10.5.14 dictionary
苹果系统新手入门苹果系统新手入门((针对最新Mac OS X 10.5系统系统))最近好几个朋友都买了苹果,但不知道怎么用,装Windows 又觉得可惜,于是发邮件问我。
苹果系统新手入门(针对最新Mac OS X 10.5系统)1. 菜单Mac 的菜单分为系统菜单和动态菜单。
菜单位于整个屏幕的顶部,而不是像Windows 是一样位于各个应用程序窗口的顶部,因此可以将顶部称为菜单条。
系统菜单只有一个,位于菜单条的最左边,就是那个黑苹果( )标志,里面有注销,重启,关机,显示系统信息,系统升级和系统偏好等选项。
2. 系统设置Windows 下我们常用控制面板,而苹果下面则是系统偏好(System Preferences ),里面有关于苹果系统的所有设置。
3. 浏览文件Windows 里面我们常用文件浏览器,在Mac 里面,我们使用Finder ,这个程序开机就已经自动运行。
在用户双击桌面的硬盘图标,或者其他地方文件夹的快捷方式的时候,Finder 都会自动打开新的窗口显示该磁盘或文件夹的内容。
Finder 有两种窗口模式,一种是带有侧栏的全功能模式,一种是不带侧栏的简约模式。
两种模式的切换使用快捷键(cmd+option+T )。
在全功能模式下,侧栏左边显示计算机的设备(Devices ),网络共享设备(Shared ),常用文件夹的快捷方式(Places ,默认为个人用户文件夹及其中的一些子文件夹的快捷方式),和智能文件夹(Search for ,及智能搜索结果)。
if (null == parameters)
throw new ArgumentException("parameters不能为空");
StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
sqlBuilder.Append(@"select count(t0.PK_ContractGoodsID) from T_Cont_ContractDetail t0
inner join T_Cont_Contracts t1 on t0.FK_ContractID = t1.PK_ContractID
if (parameters.ContainsKey("SIGNINGTIMESTART"))
sqlBuilder.AppendFormat(" and t1.SigningTime >='{0}'", parameters["SIGNINGTIMESTART"]);
_TotalPages = pageChangeControl.TotalPages;
this.gridView1.DataSource = table;
public int GetContractStatisticsDetailCount(Dictionary<string, object> parameters)
if (parameters.ContainsKey("SUPPLIERNAME"))
牛津高阶英汉双解词典第7版(缩印本)速查索引牛津高阶英汉双解词典第7版(缩印本)速查索引A aa 1 ab 1-8 ac 9-21 acc 9-14 acq 16-17 acr 17 act 18-21 ad 21-31 add 22-23 adm 25-27 adv 28-31 ae 31-32 af 32-36 ag 36-41 ah 41-42 ai 42-45 aj ak al 45-58 ali 48 all 49-53 alt 56-57 am 58-63 an 63-76 ana 63-64 ang 66-68 ant 72-75 ao ap 76-85 app 78-85 aq 85 ar 85-96 arc 86-87 art 94-96 as 96-106 ass 101-105 at 106-112 aw 119-121 ax 121 ay 121-122 az 122 can 279-283 cap 283-286 car 287-295 cas 295-299 cat 299-303 cb cc cd ce 305-311 cf cg ch 311-341 cha 311-323 che 323-330 chi 330-335 cho 335-339 chr339-340 ci 341-346 cj ck cl 346-368 cla 346-351 cle 351-357 cli 357-360 clo 360-366 clu 366-368 cm cn co 368-463 col 357-384 com 384-406 comm 391-397 comp 397-405 con 407-438 conl 407-410 conf 413-416 cons 419-427 cont 427-435 conv 436-438 coo 439-441 cop441-442 cor 443-448 cov460-462 cp cq cr 463-484 cra 463-468 cre 468-473 cri 473-475 cro 475-481 cru 481-483 cry 483-484 cs ct cu 485-496 cur 488-492 cus 492-493 cut 493-496 cv cw cx cy496-498 cz dia 549-550 dig 554-556 dim 557-558 dir 560-563 dis 563-582 disa 563-565 disc 565-569 dise 569-570 disg 570-572 disp 575-577 dist 579-582 div582-585 dj dk dl dm dn do 586-603 don 593-594 dou597-600 dow 600-603 B ba 123-152 bac 124-129 bal 134-137 ban 137-141 bar 141-146 bas 146-148 bat 149-152 bb bc bd be 153-176 bea154-159 bel 167-169 bf bg bh bi 176-189 bj bk bl 189-205 bla189-194 blo 198-203 bm bn bo 205-227 bp bq br 227-249 bra227-231 bre 231-238 bri 238-243 bro 243-247 bru 247-249 bs bt bu 249-268 bv bw bx by bz D da 499-509 dai 499-500 dam 500-502 dan 502-503 dar 503-505 dat 506-507 db dc dd de 509-548 dea 509-514dec 515-520 def 522-526 del 527-529 dem 529-532 den 532-534 dep 534-537 des 539-543 det 543-546 dev 546-548 dp dq dr 603-619 dra 603 dre 608-611 dri 611-614 dro 614-615 ds dt du 619-625 dv dw 625-626 dx dy 626-627 dz E ea 628-633 eb ec 634-635 ed 635-636 1 C au 112-117 av 117-119 eg 641-642 eh ei ej ek el 643-649 em 649-655 en 655-670 enc 655-657 end 657-660 eo ep eq 671-673 er 673-675 es 675-679 et 680-681 eu 681-682 ev 683-686 ew ex 686-710 exa 686-689 exc 689-694 exe 694-696 exp 698-706 ext 706-710 ey 711-712 ez 712 ca 270-305 cal 272-276 fol 787-789 foo 789-793 for 793-804 fp fq fr 807-823 fra 807-810 fre 810-816 fri 816-818 fro 818-822 fs ft fu 823-833 fun 827-830 fv fw fx fy 833 fz cos 448-451 cou 451-460 hb hc hd he 940-959 hea 941-950 hf hg hh hi 959-971 hig 961-965 hi hk hl hm hn ho 971-997 hol 973-978 hom 978-981 hp hq hr hs ht hu 997-1004 hv hw hx hy 1004-1007 hz 1007 df dg dh di549-586 ee ef 639-641 ly 1211 lz J ja 1086-1089 jb jc jd je 1089-1092 jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo 1093-1098 jp jq jr js jt ju 1098-1104 jv jw jx jy jz M ma 1212-1247 man 1225-1230 mar 1231-1238 mas 1238-1241 mat 1241-1246 mb mc md me 1248-1267 mea 1249-1252 mf mg mh mi 1267-1290 K ka 1105-1106 kb kc kd ke1106-1110 kf kg kh ki 1110-1116 kj kk kl km kn 1116-1123 ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky 1124 min 1275-1281 mis 1281-1288 mj mk ml mm mn mo 1290-1313 mp mq mr ms mt mu 1313-1323 mv mw mx my 1323-1325 mz 1325 G ga 834-844 gb gc gd ge 844-856 gen 845-850 gf gg gh gi 856-861 gj gk gl 861-868 gm gn go 868-885 gp gq gr 885-905 gra 885-892 gre 893-897 gro 899-904 gs gt gu 905-912 gv gw gx gy 912 gz ib I ia 1007 ic 1007-1008 id 1008-1013 ie if ig 1014 ih ii ij ik il 1015-1017 im 1017-1028 in 1028-1078 inc 1030-1036 ind 1036-1042 inf 1043-1048 ins 1053-1060 int 1061-1074 inte 1061-1070 intr 1072-1074 inv 1074-1078 io ip iq F fa 713-736 fac 713-717fai 718-721 fal 721-724 fas 729-732 fat 732-734 fb fc fd fe737-745 ff fg fh fi 745-767 fin 753-757 fir 758-763 fi fk fl767-785 fla 767-773 flo 777-781imp 1021-1028 kz N na 1326-1335 L la 1125-1145 lan 1131-1134 lb lc ld le 1146-1161 lea 1146-1151 li 1162-1185 lj lk ll lm ln lo 1185-1206 lp lq lr ls lt nat 1331-1334 nb nc nd ne 1335-1348 nf ng nh ni 1348 nj nk nl nm nn no 1352-1365 non 1354-1357 np nq nr ns nt nu 1365-1369 nv nw nx ny 2into 1071-1072 lf lg lh H ha 913-940 han 920-927 ir 1079-1081 is 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dictionary的用法2:在表示查字典时, dictionary须用动词consult, search, turn up或use,不可用look for, look for的宾语可以是词,但不可以是词典。
dictionary的用法3:在表示关于某方面的词典时, dictionary 后面接介词of,而不接介词on, about。
dictionary的复数例句:1. English textbooks and dictionaries are on sale everywhere.英语教材和词典到处都有卖的。
2. Dictionaries are indispensable in English study.学英语,词典是少不得的.3. Those dictionaries are theirs, not mine.这些字典是他们的, 不是我的.4. We have no other dictionaries besides these.除了这些辞典外,我们没有别的辞典了.5. In all dictionaries to date we give the headword and all the inflected forms.迄今为止,所有的词典我们都列出了词头词与其所有的屈折形式。
