1 ZEUS An Advanced Tool-Kit for Engineering Distributed Multi-Agent Systems
SIMPL Windows基础教程 - 最终版
快思聪SIMPL Windows编程语言初级教程目录第一章快思聪SIMPL WINDOWS (5)概览 (5)关于初级教程 (5)快思聪开发软件 (6)SIMPL Windows (6)快思聪VisionTool Pro-e (6)DEAL TM for Windows (6)Media Manager TM System Builder (6)D3 Pro TM (7)数据库(Database) (7)产品目录光盘 (7)快思聪控制系统 (9)为什么对控制系统编程? (9)控制系统组件 (9)主机 (9)网络控制模块 (10)Plug-in控制卡 (10)用户界面 (10)触摸屏 (10)键盘(按键面板) (10)无线摇控界面 (10)用户设备 (10)控制方式 (11)继电器控制 (11)串口通信控制 (11)红外 (11)自定义串量 (13)RS232,RS422,RS485 (13)MIDI(数字音乐设备接口) (14)模拟电压 (14)自定义快思聪接口界面 (14)Cresnet (14)第二章SIMPL WINDOWS编程 (16)SIMPL介绍 (16)函数库 (16)设备函数 (16)逻辑函数 (16)函数属性 (16)输入 (17)输出 (17)信号类型 (18)数字量 (18)模拟信号量 (18)串量 (19)特殊信号0和1 (19)逻辑波跟逻辑解决方案 (19)用户界面编程 (21)按钮动作 (21)按钮反馈 (21)子页(仅用于触摸屏) (23)模拟显示(仅用于触摸屏) (23)间接文本(仅用于触摸屏) (24)用SIMPL W INDOWS来创建一个程序 (25)编程步骤 (25)基本编程规则 (25)建立一个系统 (25)网络硬件 (28)控制插卡 (29)串口设备 (29)用户设备 (30)网络ID (30)配置设备 (31)快思聪网络设备 (31)以太网设备 (32)串口设备 (33)触摸屏 (33)连接信号 (34)定义用户界面信号 (34)使用逻辑函数 (35)第三章逻辑函数编程 (37)概述 (37)逻辑函数的类型 (37)基本逻辑 (38)NOT函数 (38)OR函数 (38)AND函数 (40)Buffer函数 (41)状态逻辑 (46)Set/Reset Latch函数 (46)Toggle函数 (47)Interlock函数 (49)基于时间的逻辑 (52)One Shot 系列 (52)Multiple One Shot (53)Retriggerable One Shot (53)Delay Symbol (54)Oscillator Symbol (55)模拟逻辑 (57)Analog Ramp函数 (57)Analog Initialize (58)Analog Preset函数 (59)Serial/Analog One-Shot (61)Modules模块 (61)Communication Settings (62)Compiling and Uploading Programs (64)第一章快思聪SIMPL Windows概览关于初级教程编写本教程的目的在于向程序设计人员介绍SIMPL windows编程技术以及如何应用快思聪控制系统,这包括对控制系统如何利用触摸屏和按钮作为用户界面的理解,通过这些界面,使用者可以发送一个信号(主要是逻辑函数)给控制系统处理后输出用以最终控制一个设备。
二、知名的主板超频工具推荐1. MSI Afterburner:MSI Afterburner是一款由知名主板厂商MSI开发的超频软件。
MSI Afterburner具有直观易用的界面,用户可以通过它调整CPU的频率、电压、倍频等参数,实现自定义的超频方案。
2. Gigabyte EasyTune:Gigabyte EasyTune是技嘉主板出品的一款超频软件。
Gigabyte EasyTune还具备自动超频功能,能够根据用户的系统配置自动调整CPU的频率和电压,方便快捷。
3. ASUS AI Suite:ASUS AI Suite是华硕公司推出的一套主板超频工具集合。
ASUS AI Suite支持华硕主板的各种超频调整,用户可以通过它对CPU进行精细的性能调校。
1. Intel Extreme Tuning Utility (XTU):Intel XTU是由Intel推出的一款主板超频软件。
希捷 Backup Plus 便携式硬盘 1TB 使用手册说明书
Advanced installer教程
Advanced Installer 是一款功能强大、可生成符合MS Windows 认证的Windows Installer 的MSI 安装包制作工具,具有友好的图形用户界面,直观而且非常简单的界面,创建MSI 文件包非常方便,用户只需添加文件,修改名称,添加按钮就可以了,无需任何脚本方面的知识,并且生成的安装文件保证符合Windows 最佳操作建议。
ADVANCED INSTALLER 基础操作1.安装Advanced InstallerAdvanced Installer工具我们可以从网上下载。
下载后开始安装,安装完毕后我们检查一下,这里安装的是Advanced Installer 6.4的版本,默认安装路径为“C:\Program Files\Caphyon\Adanced Installer”。
2.Repackager重封装工具我们进行软件的重新打包时需要使用到Advanced Installer工具中的Repackager。
使用的原理跟Win INSTALL LE一样。
注意:每次启动Advanced Installer系统都会进行扫描,耗时几分钟,读者可以通过直接打开已有工程的方法直接跳过此扫描过程。
进行安装完后,会进行第二次的系统扫描,完成之后,即完成了重新包装器向导,点击“完成”,会将捕获结果导入到新的Advanced Installer工程。
Indradrive 系列 故障代码
Error MessagesF9001 Error internal function call.F9002 Error internal RTOS function callF9003 WatchdogF9004 Hardware trapF8000 Fatal hardware errorF8010 Autom. commutation: Max. motion range when moving back F8011 Commutation offset could not be determinedF8012 Autom. commutation: Max. motion rangeF8013 Automatic commutation: Current too lowF8014 Automatic commutation: OvercurrentF8015 Automatic commutation: TimeoutF8016 Automatic commutation: Iteration without resultF8017 Automatic commutation: Incorrect commutation adjustment F8018 Device overtemperature shutdownF8022 Enc. 1: Enc. signals incorr. (can be cleared in ph. 2) F8023 Error mechanical link of encoder or motor connectionF8025 Overvoltage in power sectionF8027 Safe torque off while drive enabledF8028 Overcurrent in power sectionF8030 Safe stop 1 while drive enabledF8042 Encoder 2 error: Signal amplitude incorrectF8057 Device overload shutdownF8060 Overcurrent in power sectionF8064 Interruption of motor phaseF8067 Synchronization PWM-Timer wrongF8069 +/-15Volt DC errorF8070 +24Volt DC errorF8076 Error in error angle loopF8078 Speed loop error.F8079 Velocity limit value exceededF8091 Power section defectiveF8100 Error when initializing the parameter handlingF8102 Error when initializing power sectionF8118 Invalid power section/firmware combinationF8120 Invalid control section/firmware combinationF8122 Control section defectiveF8129 Incorrect optional module firmwareF8130 Firmware of option 2 of safety technology defectiveF8133 Error when checking interrupting circuitsF8134 SBS: Fatal errorF8135 SMD: Velocity exceededF8140 Fatal CCD error.F8201 Safety command for basic initialization incorrectF8203 Safety technology configuration parameter invalidF8813 Connection error mains chokeF8830 Power section errorF8838 Overcurrent external braking resistorF7010 Safely-limited increment exceededF7011 Safely-monitored position, exceeded in pos. DirectionF7012 Safely-monitored position, exceeded in neg. DirectionF7013 Safely-limited speed exceededF7020 Safe maximum speed exceededF7021 Safely-limited position exceededF7030 Position window Safe stop 2 exceededF7031 Incorrect direction of motionF7040 Validation error parameterized - effective thresholdF7041 Actual position value validation errorF7042 Validation error of safe operation modeF7043 Error of output stage interlockF7050 Time for stopping process exceeded8.3.15 F7051 Safely-monitored deceleration exceeded (159)8.4 Travel Range Errors (F6xxx) (161)8.4.1 Behavior in the Case of Travel Range Errors (161)8.4.2 F6010 PLC Runtime Error (162)8.4.3 F6024 Maximum braking time exceeded (163)8.4.4 F6028 Position limit value exceeded (overflow) (164)8.4.5 F6029 Positive position limit exceeded (164)8.4.6 F6030 Negative position limit exceeded (165)8.4.7 F6034 Emergency-Stop (166)8.4.8 F6042 Both travel range limit switches activated (167)8.4.9 F6043 Positive travel range limit switch activated (167)8.4.10 F6044 Negative travel range limit switch activated (168)8.4.11 F6140 CCD slave error (emergency halt) (169)8.5 Interface Errors (F4xxx) (169)8.5.1 Behavior in the Case of Interface Errors (169)8.5.2 F4001 Sync telegram failure (170)8.5.3 F4002 RTD telegram failure (171)8.5.4 F4003 Invalid communication phase shutdown (172)8.5.5 F4004 Error during phase progression (172)8.5.6 F4005 Error during phase regression (173)8.5.7 F4006 Phase switching without ready signal (173)8.5.8 F4009 Bus failure (173)8.5.9 F4012 Incorrect I/O length (175)8.5.10 F4016 PLC double real-time channel failure (176)8.5.11 F4017 S-III: Incorrect sequence during phase switch (176)8.5.12 F4034 Emergency-Stop (177)8.5.13 F4140 CCD communication error (178)8.6 Non-Fatal Safety Technology Errors (F3xxx) (178)8.6.1 Behavior in the Case of Non-Fatal Safety Technology Errors (178)8.6.2 F3111 Refer. missing when selecting safety related end pos (179)8.6.3 F3112 Safe reference missing (179)8.6.4 F3115 Brake check time interval exceeded (181)Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drivesand ControlsI Bosch Rexroth AG VII/XXIITable of ContentsPage8.6.5 F3116 Nominal load torque of holding system exceeded (182)8.6.6 F3117 Actual position values validation error (182)8.6.7 F3122 SBS: System error (183)8.6.8 F3123 SBS: Brake check missing (184)8.6.9 F3130 Error when checking input signals (185)8.6.10 F3131 Error when checking acknowledgment signal (185)8.6.11 F3132 Error when checking diagnostic output signal (186)8.6.12 F3133 Error when checking interrupting circuits (187)8.6.13 F3134 Dynamization time interval incorrect (188)8.6.14 F3135 Dynamization pulse width incorrect (189)8.6.15 F3140 Safety parameters validation error (192)8.6.16 F3141 Selection validation error (192)8.6.17 F3142 Activation time of enabling control exceeded (193)8.6.18 F3143 Safety command for clearing errors incorrect (194)8.6.19 F3144 Incorrect safety configuration (195)8.6.20 F3145 Error when unlocking the safety door (196)8.6.21 F3146 System error channel 2 (197)8.6.22 F3147 System error channel 1 (198)8.6.23 F3150 Safety command for system start incorrect (199)8.6.24 F3151 Safety command for system halt incorrect (200)8.6.25 F3152 Incorrect backup of safety technology data (201)8.6.26 F3160 Communication error of safe communication (202)8.7 Non-Fatal Errors (F2xxx) (202)8.7.1 Behavior in the Case of Non-Fatal Errors (202)8.7.2 F2002 Encoder assignment not allowed for synchronization (203)8.7.3 F2003 Motion step skipped (203)8.7.4 F2004 Error in MotionProfile (204)8.7.5 F2005 Cam table invalid (205)8.7.6 F2006 MMC was removed (206)8.7.7 F2007 Switching to non-initialized operation mode (206)8.7.8 F2008 RL The motor type has changed (207)8.7.9 F2009 PL Load parameter default values (208)8.7.10 F2010 Error when initializing digital I/O (-> S-0-0423) (209)8.7.11 F2011 PLC - Error no. 1 (210)8.7.12 F2012 PLC - Error no. 2 (210)8.7.13 F2013 PLC - Error no. 3 (211)8.7.14 F2014 PLC - Error no. 4 (211)8.7.15 F2018 Device overtemperature shutdown (211)8.7.16 