Misdiagnosis of Hereditary Amyloidosis as AL (Primary) Amyloidosis




子宫腺肌病(AM )是具有活性的子宫内膜腺体和间质异位到正常的子宫肌层,同时伴有周围子宫肌层细胞的肥大、增生和纤维化的一种常见妇科疾病[1],其典型的临床表现为月经量多和进行性痛经,并对女性的生育能力有负面影响。

AM 患病率逐年上升且呈年轻化趋势[2,3]。

AM 发病机制尚未明确,有学者认为AM 为一种雌激素(E2)依赖性疾病,伴随病灶局部E2表达明显升高,局部增多的E2一方面通过E2受体(ER )-β使内膜增殖和修复,另一方面能够通过ER-α使催乳素分泌增加,导致子宫收缩过强,长期慢性的异常子宫收缩和过强蠕动可能会导致子宫内膜-肌层结合带的微损伤[4-6];“在位内膜决定论”认为在位内膜是子宫内膜异位症发病的决定因素,由于在位内膜干细胞、免疫因素、分子基因等机制异常引起内膜向肌层浸润而诱导疾病发生[7,8]。

亦有研究发现,由于局部分子生物机制的影响,子宫平滑肌Estrogen,estrogen receptor and miR-21in adenomyosis:their pathogenic roles and regulatory interactionsZENG Yuyan 1,JIA Jinjin 2,LU Jie 1,ZENG Cheng 2,GENG Hongling 1,CHEN Yi 11Department of Gynecology,Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 510120,China;2Department of Gynecology,First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 510405,China摘要:目的探讨miR-21、雌激素(E2)及其受体(ER )在子宫腺肌病发病中的具体机制。



Central nervous system
• • • • cerebral blood vessels affection recurrent cerebral hemorrhages intracerebral plaques progressive dementia
Gastrointestinal disorders:
Morphology and staining: common features for all types • Amorphous eosinophilic appearance on light microscopy after hematoxylin and eosin staining • Bright green fluorescence observed under polarized light after Congo red staining
• significance in amyloid is unclear • participate in organization of some normal structural proteins into fibrils; may have fibrillogenic effects on certain amyloid fibril precursor proteins. • may be ligands to which serum amyloid P component binds.
Chemical properties (main components)
• • • • Proteins and their derivates Glucosaminoglycans amyloid P component Other proteins in amyloid deposits: α1antichymotrypsin, some complement components, apolipoprotein E, various extracellular matrix or basement membrane proteins. Significance of these findings is unclear



