2SC4331中文资料(renesas)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
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3. 7.5厘米 × 0.7毫米,陶瓷电路板装
封装图(单位: mm)
6.5 ±0.2 5.0 ±0.2 1.5
2.3 ±0.2 0.5 ±0.1
1.6 ±0.2 1
5.5 ±0.2
1.1 ±0.2
13.7最小. 7.0最低
2.3 2.3
TO-251 (MP-3)
6.5 ±0.2 5.0 ±0.2 4.4 ±0.2
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AZ AQUATAR家族产品系列介绍说明书
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AQUATAR-6 (1.40/1.43/1.45)
Fluoro Polymer
AQUATAR-8A (1.41/1.45/1.52)
for KrF “N” resist
AZ, the AZ logo, BARLi, Aquatar, nLOF, Kwik Strip, Klebosol, and S5pinfil are
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SWG, and TARP are trademarks of AZ Electronic Materials.
2.4 Resist swing reduction effect in 365nm application
Substrate TARC Develop
: Silicon with HMDS(90C/60s) : 64nm FT, NO PAB : AZ 300MIF(2.38%) , puddle 60s
One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781/329-4700 Fax: 781/326-8703 © 2003 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
V dB
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0 0 –2.5 16
μs kSPS ms μs kSPS μs kSPS LSB1 ࿋ LSB LSB FSRڦ% FSRڦ% FSRڦ% FSRڦ% LSB dB3 dB dB dB dB dB dB MHz ns ps rms ns V μA
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4. !
Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies.
3) Instructor 设定教官的首选项。
Instructor Voice
FSX版本Level-D 767-300ER飞机插件
“Flight contains failures” Alert Boxes 启用后,告警框将会显示飞行载入的故障。
0 只链接对讲机 1 链接外部电源 2 链接外部空气 3 推出 4 修复故障
Realism and carrier options... 真实度和承运人选项... Standard-style EADI or Speed tape EADI 标准的EADI或者速度条EADI Dual cue or Single cue Flight Director 八字形或十字形飞行指引仪
FSX版本Level-D 767-300ER飞机插件
Climb Thrust Derate Washout 降低额定爬升功率设定 AFDS automatic multi-channel AFDS 自动多通道,AFDS自动连接自动着陆,而无需飞行员动作。 GPWS altitude callouts 选中的话,在着陆下降中,高度呼叫提示根据无线电高度计自动的产生。 EADI Displays A/T flag EADI显示A/T标志,在EADI上显示自动油门标志。 Airspeed BUGS option 在空速表左下角使用隐藏的点击区,速度旋钮可以自动设定。 Load carrier options with flights 载入飞行时载入承运人选项。 Realism
飞机的视觉模型 767 fsx版本的外观模型是特定于fsx平台的,可以从截图上看出 和早期的fs9版本的差别。其中的动画效果例如RAT放置功能, 链接到电源汇流条的每个外部灯光,以及专用开关,高质量的 dds纹理格式,可伸缩机翼,apu门,副翼下垂,以及一个双速 挡风玻璃雨刮系统。 飞行模型 这个产品被真实世界的飞行员测试,并且其飞机性能是直接从 模型参数计算而来的,精确的推力阻力模型,真实世界的发动 机损坏模型,恰当的重量和平衡计算,以及载荷管理。 虚拟驾驶舱 虚拟驾驶舱让你完全沉浸在机长和副驾驶的位置上,包含独立的机长和副驾驶仪表,功 能完整而且可以鼠标点击,有两个不同的内部灯光选项。 飞机系统 开发团队努力使飞机的系统部件能够重现真实世界的对应部分,一些关键的系统特征 如:一个完整实现的驾驶舱压力仪表和逻辑系统,客舱温度控制,V1,V2和Vr速度触发 的发动机失效编程功能,系统故障,和完全的TCAS逻辑。 无线电和通讯系统 这个产品实现了一组高级的无线电和通讯系统,包括独立的NAV1,NAV2和ILS无线 电,地面无线电链接/地面呼叫和后推程序的增强地面对话,等等。 其他方面 767-300ER还实现了一个功能完整的FMC系统,包含新的FMC页面(DIVERT),风预报数 据,SIDS/STARS进近的模拟,VNAV逻辑,和精确的成本指数计算。自动飞行指引系统 (AFDS)方面包含AUTOLAND逻辑,真实的飞行指引仪,操纵杆和油门上的AP断开功 能,等等。
Boeing 757 767型号飞机的零件说明说明书
737-300/-400/-500 & 757 737-600, 700, 800, 900. 747, 757, 767, 777 737-600,700,800,900 737-600/-700/-800 747, 757, 767 747, 757, 767, A300-600, A310, A319, A320, A321 747, 757, 767, A300-600, A310, A319, A320, A321 747, 757, 767, A300-600, A310, A319, A320, A321 747, 757, 767, A300-600, A310, A319, A320, A321 747, 777 747, L-1011 747, L-1011, DC-10 747-400, 757, 767 747-400, 757, 767 747-400, 757, 767, 777 757, Gulfstream V
Electric Motor for MPEV3-03210 Motorpumps Manual Depressurising Relief Valve Assembly Hydraulic Power Transfer Motorpump Assembly Hydraulic Power Transfer Motorpump Assembly Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assembly Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assembly Generator Control Unit Assembly Generator Control Unit Assembly
250 kSPS 、六通道、同步采样、双极性16/14/12-位 ADCAD7656/AD7657/AD7658Rev. D Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However , no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Speci cations subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. T rademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.One Technology Way, P.O.Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.Tel: 781.329.4700 Fax: 781.461.3113 2006–2012 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.功能框图V SSDGNDV DDREFCONVST ACONVST B CONVST C OUTPUT DRIVERSOUTPUT DRIVERSOUTPUT DRIVERSOUTPUT DRIVERSCONTROL LOGICBUFBUFBUFAGNDT/HT/H T/H T/HT/HT/HCLK OSCAV CCDV CCV1V2V3V4V5V6SER/PAR CSV DRIVE STBYDOUT ADOUT BDOUT C SCLKRD WRDATA/CONTROL LINES 05020-001AD7656/AD7657/AD765816-/14-/12-BIT SAR16-/14-/12-BIT SAR16-/14-/12-BIT SAR16-/14-/12-BIT SAR16-/14-/12-BIT SAR16-/14-/12-BIT SAR图1.-1受美国专利第6,731,232号保护。
气密封高温非固体电解质钽 电容器
耐高温( 175 ℃ )
小体积、高于GB7215-87 标准
注:表中带有“ G ”产品型号表示既可秤“七专”,又可生产民品,如( G ) CA 型,其余依此类推。
41PS T370
片式、低 ESR
片式、超低 ESR
高频、 8 或 16 只脚双列直插式
FAZER 767 BASIC 电气安装测试器说明书
Battery mainห้องสมุดไป่ตู้enance If the device fails to signal the measurement results the batteries' contacts may be dirty. Take the batteries out, clean them with a dry cloth or spirit and put them back in. Sometimes, it's enough just to move the batteries around their axis inside the device.
