



可编辑修改精选全文完整版螺纹紧固件紧固扭矩规范文件编号:ZYGY‐003 版本号:Rev . 2 页数 1 / 3 一、适用范围本规定适用于公司内部电机类零件螺纹直径 3~30mm 紧固件的紧固扭矩。



1) 外螺纹的机械性能符合GB/T3098.1规定的4.8、5.8 、8.8、10.9、12.9级;2) 内螺纹机械性能符合 GB/T3098.2 或 GB/T3098.1 且具有充分发挥螺纹联接副承载能力的精度;3) 螺纹符合GB/T 196,螺纹精度不低于GB/T 197 规定的6级;4) 内、外螺纹件的六角对边尺寸符合GB/T 3104规定的标准系列;5) 外螺纹在紧固中承受轴向拉伸载荷。

6) 特别注意:若螺钉联接件为铜制或铝制件,按5.8级拧紧力矩要求拧紧固定。




二、规范性引用文件本规范主要以《QC/T 518-2007 汽车螺纹紧固件紧固扭矩》为参考,在第一版基础上结合公司实际情况而制定。

其它还参考的资料有:1) 《QC/T 518-1999 汽车螺纹紧固件紧固扭矩》2) 《机械加工工艺员设计手册》——普通螺栓拧紧力矩(陈宏钧主编)3) 《机械装配技术》(徐兵编著)4) 东风日产——螺栓拧紧力矩标准螺纹紧固件紧固扭矩规范文件编号:ZYGY‐003 版本号:Rev . 2 页数 2 / 3 三、常用未注螺钉、螺母紧固扭矩值以下表格规定公司常用的未注螺钉、螺母紧固扭矩标准值。



X6800V100R003C00SPC613HMM软件V228版本说明书文档版本01发布日期2016-11-25版权所有© 华为技术有限公司2016。









华为技术有限公司地址:深圳市龙岗区坂田华为总部办公楼邮编:518129网址:or目录1 V228版本说明书 (1)2 V218版本说明书 (3)3 V216版本说明书 (4)4 V210版本说明书 (5)5 V206版本说明书 (7)6 V205版本说明书 (8)7 V202版本说明书 (9)8 V193版本说明书 (10)9 V170版本说明书 (12)10 V168版本说明书 (13)11 V151版本说明书 (14)12 V135版本说明书 (16)13 V128版本说明书 (18)14 V126版本说明书 (19)15 防病毒扫描说明 (20)1 V228版本说明书发布版本日期:2016-11-25发布许可版本:V228上次更新版本:V218特性描述:●优化Riser管理方案,解决Riser卡槽位信息显示不正确及OS下PCIE带宽不正确问题.●安全增强,去掉telnet功能支持.●优化电源告警检测机制,解决电源插拔告警概率恢复失败问题.●优化用户密码锁定策略,解决密码多次输入错误情况下概率性用户锁定失败问题.●优化SSL证书导入机制,支持带"-"特殊字符的证书导入.●优化LDAP实现,支持LDAP的login name登录iBMC、及用户组支持多级目录.●新增支持SSD盘的寿命、固件版本信息获取.●新增支持内存类型(DDR3ORDDR4)、序列号等信息查询.●新增支持CPU的核数、总线程数、缓存大小、ProcessorId等信息查询.●新增实现基于JNLP启动远程控制台.●新增支持ES3000 V3卡的序列号、型号、寿命、固件版本信息查询.●修复了(CVE-2016-5696、CVE-2016-5389、CVE-2016-5195)等OPENSSL的业界已知漏洞.●升级OPENSSH版本,解决(CVE-2016-3115、CVE-2016-8858)等业界已知漏洞.●支持NTP带外配置.注意事项:版本软件与BIOS V335版本配套,升级该软件后需升级配套软件到配套版本.2 V218版本说明书发布版本日期:2016-10-19发布许可版本:V218上次更新版本:V216特性描述:●优化内存ECC事件描述为:“DIMM### correctable ECC”.●远程虚拟KVM兼容支持Ubuntu系统客户端.●解决x16 riser卡上配置PCIE标卡时,卡的名称不显示问题.●E9000产品web界面RAID卡名称更新.●新增支持Umate设置LDAP群组功能.●解决客户端为桌面云系统时,远程虚拟KVM中"Num""caps"和"scroll"键需要长按才能生效的问题.注意事项:●版本软件与BIOS V335版本配套,升级该软件后需升级配套软件到配套版本.3 V216版本说明书发布版本日期:2016-08-26发布许可版本:V216上次更新版本:V210特性描述:●LDAP支持NTLM协议.●支持命令行触发生成截屏文件注意事项:●版本软件与BIOS V331版本配套,升级该软件后需升级配套软件到配套版本.4 V210版本说明书发布版本日期:2016-7-21发布许可版本:V210上次更新版本:V206特性描述:●优化WEB在线帮助,解决低概率在线帮助无法显示问题.●优化SNMP TRAP 的enginetime实现机制,解决部分网管接收SNMP TRAP出错问题.●新增支持syslog特性.●优化FDM功能至2.1,增强sys error定位能力.●新增支持SSH PKA(公钥认证登录)功能.●新增支持LDAP 用户的CLI login功能.●新增支持3108及3008扣卡配置的RAID带外监控和信息查询功能.●优化ipmi模块,兼容支持ipmitool 1.8.14版本.●升级OPENSSL到1.0.1t,解决(CVE-2016-0800)等漏洞问题.●增强安全,新增用户默认不支持telnet登录.●升级OPENSSH到7.1P2,解决(CVE-2016-0778、CVE-2016-1907、CVE-2016-0777、CVE-2016-3115)等漏洞问题.●增强安全,支持登录提示修改默认密码.●增强安全,单个BMC账号同一时间默认只能登录一个WEB会话.●优化KVM鼠标加速选项默认开启,改善本地和远程鼠标同步体验.●优化KVM兼容jre,默认使用CA签名证书,PC客户端连接internet场景优化体验.●优化KVM键盘处理机制,解决Tab键在远程KVM里面概率性失效问题.●新增支持M30.●修复了暴力破解的安全漏洞.●修复了存在信息泄露的安全漏洞●修复了弱算法的安全漏洞●修复了资源管理的安全漏洞注意事项:●版本软件与BIOS V327版本配套,升级该软件后需升级配套软件到配套版本.● 2.05及以后版本已经去掉空密码支持,从历史版本升级到2.05以上版本,空密码用户将不能登录BMC5 V206版本说明书发布版本日期:2016-5-16发布许可版本:V206上次更新版本:V205特性描述:●新增支持NVME SSD硬盘管理.●新增支持PCIE X16 Riser卡.●新增支持自定义级别用户可以在WEB实施一键收集日志.●配合实现esight的单点跳转(SSO)功能.注意事项:●版本软件与BIOS V322版本配套,升级该软件后需升级配套软件到配套版本.6 V205版本说明书发布版本日期:2016-4-20发布许可版本:V205上次更新版本:V202特性描述:●升级GlibC版本,解决(CVE-2015-7547)漏洞问题●优化WEB及KVM的上下电描述,使描述更清晰●优化密码安全要求,增强要求密码不能为空●优化SSL证书导入方案,解决多次生成CSR文件后,证书导入失败问题注意事项:●版本软件与BIOS V318版本配套,升级该软件后需升级配套软件到配套版本7 V202版本说明书发布版本日期:2016-3-10发布许可版本:V202上次更新版本:V193特性描述:●增加Intel Broadwell平台E5V4 CPU故障诊断的支持●新增M.2 riser卡的支持●新增KVM对日语键盘的支持●解决低概率日志无法压缩,BMC功能异常的问题注意事项:●版本软件与BIOS V316版本配套,升级该软件后需升级配套软件到配套版本8 V193版本说明书发布版本日期:2015-12-17发布许可版本:V193上次更新版本:V170特性描述:●解决VMware vCenter无法和BMC对接问题●解决配置SSD卡,web出现I2C告警问题●解决NMI功能无法使用的问题●优化64位操作系统下使用32位浏览器场景,解决KVM和远程桌面兼容性问题●修复BMC概率engineID重复问题●优化X6800电子标签显示格式为"SN-槽位号"●修复累计耗电功率数值统计不正确问题●修复英文操作界面和提示框下显示中文字符的问题●优化增加对RAID卡和IO卡等PCIE故障告警功能●修复Thermal trip告警触发下电后,BMC告警未消除的问题●修复CLI下输入CTRL+D场景中导致的BMC低概率异常问题●修复硬盘显示顺序不连续问题●修复BMC版本升级后,需要清空浏览器缓存才能使用BMC web功能的问题●修复web页面CPU2告警显示为CPU1告警的问题●优化增加使用NMI中断时的风险提示信息●优化截屏、录像信息收集包含在一键收集功能中●修复BMC版本回退后出现的备份版本号显示错误问题●新增整框功率封顶功能●新增URL直接打开远程控制台功能●支持SD卡管理●优化故障诊断功能,精确定位到具体的部件●增加web页面下载JRE版本的链接●增加KVM超时断连功能●支持ipmitool命令设置SNMP团体名的功能●解决SOL异常断开下概率无法重新连接问题●解决OS下执行shutdown -h now命令,系统无法下电问题●解决SNMP客户端长时间使用request-id命令,且参数为0时,BMC系统异常的问题●解决在WEB页面下载SOL日志文件,文件中概率出现乱码的问题注意事项:●版本软件与BIOS V169版本配套,升级该软件后需升级配套软件到配套版本9 V170版本说明书发布版本日期:2015-08-27发布许可版本:V170上次更新版本:V168特性描述:●解决了管理板在挂耳或管理板没有接网线情况下,接上网线后网络不通问题。



