欧诺克 直流无刷驱动器 产品说明书
深圳市欧诺克科技有限公司Shenzhen ONKE Technology Co., Ltd.座机:*************27381841电话:邓先生135****7106陈先生139****0920邮箱:***************网 址 : 地址:广东省深圳市宝安区福海街道怀德翠湖工业园13栋稳定的质量是我们赖以生存的根本优质的服务是我们继续发展的前提客户的满意是我们唯一追求的目标产品画册Product gallery专业生产直流无刷驱动器、无刷电机及自动化控制系统深圳市欧诺克科技有限公司直流无刷驱动器目录匠心制造精益求精“一、公司介绍03二、直流无刷驱动器091. 驱动器介绍与型号说明092. BC、BC2无刷系列技术指标113. 驱动器应用领域194. 驱动器外设配件21 0102C O M P A N Y PROFILE以精密制造引领未来Leading the future with precision manufacturing公司简介Company Profile深圳市欧诺克科技有限公司成立于2010年,是一家专业研发生产伺服电机和驱动器的高新技术企业,公司技术力量雄厚,检测手段先进,欧诺克人本着不求最全,只求最精的信念,为生产出各类伺服电机、各类驱动器而不懈奋斗。
01005 Design Assembleon
©A s s e m b l éo n 1Keeping Cost per placement under control using 01005 componentsJeroen de GrootMarketing Director Assembleon AsiaOctober 13th©A s s e m bl éo n 2Market of microchips (0201 and 01005 size)Cellular phone(Board of main body)0201Small video (DSC, DVC, etc.)©A s s e m b l éo n 3Migration of microchips to modules•Component distribution (source: Murata ):–Now: 70 % of microchips on main board (30 % in modules)–Future (3-5 years from now): 60% of microchips in modules•Reasons for this migration:–Difficult to solder both microchips and large IC ’s at same board –Less RF specific competence needed–Reduced investments at manufacturer of end-products•Less specific production equipment necessary (wire bonders, FC placers, etc.)–Shorter Time-to-market (TTM)•Off-the-shelf functionality–More flexibility in mobile phone design•Diversity based on modular architecture©A s s e m b l éo n 5Design•Traces may have to pass around the component. Stencil printing•Finer grain size of the solder particles in the solder paste •The risk of blocked stencil apertures and bridging•The need for using even thinner stencils ( down to 50 µm)Inspection•Visual inspection and willbecome more difficult and repair is not possibleChallenges for ‘01005’ componentsSource: Philips CFT –February 2003Component placement•Required placement accuracy better than 50 micron (3 sigma)•Special nozzle (with an extremely small nozzle diameter)•Placement force is critical (risk of component cracking)•High resolution vision camera •Positional accuracy of feeder and tape•Measuring / correcting pick-up position Soldering•Poor solder balling.©A s s e m b l éo n 6‘01005’ process challenges•‘01005’ chip size requires thinner stencils ( down to 50 µm ) and does not fit in existing reflow process for applications with mixed components. Extra process steps would be necessary and existing lines must be adapted accordingly.•‘01005’ components can be used in modules & System InPackage (SiP) applications where all the components are small •The available process window for lead free soldering of ‘01005’ is more critical. Due to higher temperatures the risk of flux evaporation is present.©A s s e m b l éo n 9Parallel principle of operation©A s s e m b l éo n 11Factors that influence efficiency•Workload ….•Scheduled downtime–Easy to maintain systems•Unscheduled downtime–Easy to repair/replace systems•Model change–Fast to changeover systems•New product introduction–First time right systems•General operator practice and behavior–Easy to use systems•Supporting processes (e.g. logistics)•...©A s s e m b l éo n 12Requirements –01005 process•Pick process–Feeder indexing accuracy–Auto pick correction at system level•Alignment process–Alignment unit resolution•Placement process–Placement accuracy•Placement force control©A s s e m b l éo n 13Much waste material !Much waste material !©A s s e m b l éo n 19Helping you to reduce PPM levels -1©A s s e m b l éo n 20Helping you to reduce PPM levels -2©A s s e m b l éo n 21Solder Paste Pattern AlignmentGenerally component follows solderpaste offsets in both X and Y direction©A s s e m b l éo n 22Use of pattern entities as fiducialsFigure of M. Nikeshina/Pre-developmentPM1PM2Artwork recognition5.45.8 (8×200μm150μm100μm80μm60μm884SMD / cm©A s s e m b l éo n 25Placement accuracy 75 micron©A s s e m b l éo n 26Placement accuracy 50 micron©A s s e m b l éo n 28Typical process failures©A s s e m b l éo n 29Placement force control•Static Component Break Strength–The static 0201 placement force should be lower than 3N. What ’s more, according to the Murata formula, 01005 component break strength is expected to be 43.56% compared with 0201 components . This also suggests that the 01005 “static ” placement force setting should be about 1.5N or less•Impact Force Control–The dynamic behavior of the placement action can also be the cause of chip damage. Therefore, preferably, the peak of the impact force should be lower than the static placement force setting.•Board support & Board Height control–For 0201/01005 placement, it is important to control the placement impact and force, being independent from either board support system (elasticity of the placement point) or board height.settingF =©A s s e m b l éo n 32。
Component Technical CommitteeATTACHMENT 3AEC - Q100-003 REV-EMACHINE MODEL ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE TESTComponent Technical CommitteeAcknowledgmentAny document involving a complex technology brings together experience and skills from many sources. The Automotive Electronics Counsel would especially like to recognize the following significant contributors to the development of this document:Mark A. Kelly Delphi Delco Electronics SystemsComponent Technical CommitteeChange NotificationThe following summary details the changes incorporated into AEC-Q100-003 Rev-E:• Section 5, Acceptance Criteria: Added wording to reflect device classification, rather than meeting a 200 volt level.• Table 3, Integrated Circuit MM ESD Classification Levels: Added new table listing classification levels for MM ESD.Component Technical CommitteeMETHOD - 003MACHINE MODEL (MM)ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE (ESD) TESTText enhancements and differences made since the last revision of this document are shown as underlined areas.1. SCOPE1.1 DescriptionThe purpose of this specification is to establish a reliable and repeatable procedure for determiningthe MM ESD sensitivity for electronic devices.1.2 Reference DocumentsEOS/ESD Association Specification S5.2JEDEC Specification EIA/JESD22-A1151.3 Terms and DefinitionsThe terms used in this specification are defined as follows.1.3.1 Device FailureA condition in which a device does not meet all the requirements of the acceptance criteria, asspecified in section 5, following the ESD test.1.3.2 DUTAn electronic device being evaluated for its sensitivity to ESD.1.3.3 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)The transfer of electrostatic charge between bodies at different electrostatic potentials.1.3.4 Electrostatic Discharge SensitivityAn ESD voltage level resulting in device failure.DaimlerChrysler Date Delphi Delco Electronics Systems Date Visteon Corporation DateMajdi Mortazavi Detlef Griessman Robert V. Knoell Copyright © 2003 by DaimlerChrysler, Delphi Delco Electronics Systems, and Visteon Corporation. This document may be freely reprinted with this copyright notice. This document cannot be changed without approval by the AEC Component Technical Committee.Component Technical Committee1.3.5 ESD SimulatorAn instrument that simulates the machine model ESD pulse as defined in this specification.1.3.6 Machine Model (MM) ESDAn ESD pulse meeting the waveform criteria specified in this test method, approximating an ESDpulse from a machine or mechanical equipment.1.3.7 Major Pulse Period (t pm)The time (t pm) measured between first and third zero crossing points.1.3.8 Non-Supply PinsAll pins including, but not limited to, input, output, bi-directional, Vref, Vpp, clock, and “no-connect”pins. These pins do not supply voltage and/or current to the device under test.1.3.9 Power PinsAll power supply, external voltage source and ground pins. All power pins that are metallicallyconnected together on the chip or in the package shall be treated as one (1) power pin.1.3.10 PUTThe pin under test.1.3.11 Withstanding VoltageThe ESD voltage level at which, and below, the device is determined to pass the failure criteriarequirements specified in section Worst-Case Pin Pair (WCP)WCP is the pin pair representing the worst-case waveform that is within the limits and closest to the minimum or maximum parameter values as specified in Table 1. The WCP shall be identified foreach socket. It is permissible to use the worst-case pin pair that has been previously identified by the HBM ESD method (AEC-Q100-002) when performing the Simulator Waveform Verification asdefined in section 2.4.2. EQUIPMENT2.1 Test ApparatusThe apparatus for this test consists of an ESD pulse simulator and DUT socket. Figure 1shows a typical equivalent MM ESD circuit. Other equivalent circuits may be used, but the actual simulator must be capable of supplying pulses which meet the waveform requirements of Table 1,Figure 2, and Figure 3.Component Technical CommitteeR 2200 pFC1Terminal ATerminal B500s h o r tS1S2High Voltage SourceΩDUTsocketR110k to 10MohmFigure 1: Typical Equivalent MM ESD CircuitNotes:1. Figure 1 is shown for guidance only; it does not attempt to represent all associated circuit components, parasitics, etc..2. The performance of any simulator is influenced by its parasitic capacitance and inductance.3. Resistor R1, in series with switch S2, ensures a slow discharge of the device.4. Precautions must be taken in simulator design to avoid recharge transients and multiple pulses.5. R2, used for Equipment Qualification as specified in section 2.3, shall be a low inductance, 1000 volt, 500 ohm resistor with ±1% tolerance.6.Piggybacking of DUT sockets (the insertion of secondary sockets into the main DUT socket) is allowed only if the combined piggyback set (main DUT socket with the secondary DUT socket inserted) waveform meets the requirements of Table 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3. 7. Reversal of terminals A and B to achieve dual polarity is not permitted 8.S2 should be closed 10 to 100 milliseconds after the pulse delivery period to ensure the DUT socket is not left in a charged state. S2 should be opened at least 10 milliseconds prior to the delivery of the next pulse.2.2 Measurement EquipmentEquipment shall include an oscilloscope and current probe to verify conformance of the simulator output pulse to the requirements of this document as specified in Table 1, Figure 2, and Figure Current ProbeThe current probe shall have a minimum bandwidth of 350 MHz and maximum cable length of 1 meter (Tektronix CT-1, CT-2, or equivalent). A CT-2 probe or equivalent should be used with voltages greater than 800 volts.Component Technical Committee2.2.2 Evaluation LoadsThe two evaluation loads shall be: 1) a low inductance, 1000 volt, 500 ohm sputtered film resistorwith + 1% tolerance, and 2) an 18 AWG tinned copper shorting wire. The lead length of both theshorting wire and the 500 ohm resistor shall be as short as possible and shall span the maximumdistance between the worst-case pin pair (WCP) while passing through the current probe as defined in section OscilloscopeThe oscilloscope and amplifier combination shall have a minimum bandwidth of 350 MHz, aminimum sensitivity of 100 milliamperes per large division and a minimum visual writing speed of 4cm per nanosecond.2.3 Equipment QualificationEquipment qualification must be performed during initial acceptance testing or after repairs are made to the equipment that may affect the waveform. The simulator must meet the requirements of Table1 and Figure2 for five (5) consecutive waveforms at all voltage levels using the worst-case pin pair(WCP) on the highest pin count, positive clamp test socket DUT board with the shorting wire perFigure 1. The simulator must also meet the requirements of Table 1 and Figure 3 for five (5)consecutive waveforms at the 400 volt level using the worst-case pin pair (WCP) on the highest pincount, positive clamp test socket DUT board with the 500 ohm load per Figure 1. Thereafter, the test equipment shall be periodically qualified as described above; a period of one (1) year is the maximum permissible time between full qualification tests.2.4 Simulator Waveform VerificationThe performance of the simulator can be dramatically degraded by parasitics in the discharge path.Therefore, to ensure proper simulation and repeatable ESD results, it is recommended thatwaveform performance be verified on the worst-case pin pair (WCP) using the shorting wire persection 2.4.1. The worst-case pin pair (WCP) for each socket and DUT board shall be identified and documented. The waveform verification shall be performed when a socket/mother board is changed or on a weekly basis (if the equipment is used for at least 20 hours). If at any time the waveformsdo not meet the requirements of Table 1 and Figure 2 at the 400 volt level, the testing shall behalted until waveforms are in compliance.2.4.1 Waveform Verification Procedurea. With the required DUT socket installed and with no device in the socket, attach a shortingwire in the DUT socket such that the worst-case pin pair (WCP) is connected betweenterminal A and terminal B as shown in Figure 1. Place the current probe around theshorting wire.b. Set the horizontal time scale of the oscilloscope at 20 nanoseconds per division or greater.c. Initiate a positive pulse at the 400 volt level per Table 1. The simulator shall generate onlyone (1) waveform per pulse applied.Component Technical Committeed. Measure and record the first peak current, second peak current, and major pulse period.All parameters must meet the limits specified in Table 1 and Figure 2.e. Initiate a negative pulse at the 400 volt level per Table 1. The simulator shall generate onlyone (1) waveform per pulse applied.f. Measure and record the first peak current, second peak current, and major pulse period.All parameters must meet the limits specified in Table 1 and Figure 2.Table 1: MM Waveform SpecificationVoltage Level (V)PositiveFirst PeakCurrentfor Short,I ps1(A)PositiveSecond PeakCurrentfor Short,I ps2(A)Major PulsePeriod forShort,t pm(ns)PositiveFirst PeakCurrent for500 Ohm*,I pr(A)Current at100 ns for500 Ohm*,I I00(A)100 1.5 - 2.0 67% to 90%of I ps1 66 - 90 NotApplicableNotApplicable200 3.0 - 4.0 67% to 90%of I ps1 66 - 90 NotApplicableNotApplicable400 6.0 - 8.1 67% to 90%of I ps166 - 90 0.85 to 1.2 0.29 ± 10%800 11.9 - 16.1 67% to 90%of I ps1 66 - 90 NotApplicableNotApplicable* The 500 ohm load is used only during Equipment Qualification as specified in section Automated ESD Test Equipment Relay VerificationIf using automated ESD test equipment, the system diagnostics test shall be performed on all high voltage relays per the equipment manufacturer's instructions. This test normally measurescontinuity and will identify any open or shorted relays in the test equipment. Relay verification must be performed during initial equipment qualification and on a weekly basis. If the diagnostics testdetects relays as failing, all sockets boards using those failed relays shall not be used until thefailing relays have been replaced. The test equipment shall be repaired and requalified per section2.3.Component Technical CommitteeFigure 2: MM current waveform through a shorting wire, 400 volt dischargeTime in nanosecondsI prC u r r e n t i n A m p e r e sFigure 3: MM Current waveform through a 500 ohm res istor *, 400 volt discharge* The 500 ohm load is used only during Equipment Qualification as specified in section 2.3.Component Technical Committee3. PROCEDURE3.1 Sample SizeEach sample group shall be composed of three (3) units. Each sample group shall be stressed at one (1) voltage level using all pin combinations specified in Table 2. The use of a new sample group for each pin combination specified in Table 2 is also acceptable. Voltage level skipping is notallowed. It is permitted to use the same sample group for the next pin combination or stressvoltage level if all devices in a sample group meet the acceptance criteria requirements specified in section 5 after exposure to a specified voltage level. Therefore the minimum number of devicesrequired for ESD qualification is 3 devices, while the maximum number of devices depends on the number of pin combinations and the number of voltage steps required to achieve the maximumwithstanding voltage. For example, a device (1 VCC pin, 1 GND pin, and 2 IO pins) with amaximum withstanding voltage of 200 volts requires 4 voltage steps of 50 volts each, 3 pincombinations, and 3 devices per pin combination per voltage level for a maximum total of 36devices.Maximum # of devices = (# of pin combinations) X (# of voltage steps required) X 3 devices3.2 Pin CombinationsThe pin combinations to be used are given in Table 2. The actual number of pin combinationsdepends on the number of power pin groups. Power pins of the same name (VCC1, VCC2, VSS1, VSS2, etc.) may be tied together and considered one (1) power pin group if they are connected in the package or on the chip via a metal line. Same name power pins that are resistively connected via the chip substrate or wells, or are electrically isolated from each other, must be treated as aseparate power pin group. All pins configured as "no connect" pins shallbe considered non-supply pins and included in the pin groups stressed during ESD testing.Integrated Circuits with six (6) pins or less shall be tested using all possible pin pair combinations (one pin connected to terminal A, another pin connected to terminal B) regardless of pin name orfunction.Table 2: Pin Combinations for Integrated CircuitsPin CombinationConnectIndividually toTerminal A (Stress)ConnectIndividually toTerminal B (Ground)Floating Pins(unconnected)1All pins one at a time,except the pin(s)connected to Terminal BFirst powerpin(s)All pins except PUTand first powerpin(s)2All pins one at a time,except the pin(s)connected to Terminal BSecond powerpin(s)All pins except PUTand second powerpin(s)3All pins one at a time,except the pin(s)connected to Terminal BNth powerpin(s)All pins except PUTand Nth powerpin(s)4 Each Non-supply pinAll otherNon-supply pinsexcept PUTAll power pinsComponent Technical Committee3.3 Test TemperatureEach device shall be subjected to ESD pulses at room temperature.3.4 MeasurementsPrior to ESD testing, complete initial DC parametric and functional testing (initial ATE verification) shall be performed on all sample groups and all devices in each sample group per applicable device specification at room temperature followed by hot temperature, unless specified otherwise in thedevice specification.3.5 Detailed ProcedureThe ESD testing procedure shall be per the test flow diagram of Figure 