more expensive.2. We thought she was rather proud, whereas in factshe was just very shy.3. We have never done anything for them, whereas theyhave done so much for us.4. Natalie prefers to stay for another week, whereasher husband prefers to leave immediately.5. Some praise him highly, whereas others put him downseverelyTranslationX.1. She wouldn’t take a drink, much less wouldshe stay for dinner.2. He thought I was lying to him, whereas I wastelling the truth.3. How do you account for the fact that you have beenlate every day this week?4. The increase in their profits is due partly totheir new market strategy.5. Such measures are likely to result in theimprovement of work efficiency.6. We have already poured a lot of time and energyinto the project, so we have to carry on.XI1. 我认为他不会抢劫,更不用说暴力抢劫了。
第二版新视野大学英语读写教程第二册unit 5课后练习答案PPT

IV 1.leaned on 3. die of 5. coupled with 7.are…dressed in 9.struggling to V 1.J 2.G 3.K 4.M 6.O 7.D 8.H 9.A
2.close at hand 4. are starved of 6.is directed…at 8.grateful to 10.a bunch of 5.E 10.C
II 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.C III 1. assigned 2. compensate 3. prompt 4. manner 5. tendency 6. undermined 7. submit 8. inferred 9. fluctuates 10. Responded
6. People in this region have pined for a peaceful life since the religious war broke out three decades ago. 7. Poor health had made it difficult for Jim to hold down a job for more than a year. 8. Betty gets very depressed at times because of the pressure of her work. 9. The boys at my school used to make fun of me because I have a flat nose. 10. Jenny kept begging me for a new bicycle, and I finally gave in.

21世纪大学英语读写教程第四版第二册答案1、70.Would you like ________,sir? [单选题] *A.something else(正确答案)B.nothing elseC.else somethingD.else anything2、22.______ is convenient to travel between Pudong and Puxi now. [单选题] *A.It(正确答案)B.ThisC.ThatD.What3、Reading()the lines, I dare say that the government are more worried than they admitted. [单选题] *A. behindB. between(正确答案)C. alongD. among4、Our school is beautiful. How about _______? [单选题] *A. theirs(正确答案)B. theirC. theyD. them5、What _______ would you like, sir? [单选题] *A. otherB. else(正确答案)C. othersD. another6、She talks too much; you’ll be glad when you’re free of her. [单选题] *A. 与她自由交谈B. 离开她(正确答案)C. 受她的控制D. 与她在一起7、Bob is young, _______ he knows a lot. [单选题] *A. becauseB. soC. but(正确答案)D. unless8、3.Shanghai is my hometown. It’s ________ China. [单选题] *A.nearB.far away fromC.to the east ofD.in the east of(正确答案)9、The house was completed five months ago. [单选题] *A. 完成(正确答案)B. 复杂C. 开始D. 装着10、During the Spring Festival, people in Northern China usually eat _______ as a traditional Chinese food. [单选题] *A. pizzaB. dumplings(正确答案)C. hamburgersD. noodles11、—Does your grandpa live ______ in the country?—Yes. So I often go to visit him so that he won’t feel ______. ()[单选题] *A. alone; aloneB. lonely; lonelyC. lonely; aloneD. alone; lonely(正确答案)12、Online shopping _______ very popular now. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. wasD. were13、You should stick to your()and tell him you won' t do the thing. [单选题] *A. principle(正确答案)B. qualityC. contactD. influence14、26.There’s some fruit in the kitchen. We ________ buy any. [单选题] *A.need toB.needn’t toC.don’t needD.don’t need to(正确答案)15、Nobody noticed the thief slip into the shop, because the lights happened to _______. [单选题] *A. put outB. turn outC. give outD. go out(正确答案)16、( ) What other books have you read___ this English novel? [单选题] *A. besides(正确答案)B. exceptC.inD. about17、33.Will Mary's mother ______ this afternoon? [单选题] *A.goes to see a filmB.go to the filmC.see a film(正确答案)D.goes to the film18、Every morning John takes a()to his office. [单选题] *A. 20-minutes' walkB. 20 minute ' walkC. 20-minutes walkD. 20-minute walk(正确答案)19、一Mary wants to invite you to see the movie today. 一I would rather she(B)me tomorrow. [单选题] *A.tellsB. told (正确答案)C. would tellD. had told20、We ______ to set up a food bank to help hungry people next week.()[单选题] *A. hadB. are going(正确答案)C. were goingD. went21、Either you or the president()the prizes to these gifted winners at the meeting. [单选题] *A. is handing outB. are to hand outC. are handing outD. is to hand out(正确答案)22、A lot of students in our school were born _______ March, 1 [单选题] *A. in(正确答案)B. atC. onD. since23、_____ the plan carefully,he rejected it. [单选题] *A. To have consideredB.To considerC. Having considered(正确答案)D. Considering24、Last week they _______ in climbing the Yuelu Mountain. [单选题] *A. succeeded(正确答案)B. succeedC. successD. successful25、We need some green paint badly, but there' s _____ at hand. [单选题] *A. notB. nothingC. little(正确答案)D. none26、The weather forecast says that we’ll have occasional rain tomorrow. [单选题] *A. 偶尔的B. 不停的C. 少量的(正确答案)D. 不可预测的27、He runs so fast that no one can _______ him. [单选题] *A. keep upB. keep awayC. keep up with(正确答案)D. keep on28、Lucy _______ at 7:00 every day. [单选题] *A. go to schoolB. goes to school(正确答案)C. to go to schoolD. went?to?school29、Last year Polly _______ an English club and has improved her English a lot. [单选题] *A. leftB. sawC. joined(正确答案)D. heard30、John is fond of playing _____ basketball and Jack is keen on playing _____ piano. [单选题] * A./…the(正确答案)B.the…/C./…/D.the…the。

