山东省德州市2024届高三下学期开学摸底考试 化学含答案
高三化学试题(答案在最后)本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。
可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 O 16 F 19 Na 23 Mg 24 Cl 35.5 Mn 55 Ni 59Cu 64 Z n 65第I 卷(选择题共40分)一、选择题:本题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分。
1.齐鲁大地景色优美,下列美景形成过程中涉及化学变化的是()A .沂蒙山的地下溶洞B .蓬莱的海市蜃楼C .东营黄河入海口的沙洲D .济南的趵突泉2.下列实验操作正确的是()A .配制-180 mL 2mol L l NaC 溶液,应用托盘天平称取9.4g NaCl 固体B .除去苯中少量的苯酚,可加入适量的NaOH 溶液,振荡、静置、分液C .配制用于检验醛基的2Cu(OH)悬浊液,向42 mL10% CuSO 溶液中滴加几滴2% NaOH 溶液并振荡D .碱式滴定管加入液体后,让其竖直向下,捏住胶管中的玻璃球使液体快速流下赶走气泡3.2CO 和2H 制备乙醇发生的反应为223222CO +6H CH CH OH+3H O ,副产物可能有4CH 、22CH CH 或3CH OH 等。
下列说法错误的是()A .22CH CH 分子中σ键和π键个数比为5:1B .4CH 的键角大于2H OC .32CH CH OH 和3CH OH 均为极性分子D .上述含碳物质中碳原子的杂化方式有2种4.下列实验装置能达到实验目的的是()甲乙丙丁A .用装置甲制取23Na CO B .用装置乙进行石油的蒸馏实验C .用装置丙蒸干2CaCl 溶液获取2CaCl 晶体D .用装置丁验证浓度对化学反应速率的影响5.氧化石墨烯在各领域都有广泛的用途,在一定条件下某物质在石墨烯表面二维晶体结构如下图所示,下列说法正确的是()A .n=2B .Ca-Cl-Ca 的键角为60C .晶体中距离-Cl 最近的n+Ca有三个D .晶体中含有两种处于不同环境的碳原子6.某天然活性产物的衍生物结构简式如图所示。
完型填空1. B.本题考查动词,后面的宾语是“the fruit-fly experiments described…”,suppose表示“假设”,observe表示“观察”,image表示“想象”,Consider“考虑”,代入文中表示“考虑已经被描述出来的实验”,符合语境。
2. A.本题考查动词短语,happen to(碰巧),fear to(唯恐…),be threatened to被恐吓…。
tend to do表示“有…倾向,往往…”,代入文中表示比较聪明的果蝇往往寿命较短。
3. D.本题考查形容词,lighter更轻的,thinner更瘦的,stabler更稳定的,dimmer比较暗淡的,本句是前一句推出的结论,即由“果蝇越聪明寿命越短”推出“灯泡越暗使用时间越长”。
4. B.本题考查名词。
5. C.本题考查动词短语,turns out证明是,insist on坚持,sum up总结,put forward提出。
6. A.本题考查介词,off表示离开。
7. D.incredible难以置信的,spontaneous自发的,inevitable不可避免的,gradual渐进的。
学习是一个渐进的过程,所以选gradual.8. C.本文的主旨是智力需要昂贵的代价。
四个选项中,fight表示斗争,doubt表示怀疑,stop表示停止,think表示思考,正确答案为C9. B.本题考查形容词,修饰intelligence。
LabVIEW 基礎專業認證(CLAD)模擬測驗試題注意:測驗過程中,禁止使用電腦或任何參考資料。
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若認為題目不甚清楚,則可標記該問題,並寫下您自己認為較合適的答案與理由,以供NI 閱卷時參考之用。
測驗資訊:•測驗時間:1 小時•測驗方式:多重選擇題•測驗題數:40 題•及格分數:70%重要:當應試者完成測驗時,請將試卷放在所提供的信封內並密封之。
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Q1:關於LabVIEW 程式執行程序,下列何者正確?(請選出所有正確的敘述)A.程式執行順序由控制元件的流程(Control Flow) 所決定B.程式各元件須等到所有資料輸入節點後,才會執行並將資料輸出至端點C.程式執行順序由程式框圖的左邊依序執行到右邊D.通過程式各元件節點的資料流將決定程式執行順序Q2:下列For Loop 將循環幾次?A.3B.4C.5D.6Q3:使用者產生了共100 個資料點,且不平均放置於一段時間之內。
若維持此不平均的擷取點,則下列何項指示元最適於顯示資料?A.Waveform ChartB.Waveform GraphC.XY GraphD.Intensity GraphQ4:下列何項函式可以將浮點數的數值轉換為帶有小數點的字串?A.B.C.D.Q5:若下列程式一開始執行時Random 不更新,當使用者按下Start 按鍵,Random 才開始每1 秒更新一筆亂數,則Initial Time 跟Start Time 應設定成何值,程式執行才會有上述功能?A.Initial Timeout = 1000, Start Timeout = -1B.Initial Timeout = -1, Start Timeout = 1000C.Initial Timeout = 1000, Start Timeout = 0D.Initial Timeout = 0, Start Timeout = 1000Q6:針對下列Producer/Consumer 程式架構,何者敘述正確?A.Consumer Loop的迴圈更新時間為Producer Loop的兩倍B.兩個迴圈之間以Wait Time 函數的數值來同步化C.兩個迴圈之間以Dequeue Element 的Timeout 的數值來同步化D.兩個迴圈之間以LabVIEW 內部時序來進行同步化Q7:將Numeric 設為10 並執行下列程式碼,則程式結束後Numeric 和Result 分別顯示何值?A.Numeric = 2 , Result = 2B.Numeric = 2 , Result = 1C.Numeric = 12 , Result = 12D.Numeric = 12 , Result = 11Q8:執行程式5 秒後按下Latch When Release 按鍵,等待3 秒放開Latch When Release 按鍵,接著經過2 秒後按下Switch When Pressed 按鍵,等待 5 秒放開Switch When Pressed 按鍵,請問Boolean 顯示器於執行程式後7 秒和12 秒時分別顯示何值?A.False, FalseB.False, TrueC.True, FalseD.True, TrueQ9:下列何者變數的使用可避免因程式事件時序的不確定而導致的競賽狀態(Race Condition)?A.區域變數(Local Variable)B.全域變數(Global Variable)C.共用變數(Shared Variable)D.功能型全域變數(Functional Global Variable)Q10:何項方程式等於下列程式碼?A.x=√a×((a+b)2−(c−1))B.x=√a×((c−1)−(a+b)2)C.x=√a×((a+b2)−(c−1))D.x=√a2×((a+b)2−(c−1))Q11:假設啟動了自動錯誤處理(Automatic error handling) 功能,則LabVIEW 是否會於執行下列程式碼結束時顯示錯誤?A.否,此VI 將不會停止B.否,因為Simple Error 將會繼續記錄後續錯誤C.是,因為Merge Errors 函式將只會顯示首次錯誤D.是,但因為Merge Error 函式會收集全部錯誤,所以LabVIEW 將顯示錯誤對話框達2 次Q12:執行下列VI 之後,Data指示元將顯示何值?A.(Data x 5) + 2B.(Data + 2) x 5C.Data + 2D.無法確認Q13:「Wait (ms)」與「Wait Until Next ms Multiple」函式行為的差異是?A.首次呼叫「Wait Until Next ms Multiple」的時間延遲,可能短於接至函式輸入端點的特定ms 秒數B.除非完成該程式碼區段的其他所有函式,「Wait (ms)」函式才會開始計時作業C.若某架構已包含「Wait Until Next ms Multiple Function」函式,則可於獨立執行緒中執行D.「Wait (ms)」函式可讓迴圈不致佔用100% 的CPU 資源;「Wait Until Next ms Multiple」則無此項功能Q14:執行下列程式碼而發生錯誤的原因為何?A.檔案路徑並未接至Open/Create/Replace File 函式的輸入B.未將函式間的錯誤叢集接線C.以錯誤存取而開啟檔案File opened with the incorrect accessD.以上皆是Q15:Q15:將Boolean 控制元設定為Latching When Released。
2019年高三上学期摸底考试英语试题 含答案
2019年高三上学期摸底考试英语试题含答案第一部分: 英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)第一节语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
1.passengerA. sugarB. organizeC. strangeD. together2.chemistryA. stomachB. achieveC. checkD. machine3.clubA. pollutionB. struggleC. usefulD. bury4.majorityA. baggageB. attractC. CanadianD. magazine5.areaA. theatreB. breatheC. breakD. heaven第二节情景对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话情景的内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能够填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
M:Have you ever met a foreigner?W: 6 I know only a little English.M:I asked if you have ever met a foreigner.W:What do you mean by the word “foreigner”?M:7W:No, I have never met a foreigner before. 8M:Foreigner, F-O-R-E-I-G-N-E-R.W:Please say it again more slowly. 9M:OK. Foreigner. Oh, you don't pronounce the letter “g”.W:10M:That's right.A.I want to write it down.B.I'm sorry I can't follow you.C.Can I look it up in a dictionary?D.You mean it's a silent(不发音的)letter?E.It's not so difficult.F.I mean a person from another country.G.How do you spell that word?第三节语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
CLAD 考试题1
Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer Sample Exam 1Test BookletNote: The use of the computer or any reference materials is NOT allowed during the exam. Instructions:∙ Please do not detach the binding staple of any section. If any part of the exam paper is missing or detached when returned to National Instruments, you will be deemed to have failed theexam.∙ Please follow the instructions on the Answer Sheet. If you fill in your Candidate ID incorrectly, your test will be invalidated.∙ Indicate ALL answers on the Answer Sheet. Answers recorded in this test booklet will NOT be evaluated.∙ Please do not ask the proctor for help answering questions.