4 and as follows:a. Set the pulse voltage at 50 volts. Voltage level skipping is not allowed.b. Connect a power pin group to terminal B. Leave all other power pins unconnected (seeTable 2 / pin combination 1).c. Connect an individual pin to terminal A. Leave all other pins unconnected.d. Apply one (1) positive pulse at the specified voltage to the PUT. Wait a minimum of one (1)second before applying the next test pulse. The use of three (3) pulses at each stressvoltage polarity is required.e. Apply one (1) negative pulse at the specified voltage to the PUT. Wait a minimum of one(1) second before applying the next test pulse. The use of three (3) pulses at each stressvoltage polarity is required.f. Disconnect the PUT from testing and connect the next individual pin to terminal A. Leaveall other pins unconnected.g. Repeat steps (d) through (f) until every pin not connected to terminal B is pulsed at thespecified voltage.h. Repeat steps (b) through (g) until all power pin groups have been stressed (see Table 2 /pin combinations 2 and 3). The use of a new sample group for each pin combinationspecified in Table 2 is also acceptable.i. Connect one non-supply pin to terminal A and tie all other non-supply pins to terminal B.Leave all power pins unconnected (see Table 2 / pin combination 4). The use of a newsample group for each pin combination specified in Table 2 is also acceptable.j. Apply one (1) positive pulse at the specified voltage to the PUT. Wait a minimum of one (1) second before applying the next test pulse. The use of three (3) pulses at each stressvoltage polarity is required.k. Apply one (1) negative pulse at the specified voltage to the PUT. Wait a minimum of one(1) second before applying the next test pulse. The use of three (3) pulses at each stressvoltage polarity is required.Component Technical Committeel. Disconnect the PUT from testing and connect the next non-supply pin to terminal A. Tie all non-supply pins not under test to terminal B. Leave all other pins unconnected (see Table2 / pin combination 4).m. Repeat steps (j) through (l) until all non-supply pins have been tested.n. Test the next device in the sample group and repeat steps (b) through (m) until all devices in the sample group have been tested at the specified voltage level.o. Submit the device for complete DC parametric and functional testing (final ATE verification) per the device specification at room temperature followed by hot temperature, unless specifiedotherwise in the device specification, and determine whether the devices pass the failurecriteria requirements specified in section 4. The functionality of "E2PROM" type devices shallbe verified by programming random patterns. If a different sample group is tested for each pincombination or stress voltage level, it is permitted to perform the DC parametric and functionaltesting (final ATE verification) per device specification after all sample groups have been tested.p. Using the next sample group, increase the pulse voltage by 50 volts and repeat steps (b) through (o). Voltage level skipping is not allowed. It is permitted to use the same samplegroup for the next pin combination or stress voltage level if all devices in a sample group passthe failure criteria requirements specified in section 4 after exposure to a specified voltage level.q. Repeat steps (b) through (p) until failure occurs or the device fails to meet the 50V stress voltage level.4. FAILURE CRITERIAA device will be defined as a failure if, after exposure to ESD pulses, the device no longer meets thedevice specification requirements. Complete DC parametric and functional testing (initial and final ATE verification) shall be performed per applicable device specification at room temperature followed by hot temperature, unless specified otherwise in the device specification.5. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIAA device passes a voltage level if all devices in the sample group stressed at that voltage level andbelow pass. All the devices and sample groups used must pass the measurement requirementsspecified in section 3 and the failure criteria requirements specified in section 4. Using theclassification levels specified in Table 3, the supplier shall classify the device according to themaximum withstanding voltage level.Table 3: Integrated Circuit MM ESD Classification LevelsComponent Classification Maximum Withstand VoltageM0 ≤ 50 VM1 > 50 V to ≤ 100 VM2 > 100 V to ≤ 200 VM3 > 200 V to ≤ 400 VM4 > 400 VComponent Technical CommitteeFigure 4: Integrated Circuit MM ESD Test Flow DiagramComponent Technical CommitteeRevision HistoryRev #-A B C D E Date of changeJune 9, 1994May 15, 1995Sept. 6, 1996Oct. 8, 1998Aug. 25, 2000July 18, 2003Brief summary listing affected sectionsInitial ReleaseAdded Copyright statement. Revised the following: Foreword; Sections 2.3,2.4,3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5 (g, h, I, o, and p), and4.0; Tables 1 and 2; Figures 2,3, and 4.Revised the following: Sections 1.3.1, 1.3.7, 1.3.8, 2.1, 2.4.1 (d and f), 3.1,3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 (o, p, and q),4.0, and5.0; Table 1; Figures 1 and 4.Revised the following: Sections 1.2, 2.1, 3.1, 3.5 (a and p); Tables 1 and 2;Figures 1 and 4. Revision to section 3.5 (a and p) and Figure 4 reflects achange from 100 volt increments to 50 volt increments. Revision to Table 1reflects the addition of a 100 volt level and a ±15% tolerance applied to allIps1 (positive first peak current for short) parameter v alues.Added note to page 1 concerning optional use of Q100-011 Field InducedCharged Device Model (FCDM) instead of Q100-003 Machine Model.Revision to section 5 reflects addition of classification levels for ESD testing.New Table 3 added listing MM ESD classification levels.。
AEC – Q005 - REV-PB-FREE TEST REQUIREMENTSAcknowledgmentAny document involving a complex technology brings together experience and skills from many sources. The Automotive Electronics Council would especially like to recognize the following significant contributors to the development and initial release of this document:Sustaining Members:Earl Fischer Autoliv Gary Fisher Johnson ControlsMark A. Kelly Delphi Corporation Thomas VanDamme TRW AutomotiveBob Hulka, Jr. Delphi Corporation Larry Dudley TRW AutomotiveRick Forster Continental Corporation Robert V. Knoell Visteon Corporation Hadi Mehrooz Continental Corporation Ken Kirby, Jr. Visteon Corporation Jim Peace Continental Corporation Ron Haberl Visteon Corporation Technical Members:Tim Haifley Altera James Williams Texas InstrumentsJames Molyneaux Analog Devices Diana Siddall Texas InstrumentsMike Gibson Analog Devices Guillemette Paour Tyco ElectronicsHeinz Reiter Austriamicrosystems Robert Cid Tyco ElectronicsHerwig Klimesch Austriamicrosystems Ted Krueger VishayMike Klucher Cirrus Logic Arthur Chiang VishayXin Miao Zhao Cirrus Logic Anca Voicu XilinxRene Rodgers Cypress Semiconductor Daniel Joo XilinxFred Whitwer Cypress SemiconductorGeorge Platko Fairchild SemiconductorJoe Fazio Fairchild Semiconductor Associate Members:Nick Lycoudes Freescale Andrew Yap Grace Semiconductor Kenton Van Klompenberg Gentex Arthur Cheng Grace Semiconductor Werner Kanert Infineon Technologies Kuotung Cheng TSMCAlexander Mueller Infineon Technologies Ken Wu TSMCJohn Bertaux International RectifierLyn Zastrow ISSIBanjie Bautista ISSI Guest Members:Peter Blais Kemet David Locker AMRDECHolger Zillgen Kemet Jeff Jarvis AMRDECTom Lawler Lattice SemiconductorSohail Malik Lattice SemiconductorJoe Wurts Maxim Other Contributors:Tom Tobin Maxim Maurice Brodeur Analog DevicesMike Buzinski Microchip Brian Jendro Continental Corporation Nick Martinez Microchip John Timms Continental Corporation Annette Nettles NEC Electronics Jeff Price Delphi CorporationTony Walsh NEC Electronics Marc Dittes InfineonMichael Wieberneit NEC Electronics Harry Sax InfineonZhongning Liang NXP Semiconductors Mary Carter-Barrios KemetDi Bayes NXP Semiconductors Masamichi Murase NEC ElectronicsMark Gabrielle ON Semiconductor Pascal Oberndorff NXP Semiconductors Daniel Vanderstraeten ON Semiconductor Bruce Townsend SpansionKen Berry Renesas Technology Michael Hundt STMicroelectronicsFrancis Classe Spansion Harry Siegel STMicroelectronicsAdam Fogle Spansion Doug Romm Texas InstrumentsBrian Mielewski STMicroelectronics John Kampell Texas InstrumentsSteve Maloy TDK Patrick Neyman Tyco ElectronicsRichard Tse TDK Huixian Wu VishayBill Hopfe Visteon CorporationNOTICEAEC documents contain material that has been prepared, reviewed, and approved through the AEC Technical Committee.AEC documents are designed to serve the automotive electronics industry through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for use by those other than AEC members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally.AEC documents are adopted without regard to whether or not their adoption may involve patents or articles, materials, or processes. By such action AEC does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the AEC documents. The information included in AEC documents represents a sound approach to product specification and application, principally from the automotive electronics system manufacturer viewpoint. N o claims to be in conformance with this document shall be made unless all requirements stated in the document are met.Inquiries, comments, and suggestions relative to the content of this AEC document should be addressed to the AEC Technical Committee on the link .Published by the Automotive Electronics Council.This document may be downloaded free of charge, however AEC retains the copyright on this material. By downloading this file, the individual agrees not to charge for or resell the resulting material.Printed in the U.S.A.All rights reservedCopyright © 2009 by the Automotive Electronics Council. This document may be freely reprinted with this copyright notice. This document cannot be changed without approval from the AEC Component Technical Committee.PB-FREE TEST REQUIREMENTS1. SCOPEThis document contains a set of tests and defines the minimum requirements for qualification of lead free (Pb-free) metallurgy for components to be used in any automotive electronics application. For a component to be considered Pb-free compatible, its properties, including but not limited to plating materials and package configuration, must be compatible with Pb-free manufacturing processes. Use of this document does not relieve the supplier of their responsibility to meet their own company's internal qualification program. In this document, "user" is defined as all customers using a component qualified per this specification. The user is responsible to confirm and validate all q ualification data that substantiates conformance to this document.1.1 PurposeThe purpose of this specification is to determine that a component is capable of passing the specified stress tests and thus can be expected to give a certain level of quality/reliability in the application. The science of whisker growth, including growth models and accelerated test methods, is not fully understood at the time of release of this standard. Further, the existence of tin whiskers over time does not ensure component or system failure. The environmental tests specified in this document for whisker growth evaluation require conditions of temperature, humidity and temperature cycling which are currently believed to best exacerbate whisker growth in Sn-plated leads a nd terminations. The user and supplier need to consider the applicable risks when using components with Sn-plated leads in sensitive applications.1.2 Reference DocumentsCurrent revision of the referenced documents will be in effect at the date of agreement to the qualification plan. Subsequent qualification plans will automatically use updated revisions of these referenced documents.1.2.1 JEDECJESD201 Environmental Acceptance Requirements for Tin Whisker Susceptibility of Tin and Tin Alloy Surface FinishesJESD22-A104 Temperature CyclingJESD22-A111 Evaluation Procedure for Determining Capability to Bottom Side Board Attach by Full Body Solder Immersion of Small Surface Mount Solid State DevicesJESD22-A113 Preconditioning of Nonhermetic Surface Mount Devices Prior to Reliability TestingJESD22-A121 Test Method for Measuring Whisker Growth on Tin and Tin Alloy Surface FinishesJESD22-B102 SolderabilityJESD22-B106 Resistance to Solder HeatJP002 Current Tin Whiskers Theory and Mitigation Practices Guideline1.2.2 IPC/JEDECJ-STD-020 Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Plastic Integrated Circuit Surface Mount Devices 1.2.3 EIA/IPC/JEDECEIA/IPC/JEDEC J-STD-075 - Classification of Non-IC Electronic Components for Assembly Processes1.3 Terms and Definitions1.3.1 Lead Free (Pb-free) Plating Finish: A component plating finish is considered Pb-free if the followingrequirements are met:a. Complies with the latest version of the Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL).Refer to GADSL () for detailed requirements and exemptions.b. Is compliant to Pb-free board assembly process reflow profile(s) and material(s) as required herein.1.3.2 Preferred Pb-Free FinishesDue to the risk of Sn whiskers, non Sn-based finishes may be preferred. However, solderability performance may indicate a preference of (matte) Sn plating. Therefore, careful consideration must be given to the plating finish material and the intended component manufacturing process.A verified whisker mitigation practice is required when Sn-based finishes are used, unless otherwise agreedbetween user and supplier on a case-by-case basis. Refer to Section 5 of JP002 for information and examples of verified mitigation practices.1.3.3 Restricted Pb-Free Finishes1.3.3.1 Tin-Bismuth (SnBi) alloy finishes containing greater than 5% Bismuth may not be acceptable foruse in SnPb solder processes due to the formation of a low-melting point ternary eutectic compound (SnPbBi). Refer to JP002 for details on SnBi. Use of SnBi alloy finishes in SnPb solder processes requires user approval and must meet the requirements stated in this specification. Plated Tin-Copper (SnCu) alloy finishes are not acceptable for use in any solder process due toenhanced whisker formation and growth resulting from the introduction of Copper. Refer to JP002 for details on SnCu. Use of SnCu alloy finishes requires user approval and must meet the requirements stated in this specification.2. EQUIPMENTNot Applicable3. QUALIFICATION TESTSWhen a component involves Pb-free and/or Pb-free compatible materials, certain tests (as defined in this document) must be performed and resulting data submitted for review before the component can be approved for use. These tests are in addition to all electrical/mechanical testing required in the applicable part specification and include solderability, resistance to solder heat (if applicable), moisture sensitivity (MSL), and Sn whisker testing. Where applicable, tests should include exposure to and/or use of standard SnPb (e.g., Sn60/Pb40, Sn63/Pb37, Sn25/Pb75, etc.) and Pb-free (SAC305 or similar Pb-free alloy with liquidus of 217°C to 227°C) solder to examine and confirm forward and backward assembly compatibility of the Pb-free components. The user must approve any deviation from the test requirements defined herein.3.1 SolderabilityAll plated component terminations and/or surfaces shall be tested for solderability per JESD22-B102. Allthrough-hole components shall be solderability tested using the “Dip and Look” method.All coarse pitch (external lead pitch > 0.5mm) Surface mount components shall be tested using either the “Surface Mount Process Simulation Test" method or "Dip and Look" test method. It is recommended that all fine external lead pitch (=0.5mm) surface mount components be tested using the "Surface Mount Process Simulation Test" method due to solder bridging issues. If “Dip and Look” is used for fine pitch components, a technique for addressing solder bridging must be documented and included in the test report defined in Section 3.5.Issues have been observed with the Dip and Look Test for certain metallurgies and package configurations.For these cases, the Surface Mount Process Simulation Test should also be performed as verification.All exceptions to the applicable test method(s) must be noted in the part specification.3.1.1 PreconditioningAll components are to be preconditioned according to conditions A, C, or E per JESD22-B102 (see Table 1 for exposure requirements). Refer to the applicable AEC Stress Test Qualification document (e.g., Q100, Q101, and/or Q200) for required precondition type.Table 1: Preconditioning RequirementsCondition Precondition Type Exposure Time Leadfinish MaterialA 1 Hour ± 5 min. nontin and nontin-alloyC Steam Precondition8 Hours ± 15 min. tin and tin-alloyE *150°C Dry Bake 16 Hours ± 30 min. Alternative to steam precondition* Note: Refer to the applicable AEC Stress Test Qualification document (e.g., Q100, Q101, and/or Q200) to determine if Dry Bake precondition is allowed.3.1.2 Solderability - Dip and Look TestSolderability testing using the Dip and Look test method shall be performed per JESD22-B102 Method 1 and shall include both Pb-free and backward compatibility (SnPb) test conditions.3.1.3 Solderability - Surface Mount Process Simulation TestSolderability testing using the Surface Mount Process Simulation Test method shall be performed per JESD22-B102 Method 2 and shall include both Pb-free and backward compatibility (SnPb) test conditions.Unless otherwise agreed upon between user and supplier, the nominal stencil thickness, solder alloy, and reflow parameters (e.g., temperature and time) shall be as defined in JESD22-B102 Method Wetting Balance Solderability TestWetting balance solderability testing is NOT REQUIRED for Pb-free solderability evaluation. It is a test that can augment the other required solderability test methods during problem-solving. Further details can be found in Appendix A.3.2 Resistance to Solder HeatResistance to Solder Heat testing must be performed per the applicable JEDEC JESD22-B106 (for Through-Hole Mounted D evices), or, if requested by the user, JESD22-A111 (for Small Surface Mount Devices).Deviation requires agreement between user and supplier on a case-by-case basis. All exceptions to the applicable test specification(s) must be noted in the part specification.3.2.1 Through-Hole ComponentsResistance to solder heat testing of through-hole components shall be performed using the Pb-free solderbath test conditions per JESD22-B106.3.2.2 Full Body Immersion Wave Solder of Small Surface Mount