Basic Elements


Literary Analysis Basic Elements 文学分析

Literary Analysis Basic Elements 文学分析

Literary Analysis – Basic Elements of Literature "How can a story be analyzed, and what am I looking for in it?"The study of literature is the study of life through the eyes of an artist, and as such is an important part of a liberal arts education.Composition students in ENG 102 often engage in literary analysis. When you analyze a literary text, you will deal with basic elements of literature, like plot, theme, character, point of view, and setting. Close study of these elements will then lead to an essay focusing on one aspect of the work.Literary analysis is also known as literary criticism. In this context, "criticism" means a close reading and interpretation of a literary text, such as a poem, a short story, a play, a novel, or even a movie. The elements that make up a literary work are closely examined for their meaning and significance. Some of these elements are theme, character, and plot. Regardless of what aspect you choose to write about, your essay will focus on one controlling idea that can be stated in one direct sentence. For example: "Although most critics regard Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra as a great love tragedy, it is actually a mockery of a tragedy, for Cleopatra is incapable of love, and Antony is interested only in sex." This student then introduced evidence from the play to prove her thesis. Following are some thoughts to keep in mind when you analyze literary texts:Plot SummarySometimes, students will be assigned a plot summary as a formal essay, as prewriting which will lead to a deeper analysis, or as part of a longer analysis (such as in a research paper).climax-denouement (“falling off” orsumming up the thesis)causal events -exposition -(when things/people are first exposed to us)The above structure is called a Freytag Pyramid and is used as a basis for analyzing plot. Each of the above levels must be examined in relation to the story being read. Remember that both the causal events and the climax can be physical, mental, or emotional. In addition to the terms on the “Pyramid,” a few others must be taken into consideration. “Foreshadowing” happens when little hints are given about what might happen in thefuture, and “backflash” occurs when a character uses what most of us call “hindsight” asthe character recalls some clue given earlier that he or she might have picked up on butprobably didn’t.Character AnalysisWhat kind of person is the character being analyzed? This is an inference you makebased on the following:?What the person says (what he or she says need not be taken at face value; theperson may be hypocritical, or self-deceived, or biased)?What the person does?What others (including the narrator of the story) say about the person?What others do (their actions may help to indicate what the person could do butdoes not do)?What the person looks like - face, body, clothes (these may help to convey thepersonality, or they may in some measure help to disguise it)?Determine the character's appearance, personality, and ethical qualities.?Use descriptions of other characters sparingly (comparison/contrast) to make your point about the main character(s). Sometimes the environment (setting) evenfunctions as a character.Also, there are some terms of characterization that are important to consider:Protagonist – the lead character Antagonist – the character who operates in opposition to the lead character(Either or both of these can be human, animal, or a force of nature)Round/Complex character – interesting character, can’t be “second guessed”Flat/Simple character – not very interesting, often a stereotypical characterDynamic character – evolves as the story progressesStatic character – stays the same throughout the storySettingIn simple terms, setting is the time, place, and social reality within which a story takesplace. We have to understand where we are, in which period of time, in which societyand at which level in that society if we are to interpret correctly the other elements in thestory.In stories in which place is the important element of setting, the writer usually providesspecific, sometimes extended descriptions of the placeIn other stories, the treatment of time is more significant than place. In literature, timefunctions in three different ways: the period of time in which a story takes place, howmuch time passes during the plot of the story, and how the passage of that time is perceived by the lead character (such as, if he or she is having fun time goes quickly, but if he/she is lonely or worried time drags).Just as important as time and place, is the social context of a story, which is often a product of time and place. We must understand enough about the society—its customs, values, possibilities—to know what constraints the characters face, what they are free to chose, and what they may not do.Point of ViewPoint of view is the perspective from which the reader will view the events in a story.Each potential point of view has significant advantages and correspondinglimitations. An outside point of view provides greater flexibility and suggests agreater sense of objectivity. An inside point of view provides more intimate, often more involving, narration. Following are the main points of view used by writers:Third-person omniscient – lets the reader know all that is being said, done, thought, and felt by all characters. This gives a full over-view, yet prevents the reader from “identifying with” any particular character.Third-person limited omniscient- lets the reader know all that is being said, done, thought, and felt by only one character. This encourages emotional involvementbetween the reader and character.Objective – limits the reader exclusively to exterior reality (what can be seen orheard). The thoughts, fears, loves, feelings of no characters are available, and there is no interpretation or comment.First-person – when a character within the plot is telling the story. This point of view can allow readers to see either a very clear picture of what is going on…or to see a misleading one. How reliable is the narrator? Does he/she mean to tell the truth?Does he/she have emotional biases that make for unreliability? Does he/she have the maturity and experience to know what is truly going on?Theme?Theme should be stated in one sentence.?The theme should be stated as a generalization about life, not as reference to a specific character or action in a story (for example, if a story includes a majoraction of robbery and the results of that action, the theme might be that negativebehavior of that sort doesn’t pay off in the long run).?Theme(s) is/are the central and unifying concept(s) of the work.?Statement of theme should not be cliché.。



Figures References
Within the text References to literature
Enumerations Mathematics
4 Figures 5 References
Within the text References to literature
Introducing some structure
Getting the final output
Some more elements
Enumerations Mathematics
A There are two main flavors of LTEX, plain latex and pdflatex • plain latex produces .dvi files, every latex package includes a viewer
Introducing some structure
A What is LTEX
Some more elements
Enumerations Mathematics
A LTEXis a typesetting language that can be used to create (nearly) any kind of document.
Writing a thesis with latex Max Moorkamp Introduction The basic A L TEXelements
Introducing some structure
A When not to use LTEX
Some more elements



