Hale Waihona Puke 问:高中生士兵和大专毕业生士兵应该分别具备什么基本条件才能报考军队院校?
答:根据《中国人民解放军院校招生工作条例》和总参谋部、总政治部的相关规定,高中生士兵报考军队院校应具备以下基本条件:年龄不超过22周岁(截止2012年1月1日;入伍前是普通高等学校在校生或少数民族的,可以放宽1周岁);应当具有高中毕业以上文化程度或同等学力;义务兵必须服现役满1年,士官 (含直接从非军事部门招收入伍的士官,下同)必须服现役满2年、不超过3年,且应当在本军级单位工作满半年(截止2012年6月30日)。大专生士兵报考应具备以下基本条件:参加全国普通高等学校招生统一考试、经省级招生办统一录取、取得全日制大学专科学历且学籍信息在教育部注册的士兵,年龄不超过24周岁(截止2012年1月1日,少数民族士兵可放宽1岁);被评为优秀士兵或受到旅、团(含)级以上单位表彰或担任班长、副班长职务;义务兵必须服现役满1年,士官必须服现役满2年、不超过3年,且应当在本军级单位工作满半年(截止2012年6月30日)。服役期间受过处分的不得推荐。
2012军校录取分数线今年军校录取分数线:院校代号院校名称科类层次专业类别计划性质生源范围一志愿面试线二志愿面试线备注0004 北京交通大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190005 北京科技大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190005 北京科技大学理科一类非指挥国防生女5480009 北京林业大学文科一类指挥国防生男533 5330009 北京林业大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190020 东北大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190021 吉林大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190027 华东理工大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190040 合肥工业大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190041 厦门大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190043 中国海洋大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190049 湖南大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190050 中山大学理科一类非指挥国防生男5270053 重庆大学文科一类指挥国防生男533 5330053 重庆大学理科一类指挥国防生男519 5190053 重庆大学理科一类指挥国防生女5210054 西南交通大学文科一类指挥国防生男533 5330054 西南交通大学理科一类指挥国防生男519 5190054 西南交通大学理科一类指挥国防生女5470058 西安交通大学理科一类非指挥国防生男5490058 西安交通大学理科一类非指挥国防生女519 5720064 中国地质大学(北京) 理科一类非指挥国防生男519 519 0301 北京航空航天大学理科一类非指挥国防生男5570302 北京理工大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190330 哈尔滨工业大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190340 南京航空航天大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 519 0341 南京理工大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190358 西北工业大学理科一类指挥国防生男519 5190365 石河子大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190552 四川大学文科一类非指挥国防生男533 5330552 四川大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190552 四川大学理科一类非指挥国防生女5560901 北京大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190902 中国人民大学文科一类指挥国防生男533 5330902 中国人民大学理科一类指挥国防生男519 5990903 清华大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5410916 中国政法大学文科一类指挥国防生男533 5330926 上海交通大学理科一类非指挥国防生男5660926 上海交通大学理科一类非指挥国防生女6010955 电子科技大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190955 电子科技大学理科一类非指挥国防生女5710956 西南大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5190957 西南财经经大学文科一类非指挥国防生男533 5330957 西南财经大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5191302 河北大学理科二类指挥国防生男4861403 中北大学理科二类指挥国防生男448 4642102 沈阳航空航天大学理科二类非指挥国防生男5082201 长春理工大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5192301 黑龙江大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5193213 南京信息工程大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 519 3213 南京信息工程大学理科一类非指挥国防生女5423403 安徽大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5193603 南昌航空大学理科二类非指挥国防生男5083721 烟台大学理科二类非指挥国防生男5094239 武汉科技大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5194306 长沙理工大学理科一类指挥国防生男519 5194311 湖南师范大学文科一类指挥国防生男533 5334311 湖南师范大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5194501 广西大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5194503 桂林电子科技大学理科二类指挥国防生男4945107 成都信息工程学院理科二类非指挥国防生男4985109 西华大学理科二类非指挥国防生男5165109 西华大学理科二类非指挥国防生女5565201 贵州大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5195301 云南大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5195302 昆明理工大学文科二类非指挥国防生男5305302 昆明理工大学理科二类指挥国防生男4706129 西安邮电学院理科二类指挥国防生男4926201 兰州理工大学理科二类非指挥国防生男4999039 浙江大学理科一类非指挥国防生男519 5199002 国防科学技术大学文科一类非指挥军校男533 5339002 国防科学技术大学理科一类指挥军校男448 5199002 国防科学技术大学理科一类指挥军校男448 519 定向9002 国防科学技术大学理科一类指挥军校女6119005 解放军信息工程大学理科一类指挥军校男448 5199005 解放军信息工程大学理科一类指挥军校男448 519 定向9005 解放军信息工程大学理科一类指挥军校女6009006 解放军理工大学理科一类指挥军校男448 5199006 解放军理工大学理科一类指挥军校男448 519 定向9006 解放军理工大学理科一类指挥军校女5879008 解放军国际关系学院文科一类非指挥军校男533 5339008 解放军国际关系学院文科一类非指挥军校女5789008 解放军国际关系学院理科一类非指挥军校男519 5199009 解放军外国语学院文科一类非指挥军校男533 5339009 解放军外国语学院理科一类非指挥军校男519 5199009 解放军外国语学院理科一类非指挥军校女5659014 炮兵学院文科一类指挥军校男511 5339014 炮兵学院理科一类指挥军校男448 5199014 炮兵学院理科一类指挥军校男448 519 定向9021 解放军电子工程学院理科一类非指挥军校男519 519 9022 陆军航空兵学院理科二类非指挥军校男4569024 南京政治学院文科二类非指挥军校男5339024 南京政治学院理科二类非指挥军校男5299027 后勤工程学院理科一类非指挥军校男5509027 后勤工程学院理科一类非指挥军校男519 519 定向9028 军事经济学院文科二类非指挥军校男5179028 军事经济学院理科二类非指挥军校男4779028 军事经济学院理科二类非指挥军校女5719030 军事交通学院理科一类指挥军校男448 5199030 军事交通学院理科一类指挥军校男448 519 定向9034 第二军医大学理科一类非指挥军校男519 519 9034 第二军医大学理科一类非指挥军校女5929035 第三军医大学理科一类非指挥军校男519 5199035 第三军医大学理科一类非指挥军校女5839040 军械工程学院理科一类指挥军校男448 5199040 军械工程学院理科一类指挥军校男448 519 定向9040 军械工程学院理科一类指挥军校女5569041 装甲兵工程学院理科一类指挥军校男448 5199044 海军工程大学理科一类指挥军校男448 5199044 海军工程大学理科一类指挥军校女5589045 海军航空工程学院理科一类指挥军校男448 5199045 海军航空工程学院理科一类指挥军校女5299046 海军大连舰艇学院理科二类指挥军校男4869046 海军大连舰艇学院理科二类指挥军校女5479052 空军工程大学理科一类指挥军校男448 5199053 空军雷达学院理科二类指挥军校男448 4489053 空军雷达学院理科二类指挥军校男448 448 定向9053 空军雷达学院理科二类指挥军校女5379055 徐州空军学院理科二类指挥军校男448 4489057 空军航空大学理科二类非指挥军校男448 4489068 第二炮兵工程学院理科一类非指挥军校男519 531 9076 解放军理工大学理科二类非指挥军校男5159126 武警医学院理科一类非指挥军校男519 5199126 武警医学院理科一类非指挥军校女5469209 武警沈阳指挥学院理科二类指挥军校男4939226 武警成都指挥学院理科二类指挥军校男5099228 武警西安指挥学院理科二类指挥军校男448 4489235 武警福州指挥学院理科二类指挥军校男5099243 武警长沙指挥学院理科二类指挥军校男448 4879253 武警昆明指挥学院理科二类指挥军校男448 4489254 武警拉萨指挥学院理科二类指挥军校男9263 武警西宁指挥学院理科二类指挥军校男4949266 武警警种指挥学院理科二类指挥军校男448 4869665 武警工程学院理科一类指挥军校男448 5199908 解放军国际关系学院理科二类指挥军校男448 470 9908 解放军国际关系学院理科二类指挥军校男448 448 定向9914 炮兵学院理科二类指挥军校男498。