ComponentsNote: It is strongly recommended that active SMT components not be attached by bottom-side wave solder processes. Full Body Immersion testing shall only be performed if requested by the user. The user MUST consult the supplier to understand the risks (e.g., MSL change, maximum reflow temperature, ramp rates, etc.) and safeguards (e.g., dry storage, pre-bake, etc.) needed if an active SMD component is to be attached via bottom-side wave solder process.Resistance to solder heat testing of surface mount components (if applicable) shall be performed per JEDEC JESD22-A111. Testing shall use dry samples (no moisture soak) and u se dual wave simulation at the 260°C classification test condition as defined in Table 1 of JESD22-A111.3.3 Moisture SensitivityComponents representative of device families shall be tested to determine moisture sensitivity level (MSL) classification p er one of the following standards for both SnPb and Pb-free solder profiles. The user shall be notified of any change in existing MSL classification when transitioning from SnPb to Pb-free. All exceptions must be noted in the part specification.3.3.1 IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 - Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid StateSurface Mount DevicesThe purpose of this standard is to identify the classification level of nonhermetic solid state surface mount devices (SMDs) that are sensitive to moisture-induced stress so that they can be properly packaged, stored, and handled to avoid damage during assembly solder reflow attachment and/or repair operations.This standard may be used to determine what classification/preconditioning level should be used for SMD package qualification. Passing the criteria in this test method is not sufficient by itself to provide assurance of long-term reliability.3.3.2 EIA/IPC/JEDEC J-STD-075 - Classification of Non-IC Electronic Components for Assembly ProcessesThis standard outlines a process to classify and label non-semiconductor electronic component’s Process Sensitivity Level (PSL) and Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) consistent with the semiconductor industry’s classification levels (J-STD-020 Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid State Devices and J-STD-033 Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture/Reflow Sensitive Surface Mount Devices). This specification does not establish re-work conditions.3.4 Tin (Sn) Whis ker Acceptance Testing3.4.1 Whisker acceptance testing shall be compliant to JESD201, with additional requirements asdefined herein.3.4.2 Additional Requirements (addendum to JESD201) Test SamplesSamples shall be representative of actual package configuration and surface finish technology using the proposed Pb-free finish, including any trim and form operations that occur after the plating process.Similarity acceptance qualification for changes in package configuration and/or component assembly process requires agreement between user and supplier on a case-by-case basis. Refer to Table 1 and Section 5.2 of JESD201 for more information. Sample Preconditioning - Board MountingDue to the addition of solder alloy material and its interaction with the Pb-free plating finish material, use of a solder alloy or attaching test samples to a printed circuit board using a soldering operation is prohibited.Deviation requires agreement between user and supplier on a case-by-case basis. Validation of Whisker Acceptance Test ConditionsThe test conditions defined in JESD201 have been shown to generate whiskers. If whisker growth is not detected on test samples during the required test duration for the Temperature Cycling or High Temperature / Humidity Storage (55°C ±3°C and 85% ±3% RH) test conditions, data demonstrating capability to generate whisker growth (e.g., additional samples, coupons, etc.) must be provided to validate the test conditions that were used.NOTE: The lower Temperature / Humidity Storage test condition (30°C ±2°C and 60% ±3% RH) per JESD201 is exempt from this requirement.3.4.3Acceptance CriteriaA component will be defined as passing Sn whisker acceptance testing if all test samples meet the criteriaestablished by the Class level 2 requirements as defined in JESD201 or as negotiated between the user and supplier.3.5 Reporting of Results3.5.1 Solderability, Resistance to Solder Heat, and Moisture Sensitivity Test ResultsUpon completion of the required testing defined herein, a report of the testing performed and detailed results, as defined below, must be submitted to the user. Deviation requires agreement between user and supplier on a case-by-case basis.a. Plating Finish Details•Component type, package base metal, underlayer (if used), and finish material(s)•Material thickness valuesb. Sample Details•Package configuration (e.g., lead pitch, pin count, lead form, etc.)•Plating lot date•Preconditioning used•Sample sizesc. Test Details•Testing performed (e.g., solderability, MSL, etc.)•Documentation of solder alloy and/or solder profile/temperature used (e.g., SnPb, Pb-free, etc.)•Technique used for fine pitch solderability test “dip and look” method (if applicable).•Exceptions to any tests performed (e.g., test conditions, sample sizes, etc.)d. Test Results•Acceptance criteria (for all tests performed)•Summary of results and supporting test data3.5.2 Sn Whisker Acceptance Test ResultsA report of the Sn Whisker Accpetance testing performed and detailed results compliant to JESD201Section 7 must be submitted to the user. Additional information, as defined below, shall be included in the report. Deviation requires agreement between user and supplier on a case-by-case basis.a. Additional Sample Details•Package configuration (e.g., lead pitch, pin count, lead form, etc.)APPENDIX A - Informative subjects:A.1 Wetting Balance Testing:In the event that component solderability issues are encountered, the Wetting Balance Test method can bea valuable investigation technique. Wetting balance testing can be useful when used for a lot-to-lotcomparison, where a method of plating variability identification is desired. Some considerations when using wetting balance as a quantitative investigation tool include:•Not all wetting balance machines are equal, some are called solder checking or solderability machines, but in fact can not do the test properly and do not have the ability to adjust for differentmediums•The wetting balance baseline for SnPb solder has been established as:o Density of solder at 245°C (8150 kg/m3) for Sn60/Pb40 Alloyo Surface tension of solder = 0.4 mN/mm•Recent testing is suggesting a wetting balance baseline for Pb-Free as:o Density of solder at 255°C (7410 kg/m3) for SAC305 Alloyo Surface tension of Pb-free solder = 0.5 mN/mmNote that previously published SnPb wetting balance test data only applies to testing performed at 245°C and using Sn60/Pb40 solder alloy material. Any change to temperature (e.g., 215°C) or solder alloy (e.g., Pb-free alloy material) would require new data collection and possible adjustments to the test equipment and/or test procedure.Previously published reports have shown that the wetting balance test does not correlate to actual solderability test results. Components failing a wetting balance test may experience no failures during the solder or assembly process, while components passing a wetting balance test may experience failures during the solder or assembly process.AEC - Q005 - REV-AJune 1, 2010Component Technical Committee Automotive Electronics CouncilPage 8 of 8 Revision History Rev # - A Date of changeFeb. 12, 2009June 1, 2010Brief summary listing affected sections Initial Release. Format Updated.。
TAIYO IJR-4000 FW100 FLEXIBLE INKJET LEGEND INKInkjet Application; Fast UV Set CureHigh Hardness after Thermal CureHalogen-free; Bright White ColorExcellent Adhesion to Semi- and Fully-Cured Solder Mask SurfacesRoHS & REACH CompliantHigh Opacity and Non-YellowingCompatible with Lead-Free ProcessingP ROCESSING P ARAMETERS FOR IJR-4000FW100IJR-4000 FW100 is a single component UV curable Inkjet Marking ink for Flexible Printed Circuit Boards. It is applied with a Piezo drop-on-demand (DOD) print head. IJR-4000 FW100 is fast curing and can be applied to both Semi and Fully cured solder mask. Environmental:All Taiyo America products comply with Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on the Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances (RoHS) in electrical and electronic equipment. IJR-4000 FW100 contains no Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) according to the latest list of substances from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) as of October 2010. See the Taiyo America website () for more specific documentation. This is a “halogen-free” material.IJR-4000FW100S PECIFICATIONS: IJR-4000 FW100Viscosity: < 15 cps (cone-plate type, 5 rpm, 35-40°C)Color: WhiteSpecific Gravity: 1.15Surface Tension: 22-24 mN/m at 22°CShelf Life: 3 Months provided the customer has, at alltimes, stored the ink in a dark place at atemperature at 10-20°C (50-68°F)M IXING/D ISPENSING: IJR-4000 FW100 is supplied in a 1 liter bottle containing 1 kg of ink. The ink should be gently stirred well prior to use to make it homogeneous.Do not shake the container as this will introduce bubbles into the ink andwill cause printing defects. No dilution is necessary or recommended.P RE-C LEANING: Prior to legend ink application, the surface of the panel needs to be free of contaminants. Our recommendation is to apply the legend ink on thecircuit board after developing the solder mask. If the legend ink isapplied after solder mask final cure, the surface needs to be cleanedchemically to make sure there are no contaminants on the surface. It isnot a good idea to mechanically scrub the solder mask prior to applyingthe legend ink.P ROCESSING P ARAMETERS FOR IJR-4000FW100I NKJET A PPLICATION: Method: Inkjet printers∙Surface: Semi-Cured or Fully Cured Solder MaskNOTE: Adhesion is affected by the degree of cure of the solder mask.Adhesion is best when the ink is applied to semi-cured soldermask (after development,) and co-cured with the solder mask.Adhesion is also dependent upon the exposure energy and levelof solder mask cure. Best adhesion is obtained with lowerexposure energy (< 600 mJ/cm2). Avoid any UV bump curebefore ink application.∙Typical coating thickness after curing is 10-15 µm. Thicker coatingsmay cause reduced adhesion, hardness and chemical resistance.F INAL C URE:∙Thermal Cure (semi-cure solder mask): 150°C for 55-60 minutes∙Thermal Cure (fully cure solder mask): 150°C for 30-60 minutesNOTE: When applying this product to semi-cured solder mask thelegend ink and solder mask should be co-cured at the sametime.For Process Optimization please contact your local Taiyo RepresentativeTaiyo warrants its products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the specified warranty period; IJR-4000 FW100 Warranty period is 3 Months provided the customer has, at all times, stored the ink in a dark place at a temperature of 10°C (50°F). TAIYO accepts no responsibility or liability for damages, whether direct, indirect, or consequential, resulting from failure in the performance of its products. If a TAIYO product is found to be defective in material or workmanship, its liability is limited to the purchase price of the product found to be defective. TAIYO MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND MAKES NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TAIYO'S obligation under this warranty shall not include any transportation charges or costs of installation or any liability for direct, indirect, or consequential damages or delay. If requested by TAIYO, products for which a warranty claim is made are to be returned transportation prepaid to TAIYO'S factory. Any improper use or any alteration of TAIYO'S product by the customer, as in TAIYO'S judgment affects the product materially and adversely, shall void this limited warranty.F INAL P ROPERTIES FOR IJR-4000FW100Test Test Method / Requirement Results Pencil Hardness Internal Test ≥ 3H Adhesion after Cure – Rigid Boards Cross Cut 10 X 10 Tape Test Pass Solder Heat Resistance Solder float test; No-clean Flux; 260 ± 5°C / 10 sec,3 cycles Pass Appearance/Color Visual Inspection Pass Solvent Resistance PGM-Ac, 20°C / 30 min, Tape Test PassAcid & Alkaline Resistance 10 vol.% H2SO4, 20°C / 30 min10 wt.% NaOH 20°C / 30 minPassPassReliabilityTest Test Method / Requirement Results Dielectric Strength Raise DC 500V/sec; 500V minimum Pass (1.3 KV) RoHS Approved 2005/618/EC(IEC62321 Edition 1.0:2008) Pass Halogen-Free JPCA-ES01-2003 PassInsulation Resistance1min in DC100V1min in DC100V after HASLPass – 5.2X1012ΩPass – 4.8X1011ΩMoisture and Insulation Resistance 1min in DC100V after 50°C x 24 hrs1min in DC100V 25-65°C, 85%RH, DC50V for 7daysPass – 3.8X1012ΩPass – 1.4X1011ΩElectromigration 85°C, 90%RH, DC10V for 165 hrsEvaluated by magnificationPassHydrolytic Stability97 ± 2°C, 90-98%RH for 28 daysEvaluated by macrography and ink surface rubPassThermal Shock -65°C for 15 min, to 125°C for 15 min, Transition is less than2 min, 100 cyclesPassCID A-A-56032D PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTSTest A-A-56032DParagraphTest Method / Requirement ResultsAdhesion 3.7 Cured ink impressions shall not deterioratewhen subjected to trichloroethylene vaporsat 86.5o to 88o C for a period of not less thanthree minutes and not greater than sixminutes.PassElectrical Resistance (Type II) Before ConditioningAfter Conditioning 3.81 x 1012 ohms minimum1 x 1010 ohms minimum5.2 x 10121.4 x 1011Abrasion Resistance 3.9.1 Cured ink impressions shall retain theirlegibility after subjection to 300 to 303revolutions of the CS-10 abrasive wheelwhile under a minimum load of 2.2 poundsin accordance with ASTM D4060.PassChemical Resistance 3.9.2 Cured ink impressions shall retain theirlegibility when immersed for a minimum of30 minutes in water, denatured ethylalcohol, and non-ODC (Ozone DepletingChemical) cleaning solvent.PassChemical Resistance (Type II) In addition to 3.9.2, Type II cured ink shallbe resistant to hot solder and solder flux.Pass Salt Spray Resistance 3.9.3 Cured ink impressions shall not deterioratewhen exposed to a 5 percent salt spraysolution at 33o to 37o C for a period of notless than 48 hours.PassLight Fastness 3.9.4 Cured ink impressions shall not fade andshall remain legible when tested by a lightfastness test. To determine conformance,one half of the surface of the test specimensshall be covered to obscure light, and theremaining half shall be exposed for 24 hoursto the light source outlined in ASTM G153using daylight filter and exposure cycle 7 orASTM G155 using window glass filter andexposure cycle 4.PassStability 3.9.5 Cured ink impressions shall not fade, chip,peel, or flow and shall remain legible whenexposed to a temperature of 118o to +/- 3o Cfor a period of not less than 24 hours.PassFungus Resistance 3.9.6 Cured ink impressions shall not supportfungi growth when inspected.Pass。
UL Recognized UL Standard 1077Component Recognition Program as Protectors,Supplementary (Guide QVNU2,File E75596)UL Standard 508Switches,Industrial Control (Guide NRNT2,File E148683)CSA CertifiedComponent Supplementary Protector under Class 3215 30,FIle 047848 0 000CSA Standard C22.2 No. 235VDE CertifiedEN60934,VDE 0642 under File No.10537Agency CertificationsNotes for T able A:1DC and 1Ø 277 Volt ratings are 1 or 2 poles breaking. 3Ø Ratings are 3 poles breaking.2 Requires branch circuit backup with a UL LISTED Type K5 or RK5 fuse rated 15A minimum and no more than 4 times full load amps not to exceed 150A for 250 Volt rating and 125A for 277and 480 Volt ratings.3 UL Recognition and CSA Certification at 480 Volts refers to 3 and 4 pole versions, used only in a 3Ø wye connected circuit or 2 pole versions connected with 2 poles breaking 1Ø and backedup with series fusing per note 2.Table A:Lists UL Recognized and CSA and VDE Certified configurations and performance capabilities as a Component Supplementary Protector.ElectricalCURRENT RA TINGCIRCUITMAX FULL LOAD WITH WITHOUT (Inc) WITH (Icn) WITHOUTCONFIGURA TIONRA TINGFREQUENCYPHASEAMPSBACKUP FUSEBACKUP FUSEBACKUP FUSEBACKUP FUSE65DC ---0.02 - 50 ---500050001500125/25050/60 1 and 30.02 - 50 ---3000 --- ---25050/60 1 and 30.02 - 505000 ---5000150027750/6010.02 - 505000 --- --- ---480 Y 50/60 1 and 30.02 - 305000---------65DC ---0.02 - 5025050/60 1 and 30.02 - 5027750/6010.02 - 50480 Y50/6030.02 - 30480 Y 50/6010.02 - 30SWITCH ONL Y UL / CSAVDED-SERIES TABLE A: COMPONENT SUPPLEMENTARY PROTECTORVOLT AGEINTERRUPTING CAPACITY (AMPS)SERIESDesigned for snap-on-back panel rail mounting on either a 35mm x 7.5mm, or a 35mm x 15mm Symmetrical Din Rail,allowing rapid and simple mounting and removal of the breaker.It features recessed, wire-ready, touch-proof, shock-resistant ter-minals, suitable for automatic screwdriver assembly, as well as "Dead Front" construction characteristics.Available with a Visi-Rocker two-color actuator, which can be specified to indicate either the ON or the TRIPPED/OFF mode,or solid color rocker or handle type actuators. All actuator types fit in the same industry standard panel cutouts.0.02 - 50 amps, up to 480 VAC or 65 VDC, 1 - 4 poles (Handle),1 - 3 poles (Rocker), with a choice of time delays.Number of PolesRocker Type: 1-3; Handle Type: 1-4 Internal Circuit Config. Switch Only and Series Trip with cur-rent or voltage trip coils.WeighApproximately 128 grams/pole (Approximately 4.57 ounces/pole)Standard Colors Housing - Black; Actuator - See Ordering Scheme.MountingMounts on a standard 35mmSymmetrical DIN Rail (35 x 7.5 or 35x 15mm per DIN EN5002).MechanicalElectricalPhysicalEndurance10,000 ON-OFF operations @ 6 per minute; with rated Current and Voltage.Trip FreeAll D-Series Circuit Breakers will trip on overload,even when actuator is forcibly held in the ON position.Trip IndicationThe operating actuator moves posi-tively to the OFF position when an overload causes the breaker to trip.Designed and tested in accordance with requirements of specifi-cation MIL-PRF-55629 & MIL-STD-202 as follows:Shock Withstands 100 Gs,6ms,sawtoothwhile carrying rated current per Method 213,Test Condition "I".Instantaneous and ultra-short curves tested @ 90% of rated current.Vibration Withstands 0.060" excursion from10-55 Hz,and 10 Gs 55-500 Hz,at rated current per Method 204C,Test Condition A. Instantaneous and ultra-short curves tested at 90% of rated current.Moisture Resistance Method 106D,i.e.,ten 24-hourcycles @ + 25°C to +65°C,80-98%RH.Salt Spray Method 