Keyboard shortcuts - Google Reader Help
Keyboard ShortcutsCtrl + C Ctrl + Z Ctrl + W Ctrl + UCtrl + KCtrl + Y Ctrl + R Ctrl + O Ctrl + G !!exitKill current processStop process (can be resumed)Cut the word before the cursor Cut part of the line before the cursorCut part of the line after the cursorPaste from clipboard Recall last command Run the recalled command Exit command history Repeat the last command Log out of the sessionShell Command Managementalias [alias]='[command]'watch -n [interval] [command]sleep [interval] && [command]at [hh:mm]man [command]historyCreate command alias Set interval to run a command Postpone command execution Schedule a jobDisplay command manual Print command historyVariableslet "[variable]=[value]"export [variable]declare [variable]="[value]"setecho $[variable]Assign integer value to var Export a Bash variable Declare a Bash variable List variables and functions Display value of the variableDisk Usagedf -h df -l fdisk -l du -ah du -shfindmnt mount [device] [mount_point]Show free space on system Show free nodes on system Disk partition types and sizes Show disk usage for all files Show disk usage for current directoryShow target mount point Mount a deviceDirectory Navigationcd ..cdcd [/location]Move up one levelChange directory to $HOME Change to a speci fied directoryNetwork Managementip addr show ip address add [ip]ifcon fig netstat -pnltu netstat -nutlp whois [domain]dig [domain]dig -x [host]dig -x [ip]host [domain]hostname -l wget [file_url]curl -O [file_url]nslookup [domain]Show IP addressesAssign IP address to interface Show all network interfaces Show active listening ports Show tcp and udp ports Show domain information Show domain's DNS info Domain reverse lookup IP address reverse lookup IP lookup for a domain Show local IP address Download a file from url Download a file from url Show domain informationSystem Management and Infouname -r uname -a uptimehostname hostname -l last reboot date timedatectl cal whoamifinger [username]ulimit [flags] [limit]shutdown [hh:mm]shutdown nowmodprobe [module-name]Show system information Show kernel release info Show uptime length/avg. load Show system hostname Show system IP address Show reboot historyShow current time and dateManage the system clock Show current day and month Show the current user Show user information View or limit system resources Schedule a system shut down Shut down immediately Add a new kernel moduleUsers and Groupsid last who wgroupadd [group]adduser [user]usermod -aG [group] [user]userdel [user]usermodchgrp [group] [directory]Show active user details Show last system logins Show who is logged in Show logged users and activity Add a new group Add a new user Add user to group Delete a userModify user information Change directory groupFile Commandsls ls -a pwdmkdir [name]rm [file]rm -r [directory]rm -rf [directory]cp [file1] [file2]cp -r [directory1] [directory2]mv [filename1] [filename2]ln -s [/path/file] [link]touch [file]more [file]head [file]tail [file]gpg -c [file]gpg [file.gpg]wcls | xargs wccut -d[delimiter] [file][data] | cut -d[delimiter]awk '[pattern] {print $0}' [file]shred -u [file]di ff [file1] [file2]source [file][command] | tee [file]>/dev/nullList files in the directory List files, include hidden files Show current directory Create a directory Remove a fileRecursively remove directory Force remove directory Copy file1 to file2Copy directory1 to directory2Rename a fileCreate symbolic link to file Create a new file Show file contents Show first 10 lines of a file Show last 10 lines of a file Encrypt a file Decrypt a fileCount words/lines/bytes Words/lines/bytes in directory Cut file section and print Cut data section and print Print lines matching a pattern Overwrite and delete a file Compare two files Compile from source code Store command output to a file, skip terminal outputFile Permissionchmod 777 [file]chmod 755 [file]chmod 766 [file]chown [user] [file]chown [user]:[group] [file]File read, write, execute permissions to everyone Full permission to owner,read permissions for others Full permission to owner,read and write for others Change file ownership Change file owner and groupProcess Relatedps pstree pmap topkill [process_id]pkill [process_name]killall [process_name]bg fgfg [job]lsoftrap "[commands]" [signal]waitnohup [command] &Show active process snapshot Show processes as a tree Show process memory usage Show all running processes Kill the process by ID Kill the process by name Kill all processes by name List background processes Most recent suspended job to foregroundBring [job] to foreground List files opened by processes Execute command on signal Pause terminal until process completesRun a process in backgroundFile Transferscp [file.txt] [server/tmp]rsync -a [/location] [/backup/]Create a tar file from a file Sync the contents of a location with the backup directorySearchinggrep [pattern] [file]grep -r [pattern] [directory]locate [name]find [/location]-name [x]find [/location]-size [+100M]Search for a pattern in a file Search a pattern recursively Search for files & directories List items beginning with [x]List items larger than 100MBSSH Loginssh [user]@[host]ssh [host]ssh -p [port] [user]@[host]telnet [host]Connect to host as user Connect to host via port 22Use a non-default port Connect to Telnet via port 23yum search [keyword]yum info [package]yum install [package.rpm]dnf install [package.rpm]rpm -i [package.rpm]rpm -e [package.rpm]apt install [package]tar zxvf [source_code.tar.gz]cd [source_code]./con figure makemake installFind a package by a keyword Package info & summary Install a package with YUM Install a package with DNF Install a local rpm package Remove an rpm package Install a package with APT Install software from source codeLinux Commands Cheat SheetHardware InformationFile CompressionPackage Installationdmesgcat /proc/cpuinfo free -h lshw lsblk lspci -tv lsusb -tv dmidecodehdparm -i /dev/[disk]hdparm -tT /dev/[disk]badblocks -s /dev/[disk]tar cf [file.tar] [file]tar xf [file.tar]tar czf [file.tar.gz]gzip [file]Show bootup messages Show CPU information Show free and used memory Hardware con figuration info Block devices infoTree-diagram of PCI devices Tree-diagram of USB devices Show BIOS hardware info Show disk data info Disk read speed test Unreadable blocks testCreate a tar file from a file Extract archived file Create a gzip tar file Create a gz compressed file。
阅读⼯具:1. Kindle云阅读: ⾛到哪读到哪2. Kindle Reader for PC and Mac: 在电脑上看电⼦书3. Kindle Previewer: 预览转换后的电⼦书在Kindle上的版式General EBook Conversion:通⽤格式转换⼯具:4. Amazon Kindle email conversion service: free online eBook conversion service5. Calibre: eBook conversion and management software6. Hamster Free eBook Converter: casual, powerful eBook converter7. Auto Kindle eBook Converter: converts PDF, Lit, and HTML files to Kindle-friendly .MOBI format4. 亚马逊Kindle邮件转换服务: 免费的在线转换服务5. Calibre: 电⼦书转换和管理6. Hamster Free eBook Converter: 轻便但强⼤的电⼦书转换⼯具7. Auto Kindle eBook Converter: 将PDF, Lit, and HTML 格式⽂件转为MOBI 格式PDF to Kindle conversion:PDF优化⼯具:8. Briss: visual PDF cropping tool9. K2PDFopt: converts complex PDF’s into Kindle friendly ones8. Briss: 可视化PDF页⾯调整⼯具9. K2PDFopt: 将版式复杂的PDF⽂件变的易于在Kindle上阅读Organizing files on your Kindle:Kindle⽂件管理⼯具:10. Koll3ction: use folder structures to organize your Kindle documents intocollections10. Koll3ction: 使⽤⽂件夹结构来管理你的Kindle⽂件Sending Web Content to your Kindle:⽹页投递⼯具:11. SENDtoREADER: bookmarklet to send any web pages, Google Reader entriesto your Kindle12. Kindle It: browser extension that will send any web page to the Kindle13. KindleFeeder: deliver up to 12 RSS feeds to your Kindle via whispernet14. Greader2Kindle: read your Google Reader feeds on your Kindle15. Instapaper: automatically delivers unread Instapaper articles to your Kindle16. ReadItLater: deliver unread ReadItLater articles to your Kindle17. Readability: receive your Readability reading list automatically on your Kindle11. SENDtoREADER: 书签⼯具,发送任意⽹页和Google Reader中的内容到你的Kindle12. Kindle It: 浏览器扩展,发送⽹页到Kindle13. KindleFeeder: 通过whispernet(亚马逊3G⽹络服务,收费)投递最多12条RSS订阅到Kindle14. Greader2Kindle: 在Kindle上看Google Reader订阅内容15. Instapaper:⾃动投递Instapaper中未阅读的⽂章到Kindle16. ReadItLater: ⾃动投递ReadItLater中未阅读的⽂章到Kindle17. Readability:⾃动投递Readability的阅读清单到KindleOther tools: a few that I wasn’t motivated to write mini reviews for其他⼯具:⼀看就会⽤,不⽤写简介了1. Kindle Cloud Reader: read eBooks from anywhere1. Kindle云阅读: ⾛到哪读到哪This is a web app that connects to your Amazon Kindle account and lets you readyour eBook collection from any PC or device. This service (which is partiallyconceived to liberate Kindle eBooks on devices and tablets from from dependencyon ‘app stores’ as go-betweens) is a great idea and works really well.这个web应⽤程序与你的亚马逊Kindle账户相关联,你可以在任意电脑或阅读设备上查看你的电⼦书选集。