单项选择题1、What are the four basic elements that make up a memo?2、______ is a proper expression for making requests.…….……3、The following information may be contained in the discussion segment of a memo EXCEPT______.4、What is the Chinese term for “Barter Contract”?保管合同买卖合同寄售合同易货合同5、What are the four basic elements that make up a memo?6、______ is NOT a part of the main body in a report.7、The following are information included in a personal statement EXCEPT ______.8、The function of meeting minutes is to ______.9、A descriptive abstract usually does NOT include _____ of a study.10、The following are components of a contract EXCEPT______.11、What is the English term for 文艺晚会?12、What is the Chinese term for Keynote Speech?主要演讲会议发言基调演讲主旨发言13、What’s the first item on an agenda?14、What does “Re.” stands for in the subject line of a letter?15、What’s the first item on an agenda?16、______ is NOT included in the heading of meeting minutes.17、Generally, in-text citations can be classified into _____, summarizing and paraphrasing.18、For “个人陈述”, What is the correct term?19、How to make an abstract concise?20、______ is NOT a necessary part of a business letter.21、The correct way to write address 5栋2单元218室is _____.22、_____ is not a part of a resume.23、In an academic conference agenda, more specific information of presenters is given than general conference agenda, EXCEPT ______.24、The following information is in the heading segment of a memo EXCEPT______.25、______is NOT a component of a meeting notice.26、The word “move” used in minutes refers to ______.27、The formal English term for “会议记录” is ______28、______ and ______ are the two types of analytical reports.29、_____ is an optional part in the contact information section of a CV?30、The correct way to write the date is ______.31、What are the components of an abstract?32、______ is not a component of a CV.33、The following are parts of a report EXCEPT______.34、______ is not common expression for writing abstracts.…35、The following information is in the heading segment of a memo EXCEPT______.36、______ is NOT a part of the preamble in a contract.37、______ is NOT a notice title.38、What are the components of a citation in the reference list?39、Which part can be omitted in an informal letter ______.40、Which component is NOT a part in a memo?41、Which part can be omitted in an informal letter ______.42、The English term for“结业证书”is ______.43、The following are parts of a report EXCEPT______.判断题44、You should avoid spelling or grammatical errors in your personal statement.√45、The closing segment of a memo can be brief and short.√46、There are no strict guidelines on the layout of a notice.√47、APA and MLA are two common formats for citations.√48、Generally speaking, an abstract does NOT include Conclusion.√49、Personal letters are formal letters.√50、Provide the context and background of the research is a function of the conclusion in an abstract.√51、The opening segment is not a necessary part of a memo.√52、A job application is also known as a Cover letter.√53、You should research what skills and qualities the courses you are applying to demand and show how you already have them.√54、You should mention the limitations at the beginning of your abstract.√55、休会 is the Chinese term for “Adjournment”.√56、The opening segment is not a necessary part of a memo.√57、Recipient’s address is NOT included in the letter of transmittal in a report.√58、A memo is a type of document distributed in a company or organization to deliver certain messages.√59、Inside address is NOT the component of a contract.√60、Technology Transaction Contract is the English term for “技术转让合同”.√61、A meeting notice usually begins with the wish that the reader can attend.√62、延期 is the Chinese term for “Adjournment”.√63、Email is a formal type of writing.√64、The purpose and context of a memo are presented in the opening segment.√65、A serial number must be included in a certificate.√66、The notice of meeting and agenda are usually combined in one document.√67、We do not have to cite when we use others’ research data.√68、The first impression is not important for an abstract.√69、You are encouraged to use adjectives and adverbs in minutes writing.√70、Block style is one of the format types of letters.√71、All resumes share the same components.√72、A memo is a type of document distributed in a company or organization to deliver certain messages.√73、Technology Transfer Contract is the English term for “技术转让合同”.√74、An email should begin with the main idea immediately.√75、Minutes should be written in informal style.√76、You are suggested to use tables and graphs when necessary in a report.√77、Invitations cannot be presented in the form of an email.√78、The word “you” is used when giving negative message in a letter.√79、The English term for “出生证书” is Birth Certificate.√80、In contracts, ending words and signatures often begins with the phrases “as to” or “in witness whereof”.√81、A serial number must be included in a certificate.√82、Definitions of key terms should be avoided in an abstract.√83、If the certificate is overtly addressed to someone as a letter is, the salutation often adopts “To whom it may concern”.√主观题84、Task 1:Rearrange the following sentences into a correct order.What are the types of abstract?A. A descriptive abstract indicates the type of information found in the work. It makes no judgments about the work, nor does it provide results or conclusions of the research.B. The length varies based on journal requirements and other submissions guidelines; however, it is usually less than 10% of an article’s length (approximately 200-300 words).C. A good informative abstract acts as a surrogate for the work itself. The writer presents and explains all the main arguments, results, evidence and conclusions.D. It does incorporate key words found in the text and may include the purpose, methods, and scope of the research. Descriptive abstracts are usually very short—100 words or less.E. There are two types of abstracts: descriptive and informative. With different aims, they have different components and styles.参考答案:EADCBExecutive SummaryA. The findings indicate an overwhelming tendency for teachers to use recasts in spite of the latter’s ineffectiveness at eliciting student-generated repair.B. This article presents a study of corrective feedback and learner uptake (i.e., responses to feedback) in four immersion classrooms at the primary level.C. Results include the frequency and distribution of the six different feedback types used by the four teachers, in addition to the frequency and distribution of different types of learner uptake following each feedback type.D. Four other feedback types—elicitation, metalinguistic feedback, clarification requests, and repetition—lead to student-generated repair more successfully and are thus able to initiate what the authors characterize as the negotiation of form.E. Transcripts totaling 18.3 hours of classroom interaction taken from 14 subject-matter lessons and 13 French language arts lessons were analyzed using a model developed for the study and comprising the various moves in an error treatment sequence.参考答案:BECADComplaint.A. I feel that Mandy completely disrespected us as customers and needs to be retrained in her customer service attitudes. I would also appreciate a certificate to try this establishment again as I hardly want to spend my hard-earned dollars here and risk another experience like this one.B. We gave her our drink orders and she did bring those promptly and took our order. Thirty minutes later, our food arrived, but it was cold and looked like it had been sitting out for a while. My husband motioned for Mandy to come over to our table and informed her that our food was cold. Her response was to say that it was not cold when she brought it to the table.C. I have been a loyal customer of Eat Here Restaurants since 1996 and have always been pleased with the food and service. Last Wednesday, February 18th, at around 5 p.m., we visited the Eat Here location on West Main Street in Small Town. We were very disappointed in the service we received on this day from a waitress named Mandy.D. The restaurant was not busy when we arrived. There was one other table in Mandy’s section and they were almost done eating. After being seated, we sat for about fifteen minutes before Mandy came to take our drink orders. When we told her how long we’d been waiting, she didn’t apologize but just said, “What can I get ya?”E. At this point, we asked to speak to a manager. We explained the issues we’d had already and the manager did apologize and offered to replace our food, but at this point we just wanted to leave. He told us the drinks were on him and he hoped we’d try their restaurant again. As we were leaving, we overheard Mandy telling a co-worker very loudly that we just wanted free drinks and were cheap and probably hadn’t even left her a tip. We had, in fact, left her a tip, even though the service was not stellar.Yours sincerely,Terry Royce参考答案:CDBEA87、Task 1:Rearrange the following sentences into a correct Letter of Inquiry .Dear Customer Relations,A. We have read your promotional material and are very interested in using your product. We need, however, the answere to the following questions before we can decide whether or not to use Omega Database Plus:B. I would be happy to talk with you further about your product. You can call me at (415)666666 or e-mail me.C. My team is considering using your new release of Omega Database Plus1.0 as a key part of the system. If we incorporate your product into our design, our clients will need to purchase at least a total of 140 copies of your software.D. 1. I am sure you still planning to release the Omega Dataset Plus Version 1.0 on February 12, 1988?2. Will you product support PGP encryption?E. I am a systems engineer at Arlington Programming Associates developing a new client-server net worked database system for two nonprofit corporations.Yours sincerely,Terry Royce参考答案:ECADB88、Task 1:Rearrange the following sentences into a correct Letter of Complaint.Dear Mr./Ms. Green,I am interested in the author's assistant position at ABC Company, as advertised in XXX.A. I have also gained extensive experience in legal and policy research –fields that you state the author’s assistant must be familiar with. My experience in the NYS Assembly has afforded me the opportunity to become familiar with the consolidated and unconsolidated laws of the State of New York. In particular, through my work with Assemblywoman XXXX, I have become heavily involved in the current welfare and Medicaid reform movement. I am always eager to learn more about state legislation, reading up on these topics on my own time to become more knowledgeable. I would love to bring this passion for policy and law to your company.B. I am currently employed as legislative director for Assemblywoman XXXX, Chairperson of the NYS Assembly. I believe that the skills and experiences I have gained at this position make me an ideal candidate for the job of author’s assistant.C. As legislative director, I have developed strong writing and editing skills. For example, one of my main duties is to prepare Assemblywoman XXXX’s personal legislation, which deals with issues related to her position asSenior Member of the NYS Assembly Standing Committee.D. I am confident that my experience in the Legislature and my research and writing skills qualify me for consideration. If you would like, I can provide you with current samples of my work. I have also enclosed my resume. I look forward to meeting with you and discussing my qualifications in more detail.E. This duty requires meticulous writing and editing skills, and an ability to convey complex legal ideas clearly. I have prepared dozens of pieces of legislation and received praise for the clarity of my writing.Yours sincerely,Terry Royce参考答案:BCEAD89、董事会理会 (board of directors)2020年5月8日(周五),4:00-5:30pm图书馆10楼会议室董事长主持会议内容:通过上次会议(即4月8日例会)讨论事项。



About 85% of (85 percent of) the elements can be found in nature , usually combined with other elements in minerals and vegetable matter or in substances like water and carbon dioxide. Copper, silver, gold, and about 20 other elements can be found in highly pure forms. Sixteen elements are not found in nature; they
Lesson one Elements and Compounds
Elements are pure substances that can not be decomposed(分解) into simpler substances by ordinary chemical changes. At present there are 109 known elements. Some common elements that are familiar to you are carbon, oxygen, aluminum, iron, copper, nitrogen, and gold. The elements are the building blocks of matter just as the numerals 0 through 9 are the building blocks for numbers. To the best of1 our knowledge, the elements that have been found on the earth also comprise(包含) the entire universe.