二〇一五年军队院校招生文化科目统一考试士兵高中英语真题一、选择填空(共15分,每小题1分)1. People think that the beauty of the mountains is greater than __________ of the desert.A. oneB. the oneC. thoseD. that2. He has recently __________ tennis to relax himself.A. taken offB. taken upC. put upD. put out3. All these changes will lead to __________ strong and powerful China, __________ country that can surprise the world.A. a; aB. the; aC. the; theD. a; the4. For most Americans, the 18th birthday __________ the end of one part of the life and the beginning of another.A. predictsB. tellsC. marksD. signs5. With a lot of difficult problems __________, the manager felt a heavy burden taken off his mind.A. settledB. to be settledC. settlingD. to settle6. __________ lie in the sun for too long, __________ you will get sun-burnt.A. Not; andB. Don’t; otherwiseC. Shouldn’t; forD. Let’s not; and7. Scientists are not sure about the __________ of water on the Mars.A. occupationB. existenceC. demandD. appearance8. — Bill, if it doesn’t rain, we can go straight on and spend more time in Vienna.— __________ I just want to hear Mozart!A. Well done!B. No problem.C. That is great!D. That is it.9. You can only be sure of __________ you have at present. You cannot be sure of something__________ you might get in the future.A. that; whatB. what; /C. which; thatD. that; /10. — The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 10 years before she returned.— Oh, dear! She __________ a lot of difficulties!A. may go throughB. might go throughC. ought to have gone throughD. must have gone through11. Space exploration has been made __________ with the development of modern science andtechnology.A. it possibleB. it was possibleC. that possibleD. possible12. After half a year’s training, they were entirely used __________ underwater.A. stayB. to stayC. to stayingD. staying13. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people __________ harm them.A. more thanB. rather thanC. other thanD. better than1- 1 -14. She wondered if she could have the opportunity to spend __________ here so that she could learnmore about the city.A. sometimesB. some timeC. sometimeD. some times15. The film brought the hours back to me __________ I was taken good care of in that far-awayvillage.A. untilB. thatC. whenD. where二、阅读理解(共40分,每小题2分)Passage 1It is true that people with better education are usually able to get better paying jobs. In other words, they have more chances to choose a good job while people with little or no education don’t. It seems that the purpose of education is to make people get jobs. But this isn’t accepted by all people.Some people may think that a person should spend the best years of his life to get education only for a way of living. This was probably one of the earliest reasons of education. In fact, if education is just a way of making a living, people don’t need to spend so much time in school. People can get education for a living in a short time. Subjects like history and geography need not be taught to everyone. Even language and Mathematics need not be taught in details, either. Here it is clear that education is much more than teaching a man to get a way of living.Education is well-rounded and it is mainly for improving a man. It is not only to teach him to speak, read and write, but also to develop his creative thinking and other abilities. After that, it is to make him a wise man and thankfully enjoy the achievements of human. Education is to make a man lead a better life. Educated people are expected to be able to listen to good music, read good books, watch plays and take an interest in the world.I would agree that making a good living is an important reason for education, but certainly not the most important or the main reason.16. People with little education usually __________.A. spend a long time in schoolB. have a good chance to get jobsC. spend the best years to choose jobsD. have fewer chances to get good jobs17. The earliest education was probably to __________.A. make a man lead a better lifeB. teach a man to write and readC. make people get a way of livingD. teach people to read good books18. The underlined word “well-rounded” in the passage means “__________”.A. successfulB. equitableC. fairD. comprehensive19. It can be inferred that educated people will be able to __________.A. make a way of livingB. feel interested in the whole worldC. develop their abilities in every aspectD. learn subjects like language and math20. The passage mainly tells us that__________.A. education could make a man improveB. people can get educated in a short timeC. people should be able to get better education- 2 -D. all subjects are so important for a way of livingPassage 2I promised Michael I wouldn’t mention this until the season was over. Now I think it’s time.Early last season, I wrote a column about an art of kindness I had seen Jordan do to a disabled child outside the stadium. After it ran, I got a call from a man in the western suburbs. He said, “I read what you wrote about Jordan, but I thought I should tell you another thing I saw.”Here it comes, I thought. It always does. Write something nice about a person, and people call you up to say that the person is not so nice.A few weeks later Jordan and I were talking about something else before a game, and I brought up what the man had said. Was the man right? Had Jordan really been talking to those two boys in that poor and dirty neighborhood?“Not two boys,” Jordan said. “But four.”And he named them. He said four names. And what did they talk about?