101,Condition A (90-95%RH @ 5% NaCl Solution,96 hrs).Thermal Shock Method 107D,Condition A (Fivecycles @ -55°C to +25°C to +85°C to +25°C).Operating Temperature -40°C to +85°CEnvironmental020 0.0200250.0250300.0300500.050075 0.0750800.0800850.0852100.1002150.1502200.2002250.2502300.3002350.3502400.4002450.450250 0.5002550.5502600.6002650.6502700.7002750.7502800.8002850.850410 1.000512 1.250413 1.300414 1.400415 1.500517 1.750420 2.000522 2.250425 2.500527 2.750430 3.000532 3.250435 3.500436 3.600440 4.000445 4.500547 4.750450 5.000455 5.500460 6.000465 6.5004707.0005727.2504757.5004808.0004858.5004909.0004959.500610 10.00071010.50061111.00071111.50061212.00071212.50061313.00061414.000615 15.00061616.00061717.00061818.00061919.00062020.00062121.00062222.000623 23.00062424.00062525.00062626.00062727.00062828.00062929.00063030.00063232.00063535.00064040.00064545.00065050.000A06 6 DC, 5 DC A1212 DC, 10 DC A1818 DC, 15 DC A2424 DC, 20 DC A3232 DC, 25 DC A4848 DC, 40 DC A6565 DC, 55 DC J06 6 AC, 5 AC J1212 AC, 10 AC J1818 AC, 15 ACJ2424 AC, 20 AC J4848 AC, 40 AC K20120 AC, 65 AC L40240 AC, 130 AC10Agency Approval8Actuator Color8 ACTUATOR COLOR & LEGEND Actuator orVisi-Color Marking: Marking Color: Single Color Visi-Rocker Color:I-O ON-OFF Dual Rocker/Handle (Actuator Black)8White A B 1Black White Black C D 2White n/a Red F G 3White Red Green H J 4White Green Blue K L 5White Blue Y ellow M N 6Black Y ellow Gray P Q 7Black Gray OrangeRS8Black Orange10 AGENCY APPROVAL C UL Recognized & CSA Certified D VDE Certified, UL Recognized & CSA Certified9 MOUNTING/VOLTAGEMOUNTING STYLE VOLTAGE Threaded Insert 16-32 x 0.195 inches< 300C 96-32 X 0.195 inches ≥300 2ISO M3 x 5mm< 300D 9ISO M3 x 5mm ≥3007 TERMINAL1#10 Screw & Pressure Plate for Direct Wire Connection 2#10 Screw without Pressure Plate3 POLES 1One2Two 3Three4Four5 FREQUENCY & DELA Y 03DC 50/60Hz, Switch Only 105DC Instantaneous 11DC Ultra Short 12DC Short 14DC Medium 16DC Long20550/60Hz Instantaneous 2150/60Hz Ultra Short 2250/60Hz Short 2450/60Hz Medium2650/60Hz Long32DC, 50/60Hz Short 34DC, 50/60Hz Medium 36DC, 50/60Hz Long42650/60Hz Short, Hi-Inrush 44650/60Hz Medium, Hi-Inrush 46650/60Hz Long, Hi-Inrush 527DC, Short,Hi-Inrush 547DC,Medium, Hi-Inrush 567DC, Long, Hi-Inrush4 CIRCUITA0 Switch Only (No Coil) 4B0Series Trip (Current)C0Series Trip (Voltage)1 SERIES D6Current Rating4Circuit3Poles2Actuator9Mounting/Voltage7Terminal5Frequency & Delay1SeriesNotes:1 Handle breakers available up to four poles. Rocker breakers available up to three poles.2Actuator Code:A: Multi-pole units factory assembled with common handle tie.B: Handle location as viewed from front of breaker:2 pole - left pole3 pole - center pole4 pole - two handles at center poles3Multipole rocker breakers have one rocker per breaker, as viewed from the front of thepanel. Two pole - left pole. Three pole - center pole 4≤30A, select Current Rating code 630. 31-50A, select Current Rating code 650.5Voltage coil only available with delay codes 10 & 20.6Available to 50A max with circuit code BO only.7Available to 50A (UL/CSA), 30A (VDE) with circuit code BO only.8Color shown is visi and legend with remainder of rocker black.9≥300V: Three pole breaker 3Ø or 2 pole breaker 1Ø, UL/CSA limited to 30 FLA max.10VDE Approval requires Dual (I-O, ON-OFF) or I-O markings6 CURRENT RATING (AMPERES)OR VOLTAGE COIL (VOLTS, MIN. TRIP RATING)5P0LE 3P0LE 2P0LE 1SERIES TRIP (2 TERM'S.)LINELINEROCKER ACTUATOR INDICATE "ON"HANDLE ACTUATORSWITCH ONL Y (2 TERM'S.)#10-32 SCREW AND PRESSURE PLA TE PER TERMINAL"MULTI-POLE IDENTIFICATION SCHEMENotes:1All dimensions are in inches [millimeters].2T olerance ±.015 [.38] unless otherwise specified.3-POLE(DF3) 3-POLE(DC3)REMOVALASSEMBL YNotes:1All dimensions are in inches [millimeters].2T olerance ±.015 [.38] unless otherwise specified.3Dimensions apply to all variations shown. Notice that circuit breaker line and load termi-nal orientation on indicate OFF is opposite of indicate ON.4For pole orientation with horizontal legend, rotate front view clockwise 90°.Notes:1All dimensions are in inches [millimeters].2T olerance ±.010 [.25] unless otherwise specified.。
模块化稳态荧光光谱仪 Fluorolog-QM
模块化稳瞬态荧光光谱仪Fluorolog-QM ™系列新一代高灵敏度、高灵活性滚滚长江东逝水Fluorolog-QM TM独特优势2Fluorolog-QM™第四代Fluorolog荧光光谱仪“仪器性能、通用性及操作便捷性的飞跃提升”反射式光路设计,保证全波长范围性能优化高灵敏度保证优异的杂散光抑制比,像差校正长焦长单色仪(单级:350 mm,双级:700 mm)新一代专业分析软件,满足所有稳态和寿命测试需求,具有多种全新功能扩展波长范围,从深紫外到近红外区域可同时连接4种光源和6个检测器,且全部由电脑控制,实现多功能测试即插即用,100 MHz脉冲光源,强化TCSPC寿命功能 近红外稳态和磷光寿命检测波长至5500 nm优化的光学设计,深紫外激发(低至180 nm),无臭氧DeltaDiode, DataStation, DAS6, FelixFL, FluorEssence, EzSpec, EzTime, NanoSizer都是3技术和应用Fluorolog-QM 涵盖广泛的发光相关研究材料研究 ● 地球科学4混合体系瞬时反应三维光谱偏振和各向异性磷光吸收及透射时间分辨发射谱滴定测试荧光/磷光寿命测试比率荧光量子产率微孔板分析仪微区分析低温荧光温度控制上转换时间相关动力学纳米材料科学化学分析科学生物物理学高分子化妆品材料研究食品科学石油化工地质学法医学光伏领域稀土元素环境科学制药行业•Food Science•Life Sciences5● 化学 ● 食品科学 ● 生命科学需要更深紫外的光源?6荧光光谱仪灵敏度测试的行业标准是根据水拉曼计算信噪比。
HORIBA SZ-100 Particle Size Analyzer 和 Autotitrato
SZ-100Particle Size AnalyzerAN206 Using the SZ-100 Autotitrator to fi nd Isoelectric Point (IEP)The isoelectric point, IEP, of a colloidal system is determined automatically with the SZ-100 and Autotitrator from HORIBA Instruments. Zeta potential data as a function of pH is collected while the author is drinking coffee and writing support documents.IntroductionZeta potential is the charge on a particle at the shear plane. This value of surface charge is useful for understanding and predicting interactions between particles in suspension. A large magnitude (either positive or negative), that is, over about 25 mV, zeta potential is generally considered an indication that the particle suspension will be electrostatically stabilized. Zeta potential can be measured with the HORIBA SZ-100-Z shown in Figure 1.Figure 1: SZ-100 Nanoparticle AnalyzerZeta potential is a function of both the particle surface chemistry and the suspending medium chemistry (1). The ions that are at the particle surface and controlling surface potential are a function of the concentration and nature of the ions in the bulk liquid. In addition, the concentration of ions affects the distance over which charge effects persist. For example, a signifi cant amount of dissolved salt will shield the electrostatic interactions between particles. Some ions, known as specifi c ions will prefer to stick to the particle surface as the concentration of these ions increases. Examples of specifi c ions include H+ and polyvalent ions. In this work, the effect of H+ concentration on particle surface charge is studied. Other examples on the effect of various ion concentrations can be found in (2) and (3). T ypically, and for good reason, H+ concentration is discussed in terms of pH. pH has a strong effect on the surface charge of many types of particles. In addition, pH is a parameter that is often and readily changed in a formulation. For these reasons, the effect of pH on particle surface charge is often studied. One number that characterizes a surface is the isoelectric point, IEP, or point of zero charge, PZC, which refers to the conditions, often pH, at which the particle surface charge is zero. At pH values lower than the IEP, the particle surface charge is positive and at pH values higher than the IEP, the particle surface charge is negative. One rule of thumb for stable suspensions is to ensure that the pH is one full pH unit away from the IEP. Values of IEP are obtained by measuring the zeta potential as a function of pH and identifying the pH at which the zeta potential value crosses zero. In most cases this is achieved by interpolating the experimental data. T extbook values of IEP are often not useful for practical work since the value of IEP can change dramatically with even a small amount of impurity that is driven to the sample surface. IEP measurement results can also be affected by incomplete particle surface wetting or by the choice of surfactants. For example, adding TSPP to a metal oxide suspension will cause the IEP to shift to extremely low pH values or disappear altogether. For these reasons, IEP values are typically measured and that is a process that can be automated. The automation of isoelectric point measurement is achieved with the HORIBA Autotitrator accessory for theFigure 2:Autotitrator accessory for the SZ-100Page 2/2SZ-100 shown in Figure 2. The Autotitrator automatically adds acid or base to adjust the pH of the sample, records pH, and loads the sample into the graphite electrode cell in the SZ-100. Zeta potential is then determined and the cycle is automatically repeated for the next pH in the series.Materials and Methods Arti fi cial coffee creamer was diluted until slightly cloudy in DI water. Sample pH was automatically decreased to pH 2 and then increased stepwise with the HORIBA Autotitrator. Zeta potential was measured with the reusable graphite electrode cell in the HORIBA SZ-100Z nanoparticle analyzer. Sample pH was measured with the HORIBA 9621C temperature-compensated pH electrode. In this study, 100 mM nitric acid and 100 mM sodium hydroxide were used as the acid and base reagents respectively. The Autotitrator reagent containers include provision for molecular sieve treatment of incoming air that replaces removed titrant. The 5 mL burettes precisely deliver the reagents without bubbles eliminating the need for degassing. The smallest reagent dose that can be delivered manually is 0.0025 mL. The Autotitrator was set up in the software via a wizard type interface as shown in Figure 3 below. T he available manual mode was not used in this study.Figure 3: Screen Shot of Autotitratorsetup screen in the software.The pH probe was fi lled and calibrated using HORIBA standard solution set 101-S. After cleaning, it was held in place over the sample beaker with an integrated ring stand. The integrated stir plate mixed the sample as reagent was automatically delivered. When the target pH was reached, a peristaltic pump rinsed the zeta potential cell and delivered the sample for measurement. The zeta potential was measured in triplicate and pH monitored for drift during measurement. Then, the cycle was repeated for the next pH in the series.Results and DiscussionThe zeta potential of the coffee powder suspension as a function of pH is shown in Figure 3 below. From pH 2 to pH3, the zeta potential value of the coffee creamer emulsion increases. This is probably due to speci fi c shifts in the structure of the emulsion at low pH. From pH 3 to pH 11, the shape of the curve is the classical backwards S shape. At low pH, the particle charge is positive due to the large H + ion concentration. At high pH, the particle charge is negative due to the large OH- ion concentration. The obtained valueof the isoelectric point where the zeta potential crosses frompositive to negative is at pH 5. Finally, there is a decreasein the magnitude of the zeta potential between pH 11 and pH 13. This is either due to another structural shift in the emulsion or due to the shielding effect of the increased number of ions in the suspension. The main point of this plot is that the isoelectric point of this system is at pH 5.Figure 4: Screen shot of results of automatic titrationresults with the SZ-100 and Autotitrator.ConclusionsThe IEP of a suspension can be automatically determined using the HORIBA SZ-100 and the HORIBA Autotitrator. The IEP of this particular arti fi cial coffee creamer was found to be at pH 5.References(1) HORIBA Application Note AN195 “Isoelectric Point Determination”, available at /fi leadmin/uploads/Scienti fi c/Documents/PSA/AN195_app.pdf (2) HORIBA Application Note AN201 “Wastewater T reatment: Zeta Potential Analysis of Suspended Clay Solids”, available at /fi leadmin/uploads/Scienti fi c/Documents/PSA/Application_Notes/AN201_app.pdf(3) HORIBA Application Note AN202 “Zeta Potential Analysis of Re fi nery Wastewater and Its T reatment,” available at /fi leadmin/uploads/Scienti fi c/Documents/PSA/Application_Notes/AN202_app.pdf******************/scienti fi cUSA: (800) 446-7422 France:+33 (0)1 64 54 13 00 Japan: +81 (0)3 38618231T h i s d o c u m e n t i s n o t c o n t r a c t u a l l y b i n d i n g u n d e r a n y c i r c u m s t a n c e s - © H O R I B A I n s t r u m e n t s , I n c . 05/2012。
分项报价表采购编号:ZSZX2022HG026项目名称:揭阳市药品检验所2022年检验设备采购项目包号:1投标人名称:广东崇泰贸易有限公司货币及单位:人民币/元品目号序号货物名称规格型号品牌产地制造商名称单价数量总价1-11超高效液相色谱仪Vanquish Flex赛默飞美国赛默飞世尔科技(中国)有限公司658,600.001.00 (套)658,600.001-21自动电位滴定仪T5梅特勒瑞士梅特勒公司186,000.001.00 (套)186,000.001-31电子分析天平ML204T梅特勒上海梅特勒公司29,500.001.00 (台)29,500.001-41酸度计FE28梅特勒上海梅特勒公司4,900.002.00 (台)9,800.001-51生物显微镜Axioscope5蔡司江苏蔡司科技(苏州)有限公司342,000.001.00 (台)342,000.001-61通用型冷水机IC010深圳勒普特深圳深圳勒普仪器技术有限公司10,000.001(台)10,000.001-71全自动洗瓶器Q750D 语瓶天津天津语瓶仪器技术有限公司165,000.001(台)165,000.001-81全自动均质器AH-50睿科厦门睿科集团(厦门)股份有限公司196,600.001(台)196,600.001-91干热灭菌器BXH-280G上海博迅上海上海博迅医疗生物仪器股份有限公司21,500.001(台)21,500.001-101生化培养箱BPC-250F上海一恒上海上海一恒科学仪器有限公司17,500.001(台)17,500.001-111霉菌培养箱LRH-250-MSE 广东泰宏君广东广东泰宏君科学仪器股份有限公司11,800.001(台)11,800.00广东政府采购智慧云平台ZS ZX 2022HG026 第(1) 采购包2022-04-02 12:20:23广东崇泰贸易有限公司2022-04-0212:20:23投标人盖章:日期:2022 年 04 月 02 日广东政府采购智慧云平台 Z S Z X 2022H G 026 第 (1) 采购包2022-04-02 12:20:23广东崇泰贸易有限公司 2022-04-02 12:20:23。
洪彦电子高功率100W LED灯说明书
RoHSConformityVISIBLE LIGHT PRODUCTSSPECIFICATIONHPR40E-4xK100xHigh Power 100W LEDHUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line 466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-26393125HUEY JANN High Power100W LED is made of hi-eff AS/TS GaInN chips with precise package technique which makes excellent heat dissipation to reachthe advantages of high luminous efficiency,low decay,and long endurance. Now we have these colors available:red,green,blue,white,yellow.2FEATERUSØInstant lightØLong operating lifeØSuperior ESD defenseØLow voltage DC operatedØMore energy efficient than incandescent and most halogen lampsØColor bright saturated2TYPICAL APPLICATIONSØArchitectural detail lightingØMedical applicationsØBeacon lightsØDecoration lightsHUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-263931252Explanation of Part Number:H P R 40E -4xK 100x1.H:Huey Jann2.P:High power LED Type3.Shape distinguish:R:Rectangular type4.Identification no:5.Lead frame type6.Appearance:1:Yellow Diffusion4:White Diffusion7.Color number:3K:Green 4K:Yellow 5K:Red 8K:Blue9K:White 8.Power type:50:50W100:100W9.Color kind:G:GreenY:YellowR:RedBG:Blue2DEVICESHUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line 466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-263931251 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 92PACKAGE DIMENSIONS:1.All dimensions are in millimeter.2.Lead spacing in measured where the lead emerge from the package.3.prodruded resin under flange is 1.5mm max.4.specifications are subject to change without notice.5.Tolerance is 0.3mm unless otherwise noted.6.Driving LED without heat sinking device is forbidden.7.It is strongly recommended that the temperature of lead be not higher than 55oC.8.Proper current derating must be observed to maintain junction temperature below the maximum.9.LEDs are not designed to be driven in reserve bias.10.Warps the degree 0.5mm.HUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line 466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-263931252ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*1.Duty Ratio=0.1%,Pulse Width=10us.*2.Iron soldering high temperature will not cause damage to the dice.But be aware of the high temperature will make the epoxy soften and the gold wire broken and even open.So before returning to the normal temperatures PLEASE AVOID any serious pressure on the top of epoxy and lead.*3.We suggest using PWM(Pulse Width Modulation)for driving.*4.It is recommended to use series as there are several3pcs.If there are more than5pcs,please use product with higher power.HUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-263931252ELECTRIC-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSTA=25°C2ELECTRIC-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR FORWARD VOLTAGEHUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line 466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-263931252ELECTRIC-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY2ELECTRIC-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR WAVELENGTHHUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line 466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-263931252RELIABILITY TEST*Failure Criteria:1.VF arise ≧10%2.IV decline ≧30%3.A failure is an LED that is open or shortedHUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line 466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-263931252RELIABILITY TEST*Failure Criteria:1.VF arise ≧10%2.IV decline ≧30%3.A failure is an LED that is open or shortedHUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line 466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-263931252DEVICE NO:HPR40E-4xK100x2TYPICAL ELECTRICAL OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS CURVESHUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line 466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-26393125FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (m A )F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (m A )AMBIENT TEMPERATURE( C)O18 22 26 30 34 38-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 1200.20.41.0Ambient temperature( C)O R e l a t i v e l u m i n o u s i t y1.20 800 1600 2400 3200 40000. e l a t i v e l u m i n o u s i t yForward current (mA) COVIEW ANGLE1/2 POWERWAVELENGTH (nm)400450500550600650700750HUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line 466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-263931252100W Thermal conductive glue spreading instructionHUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line 466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-263931252POSITION EXPLANATION:2ConclusionHuey Jann provide simple comparison table for High Power LED,you could find your request heat dissipation area from the following table.*TAB in this table is according to highest operating temperature 65C.*Different materials of second heat dissipation device,the surface area of heat sink will be different.Thus,this document is for reference only.HUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line 466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-263931252HUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line 466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-263931252100W Operating InstructionsHUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line 466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-263931252100W Operating InstructionsHUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line 466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-263931252TAB Temperature -Life Characteristics Curves*Board Ambient Temperature Tolerance 5C.*TAB in this table is according to highest operating temperature 65oC.*The TAB is the stable testing value for the product lighted 100%after one hour.*Different materials of second heat dissipation device,the surface area of heat sink will be different.Thus,this document is for reference only.HUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line 466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-263931252Remarks:1.Brightness values are measured during a current pulse of typical25ms,thebrightness tolerance is+/-15%.2.Dominant wavelength are measured during a current pulse of typical200ms,thechromaticity tolerance is+/-1.0nm.3.Forward voltage are measured during a current pulse of typical5ms,the VFtolerance is+/-0.15V.4.Dimensions are specified as follows:mm.5.Related technical parameters of LED are average value resulted from statistic.Theactual parameters of LED could be slightly different from average andcharacteristic curve.6.The average value of LED will be changed by technical improvement and elevation,and subject to change without prior notice.7.Hi-Power LED can not be operated without second heat dissipating structure.8.Poor or damaged second heat dissipating structure could lead to defective electricalcharacteristic of High Power LED,CCT escalation,brightness drop,lifetimeshortening or burn out.Following instructions of Huey Jann Hi-Power LED series document can avoid LED burn out and electrical defectiveness due to improper usage,and maintain normal performance of the products.9.Suggestion:Fix LED with screw on second heat sink,in order to attach LED firmlywith it.10.After drilling holes on second heat sink.Burr will occur easily.In order to avoidnon-firmly connection between LED and second heat sink and affect LED life span, burr need to be trimmed prior to use.11.Before fixing LED on second heat sink with screw,except for trimming burr,Thermal conductive glue or pad needs to be spread evenly on the bottom of LED.Please refer to“instruction for thermal conductive glue usage”in our datasheet for spread method.12.For parts50W Hi-Power LED or higher,since brightness is highly concentrated,due to conversion of light to heat,after continuously lighting up for1000hrs,CCT will slightly increase and brightness will naturally decay.HUEY JANN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.No.27Line466Sec.2,Canng-nan Rd.Wu-chi Town Taichung Shien,Taiwan,R.O.C.TEL:+886-4-26393976FAX:+886-4-26393125。