可编辑修改精选全文完整版整数四则混合运算题40+160÷40 288-144÷18+35 (58+37)÷(64-9×5)95÷(64-45)478-145÷5×6+46 122-36×4÷12+3585+14×(14+208÷26)21+(327-23)÷19 539-513÷(378÷14) 74-3094÷17÷13 19+(253-22)÷21 50+129×28-42(23+23)×24-597 (110-10)÷10-10 54-24+14×14304-275÷(275÷25) (70+10)÷(18-10) 120÷12×18-5444+15×16-32 (10-100÷10)×11 (53-588÷21)×36(60+10)÷(17-10) 17+(233-43)÷10 110÷10×10-97 424-437÷19×16 22+(374-10)÷26 (245-11)÷18-1122-(10+100÷10) (252-14)÷17-10 35-13+10×15(346-10)÷16-12 215-198÷(121÷11) (45-651÷21)×3319+192÷12-10 572÷22×23-158 19+56-1224÷34(714-12)÷27-19 14+(21-19)×14 18-(13+15)÷262736÷(43-20)×23 (227+11)÷(31-14) 36+19×14-23828÷23×12-48 18-15+10×18 (31-154÷11)×12(1369-37)÷37-32 160÷(22-12)×22 357÷21×13-213985-728÷26×35 (438-39)÷21-12 (20+18)×11-23950+160÷40 (58+370)÷(64-45)120-144÷18+35347+45×2-4160÷52 (58+37)÷(64-9×5)95÷(64-45)178-145÷5×6+42 420+580-64×21÷28 812-700÷(9+31×11)9405-2940÷28×21 920-1680÷40÷7 690+47×52-398148+3328÷64-75 360×24÷32+730 2100-94+48×54 (247+18)×27÷25 36-720÷(360÷18)1080÷(63-54)×80(528+912)×5-6178 8528÷41×38-904 264+318-8280÷69 (174+209)×26- 9000 814-(278+322)÷15 1406+735×9÷45 796-5040÷(630÷7)285+(3000-372)÷36 546×(210-195)÷30 120-144÷18+35 347+45×2-4160÷52 (58+37)÷(64-9×5)95÷(64-45)178-145÷5×6+42 85+14×(14+208÷26)(284+16)×(512-8208÷18)120-36×4÷18+35 (58+37)÷(64-9×5)50+160÷40=54 120-144÷18+35=147 (58+37)÷(64-9×5)95÷(64-45)178-145÷5×6+42 120-36×4÷18+3585+14×(14+208÷26)21+(327-23)÷19= 539-513÷(378÷14)= 34-3094÷17÷13= 19+(253-22)÷21= 50+20×28-42= (23+23)×24-597= (110-10)÷10-10= 45-24+14×14= 304-275÷(275÷25)= (70+10)÷(18-10)= 120÷12×18-54=44+16×15-32= (10-100÷10)×11= (53-588÷21)×36= (60+10)÷(17-10)= 17+(233-43)÷10= 100÷10×10-60=424-475÷19×16= 22+(374-10)÷26= (245-11)÷18-11= 22-(10+100÷10)= (252-14)÷17-10= 35-13+10×15=(346-10)÷16-12= 215-198÷(121÷11)= (45-651÷21)×33= 19+192÷12-10= 572÷22×23-158= 19+56-1224÷34= (714-12)÷27-19= 14+(21-19)×14= 18-(13+15)÷262= 736÷(43-20)×23= (227+11)÷(31-14)= 36+19×14-23= 828÷23×12-48= 18-15+10×18= (31-154÷11)×12= (1369-37)÷37-32= 160÷(22-12)×22= 357÷21×13-213= 985-728÷26×35= (438-39)÷21-12= (20+18)×11-239= 50+160÷40 (58+370)÷(64-45)120-144÷18+35347+45×2-4160÷52 (58+37)÷(64-9×5)95÷(64-45)178-145÷5×6+42 420+580-64×21÷28 812-700÷(9+31×11)9405-2940÷28×21 920-1680÷40÷7 690+47×52-398 148+3328÷64-75 360×24÷32+730 2100-94+48×54(247+18)×27÷25 36-720÷(360÷18)1080÷(63-54)×80 (528+912)×5-6178 8528÷41×38-904 264+318-8280÷69 (174+209)×26- 9000 814-(278+322)÷15 1406+735×9÷45796-5040÷(630÷7)285+(3000-372)÷36 546×(210-195)÷301、90÷9+1=2、90÷(9+1)=3、770-(530-230)=4、770-(530+230)=5、540÷6÷15=6、540÷(6×15)=7、30×8+12=8、30×(8+12)=9、18+90÷18= 10、(18+90)÷18=11、(60+40)+1= 12、(36-20)÷2= 13、28×(10÷5)= 14、80÷(4×5)= 15、70-(50-15)= 16、(210÷70)×3=17、20-20÷2= 18、30×14-4=19、60÷4×5= 20、7+18-8=21、560÷70÷2= 22、80-(40-19)=23、50+50×3= 24、100÷20+5=25、(29+61)÷15= 26、61-45+5=27、90-47-13= 28、20×(36-6)=29、254-120÷60= 30、199-69+31= 31、(55-26)×7 = 32、615÷(24+17)=33、22×(71-68)= 34、203-(43-29)= 35、56-7×8= 36、56÷7×8=37、32+3×20= 38、32+3-20=39、17×3+20= 40、17+3×20=41、2×36+20=42、78-12×4=43、190-30×5= 44、27×3÷9=45、57-43+36= 46、90+5×60=47、(30+10)×11= 48、280÷(5×14)=49、120÷(60÷15)=50、24×(86-56)=51、(170+40)÷30= 52、88÷(72-50)=53、90-3×13= 54、450-(50+150)=55、6×(31-15)= 56、(95-20)÷25=57、90-40×2= 58、(90-40)×2=59、350÷50+20= 60、350÷(50+20)=61、72÷12×3= 62、72÷(12×3)=63、40×(38+12)= 64、28+56÷28=65、(90-12)÷26= 66、810÷(5×18)=67、160-(95-15)= 68、(70+60)×4=69、774÷(27+16)= 70、(45-26)×33=71、98+5×63= 72、230-735÷35=73、181-(109+43)= 74、205-98+46=75、244-6×28= 76、54×(71-33)=77、(79+57)÷34= 78、480÷32-15=79、351-(164-88)=80、540÷9÷5=一、直接写出得数:2.7+6.3= 0.58+3.5= 6-2.2= 5.6-2.8=25×12= 6.68-2.1= 6.38+5.62= 3.92-0.9=0.25×10= 100×2.003= 62÷10= 123.5÷100= 9.025×100= 9-2.3-3.7= 4×31×25= 28×0÷54= 65+37×0= 5.5+2.81+4.5= 25×4÷25×4=二、竖式计算并验算:12.65+3.5= 85.6-3.21=三、计算,有些能简便的要简便计算:89×99+89 2.63+5.8+7.37+4.2 52×15-5×522.58-1.6+3.42 125×64 45×25+75×4523.5-2.8-7.2 58.65-(3.2+8.65) 99×125×83200÷25÷4 250÷8×4 80+(146-46×3)48-(5.2+2.03×10) 32×15+(32.6+8.09)一、直接写出得数:3.7+8.4= 0.58+3.2= 6-3.3= 5.4-2.8=25×16= 6.68-2.5= 6.38+8.62= 3.92-0.2=0.225×10= 100×2.03= 6.2÷10= 123÷100=0.025×100= 13-2.3-3.7= 4×28×25= 36×0÷2.55=2.8+58×0= 5.5+4.52+4.5= 100×3÷100×3=二、竖式计算并验算:12.65+7.5= 83.6-4.35=三、计算,有些能简便的要简便计算:99×85+85 5.63+8.8+4.37+1.2 36×19-9×3655×101 2.38-2.4+3.62 125×2475×55+75×45 27.5-6.8-3.2 55.83-(3.2+5.83)29×125×8 5600÷25÷4 250÷8×458+(124-24×3) 32.3-(5.02+2.03×10) 32×18+(32.6+18.09)一、直接写出得数:3.7+7.3= 0.56+3.4= 6-3.22= 5.4-4.5=25×28= 6.88-2.8= 0.91+0.09= 3.92-0.2=0.225×10= 100×2.03= 61.5÷10= 6.5÷100=0.005×100= 16-5.3-4.7= 4×2.7×25= 36×0÷55=6.8+58×0=7.5+5.52+2.5= 50-25÷5=二、竖式计算并验算:32.7+7.52= 55.6-5.75=三、计算,有些能简便的要简便计算:(270-30×9)÷5.5 36×19-19×26 25×45+75×4538×101 5.63+8.8+4.37+1.2 750-(550-300)÷25 6.38-2.4+5.62 125×16 2100÷25÷4 25×(40+4) 55.83-(8.2+5.83) 99×8.5+8.527.5-9.8-0.2 58+(124-24×3) 8157-(103+157+597)一、在括号里填上适当的数,然后列出综合算式:25 + 55 450-130 3.6+7.412×( ) ( ) ÷( )( ) ( )综合算式: 综合算式:三、计算,有些能简便的要简便计算:44×12-88 89×32+89×68 6.91-3.4+5.09125×24 75+360÷(20-5) 1880-(59+21)×12(75+240)÷(20-5) 25×(40+4) 64.56-(8.2+4.56) 72×99+72 30.5-5.3-1.7四、列式计算。