【摘要】 目的:报道 1例原发性肝淀粉样变病例,提高该病的认识水平,减少误诊误治。方法:分析我院 2015 年 03月诊治并经病理学确诊的肝淀粉样变 1例,并结合国内外文献,对本病的临床表现、诊断、治疗及预后进 行讨论分析。结果:患者临床表现为右上腹隐痛、腹胀、肝大;既往:1年前因脾破裂于我院肝胆外科行脾切除 术;术后病理:(脾)内有较多出血,有血肿形成,周围脾白髓萎缩,红髓间质有玻璃样变性,符合陈旧性脾破裂 伴血肿形成。肝功提示:碱性磷酸酶明显升高,白蛋白减低,球蛋白升高,肝脏 CT示肝脏体积明显增大,肝脏 实质强化不均匀,胆囊结石。肝穿刺组织病理活检:肝细胞索变性坏死,有炎细胞浸润,肝索内肝细胞间有粉 染无结构物质,免疫组化染色结果:CD34(-)、刚果红染色(+)。结论:对肝淀粉样变缺乏诊治经验是该病 误诊的原因之一,以腹痛、肝大为主要临床表现极易误诊为脂肪肝,肝硬化及原发性肝癌。当临床上遇到肝 脏肿大明显伴碱性磷酸酶明显升高且与其他肝功生化指标变化不平行时,尤其合并多器官受累表现者,须警 惕肝淀粉样变的可能,确诊的惟一方法是肝穿刺行组织病理检查,但应注意出血等并发症。 【关键词】肝淀粉样变;肝肿大;肝穿刺活检 【中图分类号】R730.4 【文献标识码】A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-4992.2020.01.019 【文章编号】1672-4992-(2020)01-0075-04
DepartmentofHepatopancreatobiliary,theSecondHospital,JilinUniversity,JilinChangchun130041,China. 【Abstract】 Objective:Toreportacaseofprimaryhepaticamyloidosis,soastoimproveperceptionofthedisease andreducemisdiagnosisandmistherapyofthedisease.Methods:Discussandanalyzetheclinicalmanifestations,di agnosis,treatmentandprognosisofprimaryhepaticamyloidosiswithacasereportdiagnosedbypathologyofourhospi talinApril2015andreviewthenationalandinternationalliterature.Results:Itwasapatientwithrightupperquad rantpain,abdominaldistensionandhepatauxewhohadgottensplenectomyoneyearagoinourhepatopancreatobiliary surgerydepartment.Thespleenpathologyshowedoldsplenicruptureincludinghemorrhage,hematoma,splenicwhite pulpatrophyandsplenicredpulphyalinedegeneration.LiverfunctiondisplayedhighALP,lowalbuminandhigh globulin.AbdominalCTshowedhepatomegalywithliverparenchymainhomogeneousenhancementandcholecystolithi asis.Hepaticbiopsyshowedhepaticcordsdegenerationandnecrosis,inflammatorycellinfiltration,pinkwithnostruc turalmaterialbetweenlivercellsinhepaticcords.ImmunohistochemistryshowedCD34(-),Congoredstaining (+).Conclusion:LackofexperienceofdiagnosisandtreatmentofPrimaryHepaticAmyloidosisisoneoftherea sonsofmisdiagnosisofthedisease.Thediseasecharacterizedbyabdominalpainandhepatomegalyiseasilymisdiag nosedasfattyliverdisease,livercirrhosisorprimarylivercancer.Wemustmaintainkeenvigilancewhenwefounda patientwithhepatomegalyandsignificantlyincreasedALP,butunevennesswithotherliverfunctionbiochemicalcrite rion,especiallymultipleorgansinvolved.Theonlywaytodiagnoseisliverbiopsy,buthemorrhageascomplicationis severe. 【Keywords】hepaticamyloidosis,hepatomegaly,liverbiopsy ModernOncology2020,28(01):0075-0078



将组后,用SAA抗体(1:100)、 kappa抗体(1:200)和lambda(1:100)抗体孵育1

后,用EnVisionTM FLEX+Rb(LINKER)孵育20
min,再用HRP一复合物孵育40 min,然后DAB显
变的效果,找寻一种更为准确的方法,从而提高病 理及临床诊断肾淀粉样变的准确性。
选取2012年1月至2014年1月于中山大学 第一附属医院行穿刺活检并诊断为淀粉样变的肾
收稿日期:2014—10—15 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81272855) 作者简介:赖英荣,本科,副主任技师,E-mail:laiyr@126.corn
accurately detect renal amyloidosis,avoid misdiagnosis caused by reagent violet dyeing;Congo red staining;immunohistochemistry
human operation.
Key words:renal
【方法】将38例肾标本常规处理后,分别用甲基紫、刚果红染色和免疫组化3种方法进行检测,统计检测结果并分析。【结 果】甲基紫染色能够准确检测肾淀粉样变,但不能进行分型,且需及时观察;刚果红染色能够准确检测肾淀粉样变,联合氧化
病变部分肾小球呈红色,肾小动脉壁及少部分肾小 管也呈红色,其他部位不着色(图2D)。
2.3免疫组化检测SAA蛋白 对38例组织标本进行免疫组化检测.其中9