“Everything,” Jordan said. “I’ve asked to see their grades so that I can check to see if they’re paying attention to their study. If it turns out that one or two of them need teaching, I make sure they get it.”It’s just one more part of Michael Jordan’s life, one more thing that no one knows about, and one more thing Jordan does fight for. The NBA season is over now, and those boys have their memories. So do I! When the expert reviewers begin to turn against Jordan as they surely will, I’ll think about those boys under the streetlight, waiting for the man they know to come. For someone they can depend on.21. The writer wrote this story about Jordan and his young friends because __________.A. he thought highly of Jordan’s deedsB. he hated to see Jordan do something badC. he believed it was time to help the disabledD. he felt sure he needn’t keep the promise then22. A man in the western suburbs made a call to __________.A. know why Jordan stopped in a bad areaB. get a chance to become famous himselfC. let people know Jordan was not that niceD. offer an example to show how Jordan helped others23. Jordan talked with the boys because he __________.A. needed their supportB. had promised to do soC. liked to teach them to play basketballD. liked to help people24. The writer of the passage might be __________.A. a teammateB. a columnistC. a coachD. the father of those boys25. The text implies that Jordan is __________.A. an excellent basketball playerB. good at dealing with problems of lifeC. always ready to make friends with young people1- 3 -D. willing to do whatever he can for the good of societyPassage 3You wake up in the morning, the day is beautiful and the plans for the day are what you have been looking forward to for a long time. Then the telephone rings, you say hello, and the drama starts. The person on the other end has a depressing tone in his voice as he starts to tell you how terrible his morning is and that there is nothing to look forward to. You are still in a wonderful mood? Impossible!Communicating with negative people can wash out your happiness. It may not change what you think, but communicating long enough with them will make you feel depressed for a moment or a long time.Life brings ups and downs, but some people are stuck in the wrong idea that life has no happiness to offer. They only feel glad when they make others feel bad. No wonder they can hardly win others’ pity or respect.When you communicate with positive people, your spirit stays happy and therefore more positive things are attracted. When the dagger (匕首) of a negative person is put in you, you feel the heavy feeling that all in all, brings you down. Sometimes we have no choice but to communicate with negative people. This could be a coworker or a relative. In this case, say what needs to be said as little as possible. Sometimes it feels good to let out your anger back to the negative person, but all this does is to lower you to that same negative level and they won’t feel ashamed of themselves about that.Negativity often affects happiness without even being realized. The negative words of another at the start of the day can cling to you throughout the rest of your day, which makes you feel bad and steals your happiness. Life is too short to feel negative. Stay positive and avoid negativity as much as possible.26. The purpose of the first paragraph is to __________.A. make a comparisonB. offer an evidenceC. introduce a topicD. describe a daily scene27. Negative people may affect us by __________.A. influencing our emotionB. telling us the nature of lifeC. changing our ways of thinkingD. comparing their attitudes to life with ours28. Some negative people base their happiness on __________.A. other people’s pity for themB. making other people unhappyC. building up a positive attitudeD. other people’s respect for them29. According to the passage, to reduce negative people’s influence on us, we are advised to ________.A. change negative people’s attitudes to lifeB. show our dissatisfaction to negative peopleC. make negative people feel ashamed of themselvesD. communicate with negative people as little as possible30. What is the author’s attitude towards negative people?- 4 -A. Favorable.B. Critical.C. Indifferent.D. Supportive.Passage 4Violin prodigies (神童), I learned, have come in distinct waves from distinct regions. Most of the great performers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were born and brought up in Russia and Eastern Europe. I asked Isaac Stern, one of the world’s greatest violinists, the reason for this phenomenon. “It is very clear,” he told me. “They were all Jews and Jews at the time were severely oppressed and ill-treated in that part of the world. They were not allowed into the professional fields, but they were allowed to achieve excellence on a concert stage.” As a result, every Jewish parent’s dream was to have a child in the music school because it was a passport to the West.Another element in the emergence of prodigies, I found, is a society that values excellence in a certain field and is able to nurture (培育) talent. Nowadays, the most nurturing societies seem to be in the Far East. “In Japan, a most competitive society with stronger discipline than ours,” says Isaac Stern, “children are ready to test their limits every day in many fields, including music. When Western music came to Japan after World War II, that music not only became part of their daily lives, but it became a discipline as well.” The Koreans and Chinese, as we know, are just as highly motivated as the Japanese. That’s a good thing, because even prodigies must work hard.Next to hard work, biological inheritance (遗传) plays an important role in the making of