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阿米巴[性]肝脓肿, amebic liver abscess
Ehlers-Danlos综合征, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
嗳气, belch
凹陷性病变, excavated lesion, depressed lesion
Oddi括约肌成形术, plastic repair of Oddi sphincter Oddi括约肌切开术, sphincterotomy of Oddi
Oddi括约肌狭窄, stenosis of Oddi sphincter Osler-Weber-Rendu病, Osler-Weber-Rendu disease Budd-Chiari综合征, Budd-Chiari syndrome
Barrett's食管, Barrett's esophagus
板状强直, board-like rigidity
半成形便, semiformed stool
半乳糖耐量, galactose tolerance
伴有先天性综合征的毛细管扩张, telangiectasia associated
with congenital syndrome
贝尔西食管裂孔疝修补术, Belsey hiatal hernia repair 背驮式肝移植, piggyback liver transplantation
贲门成形术, cardioplasty
贲门肌切开术, cardiomyotomy
鼻胆管引流[术], nasobiliary drainage Billroth II式吻合[术], Billroth II anastomosis
Billroth I式吻合[术], Billroth I anastomosis
闭袢性肠梗阻, closed loop intestinal obstruction
闭塞性肝静脉内膜炎, endophlebitis hepatica obliterans 壁外性压迫, extrinsic compression of wall
壁细胞迷走神经切断术, parietal cell vagotomy
便血, hematochezia
变应性直肠炎, allergic proctitis
丙型病毒性肝炎, viral hepatitis type C
病毒性腹泻, viral diarrhea
病毒性肝炎, viral hepatitis
病毒性胃肠炎, viral gastroenteritis
Peutz-Jegher's综合征, Peutz-Jegher's syndrome
剥脱活检, strip biopsy
博尔德莫尔食管吻合术, Beordmore anastomosis of
Braun’s吻合[术], Braun anastomosis
部分肠梗阻, partial intestinal obstruction
擦拭法细胞学检查[术], abrasive cytologic examination 残留结石, residual stone, retained stone
残胃, gastric remnant
藏毛病, pilonidal disease
侧侧吻合[术], side-to-side anastomosis
侧视内镜, side-viewing endoscope
产毒性腹泻, toxigenic diarrhea
肠闭锁, intestinal atresia
肠壁囊样积气, pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis 肠侧侧吻合[术], side-to-side intestinal anastomosis
肠穿孔, perforation of intestine
肠道细菌内毒素移位, endotoxin translocation from intestine 肠道细菌移位, bacterial translocation from intestine
肠道营养, enteral nutrition
肠动静脉畸形, arteriovenous malformation of bowel
肠端侧吻合[术], end-to-side intestinal anastomosis 肠放射性损伤, radiation injury of intestine
肠梗阻, intestinal obstruction, ileus
肠结核, tuberculosis of intestine
肠淋巴管扩张, intestinal lymphangiectasia
肠内引流式胰腺移植, enteric drainage pancreas
肠囊肿, enteric cyst
肠扭转, volvulus
stenosis of esophagus[食管狭窄]
•esophageal atresia[食道闭锁]•esophageal and gastric varices (varicosis) [食管-胃静脉曲张]
•hiatus hernia[食管裂孔疝]
•diverticulum of esophagus[食管憩室]
•carcinoma of esophagus[食管癌]
•reflux esophagitis[反流性食管炎]
•esophageal achalasia[食道贲门失弛缓症]
•esophageal perforation[食管穿孔]
•benign esophageal tumor[食管良性肿瘤]
•esophageal mucosa erosion[食管粘膜糜烂]
•esophageal polyp[食管息肉]
•foreign body in es ophagus[食管异物]
•congenital esophageal anomaly[食管先天性畸形]
•Barrett esophagus [Barrett 食管]
•acut e simple (corrosive, phlegmonous, hemorrhagic erosive) gastritis[急性单纯性(腐蚀性,化脓性,糜烂出血性)胃炎]•chronic superficial (atrophic,hypertrophic, erosive) gastritis[慢性浅表性(萎缩性,肥厚性,糜烂性)胃炎]