Component Technical CommitteeATTACHMENT 6AEC - Q100-006 REV-DELECTRO-THERMALLY INDUCED PARASITIC GATE LEAKAGE TEST(GL)Component Technical CommitteeAcknowledgmentAny document involving a complex technology brings together experience and skills from many sources. The Automotive Electronics Counsel would especially like to recognize the following significant contributors to the development of this document:Mark A. Kelly Delphi Delco Electronics SystemsComponent Technical CommitteeChange NotificationThe following summary details the changes incorporated into AEC-Q100-006 Rev-D: • Sections 3.5, 3.5.1, and 3.5.2: Deleted section title 3.5, Detailed Procedure. Changed section 3.5.1 to section 3.5 and section 3.5.2 to section 3.6.Component Technical CommitteeMETHOD - 006ELECTRO-THERMALLY INDUCED PARASITICGATE LEAKAGE (GL) TESTText enhancements and differences made since the last revision of thisdocument are shown as underlined areas.1. SCOPE1.1 DescriptionThe purpose of this specification is to establish a reliable and repeatable procedure for determiningsurface mount integrated circuit susceptibility to Electro-Thermally Induced Parasitic Gate Leakage(GL). This specification may also be used as an evaluation tool for determining the susceptibility ofcircuit designs, molding compounds, fabrication processes, and post mold cure processes to GL.1.2 Reference DocumentsNot applicable.1.3 Terms and DefinitionsThe terms used in this specification are defined as follows:1.3.1 Device FailureA condition in which a device does not meet all the requirements of the acceptance criteria, asspecified in section 5, following the GL test.1.3.2 DUTAn electronic device being evaluated for its sensitivity to GL.1.3.3 Electro-Thermally Induced Parasitic Gate Leakage (GL)A trapped-charge phenomenon affecting plastic encapsulated integrated circuits in varying degreesdepending upon circuit design, fabrication technology, molding compound, and post mold cure profile.The phenomena occurs at high temperature when an electric field (E-field) is present. GL results inyield losses during high temperature processes, especially those with heated air flow (e.g., hightemperature handling and IR reflow solder operations). The phenomena can be detected as anincrease in Icc, input leakage, pin parametrics degradation, or functional failure. GL does not causepermanent damage and can be reversed by a 4 hour unbiased bake at a temperature of 125 °C (or 2hours at 150 °C).DaimlerChrysler Date Delphi Delco Electronics Systems Date Visteon Corporation DateMajdi Mortazavi Detlef Griessman Robert V. Knoell Copyright © 2003 by DaimlerChrysler, Delphi Delco Electronics Systems, and Visteon Corporation. This document may be freely reprinted with this copyright notice. This document cannot be changed without approval by the AEC Component Technical Committee.Component Technical Committee1.3.4 Electro-Thermally Induced Parasitic Gate Leakage (GL) SensitivityA GL level resulting in device failure. Sensitivity will vary depending upon the design, layout,process, and materials used.2. EQUIPMENT2.1 Test ApparatusThe apparatus required for this test consists of a GL test fixture, high voltage power supply, andthermal chamber. Figure 1 shows an equivalent test setup.Figure 1: GL Test Fixture and Set-up2.1.1 GL Test FixtureA test fixture as illustrated in Figure 1 and Appendix A. Other equivalent test fixture configurationsmay be used, but the actual fixture must meet the following requirements:1. The tungsten probe must be at a height of2.5 ± 0.5 inches above the conductive base platesurface and allow for vertical movement to facilitate voltage adjustment.2. To ensure consistent test results, all test devices must be able to be repeatably placedwith leads in contact with the conductive base plate surface by using milled recesses orequivalent markings and shall be equidistant from the high voltage tungsten probe.Component Technical Committee2.1.2 High Voltage Power SupplyA high voltage DC power supply capable of generating 20,000 volts at both positive (+) and negative(-) polarities.2.1.3 Thermal ChamberAn oven (Thermotron oven Model 51.C-B or equivalent) capable of controlled heating to atemperature of 155 °C and having adequate space to accommodate the GL test fixture.2.2 Measurement EquipmentEquipment shall include a digital voltmeter and high voltage probe to verify conformance of the GLtest fixture and resulting electric field (E-field) to the requirements of this document as specified inFigure 2, section 3.4, and Appendix A.2.2.1 Digital VoltmeterDigital voltmeter capable of accurately measuring 0 to 20,000 volts DC with a minimum sensitivity of± 1 mV.2.2.2 High Voltage ProbeHigh voltage probe capable of accurately measuring 0 to 20,000 volts DC with input resistance of1000 MΩ and ± 2% accuracy (Fluke Model 80 K-40 or equivalent).3. TEST PROCEDURE3.1 Sample SizeA total of six (6) devices shall be evaluated for GL sensitivity: a sample of three (3) devices shall bestressed at a positive (+) GL exposure and a new sample of three (3) devices shall be stressed at anegative (-) GL exposure. The use of a new sample group of three (3) devices for each GL exposurepolarity is required. Test samples must be representative of the normal process for deliverable devices;samples shall not be subjected to any additional testing or preconditioning (e.g., burn-in, etc.).Devices used for GL testing shall be discarded and shall not be retested or considered as deliverable product. GL is typically a non-destructive phenomena; however, the process of GL testing and thepost-test bake, used to verify recovery, often results in changes to the molding compound and/or lead solderability characteristics rendering the devices unsatisfactory for shipment.3.2Test TemperatureEach sample group shall be subjected to a GL exposure at 155 °C.3.3 MeasurementsPrior to GL testing, complete initial DC parametric and functional testing (initial ATE verification) shall be performed per applicable device specification. If the applicable part drawing specifies an allowable parametric shift as failure criteria, a data log of each device shall be made listing the applicableparameter measurement values (e.g., supply current, pin leakages, etc.). The data log will becompared to the parameters measured during final ATE verification to determine the failure criteria ofsection 4.Component Technical Committee3.4 GL Stress ConditionsEach sample shall be subjected to an E-field voltage potential of positive (+) or negative (-) 400 volts. A new sample of three (3) devices shall be used for each E-field voltage polarity.3.5Fixture Preparationa. Place the GL test fixture in the thermal chamber and verify both are at room temperature (seeFigure 1 and Appendix A).b Ensure the high voltage power supply is OFF and connect the positive lead to the high voltagetungsten probe. Set the height of the tungsten probe to a level of 2.5 ± 0.5 inches above theconductive base plate surface.c. Connect the negative lead of the high voltage power supply to the conductive base plate.d. Place a setup device in the fixture (located where the actual test samples will be placed) suchthat the device leads are in contact with the conductive base plate surface.e. Make sure the voltage control is set to the minimum level. Turn the high voltage power supplyto the ON position.f. Place the positive lead of the high voltage probe at the center of, and in direct contact with, thetop surface of the setup device. Connect the negative lead of the high voltage probe to theconductive base plate. The high voltage probe body should extend at a 45° ± 5° angle awayfrom the conductive base plate surface (as depicted in Figure 2). This angle is critical to themeasuring of the E-field voltage potential. As the high voltage probe body is raised (exceedingthe 45° angle requirement) or lowered (falling below the 45° angle requirement), the measuredE-field voltage potential will vary significantly.g. Monitor the setup device's E-field voltage potential using the digital voltmeter. Adjust thevoltage setting on the high voltage power supply to provide a positive (+) 400 volt E-field voltagepotential, or negative (-) 400 volt E-field voltage potential depending on the desired GLexposure, measured at the center of the setup device's top surface.h. Turn the high voltage power supply switch to the OFF position.i. Verify that the high voltage power supply is at zero (0) volts before touching the GL test fixture.j. Remove the setup device from the GL test fixture.Component Technical CommitteeFigure 2: Measurement Angle Used to Monitor E-field Voltage3.6 Detailed Test Procedurea. Ensure the high voltage power supply is OFF. Place a sample group of three (3) devices in theGL test fixture such that the device leads are in contact with the conductive base platesurface. All devices must be at the same distance from the high voltage tungsten probe as thesetup device used in section 3.5.1.b. Set the thermal chamber temperature to 155 °C. The use of a thermocouple placed in directcontact with the GL test fixture conductive base plate surface may be used to monitor thetemperature of the sample group devices.c. Verify the test sample devices are at the specified temperature. Allow the test fixture andsample group of three (3) devices to stabilize at the specified temperature for 15 minutes.d. Turn the high voltage power supply switch to the ON position.e. Allow the devices and GL test fixture (with the E Field voltage applied) to soak for a 2 minutedwell time as indicated in Figure 3.f. After 2 minutes of the total dwell time have elapsed, begin reducing the thermal chambertemperature to 100 °C or less with the E-field voltage still applied. This can beaccomplished by opening the thermal chamber door while the circulating fans are operating.Thermal chamber heating and cooling times will vary and a longer ramp-down time may berequired when reducing the thermal chamber temperature. The total ramp-down time (155°C to 100 °C) shall not exceed 10 minutes (see Figure 3).Component Technical Committeeg. Once the sample group of three (3) devices reaches a temperature of 100 °C, turn the highvoltage power supply switch to the OFF position. A thermocouple placed in direct contactwith the GL test fixture conductive base plate surface may be used to monitor thetemperature of the sample group devices.h. Verify the high voltage power supply is at zero (0) volts before touching the GL test fixture.i. After cooling to room temperature, remove the sample group of three (3) devices from the GLtest fixture.j. Submit the devices for complete DC parametric and functional testing (final ATE verification) per applicable device specification within 96 hours of GL exposure and determine whether the devices meets the acceptance criteria requirements specified in section 5. The storagetemperature between GL exposure and final ATE verification shall not exceed 30 °C.k. Subject all failing devices to an unbiased bake of 4 hours at a temperature of 125 °C (or 2 hours at 150 °C) and then submit for complete DC parametric and functional testing (ATE re-verification). GL failures will always recover when subjected to a 4 hour unbiased bake at 125 °C (or 2 hours at 150 °C). If the failing devices do not recover following the unbiased bake,then the devices may have been damaged (due to handling, EOS, ESD, etc.). Failing devices that do not recover shall be eliminated from the GL data.l. Record pass/fail and any other pertinent observations for each device.m. Reverse the high voltage power supply polarity, verify the E-field voltage potential (as specified in section 3.5.1), and repeat steps (a) through (l) above using a new sample group of three (3) devices.Figure 3: Dwell Time and Ramp-Down Time for GL TestComponent Technical Committee4. FAILURE CRITERIAA device will be defined as a failure if, after exposure to GL, the device fails any of the following criteria:1. The device exceeds the allowable shift value. Specific parameters and allowable shift valuesshall be as defined in the applicable device specification. During initial ATE verification, a datalog shall be made for each device listing the applicable parameter measurement values. Thedata log will be compared to the parameters measured during final ATE verification todetermine the shift value. Devices exceeding the allowable shift value will be defined as afailure.2. The device no longer meets the device specification requirements. Complete DC parametricand functional testing shall be performed per applicable device specification.5. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIAA device passes a GL exposure level if all devices in the sample group stressed at that GL level pass.All the devices and sample groups used must pass the measurement requirements specified in section3 and the failure criteria requirements specified in section4 following both positive (+) and negative (-)400 volt E-field exposures in order for the devices to be considered acceptable.Component Technical CommitteeAppendix A(suggested GL test fixture)This appendix provides suggested general construction features of the GL test fixture. Other equivalent test fixture configurations may be used, but the actual fixture must meet the requirements of section 2.1.1. The dimensions shown are approximate and are not critical to the test fixture construction. Figures A1 through A5 illustrate the GL test fixture assembly and major components.Note:Attach High VoltageWarning Label totest fixtureFigure A1: GL Test Fixture AssemblyComponent Technical CommitteeFigure A2: Conductive Base PlateThe base plate is constructed from electrically conductive material (e.g., .125 - .250 inch aluminum stock). The plate is approximately 6 inches square and serves to support and locate the devices under test and as one pole of the test voltage. Milled recesses may be used for repeatable device placement during GL testing (see Figures A1 and A2). The suggested recesses may be milled directly into the plate to ensure consistent device placement and orientation with respect to the tungsten probe center-line. The recesses, large enough to accommodate the largest device to be tested, are located 120 degrees apart and equidistant from the center of the base plate. The absolute distance from center (approximately one inch) is not critical.The lower left hand corner (dashed line section) is cut off on a diagonal to facilitate device handling and to reduce thermal mass. A lower post section, or leg, is added to the diagonal side for stability (see FigureA1).Note: The aluminum plate should be alodine coated for protection against corrosion and to retain electrical quality.Component Technical CommitteeFigure A3: Top Insulating PlateThe top insulating plate serves to support and locate the tungsten probe at the center of the GL test fixture. It establishes and maintains the probe to device distance during set-up and test. The top plate is fabricated from a triangular piece of .250 inch Teflon, Delrin, or other insulating material which is capable of withstanding an environment of 200 °C and ± 20,000 volts.A .049 inch diameter hole, used to position the tungsten probe, is centered on the diagonal side so as to be directly above the base plate center point after assembly. Clearance holes are drilled at each corner for assembly screws.Component Technical Committee60 degreeradius.049 "approximately 4 "Figure A4: Tungsten ProbeGrind a 60 degree point on a 4 inch length of 0.049 inch diameter tungsten wire (or a diameter of tungsten wire that is readily available; the diameter of the wire is not critical). This will provide an E-field potential at the specified test voltage, as measured on the top surface of the device approximately 2 inches from the tungsten probe point.Figure A5: Tungsten Probe Clamping MechanismComponent Technical CommitteeRevision HistoryRev #-A B C D Date of changeJune 9, 1994May 15, 1995Sept. 6, 1996Oct. 8, 1998July 18, 2003Brief summary listing affected sectionsInitial ReleaseAdded Copyright statement. Revised the following: Foreword; Sections2.1.2,3.1, 3.2.2 (d, f, and g), and 3.2.3 (a, b, c, f, g, and l); Figures 1, 2,and 3; Appendix A.Deleted old Sections 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 1.3.6, 1.3.7, 2.1.1, 3.1, 3.2.1, 3.3,3.4, 3.5, and 3.6. Added new Sections 1.3.1, 1.3.4, 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 3.1,3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and 5.0. Revised the following: Sections 1.1, 1.3, 1.3.2, 1.3.3,2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2,3.5.1 (a, e, f, g, h, and i), 3.5.2 (a, b, c, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l,and m), 4.0, and Appendix A; Figures 1, 2, 3, A1, and A2.Revised the following: Sections 3.4, 3.5.1 (g), 5; Figure 1. Revisions reflecta change in E-field requirement from ±700 volt to ±400 volt.Revised the following: Sections 3.5, 3.5.1, and 3.5.2.。