CNAS-CL01:2018 预发布版本

CNAS-CL01:2018 预发布版本

CNAS-CL01检测和校准实验室能力认可准则(ISO/IEC 17025:2017)Accreditation Criteria for the Competency of Testing and Calibration Laboratories中国合格评定国家认可委员会目录前言 (4)1范围 (5)2 规范性引用文件 (5)3术语和定义 (5)4 通用要求 (7)4.1 公正性 (7)4.2 保密性 (7)5 结构要求 (8)6 资源要求 (9)6.1 总则 (9)6.2 人员 (9)6.3 设施和环境条件 (9)6.4 设备 (10)6.5 计量溯源性 (11)6.6 外部提供的产品和服务 (12)7 过程要求 (13)7.1 要求、标书和合同的评审 (13)7.2 方法的选择、验证和确认 (14)7.3 抽样 (16)7.4 检测和校准物品的处置 (16)7.5 技术记录 (17)7.6 测量不确定度的评定 (17)7.7 确保结果的有效性 (18)7.8 报告结果 (18)7.9 投诉 (22)7.10 不符合工作 (23)7.11 数据控制和信息管理 (23)8 管理体系要求 (24)8.1 方式 (24)8.2 管理体系文件(方式A) (25)8.3 管理体系文件的控制(方式A) (25)8.4 记录控制(方式A) (25)8.5 应对风险和机遇的措施(方式A) (26)8.6 改进(方式A) (26)8.7 纠正措施(方式A) (26)8.8 内部审核(方式A) (27)8.9 管理评审(方式A) (28)附录A (资料性)计量溯源性 (29)A.1 总则 (29)A.2 建立计量溯源性 (29)A.3 计量溯源性的证明 (29)附录B(资料性附录)管理体系方式 (31)参考文献 (33)前言本准则等同采用ISO/IEC 17025:2017“检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求”。



10.2 首次使用 ................................................................................................................. 139 10.3 画图 ......................................................................................................................... 145 10.4 纱嘴设置 ................................................................................................................. 150 10.6 自动编程(自动出带).............................................................................................. 151 10.7 拆分图查看 ............................................................................................................. 152 10.8 拆分图示例(ABC.EXE 编译) .................................................................................... 152 11. 部分针法图解........................................................................................................................155 11.1 单面正针(前床) ...................................................................................................... 155 11.2 单面反针(后床) ...................................................................................................... 156 11.3 四平编织(总针)....................................................................................................... 157 11.4 1X1 单罗纹 ............................................................................................................ 157 11.5 2X1 双罗纹(2X1 坑条).......................................................................................... 158 11.6 2X2 双罗纹(2X2 坑条).......................................................................................... 159 11.7 挑孔(网眼/纱罗组织) .......................................................................................... 159 11.8 绞花(扭绳) ............................................................................................................... 160 11.10 提花(单面提花/单面拉虚线) .............................................................................. 161 11.11 嵌花(INTARSIA) ........................................................................................................ 162 12. 附件 色块表..........................................................................................................................163