[收稿日期]㊀2019-12-10[修回日期]㊀2020-03-26[基金项目]㊀山西省回国留学人员重点科研资助项目(2015-重点5)[作者简介]㊀韩冰清,硕士研究生,研究方向为心力衰竭,E-mail 为1062646850@㊂通信作者白春林,主任医师,硕士研究生导师,研究方向为心力衰竭,E-mail 为bcl602@㊂[文章编号]㊀1007-3949(2021)29-01-0087-06㊃文献综述㊃肠道菌群代谢产物与心肌纤维化关系的研究进展韩冰清1,白春林2(1.山西医科大学,山西省太原市030001;2.山西医科大学第二医院心血管内科,山西省太原市030013)[关键词]㊀心肌纤维化;㊀肠道菌群代谢产物;㊀发病机制[摘㊀要]㊀心肌纤维化(MF )以细胞外基质积聚㊁成纤维细胞活化㊁转化为肌成纤维细胞为特征,是心脏损伤后心脏重构的特征之一,MF 包括两种基本类型:反应性纤维化和修复性纤维化,在心室重构的过程中,两种纤维化常合并存在,MF 可导致充血性心力衰竭㊁恶性心律失常和猝死,成为心室重构持续发展和难以逆转的重要原因㊂一些研究表明,肠道菌群代谢产物,包括氧化三甲胺㊁短链脂肪酸㊁吲哚氧基硫酸盐和对甲酚硫酸盐等参与到心肌纤维化的过程中并起到了重要的作用,有望成为治疗心力衰竭的新靶点㊂本文将对肠道菌群代谢产物在心肌纤维化中的作用机制进行阐述,同时介绍通过干预肠道菌群改善心肌纤维化的研究进展㊂[中图分类号]㊀R5[文献标识码]㊀AResearch progress on the relationship between metabolites of intestinal microflora and myocardial fibrosisHAN Bingqing 1,BAI Chunlin 2(1.Shanxi Medical University ,Taiyuan ,Shanxi 030001,China ;2.Department of Cardiology ,the Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University ,Taiyuan ,Shanxi 030013,China )[KEY WORDS ]㊀myocardial fibrosis;㊀metabolites of intestinal flora;㊀pathogenesis[ABSTRACT ]㊀㊀Aim ㊀Myocardial fibrosis(MF)is characterized by extracellular matrix accumulation,fibroblast acti-vation,and transformation into myofibroblast,which is one of the features of cardiac remodeling after cardiac injury.㊀MF includes two basic types:reactive fibrosis and repair fibrosis.㊀Two kinds of fibrosis often coexist in the process of ventric-ular remodeling.㊀MF can lead to congestive heart failure,malignant arrhythmia and sudden death,and become an impor-tant cause of sustainable development and irreversible ventricular remodeling.㊀Some studies have shown that metabolites of intestinal flora,including trimethylamine oxide,short chain fatty acids,indole oxyl sulfate and p cresol sulfate,are in-volved in the process of myocardial fibrosis and play an important role in the treatment of heart failure.㊀It is expected to become a new target for the treatment of heart failure.