ibtas 解析方式




托福独立写作题型解析之古今对比题有时候托福写作中会考到今昔对比题,有些考生不知道从何下手,下面小编给大家带来托福独立写作题型解析之古今对比题,希望对大家有所帮助!托福独立写作题型之古今对比题古今对比题,It is easier to be well educated today than it is in the past. 现在比过去更容易接受良好的教育。





比如,人们现在有各种各样的电子产品(electronic devices),能够方便我们在网上学习,看国外教授的讲座;甚至在走路、排队的时候,都可以用移动设备(Portable devices)学习;而在过去人们只能去教室听课,形式比较单一。



【举一反三】Nowadays people are more willing to help the people who they don’t know (for example, giving food and clothes to the people who need them) than they were in the past.首先,科技的发展让人们能够很快的知道哪里有需要帮助的人(social media; smart-phones; instant messaging)其次,人们的经济水平改善了,物质方面有条件去帮助有需要的人。



第4 页
1 2
体温39度、咽喉红 肿、呼吸有痰、血 脂高、白细胞正常、 血糖高
感觉浑身没劲、咳 嗽、发热、嗓子痛
找家知名医院、知 名大夫
量体温、看嗓子、 听心跳呼吸、验血、 验尿
Hale Waihona Puke 论证确诊7确定方针及实施
可能上火发炎 可能高血脂 可能有病毒 可能糖尿病 可能心动过速
SMART原则三 A(Attainable)
所谓可达成性,就是指目标设置时要坚持员工参与、上下左右沟通,使拟定的工 作目标在组织及个人之间达成一致。
能制定出跳起来“摘星星”的目标。 我们现在存在的问题:
任务目标制定的过于宽松。 eg:“促进销售”项目中的工作目标 远远低于销售规划。 工作任务单的不能体现组织目标。 eg:工作任务单各项目是下属工作任
包含的指标。eg:部分工作任务单 “相关KPI指标”一列长期空白。
SMART原则五 T(Time-based)
所谓时限性,就是指目标设置时,具体完成时间要有明确的计划完成时间。 没有明确的完成时间,工作计划则会变得毫无意义。对于一项没有明确的完成时间 的任务的考核、激励也将流于形式,且很难公平。
工作项目名称过于笼统。eg:工作 项目填写为“促进销售”,此工作项 目在任务单中,全年不用换名。 工作步骤严重简化。eg:工作步骤 “研讨,确定,报批”,这不是工作 步骤,是“工作方法论”。 没有输出资料。部分任务单中输出 资料一列长期视而不见。

7月托福考试攻略:改革不用慌!写作新题型Discussion Board全解析!

7月托福考试攻略:改革不用慌!写作新题型Discussion Board全解析!

7月托福考试攻略:改革不用慌!写作新题型Discussion Board全解析!7月托福考试攻略:改革不用慌!写作新题型Discussion Board 全解析!7月托福考试攻略:改革不用慌!写作新题型DiscussionBoard 全解析!托福改革不用慌!写作新题型DiscussionBoard全解析近期网传托福将于今年7月迎来重大改革,就目前的消息来看,新版托福考试将会对考试内容进行精简,显著降低考生的体力消耗。








1.先分析题干要求Thetest-takermustreadthequestionpostedbytheprofessorandth etwostudentresponses.Finally,theyshouldwritetheirownresponsewhichaddressesthequestionanda ddstotheconversation.教授抛出1个debate,提问大家的立场。




新TOEFL阅读题型及解题方法新托福(托福iBT)● 2005 年9 月,美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)在全球推出新托福考试,即TOEFL iBT(Internet Based Test)。