QMot QSH2818 familyManualV1.042010-OCT-19Trinamic Motion Control GmbH & Co. KGSternstraße 67D – 20357 Hamburg, GermanyTable of contents1Life support policy (3)2Features (4)3Order codes (5)4Mechanical dimensions (6)4.1Lead wire configuration (6)4.2Dimensions (6)5Torque figures (7)5.1Motor QSH2818-32-07-006 (7)5.2Motor QSH2818-51-07-012 (7)6Considerations for operation (8)6.1Choosing the best fitting motor for an application (8)6.1.1Determining the maximum torque required (8)6.2Motor current setting (9)6.2.1Choosing the optimum current setting (9)6.2.2Choosing the standby current (9)6.3Motor driver supply voltage (10)6.3.1Determining if the given driver voltage is sufficient (10)6.4Back EMF (BEMF) (11)6.5Choosing the commutation scheme (11)6.5.1Fullstepping (12) motor resonance in fullstep operation (12)6.6Optimum motor settings (12)6.6.1Settings for the TRINAMIC TMCL™ modules (12)7Revision history (13)7.1Documentation revision (13)8References (14)List of figuresFigure 4.1: Lead wire configuration (6)Figure 4.2: Dimensions (all values in mm) (6)Figure 5.1: QSH2818-32-07-006 speed vs. torque characteristics (7)Figure 5.2: QSH2818-51-07-012 speed vs. torque characteristics (7)List of tablesTable 2.1: Motor technical data (4)Table 4.1: Lead wire configuration (6)Table 6.1: Motor current settings (9)Table 6.2: Driver supply voltage considerations (10)Table 6.3: Comparing microstepping and fullstepping (11)Table 6.4: Optimum motor settings (12)Ta ble 5.5: Optimum motor settings for TMCL™ modules (tested with TMCM-110) (12)Table 6.1: Documentation revision (13)1Life support policy TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG does not authorize or warrant any of its products for use in life support systems, without the specific written consent of TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG.Life support systems are equipment intended to support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions provided, can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury or death.© TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG 2010Information given in this data sheet is believed to be accurate and reliable. However neither responsibility is assumed for the consequences of its use nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties, which may result from its use.Specifications are subject to change without notice.2FeaturesThese two phase hybrid stepper motors are optimized for microstepping and give a good fit to the TRINAMIC family of motor controllers and drivers.Main characteristics:∙NEMA 11 mounting configuration∙flange max. 28.0mm * 28.0mm∙5mm axis diameter, 20mm axis length∙step angle: 1.8˚∙optimized for microstep operation∙optimum fit for TMC222 / TMC236 / TMC246 / TMC262 based driver circuits∙ 4 wire connection∙CE approvedTable 2.1: Motor technical data3Order codesTable 3.1: Order codes4 Mechanical dimensions4.1 Lead wire configurationblackr e db l uFigure 4.1: Lead wire configuration4.2 DimensionsFigure 4.2: Dimensions (all values in mm)Table 4.1: Lead wire configuration5Torque figuresThe torque figures detail motor torque characteristics for half and full step. For half and full step operation there are always a number of resonance points (with less torque) which are not depicted. These will be minimized by microstep operation in most applications.5.1Motor QSH2818-32-07-006Testing conditions: VM: 24V 0.67A /Phase Driver, SMD 103Figure 5.1: QSH2818-32-07-006 speed vs. torque characteristics5.2Motor QSH2818-51-07-012Testing conditions: VM: 24V 0.67A /Phase Driver, SMD 103Figure 5.2: QSH2818-51-07-012 speed vs. torque characteristics6Considerations for operationThe following chapters try to help you to correctly set the key operation parameters in order to get a stable system.6.1Choosing the best fitting motor for an applicationFor an optimum solution it is important to fit the motor to the application and to choose the best mode of operation. The key parameters are desired motor torque and velocity. While the motor holding torque describes the torque at stand-still, and gives a good indication for comparing different motors, it is not the key parameter for the best fitting motor. The required torque is a result of static load on the motor, dynamic loads which occur during acceleration/deceleration and loads due to friction. In most applications the load at maximum desired motor velocity is most critical, because of the reduction of motor torque at higher velocity. While the required velocity generally is well known, the required torque often is only roughly known. Generally, longer motors and motors with a larger diameter deliver a higher torque. But, using the same driver voltage for the motor, the larger motor earlier looses torque when increasing motor velocity. This means, that for a high torque at a high motor velocity, the smaller motor might be the better fitting solution.Please refer to the torque vs. velocity diagram to determine the best fitting motor, which delivers enough torque at your desired velocities.6.1.1Determining the maximum torque requiredTry a motor which should roughly fit. Take into consideration worst case conditions, i.e. minimum driver supply voltage and minimum driver current, maximum or minimum environment temperature (whichever is worse) and maximum friction of mechanics. Now, consider that you want to be on the safe side, and add some 10 percent safety margin taking into account unknown degradation of mechanics and motor.6.2Motor current settingBasically, the motor torque is proportional to the motor current, as long as the current stays at a reasonable level. At the same time, the power consumption of the motor (and driver) is proportional to the square of the motor current. Optimally, the motor should be chosen to bring the required performance at the rated motor current. For a short time, the motor current may be raised above this level in order to get increased torque, but care has to be taken in order not to exceed the maximum coil temperature of 130°C respectively a continuous motor operation temperature of 90°C.Table 6.1: Motor current settings6.2.1Choosing the optimum current settingGenerally, you choose the motor in order to give the desired performance at nominal current. For short time operation, you might want to increase the motor current to get a higher torque than specified for the motor. In a hot environment, you might want to work with a reduced motor current in order to reduce motor self heating.The TRINAMIC drivers allow setting the motor current for up to three conditions:-Stand still (choose a low current)-Nominal operation (nominal current)-High acceleration (if increased torque is required: You may choose a current above the nominal setting, but be aware, that the mean