emulsions products tech_dm799[1]




4.4.3 閃爍.......................................................................................................4-53
4.4.4 萬用表...................................................................................................4-70
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版本 1.2 2007 年 3 月 料號 A11 000730
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ACCUSPIN系统-Histopaque 1077产品说明书

ACCUSPIN系统-Histopaque 1077产品说明书

Technical BulletinACCUSPIN™ System – Histopaque ® 1077Catalog Numbers A6929, A7054, and A0561Product DescriptionACCUSPIN System-Histopaque -1077products are intended for use in the isolation of lymphocytes and other mononuclear cells. The separation medium, Histopaque-1077, is a sterile-filtered, endotoxin tested solution of polysucrose and sodium diatrizoate, adjusted to a density of 1.077 g/mL. The ACCUSPIN tube is specially designed with two chambers separated by a porous high density polyethylene barrier (frit).Separation of lymphocytes and other mononuclear cells from whole blood and bone marrow using density gradientseparation media is based on a published method.1 Histopaque-1077 is suitable for human lymphocyte antigen (HLA) typing 2 and as the initial isolation step prior toenumeration of T, B, and ‘null’ lymphocytes.3 It may also be employed in the preparation of pure lymphocyte suspensions for cell culture and cytotoxicity assays.4ACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077 products consist of radiation sterilized polypropylene tubes fitted with a highdensity polyethylene frit and aseptically filled with Histopaque-1077.Histopaque-1077 is a sterile-filtered solution of polysucrose, 57 g/L, and sodium diatrizoate, 90 g/L.Density: 1.076–1.078 g/mL Endotoxin: 0.3 EU/mL pH: 8.8–9.0ACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077Catalog No. A692940 × 3 mLEach tube contains 3 mL ofHistopaque 1077-1 and will separate 3-6 mL of anticoagulated blood Catalog No. A7054 12 × 15 mLCatalog No. A0561100 × 15 mLEach tube contains 15 mL ofHistopaque 1077-1 and will separate 15-30 mL of anticoagulated bloodReagents and Equipment Required but Not ProvidedCentrifuge (swinging bucket rotor)capable of generating 100 to 1,000 g Centrifuge tubes for washing mononuclear cellsIsotonic phosphate buffered saline solution or appropriate cell culture mediumPrecautions and DisclaimerFor R&D use only. Not for drug, household, or other uses. Please consult the Safety Data Sheet for information regarding hazards and safe handling practices.Preparation InstructionsSpecimen Collection - Collect blood in preservative-free anticoagulant (EDTA or heparin) or use defibrinated blood. For best results, blood should be processed within 2 hours.On occasion, it may be necessary to dilute the blood sample 3 to 5-fold, depending on absolute cell numbers. A similar volume of prediluted blood may be used or the blood sample may be diluted directly in upper chamber of the ACCUSPIN tube (seeProcedure, step 3). This is appropriate for specimens with hematocrits above normal.Storage/StabilityStore the products at 2–8 C.Histopaque-1077 has an expiration period of 3 years. Reagent label bears expiration date.ProcedureAnticoagulated blood can be added to the top chamber of the tube without risk of mixing with the Histopaque-1077 in the lowerchamber under the frit. On centrifugation the whole blood migrates through the frit to contact with the Histopaque-1077. The elements of greater density displace a volume of Histopaque-1077 above the frit giving a clear separation of the bloodcomponents. The erythrocytes aggregate and the granulocytes become slightly hypertonic, increasing their sedimentation rate, resulting in pelleting at the bottom of the ACCUSPIN Tube. Lymphocytes and other mononuclear cells, e.g., monocytes, remain at the plasma/Histopaque-1077 interface. This dense band of mononuclear cells may be collected by pouring off the contents of the upper chamber or by means of a pipette. Erythrocyte contamination is avoided due to the barrier between the chambers.Most extraneous platelets are removed by low speed centrifugation during the washing steps.1. Bring desired number of tubes to roomtemperature. If Histopaque-1077 isabove the frit prior to use, centrifuge at 1,000 g for 30 seconds at room temperature.Note: Failure to bring ACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077 to room temperature may cause limited recovery of mononuclear cells. 2. Label tube(s).3. Freely pour the blood sample into theupper chamber of each ACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077 tube.a. Use 3–6 mL of whole blood withACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077 tubes, Catalog No. A6929. b. Use 15–30 mL of whole blood withACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077 tubes, Catalog Nos. A7054 or A0561. Note: Use of volumes of prediluted or whole blood other than those recommended may result in decreased recovery.4. Centrifuge at 1,000 g for 10 minutes atroom temperature or centrifuge at 800 g for 15 minutes at roomtemperature. Centrifugation at lower temperatures, such as 4 C, may result in cell clumping and poor recovery.Note: If platelet contamination is a concern, add the mononuclear cells to a 4-20% sucrose gradient that has been layered over Histopaque-1077.Centrifuge at 1,000 × g for 10 minutes at room temperature. The platelets will pellet at the bottom, while themononuclear cells will migrate to the Histopaque-1077 layer.5. After centrifugation, carefully aspiratethe plasma layer with a Pasteur pipette to within 0.5 cm of the opaque interface containing mononuclear cells. Properly dispose of the plasma layer.Note: Failure to remove the excesssupernatant may result in contamination of the mononuclear band with plasma proteins.6. Carefully transfer the opaque interfacewith a Pasteur pipette into a clean conical centrifuge tube.Note: Removal of Histopaque-1077 with the mononuclear band increasesgranulocyte contamination from residual granulocytes, which may remain at the mononuclear interface.7. Wash the cells by adding 10 mL ofisotonic phosphate buffered saline solution or appropriate cell culture medium and mix by gently drawing in and out of a Pasteur pipette. 8. Centrifuge at 250 g for 10 minutes. 9. Aspirate the supernatant and discard. 10. Resuspend cell pellet with 5 mL ofisotonic phosphate buffered saline solution or appropriate cell culture medium and mix by gently drawing in and out of a Pasteur pipette.11. Centrifuge at 250 g for 10 minutes. 12. Repeat steps 9, 10, and 11, discardsupernatant and resuspend cell pellet in 0.5 mL of isotonic phosphate buffered saline solution or appropriate cell culture medium. Erythrocytes and granulocytes should pellet to the bottom of the ACCUSPIN tube. Mononuclear cells should band at the interface between the Histopaque-1077 and the plasma. If observed results vary from expected results, please contact Sigma-Aldrich Technical Service for assistance.References1. Boyum, A., Separation of leukocytesfrom blood and bone marrow. Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest ., 21 (Suppl 97), 77 (1968).2. Amos, D.B., and Pool, P., “HLA typing” inManual of Clinical Immunology, Rose, N.R., and Friedman, H., eds., American Society for Microbiology, (Washington, DC: 1976) pp. 797-804.3. Winchester, R.J., and Ross, G., “Methodsfor enumerating lymphocyte populations” in Manual of Clinical Immunology, Rose, N.R., and Friedman, H. eds., American Society for Microbiology, (Washington, DC: 1976) pp. 64-76.4. Thorsby, E., and Bratlie, A., “A rapidmethod for preparation of pure lymphocyte suspensions.”Histocompatibility Testing, Terasaki, P.I., ed., 665-666 (1970).The life science business of Merck operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada.Merck, Sigma-Aldrich, ACCUSPIN, and Histopaque are trademarks of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Detailed information on trademarks is available via publicly accessible resources.© 2022 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.NoticeWe provide information and advice to our customers on application technologies and regulatory matters to the best of our knowledge and ability, but without obligation or liability. Existing laws and regulations are to be observed in all cases by our customers. This also applies in respect to any rights of third parties. Our information and advice do not relieve our customers of their own responsibility for checking the suitability of our products for the envisaged purpose.The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by the manufacturing or selling entity, or an affiliate. We assume no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.Contact InformationFor the location of the office nearest you, go to /offices .Technical ServiceVisit the tech service page on our web site at /techservice .Standard WarrantyThe applicable warranty for the products listed in this publication may be found at /terms .A0561 Technical Bulletin Rev 06/2022。



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Philips S9000 Prestige 电子刮刀说明书