F2019 Motor overtemperature shutdown (212)8.7.17 F2021 Motor temperature monitor defective (213)8.7.18 F2022 Device temperature monitor defective (214)8.7.19 F2025 Drive not ready for control (214)8.7.20 F2026 Undervoltage in power section (215)8.7.21 F2027 Excessive oscillation in DC bus (216)8.7.22 F2028 Excessive deviation (216)8.7.23 F2031 Encoder 1 error: Signal amplitude incorrect (217)VIII/XXII Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drivesand ControlsRexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting GuideTable of ContentsPage8.7.24 F2032 Validation error during commutation fine adjustment (217)8.7.25 F2033 External power supply X10 error (218)8.7.26 F2036 Excessive position feedback difference (219)8.7.27 F2037 Excessive position command difference (220)8.7.28 F2039 Maximum acceleration exceeded (220)8.7.29 F2040 Device overtemperature 2 shutdown (221)8.7.30 F2042 Encoder 2: Encoder signals incorrect (222)8.7.31 F2043 Measuring encoder: Encoder signals incorrect (222)8.7.32 F2044 External power supply X15 error (223)8.7.33 F2048 Low battery voltage (224)8.7.34 F2050 Overflow of target position preset memory (225)8.7.35 F2051 No sequential block in target position preset memory (225)8.7.36 F2053 Incr. encoder emulator: Pulse frequency too high (226)8.7.37 F2054 Incr. encoder emulator: Hardware error (226)8.7.38 F2055 External power supply dig. I/O error (227)8.7.39 F2057 Target position out of travel range (227)8.7.40 F2058 Internal overflow by positioning input (228)8.7.41 F2059 Incorrect command value direction when positioning (229)8.7.42 F2063 Internal overflow master axis generator (230)8.7.43 F2064 Incorrect cmd value direction master axis generator (230)8.7.44 F2067 Synchronization to master communication incorrect (231)8.7.45 F2068 Brake error (231)8.7.46 F2069 Error when releasing the motor holding brake (232)8.7.47 F2074 Actual pos. value 1 outside absolute encoder window (232)8.7.48 F2075 Actual pos. value 2 outside absolute encoder window (233)8.7.49 F2076 Actual pos. value 3 outside absolute encoder window (234)8.7.50 F2077 Current measurement trim wrong (235)8.7.51 F2086 Error supply module (236)8.7.52 F2087 Module group communication error (236)8.7.53 F2100 Incorrect access to command value memory (237)8.7.54 F2101 It was impossible to address MMC (237)8.7.55 F2102 It was impossible to address I2C memory (238)8.7.56 F2103 It was impossible to address EnDat memory (238)8.7.57 F2104 Commutation offset invalid (239)8.7.58 F2105 It was impossible to address Hiperface memory (239)8.7.59 F2110 Error in non-cyclical data communic. of power section (240)8.7.60 F2120 MMC: Defective or missing, replace (240)8.7.61 F2121 MMC: Incorrect data or file, create correctly (241)8.7.62 F2122 MMC: Incorrect IBF file, correct it (241)8.7.63 F2123 Retain data backup impossible (242)8.7.64 F2124 MMC: Saving too slowly, replace (243)8.7.65 F2130 Error comfort control panel (243)8.7.66 F2140 CCD slave error (243)8.7.67 F2150 MLD motion function block error (244)8.7.68 F2174 Loss of motor encoder reference (244)8.7.69 F2175 Loss of optional encoder reference (245)Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drivesand Controls| Bosch Rexroth AG IX/XXIITable of ContentsPage8.7.70 F2176 Loss of measuring encoder reference (246)8.7.71 F2177 Modulo limitation error of motor encoder (246)8.7.72 F2178 Modulo limitation error of optional encoder (247)8.7.73 F2179 Modulo limitation error of measuring encoder (247)8.7.74 F2190 Incorrect Ethernet configuration (248)8.7.75 F2260 Command current limit shutoff (249)8.7.76 F2270 Analog input 1 or 2, wire break (249)8.7.77 F2802 PLL is not synchronized (250)8.7.78 F2814 Undervoltage in mains (250)8.7.79 F2815 Overvoltage in mains (251)8.7.80 F2816 Softstart fault power supply unit (251)8.7.81 F2817 Overvoltage in power section (251)8.7.82 F2818 Phase failure (252)8.7.83 F2819 Mains failure (253)8.7.84 F2820 Braking resistor overload (253)8.7.85 F2821 Error in control of braking resistor (254)8.7.86 F2825 Switch-on threshold braking resistor too low (255)8.7.87 F2833 Ground fault in motor line (255)8.7.88 F2834 Contactor control error (256)8.7.89 F2835 Mains contactor wiring error (256)8.7.90 F2836 DC bus balancing monitor error (257)8.7.91 F2837 Contactor monitoring error (257)8.7.92 F2840 Error supply shutdown (257)8.7.93 F2860 Overcurrent in mains-side power section (258)8.7.94 F2890 Invalid device code (259)8.7.95 F2891 Incorrect interrupt timing (259)8.7.96 F2892 Hardware variant not supported (259)8.8 SERCOS Error Codes / Error Messages of Serial Communication (259)9 Warnings (Exxxx) (263)9.1 Fatal Warnings (E8xxx) (263)9.1.1 Behavior in the Case of Fatal Warnings (263)9.1.2 E8025 Overvoltage in power section (263)9.1.3 E8026 Undervoltage in power section (264)9.1.4 E8027 Safe torque off while drive enabled (265)9.1.5 E8028 Overcurrent in power section (265)9.1.6 E8029 Positive position limit exceeded (266)9.1.7 E8030 Negative position limit exceeded (267)9.1.8 E8034 Emergency-Stop (268)9.1.9 E8040 Torque/force actual value limit active (268)9.1.10 E8041 Current limit active (269)9.1.11 E8042 Both travel range limit switches activated (269)9.1.12 E8043 Positive travel range limit switch activated (270)9.1.13 E8044 Negative travel range limit switch activated (271)9.1.14 E8055 Motor overload, current limit active (271)9.1.15 E8057 Device overload, current limit active (272)X/XXII Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drivesand ControlsRexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting GuideTable of ContentsPage9.1.16 E8058 Drive system not ready for operation (273)9.1.17 E8260 Torque/force command value limit active (273)9.1.18 E8802 PLL is not synchronized (274)9.1.19 E8814 Undervoltage in mains (275)9.1.20 E8815 Overvoltage in mains (275)9.1.21 E8818 Phase failure (276)9.1.22 E8819 Mains failure (276)9.2 Warnings of Category E4xxx (277)9.2.1 E4001 Double MST failure shutdown (277)9.2.2 E4002 Double MDT failure shutdown (278)9.2.3 E4005 No command value input via master communication (279)9.2.4 E4007 SERCOS III: Consumer connection failed (280)9.2.5 E4008 Invalid addressing command value data container A (280)9.2.6 E4009 Invalid addressing actual value data container A (281)9.2.7 E4010 Slave not scanned or address 0 (281)9.2.8 E4012 Maximum number of CCD slaves exceeded (282)9.2.9 E4013 Incorrect CCD addressing (282)9.2.10 E4014 Incorrect phase switch of CCD slaves (283)9.3 Possible Warnings When Operating Safety Technology (E3xxx) (283)9.3.1 Behavior in Case a Safety Technology Warning Occurs (283)9.3.2 E3100 Error when checking input signals (284)9.3.3 E3101 Error when checking acknowledgment signal (284)9.3.4 E3102 Actual position values validation error (285)9.3.5 E3103 Dynamization failed (285)9.3.6 E3104 Safety parameters validation error (286)9.3.7 E3105 Validation error of safe operation mode (286)9.3.8 E3106 System error safety technology (287)9.3.9 E3107 Safe reference missing (287)9.3.10 E3108 Safely-monitored deceleration exceeded (288)9.3.11 E3110 Time interval of forced dynamization exceeded (289)9.3.12 E3115 Prewarning, end of brake check time interval (289)9.3.13 E3116 Nominal load torque of holding system reached (290)9.4 Non-Fatal Warnings (E2xxx) (290)9.4.1 Behavior in Case a Non-Fatal Warning Occurs (290)9.4.2 E2010 Position control with encoder 2 not possible (291)9.4.3 E2011 PLC - Warning no. 1 (291)9.4.4 E2012 PLC - Warning no. 2 (291)9.4.5 E2013 PLC - Warning no. 3 (292)9.4.6 E2014 PLC - Warning no. 4 (292)9.4.7 E2021 Motor temperature outside of measuring range (292)9.4.8 E2026 Undervoltage in power section (293)9.4.9 E2040 Device overtemperature 2 prewarning (294)9.4.10 E2047 Interpolation velocity = 0 (294)9.4.11 E2048 Interpolation acceleration = 0 (295)9.4.12 E2049 Positioning velocity >= limit value (296)9.4.13 E2050 Device overtemp. Prewarning (297)Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drivesand Controls| Bosch Rexroth AG XI/XXIITable of ContentsPage9.4.14 E2051 Motor overtemp. prewarning (298)9.4.15 E2053 Target position out of travel range (298)9.4.16 E2054 Not homed (300)9.4.17 E2055 Feedrate override S-0-0108 = 0 (300)9.4.18 E2056 Torque limit = 0 (301)9.4.19 E2058 Selected positioning block has not been programmed (302)9.4.20 E2059 Velocity command value limit active (302)9.4.21 E2061 Device overload prewarning (303)9.4.22 E2063 Velocity command value > limit value (304)9.4.23 E2064 Target position out of num. range (304)9.4.24 E2069 Holding brake torque too low (305)9.4.25 E2070 Acceleration limit active (306)9.4.26 E2074 Encoder 1: Encoder signals disturbed (306)9.4.27 E2075 Encoder 2: Encoder signals disturbed (307)9.4.28 E2076 Measuring encoder: Encoder signals disturbed (308)9.4.29 E2077 Absolute encoder monitoring, motor encoder (encoder alarm) (308)9.4.30 E2078 Absolute encoder monitoring, opt. encoder (encoder alarm) (309)9.4.31 E2079 Absolute enc. monitoring, measuring encoder (encoder alarm) (309)9.4.32 E2086 Prewarning supply module overload (310)9.4.33 E2092 Internal synchronization defective (310)9.4.34 E2100 Positioning velocity of master axis generator too high (311)9.4.35 E2101 Acceleration of master axis generator is zero (312)9.4.36 E2140 CCD error at node (312)9.4.37 E2270 Analog input 1 or 2, wire break (312)9.4.38 E2802 HW control of braking resistor (313)9.4.39 E2810 Drive system not ready for operation (314)9.4.40 E2814 Undervoltage in mains (314)9.4.41 E2816 Undervoltage in power section (314)9.4.42 E2818 Phase failure (315)9.4.43 E2819 Mains failure (315)9.4.44 E2820 Braking resistor overload prewarning (316)9.4.45 E2829 Not ready for power on (316)。