● TOEFL iBT能够反映学生在一流大专院校的教学和校园生活中的语言应用能力。



●阅读和听力考试之后有10 分钟休息时间。

新TOEFL阅读部分In TOEFL test, there are usually 13 to 14 questions for each passage and the question types can be summarized as the following.1.Factual questions(3-6 questions per set)2.Negative Factual questions(0-2 questions per set)3.Inference Questions(0-2 questions per set)4.Rhetorical Purpose Questions(0-2 questions per set)5.Sentence Insertion Questions(1 question per set)6.Sentence Reference Questions(0-2 questions per set)7.Sentence Restatement Questions(1 question per set)8.Prose Summary Questions(1 question per set)9.Fill in a Table Questions(1 question per set)10.Vocabulary Questions(0-3 questions per set)1. FQ (Factual questions)Definition: FQ ask about explicit facts and details in the passage. They often contain: who, what, when, where, why. For FQ, the information needed for an answer is directly stated somewhere in the passage.Characteristics: FQ often begin with the following1.According to the passage,2.According to the information in paragraph 23.What does the author say aboutTips for FQ:1.Focus on one or two key words from the question, they might be DATE, NAMEand other nouns so on2.Scan the passage and look only for these words as you scroll down3.The questions usually follow the order of the passage, therefore, usually scrolldown form the last questions you answered, you do not need to read the entire passage again4.Underline the sentences where contain the key words, read preceding andfollowing sentences as well.2. Negative Factual Questions (NFQ)Definitions: NFQ ask you to determine which of the four answer choices is not given in the passage. It often contains words, NOT, EXCEPT, LEAST. They always appear in Uppercases.Characteristics: NFQ often begin with the following structures1.According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?3.Which of the following is LEAST likely?Tips for NFQ1.Read the questions first, locate key words.e Key Words technique to look for the information in the passage related witheach answer3.Identify the answer that is not mentioned in the passagesExercise I: Locate the key words for the following sentences:1.What story is told about the first dentist in the North American colonies?2.People in which of the following occupations probably did NOT practiceemergency dentistry?3.What materials did Paul Revere use to make artificial teeth?4.How many students graduated in the first class to study dentistry in the UnitedStates?5.How is the building that housed the first dental school in the United States atpresent?6.According to the passage, what were ”Negative spray” and “Vitalized Air”?7.In what year did William Morton demonstrated ether?8.Which of the following is NOT one of the problems that X rays can indicate?9.What were …dental engines‟?10.How did the dental drills that were developed in the 1950‟s reduce heat and pain? III. Inference questionsDefinition: These questions require you to make inferences according to the information provided in the passages. The answers to these questions are not directly stated anywhere in the passage, but it can be inferred.Characteristics: The questions usually contain the words infer or imply1.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?2.In paragraph..., the author implies that…?3.It can be concluded from the information in paragraph…that…4.The author suggests that:Types of Inference:Infer in reverse direction1.Although this rise of oil is almost always carefully controlled today, sproutsof oil, or gushers, were common in the past.Which of the following can be inferred about the gushers?A.They make bringing the oil to the surface easierB.They signal the presence of huge oil reservesC.They waste more oil in the pastD.They are unlikely to occur nowadays2.The story of the western movement of population in the United States is, in themain, the story of the expansion of agriculture- of the development of new areas for the raising of livestock and the cultivation of wheat, corn, tobacco and cotton.After 1815 improved transportation enabled more and more western farmers to escape a self-sufficient way of life enter a national market economyWhat can be inferred from paragraph 1 about western farmers prior to 18151.They had limited their crop production to wheat, corn, tobacco and cotton.2.They were able to sell their products at high prices.3.They had not been successful in raising cattle4.They did not operate in a national market3.This was before the steam locomotive, and canal building was at its height. Which of the following can be inferred about canal building?A.Canals were built primarily in the in the south of England rather than in otherregionsB.Canal building decreased after the steam locomotive was invented.C.Canal building made it difficult to study rock strata which often became damagedin the processD.Canal builders hired surveyors like smith to examine exposed rock strata4.Sediments above and below the gypsum layers contained tiny marine fossils,indicating open-ocean conditions.Which of the following can be inferred about solid gypsum layers?A.It did not contain any marine fossilB.It had formed in open-ocean conditionsC.It had once been soft, deep-sea mudD.It contained sediment from nearby desertsInfer according to the key wordsIn all probabilities, it was the fertile plain of Latium, where the Latin who founded Rome originated, that created the habits and skills of landed settlement, landed property, landed economy, landed administration and a land-based society. Which of the following can be inferred about the people of Latium?A.Their economy was based on trade relations with other settlements.B.They held different values than the people of RomeC.Agriculture played a significant role in the societyD.They possessed unusual knowledge of animal instinctExercises I: Identify the correct inferences based on the sentence or short passage:1. If a metalworker from 3,000 years ago could somehow travel forward in time, he would recognize virtually every step of the lost-wax process that today is used to cast titanium for jet engines.A: Titanium has been forged for thousands of years.B: The lost-wax methods of casting metal is very oldC: Metalworking has changed very little in 3,000 years.2. When apple growers talk about new varieties of apples. They don‟t mean something developed last month, last year, or even in the last decade.A: Apple growers have not developed any new varieties of apples in recent decades. B: Some varieties of apples can be developed in a short time, but others take a long time.C: New varieties of apples take a long time to develop.3. High level of serum cholesterol used to be thought of as a problem only for adults. A: High level of serum cholesterol are no longer a problem for adults.B: Only children have a problem with high levels of serum cholesterol.C: High serum cholesterol affects both adults and children.4. Alpha Centauri, one of the closest stars to Earth, is just 4.3 light years away. It can be seen only from the southern Hemisphere. However, the closest star(other than our own Sun, of course) is a tiny red star, Proxima Centauri, which is not visible without a telescope.A: ProximaCentauri, is the closest star to Earth.B: Alpha Centauri, is invisible from earth without a telescope.C: Proxima Centauri is closer than 4.3 light years from the earth.5. Compared with the rest of its brain, the visual area of a turtle‟s brain is quite small, since turtles, like all other reptiles, depend mainly on senses other than sight.A: No reptile uses sight as its primary sense.B: Animals that depend on sight all have larger visual areas in their brain than turtles do.C: The visual area of other reptiles‟ brain is smaller than that of turtles.6. An old but still useful proverb says,” beware of oak, it draws the stroke.” In general, trees with deep roots that tap into groundwater attract more lightning than do treeswith shallow, dry roots. Oak are fifty times more likely to be struck than beeches. Pines are not safe as beeches but are still much safer than oaks.A: The roots of oak are fifty times deeper than those of beeches.B: Pines‟ roots are deeper than beeches, but not as deep as those of oaks.C: the deeper the root, the safer the tree.7. Illegible handwriting does not indicate weakness of character, as even a quick glance at the penmanship of Franklin D. Roosevelt or John E. Kennedy revealsA: Roosevelt and Kennedy both had handwriting that was difficult to read.B: Roosevelt‟s handwriting was more illegible than that of Kennedy.C: The author believe both Roosevelt and Kennedy had weak characters.8. Jack London spent only a year prospecting for gold in Alaska. However, nearly half of his forty books are set there.A: London was successful in his search for gold in Alaska.B: Although London worked in Alaska for only a short time, he wrote almost twenty books while he lived there.C: London‟s experiences in Alaska had a strong influence on his writing.9. Most fish take on the