power dissipation shall not exceed the motors nominal rating)If you reach the velocity limit, it might be a good idea to reduce the motor current, in order to avoid resonances occurring. Please refer to the information about choosing the driver voltage.6.2.2Choosing the standby currentMost applications do not need much torque during motor stand-still. You should always reduce motor current during stand still. This reduces power dissipation and heat generation. Depending on your application, you typically at least can half power dissipation. There are several aspects why this is possible: In standstill, motor torque is higher than at any other velocity. Thus, you do not need the full current even with a static load! Your application might need no torque at all, but you might need to keep the exact microstep position. Try how low you can go in your application. If the microstep position exactness does not matter for the time of standstill, you might even reduce the motor current to zero, provided that there is no static load on the motor and enough friction in order to avoid complete position loss.6.3Motor driver supply voltageThe driver supply voltage in many applications cannot be chosen freely, because other components have a fixed supply voltage of e.g. 24V DC. If you have possibility to choose the driver supply voltage, please refer to the driver data sheet, and consider that a higher voltage means a higher torque at higher velocity. The motor torque diagrams are measured for a given supply voltage. You typically can scale the velocity axis (steps/sec) proportionally to the supply voltage to adapt the curve, e.g. if the curve is measured for 48V and you consider operation at 24V, half all values on the x-Axis to get an idea of the motor performance.For a chopper driver, consider the following corner values for the driver supply voltage (motor voltage). The table is based on the nominal motor voltage, which normally just has a theoretical background in order to determine the resistive loss in the motor.Comment on the nominal motor voltage: Array(Please refer to motor technical data table.)Table 6.2: Driver supply voltage considerations6.3.1Determining if the given driver voltage is sufficientTry to brake the motor and listen to it at different velocities. Does the sound of the motor get raucous or harsh when exceeding some velocity? Then the motor gets into a resonance area. The reason is that the motor back-EMF voltage reaches the supply voltage. Thus, the driver cannot bring the full current into the motor any more. This is typically a sign, that the motor velocity should not be further increased, because resonances and reduced current affect motor torque.Measure the motor coil current at maximum desired velocityFor microstepping: If the waveform is still basically sinusoidal, the motor driver supply voltage is sufficient.For Fullstepping: If the motor current still reaches a constant plateau, the driver voltage is sufficient.If you determine, that the voltage is not sufficient, you could either increase the voltage or reduce the current (and thus torque).6.4Back EMF (BEMF)Within SI units, the numeric value of the BEMF constant has the same numeric value as the numeric value of the torque constant. For example, a motor with a torque constant of 1 Nm/A would have a BEMF constant of 1V/rad/s. Turning such a motor with 1 rps (1 rps = 1 revolution per second = 6.28 rad/s) generates a BEMF voltage of 6.28V.The Back EMF constant can be calculated as:is multiplied by 2 in this The voltage is valid as RMS voltage per coil, thus the nominal current INOMformula, since the nominal current assumes a full step position, with two coils switched on. The torque is in unit [Nm] where 1Nm = 100cNm = 1000mNm.One can easily measure the BEMF constant of a two phase stepper motor with a (digital) scope. One just has to measure the voltage of one coil (one phase) when turning the axis of the motor manually. With this, one gets a voltage (amplitude) and a frequency of a periodic voltage signal (sine wave). The full step frequency is 4 times the frequency the measured sine wave.6.5Choosing the commutation schemeWhile the motor performance curves are depicted for fullstepping and halfstepping, most modern drivers provide a microstepping scheme. Microstepping uses a discrete sine and a cosine wave to drive both coils of the motor, and gives a very smooth motor behavior as well as an increased position resolution. The amplitude of the waves is 1.41 times the nominal motor current, while the RMS values equal the nominal motor current. The stepper motor does not make loud steps any more – it turns smoothly! Therefore, 16 microsteps or more are recommended for a smooth operation and the avoidance of resonances. To operate the motor at fullstepping, some considerations should betaken into account.Table 6.3: Comparing microstepping and fullsteppingMicrostepping gives the best performance for most applications and can be considered as state-of-the art. However, fullstepping allows some ten percent higher motor velocities, when compared to microstepping. A combination of microstepping at low and medium velocities and fullstepping at high velocities gives best performance at all velocities and is most universal. Most Trinamic driver modules support all three modes.6.5.1FullsteppingWhen operating the motor in fullstep, resonances may occur. The resonance frequencies depend on the motor load. When the motor gets into a resonance area, it even might not turn anymore! Thus you should avoid resonance frequencies. motor resonance in fullstep operationDo not operate the motor at resonance velocities for extended periods of time. Use a reasonably high acceleration in order to accelerate to a resonance-free velocity. This avoids the build-up of resonances. When resonances occur at very high velocities, try reducing the current setting.A resonance dampener might be required, if the resonance frequencies cannot be skipped6.6Optimum motor settingsThe following table shows the settings for the highest reachable fullstep velocities.Table 6.4: Optimum motor settings6.6.1Settings for the TRINAMIC TMCL™ modulesFollowing TMCL™ settings apply best for highest motor velocities and smooth motor behavior at low velocities. They are intended for the use with TRINIMICs controller modules.Mixed decay should be switched on constantly. Microstep resolution is 4 (TMCL™), this is 16 times microstepping. The pulse devisor is set to 3. With a 64 microstep setting the same values are valid with the pulse divisor set to 1.Table 6.5: Optimum motor settings for TMCL™ modules (tested with TMCM-110)7Revision history 7.1Documentation revisionTable 7.1: Documentation revision8References[TMCL™] TMCL TM manual, 。












