





1. 产品规格书,CW1062产品规格书可能包含有关产品的详细


2. 设备规格书,如果CW1062是某种设备的规格书,它可能包


3. 系统规格书,CW1062系统规格书可能涵盖某个系统的整体






A PLUS MAKE YOUR PRODUCTION A-PLUSAVxx16K SeriesDATA SHEETA PLUS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS INC.Address:3 F-10, No. 32, Sec. 1, Chenggung Rd., Taipei, Taiwan 115, R.O.C.(115)台北市南港區成功路㆒段32號3樓之10. TEL: 886-2-2782-9266FAX: 886-2-2782-9255WEBSITE : http: // Sales E-mail:sales@Technology E-mail: service@1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION:The AVH316K , AV0716K , AV1416K , AV2116K , AV2816K and AV4216K are single-chip voice synthesizing CMOS IC. They are low cost with proper functions and can synthesize voice up to 3.5, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 42 seconds, using Aplus 5-bit LOGPCM algorithm. Cus tom er speech data can be programmed into ROM by changing one mask during the device fabrication. Besides, not only the very flexible and functional PowerIO pins (IO1/IO2) are available for user to apply in various applications, but also an interactive development tool “EzSpeech” is ready for user-friendly programming.2. FEATURES:(1). Single power supply can operate from 2.4V to 6.4V (in this range, user can set Rosc as a fixed value).(2). The total voice duration is about 3.5, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 42 seconds those can be partitioned up to 32voice_sections. Each voice_section length is flexible. Besides, there are additional 32 mute_sections.(3). Voice length can be individually up to 3.5, 7, 14, 21, 21 and 21 seconds and voice+mute length can beindividually up to 21 seconds at 6kHz sample rate for each voice_section.(4). Total 96 voice_steps are available for 16 sub_tables. The number of voice_step for each sub_table isflexible, but maximum is 96. For each voice_step, it can specify one voice_section, playback speed and IO1/IO2 output enable options if IO1/IO2 are set as output.(5). Built-in variable oscillator, 16 kinds of playback speed option : ( 3.9k ~ 14.0kHz)A B C D E F G H14.0kHz 12.0kHz 10.5kHz 9.3kHz 8.3kHz 7.5kHz 7.0kHz 6.4kHzI J K L M N O P6.0kHz 5.5kHz 5.2kHz 4.9kHz 4.6kHz 4.4kHz 4.1kHz 3.9kHz(6). IO1 or IO2 can be either input or output pin (Mask option).(7). Optional “Three Triggers Input” (all OKY, IO1 and IO1 are input), “Two Triggers Input” (OKY and IO1 areinput, IO2 is output), or “One Trigger Input” (OKY is input, IO1 and IO2 are output).(A). Each input pin has mask options for Edge/Level, Hold/Unhold and Retrigger/Irritrigger trigger modes.(B). OKY input can choose One-Key Sequential or Random for maximum 16 sub_tables. At One-KeySequential, the Reset function of sub_table sequence can be chosen when other keys are triggered.(C). OKY and IO1 input can choose Toggle On/Off function or not.(D). OKY input can choose CDS+1M、CDS、1M pull-low、10M pull low or floating input type.IO1 and IO2 input can choose CDS+1M、CDS、1M pull-low or floating input type.(E). Each input can choose debounce time: Long debounce for push buttons. Short debounce for fastswitches.(F). Input pin priority:OKY > IO1 > IO2.(8). IO1/IO2 have 7 kinds of output option :(A). Stop_High pulse : high active stop pulse output whenever device stop playing.(B). Busy_High active : high active signal output during playing.(C). Busy_Low active : low active signal output during playing.(D). LED 3Hz flash : 3Hz sink signal output for driving LED during playing at 6kHz sample rate.(E). LED 6Hz flash : 6Hz sink signal output for driving LED during playing at 6kHz sample rate.(F). LED dynamic 2/4 : dynamic sink signal output for driving LED during playing.(G). Synchronous output : arbitrary output with voice, user can edit the Sync signal by PowerIO editor.※Where (D) and (E) is the LED flash rate at 6kHz sample rate. For different sample rate, the LED flash rate is different from original 3Hz or 6Hz.(9). PWM1 and PWM2 can directly drive buzzer or 8, 16, 32 or 64 ohms speaker.(10). The voice length in voice_section must be the multiple of 200Hex, and the mute length in voice_sectionmust be the multiple of 80Hex. But when the voice length in voice_section of “voice + mute” don’t fully use the last 200Hex, the unused voice length is set as mute and combined with the followed mute time. (11). In pure mute voice_section of M00~M31, the mute length must be the multiple of 80Hex. The maximummute length is up to 21 seconds at 6kHz sample rate for each mute voice_section.(12). Oscillator selection:(A). External oscillator: Connect OSC pin to Vdd with a resistor, Rosc.(B). Internal oscillator: Connect OSC pin to GND. (Not suggested because of frequency shift and systemstability)※Input Type Description:Option DescriptionCDS + 1M Normal selection for button trigger.Only 1M pull-low resistance when key-pressed, and 1M+300K(parallel) pull-low resistance when key-released.CDS Internal 300K ohms pull-low resistance, usually for photo-resistor trigger.1M pull-low Internal 1M ohms pull-low resistance, reserve for some special applications. 10M pull-low Internal 10M ohms weak pull-low, usually for touching trigger.Floating No internal resistor connection, usually connected to other output pin or connected to GND by an external resistor.* 10M pull-low option is not available for IO1/IO2 input.1. ㆒般規格:AVH316K、AV0716K、AV1416K、AV2116K、AV2816K、AV4216K ,皆為單晶片晶非低具定另頻放合成 IC,他們都是非常低成本,同時具有相當實用功能的語音 IC 產品。



GND 30 29 (28)
VCC 27
Ripple Filter 26 (25) VOL
AF IN 25 (24)
DET OUT 24 (23)
AFC AGC 23 (22)
IF TUNING GND METER N.C 21 20 (20) (19) Tuning Meter 19
Device S1A0426C02-A0B0 S1A0426C02-S0B0 Package 30−SDIP−400 28−SOP−375 Operating Temperature −20°C − +70°C −20°C − +70°C
FM IF IN 18 (19)
AM BAND IF IN SELECT 17 16 (16) (15)
(27) (26)
(1) 1 2 MUTE 3 FM Disc
(2) 4 NF
(3) 5
(4) 6 VOL
(5) 7 AFC AM OSC
150Ω ANT
C-F 10.7MHz 10µF S2 330Ω D1 1kΩ T1 0.1µF 0.47µF 100pF C-F 455kHz 2.2kΩ FM 4.7µF 10µF 0.01µ F AM 0.1µF 470µF 10µF 0.022µ F



传播口号: 高清慧眼 真实触动
传播语解释: 将产品核心功能点(高清成像功能)与消费者内 心渴求的利益巧妙融合,容易引起目标消费 者的共鸣。
●A06是针对年轻女性的一款折叠时尚高清影像手机。 ●A06是一款有着高清影像功能并且能够突显时尚个性的折叠手 机。
A06属中低端手机产品,推广上以海报、单页、折页、 等进行整合传播。主要表现康佳A06作为一款有着高
目标消费者特征: 年龄大概23-35岁 他们对手机有较强的依赖性 他们时刻等待机会的到来
他们对手机的需求: ●要有非同寻常的待机时间
相机上面才会使用。该芯片成像有低噪声、低抖 动、高灵敏度的效果。
特点是近拍的效果特别好,拍摄距离可以小到一 厘米,近拍的图象非常清晰,既适合于人物的近拍,

Stanford EAZ0144G33A_A 产品说明书

Stanford EAZ0144G33A_A 产品说明书

19 EAS2246G63A
N. Note Nota
B = on request - sur demande - a petición
C = suggested - suggeré - sugerido
Pos Code
N. Note Nota
1 1-16609A
A = available - disponible - disponible
B = on request - sur demande - a petición



Anderson Power Products®HEADQUARTERS: 13 Pratts Junction Road, Sterling, MA 01564-2305 USA T:978-422-3600 F:978-422-3700EUROPE: Rathealy Road, Fermoy Co. Cork, Ireland T:353-(0)25-32277 F:353-(0)25-32296ASIA/PACIFIC: IDEAL Anderson Asia Pacific Ltd., Unit 922-928 Topsail Plaza, 11 On Sum Street, Shatin N.T., Hong Kong T:852-2636-0836 F:852-2635-9036CHINA: IDEAL Anderson T echnologies (Shenzhen) Ltd., Block A8 T antou W. Ind. Par, Songgang Baoan District, Shenzhen, PR. China 51810 T: 86-755-2768-2118 F: 86-755-2768-2218TAIWAN: IDEAL Anderson Asia Pacific Ltd., Taiwan Branch, 4F.-2, No.116, Dadun 20th St., Situn District, Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.) T: 886-4-2310-6451 F:886-4-2310-6460PP75 Powerpole®ConnectorORDERING INFORMATIONAccessoriesPartNumber Description110G18 Retaining Pins, 2 high block of connectors 110G19 Retaining Pins, 1 high block of connectors 1399G20 Mounting wing blue, round hole 1399G7 Mounting wing blue, oval hole 1463G1 2 & 4 pole mounting clamp set 1463G2 3 & 6 pole mounting clamp set110G57 Lock nut for use with bus bar contactBushingsPart WireNumber AWG sq. mm 5910 #6 to #10/12 13.3 to 5.3/3.35912 #6 to #8 13.3 to 8.45913 #6 to #14/16 13.3 to 2.1/1.3Powerpole® connectors providecost-effective reliability, design flexibility and safety for your products' manufacture, installation and maintenance.The housings are modular and genderless. Powerpole® connectors provide 600 Volts continuous, AC or DC operation. Wire sizes range from #6 to #16 AWG (13.3 to 1.3 mm²). Contacts are available in reeled and loose piece designs to support all production needs from engineering prototype, low volume and high volumes products. Low-detent contacts are also offered for low insertion/withdrawal force applications.Housing & 75 amp ContactPart Housing WireNumber Color AWG sq. mm 1300 Blue #6 13.31300G2 Green #6 13.31300G3 Red #6 13.31300G4 Black #6 13.31300G5 White#6 13.375 amp Contacts***Part WireNumber Description AWG sq. mm 1307 Individual - LD #6 13.35900 Individual - HD #6 13.35914 Individual - HD #10 5.35915 Individual - HD #10/12 5.3/3.35952 Individual - HD #8 8.45953 Individual - LD#10/12 5.3/3.3904G1 Set of (2) 5915 Contacts #10/12 5.3/3.3903G1 Set of (2) 5900 Contacts #6 13.3265G1Reel, silver - HD #6/8 13.3/8.4contacts continuedPartWire Number Description AWG sq. mm 265G2* Reel, silver - HD #10/12 5.3/3.3265G3 Reel, silver - LD #6/8 13.3/8.4265G4* Reel, silver - LD #10/12 5.3/3.3265G5 Reel, tin - HD #6/8 13.3/8.4265G6** Reel, tin - HD #10/12 5.3/3.3265G7 Reel, tin - LD #6/8 13.3/8.4265G8** Reel, tin - LD #10/12 5.3/3.375BBS75 amp Bus bar contact N/A N/AHousings OnlyPartNumber Description 15916G4 Black housing 5916G5 White housing 5916G6 Green housing 5916G7 Red housingFEATURES• Flat wiping contact systemMinimal contact resistance at high current, wiping action cleans contact surface during connection/disconnection • Colored modular housingsProvides visual identification of proper mating connector• Molded-in dovetailsSecures individual connectors into "keyed" assemblies which prevents misconnection with similar configurations* Using 10/12 AWG wire reduces rating to 50 amps ** Using 10/12 AWG wire reduces rating to 40 amps *** LD - low detent or HD - high detentNote: For additional colors please contact customer serviceAnderson Power Products®HEADQUARTERS: 13 Pratts Junction Road, Sterling, MA 01564-2305 USA T:978-422-3600 F:978-422-3700EUROPE: Rathealy Road, Fermoy Co. Cork, Ireland T:353-(0)25-32277 F:353-(0)25-32296ASIA/PACIFIC: IDEAL Anderson Asia Pacific Ltd., Unit 922-928 Topsail Plaza, 11 On Sum Street, Shatin N.T., Hong Kong T:852-2636-0836 F:852-2635-9036CHINA: IDEAL Anderson Technologies (Shenzhen) Ltd., Block A8 T antou W. Ind. Par, Songgang Baoan District, Shenzhen, PR. China 51810 T : 86-755-2768-2118 F: 86-755-2768-2218TAIWAN: IDEAL Anderson Asia Pacific Ltd., Taiwan Branch, 4F.-2, No.116, Dadun 20th St., Situn District, Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.) T: 886-4-2310-6451 F:886-4-2310-6460PP75 Powerpole ®ConnectorDIMENSIONSToolingPartNumber Description1309G4 Hand tool, #16 to #61387G1 Pneumatic tool, #16 to #61388G6 - die for #16 to #6 AWG1388G7 - die for #10 to #12 AWG (5914, 5915 & 5953 contacts)1389G6 - locator for #16 to #6 AWG1389G7 - locator for #10 to #12 AWG (5914, 5915 & 5953 contacts)260G16Applicator only (110V & 220V)284G1 Applicator & Press (220V, 50Hz)250G5 Press only (110V, 60Hz)2 or 4 Pole PoleORDERING INFORMATIONTEMPERATURE RISE CHARTS1463G1 41.1 1.62 50.7 2.00 43.1 1.70 31.8 1.25 4.0 0.16 (4 Pole)1463G2 57.2 2.25 34.7 1.37 27.1 1.07 47.6 1.88 4.0 0.16 (3 Pole)1463G2 57.2 2.2550.7 2.00 43.1 1.70 47.6 1.88 4.0 0.16 (6 Pole)ContactsPart -A- -B- -C- -D- -E- -F- 01020304050607080900102030405060708090PP75 (Reeled Contacts) Multipole - Silver PlatedTemperature Rise at Constant CurrentAmperes AppliedT e m p e r a t u r e (°C )01020304050607080900102030405060708090PP75 (Reeled Contacts) Multipole - Tin PlatedTemperature Rise at Constant CurrentT e m p e r a t u r e (°C )010203040PP75 SinglepoleAmperes AppliedT e m p e r a t u r e (°C )PP75 MultipoleAmperes AppliedT e m p e r a t u r e (°C )10203040Duration of Current (seconds)Am p e r e s204060801001201401601802002202402602800.51248163264128256PP75 Multipole Pulse Current CapabilityAmperes Applied6 AWG 8 AWG 10 AWG 12 AWG6 AWG 8 AWG 10 AWG 12 AWG6 AWG 8 AWG 10 AWG 12 AWG6 AWG 8 AWG 10 AWG 12 AWG6 AWG 8 AWG 10 AWG 12 AWGHousing[ 15.9 ]All Data Subject To Change Without NoticeDS-PP75 REV04。






