NASATM-2000-210094 Stretch-Oriented Polyimide Films
• • • • • • 一、 2100检测在整个环节中的作用 二、 2100检测仪器 三、 2100检测的工作原理 四、 Cliper检测步骤 五、 Caliper检测过程中的注意事项 六、 产前的峰图判断2100检测的作用
• 产前实验流程 抽血-血浆分离-DNA提取-建库QC(QPCR&2100)-上机-数据分析-报告发放
检测所需样品体积 1 μL
0.1–50 ng/μL
理论:1.5μL 实际:2μL
• 一句话概括--可定量的电泳仪 Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer、 Caliper LabChip GX 都是基于芯片实验室技术的核酸分析系统,通过 微流体技术对样品进行分离。当给芯片加入电压 时,样品便在芯片上的显微蚀刻管道中进行毛细 管电泳,在样品流动过程中,不同DNA 片段根据 其大小被分离。凝胶-染料基质中的荧光染料可嵌 入DNA双链,通过激光激发荧光,使其被仪器检 测到,仪器依据收集到的荧光信号强度对样品定 量。
• Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer每次独立的检测 都是ladder最先出来的,而caliper也是每12 样品之前会首先跑ladder,ladder会根据自 身的各个条带(已知size)及其相对应的迁 移时间,形成一个迁移时间和size的函数关 系,样品孔中的特定的DNA片段就能根据 迁移时间算出size来。ladder孔和样品孔中 的marker起到对齐和定范围的校准作用。
• DNA 定量则是一个多步骤的过程。第一步 ,将特定DNA片断的面积与各个样品中均 存在的marker(已知浓度)的面积进行比 较。第二步,使用经验校正因子来校正已 知谱带的面积。第三步,由校正面积计算 得出未知谱带的浓度。
一液变性矽利康聚合物:Super x、SX8008、SX720W、SX720WH、SX720B、SX720BH、AX-018、AX-019、AX-096、AX-039、AX-040、AX-041、AX-045、AX-047
一液氰基丙烯酸脂瞬间胶(3000RX、3000DX、3000RXP、3000-Super、3000 Jelly)
EV A、SBR、Acryl一液水基胶
EV A、P.O、合成橡胶热熔胶
Safety Data Sheet 24 Hour Emergency Phone Numbers Medical/Poison Control:In U.S.: Call 1-800-222-1222Outside U.S.: Call your local poison control centerTransportation/National Response Center:1-800-535-50531-352-323-3500NOTE: The National ResponseCenter emergency numbers to be used only in the event of chemical emergencies involving a spill, leak, fire, exposure or accident involving chemicals.IMPORTANT: Provide this information to employees, customers, and users of this product. Read this SDS before handling or disposing of this product. This product is covered by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard and this document has been prepared in accordance with requirements of this standard. All abbreviated terms used in this SDS are further described in Section 16.1. IdentificationThis Safety Data Sheet is available in American Spanish upon request.Los Datos de Serguridad pueden obtenerse en Espanol si lo riquiere.Product Name:Dynaflex 230 Clear Revision Date:10/23/20186/19/2015Product UPC Number:Supercedes Date:Product Use/Class:Caulking Compound SDS No:00017001605Preparer: Manufacturer:DAP Canada475 Finchdene Square Unit 5Scarborough, Ontario M1X 1B7888-327-8477 (non - emergency matters)Emergency Telephone: 1-800-535-5053,1-352-323-3500Regulatory and Environmental Affairs2. Hazards IdentificationGHS ClassificationNot a hazardous substance or mixture.Symbol(s) of ProductNoneSignal WordNot a hazardous substance or mixture.Possible Hazards2% of the mixture consists of ingredients of unknown acute toxicity 3. Composition/Information on IngredientsChemical Name CAS-No.Wt. %GHS Symbols GHS StatementsWhite mineral oil8042-47-57-13GHS07-GHS08H304-312Ethylene glycol107-21-11-5GHS07H332Amorphous silica112945-52-50.5-1.5GHS07H315-319-332-335The text for GHS Hazard Statements shown above (if any) is given in the "Other information" Section.4. First-aid MeasuresFIRST AID - INHALATION: Material is not likely to present an inhalation hazard at ambient conditions. If you experience difficulty in breathing, leave the area to obtain fresh air. If continued difficulty is experienced, get medical attention immediately.FIRST AID - SKIN CONTACT: In case of contact, wash skin immediately with soap and water.FIRST AID - EYE CONTACT: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with large quantities of water for at least 15 minutes until irritation subsides. Get medical attention immediately.FIRST AID - INGESTION: If swallowed, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Get medical attention immediately.5. Fire-fighting MeasuresUNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: No InformationSPECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus pressure-demand (NIOSH approved or equivalent) and full protective gear. Use water spray to cool exposed surfaces.EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Alcohol Foam, Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam, Water Fog6. Accidental Release MeasuresENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES: No InformationSTEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Use personal protective equipment as necessary. In case of spillage, absorb with inert material and dispose of in accordance with applicable regulations. Scrape up dried material and place into containers.7. Handling and StorageHANDLING: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN!DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY. Use only with adequate ventilation. Ensure fresh air entry during application and drying. Wash thoroughly after handling.STORAGE: Avoid excessive heat and freezing. Do not store at temperatures above 120 degrees F. Store away from caustics and oxidizers.8. Exposure Controls/Personal ProtectionIngredients with Occupational Exposure LimitsChemical Name ACGIH TLV-TWA ACGIH-TLV STEL OSHA PEL-TWA OSHA PEL-CEILING White mineral oil N.E.N.E.N.E.N.E.Ethylene glycol N.E.N.E.N.E.N.E.Amorphous silica N.E.N.E.N.E.N.E.Further Advice: MEL = Maximum Exposure Limit OES = Occupational Exposure Standard SUP = Supplier's RecommendationSk = Skin Sensitizer N.E. = Not EstablishedPersonal ProtectionRESPIRATORY PROTECTION: No personal respiratory protective equipment normally required.SKIN PROTECTION: Rubber gloves.EYE PROTECTION: Goggles or safety glasses with side shields.OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Not required under normal use.HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday. Remove and wash contaminatedclothing before re-use.9. Physical and Chemical PropertiesPhysical State:PasteAppearance:White ( changes to clear as it cures)Odor:Very Slight Ammonia Odor Threshold:Not Established Density, g/cm3: 1.04 - 1.04pH:Between 7.0 and 12.0 Freeze Point, °C:Not Established Viscosity (mPa.s):Not Established Solubility in Water:No Information Partition Coeff., n-octanol/water:Not Established Decomposition Temperature, °C:Not Established Explosive Limits, %:N.E. - N.E.Boiling Range, °C:100 - 100Auto-Ignition Temperature, °C Not Established Minimum Flash Point, °C:100Vapor Pressure, mmHg:Not Established Evaporation Rate:Slower Than n-Butyl Acetate Flash Method:Seta Closed CupVapor Density:Heavier Than Air Flammability, NFPA:Non-Flammable Combustibility:Does not support combustion(See "Other information" Section for abbreviation legend)(If product is an aerosol, the flash point stated above is that of the propellant.)10. Stability and ReactivitySTABILITY: Stable under recommended storage conditions.CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Excessive heat and freezing.INCOMPATIBILITY: Incompatible with strong bases and oxidizing agents.HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Normal decomposition products, i.e., COx, NOx.11. Toxicological InformationEFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - INHALATION: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. Inhalation of vapors in high concentration may cause mild irritation of respiratory system (nose, mouth, mucous membranes). EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - SKIN CONTACT: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. Prolonged or repeated contact with skin may cause mild irritation.EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - EYE CONTACT: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. Direct eye contact may cause irritation.EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - INGESTION: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. Single dose oral toxicity is very low. Amounts ingested incidental to industrial handling are not likely to cause injury; however, ingestion of large amounts may cause injury. Ingestion of ethylene glycol can cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and if ingested in sufficient quantities, death.CARCINOGENICITY: No InformationEFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - CHRONIC HAZARDS: Repeated or prolonged exposure may cause mild irritation of eyes and skin. Ethylene Glycol may cause kidney and liver damage upon prolonged and repeated overexposures. Studies have shown that repeated inhalation of ethylene glycol has produced adverse cardiovascular changes in laboratory animals. Ethylene glycol has been shown to cause birth defects in laboratory animals.PRIMARY ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Skin Contact, InhalationAcute Toxicity ValuesThe acute effects of this product have not been tested. Data on individual components are tabulated belowCAS-No.Chemical Name Oral LD50Dermal LD50Vapor LC508042-47-5White mineral oil>5000 mg/kg Rat2000 mg/kg Rabbit>20 mg/L107-21-1Ethylene glycol4700 mg/kg Rat9530 mg/kg Rabbit N.I.112945-52-5Amorphous silica>3300 mg/kg Rat>2000 mg/kg Rabbit>20 mg/LN.I. = No Information12. Ecological InformationECOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Ecological injuries are not known or expected under normal use.13. Disposal InformationDISPOSAL INFORMATION: This product does not meet the definition of a hazardous waste according to U.S. EPA Hazardous Waste Management Regulation, 40 CFR Section 261. Dispose as hazardous waste according to all local, state, federal and provincial regulations. State and Local regulations/restrictions are complex and may differ from Federal regulations. Responsibility for proper waste disposal is with the owner of the waste.14. Transport InformationSPECIAL TRANSPORT PRECAUTIONS: No InformationDOT UN/NA Number:N.A.DOT Proper Shipping Name:Not RegulatedDOT Technical Name:N.A.DOT Hazard Class:N.A.Hazard SubClass:N.A.Packing Group:N.A.15. Regulatory InformationSARA SECTION 313:This product contains the following substances subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of theSuperfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR part 372:Chemical Name CAS-No.Ethylene glycol107-21-1TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT:All ingredients in this product are either on TSCA inventory list, or otherwise exempt.This product contains the following chemical substances subject to the reporting requirements of TSCA 12(B) if exported fromthe United States:No TSCA 12(b) components exist in this product.16. Other InformationSupersedes Date:6/19/2015Revision Date:10/23/2018Reason for revision:Revision Description ChangedProduct Composition ChangedSubstance and/or Product Properties Changed in Section(s):01 - Product Information05 - Flammability Information08 - Exposure Controls/Personal Protection09 - Physical & Chemical Information11 - Toxicological Information14 - Transportation Information15 - Regulatory Information16 - Other InformationSubstance Regulatory CAS Number ChangedSubstance Hazardous Flag ChangedSubstance Hazard Threshold % ChangedRevision Statement(s) ChangedDatasheet produced by:Regulatory DepartmentHMIS Ratings:Health:Flammability:Reactivity:Personal Protection: 110XVOC Less Water Less Exempt Solvent, g/L:48.9VOC Material, g/L:280.0VOC as Defined by California Consumer Product Regulation, Wt/Wt%:VOC Actual, Wt/Wt%: 2.7Text for GHS Hazard Statements shown in Section 3 describing each ingredient:H304May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.H312Harmful in contact with skin.H315Causes skin irritation.H319Causes serious eye irritation.H332Harmful if inhaled.H335May cause respiratory irritation.Icons for GHS Pictograms shown in Section 3 describing each ingredient:GHS07GHS08Legend: N.A. - Not Applicable, N.E. - Not Established, N.D. - Not DeterminedDAP believes the data and statements contained herein are accurate as of the date hereof. They are offered in good faith as typical values and not as a product specification. NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WITH REGARD TO THE INFORMATION HEREIN PROVIDED OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. Since thisdocument is intended only as a guide to the appropriate use and precautionary handling of the referenced product by a properly trained person, it is therefore the responsibility of the user to (i) review the recommendations with due consideration for the specific context of the intended use and (ii) determine if they are appropriate.。
TMT 蛋白标记试剂盒使用说明90064
INSTRUCTIONSTMT Mass Tagging Kits and90060 TMTduplex Isotopic Label Reagent Set, sufficient reagents for 5 duplex isotopic experiments Contents:TMT0 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-127 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mg90061 TMTsixplex Isobaric Label Reagent Set, sufficient reagents for 1 sixplex isobaric experiment Contents:TMT6-126 Label Reagent, 1 × 0.8mgTMT6-127 Label Reagent, 1 × 0.8mgTMT6-128 Label Reagent, 1 × 0.8mgTMT6-129 Label Reagent, 1 × 0.8mgTMT6-130 Label Reagent, 1 × 0.8mgTMT6-131 Label Reagent, 1 × 0.8mg90062 TMTsixplex Isobaric Label Reagent Set, sufficient reagents for 2 sixplex isobaric experiments Contents:TMT6-126 Label Reagent, 2 × 0.8mgTMT6-127 Label Reagent, 2 × 0.8mgTMT6-128 Label Reagent, 2 × 0.8mgTMT6-129 Label Reagent, 2 × 0.8mgTMT6-130 Label Reagent, 2 × 0.8mgTMT6-131 Label Reagent, 2 × 0.8mg90063TMTduplex Isobaric Mass Tagging Kit, sufficient reagents for 5 duplex isobaric experiments Contents:TMT0 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT2-126 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT2-127 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgDissolution Buffer (1 M triethyl ammonium bicarbonate), 5mLDenaturing Reagent (10% SDS), 1mLReducing Reagent (0.5M TCEP), 1mLIodoacetamide, 12 × 9mgQuenching Reagent (50% hydroxylamine), 1mLPierce™Trypsin Protease, MS Grade, 2 × 20µgTrypsin Storage Solution, 250µLAlbumin, Bovine, 2.5mg90064TMTsixplex Isobaric Mass Tagging Kit, sufficient reagents for 5 sixplex isobaric experiments Contents:TMT0 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-126 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-127 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-128 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-129 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-130 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-131 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgDissolution Buffer (1M triethyl ammonium bicarbonate), 5mLDenaturing Reagent (10% SDS), 1mLReducing Reagent (0.5 M TCEP), 1mLIodoacetamide, 12 × 9mgQuenching Reagent (50% hydroxylamine), 1mLPierce Trypsin Protease, MS Grade, 5 × 20µgTrypsin Storage Solution, 250µLAlbumin, Bovine, 2.5mg90065TMTduplex Isobaric Label Reagent Set, sufficient reagents for 5 duplex isobaric experiments Contents:TMT2-126 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT2-127 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mg90066TMTsixplex Label Reagent Set, sufficient reagents for 5 sixplex isobaric experimentsContents:TMT6-126 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-127 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-128 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-129 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-130 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-131 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mg90067TMTzero Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mg, sufficient reagents for 5 samples90068TMTsixplex Label Reagent Set, sufficient reagents for 12 sixplex isobaric experimentsContents:TMT6-126 Label Reagent, 2 × 5mgTMT6-127 Label Reagent, 2 × 5mgTMT6-128 Label Reagent, 2 × 5mgTMT6-129 Label Reagent, 2 × 5mgTMT6-130 Label Reagent, 2 × 5mgTMT6-131 Label Reagent, 2 × 5mgStorage: Upon receipt store at -20°C. Reagents are shipped with dry ice.Note: These products are for research use only − do not use for diagnostic procedures.ContentsIntroduction (3)Procedure Summary (4)Important Product Information (4)Additional Materials Required (4)Material Preparation (5)Preparing and Labeling Peptides with the TMT Isobaric Mass Tags (5)Troubleshooting (6)Additional Information (6)A.Data Acquisition