Using Adobe Acrobat 70
adobe acrobat用法
Adobe Acrobat 是一款功能强大的PDF编辑和阅读软件,广泛应用于办公、教育和个人领域。
在这篇文章中,我将详细介绍Adobe Acrobat 的用法,并共享我对这个软件的个人观点和理解。
一、基本介绍Adobe Acrobat 是由Adobe Systems开发的一款专业的PDF文档创建、编辑、管理工具。
用户可以使用Adobe Acrobat 轻松地编辑文档内容、插入图片、创建表单等。
通过Adobe Acrobat,用户可以轻松地实现电子文件的管理和共享。
二、基本使用在使用Adobe Acrobat时,用户可以打开已有的PDF文档或创建新的PDF文档。
另外,用户还可以使用Adobe Acrobat 进行PDF文件的合并、拆分、转换和搜索。
Adobe Acrobat 还具有安全和签名的功能,用户可以对PDF文档进行数字签名,确保文件的安全性。
三、高级功能及扩展除了基本的编辑和转换功能,Adobe Acrobat 还具有一些高级的功能和扩展。
用户可以使用Adobe Acrobat 进行OCR文字识别,将扫描的纸质文件转换成可编辑的PDF文档。
另外,Adobe Acrobat 还支持多种多样的插件和扩展,用户可以根据自己的需求来扩展软件的功能,满足特定的需求。
四、个人观点和理解作为一款功能强大的PDF编辑和阅读软件,我认为Adobe Acrobat 在办公、教育和个人领域有着广泛的应用前景。
另外,Adobe Acrobat 的操作界面简洁清晰,用户体验良好,易于上手。
我认为Adobe Acrobat 是一款非常实用的文档处理工具,能够有效提高工作效率,实现电子文件的高效管理和共享。
Adobe Reader & Adobe Acrobat 使用技巧由唐茂胜(Daniel Don)整理一、怎样从多页的PDF文档里抽取若干页成为JPG格式图片最方便的要数使用Adobe Acrobat,点击Adobe Acrobat里的“导出”工具按钮,并选择“JPG”,PDF文档的所有页面就自动转换成一个个JPG格式文件。
二、怎样将PDF文档转换成Word文档在adobe acrobat里将要转换的PDF文档打开,操作菜单“文件”→“另存为”,将保存类型选为“Microsoft word”就能转换成Word文档。
或者点击Adobe Acrobat里的“导出”工具按钮,导出文件类型选择“Word”,结果是一样的。
一款名字为e-PDF To Word Converter的软件专门用来将PDF文档转换成Word文档,网上有汉化特别版可供下载。
三、怎样从PDF文档里导出文字假如PDF文档是由Word等其它可以编辑的电子文档生成的,用adobe reader或adobe acrobat 的“选择工具”选中文字后按“Ctrl”+“C”键,就可以将文字复制到剪贴板里,随便你粘贴到那里。
快速上手使用Adobe Acrobat编辑PDF!
快速上手使用Adobe Acrobat编辑PDF!1. 引言1.1 概述在数字化时代,PDF(Portable Document Format)已成为一种广泛应用的文档格式。
Adobe Acrobat作为最著名和最受欢迎的PDF编辑工具之一,具备强大的功能和用户友好的界面,广泛应用于个人、教育、商业等各个领域。
本文将详细介绍如何快速上手使用Adobe Acrobat进行PDF编辑,帮助读者更有效地处理和管理PDF文件。
1.2 文章结构本文将分为以下几个部分来介绍Adobe Acrobat的使用方法:2. Adobe Acrobat简介:对Adobe Acrobat进行概要介绍,包括软件概述、功能特点以及使用范围。
3. Adobe Acrobat基础操作:详细介绍Adobe Acrobat中常用的基础操作,包括PDF文件的打开与保存,文本编辑功能的实现以及图像编辑与插入操作。
4. Adobe Acrobat高级功能应用:探讨Adobe Acrobat更加高级和专业的功能应用,如加密与安全设置、表单创建与填写指南以及批注与标记工具的详解。
5. 结论与建议:总结文章要点,并提供实践操作建议及持续学习推荐。
1.3 目的本文旨在帮助读者快速上手并熟练使用Adobe Acrobat进行PDF文件编辑。
无论是需要简单地修改文本内容、插入图像,还是进行更深入的安全设置或表单创建等复杂操作,Adobe Acrobat 都将成为读者处理PDF文件的得力助手。
接下来我们将进一步展开对Adobe Acrobat的介绍以便于读者快速上手使用该软件。
2. Adobe Acrobat简介2.1 软件概述Adobe Acrobat是一款由Adobe Systems开发的专业软件,用于创建、编辑和管理PDF(Portable Document Format)文件。
Adobe Acrobat7.0Professional软件操作教程篇我在上篇文章中写的是《Adobe PDF文档之Adobe Acrobat7.0 Professional软件安装篇(上)》,下篇文章写的是《Adobe PDF文档之Adobe Acrobat7.0Professional软件操作教程篇(下)》,这篇文章的具体内容是,教大家如何用Adobe Acrobat7.0Professional软件转换成PDF文档直接下载到D608里进行文档浏览。
写之前,还是有个问题先跟大家交待一下,如果要用Adobe Acrobat7.0 Professional软件转换成Adobe PDF文档,首先要将WORD文档的字体、字号设置好,然后再进行Adobe PDF文档转换,这样在手机浏览Adobe PDF文档显得方便些,要不然看的时候还要调来调去的,极不方便。
如下图设置好后,可以直接进行Adobe PDF文档转换,大家有没有注意到WORD程序有三个PDF工具栏(如上图的中红色方框中显示)。
只有安装了Adobe Acrobat7.0Professional,才能在WORD程序中显示三个PDF工具栏。
在这里,我对WORD文档的进行了48号字、一号字、三号字设置进行测试:如果选择48字号,直接转换成Adobe PDF文档下载到D608里进行文档浏览,在待机情况下——选择功能表——进入文件管理器——选择其它文件——再选择存储卡(因为我是下载到存储卡的other files 文件夹中)——选择打开——这时会看见PDF文档——选择选项1、查看——然后再选项1、全屏视图,就可以直接浏览了,由于是48号字,PDF文档字号比较大,所以浏览文件比较方便。
Adobe Acrobat Pro使用指南说明书
ForewordIn the current crisis, remote working has become the new norm. Remote hearings are now taking place on a scale unimaginable just a few weeks ago. For the most current guidance, see the website established in late March 2020 with the blessing of the HM Courts & Tribunals Service at .With photocopiers and reprographics departments suddenly unreachable, to say nothing of the impracticality of circulating hard copy bundle additions at the last minute, we all need to be able to prepare an electronic bundle. Such ability is, however, not yet widespread.This GuideThe following is a short guide for using the widely-available Adobe Acrobat Pro, which should produce a bundle compliant with the courts’ most current directive on the topic in relation to e-bundling in the Financial Remedies Courts and Practice Direction 32, paragraph 27.Best practice guidance on the content of bundles in the Commercial Court can be found in Appendix 7 of the Commercial Court Guide.Step 1 – Install the Software . If you have not already, install Adobe Acrobat Pro (not Reader).Step 2 – PDF Your Documents . You need to have everything you want in the bundle in PDF format. To the extent that they are not already:»In the case of electronic documents, print to PDF .It may be possible to skip this step and combine files (see Step 5 below) in their native formats. You will still needto give them bookmark-friendly file names (Step 3 below) and some files may need a bit of work first (especially Excel spreadsheets). I have not included this step because – depending on how your system is set up – it may not work or work with all file types. It is also a faff with emails which have attachments.»In the case of hard copies, you will need to scan to PDF . If you don’t have a scanner, there is a very good iPhone/Android scanner called Tiny Scanner . Get the paid-forversion, because it allows multiple pages. Don’t get too close to the page(s) you are scanning – the flash is usually too bright if you do. It has a very good ‘framer’ in its workflow that you can use to make sure your pages don’t include the carpet they were lying on. Set up a Dropbox folder or similar to make uploads easy, or just email the resulting PDF to yourself.NB Unfortunately, none of what follows works with locked PDF files. (To see if a file is locked, open the left-hand pane as described in Step 7 below; if there is a padlock image, then the file is locked.) Print and scan is the only solution here (printing to PDF will not cure the problem).Step 3 – Name your PDFs. Give the PDFs a name that is short and starts with a number, e.g., “01 - Claim Subs”. The reason for this will become clear, but in essence you need to give each PDF a name corresponding to its tab number and (a short version of) its description.Step 4 – Collect your PDFs. Get all the PDFs you want in the bundle into a separate folder.Step 5 – Combine your PDFs. Select them all (CTRL+a works in Windows). Right-click and select “Combine Files in Acrobat ”. In the Combine Files window that opens:E-Bundle Preparation GuideJames M Turner QC9 April 2020»Click the List View button (much easier to work with than Thumbnails).»Click the Options button and ensure that “Always add bookmarks … ” is checked. (It’s sticky, which means that once you’ve checked it, it should stay checked, so you should only need to do that once.) Click OK.»You can re-arrange the order of the documents within the PDF if you want, but if they all have names beginning with a number, then they should already be in the right order.»Then Click