Perkins 4008-30TRS 1 8-颗粒气动燃煤机说明书
Photographs are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect final specification.Developed from a proven engine range that offers superior performance and reliability, the 4008-30TRS is designed to meet the future demands of the power generation industry for clean, efficient gas fuelled engines.The 4008-30TRS 8-cylinder spark ignition gas engine offers high performance, dependability and reliability while meeting the market’s increasingly stringent emission requirements.The 4008-30TRS is a turbocharged, air to water charge cooled, 8 cylinder inline gas engine, designed for operation on a wide range of methane based gases. Its premium features and design provide economic and durable operation as well as exceptional mechanical efficiency and power to weight ratio, whilst offering improved emissions. The overall performance and reliability characteristics make this theprime choice for today’s power generation industry.Photographs are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect final specification.Features and benefitsEconomic powerlUtilises advanced combustion technology to deliver durable and reliable powerl High commonality of components with other engines in the 4000 Series family for reduced stocking levelsl Individual large valve cylinder heads with matched deep bowl pistons for greater swirl, achieve high mechanical efficiencyReliable powerlDeveloped and tested using the latest engineering techniquesl Piston temperatures controlled by an advanced gallery jet cooling systeml Extended durability and attention to reducing servicing with extended component life add benefit of the reduced whole life costl Robust to varying gas qualitySpecs for both natural gas and biogas are available*Compact, clean and efficient powerl Exceptional power-to-weight ratio and compact size give optimum power density for ease of transportation and installationl In excess of 40% mechanical efficiencyl Designed to provide excellent service access for ease of maintenance l Engines to comply with major international standardslAll engines in the 4000 Series family are capable of meeting the NOx requirements of TA LuftProduct supportl With highly trained Perkins distributors in thousands of communities in over 180 countries, you are never far awayfrom expert product knowledge, genuine parts and a range of advanced diagnostic technology for keeping your engine in peak conditionl Warranties and Service Contractsl We provide one-year warranties for our gas engines, as standard. These are supported by multilevel Extended Service Contracts that can be bought additionally Discover more www.perkins.escl To find your local distributor: /distributor* E ngine specification suitable for running on landfill gas, digester gas, biogas and coal bed mine gas. (Please contact your account manager or nearest distributor for more information)Photographs are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect final specification.Technical informationAir inlet and exhaustlMounted air filter – replaceable cartridge type l Dry exhaust manifolds l Exhaust manifold shielding l High efficiency turbochargerGoverning, gas and ignition systemlAir/Fuel mixer with zero pressure regulator and mixture adjustment screw l Metal braided flexible gas connectionl Altronic 800 ‘C’ Series ignition system with individual cylinder ignition coils, spark plugs l Digital governing system, governing to ISO8528-5 class G2Lubrication systeml Gear driven, externally mounted lubricating oil pump l Wet sump with filler and dipstickl Full-flow replaceable canister type oil filtersl Jacket water cooled shell and tube oil cooler/stabiliserlClosed circuit crankcase ventilation system – natural gases onlyCooling systemlPressurised jacket water cooling system, gear-driven jacket water, circulating pump – supply on Electro unit only l Air to water charge cooler, pipe work – supply on Electro unit only l Jacket water thermostatic control – supply on Electro unit onlyElectrical equipmentl 24 volt starter motorl 24 volt 70 amp battery charging alternator with integral voltage, regulator and activating switch – supply on Electro unit onlyl High coolant temperature l Low oil pressure switchl High manifold pressure switch lDigital knock detectionFlywheel and housinglHigh inertia flywheel to SAE J620 Size 14l SAE ‘0’ flywheel housingMountingslFront and rear engine mounting support LiteraturelUser’s Handbook and Parts ManualOptional equipmentl 220 / 240 volt thermostatically controlled immersion heater l Three way thermostatic valve for charge cooler cooling circuit l Mechanically driven water pump for charge cooler circuit l Exhaust temperature monitoring l Tool kitlAdditional manualsPhotographs are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect final specification.Photographs are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect final specification.The above ratings represent the engine performance capabilities to conditions specified in ISO 8528/1, ISO 3046/1:1986, BS 5514/1. Derating may be required for conditions outside these; consult Perkins Engines Company Limited.Generator powers are typical and are based on an average alternator efficiency and a power factor (cos. θ) of 1. Fuel specification: Natural gas having a Lower Calorific Value of 34.71 MJ/m 3.Rating definitionsContinuous operating power:Power available for true Base load, rating as defined in ISO 8528/1, BS 5514/1 – No overload permitted.Fuel consumption figures are for TA Luft compliant engines at ISO 8528/1 in “Cogen” engine specification, running on British natural gas with LCV 34.71 MJ/Sm 3。
通电前检查....................................................................................................................... 19
第一次通电....................................................................................................................... 19
机床控制面板(Machine Control Panel)............................................................................. 7
外置编码器接口模块用于连接直接测量系统 ......................................................................... 8
2.6 系统通电............................................................................................................................................ 19
连接 DRIVE-CLiQ 的集线器模块 DMC20 ................................................................................ 8
软件系统简介 ................................................................................................................ 5
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 GPS 监控工作站 ...................................................................................................... 5 GPS 定位技术.......................................................................................................... 5 GPRS 移动通讯系统 ................................................................................................ 5 CDMA 通讯系统 ...................................................................................................... 6 GIS 地理信息系统.................................................................................................... 6 加密狗 .................................................................................................................... 6
-05 Rev. A
Rev. B Software Updates Added: - New Feedback email address. - Grid Matrix parameters - Febraban parameter - USB HID POS (formerly known as Microsoft UWP USB) - Product ID (PID) Type - Product ID (PID) Value - ECLevel
-06 Rev. A
10/2018 - Added Grid Matrix sample bar code. - Moved 123Scan chapter.
