Evolutionary Design of Rule Changing Cellular Automata
韩国LG六西格玛(6sigma)黑带培训教材之DOE 实验设计案例
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14 -9/29
LG Electronics / LGENT 6σTASK TEAM
实验设计(DOE)-完全配置法例题(23 实验)
2. Principle of Replication(反复性) 反复能够使误差项的自由度增大、误差分散也有程度地推定, 使得能提高实验结果的可靠性.恰当的误差项的DF是 6 ~ 20个. 3. Principle of Blocking Block是同质性的集团,如果判断一些要因成为问题时,把那个要因选定为Blocking因子, Blocking因子选定的话,不增加实验的次数,可以分析要因; Blocking因子不选定的话,实验结果会出现问题,不能分析原因. Randomized Block Design 4. Principle of Confounding 把没必要求的2因子交互作用或者高次的交互作用与Block交叉的方法, 检出不必要的要因与Block的效果相交落,因此能提高实验的效果.
• 通过计划周全的实验 1. 掌握哪个要因对反应有有益的影响,找出其影响良性的程度有多大. → 检证和推定的问题 2. 掌握微小影响的要因,在所有影响当中占多少比重,测定误差多少 → 误差项推定的问题 3. 有益影响的原因具有什么条件时,掌握是否得到最佳的反应 → 最佳反应条件的问题
14 -6/29
LG Electronics / LGENT 6σTASK TEAM
实验设计(DOE)的基本原理 : 要构筑实验程度好、分析容易的实验设计的话 ,,,
Evolutionary Design
Adding Smart Opponents to a First-Person Shooter Video Game throughEvolutionary DesignC. Adam Overholtzer and SimonD. LevyComputer Science DepartmentWashington and Lee UniversityLexington, VA 24450{overholtzerc, levys}@AbstractWe demonstrate how a first-person shooter(FPS)video game can be made more fun and challenging by replacing the hard-wired behavior of opponents with behaviors evolved via an evolutionary algorithm. Using the open-source FPS game Cube as a platform,we replaced the agents'(opponents)hard-wired behavior with binary “DNA” supporting a much richer variety of agent responses.Survival-of-the-fittest ensured that only those agents whose DNA allowed them to avoid being killed bythe human player would continue on to the next "generation" (game). Mutating the DNA of the survivors provided enough variability in behavior to make the agent's actions unpredictable.Our demo will show how this approach produces an increasingly challenging level of play, more fine-tuned to the skills of an individual human player than the traditional approach using pre-programmed levels of difficulty or simply adding more opponents.MotivationOne of the major commercial applications of AI is in the rapidly expanding computer game industry. Virtually every game sold today has some sort of AI, from the "computer player" in a chess game to the machine-gun-toting enemies in a first-person shooter (FPS). Any virtual being that does not behave in a strictly pre-scripted manner has some sort of AI behind it. Sadly, however, the multi-billion dollar gaming industry has done very little to advance the field of AI.The industry has moved past the day when an AI opponent would not even react to the death of his teammate standing three feet away, but that does not mean these bots, as they are commonly called,have any serious thought processes.PlatformCube1is an open-source FPS, written in C++ for Linux and Windows, that is based on a very unorthodox engine that emphasizes simple 3D designs to provide a quickly and cleanly rendered environment. The Cube Engine is, to 1 quote its website,mostly targeted at reaching feature richness through simplicity of structure and brute force, rather than finely tuned complexity. The code for Cube is much shorter and simpler than that for many other FPS games, and, because it is open-source, we have full access to all of the code and thus almost any change is possible .ApproachWe realized that given the simplicity of Cube, developing a straight hard-coded AI that would show real improvement would be a difficult project. Rather than spending lots of time trying to figure out how the agents (bots, monsters, opponents) should behave, we decided that it would be easier and more interesting to add an evolutionary algorithm(Mitchell1996)to the agent's deterministic behavior. By evolving over time, the agents could learn from experience what the best strategies were and would, for example, decide for themselves how often they should jump over obstacles, instead of running around them.The idea is that each of an agent's possible decisions are represented by a single value (true, false, or a probability) and all of these values combined determine his behavior. This string of values,which we can call his DNA,is attached to an individual agent. Whenever the agent needs to make a decision, he consults both the usual criteria and the corresponding value in his DNA. (Strings are initially all zero at the start of the first game.) At the end of a game, each agent is given a score based on how well he performed, and five of the ten agents are probabilistically chosen to be“reborn”in the next game,by fitness-proportionate selection.Two copies of each agent are passed on to the next game, but each of these is run through a mutation function that randomly alters a small fraction of the values in the DNA. This way, the agents are changing a little bit each game and the ones that perform the best will live to the next game. Just like biological evolution, our game became a survival-of-the-fittest environment where only the most well-adjusted agents survive and eventually, at least in theory,the agents become very good at surviving.ImplementationThe main taks in our implementation was to design the DNA sequence and connect it to the existing system. The DNA is a C++struct consisting mostly of booleans (caresAboutArmor,seeksHealthBoost), supporting the standard crossover and mutation operators of a genetic algorithms. With this structure in place, it was a relatively simple matter to preface existing hard-wired agent behavior with conditionals like if (seeksHealthBoost),making the agent's behavior contingent on its DNA.ResultsQualitatively,our project was a success:evolutionary algorithms enabled our agents to move from incompetent to lethal in50generations,showing that evolutionary algorithms can be effectively and rather painlessly adapted to 3D first-person shooter games. Furthermore, our simple evolutionary system was extremely fun to play against because the agents grew more and more challenging over time and essentially learned from their mistakes as a real human opponent would. Instead of increasing the difficulty in the cheap way that most FPSes do, either by making the agents stronger or more numerous,our evolutionary algorithm enabled them to legitimately improve their abilities. Because they are computer opponents, they could improve faster than we could, and that is why they could move from morons to masters in relatively few rounds of play.Quantitatively, we were able to observe the evolution of various“genes”in the agent's DNA over generations. Figure 1 shows the value of willJump for each of the five agents that were selected following each of 50 games (“generations”). If an agent is blocked by some obstacle and can jump over, how often should he? Sometime around game 30 they seem to settle on 5, or a probability of 1/3, which is what we originally used when we first wrote the function. But just a few games later, the agents increase the average to around 1/2 and by game 45 or so they seem all seem to agree on jumping 13 times for every 15 possible jumps. This is much higher than we would have expected, indicating that jumping over small obstacles, rather than moving around them, may be a better idea than we thought. Such a result is a good illustration of the benefits of evolutionary algorithms: the agents had evolved a behavior that might be better than what we would have hard-coded.Future WorkOne next step would be to add more capabilities to the agents, such as better navigation or the ability to pick up and use ammo in addition to health and armor. The long-term goal would be to either add some high-level game algorithms in Cube, such as team AI or path-finding, or else implement a similar evolutionary algorithm in a more complex FPS. Our project has shown that an evolutionary algorithm can greatly enhance a first-person shooter, but the real test is whether such a system could push the AI in these games beyond what we have today. If the quality and difficulty of these games can be dramatically improved by a simple off-the-shelf genetic algorithm, then that would bea real achievement.Link to DemonstrationAll material needed to play our “EvoCube” FPS on Windows, as well as source code and instructions for further development on Windows and other platforms, can be accessed from:/~levy/evocube.zipCreditsAll work described here was done by the first author, as a senior-year independent-study project at Washington and Lee University. The authors thank the developers of the Cube engine for making their game available as a free open-source, project, and the sponsors and managers of the Sourceforge website for hosting Cube and other open-source projects.ReferencesMitchell,Melanie M.1996.An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.Figure 1. Evolution of a single gene over time。
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统最优模型 ,构造了交通网络演化模型与算法 ,通过 算例分析了交通网络演化规律及性质 , 揭示出随着 层次性的出现和增强 ,交通系统的性能更优 ,且用户 外部性的内部化能使网络更平稳有序地演化 .
