Kernel SHAP 0.4.1 说明书
Package‘kernelshap’December3,2023Title Kernel SHAPVersion0.4.1Description Efficient implementation of Kernel SHAP,see Lundberg and Lee(2017),and Covert and Lee(2021)<>.Furthermore,for up to14features,exact permutation SHAP values can be calculated.Thepackage plays well together with meta-learning packages like'tidymodels','caret'or'mlr3'.Visualizations can be done using theR package'shapviz'.License GPL(>=2)Depends R(>=3.2.0)Encoding UTF-8RoxygenNote7.2.3Imports foreach,stats,utilsSuggests doFuture,testthat(>=3.0.0)Config/testthat/edition3URL https:///ModelOriented/kernelshapBugReports https:///ModelOriented/kernelshap/issuesNeedsCompilation noAuthor Michael Mayer[aut,cre],David Watson[aut],Przemyslaw Biecek[ctb](<https:///0000-0001-8423-1823>)Maintainer Michael Mayer<************************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-12-0314:20:02UTCR topics documented:is.kernelshap (2)is.permshap (3)12is.kernelshapkernelshap (3)permshap (9)print.kernelshap (11)print.permshap (12)summary.kernelshap (13)summary.permshap (14)Index15 is.kernelshap Check for kernelshapDescriptionIs object of class"kernelshap"?Usageis.kernelshap(object)Argumentsobject An R object.ValueTRUE if object is of class"kernelshap",and FALSE otherwise.See Alsokernelshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-kernelshap(fit,iris[1:2,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])is.kernelshap(s)is.kernelshap("a")is.permshap3 is.permshap Check for permshapDescriptionIs object of class"permshap"?Usageis.permshap(object)Argumentsobject An R object.ValueTRUE if object is of class"permshap",and FALSE otherwise.See Alsokernelshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-permshap(fit,iris[1:2,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])is.permshap(s)is.permshap("a")kernelshap Kernel SHAPDescriptionEfficient implementation of Kernel SHAP,see Lundberg and Lee(2017),and Covert and Lee (2021),abbreviated by CL21.For up to p=8features,the resulting Kernel SHAP values are exact regarding the selected background data.For larger p,an almost exact hybrid algorithm involving iterative sampling is used,see Details.Usagekernelshap(object,...)##Default S3method:kernelshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun=stats::predict,feature_names=colnames(X),bg_w=NULL,exact=length(feature_names)<=8L,hybrid_degree=1L+length(feature_names)%in%4:16,paired_sampling=TRUE,m=2L*length(feature_names)*(1L+3L*(hybrid_degree==0L)),tol=0.005,max_iter=100L,parallel=FALSE,parallel_args=NULL,verbose=TRUE,...)##S3method for class rangerkernelshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun=function(m,X,...)stats::predict(m,X,...)$predictions, feature_names=colnames(X),bg_w=NULL,exact=length(feature_names)<=8L,hybrid_degree=1L+length(feature_names)%in%4:16,paired_sampling=TRUE,m=2L*length(feature_names)*(1L+3L*(hybrid_degree==0L)),tol=0.005,max_iter=100L,parallel=FALSE,parallel_args=NULL,verbose=TRUE,...)##S3method for class Learnerkernelshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun =NULL,feature_names =colnames(X),bg_w =NULL,exact =length(feature_names)<=8L,hybrid_degree =1L +length(feature_names)%in%4:16,paired_sampling =TRUE,m =2L *length(feature_names)*(1L +3L *(hybrid_degree ==0L)),tol =0.005,max_iter =100L,parallel =FALSE,parallel_args =NULL,verbose =TRUE,...)Argumentsobject Fitted model object....Additional arguments passed to pred_fun(object,X,...).X(n ×p )matrix or data.frame with rows to be explained.The columns should only represent model features,not the response (but see feature_names on how to overrule this).bg_XBackground data used to integrate out "switched off"features,often a subset of the training data (typically 50to 500rows)It should contain the same columns as X .In cases with a natural "off"value (like MNIST digits),this can also be a single row with all values set to the off value.pred_funPrediction function of the form function(object,X,...),providing K ≥1predictions per row.Its first argument represents the model object ,its second argument a data structure like X .Additional (named)arguments are passed via ....The default,stats::predict(),will work in most cases.feature_names Optional vector of column names in X used to calculate SHAP values.By de-fault,this equals colnames(X).Not supported if X is a matrix.bg_w Optional vector of case weights for each row of bg_X .exactIf TRUE ,the algorithm will produce exact Kernel SHAP values with respect to the background data.In this case,the arguments hybrid_degree ,m ,paired_sampling ,tol ,and max_iter are ignored.The default is TRUE up to eight features,and FALSE otherwise.hybrid_degreeInteger controlling the exactness of the hybrid strategy.For 4≤p ≤16,the default is 2,otherwise it is 1.Ignored if exact =TRUE .•0:Pure sampling strategy not involving any exact part.It is strictly worse than the hybrid strategy and should therefore only be used for studying properties of the Kernel SHAP algorithm.•1:Uses all 2p on-off vectors z withz ∈{1,p −1}for the exact part,which covers at least 75%of the mass of the Kernel weight distribution.The remaining mass is covered by random sampling.•2:Uses all p (p +1)on-off vectors z withz ∈{1,2,p −2,p −1}.This covers at least 92%of the mass of the Kernel weight distribution.The remaining mass is covered by sampling.Convergence usually happens in the minimal possible number of iterations of two.•k>2:Uses all on-off vectors withz ∈{1,...,k,p −k,...,p −1}.paired_samplingLogical flag indicating whether to do the sampling in a paired manner.This means that with every on-off vector z ,also 1−z is considered.CL21shows its superiority compared to standard sampling,therefore the default (TRUE )should usually not be changed except for studying properties of Kernel SHAP algo-rithms.Ignored if exact =TRUE .m Even number of on-off vectors sampled during one iteration.The default is 2p ,except when hybrid_degree ==0.Then it is set to 8p .Ignored if exact =TRUE .tolTolerance determining when to stop.Following CL21,the algorithm keeps iter-ating until max (σn )/(max (βn )−min (βn ))<tol,where the βn are the SHAP values of a given observation,and σn their standard errors.For multidimen-sional predictions,the criterion must be satisfied for each dimension separately.The stopping criterion uses the fact that standard errors and SHAP values are all on the same scale.Ignored if exact =TRUE .max_iter If the stopping criterion (see tol )is not reached after max_iter iterations,the algorithm stops.Ignored if exact =TRUE .parallelIf TRUE ,use parallel foreach::foreach()to loop over rows to be explained.Must register backend beforehand,e.g.,via ’doFuture’package,see README for an example.Parallelization automatically disables the progress bar.parallel_argsNamed list of arguments passed to foreach::foreach().Ideally,this is NULL (default).Only relevant if parallel =TRUE .Example on Windows:if object is a GAM fitted with package ’mgcv’,then one might need to set parallel_args =list(.packages ="mgcv").verbose Set to FALSE to suppress messages and the progress bar.DetailsPure iterative Kernel SHAP sampling as in Covert and Lee (2021)works like this:1.A binary "on-off"vector z is drawn from {0,1}p such that its sum follows the SHAP Kernel weight distribution (normalized to the range {1,...,p −1}).2.For each j with z j =1,the j -th column of the original background data is replaced by the corresponding feature value x j of the observation to be explained.3.The average prediction v z on the data of Step 2is calculated,and the average prediction v 0on the background data is subtracted.4.Steps 1to 3are repeated m times.This produces a binary m ×p matrix Z (each row equals one of the z )and a vector v of shifted predictions.5.v is regressed onto Z under the constraint that the sum of the coefficients equals v 1−v 0,where v 1is the prediction of the observation to be explained.The resulting coefficients are the Kernel SHAP values.This is repeated multiple times until convergence,see CL21for details.A drawback of this strategy is that many (at least 75%)of the z vectors will havez ∈{1,p −1},producing many duplicates.Similarly,at least 92%of the mass will be used for the p (p +1)possible vectors withz ∈{1,2,p −2,p −1}.This inefficiency can be fixed by a hybrid strategy,combining exact calculations with sampling.The hybrid algorithm has two steps:1.Step 1(exact part):There are 2p different on-off vectors z withz ∈{1,p −1},covering a large proportion of the Kernel SHAP distribution.The degree 1hybrid will list those vectors and use them according to their weights in the upcoming calculations.Depending on p ,we can also go a step further to a degree 2hybrid by adding all p (p −1)vectors with z ∈{2,p −2}to the process etc.The necessary predictions are obtained along with other calculations similar to those described in CL21.2.Step 2(sampling part):The remaining weight is filled by sampling vectors z according to Kernel SHAP weights renormalized to the values not yet covered by Step 1.Together with the results from Step 1-correctly weighted -this now forms a complete iteration as in CL21.The difference is that most mass is covered by exact calculations.Afterwards,the algorithm iterates until convergence.The output of Step 1is reused in every iteration,leading to an extremely efficient strategy.If p is sufficiently small,all possible 2p −2on-off vectors z can be evaluated.In this case,no sampling is required and the algorithm returns exact Kernel SHAP values with respect to the given background data.Since kernelshap()calculates predictions on data with MN rows (N is the background data size and M the number of z vectors),p should not be much higher than 10for exact calculations.For similar reasons,degree 2hybrids should not use p much larger than 40.ValueAn object of class "kernelshap"with the following components:•S :(n ×p )matrix with SHAP values or,if the model output has dimension K >1,a list of K such matrices.•X :Same as input argument X .•baseline :Vector of length K representing the average prediction on the background data.•SE :Standard errors corresponding to S (and organized like S ).•n_iter :Integer vector of length n providing the number of iterations per row of X .•converged :Logical vector of length n indicating convergence per row of X .•m :Integer providing the effective number of sampled on-off vectors used per iteration.•m_exact :Integer providing the effective number of exact on-off vectors used per iteration.•prop_exact :Proportion of the Kernel SHAP weight distribution covered by exact calcula-tions.•exact :Logical flag indicating whether calculations are exact or not.•txt :Summary text.•predictions :(n ×K )matrix with predictions of X .Methods(by class)•kernelshap(default):Default Kernel SHAP method.•kernelshap(ranger):Kernel SHAP method for"ranger"models,see Readme for an exam-ple.•kernelshap(Learner):Kernel SHAP method for"mlr3"models,see Readme for an exam-ple.References1.Scott M.Lundberg and Su-In Lee.A unified approach to interpreting model predictions.Proceedings of the31st International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2017.2.Ian Covert and Su-In Lee.Improving KernelSHAP:Practical Shapley Value Estimation Us-ing Linear Regression.Proceedings of The24th International Conference on Artificial Intel-ligence and Statistics,PMLR130:3457-3465,2021.Examples#MODEL ONE:Linear regressionfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)#Select rows to explain(only feature columns)X_explain<-iris[1:2,-1]#Select small background dataset(could use all rows here because iris is small)set.seed(1)bg_X<-iris[sample(nrow(iris),100),]#Calculate SHAP valuess<-kernelshap(fit,X_explain,bg_X=bg_X)s#MODEL TWO:Multi-response linear regressionfit<-lm(as.matrix(iris[,1:2])~Petal.Length+Petal.Width+Species,data=iris) s<-kernelshap(fit,iris[1:4,3:5],bg_X=bg_X)summary(s)#Non-feature columns can be dropped via feature_namess<-kernelshap(fit,iris[1:4,],bg_X=bg_X,feature_names=c("Petal.Length","Petal.Width","Species"))spermshap Permutation SHAPDescriptionExact permutation SHAP algorithm with respect to a background dataset,see Strumbelj and Kononenko.The function works for up to14features.Usagepermshap(object,...)##Default S3method:permshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun=stats::predict,feature_names=colnames(X),bg_w=NULL,parallel=FALSE,parallel_args=NULL,verbose=TRUE,...)##S3method for class rangerpermshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun=function(m,X,...)stats::predict(m,X,...)$predictions,feature_names=colnames(X),bg_w=NULL,parallel=FALSE,parallel_args=NULL,verbose=TRUE,...)##S3method for class Learnerpermshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun=NULL,feature_names=colnames(X),bg_w=NULL,parallel=FALSE,parallel_args=NULL,verbose=TRUE,...)Argumentsobject Fitted model object....Additional arguments passed to pred_fun(object,X,...).X(n×p)matrix or data.frame with rows to be explained.The columns should only represent model features,not the response(but see feature_names on howto overrule this).bg_X Background data used to integrate out"switched off"features,often a subset of the training data(typically50to500rows)It should contain the same columnsas X.In cases with a natural"off"value(like MNIST digits),this can also be asingle row with all values set to the off value.pred_fun Prediction function of the form function(object,X,...),providing K≥1 predictions per row.Itsfirst argument represents the model object,its secondargument a data structure like X.Additional(named)arguments are passed via....The default,stats::predict(),will work in most cases.feature_names Optional vector of column names in X used to calculate SHAP values.By de-fault,this equals colnames(X).Not supported if X is a matrix.bg_w Optional vector of case weights for each row of bg_X.parallel If TRUE,use parallel foreach::foreach()to loop over rows to be explained.Must register backend beforehand,e.g.,via’doFuture’package,see READMEfor an example.Parallelization automatically disables the progress bar.parallel_args Named list of arguments passed to foreach::foreach().Ideally,this is NULL (default).Only relevant if parallel=TRUE.Example on Windows:if object isa GAMfitted with package’mgcv’,then one might need to set parallel_args=list(.packages="mgcv").verbose Set to FALSE to suppress messages and the progress bar.ValueAn object of class"permshap"with the following components:•S:(n×p)matrix with SHAP values or,if the model output has dimension K>1,a list of K such matrices.•X:Same as input argument X.•baseline:Vector of length K representing the average prediction on the background data.•m_exact:Integer providing the effective number of exact on-off vectors used.•exact:Logicalflag indicating whether calculations are exact or not(currently TRUE).•txt:Summary text.•predictions:(n×K)matrix with predictions of X.print.kernelshap11Methods(by class)•permshap(default):Default permutation SHAP method.•permshap(ranger):Permutation SHAP method for"ranger"models,see Readme for an ex-ample.•permshap(Learner):Permutation SHAP method for"mlr3"models,see Readme for an ex-ample.References1.Erik Strumbelj and Igor Kononenko.Explaining prediction models and individual predictionswith feature contributions.Knowledge and Information Systems41,2014.Examples#MODEL ONE:Linear regressionfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)#Select rows to explain(only feature columns)X_explain<-iris[1:2,-1]#Select small background dataset(could use all rows here because iris is small)set.seed(1)bg_X<-iris[sample(nrow(iris),100),]#Calculate SHAP valuess<-permshap(fit,X_explain,bg_X=bg_X)s#MODEL TWO:Multi-response linear regressionfit<-lm(as.matrix(iris[,1:2])~Petal.Length+Petal.Width+Species,data=iris) s<-permshap(fit,iris[1:4,3:5],bg_X=bg_X)s#Non-feature columns can be dropped via feature_namess<-permshap(fit,iris[1:4,],bg_X=bg_X,feature_names=c("Petal.Length","Petal.Width","Species"))sprint.kernelshap Prints"kernelshap"ObjectDescriptionPrints"kernelshap"Object12print.permshapUsage##S3method for class kernelshapprint(x,n=2L,...)Argumentsx An object of class"kernelshap".n Maximum number of rows of SHAP values to print....Further arguments passed from other methods.ValueInvisibly,the input is returned.See Alsokernelshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-kernelshap(fit,iris[1:3,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])sprint.permshap Prints"permshap"ObjectDescriptionPrints"permshap"ObjectUsage##S3method for class permshapprint(x,n=2L,...)Argumentsx An object of class"permshap".n Maximum number of rows of SHAP values to print....Further arguments passed from other methods.ValueInvisibly,the input is returned.summary.kernelshap13See Alsopermshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-permshap(fit,iris[1:3,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])ssummary.kernelshap Summarizes"kernelshap"ObjectDescriptionSummarizes"kernelshap"ObjectUsage##S3method for class kernelshapsummary(object,compact=FALSE,n=2L,...)Argumentsobject An object of class"kernelshap".compact Set to TRUE for a more compact summary.n Maximum number of rows of SHAP values print....Further arguments passed from other methods.ValueInvisibly,the input is returned.See Alsokernelshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-kernelshap(fit,iris[1:3,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])summary(s)14summary.permshap summary.permshap Summarizes"permshap"ObjectDescriptionSummarizes"permshap"ObjectUsage##S3method for class permshapsummary(object,compact=FALSE,n=2L,...)Argumentsobject An object of class"permshap".compact Set to TRUE for a more compact summary.n Maximum number of rows of SHAP values print....Further arguments passed from other methods.ValueInvisibly,the input is returned.See Alsopermshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-permshap(fit,iris[1:3,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])summary(s)Indexforeach::foreach(),6,10is.kernelshap,2is.permshap,3kernelshap,3kernelshap(),2,3,7,12,13permshap,9permshap(),13,14print.kernelshap,11print.permshap,12stats::predict(),5,10summary.kernelshap,13summary.permshap,1415。