-07 Rev. A
Added: - SITA and ARINC parameters. - IBM-485 Specification Version.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form, or by any electrical or mechanical means, without permission in writing from Zebra. This includes electronic or mechanical means, such as photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems. The material in this manual is subject to change without notice.
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This guide is governed by the Adobe Acrobat SDK License Agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of this agreement. Except as permitted by any such agreement, no part of this guide may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Adobe. Please note that the content in this guide is protected under copyright law.
Capacities Chart .................... 344, 346 Carbon Monoxide Hazard .............. 52 Carrying Cargo .............................. 202 Cassette Player
Charging System Indicator .... 58, 328 Checklist, Before Driving............. 206 Child Safety ...................................... 20 Child Seats........................................ 25
Before Driving ............................... 191 Belts, Seat ..................................... 8, 41 Beverage Holder............................ 101 Body Repair .................................... 310
Maintenance............................... 279 Usage .................................. 111, 117 Air Outlets (Vents)................ 110, 115 Air Pressure, Tires ........................ 282 Alcohol in Gasoline........................ 350 Aluminum Wheels, Cleaning........ 305 Antifreeze ....................................... 253 Anti-lock Brakes (ABS) Indicator................................ 59, 219 Operation .................................... 218 Anti-theft, Audio System............... 179 Anti-theft Steering Column Lock .. 76
Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd. Wavit11 User's Manual.p
Wavit11 User’s Manual Revision 1.01Revision HistoryDecember 6, 2001 Revision 1.0 Translated from Japanese edition (Rev. 1.0) January 19, 2002 Revision 1.01 Regulatory Compliance Notice changedContentsRevision History (2)About This Guide (5)Regulatory Compliance Notices (6)1. Preface (8)1. Preface (8)2. Accompanied Accessories (8)3. Features (8)4. How to use Wavit11 (9)5. About Wireless LAN Network (10)5.1. Ad-Hoc LAN (11)5.2. IBSS LAN (12)5.3. Infrastructure LAN (13)5.4. Wireless Bridge (14)6. Installation method of Wavit11 Configuration Utility (15)6.1. Microsoft Windows Version (16)6.2. Confirm an Ethernet port (17)6.3. Confirm the TCP/IP protocol (19)6.4. Confirm an IP Address (25)6.5. Installation of the Wavit11Configuration Utility (28)7. Wavit11 Set Up (33)7.1. How to Start the Wavit11Configuration Utility (34)7.2. How to setup the Ad-Hoc mode (38)7.3. How to Setup the 802.11 Ad-Hoc mode (41)7.4. How to Setup the Infrastructure mode (44)7.5. How to Setup the Both mode (47)7.6. How to Setup the AP mode (51)7.7. How to Setup the Wireless Bridge Mode (55)7.8. How to Change the Wavit11 IP address (59)7.9. How to Change the Control Password (61)7.10. Wavit11 Initialization (63)8. Encryption Setting (65)8.1. Encryption setting (65)8.2. Original Encryption (68)8.2. 40bit WEP Encryption (71)8.3. 128bit WEP Encryption (74)8.4. Encryption Disable (77)9. Wavit11Setting up (79)9.1. Connection to personal computer (80)9.2. Connection to Printer (81)9.3. Connection to Network Equipment (82)10. Items that can be set with Configuration Utility (83)10.1. Operational Mode (84)10.2. SS ID (85)10.3. Channel (86)10.4. Data Rate (87)10.5. Roaming (88)10.6. Hidden Node Compensation (89)10.7. Details (90)10.8. RTS Threshold (91)10.9. Fragmentation Threshold (92)10.10. Short Retry Limit (93)10.11. Long Retry Limit (94)10.12. Beacon Interval (95)10.13. SSID transmission (96)10.14. Authentication Algorithm (97)10.15. Basic Rate Set (98)10.16. Encryption mode (99)10.17. Encryption Key (100)10.18. Default Key (101)10.19. Destination Address (102)11. Interoperability with third vendor wireless LAN (103)11.1. Confirmed wireless LAN card (103)11.2. Confirmed Access Point (104)11.3. Setting (105)12. Troubleshooting (106)13. Specifications (108)About This GuideAbsolutely do not do the operation when the instruction is given with this mark.Please pay attention in the case you do the operation indicated with this mark.The relevant usage is explained. Please refer, as occasion demands. This is for an explanation such as terminology.Regulatory Compliance NoticesWavit is a registered trademark of Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd.Wi-Fi TM is a registered trademark of Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance. RC4 is a registered trademark of RSA Security Inc. in United State and other country.Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.All company names and product names are trademark of their respective companies.Mitsumi are not responsible for any damage or loss caused by the Wavit11 Wireless LAN.Mitsumi hold the copyright on this User’s Manual. Anyone cannot copy or reproduce this User’s manual unless Mitsumi grant agreement in writing form.If this product is used near the television set or radio receiver, the TV display may be sometimes disturbed or the noise may be heard in audio output. In such a situation, it will be necessary to install this product far from TV and radio set. This product may affect the medical apparatus, so you cannot install this product inside a hospital.If you install this product near the microwave oven,communication performances may degrade due to the radio waveemitted from microwave oven. Install this product far from microwave oven or prevent from the simultaneous usage.Accompanied AC adapter is designed for 117volts AC use only.The use of AC other than 117volts is dangerous and not permitted.The use of other AC adapters is prohibited. If other AC adapters were used, the product would heat or it may lead to a fire.1. PrefaceThank you for purchasing the Wavit11. This user’s manual includes various notices to allow you to use the Wavit11 safely and properly. Keep this anytime and read carefully. In this way, you can always refer to this.2. Accompanied AccessoriesThe following accessories are accompanied to Wavit11.If you could not check all accessories, contact with the distributor.AccessoriesItem QuantityNoteWavit11 Wireless LAN 1AC Adapter 1Ethernet Cable 1 Straight Cable (1m)Wall Mount Attachment 1User’s Manual 1 This documentWavit11 Configuration Utility 1 3.5 inch Floppy disk3. FeaturesThe Wavit11 is standalone wireless LAN with 10BASE-T interface. When using Wavit11, you can install wireless network not only to personal computers but also to printer and other network equipment that have 10BASE-T ports. The Wavit11 is connected to network devices with 10BASE-T cable, so you do not need to install device drivers to set up Wavit11.The Wavit11 operates as Access Point that supports up to 16 Wavit11. Also, it operates as Wireless Bridge. Wireless Bridge connects two networks that are physically separated by two Wavit11s.Wavit11Wireless LANAC Adapter EthernetCableWall MountAttachmentUsersManual ConfigurationUtility5. About Wireless LAN NetworkThere are 4 types of wireless LAN network that using Wavit11.Make a selection according to the usage of the wireless LAN network. Wireless LAN Type FunctionAd-Hoc LAN The network consists of only wireless clients.IBSS LAN The network consists of only wireless clients. Infrastructure LAN The network combined both wired and wireless clients. Wireless Bridge The network connects two networks wirelessly.5.1. Ad-Hoc LANThe Ad-Hoc LAN is a network consisting of only wireless LAN. It is the network that does not connect to the Ethernet backbone and external network such as Internet. There is not a restriction on the number of wireless LAN units in the Ad-Hoc LAN.Set the communication mode of Wavit11 to “Ad-Hoc” mode.5.2. IBSS LANThe IBSS LAN is a network of only wireless LAN. It is the network that does not communicate to the Ethernet backbone and external network such as Internet. There is not a restriction on the number of wireless LAN units in the IBSS LAN. Set the communication mode of Wavit11 to “802.11 Ad-Hoc” mode.5.3. Infrastructure LANCommunication is established via an Access Point in the infrastructure LAN, therefore direct communication with other Wavit11s is not possible. This is the network that is used in such an occasion where Ethernet is being connected to Access Point and Internet access is carried out through Ethernet.Set the communication mode of one Wavit11 to “AP” mode and set the other Wavit11 communication mode to “Infrastructure” mode.5.4. Wireless BridgeThe Wireless Bridge connects two wired network using two Wavit11. The maximum number of network equipment that can be connected to wired LAN is 16.Set the communication mode of Wavit11 to “Wireless Bridge” mode.6. Installation method of Wavit11 Configuration Utility6.1. Microsoft Windows VersionWavit11 Configuration Utility runs on Microsoft Windows of the following version.OS Status NotesWindows95 Install 4.01 or above Internet Explorer Windows95 OSR2 Install 4.01 or above Internet Explorer Windows95OSR2.5Install 4.01 or above Internet Explorer Windows98 OKWindows98 SE OKWindows Me OKWindows NT 4.0 WorkStation Install 4.01 or above Internet Explorer Windows NT SP3 is required to install Internet Explorer 4.01.Windows 2000 OK Windows XP OK6.2. Confirm an Ethernet portWavit11 Configuration Utility should be installed to the personal computer with Ethernet port. Also, the device driver needs to be set up appropriately. Confirm in accordance with the following procedure.[STEP1] Select “Start”->”Setting”->”Control Panel”.[STEP2] Click “Network” icon in the control panel.