exter nalit y ;
network e nt rop y
Evol ut i on a r y P r op e r t y of Tr af f ic Net w or k
LI Xi a mi ao1 , 2 , ZENG Mi ngh ua 1
( 1 . Traffic and Transport Engineering School , Cent ral Sout h Universit y , Changs ha 410075 , China ; 2 . State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Cont rol and Saf et y , Beijing J iaotong Universit y , Beijing
characte rize evolutionary mechanis ms . Expe rime nts s how t hat wit h t he net work evolving , hie rarchy eme rges and t ur ns cleare r ,and what is more significant is t hat t he total network cos t decreases in t he p rocess ; t he comp utation of a new network e nt rop y defined by betwee nness ce nt ralit y illus t rat es t hat t he network e nt rop y becomes s malle r and t he t raffic network evolves t o a more orde rly st ruct ure wit h imp roving pe rformance . Key w o r ds : dynamic spatial inte raction s t ruct ure ; mechanis m ; evolutionary user rule ;
Autodesk Research - 生成式设计入门指南说明书
SD229074Getting Started with Generative Design for AECKean WalmsleyAutodesk ResearchLearning Objectives•Understand the core concepts behind generative design across industries•See examples of how Autodesk Research is using generative design in AEC•Learn how Dynamo can be used with Refinery to implement generative-design workflows•Become familiar with Autodesk's plans for generative design in the AEC spaceDescriptionMuch of the early work around generative design at Autodesk was focused on manufactured products. Increasingly, though, it is being applied to design problems in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC). Autodesk Research—mainly through its New York-based architectural studio, The Living—is exploring how one can use generative design to solve a variety of problems in the AEC space. Recent examples include Project Discover, where survey data from Autodesk's Toronto-based employees was used to help choose the layout for our new office in the MaRS Discovery District. Generative design was also used in the design of the Autodesk University 2017 exhibit hall. During this session we'll take a look at the tools available from Autodesk to apply generative design in the AEC industry. And we'll show how to get started with generative design by driving Dynamo with Refinery, Autodesk's new optimization engine.SpeakerKean Walmsley is a Platform Architect and Evangelist working for Autodesk Research. Blogs and tweets about developing with Forge, AutoCAD and other Autodesk technology, especially with respect to IoT, VR and AR.**************************https://https:///keanwGenerative DesignGenerative design is a framework for combining digital computation and human creativity to achieve results that would not otherwise be possible. It involves the integration of a rule-based geometric system, a series of measurable goals, and a system for automatically generating, evaluating, and evolving a very large number of design options. This approach offers many benefits for designing buildings and cities – including managing complexity, optimizing for specific criteria, incorporating a large amount of input from past projects and current requests, navigating trade-offs based on real data, structuring discussion among stake-holders about design features and project objectives, offering transparency about project assumptions, and offering a “live model” for post-occupancy adaptation. The framework consists of three main components: 1. generate a wide design space of possible solutions through a bespoke geometry system; 2. evaluate each solution through measurable goals; 3. evolve generations of designs through evolutionary computation.The generative design workflowGenerative Design is a flexible and scalable framework. It can be applied to a wide range of design problems and scales: from industrial components all the way to buildings and cities.Autodesk Research into Generative DesignThe Bionic Partition | Generative Design for ManufacturingThe Bionic Partition is a next generation airplane component designed for Airbus through the application of generative design. It involved creating a custom algorithm using bio-logical rules and two measurables goals: weight and maximum displacement. The result is a metal 3D printed component that is almost 50% lighter and almost 10% stronger than traditional partitions.Final metal 3D printed partitionMacro and micro optimization and metal 3D printing processAutodesk MaRS Office | Generative Design for ArchitectureArchitecture can often become a more challenging problem than engineering ones. In fact, architecture, unlike engineering projects, involves qualitative aspects of the experience of space that are less tangible and more difficult to measure. In 2017 The Living pushed the boundaries of generative design and applied this framework to architecture for the design of the new Autodesk offices in the MaRS Discovery District in Toronto. The geometric system incorporated several levels of constraints including the size of the space, the number of amenities and meeting rooms and fixed locations for cores and mechanical rooms. The goals combined qualitative aspects of human experience (such as ‘workstyle preferences’ and ‘adjacency preferences’) with quantitative measures (such as ‘daylight’, ‘buzz’ and ‘productivity’). The process allowed the designers to go beyond the one-size-fits-all type of approach to workspace design and offer a space that was diverse and rich in features. Through ongoing monitoring of the space and survey-based data collection, generative design can be used to suggest new design options and the scoring algorithms can be improved.Design goals: adjacency preferences; workstyle preferences; buzz; productivity; daylight; views to outside.Geometric system: (0) incorporate constraints; (1) define generative and non-generative zones; (2-3) subdivide space into neighborhoods; (4) generate ‘amenity bars’; (5) generate ‘test fit’; (6) assign teams; (7) evaluate solution.Alkmaar Residential Neighborhood | Generative Urban DesignVan Wijnen is an innovative Dutch development and construction company that seeks to change the way buildings are designed and made. In 2017 they partnered with The Living to apply generative design at the scale of the city. The project involved the design of a geometric model that could meet the local building code constraints (such as number and location of access streets, setbacks, parking rules etc.), and satisfy the developer’s requirements (such as amount of two-story residential units and apartment buildings). Urban design problems generally present many stakeholders, often representing conflicting requirements and interests, thus intensifying the complexity of the design. Generative design is able to aid the management and structuring of such complexity through the definition of the goals. In this case the project involved seven distinct goals, including financial ones (revenue and construction cost), environmental ones (such as solar gain and views), as well as more architectural ones (such as variety).For urban design problems, the generative design framework can aid the management and structuring of complexity through the definition of goals that can represent the interest of different stakeholders.units; (5) place apartment buildings.Evolutionary process.Implementing Generative Workflows using Dynamo and RefineryAutodesk Research has engaged in some interesting projects related to Generative Design in the AEC space, but what technologies are available outside of research to do something similar?The good news is that Autodesk customers can start working on these workflows today with a combination of two tools: Dynamo for Revit and Refinery. The latter one is currently still in Beta, but the link to join the Beta has been provided during the class.Most people will already be familiar with Dynamo: it’s the node-based, visual programming tool that’s commonly used for computational design.In this session we’re going to use a relatively simple Dynamo graph with Refinery. This graph takes a floorplan – that’s exported from AutoCAD – and attempts to fit tiles into it in an optimal fashion. The inputs are the angle of the tile and the offsets in X and Y. The outputs we will measure are the number of complete tiles, partial tiles, and the area of tile that will be discarded.Refinery installs as an extension to Dynamo and adds various capabilities to execute many different instances of your Dynamo graph, essentially enabling generative workflows in Dynamo. To prepare your graph for use with Refinery, you need to make sure the inputs you want Refinery to control are numeric slider nodes with their “Is Input” flag set to true.The outputs need to be Watch nodes that have been given a nickname and have their “Is Output” flag set to true.Once you’ve installed Refinery you can get access to it from Dynamo’s view menu (in this case I’m using Dynamo Sandbox independently from Revit):On launching Refinery for the first time, you should see an empty browser window.Clicking on New Study will allow you to explore designs created in various ways. The first one you should try is a random study. This will create solutions throughout the design space, allowing you to explore the trade-offs between the various input parameters.When using the Randomize option, you can choose the number of designs to generate along with a seed for the randomization. (The random numbers aren’t truly random: if you use the same seed it should generate the same results for the same sized run.)The results of this method are, as you might expect, randomly distributed through the design space.Changing the axes and color/size allow you to fine other ways to make sense of the results:When you find a view that works for you, clicking the individual solutions will transfer the settings to Dynamo. Here we’re selecting the top-right view that shows the largest number of complete tiles:Here’s that design inside Dynamo:If you’re more interested in “optioneering” – much as was made possible with Project Fractal – then you’ll want to try the Cross Product generation method. This will take the specified number of items (spaced evenly inside the parameter space) for the various parameters and combine them to perform a more systematic exploration of the design space.As you might expect, the standard display of the results is very evenly spaced!As you tweak the axes you start to see things a bit differently, of course.Taking a look at the option with the fewest partial tiles and most complete tiles, we get a slightly different (but also very similar) solution to the one we had previously.The generation method that really allows you to make use of generative design in its broadest sense is Optimize. This will tell Refinery to employ a genetic algorithm to find interesting solutions.How does Refinery work? It uses NSGA-II optimization, which is a meta-heuristic algorithm for multi-objective optimization. Genetic algorithms are commonly used to generate high-quality solutions to optimization and search problems by relying on bio-inspired operators such as mutation, crossover and selection. A genetic algorithm is a population-based optimization, in that maintains and improves multiple candidate solutions, often using population characteristics to guide the search. Each round of the optimization processed in the genetic algorithm is called a generation. So, when you set the generation value to 40, the process of selection, crossover, and mutation happens 40 times for each population of (say) 40 designs.While when optioneering we focused on the inputs, deciding how to vary them during the generation process, in this case we’re going to focus on the outputs, saying which ones we want to optimize for and whether the system should maximize or minimize them.When we look at the results, we see that there are far fewer results, as the optimization process has selected a subset with characteristics that interest us.Refinery really comes into its own when dealing with more complex scenarios with goals that aren’t so closely interconnected, but this should hopefully give at least some sense of its power.。
英语作文怎么看待规则变化When it comes to changes in rules, especially in the context of English writing, it's essential to approach the topic with an open mind and a willingness to adapt. Rules evolve over time for various reasons, such as shifts in language usage, advancements in communication technology, or the need for inclusivity and clarity.Firstly, it's crucial to acknowledge that language is dynamic. It constantly evolves to meet the changing needs of its users. Therefore, rules that govern language usage must also evolve to reflect these changes accurately. For instance, with the rise of digital communication, informal language and abbreviations have become more prevalent. While some may view this as a deviation from traditional grammar rules, it's essential to recognize that language serves as a tool for communication, and its primary purpose is to convey meaning effectively. Thus, rules should adapt to accommodate these shifts without compromising clarity and comprehension.Moreover, embracing rule changes fosters inclusivity and diversity in language usage. Language is inherentlytied to culture, and as societies become more interconnected, there's a growing recognition of the importance of representing diverse voices and perspectives. Inclusive language seeks to avoid stereotypes, discrimination, and marginalization, making communication more respectful and inclusive. Therefore, rules that promote inclusive language, such as using gender-neutral pronouns or avoiding culturally insensitive terms, reflect a commitment to creating a more equitable and understanding society.Furthermore, rules serve as guidelines rather thanrigid constraints. While adherence to grammar and style conventions is essential for effective communication, creativity and innovation also play a significant role in language evolution. Writers often push the boundaries of traditional rules to convey their unique voice and style effectively. Shakespeare, for example, famously coined numerous words and phrases that have since becomecommonplace in the English language. Therefore, flexibility in interpreting and applying rules allows for artistic expression and linguistic innovation.However, it's essential to maintain a balance between flexibility and consistency in rule changes. While language evolution is natural, sudden and arbitrary changes can lead to confusion and miscommunication. Therefore, any modifications to language rules should be based on careful consideration, backed by linguistic research and consensus among language experts. Additionally, clear guidelines and explanations should accompany rule changes to ensure understanding and facilitate adaptation.In conclusion, viewing rule changes in English writing requires a nuanced perspective that embraces evolution, inclusivity, creativity, and balance. Language is a dynamic and living entity that reflects the values, culture, and communication needs of its users. By approaching rule changes with an open mind and a commitment to effective communication, writers can navigate linguistic evolutionwhile preserving clarity, respect, and creativity in their expression.。