7一键搜索:”Ctrl+g” 或者“Ctrl+G”。
”S”是”Status bar”的缩写,可以在属性设置中更改。
K是Keyboard 的缩写,可以在属性设置中更改。
圖示 FILE-功能表中文名稱 Shortcut Alt Menu Keyboard(Alt+F)New 建立新檔 Ctrl+N N Open 開啟舊檔 Ctrl+O O Close 關閉檔案 C Save 儲存 Ctrl+S S Save As 另存新檔 F12 A Print Setup 版面設定 R Print Preview 預覽列印 V Print 列印 Ctrl+P P Import 輸入GERBER Shift+I I Merge Job合併工作檔 JLoad CAD Cancroids輸入CAD 檔案 C Send E-mail 工作檔 D Export輸出檔案格式ERS-274-XFIREGerber D Excellon Drill Excellon Rout AutoCAD DXFPostScriptPDF PDF 輸出 F4Exit離開x圖示 Edit-功能表中文名稱 ShortcutAlt Menu Keyboard(Alt+E)Undo 還原前一狀態Alt+Backspace U Cut 剪下 Shift+Delete t Copy 複製 Ctrl+C C Paste 貼上 Ctrl+V P Paste To 貼至指定位置Alt+F5 o Delete 刪除 Ctrl+DeleteDSelect All選擇所有資料 * l Unselect All 解除所有選擇 Ctrl+M ASelect選擇性標示 eFilter Selection 有條件的篩選 Ctrl+Shift+F Select Connected 重疊區域 Ctrl+F9Include Points in selections 選取及編輯PAD 模式Include Lines in selections選取及編輯線模式Register Layers 圖層對齊 Ctrl+Shift+L gJump To游標跳至指定位置 JNearest 跳至離游標最近的中心點或端點SGrid 跳至格點 G Crosshair 跳至游標定住的位置Offset 指定偏移座標 FAngle 依距離角度跳躍 ACoordinate 跳至自訂零點座標 CComponent跳至零件中心或第一隻腳 PMove To [Ctrl + 滑鼠中鍵 (先放Ctrl)]移動至指定位置 M Here 移動至游標定住位置Gria 移動至格點 Offset 移動至偏移座標 Angle 依座標及角度移動Coordinate移動至自訂零點座標 Copy To [Ctrl + 滑鼠中鍵 (先放中鍵)]複製到指定位置Here 複製至游標定住位置 Nearest 複製至離游標最近的中心點或端點Grid 複製至格點Offset 複製至偏移座標Angle 依座標及角度複製Coordinate 複製至自訂零點座標Rotate 角度旋轉及座標複製Rotate 旋轉R R Mirror 鏡射 i About X Axis Y 以X軸鏡射About Y Axis X 以Y軸鏡射Scale 依比例縮放Ctrl+Shift+S S Clip 剪貼板K New Tool 變換D-Code Shift+N wExplode Custom Apertures 將特殊定義的PAD打散Shift+F3 x Arc To Vector 曲線向量 ADate Creation Setup 設定線、孔、弧、字、框資料n Pad Stack Creation Setup 設定PAD資料 k Create 建立資料Rout/Trace 線Drill Hit/Pad Pad或鑽孔CCW Arc/Curved Rout 逆時針曲線ClockwiseArc/CurvedRout 順時針曲線CCW Arc/Curved Rout using 3point 逆時針3點曲線Clockwise Arc/Curved Rout using 3point順時針3點曲線Box 中空矩形 BText Block 文字方塊TPad Stack 銅箔Fill 填滿Ctrl+F FRedraw Current Window 重繪 RRedraw All Windows 重生 D AControl Draw圖型顯示控制 Ctrl+D D Normal Draw 一般顯示 Transparent Draw 透明顯示 Ball+Stick Draw 以球體及直線顯示 Mix Colors Draw 圖層疊合混色顯示Directional Draw 線段方向顯示Panel Layout整片板子架構顯示Bottom Side View 依背面觀看 U Single Step 單層觀看 Sby Physical Layer依線路一次一層顯示by Data Layer依資料一次一層顯示 WZoom 畫面縮放Z In縮小 Num +Out 放大 Ctrl+Num 5Extents 最大邊界顯示 Ctrl+Shift+=Previous 回前一畫面 Num DelPan畫面平移 Num DelLayers圖層控制 yView All 檢視模式 Shift+VHide All 關閉模式 Shift+HEdit All 編輯模式 Shift+EGrid Setup 格點設定 GGrid Marks 格點顯示 Ctrl+GCrosshair to Grid 格點鎖定 C Units單位設定 Ctrl+U UReference Designators On/Off 零件代號顯示 fPin Number On/Off 零件腳位顯示 iPart Number On/Off 料號顯示 PTool Labels On/Off D-CODE 編號顯示 LNet Labels On/Off 顯示net 編號 NToolbars 自訂工具列TAutomatic Centroid Extraction 自動中心位置辨識@ ATeach Part 零件教導Ctrl+Shift+P TMerge CAD Centroids 結合CAD-XY位Ctrl+Shift+M M置Compare CAD Centroids 結合CAD-XY測Alt+= C試Check Reference Designators 檢查零件代號重復k或空白Find Reference Designators 尋找文字面零件代I F號Import Part Numbers(BOM) 匯入BOMCtrl+Shift+B ICalculate Solder Paste V olume 計算銅箔區域及錫Ctrl+Shift+C V高用量Explode Parts 零件或銅箔打散Ctrl+Shift+E ECreate Parts Template Layer 建立暫存的零件層PAssembly Report 貼裝報告RClear Part Numbers 清除目前零件料號N 圖示CAM-功能表中文名稱Shortcut Alt Menu Keyboard(Alt+F)Auto Convert Sketched Pads 銅箔定位Ctrl+K ATeach Custom Pad 教導使用者定義的Shift+T T銅箔Replace Sketched Pads 取代已教導過的銅Ctrl+R R箔Replace Selected 取代所選擇的銅箔Alt+R eAdvanced Scan and Replace 進階的掃描與取代Remove Buried 移除重複點Shift+O BSort 資料排列Shift+S oIsolate 產生資料的邊框Ctrl+I I 圖示NC-功能表中文名稱Shortcut Alt Menu Keyboard(Alt+F)Reorder Rout 重定方向Alt+F8 RSequence 改變優先權Shift+F8 STool Compensation Ctrl+F8 CFix Polygons Shift+F PArray Copy Paste 矩陣複製Shift+A AMulti-up Recognizer RCentre Panel 排至中央Shift+C n圖示Tools-功能表中文名稱Shortcut Alt Menu Keyboard(Alt+F)Bed Size 設定板子尺寸Ctrl+B BQuery 查詢Q QLayer Information 圖層資料LZero User 使用者座標歸零Alt+Z UZero Relative 相對座標歸零Z RSet User To Abs 機械原點與系統原A點相同Customize 使用者選擇 C 圖示Script-功能表中文名稱Shortcut Alt Menu Keyboard(Alt+F)Run 執行巨集Ctrl+F11 RGC-Basic Editor 編輯巨集Ait+F11 G。
谷歌浏览器快捷键大全Google Chrome browser keyboard shortcut
Google Chrome browser keyboard shortcutAll other shortcutsNote: If you’re using a Windows or Mac keyboard, use the Windows key or Command key in place of the Search key.Tabs and windowsOpen a new window Ctrl+ nOpen a new window inincognito modeCtrl+ Shift+ nOpen a new tab Ctrl+ tOpen a file in thebrowserCtrl+ oClose the current tab Ctrl+ wClose the currentwindowCtrl+ Shift + wReopen the last tabor window you closedCtrl+ Shift+ tGo to tabs 1-8 in thewindowCtrl+ 1through Ctrl+ 8Go to the last tab inthe windowCtrl+ 9Go to the next tab inthe windowCtrl+ TabGo to the previoustab in the windowCtrl+ Shift+ TabSwitch quickly between windows Press & hold Alt, tap Tab until you get to the window you want to open, then release.Open the window you used least recently Press & hold Alt+ Shift, tap Tab until you get to the window you want to open, then release.Go to previous pagein your browsinghistoryAlt+ left arrowGo to the next page in your browsing historyAlt + right arrowOpen the link in a new tab in the background Press Ctrl and click a linkOpen the link in a new tab and switch to the new tabPress Ctrl + Shift and click a linkOpen the link in a new windowPress Shift and click a link Open the link in the tabDrag the link to the tab's address bar Open the link in a new tabDrag the link to a blank area on the tab strip Open the webpage in a new tabType a web address (URL) in the address bar, then press Alt + EnterReturn the tab to its original position While dragging the tab, press EscDock a window on the leftAlt + [ Dock a window on the rightAlt + ]Page & web browsercontentZoom in on the page Ctrl and +Zoom out on the page Ctrl and -Reset zoom level Ctrl+ 0Stop the loading of yourEsccurrent pageRight-click a link Press Alt and click a linkPress Ctrl and click a linkOpen the link in a new tabin the backgroundSave the link as a bookmark Drag link to bookmarks barCtrl+ dSave your current webpageas a bookmarkCtrl+ Shift+ dSave all open pages in yourcurrent window asbookmarks in a new folderSearch the current page Ctrl+ fCtrl+ g or EnterGo to the next match foryour searchGo to the previous matchCtrl+ Shift+ g or Shift+ Enter for your searchPerform a Google search Ctrl+ k or Ctrl+ eCtrl+ EnterAdd www. and .com toyour input in the addressbar, then open the pageView page source Ctrl + uCtrl + Shift + iShow or hide the DeveloperTools panelShow or hide the DOMCtrl + Shift + jInspectorCtrl + Shift + bShow or hide the bookmarksbarOpen the History page Ctrl + hOpen the Downloads page Ctrl + jSystem & display settingsCtrl + Shift+ Text editingonly)Alt+Alt+ AccessibilityLearn how to make your Chromebook accessible.Ctrl + or Ctrl + ∙∙∙∙∙∙Shift + Search +。
google hack的用法
一、什么是Google HackGoogle Hack是指利用Google搜索引擎的一些特殊功能进行高级搜索的技术,以及借助Google搜索引擎发现网络安全漏洞的方法。
二、Google Hack的常见用法1. 搜索特定类型的文件通过在搜索关键字后加上filetype:后缀名,可以仅搜索特定类型的文件,比如搜索pdf文件可以使用关键词filetype:pdf。
2. 查找特定全球信息湾上的信息通过在搜索关键字前加上site:全球信息湾位置区域,可以限制搜索结果只在特定全球信息湾中进行搜索,比如搜索site:example 关键词。
3. 查找未授权访问的文件通过搜索一些常见的文件名,比如config.php、database.sql等,可以查找到一些全球信息湾未授权访问的文件,从而进行黑客攻击。
4. 查找存在安全漏洞的设备通过搜索一些常见的设备型号或是存在已知漏洞的关键词,可以发现存在安全漏洞的网络设备,比如搜索hikvision 默认口令。
5. 使用Google DorksGoogle Dorks是特定的搜索语法,通过编写一些特定的搜索语句可以更加精准地搜索到需要的信息,比如搜索intext:用户名密码可以查找到全球信息湾源码中包含用户名和密码信息的页面。
三、Google Hack的合法性和道德性尽管Google Hack可以帮助我们更加高效地搜索到所需的信息,但是在使用Google Hack技术时需要充分考虑其合法性和道德性。
利用Google Hack搜索到的信息,如果未经授权访问或利用可能触犯法律,例如利用搜索到的漏洞进行攻击或未经授权访问他人文件,都是不道德和非法的行为。
Note: These might vary according to the Chromebook model you have purchased.
Some Touchpad Tricks
Things You Can Do Using The Search Field
• Launch apps you have installed from Chrome Web Store or Google Play Store: Click the app icon to launch an app. Right click the app icon for more options including, pin the the app to the taskbar, or uninstall.
If you have used Google Chrome, the browser, you will find this new operating system very familiar. On Chrome OS, you will use the browser, Google Chrome, to get things done. You will also be using apps. If you have one of the newer models, you can also use Android apps.
Just like your PC or Mac, right click the desktop and choose Set Wallpaper. You can pick wallpapers available there or use your own image. There are plenty of apps that will change your wallpaper automatically and add some eye candy to your Chromebook.
常用的google hack语法
常用的Google Hack语法随着互联网的快速发展和信息的爆炸式增长,搜索引擎已经成为我们获取信息的主要渠道之一。
一、基本语法1. 精确搜索使用双引号("")可以精确搜索某个词组或句子,例如:"人工智能"。
2. 排除关键词在搜索中使用减号(-)可以排除掉特定的关键词,例如:苹果 -水果。
3. 站点搜索使用site:可以限定搜索结果只在特定全球信息站内,例如:site:知识。
4. 文件类型搜索使用filetype:可以限定搜索结果只包括特定类型的文件,例如:filetype:pdf。
二、高级语法1. 搜索特定网页标题使用intitle:可以限定搜索结果中包含特定关键词的网页标题,例如:intitle:技术共享。
2. 搜索特定网页正文使用intext:可以限定搜索结果中包含特定关键词的网页正文,例如:intext:人工智能。
3. 区间搜索使用..可以限定搜索结果在特定数字范围内,例如:2020..2021。
4. 相关网页搜索使用related:可以找到与特定网页相关联的网页,例如:related:知识。
三、利用Google Hack进行信息搜集通过掌握以上的Google Hack语法,我们可以更加高效地利用Google进行信息搜集。
Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts
Search To use a keyboard shortcut, or key combination, you press a modifier key with a character key. Forexample, pressing the Command key (the key with a symbol) and the "c" key at the same time copieswhatever is currently selected (text, graphics, and so forth) into the Clipboard. This is also known as the(Command key) - On some Apple keyboards, this key also has an Apple logo ()(Control key)(Option key) - "Alt" may also appear on this key(Shift key)(Caps Lock) - Toggles Caps Lock on or offfn (Function key)Command-C Copy selected item/text to the ClipboardShift-Command-C Open the Computer windowCommand-D Duplicate selected itemShift-Command-D Open desktop folderCommand-E EjectCommand-F Find any matching Spotlight attributeShift-Command-F Find Spotlight file name matchesOption-Command-F Navigate to the search field in an already-open Spotlight window Shift-Command-G Go to FolderShift-Command-H Open the Home folder of the currently logged-in user account Command-I Get InfoOption-Command-I Show InspectorControl-Command-I Get Summary InfoShift-Command-I Open iDiskCommand-J Show View OptionsCommand-K Connect to ServerShift-Command-K Open Network windowCommand-L Make alias of the selected itemCommand-M Minimize windowOption-Command-M Minimize all windowsCommand-N New Finder windowShift-Command-N New folderOption-Command-N New Smart FolderCommand-O Open selected itemShift-Command-Q Log OutOption-Shift-Command-Q Log Out immediatelyCommand-R Show original (of alias)Command-T Add to SidebarShift-Command-T Add to FavoritesOption-Command-T Hide Toolbar / Show Toolbar in Finder windowsShift-Command-U Open Utilities folderCommand-V PasteCommand-W Close windowOption-Command-W Close all windowsCommand-X CutOption-Command-Y Slideshow (Mac OS X 10.5 or later)Command-Z Undo / RedoCommand-1View as IconCommand-2View as ListCommand-3View as ColumnsCommand-4View as Cover Flow (Mac OS X 10.5 or later)Command-, (Command and the comma key)Open Finder preferencesCommand-` (the Grave accent key--above Tab key on a US Englishkeyboard layout)Cycle through open Finder windowsCommand-Shift-?Open Mac HelpOption-Shift-Command-Esc (hold for three seconds) - MacOS X v10.5, v10.6 or later onlyForce Quit front-most applicationCommand-[BackCommand-]ForwardCommand-Up Arrow Open enclosed folderControl-Command-Up Arrow Open enclosed folder in a new windowCommand-Down Arrow Open highlighted itemCommand-Tab Switch application--cycle forwardShift-Command-Tab Switch application--cycle backwardCommand-Delete Move to TrashShift-Command-Delete Empty TrashOption-Shift-Command-Delete Empty Trash without confirmation dialogSpacebar (or Command-Y)Quick Look (Mac OS X 10.5 or later)Command key while dragging Move dragged item to other volume/location (pointer icon changes while key is held--see this article)Option key while dragging Copy dragged item (pointer icon changes while key is held--see this article)Option-Command key combination while dragging Make alias of dragged item (pointer icon changes while key is held--see this article)Application and other Mac OS X keyboard commandsNote: Some applications may not support all of the below application key combinations.Key combination What it doesCommand-Space Show or hide the Spotlight search field (if multiple languages are installed, may rotate through enabled script systems) Control-A Move to beginning of line/paragraphControl-B Move one character backwardControl-D Delete the character in front of the cursorControl-E Move to end of line/paragraphControl-F Move one character forwardControl-H Delete the character behind the cursorControl-K Delete from the character in front of the cursor to the end of the line/paragraphControl-L Center the cursor/selection in the visible areaControl-N Move down one lineControl-O Insert a new line after the cursorControl-P Move up one lineControl-T Transpose the character behind the cursor and the character in front of the cursorControl-V Move down one pageOption-Command-Space Show the Spotlight search results window (if multiple languages are installed, may rotate through keyboard layouts and input methods within a script)Command-Tab Move forward to the next most recently used application in a list of open applicationsShift-Command-Tab Move backward through a list of open applications (sorted by recent use)Shift-Tab Navigate through controls in a reverse directionControl-Tab Move focus to the next grouping of controls in a dialog or the next table (when Tab moves to the next cell)Shift-Control-Tab Move focus to the previous grouping of controlsCommand-esc Open Front Row (if installed)Option-Eject Eject from secondary optical media drive (if one is installed)Control-Eject Show shutdown dialogOption-Command-Eject Put the computer to sleepControl-Command-Eject Quit all applications (after giving you a chance to save changes to open documents), then restart the computer Control Option-Command-EjectQuit all applications (after giving you a chance to save changes to open documents), then shut down the computer fn-Delete Forward Delete (on portable Macs' built-in keyboard)Control-F1Toggle full keyboard access on or offControl-F2Move focus to the menu barControl-F3Move focus to the DockControl-F4Move focus to the active (or next) windowShift-Control-F4Move focus to the previously active windowControl-F5Move focus to the toolbar.Control-F6Move focus to the first (or next) panelShift-Control-F6Move focus to the previous panelControl-F7Temporarily override the current keyboard access mode in windows and dialogsF9Tile or untile all open windowsF10Tile or untile all open windows in the currently active applicationF11Hide or show all open windowsF12Hide or display DashboardCommand-`Activate the next open window in the frontmost applicationShift-Command-`Activate the previous open window in the frontmost applicationOption-Command-`Move focus to the window drawerCommand- - (minus)Decrease the size of the selected itemCommand-{Left-align a selectionCommand-}Right-align a selectionCommand-|Center-align a selectionCommand-:Display the Spelling windowCommand-;Find misspelled words in the documentCommand-,Open the front application's preferences window (if it supports this keyboard shortcut)Option-Control-Command-,Decrease screen contrastOption-Control-Command-.Increase screen contrastCommand-?Open the application's help in Help ViewerOption-Command-/Turn font smoothing on or offShift-Command-=Increase the size of the selected itemShift-Command-3Capture the screen to a fileShift-Control-Command-3Capture the screen to the ClipboardShift-Command-4Capture a selection to a fileShift-Control-Command-4Capture a selection to the ClipboardCommand-A Highlight every item in a document or window, or all characters in a text fieldCommand-B Boldface the selected text or toggle boldfaced text on and offCommand-C Copy the selected data to the ClipboardShift-Command-C Display the Colors windowOption-Command-C Copy the style of the selected textControl-Command-C Copy the formatting settings of the selected item and store on the ClipboardOption-Command-D Show or hide the DockCommand-Control D Display the definition of the selected word in the Dictionary applicationCommand-E Use the selection for a findCommand-F Open a Find windowOption-Command-F Move to the search field controlCommand-G Find the next occurrence of the selectionShift-Command-G Find the previous occurrence of the selectionCommand-H Hide the windows of the currently running applicationOption-Command-H Hide the windows of all other running applicationsCommand-I Italicize the selected text or toggle italic text on or offOption-Command-I Display an inspector windowCommand-J Scroll to a selectionCommand-M Minimize the active window to the DockOption-Command-M Minimize all windows of the active application to the DockCommand-N Create a new document in the frontmost applicationCommand-O Display a dialog for choosing a document to open in the frontmost applicationCommand-P Display the Print dialogShift-Command-P Display a dialog for specifying printing parameters (Page Setup)Command-Q Quit the frontmost applicationCommand-S Save the active documentShift-Command-S Display the Save As dialogCommand-T Display the Fonts windowOption-Command-T Show or hide a toolbarCommand-U Underline the selected text or turn underlining on or offCommand-V Paste the Clipboard contents at the insertion pointOption-Command-V Apply the style of one object to the selected object (Paste Style)Option-Shift-Command-V Apply the style of the surrounding text to the inserted object (Paste and Match Style)Control-Command-V Apply formatting settings to the selected object (Paste Ruler Command)Command-W Close the frontmost windowShift-Command-W Close a file and its associated windowsOption-Command-W Close all