DPDT Bifurcated
Ag Alloy, Au clad 60W / 125VA
250VDC / 300VAC 3A
1A @ 120VAC 2A @ 30VDC
3………48VDC 0.14W
1000MΩ (at 500VDC) 1000 Vrms 1 min 1000 Vrms 1 min
Contact Ratings
Contact Arrangement
Contact Material Max Switching Power Max Switching Voltage Max Switching Current
Safety Approved Contact Ratings
SPDT Ag (Au clad)
30W / 62.5VA 60 VDC / 125VAC
0.5A @ 125VAC 1A @ 30VDC 0.3A @ 60VDC
Ag + Au plated 30W / 62.5VA 60 VDC / 125VAC
0.5A @ 125VAC 1A @ 30VDC 0.3A @ 60VDC
1A, 1C 12
1A, 1C 13
1A, 1C 13
1A, 1C 13
活性炭材料要紧包括活性炭(Activated Carbon , A C )和活性炭纤维(Activated Carbon Fibers, ACF )等。
BS 7671-2008 CORR.1-2008 电气设备的要求.IEE布线规则
This corrigendum contains corrections to BS 7671:2008. For clarification, where appropriate, deleted text has been ruled through and additional text has been underlined. Sufficient of the existing text has been included to enable users to identify the nature and extent of the change.Amend Table 41.1, NOTE 2 and 411.4.5, NOTE by deleting “(typically 2I Δn )”. Amend 434.2.1 as follows:434.2.1 The regulations in Regulation 434.2 shall not be applied to installations situated in locations presenting a fire risk or risk of explosion and or where the requirements for special installations and locations specify different conditions.Amend 515.3.1 and 515.3.2 by replacing references to “BS EN 50082” and “BS EN 50081” with “BS EN 61000 series”. Amend 533.3 as follows:533.3Selection of devices for protection of wiring systems against fault currentThe application of the regulations of Chapter 43 for fault currents of duration up to 5 s shall take into account maximum fault current conditions. Where the device provides protection against fault current only, account shall be taken of minimum short-circuit fault current conditions.Where the standard covering a protective device specifies both a rated service short-circuit breaking capacity and a rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity, it is acceptable to select the protective device on the basis of the ultimate fault current short-circuit breaking capacity for the maximum short-circuit fault current conditions. Operational circumstances may, however, make it desirable to select the protective device on the service short-circuit breaking capacity, e.g. where a protective device is placed at the origin of the installation.Where the short-circuit breaking capacity of the protective device is lower than the maximum prospective short-circuit or earth fault current that is expected at its point of installation, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the last paragraph of Regulation 536.1 and Regulation 536.5.Amend Table 53.2 as follows:Device Standard Isolation (5)EmergencySwitching (2)Functional switching(5) In an installation forming part of a TT or IT system, isolation requires disconnection of all the live conductors.See Regulation 537.2.2.1.Replace 537.1.2 as follows:537.1.2 Combined protective and neutral (PEN) conductors shall not be isolated or switched except as permitted by Regulation 543.3.4.Except as required by Regulation 537.1.4, in a TN-S or TN-C-S system the neutral conductor need not be isolated or switched where it can be regarded as being reliably connected to Earth by a suitably low impedance. For supplies which are provided in accordance with the Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002, the supply neutral conductor (PEN or N) is considered to be connected to Earth by a suitably low impedance.Corrigendum(July 2008)BRITISH STANDARDBS 7671:2008 Requirements for Electrical Installations IEE Wiring Regulations, Seventeenth Edition© The Institution of Engineering and Technology and BSINO FURTHER ELECTRONIC COPYING WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSIONAmend 702.411 as follows:702.411415Protective measure: Automatic disconnection of supply Additional protection Amend Regulation number 702.411.3.3 to 702.415.2Note the changing of the above two Regulation numbers effectively moves that group from page 171 to 172. Amend 702.55.1(ii) and (iii) by replacing “702.411.3.3” with “702.415.2”.Amend 705.1, NOTE by deleting “and BS EN 6100-1”Amend Figure 705, bottom left-hand corner, by replacing “150 mm 150 mm” with “150 mm x 150 mm” Appendix 1, British Standards to which reference is made in the RegulationsAmend as follows:BS 6220:1983 (1999) Electric cables. Single core PVC insulated flexible cables of rated voltage600/1000 V for switchgear and controlgear wiringDeleted by BS 7671:2008, Corrigendum (July 2008)Appx 15BS EN 61000 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)BS EN 61000 is a multiple part standard 515.3.1515.3.2Appx 5 AM Appx 11 para 1BS EN 6100-1 Glossary of building and civil engineering termsDeleted by BS 7671:2008, Corrigendum (July 2008)705.1 noteAppendix 9, Definitions – multiple source, d.c. and other systemsAmend Figures 9D to 9M as follows:Appendix 15, Ring and radial final circuit arrangements, Regulation 433.1 Amend Figures 1 and 2 as shown over page:IndexAmend as shown:Page 364- swimming pools-- supplementary equipotentialbonding 702.411.3.3(ii) 415.2Page 366- swimming pools 702.411.3.3 415.2Page 372- swimming pools 702.411.3.3 415.2Page 373- swimming pools 702.411 415.2- swimming pools 702.411.3.3 415.2Page 379- starting currents 522.1.1 552.1.1Page 382- swimming pools 702.411.3.3 415.2Page 386- swimming pools 702.411.3.3 415.2- supplementary equipotentialbonding required 702.411.3.3 415.2APPENDIX 15 (Informative)RING AND RADIAL FINAL CIRCUIT ARRANGEMENTS,REGULATION 433.1This appendix sets out options for the design of ring and radial final circuits for household and similar premises in accordance with Regulation 433.1, using socket-outlets and fused connection units. It does not cover other aspects of the design of a circuit such as: – Protection against electric shock, Chapter 41– Protection against thermal effects, Chapter 42– Protection against overcurrent, Chapter 43– Selection and erection of equipment, Part 5.1 Fig 15A RING FINAL CIRCUIT ARRANGEMENTS, REGULATION 433.1.5The load current in any part of the circuit should be unlikely to exceed for long periods the current-carrying capacity of the cable (Regulation 433.1.5 refers). This can generally be achieved by:(i) locating socket-outlets to provide reasonable sharing of the load around the ring(ii) not supplying immersion heaters, comprehensive electric space heating or loads of a similar profile from the ring circuit (iii) connecting cookers, ovens and hobs with a rated power exceeding 2 kW on their own dedicated radial circuit(iv) taking account of the total floor area being served. (As a rule of thumb Historically, a limit of 100 m2 has been adopted.)2 Fig 15B RADIAL FINAL CIRCUIT ARRANGEMENTS, REGULATION 433.11.5 mm2。