3.TEA1062工作原理;电源供应线路:电路便于理解1、8、9、13、14、16脚的功能,R line为限流电阻,然后经过R1分压后给Vcc供电,为了维持电压稳定,电源与地之间接个大的极性电容。











二、软件安装与应用2.1 控制系统的安装出厂前,所配工控机内的控制系统已安装好。


(缺省是”E:\SETUP.EXE”) 系统便开始安装软件,出现如下的画面拷贝所需的系统文件。


按图中 “确定”将继续下一步安装。


提示用户是否需要改变系统默认的安装目录,建议用户采用系统默认安装目录,若选择“更改目录 “,则可由用户指定软件安装的目录。

选择图标按钮将进入下一步的安装系统将显示如下图画面,要求用户选择软件安装的程序组,系统默认的是“KK Series”,按“继续”将进行下一步安装,。

系统显示如下图系统复制文件进度的安装接口拷贝完文件后将会更新系统,最后出现如下图安装完毕的画面2.2 运行操作软件当计算机进入windows后,系统将自动加载“KK Series”程序,显示下图画面。









2.3 工具栏与菜单栏介绍:以下是本系统的工具栏及菜单栏: 新建选项当选择此选项时,系统将弹出一个新建对话框,显示如下图。



IO = 10 A to 20 A or 20 A to 10 A di/dt = 0.5 A/ µs IO = 10 A to 20 A or 20 A to 10 A, di/dt = 0.5 A/ µs, Time for VOUT to Return within 2% of Final Value IO = 20 A, From Inhibit High to Status High IO = 12 A IO = 12 A IO = 12 A IO = 20 A IO = 20 A IO = 20 A IO = 20 A IO = 2 A IOH = 400 µA IOL = 1 mA IAUX = 5 mA, Load Current = 20 A 75 75 72 74 74 73
IO = 2 A to 20 A, VIN = 18 V to 40 V dc IO = 2 A to 20 A, VIN = 18 V to 40 V dc IO = 2 A to 16 A, VIN = 16 V to 50 V dc IO = 20 A, VIN = 18 V to 40 V dc VIN = 28 V dc, IO = 2 A to 20 A IO = 20 A, 5 kHz – 2 MHz BW VIN = 18 V to 40 V dc IO = 20 A, Open Remote Sense Connection VO = 90% VOUT Nom
(TC = +25؇C, VIN = 28 V dc ؎ 0.5 V dc, unless otherwise noted; full temperature range is –55؇C to +90؇C; all temperatures are case and TC is the temperature measured at the center of the package bottom.)

