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基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(30370163);甘肃省自然科学基金资助项目(Z S031ΟA25Ο005ΟZ );甘肃省创新人才



),女,山西晋中人,硕士研究生.主要研究方向为细胞与发育生物学.3通讯联系人,教授,硕士研究生导师.E Οmail :syyu006@nwnu 1edu 1cn


贾艳芳,俞诗源3,王 昱,冯红丽,邓海平

(西北师范大学生命科学学院,甘肃兰州 730070)

摘 要:为了解秃鹫肺的组织结构特征,探讨其结构与生理功能之间的关系,运用生物显微技术和透射电镜技术,观察研究了一例成体秃鹫肺的组织结构.结果表明秃鹫的肺由各级支气管、无数肺小叶及小叶间结缔组织组成.肺小叶


中图分类号:Q 954 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10012988Ⅹ(2008)0620094204

Observations on the lung tissue of Aeg y pi us monachus

By L M and TEM

J IA Y a n Οfang ,Y U Shi Οyuan ,WAN G Yu ,FEN G Hong Οli ,DEN G Hai Οping

(College of Life Science ,Northwe st No rmal Univer sit y ,La nzhou 730070,Gansu ,China )

Abstract :To e xplore t he st ruct ural cha racteri stics of t he lung ti ssue of A eg y p i us mon ach us ,and probe i nto t he relat ion bet ween t he fa bric and physiology ,t he ti ssue st ruct ure of a sample of al dut Aeg y p i us

mon achus π1ung were obser vat ed by light microscope (LM )and t ransmission elect ron micro scope (TEM ).The resul t s show t hat t he A eg y p i us mon ach us πl ung is consi sted of all l evel s brochi ,a lot of pulmonary 1obulos and connect ive ti ssue.The pul mo nary 1obulos are hexahedron incl uding t erti ary bronchus ,pul monary a nt rum ,funnel and air capillaries.Many breat hi ng capil larie s for m ana stomosed ret iculation wit h each ot her.There are le ss organelle s i n t he epit helial cell s of t he air capillaries ,but more pi nocyt ot ic ve sicle.The ai r capil larie s are surrounded by many capillaries ,and t he blood Οair barrier is ext raor di narily t hi n.

K ey w or ds :A eg y p i us monach us ;l ung ;histological st r uct ure ;air capillary 秃鹫(A eg y p i us mo nachus )属隼形目,鹰科,俗称座山雕,是猛禽中体型最大的鸟类家族,属于国家二级保护动物.有关秃鹫的研究较少,路纪琪等研究了秃鹫消化系统的形态结构[1],俞曙林等对秃鹫标本进行了形态学观察与测量[2],寿晓玲等报告了一例缺乏维生素B 1的黑秃鹫[3],张西云等利用D 型肉毒灭鼠剂对秃鹫做了敏感性试验[4],张心如、张炜、罗克等分别研究了禽类肺组织及呼



 2008 No 16

Obser vations on t he lung tissue of Ae gypius monachus B y LM and TEM


1 材料与方法

111 实验材料



112 光镜观察

切取肺组织小块放入15%的福尔马林溶液中固定24h ,常规石蜡包埋、切片(厚约6μm),H 1E 染色后在显微镜(Ol ympus ,FX Ο35WA ,J apan )


113 透射电镜观察

将秃鹫肺组织切成小于110mm ×110mm ×210m m 的组织块,用210%的多聚甲醛和210%

的戊二醛溶液固定24h (4℃

),再用磷酸缓冲液(p H 712)冲洗后,置于1%的锇酸中后固定2h ,磷酸缓冲液冲洗后系列酒精脱水,Epon 812包埋,超薄切片机(C HB Ο5型)切片(60~90nm ),醋酸铀Ο柠檬酸铅染色,透射电镜(J EM Ο1230,Japa n)观察并拍照.



图版Ⅰ 秃鹫肺组织的光镜和透射电镜图

Plate Ⅰ LM and TEM figur e of the lung tissue of Aegy pi us monachus


1肺小叶光镜图:示三级支气管(ttt ),肺房(tt ),毛细血管(↑);

2呼吸毛细管电镜图:示呼吸毛细管腔(L ),吞饮小泡(↑),细胞核(Ne);3呼吸毛细管上皮电镜图:示呼吸毛细管腔(L );

4气Ο血屏障电镜图:示呼吸毛细管腔(L ),呼吸毛细管上皮(Ec ),基膜(B m ),毛细血管内皮(En ).

Explana tio n of pla te

1Light microscope figure of pulmonary lobule :ttt shows te rtiar y bronchus ,tt shows pulmonar y antr um ,↑shows capillar y ;

2T EM f igure of breat hing capillar ies :L shows the cavity of breat hing capilla rie s ,↑shows vesicle ,Ne shows nucleus ;3T EM figure of the epithelial of br ea thing capillarie s :L

shows t he ca vit y of breat hing capilla ries ;

4TEM figure of blood Οair bar rier :L shows t he cavity of breathing capillaries ,Ec shows t he epithelial cell of breathing capillarie s ,Bm


ba sal

me mbra ne ,En



endot helium cell of capilla ry.