coloration of their natural surroundings to a certain degree. It‟s not surprising, therefore, that fish inhabiting the warm, shallow waters around tropical reefs are colored all the brilliant hues of the rainbow.A: Tropical fish are unlike other fish because they take on the coloration of their environment.B. Tropical reefs are brightly colored environment.C: Tropical fish are brightly colored because they inhabit warm waters.10. Although sheep herding is an older and more beloved occupation, shepherds never caught the attention of filmmakers the way cowboys did.A: There have been more films about cowboys than about shepherds.B: Films about shepherds are older and more beloved than films about cowboys.C: Cowboys are generally younger than shepherds.11. The Okefenokee Swamp is a fascinating realm that both confirms and contradicts popular notions of a swamp. Along with huge cypresses, dangerous quagmires, and dim waterways, the Okefenokee has sandy pine islands, sunlit prairies, and clear lakes.A. Although most swamps are not very interesting, the Okefenokee is an exception. B: The Okefenokee has features that are not commonly associated with swamps.C: Unlike most swamps, the Okefenokee does not have huge cypresses, dangerous quagmires, or dim waterways.12. Thomas Jefferson preferred the Roman Style of architecture, as seen in the buildings at the University of Virginia, to the English style favored by CharlesBullfinch.A: The architecture of the University of Virginia was influenced by the Roman style. B: Bullfinch was an English architect.C: Jefferson preferred to build in the English style of architecture.13. In all cultures, gestures are used as a form of communication, but the same gestures may have very different meanings in different cultures.A: No two cultures use the same gestures.B: one gesture almost never has the same meaning in two cultures.C: A person from one culture may misunderstand the gestures used by a person from another.14. Even spiders that do not build webs from silk use it for a variety of purposes. such as constructing egg sacs and nursery tents.A: All spiders build webs.B: Spiders that build webs don‟t builds egg sacs or nursery tents.C: Silks is used by all spiders.15. In theory, a good screwdriver should last a lifetime, but it seldom does, usually because it is used as a substitute for other tools.A: Using a screwdriver for purpose other than those for which it was intended can shorten its life.B: All screwdrivers, if they are really good, last a lifetime.C: If you want a screwdriver to last a lifetime, use other tools to substitute for it. Exercise II: Choose correct inferences for the questions according to the information in the passageThe Titus-Bode law predicted that there would be a fifth planet between Mars and Jupiter. In 1800, a group of astronomers nic knamed the “celestial police” was organized to search for the missing planet. Before the plan could be put in effect, another astronomer, G.Piazzi, discovered 1 Ceres, the largest asteroids, in this position in space on New year‟s Day, 1801. While trying t o locate Ceres again, the astronomer H.Olbers discovered 2 Pallas in 1802. J.Harding discovered 3 Juno in 1804. H.Olbers also discovered 4 Vesta, the brightest asteroid, in 1807. It was not until 1836 that a fifth asteroid, 5 Asterea, was added to the list. At first, many nineteenth-century astronomers did not find asteroids of much interest. One even called them” the vermin of the sky”. In 1891, Max Wolf pioneered the use of astrophotography to detect asteroids. Then Wolf went on to discover 248 asteroids, beginning with 323 Bruscia. At present, around 150,000 asteroids have been discovered. Most are spotted today by automated systems that pair telescopes with computers.Asteroids vary in size from Ceres, with a diameter of 570 miles, to tiny bodies that are only the size of pebbles. Only the four largest-Ceres,Palas,Vesta,and Juno-arespherical. Most are elongated irregular. Asteroids are not uniformity distributed through space. Many occur in clusters called groups, of in even tighter clusters called families. Families or asteroids with similar characteristics, indicating a common origin, are called Hiruzama asteroids.H.Olbers advanced the theory that asteroids are the remnants of a large planet that exploded. Other astronomers suggested that the asteroids were originally moons of Jupiter that broke away and then disintegrated. The most commonly accepted theory among astronomers today is that they occupy a place in the solar system where a sizable planet could have formed but was prevented from doing so by the disruptive gravity field of nearby Jupiter. Originally, perhaps, there were only a few dozen asteroids. These were eventually fragmented by mutual collisions to produce the present population of asteroids.When new asteroids are discovered, they are given a temporary six-character name. The first four numbers correspond to the year of discovery. The first of the two letters corresponds to the half-month period in which the asteroid was discovered, and the second to the sequence in which the asteroid was discovered in that half-month. For example, the asteroid 2006AC was the third asteroid(C) to be discovered in the first half of January(A)in 2006. After the orbit of an asteroid discovery(Currently from 1 Ceres to 95959 Covadonga). The first several hundred asteroids were named for female characters from mythology(Cere, for example, is the Roman goddess of the harvest) Even after these names were used up, the convention of giving asteroid may submit a name to the international Astronomical Union. Some are named for places or for things. Some are named to honor famous scientist, painters, writers, or even pop stars, such as musicians and actors. Some are named after colleagues, family members, and even pets. Discoverers may not, however, name asteroids after themselves. Of the 150,000 known asteroids, only about 10% have names.Most asteroids are found in the Main Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. Some have highly eccentric orbits, such as 3200 phaeton, which swings close to the Sun. Some asteroids, called Near Earth Asteroids(NEAs),pass close to Earth. It is feared that one day an steroid may hit Earth and cause a great deal of damage. In fact, most scientists believed that a collision between an asteroid and the earth made dinosaur extinct.In June of 2002, without warning, a medium-sized asteroid called 2002 MN passed relatively close to Earth. It was not observed until three days after it has passed. This was the cloest an asteroid had come to Earth since 1994XM. That asteroid missed the Earth by only 64,000 miles. However, the one in 2002 was much larger than 1994XN and potentially much more destructive. Other near misses involved 1989FC and 433 Erros in 1975. While there are programs to watch for Near Earth Asteroids, 2002MN proved that these programs are not completely effective. Some people believe that there should be much larger worldwide program to detect and possibly destroyasteroids that are heading towards out planet.Questions:1.It can be inferred from the information in paragraph 1 that the Titus-Bode lawdeals with which of the following?A. The size of planets.B. The position of planets around the earth.C. The speed of bodies in spaceD. The existence of asteroids.2.What does the author imply about G.Piazzi in paragraph 1?A.He was not trained as an astronomer.B.He worked closely with H.Olbers.C.He was not a member of the “Celestial police”D.He discovered the four largest asteroids.3.It can be inferred from the information in paragraph 1 that H.OlbertsA.was not looking for 2 Pallas when he found it.B.discovered the largest asteroid.C.discovered many asteroids a few years after finding 4 Vesta.D.worked closely with J.Harding.4.The author implies that the nineteenth-century astronomers mentioned inparagraph 1 believed thatA.Astronomers should work on projects other than asteroids.B.astrophotography was a valuable tool.C.more time should be spent searching for asteroids.D.asteroids were dangerous because they might strike Earth.5.It can be inferred from the information in paragraph 2 that asteroids in a familyA.always have a common origin.B.are closer together than those in groupC.all have the same shape.D.are brighter than those in a group6. What does the author imply about the three theories that he explains in paragraph 3?A.They are all valid theories.B.The first two theories are no longer considered valid.C.All three theories have been proved to be false.D.The third theory is older than the first two.7. What can be inferred from the information in paragraph 6 about the asteroid named 2002MNA.It has a temporary nameB.It was the two-thousandth and second asteroid to be discoveredC.It discoverer‟s first name began with M and last name began with ND.It was discovered in January of 20028. What can be inferred from the information in paragraph 6 about the asteroid named 433 Eros?A.It is named