Zebra EDA61K型号слав旺手持设备说明书

Zebra EDA61K型号слав旺手持设备说明书

EDA61K Alphanumeric - N6703 - WWAN Software Client Pack (SCP) Pre-LicensedEDA61K-1AC934PExKEDA61K, Alpha-numeric Keypad, WWAN, 3GB/32GB Memory, N6703 scan engine, 4' LCD WVGA, 13MP Camera, Android GMS, Extended battery 7,000mAh, warm swap, NFC, SCP Pre-Licensed (1 Year SCP Software Maintenance)EDA61K Alphanumeric - N6703 - WiFi Only Software Client Pack (SCP) Pre-LicensedEDA61K-0AC934PExKEDA61K, Alpha-numeric Keypad, WLAN, 3GB/32GB Memory, N6703 scan engine, 4' LCD WVGA, 13MP Camera, Android GMS, Extended battery 7,000mAh, warm swap, NFC, SCP Pre-Licensed (1 Year SCP Software Maintenance)EDA61K Numeric - N6703 - WWAN Software Client Pack (SCP) Pre-LicensedEDA61K-1NC934PExKEDA61K, Numeric Keypad, WWAN, 3GB/32GB Memory, N6703 scan engine, 4' LCD WVGA, 13MP Camera, Android GMS, Extended battery 7,000mAh, warm swap, NFC, SCP Pre-Licensed (1 Year SCP Software Maintenance)EDA61K Numeric - N6703 - WiFi Only Software Client Pack (SCP) Pre-LicensedEDA61K-0NC934PExKEDA61K, Numeric Keypad, WLAN, 3GB/32GB Memory, N6703 scan engine, 4' LCD WVGA, 13MP Camera, Android GMS, Extended battery 7,000mAh, warm swap, NFC, SCP Pre-Licensed (1 Year SCP Software Maintenance)(Note: x = Domain, select appropriate Domain from Configuration Map on page 3)Honeywell Repair ServicesN6703 Standard Range (SR)Included in the box:EDA61K Mobile Computer Battery (50149348-001) USB Type C CableUSB Power Adapter(Hand strap is NOT included, but available to order separately as an accessory)Alphanumeric (46-Key)Numeric (34-Key)ScanPal EDA61K Computer - Configuration GuideScan EngineUSB Type C ConnectorEDA61K Alphanumeric EX20 - WWAN Software Client Pack (SCP) Pre-LicensedEDA61K-1AUB34PExKEDA61K, Alpha-numeric Keypad, WWAN, 3GB/32GB Memory, EX20 scanengine, 4' LCD WVGA, No Camera, Android GMS, Extended battery 7,000mAh, warm swap, NFC, SCP Pre-Licensed (1 Year SCP Software Maintenance)EDA61K Alphanumeric EX20 - WiFi Only Software Client Pack (SCP) Pre-LicensedEDA61K-0AUB34PExKEDA61K, Alpha-numeric Keypad, WLAN, 3GB/32GB Memory, EX20 scanengine, 4' LCD WVGA, No Camera, Android GMS, Extended battery 7,000mAh, warm swap, NFC, SCP Pre-Licensed (1 Year SCP Software Maintenance)EDA61K Numeric EX20 - WWAN Software Client Pack (SCP) Pre-LicensedEDA61K-1NUB34PGxKEDA61K, Numeric Keypad, WWAN, 3GB/32GB Memory, EX20 scan engine, 4' LCD WVGA, No Camera, Android GMS, Extended battery 7,000mAh, warm swap, NFC, SCP Pre-Licensed (1 Year SCP Software Maintenance)EDA61K Numeric EX20 - WiFi Only Software Client Pack (SCP) Pre-LicensedEDA61K-0NUB34PExKEDA61K, Numeric Keypad, WLAN, 3GB/32GB Memory, EX20 scan engine, 4' LCD WVGA, No Camera, Android GMS, Extended battery 7,000mAh, warm swap, NFC, SCP Pre-Licensed (1 Year SCP Software Maintenance)(Note: x = Domain, select appropriate Domain from Configuration Map on page 3)Honeywell Repair ServicesEX20 Near/ FarIncluded in the box:EDA61K Mobile Computer Battery (50149348-001) USB Type C CableUSB Power Adapter(Hand strap is NOT included, but available to order separately as an accessory)Alphanumeric (46-Key)Numeric (34-Key)ScanPal EDA61K Computer - Configuration GuideScan EngineUSB Type C ConnectorScanPal EDA61K Configuration MapR a d i oK e y b o a r dC a m e r aS c a n E n g i n eM e m o r yC o l o r / B a t t e r yO p e r a t i n g S y s t e mG M SD o m a i nO p t i o n sDescription Notes EDA61K-0 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac + Bluetooth 4.2WLAN: IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac Bluetooth Class 4.2 1 LTE (4G) GPS, UMTS/HSPA+ (3G) GSM/GPRS/EDGEA Alphanumeric (46-Key) N Numeric (34-Key) U No CameraC13MP Camera91D/2D Imager (N6703 SR) Standard RangeBEX20 Near/ Far 2D Area Imager3 3GB RAM/32GB Flash Memory Qualcomm SDM450 1.8 GHz octa-core4 Grey Color, Extended Battery 7,000mAhP Android 9 PieE GMS Software Client Pack Pre-Licensed Google Mobile Services (GMS)Software Client Pack (SCP) Pre-Licensed for SmartTE, Enterprise Browser, and Launcher, Includes 1 Year Software Maintenance D Data OnlyWWAN Option - TurkeyG GMS Software Client Pack Pre-Loaded Google Mobile Services (GMS)Software Client Pack (SCP) is pre-loaded with 60-day trial license, full license can be purchased later: DCP-001 & SMARTTE-001 NNon-GMS Software Client Pack Pre-LoadedA Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Mexico C ChinaE Egypt, Bahrain, Malaysia, Tunisia and India I Indonesia O EUR Rest Of World U North AmericaEDA61K Repair ServicesHoneywell Edge Services give you the confidence of having leading-class technologies combined with service and support plans that are designed to keep you operational for longer.Part NumberDescriptionSVCEDA61K-SG3N EDA61K, Edge Service, Gold Service Contract, 3 Year , NewGold Repair Services 3 YearThe most flexible contract in the industry. The Edge Services Gold Support contract allows you to select the right coverage for your organization, and includes 5-Day Depot Repairs and:Service OverviewRepair or replacement of damaged components, wear and tear, and accidentaldamage.Flexibility to add any Add-On Service Day One multi-year pricing for lower annualizedcosts Gold Add-On Services 3 YearAdd-On Accessory Replacement ServiceProvides replacement chargers, docks, charging cables, or scan handles should they be damaged or stop working.ADD SVCACC-MOB3 AddOn, Edge Service, Accessory Service , Mobility, 3 Year.Service covers docks, charger cradles, scan handles and car adapterAdd-On Battery Replacement ServiceProvides replacement batteries every 18 months after purchase.ADD SVCBATTERY-MOB3 AddOn, Edge Service, Battery Service, Mobility, 3 Year,1 Replacement Battery over life of contractAdd-On Device Replacement ServiceReplacement devices should a device be damaged beyond repair.ADD SVCREPLACE-MOB3 AddOn, Edge Service, Device Replacement, Mobility, 3 YearAdd-On Image Management ServiceEnsures that when a device returns from being repaired, it has all the proper applications loaded back on the device.ADD SVCIMAGEMGMT-MOB3 AddOn, Edge Service, Image Service, Mobility, 3 Year.Add-On Image Management ServiceManages every aspect of your spare pool.ADD SVCSPAREMGMT-MOB3 AddOn, Edge Service, Advanced Exchange, Mobility, 3 Year.Customer owned spare pool, Minimum Purchase required contact your local Honeywell Service Representative for more information.EDA61K Repair ServicesHoneywell Edge Services give you the confidence of having leading-class technologies combined with service and support plans that are designed to keep you operational for longer.Part NumberDescriptionSVCEDA61K-SG5N EDA61K, Edge Service, Gold Service Contract, 5 Year , NewGold Repair Services 5 YearThe most flexible contract in the industry. The Edge Services Gold Support contract allows you to select the right coverage for your organization, and includes 5-Day Depot Repairs and:Service OverviewRepair or replacement of damaged components, wear and tear, and accidentaldamage.Flexibility to add any Add-On Service Day One multi-year pricing for lower annualizedcosts Gold Add-On Services 5 YearAdd-On Accessory Replacement ServiceProvides replacement chargers, docks, charging cables, or scan handles should they be damaged or stop working.ADD SVCACC-MOB5 AddOn, Edge Service, Accessory Service , Mobility, 5 Year.Service covers docks, charger cradles, scan handles and car adapterAdd-On Battery Replacement ServiceProvides replacement batteries every 18 months after purchase.ADD SVCBATTERY-MOB5 AddOn, Edge Service, Battery Service, Mobility, 5 Year,2 Replacement Battery over life of contractAdd-On Device Replacement ServiceReplacement devices should a device be damaged beyond repair.ADD SVCREPLACE-MOB5 AddOn, Edge Service, Device Replacement, Mobility, 5 YearAdd-On Image Management ServiceEnsures that when a device returns from being repaired, it has all the proper applications loaded back on the device.ADD SVCIMAGEMGMT-MOB5 AddOn, Edge Service, Image Service, Mobility, 5 Year.Add-On Image Management ServiceManages every aspect of your spare pool.ADD SVCSPAREMGMT-MOB5 AddOn, Edge Service, Advanced Exchange, Mobility, 5 Year.Customer owned spare pool, Minimum Purchase required contact your local Honeywell Service Representative for more information.EDA61K Repair ServicesFor Best-In-Class ServicePart NumberDescriptionSVCEDA61K-EXW2 EDA61K, BASIC, 10-15 Day Turnaround, 2 Years (1 Year Factory Warranty + 1 Year Extended)SVCEDA61K-EXW3 EDA61K, BASIC, 10-15 Day Turnaround, 3 Years (1 Year Factory Warranty + 2 Year Extended)SVCEDA61K-SG3N EDA61K, Edge Service, Gold Service Contract, 3 Year, NewEDA61KWarranty Cover AgainstProduct DefectBASIC ServiceComprehensive Coverage: Accidental Damage Wear & TearIncludes Replacement of: Hand StrapGOLD ServiceFlexible GOLD Add-Ons ordered separately SVCACC -MOB3 Accessories SVCBATTERY -MOB3 Batteries SVCREPLACE -MOB3 Device Replacement SVCIMAGEMGMT-MOB3 Image ServiceSVCSPAREMGMT -MOB3 Advanced ExchangeEDA61K Client PackThe first year of software maintenance is included for EDA61K units that are SCP Pre-Licensed. Add additional years of software maintenance for the applications below.Part# DescriptionSMARTTE-SFT3 SmartTE 3 Year SW Maintenance LauncherEnterprise Browser SmartTE Terminal EmulatorLauncher - gives the customer totalcontrol over which apps can be run on the device. Enterprise Browser provides corporations the ability to run standard web applications from a controlled environment.Terminal Emulator Full featured SmartTE allows legacy green screen apps to be transformed to the look and feel of native apps. Part# DescriptionSCP-SFT1 Software Client Pack - 1 Year Maintenance (Launcher, Enterprise Browser & SmartTE)N6703 Standard Range (SR)Option 1 EX20 Near/ FarOption 2 N6703 Standard RangeEX20 Engine is mounted for straight aiming to assist with long range scanning.N6703 Engine is mounted on a 15º angle for short range scanning which helps the user read the display while scanning at short distance.15ºEX20 Near/ FarEDA61K-xxUBxxxxxx No Camera, EX20 Straight AimingEDA61K-xxC9xxxxxx 13MP Camera, N6703 - 15º Angle* EX20 NOT compatible with Camera OptionOption 1 Scan HandleUse for Scan intensive applicationsPart Number Description1EDA61K-SH-DC Scan Handle kit for EDA61K. (Field-attachable scan handle). Compatible with Home Base.Optional 2EDA61K-SHS-3PK EDA61K Scan Handle Strap (Pack of 3)ScanPal EDA61K Desktop ChargingOption 1 Portable Option 2 Fixed (Charge Only)USB Communication AND USB Charging EDA61K Terminal Charger & Single Battery Charger (No Communication ports)Charge a Spare Batteryon the rear of the Home Base.Part Number Description Part Number Description1CBL-500-120-S00-05 Charging and USB communication cable for ScanPal EDA61K 1EDA61K-HB-0 KIT,Home Base,EDA61K, Includes Power Supply, must order Power Cord separately USB type A to type C, 1.2 m (3.9 ft), included with each terminal. 250149348-001 Spare Battery pack for ScanPal EDA61K: Li-ion, 3.6 V, 7,000mAh250136024-001 Kit includes 5V/2A power adaptor and power plugs for 3** AC Power Cord See Page 14 for Country Specific Power Cords US, EU, UK, ANZ, and India, included with each terminal.ScanPal EDA61K ChargingOption 1 EDA61K Battery ChargerOption 2 DX2 FlexDock 2-BayPart NumberDescription Part Number Description1 871-230-101 Quad Battery Charger for CK3 (AC20) and ScanPal EDA60K 1 DX2A2BB20 4-position Battery Charger, CK3/CK7x, No Power Cord (Power Supply Included)2 851-061-502 Universal Adapter w/Bead,12V 3.5x1.4mm, Level V2**AC Power Cord See Page 14 for Country Specific Power Cords 3 **AC Power Cord See Page 14 for Country Specific Power Cords Spare 50149348-001 Spare Battery pack for ScanPal EDA61K: Li-ion, 3.6 V, 7,000mAh450149348-001 Spare Battery pack for ScanPal EDA61K: Li-ion, 3.6 V, 7,000mAhHoneywell Repair ServicesHoneywell Repair Services SVCACC-MOB3AddOn, Edge Service, Accessory Service , Mobility, 3 Year.SVCACC-MOB3AddOn, Edge Service, Accessory Service , Mobility, 3 Year.Charge up to 4 batteries simultaneously Supports Batteries: 318-033-011 - Battery, Standard CK3 (2000mAh)318-034-023 - Battery, Extended CK3 (5100mAh) 50135498-001 Battery, Extended EDA60K (5100mAh ) 50149348-001 Battery Extended EDA61K (7000mAh )Supports Batteries: 318-033-011 - Battery, Standard CK3 (2000mAh)318-034-023 - Battery, Extended CK3 (5100mAh)318-046-031 - Smart Battery Pack, CK3R/CK3X/CK7x (5200mAh) 318-046-032 - Smart Battery Pack,CK75 Cold Storage (5200mAh) 50135498-001 Battery, Extended EDA60K (5100mAh ) 50149348-001 Battery Extended EDA61K (7000mAh )ScanPal EDA61K ChargingOption 3 DX4 FlexDock 4-BaySupports Batteries: 318-033-011 - Battery, Standard CK3 (2000mAh)318-034-023 - Battery, Extended CK3 (5100mAh)318-046-031 - Smart Battery Pack, CK3R/CK3X/CK7x (5200mAh)318-046-032 - Smart Battery Pack,CK75 Cold Storage (5200mAh)50135498-001 Battery, Extended EDA60K (5100mAh )50149348-001 Battery Extended EDA61K (7000mAh )Part Number Description1DX4A2BBBB00 8-position Battery Charger, CK3/CK7x, No Power Cord (Power Supply Included)2** AC Power Cord See Page 14 for Country Specific Power CordsSpare 50149348-001 Spare Battery pack for ScanPal EDA61K: Li-ion, 3.6 V, 7,000mAhHoneywell Repair ServicesSVCACC-MOB3 AddOn, Edge Service, Accessory Service , Mobility, 3 Year.MiscellaneousEDA61K AccessoriesPart Number Description815-088-001 Holster, CK3R/CK3X/CK65 with Scan Handle(Holster w/ Belt, supports CK3R/CK3X/CK65with scan handle)Part Number Description Part Number DescriptionEDA61K-HS-3PK Handstrap Pack of 3 815-087-001 Holster, CK3R/CK3X/CK65without Scan Handle1 1MiscellaneousPart NumberDescription1 856-065-004 MICRO-SD CARD, 1GB , AF1GUDI, ROHS OR 856-065-005 MICRO-SD CARD, 2GB , AF2GUDI, ROHSOR 856-065-006 MICRO-SD CARD, 4GB , AF4GUDI, ROHS OR856-065-007MICRO-SD CARD, 8GB , AF8GUDI, RoHSWhy ATP Industrial Grade SD?ATP's SIP (System-In-Packaging) manufacturing process encapsulates all exposed componentsand points of failure to ensure the products are fully waterproof, shockproof, and ESD (Electro-Static Discharge) proof. ATP Industrial Grade SD/SDHC Cards can withstand at least an operating/storage temperature range of at least -40 to 85 degrees Celsius. In addition to this temperature range, the cards are completely waterproof, dustproof, and ESD (Electro-Static Discharge) proof. All ATP Industrial Grade SD/SDHC cards are produced under a stringent RoHs and Green Package compliant manufacturing process to guarantee a consistent high level of build quality and performance. ATP Industrial SD cards deliver outstanding performance with read speed (seq) up to 18MB/sec and write speed (seq) up to 16MB/sec. All ATP Industrial Grade CF, SD, USB drives, and SSDs are constructed using best-in-class SLC(Single-Level Cell) components with enhanced Error Correction Code(ECC) functions and wear levelling algorithms. This results in MTBF ratings over 2 million hours and the highest write cycle lifetimes in the industry.Honeywell Recommended ATP Industrial Grade Micro SD CardsPart Number Description50117503-001 Power cord, Argentina, Isled CB50117501-001 Power cord, Australia, 2.5 m (8.2 ft), Isled CB 50117502-001 Power cord, Brazil, 2.5 m (8.2 ft), D60S-HB 19-19807Cable, China cord set (CCC), 2.5 m (8.2 ft) 9000091CABLE AC Power Cord, Denmark77900508E Power cord, Europe, IEC320-C13, 2.5 m (8.2 ft) 50127245-001 Power cord, 1.5 m (4.9 ft), India 9000092CABLE AC Power Cord, Italy 321-500-002 AC Power Cord, Japan 9000093CABLE AC Power Cord, Switzerland77900507E Power cord, UK, IEC320-C13, 2.5 m (8.2 ft) 77900506EPower cord, US, IEC320-C13, 1.85 m (6.07 ft)AC CordsDisclaimerHone ell In erna ional Inc. ( HII ) reser es he righ o make changes in specification and other information contained in this document without prior notice, and the reader should in all cases consult HII to determine whether any such changes have been made. The information in this publication does not represent a commitment on the part of HII. HII shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein; nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into another language with-out prior written consent of HII.Web Address: The Bluetooth trademarks are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., U.S.A and licensed to Honeywell.Dolphin, Mobility Edge and ScanPal are trademarks or registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.Android is a trademark or registered trademark of Google Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.Qualcomm and Snapdragon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Qualcomm Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Other product names mentioned in the manual may be trademarks of registered trademarks of their respective companies and are the property of their respective owners.All rights reserved.。


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The products listed in this document are designed to be used with ordinary electronic equipment or devices (such as audio visual equipment, office-automation equipment, communications devices, electrical appliances and electronic toys). Should you intend to use these products with equipment or devices which require an extremely high level of reliability and the malfunction of with would directly endanger human life (such as medical instruments, transportation equipment, aerospace machinery, nuclear-reactor controllers, fuel controllers and other safety devices), please be sure to consult with our sales representative in advance. About Export Control Order in Japan Products described herein are the objects of controlled goods in Annex 1 (Item 16) of Export Trade Control Order in Japan. In case of export from Japan, please confirm if it applies to "objective" criteria or an "informed" (by MITI clause) on the basis of "catch all controls for Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.






