



哈尔滨三达德电力技术有限公司 销售热线:0451-86786010 网址: E-mail:sale@
开合安装式电流互感器外形图....................................................................................................................................................... 15
哈尔滨三达德电力技术有限公司 二零一零年十一月
目录 .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 开合安装式电流互感器简介............................................................................................................................................................. 2 开合安装式电流互感器产品明细..................................................................................................................................................... 3


① 首先按密码设置 先按密码设置方 密码设置方法设置密码 ② 第 1 组参数中 参数之后的参数 参数之后的参数, 之后的参数,在密码设置完成后,按 键可选择 ③ 其它组的参数, 不松开,顺序进入各参数组, 顺序进入各参数组,仪表显 其它组的参数,通过按住设置键 不松开, 示该组第 1 个参数的符号 ④ 进入需要设置的参数所在组后, 进入需要设置的参数所在组后,按 键顺序循环选择本组需设置的参数 ⑤ 按 键调出当前参数的原设定值, 键调出当前参数的原设定值,闪烁位为修改位 ⑥ 通过 键移动修改位, 键移动修改位, 键增值, 键增值, 键减值, 键减值,将参数修改为需要的值 ★ 以符号形式表示参数值的参数, 以符号形式表示参数值的参数,在修改时, 在修改时,闪烁位应处于末位。 ⑦ 按 键存入修改好的参数, 键存入修改好的参数,并转到下一参数 重复④ 重复④ ~ ⑦步,可设置本组的其它参数。 可设置本组的其它参数。 退出设置:在显示参数符号时 不松开,直到退出参数的设置状态。 直到退出参数的设置状态。 在显示参数符号时, 参数符号时,按住设置键 不松开,
广州众 广州众为自动化 自动化科技有限公司 科技有限公司
使 用
单通道热工表 单通道热工表 ZDM-CH 系列

96 48
× 尺寸的仪表
名 称 操 ④左 键 作 键 ⑤ 增加键 ⑥ 减小键

72 72
为了您的安全, 为了您的安全,在使用前请阅读以下内容
× 尺寸的仪表
请不要使用在原子能设备、 请不要使用在原子能设备、医疗器械等与生命相关的设备上。 医疗器械等与生命相关的设备上。 本仪表没有电源保险丝, 本仪表没有电源保险丝,请在本仪表电源供电回路中设置保险丝等安全断路器件。 请在本仪表电源供电回路中设置保险丝等安全断路器件。 请不要在本产品所提供的规格范围之外使用。 请不要在本产品所提供的规格范围之外使用。 请不要使用在易燃易爆的场所。 请不要使用在易燃易爆的场所。 请避免安装在发热量大的仪表( 请避免安装在发热量大的仪表(加热器、 加热器、变压器、 变压器、大功率电阻 大功率电阻)的正上方。 的正上方。



LED照明专业术语中英文对照1 backplane 背板2 Band gap voltage reference 带隙电压参考3 benchtop supply 工作台电源4 Block Diagram 方块图5 Bode Plot 波特图6 Bootstrap 自举7 Bottom FET Bottom FET8 bucket capcitor 桶形电容9 chassis 机架10 Combi-sense Combi-sense11 constant current source 恒流源12 Core Sataration 铁芯饱和13 crossover frequency 交叉频率14 current ripple 纹波电流15 Cycle by Cycle 逐周期16 cycle skipping 周期跳步17 Dead Time 死区时间18 DIE Temperature 核心温度19 Disable 非使能,无效,禁用,关断20 dominant pole 主极点21 Enable 使能,有效,启用22 ESD Rating ESD额定值23 Evaluation Board 评估板24 Exceeding the specifications below may result in perman ent damage to the device, or device malfunction. Operation outside of the parameters specified in the Electrical Characte ristics section is not implied.超过下面的规格使用可能引起永久的设备损害或设备故障。


25 Failling edge 下降沿26 figure of merit 品质因数27 float charge voltage 浮充电压28 flyback power stage 反驰式功率级29 forward voltage drop 前向压降30 free-running 自由运行31 Freewheel diode 续流二极管32 Full load 满负载33 gate drive 栅极驱动34 gate drive stage 栅极驱动级35 gerber plot Gerber 图36 ground plane 接地层37 Henry 电感单位:亨利38 Human Body Model 人体模式39 Hysteresis 滞回40 inrush current 涌入电流41 Inverting 反相42 jittery 抖动43 Junction 结点44 Kelvin connection 开尔文连接45 Lead Frame 引脚框架46 Lead Free 无铅47 level-shift 电平移动48 Line regulation 电源调整率49 load regulation 负载调整率50 Lot Number 批号51 Low Dropout 低压差52 Miller 密勒53 node 节点54 Non-Inverting 非反相55 novel 新颖的56 off state 关断状态57 Operating supply voltage 电源工作电压58 out drive stage 输出驱动级59 Out of Phase 异相60 Part Number 产品型号61 pass transistor pass transistor62 P-channel MOSFET P沟道MOSFET63 Phase margin 相位裕度64 Phase Node 开关节点65 portable electronics 便携式电子设备66 power down 掉电67 Power Good 电源正常68 Power Groud 功率地69 Power Save Mode 节电模式70 Power up 上电71 pull down 下拉72 pull up 上拉73 Pulse by Pulse 逐脉冲(Pulse by Pulse)74 push pull converter 推挽转换器75 ramp down 斜降76 ramp up 斜升77 redundant diode 冗余二极管78 resistive divider 电阻分压器79 ringing 振铃80 ripple current 纹波电流81 rising edge 上升沿82 sense resistor 检测电阻83 Sequenced Power Supplys 序列电源84 shoot-through 直通,同时导通85 stray inductances. 杂散电感86 sub-circuit 子电路87 substrate 基板88 Telecom 电信89 Thermal Information 热性能信息90 thermal slug 散热片91 Threshold 阈值92 timing resistor 振荡电阻93 Top FET Top FET94 Trace 线路,走线,引线95 Transfer function 传递函数96 Trip Point 跳变点97 turns ratio 匝数比,=Np / Ns。

LME73 中文说明书

LME73 中文说明书
Equipment quick guide.
Guía rápida del aparato.
Guide rapide de l’appareillage
Cihazın hızlı kılavuzu.
Краткий справочник по оборудованию.
快速指南 设备
Standby Tempo di attesa
Valvola di sicurezza (SV) ON, Pressostato aria (LP) in posizione di non carico / controllo; POC CHIUSO
Motore ventola (M) ON Tempo di apertura attuatore (impostazione di attesa) Pressostato aria a tempo speci cato (LP) messaggio di stato (impostazione di attesa), stabilizzatore Tempo di preventilazione (test senza luce estranea) *1
Rilevazione amma Intervallo: termine tempo sicurezza (TSA) rilascio del controllore di carico (LR) Rchiesta controllo di carico (LR) APERTO Punto di commutazione valvola combustibile 2 (V2) ON attraverso attuatore (SA) Raggiungimento amma alta

Moxa MGate MB3170 MB3270 系列 Modbus 閘道器说明书

Moxa MGate MB3170 MB3270 系列 Modbus 閘道器说明书

MGate MB3170/MB3270系列1和2埠進階序列轉乙太網路Modbus閘道器特色與優點•支援自動裝置路由以簡化配置•透過TCP埠或IP位置支援路由以便靈活部署•最多可連接32台Modbus TCP server•最多可連接31或62個Modbus RTU/ASCII slave•最多可以有32個Modbus TCP client存取(為每個Master保留32個Modbus要求)•支援Modbus串列Master與Modbus串列Slave的通訊•內建乙太網路串聯,易於佈線•10/100BaseTX(RJ45)或100BaseFX(單模或多模的SC/ST連接器)•具備緊急要求通道,可確保QoS控制•內嵌式Modbus流量監控,易於進行故障排除•串列埠皆具備2kV光電隔離保護(「-I」型號適用)•支援-40至75°C寬操作溫度型號可供選用•提供備援雙DC電源輸入與1個繼電器輸出認證簡介MGate MB3170和MB3270分別是1和2埠Modbus閘道器,用於Modbus TCP、ASCII和RTU通訊協定之間轉換。



MGate MB3170和MB3270系列閘道器可由多達32個TCP master/client存取,或是可連接至多達32個TCP從slave/server。

可透過IP位址、TCP連接埠號碼或是ID mapping控制串列埠的路由。



無需修改Modbus RTU/ASCII網路或軟體即可整合TCP MasterMB3270可以將Modbus TCP與Modbus RTU/ASCII整合,而且無需修改現有Modbus RTU/ASCII架構或軟體。