一份耕耘一份收获答案只是参考请大家努力自学21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册课文翻译及课后答案第一单元UNIT1 翻译TEXT A 温斯顿丘吉尔——他的另一种生活玛丽索姆斯我的父亲温斯顿丘吉尔是在40几岁开始迷恋上绘画的当时他正身处逆境。
在那儿正如丘吉尔日后所回忆的“绘画女神拯救了我” 一天他正在花园里漫步正巧碰上他的弟妹在用水彩画素描。

第一单元1. charge2. convention3. efficient4. obtain5. competent6. asessing7. fulfill8. conducting 9. consequently 10. significanceIV.1. behind2. at3. in4.out5. to6. to7.in8.with9.but 10. forV.1. L2. C3.D4. N5. O6.A7. E8.G9.I 10. KWord BuildingVI.mitment2. attraction3. appointment4.impression5. civilizationposition7.confusion 8.congratulation 9.consideration 10.explanation 11. acquisition 12.depressionVII.1.advisable2.disirable3.favorable4. considerable5. remarkable6.preferable7.drinkable8.acceptableSentence StructureVIII.1.much less can he write English articles2.much less can he manage a big company3.much less could he carry it upstairs4.much less have I spoken to him5.much less to read a lot outside of itIX.1.Having meals at home can cost as little as two or three dollars, whereas eating out at a restaurant is always more expensive.2.We thought she was rather proud,whereas in fact she was just very shy.3.We have never done anything for them, whereas they have done so much for us.4.Natalie prefers to stay for another week, whereas her husband prefers to leave immediately.5.Some praise him highly,whereas others put him down severely. TranslationX.1.She wouldn't take a drink, much less could she stay for dinner.2.He thought I was lying to him,whereas I was telling the truth.3.How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week?4.The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy.5.Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of workefficiency.6.We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on.XI.1.我认为他不会抢劫,更不用说暴力抢劫了.2.男工平均工资每小时10美元,而女工才每小时7美元.3.自然界的平衡一旦遭到破坏,就会带来很多不可预知的影响.4.期终考试迫在眉睫,你最好多花点时间看书.5.有趣的是,消费者发现越来越难以辨别某些品牌的原产国.其部分原因来自于全球化带来的影响,部分原因是由于产地的变化.6.最近一次调查表明,妇女占总劳动力的40%.ClozeXII.1.C2.B3.B4.A5.D6.B7.C8.D9.A 10.C 11.D 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.ASection BComprehension of the TextII.1.D2.A3.C4.D5.A6.C7.B8.BVocabularyIII.1.utilize2.reject3.considerable4.temporary5.acceptable6.recognition7.alleviate8.appreciate9.furthermore10.interactIV.1.interact with2.gone through3.deal with4.recovered with5.adjusting to6.familiar to7.In spite of8.were tired of9.prevented from 10.came to<EBOOK> plutommi\mmi\eb35 </EBOOK> .txz .pbz第二单元1.promosing2.amusing3.lowered4.persisted5.rank6.swear7.unfair8.presence9.frowning 10. approximatelyIV.1.on2.upon3.on4.in5.by6.to7.in8.of9.on 10.outV.1.O2.K3.D4.H5.J6.E7.M8.G9.B 10.A Word BuildingVI.1.observe - observer:one who observes a person or an event2.ski - skier: one who skis3.visit - visitor:one who visits somebody or some place4.learn - learner:one who learns something5.report - reporter:one who reports on persons or events fora newspaper6.drink - drinker:one who often drinks alcohol,esp. too muchVII.1.tropical2.musical3.occasional4.environmental5.global6.dangerous7.natural8.central Sentence structureVIII.1.They didn't lose heart despite of lots of frustration.2.Despite the heavy rain,the boys played football in the yard all afternoon.3.I will try my best despite the slim chances of success.4.Despite a thorough search for the escaped prisoner in the mountain,no sign of him was found.5.Despite their increased income,their life became poorer because of the rising prices.IX.1.nor do I think it necessary to do so2.nor would they go to my sister's3.nor do we have her telephone number4.nor would I like to go to work immediately5.nor would I TranslationX.1.Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she is never babied by her parents.2.Mike didn't come to the party last night, nor did he call meto give an explanation.3.The person sitting next to him did publish some novels, but he is by no means a great writer.4.He has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins to loses.5.The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his absence.6.This is the first time that he has made a speech in the presence of so large an audience. XI.1.尽管那项计划一开始就证明是不切实际的,但是他们还是坚持要实施.2.我无法说服他接受这项计划,也无法使他认识到这项计划的重要性.3.你是怎么把那么多东西塞进这个小行李箱的?4.别人对他怎么看,他全不在意.5.我能否指出你犯了个小错误.6.他母亲让他开车慢一点儿,但是他从不把她的话放在心上.ClozeXII.1.B2.D3.B4.C5.B6.C7.A8.A9.B 10.D 11.B 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.DSection BReading skillsI.1.D2.A3.A4.C5.BComprehension of the TextII. 