[STEP3] Check to see t hat an Ethernet adapter is installed in “Configuration” page.[STEP4] Click the “Cancel” button.6.3. Confirm the TCP/IP protocolThe TCP/IP protocol should be installed to the personal computer with Wavit11 Configuration Utility. It is necessary that Wavit11 Configuration Utility is set up appropriately. Confirm the TCP/IP protocol in accordance with the following procedure.[STEP1] Select “Start”->”Setting”->”Control Panel”[STEP2] Click “Network” icon in the “Control Panel”.[STEP3] Check to see that the relevant TCP/IP protocol is installed that corresponds to the Ethernet adapter used in the “Configuration” page. Select TCP/IP protocol corresponding to the Ethernet adapter and click the “Properties” button.[STEP4] Confirm your selection in the “IP address” page. Which one is selected, either “Obtain an IP address automatically” or “Specify an IP address”?[STEP5] Click “Cancel” button.[STEP6] Click “Cancel” button.[STEP10] In the case that “Specify an IP address” is selected in the “IP Address” page, check that the “IP Address” and “Subnet Mask” are set.[STEP11] Click the “Cancel” button.[STEP12] Click the “Cancel” button.6.4. Confirm an IP Address[STEP1] Click “Start”->”Run”[STEP2] Input “winipcfg” to “Open” and click “OK” button.[STEP3] Select Ethernet adapter at “Adapter Address” in “IP Configuration” window.[STEP4] Confirm the “IP Address” and “Subnet Mask”.[STEP5] Click “OK” button.6.5. Installation of the Wavit11Configuration Utility [STEP1] Insert Wavit11Configuration Utility disk to drive A. [STEP2] Click “My Computer” icon.[STEP3] Click “3.5 ½ floppy (A:)” icon.[STEP4] Click “Setup” icon.The “Install Shield Wizard” window appears.[STEP5] Click the “Next>” button in “Install Shield Wizard” window.[STEP6] Select “Destination Folder”. Click “Next>” button to install the Configuration Utility to the default folder. Click the “Browse” button in the case that you want to install to a different folder.[STEP7] Select Program Folder. Click “Next>” button if you agree the default folder. If you prefer to install it to another folder, select from the “Existing Folders” and click “Next” button.The “Setup Status” appears.[STEP8] Install Shield Wizard Complete appears. Click the “Finish” button.。
GeekVape Aegis Legend User Manual
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Discover the Geek Vape AEGIS SOLO 100W Starter Kit, continuing the legacy of the AEGIS series with a long-awaited single 18650 platform while maintaining .... the geek vape aegis solo 100w box mod is the follow- up to the aegis legend and aegis mini, deploying a much- needed single 18650 platform with 100w of .... In Stealth On mode, you can vape with the OLED screen off and you can press the fire button one time to see current setting. Switch vaping modes: Long press the .... Results 1 - 16 of 493 — Oxfordnew enjoying mathematics class 6 solutions pdf free download. Food (906 items) Keep pantry ... Geekvape aegis legend manual pdf .... Nov 7, 2019 — It's designed very similar to the Aegis Legend, with the main ... to do a better job explaining the features in their manual, so I'll ding them for that.. The GeekVape Aegis Legend Kit features the tough dual-battery 200W Aegis Legend Mod and the flavorful Zeus Sub-Ohm Tank to ... (1) Instructional Manual.. 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Jan 6, 2020 — Instructions for Aegis X Check the tutorial video below get to know Aegis X better --- Adopts 2.4 inches colorful display screen IP67 .... Puma Baby Instructions/Operations. 1.Power on/off: Open the back cover, put one high drain 18650 battery in correct way into the device and finally close .... User Manual. Specifications. Wattage Range: 1-75W. Output Voltage Range: 0.00-8.50V. Resistance Parameters: In both. Wattage Mode and TC Mode it can.. View & download of more than 43 Aegis PDF user manuals, service manuals, ... 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Satellite Tool KitIntroductionThe Satellite Tool Kit (STK) is a powerful software package that provides a wide range of tools and capabilities for analyzing, simulating, and visualizing satellite systems. This document will provide an overview of the features and functionalities of STK, as well as how to use it effectively for various satellite-related tasks.Features1. Satellite System Design and AnalysisSTK allows users to design and analyze satellite systems by providing a comprehensive set of tools and models. Users can define satellite orbits, create spacecraft models, and simulate communication links and coverage areas. STK also includes a variety of algorithms for calculating satellite conjunction analysis, launch windows, and orbit determination.2. Mission Planning and AnalysisWith STK, users can perform mission planning and analysis for satellite missions. It provides tools for generating mission timelines, estimating launch and deployment trajectories, and analyzing satellite mission coverage. STK also includes features for optimizing satellite operations, such as ground station visibility analysis and resource allocation.3. Earth Observation and Remote SensingSTK incorporates advanced capabilities for earth observation and remote sensing applications. Users can simulate and analyze the imaging capabilities of satellite sensors, including sensor footprint, resolution, and swath width. STK also provides tools for processing and analyzing remote sensing data, such as image registration, classification, and change detection.4. Communication System AnalysisSTK includes tools for analyzing satellite communication systems. Users can design and simulate satellite communication links, taking into account factors such as link budget, antenna gain, and atmospheric effects. STK also provides features for analyzing signal quality, data rate, and coverage for different types of communication systems.5. Visualization and PresentationSTK offers powerful visualization capabilities, allowing users to create stunning 2D and 3D visual representations of satellite systems. Users can visualize satellite orbits, ground tracks, and coverage areas, as well as animate satellite missions in real-time. STK also provides tools for creating professional presentations and reports, including customizable graphical overlays and data displays.Getting StartedTo get started with STK, follow these steps:1.Install the Satellite Tool Kit software on yourcomputer. The software is available for Windows, Linux,and macOS platforms.unch the STK software and create a new project.You can choose from various project templates depending on your specific application.3.Familiarize yourself with the STK user interface. Thesoftware provides a comprehensive set of menus, toolbars, and panels for accessing its various features andfunctionalities.4.Start exploring the different capabilities of STK byusing the provided tutorials and sample projects. This will help you understand the basic concepts and workflows of the software.5.Once you are comfortable with the basics, startusing STK for your own satellite-related tasks. Utilize thefeatures and tools discussed in this document to design,analyze, and visualize satellite systems.ConclusionThe Satellite Tool Kit is a versatile and powerful software package for analyzing, simulating, and visualizing satellite systems. It provides a wide range of features and capabilities for satellite system design, mission planning, earth observation, communication system analysis, and visualization. By following the steps outlined in this document, you can quickly get started with STK and effectively use it for your satellite-related tasks.。
一、硬盘和系统安装的准备工作SSD硬盘的准备:建议用户准备一块Intel S3500、X25或者三星840Pro等高品质SSD固态硬盘,建议容量128G以上,在磁盘分区时,多设置一个分区,用来安装双系统(当然,极致专机,只用作PCHIFI,只装一个系统会更好,连Bios都可以设置到极致),比如C盘,容量建议设置为40G左右,安装Win8或者Win8.1系统,可以作为HTPC 用来播放蓝光,或者上网、游戏等其它用途;D盘,容量建议设置为25G——30G,用作PCHIFI专机系统;剩下容量可以划为E盘,用作放置软件、音乐的资料盘。
有三种方法进行分区格式化: a:挂在另一台电脑上面格式化; b:用PE启动电脑,用PE系统中软件分区格式化,如DiskGenius等; c:安装过程中用diskpart命令行分区格式化。
CultureDuring the Yuan period, while zaju or northern drama was developing in the north, a differenttype of drama was taking shape and spreading in the south with Wenzhou, Zhejiang, as its center. Southern drama, as it was called, had its beginnings in the Northern Song. Using southern dialects and folk songs, it was popular among the ordinary people of Zhejiang and its neighboring provinces, including Fujian, Jiangsu and Anhui. Only a few complete works of southern drama have been preserved, partly because literary men of the Song and Yuan looked down upon this form of drama and would not try to write plays for it, and partly Glimpses of Chinese CultureForeign Language Teaching and Research Press July 2021Ding Wangdao 39.00 (CNY)hineseCulture CCai Bojie, who has passed the imperial examinations, has become a government official, and married the prime minister’s daughter. During the Ming Dynasty, northern drama was on the decline and southern drama flourished. Many important writers took an interest in southern drama and wrote plays. The most outstanding among them was Tang Xianzu (1550---1616). Tang was born in Linchuan, Jiangxi. Having passed the imperial examinations, he only got a position of a low rank, because he hatedto please powerful people. Finally, he had to retire and go back to his hometown to devote himself to writing. He wrote four plays, whichare all connected with dreams,so collectively they are called the“Four Dreams of Linchuan.”The Peony Pavilion, one of the“Four Dreams of Linchuan,” ishis masterpiece. Du Liniang, theheroine, is the daughter of a high-ranking official. In her father’s bighouse, she lives a very dull andunhappy life. The feudal ethicalcode and the strict rules laid downby her father deprive her of allfreedom. One spring day, urged byher maid, she goes to her familygarden for a walk. There she isdelighted and