6. I spent half an hour searching through dictionaries for the meaning of that word.我花了半个小时的时间在许多字典中寻找那个字的意义.7. There are a lot of dictionaries in the reading room . You will find them very handy if you go there to study.阅览室词典多, 在那儿学习很方便.8. People use dictionaries to find out the meanings of words.人们利用字典来查找词的意思.9. Many dictionaries also show how a word is used in a sentence.许多字典也对一个单词在句中如何使用做出说明.10. Dictionaries are often unhelpful for language - learners because the defining vocabulary is unknown.据称COBUILD使用的是普通日常英语,但当然不是简易英语.11. Telephone directories and learned dictionaries are fairly obvious candidates.电话薄和学术词典最富有代表性.12. Prof. Smith remarked on the difference between the two dictionaries.史密斯教授谈到了这两本词典的不同之处.13. There are many books of reference, such as dictionaries and handbooks.有许多参考书, 如字典和手册.14. In the meantime, consult dictionaries and memorize grammatical rules.同时还要查阅词典,记语法规则.15. This dictionary is the flagship of Oxfords range of learnersdictionaries.本词典执牛津一系列学习者词典之牛耳.。
欧路词典+牛津高阶英汉双解第10版一、简介1. 欧路词典是一款专业的英语学习工具,旨在帮助用户快速高效地查阅英语单词、短语和例句。
2. 牛津高阶英汉双解第10版是一部权威的英汉双语词典,由牛津大学出版社出版。
二、功能特点3. 欧路词典具有以下功能特点:(1)强大的词库:欧路词典收录了大量词汇和短语,涵盖了英语中常用的词汇和表达方式,同时还包括了许多专业术语和时下流行的词汇。
4. 牛津高阶英汉双解第10版的功能特点包括:(1)权威词典:牛津高阶英汉双解第10版由牛津大学出版社编纂,收录了大量最新的词汇和短语,具有权威性和准确性。
三、使用体验5. 欧路词典在用户使用过程中,具有良好的交互体验和友好的界面设计,用户可以轻松快速地查找到所需的词汇信息,同时还可以进行个性化的设置和学习。
6. 牛津高阶英汉双解第10版在使用过程中,词典内容丰富,查询迅速,给用户提供了全面且权威的词汇解释和例句展示,让用户能够轻松地理解和掌握词汇的用法。
7. 两者的结合使用可以为用户提供更为全面和深入的英语学习体验,使用户在学习、翻译和写作过程中能够得到更准确和丰富的信息支持。
一、什么是dictionary?Dictionary是一种无序、可变的、以键值对(key-value pairs)形式存储数据的数据结构。
它与列表(list)、元组(tuple)和集合(set)不同,dictionary 中的每个元素都是由键和值组成的。
每个键值对都是"key: value"的形式,多个键值对之间用逗号分隔。
下面是一个创建dictionary的示例:my_dict = {"name": "John", "age": 25, "city": "New York"}print(my_dict)上述代码将创建一个名为my_dict的dictionary,其中包含三个键值对:name: John、age: 25和city: New York。
运行代码将输出整个dictionary:{"name": "John", "age": 25, "city": "New York"}三、如何访问dictionary中的值?通过使用键来访问dictionary中的值。
可以使用方括号([ ])或get()方法来获取值。
下面是几个访问dictionary值的示例:my_dict = {"name": "John", "age": 25, "city": "New York"}# 使用方括号print(my_dict["name"])# 使用get()方法print(my_dict.get("age"))上述代码将分别输出:John25四、如何修改dictionary中的值?可以通过给键赋予新的值来修改dictionary中的值。
中国石油大学(华东)本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译学生姓名:姜华学号:06083201专业班级:软件工程2006级2班指导教师:梁玉环2010年6月10日Database ManagementDatabase (sometimes spelled database) is also called an electronic database, referring to any collections of data, or information, that is specially organized for rapid search and retrieval by a computer. Databases are structured to facilitate the storage, retrieval modification and deletion of data in conjunction with various data-processing operations. Database can be stored on magnetic disk or tape, optical disk, or some other secondary storage device.A database consists of a file or a set of files. The information in the these files may be broken down into records, each of which consists of one or more fields are the basic units of data storage, and each field typically contains information pertaining to one aspect or attribute of the entity described by the database. Using keywords and various sorting commands, users can rapidly search, rearrange, group, and select the fields in many records to retrieve or create reports on particular aggregates of data.Database records and files must be organized to allow retrieval of the information. Early system were arranged sequentially (i.e., alphabetically, numerically, or chronologically); the development of direct-access storage devices made possible random access to data via indexes. Queries are the main way users retrieve database information. Typically the user provides a string of characters, and the computer searches the database for a corresponding sequence and provides the source materials in which those characters appear.A user can request, for example, all records in which the content of the field for a person’s last name is the word Smith.The many users of a large database must be able to manipulate the information within it quickly at any given time. Moreover, large business and other organizations tend to build up many independent files containing related and even overlapping data, and their data, processing activities often require the linking of data from several files. Several different types of database management systems have been developed to support these requirements: flat, hierarchical, network, relational, and object-oriented.In flat databases, records are organized according to a simple list of entities; many simple databases for personal computers are flat in structure. The records in hierarchical databases are organized in a treelike structure, with each level of records branching off into a set of smaller categories. Unlike hierarchical databases, which provide single links between sets of records at different levels, network databases create multiple linkages between sets by placing links, or pointers, to one set of records in another; the speed and versatility of network databases have led to their wide use in business. Relational databases are used where associations among files or records cannot be expressed by links; a simple flat list becomes one table, or “relation”, and multiple relations can be mathematically as sociated toyield desired information. Object-oriented databases store and manipulate more complex data structures, called “objects”, which are organized into hierarchical classes that may inherit properties from classes higher in the chain; this database structure is the most flexible and adaptable.The information in many databases consists of natural-language texts of documents; number-oriented database primarily contain information such as statistics, tables, financial data, and raw scientific and technical data. Small databases can be maintained on personal-computer systems and may be used by individuals at home. These and larger databases have become increasingly important in