Philips S9000 Prestige 电子刮刀说明书

Product PictureShaver S9000PrestigeNanoTech Dual Precision bladesHydro SkinGlide coatingUltraflex Suspension systemTop-spin digital motorSP9840/32Exceptionally close, incredibly gentle with SkinIQ T echnologyExperience an incredibly smooth and close shave - even on 7-day beards, with Philips S9000 Prestige. Equipped with SkinIQ technology the shaver senses and adapts to you for the shaving experience you always desired.Our closest electric shaveBlades with extra strong, sharp edges for ultimate closenessAdapts to every contour of your face to catch difficult hairSkinIQ technologyOur best coating engineered for ultimate skin comfortHigh-speed shaving efficiencyA shaver with the power to tame beardsPersonalize your shavePremium experienceOne-touch open for easy cleaningKeeping everything organized and protectedChoose a convenient dry or refreshing wet shaveTrimming your mustache and sideburnsFor a convenient shavePowerful cleaning pod for maintenance and hygieneWet & dry electric shaver, Series 9000SP9840/32 Highlights SpecificationsNanoT ech Dual Precision bladesWith up to 165.000 cutting actions per minute, the NanoTech Dual Precisions blades deliver extremely close results at skin level. Now reengineered with Guide & Cut System and hardened with nano particles, the 72 self-sharpening blades have extra strong and long lasting sharp edges for an ultimate closeness at all timesHydro SkinGlide coatingOur best protective coating lies between the shaver heads and your skin. Made of up to 500.000 microtech beads with hydrophilic properties per square centimeter, creating smoother gliding on skin by 50%* for maximum skin comfort.Ultraflex Suspension systemFully flexible heads completely adapt to every contour of your face catching even difficult hairs. The result is an exceptionally smooth and comfortable shave.T op-spin digital motorMaximum rotations for maximum efficiency, Philips' most advanced digital motor ensures a precise shave no matter the facial contour or hair density.Power Adapt sensorThe electric shaver has intelligent facial-hair sensor that reads hair density 500 times per second. The technology auto-adapts cutting power for an effortless and gentle shave.Personal Comfort settingsAdjust the speed of your shaver andpersonalize your shaving routine to your ownskin and preferences.One-touch openClean your electric shaver with the touch of abutton. Simply flip open the shaver head andrinse with water.Premium pouchThe S9000 Prestige Shaver comes neatlypacked in a premium storage pouch with a Qicharging pad and accessories. Ideal for travelor keeping it safe when it's not in use.Shave wet or dryA wet and dry shaver that adapts to yourpreference. Choose a convenient dry shave, orpair with your favourite foam or gel for arefreshing wet shave.SmartClick precision trimmerSkin-friendly and easy to use, give yourmustache and sideburns extra definition withthe SmartClick precision trimmer.Cable-free Quick Clean Pod10x more effective than cleaning with water****,the powerful cleaning pod thoroughly cleansand lubricates your shaver in just 1 minute.Using it helps maintain shaver performanceand increase hygiene.Shaving PerformanceShaving system: Excellent skin comfortsystem, NanoTech Dual Precision bladesSkinIQ technology: Hydro SkinGlide coating,Top-spin digital motor, Ultraflex suspensionsystem, Power Adapt sensor, Personal ComfortsettingsAccessoriesSmartClick: Precision trimmerPouch: Premium pouchQuick Clean Pod: 1 cartridge included, YesEase of useWet & Dry: Wet and dry useDisplay: % Battery Level IndicatorCleaning: Fully washable, One-touch openDesignFinishing: Timeless eleganceHandle: Ergonomic grip & handlingPowerQuick charge: 5 minutesCharging time: 1 hour full chargeRun time: 60 minutesBattery Type: Lithium-ionService2-year warrantyReplacement head SH91: Replace every 2 yrswith SH91* compared to predecessor© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2022‑03‑24 Version: 1.1.1。



天地慈弹润光采嫩肤晚安面膜针对提升皮肤含水量的观察报告发布时间:2022-10-17T03:17:00.159Z 来源:《中国结合医学杂志》2022年8期作者:范亨林吴骞张晓霞欧阳远鹏[导读] 目的探究天地慈弹润光采嫩肤晚安面膜提升皮肤含水量的有效性和安全性。