1.2装箱清单光纤光栅解调仪主机x1铝合金包装箱x1电源线x1检测报告x1合格证x1使用说明书x1 1.3产品规格指标1.4产品内部结构示意图外接传感器光学系统电路系统工控机(windows)外接键、鼠、显示器与通讯网络1.5对外接口光纤FC 接口用于连接传感器网口对外通讯AC220V 电源口USB主要用于接鼠标键盘、U 盘VGA 或HDMI 主要用于内置工控机时接显示器1.6相比于同类产品的优势【设备信噪比高】下图为本产品与同行产品的对比,在外接相同传感器、相同条件下运行,本产品的波长白噪声约为±1pm,同行的产品白噪声达到±15pm(对外宣称指标为1pm精度)。


SENTRON 7KM PAC3200 电能计量仪产品说明书

SENTRON 7KM PAC3200 电能计量仪产品说明书

Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
National language / on the display screen / is supported Horizontal image resolution Vertical screen resolution
General technical data Cutout width Cutout height Size of Power Monitoring Device / company-specific Operating mode for measured value detection ● automatic line frequency detection ● set at 50 Hz ● set to 60 Hz Pulse duration ● initial value ● Full-scale value
Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
Voltage curve Measurable line frequency / initial value Measurable line frequency / Full-scale value Measuring procedure / for voltage measurement MTBF Equipment marking / acc. to DIN 40719 extended according to IEC 204-2 / acc. to IEC 750
45 Hz 65 Hz DC CATIII



用于Peltier模块的集成温度控制器概论MAX1978 / MAX1979是用于Peltier热电冷却器(TEC)模块的最小, 最安全, 最精确完整的单芯片温度控制器。

片上功率FET和热控制环路电路可最大限度地减少外部元件, 同时保持高效率。

可选择的500kHz / 1MHz开关频率和独特的纹波消除方案可优化元件尺寸和效率, 同时降低噪声。

内部MOSFET的开关速度经过优化, 可降低噪声和EMI。


直接控制输出电流而不是电压, 以消除电流浪涌。


MAX1978采用单电源供电, 通过在两个同步降压调节器的输出之间偏置TEC, 提供双极性±3A输出。

真正的双极性操作控制温度, 在低负载电流下没有“死区”或其他非线性。

当设定点非常接近自然操作点时, 控制系统不会捕获, 其中仅需要少量的加热或冷却。

模拟控制信号精确设置TEC 电流。


提供斩波稳定的仪表放大器和高精度积分放大器, 以创建比例积分(PI)或比例积分微分(PID)控制器。

仪表放大器可以连接外部NTC或PTC热敏电阻, 热电偶或半导体温度传感器。


此外, 单独的过热和欠温输出表明当TEC温度超出范围时。


MAX1978 / MAX1979采用薄型48引脚薄型QFN-EP 封装, 工作在-40°C至+ 85°C温度范围。




WDM, DWDM激光二极管温度控制光纤网络设备EDFA光放大器电信光纤接口ATE特征♦尺寸最小, 最安全, 最精确完整的单芯片控制器♦片上功率MOSFET-无外部FET♦电路占用面积<0.93in2♦回路高度<3mm♦温度稳定性为0.001°C♦集成精密积分器和斩波稳定运算放大器♦精确, 独立的加热和冷却电流限制♦通过直接控制TEC电流消除浪涌♦可调节差分TEC电压限制♦低纹波和低噪声设计♦TEC电流监视器♦温度监控器♦过温和欠温警报♦双极性±3A输出电流(MAX1978)♦单极性+ 6A输出电流(MAX1979)订购信息* EP =裸焊盘。



当采煤机工作在大倾角工作面时,需配备能量再生单元,与变频器 配合工作。

3 部件组成.................................................................................................................................. 15 3.1 安装与接线.............................................................................................................16 3.1.1 系统安装.......................................................................................................... 16 3.1.2 电缆系统.......................................................................................................... 16 3.2 外观与结构.............................................................................................................17 3.2.1 电控箱.............................................................................................................. 18 3.2.2 调速箱.............................................................................................................. 24 3.2.3 箱外电气系统.................................................................................................. 27 3.3 主机显示单元 .........................................................................................................31 3.3.1 屏幕显示.......................................................................................................... 31 3.3.2 LED 指示灯...................................................................................................... 32 3.4 变频器显示单元......................................................................................................33 3.4.1 变频器数字操作器.......................................................................................... 34

金典时代项目 PRE-73 Jr MKII 微机预增强器说明书

金典时代项目 PRE-73 Jr MKII 微机预增强器说明书

PRE-73 Jr MKIIINTRODUCTIONCongratulations on choosing the Golden Age Project PRE-73 Jr MKII microphone preamplifier!The PRE-73 Jr MKII is a one-channel vintage style microphone- and instrument preamplifier. The signal pathuses only discrete components like resistors, capacitors and transistors. The in- and output is transformerbalanced, using two different transformers, each one optimized for its purpose. This is the way audio compo-nents were built before integrated circuits became available.Integrated circuits are small and cheap and widely used in most modern designs. It is clear though that audiocomponents built with modern technology doesn´t always provide the best perceived sound quality or the type of character that the modern user desires.On the contrary, the subjective sound quality delivered by vintage equipment is often prefered over the onedelivered by modern units, a situation that is even more obvious now when music is recorded with clean-sounding digital audio equipment.This is the reason why so many vintage audio components are cloned and produced again and also why thevintage originals are often very expensive on the second hand market.The circuit used in the PRE-73 Jr MKII is similar to the preamp section in the classical 1073 module with acorresponding sound character that is warm, punchy, sweet and musical. These classic characteristics havebeen heard on countless recordings through the years and it is a versatile sound that works very well onmost sound sources and in most genres.The essence of this sound is now available at a surprisingly low cost, making it available to nearly everyone.FEATURES- Vintage Style class-A electronics. No integrated circuits in the signal path. No surface mount components.- GAIN switch range 20 - 70 dB.- Selectable two position high frequency AIR boost eq, 3 or 6 dB @ 30 kHz.- Selectable 6 dB/octave two frequency high pass filter at around 40 (HP1) and 170 Hz (HP2).- Switchable phantom power and absolute phase.- A high-impedance instrument input for any sound module, electric guitar or bass.- A simple signal LED indicator.- The output level control makes it possible to do fine gain adjustments and also to overload the main gain stage for more character and thenlower the signal to a suitable level before the output stage.- Combo XLR/TRS input jack and separate output XLR and TRS jacks for flexible connections.- Insert jack for inserting EQ´s and other units.- The circuit board is prepared for the Carnhill input transformer.- External power supply to avoid interaction with the audio circuits and transformers.- The small format makes it possible to mount 4 units in our 19-inch rack kit, the UNITE MKII.- A solid build quality that will last many years of normal use.W W W.G O L D E N A G E P R O J E C T.C O M ICIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONThe signal first enters the inputtransformer. The primary of thetransformer has two windingsthat are connected in series whichresults in an input impedance of1200 Ohms which is suitable formost mics.The transformer is followed by the main gain stage using only three transistors.The signal then goes to the insert jack and from there on to theoutput level potentiometer and then to the output stage. This stage again only uses three transistors, the last one in the chain is a hefty 2N3055 power transistor run in class-A mode, driving the output transformer.So, all in all, the complete signal chain only contains a maximum of six active elements. Compare that to the big number of transistors that are usually used in one single integrated circuit!MODERN VERSUS OLDIt is true that there are some great IC´s available today that achieves very low levels of static and dynamic distortion. The simple circuits that the PRE-73 Jr MKII uses, and even more so the transformers, cannot match the low distortion specifications of modern IC´s.It is the distortion components that imparts a sound char-acter to the audio signal and, if the distortion components are of the right type, this is a good thing since it makes the recorded voice or instrument sound “better”, more musical, more pleasing to the ear. This is one reason why vintage style units are so popular today.This is not to suggest that modern, transparent sounding audio circuits is a bad thing, sometimes they are prefered over colored ones. It´s all about taste and it depends on the genre. For most modern music styles, color and character is definitely a good thing.And doesn´t it feel good to use audio components built according to the old, minimalistic approach where one can follow the signal from one discrete component to another? USING THE PRE-73 Jr MKIIUsing a preamplifier is not rocket science. Here are some points though to help you getting the maximum out of the PRE-73 Jr MKII:- Connect the cable from the power supply to the 24V AC connector at the back of the PRE-73 Jr MKII. Power on the unit with the POWER switch on the back panel.- Connect your microphone to the input XLR/TRS combo jack on the back panel.- Engage one of the positions of the High Pass filter if you want to roll off the lower frequency range. Set the switch in the center position to remove the high pass filter from the signal path.- Engage one of the two positions of the AIR eq boost if you want to add some level in the upper frequency range. The center of the boost is at around 30 kHz. The switch center position = OFF.- If you want the smallest amount of coloration, always set the OUTPUT level potentiometer at or close to maximum and adjust the output level with the stepped GAIN switch. - If you want more character, turn the OUTPUT level poten-tiometer counterclock-wise and increase the gain with theGAIN switch. This will drive the input gain stage harder and provoke more character from it.- You can also overdrive the output stage and the output transformer for even more character, but you will then usu-ally need a level control after the PRE-73 Jr MKII in order to reduce the level to the appropiate one. This level control can be a passive damping device (like the Shure A15AS XLR switchable pad) or an input level control in the unit follow-ing the PRE-73 Jr MKII.The Shure A15AS is also useful for reducing the ouput level if the PRE-73 Jr MKII is connected to a unit that has a standard operating level of -10 dBu. The standard operating level of the PRE-73 Jr MKII is +4 dBu, the output level into a 600 ohm load will be about 1,23V.- Instruments can be connected to the TRS input at the front which has an input impedance of about 100 kohm. Press the DI switch to engage this input. A source at the back can remain connected.- Engage the +48V phantom power for any mic that needs it. It is a good procedure to always disengage the phantom power and wait for about 10 seconds before unplugging the mic.- The phase switch simply reverses the phase by revers-ing the wires from the secondary winding of the output transformer. Reversing the phase of the signal is useful on a number of occasions, one example is phase reversing the the lower mic of a snare drum to make it sum in phase with the upper mic.- There is an unbalanced Insert jack located at the back panel where you can insert equalizers and other external effect units that has an operating level of about -10 dbu to -18dBu.Send is on “tip” and return on “ring”.WARRANTYThe PRE-73 Jr MKII is built to last. But as in any electronic device, components can break down.There is a 1,0A slow blow fuse located inside the unit. If the unit dies, please check this fues. If it has blown, replace it with a new one. You can also try with another 24V AC adap-tor if you have one available.If this doesn´t help, or if the unit has another problem, it will need repair and you should then contact the reseller where you bought the unit.The warranty period is decided by the Distributor for your country. The Distributor will support Golden Age Project resellers and end users with repairs and spare parts.REGISTRATIONYou are welcome to register your unit at our website: ---------------------------I would like to thank you for chosing thePRE-73 Jr MKII!I hope it will serve you well and that it will help youin making many great sounding recordings.Bo MedinVintage character for modern ideas!W W W.G O L D E N A G E P R O J E C T.C O M。