9.9 ~ 54MHz
12 ~ 54MHz
1 ~ 170MHz
1 ~ 150MHz
1 ~ 125MHz
4 ~ 54MHz
VCXO 压控振荡器
60 ~ 700MHz
60 ~ 200MHz
TCXO 温补振荡器
13 ~ 52MHz
13 ~ 52MHz
NX2012SA NX3215SA
KHZ谐振器 M晶体谐振器 NhomakorabeaNX3215SA NX1612AA NX1612AA NX2016SA NX2520SA NX3225GA NX5032GA NX5032SA NX1255GB NR-2B NR-2C AT-41CD2
KT2520 KT3225
13~52 13~52
2.5 x 2.0 x 0.7 3.2 x 2.5 x 0.89 5.0 x 3.2 x 1.2 5.0 x 3.2 x 1.0 5.0 x 3.2 x 1.1 7.0 x 5.0 x 1.6
缝纫机767 零件手册
Teileliste und NaeheinrichtungenSpare Parts List and Sewing Equipment767Postfach170351,D-33703Bielefeld•Potsdamer Straße190,D-33719BielefeldTelefon+49(0)521/925-00•Telefax+49(0)521/9252435•Ausgabe/Edition:Änderungsindex Teile-Nr.:/Part-No.: 03/2007Rev.index:01.0Printed in Federal Republic of Germany0791767801Alle Rechte vorbehalten.Eigentum der Dürkopp Adler AG und urheberrechtlich geschützt.Jede,auch auszugsweise Wiederverwendung dieser Inhalte ist ohne vorheriges schriftliches Einverständnis der Dürkopp Adler AG verboten.All rights reserved.Property of Dürkopp Adler AG and copyrighted.Reproduction or publication of the content in any manner,even in extracts,without prior written permission of Dürkopp Adler AG,is prohibited.Copyright©Dürkopp Adler AG-2007Tei l e-Nr./Part-No.Be n en n ung/Des.T a f el/Table Tei l e-Nr./Part-No.Be n en n ung/Des.Tafel/TableKlas s e / Class: 767In d ex Aus g a b e/Edi t i o n:03.2007APP001132Hal t es t u e ck30C4MG41004073Spanpl. Schr.30H2, 30G4, 29F3 MG43000401Ge s ta e n g e K15H11, 16H11MG53007921Win k el25.1K827.1G1MG53007922La s che25.1K8, 27.1F1N800005214Trae g er b lech K11B8N800005216Trae g er b lech K12F1MG53007921Win k el25K3, 27G1MG53007922La s che25K3, 27F1N800005218Stiftschr.12G1N800005219Raen d el m ut t er12F1S080953287Ein s atz 1.1H1S315262085Ke g el f e d er8.1E9, 8.2E12,20M5 Z100010701Knie s chal t er27M7 00020075049500Wipp s chal t er29B3, 30A2 0016004010Filz s chei b e3C3, 3C12, 3D7 0037001280Fa d ensp.Schei b e3B1, 3B8, 10B7,10.1A5 0052000369Oel k an n e20C20053000350Schei b e1D6, 1.1D6, 1J11 0061001050Steg s chei b e3C3, 3C12, 3D7 0067000904Band r ol l en h al t er20H80067001560Sperr f e d er1D3, 1.1D4 0067001770Druc k fe d er6G11, 6L11 0067002470Ha k en5E4, 5E10 0067150170Stop f en11F8, 12A8 0067160490Bol z en1K50067320150Druc k fe d er10D9, 10.1G3, 10L9 0067351680Bol z en8E1, 8E3, 8F5,8.2H9, 8.4J9 z ugs f e d er3E60068000660Druc k fe d er8E10068001830Fe d er5L8, 5F3, 5F9 z ugs f e d er3E30068004930Fa d e n anz.Fe d er3E40068005330Schei b e3H2, 3J6 0068005350Fa d enf.Bol z en3H2, 3J6 0068111030Druc k fe d er3H2, 3J6 0069000833Ban d einf.Plat t e11A9, 12F3 0069120020Stop f en4M1, 5M2 0077110220Auf l a g e20C60077110230Zen t riers t ueck20B70081001390Schei b e11A80081003080Druc k plat t e11J30081004910Drucks t ueck11J30088002320Huelse3H2, 3J6 0099004800Ke g el f e d er(1,4D)3C12, 3D3, 3E7 0099004910Ke g elst.Fed.(1,1D)3C12, 3D3, 3E7,3E100099004930Dec k schei b e3E3010*******Auf l a g e20E3010*******Win k el16H50167001800Spu l e 6.1B3, 7.1J3,(schwarz m.Ra e n d el)10A11, 20L2 0167005050Ab f all b lech11J90167150270Spu l e7I6, 7J11,8H2,8E12,10G11, 20L2 0167330020Mes s er11L20167331030Druc k fe d er10C90168160110Bol z en31D20170100030Schutz s top f en10C8, 10J8, 10.1E20196001890Druc k fe d er10.1C5, 10B11,10H11 0199002740Stan g e20K3021*******Gew. Stift1C8, 1F8, 2C6, 2C9 022*******Schei b e3B1, 3B7, 10B7,10G11, 10.1B5 022*******Vor s pan n ung K10B7, 10G9, 10.1B3 022*******Buch s e3B1, 3B8, 10B7,10G11, 10.1B5 022*******Ver t ei l er,kpl.26E5022*******Knie p lat t e K20L8023*******Zyl. Stift3C10024*******A Spu l e7J11, 8E12, 20L27I6, 7J11, 8E12,8.2D12 024*******Lip p en r ing 1.1J3, 1.1J7,1.1L1, 1M6 0266340143Drucks t an g e V31D40266340160Zugs t an g e31E50266340170Bol z en31B50266340193Luefter h e b el31D10266340280La s che31E20268110050Fa d ensp.Bol z en3C11027*******Ska l a k nopf3D12027*******Gew. Stift m. Zapf.1.1E12 027*******Li.Senkschr.25.3K7, 25.3M5 029*******Fa d en f u e h r ung2K1029*******Schei b e6A2, 6A3 029*******Dicht s chei b e1D5, 1.1D5 029*******Lu e f t ungs r ohr V1D3, 1.1D3, 9E2,9E7, 9L7 029*******Spannr. Ach s e1D6, 1.1D6 029*******Span n ungs f e d er10L1, 10.2K6 029*******La g er V1C6, 1.1C6 029*******Hau b e20C40367100040Hand r ad2D10367100044Hand r ad2C10367100050Flansch2E20367100063La g er h u e l s e K,hi1B11, 1E12 0367100080Buch s e10D90367100090Bol z en10C90367100130Rie m en s chutz20F70367100150Bol z en20F60367100170Nip p el9C2, 9C6, 9L6 0367100180Schau g las9H80367100190Rohr9K60367100240Schutz b lech9D3, 9D7, 9K8 0367100260Oel r ohr9B1, 9B5, 9H5 0367100284Arm w el l e1B90367100300Druc k fe d er9D1, 9D5, 9K5 0367100353La g er h u e l s e1C10, 1F10 0367100360Rie m en s chutz hi20F5, 26C10 0367100390Fe d er b ue g el9C2, 9C6, 9J6 0367100420Hand r ad2B20367100424Hand r ad2B20367100430Rie m en s chei b e2B10367100480Bol z en10J8, 10.1D2 0367100490Schutz b lech10J8, 10.1D2 0367100510Ab d e c kung10J8, 10.1D2 0367105910Bol z en15L10367100593Oel r ohr9B1, 9B5 0367100610Oel s chlauch9B3, 9B80367100633Einst. Schei b e10H80367100643Einst. Schei b e V10H7, 10.1C5, 25H4 0367110010Oese2B5, 2B8, 2G2 0367110033Fa d enh.Len k er V2A5, 2A7, 2F2 0367110040Len k er b ol z en2B4, 2B7, 2G1 0367110050Dicht s chei b e2B5, 2B8, 2B12,2F3 0367110070Buch s e2B5, 2B8, 2B12,2F3 0367110100Zap f en5E8, 5E9, 5J7 0367110110Span n ungs p lat t e3C7, 3D3 0367110120Bol z en3C2, 3D7 0367110130Hu e l s e3D1, 3D5 0367110140Schei b e3D70367110150Ha