范亨林吴骞张晓霞欧阳远鹏东莞黄家圣幸中医医院广东东莞 52300摘要:目的探究天地慈弹润光采嫩肤晚安面膜提升皮肤含水量的有效性和安全性。










1.1 对象于东莞黄家圣幸中医医院选取有护肤需求的女性受试者30例,年龄18~50岁。



Fig.1 : HD-700 Series Hysteresis DynamometerProvided by: (800)404-ATECAdvanced Test Equipment Corp .®Rentals • Sales • Calibration • ServicePage 2 / 18© 2020 MAGTROL | Due to continual product development, Magtrol reserves the right to modify specifications without forewarning.ED DESCRIPTIONWith Magtrol’s Engine Dynamometers, high performance motor testing is available to manufacturers and users of small engines. Magtrol’s Engine Dynamometers have been designed to address the severe, high vibration conditions inherent in internal combustion engine testing.Magtrol’s Engine Dynamometers are highly accurate (± 0.25% of full scale) and can be controlled either manually or via a PC based Controller. For a small engine test stand, Magtrol offers a full line of controllers, readouts and software.As with all Magtrol Hysteresis Dynamometers, engine loading is provided by Magtrol’s Hysteresis Brake, which provides: torque independent of speed, including full load at 0 rpm; excellent repeatability; frictionless torque with no wearing parts (other than bearings); and long operating life with low maintenance.ED APPLICATIONSThe Engine Dynamometers are ideally suited for emissions testing as set forth in CARB and EPA Clean Air Regulations. The Dynamometers will offer superior performance on the production line, at incoming inspection or in the R&D lab.OPERATING PRINCIPLESAIR GAPFIELD COILBALL BEARINGSSHAFTPOLE STRUCTUREHUBROTOR (Drag Cup)Magtrol Hysteresis Dynamometers absorb power with a unique Hysteresis Braking System which provides frictionless torque loading independent of shaft speed. The Hysteresis Brake provides torque by the use of two basic components—a reticulated pole structure and a specialty steel rotor/shaft assembly—fitted together but not in physical contact. Until the pole structure is energized, the drag cup can spin freely on its shaft bearings. When a magnetizing force from the field coil is applied to the pole structure, the air gap becomes a flux field and the rotor is magnetically restrained, providing a braking action between the pole structure and rotor.DYNAMOMETER SELECTIONMagtrol’s Hysteresis Dynamometers cover a wide range of Torque, Speed and Mechanical Power ratings. To select the appropriate size Dynamometer for your motor testing needs, you will need to determine the Maximum Torque, Speed and Power applied to the Dynamometer.MAXIMUM TORQUEThe Magtrol Hysteresis Absorption Dynamometer will develop braking torque at any speed point, including low speed and stall conditions (“0” rpm). It is important to consider all torque points that are to be tested, not only rated torque, but also locked rotor and breakdown torque. Dynamometer selection should initially be based on the maximum torque requirement, subject to determining the maximum power requirements.MAXIMUM SPEEDThis rating is to be considered independent of torque and power requirements, and is the maximum speed at which the Dynamometer can be safely run under free-run or lightly loaded conditions. It is not to be considered as the maximum speed at which full braking torque can be applied.MAXIMUM POWER RATINGSThese ratings represent the maximum capability of the Dynamometer Braking System to absorb and dissipate heat generated when applying a braking load to the motor under test. The power absorbed and the heat generated by the Dynamometer is a function of the Torque (T) applied to the motor under test, and the resulting Speed (n) of the motor. This is expressed in these power (P) formulas:SI:P (watts) = T (N·m) × n (rpm) × (1.047 × 10-1)English: P (watts) = T (lb·in) × n (rpm) × (1.183 × 10-2)Metric: P (watts) = T (kg·cm) × n (rpm) × (1.027 × 10-2)All of Magtrol’s controllers, readouts and software calculate horsepower as defined by 1 hp = 550 lb·ft / s. Using this definition:hp = P (watts) / 745.7The Dynamometer’s ability to dissipate heat is a function of how long a load will be applied. For this reason, the maximum power ratings given are based on continuous operation under load, as well as a maximum of 5 minutes under load.To safely dissipate heat and avoid Dynamometer failure, the maximum power rating is the most important consideration in selecting a Dynamometer.DATASHEET Page 3 / 18© 2020 MAGTROL | Due to continual product development, Magtrol reserves the right to modify specifications without PLETE PC CONTROLMagtrol’s M-TEST 7 Software is a state-of-the-art motor testing program for Windows®-based data acquisition. Used with a Magtrol Programmable Dynamometer Controller, Magtrol M-TEST 7 Software provides the control of any Magtrol Dynamometer and runs test sequences in a manner best suited to the overall accuracy and efficiency of the Magtrol Motor T est System. The data that is generated by Magtrol’s Motor T esting Software can be stored, displayed and printed in tabular or graphic formats, and can be easily imported into a spreadsheet.Written in LabVIEW™, M-TEST 7 has the flexibility to test a majority of motor types in a variety of ways. Because of LabVIEW’s versatility, obtaining data from other sources (e.g. thermocouples), controlling motor power and providing audio/visual indicators is relatively easy.Magtrol’s M-TEST 7 Software is ideal for simulating loads, cycling the unit under test and motor ramping. Because it is easy to gather data and duplicate tests, the software is ideal for use in engineering labs. T ests can be programmed to run on their own and saved for future use allowing for valuable time savings in production testing and incoming/outgoing inspection.SPECIFICATIONSMODELTORQUE MEASURE UNIT CODE a)MAXIMUMTORQUERANGEDRAG TORQUEDE-ENERGIZED AT1,000 RPMNOMINAL INPUT INERTIA MAX. POWER RATINGS MAXIMUM SPEED c)BRAKE COOLING METHOD5 MINUTECONTINUOUS b)lb·ft·s 2kg·m 2WWRPMN·mED-7155N 6.200.035 N·m 1.27 × 10-3 1.72 × 10-3 3 400 3 00025 000Blower (included)ED-8155N28.00.14 N·m9.61 × 10-31.30 × 10-27 0006 00012 000Blower (included)a) All -5N(A) dynamometers are 5 Volt Output. Contact Magtrol for 6N (English), 7N (Metric) and 8N (SI) Specifications.b) Note: Operating at the continuous power rating for periods of up to 4 hours is acceptable. However, operating for extended periods at high temperatures willresult in premature component and bearing failure. Limiting the length of the cycle and the component temperatures will guard against premature failure. Where continuous duty is desired for longer time intervals, component temperatures should be maintained less than 100°C; monitoring the outside brake surface temperature is a sufficient reference.c) The maximum speed will depend on what type of keyway (if any) is used on the shaft. Unless specified, the dynamometer shaft will be made without a keyway.DATASHEET Page 4 / 18© 2020 MAGTROL | Due to continual product development, Magtrol reserves the right to modify specifications without forewarning.a) All -5N(A) dynamometers are 5 Volt Output. Contact Magtrol for 6N (English), 7N (Metric) and 8N (SI) Specifications.b) Note: Operating at the continuous power rating for periods of up to 4 hours is acceptable. However, operating for extended periods at high temperatures willresult in premature component and bearing failure. Limiting the length of the cycle and the component temperatures will guard against premature failure. Where continuous duty is desired for longer time intervals, component temperatures should be maintained less than 100°C; monitoring the outside brake surface temperature is a sufficient reference.c) Requires air cooling provided by user. Regulator and filter package is provided as standard equipment on these units.MODELTORQUE MEASURE UNITCODE a)MAXIMUMTORQUERANGEDRAG TORQUEDE-ENERGIZEDAT 1,000 RPMNOMINAL INPUT INERTIAMAX. POWER RATINGS MAXIMUM SPEEDBRAKE COOLING METHOD5 MINUTE CONTINUOUS b)lb·ft·s 2kg·m 2WWRPMN·mSTANDARDHIGHSPEEDHD-1065N 0.0180.056 mN·m 7.04 × 10-79.54 × 10-735730 00050 000Convection HD-1005N 0.080.64 mN·m 3.40 × 10-6 4.61 × 10-6752025 00040 000Convection HD-4005N 0.28 2 mN·m 1.55 × 10-5 2.10 × 10-52005525 00040 000Convection HD-5005N 0.85 5 mN·m 8.05 × 10-5 1.09 × 10-44008025 00040 000Convection HD-5105N 0.85 5 mN·m 8.05 × 10-5 1.09 × 10-475037525 00040 000CompressedAir c) (7 CFM @ 1.75 PSI)HD-5055N 1.7010 mN·m 1.61 × 10-4 2.18 × 10-480016025 00040 000Convection HD-5155N1.7010 mN·m1.61 × 10-42.18 × 10-41 50090025 00040 000CompressedAir c)(10 CFM @ 4 PSI)HD-7005N 3.100.013 N·m 5.51 × 10-47.47 × 10-470015025 00035 000Convection HD-7105N 3.100.013 N·m 5.51 × 10-47.47 × 10-4 1 50093525 00035 000Blower (included)HD-7055N 6.200.023 N·m 1.10 × 10-3 1.49 × 10-3 1 40030025 00035 000Convection HD-7155N6.200.023 N·m 1.10 × 10-31.49 × 10-33 4003 00025 00035 000Blower (included)HD-8005N 14.000.10 N·m4.43 × 10-3 6.01 × 10-3 2 800 1 80012 000N/ACompressedAir c)(13 CFM @ 10 PSI)HD-8105N 14.000.10 N·m4.43 × 10-3 6.01 × 10-3 3 500 3 00012 00015 000Blower (included)HD-8055N 28.000.14 N·m8.81 × 10-3 1.19 × 10-2 5 300 3 00012 000N/ACompressedAir c)(15 CFM @ 14 PSI)HD-8155N 28.000.14 N·m 8.81 × 10-3 1.19 × 10-27 000 6 00012 00015 000Blower (included)HD-8255N56.500.40 N·m1.85 × 10-22.51 × 10-214 00012 0008 00010 000Blower (included)DATASHEET Page 5 / 18© 2020 MAGTROL | Due to continual product development, Magtrol reserves the right to modify specifications without forewarning.MODELVOLTAGEVASTYLERATINGHD-1XX-XN 120 V 30UL/CSA 300 mA 250 V SB HD-1XX-XNA 240 V 30IEC 125 mA 250 V T HD-4XX-XN 120 V 30UL/CSA 300 mA 250 V SB HD-4XX-XNA 240 V 30IEC 125 mA 250 V T HD-5XX-XN 120 V 30UL/CSA 300 mA 250 V SB HD-5XX-XNA 240 V 30IEC 125 mA 250 V T HD-800-XN 120 V 65UL/CSA 800 mA 250 V SB HD-800-XNA 240 V 65IEC 315 mA 250 V T HD-810-XN 120 V 65UL/CSA 800 mA 250 V SB HD-810-XNA 240 V 65IEC 315 mA 250 V T HD-805-XN 120 V 130UL/CSA 1.25 A 250 V SB HD-805-XNA 240 V 130IEC 630 mA 250 V T HD/ED-815-XN 120 V 130UL/CSA 1.25 A250 V SB HD/ED-815-XNA 240 V 130IEC 630 mA 250 V THD-825-XN 120 V N/A N/A N/A HD-825-XNA240 VN/AN/AN/AAllow approximately 6 in to 8 in (152 mm to 203 mm) between rear of dynamometer base plate and blower for connection hardware. Required hardware is supplied with the dynamometer.BL-002 Blower has two filter elements.120 VAC 60 HzØ A ECB DFGAir FilterDyno. Brake Air OutletOn/Off SwitchBLOWER DIMENSIONSMODELBL-001BL-002inmmin mmØ A 71787178B 1127911279C 1025410254D 820315381E 41024102F 820312305G 125125Weight8.5 lb3.9 kg18 lb8.1 kg▪Models HD-710, HD-715, HD-810 and ED-715 include the BL-001 blower.▪Models HD-815 and ED-815 include the BL-002 blower. ▪Model HD-825 uses two BL-002 blowers for cooling its two brake sets.BLOWER POWER AND FUSESMODELVOLTAGEVASTYLERATINGBL-001120 V 600UL/CSA 6.3 A 250 V SB BL-001A 240 V 500IEC 3.15 A 250 V T BL-002120 V 1,000UL/CSA 15 A 250 V SB BL-002A240 V1,000IEC6.3A250 VTDATASHEET Page 6 / 18© 2020 MAGTROL | Due to continual product development, Magtrol reserves the right to modify specifications without forewarning.NOTE: Original dimensions are in English units. Dimensions converted to Metric units have been rounded and are for reference only.HD-100/400/500 SERIES WITH LONG BASE PLATEEAHJØNM FCGL DQP ØBSHAFT END DET AIL (2:1)(FLAT)MODEL UNITS AØ BC D E F G H JL a)M a)Ø NP Q WEIGHTHD-106in 0.500.1245/0.1247 3.5179.38100.5 6.38.515.58.50.370.0150.37512.0 lb mm 12.7 3.162/3.16788.9432238.325412.71592163942169.40.389.53 5.4 kg HD-100in 0.750.1870/0.1872 3.5179.13100.5 6.38.515.58.50.370.0250.37512.5 lb mm 19.1 4.750/4.75588.9432231.925412.71592163942169.40.649.53 5.7 kg HD-400in 0.670.2495/0.2497 3.5179.13100.5 6.38.515.58.50.370.030.43815.0 lb mm 17.0 6.337/6.34288.9432231.925412.71592163942169.40.7611.13 6.8 kg HD-500in 0.880.3745/0.3750 4.0179.13100.5 6.38.515.58.50.370.0470.37516.0 lb mm 22.29.512/9.525101.6432231.925412.71592163942169.4 1.199.537.3 kg HD-510in 0.880.3745/0.3750 4.0179.13100.5 6.38.515.58.50.37N/A16.0 lb mm 22.29.512/9.525101.6432231.925412.71592163942169.47.3 kg HD-505in 0.880.3745/0.3750 4.0209.64100.5 6.38.518.58.50.370.050.37518.0 lb mm 22.29.512/9.525101.6508244.925412.71592164702169.4 1.279.538.1 kg HD-515in 0.880.3745/0.37504.0209.64100.56.38.518.58.50.37N/A18.0 lb mm22.29.512/9.525101.6508244.925412.71592164702169.48.1 kga) T hese dimensions represent the distance between mounting holes. There are four (4) mounting holes on each base plate.* Shaft Flats are not available on high speed models.DATASHEET Page 7 / 18© 2020 MAGTROL | Due to continual product development, Magtrol reserves the right to modify specifications without forewarning.AHJM FCGL DØNEQP ØBSHAFT END DET AIL (2:1)(FLAT)MODELUNITSAØ BCDEFGHJL a)M a)Ø NPQWEIGHTHD-106in 0.500.1245/0.1247 6.38.5 6.09.840.350.0150.3757.5 lb mm 12.7 3.162/3.16788.9177.88.4279.412.7159216152.425090.389.53 3.4 kg HD-100in 0.750.1870/0.1872 6.38.5 6.09.840.350.0250.3758.0 lb mm 19.1 4.750/4.75588.9177.8 2.1279.412.7159216152.425090.649.53 3.6 kg HD-400in 0.670.2495/0.2497 6.38.5 6.09.840.350.030.43811.0 lb mm 17.0 6.337/6.34288.9177.8 2.1279.412.7159216152.425090.7611.13 5.0 kg HD-500in 0.880.3745/0.3750 6.38.5 6.09.840.350.0470.37512.0 lb mm 22.29.512/9.525101.6177.8 2.1279.412.7159216152.42509 1.199.535.4 kg HD-510in 0.880.3745/0.3750 lb mm 22.29.512/9.525101.6203.2 3.2279.412.7159216177.82509 5.7 kg HD-505in 0.880.3745/0.3750 lb mm 22.29.512/9.525101.6241.3 2.6279.412.7159216215.92509 1.279.535.9 kg HD-515in 0.880.3745/0.37504.010.250.10110. lb mm22.29.512/9.525101.6260.42.6279.412.7159216234.925095.9 kgNOTE: Original dimensions are in English units. Dimensions converted to Metric units have been rounded and are for reference only.HD-100/400/500 SERIES WITH SHORT BASE PLATEa) T hese dimensions represent the distance between mounting holes. There are four (4) mounting holes on each base plate.* Shaft Flats are not available on high speed models.DATASHEET Page 8 / 18© 2020 MAGTROL | Due to continual product development, Magtrol reserves the right to modify specifications without forewarning.NOTE: Original dimensions are in English units. Dimensions converted to Metric units have been rounded and are for reference only.HD-700 SERIES WITH LONG BASE PLATEEAHJM FCØNGL DQP ØBSHAFT END DET AIL (2:1)(FLAT)MODEL UNITS AØ BC D E F G H JL a)M a)Ø NP Q WEIGHTHD-700in 1.250.4995/0.4999 5.8752412.75110.6259.51022.5723.90.3750.060.6339 lb mm 31.812.687/12.692149.2609.6323.9279.415.9241.3254571.5241.39.5 1.615.917.63 kg HD-710in 1.250.4995/0.4999 5.8752613.59110.6259.51024.59.50.375N/A 45 lb mm 31.812.687/12.692149.2660.4345.2279.415.9241.3254622.3241.39.520.30 kg HD-705in 1.250.4995/0.4999 5.8752813.62110.6259.51026.59.50.3750.060.6352 lb mm 31.812.687/12.692149.2711.2346.0279.415.9241.3254673.1241.39.5 1.615.923.50 kg HD-715in 1.250.4995/0.4999 5.8753014.29110.6259.51028.59.50.375N/A59 lb mm31.812.687/12.692149.2762.0363.0279.415.9241.3254723.9241.39.526.60 kgHD-700 SERIES WITH SHORT BASE PLATEEAHJM FCØNGLDQP ØBSHAFT END DET AIL (2:1)(FLA T)a) T hese dimensions represent the distance between mounting holes. There are four (4) mounting holes on each base plate.* Shaft Flats are not available on high speed models.a) T hese dimensions represent the distance between mounting holes. There are four (4) mounting holes on each base plate.* Shaft Flats are not available on high speed models.MODEL UNITS AØ BC D E F G H JL a)M a)Ø NP Q WEIGHTHD-700in 1.250.4995/0.4999 5.87511.340.09110.6259.5109.849.840.3750.060.6330 lb mm 31.812.687/12.692149.2288.0 2.2279.415.9241.3254250.02509.5 1.615.913.6 kg HD-710in 1.250.4995/0.4999 5.87512.500.09110.6259.51011.009.840.375N/A 36 lb mm 31.812.687/12.692149.2317.5 2.2279.415.9241.3254279.52509.516.3 kg HD-705in 1.250.4995/0.4999 5.87514.450.09110.6259.51012.959.840.3750.060.6343 lb mm 31.812.687/12.692149.2367.0 2.2279.415.9241.3254329.02509.5 1.615.919.5 kg HD-715in 1.250.4995/0.4999 5.87515.750.09110.6259.51014.259.840.375N/A50 lb mm31.812.687/12.692149.2400.02.2279.415.9241.3254362.02509.522.7 kgDATASHEET Page 9 / 18© 2020 MAGTROL | Due to continual product development, Magtrol reserves the right to modify specifications without forewarning.NOTE: Original dimensions are in English units. Dimensions converted to Metric units have been rounded and are for reference only.ED-SERIES ENGINE DYNAMOMETERSMODEL UNITS AØ BC D E F G HL a)M a)Ø NP Q R WEIGHTED-715in 1.720.7490/0.7495 6.8716.0018.1311.00 1.0010.5014.509.500.370.64 1.000.18775 lb mm 43.719.025/19.037174.5406.4460.5279.425.4266.7368.3241.39.416.3525.4 4.8334 kg ED-815in 3.02 1.4995/1.500011.0023.0023.2717.00 2.0016.6320.8015.005/8-11 1.287 2.000.375285 lb mm76.738.087/38.100279.4584.2591.1431.850.8422.4528.3381.0THD32.750.89.53129.3 kga) T hese dimensions represent the distance between mounting holes. There are four (4) mounting holes on each base plate.CBAH M FØNGL D EQP ØBRSHAFT END DET AIL (2:1)(SQUARE KEY)HD-800 SERIES WITH LONG BASE PLATEEAHJØNM FCGLDKØBNOTE: For detailed dimension drawings of dynamometers with the T-slot base plate option, visit Magtrol’s Web site.MODEL UNITS AØ BC D E F G H JL a)M a)Ø NWEIGHTHD-800in 2.130.9995/1.0000938.523.8117214.61436.5150.53237.0 lb mm 5425.387/25.400228.697860543250.837135692738113.5107.2 kg HD-810in 2.050.9995/1.0000938.523.0917214.61436.5150.53233.0 lb mm 5225.387/25.400228.697858743250.837135692738113.5105.3 kg HD-805in 2.130.9995/1.0000938.520.5717214.61436.5150.54287.0 lb mm 5425.387/25.400228.697852243250.837135692738113.7129.7 kg HD-815in 2.120.9995/1.0000938.518.1917214.61436.5150.54288.0 lb mm5425.387/25.400228.697846243250.837135692738113.7130.1 kga) T hese dimensions represent the distance between mounting holes. There are four (4) mounting holes on each base plate.DATASHEET Page 10 / 18© 2020 MAGTROL | Due to continual product development, Magtrol reserves the right to modify specifications without forewarning.NOTE: Original dimensions are in English units. Dimensions converted to Metric units have been rounded and are for reference only.HD-800 SERIES WITH SHORT BASE PLATESE AHJØNM FCGL DKØBa) T hese dimensions represent the distance between mounting holes. There are four (4) mounting holes on each base plate.An HD-825 Dynamometer with long base plate is available if ordered with the accompanying dynamometer table (TAB 0825L). Contact Magtrol for details.MODEL UNITSAØ BCDEFGHJL a)M a)Ø NPQRSTWEIGHTHD-825in 2.83 1.4995/1.50001138.538.9317216.61436.5150.54 1.28720.37621400.0 lb mm7238.087/38.100279.497898943250.842235692738113.732.6950.89.5350.825.4181.4 kga) T hese dimensions represent the distance between mounting holes. There are four (4) mounting holes on each base plate.MODEL UNITS AØ BC D E F G H JL a)M a)Ø NWEIGHTHD-800in 2.130.9995/1.0000917.25 2.5617214.61413.7815.750.35168.0 lb mm 5425.387/25.400228.64386543250.8371356350400976.2 kg HD-810in 2.050.9995/1.0000918.00 2.5917214.61414.0615.750.35164.0 lb mm 5225.387/25.400228.64576643250.8371356357400974.4 kg HD-805in 2.130.9995/1.0000920.50 2.5717214.61415.7515.750.35228.0 lb mm 5425.387/25.400228.65206543250.83713564004009103.4 kg HD-815in 2.120.9995/1.0000923.00 2.5917214.61419.0915.750.35236.0 lb mm5425.387/25.400228.65846643250.83713564854009107.0 kgQP ØBRNSHAFT END DET AIL (2:1)(SQUARE KEY)LDEAC STMFH GJØNMaximum Rated Speed for DynamometerMaximum KineticPower Rating Curve for Continuous Duty: Area under curve equals the maximum speed and torque combinations for a continuous duty motor test.10,00020,00030,00040,0000.0000.0020.0040.0060.0080.0100.0120.0140.0160.018S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-106, Power Absorbtion CurveMaximum Kinetic Power Rating Curve for Less Than Five Minutes: Area under curve equals themaximum speed and torque combinations for a motor test of less than five minutes.Maximum Torquefor DynamometerHD-106HD-106 HIGH SPEED HD-100HD-100 HIGH SPEEDHD-400HD-400 HIGH SPEED10,00020,00030,00040,00050,00060,0000.0000.0020.0040.0060.0080.0100.0120.0140.0160.018S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-106-HS, Power Absorbtion CurveThe power absorption curves represent the maximum power (heat) that the dynamometer can dissipate over time.5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,00035,00040,00045,0000.0000.0100.0200.0300.0400.0500.0600.0700.080S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-100-HS, Power Absorbtion Curve5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,00035,00040,00045,0000.0000.0500.1000.1500.2000.250S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-400-HS, Power Absorbtion Curve10,00020,00030,00040,0000.0000.0020.0040.0060.0080.0100.0120.0140.0160.018S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-106, Power Absorbtion Curve5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,0000.0000.0100.0200.0300.0400.0500.0600.0700.080S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-100, Power Absorbtion Curve5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,0000.0000.0500.1000.1500.2000.250S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-400, Power Absorbtion CurveHD-500HD-500 HIGH SPEED HD-510HD-510 HIGH SPEEDHD-505HD-505 HIGH SPEEDHD-515HD-515 HIGH SPEED5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,00035,00040,00045,0000.0000.1000.2000.3000.4000.5000.6000.7000.800S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-500-HS, Power Absorbtion Curve5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,00035,00040,00045,0000.0000.1000.2000.3000.4000.5000.6000.7000.800S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-510-HS, Power Absorbtion Curve5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,00035,00040,00045,0000.0000.2500.5000.750 1.000 1.250 1.500S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-505-HS, Power Absorbtion Curve5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,00035,00040,00045,0000.0000.2500.5000.750 1.000 1.250 1.500S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-515-HS, Power Absorbtion CurveThe power absorption curves represent the maximum power (heat) that the dynamometer can dissipate over time.5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,0000.0000.1000.2000.3000.4000.5000.6000.7000.800S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-500, Power Absorbtion Curve5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,0000.0000.1000.2000.3000.4000.5000.6000.7000.800S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-510, Power Absorbtion Curve5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,0000.0000.2500.5000.7501.0001.2501.500S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-505, Power Absorbtion Curve5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,0000.0000.2500.5000.7501.0001.2501.500S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-515, Power Absorbtion CurveThe power absorption curves represent the maximum power (heat) that the dynamometer can dissipate over time.HD-700HD-700 HIGH SPEED5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,00035,00040,0000.0000.5001.0001.5002.0002.5003.000S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-700-HS, Power Absorbtion CurveHD-710HD-710 HIGH SPEED5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,00035,00040,0000.0000.5001.0001.5002.0002.5003.000S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-710-HS, Power Absorbtion CurveHD-705HD-705 HIGH SPEED5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,00035,00040,0000.0001.0002.0003.0004.0005.0006.000S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-705-HS, Power Absorbtion CurveHD-715 AND ED-715HD-715 HIGH SPEED5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,00035,00040,0000.0001.0002.0003.0004.0005.0006.000S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-715-HS, Power Absorbtion Curve5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,0000.0000.5001.0001.5002.0002.5003.000S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-700, Power Absorbtion Curve5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,0000.0000.5001.0001.5002.0002.5003.000S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-710, Power Absorbtion Curve5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,0000.0001.0002.0003.0004.0005.0006.000S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm) HD-705, Power Absorbtion Curve5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,0000.0001.0002.0003.0004.0005.0006.000S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm) HD-715, Power Absorbtion CurveThe power absorption curves represent the maximum power (heat) that the dynamometer can dissipate over time.HD-800HD-8052,000 4,000 6,000 8,00010,00012,00014,00016,00018,0000.0002.0004.0006.0008.00010.00012.00014.000S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-810-HS, Power Absorbtion CurveHD-810HD-810 HIGH SPEEDHD-815 AND ED-815HD-815 HIGH SPEED2,000 4,000 6,000 8,00010,00012,00014,00016,00018,0000.0005.00010.00015.00020.00025.000S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-815-HS, Power Absorbtion CurveHD-825HD-825 HIGH SPEED2,000 4,000 6,000 8,00010,00012,0000.00010.00020.00030.00040.00050.000S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-825-HS, Power Absorbtion Curve2,000 4,000 6,000 8,00010,00012,00014,0000.0002.0004.0006.0008.00010.00012.00014.000S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-800, Power Absorbtion Curve2,000 4,000 6,000 8,00010,00012,00014,0000.0005.00010.00015.00020.00025.000S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-805, Power Absorbtion Curve2,000 4,000 6,000 8,00010,00012,00014,0000.0002.0004.0006.0008.00010.00012.00014.000S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-810, Power Absorbtion Curve2,000 4,000 6,000 8,00010,00012,00014,0000.0005.00010.00015.00020.00025.000S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm)HD-815, Power Absorbtion Curve1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,0008,0009,0000.00010.00020.00030.00040.00050.000S P E E D (r p m )TORQUE (Nm) HD-825, Power Absorbtion Curve。