(完整版)化学专业英语常用词汇☆常用: ppm: parts per millionppb: parts per billion pH: potential of hydrogen1. 化合物的命名:规则:金属(或某些非金属)元素+阴离子名称(1)MgCl2 magnesium [m?ɡ’ni:zj ?m] chloride (2)NaNO2sodium nitrite [‘naitrait](3)KNO3 potassium[p ?’t?si ?m] nitrate [‘naitreit] (4)硝酸nitric acid(5)NaHCO3 sodium hydrogen carbonate练习:FeBr2 ? (NH4)2SO4 ? NH4H2PO4KMnO4亚硫酸sulfurous acidH2SNO2 有机物命名Hydrocarbon{Aliphatic hydrocarbon; Aromatic Hydrocarbon}Aliphatic hydrocarbon (脂肪烃){Alkane (烷); Alkene(烯); Alkyne(炔)}Alcohol 醇Aldehyde 醛Ketone [‘ki:t?un] 酮Carboxylic acid 羧酸Aromatic hydrocarbon(芳香烃){benzene (苯) hydroxybenzene(酚) quinone(醌)无机物中关于数字的写法mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- hexa-, hepta-, octa-, nona-, deca-一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十有机物中关于数字的写法meth-, eth-, prop-, but-, pent-, hex-,甲乙丙丁戊已hept-, oct-, non-, dec-, cyclo-, poly-庚辛壬葵环聚练习甲烷乙炔丙酮丁醇戊烷己烯庚醛辛烷2-甲基壬酸 3,5-二乙基癸醇Lithium [‘liθi?m] n.锂Beryllium [b?’rilj?m] n.铍(Be)Sodium [‘s?udi?m] n.钠Potassium [p?’t?si?m] 钾Rubidium [ru:’bidi?m] 铷Caesium [‘si:zi?m] 铯Nucleus[‘nju:kli s] 原子核,是nuclear的复数Halogen[‘h?l?d??n] 卤素general chemistry 普通化学positive[‘p?z?tiv] ion 阳离子orbital electron 轨道电子effective nuclear charge 有效核电荷atomic radius 原子半径,raddi的复数ionic radius 离子半径negative ion 阴离子electron cloud 电子云Van der Waals non-bounded radius单质分子晶体中相邻分子间两个非键合原子核间距离的一半称为范德华半径metallic [mi’t?lik] character[‘k?rikt?] 金属特性electropositive [I’lektr?u’p?z?tiv] a.带正电的Ionization [‘ai?nai’zei??n] energy 电离能carbon 碳germanium[d??:’meini?m] 锗tin [tin] 锡 lead [led] 铅sodium[‘s?udi?m] 钠magnesium[m?ɡ’ni:zj?m] 镁silicon [‘silik?n] 硅chlorine [’kl?:ri:n] 氯nonmetallic [‘n?nmi’t?lik]adj.n.非金属的,非金属Electronegativity 电负性Metallic oxide 金属氧化物Metallic hydroxide [hai’dr?ksaid] 金属氢氧化物Hydroxyl [hai‘dr?ksil] ions 氢氧根离子insoluble[in’s?ljubl] 不溶解的Ionic [ai‘?nik] adj. 离子的Transition element 过渡元素Basicity [b?’sisiti] n. 碱性,碱度Oxyacid [,?ksi’?sid] 含氧酸Carbonate [‘kɑ:b?neit] 碳酸盐Nitrate [‘naitreit] 硝酸盐Sulphate [‘s?lfeit] 硫酸盐 = sulfateAmphoteric [,?mf?’terik] adj.两性的Acid [‘?sid] n. adj.alkali [‘?lk?lai] n.adj.Hydration [hai’drei??n] 水合作用Hydrolyze [‘haidr?laiz] vi. 水解Oxysalt [‘?ksis?:lt] 含氧酸盐Complex 络合物,复合物句子理解1) Metals are electropositive and have a tendency to loss electrons, if suppliedwith energy: M M+ + e. 金属是电正性的,如果供给能量,有失去电子的趋势。

basic elements of probability -回复

basic elements of probability -回复

basic elements of probability -回复基础概率的基本元素概率是数学中一个非常重要的概念,它用于描述随机事件发生的可能性。




例如,当我们掷一个六面的骰子时,样本空间包含所有骰子的六个面:{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}。