Methods (6)B.Data Analysis and Quantitation (7)rmation Available from our Website (8)Related Thermo Scientific Products (8)General References (8)IntroductionThe Thermo Scientific™ TMT™ Isobaric Mass Tagging Kits and Reagents enable multiplex relative quantitation by mass spectrometry (MS). Each mass-tagging reagent within a set has the same nominal mass (i.e., isobaric) and chemical structure composed of an amine-reactive NHS-ester group, a spacer arm and an MS/MS reporter (Figure 1). The reagent sets can be used to label two or six peptide samples prepared from cells or tissues. For each sample, a unique reporter in the low mass region of the MS/MS spectrum (i.e., 126-127Da for TMT2 and 126-131Da for TMT6 Isobaric Label Reagents) is used to measure relative protein expression levels during peptide fragmentation.The TMTduplex™ Isotopic Label Reagent Set contains TMTzero™ and one of the TMTsixplex™ Reagents (TMT6-127) to be used as “light” and “heavy” tags for MS-level peptide quantitation similar to duplex isotopic metabolic labeling (e.g., SILAC) or isotopic dimethylation labeling. These isotopic pairs can also be used in targeted quantitation strategies, including selective reaction monitoring (SRM, see the Additional Information Section). Advantages of the TMTduplex and TMTsixplex Isobaric Label Reagents include increased sample multiplexing for relative quantitation, increased sample throughput and fewer missing quantitative channels among samples.Figure 1.Chemical structure of the TMTLabel Reagents. A. Functional regions of thereagent structure, including MS/MSfragmentation sites by higher energy collisiondissociation (HCD) and electron transferdissociation (ETD). B. TMTduplex Reagentstructures and isotope positions (*); only HCDdifferentiates between these two reporters.C. TMTsixplex Reagent structures and isotopepositions (*).Procedure SummaryProtein extracts isolated from cells or tissues are reduced, alkylated and digested overnight. Samples are labeled with the TMT Reagents and then mixed before sample fractionation and clean-up. Labeled samples are analyzed by high resolutionOrbitrap LC-MS/MS before data analysis to identify peptides and quantify reporter ion relative abundance (Figure 2).Figure 2. Schematic for using the Thermo Scientific TMTsixplex Isobaric Mass Tagging Reagents.Important Product Information• The TMT Reagents are moisture-sensitive. To avoid moisture condensation onto the product, vial must be equilibrated to room temperature before opening.•Anhydrous acetonitrile is the recommended solvent to dissolve reagents. Stock solutions are stable for one week when stored at -20°C. For long term storage of unused reagent, remove all solvent by drying and store with desiccant at -20°C. Anhydrous ethanol can be used as an alternative solvent to dissolve reagents but is not recommended for stock solution storage.• The TMT Reagents are amine-reactive and modify lysine residues and the peptide N-termini. All amine-containing buffers and additives must be removed before digestion and labeling.• All samples must be digested, labeled and then mixed equally before desalting, fractionation and LC-MS/MS. For optimal results, use 25-100µg of peptide for each labeling reaction.• To avoid contamination of MS samples, always wear gloves when handling samples and gels. Use ultrapure MS-grade reagents. Perform sample preparation in a cleaned work area.• The TMTzero Label Reagent can be used to optimize methods before multiplexed analysis of samples with the TMTduplex or TMTsixplex Reagent Set.Additional Materials Required• Microcentrifuge tubes• Anhydrous acetonitrile (Thermo Scientific™ Acetonitrile HPLC grade, Product No. 51101) • Water, LC-MS Grade (Product No. 51140) • Chilled (-20°C) acetone• Protein assay (e.g., Thermo Scientific™ BCA Protein Assay Kit, Product No. 22235) • 75-300µm capillary C 18 reversed-phase column• High-resolution Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer, ion trap or time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer with online or offline liquid chromatography (LC) system• Data analysis software such as Thermo Scientific™ Proteome Discoverer™ or Mascot™ Software (Matrix Science, Ltd.)• Optional: C18 spin tips or columns (e.g., Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ C18 Spin Columns, Product No. 89870 or Pierce™ C18 Tips, Product No. 87784)Material PreparationNote: The 50% hydroxylamine and 10% SDS stock solutions provided with the kit may precipitate during storage. Warm both solutions to room temperature and vortex before use. The amounts listed below are sufficient for preparing and labeling 6 samples.Add 500µL of the Dissolution Buffer (1M TEAB) to 4.5mL of ultrapure water.100mM TEAB (triethylammonium bicarbonate)Lysis Buffer Add 200µL of the Denaturing Reagent (10% SDS) to 1.8mL of 100mM TEAB.200mM TCEP Add 70µL of the Reducing Reagent (0.5M TCEP) to 70µL of ultrapure water. Then add 35µL of the Dissolution Buffer (1M TEAB).5% Hydroxylamine Add 50µL of the Quenching Reagent (50% hydroxylamine) to 450µL of 100mM TEAB. Preparing and Labeling Peptides with the TMT Isobaric Mass TagsNote: BSA can be used as a control sample for method optimization. Dissolve BSA to 1mg/mL using 100mM TEAB. Use 25-100µg of protein per labeling reaction. The Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Mass Spec Sample Prep Kit for Cultured Cells can also be used to prepare peptide digests for TMT reagent labeling.A.Preparing Whole Cell Protein Extracts1.Culture cells to harvest at least 100µg of protein per condition. For best results, culture a minimum of 2 × 106 cells.Note: Rinse cells 2-3 times with 1X PBS to remove cell culture media. Pellet cells using low-speed centrifugation(i.e., < 1000 × g) to prevent premature cell lysis.2.Lyse the cells by adding five cell-pellet volumes of Lysis Buffer (i.e., 100μL of Lysis Buffer for a 20μL cell pellet).Note: Lysis buffers such as 8M urea (Product No. 29700) in 50mM TEAB or HEPES buffer, pH 8 may be used as alternative denaturing cell lysis buffers. For urea-based lysis buffer, protein samples must be diluted to < 1M urea before digestion, and the final C18 desalting step (C.6) is not optional. Addition of protease and/or phosphatase inhibitors during lysis is optional and may interfere with MS analysis.Note: Depending on the Lysis Buffer used it may be necessary to reduce sample viscosity by shearing DNA using a microtip sonicator or addition of a nuclease (e.g., Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Universal Nuclease for Cell Lysis, Product No. 88700)3.Centrifuge lysate at 16,000 × g for 10 minutes at 4°C.4.Carefully separate the supernatant and transfer into a new tube.5.Determine the protein concentration of the supernatant using established methods such as the BCA Protein Assay Kit(Product No. 23227).Note: Use samples at ≥ 2mg/mL. Less concentrated samples may be used; however, it might be necessary to use larger volumes of reducing/alkylating reagents.6.Transfer 100µg per condition (two for the TMTduplex or six for the TMTsixplex Label Reagents) into a newmicrocentrifuge tube and adjust to a final volume of 100µL with 100mM TEAB.7.Add 5µL of the 200mM TCEP and incubate sample at 55°C for 1 hour.8.Immediately before use, dissolve one tube of iodoacetamide (9mg) with 132µL of 100mM TEAB to make375mM iodoacetamide. Protect solution from light.9.Add 5µL of the 375mM iodoacetamide to the sample and incubate for 30 minutes protected from light at roomtemperature.10.Add six volumes (~600µL) of pre-chilled (-20°C) acetone and freeze at -20°C. Allow the precipitation to proceed for atleast 4 hours up to overnight.Note: Methanol/chloroform is the recommended solvent for precipitation of proteins derived from tissue extracts.11.Centrifuge the samples at 8000 ×g for 10 minutes at 4°C. Carefully invert the tubes to decant the acetone withoutdisturbing the white pellet. Allow the pellet to dry for 2-3 minutes.B.Protein