business life. Typical commercial applications include airline reservations, production management, medical records in hospitals, and legal records of insurance companies. The largest databases are usually maintained by governmental agencies, business organizations, and universities. These databases may contain texts of such materials as catalogs of various kinds. Reference databases contain bibliographies or indexes that serve as guides to the location of information in books, periodicals, and other published literature. Thousands of these publicly accessible databases now exist, covering topics ranging from law, medicine, and engineering to news and current events, games, classified advertisements, and instructional courses. Professionals such as scientists, doctors, lawyers, financial analysts, stockbrokers, and researchers of all types increasingly rely on these databases for quick, selective access to large volumes of information.DBMS Structuring TechniquesSequential, direct, and other file processing approaches are used to organize and structure data in single files. But a DBMS is able to integrate data elements from several files to answer specific user inquiries for information. That is, the DBMS is able to structure and tie together the logically related data from several large files.Logical Structures. Identifying these logical relationships is a job of the data administrator. A data definition language is used for this purpose. The DBMS may then employ one of the following logical structuring techniques during storage access, and retrieval operations.List structures. In this logical approach, records are linked together by the use of pointers. A pointer is a data item in one record that identifies the storage location of another logically related record. Records in a customer master file, for example, will contain the name and address of each customer, and each record in this file is identified by an account number. During an accounting period, a customer may buy a number of items on different days. Thus, the company may maintain an invoice file to reflect these transactions. A list structure could be used in this situation to show the unpaid invoices at any given time. Each record in the customer in the invoice file. This invoice record, in turn, would be linked to later invoices for the customer. The last invoice in the chain would be identified by the useof a special character as a pointer.Hierarchical (tree) structures. In this logical approach, data units are structured in multiple levels that graphically resemble an “upside down” tree with the root at the top and the branches formed below. There’s a superior-subordinate relationship in a hierarchical (tree) structure. Below the single-root data component are subordinate elements or nodes, each of which, in turn, “own” one or more other elements (or none). Each element or branch in this structure below the root has only a single owner. Thus, a customer owns an invoice, and the invoice has subordinate items. The branches in a tree structure are not connected.Network Structures. Unlike the tree approach, which does not permit the connection of branches, the network structure permits the connection of the nodes in a multidirectional manner. Thus, each node may have several owners and may, in turn, own any number of other data units. Data management software permits the extraction of the needed information from such a structure by beginning with any record in a file.Relational structures. A relational structure is made up of many tables. The data are stored in the form of “relations” in these tables. For example, relation t ables could be established to link a college course with the instructor of the course, and with the location of the class.To find the name of the instructor and the location of the English class, the course/instructor relation is searched to get the name (“Fitt”), and the course/location relation is a relatively new database structuring approach that’s expected to be widely implemented in the future.Physical Structures. People visualize or structure data in logical ways for their own purposes. Thus, records R1 and R2 may always be logically linked and processed in sequence in one particular application. However, in a computer system it’s quite possible that these records that are logically contiguous in one application are not physically stored together. Rather, the physical structure of the records in media and hardware may depend not only on the I/O and storage devices and techniques used, but also on the different logical relationships that users may assign to the data found in R1and R2. For example, R1 and R2 may be records of credit customers who have shipments send to the same block in the same city every 2 weeks. From the shipping department manager’s perspective, then, R1 and R2 are sequential entries on a geographically organized shipping report. But in the A/R application, the customers represented by R1 and R2 may be identified, and their accounts may be processed, according to their account numbers which are widely separated. In short, then, the physical location of the stored records in many computer-based information systems is invisible to users.Database Management Features of OracleOracle includes many features that make the database easier to manage. We’ve divided the discussion in this section into three categories: Oracle Enterprise Manager, add-on packs,backup and recovery.1. Oracle Enterprise ManagerAs part of every Database Server, Oracle provides the Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM), a database management tool framework with a graphical interface used to manage database users, instances, and features (such as replication) that can provide additional information about the Oracle environment.Prior to the Oracle8i database, the EM software had to be installed on Windows 95/98 or NT-based systems and each repository could be accessed by only a single database manager at a time. Now you can use EM from a browser or load it onto Windows 95/98/2000 or NT-based systems. Multiple database administrators can access the EM repository at the same time. In the EM repository for Oracle9i, the super administrator can define services that should be displayed on other administrators’ consoles, and management regions can be set up.2. Add-on packsSeveral optional add-on packs are available for Oracle, as described in the following sections. In addition to these database-management packs, management packs are available for Oracle Applications and for SAP R/3.