Grammatical evolution by grammatical evolution The evolution of grammar and genetic code
Grammatical Evolution by GrammaticalEvolution:The Evolution of Grammar andGenetic CodeMichael O’Neill and Conor RyanBiocomputing and Developmental SystemsDept.Of Computer Science&Information SystemsUniversity of Limerick,Ireland.Michael.ONeill@ul.ie,Conor.Ryan@ul.ieAbstract.This study examines the possibility of evolving the grammarthat Grammatical Evolution uses to specify the construction of a syntac-tically correct solution.As the grammar dictates the space of symbolsthat can be used in a solution,its evolution represents the evolutionof the genetic code itself.Results provide evidence to show that the co-evolution of grammar and genetic code with a solution using grammaticalevolution is a viable approach.1IntroductionThis paper details an investigation examining the possibility of evolving the grammar that Grammatical Evolution(GE)[1–4]uses to specify the construc-tion of a syntactically correct solution.By evolving the grammar that GE uses to specify a solution,one can effectively permit the evolution of the genetic code. The ability to evolve genetic code is important when one has little or no informa-tion about the problem being solved,or the environment in which a population exists is dynamic in nature and adaptiveness is essential for survival.Evolutionary automatic programming methods have,to date,largely focused on problem domains that are static in nature,and while this is perfectly adequate for many,there are a significant number of real world problems that have a dynamic component(e.g.scheduling,robot control,prediction,trading.etc.) and require a more adaptive or open-ended representation that can facilitate progression to different environments.This paper is concerned with the co-evolution of the genetic code along with the very individuals that use the code to guide their mapping.The genetic code typically specifies the symbols that are available for incorporation into a solution and can be used to dynamically incorporate bias towards important symbols at different points in time,and this is the mechanism under investigation in this study.In addition,when the genetic code is represented as a grammar,it can also be used to determine how structures may be legally constructed,and any modification of the code modifies the space in which a particular individual searches.Thus,in theory,co-evolution of the grammar and genetic code couldbe used to dynamically reduce the search space,or even bias individuals towards different regions of the search space.There have been two previous studies on the evolution of genetic code in the genetic programming literature using the developmental GP representation[6,7]. These studies provide strong evidence demonstrating the effective co-evolution of genetic code and solution.The experiments reported here serve a similar ob-jective,that is,to determine if co-evolution of genetic code(or grammar)and solution is possible using grammatical evolution.The distinguishing feature of this study is that the genetic code is represented by a grammar,and a mecha-nism to evolve the grammar is presented.Discussions on genetic codes,genetic code evolution and its implications are presented for biology[8–10]and for evo-lutionary computation[11,12].The remainder of the paper is structured as follows.Section2describes the grammatical approach to grammar evolution,section3details the experimental approach adopted and results.Section4provides some discussion on the results and comparisons to the evolution of genetic code with the developmental GP approach,andfinally section5details conclusions and examples of future work that is now possible given the success of this study.2Grammatical Evolution by Grammatical Evolution When we have a set of production rules for a non-terminal,such as,for example,<op>::=+|-,a codon is used to select the rule to be applied in the development of sentences in the language specified by the grammar.In a similar manner to a biological genetic code,the productions above represent a degenerate genetic code by which a codon is mapped to a symbol in the output language[1].In biology,a codon(on mRNA),which is comprised of a group of three nucleotides from the set{A,U,G,C},is mapped to an amino acid from the set of20naturally occurring amino acids.In nature,the code is encoded in transfer RNA(tRNA)molecules,which have a domino like structure,in that one end matches(with a certain affinity dubbed the wobble hypothesis)to a codon,while the amino acid corresponding to this codon is bound to the other end of the tRNA molecule[8].In this sense,the above productions are equivalent to two such tRNA molecules,one matching a set of codons to+while the other matches a different set of codons to−.By modifying the grammar,we are changing the types of tRNA molecules in our system,or to it put another way,we are directly modifying the genetic code by changing the mapping of codon values to different rules(amino acids).In order to allow evolution of a grammar,grammatical evolution by grammat-ical evolution(GE)2,we must provide a grammar to specify the form a grammar can take.This is an example of the richness of the expressiveness of grammars that makes the GE approach so powerful.See[13,1]for further examples of what can be achieved with grammars.By allowing an evolutionary algorithm to adapt its representation(in this case through the evolution of the genetic codeor grammar)it provides the population with a mechanism to survive in dynamic environments,in particular,and also to automatically incorporate biases into the search process.In this approach we therefore have two distinct grammars,the universal grammar(or grammars’grammar)and the solution grammar.The notion of a universal grammar is adopted from linguistics and refers to a universal set of syntactic rules that hold for spoken languages[14].It has been proposed that during a child’s development the universal grammar undergoes modifications through learning that allows the development of communication in their parents native language(s)[15].In(GE)2,the universal grammar dictates the construction of the solution grammar.Given below are examples of these grammars for solutions that gen-erate expressions,which could be used for symbolic regression type problems.Universal Grammar (Grammars’Grammar)<g>::=‘‘<expr>::=<op><expr><expr>|<var>’’‘‘<op>::=’’<ops>‘‘<var>::=’’<vars><ops>::=<opt>‘‘|’’<ops>|<opt><opt>::=+|-|*|/<vars>::=<vart>‘‘|’’<vars>|<vart><vart>::=m|v|q|a Solution Grammar<expr>::=<op><expr><expr>|<var><op>::=?<var>::=?In the example universal grammar,a grammar,<g>,is specified such that it is possible for the non-terminals<var>and<op>to have one or more rules,with the potential for rule duplication.These are the rules that will be made available to an individual during mapping,and this effectively allows bias for symbols to be subjected to the processes of evolution.The productions<vars>and<ops> in the universal grammar are strictly non-terminals,and do not appear in the solution grammar.Instead they are interim values used when producing the solution grammar for an individual.The hard-coded aspect of the solution grammar can be seen in the example above with the rules for<op>and<var>as yet unspecified.In this case we have restricted evolution to occur only on the number of productions for<var>and <op>,although it would be possible to evolve the rules for<expr>and even for the entire grammar itself.It is this ability that sets this form of genetic code/grammar evolution apart from previous studies in genetic programming. Notice that each individual has its own solution grammar.In this study two separate,variable-length,genotypic binary chromosomes were used,thefirst chromosome to generate the solution grammar from the universal grammar and the second chromosome the solution itself.Crossover operates between homologous chromosomes,that is,the solution grammar chro-mosome from thefirst parent recombines with the solution grammar chromosomefrom the second parent,with the same occurring for the solution chromosomes. In order for evolution to be successful it must co-evolve both the genetic code and the structure of solutions based on the evolved genetic code.3Experiments&ResultsIn this section a number of proof of concept problems are tackled to illustrate the use of grammar and genetic code evolution in(GE)2.For the experiments that follow100independent runs are conducted in each case.The objective of this study is to determine if grammar and code evolution is possible,rather than to test the efficacy of the approach as a method for sym-bolic regression,so we have not performed comparisons with other approaches. Moreover,the parameters have been chosen to deliberately slow down the evo-lutionary process to facilitate the observation of the co-evolution of the gram-mar/code and solution.The evolutionary parameters are as follows:pairwise tournament selection,generational replacement,bit mutation probability0.01, one-point crossover probability0.3,codon duplication probability0.01.Wrap-ping is turned off,and codon lengths are initialised in the range[1,10],with a codon size of8-bits.Fitness is minimisation of the sum of errors over the100 test cases,and a protected division operator is adopted that returns one in the event of a division by zero.3.1Quartic Symbolic RegressionAn instance of a symbolic regression problem is tackled in order to verify that it is possible for the co-evolution of a genetic code(or grammar)to occur along with a solution.The target function is f(m,v,q,a)=a+a2+a3+a4 with the three input variables m,v,and q introducing an element of noise.100 randomly generated input vectors are created for each call to the target function, with values for each of the four input variables drawn from the range[0,1].Runs are conducted with a population size of100,for100generations.The progress of evolution toward the target solution can be seen in Fig.1with ever decreasing error at successive generations.Fig.1shows the increasing frequency of occurrence of the target solution symbols a,+and∗.Curiously,after50generations the frequency of∗is dra-matically less than a and+,and even less than/,even though there are double the number of multiplication symbols in the target solution as there are addition operators.It is not until after this point that we begin to see an increase in the frequency of∗,which,although itfinishes considerably lower than the other two symbols,finishes higher than all others.This could have implications as to how a solution to this problem is constructed,suggesting thatfirstly terms are added together with the use of multiplication not occurring until much later,perhaps replacing some of the addition operators,or through expansion of terms with the multiplication of a by itself.3035404550556065707580020406080100M e a n B e s t F i t n e s s (100 R u n s )Generation Grammatical Evolution Grammar Evolution (f(m,v,q,a) = a+a*a+a*a*a+a*a*a*a)M e a n F r e q u e n c y Generation Genetic Code Symbol Frequency (f(m,v,q,a) = a+a*a+a*a*a+a*a*a*a)Fig.1.A plot of the mean best fitness (left)and mean symbol frequency (right)from 100runs of the quartic symbolic regression problem.3.2Dynamic Symbolic Regression IAs indicated in the introduction,dynamic problems are another area in which one could expect to derive some benefit from using evolvable grammars.In this case,one could reasonably expect a system with an evolvable grammar to be able to react more quickly to a change in the environment than a static one could,as a single change in a grammar can reintroduce lost genetic material.The target functions for the first instance are:1.f (m,v,q,a )=a +a 2+a 3+a 42.f (m,v,q,a )=m +m 2+m 3+m 43.f (m,v,q,a )=v +v 2+v 3+v 44.f (m,v,q,a )=q +q 2+q 3+q 45.f (m,v,q,a )=a +a 2+a 3+a 4The target changes between the functions above every 20generations.The only difference between each successive function is the variable used.100ran-domly generated input vectors are created for each call to the target function,with values for each of the four input variables drawn from the range[0,1].The symbols−,and/are not used in any of the target expressions.Runs were conducted with