k en3C3, 3C7 0367110160Buch s e3E1, 3E5 0367110164Fa d en f u e h r ung3E30367110170Bol z en3F1, 3F5 0367110183Dec k schei b e V3E11, 3F2, 3G7 0367110203Aus l oes e he b el10E2, 10.2L1 0367110220Einst. Mut t er10E4, 10.2L4 0367110240Druc k knopf3C3, 3C7 0367110254Fa d en f u e h r ung3E60367110270Zugs t an g e10D2, 10.2K1 0367110280Mag n et t rae g er10.2J11 0367110290Buch s e3E11, 3F2, 3G7 0367110300Koer p er3G2, 3H1, 3H5, 3J5 0367110304Fa d enf.Koer p er3H1, 3J5, 3J7 0367110310Fa d enf.Blech3G2, 3H5 0367110333Ha k en3G2, 3H6 0367110334Fa d en f u e h r ung3G2, 3H5, 3H7 0367110340Fa d e n anz.Rol l e3E10,3F2, 3F6, 3G6 0367110350Zwi s chen s chei b e3E10, 3F2, 3F6 0367110360Schei b e3E10, 3F2, 3F7,3G6 0367110370Fa d en o e s e3C2, 3D5 0367110380Stift3C2, 3C5 0367110390Stift3D60367110423Klo b en K10D3, 10.2J3 0367110433He b el5F80367110440Fe d er3E70367110460He b el5F4, 5F10, 5L9 0367110470Druc k fe d er10.1A5 0367110480Mag n et t rae g er10E5, 10.2L5 0367110490Stan g e10E4, 10.2L4 0367110510Klemm p lat t e3C90367110520Fa d enh.Kur b el2C7, 2H1 0367110530Kur b el2C40367110544Fa d en f u e h r ung3E40367110554Fa d en f ueh r ung3E70367110570Fe d er3C3, 3C7 0367110580Fa d en f ueh r ung3C2, 3C5 0367110593He b el K5D2, 5J7 0367110600Ha k en10L3, 10.2J8 0367110610Bol z en10L3, 10.2K8 0367110633Aus l oes e he b el10L1, 10.2K6 0367110640Klo b en10L4, 10.2J10 0367120013Na d elstg.Ge l enk2D5, 2D8, 2C10,2C120367120023Na d elstg. Klob. V2D4, 2D7, 2H1 0367120030Buch s e11J5, 12A4, 12B11,12B12, 27A7 0367120040Gleits t ein2D6, 2D9, 2H30367120050Gleit f ueh r ung1J10367120080Nip p el1J1, 1K1, 7E11,8F8,8.2G6, 12A6, 12E4 0367120093Klemm k lo b en1J3, 1J4 0367120100Oel s chei b e1K20367120110Gew. Bol z en2C6, 2C9, 2H3 0367120193Na d elstg.Gelnk2H20367120260Fa d en o e s e2K2, 2M2, 30C2,30C50367120270Plat t e1K1, 1L2 0367120284Na d elstg.Schwin g e1L20367120800Nip p el8.4H50367130130Bol z en5B2, 5B8, 5G7 0367130140Fu e hr.Buch s e5F3, 5F9, 5L8 0367130153Stell r ing K1J8, 1J11, 5D3,5D9, 5J8 0367130170Buch s e1J12,5C2, 5C4,5C5,5C10, 5D8, 5H8,5H10, 5J7, 5L9,1K8 0367130180Buch s e5D1, 5D7, 5J6 0367130240Lu e f t er h e b el5B12, 5G11 0367130253Lu e f t er k lo b en K5B5; 5B10, 5H10 0367130263Klo b en20K30367130273Spin d el V5B2, 5B8, 5G7 0367130290Ar r e t ier b ol z en5F3, 5F9, 5M8 0367130340Gleit l a g er5D1, 5D3, 5D7,5D9, 5J6 0367130440Zug f e d er5E4, 5E10, 5K9 0367130600Druc k fe d er5C1, 5C7, 5H6 0367130624Knie h e b el20L30367130633Fueh r ung4E1, 4E5, 4E9 0367130640Gleits t ein4D1, 4D6 0367130680Oel d ocht4E2, 4E6 0367130710Hu e l s e5C1, 5C7, 5H6 0367130720Stan g e5C1, 5C7, 5H6 0367130920Buch s e4F2, 4F6 0367130960Stan g e5E5, 5E11, 5K10 0367130964He b el K5F12, 5F6, 5M11 0367130970Ku g el b ol z en5G11, 5G5, 5M10 0367140020De c kel1D6, 1.1D6 0367140030De c kel d ich t ung1E5, 1.1E5 0367140040Oel a n z ei g er1D6, 1.1D6 0367140050Schar n ier20E3, 25M11 0367140060App. Schie b er2H90367140064App. Schie b er K2F9, 2G6, 2G7,2G9,2H9, 2G11 0367140070Blatt f e d er2H90367140090Schie b er,re2G6, 2J4 0367140100Fuss 1.1E30367140170Schie b er2F7, 2L7 0367140190Schie b er,li2F8, 2L4 0367140320Schie b er,li2F7, 2K4 0367142070Schie b er2F6, 2J4 0367142340Schie b er,re2F7, 2K7 0367150050La g er b uch s e6G10, 6L10, 8.4D6,8.5C90367150060Schei b e7C90367150070Ge w in d es t ift6F7, 6K6, 7C9 0367150080Zahn r ad6F5, 6K5 0367150093Klaue6G5, 6L6 0367150103Klaue6G5, 6L5 0367150113Stell r ing K8.2H12Klas s e / Class: 767In d ex Aus g a b e/Edi t i o n:03.2007 Tei l e-Nr./Part-No.Be n en n ung/Des.Ta f el/Table Tei l e-Nr./Part-No.Be n en n ung/Des.Tafel/Table0367150120Wel l e9L110367150133Klemm r ing K8.4F70367150150Zahn r ie m en6E11, 6J11 0367150163Zahn r ie m en r ad1B10, 1E11 0367150180Wel l e9L2, 9L8 0367150193Klemm r ing K7D11, 7E4, 7.1E2,8E9, 8F3, 8.2G8,8.4H7, 8.5E7 0367150240De c kel 6.1D2, 6.1D6, 6.1J2,8.2E11, 25.2C5,25.2D11, 0367150270Ke g elst.Fe d er 6.1C3, 6.1C7, 6.1J38.2E12, 20M4,25.2D12 0367150280Schei b e 1.1C9, 7B6, 7B10,7.1B3, 0367150310Grei f er l a g er,re7E100367150320Grei f er l a g er,li7E6, 7.1E3 0367150330La g er d e c kel7C7, 7C9, 7.1D4,8E5, 8E7, 8.2F5,8.4F5, 8.5E9 0367150343Grei f er w el l e K7D6, 7.1D3, 8E5,8E8, 8.2F6 0367150360Bol z en7E10, 7.1C2, 8.2G68D3, 8F8, 8.5D9 0367150380Bol z en7C40367150403Stirn r ad7F6, 7F11, 7.1F3,8G3, 8G9, 8.2J8,8.4K7, 8.5G7 0367150413Stirn r ad8F3, 8F9, 8.2H8,8.4J70367150433An t riebs w el l e7D9, 7D10, 7E6,7.1E3, 8F5, 8F7,8.2G50367150453Zugs t an g e7B4, 7C11, 7.1B2,8C3, 8D9 0367150460Ex z en t er b uch s e9L5, 9M2, 9M7,9M110367150470Schei b e9K2, 9K4, 9K7,9K110367150480Spu l en g eh.Luef t er7.1A20367150490Spu l en g eh.Luef t er7A5, 7A10, 8C3,8.2C8, 8C9 0367150530Spin d el7E10, 7F6, 7.1F3,8F8, 8G5, 8.2J6 0367150540Mut t er7F4, 7F11, 7.1F2,8G3, 8G9, 8.2J8,8.4J7, 8.5G7 0367150550Nip p el9L40367150560Re d u z iers t ueck9M80367150570Oel r ohr9L3, 9L12, 9M9 0367150580De c kel,Re7F6, 7F11, 7.1G3,7G6, 8G5, 8H9,8.2K8, 8.4L7 0367150590Dich t ung8.2K8, 8.5H9 0367150600De c kel li.7G6, 7.1G3, 8H5,8.5H90367150610Grei f er l a g er,re FA8F8, 8.2H6, 8.4H5 0367150620Grei f er l a g er,li FA7E6, 7.1E3, 8F3,8.5F90367150630De c kel8H90367150700Schlauch9F3, 9F6, 9M7 0367150770Buch s e7F6, 7F10, 7.1F3,8G5, 8G8, 8.2J6,8.5D7, 8.4K6 0367150780Schei b e6F11, 6K11 0367150813Stirn r ad7E6, 7E11, 7.1E3,8.5F70367150820Exz. Wel l e K7B6, 7B10, 7.1C3,8D5, 8D8, 8.2D8,8.2E6, 8.4E6,8.5D9 0367150824Ex z en t er w el l e7B11, 7C6, 7.1C3,8D5, 8D9, 8.5C7,8.4E70367150830Bol z en6B4, 7B11, 7.1B2,8C5, 8C9, 8.2D8,8.4D7, 8.5C9 0367150840Pris m a6B4, 7B11, 7.1C2,8C5, 8C9, 8.2D8,8.4E7, 8.5C9 0367150850Fe d er9K6, 9L1, 9L10,9M6,0367150860Fe d er9L60367150884Schlauch9K70367150894Schlauch (2-Nad.)9L60367150900Paszschei b e7B6, 7B10, 7.1B3,8B5, 8C6, 8.2C6,8.4D6, 8.5C9 0367150910Paszschei b e7B6, 7B10, 7.1B3,8C5, 8C8, 8.2D6 0367150920Hal t er9K11, 9L2, 9L8,7.1L3, 8L8, 8L11 0367150930Buch s e6F7, 6K6 0367150940Lauf r ol l e6F7, 6K7 0367150950Kol b en6G7, 6L7 0367150960Wel l e6G7, 6L7 0367150973Oel s chlauch9K3, 9K12, 9L9 0367150980Oel s chlauch9M110367151000Ko e r p er6F12, 6K12 