(1)standard Management PackThe Standard Management Pack for Oracle provides tools for the management of small Oracle databases (e.g., Oracle Server/Standard Edition). Features include support for performance monitoring of database contention, I/O, load, memory use and instance metrics, session analysis, index tuning, and change investigation and tracking.(2)Diagnostics PackYou can use the Diagnostic Pack to monitor, diagnose, and maintain the health of Enterprise Edition databases, operating systems, and applications. With both historical and real-time analysis, you can automatically avoid problems before they occur. The pack also provides capacity planning features that help you plan and track future system-resource requirements.(3)Tuning PackWith the Tuning Pack, you can optimise system performance by identifying and tuning Enterprise Edition databases and application bottlenecks such as inefficient SQL, poor data design, and the improper use of system resources. The pack can proactively discover tuning opportunities and automatically generate the analysis and required changes to tune the systems.(4)Change Management PackThe Change Management Pack helps eliminate errors and loss of data when upgrading Enterprise Edition databases to support new applications. It impact and complex dependencies associated with application changes and automatically perform databaseupgrades. Users can initiate changes with easy-to-use wizards that teach the systematic steps necessary to upgrade.(5)AvailabilityOracle Enterprise Manager can be used for managing Oracle Standard Edition and/or Enterprise Edition. Additional functionality is provided by separate Diagnostics, Tuning, and Change Management Packs.3. Backup and RecoveryAs every database administrator knows, backing up a database is a rather mundane but necessary task. An improper backup makes recovery difficult, if not impossible. Unfortunately, people often realize the extreme importance of this everyday task only when it is too late –usually after losing business-critical data due to a failure of a related system.The following sections describe some products and techniques for performing database backup operations.(1)Recovery ManagerTypical backups include complete database backups (the most common type), database backups, control file backups, and recovery of the database. Previously, Oracle’s Enterprise Backup Utility (EBU) provided a similar solution on some platforms. However, RMAN, with its Recovery Catalog stored in an Oracle database, provides a much more complete solution. RMAN can automatically locate, back up, restore, and recover databases, control files, and archived redo logs. RMAN for Oracle9i can restart backups and restores and implement recovery window policies when backups expire. The Oracle Enterprise Manager Backup Manager provides a GUI-based interface to RMAN.(2)Incremental backup and recoveryRMAN can perform incremental backups of Enterprise Edition databases. Incremental backups back up only the blocks modified since the last backup of a datafile, tablespace, or database; thus, they’re smaller and faster than complete backups. RMAN can also perform point-in-time recovery, which allows the recovery of data until just prior to a undesirable event.(3)Legato Storage ManagerVarious media-management software vendors support RMAN. Oracle bundles Legato Storage Manager with Oracle to provide media-management services, including the tracking of tape volumes, for up to four devices. RMAN interfaces automatically with the media-management software to request the mounting of tapes as needed for backup and recovery operations.(4)AvailabilityWhile basic recovery facilities are available for both Oracle Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition, incremental backups have typically been limited to Enterprise Edition. Choosing between Oracle and SQL ServerI have to decide between using the Oracle database and WebDB vs. Microsoft SQL Server with Visual Studio. This choice will guide our future Web projects. What are the strong points of each of these combinations and what are the negatives?Lori: Making your decision will depend on what you already have. For instance, if you want to implement a Web-based database application and you are a Windows-only shop, SQL Server and the Visual Studio package would be fine. But the Oracle solution would be better with mixed platforms.There are other things to consider, such as what extras you get and what skills are required. WebDB is a content management and development tool that can be used by content creators, database administrators, and developers without any programming experience. WebDB is a browser-based tool that helps ease content creation and provides monitoring and maintenance tools. This is a good solution for organizations already using Oracle. Oracle also scales better than SQL Server, but you will need to have a competent Oracle administrator on hand.The SQL Sever/Visual Studio approach is more difficult to use and requires an experienced object-oriented programmer or some extensive training. However, you do get a fistful of development tools with Visual Studio: Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Visual InterDev for only $1,619. Plus, you will have to add the