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.BVocabularyIII.1.sake2.sacrificed3.crack4.pursuing5.explosive6.overcome7.indicated8.opponents9.stripped 10.deniedIV.1.Natasha made herself stand out in the group interview by acting as the leader in her group.2.To be successful,you need a careful plan,good luck,help at the right time,and above all,hard work.3.They are not doing this to gain recognition or money;they are doing this for the sake of society.4.It was actually what he said rather than what he did that made me sad.5.Once my mother sets her mind on something,it will be very hard to stop her.6.Years of research had set the stage for their success in their field.7.Local people are used to the phenomenon,so they are notsurprised at all.8.Today at this meeting we are going to focus on the question of air pollution.9.He never expected that his best friend would charge him with cheating in the exam.10.His parents were so strict with him in his studies that he had little time to participate in any activities outside of class.第三单元VocabularyIII.1.mutual2.illusion3.canceled4.overlooked5.proceeded6.resolve7.prejudicepromise 9.confirm 10.subsequentlyIV.1.having nothing to do with2.taking care of3.met with4.on the surface5.work out6.incompatible with7.ups and downs8.learned of9.indication of 10.all alongV.1.M2.L3.F4.D5.H6.O7.A8.C9.I 10.KWord BuildingVI.1.shopping2.feeling3.storage4.cooking5.ending6.beginning7.gathering8.removal9.arrival 10.passage 11.writing12.marriageVII.1.relationship2.citizenship3.leadership4.membership5.boyhood6.livelihood7.brotherhood 8.authorship 9.adulthood 10.neighborhood11.wisdom 12.ownershipSentence structureVIII.1.It is never too bad for us to do something about the situation.2.One is never too old to learn.3.It is never too late for you to put a stop to this madness.4.It is never too late for you to mend your ways.5.His income was never too small to support his family. IX.1.My best friend,Anna,was here last night.2.The company manager,Mr. Madison,gathered his staff and announced the decision.3.You should have seen an ophthalmologist, an eye doctor.4.He sent for the accountant,the most experienced person inaccounting.5."Leave it to me," said David,the man on night duty. TranslationX.1.You are never too experienced to learn new techniques.2.There remains one problem,namely,who should be sent to head the research there.3.Their relationship did meet with some difficulty at the beginning because of cultural differences.4.Though he has had ups and downs,I believed all along that he would succeed someday.5.I have some reservations about the truth of your claim.6.She isn't particularly tall,but her slim figure gives an illusion of height.XI.1.应尽早告知年轻人:必须认真对待法律.2.他现在面临一个重要决定,这个决定可能会影响他的整个前程.3.即使在情况最糟糕的时候,你也必须保持镇静和信心.4.人际关系的成功与否与双方相处是否融洽以及交流是否顺畅有很大关系.5.他受到袭击,身受重伤,随后不治而亡.6.他的举止至少在表面上像个正常人。

第一单元Text B、Little Sister of the PoorBy Kenneth L. Woodward1.With a will of iron and a heart of love, Mother Teresa served the dying and desperate in India and around the world.凭着钢铁般的意志和一颗爱心,德肋撒嬷嬷为印度和全世界垂死和绝望的人们鞠躬尽瘁。
2.When she died last week in Calcutta — just days after her 87th birthday — she was known the world over as Mother Teresa. Thin and bent, she had been hospitalized with numerous illnesses over the last two years. That night, after finishing dinner and her prayers, Mother Teresa complained of a pain in her back. “I cannot breathe,” she told a doctor summoned to her side. Moments later, she died. Shortly after, her nuns tolled a huge metal bell and some 4,000 people gathered in the rain outside — among them many of the street people she had served for so long. Inside, Mother Teresa's body was washed, dressed and laid on a bed of ice. One by one the nuns filed past, touching her bare feet in a traditional Indian gesture of respect.当她上周在加尔各答去世时---刚刚过了87岁生日没有几天---她被全世界的人们称为德肋撒嬷嬷。

21世纪大学英语读写教程(第二册)课文翻译及课后答案第一单元UNIT1翻译TEXT A温斯顿丘吉尔——他的另一种生活玛丽索姆斯)我的父亲温斯顿丘吉尔是在40几岁开始迷恋上绘画的,当时他正身处逆境。

21世纪大学英语读写教程(第二册)课文翻译及课后答案1-7单元一耕耘~一收获答案只是考~获大家努力自份份参学世获大英获获程学写教第二册获文获及获后答翻21()案第一获元UNIT1翻获TEXT A温斯获丘吉获他的一获生活——另?获获索姆斯?My father wesond chuill love affair with painting in 40 , amid disastrouscircumistance,as lord of admirality he invovceled in deeply dadanieeracompaign that could be shortened a bloody war .with mission failed 我的父获斯获温丘吉获是在几恋画当获获始迷上获的~获他正身获?40 逆境。
水彩获料、油获料、获获她赶来她找画画、帆布布画很个画快耘获获获里便堆获了一获获者可能想要或需要的各获获--- 西。
他几--- 凝获着他的第一获空白布~乎获常地获获。

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新视野大学英语(第二版)第二册Unit 1答案TranslationX.1. She wouldn’t take a drink, much less would she stay for dinner.2. He thought I was lying to him, whereas I was telling the truth.3. How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week?4. The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy.5. Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency.6. We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on.XI1. 我认为他不会抢劫,更不用说暴力抢劫了。
2. 男工平均工资每小时10美元,而女工才每小时7美元。
3. 自然界的平衡一旦遭到破坏,就会带来很多不可预知的影响。
4. 期终考试迫在眉睫,你最好多花点时间看书。
5. 有趣的是,消费者发现越来越难以辨别某些品牌的原产国。
6. 最近一次调查表明,妇女占总劳动力的40%。
