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Instruction Manual 2710Bowen Simplex Packer RetrieversIndexGeneral Description (3)Use (3)Construction (3)Accessories (3)Operation (4)To Release the Retriever (4)To Reset the Retriever in the Hole (5)Maintenance (5)Disassembly of Simplex Packer Retriever (5)Reassembly of Simplex Packer Retriever (5)Strength Data (5)Specifications and Replacement Parts .......................................................7 – 9Range Tables ................................................................................................10 – 11The designs and specifications for the tools described in this instruction manual were in effect at the time this manual was approved for printing. National Oilwell Varco, whose policy is one of continuous improvement, reserves the right to discontinue models at any time, or to change designs and specifications without notice or without incurring obligation.Bowen Simplex Packer RetrieversGeneral Description The Bowen™ Simplex packer retriever is an internally engaging fishing tool especially designed for the retrieving of drillable type production packers. With its accessory components (stinger, bushing and mill shoe), the Bowen Simplex packer retriever passes through the bore of the packer, prevents loss of the packer during milling and pulls the packer after it has been milled over, all inone trip. If necessary, the Bowen Simplex packer retriever can be released and reset to catching position — all without coming out of the hole.UseThe Bowen Simplex packer retriever is used to retrieve all types of drillable production packers from the wellbore. Types and sizes of production packers recoverable with Bowen Simplex packer retrievers are listed in the range tables on the following pages.ConstructionThe Bowen Simplex packer retriever consists of a top sub, lock pin, cage, mandrel and bottom nut. The top sub connects the retriever to a stinger or extension. The cage is installed on the mandrel which is threaded into the top sub and secured at assembly with the lock pin. The bottom nut is a bullnose type and is furnished with the tool unless an alternate is specified. It may be removed so that a tool or other type nut may be run below the retriever if required.The cage has two automatic J slots with internal lug keyways, friction wickers, lifting shoulder, and a tapered ID at the bottom with milled slots so that the lifting shoulder can expand. The mandrel has two J slot lugs and a taperedcone which makes the cage liftingshoulder expand.The retriever also has a small borefor high velocity jetting in case thepacker has been sanded over.AccessoriesStingerBowen Simplex packer retrieverstingers are simply extensions thatpermit the retriever to be loweredcompletely through the packerduring the milling operation.BushingThe bushing is provided with abox connection at its lower endfor attaching the stinger, also a pinconnection at the lower end forattaching a mill shoe and a boxconnection at its upper end forconnection to the run-in or fishingstring. Bushings are providedwith circulation ports that maydirect some fluid down around theoutside of the retriever.Mill shoesMill shoes for Bowen Simplexpacker retrievers are of sufficientlength to completely mill awaythe slips of the packer and containthe packer within its length. Themill shoe is faced with BowenItcoloy (sintered tungsten carbide)on its leading edge and on itsinternal diameter. The loweroutside diameter may be dressedwith hard-facing material toreduce wear. Mill shoes are madewith additional length to permitredressing with Bowen Itcoloyseveral times. The mill shoe mustbe of a length which will shroudthe packer.When more length is needed, a shortmill shoe may be used with a pieceof washpipe of sufficient length inplace of the long mill shoe. (Seeassembly illustrated on next page.)MandrelAutomatic J slotCageBottom nutFriction wickersLifting shoulderBox connectionTop subLock pinBowen Simplex packer retrieverBowen Simplex Packer RetrieversOperationMake up a complete Bowen Simplex packer retriever assembly consisting of retriever, stinger, bushing and mill shoe. Make sure to determine the following:1. That the retriever is the correct size for the packer to be caught.2. That the stinger is sufficiently long to permit the retrieverto pass completely through the packer.3. That the bushing and mill shoe are the correct size for the casing specifications.Refer to the specification tables and range tables on the following pages.Make up the complete assembly to the fishing string.Lower the retriever into the hole on the fishing string and passit through the packer. As the retriever passes through the packer, the cage is free to ride up on the mandrel while the lugs are in the bottom of its internal keyways, and the friction wickers and lifting shoulder are free to collapse to permit passage. After the friction wickers pass through, the cage will fall onto the tapered cone of the mandrel which expands the lifting shoulder. The mandrel lugs are then near the top of the internal keyways. Now, raise the fishing string slowly and carefully until it takes weight. This ensures that the retriever will engage the packer seat.Lower the fishing string until the mill shoe contacts the slips of the packer. Start circulation and right-hand rotation to mill away the slips and sealing element of the packer. When the packer begins to slide down the hole, stop rotation, raise the fishing string to engage itwith the lifting shoulder and thenpull the assembly and the fishfrom the hole. Procedure steps areshown on page 6.To Release the RetrieverIf for any reason you wish torelease the retriever from thepacker, observe the followingprocedure.1. Elevate the fishing string untilweight is indicated.2. Lower the fishing string aboutthree inches.3. Rotate about 90° to the right.4. Slowly elevate the string towithdraw the retriever from thepacker.When the fishing string is loweredthree inches, the friction wickersdrag on the packer ID causingthe mandrel lugs to ride downthe keyways into the J slots. Asthis occurs, the cage slides off themandrel tapered cone. The frictionwickers remain in the packer andstill provide slight drag enoughto hold the cage stationary whilethe 90° right-hand turn is appliedwhich moves the lugs out of thekeyways and into the J slots.When the string is raised, thelugs engage the top of the J slots,leaving the lifting shoulder free tocollapse and to be removed fromthe packer.WashpipeShort mill shoeBushingSimplex packerretrieverStingerComplete retrieving unitwith bushing, shoe, and stingerBowen Simplex Packer RetrieversTo Reset the Retriever in the Hole After releasing from the packer and it is desirable to reset the retriever, observe the following procedure. Refer to fourth view of procedure figure on page 6.1. Lower the fishing string until the retriever passes through the packer bore. As it passes through, the drag of the friction wickers on the packer bore makes the lugs ride on the bottom of the J slots and back into the keyways. Once through, the cage falls back onto the tapered cone of the mandrel, which again expands the lifting shoulder.2. Elevate the fishing string until weight is indicated, demonstrating that the retriever is in the catch position and is engaging the packer seat.3. Continue elevating and pull the assembly and fish from thehole. MaintenanceTo guard against misruns andto prolong the life of the Bowen Simplex packer retriever, it should be completely disassembled, thoroughly cleaned, lubricated and reassembled before storing. Exterior surfaces may be either painted or lubricated to prevent rust and deterioration.Disassembly ofSimplex Packer Retriever1. Rest top sub in vise or clamp so that the lock pin is in a position where it can be driven out. Drive lock pin out. This pin must be removed first.2. Reposition assembly in viseto clamp on mandrel just above bottom nut. Rest top end of mandrel (between the cage and top sub) on paddedsupport so that assembly willnot flex when applying torqueto top sub. Using wrench, breakout and remove top sub.3. Remove cage by manuallyaligning mandrel lugs with theinternal cage keyways and slidecage off threaded end ofmandrel.4. Using wrench, remove bottomnut to make sure there is nodebris inside which couldobstruct the bore.Reassembly ofSimplex Packer Retriever1. Clamp mandrel’s largestdiameter in vise and coat allthreads with grease.Using wrench, make up bottomnut to threads near vise.2. Coat mandrel between taperedcone and lug area and ID ofcage generously with grease.Slip lifting shoulder and frictionwicker end of cage onto otherend of mandrel. When mandrellugs near J slot area of cage,manually align and entermandrel lugs into cage internalkeyways.3. Position padded support undermandrel between threads andcage so that when making uptop sub to mandrel, theassembly will not flex. Make uptop sub to mandrel.4. Reposition in vise and clampso that lock pin can be driveninto hole on top sub. Make surelight can be seen through thishole before installing pin. If nolight can be seen, the top sub isnot made up far enough forgroove in mandrel end to alignwith lock pin.* The strengths shown are theoretical calculations based on yield strength of the material usedin each case. The strengths shown are only plus or minus 20% accurate of the figure shown.These figures do not constitute a guarantee, actual or implied. They are meant to serve as aguide only, and appropriate allowance must be made in use, as a safety factor.Bowen Simplex Packer RetrieversPass Through PackerMill Away Slipsand Sealing ElementEngage andPull PackerLower and Rotateto ReleaseBowen Simplex Packer RetrieversHow to OrderSpecify:(1) Name and number of assembly or part(2) Make, model, and ID of packer to be caught Recommended Spare Parts:(1) 1 Cage, each catch sizeBowen Simplex Packer RetrieversHow to OrderSpecify:(1) Name and number of assembly or part(2) Make, model, and ID of packer to be caught Recommended Spare Parts: (1) 1 Cage, each catch sizeBowen Simplex Packer RetrieversHow to OrderSpecify:(1) Name and number of assembly or part(2) Casing size (OD and weight)(3) Top connection of bushing(4) Make, model, and number of packer to be caughtPrices quoted on request.Bowen Simplex Packer RetrieversBowen Simplex Packer Retriever Assembly part no. 69035Dressed with cage part no. 69038 — Standard Catch size 1.968 in. IDBowen Simplex Packer Retriever Assembly part no. 69040Dressed with cage part no. 69043 — Standard Catch size 2.375 in. IDBowen Simplex Packer RetrieversBowen Simplex Packer Retriever Assembly Part no. 69050Dressed with cage Part no. 69053 — Standard Catch size 3.250 in. IDBowen Simplex Packer Retriever Assembly part no. 69045Dressed with cage part no. 69048 — Standard Catch size 2.688 in. IDBowen Simplex Packer Retriever Assembly part no. 69055Dressed with cage part no. 69058 — Standard Catch size 3.875 in. ID/ downholelocations。

克洛克斯商业用品有限公司克洛克斯浴室用品Toilet Bowl Cleaner 安全数据表说明书

克洛克斯商业用品有限公司克洛克斯浴室用品Toilet Bowl Cleaner 安全数据表说明书

Issuing Date January 5, 2015 Revision Date 8-Dec-2020 Revision Number 4Product identifierProduct Name Clorox Commercial Solutions® Clorox® Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach1Other means of identificationEPA Registration Number 67619-16Document Number US001276Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on useRecommended use Disinfecting toilet bowl cleaner with bleachUses advised against No information availableDetails of the supplier of the safety data sheetSupplier AddressClorox Professional Products Company1221 BroadwayOakland, CA 94612Phone: 1-510-271-7000Emergency telephone numberEmergency Phone Numbers For Medical Emergencies, call: 1-800-446-1014For Transportation Emergencies, call Chemtrec: 1-800-424-9300ClassificationThis chemical is considered hazardous by the 2012 OSHA Hazard Communicati on Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200).GHS Label elements, including precautionary statementsEmergency OverviewPrecautionary Statements - PreventionWash face, hands and any exposed skin thoroughly after handling.Wear protective gloves, protective clothing, face protection, and eye protection such as safety glasses.Precautionary Statements - ResponseImmediately call a poison center or doctor.If swallowed: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting.If on skin (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water.Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.If inhaled: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing.Specific treatment (see supplemental first aid instructions on this label).If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Precautionary Statements - StorageStore locked up.Precautionary Statements - DisposalDispose of contents in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations.Hazards not otherwise classified (HNOC)Although not expected, heart conditions or chronic respiratory problems such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, or obstructive lung disease may be aggravated by exposure to high concentrations of vapor or mist.Unknown Toxicity0.11% of the mixture consists of ingredient(s) of unknown toxicity.Other informationVery toxic to aquatic life.Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.Interactions with Other ChemicalsReacts with other household chemicals such as other toilet bowl cleaners, rust removers, acids, or products containing ammonia to produce hazardous irritating gases, such as chlorine and other chlorinated compounds.First aid measuresGeneral Advice Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatmen t advice. Show this safetydata sheet to the doctor in attendance.Eye Contact Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15 - 20 minutes. Remove contactlenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. Call a poison controlcenter or doctor for treatment advice.Skin Contact Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20minutes. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.Inhalation Move to fresh air. If breathing is affected, call a doctor.Ingestion Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip aglassful of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a poisoncontrol center or doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to anunconscious person.Protection of First-aiders Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Use personal protective equipment as required.Wear personal protective clothing (see section 8).Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedBurning of eyes and skin.Most Important Symptoms andEffectsIndication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededNotes to Physician Treat symptomatically. Use of gastric lavage or emesis is contraindicated.Suitable Extinguishing MediaUse extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local circumstances and the surrounding environment.Unsuitable Extinguishing MediaCAUTION: Use of water spray when fighting fire may be inefficient.Specific Hazards Arising from the ChemicalThis product causes burns to eyes, skin, and mucous membranes. Thermal decomposition can release sodium chlorate and irritating gases and vapors.Explosion DataSensitivity to Mechanical Impact None.Sensitivity to Static Discharge None.Protective equipment and precautions for firefightersAs in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent) and full protective gear.Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresPersonal Precautions Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Ensure adequate ventilation. Use personalprotective equipment as required. For spills of multiple products, responders should evaluatethe MSDSs of the products for incompatibility with sodium hypochlorite. Breathing protectionshould be worn in enclosed and/or poorly-ventilated areas until hazard assessment iscomplete.Other Information Refer to protective measures listed in Sections 7 and 8.Environmental precautionsEnvironmental Precautions See Section 12 for ecological Information.Methods and material for containment and cleaning upMethods for Containment Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.Methods for Cleaning Up Absorb and containerize. Wash residual down to sanitary sewer. Contact the sanitarytreatment facility in advance to assure ability to process washed-down material.Precautions for safe handlingHandling Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Avoid contact withskin, eyes, and clothing. Do not eat, drink, or smoke when using this product.Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesStorage Store in a location inaccessible to children. Tightly close cap between uses.Incompatible Products Other toilet bowl cleaners, rust removers, acids, or products containing ammonia.Control parametersExposure GuidelinesACGIH TLV: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists - Threshold Limit Value. OSHA PEL: Occupational Safety and Heal th Administration - Permissible Exposure Limits. NIOSH IDLH: Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health.Appropriate engineering controlsEngineering Measures ShowersEyewash stationsVentilation systemsIndividual protection measures, such as personal protective equipmentEye/Face Protection If splashes are likely to occur: Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles) or faceshield.Skin and Body Protection Wear rubber or neoprene gloves and protective clothing such as long-sleeved shirt. Respiratory Protection If exposure limits are exceeded or irritation is experienced, NIOSH/MSHA approvedrespiratory protection should be worn. Positive-pressure supplied air respirators may berequired for high airborne contaminant concentrations. Respiratory protection must beprovided in accordance with current local regulations.Hygiene Measures Wash hands after direct contact. Do not wear product-contaminated clothing for prolongedperiods. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before re-use. Do not eat, drink, orsmoke when using this product.Physical and Chemical PropertiesPhysical State Viscous liquid Appearance ClearOdorCrisp, green, floral, bleach ColorGreenOdor ThresholdNo information availableProperty Values Remarks/ MethodpH 12.5 - 13.5None known Melting/freezing point No data available None known Boiling point / boiling range No data available None known Flash Point Not flammable None known Evaporation rate No data available None known Flammability (solid, gas) No data availableNone known Flammability Limits in AirUpper flammability limit No data available None known Lower flammability limit No data available None knownVapor pressure No data available None known Vapor density No data available None known Specific Gravity ~1.05 None known Water Solubility Soluble in water None known Solubility in other solvents No data available None known Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water No data available None known Autoignition temperature No data available None known Decomposition temperature No data available None known Kinematic viscosity No data available None known Dynamic viscosity ~1000 cPNone knownExplosive Properties Not explosive Oxidizing Properties No data availableOther Information Softening Point No data available VOC Content (%)No data available Particle SizeNo data available Particle Size DistributionNo data availableReactivityReacts with other household chemicals such as other toilet bowl cleaners, rust removers, acids, or products containing ammonia to produce hazardous irritating gases, such as chlorine and other chlorinated compounds.Chemical stabilityStable under recommended storage conditions. Possibility of Hazardous Reactions None under normal processing.Conditions to avoidNone known based on information supplied.Incompatible materialsOther toilet bowl cleaners, rust removers, acids, or products containing ammonia.Hazardous Decomposition ProductsNone known based on information supplied.Information on likely routes of exposureProduct InformationInhalation Exposure to vapor or mist may irritate respiratory tract and cause coughing. Inhalation ofhigh concentrations may cause pulmonary edema.Eye Contact Corrosive. May cause severe damage to eyes.Skin Contact May cause severe irritation to skin. Prolonged contact may cause burns to skin.Ingestion Ingestion may cause burns to gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract, nausea, vomiting,and diarrhea.Component InformationInformation on toxicological effectsSymptoms May cause redness and tearing of the eyes. May cause burns to eyes. May causeredness or burns to skin. Inhalation may cause coughing.Delayed and immediate effects as well as chronic effects from short and long-term exposureSensitization No information available.Mutagenic Effects No information available.Carcinogenicity The table below indicates whether each agency has listed any ingredient as a carcinogen.Group 3 - Not Classifiable as to Carcinogenicity in HumansReproductive Toxicity No information available.STOT - single exposure No information available.STOT - repeated exposure No information available.Chronic Toxicity Carcinogenic potential is unknown.Target Organ Effects Respiratory system, eyes, skin, gastrointestinal tract (GI).Aspiration Hazard No information available.Numerical measures of toxicity - Product InformationThe following values are calculated based on chapter 3.1 of the GHS documentNo information available.EcotoxicityVery toxic to aquatic life. Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.Persistence and DegradabilityNo information available.BioaccumulationNo information available.Other adverse effectsNo information available.Disposal methodsDispose of in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations.Contaminated PackagingDo not reuse empty containers. Dispose of in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations.DOT Not Regulated per 49 CFR 171.4 (c)(1)IMDG Not Restricted per IMDG Code Marine Pollutant exemptionIATA Not Restricted per IATA Special Provision A197 Environmentally Hazardous SubstanceExemptionChemical InventoriesTSCA All components of this product are either on the TSCA 8(b) Inventory or otherwise ex emptfrom listing.DSL/NDSL All components are on the DSL or NDSL.TSCA - United States Toxic Substances Control Act Section 8(b) InventoryDSL/NDSL - Canadian Domestic Substances List/Non-Domestic Substances ListU.S. Federal RegulationsSARA 313Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). This product does not contain a ny chemicals which are subject to the reporting requirements of the Act and Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 372 SARA 311/312 Hazard CategoriesAcute Health Hazard YesChronic Health Hazard NoFire Hazard NoSudden Release of Pressure Hazard NoReactive Hazard NoClean Water ActThis product contains the following substances which are regulated pollutants pursuant to the Clean Water Act (40 CFR 122.21 and 40 CFR 122.42)CERCLAThis material, as supplied, contains the following substances regulated as a hazardous substance under the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) (40 CFR 302)EPA StatementThis chemical is a pesticide product registered by the Environmental Protection Agency and is subject to certain labeling requirements under federal pesticide law. These requirements differ from the classification criteria and hazard information required for safety data sheets and for workplace labels of non-pesticide chemicals. Following is the hazard information as required on the pesticide label:DANGER: CORROSIVE. Causes irreversible eye damage. Causes skin irritation. Prolonged or frequently repeated skin contact may cause allergic reactions in some individuals. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. For prolonged use, wear gloves. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Use only in well-ventilated areas.US State RegulationsCalifornia Proposition 65This product does not contain any Proposition 65 chemicals.U.S. State Right-to-Know RegulationsPrepared By Product Stewardship23 British American Blvd.Latham, NY 121101-800-572-6501Revision Date 8-Dec-2020Revision Note Reference Updated transport. 1108907/50916001.002General DisclaimerThe information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief a t the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal, and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text.End of Safety Data Sheet。