MIL-STD-883H change summary
DSCC-VAS 4 September 2008MEMORANDUM FOR MILITARY/INDUSTRY DISTRIBUTIONSUBJECT: Initial Draft of MIL-STD-883, Revision H; Project Number 5962-2008-011 The initial draft for this subject document is now available for viewing and downloading from the DSCC-VA Website:/Programs/MilSpec/DocSearch.aspThis document is being revised to incorporate needed changes. Highlights of the changes are described below:1. Test Method (TM) 1014, Seal Test, has incorporated proposed Appendix A for Cumulative Helium Leak Test as an optional procedure.2. TM 1018, Internal Gas Analysis, is replaced with an identical method to that within MIL-STD-750.3. TM 1019, Ionization Radiation (Total Dose), has been changed to add provisions for using dry ice as a means to transport test units between the manufacturer and the test labs.4. TM 2009, External Visual, has been changed to add failure criteria for the Ball/column grid array device.5. TM 2011, Bond Pull, has been changed to prescribe where to place the hook, and has added a new test method for wire ball bond shear testing.6. TM 5005, Qualification and Quality Conformance Procedures, has an added Subgroup 9 in Table IV to comply with the Soldering Heat Test Method (TM 2036).7. TM 5007, Wafer Lot Acceptance, has several changes to Table I.The document, on the DSCC-VA Website, has been formatted for ease inviewing. Proposed additions have been incorporated in yellow highlighted lettering and proposed deletions have been marked in red strikeout lettering. For your convenience, both a change summary matrix and a compilation of the pages having the proposed changes to the document are also available on the DSCC-VA Website.Concurrence or comments are required at this Center within 60 days from the date of this letter. Late comments will be held for the next coordination of the document. Comments from military departments must be identified as either "Essential" or "Suggested". Essential comments must be justified with supporting data. Military review activities should forward comments to their custodians, as applicable, and this office. Since Navy-EC is the custodian of this document, all Navy activities should forward their comments directly to this Center. Please provide sufficient time to allow for consolidating the department reply.DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCYDEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER, COLUMBUSPOST OFFICE BOX 3990 COLUMBUS, OH 43216-5000IN REPLY REFER TOThe point of contact for this document is Mr. Joe Rodenbeck, Defense Supply Center Columbus, DSCC-VAS, Post Office Box 3990, Columbus, OH 43213-3990. Mr. Joe Rodenbeck can also be reached at 614-692-1090/850-1090, or by facsimile 614-692-6939/850-6939, or by e-mail to: joseph.rodenbeck@.\Signed\Robert M. HeberChiefTeamMicroelectronicscc:VQVSS2。
Chapter 18The International Monetary System, 1870–1973Chapter OrganizationMacroeconomic Policy Goals in an Open EconomyInternal Balance: Full Employment and Price-Level StabilityExternal Balance: The Optimal Level of the Current Account International Macroeconomic Policy under the Gold Standard, 1870–1914 Origins of the Gold StandardExternal Balance under the Gold StandardThe Price-Specie-Flow MechanismThe Gold Standard “Rules of the Game”: Myth and RealityBox: Hume v. the MercantilistsInternal Balance under the Gold StandardCase Study: The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Regimes:Conflict over America’s Monetary Standard During the 1890s The Interwar Years, 1918–1939The Fleeting Return to GoldInternational Economic DisintegrationCase Study: The International Gold Standard and the Great DepressionThe Bretton Woods System and the International Monetary Fund Goals and Structure of the IMFConvertibility and the Expansion of Private Capital FlowsSpeculative Capital Flows and CrisesAnalyzing Policy Options under the Bretton Woods System Maintaining Internal BalanceMaintaining External BalanceExpenditure-Changing and Expenditure-Switching PoliciesThe External-Balance Problem of the United StatesCase Study: The Decline and Fall of the Bretton Woods System Worldwide Inflation and the Transition to Floating Rates SummaryChapter OverviewThis is the first of five international monetary policy chapters. These chapters complement the preceding theory chapters in several ways. They provide the historical and institutional background students require to place their theoretical knowledge in a useful context. The chapters also allow students, through study of historical and current events, to sharpen their grasp of the theoretical models and to develop the intuition those models can provide. (Application of the theory to events of current interest will hopefully motivate students to return to earlier chapters and master points that may have been missed on the first pass.)Chapter 18 chronicles the evolution of the international monetary system from the gold standard of1870–1914, through the interwar years, and up to and including the post-World War II Bretton Woods regime that ended in March 1973. The central focus of the chapter is the manner in which each system addressed, or failed to address, the requirements of internal and external balance for its participants.A country is in internal balance when its resources are fully employed and there is price level stability. External balance implies an optimal time path of the current account subject to its being balanced over the long run. Other factors have been important in the definition of external balance at various times, and these are discussed in the text. The basic definition of external balance as an appropriate current-account level, however, seems to capture a goal that most policy-makers share regardless of the particular circumstances.The price-specie-flow mechanism described by David Hume shows how the gold standard could ensure convergence to external balance. You may want to present the following model of the price-specie-flow mechanism. This model is based upon three equations: 1. The balance sheet of the central bank. At the most simple level, this is justgold holdings equals the money supply: G M.2. The quantity theory. With velocity and output assumed constant and bothnormalized to 1, this yields the simple equation M P.3. A balance of payments equation where the current account is a function of thereal exchange rate and there are no private capital flows: CA f(E P*/P)These equations can be combined in a figure like the one below. The 45 line represents the quantity theory, and the vertical line is the price level where the real exchange rate results in a balanced current account. The economy moves along the 45 line back towards the equilibrium Point 0 whenever it is out of equilibrium. For example, the loss of four-fifths of a country’s gold would put that country at Point a with lower prices and a lower money supply. The resulting real exchange rate depreciation causes a current account surplus which restores money balances as the country proceeds up the 45 line froma to 0.FigureThe automatic adjustment process described by the price-specie-flow mechanism is expedited by following “rules of the game” under which governments contract the domestic source components oftheir monetary bases when gold reserves are falling (corresponding to a current-account deficit) and expand when gold reserves are rising (the surplus case).In practice, there was little incentive for countries with expanding gold reserves to follow the “rules of the game.” This increased the contractionary burden shouldered by countries with persistent current account deficits. The gold standard also subjugated internal balance to the demands of external balance. Research suggests price-level stability and high employment were attained less consistently under the gold standard than in the post-1945 period.The interwar years were marked by severe economic instability. The monetization of war debt and of reparation payments led to episodes of hyperinflation in Europe. Anill-fated attempt to return to thepre-war gold parity for the pound led to stagnation in Britain. Competitive devaluations and protectionism were pursued in a futile effort to stimulate domestic economic growth during the Great Depression.These beggar-thy-neighbor policies provoked foreign retaliation and led to the disintegration of the world economy. As one of the case studies shows, strict adherence to the Gold Standard appears to have hurt many countries during the Great Depression.Determined to avoid repeating the mistakes of the interwar years, Allied economic policy-makers metat Bretton Woods in 1944 to forge a new international monetary system for the postwar world. The exchange-rate regime that emerged from this conference had at its center the . dollar. All other currencies had fixed exchange rates against the dollar, which itself had a fixed value in terms of gold.An International Monetary Fund was set up to oversee the system and facilitate its functioning by lending to countries with temporary balance of payments problems.A formal discussion of internal and external balance introduces the concepts of expenditure-switching and expenditure-changing policies. The Bretton Woods system, with its emphasis on infrequent adjustmentof fixed parities, restricted the use of expenditure-switching policies. Increases in U.S. monetary growth to finance fiscal expenditures after the mid-1960s led to a loss of confidence in the dollar and the termination of the dollar’s convertibility into gold. The analysis presented in the text demonstrateshow the Bretton Woods system forced countries to “import” inflation from the United States and shows that the breakdown of the system occurred when countries were no longer willing to accept this burden.Answers to Textbook Problems1. a. Since it takes considerable investment to develop uranium mines, you wouldwant a larger current account deficit to allow your country to finance some of the investment with foreign savings.b. A permanent increase in the world price of copper would cause a short-termcurrent account deficit if the price rise leads you to invest more in coppermining. If there are no investment effects, you would not change yourexternal balance target because it would be optimal simply to spend youradditional income.c. A temporary increase in the world price of copper would cause a currentaccount surplus. You would want to smooth out your country’s consumption bysaving some of its temporarily higher income.d. A temporary rise in the world price of oil would cause a current accountdeficit if you were an importer of oil, but a surplus if you were an exporter of oil.2. Because the marginal propensity to consume out of income is less than 1, atransfer of income from B to A increases savings in A and decreases savings in B.Therefore, A has a current account surplus and B has a corresponding deficit.This corresponds to a balance of payments disequilibrium in Hume’s world, which must be financed by gold flows from B to A. These gold flows increase A’s money supply and decrease B’s money supply, pushing up prices in A and depressingprices in B. These price changes cease once balance of payments equilibrium has been restored.3. Changes in parities reflected both initial misalignments and balance of paymentscrises. Attempts to return to the parities of the prewar period after the war ignored the changes in underlying economic fundamentals that the war caused. This made some exchange rates less than fully credible and encouraged balance ofpayments crises. Central bank commitments to the gold parities were also less than credible after the wartime suspension of the gold standard, and as a result of the increasing concern of governments with internal economic conditions.4. A monetary contraction, under the gold standard, will lead to an increase in thegold holdings of the contracting country’s central bank if other countries do not pursue a similar policy. All countries cannot succeed in doing thissimultaneously since the total stock of gold reserves is fixed in the short run.Under a reserve currency system, however, a monetary contraction causes anincipient rise in the domestic interest rate, which attracts foreign capital. The central bank must accommodate the inflow of foreign capital to preserve theexchange rate parity. There is thus an increase in the central bank’s holdings of foreign reserves equal to the fall in its holdings of domestic assets. There is no obstacle to a simultaneous increase in reserves by all central banksbecause central banks acquire more claims on the reserve currency country while their citizens end up with correspondingly greater liabilities.5. The increase in domestic prices makes home exports less attractive and causes acurrent account deficit. This diminishes the money supply and causescontractionary pressures in the economywhich serve to mitigate and ultimately reverse wage demands and price increases.6. A “demand determined” increase in dollar reserve holdings would not affect theworld supply of money as central banks merely attempt to trade their holdings of domestic assets for dollar rese rves. A “supply determined” increase in reserve holdings, however, would result from expansionary monetary policy in the United States (the reserve center). At least at the end of the Bretton Woods era the increase in world dollar reserves arose in part because of an expansionarymonetary policyin the United States rather than a desire by other central banks to increasetheir holdings of dollar assets. Only the “supply determined” increase indollar reserves is relevant for analyzing the relationship between world holdings of dollar reserves by central banks and inflation.7. An increase in the world interest rate leads to a fall in a central bank’sholdings of foreign reserves as domestic residents trade in their cash forforeign bonds. This leads to a d ecline in the home country’s money supply. The central bank of a “small” country cannot offset these effects sinceit cannot alter the world interest rate. An attempt to sterilize the reserve loss through open market purchases would fail unless bonds are imperfect substitutes.8. Capital account restrictions insulate the domestic interest rate from the worldinterest rate. Monetary policy, as well as fiscal policy, can be used to achieve internal balance. Because there are no offsetting capital flows, monetary policy, as well as fiscal policy, can be used to achieve internal balance. The costs of capital controls include the inefficiency which is introduced when the domestic interest rate differs from the world rate and the high costs of enforcing the controls.9. Yes, it does seem that the external balance problem of a deficit country is moresevere. While the macroeconomic imbalance may be equally problematic in the long run regardless of whether it is a deficit or surplus, large external deficits involve the risk that the market will fix the problem quickly by ceasing to fund the external deficit. In this case, there may have to be rapid adjustment that could be disruptive. Surplus countries are rarely forced into rapid adjustments, making the problems less risky.10. An inflow attack is different from capital flight, but many parallels exist. Inan “outflow” attack, speculators sell the home currency and drain the central bank of its foreign assets. The central bank could always defend if it so chooses (they can raise interest rates to improbably high levels), but if it is unwilling to cripple the economy with tight monetary policy, it must relent. An “inflow”attack is similar in that the central bank can always maintain the peg, it is just that the consequences of doing so may be more unpalatable than breaking the peg. If money flows in, the central bank must buy foreign assets to keep thecurrency from appreciating. If the central bank cannot sterilize all the inflows (eventually they may run out of domestic assets to sell to sterilize thetransactions where they are buying foreign assets), it will have to either let the currency appreciate or let the money supply rise. If it is unwilling to allow and increase in inflation due to a rising money supply, breaking the peg may be preferable.11. a. We know that China has a very large current account surplus, placing them highabove the XX line. They also have moderate inflationary pressures (describedas “gathering” in the question, implying they are not yet very strong). This suggests that China is above the II line, but not too far above it. It wouldbe placed in Zone 1 (see below).b. China needs to appreciate the exchange rate to move down on the graph towardsbalance. (Shown on the graph with the dashed line down)c. China would need to expand government spending to move to the right and hitthe overall balance point. Such a policy would help cushion the negative aggregate demand pressurethat the appreciation might generate.。
TI 蓝牙栈 for WL18xx - 入门指南说明书