cost of the SQL Server, which will run you $1,999 for 10 clients or $3,999 for 25 clients-a less expensive solution than Oracle’s.Oracle also has a package solution that starts at $6,767, depending on the platform selected. The suite includes not only WebDB and Oracle8i but also other tools for development such as the Oracle application server, JDeveloper, and Workplace Templates, and the suite runs on more platforms than the Microsoft solution does. This can be a good solution if you are a start-up or a small to midsize business. Buying these tools in a package is less costly than purchasing them individually.Much depends on your skill level, hardware resources, and budget. I hope this helps in your decision-making.Brooks: I totally agree that this decision depends in large part on what infrastructure and expertise you already have. If the decision is close, you need to figure out who’s going to be doing the work and what your priorities are.These two products have different approaches, and they reflect the different personalities of the two vendors. In general, Oracle products are designed for very professional development efforts by top-notch programmers and project leaders. The learning period is fairly long, and the solution is pricey; but if you stick it out you will ultimately have greater scalability and greater reliability.If your project has tight deadlines and you don’t have the time and/or money to hire a team of very expensive, very experienced developers, you may find that the Oracle solutioni s an easy way to get yourself in trouble. There’s nothing worse than a poorly developed Oracle application.What Microsoft offers is a solution that’s aimed at rapid development and low-cost implementation. The tools are cheaper, the servers you’ll run it on are cheaper, and the developers you need will be cheaper. Choosing SQL Sever and Visual Studio is an excellent way to start fast.Of course, there are trade-offs. The key problem I have with Visual Studio and SQL Server is that you’ll be tied to Microso ft operating systems and Intel hardware. If the day comes when you need to support hundreds of thousands of users, you really don’t have anywhere to go other than buying hundreds of servers, which is a management nightmare.If you go with the Microsoft approach, it sounds like you may not need more than Visual Interdev. If you already know that you’re going to be developing ActiveX components in Visual Basic or Visual C++, that’s warning sign that maybe you should look at the Oracle solution more closely.I want to emphasize that, although these platforms have their relative strengths and weaknesses, if you do it right you can build a world-class application on either one. So if you have an organizational bias toward one of the vendors, by all means go with it. If you’re starting out from scratch, you’re going to have to ask yourself whether your organization leans more toward perfectionism or pragmatism, and realize that both “isms” have their faults.数据库管理数据库(有时拼成Database)也称为电子数据库,是指由计算机特别组织的快速查找和检索的任意的数据或信息集合。
牛津、朗文高阶英汉双解词典的“用法说明”王梦岚【摘要】Usage notes are one of the effective ways to display the usage. They can not only save the space, but can easily attract and warn users with the analysis of usages in the form of boxes, two most popular dictionaries among users, cover diversifying elements in usage notes, such as discrimination, grammar, formality, politeness or not and so on. Besides, guidance in usages or information is provided with many strategies, for example, “caution”, “warning”, “contrast”and “description”.%“用法说明”是呈现某词条重要用法的一种方式,它不仅可以节省篇幅,而且醒目的框架式构成对学习者具有吸引和警示的作用。
【期刊名称】《韶关学院学报》【年(卷),期】2015(000)005【总页数】4页(P119-122)【关键词】英汉学习型词典;牛津高阶;朗文高阶;“用法说明”【作者】王梦岚【作者单位】厦门大学外文学院,福建厦门 361005【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H316“用法说明”指的是词典词条中对被释词在通常出现的语境中所具有的词语特征(如地域特征、时间特征、语体特征等)的说明,或以任何形式对词语的句法、结构或关系特征等所作的评论[1]。
使用词典的好处英语作文The Advantages of Using a Dictionary.The dictionary is a invaluable tool that has been a constant companion in the journey of acquiring knowledge and understanding. Its significance cannot be overstated, as it serves as a guiding star for those seeking clarity in the vast and often-confusing ocean of words and their meanings. The benefits of using a dictionary arenumerous and diverse, spanning across various aspects of life and learning.Firstly, dictionaries are essential for language learning. Whether one is a beginner or an advanced learner, a dictionary provides a solid foundation upon which tobuild vocabulary and comprehension skills. It allows learners to explore new words, understand their meanings, and gain insights into their usage and context. This, in turn, enhances their ability to communicate effectively and express themselves more precisely.Moreover, dictionaries foster critical thinking and independent learning. When faced with an unfamiliar word, instead of relying solely on external sources or guesses, learners can consult a dictionary to verify its meaning and explore its various usages. This process not only helps in comprehending the word but also encourages learners tothink critically and question the language they encounter.In addition, dictionaries are also invaluable resources for writers and researchers. They provide accurate definitions and examples, enabling writers to use words with precision and clarity. This is especially crucial when writing for academic or professional purposes, where precision and clarity are paramount. By consulting a dictionary, writers can avoid common pitfalls like misusage and ambiguity, ensuring that their work is both accurate and impactful.Furthermore, dictionaries are cultural repositoriesthat preserve the richness and diversity of languages. They document the evolution of words and phrases, reflectingchanges in society, technology, and culture. By exploring a dictionary, one can gain insights into the historical and cultural backgrounds