a population size of500,for100generations,with all other parameters as reported earlier.A plot of the average bestfitness and average symbol frequencies can be seen in Fig.2.A sample of evolved grammars from one of the runs is given below,where in each case the grammar selected is the best solution from the generation just prior to a change in target.Target1<op>::=+<var>::=a<expression>::=+a a fitness:34.6511Target2<op>::=+<var>::=m<expression>::=+m m fitness:34.2854Target3<op>::=+|-<var>::=v<expression>::=+v v fitness:36.6667Target4<op>::=+|*<var>::=q<expression>::=++q q**q q*q q fitness:22.8506Target5<op>::=+|*<var>::=a<expression>::=+*a+a a*a afitness:7.85477Table1.Statistics for both the static and evolvable grammars on thefirst dynamic problem instance.Lower scores indicate better performance.137.33(40.55)37.75(38.22)7.81(10.082)Yes235.48(36.08)37.1(36.57) 6.35(8.73)No334.26(31.53)36.6(36.48)7.54(10.79)Yes435.39(28.74)37.2(35.08)7.96(12.46)Yes520.05(15.1)22.00(20.54) 5.99(10.17)Yes The results presented suggest that,when using dynamic grammars,it is possible to successfully preserve and improve solution structure,while still being able to learn appropriate terminal values.This is reflected in thefitness plot where,when thefitness function changes,in most cases there is a decrease in solutionfitness for a short period when solutions adjust to the new variable ter on in the simulations we reach the point where the structure becomes closer to the target and changes in variables alone no longer confer as much damage tofitness,which is again illustrated in thefitness plot(Fig.2).A performance comparison of the dynamic and static equivalent of the gram-mar(given below)for this problem is presented in Fig.2and corresponding statistics can be found in Table1.10 20304050 607080 0 20 40 6080 100M e a n B e s t F i t n e s s (100 R u n s )Generation Grammatical Evolution Grammar Evolution Dynamic II Fixed GrammarBest (Fixed Grammar)Best (Evolved Grammar)M e a n F r e q u e n c y Generation Genetic Code Symbol Frequency - Dynamic Symbolic RegressionFig.2.Plot of the mean best fitness over 100generations on the first dynamic symbolic regression instance with both static and dynamic grammars (left).Symbol frequency plot (right).<expr>::=<op><expr><expr>|<var><op>::=+|-|*|/<var>::=m |v |q |a3.3Dynamic Symbolic Regression IIThe target functions for the second dynamic symbolic regression problem instance are:1.f (m,v,q,a )=a +a 2+a 3+a 42.f (m,v,q,a )=m +a 2+a 3+a 43.f (m,v,q,a )=m +m 2+a 3+a 44.f (m,v,q,a )=m +m 2+m 3+a 45.f (m,v,q,a )=m +m 2+m 3+m 4The target changes between the functions above every 20generations.The transition used in this problem differs from the previous in that only one termchanges each time.However,the change is larger each time (because the power that the new term is raised to increases).100randomly generated input vectors are created for each call to the target function,with values for each of the four input variables drawn from the range [0,1].The symbols q ,v ,−,and /are not used in any of the target expressions.As in the previous dynamic symbolic regression problem instance runs are conducted with a population size of 500,for 100generations,with all other parameters as per the standard values reported earlier.A plot of the average best fitness and average symbol frequencies can be seen in Fig.3. 20 2530354045 50 55 606570 0 10 20 30 40 50 6070 80 90M e a n B e s t F i t n e s s (100 R u n s )Generation Grammatical Evolution Grammar Evolution Dynamic ProblemBest (Fixed Grammar)Best (Evolved Grammar)M e a n F r e q u e n c y Generation Genetic Code Symbol Frequency - Dynamic Symbolic RegressionFig.3.Plot of the mean best fitness over 100generations on the second dynamic symbolic regression instance with both dynamic and static grammars (left),and the mean symbol frequency (right).It is interesting to note that fitness keeps improving over time for the evolv-able grammar,with an occasional deterioration corresponding with a change in the fitness function.Notice how the disimprovement is more pronounced later in the runs,particularly for the static grammar,which is due to higher pow-ers being exchanged.These results suggest that the evolvable grammar is moreadaptable in scenarios with larger changes facilitating smoother transitions to successive targets.Also evident from Fig.3is the manner in which the quantity of a in the population decreases over time while that of m increases.The two plots intersect at around generation42,shortly after the target has changed to f(m,v,q,a)=m+m2+a3+a4.However,the plots remain very close until around generation60,at which time m3becomes part of the solution.A sample of evolved grammars from one of the runs is given below,where the grammars presented represent the best solution at the generation just prior to eachfitness change.Target1<op>::=+|+<var>::=a<expression>::=(+a a) fitness:37.4525Target2<op>::=+<var>::=m|a<expression>=(+a m) fitness:33.8423Target3<op>::=+|*<var>::=m|a<expression>=(+a(+m(*a m))) fitness:22.9743Target4<op>::=+|*<var>::=m<expression>=(+m(*(+(*m m)m)m)) fitness:15.6311Target5<op>::=+|*<var>::=m<expression>::=(+(*(+m(*m(+m(*m m)m)m))))fitness:4.57967e-15Table2.Statistics for the second dynamic problem instance.Lower numbers indicate a betterfitness.139.27(41.63)37.98(38.65)9.18(12.59)No231.55(36.06)31.93(36.60) 6.77(3.84)Yes327.62(33.46)25.82(34.52) 6.3(4.1)Yes424.05(29.2)22.62(32.17) 5.83(6.39)Yes521.34(27.47)18.74(35.2)11.42(14.94)YesA performance comparison of the dynamic and static equivalent of the gram-mar(static grammar as per earlier dynamic problem instance)for this problem is presented in Fig.3and corresponding statistics can be found in Table2.In this case the static grammar outperforms the evolving grammar in terms of best fitness values achieved for all targets but thefirst.With the evolving grammar there is,as usual,a warm up period where a suitable grammar must be adopted before good solutions can be found.When successive targets are very similar to previous ones this almost negates the potential benefits that a more adaptive representation can bring,as in the case of the evolvable grammars.Clearly,somedynamic problems are more dynamic than others[16],especially in terms of the degree of change.Previous work[17]on genetic algorithms applied to dynamic problems has shown that,when the change is relatively small,a standard GA with high mutation can handle those types of problems.We believe it is likely to be the same for genetic programming.These results would also lend support to the idea of introducing different op-erator rates on the grammar chromosome to the solution chromosome,allowing the population to converge towards a similar grammar,facilitating the explo-ration of solutions based on a similar grammar.If these rates were adaptable, then it may be possible to allow grammars to change more often if the target changes are large,and vice versa.4DiscussionIn addition to the problems reported in this paper,we tackled two symbolic regression problems taken from the literature on genetic code evolution,where one is a very simple function[6],and the other extremely difficult[7].For space reasons we have not reported the details of these experiments here,but the results were positive,clearly demonstrating successful grammar/genetic code and solution co-evolution,showing similar trends to those observed for the static quartic symbolic regression instance.There are a number of differences between this study on genetic code evolu-tion to the Keller&Banzhaf studies[6,7]that are largely representation depen-dent.These include:–Variable-length genotypes are adopted with GE as opposed tofixed length in the earlier studies.–Genetic codes are not seeded at thefirst generation to be equivalent as was the case for developmental GP;an individuals’binary string is initialised randomly in this case,and thus the genetic code is randomly generated.For developmental GP the code was set such that−was the only symbol represented initially,and thusfitness of an individual was at the lowest possible value.–The same mutation rate is adopted for the genetic code as for the solutions, whereas independent mutation rates were used in the previous studies.Sep-arate rates of mutation were adopted previously as it was hypothesised that in order for successful evolution to occur changes to the genetic code should occur at a slower rate than a solution,with several different individuals hav-ing the same or similar genetic codes at any one point in time.With the current setup of two independent chromosomes it would be possible to im-plement separate mutation rates for each chromosome,this being an avenue for further investigation.–Crossover is adopted in this study,which was not present previously.Despite these differences,the results presented here support thefindings of the earlier studies,providing further evidence to support the claim that the co-evolution of genetic code/grammar and solution is possible.5Conclusions&Future WorkThis study demonstrates the feasibility of the evolution of grammatical evo-lution’s grammar on a number of symbolic regression problem instances.In par-ticular,the results demonstrate the ability of grammatical evolution to learn the importance of the various terminal symbols,and thus the ability to dynamically evolve bias toward individual symbols over the course of a run.This study opens the door to a number of exciting areas of future investiga-tion using(GE)2,and a sample of possible directions follows.In this study we have focused on symbolic regression problems,and to test generality beyond symbolic regression it is our intention to extend grammar evolution to other problem domains.Evolving the genetic code through grammar evolution brings the distinguish-ing ability to evolve both symbol coding rules(e.g.<op>and<var>as used in this study)and structural rules(e.g.<expr>).In this way it would also be pos-sible to evolve biases towards specific structural configurations of the evolving programs,and also to evolve the complete grammar including the number and type of nonterminals.The ability to evolve the grammar initially input to grammatical evolution opens up the exploration of a more open-ended form of evolution.For example, it is now possible to dynamically define parameterised functions incorporating their specification into the grammar.A static approach to function definition has been previously tackled[18],however,with the ability to evolve the number of functions along with their respective parameters,outputs and data types,this would represent a powerful extension to grammatical evolution,allowing the dynamic modularisation of code and as a consequence improving its scalability.In a similar manner to the use of dynamically defined functions using gram-mar evolution,it would also be possible to extend our earlier investigations on constant generation techniques[19]through the provision of various gram-matically based constant generation strategies in the universal grammar.The appropriate strategy could then be incorporated into the grammar and evolved. Investigations are currently underway in each of these directions. AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the various members of the Biocomputing and Developmental Systems Group at the University of Limerick for a number of interesting discussions on this work,and Wolfgang Banzhaf for an insightful discussion on an early draft of this work.References1.O’Neill,M.,Ryan,C.(2003).Grammatical Evolution:Evolutionary AutomaticProgramming in an Arbitrary Language.Kluwer Academic Publishers.2.O’Neill,M.(2001).Automatic Programming in an Arbitrary Language:Evolv-ing Programs in Grammatical Evolution.PhD thesis,University of Limerick.3.O’Neill,M.,Ryan,C.(2001).Grammatical Evolution,IEEE Trans.Evolution-ary Computation.2001.4.Ryan,C.,Collins,J.J.,O’Neill,M.(1998).Grammatical Evolution:EvolvingPrograms for an Arbitrary Language.Proc.of the First European Workshop on GP,83-95,Springer-Verlag.5.Koza,J.R.(1992).Genetic Programming:On the Programming of Computersby Means of Natural Selection.MIT Press,Cambridge,MA,USA.6.Keller,R.,Banzhaf W.(1999).The Evolution of Genetic Code in Genetic Pro-gramming.In Proc.of GECCO’99,vol.2,1077-1082,Morgan Kaufmann. 7.Keller,R.,Banzhaf W.(2001).Evolution of Genetic Code on a Hard Problem.In Proc.of GECCO2001,50-56,Morgan Kaufmann.8.Lewin,B.(2000).Genes VII.Oxford University Press,2000.9.Sella,G.,Ardell,D.H.(2001).The Coevolution of Genes and the Genetic Code.Santa Fe Institute Working Paper01-03-015,February2001.10.Ardell,D.H.,Sella,G.(2001).On the Evolution of Redundancy in GeneticCodes.Journal of Molecular Evolution,53:269-281.11.Kargupta,H.,Ghosh,S.Toward Machine Learning Through Genetic Code-LikeTransformations.Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines,Vol.3,No.3., pp.231-258,September2002.12.Freeland,S.J.(2002).The Darwinian Genetic Code:An Adaptation for Adapt-ing?Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines,Vol.3,No.2.,pp.113-128.13.Ryan,C.,O’Neill,M.(2002).How to do anything with Grammars.Proc.of theBird of a Feather Workshops,Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Confer-ence2002,pp.116-119.14.Chomsky,N.(1975).Reflections on Language.Pantheon Books.New York.15.Pinker,S.(1995).The language instinct:the new science of language and themind.Penguin,1995.16.Ryan,C.,Collins,J.J.,Wallin,D.(2003).Non-stationary Function Optimiza-tion using Polygenic Inheritance.In Foster et al.(Eds).GECCO2003:Proceed-ings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference.Springer-Verlag.17.K.Ng and K.Wong.(1995).A new diploid scheme and dominance changemechanism for non-stationary function optimisation.In Proceedings of ICGA-5,1995.18.O’Neill,M.,Ryan,C.(2000).Grammar based function definition in Gram-matical Evolution.Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference(GECCO-2000),pp.485-490,Las Vegas,USA.Morgan Kaufmann.19.O’Neill,M.,Dempsey,I.,Brabazon,A.,Ryan,C.(2003).Analysis of a DigitConcatenation Approach to Constant Generation.In LNCS2610,Proceedings of EuroGP2003,the6th European Conference on Genetic Programming,Essex, UK,April2003.pp.173-183.。