Ⴍ‫׼‬ 高速20通道/變壓器L/C/Z/DCR/圈數/短路/平衡掃描測試功能 高速80通道/變壓器L/C/Z/DCR/圈數/短路/平衡掃描測試功能
20通道/變壓器L/C/Z/DCR/圈數/短路/平衡掃描測試功能 3250加LCR錶分析功能 3252 1MHz版
ٜ‫ࠠݴ‬ᛌཥ‫ݴ‬๕ / ಻༊ӻ୕፯ᒅܸ‫ی‬
Ꮠ͜Ⴍ‫׼‬ LCD Inverter變壓器(陶瓷電容、線材、PCB)
耐久性測試/耐壓測試/崩潰電壓測試 外部電極螢光燈管(EEFL),背光耐久性/燈管電流測試 交換式電源供應器(SMPS)主變壓器與主動式功率因素修正器
(Active PFC) Choke耐久性測試與電氣特性分析 醫療設備高頻漏電流安規檢驗
ࠫϣ 12-34 12-34 12-34 12-34 12-35 12-35
0.1mΩ ~ 100MΩ 0.1mΩ ~ 100MΩ 0.1mΩ ~ 100MΩ 0.01mΩ ~ 100MΩ 0.01mΩ ~ 100MΩ
0.1mΩ ~ 100MΩ
0.1mΩ ~ 100MΩ
Ⴍ‫׼‬ 電容量高速檢測 全數位分類,比較器功能,可選無10kHz版 全數位分類,比較器功能
提供高頻高壓交流與直流電源供應的功能,供平面螢光燈(FFL) 與表面傳導電子發射顯示器(SED)裝置分析使用
直流/直流轉換器SMD Power Choke溫昇測試 (直流重疊電流與交流漣波電壓)與電氣特性分析
緩衝電容壽命測試 高壓電容壽命測試 LCD Inverter變壓器(陶瓷電容、線材、PCB)生產線耐壓測試 醫療設備高頻漏電流安規檢驗 車用驅動馬達生產線電暈(Corona)放電檢驗 被動元件(換流器變壓器、陶瓷電容、高壓線材、PCB等) 高頻高壓壽命測試