㊀In this paper,the mechanism of intestinal flora metabolites in myo-cardial fibrosis is described,and the research progress of improving myocardial fibrosis by intervention of intestinal flora isalso introduced.㊀㊀心力衰竭(heart failure,HF)是多种心血管疾病的终末期表现,也是导致心血管疾病患者死亡的主要原因㊂心力衰竭的进展部分源于心肌纤维化的发展㊂ 心力衰竭肠道假说 认为心力衰竭时肠道缺血和水肿造成的肠道菌群移位和循环内毒素水平升高,增强了炎症反应和氧化应激,从而加重了心力衰竭㊂目前这方面研究尚处于初级阶段,对于肠道菌群及其代谢产物作用于心力衰竭的具体机制尚未阐明㊂本文将对肠道菌群代谢产物在心肌纤维化中的作用机制进行阐述㊂1㊀肠道菌群及其代谢产物的概述人体肠道含有数万亿个微生物细胞,是人体健康生理生态系统的重要组成部分㊂这些细菌㊁真菌㊁古菌和病毒的群落通常被统称为 微生物区系 ,它们的基因组被称为 微生物组 [1]㊂根据对人体的影响,这些细菌大致可分为三类:①生理细菌(与宿主共生),如双歧杆菌㊁乳酸菌;②有条件的病原体,例如肠杆菌科㊁肠球菌;③病原体,如变形杆菌㊁金黄色葡萄球菌㊂肠道内的微生物群在维持人体健康的过程中起到了重要的作用,并通过不同的途径影响宿主,它作为一个具有巨大代谢能力的生物反应器,在许多生物学功能中与宿主协同形成一个共生的哺乳动物超生物体[2]㊂肠道微生物群结构的改变可能会对宿主生物化学途径和代谢网络的调控产生重要影响㊂美国的一项全国性分析显示,心力衰竭患者的迪氏梭状芽孢杆菌感染率较高,并与明显较高的住院死亡率有关[3]㊂而在另一项基于宏基因组学和代谢组学的慢性心力衰竭患者肠道菌群的研究中表明,普拉梭菌减少而活泼瘤胃球菌增加是慢性心力衰竭患者肠道菌群紊乱最为重要的特征,普拉梭菌是肠道中丰度最高的产丁酸盐菌,丁酸盐在抗炎和维持肠道屏障功能完整性中具有极为重要的作用㊂而活泼瘤胃球菌具有促炎特性,进一步加剧慢性心力衰竭患者的慢性炎症状态[4]㊂肠道菌群可产生一些具有生物活性的代谢产物,这些具有生物活性的代谢产物可以被肠黏膜细胞吸收使用,或者被吸收入血液循环后运送到肝脏,在那里被转化㊂这些代谢产物主要来源于2种参与食物消化的分解代谢途径,第一条代谢途径为糖代谢途径,在此途径中,肠道微生物群分解糖并产生大部分短链脂肪酸(short-chain fatty acid, SCFA);第二条分解代谢途径为蛋白质代谢途径,此途径可生成氨㊁各种胺㊁硫醇㊁酚类㊁吲哚及少量SC-FA,其中一些代谢物主要由肾脏清除,被称为尿毒症毒素[5-6]㊂2㊀肠道菌群代谢产物与心肌纤维化2.1㊀氧化三甲胺研究表明,膳食中的胆碱和L-肉碱可以通过肠道微生物代谢为三甲胺(trimethylamine,TMA),随后,TMA被吸收入血并通过门静脉循环进入肝脏,并迅速被肝Flavin单加氧酶(flavin monooxygenase enzyme,FMO)家族,特别是FMO3氧化为氧化三甲胺(trimethylamine oxide,TMAO)[7]㊂在Cui等[4]的研究中发现,慢性心力衰竭患者的肠道菌群中与脂多糖合成㊁色氨酸代谢㊁脂类代谢以及氧化三甲胺生成相关的细菌基因呈显著增加,且细菌的胆碱三甲胺裂解酶(TMAO生成的关键酶)的基因呈显著增加㊂多项研究表明,升高的TMAO水平与心血管不良结果的风险增加有关,包括心脏病发作和死亡风险[8-9]㊂有动物模型研究结果表明,在心肌梗死的小鼠模型中,TMAO和高胆碱饲料对小鼠心功能和心肌纤维化均有明显影响,其机制可能为通过促进成纤维细胞向肌成纤维细胞的转化,从而激活转化生长因子β(transforming growth factor-β,TGF-β)受体I/Smad2通路,TMAO增加了TGF-βRI的表达,促进了Smad2的磷酸化,上调了α-平滑肌肌动蛋白(α-smooth muscle actin,α-SMA)和I型胶原的表达,降低了新生鼠成纤维细胞中TGF-β受体I的泛素化,TMAO还能抑制Smurf2的表达[10]㊂而Li 等[11]的研究也证实了TMAO可以直接引起心肌肥厚和纤维化,主动脉缩窄(transverse aortic