本次易容网为大家推荐比较常用的MLCC国巨 | Yageo品牌的料号CC1206KKX7RCBB102的相关参数





is a registered trademark of Phillips Corporation.Pin Name FunctionS0,S1,S2 Device Address InputsSCL Clock InputSDA Data Input / OutputWC Write ControlVcc Power SupplyGND GroundType of ProductsModel Memory size T emp.Range Vcc Package AK6002AF2Kbits-40 C 85 C 2.7V 5.5V8pin Plastic SOPDATA TRANSFERAll commands are preceded by a ST ART condition. After the ST ART condition, a slave address is sent. After the AK6002A/04A/08A recognizes the ST ART condition, the devices interfaced to the bus wait for the slave address to be transmitted over the SDA line. If the transmitted slave address matches an address of one of the devices, the designated slave pulls the SDA line to LOW (ACKNOWLEDGE) .The data transfer is always terminated by a STOP condition generated by the master.[ Data validity ]The data on the SDA line must be stable during the HIGH period of the clock. The HIGH or LOW state of the data line can only change when the clock signal on the SCL line is LOW.Figure1. Data transfer[ ST ART and STOP condition]A HIGH to LOW transition on the SDA line while SCL is HIGH defines a ST ART condition. All commands are preceded by the ST ART condition.A LOW to HIGH transition on the SDA line while SCL is HIGH defines a STOP condition. All communications are terminated by the STOP condition. After a read sequence, the STOP condition will place the EEPROM in a standby power mode.Figure2. Start and STOP Definition[ACKNOWLEDGE]ACKNOWLEDGE is a software convention used to indicate successful data transfers. The transmitting device will release the bus after transmitting eight bits. During the next clock (ninth clock), the receiver will pull the SDA line to LOW to acknowledge that it received the eight bits of data.The AK6002A/04A/08A will respond with an acknowledge after recognition of a start condition and its slave address. If both the device and a write operation have been selected, theAK6002A/04A/08A will respond with an acknowledge after the receipt of each subsequent eight bit word.In the read mode the AK6002A/04A/08A slave will transmit eight bits of data, release the SDA line and monitor the line for an acknowledge. If an acknowledge is detected and no STOP condition is generated by the master, the slave will continue to transmit data. If an acknowledge is not detected, the slave will terminate further data transmissions and await the STOP condition to return to the standby power mode.Figure3. Acknowledge Response from ReceiverFigure4. Slave Address (AK6002A) Figure5. Slave Address (AK6004A) Figure6. Slave Address (AK6008A)BYTE WRITEWRITEThe AK6002A/04A/08A is capable of a sixteen byte page write operation.It is initiated in the same manner as the byte write operation. But instead of terminating the write cycle after the first data word is transferred, the master can transmit up to fifteen more words. After the receipt of each word, the AK6002A/04A/08A will respond with an acknowledge. The master then terminates the transfer by generating a stop condition, at which time the AK6002A/04A/08A begins the internal write cycle to the nonvolatile memory.After the receipt of each word, the four lower order address pointer bits are internally incremented by one. The higher order four/five/seven bits of the word address remains constant.AK6002A When the highest address is reached (XXXX 1111), the address counter rolls over to address "XXXX 0000" allowing the read cycle to be continued indefinitely.AK6004A When the highest address is reached (X XXXX 1111), the address counter rolls over to address "X XXXX 0000" allowing the read cycle to be continued indefinitely.AK6008A When the highest address is reached (XXX XXXX 1111), the address counter rollsover to address "XXX XXXX 0000" allowing the read cycle to be continued indefinitely.P AGE WRITEACKNOWLEDGE POLLINGSince the device will not acknowledge during the internal write cycle, this can be used to determine when the cycle is complete. This feature (ACK polling) can be used to maximize bus troughtput. Once the stop condition is issued to indicate the end of the host's write operation theAK6002A/04A/08A initiates the internal write cycle. ACK polling can be initiated immediately. This involves issuing the start condition followed by the slave address for a write operation. If theAK6002A/04A/08A is still busy with the write operation no ACK will be returned. If the AK6002A/04/08A has completed the write operation an ACK will be returned and the host can then proceed with the next read or write operation.When the write operation is executed after the ACK polling, the host can issue the byte address consecutively after the ACK is returned. When the read operation is executed after the ACK polling, the host should issue the stop condition once.ACKNOWLEDGE POLLINGCURRENT ADDRESS READRANDOM READRandom read operations allow the master to access any memory location in a random manner. Prior to issuing the slave address with the R/W bit set to one, the master must first perform a "dummy" write operation.The master issues the start condition, slave address and then the word address it is to read. After the word address acknowledge, the master immediately reissues the start condition and the slave address with the R/W bit set to one. This will be followed by an acknowledge from theAK6002A/04A/08A and then by the eight bit word. The master will not acknowledge the transfer but generate the stop condition, and therefore the AK6002A/04A/08A discontinues transmission.RANDOM READSEQUENTIAL READSequential read can be initiated as either a current read or random read. The first word is transmitted in the same manner as the other read modes. However the master responds with an acknowledge, indicating it requires additional data. The AK6002A/04A/08A continues to output data for each acknowledge received. The data output is sequential, with the data from address n followed by the data from n+1. The master will not acknowledge the transfer but generate the stop condition, and therefore the AK6002A/04A/08A discontinues transmission.AK6002A When the highest address is reached ($FF), the address counter rolls over to address $00 allowing the read cycle to be continued indefinitely.AK6004A When the highest address is reached ($1FF), the address counter rolls over to address $000 allowing the read cycle to be continued indefinitely.AK6008A When the highest address is reached ($7FF), the address counter rolls over to address $000 allowing the read cycle to be continued indefinitely.SEQUENTIAL READEquivalent AC Load CircuitEquivalent AC Load CircuitBUS TIMING WRITE CYCLE TIMING。

PHONIC PAA6 中文使用说明书

PHONIC PAA6 中文使用说明书
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极性测试,相位检测,频谱检测和电平测量 (dB,SPL,dBu,dBV,Volt)等实用功能 ● 长使用时间可充电锂电池供电系统 ● 可提供粉红噪音,白色噪音,正弦波,扫描, 极性,三脚波和方波的音调发生器 ● 方便存储和检索数据的USB2.0接口和SD 卡 ● 30-130dB SPL声压电平表






二、工作原理电路便于理解1,8,9,13,14,16脚的功能,R line为限流电阻,然后经过R1分压后给V cc供电,为了维持电压稳定,电源与地之间接个大的极性电容。