22.23 (.875) DIA.
3.18 (.125)
11.25 .38 (.443 .015)
1.57 (.062)
Байду номын сангаас
22.23 (.875) DIA.
.51 (.020) REF
19.81 (.780) DIA.
12.70 .79 (.500 .031)
10.317+.000/-.051 (.4062+.000/-.002)
(.2497+.0000/-.0003) DIA. SHAFT .25
45 5 (.010) CHAMFER 1.19 1.60
SLOT (.047) X (.063)
Mechanical Characteristics1
Mechanical Angle ..........................................................Continuous, Stops (340 ° +8 °, -0 °) available Torque (Starting & Running)2 ...................................................................0.40 N-cm (0.5 oz.-in.) max.
Sea Level......................................... 750 VAC minimum .....................750 VAC minimum Power Rating (Voltage Limited By Power Dissipation or 300 VAC, Whichever is Less)

Monolithic Power eMotion System 智能电机模块评估套件 EVKT-MS

Monolithic Power eMotion System 智能电机模块评估套件 EVKT-MS

EVKT-MSM942038-24EVKT-MSM942038-24eMotion System TM Smart Motor ModuleEvaluation KitEvaluation Kit EVKT-MSM942038-24 ContentsPart Number EVKT-MSM942038-24Diameter (mm) 42 Power (W)38 Typical Voltage (V)24 InterfaceRS485# Part Number Item Quantity 1EVKT-MSM942038-24 BLDC motor withMMP742038-24 smart motor module installed 1 2eMotion System TMcommunication kitUSB communication interface with cable1FEATURESThe EVKT-MSM942038-24 evaluation kit is part of a family of fully integrated smart motor solutions for servo motor applications. This 42mm (NEMA 17), 38W motor integrates a brushless DC motor and a smart motor module. The user can program the system to operate in speed control mode, position control mode, or torque control mode. Two control interface options are available: an RS485 interface and a PULSE/DIR interface. Easy-to-use GUI software provides flexibility by allowing users to optimize the design online through the RS485 control interface. The parameters are saved in the motor module ’s non-volatile memory. A design guide for the GUI is available for download at .The smart motor modules can be ordered separately for customization into different motor types. The MMP742038-24 is the driver module part number used in the kit.The datasheet for the MMP742038-24 is available for download at .∙ 18V to 36V Input Voltage Range ∙ Max 38W Continuous Power Output ∙ 0.12N-m Rated Torque (0.36N-m Peak Torque)∙0.3° Position Resolution ∙ RS485 Interface and PULSE/DIR Interface ∙ Position, Speed, and Torque Control Modes ∙ Operating Temperature: 0°C to 70°C (Power Derated > 40°C) ∙ Storage Temperature: -40°C to +125°CORDERING INFORMATIONDESCRIPTIONEVKT-MSM942038-24 – eMOTION SYSTEM TM EVALUATION KITSmart Motor Module Evaluation KitParameter Condition Value UnitsInput voltage24 VOutput power0°C to40°C38 WPositionresolution0.3 °Nominal speed3000 rpmNominal torque0.12 N-mRotor inertia24 g-cm2Diameter42 mmShaft diameter 5 mmLength Body only 40 mmWeight300 gHARDWARE CONNECTIONSRECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSInput voltage ................................. 18V to 36VControl interface voltage ................ 0V to 5.5VMax pulse frequency .......................... 500kHzRS485 A/B voltage ........................ 0V to 5.5VRS485 common mode voltage ................±15VOperation temperature................. 0°C to 70°CStorage temperature ............. -40°C to +125°C EVALUATION KIT SPECIFICATIONSEVKT-MSM942038-24 – eMOTION SYSTEM TM EVALUATION KIT8 9 10 11 121 2 3 45 6 7Fault IndicationPower On IndicationT A = 25°C, V IN = 24V, unless otherwise noted.Pin NumberDesignation Pin Description RS485 Interface 1 EXT_5V5V input for firmware programming 2 B RS485 node B 3 AGND RS485 ground 4 A RS485 node A Power Interface5 GND Power ground6 R- Shunt resistor return node7 VIN Input power supply Control Interface8 COM- Common return 9 EN+ Enable input 10 PEND+ Position end output11 PUL+ Pulse input 12DIR+Direction inputPIN CONFIGURATIONTYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSEVKT-MSM942038-24 – eMOTION SYSTEM TM EVALUATION KITMECHANICAL DRAWINGEVKT-MSM942038-24。