Combine.Step 6 – Save your Bundle. Clicking Combine in the previous step will generate what is called a “Binder”, but it’s just another PDF. Save it with a useful name like “HrgBdl 310320”. (If you want to be super-organised, the best dating format to allow sorting by name but in date order is of course YYYYMMDD, so, e.g., 20200323 for 23 March 2020.). Make sure you keep saving your file as you work with it!Step 7 – Viewing and Working with Bookmarks. To view the bookmarks, open the left-hand pane (click on the arrow halfway down the left-hand side of the window) and then the bookmark icon (second one down). Clicking on the relevant bookmark will take you to that spot in the PDF. You can add more bookmarks and arrange them into hierarchies – and even colour-code them.Step 8 – Page Rotation. If you need to, because they’re upside down or landscape documents are on their side, you can rotate pages using the Page Thumbnails view. Select the page(s) to be rotated in the left-hand margin, right-click and select Rotate Pages.Step 9– Pagination. You can give the resulting PDF printable page numbers by clicking on the Edit PDF button on the right-hand side of the window, and then the Header and Footer button. Click where you want to add the page number and then on Insert Page Number. Fairly easy to use, but make sure you make the page numbers at least 12-point font size. (You can save your settings, too, so that they are quicker to apply next time.)NB Sometimes you may need to add a blank page, so that individual documents start on an odd-numbered page of the PDF - which may not be the same as the printable page number, if you have added more pages or an index.This can, e.g., be necessary if you are printing double-sided – the default under PD 32 para 27.15. You can do this by clicking on the Page Thumbnails button on the right-hand side of the window; then right-click on the page where you want to add the blank. Select Insert Pages > A Blank Page. You will be given the option to add it before or after the page you clicked on.Step 10 – Make it Searchable. If you need to make it word-searchable (always a good idea), click on the Scan & OCR button on the right-hand side and follow the prompts.NB The resulting file may well be quite large (over 100MB is common) and cannot therefore be shared by email.For sharing (internally and externally), use Citrix Files (or your favourite file-sharing website – ensuring that you comply with data protection requirements).Step 11 – Adding More Pages. It is all-too-common to need to insert additional pages. You can do this by adding the inserts as further PDFs to the file by (for example):»Clicking on the Page Thumbnails button on the right-hand side of the window.»Dragging and dropping the additional file into the relevant place in the list of pages.»NB –i) Bookmarks. This will usually (though sadly not always) add the filename (and any bookmarks it contains) atthe bottom of your bookmarks list in the existing file, regardless of where in the file you have inserted it. Toget the new bookmark(s) into the right place, just drag them there. (If the added file’s name and bookmarkshave not carried across, you will have to insert them manually.)ii) Pagination. If the additional file is going to mess with the bundle’s existing (printable) pagination, paginate it as above before you add it. Obviously, add the number of the page it is going to be added after (and a fullstop) as a prefix to the automatic number, e.g., “102.”Step 12 – Making PDF Page Numbers Match Printable Ones. This makes use of a feature called “Page Labels” and will make navigating the document while viewing it on a screen much easier.If you have added printable pagination to the file, use the “Page Labels” feature to make that pagination correspond with the PDF page no. (i.e., the one displayed in the bar above the document). Say you want the index to the bundle to be numbered i, ii, … :»In the Page Thumbnail s view, select the pages you want to number like that (click on the last one, hold down the SHIFT key and – holding it down – click on the first one; release SHIFT).»Then right-click on one of the selected pages and select Page Labels. The resulting dialog box will allow you to apply a different numbering to those pages.»You can use the same technique to relabel inserted pages so that they become, e.g., 302A- 302N.»You can then navigate to the relevant page just by typing that number into the box above the document. (Note, though, that these numbers will not be used if you paginate the document in the manner described in Step 9 above.)NB Page Labels has a bug/feature: if you add a file immediately after some “relabelled” pages, it will automatically apply the relabelling to those new pages (which is fine, if you’re expecting it), but it won’t import the new file’s bookmarks.James M Turner QC”His work is sharp and focused, and his advocacy has a deservedly excellentreputation.” (Chambers UK, 2020)James specialises in cross-border commercial disputes in international arbitration, energy,shipbuilding, offshore construction, shipping and banking.“A skilled tactician who can be entrusted with anything” (Chambers UK), as an advocate – with “adeservedly excellent reputation” (Chambers UK) – he appears most often in arbitration, beforetribunals operating under LCIA, ICC, HKIAC or LMAA Rules, as well as in ad hoc matters. HisCourt work is almost exclusively in the Commercial Court and on appeals up to and includingthe Supreme Court.Well-known for his ability “to crunch through the details of a very technical case” (Legal 500), much of James’s work requires the co-ordination of a range of expert specialisms, ideally suited to his down to earth approach and team-building skills that make him a “great pleasure to work with” (Who’s Who Legal). Reflecting the invariably international character of his practice, James has extensive experience in dealing with foreign law and multi-jurisdictional disputes. He has a particular eye for appreciating and addressing cultural barriers in international arbitration.> view James’s full profile*********************************。