COM90C66Data Sheet with Erratas forRev. B and Rev. D devices ARCNET® Controller/Transceiver withAT® Interface and On-Chip RAMFEATURES• ARCNET LAN Controller/Transceiver/ Support Logic/Dual-Port RAM• Integrates SMSC COM90C65 with 16-Bit Data Bus, Dual-Port RAM, and EnhancedDiagnostics Circuitry• Includes IBM® PC/AT® Bus Interface Circuitry• Supports 8- and 16-Bit Data Buses• Full 2K x 8 On-Chip Dual-Port Buffer RAM • Zero Wait State Arbitration for Most AT Buses• SMSC COM90C26 Software Compatible • Command Chaining Enhances Performance • Supports Memory Mapped and Sequential I/O Mapped Access to the Internal RAMBuffer • Compatible with the SMSC HYC9058/68/ 88 (COAX and Twisted Pair Drivers)• Token Passing Protocol with SelfReconfiguration Detection• Variable Data Length Packets• 16 Bits CRC Check/Generation• Includes Address Decoding Circuitry for On-Chip RAM, PROM and I/O• Supports up to 255 Nodes• Contains Software Accessible Node ID Register• Compatible with Various Topologies (Star, Tree, Bus, ...)• On-Board Crystal Oscillator and Reset Circuitry• Low Power CMOS, Single +5V SupplyGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe SMSC COM90C66 is a special purpose communications controller for interconnecting processors and intelligent peripherals using the ARCNET Local Area Network. The COM90C66 is unique in that it integrates the core ARCNET logic found in Standard Microsystems' original COM90C26 and COM90C32 with an on-chip 2K x 8 RAM, as well as the 16-bit data bus interface for the IBM PC/AT. Because of the inclusion of the RAM buffer in the COM90C66, a complete ARCNET node can be implemented with only one or two additional ICs (8- or 16-bit applications, respectively) and a media driver circuit. The ARCNET core remains functionally untouched, eliminating validation and compatibility concerns. The enhancements exist in the integration and the performance of the device. Maximum integration has been achieved by including the 2K x 8 RAM buffer on the chip, providing the immediate benefits of a lower device pin count and less board components. The performance is enhanced in four ways: a 16-bit data bus for operation with the IBM PC/AT;a zero wait state arbitration mechanism, due partly to the integration of the RAM buffer on-chip; the ability of the device to do consecutive transmissions and receptions via the Command Chaining operation; and improved diagnostics, allowing the user to control the system more efficiently. For most AT compatibles, the device handles zero wait state transfers.ARCNET is a registered trademark of Datapoint Corporation IBM, AT, PC/AT and Micro Channel are registered trademarks ofInternational Business Machines Corporation1TABLE OF CONTENTS FEATURES (1)GENERAL DESCRIPTION (1)PIN CONFIGURATION (3)DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS (4)PROTOCOL DESCRIPTION (9)NETWORK PROTOCOL (9)NETWORK RECONFIGURATION (9)BROADCAST MESSAGES (10)EXTENDED TIMEOUT FUNCTION (10)LINE PROTOCOL (10)SYSTEM DESCRIPTION (12)MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE (12)TRANSMISSION MEDIA INTERFACE (13)FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (13)MICROSEQUENCER (13)ADDRESS DECODING (19)INTERNAL REGISTERS (22)INTERNAL RAM (29)SOFTWARE INTERFACE (29)SOFTWARE COMPATIBILITY CONSIDERATIONS (31)COMMAND CHAINING (32)RESET DETAILS (34)READ AND WRITE CYCLES (35)NODE ID LOGIC (43)TRANSMIT/RECEIVE LOGIC (43)IMPROVED DIAGNOSTICS (43)OSCILLATOR (45)OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION (46)MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS (46)DC CHARACTERISTICS (46)TIMING DIAGRAMS (49)Please see Addendum 1 entitled Data Sheet Errata for Revision B COM90C66, which discusses changes to this data sheet which apply to the Revision B device, on Page 62.Please see Addendum 2 entitled Data Sheet Errata for Revision D COM90C66, which discusses changes to this data sheet which apply to the Revision D device, on Page 64.80 Arkay DriveHauppauge, NY 11788(516) 435-6000FAX (516) 273-31232For other machines, the IOCHRDY signal may be briefly negated to give the device the extra time necessary to support the faster machines. Aside from the implementation of a 16-bit data bus interface, the remaining bus interface logic is identical to that found in the SMSC COM90C65, which contains all the support logic circuitry.The ARCNET Local Area Network is a token passing network which operates at a 2.5 Mbps data rate. A token passing protocol provides predictable response times because each network event occurs within a known time interval. Throughput can be reliably predeter-mined based upon the number of nodes and their expected traffic.The COM90C66 establishes the network configuration and automatically reconfigures the token passing order as new nodes are added or deleted from the network.The COM90C66 performs address recognition, CRC checking and generation, packet acknowledgement, and other network management functions. The C0M90C66 interfaces directly to the IBM PC/AT or compatibles. The internal 2K x 8 RAM buffer is used to hold up to four data packets with a maximum length of 508 bytes each.DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONSPLCCPIN SYMBOL DESCRIPTIONPROCESSOR INTERFACE75-84, 2-11Address 0-19A0-A19Input. These signals are connected to the address linesof the host processor and are used to access memoryand I/O locations of the COM90C66, as well as to accessthe external ROM through the COM90C66.13-20, 22-29Data 0-15D0-D15Input/Output. These signals are used by the host totransmit data to and from the internal registers and buffermemory of the COM90C66 and are connected to weakinternal pull-up resistors.63, 62nTransceiverDirectionControl nTOPL,nTOPHOutput. These active low signals control the data bustransceiver. When these signals are high, data gets sentfrom the PC to the COM90C66. When these signals arelow, data gets sent from the COM90C66 to the PC, orfrom the PROM to the PC if the PROM signal is also low.71I/O ChannelReady IOCHRDY Output. This signal, when low, is optionally used by the COM90C66 to extend host cycles. This is an open-drainsignal. An external pull-up resistor is typically providedby the system.12AddressEnable AEN Input. This signal, when low, acts as a qualifier for I/O Address Selection. When the signal is high, I/Odecoding is disabled. This signal has no effect onMemory Address Selection.74Address LatchEnable BALE Input. The falling edge of this signal is used by the COM90C66 to latch the A0-A19 lines and the nSBHEsignal via an internal transparent latch. This signal isconnected to a weak internal pull-up resistor.64nI/O Read nIOR Input. This active low signal is issued by the hostmicroprocessor to indicate an I/O Read operation. A lowlevel on this pin when the COM90C66 is accessedenables data from the internal registers of theCOM90C66.65nI/O Write nIOW Input. This active low signal is issued by the hostmicroprocessor to indicate an I/O Write operation. A lowpulse on this pin when the COM90C66 is accessedenables data from the Data Bus into the internal registersof the COM90C66.4DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONSPLCCPIN SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 66nMemory Read nMEMR Input. This active low signal is issued by the hostmicroprocessor to indicate a Memory Read operation. Alow level on this pin when the COM90C66 is accessedenables data from the internal RAM of the COM90C66 orthe PROM onto the data bus to be read by the host.67nMemoryWrite nMEMW Input. This active low signal is issued by the host microprocessor to indicate a Memory Write operation. Alow pulse on this pin when the COM90C66 is accessedenables data from the data bus into the internal RAM ofthe COM90C66.52Reset In RESETIN Input. This active high signal is the power on reset signalfrom the host. It is used to activate the internal resetcircuitry within the COM90C66.53nROM Enable nENROM Input. This active low signal enables the decoding of theexternal PROM. This signal also affects the timing ofIOCHRDY and the number of address lines used todecode nMEMCS16. This signal is connected to a weakinternal pull-up resistor.54nROM Select nPROM Output. This active low signal is issued by theCOM90C66 to enable the external 8-bit wide PROM orthe external register of the COM90C66.30InterruptRequest INTR Output. This active high signal is generated by the COM90C66 when an enabled interrupt condition occurs.INTR returns to its inactive state when the interruptstatus condition or the corresponding interrupt mask bitis reset.72nZero WaitState n0WS Output. This active low signal is used to force zero wait state access cycles on the IBM PC Bus. This is an open-drain signal. An external pull-up resistor is typicallyprovided by the system.70nMemory16-Bit ChipSelect nMEMCS16Output. This active low signal is used to indicate that the present data transfer is a 16-bit memory cycle. TheCOM90C66 can be configured to use A19-A17 or A19-A11 to generate nMEMCS16. This is an open-drainsignal. An external pull-up resistor is typically providedby the system.5DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONSPLCCPIN SYMBOL DESCRIPTION69nI/O 16-BitChip Select nIOCS16Output. This active low signal is used to indicate that the present data transfer is a 16-bit I/O cycle. A15-A2 areused to generate nIOCS16. This is an open-drain signal.An external pull-up resistor is typically provided by thesystem.73nSystem BusHigh Enable nSBHE Input. This active low signal is used to enable the COM90C66 to transfer data on D8-D15 of the Data Bus. TRANSMISSION MEDIA INTERFACE56, 55nPulse 2,nPulse 1nPULSE 2,nPULSE 1Output. These active low signals carry the transmit datainformation, encoded in pulse format, from theCOM90C66 to the LAN Driver.57Receive In RXIN Input. This signal carries the receive data informationfrom the LAN Driver to the COM90C66.MISCELLANEOUS51-47Memory BaseAddress Select MS0-MS4Input. These signals are generated by external switches.They are used by the memory decoder to select a blockof memory. These signals are connected to weakinternal pull-up resistors.46-44I/O BaseAddress Select IOS0-IOS2Input. These signals are generated by external switches.They are used by the I/O decoder to select a block of 16I/O locations. These signals are connected to weakinternal pull-up resistors.35-42Node ID Select NID0-NID7Input. These signals are generated by external switches.The Node ID code represents the node identification ofthis particular COM90C66. These signals are connectedto weak internal pull-up resistors.32nTransmitActivity LED nTXLED Output. This active low signal is used for direct connection to an LED through a resistor to V cc to indicatetransmit activity. This signal has 12mA sink capability.31nBoard SelectActivity LED nnBSLED Output. This active low signal is used for direct connection to an LED through a resistor to V cc to indicateboard activity. This signal has 12mA sink capability.6DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONSPLCCPIN SYMBOL DESCRIPTION33, 34CrystalOscillator XTAL1,XTAL2An external parallel resonant 20 MHz crystal should beconnected to these pins. If an external 20 MHz TTL clockis used instead, it must be connected to XTAL1 with a390Ω pull-up resistor and XTAL2 should be left floating.59CA Clock CACLK Output. This is the start/stop CA clock and should be leftfloating for typical operation.58Clock CLK Output. This is a general purpose 5 MHz clock andshould be left floating for typical operation.1, 43Power Supply V cc+5 Volt Power Supply pin.21, 68Ground GND Ground pins.60-61No Connect NC Make no connection to these pins.7FIGURE 1 - COM90C66 OPERATION8PROTOCOL DESCRIPTIONNETWORK PROTOCOLCommunication on the network is based on a token passing protocol. Establishment of the network configuration and management of the network protocol are handled entirely by the COM90C66's internal microcoded sequencer. A processor or intelligent peripheral transmits data by simply loading a data packet and its destination ID into the RAM buffer and issuing a command to enable the transmitter. When the COM90C66 next receives the token, it verifies that the receiving node is ready by first transmitting a FREE BUFFER ENQUIRY message. If the receiving node transmits an ACKnowledge message, the data packet is transmitted followed by a 16-bit CRC. If the receiving node cannot accept the packet (typically its receiver is inhibited), it transmits a Negative AcKnowledgement message and the transmitter passes the token. Once it has been established that the receiving node can accept the packet and transmission is complete, the receiving node will verify the packet. If the packet is received successfully, the receiving node transmits an ACKnowledge message (or nothing if it is received unsuccessfully) allowing the transmitter to set the appropriate status bits to indicate successful or unsuccessful delivery of the packet. An interrupt mask permits the COM90C66 to generate an interrupt to the processor when selected status bits become true. Figure 1 is a flow chart illustrating the internal operation of the COM90C66.NETWORK RECONFIGURATIONA significant advantage of the COM90C66 is its ability to adapt to changes on the network. Whenever a new node is activated or deactivated, a NETWORK RECONFIGURATION is performed. When a new COM90C66 is turned on (creating a new active node on the network), or if the COM90C66 has not received an INVITATION TO TRANSMIT for 840 mS, or if a software reset occurs, the device causes aNETWORK RECONFIGURATION by sending a RECONFIGURE BURST consisting of eight marks and one space repeated 765 times. The purpose of this burst is to terminate all activity on the network. Since this burst is longer than any other type of transmission, the burst will interfere with the next INVITATION TO TRANSMIT, destroy the token and keep any other node from assuming control of the line.When any COM90C66 senses an idle line for greater than 82 µS, which will only occur when the token is lost, each COM90C66 starts an internal timeout equal to 146 µS times the quantity 255 minus its own ID. It also sets the internally-stored NID (next ID representing the next possible ID node) equal to its own ID. If the timeout expires with no line activity, the COM90C66 starts sending INVITATION TO TRANSMIT with the Destination ID (DID) equal to the currently-stored NID. Within a given