∙ This examination may not be taken from the examination area or reproduced in any way. You may not keep any portion of this exam after you have completed it.Exam Details:∙ Time allocated: 1 hour∙ Type of exam items: Multiple choice∙ Number of exam items: 40 questions∙ Passing Grade: 70%IMPORTANT: When you have completed this exam, place it in the provided envelope with you answer sheet and SEAL the envelope. Give the sealed envelope to your proctor.Answer Sheet:To quickly check your answers against the solutions in the Solutions Section, record your answers on this Answers Sheet. Detach this page and record your answers as you go along. This page is not included in the actual CLAD exam; it is included here for practice purposes only. The Solutions Section is at the end of the Sample Exam.1. _____2. _____3. _____4. _____5. _____6. _____7. _____8. _____9. _____10. _____11. _____12. _____13. _____14. _____15. _____16. _____17. _____18. _____19. _____20. _____21. _____22. _____23. _____24. _____25. _____26. _____27. _____28. _____29. _____30. _____31. _____32. _____33. _____34. _____35. _____36. _____37. _____38. _____39. _____40. _____Q1: You must include the option to cancel when a user attempts to interactively close the front panel by selecting File>>Close.Which Event case allows this functionality?ABCDQ2: You must generate code that responds to multiple value change events using a Boolean control while maintaining a latching mechanical action.Which programming step is NOT required?A Including or reading the Boolean control terminal in a loopB Including the Event Structure within a loopC Configuring a Timeout case within the Event StructureD Configuring a Value Change event case for the Boolean controlQ3: What value is displayed in the Value Out indicator after the VI completes execution?A 0B 4C 5D 6Q4: How many errors does LabVIEW display at the end of execution?A No ErrorsB One ErrorC Two ErrorsD Three ErrorsQ5: You have been asked to write a VI called CLAD505 that will generate a path to test.txt. This txt file is in a folder called CLAD505_Support, and the folder is next to your VI. The VI must run on multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, etc.).Which diagram best illustrates how you should write the VI?ABCDQ6: Which of the following statements is TRUE about the following code segment?A The loop will execute once and the indicator Iteration will have a value of oneB The loop will execute once and the indicator Iteration will have a value of zeroC The loop will execute continuously and the program will have to be abortedD The loop will not execute and the indicator Iteration will have a value of zeroQ7: Why is a shift register used for the file refnum input on the For Loop?A If the Values to Write to File array is empty, the For Loop will run zero times, but the refnumvalue will be passed through to the shift register outputB The Write to Text File function modifies the value of the refnum on each For Loop iterationC It is the only way to prevent the For Loop from building an array at the refnum output terminalD No reason. A regular tunnel would provide identical functionality to the shift registerQ8: The following SubVI is loaded into memory and then run. At some later time it is still in memory and is run a second time.What is the value is displayed in the Sum indicator when the SubVI completes execution the second time it is run?A 5B 10C There is no way to knowD 0Q9: Which of the following is FALSE about File I/O using binary or TDMS file formats?A Binary files can accept any LabVIEW data typeB TDMS can accept any LabVIEW data typeC TDMS is generally faster in writing than binaryD Binary file I/O can be used by all versions of LabVIEWQ10: How does a producer consumer design pattern process excessive amounts of data?A Using a single element queue the Producer Consumer processes only current data.B Using a queue for storage the Consumer loop processes all data when it has time.C The Producer loop will slow its cycle time to allow the consumer loop to catch up.D The consumer loop will increase its processing time to match the producer loop.Q11: Unlike graphs, which display an entire waveform that ________ the data already displayed, charts update periodically and __________ the data previously displayed.A Maintains a history of; overwriteB Overwrites; maintain a history ofC Appends to; overwriteD None of the aboveQ12: What value is displayed in the Result indicator after the VI completes execution?A 3B 2C 1D 0Q13: After the VI starts running, the user clicks the "Event1" button twice. The event structure has no other event cases.What will be displayed in the "Time 1" indicator when the VI stops executing?A 0B 1C 2D UndeterminedQ14: You have written a LabVIEW VI with three parallel code paths. All three error cluster wires are wired into a Merge Errors function.What error is reported to the user?A Error 1014, because Merge Errors outputs the first error to occur chronologicallyB Error 7, because Merge Errors outputs the first error wired in to it from the top downC Error 1, because Merge Errors outputs the most significant error of the errors wired in to itD All three errors are reported, because Merge Errors concatenates the errors into a single errormessage to display to the userQ15: Which timing function can result in logic errors when it rolls over to zero?ABCDQ16: You select "Create SubVI" from LabVIEW's Edit menu with the code below selected. What will the resulting block diagram look like?ABCDQ17: What value will be displayed in the subarray indicator after the following code has executed?ABCDQ18: Which of the following statements is NOT valid?A You can make a Cluster of ClustersB You can make an Array of ArraysC You can make a Cluster of ArraysD You can make an Array of ClustersQ19: Which of the following cannot be used to transfer data between two parallel loops?A WiresB QueuesC NotifiersD Local variablesQ20: The time out input terminal of the Dequeue Element function is wired with the value 1.While the VI is running, how long does this Dequeue Element function wait to receive data?A 1 millisecondB 1 secondC IndefinitelyD It does not wait. It returns immediatelyQ21: What does this function do?A Transfers the queue reference to other callersB Sorts all queue elements in order and returns them as an arrayC Clears all elements from the queueD Removes one reference to the queue and returns any remaining elementsQ22: When a VI is paused, clicking on the _________ button allows you to bypass a node in the Block Diagram without single-stepping through the node.A Step IntoB Step OverC Step OutD Step ThroughQ23: Which is a native debugging feature in LabVIEW?A Step BackB Step OverC Step AroundD Step AboveQ24: Which data type is not accepted by the case selector terminal on a case structure?A ArraysB Enumerated type valuesC StringsD IntegersQ25: Which statement about sequence structures is FALSE?A Sequence structures support parallel operations within frames.B Terminating the execution of a sequence structure before the entire sequence is completed isnot possible without aborting.C Sequence structures execute frames in a sequential order.D Sequence structures stop when an error is detected.Q26: Which equation is equivalent to the code?ABCDQ27: When clicking a broken run arrow, the Error list window shows all of the following EXCEPT:A Items with errorsB Errors and warningsC Details about the warningsD Error CodesQ28: How do you document a VI so that the description appears in the Show Context Help popup window?A Use the VI Properties Documentation windowB Type in the Show Context Help windowC Create a free label on the front panelD Edit the LabVIEW help filesQ29: What is the output of the Initialize Array function after the following