Cloze1. C2.B3.B4.A5.D6.B7.C8.D9.A 10.C11.D 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.A新视野大学英语(第二版)第二册Unit 2答案TranslationX.1. Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she is never babied by her parents.2. Mike didn’t come to the party last night, nor did he call me to give an explanation.3. The person sitting next to him did publish some novels, but he is by no means a great writer.4. He has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins or loses.5. The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his absence.6. This is the first time that he has made a speech in the presence of so large an audience.XI.1. 尽管那项计划一开始就证明是不切实际的,但是他们还是坚持要实施。

Unit 1汉译英:1. 如果明天天气晴朗,他将带他的女友去海滩玩。
(take sb. to)If the weather is fine tomorrow, he will take his girl friend to the beach.2. 当他是个年轻小伙子的时候,他对自己的言行非常敏感。
(be sensitive about)When he was a young fellow, he was very sensitive about what he said and did. 3. 他对一位女孩特别感兴趣,经常同她一起去上海大剧院(Shanghai Grand Theater) 看戏。
(be interested in)He is interested in a particular girl and often goes with her to Shanghai Grand Theater to watch plays.4. 他一说完要说的话,旁边的那个伙伴便兴奋至极,哈哈大笑。
(next to)As soon as he finished what he had to say, the guy next to him got all excited and laughed loudly.5. 那个男孩那天不愿去上课,他父母不得不反复催促他上学。
(be willing to)On that day, the boy was not willing to go to school, so his parents had to push him. 英译汉:1. Pretty soon the guys were all standing around me, making a scene, and saying, “Well, say it, Feynman!”不一会儿,大伙儿都围着我站了一圈,吵吵嚷嚷,对我说:“好的,范曼,说出来呀!”2. I went home and told my mother about it. She gave me all kinds of instructions on how to do this and that.回到家里,我把这事告诉了妈妈。

新视野大学英语读写教程第二册(郑树棠版)Text B部分的阅读课文答案UNIT 1题目:Disney Mirrors American Culture内容:Last fall, the Walt Disney Company did something rare...Critical or not, most of those who oppose the company are Disney customers themselves.1.(B)What rare thing did the Walt Disney Company do last autumn?A. It planned to build a history theme park in Virginia.B. It admitted that their plan to build another park failed.C. It bought a big company.D. It claimed to be the mirror of American culture.2.(C) People are influenced by Disney in many ways. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in thetext?A. People eat Disney food.B. People love to see Disney films.C. People listen to Disney songs on Radio Disney.D. People visit Disneyland and Disney World.3. (C)According to Professor Bloom, what will happen if people continue to be influenced by Disney insuch a way?A. Children can learn a lot before they go to school.B. People will have many different forms of entertainment.C. People will find themselves in the same culture all over—Disney's culture.D. People will become sexist or racist.4. (D)According to the text, what is wrong with Disney films?A. Some films are love stories and are not good for children.B. Some films are not good in quality.C. Some films are too cheerful to be true.D. Some films are not true to the history.5.(B) What is the main idea of the text?A. Walt Disney Company is a successful company.B. Disney is the symbol of American culture, though some people don't like it.C. Disney is not good because it gives false accounts in its films.D. Disney is good because it brings people fun.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 2题目:Heavy Body, Not Heavy Heart内容:In pictures……"Bones are for dogs," he said with a smile. "Meat is for men."1. (B)From Paragraph 1 we know that the author ______.A. is a little fatter than beforeB. usually had fast food and soft drinksC. often fell illD. didn't like to take pictures at college2.(C) The author enjoys exercising because _______.A. she wants to be more beautiful by losing weightB. she doesn't want to die earlyC. she likes to live a healthy lifeD. she would like to make up the happy time she lost before3. (A)The text mentions there are many false ideas about fat people in society. Which of the followingis NOT one of these false ideas?A. They could not lose weight even if they decided to do so.B. They have emotional or mental issues.C. They have eating disorders.D. They have chosen to be fat.4.(D) When the author hears someone saying, "You have such a pretty face" (Para. 6), sheunderstandswhat the speaker really means is ______.A. "You have such a beautiful face"B. "You are too fat to be fit"C. "I like you with such a pretty face"D. "You'd be prettier if you weren't that fat"5. (B)The author feels happy when she learns that some cultures have different standards of beauty,because ______.A. she loves to experience different culturesB. she needn't worry about the problem of being overweightC. she enjoys being liked for beautyD. she likes to make friends with men from different cultures------------------------------------------------Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 3题目:Unforgettable Life内容:With more than 20 million records sold, and several Grammy awards to show for it, Natalie Cole, the daughter of famous singer Nat King Cole, has made a name for herself in music……I'm so grateful for the way my life has turned out.1. (D)Natalie Cole became famous because _________.A. more than 20 million of her records had been soldB. she had won several Grammy awardsC. she is the daughter of famous singer Nat King ColeD. A and B2.