3.2 元件说明 ................................................................................................................................. 9 3.2.1 电阻 .. (9)绪论电磁振荡在周围的空气产生周期性变化的电厂和磁场向四面八方传播开去,就形成了电磁波。









1 系统原理。

常用的调制方法有幅度(AM )、频率(FM )、相位(PM )以及它们混共等调制方法。


设调制信号为)(t f ,载波信号为)cos()(0θω+=t A t c c 式中A 为载波的幅度;c ω为载波的角频率;0θ为载波的出相位。

载波经模拟信号调制后的数字表达式为))(cos()()(0θϕω++=t t t A t s c 式中)(t A 为载波瞬时幅度;)(t ϕ为载波的相位偏移;如果)(t ϕ为常数,)(t A 随)(t f 成比例变化,则为幅度调制;如果)(t A 为常数,)(t ϕ或)(t ϕ的导数随)(t f 成比例变化,则为角度调制,前者为相位调制,后者为频率调制。



INSTALLATION AND SERVICE INSTRUCTIONSiemensEnergy & AutomationSD73Rev 12December 2005Supersedes Rev 11MODEL 73N BUILT-IN VALVE POSITIONERThe Model 73N is a Built-in Valve Positioner which is mounted directly on the topworks of a valve. It is capable of utilizing the full force of its air supply to drive the piston or diaphragm, in a pneumatic actuator, to a position called for by the control instrument. The positioner incorporates a single-axis force-balance principle of operation to insure accurate and stable positioning of a control valve.MODEL DESIGNATION73N 12 F Basic Model NumberInput Span – psigSpecial Feaures F — Fast response R — Reverse acting E — Tapped Exhaust USM — U.S. Electrical Motors TypeFast Response: The fast response positioner is used on actuators with large volume topworks requiring a fastresponse action. Due to increased pilot plunger travel and larger ports in the fast response positioner, greater filling and exhausting capacities result. This permits a quicker response to a change in control conditions, plus increased speed of valve operation.Tapped Exhaust: The Model 73N Positioner can be ordered with a tapped exhaust port. This feature permits piping of the pilot exhaust to a safe atmosphere on applications where noxious gases are used as a control medium instead of air.USM: On actuators with small topworks and a low volume, a special hi-response positioner may be used. This positioner is denoted by the letters USM in the model number. There is no bleed on this model due to the low volume. A special valve plunger is used to ensure fast response for close control.GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSInstrument Input Pressure Range...................3-15, 3-9, 9-15, and 3-27 psigSupply Pressure Minimum................................................3 psi above required actuator pressure Maximum...............................................100 psiAir Consumption...........................................0.25 SCFM (in balance condition with 20 psi supply and 9 psi deadended output)Valve TravelMinimum................................................1/4" Maximum...............................................4"Ambient Temperature Limits........................-40°C to +82°C (-40°F to +180°F)SD73INSTALLATIONRefer to Figure 1 for mounting dimensions and connections. A centering washer (customer provided) which fits the I.D. of the range spring should be used. This acts as a spring seat and keeps the spring from shifting.Mounting hardware is included with the positioner in a plastic bag numbered 10448-88. It contains (6) mounting screws and washers, (1) range spring seat and (1) gasket.CAUTIONExceeding the specified ambient temperature limits can adversely affect performanceand may cause the positioner to fail.1.Place centering washer on the actuator's diaphragm or piston.2.Place the positioner range spring on the center of the actuator diaphragm or piston.3.Place the gasket on the mounting flange of the actuator top works. Substitute the P/N 10636-59 centeringdiaphragm for the gasket if the P/N 12388-6412 or 12395-6412 range spring is used.4.Place the positioner range spring seat on the center nut of the positioner diaphragm assembly.5.Hold the spring seat and guide the positioner and seat onto the range spring.6.Orient the positioner for desired location of connections.7.Insert mounting screws and washers and tighten screws.PNEUMATIC CONNECTIONS1.All connections are 1/4" NPT.2.The piping recommended for the positioner is 1/4" O.D. tubing for the INSTRUMENT (input) connection and3/8" O.D. tubing for the supply connection. However, any scale-free piping may be used.3.Blow out all piping before connections are made to prevent dirt, chips, etc., from entering the positioner.e pipe sealant sparingly and then only on the male threads. A non-hardening sealant is stronglyrecommended.5.Connect the positioner to a source of clean, dry, oil-free instrument air supply (see INSTRUMENT AIRREQUIREMENTS).CAUTIONPressure in excess of 150 psig to any connection may cause damage.INSTRUMENT AIR REQUIREMENTSConnect the positioner to a source of clean, dry, oil-free supply air. Failure to do so will increase the possibility of a malfunction or deviation from specified performance.CAUTIONthe suitability of this product for use with other process fluids, such as hazardous gases,except as listed on the appropriate certificate. Non-approved instruments are suitable foruse with instrument air only. Optional features and modifications such as tapped exhaust donot imply suitability for use with hazardous gases except as listed on the approvalcertificate.CAUTIONSynthetic compressor lubricants in the air stream at the instrument may cause the positionerto fail.SD73There are many types of synthetic lubricants. Some may not be compatible with the materials used in the construction of the positioner. Wetting of these materials by such an oil mist or oil vapor, etc., may cause them to deteriorate. This may ultimately result in failure of the positioner. The following materials are in contact with supply air: Aluminum, Brass, Stainless Steel, Neoprene and Buna-N.The requirements for a quality air supply can be found in the Instrument Society of America's "Quality Standard for Instrument Air" (ISA-S7.3). Basically this standard calls for the following:Particle Size — Maximum particle size in the air stream should be no larger than 3 microns.Figure 1 Installation Dimensions and ConnectionsSD73Dew Point — Dew point at line pressure should be at least 10°C (18°F) below the minimum temperature to which any part of the instrument air system is exposed at any season of the year. Under no circumstances should the dew point at line pressure exceed 2°C (35.6°F).Oil Content — Maximum total oil or hydrocarbon content, exclusive of non-condensables, should not exceed 1 ppm under normal operating conditions.CAUTIONExceeding the specified ambient temperature limits can adversely affect performance andmay cause damage.ADJUSTMENTThe only adjustment that can be made on the positioner is a zero adjustment. The zero adjusting screw is located under the positioner top cover.To adjust the zero, set the instrument pressure to the midpoint of its span, and turn the zero adjustment until the valve is at the mid-point of its stroke.In some cases, valve shut-off or opening may be required at a specific instrument pressure. To zero the positioner at this point, set the instrument pressure at the specific pressure and turn the zero adjustment screw until the valve reaches the required position.A slight change of the instrument pressure should start to move the valve.The valve stroke for a given span may also be suppressed or shifted to the desired range by means of the zero adjusting screw.RANGE SPRING SELECTIONRange springs for the positioner are selected from the table in Figure 2. Color coding of the range springs is given by the table in Figure 3.To find the proper spring, select the stroke listed which most nearly agrees with the desired stroke, and the pressure span which most nearly agrees with the desired span. The proper spring will be found at the intersection of these two columns.Series 4090 and 12395 range springs are available for stroke range tolerances of ±10%. Series 12388 range springs are available, at extra cost, for stroke range tolerances of ±5%.SD73Input Pressure Span (see Special Notes below)4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 24 Valve StrokeItem No. of Range Spring Series 12395 Series +/- 5% stroke range tolerance(inches)1/4 1212 1012 812 612 512 412 624 524 4245/16 1812 1212 1012 712 612 512 824 624 5243/8 1812 1412 1212 1012 712 612 1024 724 6247/16 2012 1812 1412 1012 812 712 1024 824 7241/2 2412 2012 1612 1212 1012 812 1224 1024 8249/16 2812 2012 1812 1412 1012 1012 1424 10245/8 3212 2412 2012 1612 1212 1012 1624 1224 10243/4 3612 2812 2412 1812 1412 1212 1464 12247/8 4412 3612 2812 2012 1812 1412 2024 1624 14241 4812 4012 3212 2412 2012 1612 2424 2024 16241-1/8 5612 4412 3612 2812 2012 1812 20241-1/4 6412 4812 4012 3212 2412 2012 2824 2424 20241-1/2 6412 4812 3612 2812 2412 4024 2824 24241-5/8 6412 4812 4012 3212 2612 4024 32241-3/4 6412 5612 4412 3612 2812 4024 3224 28242 6412 4812 4012 3212 4824 4024 32243612 40242-1/4 6412 5612 44124012 4824402448122-1/2 641248244412 482448122-3/4 64124812 4824 3 64123-1/2 56124 6412Special Notes:1) All range springs are identified as Part No. (P/N) 12395-______(# from table)2)Inputpressurespan=******************–(minus)pressure@mininput,e.g.