0367151004Zahn r ie m en r ad6F12, 6K12 0367151010Huel s e6G11, 6L11 0367151020Pis t on6G11, 6L11 0367151030Fe d er9L3, 9L9, 9L12 0367151040Fil t er t opf9L1, 9L3, 9L5, 9L8,9L10, 9L12 0367151050Hu e l s e9K2, 9K12, 9L1,9L8, 9M4, 9M10 0367160030Bol z en6D110367160053Wel l e6B10367160064Stell w el l e K1L7, 1.1L9 0367160090Gleits t ein6G8, 6K8 0367190100Bol z en6F9, 6K9 0367160110Keil1K7, 1.1K12 0367160120Druc k fe d er1K7, 1.1K12 0367160130Buch s e6A2, 6A6, 6B4, 6E3,6F4, 6G30367160140Buch s e8E3, 8F3,8F9,8.2H88.4H7, 8.5F7 0367160183Hub e x z en t er6G8, 6L8 0367160200Buch s e1J80367160233Klo b en6C30367160240Bol z en6A40367160253Zugs t an g e6K70367160273Zugs t an g e6F7, 6K8 0367160290Hebel6F9, 6K9 0367160310Bol z en6A6, 6F7, 6D3, 6J7 0367160320Nip p el1F4,1L6,1.1E4, 4J7,4K1, 4M4, 5K1, 5L4,6C3, 6G7,6G10,6L7,6L10, 7E10, 8F8,8.2H6, 8.4H5, 12B4 0367160333Klemm k lo b en1H100367160340He b el1K9Klas s e / Class: 767In d ex Aus g a b e/Edi t i o n:03.2007 Tei l e-Nr./Part-No.Be n en n ung/Des.T a f el/Table Tei l e-Nr./Part-No.Be n en n ung/Des.Tafel/Table0367160344He b el1K90367160350Zugs t an g e1K90367160360Bol z en1K100367160373Klo b en1L90367160380Bolzen1L90367160383Klo b en1L90367160390Buch s e1J100367160400Aus g leichs s tueck1G100367160410Blatt f e d er1H100367160420Ach s e1J80367160430Fe d er h a k en5E3,5E4, 5E9, 5E10 0367160460Stan g e1K100367160474Ga b el1H90367160480Zug f e d er5D3, 5D9 0367160493Fe d er b ue g el5D3, 5D9 0367160523Pol s ter1K11, 20J6 0367160530Rol l e1H90367160563Spin d el1K100367160583Stichst. Griff1J120367160600Ska l a1K110367160633Klemm b ol z en6F40367160640Stop f en1L6, 6B1 0367160660Bol z en5C3, 5C9 0367160680Stift6B1, 6D1, 6F1 0367160690Buch s e1J120367160700An s chlag b lech1M100367160710An s chlag b lech1M100367160720Buchse6A20367160740Gleits t ein6C11, 12B3 0367170750Dis t anz h uel s e1H100367170013Mit n eh m er r ad1C10, 1F11 0367170020Buch s e10B9, 10H9 0367170033Ausloese h e b el10C11, 10J11,10.1D5 0367170040Klemm f e d er10G11, 10.1C5 0367170044Spu l er w el l e K10H11, 10.1C5 0367170060Mes s er10B11, 10H11,10.1D5 0367170070Schei b e10B11, 10H11,10.1C5 0367170083Spu l er r ad K10E9, 10L9, 10.1H3 0367170090Fa d en f u e h r ung10B9,10G11,10.1B5 0367200330Stich p lat t e11K10367210240Un t er m es s er11K2, 20L2 0367232010Na d elst.Rohr2K11, 2F11 0367232030Fa d en o e s e30F20367240040Dis t anz r ol l e11C11, 11M6, 12H5 0367240440Ein s atz11B8, 12G1 0367240453He b el11B9, 12G3 0367240460Wel l e11C8, 12H2 0367240470Schei b e11D8, 12J1 0367240480Schie b er11C9, 12H3 0367240493Zugs t an g e11D9, 12J3 0367240503La g er11C8, 12H1 0367240513Klo b en11C10, 12H4 0367240520La g er p lat t e11C11, 12H4 0367240530Huel s e11A11,11B11,11C11,12G5, 12H5 0367240540Dis t anz b uch s e11A10, 11B11, 12G5 0367240563Ban d einf.Plat t e11A9, 12F3 0367240940Bol z en11B11, 12G30367250010Oel f ang s cha l e20E50367250020Schrau b en d re h er20A30367250030Maul s chlues s el20C20367250044Spu l en a us h e b er 6.1L12, 20K2 0367250050Oel f ang m ul d e20E50367310013Klo b en1L50367310023Zugs t an g e1L60367310030Buch s e1L60367310044Ex z en t er4L80367310103Zugs t an g e4L60367310133Klo b en4H60367310153Stell r ing4B4, 4B7 0367310160Bol z en4J70367310180Schau g las1C3, 1.1C4, 9B2,9B8, 9H3 0367310190Bol z en1H9, 4C1,4C5 0367310203Zugs t an g e1J60367310204He b el1M60367310210Gelenk4D2, 4D6, 4E4,4E8 0367310280Si c he r ungs b lech4D2, 4D4,4D6, 4D8,4E2, 4E4, 4E6, 4E8,12C10367310284Arm w el l e1B90367310330Buch s e1J3, 1K4, 4B4, 4B8,4K3, 5K3 0367310360Stop f en4J7, 4L4, 5L4 0367310410Klemms t ueck4K7, 4L7 0367310830Kol b en25K110367310860Bol z en25J11, 25M10 0367310933Stell r ing4K3,4K5,5K5 0367311010Zugs t an g e25K110367311060Buch s e4K5, 5K5 0367311103La s che4L1, 5L1 0367311130Bol z en4K3, 5K3 0367311150Wel l e4K1, 5K3 0367311163Oel r ohr4H40367311170Bol z en4K10367311193Rah m en4H1, 5H1 0367311210Blech4H2, 5H3 0367311223He b el4J5,5J5 0367311230Dis t anzstueck25L100367311240Ku g el b ol z en4H5, 5H5 0367311260Schlauch25J110367311343Zugs t an g e1L60367311500Oel r ohr11D50367330020Ex z en t er s chei b e11B50367330044Oel v er t ei l er12D40367330053Ku l is s e12B30367330073Klemm b ol z en12B20367330080Buch s e11E3, 12B2, 12C2 0367330093Wel l e12B10367330110Zugs t an g e11D2, 12C2 0367330123Bol z en11D1, 11E3, 12B1,12C20367330133Bol z en12A30367330140Mes s ers t an g e12C10367330150Buch s e12D20367330183Bol z en12A70367330193Klo b en12B60367330203Schalt n o c ken12B60367330213Klin k e12C6Klas s e / Class: 767In d ex Aus g a b e/Edi t i o n:03.2007 Tei l e-Nr./Part-No.Be n en n ung/Des.Ta f el/Table Tei l e-Nr./Part-No.Be n en n ung/Des.Tafel/TableKlas s e / Class: 767In d ex Aus g a b e/Edi t i o n:03.2007 Tei l e-Nr./Part-No.Be n en n ung/Des.T a f el/Table Tei l e-Nr./Part-No.Be n en n ung/Des.Tafel/Table0367330233Hand h e b el12C6 0367330240Zugs t an g e12A3 0367330254Schwenk h e b el K12C6 0367330260Bol z en12B5 0367330270Ar r e t ierschr.12D6 0367330280Schalt h e b el12A5 0367330290La g er b ock12E4 0367330300Bol z en11F3, 12D3 0367330310Rohr12D3 0367330320Dreh f e d er12B7 0367330330Dreh f e d er12D3 0367330350Mut t er12D6 0367330370Schei b e12C6 0367330380Rohr h al t er11D5, 12D3 0367330390Fe d er b lech12B6 0367330400Klo b en12C6 0367330410Zap f enschr.12C6 0367330420Schalt b lech12B6 0367330693La g er a rm11J5 0367330700La g er b ock6D90367330713Hub w el l e6D10 0367330714Hub w el l e K6D10 0367330720Stop f en11H11 0367330730Klemms t ueck11K3 0367330740Bol z en11M5 0367330773La g er11J3, 12B9 0367330780Ober m es s er11L3, 20K2 0367330810Win k el11H3 0367330840Klo b en11J3, 11J4, 12B10 0367330850Bol z en11J3, 12B9 0367330873Schutz b lech20E5 0367330880Dreh f e d er11H7 0367330893Schlauch9D2, 9D7, 9L7 0367330920Schutz b lech12A2 0367331010La g er b ock11E3 0367331023Wel l e11D2 0367331034Ex z en t er K11B5 0367331053Hal t er11L5 0367331063La g er11K4 0367331070Buch s e11K4 0367331090Buch s e11E2 0367331100Druc k fe d er11L4 0367331110Stellschr.11L3 0367331123Fueh r ungs k lo b en11M4 0367331133Hal t er11J4 0367331143Ab d ec k blech11H10 0367331150Ab w ei