TI Bluetooth Stack for WL18xx - Getting Started GuideTI Bluetooth Stack - Demo GuideContentsIntroductionOverviewBluetopiaBluetopia Platform ManagerRequirementsHardwareSoftwareGetting StartedStep 1. Installing Bluetopia Platform ManagerStep 2. SD card creationBuild and export the Bluetopia PMStep 3. Sample ApplicationsGstreamer PluginVNET PluginVoice Over BLE Python ScriptBluetooth Hardware configuration scriptStep 4. Installing updated Firmware Service Pack (Init-scripts)Step 5. Terminal ConnectionStep 6. Running a Sample ApplicationBluetopia PM SamplesIntroductionThe following guide explains how to get started with TI Bluetooth Protocol Stack on a host device running Linux. It provides a basic description of the package, and walks through the download and installation procedures. Finally, it shows how to run a sample application. For users who wish to modify any sample applications or the build environment, please visit the TI Bluetooth Stack - BluetopiaPM Build Process page for further information. This does not have to be done to run the out of box AM335x Wilink8 Demo applications as the BluetopiaPM installation comes with pre-built binaries for Wilink8.OverviewBluetopiaBluetopia is a low-level Bluetooth Protocol Stack. Bluetopia is designed to be small in code space and RAM so that it can be ran on small embedded platforms where memory is limited. The Bluetopia stack is limited in that only one application has access to the Bluetooth Controller at a time. This can make development difficult and complicated if multiple profiles are using the Bluetooth Controller concurrently.Bluetopia Platform ManagerBluetopia Platform Manager (Bluetopia PM) is a service that allows multiple applications to access the Bluetooth link concurrently. This allows developers to create multiple independent applications that each use the Bluetooth link. Take for example a Head Set running Linux that uses the Hands-Free Profile and also supports A2DP Sink audio playback. Using Bluetopia a development team would have to write one application that handles both Hands-Free Events and A2DP Events. With Bluetopia PM the team could write two independent applications: one to handle Hands-Free Events and one to handle A2DP Events.Bluetopia PM also provides features that simplify the management of device connections:1. It stores pairing and link key information for each device connection in persistent memory2. It automatically caches discovered device information such as the device name and class of the device3. It automatically caches remote device service discovery information for quick access to a device's services without having to retrieve them again from the remote deviceA convenient API is provided to access cached device information.TI Bluetooth Stack (based on Bluetopia) is provided with the WL18xx and CC256x devices. It is composed of Bluetooth protocol stack, Bluetooth profiles stack and Platform Manager. RequirementsHardware1x AM335x Evaluation Module (/tool/tmdxevm3358) or AM437x Evaluation Module (/tool/tmdsevm437x)For Wilink8: WL1837 (/tool/wl1837modcom8i?keyMatch=wilink%208&tisearch=Search-EN-Everything) or WL1835 (/tool/wl1835modcom8 b?keyMatch=wl1835&tisearch=Search-EN)For CC256x: CC2564MODNEM (/tool/cc2564modnem) or CC2564MODNEM (/product/cc2564moda/description) or CC2564C QFN (http:// /tool/cc256xcqfn-em)1x RS-232 console wire to access CLI interface on the platform from PCBluetooth remote devices (such as a phone or another EVM) that should support the above profiles, preferably with the opposite role for some cases, for demonstration purposesNote: When using a CC256x controller you need to perform the following Hardware Modifications in order to make it compatible to the Sitara platforms.CC256X Configuration (/index.php/SDMMC_Adapter_Configuration#CC256X_Configuration)Note: Hardware requirements may depend on the application, specific demos will have detailed hardware configurations.AM335x Linux SDK (/tool/PROCESSOR-SDK-AM335X) or image for flashing onto an SD cardWilink 8 Bluetooth Add-On (/tool/TI-BT-4-2-STACK-LINUX-ADDON)TI EVM (AM335x, AM437x, AM57x) Bluetooth setup script can be downloaded from the following <zip file>PC Terminal software (e.g. Putty or TeraTerm).Most recently updated BTS script from WL18xx-BT-SP (/tool/WL18xx-BT-SP) (see note below).Note: Download the latest WL18xx Bluetooth Firmware Script (BTS script) from: WL18xx-BT-SP (/tool/WL18xx-BT-SP). Read the license agreement and follow the installation instructions in the previous link. The script will be automatically be downloaded to the WL18xx device whenever the stack power up the device.Note: When using a CC256x controller you will need to copy the init scripts. Follow the instructions in CC256x Initscripts (/index.php/TI_Bluetooth_St ack_for_WL18xx_-_Build_Process#CC256x_Init-scripts)TI Bluetooth Stack (based on Bluetopia) is provided with the WL18xx or CC256x devices. It is composed of Bluetooth protocol stack, Bluetooth profiles stack and Platform Manager. The Bluetooth Add-On Packages and can be re-built and used with any Linux and WL18xx or CC256x platform but for convenience for those using an AM335x standard SDK the following pre-built packages are available for download. The stack is not part of platform SDK but is available as an add-on which can be downloaded from the Software Requirements (http://proc /index.php/TI_Bluetooth_Stack_for_WL18xx_-_Getting_Started_Guide#Software) section.The package is downloaded as tarball and should be extracted (in a Linux machine).$ AM335xBluetopiaLinuxProduction- tarball includes 2 Linux installers: for 32b and 64b release. Please use the right one according to your working station type and execute it (the following demonstrates the 64b case): $ chmod +x ./$ ./AM335xBluetopiaLinuxProduction- the installer completes, the installation directory should include Bluetopia Platform Manager (BluetopiaPM) Binaries, Sources and Documentation.Binaries - includes pre-compiled sample applications, BluetopiaPM server daemon and BluetopiaPM Client libraries.Sources - platform specific files (to enable recompiling for different platforms) and sample applications code.Documentation - License docs, users guides and API specifications.The installation directory can be updated during the installer execution. The default is~/AM335xBluetopiaLinuxProduction- more details on the distribution content, please refer to the Bluetopia Platform Manager Architecture section.Once the SDK is installed and compiled and the Bluetooth Add-on is installed, the SD card needs to be created. This can be achieved by using a script to create the SD card (http://proces /index.php/Processor_SDK_Linux_create_SD_card_script).Once the SD card is ready, You will need to build the Add-on and copy the files to your SD-card. Source code for each sample can be found in the [install-dir]/BluetopiaPM/sample directory. To modify and re-build the samples follow the instructions in Build the Bluetopia PM (/index.php/TI_Bluetooth_Stack_for_WL18xx_-_Build_P rocess)Note: If using the WL183x there are pre-built applications that are ready to run out of the box.Adding the Bluetopia files to the SD card requires copying over 4 main components: the Sample Applications, Gstreamer Plugin, VNET Plugin, and Init-scripts. Follow the instructions below in order to install the Bluetopia Stack into the imaged SD card.SoftwareGetting StartedStep 1. Installing Bluetopia Platform ManagerStep 2. SD card creationBuild and export the Bluetopia PMCopy the BluetopiaPM server (SS1BTPM) and the provided Sample applications that were builtsudo mkdir [target-root]/home/root/BluetopiaPMsudo cp -rf <INSTALLATION_DIR>/BluetopiaPM/bin [target-root]/home/root/BluetopiaPM/BluetopiaPM include a GStreamer Plugin that should be copied to the target rootfs, The GStreamer is being used in AUD Demo applicationsudo cp <INSTALLATION_DIR>/BluetopiaPM/lib/ [target-root]/usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/Note: For 4.2 releases please see the release notes as this feature not included in the release. If needed, you can obtain the plugin from the 4.0 release available from the 4.0Download Page (/tool/TI-BT-STACK-LINUX-ADDON)BluetopiaPM include a VNET Plugin that should be copied to the target rootfs, The VNET is being used in PAN Demo applicationsudo mkdir -p [target-root]/home/root/BluetopiaPM/Bluetopia/VNET/driversudo cp -rf <INSTALLATION_DIR>/BluetopiaPM/Bluetopia/VNET/driver/VNETInst [target-root]/home/root/BluetopiaPM/Bluetopia/VNET/driver/ sudo cp -rf <INSTALLATION_DIR>/BluetopiaPM/Bluetopia/VNET/*.ko [target-root]/home/root/BluetopiaPM/Bluetopia/VNET/The VoLE Demo application utilizes a python script in order to decode, format and analyze the audio data.sudo cp <INSTALLATION_DIR>/BluetopiaPM/sample/LinuxVoLE/ [target-root]/home/root/BluetopiaPM/binThe script, downloaded from the Software Requirements (/index.php/TI_Bluetooth_Stack_for_WL18xx_-_Getting_Started_Guide#Software%7C) section which creates a custom configuration file based on the board you're using.Note: If using a Beaglebone see the page on patching the device tree (/index.php/WL18xx_Platform_Integration_Guide#Appendix_A:_Device_Tree_fi le_-_patching_and_updating) and skip the setup script steps below.First unzip the file Downloaded file and then copy it to the target platform:sudo cp Downloads/ [target-root]/home/root/BluetopiaPM/Navigate to the correct directory on the target platform:cd /home/root/BluetopiaPM/Update the scripts permissions:chmod +x bt-en.shThen run the script:./bt-en.shWhen using a custom platform, you'll need to create a similar script with your platform specific settings. As an example, you'll have to update the following variables:tty andgpioNote, this includes the:echo gpiostatement at the start of the scriptEx:1. Create a new script file:Step 3. Sample ApplicationsGstreamer PluginVNET PluginVoice Over BLE Python ScriptBluetooth Hardware configuration scriptvi bt-en.sh2. Copy the following into the empty file:echo 16 > /sys/class/gpio/export echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio16/directionecho 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio16/value echo "Done enabling BT"gpio="nshutdown_gpio=16" tty="tty=/dev/ttyS3" flow="flow_cntrl=1"baud_rate="baud_rate=3000000" mkdir /home/root/tibtecho $gpio > /home/root/tibt/config echo $tty >> /home/root/tibt/config echo $flow >> /home/root/tibt/config echo $baud_rate >> /home/root/tibt/config3. Update the gpio and tty variables to match your platform, in this example we're using GPIO 16 and tty S3.4. Update the scripts permissions:chmod +x bt-en.sh5. Run the script:./bt-en.shBefore the stack can be used make sure to have an updated Bluetooth Script (BTS) on your target platform. The latest BTS file and installation instructions can be found in WL18xx-BT-SP (/tool/WL18xx-BT-SP) and can be copied directly to the SD card's firmware directory as shown below:sudo cp -rf TIInit_X.Y.Z.bts [target-root]/lib/firmware/In order to add support for AVPR , BLE or BR/EDR for the CC256x devices the CC256x Service Pack User's Guide (/index.php/CC256x_Service_Pack_Us er%27s_Guide) should be followed.Once the code is copied. Plug in the RS-232 0 port to a pc via NULL modem and then look at the Device manager for Communications Port (COM x) under Ports (COM & LPT). Attach a terminal program like PuTTY to the serial port (COM x) for the board, x means which COM is open for Communications Port in Device Manager. The serial parameter to use is 115200Baud rate. Once connected, Turn on the device Power button and you should see the am335x getting initialized on the terminal.Arago Project am335x-evm /dev/ttyS0 Arago 2015.05 am335x-evm /dev/ttyS0 am335x-evm login:When the initialization is over, type root in order to use the file system.Note: The serial port may differ for different platforms. E.g. AM437x will be /dev/ttyS1am335x-evm login: root root@am335x-evm:~#Now that you have installed Platform Manager to your host platform and copied relevant binaries (for this example at least SS1BTPM and LinuxSPPM should be copied) and init-scripts to your target, let's demonstrate running a Platform Manager application. The following should be done on the target (using USB or Ethernet connection):# cd /home/root/BluetopiaPM/bin # ./SS1BTPM & # ./LinuxSPPMYou should now see LinuxSPPM's menu displayed in the terminal. Now let's try to initialize the Bluetopia PM Server in LinuxSPPM and turn on the Bluetooth Controller.SPPM>Initialize 1SPPM>SetDevicePower 1If all went well you should see a "Device Powered On" message in the terminal. Congratulations, you have just run your first Platform Manager application! For more detailed information on using the LinuxSPPM Demo and for other Demo Guides, refer to Bluetopia Platform Manager Demo Guide. Next we'll go over the basics of Bluetopia Platform Manager's sample applications,Step 4. Installing updated Firmware Service Pack (Init-scripts)Step 5. Terminal ConnectionStep 6. Running a Sample ApplicationSamples are provided with the Bluetopia Platform Manager distribution to demonstrate how to use the Bluetopia PM modules. Each sample provides a command-line interface which can be used to send commands to the PM Server. The sample application commands encapsulate Bluetopia API commands and demonstrate how to use common API functions. The samples also display events and event data when an event is received from the PM Server.The samples are provided to help the end user get started with application development in PM. The samples are not ready-to-use production applications, as an application like this depends on the project-specific requirements. However, the samples can be used as a starting point for application development. We'll now go over re-building a sample which will help with getting started with application development in PM.For more information on how to use a specific sample, also referred to as a demo, refer to the Bluetopia Platform Manager Demo Guide.{{1. switchcategory:MultiCore=For technical support onMultiCore devices, pleasepost your questions in theC6000 MultiCore ForumFor questions related tothe BIOS MultiCore SDK(MCSDK), please use theBIOS ForumPlease post only comments related to the article TI Bluetooth Stack for WL18xx - Getting Started Guide here.Keystone=For technicalsupport onMultiCore devices,please post yourquestions in theC6000 MultiCoreForumFor questionsrelated to theBIOS MultiCoreSDK (MCSDK),please use theBIOS ForumPlease post onlycomments related to thearticle TI Bluetooth Stackfor WL18xx - GettingStarted Guide here.C2000=Fortechnicalsupport onthe C2000pleasepost yourquestionson TheC2000Forum.Pleasepost onlycommentsabout thearticle TIBluetoothStack forWL18xx -GettingStartedGuidehere.DaVinci=Fortechnicalsupport onDaVincopleasepost yourquestions onThe DaVinciForum. Pleasepost onlycommentsabout thearticle TIBluetoothStack forWL18xx -GettingStarted Guidehere.MSP430=Fortechnicalsupport onMSP430please postyourquestions onThe MSP430Forum.Please postonlycommentsabout thearticle TIBluetoothStack forWL18xx -GettingStartedGuide here.OMAP35x=Fortechnicalsupport onOMAP pleasepost yourquestions onThe OMAPForum. Pleasepost onlycommentsabout thearticle TIBluetoothStack forWL18xx -GettingStarted Guidehere.OMAPL1=Fortechnicalsupport onOMAP pleasepost yourquestions onThe OMAPForum.Please postonlycommentsabout thearticle TIBluetoothStack forWL18xx -GettingStartedGuide here.MAVRK=Fortechnicalsupport onMAVRKplease postyourquestionson TheMAVRKToolboxForum.Please postonlycommentsabout thearticle TIBluetoothStack forWL18xx -GettingStartedGuide here.For technical suplease post youquestions atPlease post oncomments abouarticle TI BluetStack for WL1Getting StarteGuide here.}}LinksAmplifiers & LinearAudioBroadband RF/IF & Digital Radio Clocks & TimersData Converters DLP & MEMSHigh-ReliabilityInterfaceLogicPower ManagementProcessorsARM ProcessorsDigital Signal Processors (DSP)Microcontrollers (MCU)OMAP Applications ProcessorsSwitches & MultiplexersTemperature Sensors & Control ICsWireless ConnectivityRetrieved from "https:///index.php?title=TI_Bluetooth_Stack_for_WL18xx_-_Getting_Started_Guide&oldid=226535"This page was last edited on 9 April 2017, at 19:41.Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike unless otherwise noted.Bluetopia PM Samples。
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Maselli Misure S.p.A.公司于 2002 年 如果需要了解更多资料,请联系 Maselli 公司服务网络。
数字折光仪 UR-20 型
手册编号 n° 01206C0011 适用于仪器编号 n° ____________________
Functional-coefficient regression models for nonlinear time series
from with
the \curse of dimensionality".
Ui taking values in <k and Xi
strictly small.
stationary Let E(Y12)
transpose of a matrix or vector. The idea to model time series in such a form is not new; see,
for example, Nicholls and Quinn (1982). In fact, many useful time series models may be viewed
This paper adapts the functional-coe cient modeling technique to analyze nonlinear time series
data. The approach allows appreciable exibility on the structure of tted model without su ering
Ui and Xi consist of some lagged values of Yi. The functional-coe cient regression model has the
m(u; x) = Xp aj(u) xj;
(1.2)j=1来自where aj( )'s are measurable functions from <k to <1 and x = (x1; : : :; xp)T with T denoting the
互联半导体ad6392 4通道马达驱动ic 说明书
Current Pulse rise time 1
At startup
Current Pulse fall time 2
At shutdown
Current Pulse time differential Drive Linearity
LIN Vin = Vref±0.5, 1, 1.5V*1
O CH2 reverse output
O CH2 forward output
- Power ground 1
24 VSIN 25 VBINA 26 DO4R 27 DO4F 28 PGND2
I CH4 input
CH4 bias input (with internal resistor)
O CH4 reverse output
April. 2002 (Rev.0)
(VCC1=VCC2=8V, f = 1kHz, RL = 8ohm, Ta = 25OC unless otherwise specified.)