constriction,TAC)诱导的大鼠心肌肥厚模型血浆中TMAO水平显著升高,TMAO在体内外直接刺激心肌肥厚和纤维化,抗体治疗可降低TAC大鼠血浆TMAO水平,减轻心肌肥厚,在TMAO诱导的心肌肥厚中,Smad3信号被激活,Smad3抑制剂SIS3对Smad3的抑制作用可减弱TMAO所致的心肌肥厚㊂此前一项动物模型研究表明,给予主动脉缩窄致心力衰竭的小鼠模型高胆碱饮食或含有TMAO的饮食12周后,评估心脏和血管纤维化及心脏脑钠素㊁胆碱和TMAO水平的血样㊂与对照组相比,喂食TMAO或胆碱补充饮食的小鼠肺水肿㊁心脏增大和左心室射血分数明显差,心肌纤维化也明显更大[12] (图1)㊂但Tomasz等[13]研究表明,在自发高血压大鼠模型中,血浆TMA升高4~5倍不会对循环系统产生负面影响,相反,增加的饮食TMAO似乎降低了大鼠在压力超负荷的心脏中的舒张期功能障碍㊂其机制可能为TMAO与心脏蛋白的相互作用,即TMAO作为压电电解质使大鼠心肌细胞对于心室舒张收缩期变化所引起的静水压变化具有更强抵抗力,从而使心肌细胞的生物力学功能得以保存,纤维化程度降低㊂既往研究表明,TMAO在增加的静水压力的条件下稳定脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)[14],而暴露在高静水压力和(或)渗透压下的生物体会积累TMAO,以保护其细胞免受渗透压力和静水压力的胁迫[15-17]㊂因此,TMAO对心肌纤维化的具体作用机制仍需进一步研究㊂2.2㊀肠源性尿毒症毒素色氨酸被大肠杆菌等肠道细菌转化为吲哚后进入肝循环,在肝细胞内由细胞色素P450介导的羟基化转化为吲哚酚,随后通过磺基转移酶在肝细胞中与硫酸盐结合生成硫酸吲哚酚(Indoleol sulfate,IS)[18],苯丙氨酸或酪氨酸由肠道细菌代谢为4-羟基苯乙酸,经脱羧反应生成对甲酚,随后在肝脏发生硫转移酶介导的硫酸化,形成对甲酚硫酸盐(P-cresol sulfate,PCS)[19],这些尿毒症毒素因与白蛋白结合而不容易被血液透析滤过㊂一项研究显示,进行血液透析的老年患者体内对甲酚硫酸盐的水平可以预测心血管事件的发生率和全因死亡率[20]㊂Yisireyili 等[21]的研究表明IS 具有促纤维化和促肥厚作用,高血压大鼠模型心脏和左心室质量增加,心肌细胞增大,纤维化面积增大,TGF-β1㊁I 型胶原和α-SMA 等纤维标记物染色增多㊂同时,一些研究表明,在IS 介导的肾大部切除术模型中,促纤维化基因和心脏成纤维细胞中的表达与核因子κB (nuclear factor kappa-B,NF-κB)㊁TGF-β1㊁凋亡信号调节激酶1(apoptosis signal-regulated kinase 1,ASK1)和丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen activatedprotein kinase,MAPK )激活有关[22-24],也增加miRNA 21和miRNA 29b 在心肌梗死后的表达[25]㊂而体外的一些研究同样观察到肠源性尿毒症毒素的促肥厚作用㊂ASK1㊁细胞外调节激酶1/2(extra-cellular regulated kinase 1/2,ERK 1/2)㊁p38MAPKs 和NF-κB 活化被证明可介导IS 和PCS 诱导新生大鼠心肌细胞肥大和纤维化,同时还可引起心肌细胞的促肥厚基因,包括心房钠素和肌球蛋白重链,以及促纤维化基因如TGF-β1和结缔组织生长因子(connective tissue growth factor,CTGF)[26]㊂此外,AMP 激活的蛋白激酶-解偶联蛋白2信号也在IS 的影响下减弱,伴随着心房钠尿肽(atrial natriuretic factor,ANF)㊁脑钠肽(brain natriuretic peptide,BNP)和β-肌球蛋白重链(beta myosin heavy chain,β-MHC)的上调[27],这可能是肠源性尿毒症毒素介导的肥大的另一个机制(图1)㊂图1.