The valuesbehind our progress210020112012201320142015Cross competencesin several industrial sectorsFrom standard productsto fit-to-customer solutions40 years of know howin design and productionAn international groupthat ensures local presenceA full range of productsfor linear motionEraldo Bianchessi Chief Executive Offi cerAt Rollon we develop solutions for our customers’applications. Working side by side with them, having athorough knowledge of their sectors and customizing ourproducts to meet specific needs is what makes Rollon asolid, reliable partner, and for the last 40 years, this is whathas made us grow and become a global provider for linearmotion solutions.The history of Rollon is one of capabilities, developed innumerous sectors and applied in new scenarios; it is thehistory of our customers’ applications.These values are joined by one of the most completeranges of telescopic linear guides and actuators, high levelmanagement and global coverage of the territory; since2010, we have opened new branches in China and Indiaand offices in Russia, Brazil and United Kingdom, whichjoin the Italian headquarters and the branches in Germany,France and the United States.“Our mission isto work side by sidewith the customer.”We design and produce in order to support you The Rollon GroupRollon, founded in 1975, produces and markets linearguides, telescopic guides, linear actuators and systemsfor automation in various industrial sectors. Today the Rol-lon Group has almost 450 collaborators throughout theworld.Rollon solutions are created using standard pro-ducts which can be customized if necessary to meet thespecifi c needs of each application, making them uniquefor each customer.Internal productionThe headquarters and plant in Vimercate covers a surfaceof 12,000 square meters and employs almost 180personnel. The headquarters and plant are equippedfor internal production of different solutions designed,with a pool of machines that range from tempering andgrinding profi les and machining centers to assemblymachines. At least 95% of the products sold are con-ceived and manufactured here. In addition to the centralfacility, other manufacturing sites in various countries dealwith cutting, assembly and fi nishing in order to comply withlocal requests with short lead times.The Rollon Group has production plants in Italy and Germany and logistics and process centers in France, USA, China and IndiaQuality controlThe constant commitment to providing reliable products has led us along a path of constant evolution in quality control processes in all production stages, including the fi nal product.Certifi cationDIN EN ISO 9001:2008UNI EN ISO 9001:2008ONE Series IPA FraunhoferSince 2010 we have strengthened our world coverage 9 foreign facilitiesEurope: Germany, France and Netherlands+ Russia and Great Britain with a Representative Offi ceAmerica: USA + Brazil with a Regional Offi ceAsia: China, India180 importers throughout the worldand an extensive network of local support Rollon Branches and Representative Offi ces Importers2180152Focus on research and customization:fi t-to-customer is the guiding principle that makes every offer specifi cExtension of the range of solutionsby development and acquisition of new products with complementaryproducts companiesCreativity and dynamism,our DNA.The founding of Rollon 1991Establishmentof the GermanbranchOpening of anew plant in Italy(4,000 square metres)Tackling and overcoming challenges is the origin of our DNA2016Extensionof the plant in Vimercate to 12.000 sq.m.------------------Establishment of the Chinesebranch in Great BritainA complete rangefor linear motion whichreaches every customerLinear and curved guides with ball and roller bearings,with tempered tracks, high load capacities, self-alignmentand capable of working in dirty environments.Telescopic guides with ball bearingswith tempered tracks, high load capacities, and lowbending, resistant to shocks and vibrations. For partial,total or extended extraction up to 200% of the length ofthe guide.urved guides with ball and roller bearings,r and cutracks, high load capacities, self-alignmentemperedf working in dirty environments.apable ofActuator System LineSpecial multiple axis systems for industrial automation.They fi nd applications in numerous industrial sectors: from machinery servo systems to high precision assembly systems, packaging lines, production lines with direction changes with high speeds.Actuator Line Linear actuators with different guide confi gurations and drives.Available with belt, screw or rack and pinion drives for different needs in terms of precision, speed and guide bearing or ball recycle systems fordifferent load capacities and critical ambient situations.A g l o b a l p r o v i d e r o f s o l u t i o n s f o r a p p l i c a t i o n s f or l i n e a r m o t i o n ActuatorLinear actuators Available with belt fWe interweave thousands of abilities and experiencein a new network of advantages Problem-SolvingStarting with a standard product and arriving at a customized solution,not being afraid to fi nd unconventional ideas when necessary.Because problem-solving is a shared way of thinking, designing andproducing at every company level.PerformanceThe know-how and experience acquired in various industrial sectorsare available for your application.Because performance always comes from a solid base.Acceleration of projectsResearchers and technicians capable of developing new intuitive ideas,with a test area that provides valuable information on the future of a project.Because the decisive function of innovation is to accelerate the transfer ofideas to the market.An inexhaustible source of solutions and the ability to applyideas effective in one sector to another sector.For example, the lightness and strength developed for the aeronauticssector, the resistance to corrosion and ability to work with shocks andvibrations required by the railway sector, the precision and high dynamicsrequired by production facilities enable us to guarantee performance, anda long lifespan in many other industrial sectors.Because cross-competence means precisely this: interweaving thousandsof abilities and experience in a new network of advantages.MULTI-AXIS SYSTEMS STIFFNESS PRECISION COMPACTNESSACCELERATIONIndustrial Cross CompetenceLONG LIFESPANGROUND RACEWAYS720 HOURS IN SALINE MIST ANTI-CORROSION SPECIAL LUBRICATION SELF-SUPPORTING PROFILE LIGHTNESSLONG STROKESSPECIAL TREATMENTSCRITICAL ENVIRONMENTSSELF-ALIGNMENT RELIABILITY SPEED TEMPERED RACEWAYS 200%EXTENSIONHIGH LOAD CAPACITY SLIDING MOVEMENTHIGH TEMPERATURESAERONAUTICSROBOTICSINDUSTRIAL MACHINERYPACKAGINGMEDICALINTERIORS AND ARCHITECTURERAILWAYSPECIAL VEHICLESLOGISTICSCustomized special solutions:a reality made by overcomingchallengesCritical points of self-builtCurvilinear movement720 hours of resistance to corrosion in saline mistSimplification of the con-struction designMisalignments and imprecise surfaces 20 year lifespanReduction of cycle timesWe assume responsibility for your problemsto resolve them with innovative ideas.High level technical consulting is one of themost important instruments we provideYour special Rollon solution does not exist yet, we have yet to create iton the basis of your needs, to overcome your challenges.30% lessweightDirty environments -40°temperatureIn critical conditionsand for unique needs,this is how a test acquires value Trying out different options, searching for rationale and functionality in every detail, and not losing sight of the customer’s needs. This is how we create an application and help every customer grow in terms of performanceand results.Located at the Rollon headquarters is RollonLab, a specialized laboratory with special test stations where the customer’s applications are simulated and solutions and products are tested and optimized according to strict quality requirements.RollonLab exemplifi es Rollon Group’s constant attention to the customers’ needs, and it is here that new solutions can be checked and their applications can be subjected to specifi c tests.ueROLLON S.p.A. - ITALY (Headquarters)ROLLON S.A.R.L. - FRANCE ROLLON B.V. - NETHERLANDS ROLLON CORP. - USAROLLON LTD. - CHINAROLLON GMBH - GERMANYROLLON LTD. - UK (Rep. Offi ce)ROLLON S.P.A. - RUSSIA (Rep. Offi ce) ROLLON - SOUTH AMERICA (Rep. Offi ce) ROLLON INDIA PVT. LTD.Via Trieste 2620871 Vimercate (MB) Phone +39 039 62591 ****************** Les Jardins d’Eole 2 allée des Séquoias 69760 LimonestPhone +33 (0)474719330*****************www.rollon.frRingbaan Zuid 8NL-6905 DB ZevenaarPhone +31 (0)316 58 19 99************** 101 Bilby Road. Suite B Hackettstown, NJ 07840 Phone +1 973 300 5492 ******************* 2/F Central Plaza, No. 227 North Huang Pi Road, China, Shanghai, 200003Phone +86 (0)21 2316 5336**************.com Bonner Straße 317-319 40589 Düsseldorf Phone +49 (0)211957470 **************www.rollon.deThe Works 6 West Street Olney, Buckinghamshire United Kingdom, MK46 5 HR Phone +44 (0) 1234964024 **************.com 117105, Moscow, Varshavskoye shosse 17,building 1, offi ce 207Phone +7 (495) 508-10-70**************www.rollon.ruR. Joaquim Floriano, 397, 2o andarItaim Bibi - 04534-011 São Paulo, BrasilPhone +55 (11) 4111-3123**********************Regus Gem Business Centre, 26/1 Hosur Rd.Bommanahalli, Bangalore 560068Phone +91 80 67027066*******************www.rollonindia.inCP_GL_06/16Changes and errors excepted. The text and images may be used only with our permission.。

莫纳 2022.08 产品手册 1说明书

莫纳 2022.08 产品手册 1说明书

产品手册2022.08InstrumentReagentConsumableU n i f o r m -S e a l H e a t S e a l e rP l a t e P r o 3200 M i c r o p l a t e C e n t r i f u g eM o n A m p ™ S Y B R ® G r e e n q P C R M i xM o n S c r i p t ™ R T I I I A l l -i n -O n e M i x w i t h d s D N a s eM o n A m p ™ 2× M o n H i -F i H S M i x M o n C l o n e ™ H i -F u s i o n C l o n i n g M i x V 2M o n P u r e ™ P l a s m i d M i n i P r e p K i t96-w e l l P C R P l a t e s M o n A m p ™ U l t r a c l e a r P e e l a b l e F i l m s M o n A m p ™ C l e a r P e e l a b l e H e a t S e a l i n g F i l m s H i g h To l e r a n c e P e e l a b l e H e a t S e a l i n g F i l m sAutomation莫纳苏州4000平米 ISO9001、13485 标准工厂莫纳武汉6000平米 ISO9001 洁净工厂上海运营中心公司营销总部莫纳生物科技有限公司是一家为生命科学基础研究及产业提供全方位产品和解决方案的研发、生产型高科技企业。