also surprised by thebeauty of nature. As she is tired,she dozes off and has a dream. In it,she meets a young scholar namedLiu Mengmei and falls in love withhim. When she wakes up, she knowsclearly that the dream will nevercome true. After that, she falls illwith a sad heart, and finally shedies. Three years later, the youngscholar she dreamed of comes toher city on his way to the capitalto take the imperial examinations.He happens to pick up the portraitLiniang painted of herself, and atnight he meets Liniang’s ghost.She tells him that he should openher grave at once. So he does, andLiniang comes out of the grave, aliving lady as beautiful as she everwas. They are then married andbegin their happy life together.A still of the Peking opera the Peony PavilionHe was born in Suzhou, Jiangsu. For some time he was a county magistrate, but all his life he was a passionate lover of literature, especially fiction. He collected, edited, revised and published a great number of short stories, plays and folk tales. The first collection of short stories he edited wasoriginally called Ancient and Modern Stories . When the second and third collections came out, he entitled them Ordinary Words to Warn the World and Lasting Words to Awaken the World . Then he changed the title of the first collection to Clear Words to Illustrate the World . The three volumes were then given a general title: Three Volumes of Words .In these three volumes arecollected 120 short stories based on earlier storytellers’ notes and revised or rewritten by Feng. As a result of his work, those storiesThree Volumes of Wordsand Two Volumes of Slapping。
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此外,创世神 701 机箱还配备了多个风扇,保证电脑在高负载时也能保持良好的散热效果。
【机箱安装步骤】安装华硕创世神 701 机箱需要遵循以下步骤:1.首先,将主板安装到机箱上,注意对齐螺丝孔位。
4.将电源按键、重启按键和 USB 接口等连接线接入机箱对应的插槽。
【机箱使用注意事项】在使用华硕创世神 701 机箱时,需要注意以下几点:1.确保机箱放置在稳固的地面上,避免因震动导致电脑部件松动。
【结论】华硕创世神 701 机箱作为一款高性能的电脑机箱,具有优秀的散热性能和扩展能力。
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ZEUS: An Advanced Tool-Kit for Engineering Distributed Multi-AgentSystemsHyacinth S. Nwana, Divine T. Ndumu & Lyndon C. LeeIntelligent Systems Research,Advanced Research & Technologies DepartmentBT Laboratories, MLB1, PP12,Martlesham HeathIpswich, Suffolk IP5 3REEngland{hyacinth, ndumudt, lyndon}@AbstractThere is an emerging consensus on the need to develop methodologies and tool-kits for building distributed multi-agent systems. This paper presents ZEUS, an advanced development tool-kit for constructing collaborative agent applications. ZEUS is a culmination of a careful synthesis of established agent technologies with the addition of some new ones, to provide an integrated environment for the rapid software engineering of collaborative agent applications. ZEUS defines a multi-agent system design methodology, supports the methodology with an environment for capturing user specification of agents, and automatically generates the executable source code of the user-defined agents. We also report on preliminary informal evaluation of ZEUS on three domains.KeywordsAgent architectures, distributed multi-agent systems, constructing collaborative agent applications.I. IntroductionThis paper describes ZEUS, an advanced tool-kit for building distributed multi-agent applications. The tool-kit facilitates the construction of collaborative agent applications, arguably one of the more complex of agent types because they can have rich, deliberative internal models and operate in open and time-constrained environments (Nwana 1996).The reasons for the development of ZEUS fall into two broad categories. Firstly, there is an emerging consensus amongst agent researchers of the need to develop methodologies and tool-kits for building distributed agent systems, moving away from point solutions to general architectures, frameworks and tool-kits (Ndumu & Nwana 1996). Secondly, a tool-kit like ZEUS facilitates the engineering of agent applications; it speeds up development time and encourages code reuse and standardisation of agent technology.The breakdown of the rest of the paper is as follows. Section 2 presents the philosophy and a clearer specification of ZEUS. Section 3 describes briefly a ZEUS agent and outlines our agent design methodology, and Section 4 describes the ZEUS tool-kit. Section 5 summarises the ZEUS visualisation and debugging suite of tools while Section 6 reports on on-going evaluation of ZEUS. Section 7 covers related other work and Section 8 concludes with a brief discussion of some lessons we have learnt from constructing and (preliminarily) evaluating ZEUS.2. The ZEUS Philosophy and SpecificationZEUS arose out of a need to provide a generic, customisable, and scaleable industrial-strength collaborative agent building tool-kit. We required that the tool-kit encapsulate the following principles:• Firstly, it should clearly delineate between domain-level problem-solving abilities and agent-level functionality. The latter covers issues of communication, co-operation, co-ordination, task execution and monitoring, exception handling, etc. while the former allows for the acquisition of domain-specific knowledge. Thus, the tool-kit should provide agent developers with all the agent-level functionality; such that they need only provide the code implementing the domain-specific problem-solving abilities of the agents they define.• Secondly, the tool-kit should employ the direct manipulation metaphor whenever feasible.This HCI metaphor is epitomised by the visual programming paradigm and the ‘pick-and-choose’ metaphor. That is, application developers should be able to select from varied menus, the functionality and modalities required of their agents.• Thirdly, the tool-kit should utilise ‘standardised’ technology wherever feasible as is exemplified by our employment of KQML (Finin & Labrou, 1997) as our agent communication language.• Fourthly, the tool-kit should support an open design to ensure it is easily extensible.On the broad goals we set of ourselves for ZEUS, we required a tool-kit which provides a multi-agent systems developer an environment which supports the following:• the configuring (definition) of a number of different agents of varying functionality and behaviour;• the organisation of the agents in whatever manner using the relationships sub-ordinate, superior, peer and c o-worker. Superior and sub-ordinate links define authority relationships between agents. Co-workers are agents in the same organisation who have no authority relation between them, and peers are agents belonging to different organisations;• the imbuing of each agent with selected ZEUS-supplied agent-level communicative and co-ordination mechanisms. Different co-ordination protocols which the designer can choose from are provided by ZEUS including master-slave, contract net, a variety of auction strategies, negotiation for time (where the agent requests for more time for some goal), cut-price negotiation (where the agent offers to reduce the cost it is charging in exchange for more time for some goal), etc. We also allow for new user-supplied protocols as long as they conform to our universal co-ordination protocol;• the supplying of each agent with the necessary domain-specific problem-solving code;and• the automatic generation of the required executables for the agents.In addition, we believed the tool-kit should support predefined agents such as name-server agents (white pages), facilitator agents (yellow pages) and a visualiser. A key goal of the visualiser was for analysis and debugging of distributed agent systems, as it is well known that this is a notoriously complex issue. Our visualiser is reported in Ndumu et al. (1997).In summary, the specific goals for the ZEUS project included:• defining and developing a generic ZEUS agent,• developing a clear methodology for building distributed multi-agent systems and the ZEUS tool-kit to support/instantiate it,• developing a suite of visualisation and debugging tools for the ZEUS tool-kit.The next section describes a generic ZEUS agent and briefly outlines the ZEUS agent design methodology. Section 4 presents the ZEUS tool-kit and Section 5 describes visualisation and debugging support in ZEUS.3 A Generic Zeus Agent and The Zeus Agent Design MethodologyAt the highest level of abstraction, a ZEUS agent is composed of three layers: a definition layer, an organisation layer and a coordination layer (Fig. 1).Fig. 1: An abstract context diagram of a generic agentAt the definition layer, the agent is viewed in terms of its reasoning (and learning) abilities, its goals, resources, skills, beliefs, preferences, etc. At the organisation layer it is viewed in terms of its relationships with other agents, e.g. what agencies1it belongs to, what roles it plays in these agencies, what other agents it is aware of, what abilities it knows those other agents possess, etc. At the coordination layer the agent is viewed as a social entity, i.e. in terms of the coordination and negotiation techniques it possesses. Regarding the other two layers, the communication layer handles the low-level details involved in inter-agent communication, while the application programmer’s interface (API) layer links the agent to the physical realisations of its resources and skills.Fig. 2 depicts the architecture of a Zeus agent, which is not too dissimilar from others in the literature. The coordination layer of Fig. 1 is captured within the coordination engine of Fig. 2; the organisation layer roughly translates to the acquaintance model while the definition layer refers to the entire agent template. The key difference between ZEUS and other agent environments is how ZEUS supports the rapid engineering of agent systems with the internal complexity of Fig. 2.1An agency is a group of related agents, i.e. they share a common attribute, for