Futaba T7C 振动提示器升级指南说明书

Futaba T7C 振动提示器升级指南说明书

FUTABA T7C Vibration UpgradeEnhance your T7C Transmitter with the Vibe upgrade and when the timer reaches 0:00 your T7C starts to smoothly vibrate in your hands so that you can hear and ‘feel’ that the flying time is over! IMPORTANT NOTEUPGRADING YOUR T7C IS AT YOUR OWN RISKI WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR T7C OR MODELS. Follow the steps described below to upgrade your T7C transmitterSTEP 1: Installing the circuitREMOVE THE BATTERY PACK from your T7C.Open your T7C and fix the upgrade circuit where indicated in the picture below (use some double-sided adhesive tape).STEP 2: connecting the circuitSee next page for detailed pictures.Solder the gray wire hereSolder the red wire hereSolder the black wire here Solder the orange wire hereTrainer switch Solder the purple wire hereSTEP 3: installing the vibrator1.Scratch the plastic with a blade knife so thatthe glue will have more grip2.Wrap some adhesive tape around the vibratorhead so that it will remain far from theplastic of the T7C enclosure (once you will remove the tape the head will have enough room to spin)3.Carefully glue the vibrator motor to theplastic with 5 min epoxyBE REALLY CAREFUL WHEN GLUEING: if some glue will contact the vibrator head, there will be no more possibilities to let it spin and vibrate!!Tip: if you glue also the wires, it will help to keep the vibrator in place4.Wait until the glue will be solid (keep it inplace with your hands!)5.Remove the tape from the vibrator headVibrator headVibrator motorClose the transmitter being really careful about the new wiresSTEP 4: Testing and using the T7C with the upgradePlug the battery pack back into the transmitter.Turn on the T7C, you will feel a sequence of short vibrations: vibe function is enabled.Set the timer of you T7C as a countdown timer and set it at 20 seconds (so you will not have to wait too long).As soon as the timer reaches 0:00 you will hear the default beeeeeeeep of the T7C but this time your transmitter starts to smoothly vibrate.The vibration stops after about 15 seconds.Disabling the vibration function:keep the ‘trainer’ switch activated while switching on the transmitter, the transmitter will not vibrate: vibe function is disabled.。



DescriptionDL28 is a communications processor that handles data communication connections between measuring and control devices in a heating substation and their integration into remote monitoring and control systems (SCADA) by using diverse transfer routes. DL28 can be connected to SCADA programs in several ways: via local area networks (LAN), wireless computer networks (WLAN),CATV modems, GSM/GPRS/3G routers, as well as via other standard and wireless modems. An established communication link allows for real-time remote monitoring and read-outs of process variables at the heating substation, as well as of alarm conditions.The DL28 has a plastic enclosure for mounting with a 35mm DIN mounting rail. The front panel features power supply connectors, connectors for USB peripherals, memory cards, Ethernet and serial communication, as well as LED indicators. The communications processor supports microSD memory cards via a push-push connector.Highlights■ Data communication connections betweenmeasuring and control devices in a heatingsubstation ■ Integration of substations into remote monitoringand control systems■ Data logging ■32-Bit CPU @ 454MHz■ Linux operating system■ 256MB DDR2 SDRAM■ microSD card, push-push connector■ Ethernet interface■ USB Host, Device, On-The-Go ports■ RS-232 and RS-485 DCE serial interfaces■ M-Bus Master and Slave ports■ Galvanically isolated ports■ DC power supply (18-36V)■ 35mm DIN mounting rail DL28Communications processorFront panelTechnical specificationDECODE d.o.o.Bulevar Nikole Tesle 30A11080 Belgrade, SerbiaTel: +381 11 311 0027E-mail:****************www.decode.rsLegal noticeReproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without the prior written permission is prohibited. All rights reserved. All trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.Copyright © 2018 DecodeDisclaimerDecode has used reasonable care in preparing the information included in this document, but does not warrant that such information is error free.Decode,its associates,representatives,employees,and others acting on its behalf disclaim any and all liability for errors, inaccuracies, or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product.In the interest of continuous product development, the Decode reserves the right to make improvements to this manual and the products described in it at any time and without prior notification or obligation.The use of the product is at sole discretion of the user. Decode cannot be held responsible for any damages arising due to use of this product and makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product.Note: The specifications in this document are valid as of the listed versions of software and/or hardware.Revised versions of this document,as well as software and driver updates are available in the download area of the Decode web site.。