AdobeAcrobatPDF操作方法Chapter 1: Introduction to Adobe Acrobat PDFAdobe Acrobat PDF is a widely used file format that allows users to create, edit, and share documents in a secure and efficient manner. This chapter provides an overview of Adobe Acrobat PDF and its various features and functionalities.Section 1.1: What is Adobe Acrobat PDF?Adobe Acrobat PDF, short for Portable Document Format, is a file format developed by Adobe Systems in the early 1990s. It is designed to present documents in a manner that is independent of software, hardware, and operating systems. PDF files accurately maintain the formatting and layout of documents, making them ideal for sharing and printing purposes.Section 1.2: Advantages of Using Adobe Acrobat PDFOne of the key advantages of using Adobe Acrobat PDF is its universality. PDF files can be viewed on any device, including computers, tablets, smartphones, and e-readers, regardless of the operating system. Additionally, PDF files are compact in size, which makes them easy to share and download over the internet. Moreover, PDF files can be password-protected and encrypted, ensuring the security and integrity of sensitive information.Chapter 2: Creating PDF FilesCreating PDF files is an essential aspect of working with Adobe Acrobat. This chapter discusses different methods of creating PDF files and provides step-by-step instructions for each method.Section 2.1: Creating PDF Using Adobe AcrobatAdobe Acrobat provides a comprehensive set of tools for creating PDF files. Users can create a new PDF from a blank document, convert existing documents (such as Word or Excel files) into PDF format, or combine multiple files into a single PDF. The process involves selecting the desired document, clicking on the "Create PDF" button, and specifying the output file location.Section 2.2: Creating PDF Using Print to PDFAnother method of creating PDF files is by using the "Print to PDF" feature. This feature allows users to convert any printable document into a PDF format. To use this feature, simply open the desired document, select the "Print" option, choose the "Print to PDF" printer, and click on the "Print" button. The document will be converted into a PDF file and saved in the specified location.Chapter 3: Editing PDF FilesAdobe Acrobat PDF offers a range of editing capabilities, allowing users to modify and enhance PDF files as needed. This chapter explores various editing features and provides instructions on how to perform common editing tasks.Section 3.1: Editing Text and ImagesAdobe Acrobat enables users to edit text and images within PDF files. Users can add, delete, or modify text, change font styles and sizes, and adjust image properties. To edit text, simply select the desired text, right-click, and choose the "Edit Text" option. To edit images, select the image, right-click, and select the "Edit Image" option.Section 3.2: Adding and Removing PagesUsers can easily add or remove pages from existing PDF files using Adobe Acrobat. To add pages, go to the "Pages" tab, click on the "Insert Pages" button, and select the desired pages from another PDF file or a different format. To remove pages, select the pages to be removed, right-click, and choose the "Delete Pages" option.Chapter 4: Annotating and Reviewing PDF FilesAdobe Acrobat provides a range of tools for annotating and reviewing PDF files. This chapter explores different annotation tools and explains how to collaborate with others using Adobe Acrobat.Section 4.1: Adding Comments and MarkupUsers can add comments, sticky notes, highlights, and other markups to PDF files using Adobe Acrobat. These annotations help to communicate feedback, suggestions, and corrections to other readers or collaborators. To add a comment, select the desired text or area, right-click, and choose the appropriate annotation tool from the context menu.Section 4.2: Reviewing PDF FilesAdobe Acrobat allows users to initiate and participate in document reviews. Reviewers can add comments, respond to comments, and track changes made by others. The review process can be managed through Adobe Acrobat or by using additional tools such as Adobe Sign.Chapter 5: Securing PDF FilesSecuring PDF files is crucial to protect sensitive information and ensure document integrity. This chapter discusses various security features offered by Adobe Acrobat and explains how to secure PDF files effectively.Section 5.1: Password Protection and EncryptionAdobe Acrobat allows users to protect PDF files with passwords and encryption. Users can set a password to restrict access to the document or encrypt the file to prevent unauthorized changes. To apply password protection, go to the "File" menu, select "Properties," and navigate to the "Security" tab. From there, users can set different levels of encryption and specify the password requirements.Section 5.2: Digital SignaturesDigital signatures provide an extra layer of security and authentication to PDF files. Adobe Acrobat enables users to sign PDF documents digitally using their own certificates or certificates fromtrusted third-party providers. Digital signatures help verify the authenticity, integrity, and origin of the document.Conclusion:Adobe Acrobat PDF is a powerful tool that offers a wide range of features for creating, editing, and securing documents. Understanding the various methods and functionalities of Adobe Acrobat PDF can enhance productivity, collaboration, and information security. By following the guidelines and instructions provided in this article, users can effectively utilize Adobe Acrobat PDF and maximize its potential in their professional endeavors.。
2.其次,要确认你的计算机安装如下软件:扫描仪配备的扫描软件,Microsoft Office Word,Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional(版本7.0或者几点零的都没关系,但是确认要安装这个,只安装Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Reader 版本的是不行的),CAJViewer 7.1软件,如果这些软件没有,可以到网络上下载。
3.安装Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional软件以后,在打印的时候,会出现一个Adobe PDF的打印机,可以将文件打印成*.pdf的文件。
打开Microsoft Office Word,新建一个word文件,然后选择“插入->图片”,在文档中插入你扫描号的图片,做成一页。
然后选择“文件->打印”,在打印机选项中,选择“Adobe PDF的打印机”,确定后,选择输出文件的名字就行了。
另外,对于*.JPG文件,直接右键点击文件,也有一个“Adobe PDF”的选项,直接点击转换即可。
adobe acrobat 9.0
adobe acrobat 9.0Adobe Acrobat 9.0 是由Adobe Systems开发的一款功能强大的PDF编辑和阅读工具。
Adobe Acrobat 9.0的功能涵盖了PDF文档的创建、编辑、注释和转换等多个方面,成为了全球范围内最广泛使用的PDF软件之一。
本文将详细介绍Adobe Acrobat 9.0的主要功能和应用场景。
首先,Adobe Acrobat 9.0提供了丰富的PDF文档创建功能。
用户可以使用Acrobat 9.0将各种文件格式(如Word、Excel、PowerPoint、HTML等)转换为高质量的PDF文档。
此外,Acrobat 9.0还支持批量转换,大大提高了转换效率。
其次,Adobe Acrobat 9.0还拥有强大的PDF文档编辑功能。
用户可以使用Acrobat 9.0编辑PDF文档的文本、图像和其他元素,实现增加、删除、替换和修改等操作。