s er11H8 0367331160Ab w ei s er11L4 0367331173Schutz b lech11G8 0367331180Schlit t en11J3 0367331190La g er b ock11L6 0367331203Klo b en11K5 0367331210Zugs t an g e11K5 0367331223Wel l e11K6 0367331240Ge w in d e b ol z en11K5 0367331254Oel v er t ei l er11C5 0367331260Ab f all r ut s che20E5 0367331344Ex z en t er K12C4 0367331520Klo b en11C3 0367331573Stell r ing11E30367331630Bol z en11C30367331640Bol z en11C30367331693La g er p lat t e12C110367331700Bol z en12C110367331710Buch s e12E20367331720Druc k fe d er12E30367337514Ab s chnei d einr.12F60367350023Buegel V20L5, 25E12, 25L5 0367350040Mes s er t rae g er FA8B7, 8C3, 8.2C6 0367350050Mes s er8B5, 8B7, 20J2 0367350060Klemm f e d er8B3, 8B7, 20J2 0367350070Mes s er8A3, 8B9, 20J2 0367350083Fa d enz.Trae g er V8B3, 8B9, 8.2B8,8.4B80367350103Buch s e V8D3, 8E9, 8.2F8,8.5D70367350113Stell r ing8E1, 8F12, 8.4H11,8.4J11 0367350123He b el K8F10, 8.2H9, 8.4H9 0367350130Zugs t an g e8F10, 8.2J9, 8.4J9 0367350143Klo b en K8G10, 8.2J9, 8.4K9 0367350150Mag n et h al t er8F12, 8.4J11 0367350160He b el8.2H12 0367350163He b el K8F2, 8G10, 8.2K10 0367350170Bol z en8F1, 8G11, 8.2K118.4K11 0367350180Kur v en s chei b e8H5, 8H9 0367350193He b el8E1 8.4K10 0367350200Zugs t an g e8D10367350213Win k el h e b el8E30367350220Bol z en8F50367350230Zugs t an g e8E30367350243Klo b en8H50367350250Mag n et h al t er8H60367350260Hal t er20G60367350270Win k el9C100367350280La s che5L3, 25E10, 25.1F3 0367350290Stichst. He b el25B11, 25.1B4,26F8 0367350294Hebl26E90367350300Zei g er b lech25B11, 25.1B4,26F8 0367350320An s chraub k lo b en25B10, 25.1B2 0367350330Sto e s s el25C12, 25G12,25.1H4,26F1, 27B2,27.1B2 0367330403Klemm k lo b en26F1, 27B2 0367350413He b el27B80367350430La s che27B70367350443Buch s e27A70367350483Klemm r ing27B70367350490Schei b e25G12, 25.1J4,26G1,27C2, 27.1C2 0367350713Win k el9E100367350723Schalt r ing9E11, 10J3 0367360123Lei t ung9C7, 9J7 0367360153Fa d ensp.Mag n et K10E5, 10.2L5 0367360170Hal t er26J10367360183Dop p el l ei t ung27E50367360293Lu e f t ung K10L4, 10.2K10 0367367649FLP 13-227H50367367654Wart. Ein h eit WE327L120367367704Anschl.Tei l e K27M30370221230Druc k fe d er6G7, 6L7。
E1UAA20-16.257M中文资料(ECLIPTEK)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
E1U列•符合RoHS(无铅)•HC-49 / US短包•AT或BT切提供•电阻焊接密封•紧公差/稳定性•磁带和卷轴,绝缘片,和自定义引线长度可供选择NOTES H 2.50L 11.18W 4.70水晶_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________电气特性频率范围频率公差/稳定性在工作温度范围温度范围工作温度范围老化(25°C)存储温度范围并联电容绝缘电阻驱动电平负载电容(C)3.579545MHz为50.000MHz为±50ppm /±100ppm(标准),±30ppm/为±50ppm(AT切割只),±15ppm/±30ppm(AT切割只),±15ppm/±20ppm(AT切割只),或±10ppm/±15ppm(AT切割专用)0°C到70°C,-20°C至70°C(AT切割只),或-40°C至85°C(AT切割专用)±5ppm/年最大-40°C至125°C7pF最大500兆欧最低在100V1 mWatt最大18pF之(标准),自定义C 10pF,或串联谐振等效串联电阻(ESR),运作模式(MODE),切频率范围3.579545MHz到4.999MHz5.000MHz到5.999MHz6.000MHz到7.999MHz8.000MHz到8.999MHz9.000MHz到9.999MHz10.000MHz到14.999MHz ESR (Ω)200最大150最大120最大90马克斯80马克斯70马克斯模式/剪切基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ AT频率范围15.000MHz到15.999MHz16.000MHz到23.999MHz24.000MHz到30.000MHz24.000MHz到40.000MHz24.576MHz为29.999MHz30.000MHz到50.000MHzESR (Ω)60马克斯50马克斯40马克斯40马克斯150最大100最大模式/剪切基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ BT三次泛音/ AT三次泛音/ AT.ECLIPTEK CORP.CRYSTAL E1U HC-49/US Short CR4111/07零件编码指南E1U A A 18 - 20.000M - I2 TR频率公差/稳定性A =±50PPM 25°C时,±0℃至100ppm70℃B =±50PPM,在25°C,±100ppm-20℃至70℃C =±50PPM,在25°C,±100ppm温度范围为-40°C至85°CD =±30ppm25°C时,±0℃50PPM至70℃E =±30ppm25°C时,为±50ppm -20℃至70℃F =±30ppm25°C时,为±50ppm -40°C至85°CG =±15ppm25°C时,±0℃为30ppm至70℃H =±15ppm25°C时,±30ppm-20℃至70℃J =±15ppm25°C时,±30ppm温度范围为-40°C至85°C K =±15ppm25°C时,±0℃为20ppm至70℃L =±15ppm25°C时,±20ppm-20℃至70℃M =±15ppm25°C时,±20ppm温度范围为-40°C至85°C N =±10ppm25°C时,±0℃为15ppm至70℃P =±10ppm25°C时,±15ppm-20℃至70℃包装选择空白=散装,A =盘,TR =卷带式可选项空白=无(标准)CX =自定义引线长度I2 =绝缘子标签频率负载电容S =系列X X = X X pF(自定义)动作模式/水晶切割A =基本/ A TB =三次泛音/ A TD =基本/ BT外形尺寸ALL DIM ENSIONS IN M ILLIM ET ERS 卷带尺寸ALL DIM ENSIONS IN M ILLIM ET ERS环境/机械特性PARAMET ER SPECIFICAT ION 标记规格1000 Pieces per ReelCompliant to EIA-468B精细泄漏测试总泄漏测试铅完整铅端接机械冲击耐焊接热抗溶剂可焊性温度循环振荡M IL-STD-883,方法1014,条件AM IL-STD-883,方法1014,条件CM IL-STD-883 2004方法锡2微米 - 6微米M IL-STD-202,方法213,条件CM IL-STD-202,方法210M IL-STD-202,方法215M IL-STD-883,2002年法M IL-STD-883,法1010M IL-STD-883,方法2007,条件A1号线:电子X X.X X X中号Frequency in MHz(5 Digits Maximum + Decimal).ECLIPTEK CORP.CRYSTAL E1U HC-49/US Short CR4111/07。
bs7671标准 -回复
bs7671标准-回复BS 7671标准是一份国际电工委员会(IEC)发布的标准,也被称为电气安装标准。
本文将逐步解释BS 7671标准的背景、目的、应用范围以及标准的核心要点。
第一步:引言BS 7671标准是英国乃至全球最广泛应用的电气安装标准之一。
第二步:背景BS 7671标准最早在1882年引入,当时它仅是一份英国国家标准。
1981年,BS 7671标准首次由国际电工委员会(IEC)采用,并进行了全球推广和应用。
第三步:目的BS 7671标准的主要目的是确保电气系统的安全性。
第四步:应用范围BS 7671标准广泛适用于各种类型的电气安装,包括住宅、商业和工业领域。
第五步:标准的核心要点BS 7671标准包含了一系列重要要点,以下是其中的几个核心内容:1. 设计要求:标准规定电气安装的设计必须符合相关技术标准和法律法规。
2. 安装要求:标准规定电气设备的选择、安装和连接必须符合特定的要求。
3. 检测和测试:标准要求进行电气系统的定期检测和测试,以验证其符合安全和技术要求。
安全技术说明书(科耐九 7671)
安全技术说明书页: 1/10 巴斯夫安全技术说明书按照GB/T 16483编制日期 / 本次修订: 31.03.2023版本: 3.0日期/上次修订: 14.03.2023上次版本: 2.0日期 / 首次编制: 30.11.2021产品: 科耐九 7671Product: Col.9 7671(30793381/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 30.10.20231. 化学品及企业标识科耐九 7671Col.9 7671推荐用途和限制用途: 原料, 仅用于工业用途推荐用途: 原料, 仅用于工业用途公司:巴斯夫(中国)有限公司中国上海浦东江心沙路300号邮政编码 200137电话: +86 21 20391000传真号: +86 21 20394800E-mail地址: **********************紧急联络信息:巴斯夫紧急热线中心(中国)+86 21 5861-1199巴斯夫紧急热线中心(国际):电话: +49 180 2273-112Company:BASF (China) Co., Ltd.300 Jiang Xin Sha RoadPu Dong Shanghai 200137, CHINA Telephone: +86 21 20391000Telefax number: +86 21 20394800E-mail address: ********************** Emergency information:Emergency Call Center (China):+86 21 5861-1199International emergency number: Telephone: +49 180 2273-1122. 危险性概述纯物质和混合物的分类:巴斯夫安全技术说明书日期 / 本次修订: 31.03.2023版本: 3.0产品: 科耐九 7671Product: Col.9 7671(30793381/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 30.10.2023 根据 GHS 标准,该产品不需要进行分类。
富士电机AZ7671 10A SPDT 微型继电器说明书