a prodigy. J. S. Bach, for example, was the top of several generations of musicians, and four of his sons had significant careers in music.31. Jewish parents in Eastern Europe longed for their children to attend music school because__________.A. it would allow them access to a better life in the WestB. Jewish children are born with excellent musical talentC. they wanted their children to enter into the professional fieldsD. it would enable the family to get better treatment in their own country32. Nurturing societies as mentioned in the passage refer to societies that __________.A. are highly motivated in the education of musicB. treasure talent and provide opportunities for its full developmentC. encourage people to compete with each otherD. promise talented children high positions33. Which of the following causes the emergence of musical prodigies according to the passage?A. Distinct regions.B. Extensive knowledge of music.C. Strict training.D. A prejudice-free society.34. The success of J. S. Bach and his sons show that __________.A. most musical prodigies are JewsB. people in the Far East are far more sensitive in musicC. genic factors play an important role in making prodigiesD. a great musician must grow up in a family of musicians35. Which of the following titles best summarizes the main idea of the passage?A. Jewish Contribution to MusicB. Training of Musicians in the World1- 5 -C. Music and SocietyD. The Making of Music Prodigies三、完形填空(共15分,每小题1分)An old man lay in a hospital bed, heavily sedated to ease the pain from his heart attack. The nurse arrived and said, “Your son is here,” several times before the 36 conscious man, he opened his eyes. His son was a 37 who had come back from service to 38 to his beloved father.The elderly man 39 out to touch his son’s hand and squeezed it gently. All through the night, the young soldier sat in the dimly lit ward offering words of 40 to his dying dad, who said nothing, but kept a feeble grip of his child. 41 of the noise of the oxygen tank and the moans of the other patients, the marine was by the old man’s side 42 .Several times in the course of that long night, the nurse returned and 43 that the marine leave to rest for a while. But each time he would refuse.As dawn approached the elderly man 44 . His loving son rested the old man’s 45 hand on the bed and left to find the nurse. The young man waited while the nurse carried his father’s body away. When she returned, offering words of 46 , the marine interrupted her.“Who was that man?” he asked.47 , the nurse replied, “He was your father”.“No, he wasn’t,” the young man said, “I’ve never seen him before in my life.”“Then why didn’t you say something?”“When I arrived at the 48 , I knew right away there had been a mistake,” the young man explained. “But I also knew that man needed his son, and he wasn’t here. I could tell he was too 49 to know who sat beside him but he needed someone there, so I just decided to 50 .”36. A. simply B. actually C. barely D. totally37. A. director B. marine C. policeman D. businessman38. A. talk B. stick C. tend D. adjust39. A. reached B. moved C. helped D. picked40. A. respect B. encouragement C. truth D. wisdom41. A. Unaware B. Afraid C. Free D. Sick42. A. all about B. all over C. all around D. all along43. A. explained B. suggested C. ordered D. stopped44. A. awoke B. screamed C. died D. fainted45. A. active B. lifeless C. alive D. useful46. A. inspiration B. love C. admiration D. comforting47. A. Surprised B. Curious C. Upset D. Annoyed48. A. home B. office C. ward D. place49. A. sick B. anxious C. careless D. disappointed50. A. live B. leave C. remain D. stay四、翻译(共20分,汉译英每小题3分,英译汉每小题2分)51. 这些植物如此珍贵,我会尽我所能来挽救它们。
军队院校招生文化科目统一考试:考前冲刺英语(七)满分100分一,单项选择(20分,每小题1分)1.—Mary's been offered a job in a university, but she doesn’t want to take it.—-_____________? It’s a very good chance.A. Guess what.B. So what.C. Who care.D. But why2. Animals are obviously ________ lower from of life than _______ manA.a;/.B.the;the.C.a;the.D. /;/3. When and why he came here_______yet.A.is not known.B.are not known.C. has not known.D.have not known4. You like playing basketball, and he likes running_______?A.don’t you.B.doesn’t he.C.do you. C.does he5. I’ll spend half of my holiday practicing English and ______ half learning drawing.A.another.B. The other.C.other’s.D.other6. Unsatisfied ______ with the payment, he took the job just to get some work experience.A.though was he.B.though he was.C.he was though.D. Was he though7. —-have you known dr. Jackson for a long time ?——yes, since she -____ the chinese society .A.has joined.B.joins.C.had joined.D.joined8. I’m sure that your letter will get _______ attention. They know you’re waiting for the reply.A.continued.B. ImmediateC.careful.D. General9. China’s high speed railways_______ from 9,000 to 25,000 ki lometers in the past few years.A.are growing.B. Had grow.C.will grow.D. Have grown10. —-Someone wants you on the phone.——_______ nobody knows i am here.A. Although.B. And.C.but.D. So11,Andy is content with the toy. It is ______ he has ever got.A. A better.B. The better.C.a best.D.the best12. I can’t leave. She told me tat i _____ stay here until she comes back.A. Can.B.must.C.will.D.may13. —have you got any idea for the summer vacation?