与其他PDF编辑软件相比,Acrobat 9.0具有更强的稳定性和高效性,能够处理大型PDF文件而不影响编辑速度。
此外,用户还可以使用Acrobat 9.0的批注工具在PDF文档中添加注释、批注和标记,便于合作和审核。
此外,Adobe Acrobat 9.0还引入了OCR(光学字符识别)技术,使用户能够将扫描的纸质文件转换为可编辑的文本。
Acrobat 9.0的OCR引擎可以自动识别文本和图像,并将其转换为可编辑的PDF文档。
另外,Adobe Acrobat 9.0还具备强大的PDF文档安全性和权限管理功能。
用户可以使用Acrobat 9.0设置密码保护和加密,以防止未经授权的访问和篡改。
Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.0中文版
Acrobat 7.0 Standard(标准版)向企业用户提供从电子邮件、Web网页以及日常使用的应用软件及文件等中高效搜索、使用以及管理重要信息的手段。
Acrobat Elements(基础版)提供向企业大量授权,可在公司内所有桌面追加制作Adobe PDF文件的功能。
此外,Acrobat 7.0软件包提高了与面向企业的文档管理软件“LiveCycle”整合度。Acrobat 7.0 Professional包含企业文档设计工具“LiveCycle Designer”,可制作高级XML和PDF文件。另外,Acrobat 7.0 Professional和Acrobat 7.0 Standard增强了面向企业的文档管理服务器“LiveCycle Policy Server”的交互性,可应用和管理控制、认证、结束期限以及取消等PDF文档相关访问权的策略。
1. Log-in using your corporate time id and password.
2. Access the Acrobat Professional/Reader 7.0 internal prerelease program by clicking on its link.
Acrobat 7.0 Professional(专业版)的建议零售价格为449美元,“Acrobat 4.0”、“Acrobat 5.0”、“Acrobat 6.0 Standard(标准版)”以及“Acrobat 6.0 Professional(专业版)”用户的升级价格为159美元。Acrobat 7.0 Standard的建议零售价格为299美元,Acrobat 4.0、Acrobat 5.0以及Acrobat 6.0 Standard用户的升级价格为99美元。
折页选项卡 ................................................................................................................................................................................19 大版尺寸................................................................................................................................................................................19 成品尺寸................................................................................................................................................................................19 打印方式................................................................................................................................................................................19 折页方式................................................................................................................................................................................19 无线胶订/平订(Perfect-Bound) ........................................................................................................................................................20 骑马订(Saddle-Stitched) ...................................................................................................................................................................20 连排(Step-Repeat) ............................................................................................................................................................................21 单联(Cut-Stack) ................................................................................................................................................................................21 锁线胶订(Booklet) ...........................................................................................................................................................................22 叠折(Stack and Fold).........................................................................................................................................................................24 分区无线胶订(Sectional- Perfect-Bound)..........................................................................................................................................26 分区骑马订(Sectional-Saddle-Stitched) ............................................................................................................................................29 多路轮转机(死叉) ............................................................................................................................................................................32 装订位置................................................................................................................................................................................33 选择折页模板 ........................................................................................................................................................................34 编辑模板................................................................................................................................................................................35 爬移设置................................................................................................................................................................................35 出血设置................................................................................................................................................................................36 保存和调入拼版样式 ............................................................................................................................................................. 37
利用 OCR 技术扫描书面文档以创建紧凑、可搜索的 Adobe PDF 文档。将 Microsoft Outlook 和 Lotus Notes 电子邮件存档转换为 Adobe PDF 以便于搜索和 检索。
7. 保存网页
将网页转换为 Adobe PDF 文档以便于打印、存档、标记或共享。
近年来,Adobe 公司一直在努力使 Acrobat 从一款简单的 PDF 软件发展成 一个完整的数码发布平台,甚至增加了对三维图片的支持。现在该公司又将为 企业提供协作功能。根据公司提供的一个例子,Adobe 表示工程师可以与产品 线上其他人员共享产品设计,而律师可以传递具有数字签名的合同,建筑师可 以让客户浏览和批注他的设计蓝图。内置的安全性将让用户可以控制哪些内容 可以被共享和编辑。
1.2 Adobe Acrobat Professional 软件版本
Adobe 公司为升级后的网络会议软件推出了两个版本,Connect 为网络应用 软件,Connect 专业版这是在本地机器上运行的传统应用软件。两个软件都具备 了白板、屏幕共享、文字聊天以及其它视频和音频功能。网络版的软件最多只 支持 15 人开会,而专业版可以支持一万五千人。此外,在网络电话和其它功能 方面,专业版提供了更好的性能。可靠地创建、合并和控制 PDF 文档。Adobe Acrobat8 Standard 软件可以使商业人士可靠地创建、合并和控制 Adobe PDF 文 档,以便于且更加安全地进行分发和协作。
使用 Acrobat Standard,您可以:
1. 合并和排列文档
将文档、绘图和丰富的媒体内容合并到一个完美的 Adobe PDF 文档中。以 任意顺序排列文件而无需考虑文件类型、尺寸或方向。