(D) Which of the following is true about Natalie's childhood?A. She didn't have a normal childhood when she was a little girl.B. It was always possible for a little girl like her to have a normal childhood.C. She didn't have a normal childhood because her father spent much of his time away from home.D. She had a normal childhood, though her father spent much of his time away from home.3.(A) "During her college years at Amherst, Cole began to experiment with drugs, though they didn'tstop her from joining a music group." Here, "they" refers to _____.A. drugsB. her college friendsC. doctorsD. her fellow singers4. (A)Which of the following is true according to the text?A. Two years after Natalie Cole was arrested and almost died because of drugs, her first record won two Grammies.B. When Natalie Cole's first record won two Grammies, she had been arrested and stayed in prison for two years.C. When Natalie Cole's first record won two Grammies, she was almost dying because of drugs.D. Though Natalie Cole was arrested for crimes involving drugs, her first record won two Grammies.5. (B)"I'm so grateful for the way my life has turned out" means _____.A. I'm glad about all that I have experiencedB. I'm glad about where I am nowC. I'm sorry for all that I have experiencedD. I'm sorry for where I am now---------------------------------------------------Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 4题目:Ahead of the Game内容:A friend of mine was suffering from a lack of self-confidence after the end of a particularly difficult relationship.……That was the best fifty dollars I've spent in a very long time!1.(B) How did the author's friend feel after he broke up with his girlfriend?A. He felt free.B. He lost self-confidence.C. He became disappointed.D. He felt painful.2. (C)What did he think was very important in building a good relationship with women?A. Good skin.B. Dating at expensive restaurants.C. Good hair.D. Being dressed up.3.(A) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of his ways to hide his thinning top during a date?A. Going to a cinema.B. Walking the dog.C. Going to a sports event.D. Playing in the park.4. (D)How did the author help his friend to get back to the normal dating world?A. By introducing nice ladies to him.B. By taking him to expensive restaurants.C. By finding some dating places where a cap was acceptable.D. By tricking (诱使) him into taking a lady for dinner without wearing a hat.5. (B)What can we tell about the author from this story?A. He likes laughing at his friend.B. He is a helpful friend.C. He is a very rich person.D. He is a boring person.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 5题目:My Mother and I内容:Dad had lost……learn together.1. (C)Which of the following words may NOT be used to describe the mother's character?A. Energetic.B. Independent.C. Funny.D. Hard-working.2. (B)The author didn't say what she had wanted to tell her father before her father died because________.A. she believed it was unnecessaryB. she was not used to expressing feelingsC. her father didn't want her to say itD. her father was too weak to understand anything3. (A)According to the author, why did her mother keep talking about her father after her father died?A. To make her life complete.B. To feel younger.C. To make him seem alive again.D. To let the children know of their father's goodness.4. (D)According to the author, which of the following is NOT true about her mother?A. She held the power in the family.B. She was satisfied with her married life.C. She had no regrets about anything.D. She was certainly disappointed with her later life.5. (B)In the author's opinion, what may have caused her mother to appear angry and disappointed?A. She and her husband didn't live together as long as she had wished.B. She doesn't know how to express her true feelings.C. She lives alone and no one cares about her.D. She had been the only one who cared for her husband while he was alive.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 6题目:Never Too Old to Live Your Dream内容:The first day of school, the professor, upon arrival, introduced himself to our chemistry class...We all came to honor the wonderful woman who taught by example that you're never too old to live your dream.1. (B)Why did Rose go to college at the age of 87?A. To meet a rich husband.B. To live her dream.C. To find humor.D. To get attention from others.2.(c) Which of the following does NOT properly describe Rose?A. She was funny.B. She was cheerful.C. She loved to wear jeans like young people.D. She enjoyed getting attention from others.3. (D)Which of the following pieces of advice was NOT mentioned by Rose?A. Go on playing when one is old.B. Be happy in order to stay young.C. Try to find the opportunity in change.D. Exercise every day to keep fit.4.