心 理 学 报 2007,39(3):431~438 Acta Psychologica Sinica431Language as an Adaptation by Natural SelectionSteven PinkerHarvard UniversityThis paper defends the theory that the human language faculty is a biological adaptation and, like other examples of complex adaptive design in the natural world, it is a product of natural selection. Language is designed to code propositional information for the purpose of sharing it with others, and thus fits with other features of the distinctive human "cognitive niche” including cause-and-effect thinking and hypersociality. Finally, the paper demonstrates that these and other evolutionary hypotheses about language as an adaptation have been supported by two new areas of research: evolutionary game theory, and tests for selection in molecular evolution.Keywords: language evolution, adaptation, natural selection, evolutionary game theory, molecular evolution.语言——自然选择的一种适应该文认为人类的语言能力是一种生物学意义上的适应,是自然选择的产物。
中国文化的变革与创新英语提纲作文Amidst the flux of time, China's cultural landscape has undergone a profound metamorphosis, propelled by the relentless currents of change and innovation. This essay navigates through the labyrinth of China's cultural evolution, tracing the trajectories of transformation and creativity that have sculpted its identity.1. **Introduction**- Setting the stage: China, a crucible of tradition and innovation.- Thesis statement: The interplay of change and innovation in reshaping Chinese culture.2. **Historical Roots of Tradition**- Delve into China's rich cultural heritage: Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism.- Examination of traditional art forms: calligraphy, painting, and classical literature.- The enduring influence of traditional values on contemporary Chinese society.3. **Waves of Change: Modernization and Globalization**- Impact of modernization: industrialization, urbanization, and societal shifts.- Opening up to the world: globalization's influence on Chinese culture.- Technological revolution: the advent of the internet and social media.4. **Cultural Renaissance: Revival and Reinterpretation** - Revival of traditional arts: resurgence of interest in classical music, opera, and dance.- Fusion of East and West: emergence of contemporary Chinese art and literature.- Preservation efforts: safeguarding intangible cultural heritage.5. **Innovations in Lifestyle and Thought**- Changing social norms: evolving family structures and gender roles.- Rise of consumer culture: impact of economic reforms on lifestyle choices.- Intellectual ferment: new ideas and ideologies in the realm of politics and philosophy.6. **Cultural Diplomacy: Soft Power and Influence**- China's cultural diplomacy initiatives: Confucius Institutes and cultural exchange programs.- Spreading Chinese culture abroad: popularity of Chinese language, cuisine, and martial arts.- Controversies and challenges: debates over cultural authenticity and political influence.7. **Future Directions: Navigating Uncertainty**- Anticipating future trends: the role of technology and globalization.- Balancing tradition and innovation: preservingcultural heritage while embracing change.- Cultivating a global Chinese identity: bridging the gap between tradition and modernity.8. **Conclusion**- Reflection on China's cultural journey: from tradition to transformation.- Emphasis on the dynamic interplay between change and innovation.- Call to embrace the evolving tapestry of Chinese culture in the 21st century.。
组织演变机理 英文
组织演变机理英文The evolution mechanism of an organization can be described as follows:1. External Environment: The organization is influenced by the external environment, including economic conditions, political stability, technological advancements, and social and cultural factors. These external factors create opportunities and threats for the organization, and the way the organization handles them affects its evolution.2. Leadership and Vision: The leaders of the organization play a vital role in its evolution. Their ability to envision and articulate a clear and compelling vision for the future helps guide the organization's evolution. Effective leaders also have the capability to motivate and inspire employees to embrace change and adapt to new circumstances.3. Organizational Culture: The culture of an organization reflects its values, beliefs, norms, and practices. It shapes the behavior of employees and affects how they respond to change. An adaptive and innovative culture facilitates organizational evolution, whereasa rigid and resistant culture hinders it.4. Strategy and Structure: The organization's strategy defines its goals and determines the path it takes to achieve them. The strategy should be aligned with the external environment and the organization's capabilities. The organizational structure provides the framework for how tasks are divided and coordinated. Both strategy and structure need to evolve in response to changingcircumstances.5. Learning and Innovation: Organizations that embrace a learning mindset and encourage innovation are more likely to evolve successfully. They continuously seek opportunities for improvement, learn from their mistakes, and explore new possibilities. This requires creating a supportive learning environment and fostering a culture of experimentation and risk-taking.6. Adaptation and Change Management: The ability to adapt to changes is crucial for organizational evolution. The organization should have mechanisms in place to monitor the external environment, identify emerging trends and challenges, and respond proactively. Change management techniques and practices can help ensure that the organization effectively implements and sustains necessary changes.7. Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging with stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and the community, is essential for organizational evolution. Understanding their needs, expectations, and concerns allows the organization to make informed decisions and adapt its strategies and operations accordingly.Overall, the evolution of an organization is a complex and dynamic process that requires a combination of strategic thinking, effective leadership, culture, innovation, and adaptation. It involves constantly reassessing the external environment, improvinginternal processes, and engaging stakeholders to remain competitive and relevant in the evolving business landscape.。
英语作文changingThe Evolution of Requirements.Requirements, by their nature, are dynamic and ever-changing. They evolve as technologies advance, societal norms shift, and individual needs evolve. The world we live in today is a testament to the changing landscape of requirements, and this evolution is particularly evident in the realm of English language proficiency.The traditional approach to learning English focused primarily on grammar and vocabulary. Students were expected to master the intricacies of the language, its rules, and its vocabulary. This approach was based on the assumption that by mastering these elements, students would be able to communicate effectively in English. However, as time progressed, it became evident that this approach was limited. It did not account for the contextual and cultural aspects of communication, which are crucial for fluent and meaningful conversation.With the advent of technology and the globalization of the workforce, the requirements for English proficiency have changed. Nowadays, emphasis is placed not just on grammar and vocabulary but also on speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. This shift in requirements is driven by the need for individuals to be able to communicate effectively in a global environment. Employers now expect their employees to have strong communication skills, as they are crucial for successful team collaboration, project management, and client engagement.Moreover, the changing requirements of English proficiency are also influenced by societal norms and cultural shifts. The rise of social media and the increasing interconnectedness of the world have led to a more informal and conversational style of English. People are now expected to be able to communicate in a natural and authentic way, rather than adhering strictly to formal or traditional language rules. This shift towards a more conversational style of English is reflected in the way people interact with each other, both online and offline.Another significant change in the requirements of English proficiency is the emphasis on critical thinking and analytical skills. As the world becomes more complex and information becomes more easily accessible, the ability to analyze and interpret information critically is becoming increasingly important. This requires individuals to have a strong command of the English language, as it enables them to understand and evaluate complex ideas and arguments.In conclusion, the changing requirements of English proficiency reflect the dynamic and evolving nature of our world. The emphasis on speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, as well as critical thinking and analytical abilities, are testament to the need for individuals to be able to communicate effectively in a global context. As we move forward, it is crucial that we continue to adapt and evolve our approach to learning English, to ensure that we are prepared to meet the challenges of the future.。
近年的一些设计理念英语Title: The Evolution of Design Concepts in Recent Years。
In recent years, the world of design has seen a significant evolution in its concepts and principles. From the rise of sustainable and eco-friendly design to the emphasis on user-centered and inclusive design, the industry has been shaped by a variety of new ideas and approaches.One of the most prominent design concepts that has gained traction in recent years is sustainable design. With the growing awareness of environmental issues, designers have been increasingly focused on creating products and spaces that are eco-friendly and have a minimal impact on the environment. This has led to the use of sustainable materials, energy-efficient technologies, and innovative design solutions that prioritize sustainability without compromising on aesthetics or functionality.Another key trend in design has been the shift towards user-centered and inclusive design. Designers are now placing a greater emphasis on understanding the needs and preferences of the end-users, and designing products and experiences that are accessible and inclusive for all. This has resulted in the creation of products that are more intuitive, user-friendly, and adaptable to a diverse range of users, including those with disabilities or special needs.Furthermore, the concept of minimalist design has also gained popularity in recent years. With an emphasis on simplicity, clean lines, and functionality, minimalist design has become a favored approach in various design disciplines, including architecture, interior design, and product design. This trend reflects a desire for a clutter-free and streamlined aesthetic, as well as an appreciation for the beauty of simplicity and understated elegance.In addition to these trends, there has also been a growing interest in the integration of technology into design. From smart home devices to interactive installations, technology has become an integral part of the design process, offering new possibilities for creativityand innovation. Designers are now exploring the potential of virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence to create immersive and interactive experiences that push the boundaries of traditional design.Overall, the evolution of design concepts in recent years has been marked by a focus on sustainability, inclusivity, minimalism, and the integration of technology. These trends reflect a growing awareness of the impact of design on the environment and society, as well as a desire to create products and experiences that are both functional and meaningful. As the design industry continues to evolve, it is likely that these concepts will continue to shape and influence the future of design for years to come.。
英语作文-设计服务行业践行创新驱动发展战略In the realm of service industries, the design sector stands as a beacon of innovation-driven developmental strategies. This sector not only embodies creativity but also serves as a vital cog in advancing economic growth through its innovative approaches. By leveraging creativity and technology, the design service industry has continually transformed itself, adapting to evolving market needs and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. 。