例如,事件"A"是骰子的结果是偶数,它的元素是{2, 4, 6}。






















BASIC IDENTITY MANUAL CEPSACepsa | Basic Identity Manual WelcomeThis manual contains the main elements that make up the Cepsa identity.If you need more information about any of the contentsof this document or wish to see other sections that donot appear here, please see the full version of the identity manual.If you have any questions, please contact:***************About this manualHOW SHOULD IT BE USED?This document is in PDF format, which will make it easy for you to search for the content you need at any moment.Here you will find the basic guidelines that define Cepsa’s visual style.If you need additional information not found in this manual, please contact ***************WHAT IS THIS MANUAL FOR?This manual is a toolkit boiled down to a few pages containing the basic elements of our identity, helping ensure that they are applied correctly and consistently in all our messages and points of contact. This manual is an essential tool that will help maintain a strong identity always.WHO IS THIS MANUAL FOR?This manual is for anyone who is part of Cepsa.It is also for all those who, directly or indirectly, depend on the management and correct application of our brand: partners, suppliers, designers, distributors, etc.We all share the responsibility forprotecting and caring for our brand. If we work together, we will ensure Cepsa has a coherent, unified, strong, recognized and admired brand every day.Cepsa | Basic Identity Manual1.Introduction Basic elements1. LogoThe basic elements help us build the Cepsa image.If we use these items correctly, we will be able to convey and project a coherent brand image.Summary of the elements:1. Logo 2. Typeface3. Colors2. TypefaceCorporate SystemDisplay Hero Flama LightFlama SemiboldTahoma Regular Tahoma BoldDisplay LightDisplay BoldHero Light Hero Bold3. ColorsThe logo is one of the basic components of the Cepsa identity.This page shows the primary andsecondary versions, which can appear in various colors. The primary color version is the one shown on the left—red on a white background.Our brand now appears on bright, clean, and high-tech backgrounds and red is the bright color that is transmitted through our logo.Brand fontSymbol Logo1. Primary version PaddingPadding2. Vertical secondary version3.5 xx/2xThe detached version of the primary logotype allows more flexibility when using it as a sign-off because it is less rigid. For vertical pieces, it is acceptable to use the logotype in a larger format without having to resort to the secondary version.Detachment also allows you to give more prominence to the symbol and better identify the Cepsa brand.The detached version of the logo must always follow the proportions specified on this page. The symbol and the name must always be visible on the sameplane and are never separate.Minimum distance between the em-blem and the typographic mark4 xxExample of a horizontal formatThe attached version should be used in all institutional applications, like stands, ephemeral architecture, merchandising, office materials, product identification and sponsorships, as well as on stationery and for digital media.The detached version should be used in communication materials, advertising and leaflets or posters amongst others.The table on this page shows how to use both versions of the logo, noting in red the scenarios covered in this manual.LogoApplying the different versions of the logotypeApplications Stationery Literature Advertising Digital media Audiovisual resources Attached version Detached versionEmail signaturePowerPoint© Presentation Principal applications Optional applicationsInternal documents Office© documents Uniforms Stand, events Signage VehiclesProduct, Packaging Service Stations Merchandising Sponsorships Cepsa | Basic Identity Manual | 1. Basic elementsLogoExample of how to use bothversions of the logotype Attached logotypeDetached logotypeOn this page you can see examples ofhow to use the attached and detachedversions of the logotype.StationeryAdvertisingMerchandising Digital mediaPosterFair standScientific publicationAdvertisingNote: The images in the examples are forreference only in order to demonstrateCepsa’s photographic style. If you want to usethese photographs, you will have to acquiretheir licenses, either from the individualphotographer or from the image bank.Cepsa has its own image bank containing awide range of images of its various businessareas.And if you need new images, contact theBrand Office: *************** Cepsa | Basic Identity Manual |3. Negative version on a red background 2. Red version on a gray or silver background4. Silver version on a black background 7. Red version on a dark image6. Red version on a light image with graphic device8. Red version on a dark image with graphic device5. Red version on a light image16 mm 30 mm4 mm4 mmAlthough no maximum size is set for ourlogo, it is important to define how muchit can be reduced.The minimum size for the connectedversion is 30 mm.For the disconnected version, theminimum size is defined by the heightof the “A,” which is 4 mm, like in theconnected version. This is also the casefor the vertical secondary version.The word "Cepsa" should never be lessthan 4 mm in height.The same guidelines apply to theversions in Chinese and Arabic.Attached primary logotype Detached primary logotypeVertical secondary logotype4 mm10.9.8.14.Incorrect use of the logo damages the impact of our communication, because it sends an inconsistent message to our audiences. Only what is explicitly described in this manual is correct. Any variation of color, orientation, proportion or combination is incorrect and is therefore prohibited.This page shows some examples of things that must not be done:1. Do not distort the logo.2. Do not rotate the logo in any way.3. Do not change its color.4. Do not add color gradients.5. D o not recreate the logo using anothertypeface.6. Do not use the logo in a line.7. Do not add any kind of effect whatsoever.8. Do not use the logo in low resolution.9. Do not use the logo with shadow.10. T he logo should not appear crossed out.11. D o not apply the logo in white on anybackground colors other than those specified in the manual.12. D o not apply the logo in red on anybackground colors other than those specified in the manual. 13. Never put the logo in a box.14. D o not use the logo in negative in blackand white.11.12.13.Cepsa’s corporate typeface is Flama in the versions presented here.Use it consistently, respecting the typography rules. This way, you'll help bolster the company’s visual identity and contribute to the public’s awareness of it. The colors that we use are mainly white and gray, and red is always used as an accent and never a principal color. Red or gray can also be used, but only in office environments.If you have design responsibilities and therefore need the Flama typeface, please contact the Brand Department: ***************In cases where an application has to be seen and shared by others who do not have our corporate typeface installed on their computers, you must use Tahoma instead.Flama lightFlama SemiboldFlama Semibold ItalicFlama Light ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*FLAMAABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*AbcA new exclusive typography line to identify Cepsa products and services.Cepsa Hero has a very recognizable design reflective of the Cepsa logo’s DNA. This allows for a direct association between the parent brand and the product and service sub-brands.Its clean design allows for graphic manipulation, so each sub-brand can have own distinct feel, while being based on the same origin.Depending on business andcommunication needs, current sub-brands can be updated without losing their distinctive features.If you have design responsibilities and therefore need the Hero typeface, please contact the Brand Department: ***************Cepsa Hero Thin Cepsa Hero Thin Slanted Cepsa Hero Light Cepsa Hero Light Slanted Cepsa Hero Regular Cepsa Hero SlantedCepsa Hero Semibold Cepsa Hero Semibold Slanted Cepsa Hero BoldCepsa Hero Bold SlantedCEPSA HEROABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*AbcFor internal electronic media, like Microsoft® Office applications (e.g.PowerPoint) and web pages, the Tahoma replacement typeface is allowed. The Tahoma typeface should only be used when its application needs to be seen by and shared with third parties who do not have our corporate typeface installed on their computers. In these cases it will be necessary to use the Tahoma typeface.Tahoma Regular (Default font)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz 1234567890.,;:!?%&@€$£¥Tahoma Regular (Default font)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz 1234567890.,;:!?%&@€$£¥AbcImportantThe replacement typeface should never be used for professional applications or support media for printed communications.PowerPoint presentationA new exclusive typography line to identify Cepsa products.The Display typography should be used in the following cases:- S ervice station products and services.- O ther products (especially B2C) requiring significant prominence. This prevents logo overuse.- P roducts or services that are often the subject of communications at points of contact very visible to the general public.If you have design responsibilities and therefore need the Display typeface, please contact the Brand Department: ***************ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*Display boldDisplay lightExamples of applicationOriginaColorColor referencesCepsa | Basic Identity Manual | 1. Basic elementsC63 M37 Y21 K57C10 M90 Y55 K45R41 G59 B76R114 G19 B41HTML #263746HTML #8B2332RAL K7-5008RAL K7-3003NCS 7502-B 3M 100-27Textile 19-4021 TPX 3M 3630-77NCS 4050-R 3M 100-2400Textile 19-1555 TPX C0 M100 Y100 K0Primary PaletteSecondary PaletteR213 G43 B30HTML #D52B1E RAL K7-3020NCS 1080-Y80R 3M 100-368Textile 18-1763 TPX 3M 3630-43PANTONE® 485 C C0 M0 Y0 K100R0 G0 B0HTML #000000RAL K7-9005NCS 8502-R 3M 100-12Textile 19-1111 TPX PANTONE® BLACK C ———————RAL K7-9006NCS Metallic 3M 100-2438Textile 16-0000 TPX PANTONE® SILVER PANTONE® 7546 C PANTONE® 202 CThis may be the case of paint forindustrial use (lacquered, plastic paint, etc.).TextileTo apply color in textiles we will use the references TPX and TCX.3MReference in adhesive vinyls.3M Transparent vinylThis is the type of adhesive vinylintended for use on glass or transparent surfaces.This acid vinyl will be used on glass.printers.HTMLUsed to define colors for web pages. These usually correspond to RGB color specifications.RALThese references are used for industrial paints, industrial design and architecture.NCSThese are used when the Pantone® references cannot be interpreted.Pantone®It is the main reference for all printed applications. Whenever possible, use the Pantone® spot color.RGBRed, Green, Blue - colors used in monitors and scanners.CMYKCyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key (black) – subtractive color model used in the four-color printing process and in colorC06 M04 Y06 K13C0 M0 Y0 K0R210 G208 B205R255 G255 B255HTML #D2D0CD HTML #FFFFFF RAL K7-7047RAL 9016NCS 1502-Y NCS S1002-G50Y 3M 100-11Textile 14-4002 TPX 3M 3630-513M 100-10Textile 11-0601 TCX PANTONE® COOL GRAY 2 CWHITEC60 M48 Y48 K15R108 G111 B112HTML #6C6F70RAL K7-7037NCS 5500-N 3M 100-1833Textile 18-4006 TPX 3M 3630-61PANTONE® 424 C *Acid Matte APA Frost ST 771Contact Cepsa | Basic Identity Manual | Additional informationIf you are unsure about the contentsof this manual or want to ask anyquestions, please write to:***************July 2020。

Basic Elements of Poetry

Basic Elements of Poetry

7).Metonymy (借代): the use of the striking characteristic of a person or object to represent the whole person or the thing. 8).Apostrophe (呼语): the direct address of an absent or imaginary person or of a personified abstraction 9).Synaesthesia (通感): the transformation of one sense to another sense.
II. Semantic system of poetry
1. Image–soul of the meaning of a poem The best way to appreciate a poem is to understand the meaning that the images convey in the poem. 1) Definition of Image Image refers to the words that trigger our imagination to recall or to recombine memory of mental pictures.
*Pentameter(五音步诗): a line of poetry that has five metrical feet. *Hexameter(六音步诗): a line of poetry that has six metrical feet. *Heptameter(七音步诗): a line of poetry that has seven metrical feet. *Octameter(八音步诗): a line of poetry that has eight metrical feet.

英语文学赏析1-English Novels

英语文学赏析1-English Novels

The Old Man and The Sea
Major themes Success Hemingway draws a distinction between two different types of success: outer, material success and inner, spiritual success. One way to describe Santiago’s story is as a triumph of indefatigable(不屈不挠的) spirit over exhaustible material resources. Worthiness One must constantly demonstrate one’s heroism and manliness through actions conducted with dignity. A heroic and manly life is not, then, one of inner peace and selfsufficiency; it requires constant demonstration of one’s worthiness through noble action.
Main Terms of English Novels
Character Protagonist Antagonist Climax Conflict Diction Flashback
How to Appreciate Novels
We must grasp…

1. The five basic elements:
who what where when how why


5. What are the major requirements of a research paper in terms of style?
Accuracy, clarity, and completeness.
1. Critical Reading Critical thinking (asking questions)
学术英语理工类unit-1答案 academicenglish engineering第二版 hecanwen unit,you learnhow askprobing questions criticalthinking; betterunderstanding basicelements researchpapers; particulartopic yourresearch; formulateresearch questions; workingtitle (暂定标题); avoidplagiarism; usecitations; usesources summarizing.choosing criticalreading academicwriting literacyskills unit contents critical thinking (asking questions) understanding textenhancing language ability doing research projects deciding topicformulating research questions writing workingtitle avoiding plagiarism citations quoting summarizing scan textquickly followingquestions howmany sections does researchpaper contain? what whyshould "introduction","methods" othersections? howmany articles researchpapers does authorcite? why? criticalreading how readresearch articles researchpaper? moreformal subjective?why? doyou think learnhow evenwrite research papers? why? criticalreading how readresearch articles read article"research reports technicalwriting" page24-26 question