罗卓尼克 ROTRONIC温湿度仪HP22产品手册

罗卓尼克 ROTRONIC温湿度仪HP22产品手册

HygroPalm HP22 Hand-Held IndicatorUser GuideTable of contents1Overview (3)2General description (3)2.1Power supply (3)2.2Measured parameters (3)2.3Calculated parameters (3)2.4Service connector (4)3User configurable settings and functions (4)3.1Function overview (4)3.2Factory default settings (5)3.3Interaction between the HP22 and probe functions (7)4Operation (8)4.1Display (8)4.2Keypad (8)4.3Internal menu (9)4.4Changing the parameters shown on the display (10)4.5Changing the unit system (10)4.6Low battery indicator (10)4.7Practical advice for measuring humidity (10)5Maintenance (11)5.1Replacing the battery (11)5.2Service cable (11)5.3Location of the service connector (mini USB type) (11)5.4Periodic calibration check of the probe (12)5.5Cleaning or replacing the probe dust filter (13)6Firmware updates (13)7Technical data (14)7.1Specifications (14)7.2Dew point accuracy (15)8Accessories (15)9Supporting documents (15)10Document releases (16)Applicability:This manual is valid for the HP22 with firmware version 1.x, where 1.x can be 1.0, 1.1 etc. Changes to the last digit of the version number reflect minor firmware changes that do not affect the manner in which the instrument should be operated.1 OverviewThe HP22 is a highly accurate hand-held indicator that displays relative humidity, temperature and a calculated parameter such as the dew or frost point. The HP22 operates with a regular 9V alkaline battery and is available with a wide assortment of HygroClip 2 humidity-temperature probes to meet almost any requirement. The HygroClip 2 probes feature well proven, durable sensors. Digital signal processing ensures consistent product performance and also facilitates the task of field maintenance with features such as potentiometer free – digital calibration..Depending on the probe model, the HP22 can measure conditions within the range of 0 to 100 %RH and -100 to 200C (-148 to 392F). The temperature operating range of the HP22 electronics is limited to -10…60°C.Based on the ROTRONIC AirChip 3000 digital technology the HP22 indicator and HygroClip 2 probes offer the following user functions:User configurable settingsCalculation of psychrometric parameters such as the dew or frost pointHumidity temperature calibration and adjustmentSimulator modeAutomatic humidity sensor test and drift compensationSensor failure modeData recordingThe ability for the user to easily update both the HP22 and HygroClip 2 probe firmware means that theindicator and probes can be kept up-to-date regarding any future functionality improvement.2 General description2.1 Power supplyThe HP22 operates with a regular 9V alkaline battery2.2 Measured parametersThe probes used with the HP22 measure relative humidity with a ROTRONIC Hygromer® IN1 capacitive sensor and temperature with a Pt100 RTD.2.3 Calculated parametersUsing the ROTRONIC HW4 software, the HP22 can be configured by the user to calculate one of the following parameters:o Dew point (Dp) above and below freezingo Frost point (Fp) below freezing and dew point above freezingo Wet bulb temperature (Tw)o Enthalpy (H)o Vapor concentration (Dv)o Specific humidity (Q)o Mixing ratio by weight (R)o Vapor concentration at saturation (Dvs)o Vapor partial pressure (E)o Vapor saturation pressure (Ew)Note: some of the above parameters depend on the value of the barometric pressure. Using the ROTRONIC HW4 software, a fixed barometric pressure value can be specified. For instructions see the following HW4 manual: E-M-HW4v2-F2-0062.4 Service connectorThe service connector is a UART digital interface (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) with a mini-USB type connector. This allows connecting the HP22 either to a PC running the ROTRONIC HW4 software or to a probe input of another instrument that is compatible with the HygroClip 2 (HC2) probes. In both cases a service cable is required. See “Maintenance” for the location of the service connector and for the type of service cable to be used.Connecting the HP22 to a PC is used to configure the HP22, gain access to the HP22 and probe functions such as humidity and temperature adjustment, read data from the HP22 on the PC and update thefirmware of either the HP22 or probe.Connecting the HP22 to another instrument is useful only when the other instrument has its own display and keypad, and has a more powerful internal menu than the HP22 (example HP23 hand-held calibrator).This allows showing the data measured by the HP22 on the other instrument display and also allows usingthe other instrument internal menu to do for example a humidity and temperature adjustment of the HP22.3 User configurable settings and functionsThe HP22 can be used just as any conventional humidity and temperature indicator and most users will never need to use the HP22 configurable settings and functions.Making use of the HP22 configurable settings and functions is entirely up to the user and the appropriate settings depend on the user application. We have provided below a short description of the HP22 functions and also indicated the factory default settings.3.1 Function overview3.2 Factory default settingsNotes:o Configuration of the HP22 and probe by the user and access to its functions requires a PC with the ROTRONIC HW4 software (version 2.1.1 or higher) installed. Service cable AC3006 is used to connect the HP22 service connector to a USB port of the PC.o Settings and functions that can also be either partially or fully accessed from the keypad are marked with the letter K (see also Operation > Internal Menu).o For a detailed description of all AirChip 3000 / HP22 main functions see document E-T-AC3000-DF-V1 o Instructions regarding the configuration of the HP22 and probe as well as access to the functions are provided in the following manuals:E-M-HW4v2-F2-006E-M-HW4v2-F2-001E-M-HW4v2-Main (§ 6.5)E-M-HW4v2-DR-001E-M-HW4v2-A2-001E-M-AC3000-CP.o The factory default setting for dew / frost point calculation is frost point below freezing3.3 Interaction between the HP22 and probe functionsIt is important to note that when used together, the HP22 indicator and HC2 probe (HygroClip 2) constitute a 2-component system. Each system component has its own microprocessor, firmware and functions. Some of these functions are unique to each system component. Other functions are found in both components.The functions and settings of the HP22 indicator and HygroClip 2 probe (HC2) operate together as indicated below:4 Operation4.1 DisplayThe LC display of the HP22 has a backlight which can be set to be on all the time or whenever a key is pressed. The backlight can also be disabled.The upper line corresponds to relative humidity or dew / frost point and the bottom line corresponds to temperature.The display can be configured to show a trend indicator on each line:▲: increasing value ▼:decreasing valueIn the event of an alarm the display shows the symbol [ ! ] to the right of the value.For instructions see the following HW4 manual: E-M-HW4v2-F2-006.4.2 KeypadON/OFF: Turns the instrument on or off MENU:Press this key to activate the internal menu. Press this key again to exit the menuUP / DOWN:When the menu is active, use these keys to navigate the menu, make a selection or change a valueENTER:When the menu is active, press this key to confirm a selection.4.3 Internal menuNote: Unauthorized access to the menu can be prevented by disabling the “display menu” setting(use the HW4 software > Device Manager > Display)o Record: both the recording mode (start / stop and the log interval cannot be changed from the menu and are as configured with the ROTRONIC HW4 softwareo SensorTest: Off means that the humidity sensor has not been tested due to the configuration settings of the test. For a description of the automatic humidity sensor test and drift compensation (SQ-tuning) see documents E-T-AC3000-DF-V1 and E-M-HW4v2-F2-0064.4 Changing the parameters shown on the displayWhen the menu is not active, press the ENTER key to change which parameters are shown on the display: o Relative humidity and temperatureo Relative humidity, temperature and calculated parameter (when calculated parameter is enabled)4.5 Changing the unit systemThe unit system of the HP22 (metric or English) can be changed from the keypad (Menu > Settings > Unit).Press the MENU key to show the internal menu on the displayWith the menu item Settings highlighted, press the ENTER keyWith the menu item Unit highlighted, press the ENTER keyUse the UP or DOWN key to change the unit system as desiredPress the MENU key twice to exit the menu and return the HP22 to normal operationThe optional HW4 software can also be used to change the unit system:4.6 Low battery indicatorWhen the battery is down to about 20% of its initial charge, “Low Battery” appears at the bottom of the display.4.7 Practical advice for measuring humidityThe most common source of error when measuring relative humidity is a difference between thetemperature of the probe and the temperature of the environment. At a humidity condition of 50 %RH, a temperature difference of 1C (1.8 F) typically results in an error of 3 %RH on relative humidity.When using the HP22 hand-held indicator, it is good practice to monitor the display for temperaturestability. The probe should be given sufficient time to equilibrate with the environment to be measured. The larger the initial temperature difference between the probe and the environment to be measured, the more time temperature equilibration requires. This time can be shortened, and errors avoided, by using the probe configuration that fits best for your application.In extreme situations, condensation may occur on the sensors when the probe is colder than the environment. As long as the humidity / temperature limits of the humidity sensor are not exceeded, condensation does not alter the calibration of the sensor. However, the sensor has to dry out before it can provide a valid measurement.Non-moving air is an excellent insulator. When there is no air movement, surprising differences in temperature and humidity can noted over short distances. Air movement at the probe generally results in measurements that are both faster and more accurate.5 Maintenance5.1 Replacing the batteryTo replace the battery, turn the latching button counter-clockwise and pull out the battery holder.5.2 Service cableCable AC3006 converts UART (service connector) to USB and is used to connect the HP22 to a USB port of a PC running the ROTRONIC HW4 software. Prior to using this cable, the ROTRONIC USB driver must be installed on the PC. Both the driver and the installation instructions (document E-M-HW4v2-Main) arelocated on the HW4 CD.As an alternative, cable AC2001 is used to connect the HP22 to a probe input of the HP23 hand-held calibrator. For service purposes, the HP23 offers essentially the same functionality as the HW4 software.5.3 Location of the service connector (mini USB type)WARNING: the service connector is a UARTinterface with a mini-USB connector type. Do notconnect the service connector directly to the USBport of a PC or hub.The service connector (UART interface) can beaccessed without opening the enclosure afterremoving the protective red round cover.5.4 Periodic calibration check of the probeBoth the Pt 100 RTD temperature sensor used in the probe and associated electronics are very stable and should not require any calibration after the initial factory adjustment. Long term stability of the ROTRONIC Hygromer humidity sensor is typically better than 1 %RH per year. For maximum accuracy, calibration of the probe should be verified every 6 to 12 months. Applications where the probe is exposed to significant pollution may require more frequent verifications.a) Procedure for adjusting the probe from the HP22 keypadTemperature adjustmentThe keypad of the HP22 allows only a 1-point adjustment of temperature. The effect of a 1-point temperature adjustment is to add the same offset to all measured values.When temperature is stable, press the MENU key to show the internal menu on the displayUse the (-) key to select Temperature Adjust and press the ENTER keyMake sure that the text line beginning with RefValue is highlighted and press the ENTER keyUse the (+) or (-) key to change the reference value to match the temperature referenceUse the (-) key to highlight the Adjust text line and press the ENTER keyThe HP22 confirms the adjustment with the message “Adjust OK”Press the MENU key twice to exit the menu and return the HP22 to normal operationNotes:o Any temperature adjustment should be done prior to adjusting humidityo The calibration point is automatically deleted from the probe memory after an adjustmento Because the HP22 has no real time clock, the date of the adjustment is not written to the probe. If retaining the adjustment date is important, use the HW4 software to adjust the probe.Humidity adjustmentThe keypad of the HP22 allows a multi-point adjustment of humidity. The effect of a humidity adjustment depends on the number of calibration points present in the probe memory prior to the adjustment: -one calibration point: offset added to all measured values-two calibration points: offset and slope-three or more calibration points: offset, slope, linearityFor maximum accuracy use at least 3 to 4 calibration points distributed equally across the measurement range of interest. The calibration points (maximum 100) can be acquired in any order but we recommend going from low humidity values to high humidity values.When humidity is stable, press the MENU key to show the internal menu on the displayUse the (-) key to select Humidity Adjust and press the ENTER keyMake sure that the text line beginning with RefValue is highlighted and press the ENTER keyUse the (+) or (-) key to change the reference value to match the reference humidityUse the (-) key to highlight the Acquire text line and press the ENTER keyNote that the “Acquired” counter is incremented by 1 (number of calibration points in the probememory)When all calibration points have been acquired, use the (-) key to highlight the Adjust text line andpress the ENTER key. Do not adjust the probe before having acquired all calibration points.The HP22 confirms the adjustment with the message “Adjust OK”Press the MENU key twice to exit the menu and return the HP22 to normal operationNotes:o All calibration points are automatically deleted from the probe memory after an adjustmento Instructions for using the ROTRONIC calibration devices and humidity standards are provided in document E-M-CalBasicso Because the HP22 has no real time clock, the date of the adjustment is not written to the probe. If retaining the adjustment date is important, use the HW4 software to adjust the probe.b) Using the HW4 software to adjust the probe connected to the HP22:Use cable AC3006 to connect the service connector of the HP22 to a USB port of a PC with the HW4 software installed. Note that the ROTRONIC USB driver must be installed on the PC as explained in the HW4 manual E-M-HW4v2-Main.Start HW4 on the PC and search for the HP22 (HW4 Main Menu Bar > Devices and Groups >Search for USB Masters).After finding the HP22 with HW4, expand the device tree to see the HP22 functions. Select Probeand Probe Adjustment.For further instructions see HW4 manual E-M-HW4v2-A2-0015.5 Cleaning or replacing the probe dust filterSee document E-M-HC2 Probes-V16 Firmware updatesFirmware updates will be available on the ROTRONIC website for downloading. Firmware files are given a name that shows both to which device the file applies and the version number of the firmware. All firmware files have the extension HEX. Procedure for updating the firmware:Use cable AC3006 to connect the service connector of the HP22 to a USB port of a PC with theROTRONIC HW4 software installed. Note that the ROTRONIC USB driver must be installed on the PC as explained in the HW4 manual E-M-HW4v2-Main.Copy the firmware update file from the ROTRONIC website to the PC.Start HW4 software on the PC and search for the HP22 (HW4 Main Menu Bar > Devices and Groups > Search for USB Masters).After finding the HP22, expand the device tree to see the HF5 functions. Select Device Manager. Inthe Device Manager menu bar select Tools > Firmware Update. For instructions see documentE-M-HW4v2-F2-0067 Technical dataSpecifications7.17.2 Dew point accuracySee document E-M-HC2 Probes > Dew point accuracy8 AccessoriesFor accessories and parts such as the HW4 configuration software, service cables, calibration accessories and spare dust filters, please see document E-M-HC2-accessories9 Supporting documentsNote: All document file names have an extension corresponding to the document release number. This extension is not shown in the above table.10 Document releases。


(请参见第 63页帮助屏幕 )

阀门报警图标,图是显示由于阀门故障,使力矩超出执行器设定值而导致执行器“跳断”。(参见第 25页 [tO]/[tC])
1.阀位 - 动力电源接通
2.阀位- 动力电源断开



奇瑞汽车有限公司四涂车间反渗透系统操作维护培训资料DI Water System Training Manual for Chery CP4 Paint shop海得科膜分离技术(北京)有限公司 Hydrotech Separation Technology Co.,Ltd.2007年7月目 录1.0概要 General (2)2.0反渗透原理Principle of Reverse Osmosis (3)2.1【反渗透原理】How Reverse Osmosis works (3)2.2卷式复合膜元件的外形结构图 Spiral Wound Element Configuration (6)2.3反渗透系统主要术语 Major Glossary (6)2.4 影响RO膜性能的因素 Factors Influencing RO Performance (7)2.5 水处理系统原水水质分析主要项目Major Item of RO Feedwater Analysis (9)3.0 DIRO系统介绍 Introduction of DIRO System (10)3.1 简介 Introduction (10)3.2 系统流程简介 Introduction of system flow chart (11)3.3 预处理系统 Pretreatment system (12)3.4 反渗透装置 RO equipment (21)4.0 系统维护RO System Maintenance (30)一、前处理设备的维护Pretreatment unit maintenance (30)二、反渗透装置维护RO unit maintenance (30)三.反渗透膜的维护RO membrane’s maintenance (32)附1:清洗液配方Adjunct 1: Simple cleaning solutions (35)附2:反渗透膜污染的特征及处理方法RO membrane fouling character and cleaning method (36)5.0故障分析 Trouble Analysis (37)附: 1. 工艺原理图及相关图纸2. 运行记录表1.0概要General该手册提供了海得科膜分离技术(北京)有限公司制造的反渗透纯水系统重要运行操作信息,仅供上汽集团奇瑞汽车有限公司涂装二车间使用。

O K使用手册

O K使用手册

O2k简明使用手册一、产品简介及应用:OROBOROS Oxygraph-2k是高分辨率的呼吸测定仪。



常用于低呼吸活性、快速代谢反应和低氧水平的呼吸测定,如1病理现象导致的呼吸微弱:细胞凋亡、线粒体或新陈代谢疾病、老化、离体再灌注损伤、过氧应激等2活检取样,样品比较少3量比较少的细胞培养4氧化率和抗氧化能力检测(质量控制)5低水平呼吸检测,生理细胞内氧水平或氧活性6失去呼吸能力的突变体二、原理简介:在封闭的容积内,随着样品呼吸的进行,样品内的氧浓度不断减少,进而通过选择性透过膜的氧分子不断减少,根据反应原理式:O2+2H2O+4e—4OH-4Ag-4e—4Ag+由于电解质为KCL溶液因此会形成AgCL沉淀和KOH溶液在电压的作用下,OH-会定向移动,形成电流,从而离子浓度的大小决定电流的强弱,因此氧浓度的大小也就决定了电流的大小,也就决定了输出信号的强弱!三、参考检测样品浓度:检测样品的最小单位Sample Concentration Volume Temp.心脏线粒体0.01mg protein cm−3 2.0cm330o C可透肌纤维 1.5mg wet weight cm−3 1.5cm330o C内皮细胞0.2106cells cm−3 2.0cm337o CT-淋巴细胞1106cells cm−3 1.5cm337o C四、主要技术参数:玻璃仓容积:6ml玻璃仓有效体积:1.5-3.5ml温度范围:2-45℃温度稳定性:0.005℃90分钟以后温度变化速率:20-30℃,15分钟;30-20℃,20分钟温度信号分辨率:0.001℃流动氧检测限:0.5pmol/s.ml测试范围:氧气分压0.01-100kpa压力分辨率:0.1kpa搅拌子转速:100-800rpm五、主要部件:主机,抽吸装置,附件包(包含传感器、反应仓、钛金属塞、有机玻璃盖、膜工具、Peek磁力搅拌子、分析软件等六、安装:仓的安装:把仓放入主机内,同时加入磁力搅拌子,旋进传感器控制器,直到仓被悬在空中旋进仓控制器同时回旋传感器控制器,也就是伴随着传感器控制器的后退,仓不断往下移动,当传感器控制器继续后退,仓不能再跟进时,拧紧传感器控制器,这样仓的安装也就结束了!膜的安装:把传感器固定在传感器控制器上,传感器上有序列号,需要与软件对应,因此,不建议交换两个传感器的位置。