10A SPDT SUBMINIATURE POWER RELAY FEATURES•Small footprint ••Class B insulation standard ••10 Amp switching •UL, CUR file E44211GENERAL DATASPST (1 Form A)SPDT (1 Form C)Minimum operations 1 x 1071 x 105 at 5A, 240VAC Res.RatingsOperate Time (typical)8ms at nominal coil voltage Release Time (typical)5ms at nominal coil voltage (with no coil suppression)Dielectric Strength (at sea level for 1 min.)2000Vrms coil to contact1000Vrms between open contacts Note: If switching voltage is greater than 30VDC, special100 megohms min. at 20°C 500VDC 50% RH10A at 125VAC 5A at 250VAC1/4HP at 120/240/277VAC TV-5 at 120VAC 24VA at 24VAC125VA at 120/240/277VAC C150 at 120VACDropoutGreater than 5% of nominal coil voltage At nominal coil voltage-40°C (-40°F) to 70°C (158°F)-40°C (-40°F) to 130°C (266°F)Vibration 0.062" DA at 10–50 Hz Shock10 gMaterial Silver cadmium oxide Enclosure P.B.T. polyesterResistance<100 milliohms initially(24V, 1A voltage drop method)TerminalsTinned copper alloy, P.C.Max. Solder Temp.270°C (518°F)Max. Solder Time5 seconds COILMax. Solvent Temp.80°C (176°F)Max. Immersion Time 30 seconds 253mW standardWeight6 grams1.25W at 20°C (68°F) ambientNOTES41°C (74°F) at nominal coil voltage, standard 1.All values at 20°C (68°F).2.Relay may pull in with less than “Must Operate” value.TemperatureMax. 105°C (221°F)3.Specifications subject to change without notice.CONTACTSArrangement Resistive load:Max. switched voltage: 30VDC* or 277VACInsulation Resistance Rated Load UL, CURPowerAt Pickup Voltage (typical)Max. Continuous Dissipation Temperature Rise Low costEpoxy sealed version available *precautions must be taken. Please contact the factory.Life ExpectancyMechanical Electrical Ambient TemperatureOperatingStorageMax. switched power: 150W1250VAMax. switched current: 10A11/30/17RELAY ORDERING DATASTANDARD RELAYSCOIL SPECIFICATIONSORDER NUMBER*Nominal CoilMust OperateMax. ContinuousCoilForm A (SPST)Form C (SPDT)VDC VDC VDC Resistance ± 10%32.253.920AZ7671–1A–3D AZ7671–1C–3D 5 3.75 6.555AZ7671–1A–5D AZ7671–1C–5D 6 4.57.880AZ7671–1A–6D AZ7671–1C–6D 9 6.7511.7180AZ7671–1A–9D AZ7671–1C–9D 129.015.6320AZ7671–1A–12D AZ7671–1C–12D 1813.523.4720AZ7671–1A–18D AZ7671–1C–18D 2418.031.21,280AZ7671–1A–24DAZ7671–1C–24D11/30/17*Add suffix “E” for epoxy sealed version.Th is specification provides an overview of the most significant part features. Any individual applications and operating conditions are not taken into consideration. It is recommended to test the product under application conditions. Responsibility for the application remains with the customer. Proper operation and service life cannot be guaranteed if the part is operated outside the specified limits.。
BS 7671-2001 电气设备的要求 IEE布线规则
BRITISH STANDARDBS 7671 : 2001Amendment No 1 : 2002(AMD 13628)Requirements forElectrical InstallationsIEE Wiring Regulations Sixteenth EditionCopies may be obtained from The Institution’s web site:/TechnicalThe Institution of Electrical Engineers,P.O. Box 96, STEVENAGE,United Kingdom. SG1 2SDTel: +44 (0)1438 767 328 Fax: +44 (0)1438 742 792Email: sales@Amendment No 1, (AMD 13628) February 2002标准分享网 免费标准下载站 ContentsIntroduction to Amendment No 1 (AMD 13628) to BS 7671 : 20012TABLE 4A1 Schedule of Installation Methods of Cables (including Reference Method)4TABLE 4A2 Schedule of appropriate current rating tables4TABLE 4D1A Single-core 70 °C thermoplastic (pvc) insulated cables, non-armoured, with or without sheath (COPPER CONDUCTORS)5TABLE 4D5A 70 °C thermoplastic (pvc) insulated and sheathed flat cable with protective conductor (COPPER CONDUCTORS)6Introduction to Amendment No 1 (AMD 13628) to BS 7671 : 2001Amendment No 1 to BS 7671 : 2001 provides table ratings specifically for UK National Type insulated and sheathed flat twin cables with protective conductor (Table 4D5A). These ratings are generally greater than those ratings given in Table 4D2A.Regulation 433-02-04 is amended to require the ratings of ring circuit cables to be not less than 20 A instead of 0.67 I n .Other, generally editorial, changes have been made.This amendment comes into effect on 1st February 2002.Published by: The Institution of Electrical Engineers, LONDON© 1992, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002 Institution of Electrical Engineers and British Standards InstitutionAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise - without the prior written permission of the publisher.BS 3036, BS EN 60898, BS EN 60947-2 or BS EN 61009-1 (RCBO) and supplying accessories to BS 1363 and wired with copper conductors, the minimum cross-sectional area of both phase and neutral conductors is 2.5 mm 2except for two-core mineral insulated cables to BS 6207 for which the minimum is 1.5 mm 2. Such ring final circuits are deemed to meet the requirements of Regulation 433-02-01 if the current-carrying capacity (I z ) of the cable is not less than 0.67 times the rated current or the current setting (I n ) of the protective device 20 A, and if, under the intended conditions of use, the load current in any part of the ring is unlikely to exceed for long periods the current-carrying capacity (I z ) of the cable.Reason: to require that the current carrying capacity of ring circuit cables be not less than 20 A and to requirethat the load current in any part of ring final circuits is unlikely to exceed I z for long periods, see Regulation 433-01-01.Amend 604-02-02(i) and (ii) as follows.604-02-02(i)25 V, 1-phase, SELV- portable hand lamps in confined or damp locations(ii) 50 V, 1-phase, SELV - portable hand lamps in confined or damp locationsDeleted by BS 7671 : 2001, Amendment No 1.Reason: to correct an editorial error.Amend 607-02-02 as follows.607-02-02Equipment having a protective conductor current exceeding 3.5 mA but not exceeding 10 mA, shall either be permanently connected to the fixed wiring of the installation without the use of a plug and socket-outlet or connected by means of a connector plug and socket complying with BS EN 60309-2.Reason: to correct an error.Amend Appendix 4, Contents as follows.COPPER CONDUCTORS70 °C THERMOPLASTIC (PVC) INSULATED CABLES T a b l e 4D1Single-core non-armoured, with or without sheath T a b l e 4D2Multicore non-armoured T a b l e 4D3Single-core armoured (non-magnetic armour)T a b l e 4D4Multicore armoured T a b l e 4D5Flat cable with protective conductorReason: to include Table 4D5A added by the amendment.Schedule of Installation Methods of Cables (including Reference Method)Installation methodNumberDescriptionExamplesAppropriate Reference Method for determining current-carrying capacity12346Sheathed cables in conduit in a thermally insulating wall etc.