全自动温和组织处理器 美天旎 工作原理

全自动温和组织处理器 美天旎 工作原理

全自动温和组织处理器美天旎工作原理The automatic gentle tissue processor by Meitianyi utilizes advanced technology to efficiently process tissue samples for research and medical purposes. 这款美天旎的全自动温和组织处理器利用先进技术,高效地处理组织样本,用于研究和医疗目的。

This innovative machine is designed to streamline the tissue handling process, reducing the risk of contamination and human error. 这台创新型机器旨在简化组织处理过程,降低污染和人为错误的风险。

With its precision and reliability, the Meitianyi automatic gentle tissue processor is an essential tool for laboratories and medical facilities. 凭借其精准性和可靠性,美天旎全自动温和组织处理器是实验室和医疗机构的必备工具。

One of the key features of the automatic gentle tissue processor is its ability to handle multiple samples simultaneously, increasing efficiency and productivity. 全自动温和组织处理器的一个关键特性是它可以同时处理多个样本,提高了效率和生产力。

This is particularly beneficial for laboratories that deal with high volumes of tissue samples on a regular basis. 这对那些需要定期处理大量组织样本的实验室尤其有益。

GOT1000系列商品说明书:GT15-QBUS GT15-QBUS2 GT15-ABUS GT15

GOT1000系列商品说明书:GT15-QBUS GT15-QBUS2 GT15-ABUS GT15

User's ManualThank you for purchasing the GOT1000 Series.MODEL GT15-QBUS/GT15-QBUS2/GT15-ABUS/GT15-ABUS2BUS CONNECTION UNITPrior to use, please read both this manual and detailed manual thoroughly to fully understand the product.MODEL GT15-BUS-U MODEL CODE1D7M39IB(NA)-0800323-D(0610)MEEz SAFETY PRECAUTIONS z(Always read these precautions before using this equipment.)Before using this product, please read this manual and the relevant manuals introduced in this manual carefully and pay full attention to safety to handle the product correctly. The precautions given in this manual are concerned with this product. In this manual, the safety precautions are ranked as "DANGER" and "CAUTION".both levels because they are important to personal safety.Please save this manual to make it accessible when required and always forward it to the end user.[DESIGN PRECAUTIONS]Indicates that incorrect handling may cause hazardous conditions, resulting in death or severe injury.Indicates that incorrect handling may cause hazardous conditions, resulting in medium or slight personal injury or physical damage.[INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS][TRANSPORTATION PRECAUTIONS]ManualsThe following shows manuals relevant to this product.For relevant manuals, refer to the PDF manual stored within the drawing software used.© 2005 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATIONCompliance with the EMC and Low Voltage DirectivesWhen incorporating the Mitsubishi GOT into other machinery or equipment and keeping compliance with the EMC and low voltage directives, refer to "EMC AND LOW VOLTAGE DIRECTIVE" of the GT15 User's Manual.The CE logo is printed on the rating plate of the GOT, indicating compliance with the EMC and low voltage directives.By making this product conform to the EMC directive and low voltage instruction, it is not necessary to make those steps individually.Product ComponentsThe bus connection unit consists of the following items.1. OverviewThis User's Manual describes the GT15 bus connection unit (hereinafter abbreviated as bus connection unit).There are the following bus connection unit types.Refer to the GT15 User's Manual for the applicable e the bus connection unit for making bus connection of the GOT.Select the used bus connection unit according to the connection target and connection position.Detailed ManualManual nameManual Number (Type code)GT15 User's Manual(Option)SH-080528ENG (1D7M23)GOT1000 Series Connection Manual(Option)SH-080532ENG (1D7M26)Relevant ManualsModel nameProduct nameQuantityGT15-QBUS,GT15-ABUSEither GT15-QBUS or GT15-ABUS 1A set of screws (2 screws, 2 labels)1GT15-QBUS2,GT15-ABUS2Either GT15-QBUS2 or GT15-ABUS21A set of screws (2 screws, 2 labels)2Extension interface relay board1Product nameModel name DescriptionBus connectionunitGT15- QBUSQCPU (Q Mode) bus connection Number of connectors: 1GT15- QBUS2QCPU (Q Mode) bus connection Number of connectors: 2GT15- ABUS QnA/ACPU bus connection Number of connectors: 1GT15- ABUS2QnA/ACPU bus connection Number of connectors: 2<Bus connection unit selection example>(1)Select the bus connection unit according to theconnection target.When using the bus connection, make the communication settings to perform communication between the GOT and PLC.Refer to the GOT1000 Series Connection Manual for details of bus connection.2. SpecificationsThe performance specifications of the bus connection unit are indicated below.Refer to the used GT15 User's Manual for the general specifications of the bus connection unit.*When the GOT power is on, the internal current consumption is included in the current consumption of the GOT.When the GOT power is off, the internal current is supplied from the power supply of the PLC system.3. Part Names and External DimensionsWhen using bus connection unit, use a standard monitor OS and communication driver of GT Designer2 Version2.15R or later.With a standard monitor OS and communication driver of an older version, the GOT has cannot recognize the unit to perform monitoring.Item GT15-QBUS GT15-QBUS2GT15-ABUS GT15-ABUS2I/O occupiedpoints 16 points (I/O assignment: 16 intelligent points)32 points (I/O assignment:Special 32 points)Internal consumed current (DC5V)*0.44A 0.44A 0.12A 0.12A Weight0.13kg0.14kg0.13kg0.14kg(2)GT15-QBUS2, GT15-ABUS2Extension interface relay boardDimensions of X when mounted to the GOT.Unit: mm (inch)15”, 10.4”21 (0.83)12.1”18 (0.71)8.4”, 5.7”23 (0.91)Description1)Bus connector (IN side)Connector for connecting the bus connection cable (IN side)2)Bus connector (OUT side)Connector for connecting the bus connection cable (OUT side)3)Interface connector Extension connector installed to a front extension unit or the GOT 4)Extension connector Extension connector to which a back extension unit is installed 5)Mounting screw Mounting screws fixed with a front extension unit or GOT 6)Board fixing screw Screw for fixing the extension interface relay board7)Rating plate- 4. Installation Procedure(1)GT15-QBUS, GT15-ABUS1)Power off the GOT.2)Remove the two expansion unit covers of the GOT.3)Fit the bus connection unit along the groove of the GOT case.4)Fasten the bus connection unit by tightening itsmounting screws (2 places) with tightening torgue 0.36 to 0.48 N•m.5)When installing an extension unit on the unit that has been installed, remove the connector cover and the seal.When not installing an extension unit on the unit that has been installed, in order to avoid receivingelectrostatic, stick accessory labels to cover the top of mounting screws (2 places). Keep the connector cover fixed. Keep the seal stuck as it is.(2)GT15-QBUS2, GT15-ABUS21)Power off the GOT.2)Remove the two expansion unit covers of the GOT.I/F-2 side on the GOT. For GT155, the extension interface relay board is not needed.4)Fit the bus connection unit along the groove of the GOT case.5)Fasten the bus connection unit by tightening itsmounting screws (4 places) with tightening torgue 0.36 to 0.48 N•m.6)Fasten the bus connection unit by tightening the board fixing screws (2 places) with the tightening torque of 0.36 to 0.48 N•m.mounting screws (4 places). Keep the connector cover fixed. Keep the seal stuck as it is.PointRemove the screws that fixes the extend interface relay board before removing the unit.(Above 6))WarrantyMitsubishi will not be held liable for damage caused by factors found not to be the cause of Mitsubishi; machine damage or lost profits caused by faults in the Mitsubishi products; damage, secondary damage, accident compensation caused by special factors unpredictable by Mitsubishi; damages to products other than general industries, and has not been designed or manufactured to be incorporated in a device or system used in purposes related to human life.•Before using the product for special purposes such as nuclear power, electric power, aerospace, medicine or passenger movement vehicles, consult with Mitsubishi.•This product has been manufactured under strict quality control. However, when installing the product where major accidents or losses could occur if the product fails, install appropriate backup or failsafe functions in the system.。