windows in the application without quitting itCommand-X Remove the selection and store in the ClipboardCommand-Z Undo previous command (some applications allow for multiple Undos)Shift-Command-Z Redo previous command (some applications allow for multiple Redos)Control-Right Arrow Move focus to another value or cell within a view, such as a tableControl-Left Arrow Move focus to another value or cell within a view, such as a tableControl-Down Arrow Move focus to another value or cell within a view, such as a tableControl-Up Arrow Move focus to another value or cell within a view, such as a tableCommand-Right Arrow Move the text insertion point to the end of the current lineCommand-Left Arrow Move the text insertion point to the beginning of the current lineCommand-Down Arrow Move the text insertion point to the end of the documentCommand-Up Arrow Move the text insertion point to the beginning of the documentShift-Command-RightSelect text between the insertion point and the end of the current line (*)ArrowShift-Command-LeftSelect text between the insertion point and the beginning of the current line (*)ArrowShift-Right Arrow Extend text selection one character to the right (*)Shift-Left Arrow Extend text selection one character to the left (*)Shift-Command-UpSelect text between the insertion point and the beginning of the document (*)ArrowShift-Command-DownSelect text between the insertion point and the end of the document (*)ArrowShift-Up Arrow Extend text selection to the line above, to the nearest character boundary at the same horizontal location (*)Shift-Down Arrow Extend text selection to the line below, to the nearest character boundary at the same horizontal location (*)Shift-Option-Right Arrow Extend text selection to the end of the current word, then to the end of the following word if pressed again (*)Shift-Option-Left Arrow Extend text selection to the beginning of the current word, then to the beginning of the following word if pressed again (*) Shift-Option-Down Arrow Extend text selection to the end of the current paragraph, then to the end of the following paragraph if pressed again (*)Shift-Option-Up Arrow Extend text selection to the beginning of the current paragraph, then to the beginning of the following paragraph if pressed again (*)Control-Space Toggle between the current and previous input sourcesOption-Control-Space Toggle through all enabled input sourcesOption-Command-esc Force Quit(*) Note: If no text is selected, the extension begins at the insertion point. If text is selected by dragging, then the extension begins at the selection boundary. Reversing the direction of the selection deselects the appropriate unit.Universal Access - VoiceOver keyboard commandsFor information about VoiceOver key combination differences in Mac OS X v10.6, see this article.Key combination What it doesCommand-F5 orfn Command-F5Turn VoiceOver on or offControl Option-F8 orfn Control Option-F8Open VoiceOver UtilityControl Option-F7 orfn Control Option-F7Display VoiceOver menuControl Option-;or fn Control Option-;Enable/disable VoiceOver Control Option-lockOption-Command-8 orfn Command-F11Turn on ZoomOption-Command-+Zoom InOption-Command- - (minus)Zoom OutOption-Control-Command-8Invert/revert theControl Option-Command-,Reduce contrastControl Option-Command-.Increase contrastNote: You may need to enable "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard keys" in Keyboard preferences for the VoiceOver menu and utility to work.Universal Access - Mouse KeysWhen is turned on in Universal Access preferences, you can use the keyboard or numeric keypad keys to move the mouse pointer. If your computer doesn't have a numeric keypad, use the Fn (function) key.Key combination What it does8Move Up2Move Down4Move Left6Move Right1Move Diagonally Bottom Left3Move Diagonally Bottom Right7Move Diagonally Top Left9Move Diagonally Top Right5Press Mouse Button0Hold Mouse Button. (period on number pad)Release Hold Mouse ButtonSee also: .Additional InformationAdvanced: This article refers to the default modifier key assignments. Modifier key assignments can be changed in the Keyboard & Mouse preferences pane of System Preferences. For example, you can change the Command key to act as an Option key, and vice-versa. You can also restore default modifier key settings.See also:If you can’t use some keyboard shortcutsUsing global keyboard shortcutsStartup Manager: How to Select a Startup VolumeResolving VoiceOver key command conflictsMac OS X: Alternative Ways to Control Your ComputerMac OS X: Additional features of the DockMac OS X: Speech - How to Add a Spoken Command for Keyboard Shortcut QuickTime Player: About Movie Playback Keyboard ShortcutsKeynote 4.0 Help (iWork '08)Keyboard shortcuts for Front RowiCal 3 Keyboard ShortcutsiWeb 3 Keyboard ShortcutsiPhoto 8 Keyboard ShortcutsiPhoto 8 Creating shortcuts to your favorite keywordsGarageBand 5 Keyboard ShortcutsiMovie 8 Keyboard ShortcutsiTunes 8 Keyboard ShortcutsPages 3 Keyboard Shortcuts。
∙∙Keyboard shortcuts键盘快捷键Contents [内容[Hide隐藏]▪General (keyboard shortcuts)一般(键盘快捷键)▪Projects (keyboard shortcuts)项目(键盘快捷键)▪Preferences (keyboard shortcuts)偏好键盘快捷键)▪Panels, viewers, workspaces, and windows (keyboard shortcuts)面板,观众,工作空间,窗口(键盘快捷键)▪Activating tools (keyboard shortcuts)激活工具(键盘快捷键)▪Compositions and the work area (keyboard shortcuts)成份和工作区域(键盘快捷键)▪Time navigation (keyboard shortcuts)时间导航菜单(键盘快捷键)▪Previews (keyboard shortcuts)预览(键盘快捷键)▪Views (keyboard shortcuts)视图(键盘快捷键)▪Footage (keyboard shortcuts)片段(键盘快捷键)▪Effects and animation presets (keyboard shortcuts)效果和动画预置(键盘快捷键)▪Layers (keyboard shortcuts)层(键盘快捷键)▪Showing properties and groups in the Timeline panel (keyboard shortcuts)显示的时间性能和团体面板(键盘快捷键)▪Showing properties in the Effect Controls panel (keyboard shortcuts)显示性能的影响控制面板(键盘快捷键)▪Modifying layer properties (keyboard shortcuts)修改层性能(键盘快捷键)▪3D layers (keyboard shortcuts)三维层(键盘快捷键)▪Keyframes and the Graph Editor (keyboard shortcuts)每个和图形编辑器(键盘快捷键)▪Text (keyboard shortcuts)文字(键盘快捷键)▪Masks (keyboard shortcuts)面具(键盘快捷键)▪Paint tools (keyboard shortcuts)油漆工具(键盘快捷键)▪Shape layers (keyboard shortcuts)形状层(键盘快捷键)▪Markers (keyboard shortcuts)标记(键盘快捷键)▪Motion tracking (keyboard shortcuts)运动跟踪(键盘快捷键)▪Saving, exporting, and rendering (keyboard shortcuts)储蓄,出口,而且渲染(键盘快捷键)To modify keyboard shortcuts, use the KeyEd Up script from Jeff Almasol, which is available on the修改的键盘快捷键,使用非常兴奋,从杰夫Almasol脚本是可利用的Adobe After Effects Exchange website在交流的网站。
惠普 LaserJet MFP M180n 多功能一体机用户手册说明书
User Guide© Copyright 2018 HP Development Company, L.P.Chrome and Google Cloud Print are trademarks of Google Inc.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.First Edition: February 2018Document Part Number: L13110-001Product noticeThis guide describes features that are commonto most models. Some features may not beavailable on your computer.Software termsBy installing, copying, downloading, orotherwise using any software productpreinstalled on this computer, you agree to bebound by the terms of the HP End User LicenseAgreement (EULA). If you do not accept theselicense terms, your sole remedy is to return theentire unused product (hardware and software)within 14 days for a full refund subject to therefund policy of your seller.For any further information or to request a fullrefund of the price of the computer, pleasecontact your seller.Safety warning noticesurface. Do not allow another hard surface, such as an adjoining optional printer, or a soft surface, such aspillows or rugs or clothing, to block airflow. Also, do not allow the AC adapter to come into contact with theskin or a soft surface, such as pillows or rugs or clothing, during operation. The computer and the AC adaptercomply with the user-accessible surface temperature limits defined by the International Standard for Safetyof Information Technology Equipment (IEC 60950).iiiiv Safety warning noticeTable of contents1 Getting to know your computer (1)Right side (1)Left side (3)Display (4)TouchPad (5)Button and speaker (6)Labels (7)2 Navigating the screen (8)Using TouchPad and touch screen gestures (8)Tapping (8)Scrolling (TouchPad only) (9)One-finger scrolling (touch screen only) (10)One-finger swipe (touch screen only) (11)Two-finger pinch zoom (touch screen only) (11)3 Using the action keys (12)Using the action keys (12)4 Power and battery (13)Factory-sealed battery (13)Charging the battery (13)5 Printing (14)Printing from the Google Chrome browser (14)Printing with Google Cloud Print web printing service (14)6 More HP resources (15)More HP resources (15)7 Electrostatic Discharge (16)8 Accessibility (17)Supported assistive technologies (17)Contacting support (17)vIndex (18)vi1Getting to know your computer Right sideComponent Description(1)Audio-out (headphone)/Audio-in(microphone) combo jack Connects optional powered stereo speakers, headphones, earbuds, a headset, or a television audio cable. Also connects an optional headset microphone. This jack does not support optional microphone-only devices. WARNING!To reduce the risk of personal injury, adjust the volume before putting on headphones, earbuds, or a headset. For additional safety information, refer to the Regulatory, Safety, and Environmental Notices.This guide is provided in the box.NOTE:When a device is connected to the jack, the computer speakers are disabled.