for a female character from mythologyB.It was discovered in 433A.D.C.Its orbit has never been calculated.D.It was the four-hundred and thirty-third asteroid to be discovered9. It can be inferred that the first 333 asteroids to be discoveredA. All had feminine namesB. Were all named for mythological characters.C. All were given the names of historical persons.D. Were all named form their discoverers10. Which of the following can be inferred from the information in paragraph 6?A.Smaller asteroids move faster than medium-sized asteroids.rge asteroids are easy to detect if they approach the earth.C.The bigger the asteroid, the more destructive it might beD.Even if a large asteroid misses the Earth, it might cause damage.III. Rhetorical Purpose Questions: purpose means WHY, purpose questions ask WHY the author of a passage uses a certain piece of information in the passage.For example: The question may ask you why the authore a certain example2.Makes a comparison3.Quote a sentenceTips or Steps: Purpose questionsusually askyou why author cites an example, quotesa sentence or make a comparison. If the author cites an example, the answer usually will be immediate before the example; For quotation, read the whole sentence, the answer can be reached by the quoted sentence,Exercise:Beach ErosionThe Sea has been rising relative to the land for hundreds of years, geologists say, but the rise has accelerated over the last few decades. The Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States have eroded an average of two or three feet, the Gulf Coast even faster. In some places the erosion has even been more dramatic. Highland Light, the oldest lighthouse on Cape Cod, was 400 feet from the sea when it was built in 1797. Now it is only about 100 feet from the ocean. Just in the last years, a series of harshwinter storms has eaten up over forty feet of the beach in from of the lighting house.The United States has over 19,000 miles of beaches, and nearly half of the population of the United States lives within 50 miles of the coast. Some estimates claim that between 80%-90% of the U.S. coastline is eroding. And the problem is not confined to the United States. Egypt, Thailand, India, the U.K., Australia, and Japan-almost every country that has a coastline-share this problem. During storms, the action of heavy waves carries sand into the sea and leaves it on the ocean floor. During calm period, erosion reverses. Sand is slowly moved landward by the action of gentler waves. In recent times, however, the build up of sand has not kept pace with erosion. In many places, sand has been replaced by sediment.Lately, the leading cause of the increased rate of beach erosion has been global warming. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane are generated by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels. These gases are accumulating in the atmosphere, trapping in the sun‟s heat. Forests are being cut down, leaving fewer trees to remove carbon dioxide from the air. Global warming has likely increased the frequency of severe storm that tear sand from beaches. Average temperatures are likely to rise higher in the near future, melting glaciers and polar ice caps, causing the level of the sea to rise, and making coastal erosion even worse.Clearly, something must be done. Too many people live and vacation in Miami Beach, Atlantic City, Malibu, Galveston, and Honolulu to simply allow roads, houses, and resorts to fall into the sea. Many engineers maintain that the best way to protect coast is build protective structures such as sea walls and breakwater to protect beaches from the ravages of storms. These structures have been tried in a number of places along the U.S. coastline and in other countries, notably Japan.The problem with defensive structures is that they often don‟t work. One study, In fact, has shown that these structures accelerate the erosion of beaches. The states of Maine, North Carolina, and South Carolina have banned the building of these structures. Some communities have tried another solution: beach replenishment (also called beach nourishment). These programs simply replace lost sand with sand from deeper parts of the ocean or in the case of some California beaches, with sand brought in by trucks from the deserts. These programs are costly. It costs over US $1 million to replenish one mile of beach. Again, however, this method of preserving beaches is of dubious value. Another study shows that only 10% of replenished beaches have lasted more than five years. In some locations, the supply of suitable sand is limited. And the quality of the sand used for replenishment is seldom as high as the sand that it replaces.Q1: The author illustrates the problem of beach erosion in part bying Highland Light as a dramatic example of how severe beach erosion can beB.exploring the economic cost beach erosion on one seaside community.paring the situation at Highland Light with similar places in other countries.D.saying that the situation on Cape Cod is typical for most seaside communities.Q2: The author probably mentions the fact that nearly half of the population of the United States lives within fifty miles of the coast to show thatA.patterns of population distribution in the United States are changing,B.beach erosion affects a vast number of people in the United StatesC.the problem in the United States is more severe than it is in many other countries.D.beach erosion is not a concern for more than half of the population of the UnitedStates.Q3: The author explains global warming byA.giving its causes and showing how it affects beach erosionparing and contrasting it with other causes of beach erosionC.giving examples of ways to reduce its impact.D.evaluating how it may actually reduce beach erosion.Q4: The author mentions Japan in paragraph 4 because Japan has1.banned the use of protective structures2.ignored the problem of beach erosion3.tried beach replenishment programs4.built seawalls and breakwaters.Q5: The author cites the two studies in the passage in order to1.suggest that the sea is not rising as fast as was originally believed.2.strengthen the engineers‟ claim that protective structures and beachreplenishment are necessary.3.propose two new solutions to the problem of beach erosion.4.support his own position about protective structures and beach replenishment. Q6: It can be inferred the author of this passage1.opposes the use of both protective structures and beach replenishment2.believes beach replenishment would be more effective than protectivestructures.3.oppose any actions to prevent beach erosions.4.denies that beach erosion is a serious problemIV. Sentence Restatement(highlighted) QuestionsDefinition: Present a sentence from the passage, then asks you to choose the sentence from the answer choices that best restates or summarize the information in the original sentence.Characteristics:1.The correct choice will not look like the original sentence. It will use differentgrammar and vocabulary. Sometimes, use synonyms as a substitute.2.Correct choice may eliminate details and examples from original sentence. Itmay simplify and summarize the original sentence.3.Incorrect choices may1.Omit important information from original sentence, not the completesummarization.2.Change the meaning of the original sentence,usually the logicalrelationship between the sentences has been changed.Tips or steps:1.Break the sentences into 2-3 ideas and find the correct relationship amongsentences.Exercises:Passage 1:In some cases, a warning call or a threatening pose may be the only defense that is needed, but in other cases, intruders may refuse to leave peacefully and a battle for the territory takes place.Q 1: Which of the following sentences best express the essential information in the sentence in bold?ually a warning call is all that is required to get the invading bird to leave,but sometimes a threatening pose is also needed.2.If an intruder is threatened by the pose of the bird that occupies the territory, astruggle will take place.3.Sometimes the invader can be frightened away, but sometimes the defendermust fight.4.The intruder generally frightens the defender with warning calls andthreatening poses.Which of the following sentences if closed in meaning to the sentence in bold in the passage above?Passage 2It is also possible, of course, that people are concerned with several of these classes of motivation simultaneously, as would be the case if, on the same day, a person installed a fire safety alarm (satisfying a need for protection) and joined a folk-dancing club (satisfying a need for belonging).Q2: which of the following sentences best restates the information in the sentence in bold?1.People may satisfy more than one of Maslowe‟s categories of needs at thesame time.2.Obviously, for some people, installing a fire safety alarm is more importantthan joining a social club.3. A typical person is more motivated to satisfy a higher-level need, such as the。