of words, understanding how they have shaped our worldviews and experiences.Moreover, in the digital age, dictionaries have evolved to become even more user-friendly and comprehensive. Online dictionaries, for instance, offer instant access to definitions, examples, and even audio pronunciations, making it easier for learners to grasp new words quickly. Additionally, they often provide additional features like word histories, synonyms, and antonyms, expanding thelearner's knowledge beyond the immediate word in question.However, it is important to note that whiledictionaries are invaluable resources, they should not be treated as替代品 for good reading and writing practices. A dictionary can provide definitions and examples, but it cannot teach one how to use words effectively in context. This requires regular practice and exposure to good writing, which is why it is essential to read widely and write regularly.In conclusion, the benefits of using a dictionary are numerous and far-reaching. They are essential tools for language learning, writers, and researchers alike, providing accurate definitions, examples, and insights into the language we use. In the digital age, they have become even more accessible and comprehensive, making it easierfor learners to explore and understand the vast and diverse world of words. By embracing the use of dictionaries, we can enhance our language skills, foster critical thinking, and gain a deeper understanding of the rich cultural heritage of languages.。
johnson dictionary解析
johnson dictionary解析Johnson Dictionary(约翰逊词典)是18世纪著名的英语词典,由英国文学家萨缪尔·约翰逊编纂,于1755年出版,是英语词典史上的重要里程碑。
下面将分步骤阐述Johnson Dictionary的特点。
一、编纂历程约翰逊开始编纂词典的初衷是希望为英国人提供一部“明确”,“简洁”和“全面”的英语词典,故称其为“Dictionary of the English Language”。
二、约翰逊词典的特点1. 应用了历史语料库约翰逊词典在当时非常重要的一点是它不仅仅收录了日常语言中的词汇,而且也涵盖了旧英语和拉丁文等词汇。
2. 解释方式新颖约翰逊把他的释义和艺术家的画作联系起来,无论是在释义还是在介绍词汇的词源时,都使用了许多隐喻和比喻。
3. 独立于其他词典尽管在约翰逊时代之前,英语词典已经存在了一个多世纪,但他还是找到了一些在其他词典忽略或错误的重要内容,并且使用了新的方法来解释这些内容,因此约翰逊词典与其他词典区分开了。
Johnson Dictionary 可以说是英语词典史上的一个里程碑,它塑造了英语词典的样式,并成为其他语言词典的样板。
初一英语试卷(含答案)一、单词拼写1.There are twelve(月份)in a year.2.It's a u book.You can learn a lot from it.3.We mustn't play with fire because it's very d.4.Most students have seven l in the day at school—four in the morning and three in the afternoon.根据短文内容及中文,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。
(每空限填一词)The tiger lives in Asia. It is big and 5.(强壮的). It can run very fast, but it can only run for a short time. It can swim and climb too. It likes to go out 6.(独自). It 7.(抓) many kinds of animals for food. It 8.(通常) looks for food at night and before the morning.There are eight 9.(不同的) kinds of bears in the world. They are big and heavy. Most bears eat meat and 10.(鱼肉). They can run very fast. They are good at climbing and swimming.The 11.(长颈鹿) lives in 12.(非洲). It can be over 5.5 meters 13.(高). Its long neck helps it eat the 14.(树叶) from trees. It usually goes out in groups. Do you know it sleeps only about two hours a day?二、语法填空15.Today is (teacher) Day.16.How many (student)are there in your school?17.This is a photo my family.三、单项选择题18.—_________ does your father have _________ lunch?—Chicken and tomatoes.A.What; for B.What; /C.How; for D.How; /请选出各题划线部分读音不同的选项。
el标签用法一、EL表达式基本用法1. 在JSP页面中输出变量值- 在JSP中,如果有一个JavaBean,例如一个名为 `User` 的类,里面有一个属性 `name`,在JSP页面中设置了这个JavaBean。
在JSP页面中就可以这样使用EL表达式来获取这个属性的值:- 假设在JSP中有 `<% User user = new User();user.setName("John"); pageContext.setAttribute("user", user); %>`,那么在页面中可以用 `${}`,这就像是打开了一个魔法盒子,直接就能看到里面的宝贝(变量的值),多么方便呀!就像你知道有个宝藏藏在某个地方,用EL表达式就能轻松找到它。
- 再比如,如果有一个List类型的变量 `fruits`,里面存放着各种水果的名字,在JSP页面中设置了这个变量。
如果想获取列表中的第一个元素,可以用 `${fruits[0]}`。
2. 进行简单的运算- EL表达式可以进行数学运算。
例如,如果有两个变量 `num1` 和`num2`,在JSP页面中分别被设置为5和3。
那么 `${num1 + num2}` 就会得到8。
这就像你有5个苹果和3个苹果,用EL表达式一下子就能算出总共有多少个苹果,是不是很神奇呢?- 也可以进行比较运算。
如果有一个变量 `age`,在JSP页面中被设置为18。
那么 `${age >= 18? '成年人' : '未成年人'}`,就像一个智能的判断器,根据年龄的值来判断是成年人还是未成年人。
这可比我们自己在JSP中写一堆Java代码来判断要简洁得多呀!3. 访问对象的属性和方法(有限制的方法调用)- 对于对象的属性访问,如前面提到的JavaBean的属性访问。
朗文现代英语词典In the world of language learning, dictionaries hold a pivotal position. Among the myriad of dictionaries available, the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDCE) stands tall as a reliable and comprehensive guide. Its popularity can be attributed to its user-friendly design, up-to-date entries, and wealth of additional features that cater to the needs of language learners and professionals alike.The LDCE is renowned for its extensive coverage of contemporary English, encompassing a wide range of words, phrases, and idioms. Its entries are meticulously crafted to provide clear and concise definitions, along with example sentences that illustrate the usage of each word in real-world contexts. This makes it easy for learners to grasp the meaning and application of new vocabulary.Beyond basic definitions, the LDCE offers a wealth of additional information. It includes pronunciation guides, etymologies, and word origins, providing a deeper understanding of the language's history and evolution. The dictionary also features usage notes, which highlightcommon mistakes and nuances in language usage, helping users avoid common pitfalls.The LDCE's user-friendly design is another key factor in its popularity. The layout is clean and uncluttered, with clear headings and subheadings that make it easy to navigate. The font size and spacing are also optimized for readability, ensuring that users can easily scan and find the information they need.The dictionary's up-to-date nature is also noteworthy. It regularly incorporates new words and phrases thatreflect the latest trends and developments in society, ensuring that it remains relevant and useful in today'sfast-paced world.In addition to its physical form, the LDCE is also available in digital formats, such as mobile apps and online versions. These digital versions offer additional features like search functionality, word lists, and audio pronunciations, making it even more convenient for users to access and learn new vocabulary on the go.The LDCE's impact on language learning is immense. It not only acts as a reference tool but also serves as aguide to proper language usage. Its comprehensive coverage and user-friendly design make it an invaluable resource for students, teachers, and language professionals alike. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, the LDCE can help you enhance your vocabulary, improve your language skills, and deepen your understanding of the English language.**朗文现代英语词典的精髓**在语言学习的世界中,词典占据着至关重要的地位。