(C) According to Rose, which of the following is true about growing older and growing up?A. Growing older is the same as growing up.B. Growing older is a little bit different from growing up.C. Growing up takes talent and ability.D. Growing older takes talent and ability.5. (D)The title "Never too old to live your dream" means " ________".A. One should no longer live in a dream when one gets too oldB. Don't try to realize your dream when you are too oldC. One can still learn new things, even when one is oldD. You can still try to realize your dream, even when you are old--------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 7题目:Be Smart Online内容:Computers and modems are excellent at connecting us to worlds of fun.……Be smart online and have fun!1. (B)According to the text, what job is Frank Clark doing?A. To walk around the dark places at night and protect people.B. To protect kids from being harmed by strangers online.C. To send warning messages to computer users around the world.D. To fix computer problems.2.(C) Which of the following problems is NOT mentioned in the text?A. Some computer users used a false identity.B. Some strangers talk online about something not fit for kids.C. Some adults cheat kids out of their money online.D. Some kids have been killed by people they met online.3.(D) According to the text, why have some kids been arrested for stealing online?A. Because they have been tricked by some evil adults.B. Because they are bad kids.C. Because they think if they stole online, nothing would happen.D. Because they have stolen credit-card numbers and ordered things online.4. (A)The experts give some advice to kids going online. Which of the following is NOT one of thesepieces of advice?A. Talk to strangers in e-mail, but not over the phone.B. Give your first name, but not last name.C. Ignore e-mail saying not-so-nice things.D. Refuse to meet in person someone you've met online.5.(C) What is the main idea of the text?A. Don't let your kids go online as it is harmful.B. The police are doing a great job in protecting kids online.C. Going online is a good thing but be careful when you go online.D. There should be no harm going online with the help of the police.------------------------------------------------------UNIT 8题目:Entrepreneurs内容: is the world's first and largest Internet bookstore, started by Jeff Bezos in 1995.……They provided jobs for millions of people, and in general their companies made life easier and more pleasant for all of us.1. (C) Which of the following statements is NOT necessarily true about Jeff Bezos?A. He is well educated.B. He is not afraid to take risks.C. He is the child of an immigrant from Hungary.D. He is among the first to think of using the Internet to sell things.2. (A) Which of the following qualities are possessed by all entrepreneurs?A. Having vision and being not afraid to fail.B. Being well educated and not afraid to take risks.C. Having the ability to see opportunities and having good backgrounds.D. Being rich and having the ability to come up with brilliant ideas.3. (D) Entrepreneurs are different from each other in several ways. Which of the following is NOT one ofthese differences?A. Whether they come from rich or poor families.B. Whether they are well educated or not.C. Whether they start their careers young or at a later age.D. Whether they take over family businesses or not.4. (C) Which of the following statements is true according to the text?A. There are three qualities that all entrepreneurs have in common.B. Entrepreneurs are either immigrants or the children of immigrants.C. Not all entrepreneurs are men.D. Most of them have been selected as the Time Magazine's Person of the Year.5. (B) The text mentions several reasons why entrepreneurs are among the most respected inAmericansociety. Which of the following is NOT one of these reasons?A. Entrepreneurs work very hard to realize their dream.B. Entrepreneurs are very, very rich.C. Their companies create jobs for a great many people.D. Their companies solve big problems and make our life easier and more enjoyable.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 9题目:A High-tech Woman内容:She awoke to the sound of her favorite radio music program, and turned on the TV from her bed—it was almost an automatic gesture—preparing herself for the start of the exercise program on TV.……You don't need a mechanic, you need a computer engineer from IBM!1. (B)What did the woman usually do during the 15 minutes when she was doing her exercise?A. She set the hot water system.B. She worked out what things she should deal with.C. She heated her breakfast.D. She printed out the report.2. (A)Which of the following was the last thing she did after the car broke down?A. Call the motorway service department.B. Find the telephone numbers she needed.C. Check her schedule for the day.D. Call up the person she had her first meeting with.3. (D)How did she find the telephone numbers when her car broke down?A. By checking her diary.B. By checking the car computer.C. By calling the information center.D. By checking a special device put in her bag.4. (B)Which of the following is NOT true about her car?A. It used the electronic ignition.B. It could be repaired right away.C. It had a high-tech computer system.D. There was something wrong with its engine.5. (C)What do you think is the author's real purpose in writing this article?A. To describe an unhappy experience of a woman.B. To show what an efficient life the woman was leading with all the high-tech devices.C. To show by example how smart appliances may drive people up the wall.D. To tell people that sometimes IBM products could be wrong too.