Vickers Vane Pumps AX438765616836en-000101 4535VQ型
Revised 10–01–89Service and Parts ManualI–3173–SVane Type Double Pump4535VQ Series - 20 DesignVickers ®Vane PumpsAX438765616836en-0001012270679 COVER‘‘O’’ RING OUTLET SUPPORT PLATESEAL PACK (4 REQ ’D)FLEX-SIDE –PLATE KITROTORVANE KIT (10 VANES &10 INSERTS)RINGINLET SUPPORT PLATE THESE PARTS ARE INCLUDED IN CARTRIDGE KITBACK-UPRINGSEAL RING ‘‘O’’ RINGCART .KITF3CART .KIT416435421234416436421233416437419511421954419510421955419509PIN (2REQ ’D)SCREW (2REQ ’D)MODEL4535VQ42A 4535VQ47A4535VQ50A 4535VQ57A 4535VQ60A380109422208430807S/A 433768S/A923954283871922701295710297718297502306772297503425510154107419675154087588509INSTALL SEAL RING IN BODY OR COVER, THEN INSTALL CARTRIDGE KIT.NOTE : FLEX SIDEPLATE KITS INCLUDE (4) F3 SEAL PACKS.SHAFT NO.TYPE SHAFT P/N SEC.SHAFT SEALKEY 11186114STR. KEYED SPLINE STR. KEYED HEAVY DUTY SPLINE289083289084361763413027429282217596239751ASSEMBLE SEAL WITH SPRING TOWARD BEARING.ASSEMBLE SEAL FLUSH TO PILOT FACE WITH SPRING FACING INWARD AS SHOWN.194878 WASHER394974PRIMARY SHAFT SEALSECONDARY SHAFT SEAL(SEE TABLE ) (USE ON ‘S ’ FLANGE MOUNTED MODELS ONLY .)TORQUE TO105 LB. IN. (12 N.m) 5 LB. IN. (0.5 N.m)NOTEBRONZE FACES MUST BE INSTALLED TOWARD THE ROTOR.942356 BODY S/AMOUNTING ASSEMBLY 4535VQ**A**F-***-20(*)INCLUDED IN FOOT BRACKET KIT NO.SCREW (2 REQ ’D)MOUNTING BRACKET FB-C-10205533205077SCREW (SEE TABLE)102949 RETAINING RING 158630 SPIROLOX RING 131812 BEARING4Model CodeRotation(Viewed from shaft end of pump)L – Left hand (CCW rotation)Omitted for right hand rotation 7611USgpm capacity (Cover end pump)21– 21 USgpm 25– 25 USgpm 30– 30 USgpm35– 35 USgpm 38– 38 USgpmSAE rating 1200 rpm –100 psi (7 bar)MountingF – Foot (Single shaft seal)S – Flange (Double shaft seal)Omitted for ange, single shaft seal assembly.CA – # 2 outlet – Opposite inletCB – # 2 outlet – 90 CCW from inlet CC – # 2 outlet – Inline with inlet CD – # 2 outlet – 90 CW from inlet With # 1 outlet 90 CW from inlet:DA – # 2 outlet – Opposite inletDB – # 2 outlet – 90 CCW from inlet DC – # 2 outlet – Inline with inlet DD – # 2 outlet – 90 CW from inletMounting282– SAE 2–bolt mounting 283– Foot mountingCover end cartridge R. H. Rotation Shaft end cartridge R. H. RotationStandard right hand shaft rotation cartridges shown. Reverse for left hand rotation; refer to note.Sharp Edges of Vane Must Lead in Direction of Rotation To reverse cartridge kit rotation,remove the two screws and reverse the location of the inlet support plate and the outlet support plate. Reinstall the two screws hand tight. Use pump cover to align all sections of the cartridge. Carefully remove the cover and tighten the screws.Sharp Edges of Vane Must Lead in Direction of Rotation10Design12For satisfactory service life of these components, use full ow ltration to provide uid which meets ISO cleanliness code 16/13or cleaner. Selections from pressure, return, and in-line lter series are recommended.NOTENOTEDanfoss Power Solutions is a global manufacturer and supplier of high-quality hydraulic and electric components. We specialize in providing state-of-the-art technology and solutions that excel in the harsh operating conditions of the mobile off-highway market as well as the marine sector. Building on our extensive applications expertise, we work closely with you to ensure exceptional performance for a broad range of applications. We help you and other customers around the world speed up system development, reduce costs and bring vehicles and vessels to market faster.Danfoss Power Solutions – your strongest partner in mobile hydraulics and mobile electrification.Go to for further product information.We offer you expert worldwide support for ensuring the best possible solutions foroutstanding performance. And with an extensive network of Global Service Partners, we also provide you with comprehensive global service for all of our components.Local address:DanfossPower Solutions GmbH & Co. OHG Krokamp 35D-24539 Neumünster, Germany Phone: +49 4321 871 0DanfossPower Solutions ApS Nordborgvej 81DK-6430 Nordborg, Denmark Phone: +45 7488 2222DanfossPower Solutions (US) Company 2800 East 13th Street Ames, IA 50010, USA Phone: +1 515 239 6000DanfossPower Solutions Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Building #22, No. 1000 Jin Hai Rd Jin Qiao, Pudong New District Shanghai, China 201206Phone: +86 21 2080 6201Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products already on order provided that such alterations can be made without subsequent changes being necessary in specifications already agreed.All trademarks in this material are property of the respective companies. Danfoss and the Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.Products we offer:•Cartridge valves •DCV directional control valves•Electric converters •Electric machines •Electric motors •Gear motors •Gear pumps •Hydraulic integrated circuits (HICs)•Hydrostatic motors •Hydrostatic pumps •Orbital motors •PLUS+1® controllers •PLUS+1® displays •PLUS+1® joysticks and pedals•PLUS+1® operator interfaces•PLUS+1® sensors •PLUS+1® software •PLUS+1® software services,support and training •Position controls and sensors•PVG proportional valves •Steering components and systems •TelematicsHydro-GearDaikin-Sauer-Danfoss。
Eaton 199099Eaton Moeller® series Rapid Link - Reversing starter, 6.6 A,Sensor input 2, AS-Interface®, S-7.4 for 31 modules, HAN Q4/2,with manual override switchGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series Rapid LinkReversing starter199099120 mm270 mm220 mm1.8 kg IEC/EN 60947-4-2CCCUL approvalCERoHSUL 60947-4-2Assigned motor rating: for normal internally and externally ventilated 4 pole, three-phase asynchronous motors with 1500 rpm at 50 Hz or 1800 min at 60 Hz RAMO5-W200A31-412RS1Product Name Catalog NumberProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight CertificationsCatalog Notes Model CodeIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.3 kW6.6 A (at 150 % Overload)480 V AC, 3-phase400 V AC, 3-phase10000 A0 VMeets the product standard's requirements.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.0 kW2.238 kWMeets the product standard's requirements.0 V-40 °CThermo-clickTwo sensor inputs through M12 sockets (max. 150 mA) for quick stop and interlocked manual operationKey switch position OFF/RESET Generation change from RA-MO to RAMO 4.0Generation Change RASP4 to RASP5Generation change RAMO4 to RAMO5Generation change from RA-SP to RASP 4.0Configuration to Rockwell PLC for Rapid LinkGeneration Change RA-SP to RASP5Rapid Link 5 - brochureDA-SW-drivesConnect - InstallationshilfeDA-SW-Driver DX-CBL-PC-3M0DA-SW-USB Driver PC Cable DX-CBL-PC-1M5DA-SW-drivesConnect - installation helpDA-SW-drivesConnectDA-SW-USB Driver DX-COM-STICK3-KITMaterial handling applications - airports, warehouses and intra-logistics ETN.RAMO5-W200A31-412RS1.edzIL034084ZUramo5_v11.stpramo5_v11.dwgDA-DC-00004184.pdfDA-DC-00004525.pdfDA-DC-00003964.pdfDA-DC-00004523.pdfeaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-reversing-starter-dimensions-003.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-reversing-starter-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-003.eps10.11 Short-circuit ratingRated operational power at AC-3, 380/400 V, 50 HzInput currentRated operational voltageRated conditional short-circuit current, type 1, 480 Y/277 V Rated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 50 Hz - min10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility10.2.5 LiftingRated power at 575 V, 60 Hz, 3-phaseRated power at 460 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Rated control supply voltage (Us) at DC - minAmbient storage temperature - minFitted with:Applikasjonsmerknader BrosjyrereCAD model Installeringsinstruksjoner mCAD model SertifiseringsrapporterTegningerElectronic motor protectionKey switch position HANDManual override switchKey switch position AUTOThermistor monitoring PTCShort-circuit releaseOverload cycleAC-53aNumber of pilot lightsRated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 50 Hz - max0 VSystem configuration typeAC voltagePhase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted. Center-point earthed star network (TN-S network)10.8 Connections for external conductorsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Coordination class (IEC 60947-4-3)Class 1Rated conditional short-circuit current, type 1, 600 Y/347 V 0 ARated conditional short-circuit current (Iq)10 kAAmbient operating temperature - max55 °CRated operational power at AC-3, 220/230 V, 50 Hz0 kWClimatic proofingIn accordance with IEC/EN 50178< 95 %, no condensationFeaturesParameterization: FieldbusDiagnostics and reset on device and via AS-Interface Parameterization: drivesConnectParameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App) Parameterization: KeypadLifespan, electrical10,000,000 Operations (at AC-3)Number of command positions2Electrical connection type of main circuitPlug-in connectionElectrical connection type for auxiliary- and control-current circuit Plug-in connectionRated control supply voltage (Us) at DC - max0 V10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Ambient operating temperature - min-10 °C10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and componentsDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Current limitation0.3 - 6.6 A, motor, main circuitAdjustable, motor, main circuitCable length10 m, Radio interference level, maximum motor cable length10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Mounting positionVerticalMains switch-on frequencyMaximum of one time every 60 secondsClassCLASS 10 A10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.2.6 Mechanical impactDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Electromagnetic compatibilityClass AVoltage typeDCProduct categoryMotor starterOverload release current setting - min0.3 ARated control voltage (Uc)24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %, external via AS-Interface® plug)Rated operational current (Ie)6.6 AAssigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase3 HPRated frequency - min47 HzNumber of auxiliary contacts (normally closed contacts)Rated conditional short-circuit current (Iq), type 2, 380 V, 400 V, 415 V0 APower consumption8 W10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.On-delay20 - 35 msLifespan, mechanical10,000,000 Operations (at AC-3)Rated operational current (Ie) at 150% overload6.6 AProtocolAS-Interface profile cable: S-7.4 for 31 modulesASIOverload release current setting - max6.6 A10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Overvoltage categoryIIIDegree of protectionIP65NEMA 12Rated frequency - max63 HzVibrationResistance: According to IEC/EN 60068-2-6Resistance: 57 Hz, Amplitude transition frequency on accelerationResistance: 6 Hz, Amplitude 0.15 mmResistance: 10 - 150 Hz, Oscillation frequencyRated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz - max3 kWAmbient storage temperature - max70 °CShort-circuit protection (external output circuits)Type 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuitRated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 60 Hz - min0 V10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)4000 VConnectionConnections pluggable in power sectionOff-delay20 - 35 ms10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.FunctionsExternal reset possibleTemperature compensated overload protectionOutput frequency50/60 HzMains voltage tolerance380 - 480 V (-15 %/+10 %, at 50/60 Hz)Rated conditional short-circuit current (Iq), type 2, 230 V0 AInterfacesNumber of slave addresses: 31 (AS-Interface®) Specification: S-7.4 (AS-Interface®)Max. total power consumption from AS-Interface® power supply unit (30 V): 190 mATypeReversing starter10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.Supply frequency50/60 Hz, fLN, Main circuit10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Rated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 60 Hz - max0 VRated operational current (Ie) at AC-3, 380 V, 400 V, 415 V6.6 ARated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz - min0.09 kWModelReversing starterNumber of auxiliary contacts (normally open contacts)Shock resistance15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 ms, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 1000 shocks per shaftAltitudeMax. 2000 mAbove 1000 m with 1 % performance reduction per 100 m Max. 1000 mEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Med enerett. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。
PN 601093 (English)August 1995 Rev.2, 11/011995-2001 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in USACertificationsP Conforms to European Standard EN61010-1, EN61326.Limited WarrantyEach Fluke product is warranted to be free from defects in material andworkmanship under normal use and service. The warranty period is one year and begins on the date of shipment. Parts, product repairs and services are warranted for 90 days. This warranty extends only to the original buyer or end user customer of a Fluke authorized reseller, and does not apply to fuses,disposable batteries or to any product which, in Fluke’s opinion, has beenmisused, altered, neglected or damaged by accident or abnormal conditions of operation or handling. Fluke warrants that software will operate substantially in accordance with its functional specifications for 90 days and that it has been properly recorded on nondefective media. Fluke does not warrant that software will be error free or operate without interruption.Fluke authorized resellers shall extend this warranty on new and unusedproducts to enduser customers only but have no authority to extend a greater or different warranty on behalf of Fluke. Warranty support is available if product is purchased through a Fluke authorized sales outlet or Buyer has paid the applicable international price. Fluke reserves the right to invoice Buyer for importation costs of repair/replacement parts when product purchased in one country is submitted for repair in another country.Fluke’s warranty obligation is limited, at Fluke’s option, to refund of the purchase price, free of charge repair, or replacement of a defective product which is returned to a Fluke authorized service center within the warranty period.To obtain warranty service, contact your nearest Fluke authorized service center or send the product, with a description of the difficulty, postage and insurance prepaid (FOB Destination), to the nearest Fluke authorized service center. Fluke assumes no risk for damage in transit. Following warranty repair, the product will be returned to Buyer, transportation prepaid (FOB Destination). If Fluke determines that the failure was caused by misuse, alteration, accident or abnormal condition of operation or handling, Fluke will provide an estimate of repair costs and obtain authorization before commencing the work.Following repair, the product will be returned to the Buyer transportation prepaid and the Buyer will be billed for the repair and return transportation charges (FOB Shipping Point).THIS WARRANTY IS BUYER’S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. FLUKE SHALL NOT BELIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, INCLUDING LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER ARISING FROM BREACH OF WARRANTY OR BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT,RELIANCE OR ANY OTHER THEORY.Since some countries or states do not allow limitation of the term of an implied warranty, or exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, the limitations and exclusions of this warranty may not apply to every buyer. If any provision of this Warranty is held invalid or unenforceable by a court ofcompetent jurisdiction, such holding will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision.In Case of DifficultyFor service or calibration, call your nearest authorized Fluke Service Center.For application or operation assistance or information on Fluke products, call:USA: 1-888-99-FLUKE (1-888-993-5853)Canada: 1-800-36-FLUKE (1-800-363-5853)Europe: +31 402-678-200Japan: +81-3-3434-0181Singapore: +65-738-5655Anywhere in the world: +1-425-446-5500Fluke Corporation P.O. Box 9090P.O. Box 1186Everett, WA 98206-9090 5602 B.D. Eindhoven USAThe Netherlands®700P2X Series Pressure ModulesInstruction SheetIntroductionThe Fluke 700P2X Series Pressure Modules allow you to measure pressure with the Fluke 700 Series Documenting Process Calibrators. Read this sheet before you use the pressure module. This sheet contains specifications and information about how to avoid damaging the pressure module. See the 700 Series Users Manual for operating instructions.NoteFluke-701 or Fluke-702 software V1.3 or higher is required. See specification footnote 1.The pressure module measures pressure using an internal microprocessor. It receives operating power from and sends digital information to the 700 Series calibrator.Gage pressure modules have one pressure fitting and measure pressure with respect to atmospheric pressure.Differential pressure modules have two pressure fittings and measure the difference between the applied pressure on the high fitting versus the low fitting. A differential pressure module functions like a gage module when the low fitting is open.Box ContentsPressure module, strap, 1/4 NPT to 1/4 ISO metric adapters,instruction sheet.Protecting Yourself from Pressure ReleasesTo avoid a violent release of pressure in a pressurized system, shut off the isolation valve and slowly bleed off the pressure before you attach or remove the pressure module from the pressure line.Avoiding Mechanical DamageTo avoid damaging the pressure module, never apply more than 10 ft.