network, only one COM90C66 will timeout (the one with the highest ID number). After sending the INVITATION TO TRANSMIT, the COM90C66 waits for activity on the line. If there is no activity for 74.7µS, the COM90C66 increments the NID value and transmits another INVITATION TO TRANSMIT using the NID equal to the DID. If activity appears before the 74.7µS timeout expires, the COM90C66 releases control of the line. During NETWORK RECONFIGURATION, INVITATIONS TO TRANSMIT will be sent to all 256 possible IDs. Each COM90C66 on the network will finally have saved a NID value equal to the ID of the COM90C66 that it released control to. At this point, control is passed directly from one node to the next with no wasted INVITATIONS TO TRANSMIT being sent to IDs not on the network until the next NETWORK RECONFIGURATION occurs. When a node is powered off, the previous node will attempt to pass it the token by issuing an INVITATION TO TRANSMIT. Since this node will not respond, the previous node will timeout and transmit another INVITATION TO TRANSMIT to an incremented ID and eventually a response will be received.9The time required to do a NETWORK RECONFIGURATION depends on the number of nodes in the network, the propagation delay between nodes, and the highest ID number on the network, but will be in the range of 24 to 61 mS.BROADCAST MESSAGESBroadcasting gives a particular node the ability to transmit a data packet to all nodes on the network simultaneously. ID zero is reserved for this feature and no node on the network can be assigned ID zero. To broadcast a message, the transmitting node's processor simply loads the RAM buffer with the data packet and sets the DID equal to zero. Figure 9 illustrates the position of each byte in the packet with the DID residing at address 01 HEX of the current page selected in the TRANSMIT command. Each individual node has the ability to ignore broadcast messages by setting the most significant bit of the ENABLE RECEIVE TO PAGE nn command (see Table 7) to logic "0".EXTENDED TIMEOUT FUNCTIONThere are three timeouts associated with the COM90C66 operation:Response TimeThe Response Time is equal to the round trip propagation delay between the two furthest nodes on the network plus the maximum turn around time (the time it takes a particular COM90C66 to start sending a message in response to a received message), which is approximately 12.7 µS. The round trip propagation delay is a function of the transmission media and network topology. For a typical system using RG62 coax in a baseband system, a one-way cable propagation delay of 31µS translates to a distance of about four miles. The flow chart in Figure 1 uses a value of 74.7µS (31 + 31 + 12.7) to determine if any node will respond.Idle TimeThe Idle Time is associated with a NETWORK RECONFIGURATION. Figure 1 illustrates that during a NETWORK RECONFIGURATION, one node will continually transmit INVITATIONS TO TRANSMIT until it encounters an active node.Every other node on the network must distinguish between this operation and an entirely idle line.During NETWORK RECONFIGURATION, activity will appear on the line every 82 µS. This82 µS is equal to the Response Time of 74.7 µSplus the time it takes the COM90C66 to retransmit another message (usually another INVITATION TO TRANSMIT).Reconfiguration TimeIf any node does not receive the token within the Reconfiguration Time, the node will initiate a NETWORK RECONFIGURATION.The ET2 and ET1 bits (bits 3 and 4 of the Configuration Register) allow the network to operate over longer distances than the four miles stated earlier. The logic levels on these bits control the maximum distances over which the COM90C66 can operate by controlling the three timeout values described above. See the description of the ET1 and ET2 bits, found in Table 8, for the table containing the combinations of these bits. It should be noted that for proper network operation, all COM90C66s connected to the same network must have the same Response Time, Idle Time, and Reconfiguration Time.LINE PROTOCOLThe ARCNET line protocol can be described as isochronous because each byte is preceded by a start interval and ended with a stop interval.Unlike asynchronous protocols, there is a constant amount of time separating each data byte. Each byte takes up exactly 11 clock intervals with a single clock interval being 400 nS in duration. As a result, one byte is10transmitted every 4.4 µS and the time to transmit a message can be precisely determined. The line idles in a spacing (logic "0") condition. A logic "0" is defined as no line activity and a logic "1" is defined as a negative pulse of 200 nS duration.A transmission starts with an ALERT BURST consisting of six unit intervals of mark (logic "1"). Eight-bit data characters are then sent with each character preceded by two unit intervals of mark and one unit interval of space. Five types of transmission can be performed as described below:Invitations To TransmitAn Invitation To Transmit is used to pass the token from one node to another and is sent by the following sequence:• An ALERT BURST• An EOT (End Of Transmission--ASCII code04 HEX)• Two (repeated) DID (Destination IDentification) charactersALERTBURST EOT DID DIDFree Buffer EnquiriesA Free Buffer Enquiry is used to ask another node if it is able to accept a packet of data and is sent by the following sequence:• An ALERT BURST• An ENQ (ENQuiry--ASCII code 85 HEX)• Two (repeated) DID (Destination IDentification) charactersData PacketsA Data Packet consists of the actual data being sent to another node and is sent by the following sequence:• An ALERT BURST• An SOH (Start Of Header--ASCII code 01 HEX)• An SID (Source IDentification) character • Two (repeated) DID (Destination IDentification) characters• A single COUNT character which is the 2's complement of the number of data bytes to follow if a short packet is being sent or 00 HEX followed by a COUNT character which is the 2's complement of the number of data bytes to follow if a long packet is being sent • N data bytes where COUNT = 256-N (or 512-N for a long packet)• Two CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) characters. The CRC polynomial used is X16 + X15 + X2 + 1.ALERTBURST ENQ DIDDID11AcknowledgementsAn Acknowledgement is used to acknowledge reception of a packet or as an affirmative response to FREE BUFFER ENQUIRIES and is sent by the following sequence:• An ALERT BURST• An ACK (ACKnowledgement--ASCII code86 HEX) character Negative AcknowledgementsA Negative Acknowledgement is used as a negative response to FREE BUFFER ENQUIRIES and is sent by the following sequence:• An ALERT BURST• A NAK (Negative AcKnowledgement--ASCII code 15 HEX) characterSYSTEM DESCRIPTIONThe System Block Diagram shown in Figure 2 illustrates a typical implementation of an ARCNET node using the COM90C66. The only external components required to complete an ARCNET node design are one or two bus transceivers (for 8-bit or 16-bit applications, respectively) and the LAN Driver, making the COM90C66 the most highly-integrated ARCNET solution. The COM90C66 provides for simple interfacing to both sides of the ARCNET system, namely the microprocessor and the transmission media.MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACEThe left half of Figure 2 illustrates a typical COM90C66 interface to the PC. The sections outlined in dotted lines represent the portion which distinguishes the 16-bit interface, while the remaining interface exists for both 8-bit and 16-bit applications. The interface consists of a 20-bit address bus, a 16-bit data bus and a control bus. All accesses to the internal RAM, the optional PROM and the internal registers are controlled by the COM90C66.The microprocessor's address lines are directly connected to the COM90C66. The address decoding circuitry of the COM90C66 monitors the address bus to determine valid accesses to the device.Figure 2 shows octal bus transceivers utilized as the interface between the microprocessor's data lines and the COM90C66. The transceivers are only necessary when interfacing to a high current drive data bus such as the IBM PC data bus, and may otherwise be omitted. The COM90C66 provides the nTOPL and nTOPH signals which control the direction of the external transceiver(s). The nTOPL signal is also activated during PROM Read Cycles.The microprocessor's control bus is directly connected to the COM90C66 and is used in access cycle communication between the device and the microprocessor. All accesses support zero wait state arbitration in most machines. The Control Bus has been optimized to support the intricacies of the IBM AT Bus and the EISA Bus.ALERTBURST ACK ALERTBURST NAK12TRANSMISSION MEDIA INTERFACEThe right half of Figure 2 illustrates the COM90C66 interface to the transmission media used to connect the node to the network. The HYC9058/68/88 may be used to drive the media. During transmission, the COM90C66 transmits a logic "1" by generating two 100 nS non-overlapping negative pulses, nPULSE1 and nPULSE2. These signals are sent to the LAN Driver, which in turn creates a 200 nS dipulse signal on the media. A logic "0" is transmitted by the absence of the two negative pulses, that is, the nPULSE1 and nPULSE2 outputs remain high, therefore there is an absence of a dipulse. During reception the 200 nS dipulse appearing on the media is coupled through the RF transformer of the LAN Driver. A positive pulse at the RXIN pin of the COM90C66 is interpreted as a logic "1". Again, if no dipulse is present, the COM90C66 interprets a logic "0".Typically, RXIN pulse occur at multiples of 400 nS. The COM90C66 can tolerate distortion of plus or minus 100 nS and still correctly capture the RXIN pulses.During Reset, the transmitter portion of the COM90C66 is disabled and the nPULSE1 and nPULSE2 pins are inactive high.The COM90C66 includes the nTXLED and nBSLED signals which, when tied to LEDs, provide indication of transmit and board access activity. In addition, it is possible for the user to completely disable the transmitter through software. These two unique features represent two of the improvements made in the diagnostics of the device. Please see the Improved Diagnostics section of this document for further detail.FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONMICROSEQUENCERThe COM90C66 contains an internal microsequencer which performs all of the control operation necessary to carry out the ARCNET protocol. It consists of a clock generator, a 554 x 8 ROM, a program counter, two instruction registers, an instruction decoder, a no-op generator, jump logic, and reconfiguration logic.The COM90C66 derives a 5 MHz and a 2.5 MHz clock from the external crystal. These clocks provide the rate at which the instructions are executed within the COM90C66. The 5 MHz clock is the rate at which the program counter operates, while the 2.5 MHz clock is the rate at which the instructions are executed. The microprogram is stored in the ROM and theinstructions are fetched and then placed into the instruction registers. One register holds the op code, while the other holds the immediate data.Once the instruction is fetched, it is decoded by the internal instruction decoder, at which point the COM90C66 proceeds to execute the instruction. When a no-op instruction is encountered, the microsequencer enters a timed loop, in which case the program counter is temporarily stopped until the loop is complete.When a jump instruction is encountered, the program counter is loaded with the jump address from the ROM. The COM90C66 contains an internal reconfiguration timer which interrupts the microsequencer if it has timed out.At this point the program counter is cleared, after which the MYRECON bit of the Diagnostic Status Register is set.13FIGURE 2 - SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM14FIGURE 3 - INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM15FIGURE 4 – MEMORY SELECTORFIGURE 5 – PROM SELECTORFIGURE 6 – I/O SELECTOR16FIGURE 9 – RAM BUFFER PACKET CONFIGURATION17Table 1 – User Configuration of Memory Map18ADDRESS DECODINGThe COM90C66 includes address decoding circuitry that compares the value of the Address Bus to the address range selected by the Memory Select (MS0-MS4) and I/O Select (IOS0-IOS2) pins in order to determine processor accesses to the on-board PROM, the on-chip RAM, and I/O locations. By placing switches on the MS0-MS4 and the IOS0-IOS2 pins, the user configures the Memory Map and I/O Map according to the possible address ranges shown in Tables 1 and 2.Table 2 - User Configuration of I/O Map IOS2I0S1IOS0I/O ADDRESS RANGE 0000260-026F 0010290-029F 01002E0-02EF 01102F0-02FF 1000300-030F 1010350-035F 1100380-038F 11103E0-03EFMemory Address DecodingThe Memory Address Decoding circuitry is used to select a block from the memory map of the processor for PROM and RAM accesses. Figure 4 illustrates how the memory selection works. The MS4-MS0 pins are decoded through a 5 to 9 Decoder to generate a 9-bit value. These nine bits are compared to the A19-A11 lines of the Address Bus in order to select a particular 16K memory segment. Figure 7 illustrates a 16K block of memory that has been selected by the MS4-MS0 pins. The PROM occupies the upper 8K area of the selected 16K segment and is accessed when A13 = 1. The RAM occupies one of four selectable 2K areas of the selected 16K segment and is accessed when A13 = 0. A11 and A12 are used to determine which 2K segment of the lower 8K area will be used for the RAM buffer.Figure 5 illustrates how the external PROM selection works. The MS4-MS0 pins aredecoded through a 5 to 7 Decoder to generate a 7-bit value. These seven bits are compared to the A19-A13 lines of the Address Bus in order to select an 8K memory range. Figure 7 illustrates an 8K block of memory for the PROM. In I/O 16K x 8 Mode only a 16K memory range is selected for the PROM. Figure 8 illustrates a 16K block of memory for the PROM.The nENROM pin is used to enable decoding for the on-board PROM. If nENROM is connected to a logic "1", the COM90C66 will not generate the nPROM signal, the nTOPL signal, or the IOCHRDY signal for accesses to the PROM. In this configuration, the COM90C66 will only occupy a 2K segment of memory.I/O Address DecodingThis section is used to select a block of 16 I/O locations from the I/O map of the processor.Figure 6 illustrates how the I/O selection19。