1w w w.n o i s e k e n.c o mThe electrostatic simulator you always use is renewed now. The new main unit and discharge gun in sale now are `ESS-S3011A`, ` ESS-B3011A` and `GT-30RA`.For repair maintenance in our company, we discontinue repair support 8 years after delivery according to warranty and 5 years after sales termination. For those electrostatic simulators whose repair support is terminated, we may decline to repair. For discharge gun 'TC-815 series', as there are many discontinued parts, it is difficult to continue to support it. We plan to terminate the repair support as the following schedule.ESD SimulatorESS-S3011A & GT-30RASmart model equipped high function & extendibilityInformation on successive model (current model)Repair support termination schedule:discharge gunModelRepair service and support statussuccessive modelTC-815C terminated GT-30RA TC-815D terminated GT-30RA TC-815D(F)terminated GT-30RA TC-815P terminated GT-30RA TC-815R terminatedGT-30RA TC-815RE22020年(scheduled)GT-30RA TC-815S2020年(scheduled)GT-30RA TC-815-330/2K2020年(scheduled)GT-30R3302KA※Old standard:IEC61000-4-2 Ed1 compliant (new standard incompliant)Repair support termination schedule noticeModelRepair service and support status successive modelESS-630 series terminated ESS-B3011A ESS-200AX terminated ESS-S3011A ESS-100L terminated ESS-B3011A ESS-100LA terminated ESS-B3011A ESS-2000terminated ESS-S3011A ESS-2002terminated ESS-B3011A ESS-2000AX terminated ESS-S3011A ESS-2002EXterminatedESS-B3011AFor the customers who above have electrostatic simulators and discharge gun, please consider to buy the successive model(current model) as replacement.ESS-630A ESS-200AX ESS-100L ESS-2000ESS-2002ESS-2000AX/2002EXEMC test equipment to evaluate the resistibility of electronic equipments when en-ergy charged on a human body or object is discharged to the electronic equipment.This can be available for evaluating malfunctions or functions declines of electronic equipment against the ESD.Programmable simulator to ease some complicated tests. The output voltage is up to 30kV and performable IEC61000-4-2 & ISO 10605 Standardscompliant tests.●“3 pre-checking function” to make sure the more confirmable test ●“CR constant indicator” to make sure the correct unit attachment ●One-touch exchange of gun head and CR unit realized ●“Ten-key & Rotary knob” to ease the setting.●“Discharge Detecting Function” to realize the air-discharge confirmation.●“Lightest discharge gun in the market” to lighten the continuous operation (Excluding the cable and connector)●“White LED Irradiator” to facilitate the visualization of the discharging areas.●“ Control Software” to enable the test result reporting and control with PC.Provided by:Advanced Test Equipment Corp .® (800) 404-ATECRentals • Sales • Calibration • ServiceESD SimulatorESS-B3011A & GT-30RACost-oriented basic model ESD Simulator the light weight discharge gun attach-able.The output voltage can be selected either max. 30kV (B3011A) or max.16kV (L1611A) and compliant to both EN/IEC61000-4-2 Standard (both B3011A and L1611A) and ISO10605 Standard (only B3011A).Cost-oriented Basic modelsESS-S3011A & GT-30RAParameter Specification Polarity Positive / Negative Output voltage 0.20kV ~ 30.0kV±5% (30.5kVmax) ~10.0kV : 0.01kV step ~30.0kV : 0.1kV step Repetition cycle 0.05s ~ 600s±10% / Manual Set step : 0.01s (0.05 ~ 9.99s), 0.10s (10.0 ~ 600.0s)No. of time of discharge 1~60,000 times, Preset 1 time step or continuous preset Discharge mode Contact discharge / Air discharge Radiation level mode NORMAL mode / EXTRA mode Trigger mode Gun trigger / Main trigger / External trigger Operation panel Color LCD / Push-buttons (Partially lighting)Gun holder Standard attached (to hold the discharge gun Model GT-30RA)Radiation mode select switch Extra / Normal switching function built-inDischarge detection Discharge detection function in air-discharge equipped Pre-checking function Following 3 steps function equipped (by user operation. Not the calibration but just checking) SETP1 : High voltage output checking STEP2 : Withstanding voltage checking STEP3 : Discharge relay operation checking CR & Gun head checking CR constant and gun head recognizable (with an indicator to prevent the wrong combination)Parameter Specification"IEC STANDARD" Contact discharge mode : 2.0kV, 4.0kV, 6.0kV and 8.0kV step test mode Air discharge mode : 2.0kV, 4.0kV, 8.0kV and 15.0kV step "MANUAL" Contact / Air discharge mode, Arbitrary setting during 0.2kV~30.0kV test mode Sweeping function built-in, Recordable up to 99 units "SEQUENCE" Enables to operate units set in MANUAL mode continuously.test mode Max. 22 steps / 1 program and the programs recordable up to 20.Warning lamp Lighting at voltage output from the generator. Blinking at electro-static dischargingCharge capacitor / resistor 150pF±10%, 330Ω±10%(Built-in CR unit for discharge gun GT-30RA)Charge resistor in generator 10MΩ(Totally 53Ω in combination with 43MΩ in discharge gun)*AUX connector D-SUB 15pins female connector (for connecting to patolight, automated ESD eliminator, external interlock input, external trigger input terminal)Optical communication Optical connector (serial interface) for connecting to PC connector Power supply / consumption AC100V~AC240V 50Hz / 60Hz ±10% 75VA Dimension Generator : (W)392mm X (H)312mm X (D)295.3mm (including gun holder) Discharge gun : (W)83.3mm X (H)217.2mm X (D)229.3mm Mass Generator : Approx. 7.5kg Discharge gun : Approx. 800g (excluding cable and connector)* The constant depends on combination with CR unit for the discharge gun● “Pre-checking function” taking the confirmable test into the account ● “Discharge Detecting Function” to realize the air-discharge confirmation.● “Lightest Discharge Gun in the market” to lighten the continual operation"● “White LED Irradiator” to facilitate the visualization of the discharging area.● “CR constant checking function” (No indicator) to make the correct unit attachment sure"● One-touch exchange of gun head and CR unit realizedParameter Specification Output voltage 0.20kV~30.0kV±5%(30.5kVmax) ESS-L1611A is 16kVmax Polarity Positive / Negative Repetition cycle 0.05s~9.99s±10%, 0.01s step / ManualNo. of time of discharge 1~999 times, Preset 1 time step or continuous preset Discharge mode Contact discharge / Air discharge Trigger mode Gun trigger / Main trigger Operation panel Indicator : 5X7 Dot matrix LED / Operation : Push buttons Radiation mode select switch Extra / Normal switching function built-inDischarge detection Discharge detection function in air-discharge equipped.Pre-checking function High voltage output checking function (by user operation. Not the calibration but just checking)CR & Gun head CR constant and gun head recognizable checking (to prevent the wrong combination without indicator)IEC LEVELContact discharge mode : 2.0kV, 4.0kV, 6.0kV and 8.0kV step Switching function Air discharge mode : 2.0kV, 4.0kV, 8.0kV and 15.0kV step)Parameter SpecificationWarning lamp Lighting at voltage output from the generator. Blinking at electro-static discharging Charge capacitor / resistor 150pF±10%, 330Ω±10% (Built-in CR unit for discharge gun GT-30RA)Charge resistor in generator 10MΩ (Totally 53Ω in combination with 43MΩ in discharge gun)*Power supply / consumption AC100V~AC240V ±10% 50Hz / 60Hz 62VA Dimension Generator : (W)270 X (H)263 X (D)200mm Discharge gun : (W)83.3 X (H)217.2 X (D)229.3mm Mass Generator : Approx. 4.8kg Discharge gun : Approx. 800g (excluding cable and connector)* Remote control function not built-in.* The constant depends on combination with CR unit for the discharge gun。









另一方面,DMAE 在皮肤病学中的益处包括潜在的抗炎作用和增加皮肤紧致度,可能改善潜在的面部肌肉张力。






日本友崎工业株式会社坐落日本京都,从事美容医院与美容店以及家庭用美容仪器和美容美体化妆品的进出口贸易事务和产品研讨,2019年进驻商场并在我国上海松江工业园树立工厂,公司占地面积26亩以,厂房面积1.2万平方米,以科技发明美日子为主旨,用匠心精力精心打造TOMOZAKI 友崎品牌日子电器类产品。














Modicon Quantum 32 O 型号 140DDO35300 产品数据表说明书

Modicon Quantum 32 O 型号 140DDO35300 产品数据表说明书

D i s c l a im er : T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n sProduct data sheetCharacteristics140DDO35300discrete output module Modicon Quantum - 32 O solid stateMainRange of productModicon Quantum automation platform Product or component type Dc discrete output module Discrete output number32ComplementaryGroup of channels 4 groups of 8Discrete output logic Positive logic (source)Addressing requirement 2 output words Discrete output voltage 24 V DC Output voltage limits 19.2...30 VAbsolute maximum output 56 V for 1.3 s decaying pulse Voltage drop0.4 V 0.5 A Maximum load current16 A per module 16 A per module 4 A per group 4 A per group Surge current <= 5 A for 0.0005 s Response time <= 1 ms at state 0 to state 1<= 1 ms at state 1 to state 0Leakage current 0.4 mA 30 VLoad inductance Inductance(H) = 0.5/((current(A))² x (switching frequency(Hz))) 50 Hz Fault indication Blown fuseLoss of field power Associated fuse rating3 A each point 3 A each point 5 A per group 5 A per groupIsolation between channels and bus 1780 Vrms DC for 1 minute Isolation between group 500 Vrms DC for 1 minuteProtection typeInternal output protection by 5 A fuse per groupPower dissipation 1.75 W + (0.4 V x total module load current)Marking CELocal signalling1 LED green bus communication is present (Active)1 LED red external fault detected (F)32 LEDs green input status Bus current requirement 330 mA 330 mA Module format Standard Product weight0.45 kgEnvironmentProduct certificationsABS BV C-Tick DNVFM Class 1 Division 2GL GOST RINA RMRSSafety certification non interfering StandardsCSA C22.2 No 142UL 508Resistance to electrostatic discharge 4 kV contact conforming to IEC 801-28 kV on air conforming to IEC 801-2Resistance to electromagnetic fields 10 V/m 80...2000 MHz conforming to IEC 801-3Ambient air temperature for operation 0...60 °C Ambient air temperature for storage -40...85 °CRelative humidity 95 % without condensation Operating altitude<= 5000 mOffer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productRoHS (date code: YYWW)Compliant - since 0848 - Schneider Electric declaration of conformity Schneider Electric declaration of conformity REAChReference not containing SVHC above the threshold Reference not containing SVHC above the threshold Product environmental profileAvailableProduct environmental Product end of life instructionsAvailableEnd of life manualContractual warrantyWarranty period18 monthsDimensions DrawingsRacks for Modules MountingDimensions of Modules and Racks(1) 2 slots (2) 3 slots (3) 4 slots (4) 6 slots (5)10 slots (6)16 slotsConnections and Schema24 Vdc Discrete Output Source Module Wiring Diagram。

885 热成像仪说明书

885 热成像仪说明书
885-2 Thermal Imager Kit: 0563 0885 72 Includes thermal imager with site recognition feature, surface moisture display, voice recording Bluetooth headset, hard shell case, SD memory card, USB cable, software and power supply.
.bmt; export in .bmp, .jpg, .png, .csv,
.xls SD card 2GB
Power supply Battery type
Fast-charging, Li-ion battery can be changed on-site
Operating time Charging options
Image display
Digital zoom
FPA 320 x 240 pixels, a.Si <30 mK at 86ºF
30º x 23º / 4in. (standard lens) 11º x 9º / 19.68 in. (telephoto lens)
1.7 mrad (standard lens), 0.6 (telephoto lens)
standard up to 3 measurement points, Hot/Cold Spot Recognition, Area measurement (Min/Max & average), Isotherm and alarm values.