@3-15psigrange=@12psig spanSpring Selection:1) Find valve stroke nearest desired valve stroke.2) Find instrument input pressure span nearest desired instrument input pressure span.3) Select proper range spring at intersection of valve stroke and instrument input pressure span columns.Springs purchased with models are quoted as model discounts all others get spare parts pricing.Notes:1) The maximum zero pressure for the Model 73N12F is 9 psig when the 12395 series range spring is used.2) The maximum zero pressure for the Model 73N24F is 15 psig for instrument pressure spans of 16 psi or greaterand 28 psig when used for spans of 12 psi or less.3) The maximum instrument pressure for the Model 73N-FR is 15 psig for instrument pressure spans of 12 psi orless and 27 psi for spans of 16 psi or greater.Figure 2 Range Spring IndexSD73Clean, dry, oil-free instrument air will reduce mostproblems associated with pneumatic instruments.Refer to INSTRUMENT AIR REQUIREMENTS.If these requirements are observed, no routinemaintenance is recommended. Cleaning theplunger is to only maintenance which may berequired on an occasional basis.The system should be shut down or the valveisolated from the system before service or removalof the positioner is accomplished.CLEANING (Refer to parts list)The plunger can be cleaned without dismantlingthe positioner. Use the following procedure:1.Turn off the supply air.2.Remove the positioner top cover.3.Remove the retaining nut.4.Remove the plunger.e a non-abrasive solvent to clean theplunger.6.Replace the plunger.7.Replace and tighten the retaining nut.8.Replace the top cover.DISASSEMBLY (Refer to parts list)1.Loosen the six socket head mounting screwsholding the positioner to the actuator.2.Remove the positioner.3.Remove the two body screws holding thediaphragm stack assembly to the positionerbody (located on the underside of the stack).4.The diaphragm stack assembly can be furtherdisassembled by removing the diaphragm jamnut.ASSEMBLY (Refer to parts list)To assemble, reverse the disassembly procedures.Take care to insure proper alignment of thediaphragms and rings. When tightening the jam nuton the diaphragm assembly, make sure theFigure 3 Range and Zero Spring Color Codesdiaphragms do not rotate out of position.An alignment slot is provided on the rings tofacilitate proper assembly.SD73Figure 4 Schematic – Direct ActingFigure 5 Schematic – Reverse ActingSD73PRODUCT SUPPORTThis section provides the Internet site addresses, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, and related information for customers to access Siemens product support.When contacting Siemens for support: •Please have complete product information at hand:• For hardware, this information is provided on the product nameplate (part number or model number, serial number, and/or version).•For most software, this information is given in the Help > About screen.•If there is a problem with product operation:• Is the problem intermittent or repeatable? What symptoms have been observed?• What steps, configuration changes, loop modifications, etc. were performed before the problem occurred?• What status messages, error messages, or LED indications are displayed? • What troubleshooting steps have been performed?•Is the installation environment (e.g. temperature, humidity) within the product’s specified operating parameters? For software, does the PC meet or exceed the minimum requirements (e.g. processor, memory, operating system)?•A copy of the product Service Instruction, User’s Manual, or other technical literature should be at hand. The Siemens public Internet site (see the table) has current revisions of technical literature, in Portable Document Format, for downloading.• To send an instrument to Siemens for repair, request a Return Material Authorization (RMA).IMPORTANTAn instrument must be thoroughly cleaned (decontaminated) to remove any process materials, hazardous materials, or blood born pathogens prior to return for repair. Read and complete the Siemens RMA form(s).Contact InformationTelephone +1 800 569 2132, option 2 for Siemens and Moore brand instruments Fax +1 215 646 3547E-mail**********************.com Hours of Operation 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. eastern time Monday – Friday (except holidays) Public Internet Site /ia/United States of AmericaRepair Service+1 215 646 7400 extension 3187For contact information outside the U.S.A., visit the Siemens public Internet site (see the above table for the URL), locate “Customer Support Process Instrumentation,” and click on the Contact Tech Support link to access the Global Support link.Current revisions of instructions and manuals, in Portable Document Format (PDF), can be found at the Siemens public Internet site.SD73 WARRANTY(a) Seller warrants that on the date of shipment the goods are of the kind and quality described herein andare free of non-conformities in workmanship and material. This warranty does not apply to goodsdelivered by Seller but manufactured by others.(b) Buyer's exclusive remedy for a nonconformity in any item of the goods shall be the repair or thereplacement (at Seller's option) of the item and any affected part of the goods. Seller’s obligation to repairor replace shall be in effect for a period of one (1) year from initial operation of the goods but not morethan eighteen (18) months from Seller’s shipment of the goods, provided Buyer has sent written noticewithin that period of time to Seller that the goods do not conform to the above warranty. Repaired and replacement parts shall be warranted for the remainder of the original period of notification set forth above,but in no event less than 12 months from repair or replacement. At its expense, Buyer shall remove andship to Seller any such nonconforming items and shall reinstall the repaired or replaced parts. Buyer shallgrant Seller access to the goods at all reasonable times in order for Seller to determine any nonconformityin the goods. Seller shall have the right of disposal of items replaced by it. If Seller is unable or unwillingto repair or replace, or if repair or replacement does not remedy the nonconformity, Seller and Buyer shall negotiate an equitable adjustment in the contract price, which may include a full refund of the contractprice for the nonconforming goods.(c) SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE. SPECIFICALLY, IT DISCLAIMS THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, COURSE OF DEALING AND USAGE OF TRADE.(d) Buyer and successors of Buyer are limited to the remedies specified in this article and shall have noothers for a nonconformity in the goods. Buyer agrees that these remedies provide Buyer and its successorswith a minimum adequate remedy and are their exclusive remedies, whether Buyer's or its successors’remedies are based on contract, warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability, indemnity, or anyother legal theory, and whether arising out of warranties, representations, instructions, installations, or non-conformities from any cause.(e) Note: The above does not apply to any software which may be furnished by Seller. In such cases, the attached Software License Addendum applies.SD73PARTS LISTSIEMENS MODEL SERIES 73N BUILT-IN VALVE POSITIONERDrawing No. 10636PL 3/91 Supersedes 8/88IMPORTANTService Parts Kits are available for servicing the instrument. Contact Siemens for available kits; refer to the Product Support section of this instruction. Some parts in this Parts List may not be available for separate purchase.SD73 11PARTS LISTSIEMENS MODEL SERIES 73N12FUSM BUILT-IN VALVE POSITIONERIMPORTANTService Parts Kits are available for servicing the instrument. Contact Siemens for available kits; refer to the Product Support section of this instruction. Some parts in this Parts List may not be available for separate purchase. Drawing No. 10976PL3/91 Supersedes 5/86。