code has completed execution?ABCDQ30: How many bytes does LabVIEW write to the file when the code executes?A 5 BytesB 6 BytesC 12 BytesD 14 BytesQ31: The value in Control a is 2 and in Control b is 128.What value does the Result indicator display after the VI executes?A -128B 0C 255D 256Q32: A SubVI is created by selecting the code from a block diagram. How many terminals will the SubVI have?A 3B 4C 5D 6Q33: What is the red dot called?A Coercion DotB Data truncation DotC Data typecast DotD Buffer allocation DotQ34: What do coercion dots indicate?A Incompatible data typesB A mathematical operation will be performed on the dataC The input data will be copied and converted to a different data typeD The location where an error will occurQ35: What settings should be selected for a custom control so that all copies of the control are of the same data type yet have the flexibility to use different colors and styles?A ControlB Type Def.C Strict Type Def.D Flex Def.Q36: In a Simple State Machine design pattern, which of the following stores the state information?A Shift RegisterB QueueC NotifierD Functional global variableQ37: You are required to use the Get Date/Time in Seconds function for timing in a state machine. The state machine has an acquire state and must acquire for 5 seconds. If the hardware fails during acquisition the state machine must be able to transition to the stop state.Which of the following design patterns will provide timing for a state machine and allow responsiveness to acquire state requirements?ABCDQ38: Which of the following apply to Property Nodes?Property Nodes:A allow attributes of files on disk to be programmatically manipulatedB can be used to update the value of a front panel control or indicatorC return an error if you attempt to read a property before it has been writtenD can be used to invoke methods on a controlQ39: You have a front panel control on a top-level VI that you must manipulate from within a SubVI. Which of the following could you pass to the SubVI to accomplish this?A The control's propertiesB The control's methodsC The control's referenceD The control's data typeQ40: Which Property Node can change the text color attributes of ANY digital numeric control used on the panel of a VI?ABCDQ41: Solutions Page:Below are the answers and explanations for the CLAD Sample Exam. To quickly check your answers, record them on the Answer Sheet, detach the Answer Sheet, and compare it, side-by side, with the Solutions Page. This Solutions Page is not included in the actual CLAD exam; it is included here for practice purposes only.1. Correct Answer: CTopic: Event StructuresJustification: It is the only case with a filter event that applies to the Panel Close event. Since no Boolean is wired into the Filter Event terminal, LabVIEW opens a dialogue box to collect the value of the Boolean input.2. Correct Answer: CTopic: Event StructuresJustification: The requirements have no timeout action specified. Answer C is best practice, but is not required to accomplish the stated goal.3. Correct Answer: CTopic: LoopsJustification: An empty array is wired to the For Loop using an auto-indexing tunnel. This causes the For Loop to iterate once for every element in the array, which, in this case, is zero. However, the value 5 is written to the shift register before loop execution, and since the loop iterates zero times, the same value of 5 is present at the output shift register.4. Correct Answer: BTopic: Error HandlingJustification: The Merge Errors VI only passes on the first error encountered, counting from the top node down.5. Correct Answer: DTopic: General Programming FunctionsJustification: A and B are wrong because they do not strip the current VI filename from the path. C would work on Windows, but not other platforms, due to the different path separator. D is the only answer that correctly generates the path *and* will work on multiple platforms, since path separators in the path data type are automatically converted on different platforms.6. Correct Answer: CTopic: LoopsJustification: The While Loop has a FALSE Boolean wired to its conditional terminal, which is set to Stop if TRUE. Thus, there is no condition that causes this While Loop to stop. So, the While Loop could run infinitely and the VI must be aborted.7. Correct Answer: ATopic: LoopsJustification: For Loops can run zero times, and using a shift register is the recommended way to preserve pass-through data in this scenario.8. Correct Answer: BTopic: Data communication and synchronizationJustification: The shift register value will be 5 on the second call. 5 + 5 = 10.9. Correct Answer: BTopic: General Programming FunctionsJustification: TDMS read/write is limited to a specific subset of LabVIEW data types. For example, it cannot read or write multidimensional arrays or arrays of timestamps. See the LabVIEW help for details.10. Correct Answer: BTopic: Design PatternsJustification: Textbook use of queue in Producer Consumer.11. Correct Answer: BTopic: General Programming FunctionsJustification: Answer B is the difference between charts and graphs.12. Correct Answer: BTopic: LoopsJustification: In three loops only zeros will pass from the register, but the iteration will count 0, then 1 & then 2. Therefore the output from the addition function will be 0+2=2.13. Correct Answer: BTopic: Event Structures.Justification: The events queue up, so if it were not for the TRUE wired to the loop condition, the answer would be 2. However, the loop ends before we can process the second event that is still in the queue. 14. Correct Answer: BTopic: Error HandlingJUSTIFICATION: Merge Errors outputs the first error it finds in the errors clusters wired into it in atop-down fashion. Error 7 is wired into the top input, so it is the error outputted by Merge Errors.15. Correct Answer: BTopic: General Programming FunctionsJustification: The Tick Count (ms) is the only timer that rolls over to 0.16. Correct Answer: BTopic: SubVI CreationJustification: Input Numeric and Input Array are constants, so they are internal to the SubVI and do not have input terminals.17. Correct Answer: CTopic: General Programming FunctionsJustification: The Array Subset function takes an input array and returns a section of that array as specified, starting at the given index and continuing for a number of elements equal to length. Here, the index value 3 specifies the fourth element of the array, or 10. Since the specified length is value 4, an array of length 4 is returned as follows: {10, 8, 5, 7}.18. Correct Answer: BTopic: General Programming FunctionsJustification: LabVIEW will not allow creation of an array of arrays -- There is no need to make an array of arrays since you can simply add dimensions to an existing array.19. Correct Answer: ATopic: Data Synchronization and CommunicationJustification: Queues, notifiers, and local variables are all designed to transfer data. Wires can not pass data between parallel loops.20. Correct Answer: ATopic: Data Communication and SynchronizationJustification: The time out input terminal of the Dequeue Element function is in milliseconds, so with an input of 1, the Dequeue Element function will wait 1 millisecond to receive data.21. Correct Answer: DTopic: Data communication and synchronizationJustification: One reference is removed from memory, and the remaining elements are returned. It can be used to destroy the queue, but this is not an option in the question.22. Correct Answer: BTopic: Debugging toolsJustification: Clicking the Step Into button causes LabVIEW to open up the node or subVI. The Step Out button is used to return from a subVI to a main VI while single-stepping. There is no Step Through button. Step Over provides the functionality stated by the question, therefore this is the correct answer.23. Correct Answer: BTopic: Debugging toolsJustification: Stepping back, around,or above are not single step actions, stepping Over is the only correct choice.24. Correct Answer: ATopic: Case StructuresJustification: Arrays are not accepted by the case selector terminal because the case selector terminal requires a scalar value.25. Correct Answer: DTopic: Sequence StructuresJustification: Sequence Structures have no error terminals.26. Correct Answer: ATopic: LabVIEW Programming PrinciplesJustification: Because LabVIEW is a Dataflow language, we can trace the flow of data in the block diagram to see which operations execute first, second, and so forth.27. Correct Answer: DTopic: LabVIEW EnvironmentJustification: You must either look at an output error cluster or an error dialog to find the error code.28. Correct Answer: ATopic: LabView EnvironmentJustification: The documentation window in VI Properties is the only place to edit the information about the VI that appears in Context Help.29. Correct Answer: ATopic: Data TypesJustification: The "element" input terminal contains the value each element of the initialized array will contain, and the "dimension size" input terminal dictates the size of each dimension of the initialized array. Since there is only one dimension size input terminal, the array will be only 1 dimensional. The array elements will be initialized to the value of the element.30. Correct Answer: DTopic: Data TypesJustification: LabVIEW represents arrays as a list of bytes containing a header and array data. The header contains a 4-byte integer for each dimension that specifies the length of that dimension. Following the header is the actual array data. In the question, the array has two dimensions. There are 4 bytes in the header for each dimension for a total of 8 bytes in the header. Since the array is composed of six8-bit, or 1-byte integers, there is a total of 6 bytes of actual array data. This makes a total of 14 bytes being written to file.31. Correct Answer: BTopic: Data TypesJustification: The integers shown are unsigned 8-bit integers. The range for 8-bit integers is 0-255. The product of 2 times 128 is 256. As 256 is a number larger than the allowable 255, thus 256 wraps to 0. 32. Correct Answer: CTopic: SubVI CreationJustification: The subVI will have Error In/Out terminals as well as the three controls, for a total of 5 terminals.33. Correct Answer: ATopic: Data TypesJustification: Definition of Coercion Dot34. Correct Answer: CTopic: Data TypesJustification: Definition of Coercion Dots35. Correct Answer: BTopic: Data TypesJustification: Definition of Type Def36. Correct Answer: ATopic: Design PatternsJustification: Definition of Shift Register37. Correct Answer: ATopic: Design PatternsJustification: A is the only case that checks the data and leaves the timing state, and has persistent start time (stored in the shift register)38. Correct Answer: BTopic: VI ServerJustification: Deffinition of a property node.39. Correct Answer: CTopic: VI ServerJustification: The only answer option that can be passed from calling VI to subVI is the control reference. The reference can then be used with Property Nodes and Invoke Nodes to call properties and methods, respectively. The data type is a property of the control.40. Correct Answer: BTopic: VI ServerJustification: Strict property nodes require precise knowledge of the numeric representation. Since the question asks for the means to change the text color of any control, a strict Property Node does not suffice. An implicit Property Node (C), can only be used locally. Answer D shows a property that is not even relevant to the question. Thus, option B is the best answer.。
3答非选择题时,必需运用0. 5毫米黑色签字笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上。
第I卷(选择题,共90分)第一部分英语学问运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节语法和词汇学问(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、c、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,井在答题卡上将该项涂黑,1. —Thank you for the nice dinner.—.A You are so polite B. Never mindC. It's my pleasureD. That's right2.—Why didn’t you answer my phone call at about 10 last night ?-Oh, sorry. I a shower.A.was taking taking C.have taken D.had taken3.Hard he tried , he failed to work out the math problem.A.while B.even C.despite D.as4.This experiment one more time, and you will get a surprise.A.Try B.To try C.Trying D.Tried5. The award should be given to makes great contributions to the film industry.A.whomever B.whoever C.the ones D.those6.―How many lives were lost in yesterday’s car accident?―, and it was pretty lucky.A.Nobody B.None C.No one D.Not anyone7.Any time studying English is worth our while.A.spent B.spend spend D.spending8.To my regret, I didn’t check the paper in the exam to find out the mistakes I have avoided.A.shall B.should C.will D.would9.Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well, should be remembered properly.A.that B.what C.which D.it10.With so much help, he still can’t how to face the problems properly.A.figure out B.point out C.turn out D.come out其次节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