Digestion1.Resuspend 100µg of acetone-precipitated (or lyophilized) protein pellets with 100µL of 50mM TEAB.Note: An acetone-precipitated pellet might not completely dissolve; however, after proteolysis at 37°C, all the protein (peptides) will be solubilized.2.Immediately before use, add 20µL of the Trypsin Storage Solution to the bottom of the trypsin glass vial and incubate for5 minutes. Store any remaining reagent in single-use volumes at -80°C (e.g., 2.5µg of trypsin per 100µg of protein).3.Add 2.5µL of trypsin (i.e., 2.5µg) per 100µg of protein. Digest the sample overnight at 37°C.C. Peptide Labeling1.Immediately before use, equilibrate the TMT Label Reagents to room temperature. For the 0.8mg vials, add 41µL ofanhydrous acetonitrile to each tube. For the 5mg vials, add 256µL of solvent to each tube. Allow the reagent to dissolve for 5 minutes with occasional vortexing. Briefly centrifuge the tube to gather the solution.Note: Reagents dissolved in anhydrous acetonitrile are stable for one week when stored at -20°C. Anhydrous ethanol can be used as an alternative solvent to dissolve reagents but is not recommended for stock solution storage.2.Optional: Measure protein digest concentration using Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Quantitative Fluorescent PeptideAssay (Product No. 23290) or Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Quantitative Colorimetric Peptide Assay (Product No.23275).3.Carefully add 41µL of the TMT Label Reagent to each 100µL sample (25-100µg protein digest). Alternatively, transferthe reduced and alkylated protein digest to the TMT Reagent vial.4.Note: Labeling more than 100µg of protein digest per reaction requires additional TMT Label Reagent.5.Incubate the reaction for 1 hour at room temperature.6.Add 8µL of 5% hydroxylamine to the sample and incubate for 15 minutes to quench the reaction.bine samples at equal amounts in new microcentrifuge tube and store at -80°C.Note: TMT-labeled peptide concentration can be measured using Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ QuantitativeColorimetric Peptide Assay. The Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Quantitative Fluorescent Peptide Assay cannot be used to measure TMT-labeled peptide concentrations.8.Optional: Clean-up samples with C18 spin tips (Product No. 87784) or columns (Product No. 89870)before LC-MSanalysis. Peptide clean up is recommended before LC-MS analysis but is not required. Fractionation of labeled peptides using Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ High pH Reversed-Phase Peptide Fractionation Kit (Product No. 84868) isrecommended before LC-MS analysis to increase the number of peptide identifications.TroubleshootingProblem Possible Cause SolutionPoor labeling An amine-based buffer was used Use a non-amine-based bufferIncorrect buffer pH Make sure the buffer pH is ~8.0Too much sample was used Label 25-100µg per sampleProtein precipitation Lack of detergent present Add detergent, such as 0.05% SDS to the preparationpH decreased Make sure the pH is > 7.5Additional InformationA.Data Acquisition MethodsQuantitation of peptides labeled with Thermo Scientific™ Tandem Mass Tag™ Reagents requires a mass spectrometer capable of MS/MS fragmentation, such as an ion trap, quadrupole time of flight, time of flight-time of flight (TOF-TOF) or triple quadrupole instrument. Higher energy collision dissociation (HCD) is recommended for TMT reporter ion fragmentation. Optimal HCD fragmentation energy is instrument-dependent and can be optimized using TMTzero Reagents.Electron transfer dissociation (ETD) may be used as an alternative fragmentation method for peptide identification and quantitation. The choice of MS/MS fragmentation method(s) depends on the instrument capabilities such as collisionally induced dissociation (CID), pulsed-Q dissociation (PQD), higher energy collisional dissociation (HCD), or electron transfer dissociation (ETD). TMT Reagent reporter ions are not visible in ion traps following traditional CID fragmentation.Table 1. Instruments and MS/MS fragmentation options for peptide identification and quantitation withThermo Scientific TMT Reagents.Instrument Fragmentation Method Reference(s)Thermo Scientific Orbitrap™ Fusion™ Tribrid™ Mass Spectrometer HCD/SPS-MS3 McAllister, G.C., et al. (2014), Viner,et al. (2013)Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Elite™ Mass Spectrometer HCD/MS3 McAllister, G.C., et al. (2012), Viner,et al. (2012)Thermo Scientific Q Exactive™ MassSpectrometerHCD/MS2 Wühr, et al. (2012)Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Velos Pro™, LTQ-Orbitrap™ XL, or MALDI-Orbitrap™ XL Mass Spectrometer HCD/MS2 Ting, et al. (2011), Wenger, et al(2011), Schirle, et al. (2012), Lee, etal (2011), Xiong, et al. (2011),Strupat, et al. (2008)Thermo Scientific™ Velos Pro™ ion trap Trap HCD/MS2 Biringer, et al. (2011)Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Elite ETD, Velos Pro ETD, LTQ-OrbitrapXL ETD HCD/MS2 orETD/MS2Viner, et al. (2009)Q-TOF CID Van Ulsen, et al. (2009)TOF-TOF CID Dayon, et al. (2008)Triple Quadrupole CID/SRM Stella, et al (2011), Byers, et al.(2009)B.Data Analysis and QuantitationThe masses for peptide modification by the TMT zero, duplex, and sixplex reagents are present in the UNIMOD database () and are listed below. Several software packages directly support the modifications by TMT Reagents and the relative quantitation of reporter ions released from labeled peptides, including Thermo Scientific™ Proteome Discoverer™ 1.1 and above, Matrix Science Mascot™ 2.1 and above, and Proteome Software Scaffold™ Q+. For data acquired using a combination of fragmentation methods (i.e., HCD/MS3 or HCD/ETD), Proteome Discoverer may be necessary to merge spectra for identification and quantitation.Table 2. Modification masses of the Thermo Scientific TMT Label Reagents.Label ReagentReagentReporter IonModificationMass(monoisotopic)ModificationMass(average)HCDMonoisotopicReporter Mass*ETDMonoisotopicReporter Mass**TMT0-126 126 224.152478 224.2994 126.127726 114.127725TMT2-126 126 225.155833 225.2921 126.127726 114.127725TMT2-127 127C 225.155833 225.2921 127.131081 114.127725TMT6-126 126 229.162932 229.2634 126.127726 114.127725TMT6-127 127N 229.162932 229.2634 127.124761 115.124760TMT6-128 128C 229.162932 229.2634 128.134436 116.134433TMT6-129 129N 229.162932 229.2634 129.131471 117.131468TMT6-130 130C 229.162932 229.2634 130.141145 118.141141TMT6-131 131 229.162932 229.2634 131.138180 119.138176 * HCD is a collisional fragmentation method that generates six unique reporter ions from 126 to 131Da.**ETD is a non-ergodic fragmentation method that generates six unique reporter ions from 114 to 119Da.rmation Available from our Website•Tech Tip Protocol #49: Acetone precipitation of proteins•Tech Tip Protocol #19: Remove detergent from protein samplesRelated Thermo Scientific Products90110 TMT10plex™ Isobaric Label Reagent Set, 10 × 0.8mg90113 TMT10plex Isobaric Mass Tag Labeling Kit90406 TMT10plex Isobaric Label Reagent Set, 10 × 5mg90114 1M Triethylammonium bicarbonate (TEAB), 50mL90115 50% Hydroxylamine, 5mL90100 iodoTMTzero™ Label Reagent, 5 × 0.2mg90101 iodoTMTsixplex™ Label Reagent Set, 1 × 0.2mg90103 iodoTMTsixplex Isobaric Mass Tag Labeling Kit90076 Immobilized Anti-TMT Antibody Resin90075 Anti-TMT Antibody, 0.1mL90104 TMT Elution Buffer, 20mL84840 Pierce™ Mass Spec Sample Prep Kit for Cultured Cells23227 BCA Protein Assay Kit23275 Pierce Quantitative Colorimetric Peptide Assay23290 Pierce Quantitative Fluorescent Peptide Assay90057 Pierce Trypsin Protease, MS Grade90051 Lys-C Protease, MS Grade88300 Fe-NTA Phosphopeptide Enrichment Kit88301 Pierce TiO2 Phosphopeptide Enrichment and Clean-up Kit84868 Pierce High pH Reversed-Phase Peptide Fractionation Kit88321 Pierce Peptide Retention Time Calibration Mixture, 200µL87784 Pierce C18 Tips, 100µL bed, 96 tips89870 Pierce C18 Spin Columns, 25 columns28904 Trifluoroacetic Acid, Sequanal