O-RailGuida ProdottiLOGISTICSROBOTICSINDUSTRIAL MACHINERYRAILWAYVa l u e sApplicationsCollaborationSolutionsINTERIORS AND ARCHITECTUREMEDICALSPECIAL VEHICLESAERONAUTICSA complete range for linear motion which reaches every customerTelescopic LineTelescopic guides with ball bearings,with hardened raceways, high load capacities, and low bending, resistant to shocks and vibrations. For partial, total or extended extraction up to 200% of the length ofthe guide.Linear and curved guides with ball and roller bearings,with hardened raceways, high load capacities, self-alignmentand capable of working in dirty environments.s, and low For partial, e length ofActuator System LineIntegrated actuators for industrial automation,they fi nd applications in numerous industrial sectors: from machinery ser-vo systems to high precision assembly systems, packaging lines and high speed production lines. It has evolved from Actuator Line series in order to meet the most demanding needs of our customers.Actuator LineLinear actuators with different guide confi gurations and drives,available with belt, screw or rack and pinion drives according to different needs in terms of precision and speed. Guides with bearings or ball recircu-lating systems for different load capacities and critical environments.Ag lobalp rov id e r o f s o l u t i o n sf o r a p p l i c a t i o n s f or l i n e a r m o t i o n1 Product explanationO-Rail - unique assembly possibilities, FXRG series OR-22 General characteristicsConfigurationsOR-43 Dimensions and load capacityFXRG series OR-5Rollers for FXRGOR-7Mounting configurationsOR-8Ordering keyGuida ProdottiO-RailOR-2Fig. 2Fig. 4Fig. 3FXRG seriesO-Rail - unique assembly possibilitiesFig. 11 Product explanationO-Rail is designed to be a strong and simple multitask linear system forlarger handling and automation applications. It is an easy to assemble system, that offers smooth motion even on inaccurate surfaces.The roller linear system O-Rail offers the maximum flexibility configurationdue to the original shape of the guide with 3 raceways arranged at 90 ° to each other where on each of those can slide rollers R..43G series. Using a single guide, two, or more parallel guides, gives rise to a number of combinations capable of satisfying each specific need for linear motion and offering exceptional self-alignment capacity. O-Rail is constructed in high strength steel hardened with hardening treatments, for a further im-provement of both performance and durability.OR-3ORNew geometrical design of the contact areas, based on Gothic arch raceways■Superior sliding ■ Very low friction ■ Long lifetime ■ Greater load capacity ■Very compact designNew rollers, double row bearings, with increased thickness of outer ring, gothic profile and finished raceways.■ Increased load capacity ■ Increased lifetime ■ Extremely low noise ■ High speed■ Lubricated with low-temperature grease temperature range -40 ° to + 130 ° c ■Neoprene lateral seals for dust protectionBlack oxidation technology ROLLON-NOX and Micro impregnation for high corrosion resistanceSelf-aligning system when using two parallel rails, compensating large assembly inaccuracies on both longitudinal and transversal plane.■allow for installation on non precise structures - welded carpentery oraluminium frame structures■Do not require machined fixing surfaces for installation.Cost saving, as easy and fast assemblyPatented process Rollon-Nox, to further improve the rail material andthermochemical hardening treatment of deep nitriding and post-oxidation black for an effective corrosion protection.■ Very high hardness ■ Resistance to heavy loads ■ Very low wear■ Effective corrosion protection ■Smooth black finishHigh dept nitride hardeningtechnology Rollon-NoxOR-4The FXRG allows a wide range of confi gurations when using two or more rails in parallel. Depending on required load and moment capacities/direction more single rollers and standard sliders are used to obtainFXRG with guiding slider with limited rotational capacity Confi guration with two parallel FXRG with self-aligning capacityTelescopic confi gurationCombination of two FXRG with resting loadConfi guration with two FXRG to form a single rail with a slider allowing for high Mx momentsComposed of two FXRG rails with rollers in between the rails fi xed to mobile part and rollers on fixed structure running on outer raceways, providing a customized solutions for telescopic movements.With high cantilever load capacity, meanwhile Self-aligning.Rotation+/- 5°PP radP axConfi gurationsunique Self-aligning systems. Contact ROLLON for eventual support in dimensioning customized systems .Fig. 62 General characteristicsOR-5O RFXRG is a high precision cold drawn profile of high strength steel. After a high depth nitride hardening treatment the rails are oxidized, assuring high hardness and excellent corrosion resistance. The characteristic black color on the whole rail is the result of oxidation and subsequent processFXRG seriesof micro-impregnation with oils and substances for improved smoothness and long life. The fixing holes are for standard M6 cylindrical low head screws, DIN 7984, with 80mm pitch .Position of guiding roller - Concentric RCV43G on the three racewaysFig. 12Axial movement of floating roller R.P43G with FXRG Rotation of guiding roller R.V43G on FXRGFig. 13Fig. 14OR-6Avialable lengths*Version FXRG-...-C with additional slotDimensions Fig. 153 Dimensions and load capacityHighlighted rail lenghts are available from stockOR-7O RROTELLA R.V..VINCOLATA ROTELLA R.P ..FLOTTANTESolo per rotelle R..43GGuiding roller R.VG and floating roller R.PGWhen FXRG rails are used in parallel, the use of floating rollers R.P43G and guiding rollers R.V43G provides a Self-aligning system, capable of compensating greate inaccuracies of structure or assembly errors. The guiding rollers R.V43G in contact with the FXRG’s gothic raceways assure Self-aligning combinationsFig. 16Fig. 18Fig. 17Rollers for FXRGprecise guiding while compensating misalignment, as they are able to rotate slightly around the longitudinal axis of about +/- 5 °. Combined with floating rollers R.P43G on a parallel rail, such system can compensate an axial displacement of +/- 1 mm , in addition to a max. rotation of +/- 5 °.OR-8Single rail with 3 rollers sliderSingle rail with 5 rollers sliderEccentric rollers REV43GIt is recommended, when more than two rollers are on the same track with max. radial load, to use only two concentric rollers (as from example figure). The others should be eccentric. For cases with a wider distance between concentric rollers, please contact ROLLON’s Technical departement for dimensioning.Double rail with slider for high overturning momentsConcentric rollers RCV43GThe concentric rollers should be positioned in the direction of radial loading. Warning! A single slider configuration will rotate +/- 5° around the longitudinal axis of a single FXRG rail, not able to take any Mx moments.Mounting configurations3 Dimensions and load capacityOR-9OR Standard Allen-keyIn case required to have eccentric rollers on theinternal rail side, it is necessary to include optionalaccesses, to allow Allen-key to reach the roller.Otherwise the adjustment can take place outsideof the rail.The rollers need to be positioned on the rail in numbers and directionsaccording to the prevailing load. It is always preferable to orient the rollersso that the prevailing load acts radially, due to higher radial load capacity.Co radCo axThe rollers must be fi xed on a metal surface not yielding, perfectly fl atand with its fi xing screws, applying a locking torque of 22 Nm.The tightening of the fi xing-screw is to be performed, while holding theroller firm with an Allen-wrench, present on the opposite side of thefixing thread. In case eccentric rollers, it is advisable to use a cup-spring washer under the screw-head to obtain a fi rm movement, ableto maintain the roller “firm” against the surface and facilitate minorEccentric roller to be aligned alongEccentric rollers to be preloaded against racewayPossible confi gurationsadjustment of eccentric roller, before the final locking. The preloadadjustment can also be carried out by checking the force Fi of insertionof the movable part, in which the rollers are fi xed into the rail. In generalfor a good Fi adjustment, the inserting friction must be between 2-10 N.To increase or decrease the Fi act on eccentric rollers, opposite to theload direction (see fi gure below).Fig.22Fig. 23Fig. 24OR-10Ordering KeyFXRG0960Length see pg. OR-6ffProduct type see pg. OR-2ff O-Rail guideOrdering example: FXRG-3120Notes on ordering: Rail lengths and stroke lengths are always stated with 4 digits. Please pad with zeroes to fill in for lengths with less than 4 digits,e.g. 515mm length is “0515”LL_GC_EN_03/19All addresses of our global sales partners can also be found at The content of this document and its use are subject to the general terms of sale of ROLLON available on the web site Changes and errors expected. The text and images may be used only with our permission.DistributorConsult the other ranges of products3F Shiodome Building, 1-2-20 Kaigan, Minato-ku,Tokyo 105-0022 Japan Phone +81 3 6721 8487****************************Via Trieste 26I-20871 Vimercate (MB)Phone: (+39) 039 62 59 1*******************************ROLLON S.p.A. - ITALY Bonner Strasse 317-319D-40589 DüsseldorfPhone: (+49) 211 95 747 0****************************Ringbaan Zuid 86905 DB ZevenaarPhone: (+31) 316 581 999****************************101 Bilby Road. Suite B Hackettstown, NJ 07840Phone: (+1) 973 300 5492**************************************Les Jardins d‘Eole, 2 allée des Séquoias F-69760 LimonestPhone: (+33) (0) 4 74 71 93 30*******************************R. Joaquim Floriano, 397, 2o. andarItaim Bibi - 04534-011, São Paulo, BRASIL Phone: +55 (11) 3198 3645*********************************************1st floor, Regus Gem Business Centre, 26/1 Hosur Road, Bommanahalli, Bangalore 560068Phone: (+91) 80 67027066**************************************117105, Moscow, Varshavskoye shosse 17, building 1Phone: +7 (495) 508-10-70 ****************************No. 1155 Pang Jin Road, China, Suzhou, 215200Phone: +86 0512 6392 1625********************************.com The Works 6 West Street OlneyBuckinghamshire, United Kingdom, MK46 5 HR Phone: +44 (0) 1234964024********************************.comASIAAMERICAEUROPEFollow us:。

Dorner 2100系列产品说明书

Dorner 2100系列产品说明书

For other service manuals visit our website at:/service_manuals.aspDORNER MFG. CORP .INSIDE THE USA OUTSIDE THE USA P .O. Box 20 • 975 Cottonwood Ave.TEL: 1-800-397-8664TEL: 262-367-7600Hartland, WI 53029-0020 USA FAX: 1-800-369-2440FAX: 262-367-5827851-461 Rev. E2200 Retro Fit Tails for 2100ConveyorsInstallation, Maintenance & Parts ManualDorner Mfg. Corp.2851-461 Rev. E2200 Retro Fit Tails for 2100 ConveyorsTable of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................... 2Warnings − General Safety ................................................. 3Product Description............................................................. 4Installation........................................................................... 5Drive End Retro Fit. (5)Idler End Retro Fit............................................................ 6Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment............................ 7Service Parts......................................................................... 7Return Policy (8)IntroductionUpon receipt of shipment:•Compare shipment with packing slip. Contact factory regarding discrepancies.•Inspect packages for shipping damage. Contact carrier regarding damage.•Accessories may be shipped loose. See accessory instruc-tions for installation.Dorner’s Limited Warranty applies.Dorner 2100 Series conveyors are covered by Patent No. 5,174,435, 5,131,529 and corresponding patents and patent applications in other countries.Dorner reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice or obligation.IMPORTANTSome illustrations may show guardsremoved. Do NOT operate equipment without guards.851-461 Rev. E3Dorner Mfg. Corp.2200 Retro Fit Tails for 2100 ConveyorsWarnings − General SafetyA WARNINGThe safety alert symbol, black triangle with white exclamation, is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards.Climbing, sitting, walking or riding onconveyor will cause severe injury. KEEP OFFCONVEYORS.Do NOT OPERATE CONVEYORS IN AN EXPLOSIVE ENVIRONMENT.A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.A WARNINGGearmotors may be HOT.DO NOT TOUCH Gearmotors.A WARNINGDorner cannot control the physicalinstallation and application of conveyors. Taking protective measures is the responsibility of the user.When conveyors are used in conjunction with other equipment or as part of a multiple conveyor system, CHECK FOR POTENTIAL PINCH POINTS and other mechanical hazards before system start-up.A WARNINGLoosening stand height or angle adjustment screws may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing severe injury.SUPPORT CONVEYOR SECTIONS PRIOR TO LOOSENING STAND HEIGHT OR ANGLE ADJUSTMENT SCREWS.Dorner Mfg. Corp.4851-461 Rev. E2200 Retro Fit Tails for 2100 ConveyorsProduct DescriptionRefer to Figure 1 for typical drive end retro fit components.Refer to Figure 2 for typical idler end retro fit components.2200 Retro Fit Tails for 2100 Conveyors InstallationDrive End Retro FitInstallation Component List:1.Typical components (Figure 3)Figure32.Remove conveyor belt and 2100 drive end tail assembly.Refer to manual 851−061, “2100 Series End DriveConveyors,” section “Conveyor Belt ReplacementProcedure,” for details.3.Determine required orientation for output shaft (Figure3,item D).4.Insert slide bars (Figure 3,item A) into 2100 frame.5.Install the new head plate (Figure 4,item E) on the non-drive shaft side of the conveyor.Figure46.Insert the new drive pulley (Figure 5,item C) into thehead plate on the opposite side.Figure57.Install the second head plate (Figure 5,item E) on thedrive shaft corner.A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severeinjury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guardsor performing maintenance.A Slide Bars (2x)B Head plate screw (2x)C Drive pulley (1x)D Output shaftE Head plates (2x)F Pulley Bearings (2x)EECD851-461 Rev. E5Dorner Mfg. Corp.Dorner Mfg. Corp.6851-461 Rev. E2200 Retro Fit Tails for 2100 ConveyorsInstallationIdler End Retro FitInstallation Component List:1.Typical components (Figure 6)Figure 62.Remove conveyor belt and 2100 idler end tail assembly. Refer to manual 851−061, “2100 Series End Drive Conveyors”, section “Conveyor Belt Replacement Procedure.” for details.3.Insert slide bars (Figure 6,item G) into 2100 frame.4.Install a new head plate (Figure 7,item J) on one side of the conveyor.Figure 75.Insert the new idler pulley (Figure 8,item I) into the head plate on the opposite side.Figure 86.Install the second head plate (Figure 8,item J). Leave the (4) head plate mounting screws finger tight.7.Install, tension and track conveyor belt, refer to manual 851−452, “2200 Series End Drive Conveyors.”A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.G Slide bars (2x)H Head plate screw (2x)I Idler pulley (1x)J Head plates (2x)KPulley bearings (2x)JIJ851-461 Rev. E7Dorner Mfg. Corp.2200 Retro Fit Tails for 2100 ConveyorsPreventive Maintenance and AdjustmentRefer to “2200 Series End Drive Conveyor” Installation, Maintenance and Parts manual, part number 851−452.Service PartsRefer to “2200 Series End Drive Conveyor” Installation, Maintenance and Parts manual, part number 851−452.851-461 Rev. E Printed in U.S.A.Dorner Mfg. Corp. reserves the right to change or discontinue products without notice. Allproducts and services are covered inaccordance with our standard warranty. All rights reserved. © Dorner Mfg. Corp. 2006DORNER MFG. CORP.975 Cottonwood Ave., PO Box 20 Hartland, WI 53029-0020 USAUSATEL 1-800-397-8664 (USA)FAX 1-800-369-2440 (USA)Internet: Outside the USA:TEL 1-262-367-7600FAX 1-262-367-5827Return PolicyReturns must have prior written factory authorization or they will not be accepted. Items that are returned to Dorner without authorization will not be credited nor returned to the original sender. When calling for authorization, please have the following information ready for the Dorner factory representative or your local distributor:1. Name and address of customer.2. Dorner part number(s) of item(s) being returned.3. Reason for return.4. Customer's original order number used when ordering the item(s).5. Dorner or distributor invoice number.A representative will discuss action to be taken on the returned items and provide a Returned Goods Authorization number for reference.There will be a return charge on all new undamaged items returned for credit where Dorner was not at fault. Dorner is not responsible for return freight on such items.Conveyors and conveyor accessories Standard catalog conveyors 30%MPB Series, cleated and specialty belt conveyors 50%7400 & 7600 Series conveyors non-returnable items Engineered special products case by case Drives and accessories 30%Sanitary stand supports non-returnable items PartsStandard stock parts30%MPB, cleated and specialty beltsnon-returnable itemsReturns will not be accepted after 60 days from original invoice date.The return charge covers inspection, cleaning, disassembly, disposal and reissuing of components to inventory.If a replacement is needed prior to evaluation of returned item, a purchase order must be issued. Credit (if any) is issued only after return and evaluation is complete.Dorner has representatives throughout the world. Contact Dorner for the name of your local representative. Our Technical Sales, Catalog Sales and Service Teams will gladly help with your questions on Dorner products.For a copy of Dorner's Warranty, contact factory, distributor, service center or visit our website at .For replacement parts, contact an authorized Dorner Service Center or the factory.。

ROCkt 1.0.1 商品说明书

ROCkt 1.0.1 商品说明书

Package‘ROCket’October12,2022Type PackageTitle Simple and Fast ROC CurvesVersion1.0.1Description A set of functions for receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve estimation and area under the curve(AUC)calculation.All functions are designed to work with aggregated data;nevertheless,they can also handle raw samples.In'ROCket',we distinguish two types of ROC curve representations:1)parametric curves-the true positive rate(TPR)and the false positive rate(FPR)are functions of a parameter(the score),2)functions-TPR is a function of FPR.There are several ROC curve estimation methods available.An introduction tothe mathematical background of the implemented methods(and much more)can be found in de Zea Bermudez,Gonçalves,Oliveira&Subtil(2014)<>and Cai&Pepe(2004)<doi:10.1111/j.0006-341X.2004.00200.x>.License GPL-3Encoding UTF-8LazyData trueURL https:///da-zar/ROCketBugReports https:///da-zar/ROCket/issuesImports data.table(>=1.13.0)Suggests testthatRoxygenNote7.1.1Collate'ROCket.R''generics.R''auc.R''rkt_ecdf.R''rkt_prep.R''rkt_roc.R''roc_methods.R''utils.R''zzz.R'NeedsCompilation noAuthor Daniel Lazar[aut,cre]Maintainer Daniel Lazar<**************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2021-02-1709:10:07UTC12auc R topics documented:auc (2)rkt_ecdf (3)rkt_prep (4)rkt_roc (5)show_methods (6)variance (6)Index7 auc Calculate the AUCDescriptionCalculate the AUCUsageauc(x,...)##S3method for class functionauc(x,...)##S3method for class curveauc(x,lower,upper,n=10000,...)##S3method for class rkt_rocauc(x,exact=TRUE,...)Argumentsx An R object....Further parameters.lower,upper The limits of integration.n The number of integration points.exact Logical.If the exact formula should be used for calculating the AUC instead of numerical approximation.ValueThe area under the curve as a numeric value.rkt_ecdf3 rkt_ecdf Empirical estimate of the CDFDescriptionCalculate an empirical cumulative distribution function based on a sample x and optionally a vector w of weights.Usagerkt_ecdf(x,w)##S3method for class rkt_ecdfprint(x,...)##S3method for class rkt_ecdfmean(x,...)##S3method for class rkt_ecdfvariance(x,...)##S3method for class rkt_ecdfplot(x,...)Argumentsx Numeric vector containing the sample.Alternatively,if w is supplied,distinct values within the sample.For S3methods,a function of class rkt_ecdf.w Optional.Numeric vector containing the weights of each value in x....Further parameters.DetailsThe weights vector w can contain the counts of each distinct value in x,this is the most natural use case.In general the weights are describing the jumps of thefinal ecdf.Normalization is handled internally.If x contains duplicates,corresponding values in w will be summed up.Only positive weights are allowed.Elements in x with non-positive weights will be ignored.ValueA function of class rkt_ecdf.4rkt_prepExamplesrequire(ROCket)plot(rkt_ecdf(rnorm(100)))plot(rkt_ecdf(c(0,1)))plot(rkt_ecdf(c(0,1),c(1,10)))rkt_prep ROC pointsDescriptionCalculate the ROC points for all meaningful cutoff values based on predicted scores.Usagerkt_prep(scores,positives,negatives=totals-positives,totals=1)##S3method for class rkt_prepprint(x,...)##S3method for class rkt_prepplot(x,...)Argumentsscores Numeric vector containing the predicted scores.positives Numeric vector of the same length as scores.The number of positive entities associated with each score.If data is not aggregated,a vector of0’s and1’s.negatives Similar to positives.Defaults to totals-positives.totals How many times each score was predicted.Defaults to1(assuming data is not aggregated).If any value in positives is greater than1(aggregated data),totals must be a vector.Not needed if negatives is supplied.x An environment of class rkt_prep for S3methods....Further parameters.DetailsIn a situation where many of the predicted scores have the same value it might be easier and faster to use aggregated data.ValueAn environment of class rkt_prep.rkt_roc5Examplesrequire(ROCket)plot(rkt_prep(1:4,c(0,1,0,1)))plot(rkt_prep(1:4,c(0,1000,0,1000),totals=1000))plot(rkt_prep(1:4,c(100,200,300,400),totals=c(1000,800,600,400)))rkt_roc Empirical estimate of the ROCDescriptionCalculate the empirical estimate of the ROC from raw sample or aggregated data.Usagerkt_roc(prep,method=1)##S3method for class rkt_rocprint(x,...)##S3method for class rkt_rocplot(x,...)Argumentsprep A rkt_prep object.method A number specifying the type of ROC estimate.Possible values can be viewed with show_methods().x An object of class rkt_roc....Further parameters passed to plot and linesValueAn object of class rkt_roc,i.e.a function or a list of two functions(for method=1).Examplesrequire(ROCket)scores<-c(1,2,3,4)positives<-c(0,1,0,1)prep<-rkt_prep(scores,positives)roc1<-rkt_roc(prep,method=1)roc2<-rkt_roc(prep,method=2)roc3<-rkt_roc(prep,method=3)6varianceplot(roc1)plot(roc2)plot(roc3)show_methods Available ROC estimation methodsDescriptionShow the implemented ROC estimation methods.Usageshow_methods()ValueA data.table containing the number and a short description of each implemented method. variance Sample VarianceDescriptionSample VarianceUsagevariance(x,...)##Default S3method:variance(x,...)Argumentsx An R object....Further parameters.ValueThe(biased)sample variance as a numeric value.See Alsovariance.rkt_ecdf,varIndexauc,2data.table,6lines,5mean.rkt_ecdf(rkt_ecdf),3plot,5plot.rkt_ecdf(rkt_ecdf),3plot.rkt_prep(rkt_prep),4plot.rkt_roc(rkt_roc),5print.rkt_ecdf(rkt_ecdf),3print.rkt_prep(rkt_prep),4print.rkt_roc(rkt_roc),5rkt_ecdf,3rkt_prep,4rkt_roc,5show_methods,6var,6variance,6variance.rkt_ecdf,6variance.rkt_ecdf(rkt_ecdf),37。