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 10题目:Applying for a New Boss内容:When I went off to college, I got one piece of advice from my father: "It doesn't matter what courses you take, just find the great professors."……If you're in the same group, then he could very well be just the teacher for you.1. (B)The text is most likely written by ______.A. an employerB. an employeeC. a new graduateD. a professor2. (C)What can you learn from the two examples in Paragraph 2?A. Professor Weinstein's class was a language class.B. The author was not interested in planets.C. Good teachers make their lessons lively.D. The author had a bad memory.3. (C)According to the author, why should we interview for the right boss?A. Because we need a boss who can be our best friend.B. Because we need a boss who has a good sense of humor.C. Because we need a boss who can give us confidence and help us grow professionally.D. Because we need a boss who knows how to move on to better positions.4. (B)Which of the following is NOT a good quality of the best boss?A. Being ready to exchange ideas with his people.B. Being a busybody to learn about others' private things.C. Being good at giving and earning respect.D. Being willing to offer his people professional support.5.(A) What does the author focus on in this text?A. Why and how to find a good boss.B. A comparison between a good boss and a bad one.C. Why and how to find a good teacher.D. How to move on to better positions.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------。
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21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册课后答案第一单元Text ComprehensionII.1.It was a military campaign in which many soldiers died.The effects on Churchill were()he lost his political position and he was overwhelmed with grief.2.He felt so inspired to paint that he was distracted from his personal problems.3.His sister-in-law’s painting inspired him to try his hand at it;his wife rushed out to buy all the materials he would need;and the wife of Sir John Lavery helped him overcome his fear of the blank canvas.4.The blank whiteness of the canvas made him feel he didn’t know where to begin.This nervousness was not typical of Churchill,who was known publicly asa brave and strong-willed person.5.Churchill was comparing the canvas to an opponent in a fight,and he could now see that he need not fear his“adversary”.6.He meant that Churchill would have been a great painter,just as he was a great politician.7.It was his great comfort when the death of his mother was followed quickly by the death of his daughter.8.Because the judges suspected that it was not painted by an amateur;they were later surprised and delighted because Churchill was not just a famous political figure but also a talented untrained artist.9.No,she considers that decade an artistically fruitful one.10.He meant that painting was like a friend who never betrayed or abandoned him.This seems to suggest that he often felt lonely,misunderstood and/or disappointed in his relationship with other people.VocabularyIII.1.artistic2.overcome3.infinite4.plunged5.mission6.camgpain7.revived8.distract9.accustomed10.retreat11.precaution12.disastrousIV.1.delighted with2.bore fruit3.kept Clementine company4.rely on5.take refuge6.awaken people to7.pay the price8.chanced upon;dated from9. tried his hand at10.fell upon;came to her rescueWord BuildingV.1.broadens the mind2.weakened3.sweeten Diet Coke4.hardens5.strengthen6.deepen your understanding of the course materiall7.sharpen the kitchen knives8.reddened9.brighten;quickens10.lightenedVI.1.lucky2.wealthy3.tasty4.icy5.wavy6.smelly7.sleepy8.noisy(smelly is also plausible)9.healthy10.sunnyStructureVII.1.Amazed at the great changes that are taking place in shanghai,many foreign visitors leave China with a completely new view of our country.2.Unpleasantly startled by the appearance of a mouse,we promptly decided to clean our apartment.3.Tired of their own cooking,they’ve decided to go to a restaurant for a change.4.Frightened by the horror film,the little girl was alert to every sound in the house that night.5.Deeply disappointed with the actress’s performance,tom soon switched to another channel.6.Embarrassed about still being in bed at10a.m.,when my friends came I pretended to be sick with a terrible headache.VIII.1.So I did2.So did my brother3.So she was4.So they do;so do his classmates5.So am IClozeIXlonely;overcame;refuge;finally;however;where;delighted;contemplated;entry; campaign;distract;plunged into;Within a month;rescue;when;overwhelming TranslationX.“‘在画画呢!’她大声说道。