GradeGeneral ReferencesAltelaar A.F., et al. (2012). Benchmarking stable isotope labeling based quantitative proteomics. J Proteomics Oct 22. pii: S1874-3919(12)00704-X.doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2012.10.009.Bantscheff, M., et al. (2008). Robust and sensitive iTRAQ quantification on an LTQ Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer. Mol Cell Proteomics7:1702-13.Biringer, R.G., et al. (2011). Quantitation of TMT-Labeled Peptides Using Higher-Energy Collisional Dissociation on the Velos Pro Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer. Application note # 520. Byers, H.L. (2009). Candidate verification of iron-regulated Neisseria meningitidis proteins using isotopic versions of tandem mass tags (TMT) and single reaction monitoring, J Prot73(2):231-9.Dayon, L., et al. (2008). Relative quantification of proteins in human cerebrospinal fluids by MS/MS using 6-plex isobaric tags. Anal Chem80(8):2921-31. Dillon, R, et al. (2011). Discovery of a Novel B-Raf Fusion Protein Related to c-Met Drug Resistance. J Proteome Res10(11):5084-94.Erikson, B.K., et al. (2015). Evaluating multiplexed quantitative phosphopeptide analysis on a hybrid quadrupole mass filter/linear ion trap/orbitrap mass spectrometer. Anal Chem87(2):1241-9.Keshishian, H., et al. (2015). Multiplexed, quantitative workflow for sensitive biomarker discovery in plasma yields novel candidates for early myocardial injury. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2015 Feb 27. pii: mcp.M114.046813Lee, M.V., et al. (2011). A dynamic model of proteome changes reveals new roles for transcript alteration in yeast. Mol Syst Biol 7:514.McAllister, G.C., et al. (2014). MultiNotch MS3 enables accurate, sensitive, and multiplexed detection of differential expression across cancer cell line proteomes. Anal Chem86(14):7150-8.McAllister, G.C., et al. (2012). Increasing the multiplexing capacity of TMTs using reporter ion isotopologues with isobaric masses. Anal Chem 84(17):7469-78.Murphy, J.P., et al. (2014). Combining amine metabolomics and quantitative proteomics of cancer cells using derivatization with isobaric tags. Proteomics 86(7):3585-93.Paulo, J.A., et al. (2014). A comprehensive proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis of yeast deletion mutants of 14-3-3 orthologs and associated effects of rapamycin. Nature(2-3):474-86.Ross, P.L., et al. (2004). Multiplexed protein quantitation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using amine-reactive isobaric tagging reagents. Mol Cell Proteomics 3(12):1154-69.Savitski, M.M., et al. (2014). Tracking cancer drugs in living cells by thermal profiling of the proteome. Science346(6205):1255784Schirle, M., et al. (2012). Kinase inhibitor profiling using chemoproteomics. Methods Mol Biol795:161-77.Schwartz, J. et al. (2008). Relative quantitation of protein digests using tandem mass tags and pulsed-Q dissociation (PQD). Application note # 452.Stella, R., et al. (2011). Relative Quantification of Membrane Proteins in Wild-type and PrP-knockout Cerebellar Granule Neurons. J Proteome Res doi: 10.1021/pr200759m. Strupat K., et al. (2008). Accurate MS and MSn Analysis with the Thermo Scientific MALDI LTQ Orbitrap. Application note # 30150.Ting, L., et al. (2011). MS3 eliminates ratio distortion in isobaric multiplexed quantitative proteomics. Nature Methods8: 937–940.Van Ulsen, P., et al. (2009). Identification of proteins of Neisseria meningitidis induced under iron-limiting conditions using the isobaric tandem mass tag (TMT) labeling approach. Proteomics9(7):1771-81.Viner, R.I., et al. (2013). Increasing the multiplexing of protein quantitation from 6- to 10-Plex with reporter ion isotopologues.PN_ASMS_W617_RViner_R1.Viner, R.I., et al. (2012). Relative quantitation of TMT-labeled proteomes – Focus on sensitivity and precision. Application note #566.Viner, R.I., et al. (2009). Quantification of post-translationally modified peptides of bovine α-crystallin using tandem mass tags and electron transfer dissociation. J Proteomics72(5):874-85.Wenger, C.D., et al. (2011). Gas-phase purification enables accurate, multiplexed proteome quantification with isobaric tagging. Nat Methods 8(11):933-5. Xiong, L., et al. (2011). Mass spectrometric studies on epigenetic interaction networks in cell differentiation. J Biol Chem 286(15):13657-68.Zhang, T., et al. (2010). Improving quantitation of TMT-labeled peptides using stepped higher-energy collisional dissociation. Application note # 483 Products are warranted to operate or perform substantially in conformance with published Product specifications in effect at the time of sale, as set forth in the Product documentation, specifications and/or accompanying package inserts (“Documentation”). No claim of suitability for use in applications regulated by FDA is made. The warranty provided herein is valid only when used by properly trained individuals. Unless otherwise stated in the Documentation, this warranty is limited to one year from date of shipment when the Product is subjected to normal, proper and intended usage. This warranty does not extend to anyone other than Buyer. Any model or sample furnished to Buyer is merely illustrative of the general type and quality of goods and does not represent that any Product will conform to such model or sample.NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE GRANTED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON INFRINGEMENT. BUYER’S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR NON-CONFORMING PRODUCTS DURING THE WARRANTY PERIOD IS LIMITED TO REPAIR, REPLACEMENT OF OR REFUND FOR THE NON-CONFORMING PRODUCT(S) AT SELLER’S SOLE OPTION. 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Mascot is a trademark of Matrix Science. Scaffold is a trademark of Proteome Software. Unless otherwise indicated, all other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. Printed in the USA.。
(符合USP/NF, Eur., Ph., JP药典标准);(化学名称:聚乙烯吡咯烷酮)特性应用:Plasdone®聚维酮(PVP)系列易溶于水和多数有机溶剂,增加其用量并不延缓片剂的崩解性;它是湿法制粒的首选高效黏合剂;提高原料药的溶解度和生物利用度。
极佳的黏合剂、稳定剂、胶体保护剂;在膜剂中作为致孔剂; 糖衣片的包衣黏合剂、膜衣剂。
C系列PVP为无热源,可用于注射剂和眼用制剂的增溶Plasdone®共聚维酮(PVP S 630)化学描述:共聚维酮是聚乙烯基吡咯烷酮/醋酸乙烯酯60:40的共聚物。
MACS® 细胞分选策略
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• 去除分选 • 去除分选后再阳性分选
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分析检测固相萃取-高效液相色谱-串联质谱法同时测定海产品中微囊藻毒素和鱼腥藻毒素吕晓静,鞠光秀,曲 欣,汪 勇,于红卫*(1.青岛市疾病预防控制中心/青岛市预防医学研究院,山东青岛 266033;2.岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司,北京 100020)摘 要:目的:建立固相萃取-高效液相色谱-串联质谱法同时测定海产品中7种微囊藻毒素和2种鱼腥藻毒素的方法。
结果:7种微囊藻毒素和2种鱼腥藻毒素在0.5~50.0 μg·L-1范围内线性关系良好,检出限为0.3 μg·kg-1,回收率为75.5%~98.8%,相对标准偏差在1.5%~5.4%。
关键词:微囊藻毒素;鱼腥藻毒素;固相萃取(SPE);高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(HPLC-MS/MS)Simultaneous Determination of Microcystins and Anatoxins in Marine Products by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry with SolidPhase ExtractionLYU Xiaojing, JU Guangxiu, QU Xin, WANG Yong, YU Hongwei*(1.Qingdao Municipal Center For Disease Control & Prevention/Qingdao Institute of Preventive Medicine, Qingdao266033, China; 2.Shimadzu (China) Co., Ltd., Beijing Branch, Beijing 100020, China) Abstract: Objective: A method for simultaneous determination of 7 microcystins (MCs) and 2 Anatoxins (AnTXs) in marine products was achieved by solid phase extraction (SPE)-high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). Method: The sample was extracted with 80% acetonitrile, purified by HLB small column, analyzed using MRM mode, and quantified using external standard method. Result: The linear ranges for 7 MCs and 2 AnTXs were 0.5~50.0 μg·L-1. The limits of detection were 0.3 μg·kg-1. The recoveries of the 7 MCs and 2 AnTXs spiked in blank marine products ranged from 75.5% to 98.8% with the relative deviations of 1.5%~5.4%. Conclusion: The method has the advantages of good reproducibility, high sensitivity and low cost, and can achieve simultaneous detection of fishy algae toxins and microcystins in seafood.Keywords: microcystin; anatoxin; solid phase extraction (SPE); high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS)微囊藻毒素(Microcystins,MCs)和鱼腥藻毒素(Anatoxins,AnTXs)是两种典型的蓝细菌毒素[1]。