O CH1 forward output
2 DO1R O CH1 reverse output
CH1 external capacitor / resistor
ATC880 SeriesProcess Controller1/4 DIN Self-Tuning ControllerDOC974145TABLE OF CONTENTSQUICK START INSTRUCTIONS (5)1.0 INTRODUCTION (8)2.0 SPECIFICATIONS (9)2.1 Mechanical Specifications (9)2.2 Main Power Supply & Environmental Specification (9)2.3 Display Specification (10)2.4 Primary Input Specification (11)2.5 Secondary Input (12)2.6 Pressure & Remote Set Point Inputs Common (13)2.7 Digital Input (14)2.8 Alarms (14)2.9 Optional Serial Communication Interface Specification (15)2.10 Control Output Specification (15)2.11 Retransmission Output Specification (16)2.12 Control and Retransmission Outputs Common Specification (16)2.13 Control Algorithm Specification (16)2.14 Opto-isolated Digital Input Specification (18)3.0 UNPACKING & DIMENSIONAL INFORMATION (19)3.1 Unpacking (19)3.2 Dimensional Information (19)3.3 Block Diagram (19)4.0 MOUNTING AND WIRING (21)4.1 Terminal Assignments and ratings (24)4.2 Terminal Cross Reference With Former Dynisco Model ATC770 (26)5.0 START-UP PROCEDURE (28)5.1 Configuration (28)5.2 Parameters (28)5.2.1 Getting Ready: (28)5.2.2 Keyboard Description: (28)5.2.3 Operating Mode Description: (30)5.3 Setting the Instrument‘s Basic Configuration (30)5.3.1 Setting the Shunt Calibration: (31)5.3.3 Setting the Logic Input Status (optional) (31)5.3.4 Setting the Status of Auto/Manual Selection (optional) (31)5.3.6 Setting the Line Frequency (32)5.3.7 Setting the Display Filter (32)5.4 Setting the Remote Set Point Input/Seconday Input (Optional) (33)5.4.1 Setting the Remote Set Point/Secondary Input Voltage or Current (33)5.4.2 Setting the Remote Set Point (RSP) Input Failsafe Mode (33)5.4.3 Setting the Remote Set Point Limits (33)5.4.4 Setting the Local Remote Set Point Selection (34)6.0 CONFIGURATION (35)6.1 Primary Input Setup (35)6.1.1 Setting the Primary Input Type for a Strain Gage Transducer (35)6.1.2 Setting the Shunt Calibration for Strain Gage Transducers and Amplified Transmitters (35)6.1.3 Setting the Primary Input Type for an Amplified Transmitter (35)6.1.4 Setting the Primary Input Full-Scale Value (36)6.1.5 Setting the Primary Input Low-Scale Value (36)6.1.6 Setting the Primary Input Decimal Place (37)6.1.7 Setting the Primary Input Failsafe Mode (37)6.2 Setting the Alarms: (37)6.2.1 Setting What the Alarm will Monitor (Alarm Input Channel Link): (38)6.2.2 Setting Alarm Type: (38)6.2.3 Setting the Filtering for Alarms: (38)6.2.4 Setting the Hysteresis for Alarms: (39)6.2.5 Setting the Reset Mode for Alarms: (39)6.2.6 Setting the Failsafe Mode for Alarms: (39)6.2.7 Setting the Alarms Threshold Values: (40)6.2.8 Setting the Alarms Mask Reset Type: (40)6.3 Retransmission Output Setup (40)6.3.1 Selection of the Retransmission Output (40)6.3.2 Setting the Retransmission Output Range (40)6.3.3 Setting the Retransmission Output Range High (41)6.3.4 Setting the Retransmission Output Filter (41)6.4 Setting the Control Output: (41)6.4.1 Setting the Control Output Voltage or Current: (41)6.4.2 Making the Control Output Direct/Reverse Selection: (41)6.4.3 Setting the Control Output Limit: (42)6.4.4 Setting the Control Output Manual Mode Indication: (42)6.4.5 Setting the Control Output Display: (42)6.5 Setting the Security Codes: (43)6.5.1 Setting the Security Code for Level A (43)6.5.2 Setting the Security Code for Level B (43)6.5.3 Setting the Security Code for Level C (43)6.6 Configure by Remote PC (Configuration Port Interface or CPI) (44)6.7 Configure Differential Control (45)7.0 OPERATION (51)7.1 Primary Input Calibration (51)7.1.1 Calibration of Pressure Transducers with Internal Shunt Resistor (51)7.1.2 Calibration of Amplified Pressure Transmitters with Internal Shunt Resistor (51)7.1.3 Calibration of Pressure Transducers equipped with External Shunt Resistors (51)7.1.4 Calibration of Analog Inputs Using a Pressure Calibration Source (52)7.1.5 Calibration of the ATC880 to Calibrated Linear Analog Input (52)7.2 Start-Up and Engaging SMART (53)7.2.1 Setting the Process Set Point (53)7.2.2 Engaging SMART (53)7.2.3 Engaging Automatic Control (53)7.3 The Tuning Mode (53)7.3.1 Selecting the Type of Control (54)7.3.2 Engaging the Tuning Algorithm (ATC880 in Manual Mode) (54)7.3.3 Viewing the Tuning Algorithm Parameters (54)7.3.4 Engaging the Adaptive Tuning Algorithm (ATC880 in Automatic Mode) (56)7.3.5 Automatic Stand-By in the event of a Process Upset (56)7.3.6 Automatic or Manual Start-Up (57)7.3.7 Manual/Automatic Transfer (57)7.3.8 Tuned Parameters, After SMART ―tuning‖ (58)8.0 INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION (60)8.1 General Calibration Procedure (60)8.2 RS-485 (Optional) (62)8.2.1 Serial Communication Interface Address (62)8.2.2 Protocol Type (62)8.2.3 Communication Type (62)8.2.4 Communication Baud Rate (62)8.2.5 Setting the Status of Auto/Manual Selection (optional) (63)9.0 ERROR CODES (64)9.1 Error Codes and Troubleshooting (64)9.2 ―OPEN‖ Error Code and Troubleshooting (66)9.3 Instrument Maintenance (66)10.0 NORMATIVE REFERENCES (67)11.0 PARAMETER GROUP MENUS (69)11.1 Group 1 Parameters (71)11.2 Group 2 Parameters (73)11.3 Group 3 Parameters (78)11.4 Group 4 Parameters (82)11.5 Group 5 Parameters (87)11.6 Group 6 Parameters (89)11.7 Group 9 Parameters (90)12.0 PID CONTROLLER DEFINITIONS (92)13.0 WARRANTY AND SERVICE (94)QUICK START INSTRUCTIONSMountingPrepare panel cutout to dimensions shown below (1A).If more instruments are mounted in the same panel near together, maintainthe distances between one instrumento to another like as in the figure.Slide the rubber gasket (1) over the case.Slide the instrument case into the cutout (2,1A).Attach the panel mounting hardware tightening the threaded rod (3) for asecure fit and with a screwdriver, turn the screws with a torque between 0.3and 0.4 Nm.WiringRefer to Section 4 for wiring/connections and terminal diagramConnect the wires from transducer cable as shown in the terminal diagram,turn the screws with a torque between 1.0 and 1.2 Nm..Connect final control device.Connect alarm(s) if applicable. Note that alarm defaults are High, ReverseActing for alarms 2 & 3 –alarm 1 is low inhibited.Connect power to the appropriate terminals as shown.1AScalingApply power to the instrument; Upper display will give a reading near zero.Lower display will read the manual output %.Press key until the Upper display reads NONE and lower display readsGROUP.If your transducer is not a 10,000-psi model, select GROUP3 using the Uparrow, enter with function key.Lower display reads PI.FSV (Full Scale Value), and the upper display reads10,000. Note: If your transducer is a 10,000-psi model skip next two steps.Scroll to GROUP and select 2.Using the Down arrow key set the appropriate Full Scale Value for yourtransducer.Enter using the key to scroll until GROUP legend appears again.Using Up arrow key, select GROUP2. Enter with key.Follow instructions for Calibration and Operation in Step 4 of Quick Start Calibration and OperationLower display reads ZERO.C and upper display reads OFF. Be suretransducer is at operation temperature and that no pressure is applied.Change upper display to ON by using the Up arrow key. Enter with the key. After a few seconds, the lower display will show SPAN.C and upper display will show OFF.Change upper display to ON using Up arrow key. Enter with thekey. In a few seconds lower display shows SMART and upper display showsOFF. Calibration is complete.Using the key, scroll to the GROUP display. Enter 1 with the Uparrow, and enter with the key. Instrument shows 0 on upper displayand SP on lower display.Set Process Set point. Press twice.Set Alarm 1, 2, 3 thresholds (if applicable) by pressing . Changethreshold with the up and down keys.Press twice. Lower display will read GROUP, and upper display willread none.Press key. Upper display will read 0 +/- 10 process pressure, lowerdisplay will read 0. This is control output %.Be sure process is at operating temperature.Utilizing up and down keys, manipulate the output % until the upperdisplay is reading at approximately the set point.Press key until lower display reads GROUP. Select group 2.Press key three times. Lower display reads SMART and upper displayreads OFF.Using up arrow key, turn SMART function to on. Enter with key.SMART LED will flash and a countdown will begin as the controller arrives atinitial P&I (D) parameters.Return to GROUP none and observe that the value in the upper display is theactual set point you wish to control.When the SMART LED has stopped flashing, press and hold the A/M key forat least 5 seconds. The manual LED will extinguish, and you will be inautomatic control mode.Again, return to GROUP2 and select SMART. Turn the function on with theup arrow, and enter with the . This will activate the Adaptive Tune algorithm, and will maintain the correct P&I (D) parameters for the process. Itwill remain on until manually turned off. It will also come on anytime theATC880 is the automatic control mode.Return to GROUP,None, and observe the process. The set point may beadjusted in GROUP1 while the controller is in automatic mode.Operator may alternately display Output %, Set Point, Deviation, Peak Value,or RPM by pressing the up arrow key.The preceding Quick Start instructions are the basic settings required to install, wire, and get the controller operating. Please refer to the complete installation and operation manual for additional functions. Questions on your transducer will be addressed in the manual included with your transducer.References to Profibus features and instructions should be ignored. Profibus is being considered for a future line expansion and has been accommodated in the current design.1.0 INTRODUCTIONThe ATC880 Pressure/Process Controller is a microprocessor-based instrument with the capability of controlling an extruder or other process using an advanced proprietary SMART self-tuning algor ithm. The input is user configurable to be 350Ω Strain Gage, high-level voltage or high level current. The voltage or current inputs are compatible with many process transmitter combinations. Three fully programmable alarms and an analog retransmission output are also included as part of the standard ATC880 package.Five groups of configuration parameters are available from the keyboard, and are protected by three levels of user definable software locks. (A sixth group of read-only parameters can also be viewed) In the programming mode the lower display will show the parameter being displayed, and the upper display will show its value. In the operating mode, the upper display will show the process variable, and the lower display offers the choice of displaying set point, deviation from set point, output %, RPM or peak. In addition, a red LED bar graph presents an analog representation of the main input (process variable), as well as indication of the alarm set points. The alarms are shown relative to the span of process and are indicated as missing or present bars relative to the process input.References to Profibus features and instructions should be ignored. Profibus is being considered for a future line expansion and has been accommodated in the current design.WARNING NOTE: The user should be aware that if this equipment is used in a manner not consistent with the specifications and instructions in this manual, the protection provided by the equipment might be impaired.Product Codes (ordering options)Note: UL pending only for Power Code Voltage equal to 5 (24Vac/dc, switching)2.0 SPECIFICATIONS2.1 Mechanical SpecificationsCase: Polycarbonate Black color Self-extinguishing degree V0 according to UL 94Front Panel: Designed and verified for IP65 and NEMA 4X for indoor location Installation: Panel mountingRear Terminal Block: 46 screw terminals with rear safety cover2.2 Main Power Supply & Environmental SpecificationMain Power Supply: From 100 to 240Vac (-15% to 10%), 50/60Hz switching. Option: 24Vac/dcPower supply variation: From -15% to 10% (for 100 to 240Vac). From 14 to 32 Vac/dc (for optional 24Vac/dc).Power Consumption: Max 22VA at 50Hz or Max 27VA at 60Hz for Main Power Supply from 100 to 240 VacInsulation Resistance: 100MΩ @500VdcDielectric Strength: 1500V rms for 1 min, 1800V for 1 sec.Ambient Temperature: From 0 to 50°C. Ensure the enclosure provides adequate ventilationStorage Temperature: From -20 to 70°CHumidity: Max 85% RH non-condensingAltitude: This product is not suitable for use above 2000m (6562ft) or in explosive or corrosive atmospheresWatchdog: Hw/Sw is provided for automatic restartAgency Approvals: UL File # 193253Self-Certification: CEElectromagnetic Compatibility:The instrument is compliant with the European Directive 2004/108/CE according to Product Standard EN 61326-1.Emission limit:class A – group 1 ISM for equipment suitable for use in allestablishments other then domestic and those directly connected to a lowvoltage power supply network which supplies buildings used for domesticpurposes.Immunity:Electrostatic discharge (according to EN 61000-4-2):contact discharge = 4kV; air discharge = 8kVRadio-frequency electrical magnetic (according to EN 61000-4-3):EM field (amplit. mod.) = 10 V/m (80MHz to 1 GHz);3V/m (1,4 GHz to 2 GHz);1 V/m (2 GHz to 2,7 GHz)Electrical fast transient/burst (according to EN 61000-4-4):AC Power = 2kV;I/O Signal/Control = 2kV (5/50 ns, 5 kHz);I/O Signal/Control connected directly to mains supply = 2kV (5/50 ns, 5kHz)Surge (according to EN 61000-4-5):AC power = 1kV (Line to Line) / 2kV (Line to GND);I/O Signal/Control = 1kV (Line to Line) / 2kV (Line to GND)Radio frequency common mode (according to EN 61000-4-6):AC Power = 3 V (150kHz to 80 MHz);I/O Signal/Control = 3 V (150kHz to 80 MHz)Voltage dips/short interruptions (according to EN 61000-4-11):0% during 1 cycle; 40% during 12 cycles; 70% during 30 cyclesThis equipment is intendent for use in an industrial location. There may be potential difficulties ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in other environmental due to conducted as well as radiated disturbances.Safety Requirements:The instrument is compliant with the European Directive 2006/95/CE according to Reference Standard EN 61010-1 for installation category I and pollution degree 2 Installation category CAT I: Voltage transients on any power connected tothe instrument must not exceed 1.5kV. Pollution degree 2: Conductive pollution must be excluded from thecabinet in which the instrument is mounted.2.3 Display SpecificationDisplay: LED technology, custom type.Upper Digits: Red color, 5 numeric digits, 7 segments with decimal point 13.2mm high. Lower Digits: Green color, 5 alphanumeric digits (British flag), 14 segments with decimal points, 11.3 mm high.Bar Graph: Red color, 35 segment with 3% resolution. Displays continuous bar graph to indicate the measured variable of the main input (0-100% full scale). Alarm set point values displayed. Last segment blinks for pressure greater than full scale value. Indicators (Beacons):Red LED‘s annunciations:A1: Lit when alarm 1 is in alarm stateA2: Lit when alarm 2 is in alarm stateA3: Lit when alarm 3 is in alarm stateREM: Lit when device is controlled by serial link0-25-50-75-100-%: These six LEDs are always on to improve the bar graphindication.SMRT: Flashing when the first step of SMART algorithm is activated. Lit whenthe second step of SMART algorithm is activatedMAN: Lit when device is in manual modeRSP: Lit when Remote Set Point is selectedKg/cm2, PSI, Bar, MPa: Engineering unit for the pressure input. These fourbeacons are located within the display window, between the numeric digits andthe alarm beacons.Green LED‘s ann unciations:SP: Lit when lower display shows the Set PointPEAK: Lit when lower display shows the peak valueDEV: Lit when lower display shows the deviation (Measured Variable minus SetPoint)OUT%: Lit when lower display shows the Output Value (absolute value with 0.1% resolution)RPM: Lit when lower display shows the Output Value scaled to RPM2.4 Primary Input SpecificationMain Input: Selectable between strain gage and linear by software configuration.Strain Gage Input: From 340 to 5000Ω, 1-4 mV/V. Excitation 10V +/- 7%. 5 wires connection.Linear Input: Selectable between 0-5Vdc, 0-10Vdc, 0-20mA, 4-20mA.Input Signal: -25/125% of full scale (approximately –10 / 50mV).Shunt Calibration: With or without shunt resistor (value programmable from 40.0 to100.0%).Zero Balance: ±25% of full scale (approximately ± 10 mV).Auxiliary Power Supply: 24Vdc / 1.5W power supply for two or four wire transmitter. Input Impedance: <10Ω for linear current input;>165KΩ for linear voltage inputInput Protection: Open circuit detection for strain gage (on signal and excitation wires) and 4-20mA inputs; it is not available for 0-5Vdc, 0-10Vdc and 0-20mA. Up or down scale keyboard programmable.Sampling time: 50mS typical.Display Update Time: Selectable: 50, 100, 250 or 400mS.Engineering Units: Dedicated beacons within the display window.Calibration Mode: Field calibrations (zero and span) are applicable for both strain gage and linear input. Moreover it is possible to delete the field calibration done by the end user and to restore original factory calibration values.Input resolution: 4000 counts.Full scale value Resolution10/4000 1 count4002/8000 2 counts8005/20000 5 counts20010/40000 10 counts40020/80000 20 counts80050/99950 50 countsDecimal Point: Settable in any position of the display or none at all.2.5 Secondary InputSecondary input: Selectable among 0-5Vdc, 0-10Vdc, 0-20mA, 4-20mA or strain gage (optional).Function: Second sensor for the measurement of a differential pressure (in case of strain gage or linear input); remote set point (only linear inpu).Input Protection: Open circuit detection for strain gage (on signal and excitation wires) and 4-20mA inputs; not available for 0-10Vdc, 0-5Vdc and 0-20mA inputs. Up or down scale keyboard.Input Impedance:< 10Ω for linear current input> 165KΩSampling Time: Remote set point input is selectable among 100, 200, 500 or 1000mSe; differential pressure is 50 mS, typical.Display update: At each sample.Input Resolution with Linear Input: 4000 counts.Low/High Scale Values: Secondary input of a differential pressure: freely settable, but with the same resolution and decimal point position of the primary pressure input. Remote set point: settable from 0 to pressure input full scale value with the same resolution and decimal point position of pressure input.NOTE: This input is not isolated from main input. A double or reinforced insulation between instrument output and power supply must be guaranteed by the external device.2.6 Pressure & Remote Set Point Inputs CommonCommon Mode Rejection Ratio: >120dB @50/60HzNormal Mode Rejection Ratio: >60dB @ 50/60HzStrain gage input: From 340 to 5000Ω, 1-4 mV/V. Excitation 10V +/- 7%. 