•bile regurgitation gastritis[胆汁反流性胃炎]
•peptic ulcer[消化性溃疡]
•gastric ulcer[胃溃疡]
•prolapse of gastric mucosa[胃粘膜脱垂]•gastrinoma (zollinger-Ellison syndrome) [胃泌素瘤(卓-艾综
•acute gastric dilation[急性胃扩张]
•gastric retention[胃潴留]
•postgastrectomy syndrome[胃切除术后综合征]
•gastroduodenoscopy[胃十二指肠镜检查]•polyp of stomach (intestinal tract)[胃(肠道)息肉]
•carcinoma (benign tumor, leiomyosarcoma, malignant lymphoma) of stomach[胃癌(良性肿瘤,平滑肌肉瘤,恶性淋
•foreign body of stomach [胃内异物]
•dumping syndrome[倾倒综合征]
•late postprandial hypoglycemia[餐后低血糖症]
•stomal ulcer[吻合口溃疡]
•syndrome of the gastric remnant[残胃综合征]
•duodenal ulcer[十二指肠溃疡]
•upper (lower) gastrointestinal bleeding[上(下)消化道出血]
•crohn disease[克隆病]
•intestinal tuberculosis[肠结核]
•acute hemorrhage n ecrotizing enteritis[急性出血性坏死性肠
•intestinal malabsorption syndrome[小肠吸收不良综合征]
•enteric volvulus[小肠扭转]
•small intestinal (duodenal) stasis syndrome[小肠(十二指肠)
•adhesion of small intestine[小肠粘连]
•short bowel syndrome[短肠综合征]•malignant (benign) tumor of small intestine[小肠恶(良)性
•carcinoid tumor (carcinoid syndrome)[类癌(类癌综合征)]•intestinal fibroma (sarcoma, diverticulum, diverticulitis)[小肠纤维瘤(肉瘤,憩室,憩室炎)]
•ulcerative colitis[溃疡性结肠炎]
•intestinal obstruction[肠梗阻]
•carcinoma of the colon (rectum)[结(直)肠癌]•gastrointestinal neurosis[胃肠神经宫能症]
•irritable bowel syndrome[肠易激综合征]
•motility diarrhea [肠运动功能异常性腹泻]•functional constipation (gastrointestinal disorders)[功能性便秘
•functional dyspepsia [功能性消化不良]
•intestinal allergic purpura[小肠过敏性紫癜]
•tuberculous peritonitis[结核性腹膜炎]
•chronic diarrhea[慢性腹泻]•inflammatory bowel disease (diarrhea)[炎症性肠病(腹泻)]•spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP)[自发性细菌性腹膜
•Helicobacter Pylori(HP)[幽门螺旋杆菌]
•toxic magacolon [中毒性巨结肠]
•acute (chronic) hepatitis[急(慢)性肝炎]
•drug-induced liver disease[药物性肝病]
•post hepatitis (schistosomal, alcoholic) cirrhosis[肝炎后(血
•nodular (biliary) cirrhosis[结节(胆汁)性肝硬化]
•alcoholic liver di sease [酒精性肝病]
•primary carcinoma of the liver [原发性肝癌]
•hepatocellular carcinoma[肝细胞癌]
•hepatocellular jaundice[肝细胞性黄疸]
•hepatic fibrosis[肝纤维化]
•hepatic encephalopathy[肝性脑病]
•he patic cyst [肝囊肿]
•carvernous hemangioma[海绵状血管瘤]
•hepatic coma [肝性昏迷]
•acute (chronic) hepatic failure [急(慢)性肝功能衰竭]
•portal h ypertension[门脉高压]
•hepatorenal syndrome[肝肾综合征]
•liver parasito sis (abscess, aneurysm, hamartoma)[肝寄生虫病(脓肿,动脉瘤,错构瘤)]
•cholecystic carcinoma[胆囊癌]
•cholestatic jaundice[胆汁淤积性黄疸]
•pancreatic cyst(pseudocyst)[胰腺(假性)囊肿]
•acute necrotising (interstitial) pancreatitis[急性坏死(水肿)
•pancreatic carcinoma[胰腺癌]
•insulinoma (gastrinoma)[胰岛素(胃泌素)瘤]•retroperi toneal tumor(abscess)[后腹膜肿瘤(脓肿)]
•hypersplenism [脾亢]
•fatty liver[脂肪肝]。