(2)MicroSD memory card reader Reads optional memory cards that store, manage, share,or access information.To insert a card:1.Hold the card label-side up, with connectors facingthe computer.2.Insert the card into the memory card reader, and thenpress in on the card until it is firmly seated.To remove a card:▲Pull out the card.(3)USB 3.x SuperSpeed port Connects a USB device, such as a cell phone, camera,activity tracker, or smartwatch, and provides high-speeddata transfer.(4)AC adapter and battery light●White: The AC adapter is connected and the battery ischarged.●Amber: The AC adapter is connected and the batteryis charging.Right side1Component Description●Off: The computer is using battery power.(5)USB Type-C power connector and chargingport Connects an AC adapter that has a USB Type-C connector, supplying power to the computer and, if needed, charging the computer battery.2Chapter 1 Getting to know your computerLeft sideComponent Description(1)Nano security cable slot Attaches an optional security cable to the computer.NOTE:The security cable is designed to act as adeterrent, but it may not prevent the computer from beingmishandled or stolen.(2)USB Type-C power connector and chargingport Connects a USB device with a Type-C connector and can charge products such as cell phones, laptops, tablets, and MP3 players, even when the computer is off. Also connects an AC adapter that has a USB Type-C connector, supplying power to the computer and, if needed, charging the computer battery.(3)USB 3.x SuperSpeed port Connects a USB device, such as a cell phone, camera,activity tracker, or smartwatch, and provides high-speeddata transfer.Left side3DisplayComponent Description(1)WLAN antennas*Send and receive wireless signals to communicate with wirelesslocal area networks (WLANs).NOTE:The position of the WLAN antennas may differ,depending on the product.(2)Internal microphones (2)Record sound.(3)Camera light On: The camera is in use.(4)Camera Records video, captures still photographs, and allows videoconferences and online chat by means of streaming video.*The antennas are not visible from the outside of the computer, and antenna location varies. For optimal transmission, keep the areasimmediately around the antennas free from obstructions.For wireless regulatory notices, see the section of the Regulatory, Safety, and Environmental Notices that applies to your country orregion.This guide is provided in the box.4Chapter 1 Getting to know your computerTouchPadComponent DescriptionTouchPad zone Moves the on-screen pointer and selects or activates items on the screen.NOTE:For more information, see Using TouchPad and touch screen gestureson page 8.TouchPad5Button and speakerComponent Description(1)Speaker Produces sound.NOTE:Select products may include an enhanced soundsystem by B&O Play.(2)Power button●When the computer is off, press the button to turn on thecomputer.●When the computer is in the Sleep state, press the buttonbriefly to exit Sleep.●When the computer is on and you want to lock the screen,press the button until you see the sign-in screen appear.Pressing the power button during screen-lock mode turnsoff the computer.●When the computer is on and you want to turn it off, pressand hold the button to lock the screen, and then continueto press the button until the computer turns off.6Chapter 1 Getting to know your computerLabelsThe labels affixed to the computer provide information you may need when you troubleshoot systemproblems or travel internationally with the computer.IMPORTANT:All labels described in this section will be affixed to the bottom of the computer.●Service label—Provides important information to identify your computer. When contacting support, youwill probably be asked for the serial number, and possibly for the product number or the model number.Locate these numbers before you contact support.Your service label will resemble one of the examples shown below. Refer to the illustration that mostclosely matches the service label on your computer.Component(1)Serial number(2)Product number(3)Warranty period(4)Model number (select products only)Component(1)Model name (select products only)(2)Product number(3)Serial number(4)Warranty period●Regulatory label(s)—Provide(s) regulatory information about the computer.●Wireless certification label(s)—Provide(s) information about optional wireless devices and the approvalmarkings for the countries or regions in which the devices have been approved for use.Labels72Navigating the screenYou can navigate the screen in the following ways:●Use touch gestures directly on the computer screen (select products only).●Use touch gestures on the TouchPad.●Use an optional pen, with the digitizer film, for the computer. If a pen is included with your computer,refer to the documentation included with that pen.Using TouchPad and touch screen gesturesThe TouchPad supports a variety of gestures that let your fingers tap and scroll to manipulate items on thedesktop. To navigate a touch screen (select products only), touch the screen directly using gestures describedin this chapter.TappingTap one finger on the TouchPad zone or touch screen to make a selection.Tap two fingers on the TouchPad zone or touch screen to bring up a context-sensitive menu.8Chapter 2 Navigating the screenScrolling (TouchPad only)Scrolling is useful for moving up, down, or sideways on a page or image. Scrolling to the left or the right withtwo fingers will scroll the screen, if there is more content viewable to either side, or will move back and forththrough web browser history.To scroll, place two fingers slightly apart on the TouchPad, and then drag them across the TouchPad in an up,down, left, or right motion.NOTE:Scrolling speed is controlled by finger speed.To scroll between open tabs in Chrome, slide three fingers left or right on the TouchPad.Using TouchPad and touch screen gestures9One-finger scrolling (touch screen only)Scrolling to the left or the right with one finger will move back and forth through web browser history.To scroll, place fingers on the touch screen, and then drag it across the touch screen in a left or right motion.NOTE:Scrolling speed is controlled by finger speed.10Chapter 2 Navigating the screenOne-finger swipe (touch screen only)Swiping up with one finger will hide or show your shelf. The shelf contains a list of popular shortcuts to appsso that you can find them easily.To swipe, place your finger on the bottom of the screen, quickly slide your finger up a short distance, and thenlift it.Two-finger pinch zoom (touch screen only)Use the two-finger pinch zoom to zoom out or in on images or text.●Zoom out by placing two fingers apart on the touch screen and then moving your fingers together.●Zoom in by placing two fingers together on the touch screen and then moving your fingers apart.Using TouchPad and touch screen gestures113Using the action keysUsing the action keysFor more information on action keys and keyboard shortcuts, go to https:///chromebook/ answer/183101. Select your language at the bottom of the page.Icon Key Descriptionesc Activates certain computer functions when pressed in combination with other keys, suchas tab or shift.Back Displays the previous page in your browser history.Forward Displays the next page in your browser history.Reload Reloads your current page.Full screen Opens your page in full-screen mode.Display apps Displays open apps.NOTE:Pressing this button in conjunction with ctrl takes a screenshot.Brightness down Decreases the screen brightness incrementally as long as you hold down the key.Brightness up Increases the screen brightness incrementally as long as you hold down the key.Mute Mutes speaker sound.Volume down Decreases speaker volume incrementally as long as you hold down the key.Volume up Increases speaker volume incrementally as long as you hold down the key.alt+Keyboard backlightbrightness upIncreases the keyboard backlight brightness.alt+Keyboard backlightbrightness downDecreases the keyboard backlight brightness.12Chapter 3 Using the action keys4Power and batteryFactory-sealed batteryThe battery[ies] in this product cannot be easily replaced by users