Introduction:An English dictionary is an essential tool for English language learners. It provides definitions, explanations, and examples of words, helping learners to expand their vocabulary and improve their language skills. This essay will discuss the importance of English dictionaries and how they are used in different ways.The Importance of English Dictionaries:English dictionaries play a crucial role in language learning. They help learners to understand the meaning and usage of words, enabling them to communicate effectively in English. Dictionaries also provide information on word forms, pronunciation, synonyms, antonyms, and idiomatic expressions, facilitating learners' comprehension and usageof the language. Moreover, dictionaries can enhancelearners' reading skills as they encounter unfamiliar words while reading. By using a dictionary, learners can decipher the meaning of these words and broaden their understandingof the text.Types of English Dictionaries:There are various types of English dictionaries available, catering to different needs and proficiency levels. The most common types include learner's dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, and specialized dictionaries. Learner's dictionaries are designedspecifically for language learners, providing simplified definitions, examples, and explanations. Bilingual dictionaries, on the other hand, offer translations ofwords from one language to another, assisting learners in understanding words in their native language. Specialized dictionaries focus on specific fields such as medicine, law, or technology, providing in-depth explanations of technical terms.Using English Dictionaries:English dictionaries can be used in different ways depending on the purpose and context. Here are some common ways dictionaries are utilized:1. Vocabulary Expansion: Learners can use dictionaries to look up new words they encounter while reading or listening. By understanding the meaning and usage of these words, learners can expand their vocabulary and improve their language skills.2. Word Pronunciation: Dictionaries provide phonetic transcriptions and audio pronunciations, helping learners to pronounce words correctly. This is particularly useful for non-native English speakers who may struggle with English phonetics.3. Word Forms: Dictionaries provide information on word forms such as verb conjugations, noun plurals, andadjective comparisons. This helps learners to understand how words change in different contexts and grammaticalstructures.4. Synonyms and Antonyms: Dictionaries offer synonyms and antonyms for words, enabling learners to enhance their vocabulary by exploring alternative words with similar or opposite meanings.5. Idiomatic Expressions: Dictionaries provide explanations and examples of idiomatic expressions, helping learners to understand and use these phrases in appropriate contexts.Conclusion:In conclusion, English dictionaries are indispensable tools for language learners. They provide definitions, explanations, and examples of words, helping learners to expand their vocabulary, improve their language skills, and enhance their overall understanding of the English language. By utilizing dictionaries effectively, learners can overcome language barriers and communicate more confidently and accurately in English.。
写一份字典的使用手册英语作文150词Here is an English essay on the topic of "A Guide to Using Dictionaries" with more than 1000 words, as requested:Dictionaries are a vital tool for language learners and users alike. They provide a wealth of information about words, their meanings, pronunciations, origins, and usage. Whether you are a native speaker looking to expand your vocabulary or a language learner seeking to improve your proficiency, understanding how to effectively use a dictionary is an essential skill. In this guide, we will explore the key features and functionalities of dictionaries and offer strategies for maximizing their utility.Firstly, it is important to recognize the different types of dictionaries available. General dictionaries provide definitions and information about common words, while specialized dictionaries focus on specific fields, such as medical, legal, or scientific terminology. Bilingual dictionaries, on the other hand, translate words between two or more languages, making them invaluable for language learning. Depending on your needs, you may find it helpful to have access to a variety of dictionary resources, both in print and digital formats.When using a dictionary, the first step is to locate the word you are searching for. In print dictionaries, this typically involves scanning the alphabetical listings and identifying the entry that corresponds to the word you are looking for. In digital dictionaries, you can often use search functions or even voice recognition to quickly find the desired word. Once you have located the entry, take the time to carefully read through the information provided.Dictionaries typically include a wealth of details about each word, including its part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.), pronunciation, definition, and usage examples. Pay close attention to the specific meaning of the word in the context you are using it, as many words have multiple definitions or can be used in different ways. Additionally, be