Narration & Exposition

Narration & Exposition
• Narration: events and experience (事件和经历) • Exposition: process and relationships (过程和关系)
• Argumentation: cause and proof (原因和证据)
3. Patterns of development within exposition
decided by the length of the story. A long story such as a novel may have many characters.
3 Basic Elements
What’s the difference between story and plot?
A form of composition by means of which we give explanations of facts, ideas, methods and principles. The purpose of exposition is to make our meaning clear to the understanding of our hearers and
show that “apple” refers to a combination of
features possessed by no other thing.
a symbol: a combination of sounds made by the vocal apparatus or a certain combination of letters that stand for these sounds.
• Purpose



新闻的基本要素英语作文1. What are the basic elements of news?The basic elements of news are who, what, when, where, why, and how. These elements provide the necessary information for a news story to be complete and informative.新闻的基本要素是谁,什么,何时,何地,为什么和如何。


2. Who is the audience for news?The audience for news is anyone who is interested in staying informed about current events. This includes people of all ages, backgrounds, and interests.新闻的受众是任何对时事保持关注的人。


3. What is the role of a journalist in reporting the news?The role of a journalist is to gather information, investigate facts, and report on events in an unbiased and accurate way. Journalists are responsible for providing the public with truthful and informative news stories.记者的角色是收集信息,调查事实,以公正和准确的方式报告事件。




Surplus E Shortage
Equilibrium of Demand and Supply

Effect of a shift in supply or demand
Shifts in demand
P D1 S
D0 D2
P0 P2

Basic Elements of Demand

Demand, demand schedule and demand curve
Other things being constant, the quantity that consumers can and are willing to buy depends on its price .
Basic Elements of Demand

Behind the demand curve and Demand function
Demand Function
The relationship between demand and the factors affecting demand is called demand function.
P P1 A Income Increasing Income D0 Decreasing D O Q1 Q2 Qd O D1 Qd D2 P
Basic Elements of Supply

英语作文基本表达(Basic Elements of English Writing)

英语作文基本表达(Basic Elements of English Writing)