施耐德METSEPM1200 PM1200全电量电力参数测量仪 数据表

施耐德METSEPM1200 PM1200全电量电力参数测量仪 数据表

Product data sheetCharacteristicsMETSEPM1200PM1200 全电量电力参数测量仪 - Modbus/RS485通讯产品状态停止销售 : 十二月 31, 2016i 停止销售主要信息产品系列PowerLogic PM1000产品短名PM1200产品类型功率表补充信息电能质量分析9次谐波测量类型电流 电压 频率有功功率与无功功率 有功电量与无功电量功率因数额定电源电压 [Us]44...277 V AC 50/60 Hz 44...277 V DC电网频率50/60 HzMaximum power consumption in VA3 VA 在…上 240 V AC显示类型LED显示器分辨率3行4位采样频率20 采样点/周期测量电流50…6000 MA模拟量输入类型电流 0...5 A (impedance <= 0.1 Ω) 电流 0...1 A (impedance <= 0.1 Ω)测量电压80…480 V AC 50/60 Hz P-P0…999000 V AC 50/60 Hz 外部VT测量精度三相功率 1 % 电流 1 % 电压 1 % 能量 1 % 频率 0.1 % 功率因数 1 % 视在功率 1 %精度等级2 无功电度 符合 IEC 62053-23 1级 有功电度 符合 IEC 62053-21通讯协议串口Modbus 19.2 kb通讯接口RS485T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .环境电磁兼容性振荡波抗扰度试验: 符合 IEC 61000-4-12静电放电抗干扰: 符合 IEC 61000-4-2抗辐射: 符合 IEC 61000-4-3抗快速瞬变: 符合 IEC 61000-4-4抗导电: 符合 IEC 61000-4-6抗浪涌: 符合 IEC 61000-4-5抗电压偏移: 符合 IEC 61000-4-11传导和辐射干扰: A类 符合 CISPR 11安装类型嵌入安装安装方式面板安装类型室内安装过电压类别IIIIP 保护等级IP51 前面板: conforming to IEC 60529IP40 后面: conforming to IEC 60529相对湿度5…95 %环境温度-10…60 °C贮存环境温度-25…70 °C工作海拔0...2000 m符合标准IEC 62053-21IEC 62052-11宽度96 Mm深度嵌入 : 80 mm高度96 Mm净重0.4 Kg可持续性产品类型Green Premium 产品欧盟ROHS指令符合欧盟ROHS声明中国 ROHS 管理办法中国 ROHS 声明WEEE该产品必须经特定废物回收处理后弃置于欧盟市场,绝不可丢弃于垃圾桶中。




2.质量范围:m/z 150~1500。



















悠活妤质检报告1. 引言本质检报告对产品悠活妤进行了详细测试和评估。



2. 测试方法我们使用了以下测试方法来评估悠活妤的效果和质量:2.1 成分分析我们首先对悠活妤的成分进行了分析。


2.2 功能评估我们进行了一系列实验来评估悠活妤声称的功能:•皮肤水分含量测试:我们使用皮肤水分仪测试了使用悠活妤后皮肤的水分含量变化。



2.3 用户调查我们还进行了一项用户调查,以了解用户对悠活妤的满意度和使用体验。


3. 测试结果3.1 成分分析结果经过成分分析,我们确定悠活妤的主要成分为: - 水 - 甘油 - 玻尿酸 - 山梨酸钾- 等这些成分都属于常见的护肤品成分,无安全性问题。

3.2 功能评估结果使用悠活妤后,我们得出了以下功能评估结果:•皮肤水分含量测试:在使用悠活妤后,皮肤的水分含量平均增加了20%。



3.3 用户调查结果在用户调查中,我们收到了100份有效反馈。





4. 评估与结论通过对悠活妤的测试和评估,我们得出以下结论:•悠活妤的成分安全可靠,无安全性问题。


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Celanese Emulsions®Mowilith DM 799Technical Data Sheet Version 1 - Issue 2005/02Characteristics StabilizationSurfactantsMowilith DM 799 is a non-plasticizedaqueous copolymer dispersion based onacrylic and methacrylic acid esters.Recommended Application AreasPlastic coatingsGloss paints (interior)Coatings for metalSpecificationThese technical data are determined for each lot before its release by our quality control laboratory.Unit Value Dev.Solids content(DIN EN ISO 3251; 2 h; 105 °C)%46±1ViscositymPa·s2200±1300 (DIN EN ISO 2555; spindle no. 3; 20 rpm, 23 °C)Brookfield viscometer RVTpH value(DIN ISO 976)8.5±0.5 Additional DataThese data are solely to describe the product. They are not subject to constant monitoring or part of thespecification.Unit Value DispersionParticle sizeµm approx. 0.10Sieve residue(DIN ISO 4576; 100 µm)%< 0,005ApplicationsMowilith DM 799 is suitable for the formulation of water based air and heat accelarated drying coatings andvarnishes for plastics (PS, ABS, PC), wood (in-house) and metal. Coatings based on this dispersion havegood wet adhesion properties.The dispersion is also used in combination with other water based resins (i. e. water based alkyds or otherdispersions with a lower glass transition temperature).ProcessingMowilith DM 799 can be mixed in any rate for example with softer acrylic dispersions like Mowilith DM 772,DM 774 or DM 777 to achieve the desired polymer hardness. All combinations with other dispersions shouldbe checked out if any discoloration occurs during storage. The dispersion is also compatible with water based alkyd emulsions.The minimum film forming temperature of the dispersion has to be reduced by adding solvents or plasticizers, even in the case of stove drying coatings. This must be done with due care. The amounts of these solventsare between approx. 5 and 15 % calculated on dispersion, and are depending also on the "hardness" of thepartner resins or dispersions which are used in mixtures.The usual titanium dioxide and coloured pigments as well as fillers may be used for the formulation of paints.To ensure an adequate stability long term storage trials are recommended at any rate, especially when fillers and coloured pigments with a large specific surface area are chosen. Salts of low molecular weightpolyacrylic acids work well as dispersing agents, sometimes in combination with suitable wetting agents. The required quantities are between 0.3 and 1 % active substance relative to the pigment/extender mixture.To obtain high gloss values of the dried paint film it is absolutely necessary to use a mill base. The desiredfineness of the mill base is achieved by a dissolver or another suitable dispersing equipment. Care should be taken to ensure that the pH values of the mill base and the ready-to-use paint are between 8.5 and 9.0.The addition of suitable associative acrylic (e. g. Mowilith VDM 7000) or PU thickeners imparts rheologicalproperties to gloss paints similar to those of conventional alkyd paints.A lot of commercially available defoamers can be included in order to prevent excessive foaming in thepaints. Trials must be carried out to determine the most suitable grades and the correct concentration.Preservation and StorageThe dispersion contains some initial preservatives to prevent attack by micro organisms. In order that theproduct is also sufficiently protected against microbial contamination during further storage in opened drumsor storage tanks a suitable preservative should be added despite our preliminary preservation measures and the tanks and pipework should be kept adequately clean.Preservatives which contain or release formaldehyde may lead to discoloration of the polymer and paint film.Prior to use Mowilith DM 799 should be stored for no longer than six months at temperatures as constant aspossible between 5 and 25 °C and must be protected from frost and direct exposure to sunshine.Furthermore it must be ensured that already opened drums or containers are always tightly closed.Further information on this topic can be found in our brochure "Transport, Storage and Preservation ofMowilith Emulsions".The technical data ascertained by our quality control laboratory at the time of product release may varyaccording to the storage time and storage conditions and may deviate from the stated limits.Industrial Safety and Environmental ProtectionNot a hazardous substance or preparation within the meaning of the current Hazardous Materials Regulations (GefStoffV). A safety data sheet is available on request.This information is based on our present state of knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on our products and their uses. It should not therefore be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of the products described or their suitability for a particular application. Any existing industrial property rights must be observed. The quality of our products is guaranteed under our General Conditions of Sale.Celanese Emulsions France6 rue Jean Jaurès 92807 Puteaux Cedex, FR Tél.: +33 1 49 06 253FAX: +33 1 49 06 2654。