Lincoln Foodservice Products, LLC1111 North Hadley Road Fort Wayne, Indiana 46804 United States of AmericaTechnical Support Hotline: (800) 678-9511Telephone: (260) 459-8200operator manualThis document includes:• Safety Notices • Specifications• Installation Instructions • Operating Instructions • Cleaning Instructions • Warranty StatementRevision: C P/N: 07003Bread & Bun ToasterRT-2VSE & RT-2VSHOBEFORE INSTALLATIONNOTE: Upon receipt of this unit, immediately unpack and inspect for possible concealed shipping damage. If unit is found to be damaged, save all packing materials and contact your delivery carrier within 5 days. Refer to“Shipping Damage Instructions” enclosed for detailed instructions. Failure to follow these instructions will negate Savory’s or your ability to file claims and receive compensation for shipping damage.This manual contains important safety and installation-operation instructions. Require all operators to read this manual before using the unit. Failure to follow the instructions contained in this manual may cause injury, damage to the unit, and will void the warranty.INSTALLATIONInstall this unit in the most convenient location for ease of cleaning, maintenance and general operation. Avoid installing in locations with drafts, close proximity to grease or vapor-producing appliances or other high ambient heat equipment. Allow approximately 1” clearance on sides and back of unit for proper air circulation. Allow sufficient overhead clearance for proper heat dissipation. This toaster must be level for proper operation and comes equipped with 1” adjustable legs for this purpose. (See enclosed instruction sheet for details.)Before operating this unit, be sure that the following two components are properly installed:1. The reflector tray is installed below the lower heating elements before shipping. It merely slides under theconveyor belt. NOTE: Proper toasting cannot be performed if reflector tray is not installed.2. The toast receiving tray is packaged separately and must be installed before operating this unit. Slide thereceiving tray into the toaster cavity below the control panel, making sure the slotted end is towards the back. Place the slotted end over the two protruding pins located at the rear of the toaster cavity (see figure 1).ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS – RT-2VSEVOLTAGE (Volts AC) AMPERAGE (Amps) MAX. POWER (KW) FREQUENCY(HZ) PHASECORD (Attached) PLUG (Attached)208 15.4 3.2 50/60 1 3’ NEMA 6-20P 220 14.5 3.2 50/60 1 3’ NEMA 6-20P 240 13.3 3.2 50/60 1 3’ NEMA 6-20PELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS – RT-2VSHOVOLTAGE(Volts AC)AMPERAGE (Amps) MAX. POWER (KW) FREQUENCY(HZ) PHASECORD (Attached) PLUG (Attached)208 19.5 4.0 50/60 1 3’ NEMA 6-30P 220 18.4 4.0 50/60 1 3’ NEMA 6-30P 240 16.9 4.0 50/60 1 3’ NEMA 6-30PCONTROL PANEL FEATURESSPEED CONTROL – Located at the upper portion of the control panel, this control regulates the speed of the conveyor belt. If product is too dark, rotate this control counter-clockwise to a higher number. If product is too light, rotate control clockwise to a lower number.BUN-TOAST SWITCH – Press “Toast” for two-sided toasting or “Bun” for one-sided toasting.MAIN POWER ON/OFF SWITCH – Located below the Bun-Toast Switch, this switch supplies power to the toaster. The switch must be in the “On” position to operate the toaster.TOASTING BREAD PRODUCTSToasting bread products may seem to be a simple process but the results can be easily affected by a number of factors. The first consideration is the type of product being toasted. Varieties of bread such as whole wheat, rye, white, english muffins, bagels and buns have different requirements to become perfectly toasted. Dryness or moisture content of the bread (mostly described as “freshness,” with more moisture being the fresher), sugar content and the thickness of the slice or bun all play a predominate role during toasting.Your RT-2VSE or RT-2VSHO toaster is designed to accommodate these varieties of bread products by adjusting the conveyor speed to create lighter or darker toasting and to allow for toasting thicker products that contain more moisture such as english muffins or fresh bagels. It is normal to operate the toaster in the lower ranges of the speed control to perform toasting of these more difficult products.Certain breads that contain fruit and nuts may require more attention. Loose pieces can fall on the heating elements or into the conveyor mechanism and cause premature wear on the toaster. It is recommended that loose pieces be removed before placing the bread on the conveyor.Since it is nearly impossible to predetermine what conveyor speed produces perfect results, some experimentation is necessary with all types of bread you will be toasting. Once all varieties of product have been tried and the proper settings found, document the results and refer to them when toasting. Remember that allowances for freshness might require additional adjustments.When toasting a high volume of product, as in peak periods, additional adjustments may be required when demand is reduced to an occasional toast order. If the toaster is operating, without bread passing through the conveyor, heat builds up within the “empty” toaster. The occasional toast order now will brown more rapidly and may require turning conveyor speed to a higher number to compensate. Conversely, when toasting occasional orders and changing to high volume may require slowing the conveyor because the higher volume of bread actually cools down the toaster.When going through these transitional periods, adjust conveyor speed faster or slower accordingly. It is suggested that you set the conveyor speed at a lower number for thicker products or when the toaster is cool to a higher number when toasting thinner products or when the toaster has been idle for a period of time.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSIMPORTANT NOTICE: This unit is equipped with a 3-way On/Off Power Mode Switch. When switching from one power to another, it is necessary to release pressure on the switch lever when moving through the OFF position.1. Set Power Switch to “FULL POWER” position.2. Set Bun/Toast Switch to “Toast” for two-sided toasting or to “Bun” for one-sided toasting.3. Set Speed Control to #5.4. Allow a 20 minute warm-up period.5. After warm-up period has elapsed, set Speed Control for desired setting. Some experimentation will benecessary to obtain the desired results for individual products. Recommended initial setting can range from #3 to #6. Whole grain, rye and other products with low sugar content will require a lower conveyor speed setting than would white flour products to produce medium toast color.6. Place product on conveyor belt side by side. When toasting bun halves – place cut side up. If finished productis too dark, increase Speed Control to a higher number. If product is too light, decrease Speed Control to a lower number.7. When toaster is not in constant use, set Bun/Toast Switch to “Toast” position and Power Switch to “Stand-By.” When returning to Full Power position for normal operation mode, allow 5 minute warm-up period before resuming toasting operation.CLEANING INSTRUCTIONSUNPLUG TOASTER AND ALLOW TO COOL BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANY CLEANING PROCEDURES.Savory toasters are designed for easy cleaning. The stainless steel outer case requires nothing more than a daily wiping with a soft damp cloth to retain its lustrous finish. If, however, an excessive amount ofgrease or dirt is allowed to collect, a non-abrasive cleaner (hot sudsy water) may be used. DO NOT allow water or cleaning compounds to contact the internal parts, especially the switches on the control panel. Remove receiving tray/delivery chute and reflector tray daily to remove crumbs which may collect. The non-stick coated conveyor belt should be wiped with a soft damp cloth daily to remove any food particles which may collect. DO NOT use abrasive cleaners on the conveyor belt.SCHEMATICS IMPORTANT: Use this wiring diagram for RT-2VSE models with Serial Number #RT0019224 and after.LIMITED WARRANTY FOR COMMERCIAL PRODUCTSLIMITED WARRANTYSavory LLC, ("Savory”) warrants this product to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of:•One (1) year from the date the product is installed or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment from our facility, whichever comes first.•Heating elements only – two (2) year warranty against burnout (excluding breakage) from date of shipment from our facility.•Hot Food Server products only – one (1) year labor, two (2) years parts from the date of shipment from our facility.During the warranty period, Savory shall, at Savory’s option, repair, or replace parts determined by Savory to be defective in material or workmanship, and with respect to services, shall re-perform any defective portion of said services. The foregoing shall be the sole obligation of Savory under this Limited Warranty with respect to the equipment, products, and services. With respect to equipment, materials, parts and accessories manufactured by others, Savory’s sole obligation shall be to use reasonable efforts to obtain the full benefit of the manufacturer’s warranties. Savory shall have no liability, whether in contract, tort, negligence, or otherwise, with respect to non-Savory manufactured products. WHO IS COVEREDThis Limited Warranty is available only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable.EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE•Repair or replacement of parts required because of misuse, improper care or storage, negligence, alteration, accident, use of incompatible supplies or lack of specified maintenance shall be excluded•Normal maintenance items, including but not limited to, light bulbs, fuses, gaskets, O-rings, interior and exterior finishes, lubrication, de-liming, broken glass, etc.•Failures caused by improper or erratic voltages•Improper or unauthorized repair•Changes in adjustment and calibration after ninety (90) days from equipment installation date•This Limited Warranty will not apply to any parts subject to damage beyond the control of Savory, or to equipment which has been subject to alteration, misuse or improper installation, accidents, damage in shipment, fire, floods, power changes, other hazards or acts of God that are beyond the control of Savory.•This Limited Warranty does not apply, and shall not cover any products or equipment manufactured or sold by Savory when such products or commercial equipment is installed or used in a residential or non-commercial application. Installations not within the applicable building or fire codes render this Limited Warranty and any responsibility or obligations associated therein null and void. This includes any damage, costs, or legal actions resulting from the installation of any Savory commercial cooking equipment in a non-commercial application or installation, where the equipment is being used for applications other than those approved for by Savory.LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITYThe preceding paragraphs set forth the exclusive remedy for all claims based on failure of, or defect in, products or services sold hereunder, whether the failure or defect arises before or during the warranty period, and whether a claim, however instituted, is based on contract, indemnity, warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability, implied by statute, common-law or otherwise , and Savory its servants and agents shall not be liable for any claims for personal injuries, incidental or consequential damages or loss, howsoever caused. Upon the expiration of the warranty period, all such liability shall terminate. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER WRITTEN, ORAL, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY. NO IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL APPLY. SAVORY DOES NOT WARRANT ANY PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OF OTHERS. REMEDIESThe liability of Savory for breach of any warranty obligation hereunder is limited to: (i) the repair or replacement of the equipment on which the liability is based, or with respect to services, re-performance of the services; or (ii) at Savory’s option, the refund of the amount paid for said equipment or services.Any breach by Savory with respect to any item or unit of equipment or services shall be deemed a breach with respect to that item or unit or service onlyWARRANTY CLAIM PROCEDURECustomer shall be responsible to:•Immediately advise the Dealer or Savory’s Authorized Service Agent of the equipment serial number and the nature of the problem. •Verify the problem is a factory responsibility. Improper installation or misuse of equipment, are not covered under this Limited Warranty.•Cooperate with the Service Agency so that warranty service may be completed during normal working hours.•Travel Time not to exceed two hours and mileage not to exceed one hundred (100) miles.•Portable equipment weighting less than ninety (90) pounds must be delivered to the Service Agent at Customer’s expense. GOVERNING LAWThis Limited Warranty shall be governed by the laws of the state of Delaware, USA, excluding their conflicts of law principles. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is hereby excluded in its entirety from application to this Limited WarrantyLincoln Foodservice Products, LLC1111 North Hadley RoadFort Wayne, Indiana 46804USA。

Load King 10' 倾倒体标题说明书

Load King 10' 倾倒体标题说明书

PARTS MANUAL LOAD KING 10’ DUMP BODYTABLE OF CONTENTSREVISION HISTORY (3)INTRODUCTION (4)DEFINITIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL (5)SAFETY WARNINGS (5)LOAD KING DUMP BODY LABELS (6)ASSEMBLY: DUMP BODY KIT (9)DMP00220 WELDMENT: DUMP BODY, WI SPEC, TALL CAB............................................................................ DMP00290 WELDMENT: DUMP BODY, WI SPEC, SHORT CAB ........................................................................ DMP00365 WELDMENT: DUMP BODY, KC SPEC, SHORT CAB......................................................................... DMP00370 WELDMENT: DUMP BODY, KC SPEC, TALL CAB ............................................................................ DMP00070 SUB-ASSEMBLY, CRADLE............................................................................................................. DMP00075A SUB-ASSEMBLY, HINGE ASSEMBLY (WELD ON) ......................................................................... DMP00162/1002245 ASSEMBLY, REAR HINGE MOUNT (BOLT ON) ................................................................ DMP00223 SUB-ASSEMBLY, TARPER W/ STRAIGHT ARMS ............................................................................ DMP00193 SUB-ASSEMBLY, TARPER W/ ANGLE ARMS .................................................................................REVISION HISTORYCompanyLoad King has been producing quality trailers since 1956. We are located in Elk Point, South Dakota.Although the trailer industry is an ever-changing environment and we’ve seen many changes over the years, we have remained committed to the simple philosophy that we will make a reasonable profit through the de-signing, manufacturing, and marketing of top quality products that we can always be proud to call Load King. We have not, and will not, compromise in this area.Quality shows in all facets of an operation, from the moment you make your first phone call for a product in-quiry to the time you sell your used equipment and realize you’ve received top dollar on your sale. We con-tinue to strive for excellence in every area and never quit trying to improve. We have earned our reputation believing that quality is value and value sells products.Through our shared Engineering, Marketing and Sales teams, Load King and Custom Truck One Source bring that tradition of quality and value to another market with the Load King Dump Body.About Custom Truck One SourceBeginning in February of 2015, three family-owned and operated companies (Custom Truck & Equipment, Utility Fleet Sales and Forestry Equipment of VA) joined together to form what is now Custom Truck One Source. Shortly after its inception, UCO Equipment became a part of the CTOS family along with TNT Equip-ment six months later. In December 2015, CTOS welcomed its sixth company under its brand, Load King, a leading manufacturer of high-quality and customizable trailers.The announcement of the partnership represented the platform’s collective commitment to the continued growth and dominance of each legacy company’s individual offerings, now compounded to leverage the ex-pertise of the team and, ultimately, better serve loyal CTOS customers all over the world. CTOS will build up-on the market positions of each legacy company, while serving as a single source supplier of specialty equip-ment and services for the utility and heavy equipment industries. The utility and heavy equipment platform collectively offers sales, rentals, parts and after market services, remanufacturing, customized equipment and transportation.Definitions Used in this ManualThe following table describes text and symbols used to highlight important information.Table—1The following table describes line types in the parts drawings.Table—2SAFETY WARNINGS3123567ITEM NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY.1 DMP00186 KICKSTAND SUPPORT TUBE 12 DMP00017 BODY BUMPER MOUNT 23 DMP00041 HINGE SUPPORT MOUNT CAP 24 DMP00043 CYL MOUNT RH 15 DMP00044 CYL MOUNT LH 16 DMP00050 HINGE PLATE 47 DMP00055 TAILGATE LATCH PLT 28 DMP00113 CHAIN BRACKET 49 DMP00097 UPPER LADDER MNT 210 DMP00123 LOWER LADDER MNT 211 DMP00164 BODY HINGE 2NOTE: These parts provided for weld-on mounting applications only.*NOTE: For service, replaceitems 2-4 with DMP01821and DMP01820NOTE: These parts provided for bolt-on mounting applications only.ITEM NO.Load KingPO Box 427Elk Point, South Dakota, USA 57025-0427 Toll Free: (888) 264-5522。