——i don’t mind where we get ______ there is sun,sea, and beachA.as if.B.as long as.C.now that.D. In order that14. If the new safety system______ to use, the accident would never have happened.A.had been put.B. Were put.C.should be put.D. Would be put15. I need a new passport so i will have to have my photo ________.A. Taking.B.taken.C.being taken.D.take16. Those who suffer from headache will find they get _____from this medicine.A.relief.B.saftey.C. Defense.D.shelter17. In any unsafe situation, simply______ the button and a highly -trained agent will get you the help you need.A. Press.B.to press.C.pressing.D.pressed18. This is _____ my father has taught me—— tp always face difficulties and hope for the best.A.how.B.which.C.why.D.what19. I refuse to accept the blame for something______ was someone else’s faultA. Who.B. That.C. As.D.what20. —- was he sorry for what he’d done?—-____________.A. No wonder.B. Well done.C. Not really.D. Go ahead.答案:1-5: DAABB. 6-10: BDBDC11-15: DBBAB. 16-20:AADBC二阅读理解(共40分,每小题2分)passage1Last year, around Labor Day , i read a “happy AD ” in our local newspaper. There was a lady in a local nursing home for the aged, who was celebrating her 90th birthday and her family wanted everyone to know about it. It said that if you wanted to drop her a line, here was her address. So i did. I found a birthday card and dropped her a short note, wishing her a happy birthday.A week or so later, someone knocked at my front door. I opened the door and found a middle-aged man standing on my doorstep. He introduced himself as the son of this woman to whom i had sent the card. He explained that he just wanted to drop by in person and thank me for sending such a nice card to his mom. Apparently, like many older folks, she did not receive much mail and qu ite excited to receive mine. I just didn’t know what to say. I told him it was my pleasure and that i hoped had enjoyed her birthday.That year, i did not send out any Christmas cards, except to his lovely old lady in the nursing home. I just told her that i was thinking about her and hoped that she had a nice holiday. I sent her a holiday card and a couple of notes in between. I just thought she might like to have someone write to her, to get some mails.She passed away a couple of months ago. I never met this lady, but i did keep her and her family in my thoughts. I dropped them a line of sympathy. I hope that my few little notes were enough to brighten a couple of her days here on earth.21. The old lady lived ____________.A.in a senior citzen’s home.B.at her own homeC.at her son’s home.D.in a center of the local newspaper22. The old lady’s address was given because ___________.A.her family wanted to make her well-known.B.the old lady wanted to receive a birthday cardC.the son of the old lady wanted to meet the authorD.her family wanted to give her a happy birthday23. From the text, wen can know that _____A.the son of the old lady opened the door to meet the author.B.the lovely old lady received many birthday cards at the age of 90thC.the author sent author card with notes to the old lady on Christmas DayD.her family wanted to give her a happy birthday24. We can infer that the writer is very ______.A.easy-going.B.indifferent.C.friendly.D.sympathetic25. What is the passage mainly about?A. A worthy deed from the caring authorB. A moving story of an old ladyC. A happy advertisement about the familyD. A perfect plan from the considerate son.Passage 2A serious earthquake can be a terrible experience, and it is easy to forget safety measures in disorder. Fortunately, most earthquake safety measures are common sense, but if you forget everything else, remember the following instructions: drop, cover, and hold on. Also, most of the earthquake deaths happen after the earthquake, so remember that the danger does not end when the shaking does!If you stay indoors during an earthquake, move away from unsupported areas and windows. Try to get under a doorway or another area of the building which is held up by strong beams. Stay under a table or desk only if it is very strong. Do not rush to lifts, because it is far safer to stay where you are . Cover your head with your arms around it and curl into a ball, and wait for the shaking to stop.If you stay outdoors during an earthquake, move to an area which is open as possible. Don’t move to buildings, electric poles and other objects which may fall during an earthquake and injure you. Protect your head and stay low to the ground till the shaking ends and it is safe to move,After an earthquake, many buildings are less strong, although they appear safe. If you stay indoors, move people from the building quickly and help disabled and injured people. Once outdoors, move well away from the building so that if it falls down, you will not be injured. Wait till public safety officials announce that it is safe to stay indoors.By planning ahead and keeping calm during an earthquake, you can greatly increase your chances of survival without injury.26. The underline word “Fortunately” in the first paragraph means “.