1、方便:convenient/convenience2、效率:efficient/efficiently/efficiency3、节省:save time/money/space; economical, thrift ;浪费waste time/money/space; costly, lavish4:人的心理健康:independent, cooperative, competitive, considerate, confident, creative,sociable, perseverance;selfish, isolated, conservative5、人的身体健康:health, disease, strong, strength, energetic6、娱乐:colorful, pleasure, joy, recreation, entertainment, relax,tired, boring, lonely7、环境:environment, pollute, poisonous, dirty8、安全和危险:safe, danger, risk9:经验:experience, social experience, enter the society10、人际:humane, fair, unfair, help, assist, freedom, freely基本表达(Basic Elements of English Writing):越来越:be increasingly + adj., be on the rise, the growing number of人们认为:it is generally/widely believed/held/agreed that许多问题:a host of/a number of problems引起人们注意:claim call/attract general/public/world attention to sth.意识到:there is a growing awareness/realization of/that, awaken sb. to the fact/danger适应新的形势/变化:adapt/adjust/accommodate oneself to new environment/change接触各种思想/经历:be exposed to new ideas/experiences/problems接触社会:come into frequent/close contact with the world/society获得成功:achieve/accomplish success提出观点/建议:advance / put forward / come up with the arguments/ideas/suggestions作出努力:make tremendous/persistent/sustained effort to do sth., take great pains to do(with work/study)影响学习/工作:interfere with studies/work产生影响:have/exert a profound influence on life/personality, have a dramatic/undesirable effect on较好地驾驭生活:be a better pilot of one's life剥夺机会/权力:deprive oneself of the chance/right/opportunity取代就的方式:substitute for/take the place of the old way采取措施:take effective steps/measures to控制我们的环境:take/gain increasing control over our own environment躲避危险/挑战:shy/run away from the dangers/challenge满足要求:meet/satisfy/accommodate the demand of补偿损失:compensate for/make up for the loss/damage解释某现象:account for/explain the phenomenon对…很好的了解:have a better understanding/appreciation of, have a new perspective on. provide/gain an insight into 把某因素考虑进去:take sth. Into account(consideration), give much thought to品位人生/自由/青春:savor the life/freedom/youth培养对……的信心:develop/foster one's interest/confidence in经历变化/困难/艰险:undergo/experience great changes/hardships/experience表现出自信心等:project one's confidence/feeling/image生活充满不公正的地方:life is full of minor irritation/injustice追求学习/职业:pursue one's academic interest/professional career学习知识/技术:pursue/acquire knowledge/technology/skill被看作学习的……榜样:be held up as a good example交流经验/知识:share experience/ideas/problems/knowledge发挥/起到重要作用:play an (important/active/great) role/part逃学/缺课:skip school/a class/a meeting/a lecture知识/经验丰富:rich in knowledge/experience确立/追求目标:set/pursue a goal/higher standard到达目标:achieve/accomplish/stain the goal/aim/objective克服困难:overcome obstacles/difficulty面临危险/困难:be confronted/faced with/in the face of danger/difficulty阻碍了成功:stand in the way of success, be an obstacle/barrier to success/growth阻碍了发展:hamper/impede/stunt the development of持传统的看法:hold conventional wisdom发表看法:voice/express one's opinion持相反/合理的观点:take the opposite/fresh view揭穿某种一贯的说法:shatter the myth of求得帮助:enlist one's support/help缩小差别:bridge/narrow/fill the gap/gulf (between city and country)把成功/错误归咎于:attribute/own the success/failure to对……重要:be indispensable/important/vital to施加压力:put/exert a academic pressure on重视:assign/attach much importance/significance to强调:place/put much emphasis/stress/value on把注意力集中在:focus/concentrate one's attention/efforts/thoughts upon提供机会/信息:provide/offer/furnish an opportunity/information for sb.抓住机会:grab/seize/take the opportunity得到机会:enjoy/gain access to a opportunity/information有可能:there is (little/much) possibility/likelihood that, chances/the odds are that展开竞争:compete against/with sb. for the prize/position/control/the mastery of开展运动:conduct(carry on/undertake/initiate/launch/wage) a (vigorous/nation-wide/publicity/advertising) campaign (for/against)对我很有/没有什么意义:make much/little sense to me带来无穷的幸福/满足:be a source of happiness satisfaction/contentment/pride/complaint献身于:devote/dedicate/commit oneself to a cause/career大不(没什么)两样:make much(little/no) difference真正重要的是:what really matters/accounts is …改变生活旅程:change/alter the course of life建立在大量的学习/实践上:built on tremendous amount of study/practice进行调查/执行任务:conduct/carry out an study/task/experiment辞去工作/学习:leave/quit one's job/work/school参加考试/竞赛等:enter (for) the examination/contest, race参加活动/讨论:take part/participate/be engaged in sports/activities/discussion影响思想/态度/事件的形成:shape one's thinking/attitude进入大学/社会/家庭/劳力市场/职业:enter a school/college/society/the work force/professionals实现自己的理想/愿望:realize/fulfill/achieve one's dream(hops/wish/desire)减轻压力/紧张:reduce/alleviate/relieve the stress/pressure/tension提高社会地位:enhance/improve/upgrade social status/position/standing rise to the position of leadership提高技术/能力:sharpen (increase/improve/enhance/boost) one's skill/ability加快/促进发展:accelerate/facilitate/advance/enhance/boost the development of随着生活节奏的加快:with the quickening pace/rhythm/tempo of modern life/society开阔眼界/兴趣:broaden one's interest/outlook, expand(broaden/enlarge) one's mental horizons有助于了解/发展/宣传/解决:contribute much/little/greatly/to a better understanding of/the popularity of/the growth of/the solution of有助于解决问题:go a long way to(towards) solving the problem迷恋名利/分数:be obsessed/preoccupied with grades/fame/fortune把时间花/浪费在:spend/waste time doing sth., put in hours doing sth.利用机会/技术:make (full/better) use of/take advantage of opportunity/time, tap/harness technology potential/skills/talent把知识/经验运用到…:apply/put the theory/knowledge/experience…to practice/daily life/good use取得进步:make much progress/strides/gains in充分发挥潜力/能力:develop one's ability/potential to the full, give full play to one's ability充满激情/渴望:have a burning desire/a great passion for认为,主张argue, maintain, hold, believe考虑take sth. into consideration, consider, ponder, meditate, contemplate, think over, reflect on/ upon,meditate on the matter(思考这问题), ponder over下结论断定come into conclusion, arrive at the conclusion, draw the conclusion, conclude, decide, assert宣称, wind up卷起,使振奋获得acquire, obtain, attain, reap赢得,取得earn, gain, procure支持,赞成approve of, in favor of, uphold, stand by one’s side, agree with, give one’s assent提倡advocate, recommend反对opposite, object to抵制resist意义深远的,重大的far-reaching, profound, significant, eventful (变故多的,重要的)重要的,有决定性的vital, crucial, critical, decisive充分运用optimize, make best use of, make full use of,使用employ, utilize (vt) 应用apply后来,然后afterwards, later on, later, after all高兴的,心情好的be in a good mood, happy, cheerful, joyful,Joyous, pleased, delighted当前,目前nowadays, at present, currently, presently表达voice, convey, express, deliver, communicate描绘,描述,描写depict, describe, picture勤奋的,勤勉的diligent, studious (慎重的), industrious, assiduous认真的,谨慎的conscientious, cautious冷静的,清醒的sober, reasonable, sensible, rational聪明的,有才智的intelligent,bright,wise,brilliant疲惫不堪的exhausted,fatigued,run-down,worn -out,weary适应be adapted to,be accustomed to,be adjusted to阻碍,阻止hinder(后面的),curb(路边),hamper,restrain,prevent,ward off,avoid好处,优点advantage,merit,benefit坏处,缺点disadvantage,defect,flaw,drawback,deficiency参加participate in, attend,take part in,go in for,engage in集中精力于focus on,center on,concentrate on专心于set one’s mind on抽出时间做set aside, put aside, spare依赖,依靠rely on, lean on沮丧的,失意的frustrated, discouraged, depressed, down-hearted, dishearted, low-spirited努力做,尽力做attempt to, make efforts to, endeavor(尽力) to, manage to do进步,成就,成绩advancement, achievement, accomplishment, feat, fulfillment, progress (v)志气,抱负,渴望aspiration, ambition, yearning, thirst;Long for/ aspire after/ aspire to sth./ aspire to do sth.禁止ban, disallow (不接受),prohibit, forbid;Ban sth./ ban sb. from doing除…之外apart from, in addition to, along with开展,实施,做practice, carry on, conduct, perform, implement,Bring into effect, put in practice强调,突出lay/ place emphasis on, attach emphasis to, stress on, highlight, underline(划线,强调)优秀的outstanding, perfect, brilliant, remarkable, distinguished, excellent, splendid, first-rank, first-class实现,完成achieve, accomplish, fulfill, complete把…看作,当做regard as , consider as, look on….as, treat… as, view …as珍爱,珍惜,重视cherish, treasure, value, attach importance to全面的,彻底的sheer, utter, thorough注定be doomed to, be destined to解释account for , illustrate, clarify起作用play a role, perform, function, serve, play a part证实,证明testify, confirm, verify, turn out;The teacher testified to the pupils’ ability.;We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.Verifiable, verification遇到,碰到come across, meet with, encounter, confront粗俗的,不雅的vulgar, unrefined, obscene, improper, foul, crude, coarse, rough教育性的,启发性的instructive, educational, enlightening难以置信的,惊人的fantastic, incredible, unusual, unbelievable, exceptional, extraordinary, marvelous, notable, noteworthy, striking, amazing, appalling(令人震惊的,骇人听闻的),shocking, astonishing迷人的,吸引人的enchanting ,charming, appealing, alluring, fascinating, attractive, fetching(动人的),absorbing(有趣的), surprising, pretty, beautiful 扩展,扩大expand, broaden, widen, extend, enlarge ,spread请教,咨询consult, return to , resort to(诉诸于)等不及,渴望can’t wait to , be eager to/for , long for, yearn for/to/after, hunger for/after, look forward to;Expand on sth.(详述)Extend vi+that 伸展,延伸…vt伸出,提供,给予,使延期;I need to extend my visa.忧虑的,不安的anxious, uneasy, troubled, concerned, restless有机会stand a chance of , have an opportunity to, have a chance to有偏见的,偏心的biased, prejudiced, partial, discriminative为了for the sake of, in order to ,so as to, on the purpose of事实上in reality, in effect , as a matter of fact, practically, virtually, actually低等的,次要的inferior, junior, minor, secondary, lesser, insignificant明智的,合理的advisable, sensible, rational, sane, logical, reasonable提高improve, increase, enhance, raise, elevate, grow给予,捐赠,赠予impart(传授), denote, contribute ,give使信服convince, persuade, assure, confirm有敌意的,反对的hostile, adverse, aggressive方法,手段method, approach, means, measure, mode减少,削弱reduce, decrease, diminish, lessen, lower全部的,全面的entire, overall, comprehensive唯一的,仅有的sole, single, unique教授tutor, coach, educate显示point to , indicate, demonstrate, reflect, manifest缩短,减少shorten, cut down滋生,产生breed, cultivate, develop, produce节约的,节俭的economical, thrifty, frugal, prudent(谨慎的), saving, sparing(节俭的,保守的)建立construct, build, set up, put up, found, establish迟早,最终eventually, sooner or later, at length, ultimately, finally遭受,遭遇be subjected to, sustain, encounter, suffer在我看来,就我而言in my view, in my belief, as far as I can see, in my mind, as far as I am concerned, in my opinion想出,想到come up with, cross one’s mind, occur to sb, put forward, point out与…相联系be connected with, be linked to ,be relevant to, have sth to do with需要call for, require, demand, need真诚的,诚实的,正值的sincere, truthful, genuine, upright轻视,藐视despise, contempt(n), belittle (vt), distain(v使变脏,伤害名誉)假的,伪造的fake, deceptive(欺骗性的), disguised(伪装),cheating涌入flood into, overflow into, crowd into, swarm(v/n泳往,挤满) in合作cooperate, join forces, work side by side, make joint efforts建设性的,有益的constructive, helpful, valuable, useful遵守abide by(vi坚持,遵守vt容忍) , observe, conform目的,目标purpose ,objective, aim易于,倾向于be prone to ,be liable to, tend to, incline to, be likely to重复的repetitively ,repeatedly., Over and over, time and again, again and again失业的unemployed, laid-off, jobless, workless 熟悉,知道be acquainted with, be familiar with, be informed of解决,处理resolve, settle, deal with , cope with, manage, work on必要的,不可缺少的indispensable, essential, necessary影响affect, impact, have effect on意识到be aware of , be conscious of ,realize, recognize消费consume, expend专心于set one’s mind on sth, concentrate on, be absorbed in, be engrossed in, be lost in, be occupied in, be attentive on, pay attention to决心做be determined to do, make up one’s mind to do, decide to do足够的,充足的sufficient, adequate, ample吸收,消化assimilate, digest, grasp, absorb, comprehend永久的,长期不变的permanently, enduringly, lastingly, constantly过时的go out of style, go out of fashion抛弃,放弃desert, abandon, quit吸引allure(v), captivate, fascinate ,tempt因为due to, owing to, thanks to, result from, because of巨大的tremendous, immense, huge ,gigantic, giant, enormous不计其数的countless, endless, unlimited, innumerable, immeasurable, incalculable, numberless, numerous具体的,明确的concrete, specific, particular, definite, special逐步的,逐渐的step by step, little by little, bit by bit, gradually令人厌倦的boring, dull, monotonous, annoying, irritating熟人acquaintance 伙伴associate, companion密友,知己intimate, confidant坚持不懈地perseverant, persistent, relentless(无情的)不屈服的unyielding坚持的insistent有决心的determined, resolute, resolve 坚决的firm教育性的,启发性的instructive, educational, enlightening有意义的meaningful, significative有价值的valuable占有,持有,拥有occupy, hold, own, possess珍贵的,昂贵的precious, valuable, valued, prized, cherished, treasured, dear, costly, high-priced上升increase, ascend to(追溯到), go up, rise, mount, on the rise, roar(滚动,咆哮)提前ahead of time, ahead of schedule, beforehand, in advance, prior to冷淡的,漠不关心的indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested, chilly(寒冷的)恢复restore, recover, regain(v恢复,重新获得), resume迷人的,吸引人的enchanting, charming, appealing, alluring, fascinating, attractive强烈的,激烈的keen, intense, fierce, violent, strong (heavy) 繁荣的,兴旺的prosperous, flourishing, thriving, booming富裕的affluent, wealthy, well-off壮丽的,引人注目的splendid, grand, magnificent, superb, striking, impressive, grand, marvelous, wonderful位于be located, be situated, stand, sit, lie能力capability, competence, capacity, faculty, talent各种各样的a variety of, various, diverse, all kinds of, all sorts of显示,反映demonstrate, reflect, manifest, indicate, point to, reveal胜过,比…优越have the edge on突然的,出其不意的abruptly, unexpectedly, suddenly胜过,超过outweigh, exceed, surpass空前的,无前例的unprecedented罕见的exceptional, unusual, uncommon, rare承受,经历undergo, endure, live with ,go through, experience(整体)由…组成be made up of, consist of, be comprised of, be composed of构成(整体)constitute确信的unquestionably, indisputably, undeniably, out of question, going without saying, unsurprisingly, undoubtedly. It is no wonder that…definitely 娱乐,乐趣entertainment, amusement抽象的,深奥的abstract复杂的complicated, complex费解的mysterious, incomprehensible, obscure, unintelligible混杂的,不清楚地,迷惑的confused, bewildered, perplexed目击witness, observe, view遵守abide by , observe, conform违反,侵犯violate, disobey, infringe(vt),(break)责备,斥责blame, accuse, denounce,( scold)真诚的,衷心的hearty, sincere, frank,(honest)寒冷的chilly, wintry, frigid使…不安,扰乱upset, agitate(v搅动,煽动), bother, disturb, trouble,(worry)英语常用高频短语及搭配1.abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守。