iBT托福听力结构总结分析iBT听力中的上课场景(Lecture/Discussion),是新托福听力的精髓.文章晦涩深奥,内容跨越文理工各科.大部分同学有深度没广度,有广度没深度.个人感觉只有达.芬奇这种百科全书式的人物(Encyclopedic)才能真正理解所有iBT听力文章.正常的现代人是不可能做到的.但考试毕竟是考试, iBT是让人考的,不是让仙考的.人怎么考? 人是聪明的人,我们要抓住它的漏洞.由于老美死脑筋:几乎所有的听力文章,采取的都是总分总结构.几乎所有听力文章的所有段落,采取的都是总分结构.这就是它最大的漏洞!我们知道每个上课场景包含6道题目.第一题大意题,问整篇文章的大意,这是很简单的,几乎不需要笔记.整篇文章听下来,听不懂某个部分是正常,但整个大意是一定能听懂的.如果听不懂,说明你不适合参加iBT.第二题开始就进入细节题,也就是很多同学头疼的部分.细节意味着专业词汇,而文理工各科的专业词汇我们根本不可能全部都懂,词汇不懂,就影响理解.但是,我们一定要弄清楚的是, iBT的细节题是一种相对的细节题,它实际上考的是段落大意.真正最细节的信息(如细节到某个单词,某个数字,某个日期)是不会考的.这就给我们提供了机会.我们来看一些iBT常见的总分结构图解:Passage Topic: General Idea + Details一个iBT听力文章就是由若干个这种结构组成的.由于细节题考查段落大意.实际上我们必须听懂并且记录下来的信息就是General Idea;而不需要记笔记,相反需要尽力去听的就是Details.现在关键的是,令人头疼的专业词汇多出现于Details部分,而不在General部分.也就是说,会出现很多专业词汇,很难听懂的细节信息其实是不需要做笔记也不会出现于问题之中的;那么,需要做笔记而又经常会出现于问题之中的General部分的词汇难度如何呢? CET-6 level—大学六级词汇水平,这就不难解释为什么一些高中同学也可以考到100以上的高分了.总而言之,要想解决iBT, 6级词汇水平足矣!(话说回来,基本的学术词汇,能记就多记几个,有利无弊)现在,我们的解题策略应该是很清晰的,听懂并且记下段落名称与段落大意.然后尽力去理解细节信息以加强对段落大意的理解.范例: Barron-Model Test 5-Listening 5-Music Appreciation Class文章的主题是室内乐(Chamber Music)的发展史,涉及到许多管弦乐器的名称.文章脉络如下:Main Topic:Chamber Music: the origin of Chamber Music +Details…The history of chamber music is usually divided into three distictiv pe riods…Passage Topic 1:Classical Period:? simplicity, balance,order + DetailsPassage Topic 2:Romantic Period:? long, complex + DetailsPassage Topic 3:Modern Period:?? impressionism,revolutionary + DetailsSummary:This evening’s conce rt?题目中一共有4道细节题,一题问的是室内乐的来源,一题问的是古典时期的特点,一题问的是提及印象派(impressionism)的目的,都可以在Passage general idea中找到,而且涉及到的词汇都比较基础,还有一题是复听题,因此不需要笔记;相反在各段落Details部分,我们可以找到如woodwind-木管乐器, harpsicord-大键琴, quartet-四重奏, quintet-五重奏等等专业词汇(幸好不用考啊!)In a nutshell, iBT听力要有的放矢,熟悉文章结构,镇定的记录有效信息,不要被表面的难度吓到.另外,不得不说的一点,就是”烤栗子”问题.其实就是考例子的问题.细节题中还有一类题目比段落大意还要更细节一步,就是问你段落中引用例子的作用.这种题型还是很好考,因为:问法大体总是这样的:为什么教授要在课堂上提到AAA(AAA表示例子的名称).而答案大体总是这样的:为了说明BBB(BBB表示例子所处那个段落的段落名称/段落大意)如Chamber Music第三段里的Impressionism其实就是作为例子提出来的.相关问题是: Why does the professor mention Impressionism?正确答案是: She is making a transition into a discussion of art in the Modern Period.显而易见,考例子的关键在于,弄清楚例子的名称与其所处的段落,既弄清楚两者之间的对应关系.关于烤栗子可以再举一例: Barron-Model Test 1-Listening 3-Art Class-Drawing讲的是素描(Drawing)的作用,截取其中一段Passage Topic 3:Photo: record historical event + Details这一段讲的是素描在照片发明之前有描绘历史事件的作用.在Detail部分既提到一个例子:大卫给路易十六的王后玛丽(电影绝代艳后里说的就是她)画的一副素描.而后面的题目也考到的这个例子.现在的关键是,大卫的名字Jacques-Louis David,玛丽的名字Marie Antoinette大家听到是绝对拼不出来的,怎么办? 这就涉及到笔记的技巧了,由于iBT不考填空,所有的题型都是选择,又由于它不考绝对的细节信息(如以下哪个名字是玛丽王后全名的正确拼写),所以在笔记的时候,我们不需要全名,只需要做个记号,保持它的辨析度即可,因为题目如果要考例子,这个例子的名字肯定会被拼出来.所这两个人名只要根据发音记下首字母即可.因此这段的笔记实际上应该记成Photo: record historical event?? e.g. J.D-M.A现在来看问题: Why does the professor mentioned the drawing of Marie Antoinette?正确答案是: The sketch was a historical account of an important event.总结一下:记录例子,只需简写来保持辨析度即可。