浙江恒旺精密设备有限公司 B16N 系列 FloClean 三叶草端钻孔罩用户手册说明书

浙江恒旺精密设备有限公司 B16N 系列 FloClean 三叶草端钻孔罩用户手册说明书

Turbine Flow MeterB16N Series FloClean Tri-Clover End FittingTRB-UM-02253-EN-02 (October 2018)User ManualTurbine Flow Meter, B16N Series FloClean Tri-Clover End FittingCONTENTSScope of This Manual 3 Unpacking and Inspection 3 Safety3 Terminology and Symbols 3 Considerations 3 Introduction 4 Operating Principle 4 Installation 5 Plumbing 5 Wiring 7 Operational Startup9 Meter Repair And Cleaning 9 Repair Kits 9 Turbine Repair Kits Part Numbers 9 Service Procedures 10 B16N Series Turbine Installation 11 Troubleshooting Guide 12 Specifications13 FloClean Flow Rate Chart 13 Dimensions and Drawing 14 Model Numbers 15TRB-UM-02253-EN-02Page 2 October 2018SCOPE OF THIS MANUALThis manual is intended to help you get the FloClean Meter up and running quicklyMPORTANTI Read this manual carefully before attempting any installation or operation. Keep the manual accessible for future reference.UNPACKING AND INSPECTIONUpon opening the shipping container, visually inspect the product and applicable accessories for any physical damage such as scratches, loose or broken parts, or any other sign of damage that may have occurred during shipmentOTEE:N If damage is found, request an inspection by the carrier’s agent within 48 hours of delivery and file a claim with thecarrier A claim for equipment damage in transit is the sole responsibility of the purchaserSAFETYTerminology and SymbolsIndicates a hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, is estimated to be capable of causing death orserious personal injuryIndicates a hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result in severe personal injury or deathIndicates a hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, is estimated to be capable of causing minor or moderate personal injury or damage to propertyConsiderationsThe installation of the FloClean Meter must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local rules, regulations, and codesEXPLOSION HAZARD - SUBSTITUTION OF COMPONENTS MAY IMPAIR SUITABILITY FOR CLASS I, DIVISION 2.RISQUE D’EXPLOSION - LA SUBSTITUTION DE COMPOSANTS PEUT RENDRE CEMATÉRIEL INACCCEPTABLE POUR LESEMPLACEMENTS DE CLASSE I, DIVISION 2.DO NOT CONNECT OR DISCONNECT EITHER POWER OR OUTPUTS UNLESS THE AREA IS KNOWN TO BE NON-HAZARDOUS.RISQUE D’EXPLOSION. NE PAS DÉBRANCHER TANT QUE LE CIRCUIT EST SOUSTENSION, À MOINS QU’LL NE S’AGISSE D’UN EMPLACEMENT NON DANGEREUX.MPORTANTI Not following instructions properly may impair safety of equipment and/or personnel.Scope of This ManualPage 3October 2018TRB-UM-02253-EN-02IntroductionINTRODUCTIONThe Blancett FloClean turbine flow meter is designed with wear-resistant moving parts for trouble-free operation and long service life The durable 316L stainless steel construction is a cost efficient flow measurement system that offers excellent accuracy and repeatability The FloClean turbine meter repair kit is designed for easy field service of a damaged flow meter, rather than replacing the entire flow meter See “Repair Kits” on page 9 for informationOPERATING PRINCIPLEFluid entering the meter passes through the inlet flow straightener, which reduces its turbulent flow pattern and improves the fluid’s velocity profile Fluid then passes through the turbine, causing it to rotate at a speed proportional to the fluid velocity As each turbine blade passes through the magnetic field, the blade generates an AC voltage pulse in the pickup coil at the base of the magnetic pickup These pulses produce an output frequency proportional to the volumetric flow through themeter The output frequency represents flow rate and/or totalization of fluid passing through the turbine flow meterFigure 1: Operating principleTRB-UM-02253-EN-02Page 4 October 2018Installation INSTALLATIONTHE METER SHOULD NOT BE SUBJECTED TO TEMPERATURES ABOVE 300° F (149° C), BELOW –150° F (–101° C) OR THEFREEZING POINT OF THE METERED LIQUID. HIGH TEMPERATURES WILL DAMAGE THE MAGNETIC PICKUP, WHILELOWER TEMPERATURES WILL LIMIT THE ROTATION OF THE ROTOR.INCOMPATIBLE FLUIDS COULD DETERIORATE INTERNAL PARTS AND CAUSE THE METER TO READ INACCURATELY. PlumbingInstall the flow meter with the flow arrow, which is etched on the exterior of the meter body, pointing in the direction of fluid flow Install the meter horizontally with the magnetic pickup facing upwardThe liquid being measured must be free of any large particles that may obstruct spinning of the rotor If particles are present, install a mesh strainerIf small particles are present in the fluid, install a strainer upstream of the meter See Table 1 for filtration recommendations Bore Size Ferrule Size Strainer Size Clearance 3⁄8 in (9 53 mm)0 984 in (24 99 mm)600 0092 in (0 23 mm)1/2 in (12 7 mm)0 984 in (24 99 mm)600 0092 in (0 23 mm)3/4 in (19 05 mm)0 984 in (24 99 mm)600 0092 in (0 23 mm)1/2 in (12 7 mm) 1 984 in (50 39 mm)600 0092 in (0 23 mm)3/4 in (19 05 mm) 1 984 in (50 39 mm)600 0092 in (0 23 mm)7⁄8 in (22 23 mm) 1 984 in (50 39 mm)600 0092 in (0 23 mm)1 in (25 4 mm) 1 984 in (50 39 mm)600 0092 in (0 23 mm)1-1/2 in (38 1 mm) 1 984 in (50 39 mm)200 034 in (0 86 mm)2 in (50 8 mm)3 047 in (77 39 mm)100 065 in (16 51 mm)Table 1: Straighter size recommendationsSevere pulsation and mechanical vibration affects accuracy and shortens the life of the meterInstall a bypass line to accommodate inspection and repair without interrupting flow See Figure 2 If a bypass line cannotbe used, install all control valves or restrictions that may cause the liquid to flash downstream of the flow meter Install aireliminators to make sure that the meter is not incorrectly measuring entrained air or gas See Figure 3 on page 6Figure 2: Installation with bypass lineOctober 2018TRB-UM-02253-EN-02Page 5Install a minimum length of 10 pipe diameters of straight pipe on the upstream side, and 5 diameters on the downstream side of the flow meter The piping should be the same size as the meter bore or threaded port sizeMinimumMinimum Figure 3: Installation without a bypass lineDo not install the flow meter or connection cable close to electric motors, transformers, sparking devices or high voltage lines Do not place connecting cable in the same conduit with wires that furnish power for such devices These devices can induce false signals in the flow meter coil or cable causing the meter to read inaccuratelyDAMAGE CAN BE CAUSED BY STRIKING AN EMPTY METER WITH A HIGH VELOCITY FLOW STREAM.If problems arise with the flow meter and monitor, consult the “Troubleshooting Guide” on page 12 If further problems arise, consult the factoryIf