VFA Series Butterfly Valves Instruction Manual

VFA Series Butterfly Valves Instruction Manual

VFA SeriesInstruction Manual D103670X012January 2015 - Rev. 00TMVFA Series Butterfly ValvesSummaryIntroduction ........................................................................ 1P .E.D. Categories and Fluid Group ................................... 1Characteristics ................................................................... 2Labelling ............................................................................ 2Overpressure Protection .................................................... 2Transport and Handling ..................................................... 2Atex Requirements ............................................................ 2Dimensions and Weights ................................................... 3Installation ......................................................................... 4Shutdown ........................................................................... 4Maintenance ...................................................................... 4Spare Parts ........................................................................ 5Parts Lists .......................................................................... 6Schematic Assemblies . (7)INTrODuCTION Scope of ManualThis manual provides instructions for installation, shutdown, maintenance and spare parts ordering for the VFA series butterfly valves.Product DescriptionThe butterfly valves series VFA are "wafer" flangeless type and are used typically in gas reducing stations for a on-off service.This series of butterfly valves is designed basically for trans-mission/distribution grids of the natural gas and for industrial/commercial applications.This product has been designed to be used with fuel gases of 1st and 2nd family according to EN 437, and with other non aggressive and non fuel gases. For any other gases, other than natural gas, please contact your local sales agent.Figure 1. Type VFA-MR Butterfly ValveThe following versions are available:VFa : Lever operated VFa-mr : Gear operatedVFa-mrO : Gear operated for use with absorbingodorizing systemsP .E.D. CaTEGOrIES aND FLuID GrOuPThis product is Pressure Equipment classified in the following categories in according to Directive 97/23/EC PED.Table 1. P.E.D. Categories And Fluid GroupTypeCaTEGOryFLuID GrOuPDN 50 PN 16 - ANSI 150I 1DN 65 ÷ 150 PN 16 - ANSI 150II DN 200 PN 16II DN 250 PN 16III DN 200 ÷ 250 ANSI 150IIIVFA Series2CharaCTErISTICSBody Sizes and End Connection StylesVFa • VFa-mr • VFa-mrODN 50 - 65 - 80 - 100 - 125 - 150 - 200 - 250PN 16 - ANSI 150 flangedThe pressure/temperature limits indicated in this instruction manual or any applicable standard or code limitation should not be exceeded.Maximum Operating Inlet PressurePN 16: 16 bar ANSI 150: 19 barAt average ambient temperature.Minimum/Maximum Allowable Temperature (TS)See labelTemperatureStandard Version:Working -10° to 60°CLow Temperature Version: Working -20° to 60°CMaterialsBody: Steel Disk: Pressed steel Shaft:Stainless steelGaskets: Nitrile NBR rubber (FKM on request)LabELLINGFigure 2. Label for VFA SeriesNote 1: See “Characteristics” Note 2: Year of manufacture Note 3: Temperature class -10°/60°C or -20°/60°C Note 4: PN 16 PS: 16 bar ANSI 150 PS: 19.3 barThe Category I pressure equipments will not have on label any Notified Body reference.OVErPrESSurE PrOTECTIONThe recommended safety pressure limitations are stamped on the valve nameplate (PS). Some type of overpressure protec-tion is needed if the actual inlet pressure exceeds this limits.Personal injury, equipment damage, or leakage due to es-caping fluid or bursting of pressure-containing parts may re-sult if this relief valve is over-pressured or is installed where service conditions could exceed the design operative limits.Valves operation below the maximum pressure limitations does not preclude the possibility of damage from external sources or debris in the line.The valves should be inspected for damage after any over-pressure condition..TraNSPOrT aND haNDLINGEstablished transport and handling procedures shall be fol -lowed to avoid any damage on the pressure containing parts (valve body) by shocks or anomalous stresses.In case of necessity of a harness, a nylon harness will have to be used in order to protect the surface and possible valve accessories.aTEX rEquIrEmENTSIf the provisions of EN 12186 & EN 12279, national regulations, if any, and specific manufacturer recommendations are not put into practice before installation and if purge by inert gas is not carried out before equip -ment’s start-up and shut-down operations, a potential external and internal explosive atmosphere can be present in equipment & gas pressure regulating/measuring stations/installations.VFA Series3If a presence of foreign material in the pipelines is foreseen and purge by inert gas is not carried out, the following procedure is recommended to avoid any possible external ignition source inside the equipment due to mechanical generated sparks :• drainage to safe area via drain lines of foreign materials, if any, by inflow of fuel gas with low velocity in the pipe-work ( 5m/sec)In any case,• provisions of Directive 1999/92/EC and 89/655/EC shall be enforced by gas pressure regulating/measuring station/installation’s end user • with a view to preventing and providing protection against explosions, technical and/or organizational measuresappropriate to the nature of the operation shall be taken (e.g. : filling/exhausting of fuel gas of internal volume of the isolated part/entire installation with vent lines to safe area - 7.5.2 of EN 12186 & 7.4 of EN 12279 ; monitoring of settings with further exhaust of fuel gas to safe area ; connection of isolated part/entire installation to downstream pipeline; ….)• provision in 9.3 of EN 12186 & 12279 shall be enforced by pressure regulating/measuring station/installation’s end user • external tightness test shall be carried out after each reassembly at installation site using testing pressure in accordance with national rules • periodical check/maintenance for surveillance shall be carried out complying with national regulations, if any, andspecific manufacturer recommendations.VFA SERIESVFA-MR AND VFA-MRO SERIESTable 2. VFA Series Dimensions (mm) and Weights (kg)Figure 3. VFA Series DimensionsDImENSIONS aND WEIGhTSVFA Series4INSTaLLaTIONOnly qualified personnel should install or service a butterfly valve.Butterfly valves should be installed, oper -ated, and maintained in accordance with international and applicable codes and regu -lations, and Emerson instructions.Clean out all pipelines before installation of the regulator and check to be sure the regu -lator has not been damaged or has collected foreign material during shipping.Possible fails that cause the shutdown of the valve can create hazard conditions.Personal injury, equipment damage, orleakage due to escaping fluid or bursting of pressure-containing parts may result if this valve is over pressured or is installed where service conditions could exceed the limits given in the Specifications section, or where conditions exceed any ratings of the adja -cent piping or piping connections.Additionally, physical damage to the valve could result in personal injury and property damage due to escaping fluid. To avoid such injury and damage, install the regulator in a safe location..To avoid this, install the butterfly valve:• In a safe area where the is protected from exposure to physical damage and/or corrosive substances • service conditions are within valve capabilities Don’t exceed any ratings of the adjacent flanges or piping connections.Install the valve in any position desired, unless otherwise specified, but be sure flow through the body is in the direction indicated by the arrow on the body.If using a VFA series butterfly valve on hazardous or flam-mable gas service, personal injury and property damage could occur due to fire or explosion of vented gas that may have accumulated.To prevent such injury or damage, provide piping or tubing to vent the gas to a safe, well-ventilated area in accordance also with international and applicable codes and regulations. In particular, when venting a hazardous gas, the piping or tubing should be located far enough away from any buildings or win-dows so to not create a further hazard, and the vent opening should be protected against anything that could clog it.For outdoor installations, the butterfly valve should be located away from vehicular traffic.In order to avoid damaging of the valve disc, special care has to be done in carrying out accurate measurements to assess that it can rotate in the flange of connection and in the pipe without difficulties.Furthermore, center correctly the valve on the connection flanges.A suggested bolt tightening sequence is to process “three o’clock, nine o’clock, twelve o’clock, six o’clock, etc.”. Not ap-ply never the pressure to only partially installed valve.Further the ENs 12186 & 12279, where this product is used : • provide the cathodic protection and electrical isolation to avoid any corrosionShuTDOWNTo avoid personal injury resulting from sud -den release of pressure, isolate the valve from all pressure before attempting disas -sembly and release trapped pressure from the equipment and pressure line.In case of disassembly of main pressure retaining parts for checks and maintenance procedures, external and internal tightness tests have to be done according to appli -cable codes.maINTENaNCE(See Figure 4 and 5)All maintenance procedures must be carried out only by qualified personnel.If necessary, contact our technical support representatives or our authorized dealers.Butterfly valve and its pressure accessories are subject to normal wear and must be inspected periodically and replaced as necessary.VFA Series5The frequency of inspection/checks and replacementdepends upon the severity of service conditions and upon applicable codes and national standards/rules .In accordance with applicable National or Industry codes, standards and regulations/recommendations, all hazards covered by specific tests after final assembling beforeapplying the CE marking, shall be covered also after every subsequent reassembly at installation site, in order to ensure that the equipment will be safe throughout its intended life.Before proceeding with any maintenance work, shutoff the gas upstream and downstream from the regulator, also ensure that there is no gas under pressure inside the body by loosening the upstream and downstream connections.Upon completion, check for leaks using suds.General Maintenancea. Turn valve to “close” position and remove “open” control. Servicing mode will depend on the type of valve control.b. Remove screws (key 23 for sizes DN 50 to DN 200 and key 27 for DN 250), slide off valve body from pipe and replace O-ring (key 7). Note: It may sometimes be neces-sary to widen counterflanges so as to remove valve.c. Remove screws (key 12), hub (key 1) and upper bushing (key 9), and replace O-ring (key 13 and 14).d. On sizes DN 50 to DN 200: Remove dowels (key 6).On size DN 250: Remove bush (key 22), pin (key 6) and replace O-ring (key 20 and 21) if worn.e. Remove shaft (key 4).f. Remove disk (key 8).g. Remove screws (key 11) and plate (key 5).h. Replace gasket unit (key 3) and O-ring (key 6) if worn.i. On sizes DN 125 to DN 200: remove screws (key 17), plug (key 19) and replace O-ring (key 18 and 24).On size DN 250: remove screws (key 19), plug (key 17) and replace O-ring (key 18, 23 and 7).ReassemblyLubricates all seals with “MOLYKOTE 55 M” molybdenum grease.Use the greatest care to avoid damage to seals.Reassemble by reversing the above steps.Tighten all screws uniformly to ensure proper sealing.SParE ParTSSpare parts storage shall be done by proper procedures according to national standard/rules to avoid over aging or any damage.VFA Series6ParTS LISTSVFa Series DN 50 to DN 200 (See Figure 4)Key Description 1 Hub 2 Body 3* Gasket unit 4 Shaft 5 Plate 6 Dowel 7* O-ring 8 Disk9 Upper bushing 10 Lower bushing 11 Screw 12 Screw 13* O-ring 14* O-ring 15 Label 16 Rivet 17 Screw 18* O-ring 19 Plug 20* Gasket 21 Flange 22 Washer 23ScrewVFa Series DN 250 (See Figure 5)Key Description 1 Hub 2 Body 3* Gasket unit 4 Shaft 5 Plate 6 Pin 7* O-ring 8 Disk9 Upper bushing 10 Lower bushing 11 Screw 12 Screw 13* O-ring 14* O-ring 15 Label 16 Rivet 17 Plug 18* O-ring 19 Screw 20* O-ring 21* O-ring 22 Bush 24* Gasket 25 Flange 26 Washer 27ScrewRubber parts marked with (*) are supplied in the “spare parts kit”, recommended as stock.To order the kit it is necessary to communicate to us the type of the valve and its serial number.VFA Series SChEmaTIC aSSEmbLIESLM/7124Figure 4. VFA Butterfly Valve DN 50 to DN 2007VFA SeriesThe Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their prospective owners. Tartarini is a mark of O.M.T. Officina Meccanica Tartarini s.r.l., a business of Emerson Process Management.The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc., does not assume responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use and maintenance of any Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc., product remains solely with the purchaser.©Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc., 2015; All Rights ReservedIndustrial RegulatorsEmerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, A - HeadquartersMcKinney, Texas 75070, USA Tel: +1 800 558 5853Outside U.S. +1 972 548 3574Asia-PacificShanghai 201206, China Tel: +86 21 2892 9000EuropeBologna 40013, Italy Tel: +39 051 419 0611Middle East and AfricaDubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4811 8100For further information visit /regulatorsNatural Gas Technologies Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, A - HeadquartersMcKinney, Texas 75070, USA Tel: +1 800 558 5853Outside U.S. +1 972 548 3574Asia-PacificSingapore 128461, Singapore Tel: +65 6777 8337EuropeO.M.T. Tartarini s.r.l. Via P . Fabbri 1, I-40013 Castel Maggiore (Bologna), Italy Tel: +39 051 419 0611Francel SAS, 3 ave Victor Hugo, CS 80125 - Chartres 28008, France Tel: +33 2 37 33 47 00Middle East and AfricaDubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4811 8100TESCOMEmerson Process ManagementTescom CorporationUSA - HeadquartersElk River, Minnesota 55330-2445, USA Tels: +1 763 241 3238 +1 800 447 1250Asia-PacificShangai 201206, China Tel: +86 21 2892 9499EuropeSelmsdorf 23923, Germany Tel: +49 38823 31 287O.M.T. Officina Meccanica Tartarini S.R.L., R.E.A 184221 BO Cod. Fisc. 00623720372 Part. IVA 00519501209 N° IVA CEE IT 00519501209, Cap. Soc. 1.548 000 Euro i.v. R.I. 00623720372 - M BO 020330Francel SAS , SIRET 552 068 637 00057 APE 2651B, N° TVA : FR84552068637, RCS Chartres B 552 068 637, SAS capital 534 400 Euro Figure 5. VFA Butterfly Valve DN 250LM/7125。



1、按键的具体功能,开关机键的方向,TUNING是调谐钮,就是你找台的旋钮,MW是中波,SW是短波,FM是调频,MW、SW、FM 应该是一个多位开关或是电子开关切换的。




CIO-DDA06 6-Channel 分析输出板 ISA 总线计算机说明书

CIO-DDA06 6-Channel 分析输出板 ISA 总线计算机说明书

CIO-DDA06 and CIO-DDA06-166-Channel Analog Output Board for ISA Bus ComputersThe CIO-DDA06,$739, 6-channel analog output board shown smaller than actual sizeD2-9ߜModels with 12-and 16-Bit Resolution ߜ24 Channels of Digital I/O ߜDOS and Windows SupportߜLabVIEW Drivers AvailableThe CIO-DDA06 is a 6-channel analog output board that also contains 24channels of digital I/O. It is available with either 16-bit (1 part in 65536) or 12-bit (1 part in 4096) analog output resolution.Installed in any IBM or compatible computer with an ISA bus, the CIO-DDA06 turns your personal computer into an analog and digital control station suitable for proportional valve control, high voltage AC and DC contact monitoring and on/off control. The CIO-DDA06 is two boards in one: a 24-bit digital input/output board that is CIO-DIO24 compatible,and a 6-channel analog output board.The 37-pin D connector’s 24 digital I/O pins are assigned identically to the CIO-DIO24. The analog outputs occupy the remaining pins. This means that accessories such as the SSR-RACK24 just plug right in (with the use of a terminal board, such as the CIO-TERMINAL).Range SelectionThe CIO-DDA06 provides different stages of gain/range to allow you to bracket more closely the signal you wish to simulate, or to match the range exactly to the proportional device you wish to control.Software SupportThe CIO-DDA06 is supplied with InstaCal software for calibration and testing. In addition, it is also supported by the optional Universal Library.The Universal Library is a set of I/O libraries and drivers for users creating their own custom programs.The Universal Library is compatible with most DOS based and Windows (16-bit and 32-bit) languages (DLL and VXD) and supports the entire CIO family of boards. The Library includes an extensive set ofprogramming examples written in Visual Basic, and C for DOS,Windows 3.1, Windows 95,Windows 98 and Windows NT. An optional driver for LabVIEW is also available. Icon driven controlprograms such Labtech Notebook,Labtech Control and Dasylab support the CIO-DDA06.Signal Conditioning and AccessoriesSolid State Relays provide over 4,000 Volts isolation and allow the CIO-DDA06 to sense or control high-voltage AC and DC voltages.The solid state relays mount on the SSR-RACK24 which interfaces directly to the CIO-DDA06.Input/Output ConnectionsAll signals are accessible through a 37-pin male connector. A complete line of screw terminal boards and cables support both the analogoutput and digital I/O signals. Screw terminal boards accept 12-22 AWG wire and are constructed of high quality durable jaw-type screw terminals. To access the analog output signals while also using the SSR-RACK relay rack, a CIO-TERMINAL and two C37FF series cables are required. One cable attaches the CIO-TERMINAL to the CIO-DDA06 board while the other cable connects between apass-through connector on theModel CIO-DDA06$739Basic UnitDANALOG OUTPUT CARDSCIO-TERMINAL and the SSR-RACK.If the relay rack is not used, one cable and one terminal panel are required.SpecificationsAnalog Output Channels:6 voltage outputResolution:CIO-DDA06-16: 16 bits (1 part in 65536), CIO-DDA06-12:12 bits (1 part in 4096)Latches:double buffered/simultaneous. updateLinearity: ±1/2bit (12-bit model), ±1 LSB (16-bit model)Monotonicity: ±1/2bit (12-bit model),14 bits over temp range Temperature drift:7 ppM typ., 15 ppM max @ 0 V 15 ppm typ., 30 ppM max @ FS Load Current: ±5 mA MaxShort Circuit Current: 40 mA max Output Resistance: <0.1 ΩSETTLING TIMETime to Reach 99.99% of +FS:3 μs typical, 5 μs max (12 Bit), 8 μs (16-Bit)Time to Reach 99.99% of -FS: 5 μs typical, 10 μs OUTPUT RANGES CIO-DDA06-12:±10, ±5, ±2.5, ±1.67, 0-10, 0-5, 0-2.5, 0-1.67 VoltsCIO-DDA06-16: ±10, ±5, ±2.5, 0-10 V, 0-5 V, 0-2.5 V DIGITAL I/OI/O Ports: 2 eight-bit, 2 four-bit Total Bits: 24Output High: *************Output Low: *************Ordering Example: CIO-DDA06, analog output board SSR-RACK24, relay panel,two C37FF-2cables, CIO-TERMINAL screw terminal panel, 16 ACO5-C output modules,8 DCI5-C I/O modules and OMEGACARE SM 1-year extended warranty for the CIO-DDA06-12(adds 1 year to standard 3-year warranty), $739 + 149 + 50 (2 x 25) + 199 + 240 (16 x 15) + 120 (8 x 15) + 40 = $1437.CIO-DDA06 and CIO-DDAO6-16 come with InstaCal test/calibration software and operator’s manual*See Section H for more information on solid state I/O modules.D2-10CIO-MINI37 screw terminal panelCIO-TERMINAL screw terminal panelSSR-RACK24 24-channel solid state relay rackMOST POPULARCANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.frGuyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。