(otherwise as Reference Method 4)R e f r n c Method 4 orR e f r n c Method 6 for cable type covered by Table 4D5A .15Sheathed cables installed directly in a thermally insulating wall or above a thermally insulatingceiling, the cable being in contact with a thermally conductive surface on one side (otherwise as Reference Method 4)R e f r n c Method 4 orR e f r n c Method 15 for cable type covered by Table 4D5A .Reason: to include Table 4D5A added by the amendment. Note, bold font is used because the Method is also aReference Method.Amend Table 4A2, BS 6004 as follows.TABLE 4A2Schedule of appropriate current rating tablesSpecification NumberSpecification TitleApplicable Current RatingTablesConductorOperating Temperature BS 6004 : 2000Electric cables. PVC insulated, non-armoured cables forvoltages up to and including 450/750 V, for electric power,lighting and internal wiring.PVC insulated and sheathed flat cable with protective conductor to Table 8T a b l e 4D1, T a b l e 4D2T a b l e 4E1T a b l e 4D570 o C, 90 o C 70 o CReason: to include Table 4D5A added by the amendment.Single-core 70 °C thermoplastic (pvc) insulated cables, non-armoured, with or without sheath(COPPER CONDUCTORS)123(mm 2)(A)(A)11.51114.510.513.52.54619.5 202634182431Reason: to recognise the increased current carrying capacities of UK National Type insulated and sheathed flattwin cables with protective conductor.Add a new table 4D5A as follows.Reason: to recognise the increased current carrying capacities of UK National Type insulated and sheathed flattwin cables with protective conductor.TABLE 4D5A70 °C thermoplastic (pvc) insulated and sheathed flat cable with protective conductor(COPPER CONDUCTORS)BS 6004 Table 8Ambient temperature: 30 °C CURRENT-CARRYING CAPACITY (amperes):Conductor operating temperature: 70 °CConductor R e f r n c Installation Method 6*(Enclosed in conduit inan insulated wall)R e f r n c Installation Method 15*(Installed directly in aninsulated wall)Reference Method 1(clipped direct)Voltage drop(per ampere per metre)cross-sectionalarea1 two-core cable, single-phase a.c. or d.c.12345 (mm2)(A)(A)(A)(mV/A/m)1 1.511.514.51215162044292.5 4 6 10 1620263244572127354763273747648518117.34.42.8NOTES:1.Where the conductor is to beprotected by a semi-enclosed fuse toBS 3036, see item 6.2 of the prefaceto this appendix.2.* These methods are regarded asReference Methods for the cabletypes specified by the table.标准分享网 免费标准下载站 CD BS 7671 : 2001 Amendment No 1 (AMD 13628)6。
BS7671是英国的电气安全标准,全称是《BS 7671:2018+A2:2022电气装置的要求– IET布线规范》(BS7671:2018+A2:2022 Requirements for Electrical Installations - IET Wiring Regulations),由英国标准化协会(BSI)发布。
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10 AMP SUBMINIAT• • • • • Small footprint Low cost Epoxy sealed version available 10 Amp switching UL, CUR E44211 TuV pending GENERAL DATA
Max. switched current: 10 A
Ambient Temperature Operating Storage
Max. switched voltage: 30 VDC or 277 VAC
*Note: If switching voltage is greater than 30 VDC, special
Material Resistance
silver nickel <100 milliohms initially (24 V, 1 A voltage drop method)
Temperature Rise Temperature
1. All values at 20°C (68°F). 2. Relay may pull in with less than “Must Operate” value. 3. Specifications subject to change without notice.
10/2/08 W
*Add suffix “E” for epoxy sealed version.
Nominal Coil VDC 3 5 6 9 12 18 24 Must Operate VDC 2.25 3.75 4.5 6.75 9.0 13.5 18.0 Max. Continuous VDC 3.9 6.5 7.8 11.7 15.6 23.4 31.2 Coil Resistance ± 10% 45 125 180 400 720 1600 2800
10/2/08 W
Nominal Coil VDC 3 5 6 9 12 18 24 Must Operate VDC 2.25 3.75 4.5 6.75 9.0 13.5 18.0 Max. Continuous VDC 3.9 6.5 7.8 11.7 15.6 23.4 31.2 Coil Resistance ± 10% 20 55 80 180 320 720 1,280
Form A (SPST) AZ7671–1A–3DS AZ7671–1A–5DS AZ7671–1A–6DS AZ7671–1A–9DS AZ7671–1A–12DS AZ7671–1A–18DS AZ7671–1A–24DS
*Add suffix “E” for epoxy sealed version.
.073 [1.85] .059 [1.50] .100 [2.54]
.417 MAX. [10.59]
.058 [1.49]
.300 [7.62]
.740 MAX. [18.80]
5xø.052 - FORM C 4xø.052 - FORM A [ø1.3]
1/4 HP at 120/240/277 VAC TV - 5 at 120 VAC Pilot Duty at 24 VA, 24 VAC 125 VA at 120/240/277 VAC C150 at 120 VAC TUV 5A at 250 VAC 5A at 28 VDC
Max. Solvent Temp. Max. Immersion Time Weight
Arrangement Ratings SPST (1 Form A) SPDT (1 Form C) Resistive load: Max. switched power: 150 W 1250 VA
Release Time (typical)
Dielectric Strength 4000 Vrms coil to contact (at sea level for 1 min.) 1000 Vrms between open contacts Insulation Resistance Dropout 1000 megohms min. at 20°C 500 VDC 50% RH Greater than 5% of nominal coil voltage At nominal coil voltage -40°C (-40°F) to 70°C (158°F), standard -40°C (-40°F) to 130°C (266°F) 0.062" DA at 10–50 Hz 100g for 11ms 1/2 sine pulse P.B.T. polyester Tinned copper alloy, P. C. 270°C (518°F) 5 seconds 80°C (176°F) 30 seconds 6 grams
Power At Pickup Voltage (typical) Max. Continuous Dissipation 253 mW standard 113 mW sensitive 1.25 W at 20°C (68°F) ambient 41°C (74°F) at nominal coil voltage, standard 22°C (40°F) at nominal coil voltage, sensitive Max. 105°C (221°F)
Vibration Shock Enclosure Terminals Max. Solder Temp. Max. Solder Time
precautions must be taken. Please contact the factory.
Rated Load UL, CUR
5A at 250 VAC 10A at 125 VAC 4.2 A at 277 VAC
Life Expectancy Mechanical Electrical Operate Time (typical) Minimum operations 1 x 107 1 x 105 at 5 A 240 VAC Res. 8 ms at nominal coil voltage 5 ms at nominal coil voltage (with no coil suppression)
Form A (SPST) AZ7671–1A–3D AZ7671–1A–5D AZ7671–1A–6D AZ7671–1A–9D AZ7671–1A–12D AZ7671–1A–18D AZ7671–1A–24D Form C (SPDT) AZ7671–1C–3D AZ7671–1C–5D AZ7671–1C–6D AZ7671–1C–9D AZ7671–1C–12D AZ7671–1C–18D AZ7671–1C–24D
.441 [11.20]
.614 MAX. [15.59]
5 4
.147 [3.73] .073 [1.85]
Dimensions in inches with metric equivalents in parentheses. Tolerance: ± .010"