example, they may belong to the same company. Agencies may be virtual or real. A virtual agency is a group of agents who share some sort of cooperation agreement.Fig. 2: The architecture of a ZEUS agent3.1 Definition of a ZEUS AgentIn order to illuminate the definition of a ZEUS agent in our methodology, we briefly describe a simple implemented scenario. The domain is supply chain provisioning in which agents collaborate to manufacture and/or provision goods making up a service. In the example, we have five principal agents: C, a computer manufacturer, which has two subordinates, M and U. M produces monitors, and knows C as its superior and U as its co-worker. U produces central processing units (CPUs), and similarly knows C as its superior and M as its co-worker. Both M and U share two subordinates (X and Y). C knows of another agent P as a peer who produces printers. P has a subordinate T which produces printer ink and toner cartridges. In the example, the production of a computer requires the base unit (CPU and monitor) as well as a keyboard and an appropriate printer. In the environment are four additional support agents: an agent name server (ANS), which provides a white-pages facility for agent address look-up; a facilitator agent (PC_Broker), which provides a yellow-pages facility through which agents find other agents capable of performing a task; a database proxy agent (DB), whose sole function is to store and retrieve messages from proprietary databases on demand from other agents, and a visualiser agent (Visual). These agents all communicate in the common agent communication language, KQML in our case.We mainly concentrate on the definition of agent C in the above scenario in order to present the processes involved in the definition of a ZEUS agent. Recall the three layer model: agent definition, organisation and coordination. We begin with the agent definition step.Firstly, for agent C, the designer in defining it has to answer the following questions:• What tasks can C perform (i.e. what goals can it achieve)?• How many domain tasks can it perform concurrently?• How far ahead in time does C normally plan its activities?• What are the initial facts (resources) available to it?• What proportion of double-booking of its resources does C allow?The metaphor underpinning this set of questions is that of a job-shop scheduling manager. Chas a number of resources (e.g. keyboards in our scenario). The realisation of a goal by Cmay consume some resources, such as the assembling of a PC consumes a keyboard, a printer, a CPU and a monitor. C’s role is to produce as many computers as possible, in such a manner that it minimises its idle time and maximises its profit. In order to do this, it has to schedule customer requests on the basis of available resources, free assembly lines and the cost and time of performing each task. Typical customer requests are of the form “produce a computer x by time y at cost z”. To aid its scheduling, C maintains a commitment database (see Fig. 2).Another useful feature which ZEUS agents possess is their ability to ‘double-book’ their time slots in the expectation of unreliable customers. Thus designers are also asked the degree of double-booking they require (the default is 10% in ZEUS). We borrowed this feature from airline reservation systems.For the agent organisation step, the designer of C answers the following questions:• What other agents in the community does C know (these are beliefs)?• What primary structural relationships does C know it has with each agent it knows (beliefs)?• What items (if any) does C know that other agents in the community can produce, and at what average cost and time (beliefs)?From agent C’s perspective, Table 1 summarises one possible view of its organisational knowledge as required by the preceding three questions.Beliefs C possessesBase Agent Relation TargetAgentC sub-ordinate M(:item Monitor :time 4 :cost 200sub-ordinate U(:item CPU :time 3 :cost 300)peer P(:item: Printer :time 5 :cost 250)…………Table 1: An instance of the organisational knowledge of agent CThe next step is the coordination step. Here, the designer selects from a ZEUS supplied list zero or more negotiation/coordination strategies which C can invoke. C clearly has subordinates and so ideally should be able to invoke a master-slave protocol. It also needs to deal with peer agents like P, so again ideally needs to be imbued with the contract-net protocol so that it can announce bids, obtain replies to its call for bids and make decisions. It may also be imbued with the other strategies mentioned in Section 2 such as the auction protocols.The next step is to define the tasks which C can perform, e.g. it can assemble computers. For this, the designer performs the following:• Determine the average cost and duration of the task.• Identify all the items (resources) required before the task can be performed.• Identify all the items produced once the task is performed.• Determine and note all the constraints between the consumed and the produced items.• Determine if the task can be performed by directly executing a domain function (primitive task) or whether it is an abstract specification of a network of tasks (i.e. a summary task).• If the task is primitive, then provide the following two functions: one to execute to perform the task, and the other to compute the actual cost once the task has beenperformed. For summary tasks, provide a description of them in terms of their component tasks.The metaphor here is of a task in the job-shop scheduling scenario discussed earlier. The last step is where designer provides the domain-specific code for the domain.To round up this section, we return to Fig. 2 and describe its components, and relate them to the above discussion:• The Mailbox handles communications between the agent and other external agents.• The Message Handler processes messages incoming from the mailbox, dispatching them to other modules of the agent.• The coordination engine and reasoning system takes decisions concerning the goals the agent should be pursuing, how they should be pursued, when to abandon them, etc., and coordinates the agent’s overall activities. It also has a database of pre-built coordination strategies like contract nets, auctions and master-slave.• The Acquaintance Model describes the agent’s beliefs about the capabilities of other agents in the society, and its relationships to them (see Table 1).• The Planner and Scheduler plans and schedules the tasks the agent is controlling, monitoring and managing based on decisions taken by the coordination engine and reasoning system, and the resources and tasks available to be controlled, monitored and/or managed by the agent.• The Resource Database contains logical descriptions of resources available to the agent. It also provides an interface between the database and external systems such that the database can query external systems about the availability of resources, etc.• The Task Database provides logical descriptions of tasks available for control, monitoring and/or management by the agent.• The Execution Monitor starts, stops and monitors external systems scheduled for execution or termination by the planner and scheduler. It also informs the Coordination Engine of successful and exceptional terminating conditions of the tasks it is monitoring. We have provided in this section a description of ZEUS agents, and also provided a flavour of how a ZEUS agent is actually defined. The broad steps carried out in defining a ZEUS agent forms the core of our agent design methodology. Naturally, there are much other details which we omit here (for a more complete specification of the methodology see Ndumu et al. (1997)).4 The ZEUS Tool-KitThe ZEUS tool-kit essentially supports and instantiates the methodology outlined in the previous section. ZEUS consists of a host of (visual) editors which an agent developer uses to specify the information required to define a ZEUS agent. The current suite of editors include the following:• An Ontology Editor: for defining the ontology of the domain.• A Task Description Editor: a visual editor for describing primitive tasks that the agent can perform.• A Summary Task Editor: for describing summary tasks which are composed of one or more sub-tasks and ordered in some fashion.• An Organisation Editor: a visual tool for defining the organisational relationships between agents and also beliefs that agents have about others in the system.• An Agent Definition Editor: for describing agents logically, their abilities and initial resources.• A Coordination Editor: for allowing the user select co-ordination protocols s/he wants to imbue an agent with or for describing new ones.• A Fact/Variable Editor: for describing specific instances of facts and variables, using templates provided by the ontology editor.• A Constraint Editor: for describing the constraints between(i) the preconditions and effects of tasks, (ii) one or more preconditions of a task, and (iii) the effects of a preceding task and the preconditions of a succeeding task in a summary task description.• A Code Generation Editor from which the executable source code for selected agents are generated.All the above editors essentially facilitate the identification and description of a set of agents, selecting agent functionality and inputting task and domain-related data. Hence, the output of the ZEUS tool-kit is then a logical description of a set of agents and a set of tasks to be carried out in a domain, together with executable code for each agent and stubs for executable code for each task. ZEUS therefore embodies a system of methods (i.e. methodology) plus environment.In order to generate executables, in addition to the class of editors above, ZEUS also comes with the following predefined libraries:• A library of co-ordination graphs which describe ZEUS-defined co-ordination algorithms/protocols.