5 wires connection.Input signal: -25/125% of full scale (approximately -10/50mV).Shunt calibration: With or without shunt resistor (value programmable from 40.0 to 100.0%), the same setting will be used for both inputs (main and secondary) when the differential pressure measurement is selected.Zero balance: +/- 25% of full scale (approximately +/- 10mV).Reference accuracy: +/- 0.1% FSV +/-1 digit @ 25 +/- 1°C and nominal power supply voltage.Operative accuracy: temperature drift: < 300 ppm/K of full span for current, voltage and strain gage input.Zero and span calibration: If differential input used, there is no relation between the calibration of the two single sensors; each input is provided with its own zero and span calibration parameters.2.7 Digital InputDigital input: One input from contact closure (voltage free). It is marked as ―Reset‖ on rear panel, contacts 23 and 24. It may be keyboard programmable for the following functions:• alarm reset• peak reset• alarm and peak reset• zero calibration of the primary input• zero calibration of the primary input, alarm and peak resetNOTE: This input is not isolated from main input. A double or reinforced insulation between instrument output and power supply must be guaranteed by the external device.Opto-isolated Digital Input: Four optional digital inputs are provided for control purposes. The interface circuit is opto-isolated with respect to the CPU and analog inputs.DIG1: This contact acts as an automatic / manual switch, if it is enabled by the proper parameter (closed means manual mode, open means automatic mode).DIG2: Control output value increaseDIG3: Control output value decreaseThese two contacts are used to increase / decrease the output value with a linear, not exponential, rate of change (about 20 seconds for a full scale variation from 0 to 100%). DIG4: This contact is used to switch the controller from automatic to manual mode setting to zero the control output. When this logic input is closed the transfer from manual to automatic mode by the front panel is inhibited while the user may modify the control output. To return to automatic mode the logic input should be de-activated.2.8 AlarmsAlarm Outputs: 3 standard alarms (AL1, AL2 and AL3).AL1 and AL2 Contacts: 1 SPDT 2A max @ 240Vac resistive load.AL3 Contacts: 1 SPST 2A max @ 240Vac resistive load.Contact Protection: Varistor for spike protection.Alarm Type: Each alarm is keyboard programmable for:• Process / Deviation / Band• High / Low / Low inhibited on start up• Auto / Manual resetAlarm Mask: The alarm mask may be restored using the keyboard parameter (AL.MSK). Moreover the alarm mask of deviation and band alarms is restored at set point change and during set point ramp.Excitation Type: Keyboard configurable for each alarm: relay coil energized in no alarm condition (failsafe) or relay coil energized in alarm condition (non-failsafe). The default condition is failsafe.Threshold: From 0 to 110% Full Scale (the threshold may be limited due to the selected full scale value).Hysteresis: Keyboard programmable for each alarm; from 0.1% to 10.0% of span or 1 Least Significant Digit (whichever is greater) for each alarm.Alarm Filter: Selectable from the following values: OFF, 0.4S, 1S, 2S, 3S, 4S, 5S.Alarm Update Time: At every input conversion.2.9 Optional Serial Communication Interface SpecificationSerial Interface: RS-485 type. Opto-isolated.Protocol Type: Modbus/Jbus (RTU mode).Type of Parameters: Run-time and configuration are available by serial link.Device Address: From 1 to 255NOTE: The physical interface can only support up to 31 devices for each segment.Use multiple segments for more than 31 devices.Baud Rate: 600 up to 19200 baud.Format: 1 start bit, 8 bits with or without parity, 1 stop bitParity: Even/Odd.2.10 Control Output SpecificationControl Output: Opto-isolated from CPU input and output circuits.Type of Analog Output: Keyboard selectable between:•+ 0/10Vdc min load 5KΩ•– 10/+10 VDC min load 5KΩ•+ 0/5Vdc min load 5KΩ•+ 0/20mA max load 500KΩ•– 4/20mA max load 500ΩResolution: 0.1% in manual mode, 0.03% in automatic mode.Scaling: The output control value may be displayed in two modes:• from 0.0 to 100.0% (0.1% resolution)• from a low to a high limit selection from -10000 to 100002.11 Retransmission Output SpecificationRetransmission Output: Opto-isolated from CPU input and output circuits.Type of Analog Output: Keyboard selectable between:•+ 0/10Vdc min load 5KΩ, with under/overrange capability from -2.5 to 12.5V.•± 10Vdc min load 5KΩ, with under/overrange capability from -12.25 to 12.5V.•+ 0/5Vdc min load 5KΩ, with under/overrange capability from -1.25 to 6.25V.•+ 0/20mA max load 500Ω, with un der/overrange capability from 0 to 24mA (max. load 400Ω over 20 mA).• + 4/20mA max load 500Ω, with under/overrange capability from 0 to 24mA (max. load 400Ω over 20mA).Resolution: 0.1% of output modeScaling: The retransmission low and high limits are selectable from 0 to full scale input value. The two scaling values may be freely selectable within the above range. This allows for a direct or reverse output type.Output Filter: Selectable from the following values: OFF, 0.4S, 1S, 2S, 3S, 4S, 5S2.12 Control and Retransmission Outputs Common SpecificationReference Accuracy: ±0.1% of output span @ 25 ± 10°C and nominal line voltage. Linearity Error: <0.1% of output span.Output Noise: <0.1% of output span.2.13 Control Algorithm SpecificationControl Type: PID plus Integral Preload plus Anti-Reset WindupOutput Value Indication: Selectable between the following Modes:• Range 0/100.0%• Selectable with two calibrated values for RPM indication• In automatic mode either mode is available• In manual mode, a parameter is provided to select the first or second method of indication.SMART Algorithm: The SMART procedure is activated by setting the SMART Parameter to ON. In manual mode the controller will start the TUNE algorithm (SMRT led flashes), while in automatic mode it will enable the ADAPTIVE function (SMRT led lights steady).The SMART can select two types of procedures:1. The TUNE algorithm2. The Adaptive algorithmTUNE ALGORITHMTo implement the TUNE algorithm, set the instrument in manual mode and the select SMART ON. SMART will switch to OFF after the PID parameters (PB, TI, TD) are calculated (during this procedure the LED will be flashing). The basic concepts of the auto-tuning system are based on the open loop step response, for this reason the TUNE function may be activated only in the manual mode.The equivalent mathematical model of the process is characterized by three parameters: the gain, the time constant and the equivalent time delay. The power output of the controller is changed by a small step value. Then, the controller stores the process variable response. From the transient response, the controller estimates the three basic process parameters by means of the area‘s method. It applies these parameters, and re-runs the step process. When this is done, it calculates the final PID parameters.The step response is a convenient way to characterize this type of process dynamics because its model is based on the alteration of the behavior of the process and very accurately determining the response. It is capable of estimating the process parameters with high precision.ADAPTIVE ALGORITHMIn order to implement the adaptive algorithm, the instrument should be in automatic mode. Then change SMART to ON. In this case the ON will be remembered by the instrument even if the instrument was switched off.In order to deactivate the adaptive processes, return the SMART parameter to OFF. The ADAPTIVE is an on-line algorithm that ―observes‖ the measured value and l ooks for oscillation due to a variation of the load or the set point. When a significant pattern is―recognized,‖ the decision procedure starts to recalculate the PID parameters of the controller. While the ADAPTIVE procedure is enabled the PID parameters can only be monitored.AUTOMATIC STAND-BY: This function avoids overshoot due to temporary process。
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LetterJoint Slot Scheduling and Power Allocation in ClusteredUnderwater Acoustic Sensor NetworksZhi-Xin Liu, Xiao-Cao Jin, Yuan-Ai Xie, and Yi YangDear Editor,This letter deals with the joint slot scheduling and power alloca-tion in clustered underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs),based on the known clustering and routing information, to maximize the network’s energy efficiency (EE). Based on the block coordi-nated decent (BCD) method, the formulated mixed-integer non-con-vex problem is alternatively optimized by leveraging the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm, the Dinkelbach’s method and the successive con-vex approximation (SCA) technique. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme has a better performance in maximizing EE com-pared to the separate optimization methods.Recently, the interest in the research and development of underwa-ter medium access control (MAC) protocol is growing due to its potentially large impact on the network throughput. However, the focus of many previous works is at the MAC layer only, which may lead to inefficiency in utilizing the network resources [1]. To obtain a better network performance, the approach of cross-layer design has been considered. In [1], Shi and Fapojuwo proposed a cross-layer optimization scheme to the scheduling problem in clustered UASNs.However, power allocation and slot scheduling were separately designed in [1], which cannot guarantee a global optimum solution.In [2], a power control strategy was introduced to achieve the mini-mum-frame-length slot scheduling. However, EE, as a non-negligi-ble aspect of network performance, is not being considered in [2].In this letter, we formulate a joint slot scheduling and power allo-cation optimization problem to maximize the network’s EE in clus-tered UASNs. The formulated problem with coupled variables is non-convex and mixed-integer, which is challenging to be solved.We propose an efficient iterative algorithm to solve it. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm.N ≜{1,2,...,N }K ≜{1,2,...,K }M ≜{1,2,...,M }Problem statement: A clustered UASN with N sensor nodes grouped into K clusters is considered in this article, with the sets and . Sensor nodes’ operation time in a frame consists of M equal and length-fixed time slots with the index set . The sensor nodes send carriers at the same frequency. The half-duplex (HD) mode and the decode-and-for-ward (DF) mode are adopted for data relaying. The data packet length is assumed equal to the length of the time slot. Since packet collisions occur at the receiver but not the sender, we optimize the slot scheduling from the perspective of signal arrival time. As shown in Fig. 1, packets are scheduled to reach the destination at specific time slots. To avoid collisions, the arriving packets cannot overlap with each other as shown in the example of the packets at the sink from CH1, CH2 and CH3 in Fig. 1.z n =(M ,[t ,1])∈R M ×1M −1We use the sparse vector (which means the t -th element is 1 and the rest elements are 0) to represent the scheduling indicator, i.e., the t -th time slot is assigned to node n to Z ≜{z 1,z 2,...,z N }p n P ≜{p 1,p 2,...,p N }B log 2(1+γn )γn deliver data. Then the slot scheduling of the overall network can beexpressed by the set . The allocated transmission power of node n is denoted as , with the corresponding set of the overall network . By Shannon’s law, the achiev-able link rate of node n to its receiver can be given by R n =, where B is the bandwidth, and is the signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR) at the receiver of node n , which can be written asg nn n N 0(f )where is the link’s channel gain from node to the receiver of node n , is the power spectral density (p.s.d.) ofthe ambient noises at the receiver (refer to [3]), and binary variablen n n ∈N tionships between node n and node , where .We regard the links connecting to the sink (i.e., sea surface buoy node) directly as the bottleneck links, then the EE maximization˙KK Q k ≜{1,2,...,Q k }C (z k )k ∈˙Kγth NR th T p C 1C 2C 3C 4M min M max C 5C 6z k i ,j where is the set of the links connecting to the sinkdirectly, is the remaining part of after removing the cluster con-taining the sink, is the set of cluster members (CMs) in k -th cluster, represents the set of time slots occupiedby the cluster head (CH) to transmit data, is the required SINR threshold for each link, is the required threshold of net-work rate for the entire network, and is a constant integer. is the transmission power constraint. is the SINR constraint to ensure that the signals can be correctly demoduled as shown in the example of CH3 in Fig. 1. indicates that the output link rate of CH k is restrained by the rate of its subnetwork, which ensures that the links connecting to the sink directly are the bottleneck links. is the integer constraint of M ranging from to . is the required minimum network rate constraint. denotes is a binary variable, which is set as 1 when the j -th time slot is occupied by theCorresponding author: Zhi-Xin Liu.Citation: Z.-X. Liu, X.-C. Jin, Y.-A. Xie, and Y. Yang, “Joint slot scheduling and power allocation in clustered underwater acoustic sensor networks,” IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica , vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 1501–1503, Jun.2023.The authors are with the School of Electrical Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China (e-mail:Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at .Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JAS.2022.106031CH1CH2CH2CH1CH3CH3Slot1Signal packetInterference packetSlot2Slot3Slot4Slot5SinkFig. 1. Receiver-synchronized slot scheduling table.C 7C 8C 9C 10i -th CM of the k -th cluster. denotes that each time slot accommo-dates at most one node in a cluster, which is given to avoid packetcollisions. denotes that each node is assigned one and only onetime slot to deliver data in a frame. denotes that the HD mode is adopted, thus CHs could not transmit and receive data simultane-ously as shown in the example of CH1 in Fig. 1. is the con-straint for CHs to ensure that frames will not affect each other.P Z C 2C 3C 5P Z Problem solution: The optimization problem (3) is a non-convex and mixed-integer optimization problem, which cannot be solved directly due to the challenge that the variables M , and are always coupled with each other in , , and the objective function. To tackle the coupled variables, firstly, the exhaustive search method is adopted to solve the variable M , then a BCD-based alternating optimization method is utilized to decouple and .P Z∗Given the , and M , sensors’ optimal slot scheduling solution Q k M Q k M each node is assigned one and only one slot to deliver data and each slot accommodates at most one node in a cluster, the slot scheduling problem in a cluster can be modeled as a weighted matching prob-lem for a bipartite graph, in which the CMs in the k -th cluster and the M time slots can be partitioned into two independent and disjoint sets and such that every edge connects a node in to a time slot in . The weight of the edge is defined as the network rate. Then problem (4) can be solved by the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm proposed in [4]. The process, that optimizing the slot scheduling of a cluster while keeping the other clusters unchangeable, continues until all the clusters are optimized. After a round of optimization, if the network rate is improved, another optimization round will be performed until the network rate no longer increases.C 2Although any two nodes in the same cluster have no mutual inter-ference, it still should be noted that a node in other clusters may be interfered by multi nodes in the optimization cluster. That means the optimal matching obtained by the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm may unsatisfy . For solving this problem, Criterion 1 is proposed to search for the eligible slot scheduling scheme.B B B Criterion 1: Supposing node A is the node unsatisfying the SINR constraint, firstly, we find its interference nodes (called set ) who belong to the optimization cluster. Then, we sort set in descending order in terms of the interference intensity to node A to find the node having the largest interference to node A (called node C). If nodeC has more than one available time slot, the previous assigned slot is forbidden to be assigned to node C. Otherwise, other nodes’ time slot will be checked and forbidden in same fashion unless there are no more time slot that can be forbidden in .Z P∗Given the and , sensors’ optimal transmission power solution can be optimized by solving the following problem:C 3C 5P C 3R k ∀k ∈˙K R k =B log 2A k −B log 2H k A k =p k g kk +∑∀k k ∈N δk (z k )p k g kk +N 0(f )B H k =∑∀k k ∈N δk (z k )p k g kk +N 0(f )B ∑i v i ≥∏i (v i /θi )θiv i ≥0θi >0∑i θi =1∑v objective function and the constraints and with respect to .To obtain a convex upper bound of the left-hand side (LHS) of ,we note that , , can be rewritten as , where , and. Making use of the deformation of arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, which states thatwith , and (the equality happensRk =B log 2A k −B f (P )R k ≤R k ,∀k ∈K ˜pn =ln p n ∀p n ∈P Letting , we have . And the equality happens when (7) holds. Letting , , it isC 3To obtain a concave lower bound of the right-hand side (RHS) of , the logarithmic approximation method used in [5] is adopted.