At its core, the design service industry thrives on innovation. Innovation here spans beyond mere aesthetic appeal; it encompasses functional, ergonomic, and sustainable elements that redefine products, services, and experiences. In today's global landscape, where competition is fierce and consumer expectations are constantly evolving, the role of design in driving strategic innovation cannot be overstated.Innovative design strategies within the service industry are multidimensional. They involve integrating advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and virtual reality to enhance user experiences and streamline processes. For instance, companies are increasingly using AI algorithms to predict consumer preferences and customize products accordingly, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and retention.Furthermore, the design service sector plays a pivotal role in fostering sustainability. Through eco-conscious design practices, such as using recycled materials, reducing carbon footprints, and designing for longevity and recyclability, the industry contributes significantly to environmental stewardship. These efforts not only align with global sustainability goals but also resonate deeply with environmentally conscious consumers.Moreover, the design service industry is a catalyst for economic growth and competitiveness. By pioneering new design methodologies and embracing digitaltransformation, businesses can achieve operational efficiencies and gain a competitive edge in the market. This strategic approach not only boosts productivity but also cultivates a culture of continuous improvement and adaptation to emerging trends.In addition to its economic and environmental impacts, innovative design within the service industry fosters cultural and social advancements. By creating inclusive and accessible designs, companies promote diversity and cater to a broader audience. For example, inclusive design principles ensure that products and services are usable by people of diverse ages, abilities, and backgrounds, thereby fostering social equity and inclusion.The evolution of design services is also intertwined with educational advancements and skill development. As the industry embraces new technologies and methodologies, there is a growing demand for skilled professionals who can navigate and innovate within this dynamic landscape. Educational institutions and training programs play a crucial role in nurturing talent and equipping future designers with the necessary skills to drive industry innovation forward.Looking ahead, the future of the design service industry appears promising yet challenging. As technological advancements accelerate and consumer expectations continue to evolve, companies must remain agile and adaptive. Embracing a culture of innovation, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and staying attuned to market dynamics will be key to sustaining growth and relevance in the global marketplace.In conclusion, the design service industry exemplifies the transformative power of innovation-driven developmental strategies. By embracing creativity, technology, and sustainability, this sector not only enhances economic competitiveness but also enriches societal well-being. As we navigate the complexities of a rapidly changing world, the role of design in shaping our future cannot be underestimated. It is through continuous innovation and strategic foresight that the design service industry will continue to thrive and inspire positive change across sectors and communities worldwide.。
新课标英语作文趋向Here is an English essay with over 1,000 words on the topic of the new curriculum standards for English writing:The Evolution of English Language Curricula in SchoolsAs the world becomes increasingly interconnected and globalized, the role of the English language has gained paramount importance in education systems worldwide. The new curriculum standards for English language writing reflect the changing needs and priorities of the 21st century learner. These standards aim to equip students with the necessary skills and proficiencies to effectively communicate, collaborate, and thrive in an ever-evolving global landscape.One of the key shifts in the new curriculum standards is a greater emphasis on developing students' critical thinking and analytical abilities. Rather than simply focusing on rote memorization of grammar rules and vocabulary, the new standards encourage students to engage with complex texts, formulate well-reasoned arguments, and showcase their ability to think critically about a wide range of topics. This shift aligns with the broader educational trend of moving away from a purely content-driven approach to one thatprioritizes the development of essential skills for lifelong learning and success.Another significant change in the new curriculum standards is the incorporation of more diverse and inclusive literature and writing prompts. Traditionally, English language curricula have often been dominated by Western, Eurocentric perspectives and canonical texts. The new standards aim to address this imbalance by including a wider range of voices, narratives, and cultural representations in the classroom. This not only enhances students' understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity but also helps them develop empathy, critical-thinking skills, and a more nuanced perspective on global issues.Furthermore, the new curriculum standards place a greater emphasis on the integration of technology and digital literacy into the English language classroom. In an age where digital communication and online collaboration are ubiquitous, students need to be equipped with the skills to effectively navigate and leverage digital tools for research, writing, and presentation purposes. This includes familiarity with various software applications, online databases, and multimedia platforms, as well as the ability to evaluate the credibility and reliability of online sources.Alongside the increased focus on digital literacy, the new curriculumstandards also highlight the importance of developing students' oral communication and public speaking skills. In an interconnected world, the ability to articulate ideas clearly, engage in constructive dialogue, and present information effectively has become essential. The new standards often incorporate opportunities for students to participate in debates, discussions, and oral presentations, allowing them to practice and hone these critical skills.Moreover, the new curriculum standards emphasize the importance of fostering students' creativity and self-expression through writing. Rather than relying solely on formulaic essay structures or prescribed writing prompts, the new standards encourage students to explore a wider range of genres, styles, and modes of expression. This includes creative writing, personal narratives, and experimental forms of expression, which can help students discover their unique voices and develop a deeper appreciation for the art of writing.The shift towards more student-centered, skills-based English language curricula is not without its challenges, however. Implementing these new standards can require significant professional development for teachers, who must adapt their instructional practices and assessment methods to align with the revised objectives. Additionally, the incorporation of diverse perspectives and digital technologies into the classroom can present logistical and resource-related obstacles that schools and districtsmust navigate.Despite these challenges, the new curriculum standards for English language writing represent a promising step towards preparing students for the demands and opportunities of the 21st century. By emphasizing critical thinking, cultural awareness, digital literacy, and creative expression, these standards aim to cultivate a new generation of global citizens who are equipped with the necessary skills to thrive in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.As education systems continue to evolve, it is crucial that the curriculum standards for English language writing keep pace with the changing needs of learners. The ongoing refinement and implementation of these standards will play a vital role in shaping the future of language education and ensuring that students are well-equipped to navigate the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.。
新优化设计英语2021作文The world of design is constantly evolving, with new trends, technologies, and approaches emerging all the time. In 2021, the field of English language design has seen a significant shift towards optimization and innovation. This essay will explore the key aspects of this new optimized design approach in English, highlighting its benefits and the ways in which it is transforming the way we communicate and learn.One of the primary focuses of the new optimized design in English is on enhancing the user experience. Designers are placing a greater emphasis on creating intuitive and accessible interfaces that cater to the needs and preferences of diverse learners. This involves incorporating elements such as clear and concise language, intuitive navigation, and personalized learning experiences. By prioritizing the user's needs, the new optimized design in English is making the language more approachable and engaging for learners of all backgrounds and skill levels.Another key aspect of this new approach is the integration ofcutting-edge technology. Designers are leveraging the power of digital tools and platforms to create dynamic and interactive learning experiences. This includes the use of multimedia elements, such as videos, animations, and interactive exercises, which help to reinforce language concepts and make the learning process more engaging. Additionally, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms allows for personalized feedback and adaptive learning, enabling learners to progress at their own pace and receive tailored support.Alongside the technological advancements, the new optimized design in English also places a strong emphasis on data-driven decision-making. Designers are utilizing various data sources, such as user analytics, feedback, and performance metrics, to continuously refine and improve the design. This allows for the creation of more effective and efficient learning materials, as designers can identify and address pain points, optimize content, and personalize the learning experience based on real-time data.One of the most significant benefits of the new optimized design in English is its focus on inclusivity and accessibility. Designers are working to ensure that the language learning materials are inclusive of diverse learners, catering to different learning styles, abilities, and cultural backgrounds. This includes the incorporation of multilingual support, text-to-speech functionality, and other accessibility featuresthat cater to learners with special needs or disabilities.Furthermore, the new optimized design in English is also placing a greater emphasis on sustainable and environmentally-friendly practices. This includes the use of digital platforms and resources, which reduce the need for physical materials and minimize the environmental impact of language learning. Additionally, designers are exploring ways to incorporate eco-friendly design principles, such as the use of renewable materials and energy-efficient technologies, into the development of English learning resources.Another key aspect of the new optimized design in English is its focus on personalization and customization. Designers are creating learning experiences that can be tailored to the individual needs and preferences of learners. This includes the ability to adjust the difficulty level, the pace of instruction, and the content focus based on the learner's progress and goals. By offering this level of personalization, the new optimized design in English is helping to ensure that learners can achieve their language learning objectives more effectively.In addition to these core elements, the new optimized design in English also places a strong emphasis on collaboration and community-building. Designers are creating platforms and tools that facilitate interaction and communication among learners, enablingthem to share ideas, provide feedback, and learn from one another. This collaborative approach not only enhances the learning experience but also fosters a sense of community and support among language learners.Finally, the new optimized design in English is also characterized by a focus on lifelong learning and adaptability. Designers are creating learning resources and platforms that can evolve and adapt to the changing needs of learners over time. This includes the incorporation of ongoing updates, new content, and innovative features that keep the learning experience fresh and engaging, even as learners progress in their language skills.In conclusion, the new optimized design in English is transforming the way we approach language learning. By prioritizing user experience, leveraging cutting-edge technology, and embracing data-driven decision-making, designers are creating more inclusive, accessible, and personalized learning experiences. This shift towards optimization and innovation is not only improving the effectiveness of English language instruction but also fostering a more engaged and supportive learning community. As the field of English language design continues to evolve, it is clear that the new optimized approach will play a crucial role in shaping the future of language education and communication.。
中考英语作文介绍变化规则题目,Changes and Rules。