TORK-LOK 拧紧锁筒和椅子系列说明书

TORK-LOK 拧紧锁筒和椅子系列说明书

Precision Mated Flats on Both Expander and Arbor BodyPrecision Mated Flats on ColletSafety Stops Contraction ExpansionTork-Lok Arbors and ColletsTORK-LOK ARBORS AND COLLETSThe Tork-Lok arbor design answers the need for a completely versatile workholding device. Precision ground flats on collets and arbors improve long-term accuracy and torque transmission. Standardization of components permits interchangeability and combination possibilities. Locates straight or tapered holes on true center.INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSSafety StopsThe expansion safety stop is fixed in all styles and requires no adjustment. The contraction or loading position safety stop is adjusted to suit the part being chucked.PreloadAll collets are manufactured to include a preload. Collets should not be adjusted below the range minimum for that collet. Preloads are .008 average on sizes from .500-.874 and .015 from .875-4.467.Special Work Stop ConsiderationCombination Work Stop and Retaining Sleeve: Restrictor Type Work Stops are necessary for parts whose gripping length is shorter than the collet. Since the Tork-Lok collet expands at both ends, a retaining sleeve is needed to prevent the free end of the collet from over expanding; a Restrictor Expander is used to reduce the expansion safety stop, preventing collet breakage (in case arbor is operated without a part in position).NOTES:• All Tork-Lok arbor applications require a part stop• If Restrictor Type Stop is used, a special Restrictor Expander is required • Contact us at 1-800-228-BUCK for more informationDRAWBAR MODELDrawbar should be in forward or push position. Adjust forwardexpander with Allen wrench until part is a slip fit on the collet. Collet flats both ends must mate.Collet ChangingDrawbar should be in forward positions. Using Allen wrench, remove forward expander. Collet and rubber sleeve can then be removed. Wash parts in clean solvent. Lightly grease expander flats in contact. Install forward expander. Adjust according to instructions outlined above.AIR-OPERATED MODELAir pressure on the cylinder should be at 70 psi. Adjust forward expander with Allen wrench until part is slip fit on the collet. Collet flats on both ends must mate.Collet ChangingWith air pressure at 70 psi, follow instructions listed in Drawbar Model.To Interchange AssembliesApply 70 psi, remove mounting screws, turn arbor assembly counterclockwise until drawbar disengages from piston assembly.To mount assembly, apply 70 psi. Be sure threads on drawbar are clean and oiled. Turn arbor assembly clockwise until face contacts cylinder. Back off to align tapped holes in cylinder. Insert screws and adjust according to instructions outlined above.Expansion StopForward ExpanderDirt Seal Contraction StopDrawbar ConnectorForward ExpanderExpansion StopContraction StopNote: Max. Drawbar pullstamped hereDirt SealChip ClearanceMachine ID of sleeve to high limit of part +.02 - +.004AIR-OPERATED MODELDRAWBAR MODELTYPICAL APPLICATIONS FOR ARBORSPISTON DIFF. CARRIER TRACK ROTOR BALL JOINT GEAR BLANK PUMP HOUSINGCOMPRESSION PLATEFRONT BRAKE DRUMSpecial arbor combinations are available upon request. Please contact us at 1-800-228-BUCK for more information.Arbor Applications36Tork-Lok Drawbar ModelsLong Series ArborsFEATURES AND BENEFITS:• Answers your need for versatility• Precision-ground flats improve accuracy• Standardization permits interchangeability• Locates straight or tapered holes on true center• Requires a part stopSHIPS COMPLETE WITH:• Flange body• Connector• Expander•Collet sold separately; see pages 40 & 41FEATURES AND BENEFITS:• Bolt circle has versatile three-bolt pattern • Tighter tolerance on size and parallelism for locator mounting• Provisions for air sensing• Precision-ground flats improve accuracy • Standardization permits interchangeability• Locates straight or tapered holes on true center • Requires a part stopTork-Lok Metric Drawbar ModelsLong Series ArborsDimensions denoted in millimeters unless otherwise specified.SHIPS COMPLETE WITH:• Flange body • Connector • Expander• Collet sold separately; see pages 40 & 41- Optional assembly method with male thread38SHIPS COMPLETE WITH:• Flange body • Connector • Expander• Collet sold separately; see pages 40 & 41FEATURES AND BENEFITS:• Answers your need for versatility• Precision-ground flats improve accuracy • Standardization permits interchangeability• Locates straight or tapered holes on true center • Requires a part stopTork-Lok Drawbar ModelsShort Series Arbors1-800-228-BUCK 39Tork-Lok Metric Drawbar ModelsShort Series ArborsFEATURES AND BENEFITS:• Bolt circle has versatile three-bolt pattern • Tighter tolerance on size and parallelism for locator mounting• Provisions for air sensing• Precision-ground flats improve accuracy • Standardization permits interchangeability• Locates straight or tapered holes on true center • Requires a part stopSHIPS COMPLETE WITH:• Flange body • Connector • Expander• Collet sold separately; see pages 40 & 41- Optional assembly method with male threadT o r k -L o k L o n g S e r i e s C o l l e tsF E A T U R E S A N D B E N E F I T S :• P r e c i s i o n g r o u n d fla t s • C o l l e t s i n t e r c h a n g e a b l e o n a l l a r b o r s w i t h i n s p e c i fie d r a n g e • A c c u r a c y o f a r b o r n o t a f f e c t e d b y i n d e x i n g o f c o l l e t s h a f t • H i g h -g r a d e s t e e l s , p r e c i s e l y h e a t t r e a t e d • S i l i c o n e s e a l i n g o f c o l l e t s l o t s f o r s p e c i a l j o b s i s a v a i l a b l e o n r e q u e s t f o r a d d i t i o n a l c h a r g e • C o l l e t s i n o v e r s i z e (o v e r l a p ) r a n g e s a r e a v a i l a b l e – s e e b o l d r a n g esO v e r s i z e c o l l e t s A C 107-110;209-212 a n d 311-318 s h o u l d b e u s e d o n l y i n l i g h t t u r n i n g o r g r i n d i n g o p e r a t i o n s .T o r k -L o k S h o r t S e r i e s C o l l e tsF E A T U R E S A N D B E N E F I T S :• P r e c i s i o n g r o u n d fla t s • C o l l e t s i n t e r c h a n g e a b l e o n a l l a r b o r s w i t h i n s p e c i fie d r a n g e • A c c u r a c y o f a r b o r n o t a f f e c t e d b y i n d e x i n g o f c o l l e t s h a f t • H i g h -g r a d e s t e e l s , p r e c i s e l y h e a t t r e a t e d • S i l i c o n e s e a l i n g o f c o l l e t s l o t s f o r s p e c i a l j o b s i s a v a i l a b l e o n r e q u e s t f o r a d d i t i o n a l c h a r g e • C o l l e t s i n o v e r s i z e (o v e r l a p ) r a n g e s a r e a v a i l a b l e – s e e b o l d r a n g esO v e r s i z e c o l l e t s A C 7110-7115; 7213-7220 a n d 7317-7328 s h o u l d b e u s e d o n l y i n l i g h t t u r n i n g o r g r i n d i n g o p e r a t i o n s .4142Tork-Lok Replacement ComponentsSold in KitsAir-Operated ModelsMeasurements in inches.1-800-228-BUCK 43Manual Tork-Lok FixturesOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS1. Mount fixture on machine.2. Adjust expander with Allen wrench so that part is a slip fit on collet. Be sure collet and arbor flats mate on both ends.3. To clamp part, move handle clockwise.4. To release part, move handle counterclockwise.ORDERING INSTRUCTIONSA complete fixture is ready to mount on your machine. When ordering additional arbor assemblies for fixture use, indicate connector also. When ordering base assemblies, indicate connector(s) desired.TO CHANGE ARBOR ASSEMBLIESFrom one size range to another (see chart above for arbor assembly and connector):1. Remove cap screws and turn arbor assembly off the base clockwise.2. CAUTION Handle must be in unlocked position.3. Turn replacement arbor assembly counterclockwise into base until snug. Continue movement until holes line up. Replace cap screws.ADAPTATION OF DRAWBAR MODELS1. Procure proper fixture base and connectors to accommodate drawbar model you have (see chart above).2. Remove drawbar connector (A) by backing out expander (B) with Allen wrench until connector is free. Remove retaining ring.3. Insert fixture connector (C or D) by turning in expander (B) until flats mate and are firm on both ends. No retainer ring is necessary.4. CAUTION Handle must be in unlocked position.5. Turn assembly counterclockwise into base assembly until snug. Continue movement until holes line up. Replace cap screws.Installation and Operating InstructionsTORK-LOK FIXTUREThe Tork-Lok Fixture is a powerful locking mechanism for use with Tork-Lok Arbors. It features low initial cost and little maintenance for milling and drilling operations.onArbor AssemblyBase Assembly Locked PositionUnlocked PositionOUR BRANDSFORKARDT MAIN OFFICE 2155 Traversefi eld Dr Traverse City, MI 49686Tel: (+1) 800-544-3823Fax: (+1) 231-995-8361E-Mail:*****************FORKARDT CHINABuilding, No.209, Taigu Road Shanghai Waigaoqiao F .T.Z.200131 P .R.CTel: 86-021-********E-mail:****************.comFORKARDT DEUTSCHLAND GMBH Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 7D-40699 ErkrathTel: (+49) 211-25 06-0Fax: (+49) 211-25 06-221E-Mail:*****************FORKARDT FRANCE S.A.R.L.28 Avenue de BobignyF-93135 Noisy le Sec Cédex Tel: (+33) 1-4183 1240Fax: (+33) 1-4840 4759E-Mail:****************************FORKARDT INDIA L.L.P .P No. 39, No. 5-5-35/187Ayyanna Ind Park IE Prashant Nagar Kukatpally, Hyderabad, AP . 500072Tel: 040-40020571Fax: 040-40020576E-mail:**********************。

ROSCOPE i2000 App 使用说明书

ROSCOPE i2000 App 使用说明书

How do I establish a Connection between an iPad/iPhone and the ROSCOPE i2000?
Please consider:
The establishing of the Wi-Fi connection is only required bevor the first use of the App.
How do I establish a Connection between an Android Device and the ROSCOPE i2000?
At first a Hotspot Open sub item
needs to be
„Tethering and
press -button to confirm
Update is loading, please wait
Attention: Do not switch-off the ROSCOPE!
Depending on the version a blue status bar appears
Update is completed, restart the ROSCOPE
Select Liveimage
Hotspot Roscope
RO-GUEST RO-WIFI RO-Mobile Hotspot Roscope
How do I establish a Connection between an Android Device and the ROSCOPE i2000?



Preparing your project for RokonMonday, 28 June 2010 22:44 RichardThis tutorial will explain how to set up a project with Rokon.We're going to assume that you are using Eclipse on Windows, and have installed (and are vaguely familiar with) the ADT plugin. If you are not, please go here and follow instructions first.1. Download the latest version of Rokon from here, you only need thelibrary itself []2. Open Eclipse to whatever workspace you are familiar with, makesure you know where the folders are on your hard drive3. Create a new Android Project, target whatever build you would like,Rokon supports everything from 1.54. Open up the project folder in Explorer, that is, the one that holdsAndroidManifest.xml5. Create a new directory in here, libs6. Unzip into the new libs directory7. Refresh the Package Explorer (by right clicking and choosingRefresh, or pressing F5)8. Verify that rokon_x-y-z.jar and the other files are are in the rightlocation.9. Add rokon_x-y-z.jar to your Build Path (by right clicking the fileand choosing Build Path > Add to Build Path) The file should now appear in Referenced LibrariesNow you're all ready to go! Don't forget your Shift+Alt+O shortcut to automate all the imports, and enjoy!Last Updated on Monday, 28 June 2010 23:20Hello WorldFriday, 09 July 2010 19:50 AntonWelcome to the first of my set of Rokon tutorials!In this tutorial you‟ll learn how to setup your first Rokon project.It‟s assumed that you already have some experience i n java programming and with the Android SDK. (If not, go here)In this tutorial I will be using Eclipse as my primary tool for development, but if you‟re using something else you should still be able to follow.(You may download the full source for this tutorial at the end)First you need to download the Rokon library here, there are several files there, but you only need to download the actual library[].Now open Eclipse and create a new Android Project, you can target whatever android version you want, Rokon supports everything from 1.5 and up.Now locate your project folder (the folder containing your “AndroidManifest.xml”).If you don‟t know where it is, you can right click on your project in the Package Explorer and choose Properties, the path to your project is now shown under …Location:‟In there create a new folder named …libs‟, and unzip …‟ into it.Now go back into Eclipse and refresh the Package Explorer (by right clicking and choosing …Refresh‟, or by pressing F5)Now verify that all files are in the right location:Then add …rokon_x-y-z.jar‟ to your Build Path (by right clicking the file and choosing Build Path > Add to Build Path), the file should now appear under Referenced Libraries.That was setting up your Rokon project (simple right?), you are now ready to start writing some code.Open your main activity class and replace it with the following code: package com.rokonexamples.helloworld;import com.stickycoding.rokon.DrawPriority;import com.stickycoding.rokon.RokonActivity;public class MainActivity extends RokonActivity {public static final float GAME_WIDTH = 480f;public static final float GAME_HEIGHT = 320f;private GameScene scene;public void onCreate() {debugMode();forceFullscreen();forceLandscape();setGameSize(GAME_WIDTH, GAME_HEIGHT);setDrawPriority(DrawPriority.PRIORITY_VBO);setGraphicsPath("textures/");createEngine();}public void onLoadComplete() {Textures.load();setScene(scene = new GameScene());}}(You can press [Ctrl + Shift + O] to automatically fix all imports)As with all Android applications …onCreate()‟ is the entry point of your game so that‟s where we'll setup the Rokon Engine.The first line:debugMode();Just tells rokon to go into debug mode (duh), what that means is that it will print out your current FPS and your own Debug.print() calls.forceFullscreen();forceLandscape();This basically forces the game to go into fullscreen and landscape mode (this is of course optional).(note that you can also replace it with …forcePortrait()‟)setGameSize(GAME_WIDTH, GAME_HEIGHT);Here we set the size of the game screen, if it is smaller or larger than the actual device it is run on, it will scale up or down to match it.setDrawPriority(DrawPriority.PRIORITY_VBO);This will make Rokon use VBO‟s when drawing (if the device supports it). This is good because drawing VBO's is faster than normal rendering.setGraphicsPath("textures/");This will set Rokon to look for graphics in that folder (in this case'assets/textures/').…onLoadComplete()‟ will be called when the engine has been successfully created.So we‟ll make it load all your textures with …Textures.load()‟ and then setup your game scene:setScene(scene = new GameScene());Remember that if you use …forceLandscape()‟ or …forcePortrait()‟ you also need to set …android:screenOrientation‟ in your manifest file.Now create two new files in your source directory, …‟ and …‟ will be used to load your textures into the engine.Copy this code to your …‟ file:package com.rokonexamples.helloworld;import com.stickycoding.rokon.Texture;import com.stickycoding.rokon.TextureAtlas;public class Textures {public static TextureAtlas atlas;public static Texture background;public static void load() {atlas = new TextureAtlas();atlas.insert(background = newTexture("background.png"));plete();}}atlas = new TextureAtlas();This will create a new texture atlas, this is basically just a holder for textures.If you have many textures you might want to use more than one atlas to not overload the hardware.(note however that it‟s recommended to use only one atlas at a time, therefore you shouldn‟t use textures from two different atlases in the same scene/map/whatever)atlas.insert(background = new Texture("background.png"));Here we‟ll add the background texture to our atlas.(note that it‟s recommended to add the textures in order of size, ie add the biggest one first, and the smallest one last)plete();This marks the atlas as complete, meaning that after you call this, you cannot add any more textures to the atlas.Now copy this code into your …‟ file:package com.rokonexamples.helloworld;import com.stickycoding.rokon.Scene;import com.stickycoding.rokon.Sprite;import com.stickycoding.rokon.background.FixedBackground; public class GameScene extends Scene {private FixedBackground background;public GameScene() {super();setBackground(background = newFixedBackground(Textures.background));}@Overridepublic void onGameLoop() {}@Overridepublic void onPause() {}@Overridepublic void onResume() {}@Overridepublic void onReady() {}}This is basically just an empty Scene. (Except for the background)setBackground(background = new FixedBackground(Textures.background)); This will create a fixed background (ie a non-changing background) with the texture loaded in …Textures.load()‟.…onGameLoop()‟ is called once every frame, this is where you update your game logic, but more on that in a later tutorial.…onPause()‟ is called when the game is hidden. (ie when the user switches to another app without turning this one off), this should be used to pause the game logic so the user doesn't miss anything while he/she's gone.…onResume()‟ is called when the user returns.…onReady()‟ is called when the scene has been successfully created and is ready to be used.(Kind of like …onLoadComplete()‟ but for the scene instead)Alright, the only thing you need to do now is to create a background image and add it to …assets/textures/‟.Now test your game in the android emulator or on your phone.If you‟ve done everything correct you should see something like this (may vary depending on your background image)Thanks for reading my first Rokon Tutorial! :DIf you have any questions, feel free to pm me or post in the forums! Here is the full source for this tutorial: DownloadGood Luck! ~ AntonUsing SpritesFriday, 09 July 2010 21:51 AntonWelcome to my second Rokon tutorial!In this tutorial you‟ll learn how to add sprites and move them around in your Rokon project.It‟s assumed that you already have some experience in java programming and with the Android SDK. (If not, go here)In this tutorial I will be using Eclipse as my primary tool for development, but if you‟re us ing something else you should still be able to follow.This will continue from my previous tutorial “Hello World”, so it‟s assumed that you have read it and already have your Rokon project setup and ready. (if not, go here)(You may download the full source for this tutorial at the end)Start by opening up Eclipse and go into your Rokon project.In this tutorial we will modify your …GameScene‟ and …Textures‟ classes, so go ahead and open them up.We are going to add a few sprites, therefore we will need to load another texture, so in your …Textures‟ class, add …atlas.insert(bob = newTexture("bob.png"));‟ so it looks like this:package com.rokonexamples.sprite;import com.stickycoding.rokon.Texture;import com.stickycoding.rokon.TextureAtlas;public class Textures {public static TextureAtlas atlas;public static Texture background, bob;public static void load() {atlas = new TextureAtlas();atlas.insert(background = newTexture("background.png"));atlas.insert(bob = new Texture("bob.png"));plete();}}Now in your …GameScene‟ class, change your constructor so it looks like this:public GameScene() {super(1, 3);setBackground(background = newFixedBackground(Textures.background));// Create the Bob sprites.bob = new Sprite(100, 220, Textures.bob.getWidth(), Textures.bob.getHeight());bob.setTexture(Textures.bob);bob2 = new Sprite(100, 180, Textures.bob.getWidth(), Textures.bob.getHeight());bob2.setTexture(Textures.bob);bob3 = new Sprite(100, 260, Textures.bob.getWidth(), Textures.bob.getHeight());bob3.setTexture(Textures.bob);// Add the Bob sprites to the first layer.add(0, bob);add(0, bob2);add(0, bob3);}Note that I have changed the first line …super()‟ to …super(1, 3)‟, this means that we‟re only going to use 1 layer of sprites with 3 sprites on it.Then we‟ll add 3 sprites to our scene: (I‟ve decided to n ame them Bob) bob = new Sprite(100, 220, Textures.bob.getWidth(),Textures.bob.getHeight());bob.setTexture(Textures.bob);bob2 = new Sprite(100, 180, Textures.bob.getWidth(),Textures.bob.getHeight());bob2.setTexture(Textures.bob);bob3 = new Sprite(100, 260, Textures.bob.getWidth(),Textures.bob.getHeight());bob3.setTexture(Textures.bob);The first and second parameters are the sprites x and y positions and the third and fourth are his size, however since we don‟t want him to be stretched we will just set it to the same size as his textures.(Please note that you can (like I do here) use the same texture for more than one sprite)Then we have to add them to the scene.add(0, bob);add(0, bob2);add(0, bob3);The 0 means that it will be added to the first layer. (Although, since we only have one layer here you could also write …add(bob)‟)If you run it now you should see the same static background as in the Hello World tutorial but with 3 sprites on it.Now to make them move, we are going to use the …onGameLoop()‟ function, it gets called once every frame and is where you should update your game logic, so add this to your …onGameLoop()‟ function:public void onGameLoop() {bob.x += 1;if (bob.x >= MainActivity.GAME_WIDTH){bob.x = 0;}bob2.rotate(2);}The first line will basically just make the first Bob sprite constantly move to the right (by increasing his x value), and then we also check to see if he has moved to outside the screen, and if he has, we‟ll move him back in.We‟ll then make the second Bob sprite rotate by 2 degrees every frame with …bob2.rotate(2)‟.You can also make a sprite move over a period of time.Add this to your …onReady()‟ function:public void onReady() {bob3.moveTo(450, 100, 5000);}What this does is; instead of moving the sprite directly to a specific point, it will animate it there over a period of time. (In this case it will move it to x 450, y 100 over 5000ms/5 seconds)Alright, that‟s it, just add the Bob image to …assets/textures/‟, and run it!If you‟ve done everything correct you should see something like this (may vary depending on your images)Thanks for reading my second Rokon Tutorial! :DIf you have any questions, feel free to pm me or post in the forums!Here is the full source for this tutorial: DownloadGood Luck! ~ AntonUsing Touch InputSunday, 11 July 2010 20:29 AntonWelcome to my third Rokon tutorial!In this tutorial you‟ll learn how to handle touch input in your Rokon project.It‟s assumed that you already have some experience in java programming and with the Android SDK. (If not, go here)In this tutorial I will be using Eclipse as my primary tool for development, but if you‟re using something else you should still be able to follow.This will continue from one of my previous tutorials “Using Sprites”, so it‟s assumed that you have read it and already have your Rokon project setup and ready. (if not, go here)(You may download the full source for this tutorial at the end)Start by opening up Eclipse and go into your Rokon project.In this tutorial we will only modify your …GameScene‟ class, so start by opening it up.Now in the “Using Sprites” tutorial we had 3 sprites, here however we will only need one,so go ahead delete two of them (You don't have to of course :P) so that your …GameScene‟ constructor looks like this:public GameScene() {super(1, 1);setBackground(background = newFixedBackground(Textures.background));// Create the Bob sprite.bob = new Sprite(100, 220, Textures.bob.getWidth(), Textures.bob.getHeight());bob.setTexture(Textures.bob);// Add the Bob sprite to the first layer.add(0, bob);}Now add these 3 new functions:@Overridepublic void onTouchDown(float x, float y, MotionEvent event, int pointerCount, int pointerId) {// This is called when you press down on the screen. }@Overridepublic void onTouchMove(float x, float y, MotionEvent event, int pointerCount, int pointerId) {// This is called when you move your finger over the screen. (ie pretty much every frame if your holding your finger down)// Here we'll just make Bob follow your finger.bob.x = x - (Textures.bob.getWidth() / 2);bob.y = y - (Textures.bob.getHeight() / 2);}@Overridepublic void onTouchUp(float x, float y, MotionEvent event, int pointerCount, int pointerId) {// And this is called when you stop pressing.}(Note that if you only use one of the functions you should only add that one, here I just add all three for the sake of learning)The first and second parameters are the x and y positions of where you press (duh), and the third is the actual event send by android if you happen to need that,then the last two are only used if you target android 2.1 or up,'pointerCount' is the amount of fingers the user is currently holding down and 'pointerId' is which of them this event is for.And then in 'onTouchMove()' we just set Bob's position to be where you're pressing. (to see that it actually works)(The width/2 and height/2 are just to make it centered)Alright, that‟s it, if you run it now and move your finger around, Bob will follow it!If you‟ve done everything correct you should see something like this (may vary depending on your images)Thanks for reading my third Rokon Tutorial! :DIf you have any questions, feel free to pm me or post in the forums! Here is the full source for this tutorial: DownloadGood Luck! ~ AntonUsing ModifiersSunday, 11 July 2010 20:34 AntonWelcome to my fourth Rokon tutorial!In this tutorial you‟ll learn how to create and use modifiers in your Rokon project.It‟s assumed that you already have some experience in java programming and with the Android SDK. (If not, go here)In this tutorial I will be using Eclipse as my primary tool for development, but if you‟re using somethin g else you should still be able to follow.This will continue from one of my previous tutorials “Using Sprites”, so it‟s assumed that you have read it and already have your Rokon project setup and ready. (if not, go here)(You may download the full source for this tutorial at the end)A modifier is a class you can put on a sprite to add temporary effects to it, such as flashing red when attacked or whatever.Start by opening up Eclipse and go into your Rokon project.Now create a new file and name it ''.Personally I like to put all my modifiers in a separate package to keep my project organized, but that is completely optional.Then copy this code into the newly created file:package com.rokonexamples.modifier.modifiers;import com.stickycoding.rokon.Modifier;import com.stickycoding.rokon.Sprite;public class ColorModifier extends Modifier {private float color;@Overridepublic void onStart(Sprite sprite) {color = 0;}@Overridepublic void onUpdate(Sprite sprite) {// Here you can do anything to the sprite, like move it or whatever.// But we will just do a simple color modification.sprite.setRGB(1, color, color);color += 0.1;// When the sprite's original colors has been restored, end it.if (color >= 1)end();}@Overridepublic void onEnd(Sprite sprite) {sprite.setRGB(1, 1, 1);}}That's how you create a modifier!'onStart()' is called when the modifier is set to start (duh), so that's where you want to 'reset' it.'onUpdate()' is called once every frame while the modifier is active (it's active from the time you start it until you call 'end()'),so this is where you'll want to 'modify' the sprite.sprite.setRGB(1, color, color);What this does it set the colors the sprite will use, ie, if you set it to (1, 1, 1) it will be drawn normally, but if you set it to (0, 0, 0) it will be completely black.What this specific modifier does is set the sprite to be completely red (1, 0, 0) and then get back to normal over a short period of time.And when it's back to normal (when color >= 1) it will end by calling'end()', which will remove itself from the sprite and in turn call 'onEnd()'.sprite.setRGB(1, 1, 1);is just to make sure that the sprite is returned to normal afterwards.Alright, now you just need to add it to your sprite,so open up your 'GameScene' class, and replace it with this:package com.rokonexamples.modifier;import android.view.MotionEvent;import com.rokonexamples.modifier.modifiers.ColorModifier; import com.stickycoding.rokon.Scene;import com.stickycoding.rokon.Sprite;import com.stickycoding.rokon.background.FixedBackground; public class GameScene extends Scene {private FixedBackground background;private Sprite bob;private ColorModifier modifier;public GameScene() {super(1, 1);setBackground(background = newFixedBackground(Textures.background));// Create the Bob spritebob = new Sprite(100, 220,Textures.bob.getWidth(), Textures.bob.getHeight());bob.setTexture(Textures.bob);// Add the Bob sprite to the first layer.add(0, bob);// And create the modifier.modifier = new ColorModifier();}@Overridepublic void onGameLoop() {}@Overridepublic void onTouchUp(float x, float y, MotionEvent event, int pointerCount, int pointerId) {// Add your modifier to the sprite.bob.addModifier(modifier);}@Overridepublic void onPause() {}@Overridepublic void onResume() {}@Overridepublic void onReady() {}}Now we have the same class as before except for these two lines we've added:modifier = new ColorModifier();andbob.addModifier(modifier);It's quite obvious what they do, the first one creates the modifier and then second one adds it the the sprite every time you touch the screen. However the important thing to remember here is that I just create the modifier once and then reuse it over and over again,if you were to create a new modifier every time you add it to your sprite, your gc would have a lot of opportunities to run and cause your game to lag.(although you probably wouldn't notice any difference in this example since it's so small)Alright, that‟s it, if you run it now and press the screen, Bob will flash red.If you‟ve done everythi ng correct you should see something like this (may vary depending on your images)Thanks for reading my fourth Rokon Tutorial! :DIf you have any questions, feel free to pm me or post in the forums! Here is the full source for this tutorial: DownloadGood Luck! ~ Anton。