Adobe Acrobat 7.0PDF Open ParametersJuly 11, 2005Adobe Solutions Network — Copyright 2004 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.NOTICE: All information contained herein is the property of Adobe Systems Incorporated. No part of this publication (whether in hardcopy or electronic form) may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the Adobe Systems Incorporated.PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. All instances of the name PostScript in the text are references to the PostScript language as defined by Adobe Systems Incorporated unless otherwise stated. The name PostScript also is used as a product trademark for Adobe Systems’ implementation of the PostScript language interpreter.Except as otherwise stated, any reference to a “PostScript printing device,” “PostScript display device,” or similar item refers to a printing device, display device or item (respectively) that contains PostScript technology created or licensed by Adobe Systems Incorporated and not to devices or items that purport to be merely compatible with the PostScript language.Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, the Acrobat logo, Acrobat Capture, Distiller, PostScript, the PostScript logo and Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.Apple, Macintosh, and Power Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. PowerPC is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation in the United States. ActiveX, Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Verity is a registered trademark of Verity, Incorporated. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Verity is a trademark of Verity, Inc. Lextek is a trademark of Lextek International. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.This publication and the information herein is furnished AS IS, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Systems Incorporated assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies, makes no warranty of any kind (express, implied, or statutory) with respect to this publication, and expressly disclaims any and all warranties of merchantability, fitness for particular purposes, and noninfringement of third party rights.PrefaceDescriptionThis document describes PDF Open parameters for Acrobat 7.0, that allow you to open aPDF file using a URL or command that specifies both the file to be opened plus actions tobe performed once the file is opened.ResourcesThe following resources provide further information about how to use the PDF Openparameters described in this document.●Acrobat and PDF Library API Reference. Provides a detailed description of the Acrobat andPDF Library APIs.●Acrobat Online Collaboration: Setup and Administraton. Explains how to configure acollaboration store and networking issues related to Acrobat.●PDF Reference, fifth edition, version 1.6 describes PDF version 1.6 in detail, including PDFobject types, file format, and document structure.Conventions Used in This BookThe Acrobat documentation uses text styles according to the following conventions.Font Used for Examplesmonospaced Paths and filenames C:\templates\mytmpl.fmCode examples set off from plain text These are variable declarations:AVMenu commandMenu,helpMenu;monospaced bold Code items within plaintextThe GetExtensionID method ...Parameter names and literal values in reference documents The enumeration terminates if proc returns false.monospaced italic Pseudocode ACCB1 void ACCB2 ExeProc(void){ do something }Placeholders in code examples AFSimple_Calculate(cFunction, cFields)PrefaceConventions Used in This BookFont Used for Examplesblue Live links to Web pages The Acrobat Solutions Network URL is:/asn/See Using the SDK.Live links to sectionswithin this documentLive links to code itemsTest whether an ASAtom exists.within this documentThe setpagedevice operatorbold PostScript language andPDF operators,keywords, dictionarykey namesUser interface names The File menuAcrobat and PDF Library API Overview italic Document titles that arenot live linksNew terms User space specifies coordinates for...PostScript variables filename deletefileOpen Parameters for PDFAdobe defines parameters that allow you to open a PDF document with a command or URLthat specifies exactly what to display (a named destination or specific page), and how todisplay it (using such characteristics as a specific view, scrollbars, bookmarks, annotations,or highlighting).The PDF Open parameters for URLs, described in the table below, are supported throughthe Netscape and Internet Explorer browsers, and can also be used when opening PDFdocuments programmatically:●Many of these parameters can be passed to the following core API functions (see theAcrobat and PDF Library API Reference for details):AVDocOpenFromFileWithParamStringAVDocOpenFromASFileWithParamStringAVDocOpenFromPDDocWithParamString●When opening a PDF document from a command shell, you can pass the parameters tothe open command using the /A switch using the following syntax:<path to Acrobat>/A "<open parameter>=OpenActions" "<path to PDF file>"For example:Acrobat.exe /A "zoom=1000=OpenActions" "C:\example.pdf"●When opening a PDF document with an Apple Event on a Macintosh operating system,you can optionally pass the PDF Open parameters.PDF Open ParametersThe following table lists and describes the available PDF open parameters. Italics indicateuser-specified variables.Syntax Descriptionnameddest=name Specifies a named destination in the Specifies a numbered page in the document, using aninteger value. The document’s first page has a pagenumvalue of 1.comment=commentID Specifies a comment on a given page in the PDF. Use thepage command before this command; for example:#page=1&comment=452fde0e-fd22-457c-84aa-2cf5bed5a349Open Parameters for PDFPDF Open Parameterscollab=setting Sets the collaboration store to be used to supply and storecomments for the document. This overrides the defaultcomment server for the review or the default preference.setting is of the form store_type@location, where validvalues for store_type are:●DAVFDF (webDAV)●FSFDF (Network store)●DB (ADBC)For example:#collab=DAVFDF@http://review_server/Collab/user1For more information, see Acrobat Online Collaboration:Administration and Setup.zoom=scalezoom=scale,left,top Sets the zoom and scroll factors, using float or integer values.For example, a scale value of 100 indicates a zoom value of 100%.Scroll values left and top are in a coordinate system where 0,0 represents the top left corner of the visible page, regardless of document rotation.view=Fitview=FitHview=FitH,top view=FitVview=FitV,left view=FitBview=FitBHview=FitBH,top view=FitBVview=FitBV,left Set the view of the displayed page, using the keyword values defined in the PDF language specification. See the PDF Reference.Scroll values left and top are floats or integers in a coordinate system where 0,0 represents the top left corner of the visible page, regardless of document rotation.Use the page command before this command.N O TE:Not supported on the command line.viewrect=left,top,wd,ht Sets the view rectangle using float or integer values in acoordinate system where 0,0 represents the top left cornerof the visible page, regardless of document