ˇRl ,∀l ∈L ,R l ,∀l ∈L ,C 5˜pn =ln p n ∀p n ∈P of in the objective function and . Substitut-ing the undesired terms in (5) with the upper or lower boundsobtained above, and letting , , problem (5) can be12N ˜Ptional function with a concave numerator and a convex denominatorin terms of the transmission power , and the constraints are all con-vex. Therefore, we can exploit the Dinkelbach’s method [6] to trans-form it into the equivalent convex problemP The optimal solution of problem (5) can be obtained by solving the equivalent convex problem (13) iteratively, which can be tackled with existing optimization tools like CVX. The pseudocode of the optimization process in terms of sensors’ transmission power is shown in Algorithm 1.The pseudocode of the BCD-based alternating optimization algo-rithm is shown in Algorithm 2, in which two variable blocks are opti-mized alteratively corresponding to the two optimization subprob-lems (i.e., the slot scheduling subproblem and the power allocation subproblem) in each iteration of the alternating optimization process.f =10B =2P max =Simulation results: We consider a 10 km × 10 km × 200 m area,where N = 30 underwater sensor nodes deployed randomly at differ-ent sea depths are divided K clusters. We assume that the sensors are stationary, and the data in each sensor’s buffer is always sufficient.We take the carrier frequency kHz, kHz and 2 W.P 0Z 0For assessing the performance of the proposed alternating-opti-mization-based joint slot scheduling and power allocation algorithm (denoted as AO), we present three other schemes as contrasts, which include two kinds of separate optimization methods and the power allocation scheme and the slot scheduling scheme obtained by the proposed CMS-MAC algorithm in [2]. The two separate opti-mization methods are summarized as follows:Algorithm 1 Power Control Algorithm Based on the SCA Technique andthe Dinkelbach’s Methodτεt ←−0˜P{t }←−{ln p 1,ln p 2,...,ln p N }P 1: Set the maximum number of iterations and the maximum tolerance .Initialize iteration index and , where is the input powers;2: repeath ←−0˜P {h }temp←−˜P {t }3: Initialize iteration index and ;η{t }EE ˜P{t }4: Compute with given ;5: repeat αl =γl (˜P {h }temp )1+γl (˜P {h }temp )βl =ln1+γl (˜P {h }temp )γαl l(˜P {h }temp ) ∀l ∈L αq =γq (˜P {h }temp )1+γq (˜P {h }temp )βq =ln 1+γq (˜P {h }temp )γαq q (˜P {h }temp) ∀q ∈Q k ∀k ∈˙K θk ∀k k ∈N θN ∀k ∈˙K˜P {h }temp 6: Compute , , , , , , , and compute ,, , by (7) with given ;η{t }EE Z ˜P {h +1}temp7: Solve (13) with the given and , and obtain the optimal ;h ←−h +18: Update ;˜P h temp ˜P ∗temp 9: until converge to the optimal solution ;˜P{t +1}←−˜P ∗temp 10: ;t ←−t +111: Update ; f (η{t −1}EE )<ε,or t ≥τ12: until ;P ∗={e ˜p{t }1,e ˜p {t }2,...,e ˜p {t }N }13: Obtain the optimal solution ;Algorithm 2 Alternating-Optimization-Based Joint Time Slot Scheduling and Power Allocation AlgorithmM min M max P 0Z 0M min 1: Obtain the low bound and the upper bound of M , and the power allocation solution and the slot scheduling scheme under by the algorithm proposed in [2];ε2: Set the maximum tolerance ;M =M min ;M ≤M max ;M ++3: for do l ←04: Initialize iteration index ;Z {l }M ←Z 0P {l }M ←P 05: Initialize , and ;6: repeatP {l }M Z {l }M Z {l +1}M 7: Solve (4) with the given and by the Kuhn-Munkres algo-rithm, and obtain the optimal slot scheduling ;P {l }M Z {l +1}M P {l +1}M 8: Solve (5) with the given and by Algorithm (1), and obtainthe optimal power allocation ;l ←−l +19: Update ;10: until the increment of ηEE is smaller than ε;η∗M Z {l }M P {l }M 11: Obtain the optimal network EE , and the optimal solution and ;12: endη∗M ∗=Max {η∗M min ,η∗M min +1,...,η∗M max }13: Let ;M ∗Z {l }M ∗P {l }M ∗14: Return the optimal solution , and ;Z 01) Optimal power allocation with fixed slot scheduling (denoted as OPA_FSS): With the fixed slot scheduling scheme , the transmis-sion powers are optimized by Algorithm 1.P 02) Optimal slot scheduling with fixed power allocation (denoted as OSS_FPA): With the fixed power allocation scheme , the slotscheduling of all of sensors are optimized by the slot schedulingalgorithm proposed above.The corresponding comparison results are shown in Fig. 2. It can be observed that the proposed AO shows the best performance. The reason is that slot scheduling and power allocation may be influ-enced by each other, thus it is unreasonable to fix one of them and then solve another. For the proposed AO, slot scheduling and power allocation could be solved in an alternating way, which leads to bet-ter solutions. Furthermore, it can be found that AO achieves signifi-cant EE gains compared to CMS-MAC algorithm.(a)(b)K SINR (dB)2500E E (b i t s /H z /J )E E (b i t s /H z /J )200015001000500γth Fig. 2. Comparisons of EE. (a) for different clustering numbers with = 10dB; (b) for different SINR constraints with K = 7.Conclusion: In this letter, an EE maximization problem withcross-layer design is considered in clustered UASNs. To tackle the non-convex and mixed-integer optimization problem, a BCD-based iterative algorithm is proposed. Numerical results show that the pro-posed joint optimization scheme achieves significant EE gains com-pared to the separate optimization methods.Acknowledgment: This work was supported by the National Natu-ral Science Foundation of China (62273298, 61873223), the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (F2019203095), and Provin-cial Key Laboratory Performance Subsidy Project (22567612H).ReferencesL. Shi and A. O. Fapojuwo, “TDMA scheduling with optimized energy efficiency and minimum delay in clustered wireless sensor networks,”IEEE. Trans. Mob. Comput., vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 927–940, 2010.[1]W. Bai, H. Wang, X. Shen, and R. Zhao, “Link scheduling method for underwater acoustic sensor networks based on correlation matrix,” IEEE Sens. J., vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 4015–4022, 2016.[2]M. Stojanovic, “On the relationship between capacity and distance in an underwater acoustic communication channel,” SIGMOBILE put. Commun. Rev., vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 34–43, 2007.[3]F. Xing, H. Yin, Z. Shen, and V. C. M. Leung, “Joint relay assignment and power allocation for multiuser multirelay networks over underwater wireless optical channels,” IEEE Internet Things J., vol. 7, no. 10, pp. 9688–9701, 2020.[4]Z. Liu, Y. Xie, Y. Yuan, K. Ma, K. Y. Chan, and X. Guan, “Robust power control for clustering-based vehicle-to-vehicle communication,”IEEE Syst. J., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 2557–2568, 2020.[5]J.-P. Crouzeix and J. A. Ferland, “Algorithms for generalized fractional programming,” Mathematical Programming , vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 191–207,1991.[6]LIU et al .: JOINT SLOT SCHEDULING AND POWER ALLOCATION IN CLUSTERED UASNS 1503。
Ch001 Globalization
Learning Objectives
Understand what is meant by the term globalization. Be familiar with the main drivers of globalization. Appreciate the changing nature of the global economy. Appreciate how the process of globalization is creating opportunities and challenges for business managers.
2-1 Declining Trade and Investment Barriers p.8
Table 1.1: Average Tariff Rates on Manufactured Products as Percent of Value
2-1 Volume of world trade and production
1-2 Globalization of production p5
Refers to sourcing of goods and services from locations around the world to take advantage of
Differences in cost or quality of the factors of production Labor Land Capital
in sparse, high-dimensional, linear regression models when the number of covariates may increase with the sample size. We consider variable selection using the adaptive Lasso, where the L1 norms in the penalty are re-weighted by data-dependent weights. We show that, if a reasonable initial estimator is available, then under appropriate conditions, the adaptive Lasso correctly selects covariates with nonzero coefficients with probability converging to one and that the estimators of nonzero coefficients have the same asymptotic distribution that they would have if the zero coefficients were known in advance. Thus, the adaptive Lasso has an oracle property in the sense of Fan and Li (2001) and Fan and Peng (2004). In addition, under a partial orthogonality condition in which the covariates with zero coefficients are weakly correlated with the covariates with nonzero coefficients, marginal regression can be used to obtain the initial estimator. With this initial estimator, adaptive Lasso has the oracle property even when the number of covariates is much larger than the sample size. Key Words and phrases. Penalized regression, high-dimensional data, variable selection, asymptotic normality, oracle property, zero-consistency. Short title. Adaptive Lasso AMS 2000 subject classification. Primary 62J05, 62J07; secondary 62E20, 60F05
ANSI-TIA-EIA-568-B.2-1 Cat.6 June 20 2002
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This Standard does not purport to address all safety problems associated with its use or all applicable regulatory requirements. It is the responsibility of the user of this Standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations before its use.
Published by
Transition Networks CPSMC18xx-xxx 18-Slot PointSys
Table of Contents1Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51.1Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51.2Unpacking the CPSMC18xx-xxx Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72Slide-in-Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82.1Media Converter Slide-in-Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82.1.1Chassis Face Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82.1.2Calculating the Power Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82.1.3Installing the Media Converter Slide-in-Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . .92.1.4Replacing the Media Converter Slide-in-Modules . . . . . . . . . . .102.2Management Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112.2.1Three Types of Management Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112.2.2Installing the Management Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122.2.3Replacing the Management Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133Powering the CPSMC18xx-xxx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143.1AC Power Supply Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143.2DC Power Supply Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163.3Optional Dual Power Supply Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183.4Power Supply Module Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193.4.1Primary/Secondary-Management/Manual Switch . . . . . . . . . . . .193.4.2Installing the Power Supply Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203.4.3Replacing the Power Supply Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213.4.4Replacing the Power Supply Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223.5Optional Fan Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244CPSMC18xx-xxx Chassis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254.1Installing the CPSMC18xx-xxx Chassis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254.1.1Table Top Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254.1.2Standard 19-inch Rack Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254.1.3Grounding Lugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .274.2Telco Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .284.3Cascade Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .314.4Connecting the Slide-in-Modules to the Network . . . . . . . . . . . . .334.5Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .335Network Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .345.1Hardware Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .346Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Technical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Cable Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Contact Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41introductionintroductionslide-in-modules1.2Unpacking the CPSMC18xx-xxx EquipmentUse the following list to verify the shipment:ItemPart Number 18-Slot chassis with AC Power SupplyCPSMC1800-20018-Slot chassis with DC Power SupplyCPSMC1810-20018-Slot chassis with AC Power SupplyCPSMC1850-150and two (2) Telco connectors18-Slot chassis with DC Power SupplyCPSMC1850-160and two (2) Telco connectorsPointSystem™Chassis Face Plates (18)CPSFP-200 Power Cord(varies by country)User’s Guide 33185The following items are optional accessories for the C PSMC 18xx-xxx 18-Slot PointSystem™ chassis:ItemPart Number Redundant AC Power Supply ModuleCPSMP-200 (optional)Redundant 48-VDC Power Supply ModuleCPSMP-210 (optional)Redundant Fan ModuleCPSFM-200 (optional)Single-Slot Master Management ModuleCPSMM-120 (optional)Dual-Slot Master Management ModuleCPSMM-200 (optional)FocalPoint™Software DiskA1-7227(included with the management modules)Expansion Management ModuleCPSMM-210 (optional)Management Module Cascade Connector6026 (optional)Telco RJ-21 (male) to RJ-45 Hydra cable21HC45-6 (optional)Telco RJ-21 to RJ-21 (male-to-male) cable21HC21-6 (optional)Rack Mount EarsCPSRE-230 (optional)Selectable media converter slide-in-module(s)(various P/N) - (optional)slide-in-modulesslide-in-modulesslide-in-modulesslide-in-modulesslide-in-modulespower supplypower supplypower supplypower supplypower supplypower supplypower supplypower supplypower supplypower supplychassischassischassischassisFiber Port #2Fiber Port #1CDFTF1001850-1xx are designed for any Transition Networks Slots 7-18 on the CPSMC1850-1xx can accommodate any Transition Networks media converter slide-in-module. However the Telco option will not functionchassisCascading multiple CPSMC18xx-xxx chassisTo cascade two or more CPSMC18xx-xxx chassis:1.Locate one (1) Transition Networks management module cascade cable (withRJ-45 connectors installed at both ends) (P/N 6026) for each set of two (2)chassis to be cascaded.NOTE: Transition Networks management module cascade cables are one (1)meter long. Ensure that the chassis are installed within one (1) meter of eachother.2.At the first chassis in the series: Plug the RJ-45 connector at one end of thecascade cable into the management module’s RJ-45 port labeled “OUT”.3.At the next chassis in the series: Plug the RJ-45 connector at the other end of thecascade cable into the management module’s RJ-45 port labeled “IN”.4.At the same chassis as in step 3: Plug the RJ-45 connector at one end of thecascade cable into the management module’s RJ-45 port labeled “OUT”.5.At the next chassis in the series: Plug the RJ-45 connector at the other end of thecascade cable into the management module’s RJ-45 port labeled “IN”.6.Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all chassis have been connected.chassisnetwork mgmt.6Troubleshooting1.Are any of the power LEDs on any of the slide-in-modules illuminated, AND arethe fans operating?YES•The chassis is receiving power. Proceed to the next step.NO•Check all power supply cables for proper connection.•For AC power: Ensure the AC receptacle on the wall is supplying power.•If the fuse for the AC receptacle on the wall blows repeatedly, have the ACreceptacle inspected by a qualified electrician.•For DC power: Ensure the DC power supply is supplying power.•Check the fans to see if they are operating.•C ontact Technical Support: U.S./C anada: 1-800-260-1312, International:00-1-952-941-7600.2.For the management modules (CPSMM-120, CPSMM-200, CPSMM-210), areANY of the power LEDs NOT illuminated?NO•All management modules are receiving power. Proceed to the next step.YESFor those management modules where the power LED is NOT illuminated:•Ensure the management module is firmly seated in the slot.•Press the RESET button on the management module.•C ontact Technical Support: U.S./C anada: 1-800-260-1312, International:00-1-952-941-7600.3.For the remaining slide-in-modules, are ANY of the power LEDs NOTilluminated?NO•All slide-in-modules are receiving power. Proceed to the next step.YESFor those slide-in-modules where the power LED is NOT illuminated:•Ensure the slide-in-module is firmly seated in the slot.•C ontact Technical Support: U.S./C anada: 1-800-260-1312, International:00-1-952-941-7600.4.To determine if a fault is due to a software problem, consult the troubleshootingsection of the Focal Point™ 2.0 Management Appl ication and CPSMM100Firmware User’s Guide (P/N 33293). This manual is available on the enclosedapplication CD and on-line at .5.To determine if a fault is due to an individual management module or slide-in-troubleshooting module, consult the troubleshooting section of the user’s guide for thatparticular module.6.If none of the solutions listed in this section resolves the problem, contactTechnical Support: U.S./Canada: 1-800-260-1312, International: 00-1-952-941-7600.Cable SpecificationsNull Modem CableThe Null Modem Cable is used for connecting a terminal or terminal emulator tothe management module’s DB-9 connector to access the command-line interface.The table below shows the pin assignments for the DB9 cable.Function Mnemonic PinCarrier Detect CD1Receive Data RXD2Transmit Data TXD3Data Terminal Ready DTR4Signal Ground GND5Data Set Ready DSR6Request To Send RTS7Clear To Send CTS8The table below shows the pin assignments for the RS-232 null modem cable.RJ-45 CableCategory 5:Gauge:24 to 22 AWGAttenuation: 22.0 dB /100m @ 100 MHzMaximum Cable Distance:100 meters• Straight-through OR crossover cable may be used.• Shielded twisted-pair(STP) OR unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) may be used.• Pins 1&2 and 3&6 are the two active pairs in an Ethernet network.(RJ-45 Pin-out: Pin 1 = TD+, Pin 2 = TD-, Pin 3 = RD+, Pin 6 = RD-)• All pin pairs (1&2, 3&6, 4&5, 7&8) are active in a gigabit Ethernet network.• Use only dedicated wire pairs for the active pins:(e.g., blue/white & white/blue, orange/white & white/orange, etc.)• Do not use flat or silver satin wire.COAX CableCoaxial cable media is used for circuits such as DS3, E1 and 10Base-2 Ethernet.The impedance of the coaxial cable is determined by the interface type, forexample:•75 ohm for DS3.•50 ohm for 10Base-2 Ethernet.Special attention should be given to the grounding requirements of coaxial cablecircuits. Installation may require grounding at both cable ends or only one cableend or neither cable end.Cable Shield GroundingMedia converter network cabling my be shielded or unshielded. Shielded cablesMUST be grounded according to the specific requirements of the media and porttype. For example:•Shielded RJ-45 cable used for 100Base-Tx Ethernet MUST be grounded at both cable endpoints via shielded RJ-45 jacks.•Shielded RS-232 cable MUST have the shield grounded at both cable endpoints via shielded RS-232 connectors.•COAX cable used for 10Base-2 Ethernet MUST only be grounded at a single point.The media converters provide a jumper option or other grounding mechanism asrequired. Special attention should be given to the grounding requirements ofcoaxial cable circuits. Installation may require grounding at both cable ends or onlyone cable end or neither cable end. See the individual media converter user’s guidefor cable/port grounding requirements.WarrantyLimited Lifetime WarrantyEffective for products shipped May 1, 1999 and after. Every Transition Networks' labeled product purchased after May 1, 1999 will be free from defects in material and workmanship for its lifetime. This warranty covers the original user only and is not transferable.This warranty does not cover damage from accident, acts of God, neglect, contamination, misuse or abnormal conditions of operation or handling, including over-voltage failures caused by use outside of the product's specified rating, or normal wear and tear of mechanical components. If the user is unsure about the proper means of installing or using the equipment, contact Transition Networks' free technical support services.To establish original ownership and provide date of purchase, please complete and return the registration card accompanying the product or register the product on-line on our product registration page.Transition Networks will, at its option:•Repair the defective product to functional specification at no charge,•Replace the product with an equivalent functional product, or•Refund the purchase price of a defective product.To return a defective product for warranty coverage, contact Transition Networks' technical support department for a return authorization number. Transition's technical support department can be reached through any of the following means: Technical Support is available 24 hours a day at:•800-260-1312 x 200 or 952-941-7600 x 200•fax 952-941-2322•*******************************•live web chat: and click the “Transition Now” link•voice mail 800-260-1312 x 579 or 952-941-7600 x 579•All messages will be answered within one hour.Send the defective product postage and insurance prepaid to the following address: CSI Material Management Centerc/o Transition Networks508 Industrial DriveWaconia, MN 55387 USAAttn: RETURNS DEPT: CRA/RMA # ___________Failure to properly protect the product during shipping may void this warranty. The return authorization number must be written on the outside of the carton to ensure its acceptance. We cannot accept delivery of any equipment that is sent to us without a CRA or RMA number.The customer must pay for the non-compliant product(s) return transportation costs to Transition Networks for evaluation of said product(s) for repair or replacement.Transition Networks will pay for the shipping of the repaired or replaced in-warranty product(s) back to the customer (any and all customs charges, tariffs, or/and taxes are the customer's responsibility).Before making any non-warranty repair, Transition Networks requires a $200.00 charge plus actual shipping costs to and from the customer. If the repair is greater than $200.00, an estimate is issued to the customer for authorization of repair. If no authorization is obtained, or the product is deemed not repairable, Transition Networks will retain the $200.00 service charge and return the product to the customer not repaired. Non-warranted products that are repaired by Transition Networks for a fee will carry a 180-day limited warranty. All warranty claims are subject to the restrictions and conventions set forth by this document.Transition Networks reserves the right to charge for all testing and shipping incurred, if after testing, a return is classified as "No Problem Found."THIS WARRANTY IS YOUR ONLY REMEDY. NO OTHER WARRANTIES, SUCH AS FITNESS FOR A PARTIC ULAR PURPOSE, ARE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. TRANSITION NETWORKS IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY SPEC IAL, INDIREC T, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, INCLUDING LOSS OF DATA, ARISING FROM ANY CAUSE OR THEORY. AUTHORIZED RESELLERS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO EXTEND ANY DIFFERENT WARRANTY ON TRANSITION NETWORKS' BEHALF.。