themselves. Removing or replacing thebattery could affect your warranty coverage. If a battery is no longer holding a charge, contact support. Whena battery has reached the end of its useful life, do not dispose of the battery in general household waste.Follow the local laws and regulations in your area for battery disposal.Charging the battery1.Connect the power adapter to the computer.2.Verify that the battery is charging by checking the AC adapter light. This light is located on thecomputer's left side, next to the power connector.AC adapter light StatusWhite The AC adapter is connected and the battery is charged.Amber The AC adapter is connected and the battery is charging.Off The computer is using battery power.3.While the battery is charging, keep the AC adapter connected until the AC adapter light turns white.Factory-sealed battery135PrintingUse one of the following methods to print from your computer:●Print from the Google Chrome TM browser●Print with Google Cloud TM Print web printing serviceNOTE:If you use HP Print for Chrome, the printer cannot be registered with Google Cloud Print. Printing from the Google Chrome browserTo print from the Google Chrome browser, use the HP Print for Chrome app. You can install the HP Print forChrome app from the Chrome Web Store. For more information, see the HP website.1.Go to /us-en/document/c04683559?openCLC=true.2.Select your country.3.Select your language, and then follow the on-screen instructions.Printing with Google Cloud Print web printing serviceGoogle Cloud Print web printing service is a free service that allows you to print documents and photossecurely from your computer. For information about prerequisites and steps for using Google Cloud Print, seethe HP website.1.Go to /us-en/document/c02817255?openCLC=true.2.Select your country.3.Select your language, and then follow the on-screen instructions.14Chapter 5 Printing6More HP resourcesMore HP resourcesTo locate resources that provide product details, how-to information, and more, use this table.Resource ContentsSetup Instructions●How to set up the computer●Help to identify computer componentsHP websiteTo access the latest user guide, go to / support, and follow the instructions to find your product. Then select User Guides.●Support information●Ordering parts and finding additional help ●Accessories available for the deviceWorldwide supportTo get support in your language, go to/support, and select your country.●Online chat with an HP technician ●Support telephone numbers●HP service center locationsSafety & Comfort GuideGo to /ergo.●Proper workstation setup●Guidelines for posture and work habits that increase comfort anddecrease risk of injury●Electrical and mechanical safety informationRegulatory, Safety and Environmental Notices This guide is provided in the box.●Regulatory and safety information ●Battery disposal informationLimited Warranty*Go to /go/orderdocuments.●Warranty information*You can find your HP Limited Warranty located with the user guides on your product and/or on the CD or DVD provided in the box. In some countries or regions, HP may provide a printed warranty in the box. For countries or regions where the warranty is not providedin printed format, you can request a copy from /go/orderdocuments. For products purchased in Asia Pacific, youcan write to HP at POD, PO Box 161, Kitchener Road Post Office, Singapore 912006. Include your product name, and your name, phone number, and postal address.More HP resources157Electrostatic DischargeElectrostatic discharge is the release of static electricity when two objects come into contact—for example,the shock you receive when you walk across the carpet and touch a metal door knob.A discharge of static electricity from fingers or other electrostatic conductors may damage electroniccomponents.To prevent damage to the computer, damage to a drive, or loss of information, observe these precautions:●If removal or installation instructions direct you to unplug the computer, first be sure that it is properlygrounded.●Keep components in their electrostatic-safe containers until you are ready to install them.●Avoid touching pins, leads, and circuitry. Handle electronic components as little as possible.●Use nonmagnetic tools.●Before handling components, discharge static electricity by touching an unpainted metal surface.●If you remove a component, place it in an electrostatic-safe container.16Chapter 7 Electrostatic Discharge8AccessibilityHP designs, produces, and markets products and services that can be used by everyone, including people withdisabilities, either on a stand-alone basis or with appropriate assistive devices.Supported assistive technologiesHP products support a wide variety of operating system assistive technologies and can be configured to workwith additional assistive technologies. Use the Search feature on your device to locate more informationabout assistive features.NOTE:For additional information about a particular assistive technology product, contact customer supportfor that product.Contacting supportWe are constantly refining the accessibility of our products and services and welcome feedback from users. Ifyou have an issue with a product or would like to tell us about accessibility features that have helped you,please contact us at +1 (888) 259-5707, Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. North American MountainTime. If you are deaf or hard-of-hearing and use TRS/VRS/WebCapTel, contact us if you require technicalsupport or have accessibility questions by calling +1 (877) 656-7058, Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.North American Mountain Time.NOTE:Support is in English only.Supported assistive technologies17IndexAAC adapter light1 accessibility17action keyreload12action keys12back12brightness down12brightness up12esc12forward12full screen12mute12volume down12volume up12audio-in (microphone) jack, identifying1audio-out (headphone) jack, identifying1Bback key, identifyng12batterycharging13factory sealed13light1Bluetooth label7bottom7brightness down key, identifying12 brightness up key, identifying12 buttons, power6Ccamera light, identifying4 camera, identifying4 componentsbutton and speaker6display4left side3right side1connector, power2Eelectrostatic discharge16esc key, identifying12Fforward key, identifying12full screen key, identifying12Hheadphone (audio-out) jack1Iinternal microphones, identifying4Jjacksaudio-in (microphone)1audio-out (headphone)1Kkeyboard backlight, identifying12LlabelsBluetooth7regulatory7serial number7service7wireless certification7WLAN7lightsAC adapter and battery1camera4Mmemory card, identifying1microphone (audio-in) jack,identifying1microSD memory card reader,identifying1mute key, identifying12Nnano security cable slot,identifying3next window12next window key, identifying12PportsUSB 3.x SuperSpeed port1, 3USB Type-C power connector andcharging2, 3power button, identifying6power connector, identifying2printing14product name and number,computer7Rregulatory informationregulatory label7wireless certification labels7reload key, identifying12resources15Sscrolling touch screen gesture10scrolling TouchPad gesture9serial number7serial number, computer7service labels, locating7slotsmicroSD memory card reader1nano security cable3speaker, identifying6support15swiping touch screen gesture11Ttapping gestures8touch screen gesturesone-finger scrolling10one-finger swipe11two-finger pinch zoom11TouchPad and touch screen gestures,tapping8TouchPad gestures, scrolling9TouchPad zone, identifying5traveling with the computer7two-finger pinch zoom touch screengesture1118IndexUUSB 3.x SuperSpeed port,identifying3USB 3.x SuperSpeed, identifying1USB Type-C power connector andcharging port2USB Type-C power connector andcharging port, identifying3Vvolume down key, identifying12volume up key, identifying12Wwireless certification label7WLAN antennas, identifying4WLAN device7WLAN label7Index19。
Windows快捷键MS Windows Shortcuts本文介绍Windows一些快捷键的功能和操作,有单个按键的功能,也有若干按键组合起来,以及按键与鼠标结合起来操作的功能。
下面的快捷键功能都是在操作系统Windows XP/NT中的一般情况下有效,在使用特殊程序或软件时可能不起作用。
1、单键操作Esc 取消Escape取消当前操作。
F1 帮助Help打开当前程序的帮助。
Win + F1 Windows系统帮助。
F2 重命名Rename批量重命名:选中若干需要重命名的文件(夹),按F2键,输入新文件(夹)名如“file”,系统会自动将其它文件(夹)以在该文件名后增加序号的方式自动重命名,如“file (1)”、“file (2)”等。
F3 查找,搜索Find当前程序的查找和搜索,查找下一个。
F4 地址Location/URL用于显示资源管理器Explorer及浏览器如IE的地址栏中的地址列表,相当于点击地址栏右侧的倒三角“▼”的功能。
Alt + F4 关闭窗口。
F5 刷新Refresh强制刷新Ctrl + F5 ,用于浏览器时将强行重新访问网站服务器读取数据,而不使用本地缓存文件。
F6 焦点切换用于浏览器时将定位到地址栏,并将当前网址选中,作用相当于Alt + D。
Chrome快捷键大全(Chrome keyboard shortcuts)谷歌浏览器谷歌浏览器快捷键大全2010.11.22更新版> <中文版:一、地址栏快捷方式在地址栏,进行下列操作之一:键入搜索字词,然后按使用默认搜索引擎进行搜索进入。
按Ctrl + L突出显示网址。
F6或Ctrl + L突出显示网址区域中的内容输入网址,然后按Alt + Enter在新标签页中打开网址按Ctrl + E在地址栏中输入”吗?”在问号后键入搜索字词可用默认搜索引擎执行搜索。
同时按Ctrl + Shift和向左箭头键。