• Relationships data library which define ZEUS-defined organisational relationships.• An API library for housekeeping operations such as executing tasks and evaluating cost functions.• An agent shell library which provides the agent template which dictates the agent structure shown in Fig. 2 including KQML communications, planning & scheduling algorithms, mailbox library, etc.• Lastly, a set of standard supporting agents like agent name servers (ANS) (white pages), facilitators (yellow pages), and a visualiser.Therefore, in order to generate the code for a specific application system, the code generator essentially inherits from the libraries and integrates the data from the various editors. ZEUS also provides a set of scripts for integrating the generated agents with the standard ones such as name-servers and visualisers into a coherent system. ZEUS allows for as many visualisers, name-servers and facilitators as is required by the user.The entire ZEUS tool-kit has been implemented in the Java programming language and runs on Solaris, Unix and Windows NT platforms. Java was chosen for the following reasons. It is object-oriented, multi-threaded (each agent consists of several threads), portable across operating systems, web/HTML-friendly and it provides a rich set of APIs with its packages which are continuously being added to. ZEUS consists of about 60K lines of Java including the visualiser code.5 Visualisation and Debugging in ZEUSAn area which the ZEUS tool-kit takes seriously, which we believe multi-agent system researchers have so far neglected is that of the analysis, visualisation and debugging of multi-agent systems. It is vital that a tool-kit of the like of ZEUS provides such facilities to the agent designer. Generally, visualising overall system behaviour in such systems withdistributed control, data and process is a notoriously difficult task. Each agent in the system has only a local view of the organisation, and the burden is on the user to integrate into a coherent whole the large amounts of scope-limited information provided by individual agents. Further, because of the complexity of multi-agent interaction and behaviour, effective visualisation assumes more importance than in single-agent systems. It is necessary in order to reduce the information overload on users, and thus allow them to• confirm, understand, control and/or analyse the behaviour of the system, and to• debug the system.The debugging problem in multi-agent systems cannot be over-stated, not least because even when individual agents in an organisation are “correct” the overall system behaviour might be less than desired.In this section, we briefly describe ZEUS’ visualisation system. It system comprises a suite of tools, with each tool providing a view of the distributed multi-agent application being visualised. Each tool interrogates the agents in the application, collates the returned information and presents this information to a user in an appropriate manner. This in essence shifts the burden of inference from the user to the visualiser. Note that the visualiser is another agent which just requests local information from agents and tries to build a global view. Some agents may not reply because they are suspended or dead, and in such a scenario, the global view presented by the visualiser will be incomplete. The current tool-set includes • A society tool that shows the message interchange between agents in a society.• A report tool that graphs the society-wide decomposition of tasks and the execution states of the various subtasks,• A micro tool for monitoring the internal states of agents.• A control tool for remotely modifying the internal states of individual agents. This tool is really used for the administrative management of the agents in the tool-kit e.g. killing of or suspending agents, adding, modifying or deleting goals, resources, tasks, coordination strategies, etc.• A statistics tool for collating individual agent and society-wide statistics.• A video tool (within the society tool, report and statistics tools) which can be used, video-style, to record, replay, rewind, forward, fast-rewind and fast-forward sessions from a database.The video tool allows the society, report and statistics tools, in addition to functioning in online mode (i.e. visualising the ‘live’ interactions in a multi-agent set-up), to also support off-line, video-style replay of previously saved multi-agent interaction sessions. This multi-perspective visualisation approach gives users the flexibility to select which tool to use, when to use a particular tool, and what to visualise.We briefly illustrate ZEUS’ visualisation tools suite by returning to the scenario we described earlier. To reduce the textual descriptions of these tools to a minimum, we provide several screendumps of the visualiser tools on this scenario. For details on the visualiser suite of tools, see Ndumu et al. (1997).Fig. 3 shows the agents from the view of the Society Tool which clearly implements the scenario as described. Note again that the information shown was sent by all the different agents, and the visualiser just collated and presented this global picture of the society.Fig. 3: The society tool showing the vertical layout of the agents in our scenario. On the left of the window are the layout and view controls. The toolbar buttons on the right control video-style replay of messages, while those on the left and the popup menu on the right control the position and visibility of the agent icons.Fig. 4 shows the Report Tool on the same scenario. The Report tool provides a global view of the problem-solving in a society of agents; this is also a useful debugging and analysis tool. It allows a user to select a set of agents and request that they report to it the status of all their tasks/goals. Since each agent only has a local and incomplete view of the problem-solving effort of the society, this tool requests and collates the local views to provide a more complete picture. The user can select an agent of interest and a task owned2by that agent. For the selection of agent and task, the tool generates a GANTT chart showing the decomposition of the task, the allocation of its constituent subparts to different agents in the community, and when each agent is scheduled to perform its part of the task. As Fig. 4 shows, the task/goal of making a computer owned by agent C has been split up into three sub-tasks and awarded to agents P, U and M.Fig. 5 shows the Micro-Tool view of agent C, which essentially maps onto the generic ZEUS agent template depicted in Fig. 2. The figure shows the internals of agent C as it is running, depicting the messages being received and sent out by the agent, a summary of the actions taken in response to incoming messages, a graphical depiction of the co-ordination process of different goals by the agent, a diary detailing the tasks the agent has committed itself to performing, and the current status of those tasks (i.e. waiting, running, completed or failed). It also shows a list of the resources available to the agent including those allocated to the different goals/tasks it has committed itself to, and a summary of the results of monitoring executing tasks or tasks scheduled to start execution.These tools are invaluable in the analysis and debugging of applications, because they together encourage debugging via corroboration. By this we mean, if two or more different tools looking at the society from different viewpoints point to some component (e.g. some 2 An agent owns a task if it is scheduled to perform the task at the root of the task decomposition hierarchy for the goal.agent) as being ‘buggy’, the user is more convinced that the bug emanates from that particular component.6 Evaluation of ZEUSThe key goal of ZEUS was to evolve a methodology for engineering industrial-strength collaborative agent applications, and to construct a tool-kit based on the methodology. While no formal evaluation of the ZEUS system has been performed, we have developed three multi-agent applications with ZEUS to test the system againsts its functional requirements.The three applications include:• a travel management application involving 17 agents, in which a travel manager agent negotiates with hotel, airline, car, train and taxi reservation agents to generate an itinerary for a trans-atlantic trip for a user. This was a 3 man-week exercise, and was the first demonstrator to be built using ZEUS. The project time is in contrast to that of an earlier system, MII (Titmuss et al ., 1997) of much less complexity, which took 4 man-years to complete. This comparison is not entirely fair since the 4 man-years included the design time, the time taken to research the prototype, decide on implementation environments,implement an initial rough prototype, etc. However, it suffices to make our point that we are making very significant time gains in building even more complex demonstrators using ZEUS, than from scratch. Fig. 6 shows the personal travel assistant (PTA) application as depicted by one the visualisation tools.• a telecommunications network management application with 27 agents. Here agents controlling network links negotiate to provision virtual private networks for users. For this application the report tool was very easily customised to support a different display format for task decomposition graphs. This application took about 2-man weeksto complete.Fig. 4: GANTT chart of the MakeComputer task. The tasks MakeTonerCartridge and MakeMonitor are running, MakeCPU has been completed, while MakeLaserPrinter and MakeComputer are waiting. The dialogue box on the right shows details of the MakeTonerCartridge task.。