肠道菌群代谢产物影响心肌纤维化的机制肠道菌群通过两种主要的参与食物代谢的途径产生一些活性物质如短链脂肪酸㊁氨㊁各种胺㊁尿毒症毒素等,其中氧化三甲胺可通过激活TGF-β1/Smad 2及TGF-β1/Smad 3通路加重心肌纤维化,尿毒症毒素在激活NF-κB㊁TGF-β1㊁ASK1㊁MAPK 的同时还可减弱AMPK-UCP2信号来加重心肌细胞肥大和纤维化,而短链脂肪酸则通过上调TCAP 和TIMP4基因的表达及下调Egr1mRNA 基因的表达来减轻心肌纤维化㊂Figure 1.Mechanism of intestinal flora metabolites affecting myocardial fibrosis2.3㊀短链脂肪酸SCFAs 是由盲肠和近端结肠中的厌氧肠道细菌发酵膳食纤维(如非淀粉多糖和低可消化糖类)及少量蛋白质和多肽产生的[28],其中含量最丰富的是丁酸盐㊁乙酸酯和丙酸盐[29]㊂SCFAs 可作为肠黏膜细胞的能量来源,或者转移到循环中,为机体产生重要的热量和能量,还可以充当信号分子㊂丙酸和丁酸经肠道菌群合成后具有局部效应,可作为肠道黏膜细胞(丁酸盐)和通过不同机制激活肠糖异生物(丙酸盐)的主要能量来源[30-31]㊂SCFAs 的信号转导由G 蛋白偶联受体GPR41和GPR43介导,主要表达于脂肪组织㊁肠道和免疫细胞[32]㊂来自随机对照试验的两个独立荟萃分析的结果表明,摄入益生菌或膳食纤维引起的SCFAs 增加与高血压患者的血压降低有关[33-34]㊂在Cui 等[4]研究中显示,慢性心力衰竭患者的肠道菌群中,与包括甲酸盐㊁丙酸盐以及丁酸盐等在内的短链脂肪酸生成相关的细菌显著减低,并且发现在慢性心力衰竭患者的肠道菌群中生成丁酸盐关键酶(丁酰辅酶A /乙酸辅酶A 转移酶)的基因显著减少㊂一项动物研究表明,去氧皮质酮处理后的小鼠模型心脏和肾脏的质量比增加,左心室壁厚度和收缩尺寸较对照组明显增加,出现了广泛的血管周围和间质心脏纤维化[35]㊂高纤维饮食和醋酸纤维饮食均能显著降低左心室壁厚度的增加,高纤维处理使左心室舒张功能恢复到正常水平,醋酸纤维处理的小鼠模型左心室舒张功能恢复到或接近正常水平㊂其机制一方面可能为上调了对心脏病有预防作用基因的表达,如肌联蛋白capc(titin-capc,TCAP)和组织金属肽酶抑制剂4(tissue metallopepti-dase inhibitor4,TIMP4),并且下调了早期生长反应蛋白1(early growth response protein,Egr1)mRNA(心血管病理的主要调节因子)基因的表达(图1),另一方面可能为降低了小鼠模型的血压间接减轻了心肌纤维化㊂3㊀干预肠道微生物治疗心肌纤维化3.1㊀调节肠道微生物相关代谢产物既往已有动物实验证据表明,给予心力衰竭合并慢性肾衰竭的小鼠模型一定量的AST-120能吸附肠道内的TMA及吲哚硫酸酚,降低这些代谢产物在血液中的水平,从而延缓小鼠心室肥大及心肌纤维化进程[23]㊂最近的一项研究表明,在心力衰竭的犬模型中,使用AST-120降低血浆硫酸吲哚酯水平可以减轻心肌纤维化,改善心功能,且AST-120可以有效地抑制了TGF-β1的表达和ERK的磷酸化,但以上研究结果尚未在临床试验中进行验证[36]㊂3,3-二甲基-1-丁醇是一种胆碱类似物,存在于一些冷榨特级纯橄榄油中(地中海饮食的主要组成部分),通过抑制微生物的TMA裂解酶,降低TMA的产生,并降低高水平肉碱或胆碱饮食小鼠的TMAO水平可逆转高胆碱饮食对心功能的损害,从而辅助冠心病治疗,有望进入临床试验成为治疗冠心病的新药物[9,37-38]㊂3.2㊀饮食调节饮食模式通过为肠道微生物提供基质来影响肠道菌群的组成㊂目前,饮食调节是临床治疗慢性代谢性疾病的主要治疗手段㊂地中海饮食的主要组成部分包括水果㊁蔬菜㊁豆类㊁橄榄油㊁坚果㊁海鲜和葡萄酒㊂研究[39]表明,地中海饮食依从性较高的参与者粪便大肠埃希菌数较低,双歧杆菌与大肠杆菌的比例较高,白色念珠菌数和流行率较高㊂而鱼类和红肉含有高浓度的TMA前体和TMAO,并且,富含鱼和红肉的饮食还会改变肠道菌群的组成,如梭菌和前肠杆菌,从而提高血液中TMAO的水平㊂遵循地中海式饮食与SCFAs浓度增加及TMAO水平减低有关,地中海饮食依从性较高的个体粪便SCFAs浓度较高[39-40]㊂同时有研究表明,高纤维饮食和醋酸纤维饮食均能显著降低去氧皮质酮处理后的小鼠模型左心室壁厚度的增加,高纤维处理使左心室舒张功能恢复到正常水平,醋酸纤维处理的小鼠模型左心室舒张功能恢复到或接近正常水平[35]㊂然而,支持这些饮食与肠道菌群成分和代谢物变化之间相关性的大多数证据主要来自流行病学研究,需要进一步的研究以提高我们对饮食模式如何改变肠道菌群及其代谢产物的理解㊂3.3㊀益生菌与益生元乳酸菌㊁双歧杆菌是最常见的益生菌种类㊂最近一项研究证明,植物乳杆菌ZDY04通过调节毛螺旋菌属㊁丹毒丝菌科㊁拟杆菌科和牧斯皮氏菌属在小鼠体内的相对丰度而降低血清TMAO和盲肠TMA水平,而不影响肝脏FMO3的表达水平和代谢胆碱㊁TMA和TMAO[41]㊂益生元是通过选择性发酵导致肠道微生物群的组成和(或)活性特异性改变,赋予宿主