-lbs. of torque between the pressure module fittings or between the fittings and the body of the module. Always apply appropriate torque between the pressure module fitting and connecting fittings or adapters. Figure 1 shows the correct way and incorrect ways to use a wrench when applying torque to the pressure module fitting.1981Figure 1.Avoiding Overpressure DamageApplying pressure in excess of the BURST PRESSURE specified on the pressure module can destroy the pressure module. Burst pressure is 3X full scale.Avoiding Corrosion DamageTo avoid damaging the pressure module from corrosion, use it only with specified media as shown below:•High: any medium that is compatible with type 316 stainless steel.•Low: dry, noncorrosive gasses only.Recommended Measurement TechniqueFor best results, it is recommended that the module be pressurized to full scale and then vented to zero pressure (atmosphere) prior to zeroing and making measurements.NoteLow range pressure modules may be sensitive togravity. For best results, pressure modules 30 psiand below should be held at the same physicalorientation from the time they are zeroed until themeasurement is complete.Pressure Calibration KitThe Fluke-700PCK Pressure Calibration Kit makes it possible to calibrate pressure modules at ambient temperature with a precision pressure calibrator better than the module specification. A 386 or better PC and Windows® 3.1 or later are required. The kit is an optional accessory available from your distributor or Fluke.Performance TestIf you need to check that the pressure module meets its accuracy specification, use a dead weight tester or suitable pressure calibrator. The accuracy of the dead weight tester or pressure calibrator should be significantly better than the700P2X Series pressure specification. Proceed as follows to verify that a pressure module is operating within specification:1. Read the pressure value with no externally appliedpressure to make sure the 0% of scale is correct. When reading the pressure, press the ZERO key to removeany zero offset.NoteThe pressure ZERO function is available on Fluke-701 and Fluke-702 calibrators with V1.3 or highersoftware. Contact your Fluke Service Center forupgrade of earlier calibrators.2. Connect the pressure module to a dead weight tester.3. Set the dead weight tester to 20% of the pressuremodule’s full scale value.4. Make sure the reading agrees with the dead weighttester value within the specification in Table 1.5. Set the dead weight tester to 40, 60, 80, and 100% offull scale and compare the respective readings.6. If temperature sensitivity is of concern, repeat steps 1through 5 at various controlled temperatures.Table 1. Specifications 1 (% of full span)Model Range2Gage orDifferentialIsolated orNonisolatedReferenceUncertainty(23 °± 3 °C)Stability(1 Year)Temp(0 to 50 °C)TotalUncertainty3Fluke-700P220 to 1.0000 psi0 to 6.8900 kPa0 to 6.89 E-2 barDifferential Isolated0.100%0.020%0.030%0.150%Fluke-700P230 to 5.0000 psi0 to 34.000 kPa0 to 0.3400 barDifferential Isolated0.025%0.010%0.015%0.050%Fluke-700P240 to 15.000 psi0 to 100.00 kPa0 to 1.0000 barDifferential Isolated0.025%0.010%0.015%0.050%1. Use of pressure zero function is required to achieve these specifications. Contact your Fluke Service Center for upgrade of your Fluke 701 orFluke 702 V1.0, V1.1, or V1.2 Calibrator.2. Available pressure units (inHg, kg/cm2, mmH20) are determined by the calibrator being used.3. Accuracy specifications apply for 1 year for 0 to 100% of full span from 0 to 50 °C. Typical uncertainty is 1% of full span from-10 °C to 0 °C.4. Maximum non-destructive pressure: 3X maximum rated pressure, including common mode pressure.5. Maximum common mode pressure: 3X maximum rated pressure.6. Specifications reflect a confidence interval of 95%.。
PROFITEST 204 + PROFITEST 204 HP-2,5kV Tester for …
Int. Resist. RI
Meas. Uncertainty
Intrinsic Uncertainty
Overload Capacity Duration
0 85 m 100 Protective 10 330 m 85 999 m 1 m Conductor Resistance 1.00 9.99 1.00 9.99 10 m RSL 10.0 25.0 10.0 25.0 100 m
PROFITEST 204+ / PROFITEST 204HP-2,5kV Tester for DIN EN 60204-1 and VDE 0113-1, EN 61439-1 and VDE 0660-600-1
3-348-802-03 21/8.14
• • • • • • • • • •
1200 V
1 M 10 M
(5% rdg. +2 d) (10% rdg. +2 d) (20% rdg. +2 d)
0.00 9.99 mA
0.2 9.9 mA 0.01 mA
2 k (8.6% rdg. +9 d) (5% rdg. + 5 d)
250 V
U 2)
(3% rdg. + 5 d)
0 9.99 V* 10.0 12.0 V 0 999 k
0.01 V 0.1 V 1 k 100 k 1 M
Rated VR
μA ns pF
IF = 0.5 A, IR = 1.0 A, Irr = 0.25 A 4.0 V, 1 MHz
Notes (1) Pulse test: 300 μs pulse width, 1 % duty cycle (2) Pulse test: Pulse width 40 ms
New Product
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• Very low profile - typical height of 1.0 mm • Ideal for automated placement • Glass passivated chip junction • Ultrafast recoveray times for high frequency • Low reverse current • Meets MSL level 1, per LF maximum peak of 260 °C J-STD-020,
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MORNSUN URF24_QB-100W(F H)R3 100W 广西科技有限公司 DC-DC 转
100W,wide input voltage,isolated ®ulatedsingleoutputDC-DC converterPatent Protection RoHSFEATURES●Ultra wide input voltage range (4:1)●High efficiency up to 90%●Isolation voltage:2.25K VDC●Input under-voltage protection,output short circuit,over-current,over–voltage,over-temperature protection●Operating temperature range:-40℃to +85℃●Five-sided metal shielding package ●International standard pin-out:1/4brick ●Meets requirements of railway standard EN50155URF24_QB -100W(F/H)R3series are isolated 100W DC-DC products with 4:1input voltage.They feature efficiency up to 90%,2250VDCisolation,operating temperature of -40℃to +85℃,Input under-voltage protection,output short circuit protection,over-current protection,over–voltage protection,over-temperature protection and EMI meets CISPR32/EN55032CLASS B,which make them widely applied in battery power supplies,industrial control,electricity,instruments,railway,communication fields.Selection GuidePart No.①Input Voltage (VDC)OutputEfficiency(%,Min./Typ.)@Full LoadMax.CapacitiveLoad(µF)Nominal (Range)Max.②Output Voltage(VDC)Output Current (A)(Max.)URF2405QB-100W(F/H)R324(9-36)4052087/896000URF2412QB-100W(F/H)R3128.388/902000URF2415QB-100W(F/H)R315 6.788/902000URF2424QB-100W(F/H)R324 4.288/901000URF2428QB-100W(F/H)R328 3.688/901000URF2448QB-100W(F/H)R3482.188/90470Note:①"F"means product with aluminium bottom case;Series with suffix “H”are heat sink mounting;If the application has a higher requirement for heat dissipation,you can choose modules with heat sink;②Exceeding the maximum input voltage may cause permanent damage.Input SpecificationsItemOperating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit Input Current (full load/no-load)Nominal input voltage --4682/1204789/160mAReflected Ripple Current Nominal input voltage--30--Surge Voltage (1sec.max.)-0.7--50VDCStart-up Threshold Voltage ----9Input Under-voltage Protection 7.07.5--Input FilterPi filterCtrl *Module switch onCtrl open circuit or connected to TTL high level(3.5-12VDC)Module switch offCtrl pin connected to GND or low level(0-1.2VDC)Input current when switched off--265mAHot PlugUnavailableNote:*The voltage of Ctrl pin is relative to input pin GND.ItemOperating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitOutput Voltage Accuracy 0%-100%load--±1±3%Line Regulation Full load,the input voltage is from low to high --±0.2±0.5Load Regulation 5%-100%load--±0.5±0.75Transient Recovery Time 25%load step change --200500µs Transient Response Deviation 25%load step change 5V output --±3±7.5%Others--±3±5Temperature Coefficient Full load----±0.03%/℃Ripple &Noise *20MHz bandwidth12V/15V output --100200mVp-p Others --130250Output Over-voltage Protection Input voltage range 110125160%Vo Output Over-current Protection 110125150%Io Short-circuit ProtectionHiccup,Continuous,self-recoveryNote:*Ripple and noise are measured by “parallel cable”method,please see DC-DC Converter Application Notes for specific operation.General SpecificationsItemOperating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitInsulation Voltage Input-output With the test time of 1minute and the leak current less than 1mA2250----VDC Input-case 1600----Output-case500----Insulation Resistance Input-output,insulation voltage 500VDC 1000----M ΩIsolation Capacitance Input-output,100KHz/0.1V --2200--pF Trim *5V/15V output 91--110%Vo Others90--110Sense----110ThermocoupleURF24_QB-100WR3free convection ----8℃/W URF24_QB-100WFR3free convection ---- 6.8URF24_QB-100WHR3free convection ---- 5.7Operating Temperature -40--+85℃Storage Temperature -55--+125Over-temperature Protection95105115Pin Welding Resistance Temperature Wave-soldering,10seconds----260Welding spot is 1.5mm away from the casing,10seconds ----300Storage Humidity Non-condensing 5--95%RH VibrationIEC/EN61373car body 1B moldSwitching Frequency PWM mode--250--KHz MTBFMIL-HDBK-217F@25℃500----K hours Physical SpecificationsCasing MaterialAluminum alloy case,Black flame-retardant and heat-resistant plastic bottom case (UL94V-0)DimensionURF24xxQB-100WR361.8*40.2*12.7mm URF24xxQB-100WFR362.0*56.0*14.6mm URF24xxQB-100WHR361.8*40.2*27.7mm WeightURF24xxQB-100WR380g(Typ.)URF24xxQB-100WFR3100g(Typ.)URF24xxQB-100WHR3116(Typ.)Cooling methodNatural convection or Forced convectionEMICE CISPR32/EN55032,CLASS A and CLASS B (see Fig.3for recommended circuit)RE CISPR32/EN55032,CLASS A and CLASS B (see Fig.3for recommended circuit)EMSESDIEC/EN61000-4-2,Contact ±6KV Air ±8KV perf.Criteria B RS IEC/EN61000-4-3,20V/mperf.Criteria A EFT IEC/EN61000-4-4,±2KV(see Fig.2-1for recommended circuit)perf.Criteria A CSIEC/EN61000-4-6,10Vr.m.sperf.Criteria AEMC Specifications (EN50155)EMICEEN50121-3-2150kHz-500kHz 99dBuV (see Fig.3for recommended circuit)EN55016-2-1500kHz-30MHz 93dBuVRE EN50121-3-230MHz-230MHz 40dBuV/m at 10m (see Fig.3for recommended circuit)EN55016-2-1230MHz-1GHz 47dBuV/m at 10mEMSESD EN50121-3-2Contact ±6KV/Air ±8KV RSEN50121-3-220V/m(rms)EFT EN50121-3-2±2kV 5/50ns 5kHz (see Fig.2or Fig.2for recommended circuit)Surge EN50121-3-2line to line ±1KV (42Ω0.5uF see Fig.2for recommended circuit)CSEN50121-3-20.15MHz-80MHz 10V(rms)Product Characteristic CurveSense of application and precautions1.When not using remote sense0V+Vo sens e+Trim sens e-+C The lead as s hort as poss ibleLoadNotes :1)When not using remote sense,make sure +Vo and Sense +are shorted,and that 0V and Sense-are shorted as well;2)Keep the tracks between +Vo and Sense +,0V and Sense-as short as possible.and close to the terminal.Avoid a looping track.If noiseinterferes the loop,the operation of the power module will become unstable.2.When Remote Sense is used0V+Vo sens e+Trim sens e-Load+C Notes:ing remote sense with long wires may cause output voltage to become unstable.Consult us if long sensing wiring is necessary.2.Sense tracks or wires should be as short as possible.If using wires,it should not use twisted-pair or shielded wires.3.Please use wide PCB tracks or a thick wires between the power supply module and the load,the line voltage drop should be kept lessthan 0.3V.Make sure the power supply module's output voltage remains within the specified range.4.The impedance of wires may cause the output voltage oscillation or a greater ripple,please take adequate assessments before using.Design Reference1.Typical applicationIf not using Momsun’s recommended cicuit,please ensure an 220μF electrolytic capacitors in parallel with the input,which used to suppress the surge voltage come from the iuput terminal.All the DC/DC converters of this series are tested according to the recommended circuit (see Fig.1)before delivery.If it is required to further reduce input&output ripple,properly increase the input &output of additional capacitors Cin and Cout or select capacitors of low equivalent impedance,provided that the capacitance is no larger than the max.capacitive load of the product.DC DCVin G Vo0VCinCoutFuse Fig.1Vout(VDC)FuseCinCout 520A ,slow blow220µF470µF12/15220µF 24/28100µF 48100µF2.EMC solution-module recommended circuitFig.2device numberDevice parameter Device function C1150μF electrolyticcapacitor Meet puise groupand surgeC1147μF electrolyticcapacitor+Vin GND DC/DC+Vin +Vo0VGNDLOADCY3CY4CY1L2C1L1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C10C11CY2+Fig.3CLASSA device numberCLASS B device number Device parameter Device functionC1150μF electrolytic capacitor Meet conducted emission and radiated emissionC1147μF electrolytic capacitor C2、C3、C4、C5、C6、C7、C8、C9、C1010μF ceramic capacitor L1、L21.6mH common mode inductorCY3CY1、CY2 2.2nF Y1safety capacitor CY3、CY41nF Y1safety capacitor3.Application of Trim and calculation of Trim resistanceR 2R 1R 3V ref R TTrimVo’R 2R 1R 3V ref R TVo’Trim upTrim downApplied circuits of Trim (Part in broken line is the interior ofmodels)Calculation formula of Trim resistance:up: a=VrefVo’-Vref R 1R =T aR 2R -a 2-R 3down: a=VrefVo’-VrefR 2R =T aR 1R -a1-R 3R T is Trim resistance ,a is a self-defined parameter,with no real meaning.Vo’for the actual needs of the up or down regulated voltageWhen the Trim function with down regulated is used,If the RT resistor is too low or “Trim”is short with “+Vo”,the output voltage Vo’would be lower than 0.9Vo,which may cause the product to be irreversibly damaged.Vout(VDC)R1(K Ω)R2(K Ω)R3(K Ω)Vref(V)5 3.036310 2.51211.00 2.8715 2.51514.03 2.815 2.52424.872 2.8715 2.52829.201 2.85115 2.54853.0172.894152.54.Reflected ripple current--test circuitDCVo0VCinDC OscilloscopeLin Note:Lin(4.7µH),Cin(220µF ,ESR <1.0Ωat 100KHz)5.It is not allowed to connect modules output in parallel to enlarge the power6.For more information please find the application notes on Dimensions and Recommended Layout(URF24xxQB-100WHR3)Note:1.Packing Information please refer to'Product Packing Information'.Packing bag number:58010113(URF24xxQB-100WR3),58200069(URF24xxQB-100WFR3),58220017(URF24xxQB-100WHR3);2.The maximum capacitive load offered were tested at input voltage range and full load;3.Unless otherwise specified,data in this datasheet should be tested under the conditions of Ta=25℃,humidity<75%RH when inputting nominal voltage and outputting rated load;4.All index testing methods in this datasheet are based on our Company’s corporate standards;5.We can provide product customization service,please contact our technicians directly for specific information;6.Products are related to laws and regulations:see"Features"and"EMC";7.Our products shall be classified according to ISO14001and related environmental laws and regulations,and shall be handled by qualified units.Mornsun Guangzhou Science&Tech nolo gy Co.,Ltd.Address:No.5,Kehui St.1,Kehui Development Center,Science Ave.,Guangzhou Science City,Luogang District,Guangzhou,P.R.China Tel:86-20-38601850-8801Fax:86-20-38601272E-mail:***************。
B700、D700和T700 ASHCROFT
© Ashcroft Inc., 250 East Main Street, Stratford, CT 06614 USA, Tel: 203-378-8281, Fax; 203-385-0408, All sales subject to standard terms and conditions of sale. b-d-t-700_switch_im_RevC_(009-10120-ATEX) 11-05-181. Installation Requirements • T he equipment may be used with flammable gases and vapors with apparatus groups IIC and with temperature class T6 in the ambient temperature range –20ºC to +60ºC.• B 7 and D7 Switches, Process Temperature: – 20 to 60°COther temperature limits are possible with different diaphragm materials • I nstallation shall be carried out by suitably-trained personnel in accordance with the applicable code of practice e.g. IEC/EN 60079-14.• R efer to appropriate datasheet for materials of construction and te c hnical information.• T hese switches are precision instruments and should never be left with internal components exposed. During installation insure that covers are in place and conduit openings are closed except when actually working on the switches.• T o minimize the risk of injury, the switches must be installed according to the required safety and electrical codes.• T o attain the degree of protection listed on the switch it may be necessary to add required conduit fittings.• T he switch must be protected from moisture, shock and/or extreme vibration.• M ounting position: Switch can be mounted in any position. It is recommended that unit be set in intended operating position.• R efer to tag on product to for product catalog number, electrical rating, pressure/temperature range, wetted materials, proof pres-sure/proof temperature rating and switch deadband.2. Cautions • T he certification of this equipment relies upon the following mate-rials used in its construction: aluminum and stainless steel. If the equipment is likely to come into contact with aggressive sub-stances, then it is the responsibility of the user to take suitable precautions that prevent it from being adversely affected, thus ensuring that the type of protection provided by the equipment is not compromised. For compatibility questions contact Ashcroft.• A lways install the cover after wiring the switch and before power is supplied.• B efore removing the cover in hazardous areas be sure there is no explosive atmosphere present and the power supply is turned off.• F or ATEX/IEC approved switches all safety locking devices and electrical earthing must be installed or connected before operat-ing.• N ever carry a temperature switch by holding only the stem, bulb or capillary.• D o not push any foreign objects (ex. Screwdrivers) against the diaphragm.• Do not exceed ranges, current and/or voltage limits.3. Mounting • T hree holes external to the enclosure for surface mounting. Location of these holes is shown in the general dimension drawing.• U nits may also be mounted directly on the pressure line using the pressure connection. When tightening control to pressure line, always use the wrench flats or hex on the lower housing.4. Electrical Connections • B efore operating the switch all conduit entries and/or junctionboxes need to be closed according to the required safety andelectrical codes. a ) S tandard product has two ¾ NPT conduit holes one of whichis fitted with a suitably certified blanking device. ¾ NPT conduit holes can be adapted with suitably certified reducers. b) ATEX/IEC approved cable glands can be used.• I t is recommended that Teflon tape or other sealant be used on conduit, bushing, gland or plug threads to ensure integrity of the enclosure.• O nly trained and skilled personnel are allowed to install the wires to the electrical terminals of the switch.• C able couplers, glands and conduit connectors must have the correct electrical approvals.• A lways follow safety and electrical regulations when connecting these devices.