51.1 (2.01)
76.2 (3.00)
15.9 (.63)
36.1 (1.42)
63.5 (2.50)
19.1 (.75)
22.2 (.88)
15.9 (.62)
31.8 (1.25)
10.4 (.41)
Ordering Information
Parker Hannifin Corporation Hydraulic Cartridge Systems
Technical Data
Bodies & Cavities
Coils & Electronics
Proportional Valves
Solenoid Valves
Manual Valves
Directional Controls
Logic Elements
Pressure Controls
Flow Controls
Load/Motor Controls
Shuttle Valves
Check Valves
Technical Data
Parker Hannifin Corporation Hydraulic Cartridge Systems
Catalog HY15-3502/US
Technical Information
Dimensions Millimeters (Inches)
Direct Acting Relief Valve With Check Series RDCH103



LAUREL ELECTRONICS, ureate™ Thermocouple Panel Meter / ControllerFeatures•Factory calibrated for thermocouple types J, K, T, E, N, R, S•Entire range of each thermocouple in one scale•Highly accurate and repeatable•Selectable 1° or 0.1°, degrees Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin or Rankin•Up to 60 conversions per second•Peak or valley display•Universal AC power, 85-264 Vac•1/8 DIN case sealed to NEMA-4X from front panel•Optional serial I/O: Ethernet, USB, RS232, RS485, Ethernet-to-RS485 converter•Optional relay output: dual or quad relays, contact or solid state•Optional isolated analog output: 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V, -10 to +10V•Optional low voltage power: 10-48 Vdc or 12-32 VacDescriptionThe Laureate thermocouple meter is factory calibrated for typeJ, K, T, E, N, R and S thermocouples for exceptional accuracyand repeatability. The entire span of each thermocouple type ispresented in a single range. The thermocouple type, unit ofmeasure (°C or °F), resolution (1° or 0.1°), and upscale or down-scale open sensor indication are selectable from the front panelor via the serial interface. Display in Kelvin or Rankin is selectedby offsetting the Celsius or Fahrenheit ranges. Cold junctioncompensation is standard.All ranges for all thermocouple types are digitally calibratedat the factory, with calibration factors stored in EEPROM on thesignal conditioner board. This allows temperatures sensors andsignal conditioner boards to be changed in the field without re-calibrating the meter. A cold junction compensation (CJC) unit iscalibrated as a system with the signal conditioner board. Thatunit encloses the thermocouple junctions and the junction tem-perature sensor in the same isothermal space so as to minimizecold junction compensation errors.High read rates at up to 60 or 50 conversions per secondwhile integrating the signal over a full power cycle are providedby Concurrent Slope (US Pat 5,262,780) analog-to-digital con-version. High read rates are ideal for peak or valley capture, real-time computer interface, and control. Peak and valley values areautomatically captured. These may be displayed via a front panelpushbutton command or a control signal at the rear connector orbe transmitted as serial data.Digital filtering is selectable for electrically noisy environments,including a batch averaging filter and an adaptive moving aver-age filter which provides a choice of time constants from 80 ms to9.6 s. When a significant change in signal level occurs, that filteradapts by briefly switching to the shortest time to follow thechange, then reverts back to the selected time constant. In aselectable Auto filter mode, the filter time constant is automatic-ally selected based on detected signal noise.Designed for system use. Optional plug-in boards includeEthernet and other serial communication boards, dual or quadrelay boards, and an isolated analog output board. Laureatesmay be powered from 85-264 Vac or optionally from 12-32 Vacor 10-48 Vdc. The display is available with red or green LEDs.The 1/8 DIN case meets NEMA 4X (IP65) specifications from thefront when panel mounted. Any setup functions and front panelkeys can be locked out for simplified usage and security. Allpower and signal connections are via UL / VDE / CSA ratedscrew clamp plugs.SpecificationsTC Type Range Conformity ErrorJ -210°C to +760°C (-347°F to +1400°F) ±0.09°C (±0.16°F)K -244°C to +1372°C (-408°F to +2501°F) ±0.1°C (±0.17°F)T0°C to +400°C (32°F to 752°F)-257°C to 0°C (-430°F to +32°F)±0.03°C (±0.05°F)±0.2°C (±0.36°F)E -240°C to +1000°C (-400°F to +1830°F) ±0.18°C (±0.32°F)N -245°C to +1300°C (-410°F to +2370°F) ±0.10°C (±0.17°F)R -45°C to +1768°C (-49°F to +3214°F) ±0.17°C (±0.31°F) S -46°C to +1768°C (-51°F to +3213°F) ±0.12°C (±0.22°F) AccuracyCalibrationOverall Accuracy at 25°C Span TempcoReference Junction Accuracy Span Tempco NIST Monograph 125 (IPTS-68)±0.01% of full span ± conformity error ±0.003% of reading/°C0.5°C, 10°C to 40°C±0.003% of reading/°CElectricalInput ResistanceInput CurrentMax Lead Resistance Overvoltage Protection NMR at 50/60 Hz CMR, DC-60 Hz CMV, DC-60 Hz 1 GΩ100 pA1 kΩ max for rated accuracy125 Vac80 dB plus selectable digital filter120 dB with 500 ohm imbalance250 Vac from power and earth groundsA-to-D ConversionTechniqueA-to-D Rate Output Update Display Update Concurrent Slope (Pat 5,262,780) 60/s at 60 Hz, 50/s at 50 Hz56/s at 60 Hz, 47/s at 50 Hz3.5/s at 60 Hz, 3/s at 50 HzDisplayReadoutColorIndicatorsOpen Sensor Indication 5 digits, 7-segment, 14.2 mm (.56")Red or green LEDMinus sign plus 4 red LED lamps for relays Flashes full-scalePowerVoltage, Standard Voltage, Optional Power Frequency Power Consumption (typical, base meter) Power Isolation 85-264 Vac or 90-300 Vdc12-32 Vac or 10-48 VdcDC or 47-63 Hz1.2W @ 120 Vac, 1.5W @ 240 Vac, 1.3W @ 10 Vdc, 1.4W @ 20 Vdc, 1.55W @ 30 Vdc, 1.8W @ 40 Vdc,2.15W @ 48 Vdc250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min testAnalog Output (optional)Output Levels Current Compliance Voltage Compliance Scaling Resolution Isolation 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V, -10 to +10V (jumper selectable) 2 mA at 10V ( > 5 kΩ load)12V at 20 mA ( < 600Ω load)Zero and full scale adjustable from -99999 to +9999916 bits (0.0015% of full scale)250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min testRelay Outputs (optional)Relay Types Current Ratings Output Common Isolation 2 Form C contact relays or 4 Form A contact relays (normally open) 2 or 4 Form A, AC/DC solid state relays (normally open)8A at 250 Vac or 24 Vdc for contact relays120 mA at 140 Vac or 180 Vdc for solid state relaysIsolated common for dual relays or each pair of quad relays250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min testSerial Data I/O (optional)Board Selections ProtocolsData Rates Digital Addresses Isolation Ethernet, Ethernet-to-RS485 server, USB, USB-to-RS485 server, RS485 (dual RJ11), RS485 Modbus (dual RJ45), RS232.Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, Laurel ASCII protocol300 to 19200 baud247 (Modbus), 31 (Laurel ASCII),250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min testEnvironmental Operating Temperature Storage TemperatureRelative HumidityProtection0°C to 55°C -40°C to 85°C95% at 40°C, non-condensingNEMA-4X (IP-65) when panel mountedMechanicalApplication ExamplesOperation as a 4-20 mA TransmitterWith the optional analog output board, Laureate temperature meters can serve as superb, isolated 4-20 mA transmitters. The analog output is scaled to the display, which is linearized to °C or °F and is exceptionally accurate. The analog output further tracks the high read rate of the meter, at up to 60 readings per second at 60 Hz power. Fast update rates are beneficial in many closed-loop and PID control applications.Operation as a Fast ControllerWith the dual contact relay or dual solid state relay output board options, Laureate temperature meters can serve as extremely fast and accurate ON/OFF controllers for closed-looptemperature control. Multiple setpoint operating modes are individually selectable for each relay, as explained in the dual-setpoint controller section. Relay duty cycles and chatter can be minimized with programmable hysteresis and time delays. High duty cycles and extremely fast response times are possible with the solid state relay, which has a typical response time of only 17 ms.Operation as a Supervisory MonitorBy using the optional dual contact relay or dual solid state relayoutput options, Laureate temperature meters can monitorprocesses and provide alarms or shutoffs when theseprocesses exceed normal limits. A band deviation operatingmode can be selected for each relay, where an alarm isgenerated whenever the reading is a selected number of countsabove or below the setpoint. Relay operation can be selectedas latching or non-latching. When an alarm or shutdowncondition is reached, a latched output will remain in the alarmcondition until it is reset by a front panel pushbutton, via theserial interface, or via the rear connector.Ordering GuideCreate a model number in this format: L10000JC, IPCDPM Type L Laureate Digital Panel MeterMain Board 1 Standard main board, green LEDs2 Standard main board, red LEDsPower (isolated) 0 85-264 Vac1 12-32 Vac or 10-48 VdcRelay Output (isolated) 0 None1 Two 8A contact relays2 Two 120 mA AC/DC solid state relays3 Four 8A Contact Relays4 Four 120 mA AC/DC solid state relaysAnalog Output (isolated) 0 None1 Isolated 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10 V, -10 to +10VData Interface (isolated) 0 None1 RS2322 RS485 (dual RJ11 connectors)4 RS485 (dual RJ45 connectors)5 USB6 USB-to-RS485 converter7 Ethernet8 Ethernet-to-RS485 converterSignal Input (isolated) Thermocouple TypeJC Thermocouple Type J, -210°C to 760°C JF Thermocouple Type J, -347°F to 1400°F KC Thermocouple Type K, -347°C to 1372°C KF Thermocouple Type K, -408°F to 2501°F TC Thermocouple Type T, -257°C to 400°C TF T hermocouple Type T, -430°F to 752°F EC Thermocouple Type E, -240°C to 1000°C EF Thermocouple Type E, -400°F to 1830°F EC Thermocouple Type N, -245°C to 1300°C NF Thermocouple Type N, -410°F to 2370°F SC Thermocouple Type S, -46°C to 1768°C SF Thermocouple Type S, -51°F to 3214°F RC Thermocouple Type R, -45°C to 1768°C RF Thermocouple Type R, -49°F to 3213°FAdd-on Options CBL01RJ11-to-DB9 cable. RJ11 to DB9. Connects RS232 ports of meter and PC.CBL02USB-to-DB9 adapter cable. Combination of CBL02 and CBL01 connects meter RS232port to PC USB port.CBL03-16-wire data cable, RJ11 to RJ11, 1 ft. Used to daisy chain meters via RS485.CBL03-76-wire data cable, RJ11 to RJ11, 7 ft. Used to daisy chain meters via RS485.CBL05USB cable, A-B. Connects USB ports of meter and PC.CBL06USB to RS485 adapter cable, half duplex, RJ11 to USB. Connects meter RS485 port toPC USB port.CASE1Benchtop laboratory case for one 1/8 DIN meterCASE2Benchtop laboratory case for two 1/8 DIN metersIPC Splash-proof coverBOX1NEMA-4 EnclosureBOX2NEMA-4 enclosure plus IPCBL Blank Lens without button padsNL Meter lens without button pads or Laurel logo。