健康的成分,包括菊粉㊁大豆低聚糖㊁低聚木糖㊁低聚异麦芽糖㊁乳果糖㊁焦糊精㊁膳食纤维㊁抗性淀粉以及其他不被消化的低聚糖㊂有动物实验表明增加益生元摄入有利于降低体脂㊁控制血糖,其可通过改善心血管疾病危险因素而延缓疾病进程[42-43],未来还需更多大规模临床㊁基础研究进一步探讨㊂4㊀小㊀结在过去的几年里,不断有证据表明肠道微生物群与心血管疾病之间存在着重要的联系,然而大多数研究都集中在微生物组成的特征化上,而不是它们的功能改变和下游物质㊂我们现在认识到,肠道微生物群依赖的代谢也可能导致代谢产物产生潜在的心血管不良影响,这些研究为预防和治疗心血管疾病提供了新的治疗策略,包括个性化的饮食干预㊁益生菌和益生元,而一旦确定生成它们的特定途径(例如TMA的产生),针对生成途径的药物也将具有多项潜在的治疗效果,包括减少许多高危人群(2型糖尿病㊁慢性肾脏病和HF患者)的肾功能下降㊁HF进展和不良结果㊂然而,目前仍需要强有力的前瞻性研究来验证这一新的治疗方法.同样需要强调的是,心脏代谢疾病很可能是由几种代谢物引起的,这些代谢物可能在不同的高或低易感性个体中造成不同程度的变化,而TMAO㊁肠源性尿毒症毒素㊁短链脂肪酸很可能只是 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【关键词】腹胀;淀粉样变性;刚果红染色A case of primary amyloidosis with main manifestations of liver and kidney damage Zou Xue,Tang Sha⁃ohui.The First Affiliated Hospital of Ji’nan University,Guangzhou510630,ChinaCorresponding author,Tang Shaohui,E⁃mail:【Abstract】In this paper,we reported one case of primary amyloidosis presenting with poor appetite,ab⁃dominal distension,elevated levels of serum alkaline phosphatase(ALP)and gamma⁃glutamyl transpeptide(GGT),hepatomegaly,massive proteinuria,hypoalbuminemia and hyperlipidemia.Congo red staining prompted the diagnosis of amyloidosis.The diagnosis of primary amyloidosis was confirmed after alternative sec⁃ondary factors were excluded.The thalidomide was administered as the main chemotherapy regime.The symp⁃toms of poor appetite were mitigated.This case hints that for hepatomegaly patients with significant elevation ofGGT and ALP levels and slight liver function injury,the possibility of primary amyloidosis should be consideredafter the autoimmune diseases,alcoholic liver diseases and liver tumors are excluded.Primary amyloidosis lacksof specific clinical manifestations.Pathological biopsy is recommended to validate the diagnosis in suspected cas⁃es.【Key words】Abdominal distension;Amyloidosis;Congo red staining淀粉样变性是由于淀粉样蛋白沉积在细胞外基质,造成沉积部位组织和器官损伤的一组疾病,该病预后差,可累及心、肝、肾、胃肠和舌等组织,分为原发性、继发性、透析相关性、家族性、老年性、局限性6种类型,确诊依靠病理检查。