rotation.Use the page command before this command.N O TE:Not supported on the command line.pagemode=bookmarkspagemode=thumbspagemode=none (default)Displays bookmarks or thumbnails.scrollbar=1|0Turns scrollbars on or off.Syntax DescriptionOpen Parameters for PDFSpecifying PDF Open Parameters in a URL Specifying PDF Open Parameters in a URLYou can specify multiple PDF Open parameters in a single URL. Each parameter is separated from the others with either an ampersand (&) or a pound (#) character. Actions are processed and executed from left to right as they appear on the URL command line.Because all specified actions are executed, it is possible that later actions will override the effects of previous actions, so it is important to be aware of the order. For example, page actions should appear before zoom actions.Commands are not case sensitive (except for the value of a named destination). There can be no spaces in the URL the Search UI and performs a search for the specifiedword list in the document. Matching words are highlightedin the document.The words must be enclosed in quotes and separated byspaces; for example:#search=”word1 word2”toolbar=1|0Turns the toolbar on or off.statusbar=1|0Turns the status bar on or off.messages=1|0Turns the document message bar on or off.navpanes=1|0Turns the navigation panes and tabs on or off.highlight=lt,rt,top,btm Highlights a specified rectangle on the displayed page. (Usethe page command before this command.)The rectangle values are integers in a coordinate systemwhere 0,0 represents the top left corner of the visible page,regardless of document|contents|search Used only when opening a file from the command line oran Apple Event. Opens the document in the Help window,with the specified navigation panel selected.fdf=URL Specifies an FDF file to be used to populate form fields inthe PDF file being opened. For example:#fdf=/doc.fdfN O TE :The fdf parameter should be specifed last in theURL.Syntax DescriptionOpen Parameters for PDFSpecifying PDF Open Parameters in a URLURL Examples/doc.pdf#nameddest=Chapter6/doc.pdf#page=3/doc.pdf#page=3&zoom=200,250,100/doc.pdf#zoom=50/doc.pdf#page=72&view=fitH,100/doc.pdf#view=fitb&nameddest=Chapter3/doc.pdf#pagemode=none/doc.pdf#pagemode=bookmarks&page=2/doc.pdf#page=3&pagemode=thumbs/doc.pdf#collab=DAVFDF@http://review_server/Collab/user1/doc.pdf#page=1&comment=452fde0e-fd22-457c-84aa-2cf5bed5a349/doc.pdf#fdf=/doc.fdfURL Limitations●Only one digit following a decimal point is retained for float values.●Individual parameters, together with their values (separated by & or #), can be nogreater then 32 characters in length.●You cannot use the reserved characters =, #, and &. There is no way to escape thesespecial characters.●If you turn bookmarks off using a URL parameter when a document had previously beensaved with bookmarks on, the bookmark scrollbars are displayed at first, and onlydisappear once Acrobat obtains enough streamed information to render the full page.。
PDF编辑器Adobe Acrobat的使用
创建 PDF
打 印 机 选 择 Adobe PDF
旋转 PDF 页面
在 Acrobat DC 中打开 PDF,然后选择工具 > 组织页面,或从右侧窗格中选择组织页面。“组织页面”工 具集将显示在辅助工具栏中。
在辅助工具栏中,指定要应用旋转的页面范围。 可以选择偶数页、奇数页、横向页面、纵向页面或所有页面,或者您可以输入希望对其执行该项操作的页 码。 在指定页面范围后,对于“方向”,可选择逆时针 90 度 或顺时针 90 度 。 此外,还可以对特定页面应用页面旋转,方法是单击页面缩略图视图中显示的逆时针旋转按钮或顺时针旋 转按钮。
为 PDF 添加口令
加密所有文档内容 加密文档和文档元数据。如果选中此选项,则搜索引擎无法访问文档元数据。 加密除元数据外的所有文档内容 加密文档内容,但仍然允许搜索引擎访问文档元数据。 仅加密文件附件 需要口令才能打开文件附件。用户无需口令即可打开文档。使用此选项可创建安全信封。
限制编辑 PDF
PDF 简介
PDF(便携式文件格式,Portable Document Format)是由Adobe公司在1993年用于文件交换所发展 出的文件格式。
PDF主要由三项技术组成:衍生自PostScript;字型 嵌入系统;资料压缩及传输系统。它的优点在于跨平台、 能保留文件原有格式(Layout)、开放标准,能免版税 (Royalty-free)自由开发PDF相容软体,是一个开放标 准,2007年12月成为ISO 32000国际标准。
拆分 PDF 文档
在 Acrobat DC 中打开 PDF,然后选择工具 > 组织页面,或从右侧窗格中选择组织页面。 “组织页面”工具集将显示在辅助工具栏中。 在辅助工具栏中,单击拆分。 辅助工具栏的下方会出现一个新的工具栏,其中包括特定于“拆分”操作的命令。
Adobe Acrobat拼版教程 QI自由拼版篇
“自由拼版”(Manual Impositon) 是QI功能中最灵活的 功能,它可以把任何页面添加到一个版面上去。而且可以用类似 坐标的方式精确定位,这给自由拼版带来了极大的方便。为了避 免概念上的混乱,目标页面(target sheet)我们称为版面,源文 件页面(source)就是小页。
创建有数字顺序的贴标时,可以使用排版 软件可变数据的功能,如在Coreldraw,Indesign 等软件中创建。
使用QI的批处理命令,结合自由拼版参数的修改,我们可以 对包装盒等异型小页进行拼版。涉及到自由拼版中参数的修改, 因此对坐标要精确定位,此时,对拼版的大版最终页面大小必须 预先设计好,这样才能保证小页文件在大版页面上准确定位。
同专业拼版软件不同,贴标可以在建立折手模板时就可以设 定。QI建立的折手模板并不能包含贴标,它必须在拼版后期进行 单独添加。而如果使用手动去添加每页的贴标,则将会大大降低 工作效率。考虑到QI的自动化命令,可以使用QI的自动序列来进 行贴标的添加工作。
注意贴标只添加在 版面正面,因而目 标页面的页数均为 奇数。(1,3,5,7,9, 11,13,15,17,19)
此时又添加 一项自动序
注意贴标只添加在 版面正面,因而目 标页面的页数均为 奇数。(1,3,5,7,9, 11,13,15,17,19)
当然,在拼版时我们要优先考虑使用折手拼版的方式,毕竟 这种方式比自由拼版更加快捷、准确。但使用自由拼版可以让我 们进行一些诸如添加版面折标、包装盒拼版这样比较复杂的工作。
acrobat professional
acrobat professionalAcrobat Professional: A Complete GuideIntroduction:Acrobat Professional, developed by Adobe, is a comprehensive software solution that allows users to create, edit, and manage PDF documents effectively. With advanced features and a user-friendly interface, Acrobat Professional has become the go-to tool for professionals who deal with PDF files regularly. In this document, we will explore the various features and functionalities of Acrobat Professional, as well as provide useful tips and tricks for maximizing productivity.I. Getting Started with Acrobat Professional:Before diving into the vast array of features offered by Acrobat Professional, it is essential to understand the basics of using the software. This section of the document will guide users through the installation process, system requirements, and an overview of the interface. Additionally, it will provideinformation on how to navigate the various menus and toolbars within the software.II. Creating PDF Documents:Acrobat Professional's primary function is to create and manage PDF files. This section will cover the different methods of creating PDFs, including converting documents from other file formats such as Microsoft Word or Excel. It will also discuss the importance of properly formatting text, adding images, and including hyperlinks within PDF documents.III. Editing PDF Documents:Acrobat Professional offers a wide range of editing capabilities, allowing users to modify existing PDF documents effortlessly. This section will delve into the various editing tools available, including text editing, rearranging pages, inserting or deleting pages, and adding annotations or comments. Furthermore, users will learn how to apply watermarks, headers, and footers to enhance the visual appeal of their documents.IV. Advanced Features and Functionality:Acrobat Professional goes beyond basic