Advanced Time Series Topics
General definition of cointegration
Two I(1)-time series
are said to be cointegrated if there
exists a stable relationship between them in the sense that
Cointegration Fortunately, regressions with I(1)-variables are not always spurious If there is a stable relationship between time series that, individually, display unit root behavior, these time series are called „co-integrated“
Advanced Time Series Topics
Critical values for cointegration test
Even more negative than in Dickey-Fuller distribution
The cointegration relationship may include a time trend If the two series have differential time trends (=drifts in this case), the deviation between them may still be I(0) but with a linear time trend In this case one should include a time trend in the first stage regres-sion but one has to use different critical values when testing residuals
DNV GL Rules for Ships - Summary
What does Part 1 provide? General Regulations enhances a clear understanding of the Classification concept by DNV GL. Responsibilities of both customers and DNV GL are more transparent. Improved structure of complete service offering. Clear communication of documentation and certification requirements towards yards, designers and manufacturers throughout the Rules.
Table of Contents Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4 General requirements for materials Metallic materials Non-metallic materials Fabrication and testing
Basler Application Note
1 Introduction
OpenCV is an open-source computer vision library that allows you to perform image processing on Basler Machine Vision cameras. This application note provides information on how to install and use OpenCV in combination with Basler’s pylon Camera Software Suite in Microsoft Visual Studio on Windows operating systems. OpenCV does not support Machine Vision standards such as USB3 Vision, GigE Vision, or IEEE 1394 (FireWire). Therefore, it is not recommended to grab images using OpenCV API functions. Instead, Basler recommends using the pylon Camera Software Suite SDK to grab images and convert them to OpenCV images. This document provides further information on the integration of OpenCV functions for image display, image saving, and video recording into your pylon source code.
Ch 4 Demand, Supply, and Markets
Exhibit 4
An increase in the supply of pizza
S S’ An increase in the supply of pizza is reflected by a rightward shift of the supply curve, from S to S‟. Quantity supplied increases at each price level.
– Lower price
• Greater real income
• Increase ability to purchase all goods
Demand Schedule and Demand Curve
• Demand schedule
– Possible prices – Quantity demanded at each price – Law of demand
(b) Demand curve
c d e D
The market demand D shows the quantity of pizza demanded, at various prices, by all consumers. Price and quantity demanded are inversely related.
– Future income increase
• Increase the current demand
• Price expectations
– Future price increases
• Increase current demand
MaxMark—VineyMenuItem 18: (Topic 18)Futures contracts and forward rate agreementsQuestion 1: Futures contracts are traded on several exchanges located in various countries. Which of the following is correct?A: futures contracts are not standardised by each exchangeB: most of the contracts traded on the Sydney Futures Exchange are also traded on one or more other futures exchanges such as the Chicago Board of TradeC: futures contracts are highly standardised but the contracts traded differ between the various exchangesD: the conventions adopted for quoting the prices of futures contracts are the same for all futures exchangesFeedback: One essential feature of futures contracts is standardisation but the conventions for quoting prices differ between exchanges, so A and D are not correct. In general, the contracts traded differ between exchanges because each exchange trades futures contracts that are based on securities that are issued and traded within the same country so B is also incorrect but C is correct. MORE: Financial Institutions, Instruments and Markets 5/e, p. 699.While futures contracts are highly standardised, the types of contracts vary between exchanges in different countries. Each futures exchange tends to offer contracts based on underlying securities traded in that country. For example, with government bond futures contracts, the CBOT offers US Treasury bond futures contracts, the Sydney Futures Exchange offers Commonwealth Treasury bond futures contracts and Eurex offers Euro-Bund contracts. The convention adopted for the quotation of the price of a futures contract on a particular exchange may also vary. For example, in the US and European markets bonds are typically quoted on the basis of their clean price, being the present value of a bond less accrued interest, whereas in the Australian market bonds are quoted on the basis of their yield to maturity.Question 2: A group of students was asked to identify the general principles that apply to the use of futures contracts. Which of the following principles identified by the students is not correct?A: futures contracts are derivative products that are derived from an underlying physical commodity or financial instrumentB: pricing of futures contracts is based on the price of the underlying itemC: future physical market price changes are offset by a profit or loss in the futures marketD: futures contracts are usually closed out by delivery of the physical market commodity or instrumentFeedback: Many futures contracts are not deliverable and even when contracts are deliverable, delivery of the physical market commodity or instrument is rare. Most traders close out their position by a reversing trade prior to the delivery date, so the statement in D is false, making it the correct answer.MORE: Financial Institutions, Instruments and Markets 5/e, p. 698.A hedger can use a futures contract to create a situation in which any change in the physical market price of a commodity or financial asset is offset by a profit or loss derived from a corresponding change in the value of the futures contract. The following example illustrates the general principles and procedures involved in hedging through the futures market.Consider a farmer who grows wheat. The farmer is concerned that the price of wheat may fall before the wheat is ready for harvest and sale. The farmer would be happy to obtain the current price of wheat, but the wheat will not be ready to harvest for some months. The potential adverse effect of a fall in wheat prices can be hedged by selling futures contracts today equal in value to the current value of the expected wheat harvest. The futures contract is an obligation for the farmer to supply a specified quantity of wheat on a specified future date and at a price specified today. When the specified future date arrives, the farmer has two options. The first is to deliver the wheat according to the terms of the futures contracts and receive the originally agreed-upon price. However, this course of action (that is, the physical delivery of the commodity) is not normally taken. The second option is for the farmer to sell the wheat through the usual grain market and, at the same time, repurchase the futures contracts that were originally sold at the commencement of the hedging strategy. If the price for wheat in the grain market has fallen on the day that the farmer repurchases the futures contracts, the price of the related wheat futures contracts will also have fallen in line with the price changes in the physical market. (Remember, the price of a derivative contract is derived from the underlying physical market product.)Question 3: Which of the following are characteristics of futures trading on the Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE)?A: transactions in the ‘trading pits’ are conducted by ‘open outcry’B: trading occurs via an electronic system that matches buying and selling ordersC: the main role of the clearing-house (Sydney Futures Exchange Clearing-House [SFECH]) is to record all transactionsD: the prices for bond futures contracts are quoted in terms of the dollar value of the underlying bondFeedback: Transactions in the trading pits were conducted by open outcry but the trading floor was closed in 1999 and all trading on the SFE now occurs via an electronic system. The clearing-house has other important roles including enforcing payment of deposits and margins, and the prices of bond futures contracts are quoted in terms of the yield of the underlying bond, not its price. In summary, B is the only accurate statement.MORE: Financial Institutions, Instruments and Markets 5/e, pp. 700–701.The brokers will pass the orders to SFE dealers who will enter their respective orders into the SFE’s electronic trading system. The system automatically matches corresponding buy and sell orders. Where more than one buy or sell order is lodged on the system at the same price, the first order received is given priority in the matching process.Until mid-1999 these transactions would have been handled on the trading floor of the SFE. The orders would have gone to the ten-year Treasury bond trading pit—one of a series of recessed pits on the floor of the exchange where trade in specific commodities or contracts took place, by a system known as open outcry. The bids to buy or sell were called out aloud so that all dealers trading in that pit could hear. The verbal outcry was supported by hand signals. For example, a trader holding up his or her hand with the hand facing away from the trader and with three fingers showing was indicating an offer to sell three contracts. This was intended to give each dealer an equal chance to accept the buy or sell prices being quoted. If there were no responses to the called quotes, the price could be adjusted and quoted aloud again until it attracted a party to complete the transaction. Open outcry trading no longer occurs in Australia, and is rapidly disappearing from other exchanges around the world. However, the largest exchanges in Chicago still retain open outcry.Returning to the example: the electronic trading system has matched the bid (buy) of company B with the ask (sell) of company S, and the transaction is in place. The price of the transaction is based on the yield of the contract; however, a futures contract on the SFE is quoted as an index figure (100 minus the yield). The three-year Commonwealth Treasury bond contract is quoted to two decimal places, while the ten-year contract is quoted to three decimal places. Therefore, if company B and company S enter into contracts at a yield of 7.25 per cent per annum, the contract will be quoted as 92.750 (100 minus 7.25).Futures contracts are quoted at an index figure of 100 minus the yield so that a dealer can follow the basic principle of buy low and sell high. The price of the contract in the example is based on a 7.25 per cent yield. If this contract were to be sold at a later date at a yield of 6 per cent, then it at first seems that a loss would be made because the contract was bought at 7.25 per cent and sold at 6 per cent. If, however, we calculate the actual prices of the two contracts we find that a profit would be made. Therefore, by adopting the index quote convention, if the dealer buys at 92.750 and sells at 94.000 it is apparent that a profit has been made.Question 4: Which of the following statements about margin requirements on the Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) is not correct?A: each party entering into a futures contract is required to pay an initial marginB: initial margins change from time to time and tend to be increased when price volatility is high C: if the price of a contract changes, each party may be required to top up the initial marginD: margins are designed to cover the maximum loss that can be expected in a single dayFeedback: All the statements are accurate except that when the price of a contract changes, only one party—that is the one that has incurred a loss may be required to top up the initial margin—so C is inaccurate, making it the correct answer.MORE: Financial Institutions, Instruments and Markets 5/e, p. 702.An agreement to buy is called a long position and an agreement to sell is known as a short position. When company B and company S enter into their positions (contracts) they do not need to pay the full price of the contract; instead they are only required to pay a deposit or initial margin. The initial margin is held by the clearing-house. Initial margins change from time to time, depending on the price volatility of the underlying commodity or financial asset of the futures contract. During periods of high price volatility, the margin tends to be increased. The initial margins are similar to a performance bond or collateral that supports the value of the futures contract. They are imposed to ensure that dealers and their clients are able to pay for any losses incurred throughout the life of the contract, thus protecting the profits of the opposite party to the transaction. The SFE clearing-house uses a margining system developed by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), known as SPAN (Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk). SPAN uses a set of predetermined parameters that are set by the clearing-house in order to assess the maximum potential loss that can be expected on a specified portfolio over a one-day period. The margin will cover this potential loss amount.The value of the buy and sell contracts of companies B and S will change over time; if the value of one contract goes up, the value of the other contract will go down. If adverse price movements result in the initial margin no longer being sufficient to cover the contract, the company will be required to top up the margin held with the clearing-house. This is achieved through a variation or maintenance margin call. Maintenance margins are imposed to ensure that parties to futures contracts do not default on their contracts if the price of the contract moves against them.Question 5: Company B entered the futures market buying a Treasury bond futures contract at the same time that company S sold an identical contract. Company B now wishes to close out its position. Which of the following is not correct?A: to close out its position company B must sell an identical bond futures contractB: company B can close out its position by selling only if company S agrees to buy the contract C: if company B leaves the market by closing out, it is able to withdraw the balance in its margin accountD: because of novation, company B is able to close out without any involvement with company SFeedback: Each transaction on a futures exchange really involves two contracts, one between the buyer and the clearing-house and another between the seller and the clearing-house. This process of novation facilitates trading and means that company B can close out its position by selling to any buyer in the market. In summary, A, C and D are valid, but B is false, making it the correct answer.MORE: Financial Institutions, Instruments and Markets 5/e, p. 703.A futures exchange offers a market in which contracts are bought and sold. CompanyB and company S are therefore able to close out their open positions at any time by conducting an opposite futures contract transaction. Assume that company S only had a short-term risk exposure to manage and now decides to liquidate, or close out, its contract when the current market price is at 92.500. To close out its position, it would instruct its broker to enter into a contract that is exactly the opposite in direction, but identical in delivery date, to that of its initial futures contract. That is, company S initially entered a ‘sell one ten-y ear Commonwealth Treasury bond contract’. It would now enter a ‘buy one ten-year Commonwealth Treasury bond contract’ for delivery on the same date. This new contract would be conducted with a third market participant, perhaps company R. The second contract reverses or closes out the first contract and company S would no longer have an open position in the futures market.Company S takes the $1639.04 profit made by selling a contract at 92.750 and purchasing a contract at 92.500. The company is also able to withdraw its initial margin held with the clearing-house since its market position is closed out. Company B retains its agreement to buy a contract at 92.750 and has paid the additional maintenance margin on the margin call. Company R agrees to sell a contract at 92.500 and deposits its initial margin through its broker with the clearing-house.The open positions at the clearing-house remain unaltered by the transactions. There is still the same number of contracts at the contract delivery date. In effect, the clearing-house is the counterparty to each contract. It becomes the buyer to each seller and the seller to each buyer. By serving this role, the clearing-house makes it possible for one party to a contract to be substituted for another at any time. This process, known as novation, facilitates easy entry to and exit from the market.Question 6: Multinational Limited previously sold a three-year Treasury bond futures contract on the Sydney Futures Exchange and now wishes to close out its open position on the delivery date. Which of the following statements relating to the closing out of a futures position is not correct? A: the company may enter into a ‘buy’ contract of the same face valueB: a new ‘buy’ contract must have the same delivery date as the original ‘sell’ contractC: the clearing-house acts as counterparty to the contracts through the process of novationD: the company may choose to deliver the specified Treasury bonds in settlementFeedback: All the statements are accurate, except that the three-year Treasury bond futures contractMORE: Financial Institutions, Instruments and Markets 5/e, p. 704.The SFE requires that financial futures bought and sold contracts that are still in existence at the close of trading in the contract month be settled with the clearing-house. Depending on the particular futures contract, final settlement may be in the form of delivery of the actual underlying financi al asset (known as ‘standard delivery’) or may be a cash settlement. For example, the ninety-day bank-accepted bills futures contract may be completed by standard delivery or cash settlement. Standard delivery may be by physical bank-accepted bills or bank-negotiable certificates of deposit, or their electronic equivalent, each of face value AUD100 000, AUD500 000 or AUD1 000 000, maturing eighty-five to ninety-five days from settlement day. On the other hand, the three-year Commonwealth Treasury bond contract, the ten-year Commonwealth Treasury bond contract and the SFE/SPI200 Index contract can only be completed by cash settlement. Futures contracts based on the shares of individual listed companies require standard delivery of 1000 underlying shares per contract.Question 7: A party who wishes to trade in the futures market will place an order with a futures broker. Which of the following must be specified when placing an order?A: the type of contract to be bought or soldB: the delivery monthC: whether the order is a limit order or a market orderD: all of the aboveFeedback: The broker will need several details from a client including those identified in A, B and C, so D is the correct answer.MORE: Financial Institutions, Instruments and Markets 5/e, p. 700.An order normally specifies the following:∙whether it is a buy order (company B) or a sell order (company S)∙what type of contract (ten-year Commonwealth Treasury bond contract)∙the delivery month, that is, the date on which the contract expires∙any price restrictions that may apply to the order (For example, the order may be a market order: an order to buy or sell at the current market price. Alternatively, it may be a limit order: an order to buy at the lowest price up to a specified limit, or to sell at the highest price down to a specified limit.)