Tego Coating & Ink Additives
⇒ 通常此类涂料对底材/颜料的润湿性较差;由于快速固化使气泡难以逃逸;
03-2002 Rad - Semmler Seite 3
Tego Coating & Ink Additives
强烈降低表面张力 Ö 基材润湿, 流动和流平 Ö 帮助蜡和哑粉的定向排布 在涂料和油墨表面形成助剂薄层 Ö 平滑和抗刮伤 Ö 不粘效果 与预聚物的控制不相容性 Ö 消泡效果 Ö 可能浑浊
对某些应用传统的硅酮助剂不能理想地解决问题. 由于不具反应性,使得硅酮助剂会在固化漆膜内迁移.
发生被涂面的污染. 平滑性, 不粘性和抗刮伤性能会改变.
Rad - Semmler
Seite 8
Tego Coating & Ink Additives
Tego Coating & Ink Additives
不粘性的测试 Scotch® tape
6 mm/s
Rad - Semmler
Seite 17
Tego Coating & Ink Additives
Rad - Semmler
Seite 27
Tego Coating Tego Coating & Ink Additives & Ink Additives
4种糖化血红蛋白检测系统的IFCC 二级参考方法认证刘文彬,居 漪,唐立萍,王美娟,欧元祝,虞啸炫,李 卿(上海市临床检验中心,上海 200126)摘要:目的 通过溯源至国际临床化学和检验医学联合会(IFCC )糖化血红蛋白(HbA 1c )一级参考方法,为上海市临床检验中心建立二级参考方法,完善HbA 1c 量值溯源体系。
方法 分别采用HA-8180糖化血红蛋白分析仪(简称HA-8180)、Hb-9210糖化血红蛋白分析仪(简称Hb-9210)、Capillarys 2 Flex Piercing 毛细管电泳仪(简称Cap2)、MQ2000-PT 糖化血红蛋白分析仪(简称MQ2000-PT )及各自的配套试剂组成的4种检测系统检测IFCC HbA 1c 工作组提供的24份样本,将检测结果与IFCC 公布的靶值比较,并根据IFCC 的评价规则评价4种检测系统的性能。
结果 HA-8180、Hb-9210、Cap2和MQ-2000PT 的变异系数(CV )分别为1.1%、2.0%、2.2%、2.0%,不精密度分别为0.6、1.0、1.1、1.0 mmol/mol ;根据回归方程得出的结果与50 mmol/mol 水平的|偏移|分别为1.0、1.1、0.4、1.0 mmol/mol ;全年整体总误差(TE )分别为 2.2、3.1、2.6、3.2 mmol/mol 。
HA-8180的评价结果为“Sliver ”,Hb-9210、Cap2和MQ-2000PT 的评价结果均为“Bronze ”。
结论 HA-8180、Hb-9210、Cap2和MQ-2000PT 4种检测系统均符合HbA 1c IFCC 二级参考方法的认证要求。
关键词:糖化血红蛋白;参考方法;总误差;生物医学变异IFCC Secondary Reference Measurement Procedure for 4 HbA 1c determination systems LIU Wenbin ,JU Yi ,TANG Liping ,WANG Meijuan ,OU Yuanzhu ,YU Xiaoxuan ,LI Qing. (Shanghai Center for Clinical Laboratory ,Shanghai 200126,China )Abstract :Objective To improve the traceability of glycated hemoglobin A 1c (HbA 1c ) in Shanghai Center for Clinical Laboratory with establishing the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC ) Secondary Reference Measurement Procedure ,through tracing from the IFCC Primary Reference System. Methods Using 4 HbA 1c determination systems ,including HA-8180,Hb-9210,Capillarys 2 Flex Piercing (Cap2) and MQ2000-PT with their original reagents and calibrators ,the results of 24 samples sent by IFCC were compared with the target values assigned by the IFCC Primary Reference System. The performance of the 4 determination systems were evaluated by the IFCC rules. Results The coefficients of variation (CV ) of the 4 determination systems were 1.1% for HA-8180,2.0% for Hb-9210,2.2% for Cap2 and 2.0% for MQ2000-PT. The imprecisions were 0.6,1.0,1.1 and 1.0 mmol/mol ,respectively. The |biases| at the level of 50 mmol/mol were 1.0,1.1,0.4 and 1.0 mmol/mol ,respectively. The total errors (TE ) of whole year were 2.2,3.1,2.6 and 3.2 mmol/mol ,respectively. According to the rules ,HA-8180 got a "Sliver " score ,and Hb-9210,Cap2 and MQ2000-PT got "Bronze " score. Conclusions The 4 determination systems demonstrate traceability to the IFCC Secondary Reference Measurement Procedure.Key words :Glycated hemoglobin A 1c ;Reference measurement procedure ;Total error ;Biological variation基金项目:上海市社区糖尿病防治公共卫生体系(15GWZK0301[0]);上海市卫生和计划生育委员会公共卫生三年行动计划(15GWZK0301)作者简介:刘文彬,男,1983年生,学士,主管技师,主要从事临床化学检验研究。
分析与测试合成纤维工业,2019,42(1) :80CHINA SYNTHETIC FIBER INDUSTRY 改性玄武岩纤维水处理填料的理化性能分析徐大为1许小红1蒋素英2吴智仁1张波〃(1.江苏大学环境与安全工程学院,江苏镇江212013;.江苏艾特克环境工程设计研究院有限公司,江苏宜兴214214)摘要:为了探究改性玄武岩纤维水处理填料的理化性能,研究了改性玄武岩纤维填料的结构及其吸水性能、充氧性能、表面自由能、亲水性能等,并与弹性填料、组合填料的性能进行对比。
结果表明:改性玄武岩纤维填料中含有亲水基团,且表面比较粗粮;改性玄武岩纤维填料具有较高的含水率和回潮率,分别为64. 8%,11.32%,其干燥速率低于弹性填料和组合填料;改性玄武岩纤维填料在20 ^下的氧总传质系数为0.383 7min—1,高于组合填料的0.357 2 min-1,低于弹性填料的0.421 4 min-1;改性玄武岩纤维填料与水的接触角为60. 52°均低于其他两种填料,其表面自由能也最高。
关键词:玄武岩纤维改性水处理组合填料弹性填料结构性能中图分类号:TQ343.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-0042(2019)01-0080-04近年来,玄武岩纤维作为一种纯天然、无污染 环境友好型材料,因其具有耐酸碱、耐腐蚀以及良 好的化学稳定性等优点[1],被广泛应用于建筑、消防、环保、航空航天等军工及民用领域[2]。
而 在废水处理方面,这种材料可以作为生物填料用 于生物接触氧化工艺中[3—4]。
作为微生物赖以栖 息繁衍场所的填料,是水处理工艺中关系水处理 效果的不可缺失的环节[]。
填料的种类、结构、理化性能等都是影响水中污染物降解效率的重要 因素[]。
因此,玄武岩纤维填料理化性能的优劣 将会直接影响到其作为生物接触氧化载体的实际 应用效果。
人们常常对玄武岩纤维材料进行改 性,以增加其表面含氧基团,提高其作为水处理填 料对于微生物的亲和性[]。
DEA 二醇基 (2OH) ENV EnvirElut 1664
FL Focus
分离模式 键合官能团/基质材料
混合模式 辛基和苯磺酸 (SCX)/
填充柱床 填充柱床
标准碳载量 比表面积
填料粒径 平均孔径 (µm) 和形状 (Å)
40 和 120, 60 不规则
40 和 120, 60 不规则
40 和 120, 60 不规则
10 mL LRC
6 mL
3 mL
1 mL
Bond Elut Jr
固相萃取 (SPE) 145
不同的化学品和生产工艺所制造的吸附剂具有不同的选择性,因此,没有适用于所有应用的通用吸附剂。尽管如此,产品的性能在许 多应用中是相似的。此表提供了安捷伦 Bond Elut 产品与对应的其他制造商产品。
40 和 120, 60 不规则 70
40 和 120, 60 不规则
40,不规则 60 125,球形 450 40 和 120, 60
不规则 200
44,球形 120
只需用一个等度泵就可以完成梯度淋洗, 大大节约了仪器成本; 给一个参数就可以自动得出所需浓度的淋 洗液,方便快捷; 所配淋洗液的重复性好,消除手动配置造 成的认为误差,以及不同时间、不同操作者之 间的误差影响; 只需为仪器提供纯水即可,无需接触试 剂,安全可靠。
淋洗液自动发生器是RFIC技术的最核 心 部 分��������� 也是 ��������������� �� ICS-2100的标准配置,使用该装置省去了人工配制淋洗液的工 ���� ��� ����������� � 作,更重要的应用是利用恒流泵即可完成梯度淋洗,等浓度或 ������� ����� �� ��� � � ��� 浓度梯度淋洗均可以通过用鼠标点击来自动实现,为实验提供 ���� ������ ����� ���� 了前所未有的方便且无操作误差。淋洗液自动发生器靠电解和 � � � �� ������� 膜的原理保证提供精确的淋洗液浓度。 ��� � � �� � � �� � �� �
稳定性极佳的柱温箱,可以保证仪器日复一日稳定的工 作。淋洗液预热装置的设计理念,更加保证了进入色谱柱淋 洗液温度的稳定性,而透明的柱温箱外壳让操作者无需打开 箱体即可观察色谱柱的工作状况。镀钛的全铝合金材料保证 了加热器的耐腐蚀性。
额外的六通阀或十通阀(选配) 可电解样品前处理装置(在线水纯化器)
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电导检测器的温控性能较之以往仪器进行了改进,以保 证检测器稳定性更加卓越,周围环境温度变化对检测器影响 可忽略不计; 数字输出模式的电导检测器,具有智能化功能,可在 0-15000 µS范围内自动调整量程,以适应复杂基体样品中, 浓差较大被测物的同时分析。模拟输出模式也被该检测器所 兼容。
碧云天 DNA RNA Denaturing Loading Buffer (2X) 说明书
DNA/RNA Denaturing Loading Buffer (2X)产品编号产品名称包装 R0216-2mlDNA/RNA Denaturing Loading Buffer (2X) 2mlR0216-10mlDNA/RNA Denaturing Loading Buffer (2X)10ml 产品简介:碧云天生产的DNA/RNA Denaturing Loading Buffer (2X),即2X DNA/RNA变性上样缓冲液,也被称作2X DNA/RNADenaturing Loading Dye,2X DNA/RNA Sample Denaturing Loading Buffer,2X DNA/RNA Gel Denaturing Loading Buffer等,是一种2倍浓缩的DNA或RNA凝胶电泳上样缓冲液。
核酸染料推荐使用碧云天NA-Red (EB升级换代产品,2000X)。
本产品可以和Biotin Northern Blot Kit (R0219)以及Biotin Northern Blot Kit (for Small RNA) (R0220)配合使用。
包装清单:产品编号产品名称 包装 R0216-2mlDNA/RNA Denaturing Loading Buffer (2X) 2mlR0216-10mlDNA/RNA Denaturing Loading Buffer (2X)10ml —说明书1份 保存条件: -20ºC保存,两年有效。
色谱及质谱检测技术在食品真菌毒素检测中的应用研究黄志强(钟祥市公共检验检测中心,湖北钟祥 431900)摘 要:为了检测食品中的真菌毒素,本文对其检测流程及步骤进行深入分析,并提出同时使用色谱及质谱检测技术对粮食承储企业稻谷的真菌毒素进行检测。
研究发现,在加标量为2~800 μg·kg-1时,粮食中6种真菌毒素的平均回收率为75.5%~102.5%,批内的相对标准偏差为3.7%~9.7%,均满足食品理化检测要求。
关键词:色谱;质谱检测;真菌毒素;免疫亲和柱Application of Chromatographic and Mass Spectrometry in the Detection of Mycotoxins in FoodHUANG Zhiqiang(Zhongxiang Public Inspection and Testing Center, Zhongxiang 431900, China) Abstract: In order to detect mycotoxins in food, this paper deeply analyzes the detection process and steps, and proposes to simultaneously use chromatography and mass spectrometry detection technology to detect mycotoxins in grain storage enterprises. Research has found that when adding scalars ranging from 2~800 μg·kg-1, the average recoveries of six mycotoxins in grain were 75.5%~102.5%, and the relative standard deviation within the batch was 3.7%~9.7%. All of them met the requirements of food physical and chemical detection.Keywords: chromatography; mass spectrometry detection; mycotoxin; immunoaffinity column真菌毒素是由真菌产生的具有毒性的次级代谢产物,其通常会影响食品或饲料的品质和安全性,因此对人们的健康有一定的影响。
Tripod Specifications………………………………………….. 15-16 Parts(AT7402A) ……………………………………………...........17
Use AT7402A ……………………………………………...........18-19 1. Releasing and Locking the Legs.....……………….......................18 2.Adjusting Tripod Height…………..………………..........................18 3.Anti-Slip Rubber Feet……………………………............................18 4. Folding the Tripod for Storage...………………............................ 19
User s Manual
Thank you for purchasing E-IMAGE professional heads and tripods. This manual is an important tool for personnel who operate and maintain this equipment. Inside, you will find detailed information about E-IMAGE tripods and heads, and their proper use. We highly recommend you read the manual carefully and familiarize yourself with each section. There is also a section about safety and maintenance to help you keep your equipment in perfect condition and extend its life.