document creation and editing. This section will explore the more advanced features of the software, including OCR (Optical Character Recognition), form creation and customization, digital signatures, and document security options. Users will also discover how to combine multiple PDF files into one and learn about the convenient redaction tools for sensitive information.V. Collaboration and Sharing:In today's collaborative work environments, sharing and reviewing documents with colleagues and clients is crucial. This section will guide users through the process of collaborative document reviewing and sharing using the features provided by Acrobat Professional. Users will learn how to track changes, add comments, and enable document reviews. Additionally, it will cover the various methods of sharing PDF files, such as email attachments, shared network locations, or online platforms.VI. Customization and Automation:Acrobat Professional offers customization features that allow users to personalize their experience and streamline their workflow. This section will demonstrate how to customize toolbars, create keyboard shortcuts, and set preferences according to individual needs. Users will also discover how to automate repetitive tasks using batch processing and Actions, saving valuable time and effort.VII. Troubleshooting and Support:Even the most proficient users may encounter issues while using Acrobat Professional. This section will provide troubleshooting tips for common problems, such as software crashes, compatibility issues, or document corruption. It will also highlight the various support options available from Adobe, including online documentation, community forums, and customer service contacts.Conclusion:Acrobat Professional is an indispensable tool for professionals who work extensively with PDF documents. Whether you need to create, edit, collaborate, or share PDFfiles, Acrobat Professional offers a comprehensive set of features to simplify your workflow. This document has provided an in-depth guide to getting started with Acrobat Professional, covering its key functionalities and offering valuable tips and tricks along the way. With this knowledge, users will be well-equipped to unlock the full potential of Acrobat Professional and optimize their productivity.。
Combining Multiple PDF Files in Adobe AcrobatUsing Adobe Acrobat 9 ProTo combine multiple PDF files:1. Open Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro2. Click Combine > Merge files into a singe PDF3. Click Add Files… to locate the PDF files to be combined. Double-click a PDF file to add it to the list, or use the [Ctrl]-click combination to select multiple files in the same directory and then click Add Files.4. To change the order of the files in the list, select the appropriate PDF and click Move Up or Move Down as needed.5. Select Default File Size for the file size and conversion setting. If the PDF document is over the 3MB size limitation, then try using the Smaller File Size setting.6. Click Next once all of the files to be combined have been added and are in the desired sequence.7. Select “Merge Files into a Single PDF” and then click Create.8. Review the results to ensure accuracy and then click Save.9. Browse to the location on your computer where you wish to save the document, name the file, and then click Save.Using Adobe Acrobat 8.0Acrobat 8.0 allows you to combine multiple PDF files with the Document > Insert Pages command, or by using the Create PDF > From Multiple Files command.To insert a PDF document into a currently opened PDF document:1. Open the target document.2. With the target PDF document open, choose Document > Insert Pages.3. In the “Select File to Insert” dialog box, locate and select the document you want to insert into the target document, and click Select.4. In the “Insert Pages” dialog box, specify whether you want to insert the document before or after the specified page. Then specify whether the document is to be inserted before or after the first page, last page, or a specific page number. Click OK.5. Save the combined document under the desired filename, or return to step 2 to insert another document.To combine multiple PDF files:1. Open Adobe Acrobat 8.02. Click File > Create PDF > From Multiple Files3. Click Add Files… to locate the PDF files to be combined. Double-click a PDF file to addit to the list, or use the [Ctrl]-click combination to select multiple files in the same directory and then click Add Files.4. To change the order of the files in the list, select the appropriate PDF and click Move Up or Move Down as needed.5. Select Default File Size for the file size and conversion setting. If the PDF document is over the 3MB size limitation, then try using the Smaller File Size setting.6. Click Next once all of the files to be combined have been added and are in the desired sequence.7. Select “Merge Files into a Single PDF” and then click Create.8. Review the results to ensure accuracy and then click Save.9. Browse to the location on your computer where you wish to save the document, name the file, and then click Save.Using Adobe Acrobat 6.0 and 7.0Acrobat 6.0 and 7.0 allow you to combine multiple PDF files with the Document > Insert Pages command, or by using the Create PDF > From Multiple Files command.To insert a PDF document into a currently opened PDF document:1. Open the target document.2. With the target PDF document open, choose Document > Insert Pages.3. In the “Select File to Insert” dialog box, locate and select the document you want to insert into the target document, and click Select.4. In the “Insert Pages” dialog box, specify whether you want to insert the document before or after the specified page. Then specify whether the document is to be inserted before or after the first page, last page, or a specific page number. Click OK.5. Save the combined document under the desired filename, or return to step 2 to insert another document.To combine multiple PDF files:1. Open Adobe Acrobat 6.0 or Acrobat 7.02. Click File > Create PDF > From Multiple Files3. Click Browse to locate the PDF files to be combined. Double-click a PDF file to add it to the list, or use the [Ctrl]-click combination to select multiple files in the same directory and then click Add.4. To change the order of files in the list, select the appropriate PDF and click Move Up or