山东省济南市2022-2023学年高三开学摸底考试英语试题一、阅读理解On today’s blog post, I’ll be talking about my favorite magazines. I love reading books & magazines, and I’m learning so many useful tips about healthy living, daily life, etc.Women’s HealthWomen’s Health has a unique content. You can find various interesting information about healthy living or exercises you can do at home. I also love their writers because they explain every topicso simple that you can even understand biological articles.Healthy Food GuideI totally recommend it to everyone because it has lots of useful information about being healthy during your daily life. In this magazine, you can find articles about foods you often eat but don’t have much idea what it contains or if they’re healthy. If you are searching for new diets, this magazine gives you all the information.Time OutTime Out is a well-known magazine and it’s free in my city. Every time I see a Time Out magazine, I get it because it has lots ofuseful tips. I got Time Out London when I was in London, and I discovered new restaurants, galleries, museums, and events. This magazine has various information about the city life. For example, it gives you the events that are happening near you. It gives you tipsfor the railway stations and other transportation choices.La Cucina ItalianaIf you love cooking Italian food, this magazine is for you! Ithas lots of recipes and also restaurant reviews. You can also find popular restaurants near you in this magazine. I’ve also readarticles by famous chefs from my city.1. What can we find in Healthy Food Guide?A.Ways to keep fit. B.Tips on cooking.C.Different eating habits. D.Information of new restaurants.2. What can we read to find comments on restaurants?A.Time Out. B.Women’sHealth.C.Healthy FoodGuide.D.La CucinaItaliana.3. What can we learn about the author?A.He lives in London. B.He loves and enjoys life.C.He often goes travelling. D.He likes collecting recipes.When Christopher Moore isn’t jumping rope, shooting baskets or playing the board game Chutes and Ladders, the 8-year-old can oftenbe found at home using his fighting skills, protecting the world from would-be enemies. “I’m trying to save the other people from being hurt,” he said of his Avatar video game adventures.The Moore household, in Birmingham, Alabama, enjoys a good mix of at-home entertainment, something they are doing more and more during these precarious financial times, “They’re always in competition,” the boys’ mother, Lisa Moore, said with a laugh. “It keeps them busy. It keeps them occupied.”Numbers show that at-home entertainment is doing better than ever, flying in the financial face of so many industries that arestruggling in this difficult time.The gaming experience, too, has changed with the years. Fiveyears ago, online gaming was considered a one-person activity. And although games can still be played alone, the social factor isgrowing quickly. “Over a third of families will play games together online.” said David Williams, who heads up the Kids and Family Games Group. “They’re staying home more, and they’re using games to connect with one another.”When it comes to the games children play, many parents such asLisa Moore may choose to sit it out. But Christina Vercelletto, a senior editor at Parenting magazine, says that engaging in the games with them can do a family good. “It can be an opportunity to bondwith your kids,” she said. If parents express interest, kids “will probably be heated. And you’ll get a little window into what hasthem so excited.” Plus, by playing the games, parents can determine how comfortable they are with what their kids are doing.For those who want to get the opinions of others, Christina Vercelletto points out that the Entertainment Software Rating Board provides feedback and that parents are always learning from one another on discussion boards.4. What does the underlined word “precarious” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A.Appropriate. B.Precious. C.Stable. D.Tough.5. Which of the following shows the benefit of at-home entertainment?A.Controlling children’s behavior. B.Helping solve financial trouble.C.Making a good family relationship. D.Forming a sense of independence.6. What should parents do while their kids are playing gamesaccording to Christina?A.Join in. B.Sit out. C.Watch out. D.Walk around.7. What is the main topic of the text?A.Family relationship. B.At-home entertainment. C.Benefits of playing games. D.Ways to connect with kids.Every summer artists perform at Fringe (边缘) Festivals aroundthe world. Fringe Festivals are a celebration of strange art. They have all kinds of performers—from dancers, musicians and actors to everything in between. The shows give artists a chance to create unusual art. For festival goers, each show is a time to experience something different.The first Fringe Festival was held in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1947. That was also the year of the first Edinburgh International Festival. Artists from around the world traveled to Scotland for the Edinburgh International Festival. They performed at arts centers throughout the city. Eight local theater companies did not receive an invitation, however. In response, they performed at smaller spaces around Edinburgh. These artists performed wherever they could, including churches and even on the street. They started their own culturalevent and named it the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.What started as an alternative to the mainstream has now becomethe world’s largest arts festival. Today, there are hundreds of Fringe Festivals taking place around the world. The one in Washington, D.C., called the Capital Fringe Festival, is in its tenth year. Itwas held in the month of July.Julianne Brienza founded the Capital Fringe Festival. She went to a school for the performing arts, but now sees herself mainly as an organizer of the festival. Brienza believes that fringe performance art is special and can have a powerful effect.The Capital Fringe Festival takes place in different locations throughout the D. C. area. Some performances happen in traditional theaters. Others happen in unusual settings like old, empty buildings or stores after business hours are over.Brienza says the purpose of Fringe festivals is to explore the limits of art in unique environments. Since 2006, the event has made more than $1. 7 million. It is the second largest Fringe Festival in the U. S. and its popularity has grown every year. The Edinburgh Festival Fringe continues throughout the month of August.8. Who may be interested in Fringe Festivals?A.Strange art lovers. B.Professionalartists.C.Classicalmusicians.D.Traditionalculture supporters.9. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?A.Why Edinburgh became the global art center. B.How the first Fringe Festival came into being.C.When the Edinburgh International Festival was held. D.Where the Edinburgh Festival Fringe was celebrated.10. What can we know about the Capital Fringe Festival?A.It is the world’s largest arts festival. B.It has no fixed places for celebration.C.It can never be accepted by the public. D.It has a longer history than other festivals.11. Which of the following may Brienza probably agree about Fringe Festivals?A.They raise people’s love of festivals. B.They limit the development of arts.C.Formal arts are looked down upon. D.Chances are offered to unusual arts.Some scientists have traced the increase in earthquakes, especially in areas not known for the presence of fault lines or past seismic (地震的) activity, to human actions. The idea of humans causing earthquakes may seem strange at first. After all, you can run around your backyard and jump up and down as you want, and the ground isn’t going to start shaking. However, scientists have identified avariety of large scale human activities that can result in earthquakes.Scientists have confirmed over 700 places where human activities have caused earthquakes over the last century. While many human-related earthquakes are mild and don’t cause much damage, some of them can be serious and dangerous. In fact, scientists believe human activity has caused earthquakes with magnitudes as high as 7.9 on the Richter scale.Scientists believe most human-related earthquakes are the result of mining. As companies drill deeper and deeper below Earth’s surface to get natural resources, holes left behind can cause instability that leads to collapses that cause earthquakes. Another human activity leading to earthquakes is fracking (水力压裂) for oil and gas, including the high pressure waste water processing that usually goes with fracking. In this process, water, sand and chemicals are pressed underground under high pressure to break rocks to release natural resources.Building large dams can also cause earthquakes. For example, about 80, 000 people died in China in 2008 as a result of a 7.9-magnitude earthquake caused by 320 million tons of water that had been collected in the Zipingpu Reservoir after a large dam was built over a known fault line.These aren’t the only human activities that can result in earthquakes, though. Scientists point out that earthquakes can also be caused by other human activities, such as construction of skyscrapers and nuclear explosions.12. What does the underlined part “fault lines” in Paragraph 1refer to?A.Regions with active human actions. B.Places associated with natural balance.C.Zones where natural resources are rich. D.Areas where earthquakes tend to happen.13. What do mining and oil producing have in common?A.They break the balance of nature. B.They destroy the stability of rocks.C.They use high pressure to get resources. D.They do much damage to Earth’s surface.14. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?A.The 2008 earthquake is the worst B.Construction of dams should bein history. stopped.C .Tons of water must cause earthquakes.D .The location of a dam matters much.15. What does the text mainly tell us?A .Nature punishes humans by means of earthquakes.B .Progress has been made on earthquake research.C .Humans are to blame for someearthquakes.D .Earthquakes are no longer nature-made.二、七选五Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important festivals in Chinese calendar. The festival typically involves family getting together to share mooncakes while watching the moon. Typical Chinese mooncakes are round in shape, and measure around 10 cm in diameter and 4-5 cm in thickness. Most mooncakes consist of a thin tender skin enveloping a sweet, dense filling.16 . It is a custom for housewives to prepare mooncakes at home when the festival is approaching. Now let's learn to make traditional Chinese mooncakes.Above all, full preparations should be made, including materials such as dough (生面团), flour, water, sugar and vegetable oil, and fillings —lotus seed paste (莲子蓉) and eggs.Mix together all the materials to get a dough. 17 Next, separate the egg yolks from the whites and salt the steamed yolks. While the oven is preheating to 180 degrees Celsius, roll the lotus paste and the dough into small balls. 18 .Then, shape up with each consisting of a dough wrapper, one ball of lotus paste, and one half of a salted egg yolk. Make a hole in a ball of lotus and put the yolk inside. Similarly, cover the lotus ball (with the yolk inside) with a wrapper. 19 . Then shape it with the mold (模具).20 . Take them out after 5 minutes and brush them with the egg wash. Put the mooncakes back until they become golden brown.Remember to wait to eat the mooncakes for two days when they will be soft and also look shiny.A.A mooncake ball is made.B.Prepare the salted egg yolks.C.Finally, put all mooncakes into the oven.D.Flatten each piece of dough into a thin wrapper.E.There're many stories about mooncakes and Chang'e.F.Mooncakes are the must-eat food for the Mid-Autumn Festival. G.Covered with plastic wrap, it should be set aside for at least 3 hours.三、完形填空I am seven years older than my twin cousins. When I was 8 or 9 years old, they just learned how to 21 . I liked them and they really liked me as well. However, sometimes theywould 22 a lot. It was a littledisturbing. 23 , I only saw them for the final two weeks of the year over school 24 because I lived in New York and they lived in Los Angeles.One night, it was a bit late so they hadbeen 25 and crying for a bit before coming to play with me and my brother. Next, one of them fell off a chair onto the hard floor and began to 26 uncontrollably. I remember I felt the 27 for a short moment and then I went to pick her up. To my and my grandmother’s28 , she stopped crying immediately. I was kind of 29 and amazed. I didn’t expect I could do it.I didn’t know why, but I looked at her andshe 30 and I saw her happiness of just being held had overpowered the 31 she must have felt from falling. This is my earliest and strongest memory ofmy 32 happiness out of sadness for someone else. It had been a 33 of mine ever since. Doing something to make someone else feel joy will lift your 34 and make you feel pleased, and that is why 35 is a core belief of mine.21.A.think B.walk C.listen C.cry D.suffer23.A.Generally B.Thankfully C.Entirely D.Certainly 24.A.break C.start D.time25.A.nervous B.sleepy C.afraid D.curious B.bleed C.laugh D.scream27.A.shock B.luck C.pleasure D.puzzle28.A.sadness B.curiosity C.surprise D.worry 29.A.interested B.disappointed C.frightened D.excited 30.A.cried B.shouted C.smiled D.jumped 31.A.speed B.pain C.loneliness D.drop 32.A.covering B.losing C.stealing D.making 33.A.rule B.value D.regret34.A.idea B.plan C.courage D.wisdom四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
山东省烟台市永铭中学2022年高二英语上学期摸底试题含解析一、选择题1. In order to _________the viewers rating, Hunan TV and Jiangsu TV turned their New Year’s Party into a star show.A. removeB. guaranteeC. recognizeD.ignore参考答案:B2. If it is possible, __________ your days off to balance your time.A. draw attention toB. make an impression onC. look back atD. take advantage of参考答案:D考查动词词组辨析。
A. draw attention to注意;B. make an impression on留下印象;C. look back at回顾;D. take advantage of利用。
3. --Who would you like to see at the moment?--The man ____Mr.White .A. called himselfB.we call himC.callingD. called参考答案:D4. In case of emergency, whether knowing how to apply first aid or not really ________ in matters concerning wounds like swollen wrists, broken arms, burns, cuts, and so on.A. makes differenceB. makes a differenceC. makes differencesD. makes different参考答案:B略5. The young director has made lots of films, but ______ good ones.A. anyB. someC. fewD. many参考答案:C6. When people need information, from the news and weather forecasts to travel packages and academic research, the Internet is now the first______ they turn to.A. privilegeB. sourceC. assistanceD. outcome参考答案:B【详解】考查名词。