• 原醛症病人一般服用安体舒通1周后,尿 钾减少、血钾上升、血浆CO2结合力下 降,肌无力、四肢麻木等症状改善,夜 尿减少,约半数病人血压有下降趋势。
• 立,卧位的血ARR=ALDO/PRA。各种文 献对比值报道不一,>25可疑, > 50可能 性大。
• 如果同时运用下述标准:ALDO/PRA>30, ALDO>20ng/dl, 其诊断原醛的灵敏性为 90%,特异性为91% 。
氟氢可的松0.1mg q6h,共4天 ➢测定立位ALDO>60pg/dl,立位PRA <1.0ng/ml ➢尿钠的排泄>3 mmol/kg/天 ➢血K正常。 ➢服药4天后10Am的血浆皮质醇必须低于7Am 的
• 静脉和口服 • 静脉:生理盐水2L,4小时内静注完,测
定血ALDO >5ng/dl,PA确诊。 • 口服:高钠饮食3天(300mmol钠/d),
测定24小时尿ALDO >10µg/d, PA确诊
• 高钠试验正常人及高血压病人血钾无明 显变化,原醛症患者血钾可降至3.5毫 摩尔/升以下
Schimenbach, Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Sep;20(3):369-84
肾上腺皮质病变Aldo↑储NA排K 血容量↑ PRA↓
1.BP↑ : 血容量↑,平滑肌内NA↑,Aldo增加血 管对NAR的反应. 最早最常见,病程进展, BP逐渐↑,轻中度.以DBP ↑为主 伴头晕,头痛.
type I) • FH type II (APA or IHA)
桑白皮提取物对防治糖尿病大鼠神经病变实验研究马松涛(成都医学院,成都 610083)摘 要 目的:观察桑白皮提取物对糖尿病大鼠周围神经早期病变的防治作用。
关键词 桑白皮;糖尿病;周围神经病变;髓鞘面积;髓外纤维;髓鞘横断面糖尿病周围神经病变(D PN)是糖尿病最常见的慢性并发症之一,约有70%~90%的DM患者均不同程度的合并D PN[1~4]。
1 材料和方法1.1 试验药物 桑白皮提取物。
弥可保,500 g/片,日本卫材(中国)药物有限公司分装,批号:021271A。
1.2 动物 SD大鼠80只,雌雄各半,体重(200 20)g,由成都中医药大学实验动物中心提供,合格证号:川实动管质第(8)号。
1.3 试剂 四氧嘧啶(ALLoxan),美国sig m a化学制剂公司,批号201215。
1.4 仪器 M IAS 2000型图形图象分析系统,四川大学图形图象研究所提供。
奥林巴斯B X50光学显微镜(日本)。
H 600I V 型透射电镜,日立公司。
1.5 方法 大鼠禁食12h后,四氧嘧啶按200m g/kg分两次腹腔注射,72h后眶静脉取血,用葡萄糖氧化酶法测血糖,血糖16.7mm ol/L的动物纳入实验。
Oil bodies and method of producing such oil bodies
专利名称:Oil bodies and method of producing such oil bodies发明人:Lemetter, Cedric Yves Ghislain c/o Unilever R&D Vlaardingen BV,Beindorff, ChristiaanMichaël c/o Unilever R&D VlaardingenBV,Draaisma, René Bernardus c/o UnileverR&D Vlaardingen BV,Melnikov, SergeyMichailovich c/o Unilever R&D VlaardingenBV,Castenmiller, Wilhelmus Adrianus M. c/oUnilever R&D Vlaardingen BV申请号:EP07075079.9申请日:20070131公开号:EP1952695A1公开日:20080806专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The present invention relates to a process for obtaining oil bodies, said oil bodies having a volume weighted mean diameter within the range of 0.1-100 µm and comprising a lipid matrix surrounded by a layer of phospholipids embedded with structural proteins, wherein the lipid matrix contains at least 80 wt.% of glycerides, said glycerides containing at least 3 % ω-3 C-C polyunsaturated fatty acid residues (ω-3 LC PUFA) by weight of the total amount of fatty acid residues contained in said glycerides. The invention further relates to oil bodies obtainable by the process of the invention and to compositions comprising at least 0.1 wt.% of these oil bodies.申请人:Unilever N.V.地址:Weena 455 3013 AL Rotterdam NL 国籍:NL代理机构:Joppe, Hermina Laura Petronella 更多信息请下载全文后查看。
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NASA/TM-2000-210094Stretch-Oriented Polyimide FilmsJeffrey A. HinkleyLangley Research Center, Hampton, VirginiaD. KlinedinstNorfolk State University, Norfolk, VirginiaL. FeuzETH, Zurich, SwitzerlandApril 2000The NASA STI Program Office ... in ProfileSince its founding, NASA has been dedicated to the advancement of aeronautics and space science. The NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program Office plays a key part in helping NASA maintain this important role.The NASA STI Program Office is operated by Langley Research Center, the lead center for NASAÕs scientific and technical information. The NASA STI Program Office provides access to the NASA STI Database, the largest collection of aeronautical and space science STI in the world. The Program Office is also NASAÕs institutional mechanism for disseminating the results of its research and development activities. These results are published by NASA in the NASA STI Report Series, which includes the following report types:·TECHNICAL PUBLICATION. Reports of completed research or a major significantphase of research that present the results ofNASA programs and include extensivedata or theoretical analysis. Includescompilations of significant scientific andtechnical data and information deemed tobe of continuing reference value. NASAcounterpart of peer-reviewed formalprofessional papers, but having lessstringent limitations on manuscript lengthand extent of graphic presentations.·TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM. Scientific and technical findings that are preliminaryor of specialized interest, e.g., quick releasereports, working papers, andbibliographies that contain minimalannotation. Does not contain extensiveanalysis.·CONTRACTOR REPORT. Scientific and technical findings by NASA-sponsoredcontractors and grantees.·CONFERENCE PUBLICATION. Collected papers from scientific and technicalconferences, symposia, seminars, or othermeetings sponsored or co-sponsored byNASA.·SPECIAL PUBLICATION. Scientific,technical, or historical information fromNASA programs, projects, and missions,often concerned with subjects havingsubstantial public interest.·TECHNICAL TRANSLATION. English-language translations of foreign scientificand technical material pertinent to NASAÕsmission.Specialized services that complement the STI Program OfficeÕs diverse offerings include creating custom thesauri, building customized databases, organizing and publishing research results ... even providing videos.For more information about the NASA STI Program Office, see the following:·Access the NASA STI Program Home Page at ·E-mail your question via the Internet to help@·Fax your question to the NASA STI Help Desk at (301) 621-0134·Phone the NASA STI Help Desk at(301) 621-0390·Write to:NASA STI Help DeskNASA Center for AeroSpace Information 7121 Standard DriveHanover, MD 21076-1320National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationLangley Research Center Hampton, Virginia 23681-2199April 2000NASA/TM-2000-210094Stretch-Oriented Polyimide FilmsJeffrey A. Hinkley Langley Research Center, Hampton, VirginiaD. Klinedinst Norfolk State University, Norfolk, VirginiaL. Feuz ETH, Zurich, SwitzerlandAvailable from:NASA Center for AeroSpace Information (CASI)National Technical Information Service (NTIS) 7121 Standard Drive5285 Port Royal RoadHanover, MD 21076-1320Springfield, VA 22161-2171(301) 621-0390(703) 605-6000Stretch-Oriented Polyimide FilmsJ. A. HinkleyNASA Langley Research CenterD. KlinedinstNorfolk State UniversityL. FeuzETH ZurichAbstractTwo thermoplastic polyimides Ð one amorphous, the other crystallizable -- were subjected to isothermal stretching just above their glass transition temperatures. Room-temperature strengths in the stretch direction were greatly improved, and, moduli increased up to 3.6-fold. Optimum stretching conditions were determined.IntroductionPolymer films are useful as transparent windows, as flexible structural elements, as electrical substrates, and as vapor barriers. Their optical, electrical, mechanical, and barrier properties can often be improved by in-plane film orientation brought about by stretching. Textile fibers, too, are highly dependent on drawing and annealing to optimize their strengths and stiffnesses.It is of interest, therefore, to explore the effects of drawing on thermoplastic aromatic polyimides, a class of thermally-stable, radiation-resistant polymers. Previous thermal deformation experiments1,2 with various polyimides showed that some of them underwent strain-induced crystallization when they were heated slowly under load. In the studies reported here, various stretch ratios, stretching rates, and stretching temperatures were employed in an effort to optimize the stiffness of uniaxially-drawn films. Isothermal stretching was applied to a polyether imide, LARC TM-IA, and to a closely-related copolymer, LaRC TM-IAX. ExperimentalLARCª-IA3,4 is a nominally amorphous polyimide with a glass transition temperature of241¡C. Poly(amic acid) precursor solution (30% in N-methyl pyrrolidinone) was obtained from Imitec, Inc., Schenectady, New York. Molecular weight was controlled during the synthesis by offsetting the stoichiometry 3% in favor of the diamine; the chains were capped with phthalic anhydride. Films were cast on soda-lime glass plates, dried for several days at room temperatureunder low humidity, and cured for 1 hour each at 100¡, 200¡, and 300¡C. To makeLARCª-IAX, 10% of the diamine is replaced with p-phenylene diamine.Stretching was performed in an air-circulating oven using dead-weight loading.1 Length change was monitored using a long-stroke displacement transducer attached to the weight. Tensile tests on drawn films were performed at room temperature with a gauge length of 3.8 cm and a crosshead speed of 0.5 cm/min; strain was calculated from crosshead displacement. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was performed at 20¡C/minute in air using a Shimadzu analyzer.Results and DiscussionLARC TM-IAIf a suitable constant load is applied to a LARC-IA specimen in the temperature range 240-280¡C, the film elongates readily initially, but at a certain strain, the stretching slows spontaneously. This "natural" draw ratio at which stretching slows ranges from 300% to 750%, depending on the temperature and load (Figure 1). Similar behavior is seen in PET (polyethylene terephthalate) fibers and films,5,6 and is attributed to strain-induced crystallization. The self-limiting character of the deformation makes the material quite forgiving in terms of process variations, and allows zone-drawing7 to be conducted quite easily8.Alternatively, the extent of stretch can be controlled by stopping the deformation short of the "natural" draw ratio. The moduli of the stretched films are substantially higher than that of the as-cast material. Representative tensile data are compared in TableÊI. As might have been expected, larger strain seems to produce a higher modulus.Table IEffect of Strain on room-temperature modulus(Stretching performed at 250 ¡C)Final Strain Average Strain Rate,Sec-1Room Temperature Modulus E, GPa (in stretch direction)Unstretched-- the total strain, two other stretching variables, the strain rate and temperature, also affect the properties of the stretched film. With our constant-load apparatus, strain rate could only be controlled indirectly by varying the applied engineering stress or the temperature.Considering first the effect of stress, Figure 2 shows raw data at three different stress levels. Note that a logarithmic scale is needed for the abscissa; changing the stress by a factor of three brought about almost a thousandfold change in the experiment times. Each experiment was replicated three times to indicate the degree of reproducibility.Although a detailed study of the rheology of this process is beyond the scope of this report, it is of interest to compare this imide to more conventional commodity polymers. Elongational flows can take a very long time to reach steady state9.It is customary, then, to plot the instantaneous elongational viscosity (also known as the Òstress growth functionÓ) against time. This has been done even in cases where the strain rate is not constant10 (as is the case in the present experiments). Data from Figure 2 are replotted this way in Figure 3.As expected, the viscosity is an increasing function of time. At times below one second the curves for the three stress levels seem to converge to an elongational viscosity of about106ÊPaÊsec. This is comparable to values reported for other thermoplastics9. At longer times, the curves in Figure 3 undergo a change in slope; the upturn happens earlier at higher strain rates. This feature, too, has been seen in polyethylene terephthalate11. The low-rate viscosity shows a modest temperature dependence, rising to ~3 MPa sec at 245¡C and falling to ~0.4 MPa sec at 280¡C.Specimens made by the processes outlined in Figure 2 were tested to failure at room temperature. The results are shown in Table II. It is clear that a high strain rate is advantageous in producing a greater degree of orientation (and thus a higher modulus). It is thought that this is because the desired strain-induced chain orientation is in competition with chain relaxation occurring at the stretching temperature12.Table IIEffect of Strain Rate (250¡C,e = 3.5) on Room Temperature Tensile PropertiesAverage Strain Rate,E, GPaSec-1-- 2.870.004 3.290.21 6.543.78.79With some polymers, a rapid quench is helpful in maintaining the orientation produced by the stretching. To test this for LaRC-IA, a series of films were maintained under load (no stop) for various periods of time after the apparent cessation of stretching. There was no discernable trend in room temperature modulus upon varying the hold time from 30 seconds to 570 seconds at 250¡C.Synthetic textile fibers are often "heat-set" (annealed under tension) to reduce the amount of shrinkage they undergo when subsequently heated. Attempts to anneal our stretched films at constant length were unsuccessful: the films always broke. A clamping apparatus was therefore designed that allowed the films to shrink slightly during annealing but maintained some load by means of a moderately stiff spring in series with the film. Films annealed this way at 260-280¡C for 30-60 minutes showed, in addition to a melting endotherm near 320¡C, an additional DSC melting peak close to the annealing temperature. The total heat of melting was often less than that for a well-oriented film, however, so the mechanical properties were not determined.The effect of stretching temperature is illustrated in Table III. At the lower temperatures, it was hard to produce a high rate of strain, so modulus was not optimum. The highest temperature produced a lower-modulus (and presumably less-oriented) film. Although the stretching rates were comparable in the 260¡ and 280¡ experiments, it seems apparent that chain relaxation is rapid relative to the experiment time at stretching temperatures above 260¡C.Table IIIEffect of Stretching Temperature on Room Temperature Modulus of Oriented Film(e=3.5)Stretching Temperature E, GPa245 6.8250 6.02609.1280 4.8The maximum room-temperature modulus in the stretch direction was three times that of an unstretched film. Such highly-oriented films are, of course, anisotropic. When failed in tension, they fibrillated, splitting along the stretch direction. This is in contrast to the less-oriented films, which broke straight across.LARC TM-IAXExperiments with LARC-IAX were conducted in the same way as those already described. It is worth noting, however, that in contrast to LARC-IA, the copolymer LARC-IAX did not seem tocrystallize during stretching. The films remained clear and no films were observed to stop straining on their own.Figure 4 illustrates the effect of strain at the lowest stretching temperature. The same load was used for all six specimens, so strain rates were comparable; a stop was used to define the maximum strain. Similar trends were seen with 250¡C and 260¡C stretching. As was observed in the experiments on LaRC-IA, higher strain rates increased the moduli of stretch-oriented films; Figure 5 is an example.In order to summarize the relative importance of the three variables strain, e; log (strain rate); and temperature, moduli resulting from a total of 22 different sets of stretching conditions were fitted by simple linear regression, giving the equation(E, GPa) = 55.47 + 1.47 (e) +1.16 (log (d e/dt, sec-1))- 0.20 (t, ¡C).All coefficient estimates were significant (P<0.02), but a fair amount of scatter remained(R2Ê@Ê0.6). The regression equation should not be taken too literally because some stretching conditions were represented by only a single film, and interactions between the variables were not modeled. It does suggest that the observed maximum modulus (16.1 GPa) is close to the best result one could hope for over the range of parameters accessible for study (i.e. TÊ>Ê240¡C, eÊ<Ê5, and strain rateÊ<Ê10 sec-1).Comparisons among films produced under a wide range of conditions showed that increased moduli were accompanied by significant decreases in room-temperature strain-to-break (FigureÊ6). The tensile strengths, however, remained far above that of the unstretched film (FigureÊ7).Summary and conclusionsThermoplastic polyimides were shown to behave in many ways like more familiar commodity polymers. Stretching improved moduli by factors of 3 to 6.5 in the machine direction, and was sometimes accompanied by strain-induced crystallization. Guidelines for process optimization were obtained.References1. D. Klinedinst, M. S. Thesis, Materials Research Center, Norfolk State University, 1998.2.J. A. Hinkley, J. F. Dezern, L. Feuz, and D. Klinedinst, "Uniaxial Stretching of Poly(keto-ether-imides)", NASA/TM-1999-209820, November 1999.3. D. Progar and T. L. St.Clair, J. Adhesion Sci. Technol., 4(7), 527 (1990).4.U.S. Patent 5,147,966 NASA Langley Research Center (September 1992).5.P. Desai and A. S. Abhiraman, J. Polym. Sci. (Phys.), 26, 1657 (1988).6.G. LeBourville, J. Beautemps, and J. P. Jerry, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 39, 319 (1990).7.Y. Aihara and P. Cebe, Polym. Eng. Sci., 34(16), 1275 (1994).8.J. A. Hinkley, unpublished results9.S. Middleman, Fundamentals of Polymer Processing, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1977, Chapter 3.10.T. Takaki and D. C. Bogue, J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 19, 419 (1975).11.M. Okamoto, H. Kubo, and T. Kotaka, Polymer, 39(14) 3135 (1998).12.S. K. Sharma and A. Misra, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 34, 2231 (1987).REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Form ApprovedOMB No. 0704-0188Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188),Washington, DC 20503.1. AGENCY USE ONLY(Leave blank)2. REPORT DATEApril 20003. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED Technical Memorandum4. TITLE AND SUBTITLEStretch-Oriented Polyimide Films 5. FUNDING NUMBERS WU 274-00-99-076. AUTHOR(S)Jeffrey A. Hinkley, D. Klinedinst, and L. Feuz7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23681-21998. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBERL-179539. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) National Aeronautics and Space Administration Washington, DC 20546-000110. SPONSORING/MONITORINGAGENCY REPORT NUMBER NASA/TM-2000-21009411. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTESHinkley: Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA; Klinedinst: Norfolk State University, Norfolk, VA; Feuz: ETH, Zurich, Switzerland12a. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Unclassified-UnlimitedSubject Category 27 Distribution: Nonstandard Availability: NASA CASI (301) 621-039012b. DISTRIBUTION CODE13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)Two thermoplastic polyimides - one amorphous, the other crystallizable -- were subjected to isothermal stretching just above their glass transition temperatures. Room-temperature strengths in the stretch direction were greatly improved and, moduli increased up to 3.6-fold. Optimum stretching conditions were determined.14. SUBJECT TERMSPolyimide; Orientation; Film; Tensile properties 15. NUMBER OF PAGES 1816. PRICE CODEA0317. SEC U R ITY CL A SSIF I C A T I ONO F REPO R T Unclassified 18. SEC U R ITY CL A SSIF I C A T I ONO F TH I S PA G EUnclassified19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATIONOF ABSTRACTUnclassified20. LIMITATIONOF ABSTRACTULNSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z-39-18298-102。