Move Down as needed.5. Click OK when all of the files to be combined have been added and are in the desired sequence.6. Click File > Reduce File Size. Change the “Compatible with” field to “Acrobat 4.0 and later”7. Click OK.8. Enter the desired filename and click Save.Using Adobe Acrobat 5.0Acrobat 5.0 allows you to combine multiple PDF files with the Insert Pages command. To insert a PDF document into a currently opened PDF document:1. Open the target document.2. With the target PDF document open, choose Document > Insert Pages3. In the “Select File to Insert” dialog box, locate and select the document you want to insert into the target document, and click Select.4. In the “Insert Pages” dialog box, specify whether you want to insert the document before or after the specified page. Then specify whether the document is to be inserted before or after the first page, last page, or a specific page number. Click OK.5. Save the combined document under the desired filename, or return to step 2 to insert another document.。
文案编辑词条B 添加义项?文案,原指放书的桌子,后来指在桌子上写字的人。
基本信息中文名称文案外文名称Copy目录1发展历程2主要工作3分类构成4基本要求5工作范围6文案写法7实际应用折叠编辑本段发展历程汉字"文案"(wén àn)是指古代官衙中掌管档案、负责起草文书的幕友,亦指官署中的公文、书信等;在现代,文案的称呼主要用在商业领域,其意义与中国古代所说的文案是有区别的。
在中国古代,文案亦作" 文按"。
Adobe Acrobat7.1 Professional软件安装及操作教程
写这篇文章,教大家如何用 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional软件安装及转换成 PDF文档《 Adobe PDF文档 之 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional软件安装教程篇(上)》、《 Adobe PDF文档 之 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional软件操作教程篇(下)》。
好,下面,开始言传正题,教大家如何下载安装 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional软件。
先从网上下载 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional软件,下载网址:/soft/1351.htm下载完成后,会出现一个压缩包,然后进行解压,就是出现一个文件夹,如下图打开刚才解压的文件夹,里面会出现三个图标,一个 Adobe Acrobat 7.0,一个注册机,一个Adobe Acrobat 7.0文本文档,其中文本文档中的内容是注册序号。
如下图打开 Adobe Acrobat 7.0文件夹,选择AcroPro.msi软件,进行安装。
如下图打开 AcroPro.msi软件后,下面就直接进行入Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional安装程序。
选择下一步,如下图下面会出现欢迎使用 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional安装,选择下一步,如下图下面会出现选择最终用户许可协议的语言版本,选择简体中文,然后选择下一步,如下图下面会出现最终用户许可协议,选择接受,如下图下面会出现用户信息,请输入用户名、单位、序号,输入完成后,选择下一步,如下图显示下面会出现缓存安装程序,在缓存栏上选择打匀,安装缓存安装程序文件。
选择下一步,如下图显示下面会出现 PDFMAKER安装和集成信息,选择下一步,如下图下面会出现安装类型,选择典型,选择下一步,如下图下面会出现选择目的文件夹,选择下一步,如下图下面会出现,已做好安装程序的准备,选择安装。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Save Animations
Convert multimedia to PDF multimedia
Convert hidden slides
Can seem a little haphazard in Word
Add Links to PDF
Links in native app. a better “look and feel” than adding them in Acrobat Allows re-flowed text for PDAs, text-to-speech, etc. Only downside is a larger file size
Particularly useful for web and email
What is Adobe Acrobat (con’t)?
Original document is authored in another format, then converted
Office apps: Word, Wordperfect, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook Graphics: .bmp, .gif, .jpeg, .ng, .eps, .psd
Using Adobe Acrobat 7.0
Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Technology Unit
What is Adobe Acrobat?, Navigating in Adobe Reader, Using Full Screen mode in Adobe Reader
Adobe Acrobat (standard)
Adobe Acrobat Pro
Navigating in Adobe Reader
Navigation tools in Reader:
Bookmark and page tabs at left side Page toolbar at bottom Zoom toolbar at top Single/Continuous/Facing options at lower right Full Screen View for presentation (lower left) Scrollbars Hand tool (drag doc from page to page)
Good idea to preview a doc in Reader, NOT Acrobat, to get a sense of what the enduser will see
Full Screen View in Adobe Reader
Mimics basic PowerPoint presentation Add limited transitions and auto-timing
Creating a .pdf
Converting Microsoft Office documents, non-Office documents, images, multiple documents, websites
Converting Microsoft Office Documents
PDF Conversion Settings (con’t)
These 4 are common to most MS Office Apps
Attach Source File to PDF
Adds source file (e.g. Word, Excel) to .pdf as an attachment Nice option, but obviously increases file size Good option for PPoint and Excel
Enable Accessibility and Reflow with Tagged PDF
Converting Word to PDF
Conversion settings specific to Word
Word Tab
Convert displayed comments to notes Convert cross-references, TOC to links Convert footnote/endnote links Choose which headings and styles convert to bookmarks A good choice IF your are already working with styles and headings to denote sections Otherwise, do it in Acrobat
Add Bookmarks to PDF
Adds bookmark for each slide/sheet in document Creates a bookmark for each Heading and/or Style Often easier to create Word bookmarks in Acrobat
Apply style to text once, select text, click Format Painter TWICE Go through document selecting text – it will convert to that heading
Converting PowerPoint to PDF
.html (single web page, or entire web sites)
Convert your own .html (to preview site for client) Pull sites directly off the web by typing web address into Acrobat
What is Adobe Acrobat?
Creates .pdf files
pdf = Portable Document Format Used to distribute forms and documents in a standardized format
Can be read by free (and widely distributed) Adobe reader Security tools:
If you don’t see PDFMaker:
R-click near toolbars and check PDFMaker toolbar If no PDFMaker toolbar option: Help>About…>Disabled Items>Choose Acrobat>Enable button
Converts most office applications and graphics to .pdf Supports some multimedia, downloads websites About $45 at CSU Software Cellar Interactive forms (buttons, checkboxes, text fields) Supports more multimedia MS Visio, MS Project, AutoCAD, Mac pict format About $69 at CSU Software Cellar
Restrict who can see the document Digitally sign/certify documents Restrict printing (no printing, or low resolution only) Restrict text/images from editing, copying and pasting
Acrobat will add PDFMaker to your toolbar upon installation (unless you decline) Three buttons:
Create .pdf Create .pdf and email Create .pdf and Send for Review
Conversion settings specific to PowerPoint
Save Slide Transitions
Only saves simple ones – best to add after the fact Only need them in Full Screen mode Only saves simple ones – best to add after the fact Only need them in Full Screen mode Applies to video, sound, images Make sure and test! Lots of tweaking required for this! Slide-sorter view – you can “hide” slides to avoid deleting them Important for printing Notes page, Handouts After settings set, set printer to Adobe PDF