Basic elements of poetry

Basic elements of poetry

B. End rhyme (尾韵):
Perfect rhyme (完全韵 完全韵): 完全韵 is rhyme in which the final vowels (and c onsonant sounds) are identical, but with different initial consonant sounds, such a s stay / play , fate / late. Imperfect rhyme (不完全韵 不完全韵): 不完全韵 is rhyme in which only the final consona nt sounds are identical, the rhymed vow els and even the consonants might be si milar but not identical, e.g. groaned and ground. Eye rhyme (视韵 视韵): 视韵 is rhyme in which words are spelled alike but not pronounced alike, such as wind/ kind.
Formal characteristics of poetry
“Composition in verse or metrical language, or in some equivalent patterned arrangement of language; usually also with choice of elevated words and figurative uses, and option of a syntactical order, differing more or less from those of ordinary speech or prose writing.” (Oxford English Dictionary)

Basic Elements of Short Stories

Basic Elements of Short Stories
Basic Elements of Short Stories

A short story usually has five basic elements. These basic elements are setting, plot, characters, theme and point of view.
The rising action is the series of incidents that built the complication and lead up to the climax. The climax is the highest point of emotional intensity in a story. It is usually the turning point and major crisis of the story.

First-person Narrative: The protagonist tells his or her own story directly to the reader using the first person (“I”).

Limited Omniscient Narrative (Third-person): Told form the perspective of someone “outside” the story and refers to the main character as “he” or “she”, but shows us only what one character thinks and feels. Omniscient Narrative (Third-person): Told form an all-seeing, allknowing, God-like perspective “outside” the story, revealing the minds of several or all characters.


Restriction (限制)
ECHA (欧盟化学处)
©CMATCL 2008
Basic elements of REACH REACH法规的基本元素
Definition (定义)
Substance 物质
Preparation 制剂
Article 成品
©CMATCL 2008
Basic elements of REACH REACH法规的基本元素
天然生成或是经生产制程取得之元素及其化合物,但不含所分離出的 溶剂
Example (例子): Chromium Sulphate (盐基性硫酸铬) Ethylene Glycol (乙二醇/甘醇)
©CMATCL 2008
Basic elements of REACH REACH法规的基本元素
Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) 高度关注物质
Details of exemption 豁免详情
Substances exempted from Annex IV & V 第四及五篇内的豁免物质
Substance considered to cause minimum risk (Annex IV) 仅导致极少风险的物质(附录4) Substance inappropriate for registration (Annex V) 不适当注册物质(附录5)
©CMATCL 2008
Registration 注冊
Chemical Safety Report, CSR (>10 t/a) 化学安全报告(年入口量超过十吨)
Part A 第一部份 1. Summary of risk management measures

Elements, compounds and mixtures元素,化合物和混合物

Elements, compounds and mixtures元素,化合物和混合物

• Heterogeneous mixtures: are mixtures of 2 or more substances that are not completely soluble (bits of each are seen in mixture)
• Homogeneous mixtures: are mixtures of 2 or more substances that are completely soluble (blend completely, can not tell components)
What does it mean to be a pure substance?
• “100% pure Honey”
• “100% pure salt or sugar”
Pure substance
• Substance composed of either a single type of element or compound chemically combined
Elements in real life
• Neon lights • 24 Karat gold bar • Oxygen in a scuba tank
• The smallest amount of a compound that still retains the qualities of the compound
Pure Substance
• An amount of matter , either single element or one compound that exhibits distinct chemical and physical properties



basic是什么意思basic是什么意思你们具体有了解过吗?下面店铺为大家带来basic 是什么意思,欢迎大家一起学习!basic的意思adj. 基本的; [化学]碱性的; [地质学]基性的; 首要的;n. 基础,基本; 基本原则,基本原理,基本规律; 要素; 基础训练;变形复数: basicsbasic的双语例句He knows how to programme in BASIC languages.他知道如何用BASIC语言编程。

Family planning remains a basic state policy for China.计划生育是中国的基本国策。

The family planning is one of the basic (national) policies of our country.计划生育是我国的一项基本国策。

The protection of the environment is one of the basic state policies of the Chinese government.保护环境是中国政府的基本国策。

But beyond that, I have some basic recommendations.除此之外,我还有一些基本的推荐配置项。

They go well beyond basic complains.他们超越了基本的抱怨。

Have these next to you as you block out the basic animation.用这些方法你差不多可以设计出基本的动画来。

Well, we take our basic note and what do we do to it?我们有了我们基本的音符,那该怎么处理它们呢So, you know that all lists have one basic operation: iteration.那么,您会了解到所有的列表均有一个基本的操作:迭代。