在地址栏中将光标移到上一个关键字词同时按Ctrl + Shift和向右箭头键。
在地址栏中将光标移到下一个关键字词Ctrl + Backspace在地址栏中删除光标前的字词用键盘上的方向键从地址栏下拉菜单中选择一个条目,然后按Shift + Delete。
二、窗口和标签页快捷方式按Ctrl + N打开新窗口按Ctrl + T打开新标签页按Ctrl + Shift + N在隐身模式下打开新窗口按Ctrl + B打开和关闭书签栏Alt + F4关闭当前窗口按Ctrl + O,然后选择文件。
1. 安装keyboard模块:在终端或命令提示符中执行以下命令来安装keyboard模块:```pip install keyboard```2. 导入keyboard模块:```pythonimport keyboard```3.模拟键盘按键:-按下和释放一些键:```'a') # 按下a键keyboard.release('a') # 释放a键```这两个方法可以用于任何键,如字母、数字、符号等。
-按下和释放组合键:```'ctrl') # 按下ctrl键'c') # 按下c键keyboard.release('c') # 释放c键keyboard.release('ctrl') # 释放ctrl键```-模拟快捷键:```pythonkeyboard.press_and_release('ctrl+c') # 模拟按下和释放ctrl+c键```-按下和释放多个键:```'shift+a') # 按下shift和a键keyboard.release('shift+a') # 释放shift和a键```这里的'modifier+key'表示组合键,例如'shift+a'表示按下shift键和a键。
4.监听键盘事件:-监听特定按键的按下事件:```pythondef on_press(event):print() # 打印按下的按键名称keyboard.on_press(on_press) # 注册监听函数keyboard.wait( #等待按键事件,阻塞主线程```这里的on_press函数在按下任意键时被调用,并打印出按键的名称。
LibreOffice 7.4 Calc 键盘快捷键说明书
Calc Guide 7.4 Appendix A Keyboard ShortcutsCopyrightThis document is Copyright © 2022 by the LibreOffice Documentation Team. Contributors are listed below. You may distribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU General Public License (https:///licenses/gpl.html), version 3 or later, or the Creative Commons Attribution License (https:///licenses/by/4.0/), version 4.0 or later. All trademarks within this guide belong to their legitimate owners.ContributorsTo this editionSkip MasonsmithTo previous editionsBarbara Duprey Jean Hollis Weber Simon BrydonRichard Barnes Peter Kupfer Iain RobertsMagnus Adielsson Sandeep Samuel Medikonda Zachary ParlimanSteve Fanning Drew Jensen Gordon BatesKees Kriek Felipe Viggiano Rafael LimaFeedbackPlease direct any comments or suggestions about this document to the Documentation Team’s forum at https:///c/documentation/loguides/ (registration is required) or send an email to: *************************************.org.personal information that is written in the message, is publicly archived andcannot be deleted. E-mails sent to the forum are moderated.Publication date and software versionPublished August 2022. Based on LibreOffice 7.4 Community.Other versions of LibreOffice may differ in appearance and functionality.Documentation for LibreOffice is available at https:///en/ContentsCopyright (2)Contributors (2)Feedback (2)Publication date and software version (2)Introduction (4)Windows / Linux keyboard shortcuts (4)Keyboard shortcuts for Menu bar options and toolbars (5)Other Calc keyboard shortcuts (8)Chart keyboard shortcuts (11)Outline keyboard shortcuts (12)Keyboard shortcuts that cannot be modified (12)macOS keyboard shortcuts (12)macOS keyboard symbols (12)Keyboard shortcuts for Menu bar options and toolbars (13)Other Calc keyboard shortcuts (16)Chart keyboard shortcuts (19)Outline keyboard shortcuts (20)Keyboard shortcuts that cannot be modified (20)Appendix A Keyboard Shortcuts | 3IntroductionYou can use Calc without a pointing device, such as a mouse or touchpad, by using keyboard shortcuts. This appendix provides a comprehensive reference list of the available built-in shortcuts, which you can browse to find ones that may be useful in your daily work.When you first install LibreOffice, a default set of Calc keyboard shortcuts is available. These are described in this chapter, assuming no customization. When using Calc, you can discover shortcuts for common interactions by observing the key sequences identified on the menu options and in the tooltips of toolbar icons. You can also explore a more comprehensive list of shortcuts by viewing the Keyboard tab of the Customize dialog (Tools > Customize).Further information about many individual key combinations can be found throughout the chapters of this guide and in the Help system.You can define your own shortcuts or change existing shortcuts by going to Tools > Customize > Keyboard on the Menu bar. See Chapter 14, Setting up and Customizing, for further instructions. Some shortcuts cannot be re-assigned; these are identified in the “Keyboard shortcuts that cannot be modified” sections on pages 12 (Windows / Linux) and 20 (macOS).CautionBe careful when reassigning predefined shortcuts. Although you can resetshortcut keys back to LibreOffice defaults, changing common hotkeys, such asF1 for Help, can cause confusion and frustration, especially if other users shareyour computer.functions and, in such cases, those keys may not perform the Calc functionsdescribed in this appendix.For example, the F1 function key may be used to put your Windows computerinto a sleep / hibernation mode and so cannot be used to access the Calc Helpsystem. For some macOS versions, the Cmd+F5 key sequence is used by macOSto display its VoiceOver dialog and so cannot be used to control the display ofCalc’s Sidebar. Similarly the Shift+F11 key sequence may be used by macOSto show its desktop and so cannot be used to access Calc’s Save as Templatedialog.Check your computer system’s documentation to determine which key pressesare used by the operating system and hence cannot carry out Calc functions.The remainder of this chapter is in two main sections, one listing the keyboard shortcuts available in the Windows and Linux environments, and the other listing the macOS keyboard shortcuts. Windows / Linux keyboard shortcutskeyboards have two Ctrl keys and in that case you may need to experiment toidentify which of the two keys to use.4 | Appendix A Keyboard ShortcutsKeyboard shortcuts for Menu bar options and toolbarsTables 1 to 4 list Calc keyboard shortcuts that can be used instead of the options on the Menu bar, the Standard toolbar, or the Formatting toolbar. The toolbars are assumed to contain the initial default set of icons, without any user customization.Table 1: Function key shortcuts for menu and toolbar optionsTable 2: Number key shortcuts for menu and toolbar optionsWindows / Linux keyboard shortcuts | 5Table 3: Letter key shortcuts for menu and toolbar options6 | Appendix A Keyboard ShortcutsWindows / Linux keyboard shortcuts | 7Table 4: Other shortcuts for menu and toolbar optionsOther Calc keyboard shortcutsTables 5 to 10 provide lists of additional Calc keyboard shortcuts that may be less obvious to users because they are not indicated on Menu bar items or in tooltips associated with icons on the Standard and Formatting toolbars.Table 5: Other function key shortcutsTable 6: Other letter key shortcuts8 | Appendix A Keyboard ShortcutsTable 7: Arrow key shortcutsWindows / Linux keyboard shortcuts | 9Table 8: Home and End key shortcutsTable 9: Other Page Up and Down key shortcutsTable 10: Other miscellaneous key shortcuts10 | Appendix A Keyboard ShortcutsChart keyboard shortcutsTable 11 lists some shortcuts that are available within a Calc chart.TipYou can use the Alt key with the arrow keys and plus (+) and minus (-) keys tomove elements with a finer degree of movement for more accuracy.Table 11: Chart shortcutsWindows / Linux keyboard shortcuts | 11Outline keyboard shortcutsTable 12 lists shortcuts that are available in an outline window. To use these shortcuts, press F6 or Shift+F6 until the vertical or horizontal outline window has the focus.Table 12: Outline shortcutsKeyboard shortcuts that cannot be modifiedTable 13 identifies the key combinations that are grayed out (not available for modification) in the Shortcut Keys list on the Keyboard tab of the Tools > Customize dialog with Calc selected. Table 13: Grayed key combinations in Tools > Customize > KeyboardmacOS keyboard shortcutsmacOS keyboard symbolsKeys on many macOS keyboards use symbols rather than text labels. Table 14 identifies some common macOS keyboard symbols with their meanings. In the tables that follow, the key names are used rather than symbols, since the latter may not appear on all macOS keyboards.12 | Appendix A Keyboard ShortcutsTable 14: Common macOS keyboard symbolsKeyboard shortcuts for Menu bar options and toolbarsTables 15 to 18 list Calc keyboard shortcuts that can be used instead of the options on the Menu bar, the Standard toolbar, or the Formatting toolbar. The toolbars are assumed to contain the initial default set of icons, without any user customizations.Table 15: Function key shortcuts for menu and toolbar optionsmacOS keyboard shortcuts | 13Table 16: Number key shortcuts for menu and toolbar optionsTable 17: Letter key shortcuts for menu and toolbar options14 | Appendix A Keyboard ShortcutsmacOS keyboard shortcuts | 15Table 18: Other shortcuts for menu and toolbar optionsOther Calc keyboard shortcutsTables 19 to 24 provide lists of additional Calc keyboard shortcuts that may be less obvious to users because they are not indicated on Menu bar items or in tooltips associated with icons on the Standard and Formatting toolbars.Table 19: Other function key shortcuts16 | Appendix A Keyboard ShortcutsTable 20: Other letter key shortcutsTable 21: Arrow key shortcutsmacOS keyboard shortcuts | 17Table 22: Home and End key shortcutsTable 23: Other Page Up and Down key shortcuts18 | Appendix A Keyboard ShortcutsTable 24: Other miscellaneous key shortcutsChart keyboard shortcutsTable 25 lists some shortcuts that are available within a Calc chart.TipYou can use the Option key with the arrow keys and plus (+) and minus (-)keys to move elements with a finer degree of movement for more accuracy.Table 25: Chart shortcutsmacOS keyboard shortcuts | 19Outline keyboard shortcutsTable 26 lists shortcuts that are available in an outline window. To use these shortcuts, press F6 or Shift+F6 until the vertical or horizontal outline window has the focus.Table 26: Outline shortcutsKeyboard shortcuts that cannot be modifiedTable 27 identifies the key combinations that are grayed out (not available for modification) in the Shortcut Keys list on the Tools > Customize > Keyboard dialog with Calc selected.Table 27: Grayed key combinations in Tools > Customize > Keyboard20 | Appendix A Keyboard Shortcuts。