In our dynamic world, change is constant. From the weather outside to the technology in our hands, everything undergoes transformation. But amidst this flux, there exist certain rules that govern these changes. Understanding these rules is crucial for navigating through life effectively.Firstly, change is inevitable. This is a fundamental rule that governs every aspect of our lives. Whether it's the changing seasons or the evolving trends, nothing remains stagnant. Just as the seasons transition from winter to spring, our lives too are marked by periods of growth and transformation.Secondly, change follows a pattern. Although it may seem random at times, change often adheres to certain patterns and trends. Just as the tides ebb and flow in arhythmic cycle, societal changes also follow predictable patterns. By observing these patterns, we can better anticipate and adapt to the changes around us.Moreover, change is interconnected. One change often triggers a series of ripple effects, impacting various aspects of our lives. For example, advancements in technology not only change the way we communicate but also influence our social interactions, economy, and culture. Recognizing these interconnections helps us grasp the full extent of change's impact.Furthermore, change requires adaptation. As the world evolves, so must we. Those who are resistant to change often find themselves left behind, unable to cope with the demands of the modern world. Adaptability is thus a crucial skill, allowing us to thrive in an ever-changing environment.However, amidst all this change, there are certain rules that remain constant. The importance of kindness, honesty, and perseverance transcends time and circumstance.No matter how much the world around us changes, these principles serve as guiding lights, helping us navigate through life's ups and downs.In conclusion, change is a natural part of life, governed by certain rules and principles. By understanding and embracing these rules, we can navigate through life's ever-changing landscape with confidence and grace. As we embark on this journey of constant transformation, let us remember that amidst the chaos of change, there are certain constants that anchor us and guide us forward.。
有关进化规划的英文文献范文Evolutionary Programming: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art.Evolutionary programming (EP) is a subset of evolutionary computation that deals with the optimization of numerical functions. It has found widespreadapplications in various domains such as engineering, finance, and scientific research due to its ability to handle complex and nonlinear problems efficiently. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art in evolutionary programming, covering its theoretical foundations, algorithms, and applications.Evolutionary programming is based on the principles of natural evolution. It simulates the process of natural selection and genetic mutation to generate a population of candidate solutions. Each individual in the population represents a potential solution to the problem at hand. Thefitness function is used to evaluate the quality of each individual, and the fitter individuals are selected for reproduction. New offspring are generated through genetic operations such as crossover and mutation, introducing diversity and variation into the population. This process is repeated iteratively, leading to the emergence of better and better solutions over time.There are several key components in evolutionary programming:1. Representation: The first step is to represent the problem solutions as numerical vectors. These vectors are typically encoded as real-valued numbers, but other representations such as binary or permutation-based encodings can also be used depending on the nature of the problem.2. Initialization: The initial population is generated randomly or using some heuristic methods. The size of the population is a crucial parameter that affects thediversity and convergence speed of the algorithm.3. Fitness Function: The fitness function is used to evaluate the quality of each individual in the population. It should be designed such that higher fitness values correspond to better solutions. The choice of the fitness function depends on the specific problem being solved.4. Selection: Selection operators are used to choose parents for reproduction based on their fitness values. Common selection methods include roulette wheel selection, tournament selection, and ranking selection.5. Crossover: Crossover operators are used to combine the genetic information of two parent individuals to generate offspring. In real-valued encoding, crossover operators such as uniform crossover or arithmetic crossover are commonly used.6. Mutation: Mutation operators introduce random changes to the genetic information of individuals, maintaining diversity in the population and preventing premature convergence. Gaussian mutation and polynomialmutation are common mutation operators in real-valued encoding.7. Termination Criterion: The evolutionary process is terminated when a stopping criterion is met, such as a maximum number of generations, a satisfactory fitness level, or a predefined time limit.Evolutionary programming has found numerousapplications in various domains. In engineering, it hasbeen used for optimization problems such as structural design, control systems, and robotics. In finance, EP has been applied to portfolio optimization, risk management,and stock market prediction. In scientific research, it has been successfully used for parameter estimation, function approximation, and data mining tasks.In conclusion, evolutionary programming is a powerful optimization technique that has demonstrated its effectiveness in handling complex and nonlinear problems.Its ability to explore and exploit the solution space efficiently, combined with its simplicity and generality,has made it a popular choice for various applications. Future research directions include exploring new representation schemes, developing more efficient selection and genetic operators, and applying EP to even more challenging real-world problems.。
英语作文题目的规则变化In the realm of English language education, the rules governing essay topics have undergone significant changesover the years. This evolution reflects shifts in pedagogical approaches, technological advancements, and the ever-changing landscape of language use.1. From Prescriptive to Descriptive: Traditionally, essay topics were highly prescriptive, with students often given a specific prompt to follow. Nowadays, there is a move towards more descriptive topics that allow for a wider range of responses and encourage students to explore their own perspectives.2. Emphasis on Critical Thinking: The modern educational system places a greater emphasis on critical thinking skills. As a result, essay topics are crafted to provoke thought and analysis rather than just requiring students to regurgitate information.3. Inclusion of Multimedia: With the rise of digital literacy, essay topics now often incorporate multimedia elements. Students may be asked to analyze a film, a podcast, or asocial media post, which adds a new dimension to the essay writing process.4. Cross-Disciplinary Approaches: Topics are no longerconfined to a single subject area. Interdisciplinary topicsencourage students to draw on knowledge from various fields, fostering a more holistic understanding of complex issues.5. Personalization: Personalized learning has become a trend in education, and this is reflected in essay topics that are designed to resonate with individual students' interests and experiences.6. Globalization and Cultural Sensitivity: As the world becomes more interconnected, essay topics are increasingly global in scope, with a focus on cultural sensitivity and awareness. This prepares students to engage with a diverse range of perspectives.7. The Role of Technology: The integration of technology in the classroom has led to essay topics that involve the use of online resources, digital research, and even the creation of digital essays or blogs.8. Flexibility in Format: While the traditional five-paragraph essay still has its place, there is now more flexibility in the format of essays. Students may be encouraged to experiment with different structures, such as narrative essays, persuasive pieces, or even creative formats like poetry or short stories.9. Focus on Sustainability and Social Issues: Topics often reflect current global concerns, with a focus on sustainability, social justice, and the impact of human activity on the environment.10. Student-Generated Topics: Some educational approaches now encourage students to generate their own essay topics, which can lead to more engaged and motivated writing.In conclusion, the rules for English essay topics are not static; they are continuously adapting to meet the needs of modern learners and the demands of a rapidly changing world. This evolution is a testament to the dynamic nature of language and the importance of keeping educational practices relevant and engaging.。
变革要求英语作文As the world is changing rapidly, there is an increasing demand for reform in various fields. In thefield of education, English teaching is no exception. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons why reform is needed in English teaching and propose some suggestions for improvement.Firstly, the traditional English teaching method is outdated and ineffective. The focus is on memorizing grammar rules and vocabulary, rather than on developing practical language skills. Students are often bored and unmotivated, which leads to poor learning outcomes. Moreover, the traditional approach does not take into account the diverse needs of students, such as their interests and learning styles.Secondly, the rise of globalization has made English an essential tool for communication. In today's interconnected world, English proficiency is a key factor in success inmany fields, including business, science, and technology. Therefore, it is crucial to equip students with the necessary language skills to compete in the global job market.To address these challenges, there are several ways to reform English teaching. Firstly, teachers should adopt a student-centered approach that focuses on the needs and interests of individual learners. This can be achieved by incorporating interactive activities, such as group discussions, role-playing, and project-based learning. By doing so, students are more engaged and motivated, which leads to better learning outcomes.Secondly, technology can be used to enhance English teaching. For example, online resources, such as videos, podcasts, and interactive games, can provide students with authentic language input and opportunities to practice their skills. Additionally, educational software, such as language learning apps, can provide personalized and adaptive learning experiences.Lastly, English teaching should be integrated withreal-world applications. This means that students should be exposed to authentic language use in various contexts, such as in business, travel, and social interactions. This can be achieved through field trips, internships, and language exchange programs.In conclusion, English teaching needs to be reformed to meet the changing demands of the world. By adopting a student-centered approach, utilizing technology, and integrating real-world applications, we can equip students with the necessary language skills to succeed in the globalized world.。
2、表型适应(phenotypic adaptation):描述的是有机体在个体水平上的变化,包括生理行为形态等方面,时间尺度相对较短,变化的特征是可逆转的。
19进化适应(evolutionary adaptation):指的是多个世代的变化,时间尺度比较长,有些特征是不可逆的,是可遗传的。
4、自然选择(natural selection):一个种群中存活能力强和繁殖最有效的个体适合度高,对未来世代的贡献大,比适合度低的个体产生的后代数量多。
8体温调节(thermoregulation,body temperature regulation):动物通过物理或生理方式,将体温维持在一定的范围内的过程。
9基础代谢率(basal metabolic rate,BMR):是恒温动物在空腹、清醒、静止状态下热中性区内的最低代谢率。
10热中性区(thermoneutral zone or thermal neutral zone.TNZ):一个环境温度范围,在其内,内温动物用最小的代谢消耗以维持恒定的体温。
创新原则作文模板英语版Title: Essay Template on the Principles of Innovation。
Introduction:Innovation is the key to progress and success in today's fast-paced world. It is the driving force behind advancements in technology, business, science, and every other aspect of human endeavor. In this essay, we will explore the principles of innovation and how they can be applied to various fields to achieve success.Body:1. Definition of Innovation:Innovation can be defined as the process of creating new ideas, products, or methods that bring about positive change and improvement. It involves thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo to find better solutions to existing problems.2. Principles of Innovation:a. Creativity:Creativity is the foundation of innovation. It involves the ability to think differently and come up with new and original ideas. It is essential for breaking away from traditional thinking and finding innovative solutions.b. Open-mindedness:Being open-minded is crucial for innovation. It means being willing to consider new ideas, perspectives, and approaches, even if they challenge existing beliefs or practices. This openness allows for the exploration of new possibilities and opportunities.c. Risk-taking:Innovation often involves taking risks and venturing into uncharted territory. It requires the willingness to embrace uncertainty and the potential for failure in pursuit of greater rewards. Risk-taking is essential for pushing boundaries and driving progress.d. Collaboration:Collaboration is an important principle of innovation. It involves working with others to combine different skills, expertise, and perspectives to create something new and valuable. Collaboration can lead to the cross-pollination of ideas and the development of more innovative solutions.e. Adaptability:Being adaptable is essential for innovation. It means being able to respond to changing circumstances, learn from feedback, and adjust plans and strategies as needed. Adaptability allows for the flexibility to pivot and iterate in the pursuit of innovation.3. Application of Innovation Principles:a. Business:In the business world, innovation is essential for staying competitive and meeting the evolving needs of customers. Companies that embrace the principles of innovation can develop new products, services, and business models that set them apart from the competition.b. Technology:Technology is a hotbed for innovation, with new advancements and breakthroughs constantly reshaping the way we live and work. The principles of innovation drive the development of new technologies and the improvement of existing ones, leading to transformative changes in society.c. Science:Scientific innovation is essential for pushing the boundaries of knowledge and understanding. The principles of innovation drive the exploration of new ideas and thedevelopment of groundbreaking discoveries that have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the world.d. Education:In education, innovation is essential for preparing students for the challenges of the future. The principles of innovation can drive the development of new teaching methods, curriculum, and educational technologies that better engage and empower students.Conclusion:Innovation is a powerful force that drives progress and change in every aspect of human endeavor. By embracing the principles of innovation, individuals and organizations can unlock new possibilities, create value, and achieve success in an ever-changing world. Whether in business, technology, science, or education, the principles of innovation are essential for driving progress and shaping the future.。