________”A.especially.B.gradually.C.luckily.D.finally27. We can learn from the passage that earthquake safety measures_________A.are planned for children.B. Help us to keep safeC.are not necessary.D.are not easy to understand28. According to the passage, it isn’t a good choice to ________ during an earthquake.A.take it lift.B.stay under a strong tableC.get under a doorway.D.cover the head with arms around it29. If you stay outdoors during an earthquake, you can do all the following expect______.A.tring to protect your head.B.moving to an open placeC.moving away from buildings.D.taking the disabled people in to room.30. The purpose of the passage is mainly to tell us how to _______A. Stay away from an earthquakeB. Predict an earthquakeC.control an earthquakeD.keep safe during and after an earthquake.Passage3During the twenty years there has been increasing concern with the quality of environment. Alone with air and water pollutions, noise pollution has been recognized as a serious pollutant. As noise levels have risen, the effect of noise have become more obvious.Noise is defined as “unwanted sound” . Causes of noise pollution include traffic, aircraft, rock and. Barking dogs, televisions garbage trucks ,and noise from neighbors, voices,alarms, and water crafts. Studies show that over forty percent of Americans are disturbed at home or lose sleep because of noise pollution.Noise has bad effects on people and environment. Noise causes hearing loss. Interferes with human activities at home and work, and is in vario us ways dangerous to people’s health and well being.When we think, talk , listen to music, or sleep, we need quiet. Even low levels of noise can be annoying and frustrating. Sudden increase in volume can make sounds. Annoying. The quieter the background is , the more penetrating a noise can be.Noise can also make instructions or warning unclear, resulting in accidents. Louder noise bursts can cause more problems. Continued stress caused by living in noisy conditions can lead to high blood pressure, which is the major cause of some diseases.Long exposure to noise levels about 85 decibels can demand inner cells and lead to hearing loss. Noise can result in the involuntary fear response and can cause adrenaline to be pumped into the bloodstream, the heart rate to quicken, muscles to tense, breathing to increase, and the digestive system to slow down.Local government has the responsibility to fight noise pollution. For example , it can regulate the speed of trains through their community. On the other hand, a responsible citizen will never make noise pollution wherever he is.31. How many kinds of. Environmental pollution are mentioned in the text?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five32. What does the underline word “penetrating ” in paragraphs 4A. Loud and unpleasant.B. Deep and shockingC. High and exciting.D. Clear and comfortable33. Which of the following is related to noise pollutionA. Quickening the digestive systemB. Breathing fastC. Slowing down the heart rateD. Having low blood pressure.34. In the last paragraph , the writer suggests that ______>A.people who make noise pollution should be punishedB.the government should offer its people better education on noise pollutionC.the government should be responsible for noise pollutionD. Individuals and government should work together to reduce noise pollution35 what is the text mainly about?A. Measurement of noise levelsB.hearing damage from environmental noiseC. Bad effects of noise pollutionD. Community reactions to noisePassage 4When mentioning China, what comes to mind? As a country with a history of more than 5000 years , China is rich in civilization and culture. What best represents China?Confucius (551BC-479BC)Confucius was a teacher and philosopher from Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history. The philosophy of Confucius stresses individual morality including kindness, fairness, politeness, and sincerity. Confucius principles have a broad basis in common chinese tradition and belief.DragonA dragon is a legendary creature, typically with winding or crawling characters. The dragon symbol is frequently used on ancient chinese emperor’s items including chairs or costumes. It is considered a representation of power.Peking OperaPeking Opera is considered the essence of china. As the larger form of Chinese opera, it has many “firsts” in Chinese dramas: the abundance of talents, the number of artists, opera groups and audience.The Great WalThere is an old saying that goes, “he who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.” The Great Wall , one of the greatest wonders of the world, is a destination one must see when visiting China.Traditional Chinese Medicine( TCM).Developed in China, TCM has a tradition dating back to more than 2000 years, including various forms of herbal medicine, cupping, massage, exercise (qigong), and dietary therapy.36. What do we know about Confucius according to the passage?A. He died at the age of 82.B. He put stress on teamwork spiritsC. He was a teacher in the Warring States Period.D. He created common Chinese tradition and belief.37. Which of the following is regarded as symbol of power?A. ConfuciusB. DragonC.peking operaD. The Great Wall38. What must you do when coming to China according to the passage?A. Learn to exercise qigongB. Appreciate Peking operaC. Pay a visit to the Great WallD. Experience the treatment of cupping39. Which of the following is considered the essence of China?A. ConfuciusB. DragonC. Peking operaD. The Great Wall40. What is probably the best title of this passage?A. Culture symbols of ChinaB. Rich in civilization and cultureC. Famous people and places in ChinaD. One of the Greatest of the world答案:21-25:ADCDA。