∙ a time limit on the order. The transaction must be completed by a nominated date or the order is to be withdrawn.Question 8: Which of the following statements about futures markets is correct?A: any contracts that have not been closed out prior to the delivery date will simply expireB: the vast majority of futures contracts are closed out prior to the delivery dateC: all futures contracts traded on the Sydney Futures Exchange must be settled by ‘standard delivery’D: the only reason for trading in futures markets is to manage risk exposureFeedback: All futures contracts that are still open at the delivery date must be settled, they do not‘expire’. Some futures contracts are not deliverable and must be settled in cash, and reasons for trading in futures include speculation and arbitrage as well as hedging. In summary, A, C and D are incorrect, but B is correct.Most market participants who conduct futures contract transactions do so either to manage a risk exposure or to try and profit from changes in the price of the contracts. They do not wish to actually deliver or receive the underlying commodity or financial asset specified in the futures contract. Therefore, the vast majority of financial futures contracts are closed out prior to the delivery date; that is, contract holders will either buy or sell an additional contract on or before the expiry date in order to close out their open position. The SFE requires that financial futures bought and sold contracts that are still in existence at the close of trading in the contract month be settled with the clearing-house. Depending on the particular futures contract, final settlement may be in the form of delivery of the actual underlying financial asset (known as ‘standard delivery’) or may be a cash settlement.Question 9: Which of the following is consistent with the basic hedging rule?A: an investor with a diversified share portfolio buys the SPI200 index futures contract.B: a fund manager who intends to buy government bonds in two months’ time, sells a three-year Treasury bond futures contract today.C: a company that plans to borrow in three months’ time buys bank bill futures contracts today. D: an investor with a diversified share portfolio sells the SPI200 index futures contract. Feedback: The basic hedging rule is that a hedger should carry out the same transaction in the futures market today that is to be carried out later in the physical market. The transactions outlined in A, B and C are all inconsistent with the rule. For example, a company that plans to borrow in the future (as in C) will effectively issue (sell) debt securities so to hedge it should sell futures today. The scenario in D is consistent with the rule so it is the correct answer.MORE: Financial Institutions, Instruments and Markets 5/e, p. 710.Recall the rule in hedging transactions: ‘conduct the same transaction in the futures market today that is to be carried out in the physical market at a later date’. Therefore, the treasurer wishes to borrow in three months’ time by selling bank bills, so he or she will begin the strategy by selling a futures contract today. Three months later the treasurer will close out the open position by buying an identical futures contract.Question 10: Ossie Limited has identified an exposure to changes in interest rates on its existing debt facilities. The company’s financial manager is considering the use of futures c ontracts to manage that risk and is unsure which of the following contracts may not be used for managing interest rate risk.A: ninety-day bank accepted bills contract.B: SFE/SPI200 index contract.C: three-year Treasury bond contract.D: option on a ninety-day bank accepted bills futures contract.Feedback: The contracts identified in A, C and D can all be used to manage interest rate risk. The SPI/200 contract mentioned in B is based on a share price index, so it is used to manage the risk associated with fluctuations in the equity market, not interest rates.MORE: Financial Institutions, Instruments and Markets 5/e, p. 705.Futures contracts based on financial assets represent a significant part of the market. On the various futures exchanges around the world it is possible to trade contracts based on a wide range of currencies, including the pound sterling, the Canadian dollar, the Japanese yen, the euro, the Swiss franc and the Australian dollar. Contracts are also available on interest rates, share-market indicesexample, contracts based on the following short-term instruments: US ninety-day Treasury bills, three-month bank CDs, three-month eurodollar deposits, short-term sterling gilt securities and Australian ninety-day bank-accepted bills. Contracts based on longer-term interest rates include, for example, US ten-year T-notes, US fifteen-year Treasury bonds, US municipal bonds, UK longer-term gilt securities, and Australian three-year and ten-year Commonwealth Treasury bonds. Question 11: Hedgers use the futures markets to reduce price risk. Which of the following are examples of hedging?A: an Australian exporter with USD receivables buys an AUD futures contract on a US exchange B: a borrower sells a Treasury bond futures contractC: an equities investor sells a share price index futures contractD: all of the aboveFeedback: The exporter will be concerned that the value of the USD may fall. A fall in the USD is equivalent to a rise in the AUD so the futures contract would increase in value, offsetting any loss on the USD receivables. If interest rates rise, the price of a bond futures contract will fall, so the seller will make a gain that offsets the higher interest cost. Similarly, a short position in share price index futures will result in gains that offset any fall in share prices. In summary, A, B and C are all examples of hedging, making D the correct answer.MORE: Financial Institutions, Instruments and Markets 5/e, pp. 706–707.Hedgers use the market in an attempt to manage price risks such as exposures to changes in interest rates, exchange rates and share prices. For example, an exporter of goods may have a USD receivable due in ninety days’ time and is concerned that the USD may fall in value during that period. The exporter can hedge this FX risk by buying an AUD futures contract on, say, the SFE or the CME. Buying an AUD contract is in effect the same as selling USD. In order to protect the underlying commercial transaction from the risk of price movements, a hedging transaction involves taking a position opposite to the underlying exposed transaction. In the example of the exporter with a USD receivable, the hedge requires that the exporter enters into a futures contract in the opposite direction; that is, the exporter will sell USD or enter into a ‘buy an AUD futures’ contract.Other examples of the use of the futures market as a means of reducing the risk of price fluctuations include the following:∙ A borrower can lock in the cost of borrowing by selling futures contracts in order to protect against the risk of rising interest rates.∙An investor can lock in the yield on an investment, and protect against the effects of falling interest rates, by buying futures contracts.∙An importer with FX payables, or a company having to make interest payments to foreign lenders, can lock in the price of the required foreign currency by buying FX futures (selling AUD futures).∙ A portfolio manager who anticipates a decline in the share market can sell sharemarket index futures contracts to protect the value of the portfolio.∙An investor who expects to buy shares at some time in the future, but who also expects the share market to rise before buying the shares, can obtain protection by buying specific company share futures contracts now.Question 12: One category of futures market participants is speculators. Which of the following statements about speculators is not correct?B: speculators aim to profit by taking on exposure to riskC: price changes caused by speculators in futures markets can indicate likely price changes in the corresponding physical marketD: speculators typically cause futures prices to fluctuate in ways that are not related to prices in the corresponding physical marketFeedback: A and B are both valid. If speculators are to profit and survive, they must at times be the first, or among the first, to trade on new information that influences the prices of futures and of the underlying asset. This is consistent with the statement in C but inconsistent with D so it is the correct answer.MORE: Financial Institutions, Instruments and Markets 5/e, p. 708.Speculators are important to the efficient operation of the futures market; they perform the useful role of being the counterparty to a position that a hedger wants to take. Speculators often take on the risks that hedgers seek to avoid. Without them, trading volumes in the market would be much lower. Speculators also provide information to market participants on the expected future direction of the price of physical market commodities and financial assets. It is in the interests of the speculators to gather all available information relevant to factors that will affect the prices of the underlying commodities or financial assets of the futures contract in which they trade. Collecting and processing this information enables the speculator to forecast future price trends. On the basis of these forecasts, speculators will take a position in the futures market, and this will affect the prices of the contracts in which they are active. The resulting price fluctuations are an indicator of the direction in which the prices of the underlying physical market assets are expected to move. This is valuable information to those who deal in the physical markets, regardless of whether or not they intend to transact in the futures market.Question 13: Market participants whose activities serve to achieve equilibrium between the pricesin related markets are known as:A: speculatorsB: hedgersC: arbitrageursD: floor tradersFeedback: Arbitrage involves buying a commodity or security in one market and simultaneously selling it in another market at a higher price to make a risk-free profit. These actions of arbitrageurs will, of course, tend to bring prices into equilibrium; thereby, eliminating the arbitrage opportunity, so C is the correct answer.MORE: Financial Institutions, Instruments and Markets 5/e, p 709.Arbitrageurs, through their transactions, bring about price changes in the markets such that the price of a physical market commodity or financial asset and the associated futures contract are brought into equilibrium with one another.Question 14: Media Limited has an existing $900 000 promissory note facility that it intends to rollover in ninety days’ time. The company’s manager is concerned that interest rates will rise before the rollover date and he/she enters into a ninety-day bank accepted bills futures contract at 92.50. Three months later the company closes out its futures position at 91.75. Using the above data, calculate the profit or loss on the futures transactions. (Ignore margin calls and transaction costs.)。
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CHAPTER SUMMARY – CHAPTER 18What Is Control and Why Is It Important?✓Define control.✓Contrast the three approaches to designing control systems.✓Discuss the reasons why control is important.✓Explain the planning-controlling link.Controlling is the process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting work performance.The market control approach emphasizes the use of external market mechanisms to establish the control standards. The bureaucratic control approach emphasizes organizational authority and relies on administrative rules, regulations, procedures, and policies. The clan control approach uses shared values, norms, traditions, rituals, beliefs, and other aspects of the organization’s culture (the clan) to control employee behavior. (See Exhibit 18-1.)Control is important for three reasons. It’s how managers know whether goals and plans are on target. It’s also beneficial for empowering employees. And it’s used to protect the organization and its assets.Planning and controlling are linked because through controlling, managers are able to determine whether the goals and plans established in the planning phase are actually being accomplished. (See Exhibit 18-2.)The Control Process✓Describe the three steps in the control process.✓Explain why what is measured is more critical than how it’s measured.✓Explain the three courses of action managers can take in controlling.The three steps in the control process are measuring actual performance, comparing actual performance to standards, and taking any necessary managerial action. (See Exhibits 18-3 and 18-7.)“What” is measured is more critical than “how” it’s measured since selecting the wrong criteria to measure can create serious problems. Also, people in the organization will attempt to excel at what is being measured. (See Exhibit 18-4.)The three possible courses of action include doing nothing, correcting actual performance (immediate corrective action or basic corrective action), or revising the standard.Controlling for Organizational Performance✓Define organizational performance.✓Describe the most frequently used measures of organizational performance.Organizational performance is the accumulated end results of all the organization’s work activities.The most frequently used measures of organizational performance include organizational productivity (overall output of goods or services produced divided by the inputs needed to generate that output), organizational effectiveness (how appropriate organizational goals are and how well the organization is achieving those goals), and industry rankings (see Exhibit 18-8), which are comparisons of companies within industries on various measures.Tools for Controlling Organizational Performance✓Contrast feedforward, concurrent, and feedback controls.✓Explain the types of financial and information controls managers can use.✓Describe how balanced scorecards and benchmarking are used in controlling.Feedforward controls are controls that prevent anticipated problems since they’re used before the actual work activity. Concurrent controls are controls that are used while a work activity is in progress. Feedback controls are controls that are used after the actual work activity has been completed. (See Exhibit 18-9.)Managers can use the traditional financial controls including budgets and ratio analysis. (See Exhibit 18-10.) They could also use other financial controls such as economic value added and market value added. Information controls that managers could use include a management information system and data and information security.A balanced scorecard is a performance measurement tool that looks at four areas that contribute to a company’s performance – financial, customers, internal processes, and people/innovation/growth assets. Benchmarking – the search for best practices – can be a useful control tool for identifying specific performance gaps and potential areas of improvement.Contemporary Issues in Control✓Describe how managers may have to adjust controls for cross-cultural differences.✓Discuss the types of workplace concerns managers face and how they can address those concerns.✓Explain why control is important to customer interactions.✓Explain what corporate governance is and how it’s changing.Because of differences in culture and the challenges associated with long-distance managing, managers may use more formal techniques and rely more on information technology. Another challenge is comparability of data.Three main workplace concerns face managers: workplace privacy, employee theft, and workplace violence. Managers need to monitor workplaces because of potential lost work productivity, to reduce the potential risk of being sued for creating a hostilework environment, and to ensure that company secrets aren’t being leaked. Employ ee theft and workplace violence can be deterred or reduced by approaching it from the perspective of feedforward, concurrent, and feedback controls. (See Exhibits 18-13 and 18-15.)Control is important for customer interactions because organizations want to create long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with their customers.Corporate governance is the system used to govern a corporation so that the interests of corporate owners are protected. Two areas of corporate governance reform involve the role of the board of directors and the organization’s financial reporting. (See Exhibits 18-17 and 18-18.)。