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TECHNICAL DATATELEPHONE SPEECH NETWORK KK A1062/1062AWITH DIALER INT`ERFACEFEATURES- Low DC line voltage; operates down to 1.6V (excluding polarity guard)- Voltage regulator with adjustable static resistance - Provides a supply for external circuits- Symmetrical high-impedance inputs (64 k Ω) for dynamic, magnetic or piezo-electric microphones- Asymmetrical high-impedance input (32 k Ω) for electret microphones- DTMF signal input with confidence tone- Mute input for pulse or DTMF dialing- KK A1062: active HIGH (MUTE)- KK A1062A: active LOW (MUTE)- Receiving amplifier for dynamic, magnetic or piezo-electric earpieces- Large gain setting range on microphone and earpiece amplifiers- Line loss compensation (line current dependent) for microphone and earpiece amplifiers- Gain control curve adaptable to exchange supply - DC line voltage adjustment facility PIN CONNECTIONDESCRIPTIONThe KKA 1062 and KK A1062A are integrated circuits that perform all speech and line interface functions required in fully electronic telephone sets. They perform electronic switching between dialing and speech. The ICs operates at line voltage down to 1.6 V DC (with reduced performance) to facilitate the use of more telephone sets connected in parallel.All statements and values refer to all versions unless otherwise specified. The KK A1062 (KK A1062A) is packaged in a standard 16-pin plastic DIP and special plastic DIP with internal heatsink is also available.QUICK REFERENCE DATACharacteristicSymbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit Line VoltageV LN I line = 15mA3.554.0 4.25 V Operating Line Current I line 2.0 V dcNormal Operation 11 140 mA with Reduced Performance 1 11 mA Internal Supply Current I CC V CC = 2.8V 0.9 1.35mASupply Voltage for PeripheralsV CCI line = 15mA I p = 1.2mA I p = 0mA2.2 2.2 2.73.4 VVoltage Gain G Vmicrophone amplifier 44 52 dB receiving amplifier2031dBLine loss compensation Gain Control∆G V 5.8 dBExchange Supply VoltageV exch 36 60 V Exchange Feeding bridge ResistanceR exch0.4 1 k ΩBLOCK DIAGRAMEE GAS2 GAS1 QR GAR(1) Pin 12 is active HIGH (MUTE) for KKA1062.Fig.1 Block diagram for KK A1062AFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONSupplies V CC, LN, SLPE, REG and STABPower for the IC and its peripheral circuits is usually obtained from the telephone line. The supply voltage is delivered from the line via a dropping resistor and regulated by the IC. The supply voltage V CC may also be used to supply external circuits e.g. dialing and control circuits.Decoupling of the supply voltage is performed by a capacitor between V CC and V EE . The internal voltage regulator is decoupled by a capacitor between REG and V EE.The DC current flowing into the set is determined by the exchange supply voltage V exch , the feeding bridge resistance R exch and the DC resistance of the telephoneline R line .The circuit has internal current stabilizer operating at a level determined by a 3.6 kΩ resistor connected between STAB and V EE (see Fig.6). When the line current (I line) is more than 0.5mA greater than the sum of the IC supply current (I CC) and the current drawn by the peripheral circuitry connected to V CC (I p) the excess current is shunted to V EE via LN.The regulated voltage on the line terminal (V LN) can be calculated as: V LN = V ref + I SLPE x R9V LN = V ref + {(I line - I CC - 0.5 x 10-3A) - I p} x R9V ref is an internally generated temperature compensated reference voltage of 3.7V and R9 is an external resistor connected between SLPE and V EE.In normal use the value of R9 would be 20?.Changing the value of R9 will also affect microphone gain, DTMF gain, gain control characteristics, sidetone level, maximum output swing on LN and the DC characteristics (especially at the lower voltages).Fig.2 Equivalent impedance circuitUnder normal conditions, when I SLPE >>I CC + 0.5mA + I p, the static behaviour of the circuit is that of a 3.7V regulator diode with an internal resistance equal to that of R9. In the audio frequency range the dynamic impedance is largely determined by R1. Fig.2 show the equivalent impedance of the circuit. At line currents below 9mA the internal reference voltage is automatically adjusted to a lower value (typically 1.6V at 1mA). This means that more sets can be operated in parallel with DC line voltage (excluding the polarity guard) down to an absolute minimum voltage of 1.6V. At line currents below 9mA the circuit has limited sending and receiving levels. The internal reference voltage can be adjusted by means of an external resistor (R VA). This resistor when connected between LN and REG will decrease the internal reference voltage and when connected between REG and SLPE will increase the internal reference voltage.Microphone inputs MIC+ and MIC- and gain pins GAS1 and GAS2The circuit has symmetrical microphone inputs. Its input impedance is 64 kΩ (2 x 32kΩ) and its voltage gain is typically 52 dB (when R7 = 68k?; see Fig.6).Dynamic, magnetic, piezo-electric or electret (with built-in FET source followers) can be used.The gain of the microphone amplifier can be adjusted between 44 dB and 52 dB to suit the sensitivity of the transducer in use. The gain is proportional to the value of R7 which is connected between GAS1 and GAS2.Stability is ensured by two external capacitors, C6 connected between GAS1 and SLPE and C8 connected between GAS1 and VEE. The value of C6 is 100pF but this may be increased to obtain a first-order low-pass filter. The value of C8 is 10 times the value ofC6. The cut-off frequency corresponds to the time constant R7 x C6. Input MUTE (KK A1062A)When MUTE is LOW or open-circuit, the DTMF input is enable and the microphone and receiving amplifier inputs are inhibited. The reverse is true when MUTE is HIGH.MUTE switching causes only negligible clicking on the line and earpiece output. If the number of parallel sets in use causes a drop in line current to below 6 mA the DTMF amplifier becomes active independent to the DC level applied to the MUTE input.Dual-tone multi-frequency input DTMFWhen the DTMF input is enable dialing tones may be sent on to the line. The voltage gain from DTMF to LN is typically 25.5 dB (when R7=68kΩ) and varies with R7 in the same way as the microphone gain. The signalling tones can be heard in the earpiece at a low level (confidence tone).Receiving amplifier IR, QR and GARThe receiving amplifier has one input (IR) and a non-inverting output (QR). The IR to QR gain is typically 31dB (when R4 = 100kΩ). It can be adjusted between 20 and 31dB to match the sensitivity of the transducer in use. The gain is set with the value of R4 which is connected between GAR and QR. The overall receive gain, between LN and QR, is calculated by subtracting the anti-sidetone network attenuation (32dB) from the amplifier gain. Two external capacitors, C4 and C7, ensure stability. C4 is normally 100pF and C7 is 10 times the value of C4. The value of C4 may be increased to obtain a first-order low-pass filter. The cut-off frequency will depend on the time constant R4 x C4.The output voltage of the receiving amplifier is specified for continuous-wave drive. The maximum output voltage will be higher under speech conditions where the peak to RMS ratio is higher. Automatic gain control input AGCZ Z R 8balbal +=Z Z R 1lineline +Automatic line loss compensation is achieved by connecting a resistor (R6) between AGC and V EE .(2)The automatic gain control varies the gain of the microphoneamplifier and the receiving amplifier in accordance with the DC line current. The control range is 5.8 dB which corresponds to a line length of 5 km for aIf fixed values are chosen for R1, R2, R3 and R9, then condition (1) will always be fulfilled when 0.5mm diameter twisted-pair copper cable with a DC resistance of 176 ?/km and average attenuation of To obtain optimum sidetone suppression, condition (2) has to be fulfilled which results in:Z bal =R 8R 1x Z line = k x Z line1.2dB/km. Resistor R6 should be chosen in accordance with the exchange supply voltage and its feeding bridge resistance. The ratio of start and stop currents of the AGC curve is independent of the value of R6. If no automaticWhere k is scale factor; k = R 8R 1line-loss compensation is required the AGC pin may be left open-circuit. The amplifiers, in this condition, will give their maximum specified gain. The scale factor k, dependent on the value of R8, is chosen to meet the following criteria:- compatibility with a standard capacitor from the E6 or Sidetone suppressionE12 range for Z balThe anti-sidetone network, R1//Z line , R2, R3, R8, R9 and Z bal suppresses the transmitted signal in the earpiece. Maximumcompensation is obtained when the following conditions are fulfilled: - |Z bal //R8|<<R8 fulfilling condition (a) and thus ensuring correctanti-sidetone bridge operation- |Z bal + R8|>>R9 to avoid influencing the transmit gain.R9 x R2 = R1 x R 3 (1)R 8Z R 8Z bal bal ++⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟ x In practise Z line varies considerably with the line type and length. The value chosen for Z bal should therefore be for an average line thus giving optimum setting for short or long lines.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitPositive Continuous Line Voltage V LN 12 V Repetitive Line Voltage During Switch-on or Line InterruptionV LN(R) 13.2 V Repetitive Peak Line Voltage for a 1ms Pulse per 5s V LN(RM)R9 = 20Ω; R10 = 13Ω; see Fig.6 28 V Line Current I line R9 = 20Ω; note 1 140 mA Input Voltage on all other Pins V I -0.7 V CC +0.7V Total Power Standard DIP P tot R9 = 20Ω; note 20.58 W Dissipation DIP with heatsink 0.67Operating Ambient Temperature T A -25 +75 oCStorage Temperature T stg -40 +125 oCJunction Temperature T j +125 oCNotes1. Mostly dependent on the maximum required T A and on the voltage between LN and SLPE.2. Calculated for the maximum ambient temperature specified and a maximum junction temperature of 125o C. (Thermal Resistance R JA = 85o C/W for standard DIP and R JA = 75o C/W for special DIP with heatsink).Fig.3a Safe operating area Fig.3b Safe operating area (Standard DIP) (DIP with HS)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSI line = 11mA to mA; V EE = 0V; f = 800Hz; T A = 25o C; unless otherwise specified.Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit Voltage Drop over Circuit between LN and V EE V LN MIC inputs open-circuitI line = 1mAI line = 4mAI line = 15mA I line = 100mA I line = 140mA 3.554. with Temperature |V LN/T I line = 15mA -0.3 mV/o CVoltage Drop over Circuit Between LN and V EE with External Resistor R VA V LN I line = 15mAR VA(LN to REG) = 68k ΩR VA(REG to SLPE) = 39kΩ3.54.5VSupply Current I CC V CC = 2.8V 0.9 1.35 mA Supply Voltage available for Peripheral Circuitry V CC I line = 15mA;I p = 1.2mA I p = 0mA 2.2 2.73.4VMicrophone inputs MIC- and MIC+ (pins 6 and 7)Input Impedance Differential |Z i |between MIC- and MIC+ 64 kΩSingle-ended MIC- or MIC+ to V EE 32 kΩCommon mode rejection ratio CMRR 82 dB Voltage Gain MIC+ or MIC- to LN G v I line = 15mA; R7 = 68k Ω50.5 52.0 53.5 dB Gain Variation with Frequency referenced to800Hz∆G vf f = 300 and 3400 Hz 0.2 dBGain Variation with Temperature referenced to 25 o C ∆G vT without R6; I line = 50mA;T A = -25 and +75 o C0.2 dBDTMF Input (Pin 11)Input Impedance |Z i |20.7kΩVoltage Gain from DTMF to LN G v I line = 15mA; R7 = 68kΩ24.3 25.5 27.0 dBGain Variation with Frequency referenced to800Hz∆G vf f = 300 and 3400 Hz 0.2 dBGain Variation with Temperature referenced to 25 o C ∆G vT I line = 50mA;T A = -25 and +75 o C0.2 dBGain adjustment inputs GAS1 and GAS2 (Pins2 and 3)Transmitting Amplifier Gain variation by adjustment of R7 between GAS1 and GAS2 ∆G v -8dBSending amplifier output LN (Pin1)Output Voltage (RMS value) V LN(rms)THD = 10 %I line = 4mAI line = 15mA 1.7 0.82.3VVReceiving amplifier input IR (Pin 10)Input Impedance |Z i |I line = 15mA; R L = 300Ω;(from pin 9 to21 kΩReceiving amplifier output QR (Pin 4)Output Impedance |Z o | 4ΩVoltage Gain from IR to QR G v I line = 15mA; R L = 300Ω;(from pin 9 to pin 4)29.5 31 32.5 dBGain Variation with Frequency referenced to800Hz∆G vf f = 300 and 3400 Hz 0.2 dBGain Variation with Temperature referenced to 25o C ∆G vT without R6; I line = 50mA;T A = -25 and +75o C0.2 dBOutput Voltage (RMS value) V o(rms)THD = 2%; sine wave drive:pdriven; V o(rms) = 150mV, R L = 150Ω.Fig.4 Typical current I p available from V CC for peripheral circuitry.Fig. 5 Variation of gain as a function of the line current with R6 as a parameterTABLE 1Values of resistor R6 for optimum line-loss compensation at various values of exchange supply voltage (V exch ) and exchange bridge resistance (R exch ); R9 = 20>.V exch (V)400 R exch (Ω) 600R exch (Ω) 800 R exch (Ω) 1000 R exch (Ω)R6 (k Ω)36 100 78.7 - - 48 140 110 93.1 8260 - - 120 102PINNINGNote 1. Pin 12 is active HIGH (MUTE) for KK A1062APPLICATION INFORMATION元器件交易网。