• T he system ground of the device is marked with a green colored screw and/or by the ground symbol.• A TEX approved switches have and external ground screw that must be connected.• Micro switch terminals and wire color codes: NO (Normally Open) Blue NC (Normally Closed) Red C (Common) White • S PDT – Wire directly to the switch according to circuit require-ments.• 2 SPDT – Wire to front switch terminal block (left) and rear switch terminal block (right) as marked. Strip insulation 5⁄16˝, insert in prop-er terminal connector and tighten clamping screw to secure.MICRO SWITCH CODEELECTRICAL RATING SingleDualVa cVdc 20 61 15A, 250V 0.4A, 120V 21 65 5A, 250V 22 67 5A, 250V 2.5A, 28V 23 N/A 22A, 250V 24 64 15A, 480V 0.25A, 250V 25 N/A 10A, 250V 10A, 250V 26 62 15A, 250V 0.4A, 120V27 63 15A, 250V 28 N/A 15A, 250V 29 N/A 15A, 250V 31 70 1A, 250V 50mA, 60V 32 68 11A, 250V 5A, 30V42 71 1A, 125V 50 N/A 15A, 250V35N/A10A, 250V0.3A, 250VTABLE 1: MICRO SWITCH ELECTRICALRATINGSThis product complies with the following standards: IECEx ATEX IEC 60079-0:2011 Ed 6 EN 60079-0:2012 IEC 60079-1:2014 Ed 7 EN 60079-1:2014 IEC 60079-31:2013 IEC 60079-31:2013© Ashcroft Inc., 250 East Main Street, Stratford, CT 06614 USA, Tel: 203-378-8281, Fax; 203-385-0408, All sales subject to standard terms and conditions of sale. b-d-t-700_switch_im_RevC_(009-10120-ATEX) 11-05-185. Adjustment of Setpoin Note – As indicated below, adjustment of setpoint is made by use of 7⁄8˝ nut. Precision switch element mounting screws and bracket adjusting screw are factory sealed and should not be tampered with.B700 Series – A single setpoint adjustment nut (7/8˝) is located centrally at the bottom on the inside of the enclosure.For accurate setpoint calibration, mount the switch on a calibration stand, a pump or catalog No. 1305 deadweight gauge tester. A suitable reference standard such as an ASHCROFT Duragauge or Test Gauge is necessary to observe convenient changes in pressure.As received, the pressure switch will normally be set to approx-imately 90% of the indicated range. Pressurize the s ystem torequired setpoint and turn the adjustment nut until switch changes mode. Direction of turning is indicated on a label affixed to the inside of the switch enclosure. When setpoint has been achieved raise and lower pressure to insure that setpoint is correct.After installation of the switch replace cover to insure electrical safety and to protect internal parts from the environment.Note – Since vacuum models are already above setpoint at atmo-sphere, the Normally Open (NO) circuit will be closed as received.D700 Series – A single setpoint adjustment nut (7/8˝) is located centrally at the bottom on the inside of the enclosure.The direction of turning is indicated on a label affixed to the inside of the switch enclosure.A typical calibration procedure would be as follows: Static Working Pressure - 600 psig Adjustable Differential Range - 5/200 psid Differential Setpoint - 150 psi above static working pressure.Simultaneously raise the high and low side pressure to 600 psig. Maintain the low side pressure at 600 psig. Raise the high side pressure to 750 psig to obtain 150 psi differential.Turn the adjustment nut until the switch changes mode at 150 psi differential. When the setpoint has been achieved, raise and lower the high side pressure to ensure that the differential setpoint is correct.D700 Series (low range differential) – A single setpoint adjust-ment nut (7⁄8˝ ) is located centrally at the bottom on the inside of the enclosure.The direction of turning is indicated on a label affixed to the inside of the switch enclosure. XG5 switches have a setpoint indication scale adjacent to the adjustment nut. To adjust the switch, align the top of the adjustment nut hex with the indicator line on the scale. Do not force adjustment or attempt to ex-ceed the maxi-mum setting shown on the scale or nameplate.For accurate setpoint calibration or for switches without a scale mount the switch on a calibration stand so that the HIGH and LOW pressures expected under operating conditions may be obtained. Suitable reference standards are necessary for each pressure.Note – During calibration an approximate setpoint under operating conditions can be obtained by setting the operating point with the low side open to atmosphere. A final setpoint adjustment can be made after installation.Apply LOW pressure. Then apply HIGH pressure to the required setpoint and turn the adjustment nut until the switch operates. When the setpoint has been achieved, raise and lower HIGH pres-sure to ensure that the differential pressure between the HIGH and LOW pressures is correct.After installation of the switch, replace the cover to ensure electri-cal safety and to protect the internal parts from the e nvironment.T700 Series – A single setpoint adjustment nut (7⁄8˝ ) is located cen-trally at the bottom on the inside of the enclosure.The bulb of the switch should be immersed in a bath at the desired setpoint temperature. Optimum performance will be obtained if the bulb is fully immersed. Allow five minutes for initial stabilization.As received, the temperature switch will normally be set to approx-imately 90% of the indicated range. After stabilization, turn the adjustment nut until switch changes mode. Direction of turning is indicated on a label affixed to the inside of the switch enclosure. When setpoint jas been achieved raise and lower temperature to insure that the setpoint is correct.After installation of the switch replace cover to insure electrical safety and to protect internal parts from the environment.B750, D750 and T750 Variable Deadband Switches – Deadband is varied by rotating the wheel on the precision switch. Whenviewed from the front of the enclosure, rotation to the left increases deadband – rotation to the right decreases deadband. Letters on the wheel may be used as a reference. Deadbands obtainable will vary from 0.5% to 9% of pressure or temperature range depending on range segment and type of diaphragm.Adjustment of Setpoint – As received, the switch will normally be set to approximately 90% of range. Rotate the wheel on the MICRO SWITCH all the way to the right; this will provide small-est deadband. Pressurize, or increase bath temperature, to the required setpoint and turn the adjustment nut until the switch changes mode. Lower the pressure to reset the switch. Rotate the wheel on the MICRO SWITCH until the desired deadband is obtained. The upper setpoint will be changing upward with this adjustment. Lower the pressure to reset the switch. Then increase the pressure to the desired setpoint and turn the adjusting nut until the switch changes mode. Lower the pressure and check reset-point and deadband.6. Specific Conditions of Use • P rior to use, the equipment shall be subjected to a pressure test, which shall be based on the process pressure of the associated system. If available, the test shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of an applicable industry standard. The pressure shall be applied from the system side of the diaphragm. It must be proven that there is no leakage of the test medium into the flameproof enclosure and that the flameproof enclosure does not become pressurized above ambient atmospheric pressure.• E poxy coated enclosures are non-conducting and may generate an ignition-capable level of electrostatic charges under certain extreme conditions. The user should ensure that the equipment is not installed in a location where it may be subjected to external conditions (such as high-pressure steam) which might cause a build-up of electrostatic charges on non-conducting surfaces. Additionally, cleaning of the equipment should be done only with a damp cloth. • S witch vent must not be used nor blocked.• I n accordance with clause 5.1 of IEC/EN 60079-1 the critcal dimensions of the flamepaths are:• Never use aggressive solvents.• Do not use high-pressure water to clean the switch.8. Maintenance/Troubleshooting• All ASHCROFT switches require little or no maintenance.• I nspection and maintenance of this equipment shall be carried out by suitably trained personnel in accordance with the applica-ble code of practice e.g. IEC/EN 60079-17.• Be sure that the case is closed at all times.• W hen the switch is exposed to process media that may hard-en and/or build up in the pressure port, the switch should be removed and cleaned as needed.• I f the switch does not function, only trained and skilled personnel should check on the wiring, power supply and/or mounting.• I f the problem cannot be solved, do not attempt to repair, please contact Ashcroft or Ashcroft distributor.© Ashcroft Inc., 250 East Main Street, Stratford, CT 06614 USA, Tel: 203-378-8281, Fax; 203-385-0408, All sales subject to standard terms and conditions of sale. b-d-t-700_switch_im_RevC_(009-10120-ATEX) 11-05-18。
2010版Oeko—Tex Standard 100限值指标表
1.01.0生ຫໍສະໝຸດ 活性物质不得检出阻燃剂
AO-07 Oxygen Sensor Product Manual
产品手册ASF01 Oxygen SensorProduct ManualAO-07Features•Comply with medical equipment use standards •Full-scale linear output•No external power supply •Temperature compensation•Excellent signal stability•Accurate and reliable•Fast response•Anti-interference•Long lastingSummaryAO-07 is the oxygen sensor of Aosong Electronics.Offering long life and fast response, the high quality AO-07 replacement sensor incorporates a molded body design, specific for medical use. Best of all, the AO-07 costs less than the sensors it replaces, creating additional saving while providing superior quality. For further information on the AO-07 or any productin ASAIR’s complete line of medical oxygen nalyzers and sensors, contact us.ApplicationsAO-07 Medical Oxygen Sensors are intended as oxygen-sensing component of an oxygen analyzer that measures oxygen concentration in breathing gas mixtures in the following applications:•Sensing device for oxygen•control device of oxygen concentrators •medical ventilators•anaesthesia equipment•incubatorsThe use is limited to system monitoring. The sensors are not suited for breath by breath analysis of breath gases. Please refer to the Instructions for Use. To avoid cross infection, please strictly follow the instructions of the oxygen analyzer manufacturer.1Technical SpecificationsNote:① Specifications are based on measurements made with cylinder gases using a flow rate of 100 mls min -1 and are valid at 20°C, 50% RH and 1013 mBar, using recommended circuitry.② Performance characteristics outline the performance of sensors supplied within the first 3 months.③ Output signal can drift below the lower limit over time.④ Use of a regression coefficient shows a best fit straight line better than 0.9995 when measured through thefour data points from testing with 100%N2、21%O2、60%O2 and 100%O2.⑤ Connection should be made via recommended mating parts only. Soldering to the sensor will damage it and invalidate the warranty.2Product Dimensions(unit:mm)AO-07 outline dimensions3Installation and Use3.1Installation requirementsAO-07 is designed for operation in a wide range of environments and harsh conditions. However, it is important that exposure to high concentrations of solvent vapours is avoided, both during storage, fitting into instruments and operation.When using sensors with printed circuit boards (PCBs), degreasing agents should be used before the sensor is fitted. Do not glue directly on or near the AO-07 as the solvent may cause crazing of the plastic.3.2Stabilisation TimeAllow at least 15 minutes to stabilise in the instrument before calibration or refer to manufacturersinstructions.3.3CleaningIn case of contamination the sensor may be cleaned with distilled water and allowed to dry naturally.The sensor is not suitable for sterilisation by steam or exposure to chemicals such as ethylene oxide or hydrogen peroxide.3.4Calibration IntervalThese sensors are designed to have minimal drift over their useful lifetime. For maximum accuracyhowever they should be calibrated before each use.3.5If the Sensor is DroppedIf a sensor is dropped, then it should be placed in quarantine for 24 hours and a follow-up check made bya 2 point calibration.3.6Mechanical InstallationWhen installing the sensor, it must only be screwed in hand-tight and a gas tight seal ensured. Spanners and similar mechanical aids may not be used, as excessive force may damage the sensor thread.3.7Cross Sensitivity4Warnings and Precautions4.1It is the responsibility of the user to determine the suitability for use of the sensor. Follow theinstructions for use of the oxygen analyzer and for replacement of oxygen sensor.4.2To ensure the normal operation of the instrument using the sensor, it is required to confirm thefunction of the sensor by exposure to the target gas before each use of the sensor or instrument.Failure to perform such tests may endanger the safety of people and property.4.3The sensor contains lead and corrosive liquid, please do not open the case or penetrate thepermeable membrane, do not touch the damaged sensor without protective gloves, in case of leakage, avoid contact with eyes.4.4The sensor is not suited for use in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) environment.4.5Do not use this product for applications that may cause personal injury (including death). Do notuse this product for products other than the intended use and authorized use.4.6Please consult the data sheet and product manual carefully. Failure to follow these instructionsmay result in death or serious injury.4.7For any application using this product, expressly reject any responsibilities, including but notlimited to consequential or incidental compensation.。
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This document has been generated by an Electronic Document Management System. When printed it is considered as a “for information only” copy. The controlled copy is the screen version and it is the holder’s responsibility that h e/she holds the latest valid version.Revision list:Hold list:TABLE OF CONTENTS1SCOPE AND PURPOSE (4)2REFERENCE DOCUMENTS (4)3PROJECT DESCRIPTION (4)3.1Geographical location (4)3.2KAOMBO Fields Arrangement (5)3.3Description of the PLANT (6)1 SCOPE AND PURPOSEThe purpose of this document is to provide general information relative to the Kaombo Project. This document canbe read as a standalone document, and may be refered to in the Project documentation.2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTSN/A3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION3.1 G EOGRAPHICAL LOCATIONThe KAOMBO development is located within the south-east area of Block 32, which is located offshore Angola, approximately 150 km from the coast. It covers an area of approximately 5090 km2, in water depths ranging from 1380 to 2200m.Location of Block 32 (KAOMBO) and neighbouring Angolan BlocksThe perimeter of the initial development covers the following nine reservoirs:-Gindungo Main and Gindungo Deep;- Gengibre Oligocene and Gengibre Miocene;- Canela Oligocene;- Louro Oligocene and Louro Miocene;- Mostarda West Oligocene;- Caril.The purpose of the KAOMBO Project is to:- Provide facilities for production of crude oil reserves from the 9 reservoirs constituting KAOMBO through a sub-sea development of 36 oil producer wells with associated flow-linesystems collection of oil for treatment, stabilization and storage on board two FPSOvessels;- Provide facilities for offloading stabilized crude oil to ocean going tankers;- Provide facilities for injection of treated water into 28 water injection wells through associated water injection lines;- Provide facilities for gas separation and treatment, and gas export through a pipeline to the Block 17 gas gathering system;3.2 KAOMBO F IELDS A RRANGEMENTThe KAOMBO field development comprises the following main elements:Two (2) identical Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading vessel (referred to as the FPSO.The Subsea Production System (referred to as the “SPS”) including:- 36 No. production wells,- 28 No. water injection wells,North FPSO Subsea Umbilicals, Risers, and flow lines facilities (SURF) including:- 3 Hybrid loop Production (for Gindungo, Gengibre and Caril) system each being constituted by:o 1 Production lineo 1 Service lineo 1 Gas lift risero 1 Umbilical- 3 water injection lines (and two water injection risers, Water Injection Risers of Gindungo & Caril being combined),- 1 Gas Export Line and SSIV Control CableSouth FPSO Subsea Umbilicals, Risers, and flow lines facilities (SURF) including:- 3 Hybrid loop Production (for Canela, Mostarda and Louro) system each being constituted by:o 1 Production lineo 1 Service lineo 1 Gas lift risero 1 Umbilical- 2 water injection lines (one for Canela, one common for Mostarda and Louro),- 1 Gas Export Line and SSIV Control Cable1 Fibre-Optic Cable connection to Block 17 Fiber Optic Network (SOOC) for each FPSO, andconnected via the SSIV Control Cable.3.3 D ESCRIPTION OF THE PLANTThe B32 - Kaombo surface facilities are designed for the safe production, storage andexport/offloading of oil for an uninterrupted service life of 20 years.The two (2) FPSOs (FPSO North and FPSO South) are two converted sister-ships Very Large CrudeCarrier (VLCC) with a 20-year service life (without dry docking); FPSO North and FPSO South of thesame design (concept Design1 –Built 2, “D1B2”).The two FPSOs are moored with a turret.The FPSO Facility design and construction will follow the selected Classification Society’s Rules f or FPSOs and comply with the international maritime conventions, applicable industry codes & standards, relevant Angolan laws and regulations and other requirements of the selected Flag state.The VLCC candidates for conversion have been selected by the COMPANY. These are two modern VLCC and are double hull type, the OLYMPIA delivered in 2008 and the ANTARCTICA delivered in 2009.Principal particulars of the FPSO∙Crude oil storage will be about 1.7 Mbbls∙Export parcel: 950,000bbls @ 60°F +/-5%∙Internal turret mooring∙Risers via the turret∙Living quarters for 149 personnel (mustering and life saving appliances for 149 212 max POB) ∙Produced oil treatment: 120 kbopd design for North FPSO, 125 kbopd max for South FPSO ∙Produced liquid treatment: 180 kblpd design capacity∙Produced water treatment: 135 kbwpd design capacity∙Water injection: 200 kbwpd design capacity∙Sea Water Treatment: 194 kbwpd design capacity∙Produced gas treatment: 3.36 MSm3/d (first HP compression stage) design capacity∙Gas Export: 2.85 MSm3/d design capacity∙Oil offloading to trading tankers with the trading tankers moored in tandem to the FPSOs.。