这种题目在托福阅读中的具体表现是题目中有“high sentence”。







如何快速完成托福阅读插句题:1. 在段落之前的空,99%错误率!因为每段的中心容易出现在第一句,如果把第一句改变了,也就改变句意了。

但同时请注意【两段式的插句题】,第二个段落前面或第一个段落后面的空反而容易是正确的!2. 空后有代词this, these, that, those, he, she, they, it, such, each, other, one, another, both, each, anybody, none, some, any….的,一般来说是不对的,缘由是【代词不能跨距!】,如果在代词前面加了一句话,就会改变代词的指代对象。



托福阅读4大类文章主要结构实例分析托福阅读4大类文章主要结构实例分析, 提速从了解结构开始。




例如TPO17《Europes Early Sea Trade with Asia》这篇文章,开头段讲东西方人都想要彼此进行贸易,但是苦于陆上交通被阻隔掉了,因此需要海上贸易,可是又存在一系列的问题。




以TPO17的《Symbiotic Relationships》为例,文章商议的大的话题是symbiotic relationship(共生关系),文章在第一段就直接写明有3种symbiotic relationships,然后接下来分段论述这3种共生关系分别有什么样的特点。



同样属于分类结构的文章还有TPO13的《Types of Social Groups》,TPO16的《Planets of Our Solar Systems》,TPO20的《Fossil Preservation》等等,读文章时要留意记录各个类型的主要特点,这样在面对最终一题时即便时间有限也可以冷静自若。

断裂标记原位测序(bliss) 原理 简书

断裂标记原位测序(bliss) 原理 简书

断裂标记原位测序(bliss) 原理简书全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:断裂标记原位测序(BLISS)是一种新兴的高通量测序技术,可以在染色体水平上高效地检测DNA双链断裂位点。











BLISS技术通过在细胞核内引入DNA断裂酶(如DNAse I)来切断染色体上的DNA链。









1. as 和which引导非限制性定语从句的区别As we all know, his parents were killed in the war.a. as代表前面主句意思时,有“正如…”之意,而which没有此意思,从句中的动词常是expect, know, see, think, want, suppose等。

He won the match, as we had expected.He agreed to the plan, as was to be expected.The police were looking for him, as he thought.b. which 引导的非限制性定从只能位于主句后,as引导的非限制性定从可以位于主句之前、之后或之中。

As is expected, the result is satisfactory.= The result, as is expected, is satisfactory.= The result is satisfactory, as is expectedc. 在as + is/ was + 过去分词结构中 is/ was 可以省略,而在which引导的该结构中,is或was不可省略。

Lincoln was shot in a theatre, as (was) described in the film.2. 介词加关系代词1).根据从句中动词与先行词的逻辑关系,请体会:e.g. Is that the newspaper for which you often write articles?2). 根据从句中动词或形容词的习惯搭配,如:e.g. Can you explain to me how to use these idioms about which I’m sure.30. 根据先行词与介词的搭配习惯,请体会:e.g. 1949 was the year in which the P.R.C. was founded.注意:如果关系从句中的动词是由两个单词组成的短语动作(例如come across,fill in, look after, take on )The Roman coins which a local farmer came across in a field are now on display in the national museum.【专业、负责、勤奋、用心】【关注成绩!更关注成长!】—书海书房。




T1:? Topic:Peru沙漠里的一种地形Nazca lines,Nazca lines 存在的三种理论? 阅读1:作为astronomical calendar,去跟踪一些特殊的events,比方说冬至。


? 阅读2:for monumental arts, 总而彰显当地的文化和地位及重要性。


? 阅读3:人们留下的足迹。


? 听力1:阅读里没有提到有sky中很多天体这一事实,所以阅读里所说的相关可能只是偶然。

? 听力2:实际上这些lines 很大,只有在高空中才可以看到它的全貌,而如果站在附件的话,不能够进行识别,也不会给人留下深刻的印象。

? 听力3:这些lines有一些是images of animals, too plex for human’s footstep.另外听力推测,当地有宗教习惯是走一些不寻常的路径,所以有可能这些lines是religious ritual留下来的。

? Sample answerThe writer and the speaker have a debate on why Nazca Lines Images were created. The writer puts forward three theories, which are opposed by the following lecture.First, the writer claims that they are astronomical calendar, because there is relationship between images and plas/stars. While the speaker views this issue from an opposite angle, aording to him/her, in fact, images and astronomical events do not match vastly. Since there are numerous stars in the sky, only a small part of images match astronomical plas just by chance.Secondly, the passage states that people in Peru want to use Nazca Lines images to show off their cultures and achievements. However, the speaker casts doubt on this opinion by saying that the Nazca lines are so huge, so that people can only see it above high level. Images will be impressive when seen from overhead. Pyramids are impressive because they are huge and tall.Last, the writer argues that the images are used for racetracks. By contrast, in aordance with the speaker, this claim does not hold water. When travelling, people can use more convenient Mark, such as tree. Some images like spiders and monkeys are too plex for people to track. Besides, it is more likely that the images are used in rituals. Religious ceremonies include walking.T2:? 原题:The government can take a variety of actions to help protect the environment. Which one of the following doyou think is the most important for th e nation’s government to take to protect the environment.1. Fund the research to develop environmentallyfriendly energy sources such as solar andwind energy.2. Preserve the natural places like forests and protect the animals that live there.3. Enforce laws to prevent the pollution of air and water by large panies.? Sample answerTaking a panoramic view of human history, we canreadily find that the natural environment plays an enormously important role in determining the future of each and every country. Given the great significance of clean environment, the general public as well as the governors begin to wonder which one is the most essential action to protect the environment among the following three options: funding new energy research, preserving natural habitat or enacting strict laws. Towards such a long-running tug-of-war, I am inclined to argue that national governments should invest financial support in developing new energy sources.Initially, spending more money in discovering new energy can radically solve the various environmental problems. As is mon sense, the deteriorating environment isthe result of the overexploitation of fossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas. To be specific, numerous chemical plants usually burn the coal to provide power for manufacturing all kinds of goods designed to satisfy the basic needs of the general public. As a result, a large amounts of industrial wastes are discharged to take a toll on the natural environment. Also, an increasing number of petrol-powered automobiles will definitely emit car exhaust (e.g. fumes and toxic gas), which can increase the likelihood of the public suffering from respiratory diseases. All the above problems related to environment can be resolved by find new and clean energy like solar energy, wind power and tidal power. Undoubtedly, replacing the traditional energy with the new ones can dramatically decrease the pollution and contamination, thus leading to a better living environment. For example, once the cars uses the electricity instead of petrol, the air quality will improve to a large extent.Secondly, there are conspicuous limitation of the other two options. As for preserving natural places, the effect of this practice is relatively restricted. To illustrate, the traditional energy sources are usually exploited and discovered in the natural places. Consequently, the preservation of natural places will hinder the aess to various energy and thus impede the progress of the wholesociety. Also, the same logic applies to passing laws to reduce pollution. It is an indisputable fact that acrossthe globe, many countries now are heavily dependent on the industries and factories which produce pollutions. In other words, once the law of punishing these panies is enforced, these corporation may have to cut down their output and make less profits, even ending up going bankrupt. Aordingly, the national economy and the living standard of the public will suffer too.Factoring what has been discussed above, we canconclude that funding research of environmental friendly energy will be more preferable, because finding proper alternative energy is the key to solving the environmental problems prehensively.C1:大意:学生想上Smith的中世纪的文学课,但是人数已满,学生问听力中的教授可不可以签字授权上Smith的课,教授说应该不行,因为Smith教授对政策很严格,除非有人放弃课程。






1. BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool)BLAST是生物信息学领域中最常用的工具之一,用于比对和分析生物序列。





2. RNA-Seq (RNA sequencing)RNA-Seq 是一种高通量测序技术,用于测定转录组的RNA序列信息。






3. GO (Gene Ontology)Gene Ontology 是一套用于描述基因功能的标准化的基因注释信息系统。


GO具有三个主要分类,包括分子功能(Molecular Function)、细胞组分(Cellular Component)和生物过程(Biological Process)。



美森教育英语水平测试1.引言1.1 概述美森教育英语水平测试是一种用于评估学生英语综合能力的考试。










1.2文章结构文章结构部分的内容如下:1.2 文章结构本文按照以下结构进行组织和阐述美森教育英语水平测试的相关内容:1) 引言:介绍美森教育英语水平测试的概述,包括其内容和形式,并明确文章的目的。

2) 正文:分为两个主要部分对美森教育英语水平测试进行详细介绍。

a) 美森教育英语水平测试的背景:探讨该测试的产生和发展背景,包括教育环境的需求和相关研究的发展等。

b) 美森教育英语水平测试的内容和形式:介绍测试的具体内容和形式,包括测试的题型构成、考察的语言技能和知识点等。

3) 结论:对美森教育英语水平测试的意义和作用进行总结和评价,同时探讨该测试对学生英语学习的影响和启示。



浅谈Gabest和Haali的MKVSplitter(分离器)的差别_蓝色琴键的八度空间...蓝色琴键的八度空间擁抱樂器,滿心歡喜主页博客相册|个人档案 |好友查看文章浅谈Gabest和Haali的MKV Splitter(分离器)的差别2010-05-09 01:01MKV本来就是一种封装视频音频的容器格式,播放器需要MKV 分离器(Matroska splitter)来解析MKV再调用对应的codec来解码。

常见的splitter是Gabest Matroska Splitter和Haali Media Splitter两种,两者各有特色,完美解码、终极解码都附带这两种分离器并可通过设置来选定其一来解析MKV,下面简单介绍一下我总结的两种分离器的差别。

本文讨论中涉及的播放器是以MPC (Homecinema版)为例,国产的××影音不详。





若要Haali分离器查看MKV附件,应该是要设置Haali的Shell Extension后实现右击菜单来查看,不过我还试验过。



Haali的可能会在打开MKV时出现一个对话框内容是:The file contains embedded truetype fonts. Do you want to load the fonts?To permanently enable or disable font loadiing you can set the option in splitter properties.问你是否加载内封的字体,必须单击“是”才可继续,这个现象仅出现在旧版本的Haali,用新版本就不会再出现这个烦人的提示。





根据官方指南所给出的托福听力对技能的考察,我们可以看出,托福听力主要考察三个方面:1. basic understanding (基本理解)50%2. pragmatic understanding (实际理解)25%3. connecting information (连接信息)25 `%而这三个方面如果再详细的分析的话,可以看出具体是考察6 种技能:1. identifying the topic and main idea (主题)2. listen for details (主要细节)3. determining attitude and purpose (态度,目的,重放题较多)4. making inferences and predictions (推断题)5. categorization information (分类)6. summering a process (过程)从上面的考察点我们可以看出,托福听力考察大结构,不考小细节,另外根据美国的思维方式,我们还要熟知,答托福题,一定要直线思维,不能用推理思维。

一、用结构听力法记笔记任何一篇文章的时候,我们要注意如下的10 点主要结构,每个结构都对应上述的考察点:1 主题2 定义3 因果4 过程5 例子6 转折7 强调8 列举9 比较10 总结因此我们要根据这10 点去记笔记,具体怎么记呢?下面我们按讲座和对话分别讲解。