the internal components of the turbine flow meter are damaged, order a turbine meter repair kit See “Repair Kits” on page 9InstallationPage 6 October 2018TRB-UM-02253-EN-02WiringTypical wiring configurations for the pickup options are shown in Figure 4, Figure 5 on page 8, and Figure 6 on page 8Option NumberDescription Number of Pins0NEMA 6 – Magnetic 31NEMA 6 – Magnetic (Amplified)32Non-NEMA 6 – Magnetic 23Non-NEMA 6 – Magnetic (Amplified)34Non-NEMA 6 – Active (4…20 mA)56Non-NEMA 6 – Magnetic (High Temperature)28Non-NEMA 6 – Active (0…5V DC)59No PickupN/A3 - Red/White = Signal2 - Red/Black = Power1 - Green = Common Mag Pickup With Pre-Amp (Socket End)1. Common: Power return2. Power: 12…24 Vdc3. Output Signal: 10V DC Square WavePins3 - Red/White = Unused2 - Red/Black = Signal1 - Green = Signal Standard Mag Pickup (Socket End)1. Signal2. Signal3. UnusedPinsFigure 4: Wiring for NEMA 6 magnetic pickupsInstallationPage 7October 2018TRB-UM-02253-EN-02Pickup Option 3A = PowerB = CommonC = Output SignalPickup Option 2 & 6Standard Ampli ed Mag Pickup B = SignalA - Blue (+) = SignalB - Yellow (-) = SignalB - Black = CommonA - Red = Power (5…30V DC)C - Green or Clear= Output Pulse(0…10V DC)Figure 5: Wiring for non-NEMA 6 magnetic pickupsPickup Option 8Pickup Option 42 - Black = 0...5V DC Output 1 - Red = 10...30V DC3 - White = Ground4 = N/C5 = N/C2 - Black = -4...20 mA 1 - Red = +4...20 mA3 - White = Not Used4 = N/C5 = N/CFigure 6: Wiring for active magnetic pickupsInstallationPage 8 October 2018TRB-UM-02253-EN-02Operational StartupOPERATIONAL STARTUPFollow this procedure to start the meter:MAKE SURE THAT FLUID FLOW HAS BEEN SHUT OFF AND PRESSURE IN THE LINE RELEASED BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO INSTALL THE METER IN AN EXISTING SYSTEM.1 After installing the meter, close the isolation valves and open the bypass valve2 Flow liquid through the bypass valve for sufficient time to eliminate any air or gas in the flow line3 Open the upstream isolating valve slowly to eliminate hydraulic shock while charging the meter with the liquidOpen the valve to full open4HIGH VELOCITY AIR OR GAS MAY DAMAGE THE INTERNAL COMPONENTS OF THE METER.5 Open the downstream isolating valve so the meter can operate properly6 Close the bypass valve to the fully closed position7 Adjust the downstream valve to provide the required flow rate through the meterOTEE:N The downstream valve may be used as a control valveMETER REPAIR AND CLEANINGRepair KitsEach FloClean repair kit is factory calibrated for accuracy throughout the entire flow range Each kit is complete and includes a new K-factor, which is the calibrated number of pulses generated by each gallon of liquid This K-factor is used to recalibrate the monitor or other electronics for accurate output dataTurbine Repair Kits Part NumbersBore Size Ferrule Size Repair Kit Fits Meter PartNumber Part Number Code Repair Kit Part Number 3/8 in (9 53 mm)0 984 in (24 99 mm)B16N-003A-XXX003B16C-K03A1/2 in (12 70 mm)0 984 in (24 99 mm)B16N-005A-XXX005B16C-K05A3/4 in (19 05 mm)0 984 in (24 99 mm)B16N-007A-XXX007B16C-K07A1/2 in (12 70 mm) 1 984 in (50 39 mm)B16N-105A-XXX105B16C-K05A3/4 in (19 05 mm) 1 984 in (50 39 mm)B16N-107A-XXX107B16C-K07A7/8 in (22 23 mm) 1 984 in (50 39 mm)B16N-108A-XXX108B16C-K08A1 in (25 40 mm) 1 984 in (50 39 mm)B16N-110A-XXX110B16C-K10A1-1/2 in (38 10 mm) 1 984 in (50 39 mm)B16N-115A-XXX115B16C-K15A2 in (50 80 mm)3 047 in (77 39 mm)B16N-220A-XXX220B16C-K20A October 2018TRB-UM-02253-EN-02Page 9Meter Repair And CleaningService ProceduresHIGH-PRESSURE LEAKS ARE DANGEROUS AND CAUSE PERSONAL INJURY. MAKE SURE THAT FLUID FLOW HAS BEEN SHUT OFF AND PRESSURE IN THE LINE RELEASED BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO REMOVE THE METER.Turbine Disassembly and Cleaning ProcedureSee Figure 7 for relative positions of the repair kit components1 Remove the magnetic pickup from the meter body2 Remove the retaining ring from one end of the meter3 Keeping the meter upright (pickup port at the top), remove the rotor support from the body, taking care not to rotate it inthe process If the rotor support is jammed in the body, use a pair of pliers or vice grips to break it free4 Hold the rotor support over a suitable container and rotate it through 180° The thrust ball will drop out Do not losethe ball5 Remove the rotor assembly6 Remove the second retaining ring from the opposite side of the meter7 Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the remaining rotor support8 Identify parts and flow direction to match with original meter body9 Clean and/or sanitize parts to meet appropriate standardsPage 10 October 2018B16N Series Turbine InstallationOTEE:N This procedure applies to installation of replacement turbine repair kits and re-installation of cleaned or sanitizedturbineMPORTANTI Before reassembly, note the weep holes on each rotor support. These weep holes must be facing down toward the bottom of the meter body when installed.The meter must be reassembled with the arrowheads on the rotor pointed in the direction of fluid flow The magnetic pickup side of the body signifies the up position This is the position that the repair kit was calibrated Due to the polished surfaces, there are no arrows on the rotor support to indicate which rotor support is to be placed upstream or downstream Install the repair kit as it was received in the box, using the arrow on the rotor to determine the placement of the rotor support 1 If required by process procedures, clean the meter prior to installing it 2 Drop a thrust ball into a rotor support through the hole in the side 3 Insert the rotor support into the meter body4 Keep the thrust bearing hole pointed upwards to keep the ball in place5 Secure a retaining ring in the groove Be sure that the retaining ring is completely installed in the groove6 Drop a thrust ball into second rotor support through the hole in the side7 Locate the rotor in the support sleeve bearing8 Insert the rotor support and the rotor into the meter body and the first support sleeve bearing 9 Keep the thrust bearing hole pointed upwards to keep the ball in place10 Secure the second retaining ring in the groove Be sure that the retaining ring is completely installed in the grooveEXCESS AIR PRESSURE MAY DAMAGE THE ROTOR AND BEARINGS BY OVER-SPIN.11 Check the meter by blowing air through the assembly If the rotor does not turn freely, the meter should be disassembled and checked for anything that would obstruct movement of the rotor 12 Install the magnetic pickupOTEE:N After installing the new repair kit, the electronics will need re-calibration Refer