第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.—What did you say you were reluctant to risk just now?—_________ to high levels of radiation.A.Being exposed B.Having been exposedC.To be exposed D.Exposed2.Because of the heavy snow, we had to delay the visit until this weekend to the artgallery ____ in the center of our city these days.A.being held B.holding be held D.held3.--- I’ve got something weighing on my mind. Could you give me some advice?--- ______. Tell me all about it and I’ll do what I can.A.Don’t mention it B.No wonderC.No problem D.My pleasure4.My mother opened the drawer to ______ the knives and spoons.A.put away B.put up C.put on D.put together5.After three years of preparation for the 2011 Xi’an International Horticultural Expo (西安园博)会),the city is presenting the world______ many people think is the green Special Olympics.A.that B.which C.what D.where6.Speaking a foreign language allows you to ________ time in a negotiation, for you can act like you have not understood to come up with your B.afford D.spend7.Faced with the dilemma, the company committee ________ a public statement, appointing the capable man to be its new global chief financial officer.A.pulled out B.put outC.reached out D.drew out8.Only when _________hard __________ make your dream come you work; you can work; you you work; can you work; can you9.Your red coat looks so good. It stood out clearly ______ the snow.A.across B.againstC.through D.over10.-What about inviting Tracy to host the party?-Good idea! She is very quick in mind. Oh, _______, here she comes.A.don’t pull my leg B.a little bird told meC.speak of the devil’s a piece of cake11.So popular _____ in his adopted hometown that he has been named honorary citizen of Beijing.A.Stephon Marbury isB.Stephon Marbury will Stephon MarburyD.will Stephon Marbury be12.The style of the campus is quite different from ______ of most Chinese universities where visitors were amazed by the complex architectural space and abundant building types.A.that C.the one D.those13.To get a slim figure, Fanny has tried many ways, but in vain. So now she is reduced anything for not eating B.not to eatC.not to eating not eat14.The survey shows that speed at least 30 percent of road traffic and deaths.A.contributes toB.results fromC.lies inD.relies on15.One of the true tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem ________ it becomes an emergency. A.when B.beforeC.after D.unless16.Cell phones are now widely used in our daily lives,________________ it possible for us to talk to anyone easily. make B.madeC.make D.making17._______ in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to the Palace Museum.A.Anything B.NothingC.Everything D.Something18.Our football team had a lead in the match, but the last minute goal of the guest team .A.gave it away B.put it awayC.wiped it away D.carried it away19.The 2011 Australian Open was successfully held in city of Melbourne, big city in Australia.A.a; a B.the; a C.a; the D.the; the20.—Vivien, you look blue. What’s wrong?—There are so many papers _____. I’m really busy recently.A.finish finishC.finishing D.finished第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
2022-2023学年山东省淄博市普通高校对口单招英语摸底卷(含答案)一、单选题(20题)1.Scientists have _______ that world 's population will double by the end of the century.A.countedB.workedC.calculatedD.resulted2.The West Lake is getting() than before.A.beautifulB.more beautifulC.most beautifulD.beautifully3.While building a tunnel through the mountain, underground lake was discovered?B.there was an underground lake discoveredC.a lake was discovered undergroundD.the workers discovered an underground lake4.She is playing _________(羽毛球) with Mike on the playground.A.baseballB.badmintonC.volleyballD.football5.To our surprise,the()boy can recite so long an article.()clever he is!A.5-years-old,WhatB.5 years old,HowC.5 years old,WhatD.5-year-old,How6.---I’m sorry,I didn’t make it to your party last night.---(),I know you’re busy these days.A.Of courseB.No kiddingC.That’s all nightD.Don’t mention it7.There ________ for him ________ for two days.A.are enough food;to enough food;to eatC.are food enough; enough food;eating8.---My pencil is broken. Can you lend()to me?---Certainly. Here you are.A.yourB.youC.yoursD.yourself9.She saw ________ boy playing with his dog.A.a eight-year-oldD.a eight-years-old10.---()does she brush her teeth a day?---Twice.A.What timeB.How manyC.WhatD.How many times11.Julia is an expert at doing hair. We often ask her for().A.some advicesB.some adviceC.some adviseD.any advice12.She did not allow her failure in the exam to discourage her. (), she began to work twice as hard.A.In additionB.On the wholeC.In conclusionD.On the contrary13.— Would you like to go to the cartoon show with me?— It sounds like fun,________ I’m too busy.A.soB.forC.orD.but14.——You missed a good chance ——Yes. I ____that job when it was offeredA.should takeB.must takeC.should have takenD.must have taken15.This kind of jacket ________ everywhere.A.seeB.are seenC.can seeD.can be seen16.Please ___ the new shoes here and ___ the old ones there.A.bring;takeB.take;bringC.bring;bringD.take;take17.We are()all.A.AmerciaB.BritishesC.CanadaD.Japanese18.Tom will go for a picnic with his classmates if _______ this Sunday.A.won’t rainB.isn’t rainingC.doesn’t rainD.don’t rain19.If I don't get any money from my parents by Friday,could I() some from you?A.borrowB.lendeD.save20.Potatoes are ____________(打折) on saleB.on saleC.for saleD.sale二、填空题(20题)21.In fact he lived a comfortable life,but he________about his fate all the complainingB.has complainedC.was complainingD.had complained22.I prefer a house in a mountain village to________in such a large city as Changsha.A.thatB.itC.thisD.one23.We should try our best to leave our generation a world betterthan________we were given.A.itB.oneC.the oneD.those24.John said he wasn’t disappointed at the result of the basketball game,but the look on his face________him________.A.turned;downB.took;inC.made;outD.gave;away25.—Can you accompany your little brother to the post office now? —________,if he is ready.A.By all meansB.No wayC.My pleasureD.In no case26.I sincerely suggest that you try your best to finish this project,unless you don’t ________the complaints from all aboutB.set aboutC.bring aboutD.go about三、汉译英(5题)27.沐浴在阳光下,我们高兴地跳起来欢呼着。
山东省莱芜市山东大学附属中学高二英语上学期摸底试题含解析一、选择题1. ——Which is the computer you want _______?——The one on the left .A to have repairedB to have it repairedC it repairedD To repaire it参考答案:A略2. I smell something ________ in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute?A.burning B.burntC.being burnt be burnt参考答案:A句意:我闻到厨房中有东西烧焦了,我一会儿给你回电话可以吗?此句的核心结构是“smell+宾语+宾补”,burn与宾语something是主谓关系,而且表示动作正在进行,所以要用现在分词形式。