诺亚舟 新英汉288 电子辞典 说明书

诺亚舟 新英汉288 电子辞典 说明书

前 言承蒙惠购本公司的产品,本公司将竭诚为您提供完善的服务。









目录一 机身简介 (1)二 基本使用说明 (2)1 使用注意事项 (2)2 按键功能说明 (3)3 屏幕标识说明 (4)4 输入法简介 (5)5 电源使用方法 (6)6 系统复位 (7)三 辞典功能 (8)1 新英汉词典功能 (8)2 汉英词典功能 (16)3 专业词典功能 (18)4 音标和英美发音差异 (19)5 新英汉附录 (19)四 学习 (20)1 单词背诵 (20)2 英语会话 (23)3 分类词库 (23)4 精品欣赏 (23)5 趣味英语 (23)五 游戏 (24)六 娱乐 (24)七 记事 (24)1 名片盒 (24)2 备忘录 (26)3 行程提醒 (28)4 理财簿 (29)5 课程表 (29)八 计算功能 (30)1 计算器 (30)2 科学计算 (31)3 统计计算 (33)4 进制换算 (33)5 单位换算 (34)6 汇率换算 (35)7 增值税计算 (36)8 房地产按揭 (37)9 个人所得税 (37)九 时间功能 (39)1 本地时间 (39)2 世界时间 (39)3 闹铃设置 (39)4 万年历 (39)5 倒数计日 (39)十 资料功能 (40)1 邮编电话 (40)2 旅游指南 (40)3 历史年表 (40)4 文学鉴赏 (40)5 月光宝盒 (40)十一 系统 (41)1 开机设置 (41)2 系统设置 (41)3 资源管理 (44)十二 下载 (45)1 电脑系统的基本要求 (45)2 安装软件 (45)3 传输线连接方法 (46)4 传输操作 (47)5 系统升级 (55)6 双机互传 (57)十三 产品规格 (58)十四 售后服务 (58)附录A 五笔字形键盘字根总图 (59)附录B 简易故障排除方法 (60)1一 机身简介①显示屏 ②级别标识 ③选字标识 ④开关机键⑤传输插孔 ⑥复位键⑦属性标识①③⑤②⑥⑦④二 基本使用说明1 使用注意事项● 请勿擅自对本机进行拆卸。
























iHome iBT28 iBT28N商品说明书

iHome iBT28 iBT28N商品说明书

Limited 1 Year Warranty InformationiHome Products, a division of SDI Technologies Inc. (hereafter referred to as SDI), warrants this product to be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal use and conditions, for a period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase. Should this product fail to function in a satisfactory manner, it is best to first return it to the store where it was originally purchased. Should this fail to resolve the matter and service still be required by reason of any defect or malfunction during the warranty period, SDI will repair or, at its discretion, replace this product without charge. This decision is subject to verification of the defect or malfunction upon delivery of this product to the Factory Service Center authorized by SDI Customer Service. The product must include proof of purchase, including date of purchase. An out-of-warranty fee for service will be charged for units that are received without proof of purchase.Before returning this product for service, please first replace the batteries (if applicable) with fresh ones, as exhausted or defective batteries are the most common cause of problems encountered.If service is still required:1. Call SDI Customer Service at 1-800-288-2792 for Return Authorization and for the address of the Factory Service Center.2. Remove the batteries (if applicable) and pack the unit in a well padded, heavy corrugated box. SDI is not responsible fordamage that occurs during shipping to the Factory Service Center.3. Enclose a photocopy of your sales receipt, credit card statement, or other proof of the date of purchase, if within thewarranty period. Also include your name and address information, a brief description for why the unit is being returned, and the return authorization number. No unit can be processed without a return authorization number.4. Write the return authorization number on the side of the shipping package and send the unit prepaid and insured to theFactory Service Center address authorized by SDI Customer Service.Disclaimer of WarrantyNOTE: This warranty is valid only if the product is used for the purpose for which it was designed. It does not cover (i) products which have been damaged by negligence or willful actions, misuse or accident, or which have been modified or repaired by unauthorized persons; (ii) cracked or broken cabinets, or units damaged by excessive heat; (iii) damage to digital media players, CD’s or tape cassettes (if applicable); (iv) the cost of shipping this product to the Factory Service Center and its return to the owner. This warranty is valid only in the United States of America and does not extend to owners of the product other than to the original purchaser. In no event will SDI or any of its affiliates, contractors, resellers, their officers, directors,shareholders, members or agents be liable to you or any third party for any consequential or incidental damages, any lost profits, actual, exemplary or punitive damages. (Some states do not allow limitations on implied warranties or exclusion of consequential damages, so these restrictions may not apply to you.) This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.Your acknowledgment and agreement to fully and completely abide by the above mentioned disclaimer of warranty is contractually binding to you upon your transfer of currency (money order, cashier's check, or credit card) for purchase of your SDI product.© 2014 SDI Technologies, Inc. All rights reservedQuestions? Visit or call 1-800-288-2792 Toll Free。