to the electronics’ installation andoperation manual If there are any questions on re-calibration, contact Blancett at 1 800 235 1638 or contact the manufacturer of the electronicsMeter Repair And CleaningPage 11October 2018TRB-UM-02253-EN-02TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEIssue Possible Cause RemedyMeter indicates higher than actual flow rate • Cavitation• Debris on rotor support• Build up of foreign material onmeter bore• Gas in liquid• Increase back pressure• Clean meter• Clean meter• Install gas eliminator ahead of meterMeter indicates lower than actual flow rate • Debris on rotor• Worn bearing• Viscosity higher than calibrated• Clean meter and add filter• Install new repair kit• Recalibrate monitorErratic system indication, meter alone works well (remote monitor application only)Ground loop in shieldingGround shield one place only Look forinternal electronic instrument groundReroute cables away from electrical noiseIndicator shows flow when shut off Mechanical vibration causes rotor tooscillate without turning Isolate meterNo flow indication, full or partial open position Fluid shock, full flow into dry meter orimpact caused bearing separation orbroken rotor shaftRebuild meter with repair kit andrecalibrate monitor Move to locationwhere meter is full on startup or adddownstream flow control valveErratic indication at low flow, good indication at high flow Rotor has foreign material wrappedaround it Clean meter and add filterNo flow indication Faulty pickup Replace pickupSystem works perfect, exceptindicates lower flow over entire range Bypass flow, leak Repair or replace bypass valves or faulty solenoid valvesMeter indicating high flow, upstreampiping at meter smaller than meterboreFluid jet impingement on rotor Change pipingOpposite effects of above Viscosity lower than calibrated Change temperature, change fluid orrecalibrate meterTroubleshooting GuidePage 12 October 2018TRB-UM-02253-EN-02SPECIFICATIONSMaterials of Construction Body316L stainless steelRotor Nickel plated CD4MCU stainless steel Bearings Standard-nickle bindery tungsten carbide Rotor Shaft Nickel bindery tungsten carbideRotor Support—Operating Temperature–150…300° F (–100…149° C)Pressure Rating1,000 psi (Rating based on tri-clamp sanitary connection) End Connections Tri-clover end fittingsTurndown Ratio—Accuracy±1 0% of readingRepeatability±0 1%Calibration Water (NIST traceable calibration)Mag Pickup NEMA 6; –150…300° F (–100…149° C) Certifications—PART NUMBER INFORMATIONPart Number Code Bore Sizein. (mm)EndConnectionsMaxPSIFlow RateStrainerMeshApprox.K-FactorPulse/USGalMeterWeight(lb)End toEndLengthin. (mm)FerruleSizein. (mm)gpm (lpm)bpd m3/d0033/8(9 53)0 984 in(24 99 mm)10000 60…3 00(2 27…11 36)20 57…102 86 3 27…16 35—20,000—3 00(76 20)0 984(24 99)0051/2(12 70)0 984 in(24 99 mm)10000 75…7 50(2 84…28 39)21 71…257 14 4 09…40 88—13,000—3 00(76 20)0 984(24 99)0073/4(19 05)0 984 in(24 99 mm)10002 00…15 00(7 57…56 78)68 57…514 2910 90…81 76—2750—3 00(76 20)0 984(24 99)1051/2(12 70)1 984 in(50 39 mm)10000 75…7 50(2 84…28 39)21 71…257 14 4 09…40 88—13,000—4 00(101 60)1 984(50 39)1073/4(19 05)1 984 in(50 39 mm)10002 00…15 00(7 57…56 78)68 57…514 2910 90…81 76—2750—4 00(101 60)1 984(50 39)1087/8(22 23)1 984 in(50 39 mm)10003 00…30 00(11 36…113 56)102 86…1028 5716 35…163 53—2686—4 00(101 60)1 984(50 39)1101(25 40)1 984 in(50 39 mm)10005 00…50 00(18 93…189 27)171 43…1714 2927 25…272 55—870—4 00(101 60)1 984(50 39)1151-1/2(38 10)1 984 in(50 39 mm)100015 00…180 00(56 78…681 37)514 29…6171 4381 76…981 18—330—6 25(158 75)1 984(50 39)2202(50 80)3 047 in(77 39 mm)100040 00…400 00(151 42…1514 16)1371 43…13714 29218 04…2180 40—52—6 50(165 10)3 047(77 39)SpecificationsPage 13October 2018TRB-UM-02253-EN-02Dimensions and DrawingPage 14 October 2018TRB-UM-02253-EN-02PART NUMBERING CONSTRUCTIONB16N -A -FERRULE & METER SIZEFerrule: 0.984 in. | 3/4 in. Clamp x 3/8 in. Bore 003Ferrule: 0.984 in. | 3/4 in. Clamp x 1/2 in. Bore 005Ferrule: 0.984 in. | 3/4 in. Clamp x 3/4 in. Bore 007Ferrule: 1.984 in. | 1-1/2 in. Clamp x 1/2 in. Bore 105Ferrule: 1.984 in. | 1-1/2 in. Clamp x 3/4 in. Bore 107Ferrule: 1.984 in. | 1-1/2 in. Clamp x 7/8 in. Bore 108Ferrule: 1.984 in. | 1-1/2 in. Clamp x 1 in. Bore 110Ferrule: 1.984 in. | 1-1/2 in. Clamp x 1-1/2 in. Bore 115Ferrule: 3.047 in. | 2-1/2 in. Clamp x 2 in. Bore220BEARINGNickel Bindery; Tungsten CarbideAPICKUPMagnetic | NEMA 60Magnetic with Pre-Amplifier | NEMA 611Magnetic | Standard 21Magnetic with Pre-Amplifier | Standard 31Magnetic with F/I Converter (Active 4…20 mA Output)41Magnetic | High Temperature (-450…450° F/-268…232° C)6Magnetic with Pre-Amplifier | NEMA 6 (Less Zenor)71Magnetic with F/V Converter (Active 0…5V DC Output)8No Pickup9METER BODY HUBWith Hub | 1/2 in. Hub for Ferrule Size 0.984; 1 in. Hub for 1.984 in. and 3.047 in A No HubB CALIBRATION5-Point | Standard A 10-Point B 20-Point C1For Indoor Use OnlyExample Part Number:B16N-110A-2AAFloCleanTri-clover End Fitting Part Numbering ConstructionPage 15October 2018TRB-UM-02253-EN-02Turbine Flow Meter, B16N Series FloClean Tri-Clover End FittingControl. Manage. Optimize.BLANCETT is a registered trademark of Badger Meter, Inc Other trademarks appearing in this document are the property of their respective entities Due to continuous research, product improvements and enhancements, Badger Meter reserves the right to change product or system specifications without notice, except to the extent an outstanding contractual obligation exists © 2018 Badger Meter, Inc All rights reservedThe Americas | Badger Meter | 4545 West Brown Deer Rd | PO Box 245036 | Milwaukee, WI 53224-9536 | 800-876-3837 | 414-355-0400México | Badger Meter de las Americas, S.A. de C.V. | Pedro Luis Ogazón N°32 | Esq Angelina N°24 | Colonia Guadalupe Inn | CP 01050 | México, DF | México | +52-55-5662-0882Europe, Eastern Europe Branch Office(for Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus) | Badger Meter Europe | ul Korfantego 6 | 44-193 Knurów | Poland | +48-32-236-8787Europe, Middle East and Africa | Badger Meter Europa GmbH | Nurtinger Str 76 | 72639 Neuffen | Germany | +49-7025-9208-0Europe, Middle East Branch Office | Badger Meter Europe | PO Box 341442 | Dubai Silicon Oasis, Head Quarter Building, Wing C, Office #C209 | Dubai / UAE | +971-4-371 2503Slovakia | Badger Meter Slovakia s.r.o. | Racianska 109/B | 831 02 Bratislava, Slovakia | +421-2-44 63 83 01Asia Pacific | Badger Meter | 80 Marine Parade Rd | 21-06 Parkway Parade | Singapore 449269 | +65-63464836Switzerland | Badger Meter Swiss AG | Mittelholzerstrasse 8 | 3006 Bern | Switzerland | +41-31-932 01 11。