男女层次代号院校名称科类面试线面试线本科0110中国人民公安大学文科586无计划本科0110中国人民公安大学理科582无计划本科0205外国语学院文科562596本科0205外国语学院理科557586本科0210信息工程大学理科540595本科0305国防科学技术大学理科541635本科0320理工大学理科540无计划本科0330国际关系学院文科558无计划本科0330国际关系学院理科540无计划本科0355陆军军官学院理科481无计划本科0380防化学院理科513无计划本科0385电子工程学院理科540无计划本科0390陆军航空兵学院理科540无计划本科0400南京政治学院文科558无计划本科0400南京政治学院理科518无计划本科0405后勤工程学院理科541无计划本科0410军事经济学院文科557无计划本科0410军事经济学院理科537无计划本科0420军事交通学院理科540无计划本科0440第二军医大学理科541614本科0445第三军医大学理科540575本科0450第四军医大学理科540598本科0460装备学院(原装备指挥技术学院 )理科583无计划本科0465军械工程学院理科541无计划本科0470装甲兵工程学院理科543无计划本科0480海军工程大学理科541568本科0485海军航空工程学院理科541541本科0495海军大连舰艇学院理科521567本科0510空军工程大学理科540585本科0515空军预警学院(原空军雷达学院)理科523无计划本科0525空军勤务学院(原徐州空军学院)理科524无计划本科0550第二炮兵工程大学理科540561第 1 页,共 4 页男女层次代号院校名称科类面试线面试线本科0555武警工程大学文科526无计划本科0555武警工程大学理科481无计划本科0560武警后勤学院理科543566本科0575武警警官学院文科517无计划本科0575武警警官学院理科481无计划本科1105北京大学文科无计划635本科1105北京大学理科543无计划本科1110中国人民大学文科569无计划本科1110中国人民大学理科600无计划本科1115清华大学文科589无计划本科1115清华大学理科549无计划本科1120北京交通大学理科542无计划本科1125东南大学理科542无计划本科1130复旦大学文科564无计划本科1135湖南大学理科552无计划本科1140华中科技大学理科545无计划本科1155兰州大学理科542无计划本科1160南京大学文科611无计划本科1160南京大学理科574无计划本科1165南开大学理科568无计划本科1170山东大学理科542无计划本科1175四川大学理科548无计划本科1180武汉大学文科575无计划本科1180武汉大学理科544无计划本科1185西安交通大学理科541无计划本科1190厦门大学理科540无计划本科1195浙江大学理科545无计划本科1210中南大学理科555无计划本科1230北京科技大学理科541无计划本科1250电子科技大学理科549无计划本科1265合肥工业大学理科545无计划本科1270河海大学理科545无计划第 2 页,共 4 页男女层次代号院校名称科类面试线面试线本科1275华东理工大学理科549无计划本科1290上海交通大学理科579585本科1300中国石油大学(华东)理科542无计划本科1315武汉理工大学理科541无计划本科1320西安电子科技大学理科540582本科1325西南交通大学理科570无计划本科1330中国海洋大学理科545无计划本科1335中国地质大学(北京)理科565无计划本科1340中国地质大学(武汉)理科545无计划本科1380北京林业大学理科544无计划本科1400北京师范大学理科585无计划本科1425西南大学理科553无计划本科1465中国政法大学文科558无计划本科1465中国政法大学理科547无计划本科1485北京航空航天大学理科570无计划本科1490北京理工大学理科544无计划本科1495哈尔滨工业大学理科564无计划本科1500哈尔滨工程大学理科544无计划本科1505南京航空航天大学理科551无计划本科1510南京理工大学理科-无计划本科1515西北工业大学理科542548本科1525中国科学技术大学理科544593本科1660山西大学文科561无计划本科1660山西大学理科-无计划本科1690辽宁大学理科555无计划本科1810华东政法大学文科565无计划本科1810华东政法大学理科-无计划本科1880宁波大学理科552546本科1935湖南师范大学文科568无计划本科1935湖南师范大学理科543无计划本科1985华南师范大学理科550无计划本科2000广西大学理科542无计划第 3 页,共 4 页男女层次代号院校名称科类面试线面试线本科2090西北大学理科540无计划本科2105西安邮电大学理科518无计划本科2295南华大学理科-无计划本科2300长沙理工大学理科548无计划本科2315南京邮电大学理科543无计划本科2535西安科技大学理科532562本科2540河北科技大学理科508无计划本科2580安徽理工大学理科486无计划本科2795沈阳工业大学理科518无计划本科2885华东交通大学理科485无计划本科3200天津科技大学理科525无计划本科4355聊城大学理科502无计划本科4370山东理工大学理科519无计划本科5400兰州理工大学理科487无计划本科5415兰州交通大学理科503无计划本科6100河南理工大学理科518557第 4 页,共 4 页。
一、单项选择题(每题3分,共21分)1、下列词语中加横线的字,读音正确的一组( )A.窥伺 sì泥古 nì应届yīng 纵横捭阖bǎiB.弓弦 xuán 烙印luò隽秀 jùn 赧颜汗下nǎnC.譬如 bì寒颤 zhàn 腈纶jīng 自怨自艾yìD.巨擘 bò龟裂 guī罪愆 qiān 半身不遂suì2、下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是( )A.风靡吻颈之交自诩一筹莫展B.陷井礼尚往来幅射理屈词穷C.端倪改弦更章虐杀声名鹊起D.肆意淋漓尽致编撰张皇失措3、下列横线处依次填入的词语,恰当的一项是()疲倦对于我们的伤害,需要平心静气地休息生养。
戏剧是通过演员的表演来反应社会生活中各种矛盾冲突的综合艺术。按作品类型可分为 悲剧、喜剧、正剧等。常见的有戏曲和话剧等。戏曲以唱、念、做、打、舞并重,话剧则以 对话和动作为主要表现手段。
四、写作知识 1、主题 主题即文章的思想要点,要求正确、深刻、鲜明、集中。 2、材料 材料是文章的具体内容,要求真实、典型、新颖。 3、结构 结构即文章内部的组织结构,包括开头、结尾、段落、层次、过渡、照应等。文章的结 构要求完整、清晰、严谨。 4、表达方式 (1)叙述 叙述的方式有顺序、倒叙、插叙、平叙和补叙。叙述要线索清楚,详略得当,有变化, 有波澜。 (2)描写 描写可归纳为人物描写和环境描写两大类。人物描写包括肖像描写、行为描写、语言描 写、心理描写和细节描写等。环境描写包括自然风光描写和社会环境描写等。描写要有的放 矢,突出特征,富于情感。 (3)抒情 抒情的方式有直接抒情和间接抒情两大类。间接抒情有寓情于景、寓情于事、寓情于理 等方式。抒情要自然真挚。 (4)议论 议论是议论文的主要表达方式,议论文要做到论点正确鲜明,论据真实典型,论证严密 充分。记叙文中的议论要与叙述、描写、抒情融为一体,和谐统一,画龙点睛。 (5)说明 说明是对事物、事理的特征、性质、形状等进行介绍、解释和阐述。说明要正确、科学、 客观。 5、语言 语言是文章的第一要素。文章的语言要准确、生动、简洁,富有个性。
五亩之宅,树之以桑,五十者可以衣帛矣;鸡豚狗彘之畜,无失其时,七十者可以食肉 矣; 百亩之田,勿夺其时,数口之家,可以无饥矣;谨庠序之教,申之以孝悌之义,颁白者 不负戴
于道路矣。七十者衣帛食肉,黎民不饥不寒,然而不王者,未之有也。 (1) 这段文字采用了哪种说理方式? (2 分)运用这种说理方式的好处是什么? (4 分) (2) 这段文字体现出孟子哪些重要思想? (4 分) 2. 用斜线“/”给下面的文言文断句。(5 分) 古之立大事者不惟有超世之才亦必有坚忍不拔之志昔禹之治水凿龙门决大河而放之海 方其 功之未成也盖亦有溃冒冲突可畏之患惟能前知其当然事至不惧而徐为之图是以得至于 成功 3. 把下面的文言文片段翻译成现代汉语。(5 分) 谢公与人围棋,俄而谢玄淮上信至。看书竟,默然无言,徐向局。客问淮上利害,答曰: “小儿辈大破贼。”意色举止,不异于常。 四、诗歌阅读题。(共 10 分)
附:去年军理试卷(NJU)选择题(20题,20分)1、NMD是国家导弹防御系统2、伊拉克战争爆发时间:2003年3月20日3、胡锦涛总结人民军队优良传统是:听党指挥,服务人民,英勇善战4、迷彩伪装最早出现在哪个国家:英国5、毛泽东军事思想的核心内容:人民战争6、孙子兵法“兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也”出自于《始计第一》7、基因武器:又叫DNA武器8、直接命中率≥50%的武器称为精确制导武器10、美军F117在科索沃战争中被首次击落,不败传说被打败11、中国古代兵学萌芽并初步形成于夏商周时期12、新时期军队两大历史课题:打得赢,不变质13、我军军魂:党对军队的绝对领导14、《武经七书》编撰于北宋时期15、毛泽东战略思想的精髓:你打你的,我打我的16、美军正在建设的C4ISR,R指侦查17、目前照相侦查卫星的分辨率可达到厘米级18、我军三大任务:战斗队,工作队,生产队19、中国国防方针:积极防御20、侦查监视与攻击系统一体化21、美国2001年对阿富汗发动“超级手术刀”行动22、春秋战国时期各派对战争的看法不同,法家与其他派别不同,主张战争23.美国于2001年对阿富汗发动的这场阿富汗战争的代号是?持久自由23题中考20题纠错题1、“义战”是我国古代军事思想思想基本特征之一T2、现代战争爆发的根源是意识形态的差异和的社会制度矛盾F(根源是霸权主义,强权政治)3、1986年4月15日凌晨美国对利比亚发动“黄金峡谷”战争,其中运用的是激光制导炸弹T4、信息化战争是以知识和信息为主导因素,因此不是暴力对抗F(信息化战争的本质仍是暴力对抗)5、《孙子兵法》的问世是中国古代军事思想走向成熟的标志T6、战争是政治的延续是普鲁士军事理论家克劳塞维茨提出的T7、按时代划分,军事思想可分为原始军事思想,古代军事思想,近代军事思想,现代军事思想F(没有原始军事思想)8、“道”是战争规律与战争指导规律F(政治规律)9、侦查与监视技术是指发现、识别、监视、跟踪目标并对目标进行定位所采用的技术T10、中国古代的军事思想高度繁荣在秦汉时期F(明清时期)11、战争起源于原始社会,但原始社会还未形成军事思想T12、中国古代军事思想本质特征求和平、重进攻、谋统一F(求和平,求正义)13、隐身就是为欺骗迷惑敌方所采取的隐真示假措施T14、毛泽东的人民战争思想认为战争的根本问题是正义性与广泛性F(正义性与群众性)15、作战指导思想是军事思想的理论基础,是军事思想的精髓和灵魂T16、军事思想是对于战争和国防(军队)问题的理性认识,通常表现为国防与军队建设、战争准备于实施的指导理论和基本原则T17、导弹案作战任务分为战略导弹和战役导弹F(战略导弹和战术导弹)17题中考15题简答题(答到要点即可,不要具体阐述)(6题,30分)1、毛泽东军事思想的科学含义是什么,该理论体现的主要内容有哪些?P70答:科学含义:⑴马列主义原理与中国革命实际相结合⑵军事实践经验的科学总结⑶集体智慧的结晶⑷毛泽东思想的重要组成部分主要内容:⑴战争观和军事问题方XX ⑵人民军队建设思想⑶人民战争思想⑷人民战争的战略战术思想⑸国防建设思想2、现代侦查监视技术对作战有哪些影响?P133答:⑴扩大了作战空间⑵改善了信息获取手段⑶增强了作战指挥的时效性,提高了指挥质量⑷促进了反侦察技术的发展3、请列举出5种传统的伪装技术。
1. 马克思主义基本原理概论
2. 思想道德修养与法律基础
3. 中国近现代史纲要
4. 政治经济学
1. 军事理论基础
2. 军事战略学
3. 军队建设理论
1. 英语基础知识
2. 英语阅读理解
3. 英语写作表达
4. 英语听力
1. 数学基础知识
2. 线性代数
3. 高等数学
4. 概率论与数理统计
解放军 5 年军考真题及答案,德方军考,军考数学,军考语文,军考英语,军考政治,军考物理,军考化学
目录Байду номын сангаас
2013 年军队院校招生士兵高中语文真题 .............................................................................................................................. 3 2013 年军队院校招生士兵高中数学真题 .............................................................................................................................. 8 2013 年军队院校招生士兵高中英语真题 ............................................................................................................................ 12 2013 年军队院校招生士兵高中综合真题 ............................................................................................................................ 18 2014 年军队院校招生士兵高中语文真题 .....................................................................................