Human Gardener 28 Rotary Power Harrow操作和维护指南说明书

Human Gardener 28 Rotary Power Harrow操作和维护指南说明书

Operation and Maintenance GuideHG-28 Rotary Power HarrowMade in CanadaWarrantyThivierge’s warranty covers its product for one (1) year from the equipment date of delivery.The day of the delivery, check if transport has damaged the equipment or its parts, and if all parts are included. Any complaints must be received at our office in Drummondville, Québec, within eight (8) days of the equipment delivery.Thivierge’s warranty covers the replacement of defective parts and the labour required for their replacement. Such replacement is completed in Thivierge workshops, and the equipment transportation will be done at the customer’s expense.The warranty is void in the following cases:•The equipment or its parts have been repaired without Thivierge’s authorization.•Replacement parts used in the repair or maintenance did not come from the manufacturer.•The equipment was modified.•The instructions in this manual have not been observed.•Maintenance was not completed according to the schedule and methods presented in this manual.Warnings and Safety InstructionsFailure to comply with these safety instructions could lead to death, injury or material damage.•Read this guide and your two-wheel tractor’s manual before using the equipment.This guide is an integral part of the equipment and must always accompany it, even if the equipment is sold to a third party.•Check that both safety stickers are present, visible and well glued.•Keep a safe distance from the equipment. Stay away from all moving parts. Do not stand in front of the equipment. Do not climb on the equipment or rollers. Do not carry any people, animals or objects on the equipment.•Keep and animals people, which could be harmed, away from the equipment, during its operation, maintenance or handling, and be aware of the risks to others.•Be careful when operating on uneven, steep or unstable ground.•Always monitor the equipment when in use.•Make sure workers who use, store, or maintain the equipment have the skills to perform the task to be performed, and know how to correctly use the equipment, as well as the risks associated with its use.•Beware of foreign objects that might become lodged in the equipment during its use. Remove them from the field before tillage.•Use the manufacturer’s spare parts to repair and maintain the equipment. •Before making any adjustment, repair, unblocking or cleaning, turn off the two-wheel tractor, remove the key from ignition, uncouple the equipment and read the guide. Make sure the equipment stays uncoupled during these operations.•Use the appropriate protective equipment: safety boots and glasses, and dust mask if necessary. Wear fitted clothing without loose fabric that might get caught in the equipment.•Make sure that all of the equipment protection mechanisms are intact before use. •Immediately replace any worn or damaged parts.•Before use, check tightening of bolts and nuts.•Make sure that whoever uses, stores, or maintains this equipment complies with any and all laws, safety codes and regulations in force.•This equipment should not be used on roads.EquipmentThe Human Gardener 28 Rotary Power Harrow – combined with the BCS tractor – is exclusively designed to prepare agricultural fields and gardens. It levels, harrows and compresses the soil in a single operation.All other applications are considered hazardous, forbidden and are undertaken at your own risk.A.Equipment frameB.Roller unitC.Adjustment “Josephine” leverD.Steerage hoesE.Coupling to the tractorF.ProtectorsTechnical SpecificationsHarrowing width (A) 28 in (711.2 mm) Compaction width (B) 27 3/4 in (704.85 mm) Harrowing depth (C) 5 in (127 mm) Maximum height from the ground in transport position (D) 1 1/2 in (38.1 mm) Power of two-wheel tractor 8 to 13 HP (6 to 9.7 kW) Number of steerage hoes 5Weight 171 lb (77.5 kg)Oil/quantity 80W90, 3 litresFigure 2.Equipment HandlingUse a lifting device in good condition with the appropriate capacity to move the equipment.•Beware of the equipment inclination when lifting.•Wear safety shoes or boots.The equipment has some anchor points by which it can be attached, as the one shown in Figure 3.Note that we recommend a frequent greasing of the PTO connection.Figure 3. Equipment OperationComply with the previous safety instructions.1. Adjust the soil working depth from 0 to 12.7 cm (5 in) using the adjustment lever. It is important that the equipment rests on its rollers during operation. Adjust the setting according to the field and the depth of potential debris. 2. Stand behind (in the center or slightly to one side) the two-wheel tractor.3. Move the equipment with the tractor, adjusting the lever to maximum height, which prevents the unit from harrowing during traveling.4. In the working area, turn off the tractor, remove the key from the ignition and use the adjustment lever to adjust to the desired depth.5.Turn on the tractor. 6. Stand behind the two-wheel tractor (in the center or slightly to one side) and carefully control the equipment using the tractor handles. Beware of any objects that could get stuck in the equipment during use.Removing Debris Caught in Equipment1.If rocks, pieces of metal or other debris are lodged in the equipment, turn off thetractor, remove the key from the ignition and uncouple the tractor.The person who removes the debris must keep the key with him/her.2.Remove the stuck debris with a long tool or a rod; never use your hands.Turning off the equipment releases the pressure on the mechanism and is often enough to clear the debris.Long-term Storage of the EquipmentComply with the previous safety instructions.1.Wash the equipment and let it dry. Respect the pressure washer safety instructions,if applicable.2.Check the mechanisms and replace any worn or damaged parts.3.Check the bolts and nuts.4.Protect and lubricate all metal parts.5.Cover the equipment.6.Keep the equipment in a clean, dry place where no one can trip over it, and whereit will not block access or hinder traffic.Equipment or Parts EliminationWarnings and safety instructions•Before disposing of the equipment, in order to prevent its reactivation, make the equipment unusable by removing the pinion support and dispose of it separately from the rest of the equipment.•Send the equipment, packaging and parts to the appropriate waste management and recycling centres.•Make sure people and animals that could be at risk cannot access the material to be disposed.。

































江苏省泰州市2024生物七年级上册第一单元《生物和生物圈》部编版基础掌握模拟卷学校:_______ 班级:__________姓名:_______ 考号:__________(满分:100分时间:60分钟)总分栏题号一二三四五六七总分得分评卷人得分一、选择题:本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分。



根据以上信息书写的食物链中,正确的是()A.玉米←蚜虫←蜘蛛B.玉米→蚜虫→蜘蛛→细菌C.玉米→蚜虫→蜘蛛D.阳光→玉米→蚜虫→蜘蛛5.一般来说,生态系统自我调节能力的强弱与下列因素无直接关系的是()A.生物的种类多少B.生物的个体大小C.食物链的复杂程度D.食物网的复杂程度6.下列能作为判断机器人是否属于生物的依据是( )A.能否自由移动B.能否与人交流C.能否进行思维活动D.能否生长和繁殖7.下列词句中不含有生物的是A.牧童骑黄牛B.瀑布挂前川C.乱花迷人眼D.浅草没马蹄8.下列能正确表述生态系统中的食物链的是()A.阳光→水稻→螟虫→青蛙→蛇→猫头鹰B.猫头鹰→蛇→青蛙→螟虫→水稻C.水稻→螟虫→青蛙→蛇→猫头鹰D.螟虫→青蛙→蛇→猫头鹰→细菌9.在生物生活的环境中,各种因素都能影响生物的生存。




2019/1/9 合理用药
A组:依替米星+生理盐水250ml B组:丹参酮磺酸钠+丰海能
出现问题:在B组开始输液20ml左右后,输液管路中有橙红色 结晶析出。
不合理用药处方点评:丹参酮磺酸钠药品说明书中提示该药与 硫酸依替米星之间有配伍禁忌。两药不宜同瓶配制,如需联 用,输液过程中应有适宜液体过渡。
2019/1/9 合理用药
(六)未使用药品规范名称开具处方的; (七)药品的剂量、规格、数量、单位等书写不规范 或不清楚的; (八)用法、用量使用“遵医嘱”、“自用”等含糊 不清字句的; (九)处方修改未签名并注明修改日期,或药品超剂 量使用未注明原因和再次签名的; (十)开具处方未写临床诊断或临床诊断书写不全的;
(一)特殊人群禁用: (二)药物使用未按皮试要求: (三)药物溶媒选择不当。
1、未成年人使用喹诺酮类药物如氟哌酸胶囊: 不合理用药处方点评:本品在婴幼儿及18岁以下青少年的安全 性尚未确立,但本品用于数种幼龄动物时,可致关节病变, 本品不宜用于18岁以下的小儿及青少年。
2019/1/9 合理用药
2、患者有磺胺类药物过敏史,医师给予寿比山。 不合理用药处方点评:对磺胺类药物过敏者,不能服用含有磺 胺化学结构的药物,如吲哒帕胺(寿比山)、磺脲类降糖药、 乙酰唑胺、醋甲唑胺(尼目克司)、速尿(呋噻米)。

标准编制说明-铜及铜合金分析方法 火花放电原子发射光谱法-审定稿

标准编制说明-铜及铜合金分析方法 火花放电原子发射光谱法-审定稿


2、立项目的和意义YS/T 482-2005《铜及铜合金分析方法光电发射光谱法》发布、实施于2005年,该方法规定了铜及铜合金中合金元素及杂质元素的光电直读光谱测定方法,适用于铜及铜合金中合金元素及杂质元素的光电直读光谱测定,共涉及元素21个。





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