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伊为 于 得 远 中 特 当 ,了 是 到 无 , 里 离 阿让 , 了 法 阿 佩 开 喀特 他 神 愈 喀 斯 希 琉里 拿 谕 合 琉 阻 腊 斯佩 着 : 的 斯 止 去 治斯 神 他 伤 给 在 向 好领 谕 的 口 特 了 特 了导 到 伤 。 里 弥 洛 他他 达 口 特 佩 赛 伊 。们 了 将 里 斯 亚 时 航阿会佩留。, 向哥愈斯下在被 特斯合说了交国 洛。。他永战王
According to the Achilleid, written by Statius in the 1st century AD, and to no surviving previous sources, when Achilles was born Thetis tried to make him immortal, by dipping him in the river Styx. However, he was left vulnerable at the part of the body by which she held him, his heel[4] (see Achilles heel, Achilles' tendon). 阿喀琉斯的母亲是不死的神, 所以她也希望自己的孩子不 死。忒提斯每次生育之后, 无一例外都将孩子放到天火 中炼,但都以失败告终。在 阿喀琉斯出生后,忒提斯照 样捏着他的脚踝将他浸泡在 冥河斯堤克斯(一说天火) 中,使他全身刀枪不入,惟 有脚踝(被忒提斯手握着, 没有浸到冥河),此即西谚 “阿喀琉斯之踵”的来源。
也有说忒提斯把阿喀琉斯放 在天火里烧,却被阿喀琉斯 的父亲佩琉斯打断了,才留 下了致命弱点。
Achilles in the Trojan War
When the Greeks left for the Trojan War, they accidentally stopped in Mysia, ruled by King Telephus. In the resulting battle, Achilles gave Telephus a wound that would not heal; Telephus consulted an oracle, who stated that "he that wounded shall heal". Guided by the oracle, he arrived at Argos, where Achilles healed him in order that he became their guide for the voyage to Troy.
Achilles’ death
Achilles killed prince Troilus at the temp of Apollo, It had infuriated, so at the Troiy War ,Apollo gave a arrow to Paris and leaded him to shoot Achilles’ heel. The foremost hero of Greece had died.
阿喀琉斯是古希腊神话和文学中 的英雄人物,参与了特洛伊战争, 被称为“希腊第一勇士”。
他是色萨利国王佩琉斯与海洋女神忒 提斯的儿子。宙斯和波塞冬争夺忒提 斯,直到预言家普罗米修斯警告宙斯, 忒提斯将会有一个儿子,其实力将远 Achilles was the son of 胜其父。因为这个原因,两位神放弃 the nymph Thetis and Peleus, 了他们的追求,将忒提斯嫁给了佩琉 the king of the Myrmidons. 斯。 Zeus and Poseidon had been rivals for the hand of Thetis until Prometheus, the forethinker, warned Zeus of a prophecy that Thetis would bear a son greater than his father. For this reason, the two gods withdrew their pursuit, and had her wed Peleus.
Achilles' role as the hero of grief forms an ironic juxtaposition with the conventional view of Achilles as the hero of kleos (glory, usually glory in war).
It is not clear if this version of events was known earlier. In another version of this story, Thetis anointed the boy in ambrosia and put him on top of a fire, to burn away the mortal parts of his body. She was interrupted by Peleus and abandoned both father and son in a rage.
According to the Cypria (the part of the Epic Cycle that tells the events of the Trojan War before Achilles' Wrath), when the Achaeans desired to return home, they were restrained by Achilles, who afterwards attacked the cattle of Aeneas, sacked neighboring cities and killed Troilus. According to Dares Phrygius' Account of the Destruction of Troy,[8] the Latin summary through which the story of Achilles was transmitted to medieval Europe, Troiluswas a young Trojan prince, the youngest of King Priam's (or sometimes Apollo) and Hecuba's five legitimate sons. Despite his youth, he was one of the main Trojan war leaders. Prophecies linked Troilus' fate to that of Troy and so he was ambushed in an attempt to capture him. Yet Achilles, struck by the beauty of both Troilus and his sister Polyxena, and overcome with lust directed his sexual attentions on the youth – who refusing to yield found instead himself decapitated upon an altaromphalos of Apollo. Later versions of the story suggested Troilus was accidentally killed by Achilles in an over-ardent lovers' embrace. In this version of the myth, Achilles' death therefore came in retribution for this sacrilege.Ancient writers treated Troilus as the epitome of a dead child mourned by his parents. Had Troilus lived to adulthood, the First Vatican Mythographer claimed Troy would have been invincible.
阿喀琉斯在太阳神阿波 罗的神庙里杀了特洛伊 罗斯王子,这激怒了阿 波罗。于是,在特洛伊 战场上,阿波罗给了特 洛伊罗斯的哥哥帕里斯 一支神箭,并引导他射 向阿喀琉斯的脚踝。希 腊人的第一勇士因此死 去。