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Evolutionary Design of Rule Changing CellularAutomataHitoshi Kanoh1 and Yun Wu21 Institute of Information Sciences and Electronics, University of Tsukuba,Tsukuba Ibaraki 305-8573, Japankanoh@is.tsukuba.ac.jp2 Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba,Tsukuba Ibaraki 305-8573, Japanbregude@kslab.is.tsukuba.ac.jpAbstract. The difficulty of designing cellular automatons’ transition rules toperform a particular problem has severely limited their applications. In this pa-per we propose a new programming method of cellular computers using geneticalgorithms. We consider a pair of rules and the number of rule iterations as astep in the computer program. The present method is meant to reduce the com-plexity of a given problem by dividing the problem into smaller ones and as-signing a distinct rule to each. Experimental results using density classificationand synchronization problems prove that our method is more efficient than aconventional one.1 IntroductionRecently, evolutionary computations by parallel computers have gained attention as a method of designing complex systems [1]. In particular, parallel computers based on cellular automata (CAs [2]), meaning cellular computers, have the advantages of vastly parallel, highly local connections and simple processors, and have attracted increased research interest [3]. However, the difficulty of designing CAs’ transition rules to perform a particular task has severely limited their applications [4].The evolutionary design of CA rules has been studied by the EVCA group [5] in detail. A genetic algorithm (GA) was used to evolve CAs. In their study, a CA per-formed computation means that the input to the computation is encoded as the initial states of cells, the output is decoded from the configuration reached at some later time step, and the intermediate steps that transform the input to the output are taken as the steps in the computation. Sipper [6] has studied a cellular programming algorithm for non-uniform CAs, in which each cell may contain a different rule. In that study, pro-gramming means the coevolution of neighboring, non-uniform CAs’ rules with paral-lel genetic operations.In this paper we propose a new programming method of cellular computers using genetic algorithms. We consider a pair of rules and the number of rule iterations as a step in the computer program, whereas the EVCA group considers an intermediatestep of transformation as a step in the computation. The present method is meant to reduce the complexity of a given problem by dividing the problem into smaller ones and assigning a distinct rule to each one. Experimental results using density classifi-cation and synchronization problems prove that our method is more efficient than a conventional method.2 Present Status of Research2.1 Cellular AutomataIn this paper we address one-dimensional CAs that consist of a one-dimensional lat-tice of N cells. Each cell can take one of k possible states. The state of each cell at a given time depends only on its own state at the previous time step and the state of its nearby neighbors at the previous time step according to a transition rule R . A neighborhood consists of a cell and its r neighbors on either side. A major factor in CAs is how far one cell is from another. The CA rules can be expressed as a rule table that lists each possible neighborhood with its output bit, that is, the update value of the central cell of the neighborhood. Figure 1 shows an example of a rule table when k =2 and r =1. We regard the output bit “11101000” as a binary number. The number is converted to a decimal, which is 232, and we will denote the rule in Fig. 1 as rule 232. Here we describe CAs with a periodic boundary condition.The behavior of one-dimensional CAs is usually displayed by space-time diagrams in which the horizontal axis depicts the configuration at a certain time t and the verti-cal axis depicts successive time steps. The term “configuration” refers to the collec-tion of local states over the entire lattice, and S (t ) denotes a configuration at the time t .Fig. 1. An example of a rule table (k =2, r =1).2.2 Computational Tasks for CAsWe used the density classification and the synchronization tasks as benchmark prob-lems [4, 7]. The goal for the density classification task is to find a transition rule that decides whether or not the initial configuration S (0) contains a majority of 1s. Here ρ(t ) denotes the density of 1s in the configuration at the time t . If ρ(0) > 0.5, then within M time steps the CA should go to the fixed-point configuration of all 1s (ρ(t ≧M ) =1 ); otherwise, within M time steps it should produce the fixed-point configuration of all 0s (ρ(t ≧M ) = 0 ). The value of constant M depends on the task. The second task is one of synchronization: given any initial configuration S (0), the CA should reach a final configuration, within M time steps, that oscillates between all 0s and all 1s in successive time steps.1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0111 110 101 100 011 010 001 000Neighborhood:Output bit:2.3 Previous WorkThe evolutionary design of CA rules has been studied by the EVCA group [3, 4] in detail. A genetic algorithm (GA) was used to evolve CAs for the two computational tasks. That GA was shown to have discovered rules that gave rise to sophisticated emergent computational strategies. Sipper [6] has studied a cellular programming algorithm for 2-state non-uniform CAs, in which each cell may contain a different rule. The evolution of rules is here performed by applying crossover and mutation. He showed that this method is better than uniform (ordinary) CAs with a standard GA for the two tasks.Meanwhile, Land and Belew [8] proved that the perfect two-state rule for perform-ing the density classification task does not exist. However, Fuks [9] showed that a pair of human written rules performs the task perfectly. The first rule is iterated t1 times, and the resulting configuration of CAs is processed by another rule iterated t2 times. Fuks points out that this could be accomplished as an “assembly line” process.Other researchers [10] have developed a real-world application for modeling vir-tual cities that uses rule-changing, two-dimensional CAs to lay out the buildings and a GA to produce the time series of changes in the cities. The GA searches the se-quence of transition rules to generate the virtual city required by users. This may be the only application using rule changing CAs.3 Proposed Method3.1 Computation Based on Rule Changing CAsIn this paper, a CA in which an applied rule changes with time is called a rule chang-ing CA, and a pair of rules and the number of rule iterations can be considered as a step in the computer program. The computation based on the rule changing CA can thus operate as follows:Step 1: The input to the computation is encoded as the initial configuration S(0). Step 2: Apply rule R1 to S(0) M1 times; ……; apply rule R n to S(M1+…+M n-1) M n times.Step 3: The output is decoded from the final configuration S(M1+…+M n).In this case, n is a parameter that depends on the task, and rule R i and the number of rule iterations M i (i=1, …, n) can be obtained by the evolutionary algorithm de-scribed in the next section. The present method is meant to reduce the complexity of a given task by dividing the task into n smaller tasks and assigning (R i, M i) to the i-th task.3.2 Evolutionary DesignEach chromosome in the population represents a candidate set of R i and M i as shown in Fig. 2. The algorithm of the proposed method is shown in Fig. 3.R1 | M1| ……… | R n | M nFig. 2. Chromosome of the proposed method (R i: rule, M i: the number of rule iteration).procedure maininitialize and evaluate population P(0);for g = 1 to the upper bound of generations {apply genetic operators to P(g) and create a temporary population P’(g);evaluate P’ (g);get a new population P(g+1) by using P(g) and P’(g);}procedure evaluatefor i = 1 to the population size {operate CA with the rules on the i-th individual;calculate fitness of the i-th individual;}Fig. 3. Algorithm of the proposed method (procedure main and procedure evaluate).3.3 ApplicationIn this section we describe an application that uses the CA with two rules for density classification and synchronization tasks.Chromosome Encoding In the case of the CA with two rules, a chromosome can generally be expressed by the left part in Fig. 4. The right part in Fig. 4 shows an example of the chromosome when k=2 and r=1. Each rule and the number of iterations are expressed by the output bit of the rule table and a nonnegative integer, respectively.R1 | M1| R2 | M2 = 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 | 45 | 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 | 25 Fig. 4. Example of the chromosome of the proposed method for the CA with two rules.Fitness calculation The fitness of an individual in the population is the fraction of the N test initial configurations in which the individual produced the correct final configurations. Here the initial configurations are uniformly distributed over ρ(0)∈[0.0, 1.0].Genetic operations First, generate N pop individuals as an initial population. Then the following operations are repeated for N gen generations.Step 1: Generate a new set of N test initial configurations, and calculate the fitness on this set for each individual in the population.Step 2: The individuals are ranked in order of fitness, and the top N elit elite indi-viduals are copied to the next generation without modification.Step 3: The remaining (N pop-N elit) individuals for the next generation are formed by single-point crossovers between the individual randomly selected fromN elit elites and the individual selected from the whole population by rou-lette wheel selection.Step 4: The rules R1 and R2 on the offspring from crossover are each mutated at exactly two randomly chosen positions. The numbers of iterations M1 andM2 are mutated with probability 0.5 by substituting random numbers lessthan an upper bound.4 Experiments4.1 Experimental MethodsThe experiments were conducted under the following conditions: the number of states k=2, the size of lattice N=149, and M1+M2=149 for the CA; the population size N pop=100, the upper bound of generations N gen=100, the number of elites N elit=20, and the number of the initial configuration for test N test=100 for the GA.4.2 Density Classification Task (r=1)Table 1 shows the best rules in the population at the last generation. The obtained rules agree with the human written rules shown by Fuks [9], which can perform this task perfectly.Table 1. Rules obtained by the genetic algorithm for the density classification task (r=1, k=2, N=149).R1M1R2M2Experiment-1 184 124 232 25Experiment-2 226 73 232 764.3 Density Classification Task (r =3)Figure 5 shows the comparison of the proposed method with the conventional method that uses only one rule as the chromosome [5]. Each point in the figure is the average of ten trials. It is seen from Fig. 5 that the fitness of the former at the last generation (0.98) is higher than that of the latter (0.91). Table 2 shows the best rules obtained by the proposed method, and Fig. 6 shows examples of the space-time diagrams for these rules. The rules in Table 2 have been converted to hexadecimal.Table 2. The best rules obtained by the genetic algorithm for the density classification task (r =3, k =2, N =149). R 1M 1R 2 M 201000100111C0000000004013F7FDFFB 10197E6EFF6E88064484808406070040000 48Fig. 5. The best fitness at each generation for density classification tasks (r =3, k =2, N =149).Fig. 6. Examples of space-time diagrams for a density classification task (r =3, k =2, N =149). B e s t f i t n e s s Conventional method Proposed method 0 148 0 148ρ(0) > 0.5ρ(0) < 0.51014.4 Synchronization Task (r =3)Figure 7 shows the results of the same comparison as in Fig 5 for the synchronization task. The fitness of the proposed method reaches 1.0 by the 3rd generation, whereas the conventional method requires more than 20 generations.5 ConclusionsIn this paper we proposed a new programming method of cellular computers. The experiments were conducted using a rule changing CA with two rules. In a forthcom-ing study, the performance of a CA with more than two rules will be examined. References1. Alba, E. and Tomassini, M.: Parallelism and Evolutionary Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 6, No. 5 (2002) 443-462.2. Wolfram, S.: A New Kind of Science. Wolfram Media Inc. (2002).3. Sipper, M.: The Emergence of Cellular Computing. 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