●专为军用设备电磁兼容国军标GJB152A 中CE102、CE106、CE107标准而设计。



绝缘电阻 气候类别 5~600VDC 1~200A
线-线:200VDC~1000VDC 线-地:500VDC(AC)~1500VDC
200M Ω @500VDC
外型尺寸 插入损耗 连接方式
ET-MD1B22DW 1001图1 图1 ET-MD2B12DW 1002图2 图2 ET-MD3B12DW 1003图3 图3 ET-MD4B22AW 1004图4 图4 软 线 ET-MD6B12BL 1006图5 图5 ET-MD10B12HL 10010图6 图6 焊 片 ET-MD5B15X61005图7 图7 ET-MD15M12-410015图8 图8 连接器 ET-MD20B12EW 40020图9 图9 ET-MD30B33LW 100 30 图10 图10 软 线 ET-MD60B22GB 100 60 图11 图11 ET-MD100B12LB
螺 栓 外形尺寸图:
【图1】 【图2】

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CONVENTIONALFIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL.DESCRIPTIONThe FC-73 Series Fire Alarm Control panel is a proven, versatile conventional zoned unit which meets the requirements of NFPA Standard 72 for Central Station,Protected Premises, Auxiliary, Remote and Proprietary Supervising Station Fire Alarm Systems. It is listed to UL Stan-dard 864; inherently power limited, and has all necessary circuitry to meet the UL tran-sient immunity requirements.The system is housed in a heavy-duty steel enclosure finished in red, with pan-els displaying the status of vital functions.The surface mounted enclosure, with its slim appearance (4-inch depth), is designed to blend with any environment. The cabi-net can house up to 7AH batteries while the system’s power supply can maintain batteries of up to 33 AH batteries (enclosed in the separately available BC-1R, 1100-0654).The many features of the FC-73 pro-vide a cost effective approach to system design, and allow a great degree of flex-ibility in one enclosure. The panel provides ten (10) Class "B" (Style B) or five (5) Class "A" (Style D) zones, expandable to twenty (20) Class "B" or ten (10) Class "A" zones with the addition of the ZDM-FC73 Mod-ule. The FC-73 also provides four (4) Class "B" (Style Y) or two (2) Class "A" (Style Z)notification appliance circuits.Standard on all FC-73 control panels are a City Master Box output, Polarity Rever-sal signaling connections, and Integrated DACT. The combination of a conventional fire alarm control panel with a micropro-cessor design allows for programming of many unique features such as time limit cutoff, programmed verification, pre-alarm delay, and cross-zoning. Individual zones can be assigned specific outputs and zone types such as alarm, supervisory or waterflow. In addition, up to eight (8) se-lectable/programmable notification appli-ance circuit output patterns are available for alternate styles of warnings. Program-ming is achieved through the LCD-FC73annunciator module or through the Field Configuration Program (FCP-73).Supervision of vital components, modules,functional switches, and standby batter-ies is provided.The integral Digital Alarm Communica-tor Transmitter supports all standard re-porting formats including:• 3/1, 1400 Hz• 3/1, 2300 Hz• SK 4/2, 1400 Hz• SIA 8• SIA 20• Contact ID Optional modules include an LCD remote annunciator, a zone expander module used to expand the system and a status dis-play module which provides outputs and control functions for each zone as well as program access.FEATURES•Individual Zone Disconnect Switches •Supports up to six (6) Remote LCD Displays• Supports up to six (6) Remote LED Annunciators• Integral Digital Communicator Transmitter• Expandable to Twenty (20) Class B or Ten (10) Class A Zones• Field Programmable Configuration • Eight (8) Selectable/Programmable Output Patterns Including Temporal Pattern Output per ANSI S3.41•"Walk Test" Capability provided by the LCD-FC73 optional Remote Annunciator• Programmable Alarm Verification and Cross-Zoning• Four (4) Class B or Two (2) Class A Notification Appliance Circuits • Six (6) Amp power Supply• Three integral progammable relays • Provides Municipal Circuit or Reverse Polarity output• Reverse Polarity or Municipal CircuitoutputSpecifications are provided for information only, and are not intended to be used for installation purposes and are believed to be accurate. However, no respon-sibility is assumed by Fire Control Instruments, Inc. for their use. Specifications subject to change without notice. © 2001 All Rights Reserved9020-0523 Rev. BPage 1 of 4An ISO 9001 Company9020-0523 Rev. B / Page 2 of 4Specifications are provided for information only, and are not intened to be used for installation purposes, and are believed to be accurate.However, no responsibility is assumed by Fire Control Instruments, Inc. for their use. Specifications subject to change without notice.© 2001 All Rights ReservedOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESLCD-FC73The LCD-FC73 supervised remote annunciator performs all system operations. It can be used for programming and provides access to the Walk Test feature and trouble and alarm information. The control panel can support up to six (6) annunciators. Total distance is up to 3000 feet away over two pair of two-conductor wire.ZONE EXPANDER (ZDM-FC73)The ZDM-FC73 Zone Expander provides the FC-73with ten (10) additional Class "B" (Style B) or five (5)Class "A" (Style D) initiating circuits. Mounts in main cabinet or in FC-2190 Accessory Cabinet.STATUS DISPLAY MODULE (FC-5280)The FC-5280 Status Display Module provides out-puts and control functions for remote annunciation of alarm, trouble, and supervisory indications for each zone. The system can supervise up to eight (8) mod-ules. The FC-5280 has ten (10) outputs for alarm and ten (10) for trouble annunciation. These outputs are “active low” (become negative when activated). Each output can provide up to 0.100 amp current, with a total of 0.700 amp available. The module has four (4),Form "C" relays that can be wired to operate with any of the outputs. The FC-5280 can be used to interface with an LED annunciator. It can be programmed to indicate alarm and trouble status for Zones 1 - 10, 11- 20, or system status outputs. The FC-5280 mountsinside the FC73 cabinet..BASIC FC-73 ASSEMBLYC o n n e c t i o n t o 120 V A C3 amps. @ 60 Hzg r a m m a b l e F o r m C R e l a y O u t p u t sm p s . @ 24 V D C / 24 V A C (i n d u c t i v e )s . @ 24 V D C (r e s i s t i v e )o w e r -l i m i t e dM o u n t i n g L o c a t i o n f o r Z D M -F C 73 o r F C -5280(Z D M -F C 73 c a n m o u n t r e m o t e l y i n F C -2190 A c c e s s o r y C a b i n e t )10 S t y l e B o r 5 S t y l e D I n i t i a t i n g D e v i c e C i r c u i t s M a x . V o l t a g e - 25.5 V D CM a x . C i r c u i t R e s i s t a n c e - 50 O h m sT o t a l A l a r m C u r r e n t f o r a l l C i r c u i t s - 1.0 a m p .S u p e r v i s o r y C u r r e n t p e r Z o n e - 0.003 a m p .A l a r m C u r r e n t p e r Z o n e - 0.095 a m p .P o w e r -L i m i t e d & S u p e r v i s e d w i t h 3.9K W E O L(n o t r e q u i r e d f o r S t y l e D c i r c u i t s )& A u x l i a r y P o w e r max. @ 24 VDCl e Y o r 2 S t y l e Zi c a t i o n A p p l i a n c e C i r c u i t s -l i m i t e d & S u p e r v i s e d 3.9K W E O L r e s i s t o r (S t y l e Y o n l y )m p s . m a x . o u t o f a n y o n e c i r c u i ts e P o l a r i t y O u t p u ti p a l C i r c u i t O u t p u t FC-739020-0523 Rev. B / Page 3 of 4Specifications are provided for information only, and are not intended to be used for installation purposes and are believed to be accurate.However, no responsibility is assumed by Fire Control Instruments, Inc. for their use. Specifications subject to change without notice.© 2001 All Rights ReservedFC-739020-0523 Rev. B / Page 4 of 4Specifications are provided for information only, and are not intended to be used for installation purposes and are believed to be accurate.However, no responsibility is assumed by Fire Control Instruments, Inc. for their use. Specifications subject to change without notice.© 2001 All Rights ReservedGENERAL SPECIFICATIONSPrimary AC Voltage Total DC Voltage output Auxiliary Power output Smoke Detector output Battery Charging Voltage Battery Charging CurrentMinimum Telephone input sensitivity Minimum Telephone line voltage Low Battery ThresholdLow AC Brown-out Threshold Dimensions Shipping WeightENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSRecommended Operating Temperature Range Recommended Operating Humidity RangeINITIATING DEVICE CIRCUIT SPECIFICATIONS10 Style B (Class B) or 5 Style D (Class A) IDCs expandable to 20 Style B, 10 Style D withh addition of ZDM-FC73Maximum VoltageMaximum Circuit ResistanceMaximum Alarm Current for all ZonesSupervisory Current (per Zone)Alarm Current (per Zone)Supervised & Power-LimitedNOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUIT SPECIFICATIONS4 Style Y (Class B) or 2 Style Z (Class A) NACs rated 3.0 amp. each(Note: total current draw from NACS, smoke detector power, auxiliary power and main Control Panel not to exceed 6.0 amp.)Supervised & Power-LimitedAPPROVALSU.L. (Std 864)S1869C.S.F.M.Pending ORDERING INFORMATIONPart No.Model Description150-00013FC73-PCB FC-73 Main Board150-00014FC-73Fire Alarm Control Panel 150-00015ZDM-FC73Zone Expander Module 150-00016LCD-FC73Remote Annunciator 150-00018FC-5280Status Display Module 150-00023FC-2190Accessory Cabinet120 Vrms @ 60 Hz, 3A 6 A27.4 VDC @ 1A 27.4 VDC @ 1A 27.4 VDC0.75A max. (33 A/H batteries max.)35 dB 3 V20.4 VDC 98 VAC16” W x 26.4” H x 4” D (40.64 x 67.06 x 10.16 cm)28 lbs.60° to 80° F (15° to 27° C), 32° to 120° F max. (0° to 49° C)not to exceed 85% @ 90°F (32° C), non-condensing25.6 VDC 50 ohms 1.0 amp.0.003 amp.0.095 amp.。