3. ---Hi, Jim .Don’t you remember me?---I am sorry, but_____A. how come?B. your name escapes me.C. it is not my cup of tea.D. what do you reckon?参考答案:B4. It was the news ________ our manager had resigned _______ surprised us all.A. that; whichB. whether; thatC. that; thatD. that; what参考答案:C5. We________managed to have people accept our theory after a long, hard struggle.A. momentarilyB. suddenlyC. graciouslyD. gradually参考答案:D句意:经过长期、艰苦的努力之后,我们渐渐地设法让人们接受了我们的理论。
2024 届高二下学期英语开学摸底考(全国卷专用)02(解析版)
2024届高二下学期开学摸底考(全国卷专用)02英语(考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分)注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
1.What will the man do this Tuesday?A.Deliver a speech.B.Meet his lawyer.C.Hold a conference.【答案】A【原文】W: Here’s this week’s schedule, Mr. Cutler. On Monday, there is the board meeting. Your speech to the Lion’s Club is on Tuesday afternoon. Then on Wednesday you have an appointment with your lawyer and …M: Wait, you mean the business conference on Tuesday is canceled?W: Yes.2.What suggestion does the man give to the woman?A.Deal with the problems one by one.B.Solve the whole thing all at once.C.Concentrate on travel time and distance.【答案】A【原文】W: The task is too hard. I have to do twenty word problems, but they are confusing. They all have to do with travel time and distance.M: Don’t try to solve the whole thing all at once. First solve this part. Then work on the next part.3.What kind of person might John be?A.Warm-hearted.B.Selfish.C.Nice.【答案】B【原文】W: Look, I’m just saying, when have you ever seen John be nice to someone?M: Well, last time he was nice to me, but it turned out that he only wanted me to give him a lift somewhere.4.What does the man probably do?A.He’s a boxing coach.B.He’s an athlete.C.He’s a journalist.【答案】C【原文】M: Megan, you are now the female heavyweight boxing champion of the world. How does it feel?W: I’m really excited! I couldn’t have got here without my dad and my coach. They have always supported me during my sporting career.M: Well. Once again, well done!5.What is the woman worried about?A.Losing her job.B.Moving to another city.C.Working with the new manager.【答案】B【原文】M: Our manager announced that our company is opening another branch in Chicago this morning. Did you hear about it?W: Yes. I’m worried that some of us will be arranged to move there. I prefer to work in New York.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £ 19. 15.B. £ 9. 18.C. £ 9. 15.答案是 C。
1.What will the woman do this afternoon?A. Go for a walk.B. Wash her clothes.C. Go shopping.2.Why did the girl fail the test?A. She got all the answers wrong.B. She left the test sheet blank.C. She wrote the answers in the wrong place.3.What types of books does the man like reading now?A. Love stories.B. Detective stories.C. Science fiction.4.What will Celia do?A. Find a player.B. Play basketball.C. Watch a game.5.What does the man mean?A. Listen to some light music.B. Stop playing such loud music.C. Look at the planes overhead.其次节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
例:How much is the shirt?A.£19.15.B.£9.18.C.£9.15.答案是C。
1.What’s wrong with the man?A.He has a cold.B.He hurts his head.C.He coughs badly.【答案】C【原文】W:Good morning.Is there anything I can do for you?M:I have a bad cough and I want to see a doctor now.2.What is the final holiday plan of the woman’s family?A.Going surfing.B.Going cycling.C.Going hiking.【答案】B【原文】M:Do you have any plans for the holiday?W:The children want to go cycling but their father wants to go surfing.And I’d like to go hiking.We’ve decided to follow the children’s choice.3.Where is the woman probably from?A.Peru.B.Britain.C.Mexico.【答案】B【原文】W:Have you noticed that people here in Mexico stand very close together?M:Yes.It’s the same in Peru too.W:It’s the opposite in Britain.I was a little uncomfortable here at first.But after a few days,I’m getting used to it. 4.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Neighbors.B.Husband and wife.C.Grandfather and granddaughter.【答案】B【原文】W:It’s the first time I’ve visited our next door.Honey,you know what?I’m shocked by the old furniture in Sophie’s room.She tells me her grandpa gave it to her.M:Really?It could be worth a fortune.We should also leave something to our future grandchildren.5.When will the speakers meet?A.Tonight.B.On Sunday.C.Next Monday.【答案】C【原文】W:Are you still going to have pizza together tonight?M:I’m not so sure anymore.My stomach hasn’t been feeling so well since yesterday.Maybe tomorrow?W:No.I’ve got plans for Sunday.How about next Monday?M:Sure.My stomach should be fine by then.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
四川成都高三摸底考试卷(带答案与解析)的正确答案、解答解析、考点详解姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________1.【题文】—Jane ,I ’ve finally passed my driving test —!Let ’s have a party to celebrate itA .Forget itB .CongratulationsC .No problemD .It ’s all right【答案】B【解析】试题分析:Forget it 算了吧,休想;Congratulations 祝贺你;No problem 没问题;It ’s all right 那好吧.句意:简,我终于通过我的驾考了.根据下文,让我们举行一个聚会庆祝一下吧.可知选B 最符合语境. 考点:情景交际2.【题文】Chengdu is blessed withwarm climate, which makes itsuitable place to live in .A .a; /B ./; theC .a; aD .the; the【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:成都拥有一个温暖的气候,让它成为一个适合居住的地方.结合语境可知前一空泛指任何一种温暖的气候,故用不定冠词.后一空也是泛指任何一个适合居住的地方,故也用不定冠词,选C.考点:冠词3.【题文】Youremind him to keep things neat and tidy, because he is well organized.A .can ’tB .needn ’tC .mustn ’tD .shan ’t【答案】B【解析】试题分析:can ’t 不能;needn ’t 不必;mustn ’t 禁止;shan ’t 不会.句意:你不必提醒他把物品放整齐,因为他做事很有条理.结合语境可知选B.考点:情态动词辨析4.【题文】The information that will become your ability once you use it .A absorbedD.had been absorbed【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:被吸收的这些信息,一旦你用到它,就会成为你的能力.结合语境可知定语从句中描述的是客观性的状态,故用一般现在时态.主语是动作的对象,故用被动语态.选C.考点:时态及语态5.【题文】A fire broke out in a nightclub last week,£2,500 worth of causeD.having caused【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:上周在一家夜总会爆发的一场大火,造成了2,500英镑的损失。
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a. 枚举型
b. 双精度
c. 字符串
d. 整型
3.如需编写一个程序用来存储便携式网络图形(PNG)图像文件,应使用哪种文件VI?( )
a.VI和Express VI可用图标或可扩展节点的形式显示;
b.可扩展节点通常显示为彩色背景的图标,例如Express VI为蓝色;
d.默认情况下,Express VI和子VI在程序框图上显示为可扩展节点;( 子VI默认不是可扩展节点)
a. 双精度数组
b. 双精度
c. 整型(I32)数组
d. 整型(I32)
a. 使得该vi取消
b. 使得该vi暂停
c. 使得该vi单步执行
a. 该程序是在用户命名的文件中写入字符串LabVIEW!
b. 如用户选择已有文件,新数据将覆盖旧数据
c. 程序运行会弹出对话框要求用户选择或输入需打开的文件路径
d. 以上叙述均错误
a. 1kHz
d. 1000kHz
a. D:\
d. D:\LabVIEW
a. 90000
b. 0
c. 1
d. 24464
a. 大小
b. 颜色
c. 功能
d. 元素的相对位置
b. 自定义类型
主VI程序框图 Delay子程序
c.若子 VI 设置为可重入时,总延时为1秒
d.若子 VI 设置为可重入时,总延时为2秒
c.使用簇可以减少子VI 所需的连线板接线端数目
a.波形图只在 X 轴上按照均匀间隔绘制数据
d.波形图表只在 X 轴上按照均匀间隔绘制数据
a.连线板中最多可设置28 个,接线端,默认模式为4*2*2*4
d.图标是VI 的图形化表示,包含文字、图形或图文组合
a. b.
c. d.程序不能运行
38.程序运行结果是( )
a. 10
a. b.