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Macally MacOS X键盘设置助手快捷键指南说明书
MLUXKEYAKeyboard Shortcuts for MacOS XKeyboard Setup AssistantShortcut Keys• USB Keyboard • User’s guidePackage ContentsIntroductionMacally Product InformationTechnical Support***************************************,In U.S.A. please call 1-909-230-6888Mon-Fri 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM, Pacific Standard TimeMacally Product InformationWarrantyMacally peripherals warrants that this product will be free from defects in title, materials and manufacturing workmanship for one year from the date of purchase. If the product is found to be defective then, as your sole remedy and as the manufacturer’s only obligation, Macally will repair or replace the product. This warranty shall not apply to products that have been subject to abuse, misuse, abnormal electrical or environmental conditions, or any condition other than what can be considered as normal use.Limitation of LiabilityThe liability of Macally Peripherals arising from this warranty and sale shall be limited to a refund of the purchase price. In no event shall Macally Peripherals be liable for costs of procurement of substitute products or services, or for any lost profit, or for any consequential, incidental, direct or indirect damages, however caused and on any theory of liability, arising from this warranty and sale. These limitations shall apply not with standing any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy.Copyright® 2018 by Macally Peripherals2136745Aluminum slim USB Keyboard with 2 USB ports User’s GuidePress “Fn” key with “ esc ” keysimultaneously to switch to Fn Lock mode as default.Fn LOCK MODEHardware BasicsFunction keys F1 to F16 and blue color keysUSB PlugBrightness change to Mac built-in display Cut (Cmd-X)Copy (Cmd-C)Paste (Cmd-V)Previous Track (Cmd-Left Arrow)Play/Pause (Spacebar)Next Track (Cmd-Right Arrow)MuteEjectFull screen capture(Cmd-Shift-3)Area screen capture (Cmd-Shift-4)Print (Cmd-P)File save (Cmd-S)Zoom Out (Cmd-(minus))Zoom In (Cmd=(equal))Force Quit Application (Cmd-Option-Esc)Spotlight Search (Cmd-Spacebar)Volume Down Volume Up Shortcut mode - Shortcut mode is the default mode.If Fn and esc keys are pressed together, Fn Lock LED is turned on, keyboard is in Fn Lock mode. You can press Fn and esc keys together again to toggle back to Shortcut mode.In Mac, the first time you plug in this new keyboard to use, desktop will pop out a “Keyboard Setup Assistant” window, Please follow the on-screen instruction to identify the keyboard before you can use the keyboard correctly.After initial setup, if you experience any issue with keyboard or couldn’t type correctly, please unplug and replug the keyboard,open keyboard icon in System Preferences, click on “Change Keyboard Type” icon to run Keyboard Setup Assistant to re-identify the keyboard.System Requirement• Mac OS X 10.3 to 10.13 and above• Any desktop and notebook computer with a USB port availableMore about mode1. Shortcut mode is restored to default mode after MLUXKEY A loses power, e.g. when unplugged from a computer or a computer is shut down or restarted.2. In either Shortcut mode or Fn Lock mode, one can also press “Fn” key with one of top row key simultaneously to perform the secondary function without switching mode.Previous section has described default shortcuts and function keys. They are supported in MacOS X from 10.3 to 10.13 and above, no driver installation is needed. Please note, these shortcuts are not universal, certain shortcuts do not work as defined in some application. On the other hand, some shortcuts may act completely different way in different applications. You should try them out first.In Mac, press 1 second to turn off screen, or press and hold 2-3 seconds to bring up Restart/Shut-Down menuFn FnCaps LockPowerFn LockThe Macally MLUXKEYA is a stylish aluminum USB wired keyboard with 2 USB ports, especially designed for Mac. It has 110 full size, thin and quiet Scissor-Key-Switch™ keycaps for a sensitive and responsive touch. It also has 21 convenient preset shortcut keys for one-touch control of Mac applications and a 17-key numeric keypad to quickly and efficiently enter long sequences of numbers. The two USB 2.0 ports on the back of the keyboard allow you to use it as a hub and connect other USB devices, such as your mouse, flash drive and external HDD.The stylish and slim Macally MLUXKEY is a perfect match for your Apple computer as it will greatly help you to increase your productiv-ity!2 USB ports。
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Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts save you time by helping you quickly explore your reading list without moving your hand back and forth between your keyboard and mouse. Here are the keyboard shortcuts for Google Reader:
j/k item down/up selects the next/previous item in the list
space/shift-space page down/up moves the page down/up
n/p scan down/up in list view, selects the next item without opening it
shift-n/p navigation down/up selects the next/previous subscription or folder in the navigation
shift-x navigation expand/collapse expands or collapses a folder selected in the navigation
o open/close item in list view, expands or collapses the selected item enter open/close item in list view, expands or collapses the selected item
shift-o navigation open subscription opens the subscription or folder currently selected in the navigation
-zoom out decreases the font size of the current item =zoom in increases the font size of the current item Acting on Items
s toggle star stars or un-stars the selected item
l toggle like likes or un-likes the selected item
shift-s toggle share shares or un-shares the selected item shift-d share with note shares the selected item with a note
v view original opens the original source for this article in a new window
t tag an item opens the tagging field for the selected item
m mark as read/unread switches the read status of the selected item shift-a mark all as read marks all items in the current view as read
e email item opens the email form to send an item to a friend Jumping
g then h go to home goes to the Google Reader homepage
g then a go to all items goes to the "All items" view
g then s go to starred items goes to the "Starred items" view
g then shift-s go to shared items goes to the "Your shared items" view
g then u go to subscription allows you to navigate to a subscription by entering the subscription name
g then t go to tag allows you to navigate to a tag by entering the tag name
g then f go to friend allows you to navigate to a friend's shared items by entering the friend's name
g then shift-f go to all friends' shared items shows all of your friends' shared items g then shift-t go to trends goes to the "Trends" view
g then d go to feed discovery shows the recommendations page, or the browse page if there are no recommendations
Reader Help
r refresh refreshes the unread counts in the navigation
f toggle full screen mode displays readin
g list in full screen mode
u toggle subscription list display hides or shows the list of subscriptions
1expanded view displays the subscription as expanded items
2list view displays the subscription as a list of headlines
/search moves your cursor to the search box
a add a subscription opens the "Add a subscription" box in the sidebar ?keyboard shortcuts help displays a quick guide to all of Reader's shortcuts
Google Reader - Help with other Google products
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