”XI1.When his wife died of a stroke in her sixties,the72-year-old retired professor was overwhelmed by grief.Life would be too difficult for him without anybody to rely on.st month two amateur painters held an exhibition of their pictures in London. Many people went to see it,including a few celebrated professors.3.When seven astronauts died in the Challenger disaster in the mid-1980s,it plunged the whole world into shock and grief.4.After completing her second prime ministry,she remained actively involved in political affairs.She came to the rescue several times when the government was in difficulty.5.After his failure in the election campaign,Dr.Smith retired to a small village, where he tried his hand at farming.6.As long as you keep working hard all your life,you will recall your past with a glow of satisfaction.7.We must awaken people to the importance of environmental protection now,or it will soon be too late.8.That official was removed from office for being involved in a political scandal. Had he known this would happen,he might have acted differently. Reading AnalysisXII.Major Event:Life and love and hope slowly revived.How did the change happen?(1)Churchill bought a new house.(2)Another child was born to Churchill.Structured WritingXIII.One example,for referenceMy sister Stephanie began her love affair with television in the second grade amid highly emotional circumstances.She had had a quarrel with her best friend,and found herself alone and lonely every day after school with nothing to do.That’s when the miracle of television came toText第二单元ComprehensionII.a1F2T3F4F5T6F7Tb.1I2I3I4N5I6N7I8NVocabularyIII.bel2.converged3.sacrifices4.motivate5.transplanted6.horrified7.bond8.constitute9.surged10.prejudice11.resents12.recommendationsIV.NB.these are not the only possible synoms/definitions/translations.1.carried out;conducted,performed2.led to;resulted in,caused3.springs from;arises from,comes from4.get ahead;make progress in life,achieve more,etc.5.showed up;appeared,arrived6.make up;constitute,comprise7.owes it to;归功于8.cope with;find a way of dealing with,manage9.divided the cake into;把蛋糕分成……10.excluded from;被剥夺了mitted to;devoted to,dedicated to12.make it to;arrive at or on after much effortV.1.sense of guilt2.finally3.imbued her with4.offspring5.horrified,motivated me6.recommendations,To start with7.naive8.by contrastWord BuildingVI.1.misplaced2.mismatched3.misusing4.mislead5.misprinted6.misinformed7.misspelled8.misunderstoodStructureVII.1.After the earthquake the government spent millions of dollars to help the victims rebuild their houses.2.ill you reconsider your decision?No one wants you to leave.3.Some of Lu Xun’s writings were lost for decades,but they were rediscovered in the mid-80s.4.I see no need to restate the policy on late homework.5.The library’s been rearranged,and I can’t find any of the books I need.6.I hope this dictionary will be reprinted soon—I’d like to buy one.7.Stevie Wonder’s earliest albums have been unavailable for several years,but they’re being re-released next month.8.I didn’t care much for the book the first time,but I enjoyed it when I reread it.9.John Harding is best known for reinterpreting Shakespeare’s plays.10.You’ve misunderstood me—let me rephrase what I said.VIII.A.gardener calculator receiver container commander remainder hike inspector steamer processor supervise builder contributor consumer paint teenagerB.1.superviser2.inspector3.remainder4.processor5.gardener6.calculatormander8.container9.hiking10.teenagersStructureIX1.It was for the benefit of the old people in the neighborhood that we organized this volunteer group.2.It is only when we look back that we realize how far we have come.3.It is his secretary who does all the work.4.It is through the act of giving that we experience our fullest strength and power.5.It was gold that led them to undertake the long and risky journey to California.6.As I recall,it was you who suggested this idea in the first place.7.It wasn’t until last week that they finished their report on the project.8.It’s her beautiful eyes that I can’t forget.X.1.The elephant weighs about3,600kg,whereas the blue whale weighs up to130, 000kg.2.The word‘youngster’has a cheerful connotation,whereas‘offspring’sounds rather clinical.3.Confucianism emphasizes family ties,whereas Protestantism teaches individual responsibility.4.The earliest mammals appeared on the earth hundred millions years ago, whereas the first evidence of humans dates from only about one million year ago.5.The aim of the natural science is to predict and control natural process, whereas the aim of the social science is to understand human behavior.6.He must be about sixty,whereas his wife looks about thirty. TranslationXI.儒教也为亚洲人的成功提供了另一个要素。