ROHO nexus SPIRIT 气囊支持床裤操作手册说明书

ROHO nexus SPIRIT 气囊支持床裤操作手册说明书

ROHO®nexus SPIRIT®CushionOperation ManualSupplier: This manual must be given to the user of this product.Operator (Individual or Caregiver): Before using this product, read the instructions and save for future reference.Table of ContentsIntended Use2 Warnings and Cautions2-3 Parts Detail3 Product Specifications3 Cushion Adjustment4 Cover Removal and Replacement5 Troubleshooting, Disposal and Limited Warranty 5 Cleaning and Disinfecting6 Español7 Français13 Deutsch19 Italiano 25 Nederlands31 Dansk37 Svenska43 Norsk49 Suomi55 Português61Intended UseThe ROHO® nexus SPIRIT® Cushion (nexus SPIRIT) is a wheelchair support surface witha contoured foam base combined with an air-filled, adjustable, cellular-design insert, intended to conform to an individual’s seated shape to provide skin/soft tissue protection and positioning and an environment to facilitate wound healing. There is no weight limit, yet the cushion must be properly sized to the individual. The nexus SPIRIT Cushion must be used with the supplied cover.ROHO, Inc. recommends evaluation by a clinician who is experienced in seating, positioning and mobility: 1) to determine whether the cushion is appropriate for the individual; and 2) to determine whether a solid seat platform is recommended if using the cushion on a sling-seat wheelchair.ROHO medical products are intended to be part of an overall care regimen. ROHO, Inc. recommends that a clinician make product recommendations based upon an evaluation of the individual’s medical and therapeutic needs and overall condition.Warnings• Skin/soft tissue breakdown can occur due to a number of factors, which vary by individual. Check skin frequently, at least once a day. Redness, bruising, or darker areas (when compared to normal skin) may indicate the beginning of soft tissue breakdown and may need to be addressed. If there is any discoloration to skin/soft tissue, STOP USE immediately. If the discoloration does not disappear within 30 minutes after disuse, immediately consult a healthcare professional.• The cushion and the cover MUST be compatible sizes and MUST be used as directed in this manual. IF THEY ARE NOT: 1) The benefits provided by the cushion may be reduced or eliminated, increasing the risk to skin or to other soft tissue, and 2) the individual may become unstable and vulnerable to falling.• DO NOT use your cushion on top of, or in conjunction with, any other products or materials, except as indicated in this manual. Doing so may cause the individual to become unstable and vulnerable to falling.• DO NOT use the components of this product separately.• DO NOT use this cushion as a water flotation device (e.g. a Life Preserver). It will NOT support you in water.• If you are unable to perform any tasks described in this manual, seek assistance.Cautions• DO NOT use a pump, cover, or a repair kit other than those provided by ROHO, Inc. Doing so may void your product’s warranty.• DO NOT modify the cushion or any components. Doing so may result in damage to the product and will void the warranty.• DO NOT allow your cushion to come into contact with oil-based lotions or lanolin. They may degrade the material.• Changes in altitude may require adjustment to your cushion.Cautions, Continued • Prolonged exposure to ozone may degrade materials used in the cushion, affect the performance of the cushion, and void the product warranty.• Keep the cushion away from sharp objects.• DO NOT expose the product to high heat, open flames, or hot ashes.• If the cushion has been in temperatures lower than 32º F (0º C) and exhibits unusual stiffness, allow the cushion to warm to room temperature.• DO NOT use the inflation valve as a handle for carrying or pulling the cushion. Carry the cushion by the cushion base or by the carrying handle on the cover.To order replacement parts, contact your product provider or ROHO, Inc., or visit .Product Specifications Materials: Cushion Insert: neoprene rubber; made without latex; Inflation Valve: nickel-plated brass; Contoured Foam Base: polyurethane; Cover: two-way stretch, fluid-resistant top and sides, with a zipper located in the back of the cover; and a non-skid bottom with hook and loop fasteners to help secure the cushion in the chair. Refer to the cover care label for material content.CushionWidth (in.)Depth (in.)Width (cm)Depth (cm)NS1414C1415 1/235.539.5NS1416C1417 1/235.544.5NS1515C1516 1/23842NS1616C1617 1/240.544.5NS1618C1619 1/240.549.5NS1717C1718 1/24347NS1816C1817 1/245.544.5NS1818C1819 1/245.549.5NS2018C 2019 1/25149.5Weight: 3 lb. / 1.3 kg (based on NS1616C)Height 31/2 in. / 9 cmParts Detail Repair Kit Product Registration Card Operation ManualHand Pumphand pump and close the inflation valve completely. Remove the hand pump.4. The individual should sit in the chair in their usual position. Confirm that the boniest prominences are supported by the air cells.5. Slide your hand between the air cells and the individual. Lift the leg slightly and feel for the lowest bony prominence, and then lower the leg to a sitting position.6. Open the valve to remove air, keeping your hand beneath the individual’s lowest bony prominence. Release air until you are barely able to move your fingertips. Close the valve. Note: For two-valve cushions, repeat all steps for both valves.The seated figureshows product individual and the seating surface.Open CloseDisposal: The components of the products in this manual are associated with no known environmental hazards when properly used and when disposed of in accordance with all local/regional regulations. Incineration must be performed by a qualified, licensed waste management facility.Limited WarrantyLimited Warranty Term: 24 months from the date the product was originally purchased, with the exception of the cover, which has a 6-month limited warranty. The warranty does not apply to punctures, tears, burns, or misuse. See also the ROHO Limited Warrantysupplement provided with your product, or contact Customer Care.Cleaning and DisinfectingCleaning and disinfecting are separate processes. Cleaning must precede disinfection. Before use by a different individual: clean, disinfect, and check product for proper functioning.hook fastener pieces from bottom of the cover.To Clean the Cover: Machine wash in cold water (30°C) with mild detergent,gentle cycle, or wipe clean with neutral detergent and cold water. Tumble dry low.To Disinfect the Cover: Hand wash in cold water (30°C) using 1 part householdliquid bleach per 9 parts water, then rinse thoroughly. Or machine wash inhot water (60°C). Tumble dry low.Follow the safety guidelines on the bleach container.Cushion Care Cautions: Valve(s) must be closed. • DO NOT allow water or cleaning solution to enter the cushion insert. • DO NOT machine wash or machine dry the cushion insert or the contoured foam base. • Use of the following may cause damage to the cushion: abrasives (steel wool, scouring pads); caustic, automatic dishwasher detergents; cleaning products that contain petroleum or organic solvents, including acetone, toluene, Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK), naphtha, dry cleaning fluid, adhesive remover; oil-based lotions, lanolin, or phenolic-based disinfectants; ozone gas; ultraviolet light cleaning methods.To Clean the Cushion Insert: Carefully remove the cushion insert from the contoured foam base. Close the inflation valve. Hand wash, using mild liquid hand soap, hand dishwashing liquid, laundry detergent, or a multipurpose detergent (Follow product label instructions.) Gently scrub all cushion surfaces, using a soft plastic bristle brush, a sponge or a cloth. Rinse with clean water. Air dry. DO NOT expose to direct sunlight.To Disinfect the Cushion Insert: Repeat cleaning instructions, using 1 part household liquid bleach per 9 parts water. Follow safety guidelines on bleach product label. Keep the product wet with the bleach solution for 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with clean water. Air dry.To Clean the Contoured Foam Base: Remove the cover. Wipe gently with a clothdampened with water and a household detergent. Rinse cloth and re-wipe.Allow foam to air dry thoroughly before putting the cover on.This symbol means, “Wipe with a damp cloth.”Disinfectants are not effective on porous surfaces such as foam. If the foam portion of the product becomes soiled or contaminated, DO NOT use with multiple individuals.Note: Most germicidal disinfectants are safe if used following the disinfectant manufacturer’s dilution directions.Note About Sterilization: High temperatures accelerate aging and will damage the product assembly. ROHO products are not packaged in a sterile condition, nor are they intended or required to be sterilized prior to use. If institution protocol demands sterilization: First, follow the cleaning and disinfecting instructions; then, open the inflation valve anduse the lowest possible sterilizing temperature, but not to exceed 60°C (158°F), for the shortest time possible. DO NOT autoclave.1:9+。

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Sprite类的polygon属性默认为该矩形函数:getActivity(),获取当前activity实例---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RokonActivity:Activity子类,提供基本的引擎参数设置和视图转换onCreate(),入口函数,子类须覆写该函数,在该函数中设置全屏,横(竖)屏,界面尺寸,创建引擎,实例化自定义类createEngine(),创建只包含SurfaceView的引擎createEngine(boolean createRelativeLayout),参数为true创建包含SurfaceView和RelativeLayout的引擎,RalativeLayout可添加其他Android组件。

以下4个函数须在createEngine前调用:forceFullscreen(),全屏forceGameSize(float width, float height),设置游戏界面尺寸forceLandscape(),横屏,同时须在AndroidManifest.xml中设置属性android:screenOrientation="landscape"forcePortrait(),竖屏,同时须在AndroidManifest.xml中设置属性android:screenOrientation="portrait"onLoadComplete(),引擎创建成功后自动调用,须在子类中覆写,在该函数中初始化要使用到的所有图片Texture,以及调用setScene显示当前的Scenedispose(),退出游戏时自动调用进行垃圾回收,若子类有自定义的类实例,须覆写该函数并在函数体内设置object = nullgetGameHeight(),获取界面高getGameWidth(),获取界面宽getInterface(),获取createEngine中创建的RalativeLayout实例,可向其添加其他组件getScene(),获取当前显示的Scene实例setDrawPriority(int drawPriority),设置绘图模式,0-VBO模式,1-一般模式,默认为0,一般不需要自己调用setGameSize(float width, float height),设置游戏界面尺寸,和forceGameSize不同之处在于:若参数宽高与实际手机屏幕尺寸不一致,会根据屏幕宽高比重新设置界面宽,并返回宽度值setGraphicsPath(ng.String path),设置图片资源根目录路径,游戏图片资源均放在assets/graphics下setScene(Scene scene),设置当前要显示的Scene实例disableBack(),back键不起作用,若自定义了退出按钮事件,则可调用该函数屏蔽back键的退出功能enableBack(),back键起作用,默认值---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene:场景类,包含若干层(Layer)属性:activity,RokonActivity实例引用构造函数:Scene(),创建默认只有1个层,该层最多包含32个绘制对象的场景Scene(int layerCount),创建layerCount个层,每个层都最多包含32个绘制对象的场景Scene(int layerCount, int layerObjectCount),创建layerCount个层,每个层都最多包含layerObjectCount个绘制对象的场景Scene(int layerCount, int[] layerObjectCount),创建layerCount个层,每个层包含的绘制对象个数由layerObjectCount数组指定抽象函数,须在子类中覆写,覆写的函数体可为空onReady(),在RokonActivity的setScene中自动调用,在该函数中可获取到activity,构造函数中获取activity为空onGameLoop(),游戏逻辑循环,一直都在调用onPause(),游戏暂停时调用,比如来电onResume(),游戏恢复时调用,比如挂断电话重新回到游戏add(GameObject drawableObject),添加一个GameObject到第一层(索引号为0)add(int layerIndex, GameObject drawableObject),添加一个GameObject到指定层(索引号)clear(),删除所有绘制对象clearLayer(int index),删除某层中的所有绘制对象moveLayer(int startIndex, int endIndex),移动层序switchLayers(int layer1, int layer2),互换层序例:初始层序〔0,1,2...〕,调用moveLayer(0,2)后,层序变为〔1,2,0...〕;调用switchLayer(0,2)后,层序变为〔2,1,0...〕getLayer(int index),根据索引号获取某层实例getWindow(),获取窗体实例getWorld(),获取World实例,box2d使用setBackground(Background background),设置界面背景,参数其实为FixedBackground实例(Background的子类)setLayer(int index, Layer layer),替换某层setWindow(Window window),设置游戏窗体setWorld(World world),设置box2d世界remove(DrawableObject drawableObject),删除某个绘制对象removeWindow(),删除游戏窗体removeWorld(),删除box2d世界onTouch(float x, float y, MotionEvent event, int pointerCount, int pointerId),游戏区域点击onTouchReal(float x, float y, MotionEvent event, int pointerCount, int pointerId),实际屏幕点击isPhysicsPaused(),物理引擎是否暂停pausePhysics(),暂停物理引擎resumePhysics(),恢复物理引擎noPhysics(),不使用物理引擎,默认设置usePhysics(),使用物理引擎,setWorld中会调用stopInvoke(),关闭类外函数调用useInvoke(),启动类外函数调用,在Sprite类中某些动作执行开始和结束时会调用Scene类的函数,函数名参看Sprite类源代码toastLong(ng.String message),显示长消息toastShort(ng.String message),显示短消息invoke(Callback callback)invoke(ng.String methodName)invoke(ng.String method,ng.Class<?>[] param,ng.Object[] pa ramVal)invoke(ng.String methodName, ng.Object[] paramValues)以上4个函数作用都是调用该类的方法,等同于直接:函数名(参数)的调用方式onFadeEnd(DrawableObject object),绘制对象渐现(失)完后调用,可在子类覆写onMoveEnd(DimensionalObject object),画布对象移动完后调用,可在子类覆写,注:只有调用DimensionalObject的move函数来移动对象,最后运动停止才会调用该方法onEndScene(),转换到另一场景时释放当前场景资源,自动调用,需在子类中覆写该函数以释放自定义类实例---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layer:层,包含在Scene中,所有绘制对象均添加于层中。

Layer实例已在Scene有初始化,若需要自定义子类继承Layer,则应调用Scene.setLayer函数设置为自定义层显示构造函数:Layer(Scene parentScene, int maximumDrawableObjects),创建位于父场景parentScene中,最多包含maximumDrawableObjects个绘制对象的层add(GameObject drawableObject),添加一个Gameobject对象clear(),删除层中的所有对象getGameObject(int index),获取某个绘制对象setDrawOrder(int type),设置绘图次序类型,一共6种类型,取值0,1,2,3,4,5,默认为0,详见DrawOrder类ignoreWindow(),忽略窗体绘制useWindow(),依赖窗体绘制,默认使用isUsingWindow(),是否依赖窗体---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprite:精灵类,继承GameObject,该类为一层层继承下来,请熟悉其继承关系!子类包含:LineSprite, PhysicalSprite, PolygonSprite, TextSprite, TiledSprite构造函数:Sprite(float x, float y, float width, float height),根据坐标和宽高创建精灵onRemove(),精灵被删除时自动调用,子类需覆写该函数,设置类变量为null onUpdate(),状态属性更新函数,在该函数中改变精灵的位移,旋转角度等accelerate(float acceleration, float angle),沿某一角度(弧度为单位)加速运动,该角度相对于y轴accelerate(float acceleration, float angle, float terminalVelocity)沿某一角度(弧度为单位)加速运动,当线速度大于等于terminalVelocity时,以terminalVelocity值匀速运动accelerateX(float accelerationX),水平方向加速运动accelerateX(float accelerationX, float terminalSpeedX),水平方向加速运动,当线速度大于等于terminalSpeedX时,以terminalSpeedX值匀速运动accelerateY(float accelerationY),垂直方向加速运动accelerateY(float accelerationY, float terminalSpeedY) ,垂直方向加速运动,当线速度大于等于terminalSpeedY时,以terminalSpeedY值匀速运动addModifier(Modifier modifier),添加一个Modifier实例,最多能同时添加8个modifier。