mindful of any usage notes or idioms that may be included, as these can provide valuable insights into the appropriate application of the word.One of the most powerful features of dictionaries is their ability to provide information about word origins and etymology. Understanding the history and derivation of a word can not only enhance your understanding of its meaning but also help you remember it more effectively. Many dictionaries include detailed etymological information, tracing the word back to its roots in other languages or historical contexts.Another important aspect of dictionary usage is understanding the organization and structure of the entries. Most dictionaries follow a consistent format, with the headword (the word being defined) listed first, followed by the part of speech, definition, and any additional information. Familiarizing yourself with this structure can help you quickly locate the information you need and navigate the dictionary more efficiently.In addition to definitions and etymological information, many dictionaries also include supplementary features that can be incredibly useful. These may include thesaurus-like synonyms and antonyms, as well as usage notes, idioms, and even illustrations or diagrams to help clarify the meaning of a word. Exploring these additional resources can deepen your understanding of the language and help you become a more sophisticated communicator.When using a dictionary, it is also important to consider the context in which you are using the word. Different dictionaries may provide slightly different definitions or nuances, depending on the target audience or field of study. For example, a medical dictionary may offer a more technical or specialized definition of a word compared to a general-purpose dictionary. Being mindful of the appropriate context can help you choose the most relevant and accurate definition for your needs.Moreover, dictionaries can be valuable resources for language learners beyond just definitions and translations. Many dictionaries include information on pronunciation, including phonetic transcriptions and audio recordings, which can be particularly helpful for improving your spoken language skills. Additionally, some dictionaries provide usage notes or guidance on common grammatical errors or idiomatic expressions, which can be invaluable for developing language proficiency.As you continue to use dictionaries, it is important to develop effective strategies for maximizing their utility. This may involve creating personal word lists or flashcards to help you remember new vocabulary, or incorporating dictionary look-ups into your regular language study routine. Additionally, consider exploring the various digital and online dictionary resources available, which can often provide more interactive and dynamic features than traditional print dictionaries.In conclusion, dictionaries are an indispensable tool for language learners and users of all levels. By understanding the features and functionalities of dictionaries, as well as developing effective strategies for their use, you can unlock a wealth of linguistic knowledge and enhance your communication skills. Whether you are looking to expand your vocabulary, improve your writing, or deepenyour understanding of a language, a well-utilized dictionary can be an invaluable asset in your linguistic journey.。
查英汉字典的英语作文English:When consulting an English-Chinese dictionary, one gains access not only to the direct translation of words but also to a gateway of cultural exchange and linguistic exploration. Dictionaries serve as indispensable tools for language learners and translators, providing insights into the nuances of meaning, usage, and context. Beyond mere translation, they offer a glimpse into the intricate web of language, revealing the historical, social, and cultural factors that shape communication. Each entry in the dictionary is a window into a different facet of human expression, reflecting the diversity and richness of both English and Chinese languages. Moreover, dictionaries evolve alongside language itself, incorporating new words, expressions, and idioms that emerge from the dynamic nature of communication. Through the process of consulting a dictionary, learners engage in a dialogue with the language, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of its complexity. Thus, the act of using an English-Chinese dictionary transcends the mere acquisition of vocabulary; it becomes a journey of discovery, fostering cross-cultural understanding and linguistic proficiency.中文翻译:在查阅英汉字典时,不仅可以获得单词的直接翻译,还能够打开一扇文化交流和语言探索的大门。
How to choose a dictionary for yourself
Judge your English level( English-Chinese
dictionary or English-English dictionary )
English study(研究)( pronouncing , abbreviations,proverb, Root and affix)
Chambers Essential English Dictionary《钱伯斯基础英语词 典》
Chambers New English Dictionary《柯林斯最新英语 词典》
Chinese-English Dictionary《汉英词典》研究出版社
Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English《朗文多功能分 类词典》 Longman language Activator《朗文英语联想或用词典》
2 Familiarize yourself with your dictionary.
Dictionaries vary in approach. The best way to learn how to use your particular dictionary effectively is to read its introductory section where you'll find out how the entries are arranged.
Business English(行业)( Financial, business, engineering, tourism )3) the date of publication
程序的项目名命名为“Dictionary”2.类的静态设计组成“简单绘图程序”的类可以分为程序框架类、数据类和交互界面类⑴程序框架类·应用程序类·主框架类·文档类·视图类·CWordView的派生关系图·CDicTreeView的派生关系图·CDicTreeView与CwordView的关联图⑵数据类·基本数据库类·单词记录集类·词义记录集类·词类记录集类·数据类的派生关系图⑶ 交互界面类·单词输入工具类·修改单词信息类·交互界面类的派生关系图·交互界面类与CMainFrame 的关联图3.类的动态设计(1)查询与显示(2)选择查询方式(3)编辑、修改已有单词(4)创建新单词(5)删除已有单词(6)打印和打印预览三、详细设计1.应用程序类CDictionaryApp(1)类的详细定义2.框架类CMainFrame(1)类的详细设计3.文档类CDictionaryDoc4.视图类CDicTreeDraw(4)关键算法解析①查询单词并显示信息void OnSelchanged([INOUT] NMHDR* pNMHDR, [INOUT] LRESULT* pResult)参数说明:[INOUT] pNMHDR 描述消息详细信息的结构指针。