5. 下列各句中,标点符号使用正确的一句是A.《尚书》说:“惟日孜孜,无敢逸豫”。
2022 年军队院校招生文化科目考试语文摹拟试题一、单项选择题(18 分).加点字的读音全都正确的一组是.狩.猎(sh óu) .桎梏.(gù) .哺育..(b ǔ) .面颊. (jiá) 瓜熟蒂.落(d ì) 戛.然而止(ji á) 煞.费苦心(sh à) 怙恶不悛. (qu ān) 赡.养(sh àn) 角.逐(ju ã) 粗犷. (kuàng) 造诣. (yì) 虚与委蛇. (y í) 提纲挈.领(qi â) 断壁残垣. (yuán) 叱咤.风云(ch à)2、没有错别字的一组是 A.沤气迷魂阵 正经八摆 安危相易,福祸相生 B.矍烁消声器 喧然大波 黄钟毁弃, 瓦釜雷鸣 C.委琐显象管 有案可稽 有则改之,无则加免 D.汇演 假惺惺 旅进旅退 招之即来,挥之即去3、加点的成语使用恰当的一句是A . 许多农民巧妙地将服装厂剪裁后废弃的“下脚料”做成帘子,当做蔬菜大棚的“棉 被“ ,这真是一念之差,变废为宝。
B .王大伯十分爱慕小动物,只要见到流浪的小猫小狗,他都要想办法把它们喂饱, 有的人对此感到不解,他却乐此不疲。
C .文艺演浮现场,身着盛装的表演者光着脚、微笑着,一边跳着傣族舞,一边向人们 泼水致意,在场群众纷纷拍手称快。
D .厂长动情地说: “为了扭转目前的不利局面, 我们将采用一种新的对策,希翼大家 共同努力,功亏一篑,在此一举! ” 4、没有语病的是A 、这个县的水稻生产,由于合理密植,加强管理,普通长势良好。
B 、在老师和同学们的匡助下,使我很快有了进步。
C 、高中文化程度的考生, 应当系统地复习本书的全部内容,以便顺利应考。
D 、故宫博物院最近展出了两千多年新出土的文物。
5 、标点符号使用正确的一句是A.读了拜伦的诗,就想到西班牙去,想看看西班牙女郎的头发是黑的, 还是金黄的?........ .... ....B.在中华大地上,我要去的地方就更多了,因为我认为中国的山山水水、亭台楼阁、花草树木等都是世界上最美的。
2023 军队院校招生文化科目统一考试--士兵高中英语 选拔试卷
2023 军队院校招生文化科目统一考试士兵高中英语考前选拔A 卷一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)在下列各题A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。
1.China has helped end 70% of poverty worldwide since ________ late 1970s, according to ________ World Bank.A .a; aB .the; theC .a; theD .the; a2.Place names often have interesting connections ________ the local landscape and people.A .inB .onC .atD .to3.—Excuse me, could you tell me ________?—You can take No. 6 bus there. It’s about 15 minutes’ ride.A .how far is the Slender West LakeB .how far the Slender West Lake isC .how can I get to the Slender West LakeD .how I can get to the Slender West Lake4.—You won the first prize in the Physics competition.—________. I made several terrible mistakes.A .I think soB .You must be jokingC .You are welcomeD .It doesn’t matter5.We would like to buy electric cars ________ they produce less air pollution.A .becauseB .soC .thoughD .but6.Tim ________ the pen on the floor and handed it to his classmate.A .put upB .picked upC .looked upD .took up7.—I called you at 3 p.m. yesterday, but you didn’t answer.—I ________ an experiment on Chemistry in the school lab.A .was doingB .am doingC .didD .do8.Good news comes that China has sent Shenzhou XIV to space ________ the unknown world.A .exploreB .exploredC .exploringD .to explore 考生 须 知 1. 本试题共六大题,考试时间 120 分钟,满分 100 分。
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可能用到的相对原子质量:C 12;H 1;O 16;Cu 64 ;Ag 108;Na 23
A. B.
C. D.
A、① ②
B、② ④
C、③ ④
D、② ③
6.可逆反应CO2(g)+C(s)= 2CO(g);△H﹥0达到平衡后,升高温度,正反应速率增大,逆反应速率,平衡向方向移动.
(1)用已准确称量的1.06gNa2CO3固体配制0.100mol/L Na2CO3溶液100ml,所需要的仪器有______________________。
12、为测定某铜银合金的成分,将30g合金完全溶解于80mL 13.5mol/L的浓硝酸中,