4.2 讲座的结构1. 主题:什么是主题?主题要记下来吗?怎样记主题?首先,老师在讲座开头可能会这样直接告诉你,“今天我要讲。

Today, I will be talkingabout。





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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
3:选择 DOM 还是选择 SAX ? 对于需要自己编写代码来处理 XML 文档的开发人员来说,选择 DOM 还是 SAX 解析模型是一个非常重要的设计决策。 DOM 采用建立树形结构的方式访问 XML 文档,而 SAX 采用的事件模型。 DOM 解析器把 XML 文档转化为一个包含其内容的树,并可以对树进行遍历。用 DOM 解析模型的优点是编程容易,开发人员只需要调用建树的指令,然后利用navigation APIs访问所需的树节点来完成任务。可以很容易的添加和修改树中的元素。然而由于使用 DOM 解析器的时候需要处理整个 XML 文档,所以对性能和内存的要求比较高,尤其是遇到很大的 XML 文件的时候。由于它的遍历能力,DOM 解析器常用于 XML 文档需要频繁的改变的服务中。 SAX 解析器采用了基于事件的模型,它在解析 XML 文档的时候可以触发一系列的事件,当发现给定的tag的时候,它可以激活一个回调方法,告诉该方法制定的标签已经找到。SAX 对内存的要求通常会比较低,因为它让开发人员自己来决定所要处理的tag。特别是当开发人员只需要处理文档中所包含的部分数据时,SAX 这种扩展能力得到了更好的体现。但用 SAX 解析器的时候编码工作会比较困难,而且很难同时访问同一个文档中的多处不同数据。??? 4:JDOM JDOM的目的是成为 Java 特定文档模型,它简化与 XML 的交互并且比使用 DOM 实现更快。由于是第一个 Java 特定模型,JDOM 一直得到大力推广和促进。正在考虑通过“Java 规范请求 JSR-102”将它最终用作“Java 标准扩展”。从 2000 年初就已经开始了 JDOM 开发。 JDOM 与 DOM 主要有两方面不同。首先,JDOM 仅使用具体类而不使用接口。这在某些方面简化了 API,但是也限制了灵活性。第二,API 大量使用了 Collections 类,简化了那些已经熟悉这些类的 Java 开发者的使用。 JDOM 文档声明其目的是“使用 20%(或更少)的精力解决 80%(或更多)Java/XML 问题”(根据学习曲线假定为 20%)。JDOM 对于大多数 Java/XML 应用程序来说当然是有用的,并且大多数开发者发现 API 比 DOM 容易理解得多。JDOM 还包括对程序行为的相当广泛检查以防止用户做任何在 XML 中无意义的事。然而,它仍需要您充分理解 XML 以便做一些超出基本的工作(或者甚至理解某些情况下的错误)。这也许是比学习 DOM 或 JDOM 接口都更有意义的工作。 JDOM 自身不包含解析器。它通常使用 SAX2 解析器来解析和验证输入 XML 文档(尽管它还可以将以前构造的 DOM 表示作为输入)。它包含一些转换器以将 JDOM 表示输出成 SAX2 事件流、DOM 模型或 XML 文本文档。JDOM 是在 Apache 许可证变体下发布的开放源码。 5: DOM4J 虽然 DOM4J 代表了完全独立的开发结果,但最初,它是 JDOM 的一种智能分支。它合并了许多超出基本 XML 文档表示的功能,包括集成的 XPath 支持、XML Schema 支持以及用于大文档或流化文档的基于事件的处理。它还提供了构建文档表示的选项,它通过 DOM4J API 和标准 DOM 接口具有并行访问功能。从 2000 下半年开始,它就一直处于开发之中。 为支持所有这些功能,DOM4J 使用接口和抽象基本类方法。DOM4J 大量使用了 API 中的 Collections 类,但是在许多情况下,它还提供一些替代方法以允许更好的性能或更直接的编码方法。直接好处是,虽然 DOM4J 付出了更复杂的 API 的代价,但是它提供了比 JDOM 大得多的灵活性。 在添加灵活性、XPath 集成和对大文档处理的目标时,DOM4J 的目标与 JDOM 是一样的:针对 Java 开发者的易用性和直观操作。它还致力于成为比 JDOM 更完整的解决方案,实现在本质上处理所有 Java/XML 问题的目标。在完成该目标时,它比 JDOM 更少强调防止不正确的应用程序行为。 DOM4J 是一个非常非常优秀的Java XML API,具有性能优异、功能强大和极端易用使用的特点,同时它也是一个开放源代码的软件。如今你可以看到越来越多的 Java 软件都在使用 DOM4J 来读写 XML,特别值得一提的是连 Sun 的 JAXM 也在用 DOM4J。 6:总述 JDOM 和 DOM 在性能测试时表现不佳,在测试 10M 文档时内存溢出。在小文档情况下还值得考虑使用 DOM 和 JDOM。虽然 JDOM 的开发者已经说明他们期望在正式发行版前专注性能问题,但是从性能观点来看,它确实没有值得推荐之处。另外,DOM 仍是一个非常好的选择。DOM 实现广泛应用于多种编程语言。它还是许多其它与 XML 相关的标准的基础,因为它正式获得 W3C 推荐(与基于非标准的 Java 模型相对),所以在某些类型的项目中可能也需要它(如在 javascript 中使用 DOM)。 SAX表现较好,这要依赖于它特定的解析方式。一个 SAX 检测即将到来的XML流,但并没有载入到内存(当然当XML流被读入时,会有部分文档暂时隐藏在内存中)。 无疑,DOM4J是最好的,目前许多开源项目中大量采用 DOM4J,例如大名鼎鼎的 Hibernate 也用 DOM4J 来读取 XML 配置文件。如果不考虑可移植性,那就采用DOM4J吧!
ibtas 解析方式
做web service这块,你就不得不跟一堆XML进行打交道,因为我们采用的是Java作为服务的实现,那么就一定会存在一个问题,那就是JAVA解析XML的问题,其实这是一个大的问题,因为解析做得不好的话,很大程度上影响了性能. 这就是为什么会有号称XFire是SOAP栈堆解析最快的框架,其中有一个原因是它使用了stax来解析XML..下面摘录些网络上的比较:(详细的等过几天看完资料,再写总结)
1:DOM DOM 是用与平台和语言无关的方式表示 XML 文档的官方 W3C 标准。DOM 是以层次结构组织的节点或信息片断的集合。这个层次结构允许开发人员在树中寻找特定信息。分析该结构通常需要加载整个文档和构造层次结构,然后才能做任何工作。由于它是基于信息层次的,因而 DOM 被认为是基于树或基于对象的。DOM 以及广义的基于树的处理具有几个优点。 首先,由于树在内存中是持久的,因此可以修改它以便应用程序能对数据和结构作出更改。它还可以在任何时候在树中上下导航,而不是像 SAX 那样是一次性的处理。DOM 使用起来也要简单得多。 另一方面,对于特别大的文档,解析和加载整个文档可能很慢且很耗资源,因此使用其他手段来处理这样的数据会更好。这些基于事件的模型,比如 SAX。
2:SAX 这种处理的优点非常类似于流媒体的优点。分析能够立即开始,而不是等待所有的数据被处理。而且,由于应用程序只是在读取数据时检查数据,因此不需要将数据存储在内存中。这对于大型文档来说是个巨大的优点。事实上,应用程序甚至不必解析整个文档;它可以在某个条件得到满足时停止解析。一般来说,SAX 还比它的替代者 DOM 快许多。