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B ff Di ti lit •Buffers –Primary –Secondary•Sound Sources •Listener•Directionality •Doppler Shift •Effects–Position–Orientation–VelocityAdapted from [Dobler 2004]Inverse square law–Inverse square law–Measured in Decibels•Problem–Limited Dynamic Range•Minimum distance–Sound does not get louderSound does not get louderwhen source is closer•Maximum distance–Volume does not decreasewhen source is farther(Like Near and Far Planes)Image from [Schutze, 2003]Collections of sounds and cuesfrom [Selfon GDC05]g–Ported Windows games to Linux•Subsequently taken over by Creative (~ 2000)–With support from Apple•Goal: Platform independent Audio API–Styled after OpenGL–ALUT similar to GLUT•Deprecated•Used in VRJugglerUsed in VRJugglervia SONIX•Under active development•Demo…XPeople use robots to make habitable planets –Location based 3D audio shooterLocation based3D audio shooter–Failed human clones have taken over theapocolyptic world of 2066–Goal: Unite thecolonies of humans–Soundscape changesS d hupon task completion•More…Mud SplatMudsplat images courtesy: /Developed by TiM Games for Visually ImpairedDemo3D Sound Aids Navigation [Gunther, 2004]•Audio provides a sense of spatial contextp p•People can attend to multiple audio streams –“Cocktail party” phenomenon•Spatial knowledge–Landmark knowledge -important visual details–Procedural knowledge -critical points along a route–Survey knowledge•estimate distances between landmarks along a global coordinatesystem and find new paths•Results:•….Guess that tune….–Exploit Glitches in softwareExploit Glitches in software–Roots in demoscene of ’70s and ’80s –Blue vs. Red•Story of two opposingteams in a civil war•Act out pre-writtenscripts in Haloscripts in Halo–This Spartan Life•Talk show•“Body Count”–Debate as participants kill each other •Most interviews end with a killCase Study Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis [Schutze 2003]• Nonlinear, interactive and dynamically mixed p game audio far from traditional film sounds place g and television audio • Hard limitations on soundscape implementations • User terraforms a simulated dinosaur world • T-Rex is the star– Can always hear him regardless of location• 2D sound: Stereo output– Always output at same volume• 3D sound: Spatialized– Input must be monophonicCase Study Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Audio Components– World Positioned Ambiance• Same sound everywhere y • Changes based on terrain– World Weather Ambiance• Varies temporally to match ‘season’– Creature/Object Sounds• Localized with object • Temporally static– Voice Layer• 2D audio – outside of game– Music Layer• 2D audio, static in position, linear– User Input Layer• Acknowledge user input • Breaks immersion, but necessary21Case Study Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis• Memory Limitations on Environmental Sounds– 5 10 seconds 5-10 – Loop seamlessly and unobtrusively – No highlight sounds that would emphasize actual length• Changing min and max distance gives the effect of seasons– i.e. decreasing min value and increasing max makes it seem like there are a lot more animals• First 7th Generation to hit the market • Audio– – – – – – All games must support at least six channel (5 1) t t tl t i h l (5.1) Support for 48 kHz 16-bit audio 320 independent decompression channels 32 bit processing 256+ audio channels No voice echo to game players on the same Xbox console; voice goes only to remote consoles – Voice communication is handled by the console, not by the game code. Thi allows players t t b th d This ll l to communicate online even if they are playing different games. – Uses XMA codec (based on WMA Pro) (6:1 – 12:1 compression)• Space and resources no longer an issue!22Burnout Revenge [Laviers, 2006]• • • • • • Xbox 360 : More memory and channels Every element of a crash has its own sound– Each piece of debris is spatialized in 5.1Mix and match cars to produce super sounds Only given four months for project Main point: High Dynamic Range allows crashes to have even more impact Explosions are 3 dB louder than anything elseBurnout Revenge: Demo Video23Guitar Hero I and II• • • Playstation 2 only (Probs with guitar controller on PS3) XBox360 version just released, Wii coming Users play along as l d guitarist ( i an U l l lead it i t (using included mini Gibson SG) in rock and roll and heavy metal songs Roughly 2:1 ratio of mainstream to indie music New version:– Two guitars at once (Lead and {Bass, Rhythm})• • •Won numerous awardsMobile Platforms: Audio [Khronos, 2006]• • • • Handsets are becoming the predominant personal computing platform– Sophisticated media processing will be central to this revolution50% of phones will have multimedia hardware acceleration by 2008– S Source - J P ddi & A Jon Peddie Associates i tSignificant opportunity for games developers– Handhelds are the largest market for a manufactured device – ever – periodOpenSL | ES– Low level gaming audio acceleration API – …maybe?100Ks / year10Ms / year100Ms / year80’s Workstations90’s PCs00’s Handhelds24GDC 2006 Choice Awards: Audio• Guitar Hero (Harmonix Music Systems / RedOctane)- Eric Brosius, Kasson Crooker Also won for innovation Mark Ganus• • • •Call of Duty 2 (Infinity Ward / Activision)–Electroplankton (Nintendo)– Toshio Iwai, Koichi Kyuma, Yuichi OzakiGod of War (Sony Computer Entertainment America)– Brad Aldredge, Clint Bajakian, Chuck Doud, Dave MurrantProject Gotham Racing 3 (Bizarre Creations / Microsoft Game Studios)– Nick Bygrave, Guy Whitmore, Nick WiswellGDC 2007 Choice Awards: Audio••Guitar Hero II (Harmonix Music Systems / RedOctane)• Jeff Allen, Eric Brosius, Izzy Maxwell Company of Heroes (Relic Entertainment / THQ) • Crispin Hands, John Johnson, Jennifer Lewis, John Tennant•DEFCON: Everybody Dies (Introversion Software) • Alistair Lindsay, Michael Maidment•Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend (Crystal Dynamics / Eidos Interactive) • Troels Folmann Karl Gallagher, Mike Peaslee Gregg Stephens Folmann, Gallagher Peaslee,•LocoRoco (Sony Computer Entertainment) • Kemmei Adachi, Tomonobu Kikuchi, Kouji Niikura, Nobuyuki Shimizu25Less is more• High Dynamic Range– Staying away from full volume most of the time make loud noises that much more memorable• Repetition and predictability get boring quicklyImage from: New Yorker © 2003Links• Ramani’s Course on 3D Spatial Audio– http://www umiacs umd edu/~ramani/cmsc828d audio/ / ramani/cmsc828d_audio/• Scott Selfon USC course– /members/scottsel/• Art of Foley– /foley/index.html• Tonedeaf Test– /tonedeaf/ – Also rhythmdeaf and pitch perception test• Audacity (freeware)– /26Bib• • • • • • • • • • • Lo Brutto (as referenced by Larsson) Goldin 1982 (ref’d by Gunther 2004) / htt // di t/ / Tutorials: /articles.php?catID=6 / /miles.htm /features/gdcarchive/ Slides – Boyd 2004 Ohagen 2005 = • [Diefenbach, 2006] /~pjd37/Gaming_Overview/Extra Slides27Localization [Ohagen 2005]• Must translate all audio (and textual) assets. • Country-specific censorship • Translation Issues:– Lip synch– Songs: translated, re-produced & subtitled“1000 Words” from Final Fantasy X-2 lyrics (translated from Japanese) (English version by Kumi Koda who sang in the original Japanese release) (English version by Jade for the North American and the International releases)I know that you lied to me Using just your words to shelter me Your Y words are like a d d lik dream But dreams could never fool me It's not right to me I'm acting so distant now Turned my back as you walked away But I was listening That you fight your battles far from me It's not right to meI know that you're hiding things Using gentle words to shelter me Your Y words were like a d d lik dream But dreams could never fool me Not that easily I acted so distant then Didn't say goodbye before you left But I was listening You'll fight your battles far from me Far too easilyAudio Layers [Lions, 2000]• Ambient Sounds– Helps c eate t e fantasy a d p aces use in t e e ps create the a tasy and places user the desired environments – i.e. water dripping in a cave, wind blowing past the user’s head• Sound Effects– Indicates what is going on in the game – i.e. Speech and interactions between characters, footsteps• Narrator– Reinforces action – Explains non-obvious events and story28Downloadable Games [Sweet 2005]• Different demographics– Middle Aged Women• • • •Less time to play games Budget and file size constraints Variety and mix of music styles Need to hook gamers quicker29Sound Technology in Games : Bibliography CMSC 828DKenny Weiss (kweiss81) March 6, 20061Aural PipelineDirectX. Microsoft DirectX Homepage. /windows/directx/ default.mspx. Daniel Dobbler, Michael Haller & Philipp Stampfl. Augmented Sound Reality, 2002. asr@siggraph2002.pdf. Daniel Dobbler & Philipp Stampfl. Enhancing three dimensional vision with three-dimensional sound. In GRAPH ’04: Proceedings of the conference on SIGGRAPH 2004 course notes, page 25, New York, NY, USA, 2004. ACM Press. fmod. fmod sound system. . Bo Gehring. Retained Mode 3D Audio, 2002. /features/gdcarchive/ 2000/gehring.pdf.References[DirectX ] [Dobbler 02][Dobbler 04][fmod ] [Gehring 02][Kreimeier 01] Bernd Kreimeier. The Story of OpenAL. Linux J., vol. 2001, page 7, 2001. [Miles ] [OpenAL ] [Stampfl 03] Miles. The Miles Sound System. /miles.htm. OpenAL. OpenAL Sound system. . See tutorials at http://www. /articles.php?catID=6. Philipp Stampfl. 3deSoundBoxa Scalable, Platform-Independent 3D Sound System for Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications. Eurographics, 2003.2Audio GamesAudioGames. 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