N际呼吸杂志2021 年2 月第丨1卷第丨期Int J Kespir.February 2021, V o U l, No. 1• 253 ••论著•慢性阻塞性肺疾病合并焦虑抑郁症的临床特征及相关危险因素分析董明林1熊梦清1胡卫华1胡克1曾照富1何鑫1宋岩1何建国21武汉大学人民医院呼吸与危重症医学二科430060; 〃中国医学科学院阜外医院肺血管病中心,北京100037通信作者:胡克,Email:hukejx@【摘要】目的分析住院慢性阻塞性肺疾病(C O PD)患者合并焦虑抑郁症的临床特征及相关危险因素。

方法选取2019年1月至10月武汉大学人民医院呼吸与危1症医学二科153例('()P D患者作为研究对象进行横断面研究.根据医院焦虑抑郁量表评分和肺功能结果分为单纯C'OPD组和C O P D合并焦虑抑郁症组.比较2组临床特征,采用单因素和多因素逻辑冋归分析C()P D合并焦虑抑郁症的相关危险因素。

结果 (1) 61例(39.9%) C'()PI)患者合并焦虑抑郁症,其中合并焦虑症38例(28.4%),合并抑郁症55例(35.9%);同时存在焦虑抑郁症者32例(20.9%);(2) C O P D合并焦虑抑郁症组过去1年有C O P D急性加重、合并重度C()P D比例、改良版英国医学研究委员会呼吸困难量表(m M R C')评分、慢性阻塞性肺疾病评估测试(C A T)评分、动脉血二氧化碳分压(PaCO:)更高,病程更长.用力肺活量占预计值百分比(F V C%Pr e d)、第1秒用力呼气容积、第1秒用力呼气容积占预计值百分比更低(P值均<0.05); (3)以C()P D合并焦虑抑郁症为因变量,体质量指数(B M I)、病程、过去1年急性加重、第1秒用力呼气容积占预计值百分比、重度C'OPD、PaC'()2、m M R C评分、C A T评分为自变量.分别行单因素逻辑回归,结果示.t述变量均与C O P I)合并焦虑抑郁症有关(P值均<0.05); (4)将病程、过去1年有C()P I)急性加重、重度C()P D、P a C()2*別校正年龄、B M I行二元逻辑回归分析,结果示病程、过去1年有C()P D急性加重、重度C O PD、PaC()::为COPD合并焦虑抑郁症的危险因素(P值均<0.05);将病程、过去1年有C O丨>D急性加1、重度('()p d、p ar()2与年龄及b m i同时纳人二元逻辑回归方程,结果示过去1年有c()p d急性加重为CX)P[)合并焦虑抑郁症的独立危险因素。



晚发型cblC型甲基丙二酸尿症合并同型半胱氨酸血症1例报告并文献复习魏景景1,司倩倩2,倪俊2,魏妍平2,钱敏2摘要:目的 探讨晚发型甲基丙二酸尿症合并同型半胱氨酸血症的临床及基因变异特点。

方法 回顾性分析1例MMACHC基因突变致晚发型cblC型甲基丙二酸尿症合并同型半胱氨酸血症患者的临床资料及基因检测结果,并结合文献讨论。

结果 本例男性患者,以双足麻木起病,逐渐出现双下肢僵硬无力,发病前有非特异性精神行为异常症状,此次就诊经基因检测发现MMACHC基因4号外显子存在c.482G>A(p.Arg161Gln)错义突变,与文献报道c.482G>A复合杂合突变不同,本例患者突变类型为纯合突变。

结论 甲基丙二酸尿症合并同型半胱氨酸血症的临床异质性较大,容易漏诊误诊,当出现不明原因的精神行为异常时应考虑该诊断,基因检测是诊断的重要依据,同时也可指导该病的分型。

关键词:甲基丙二酸尿症;同型半胱氨酸血症;晚发型;MMACHC基因;cblC型中图分类号:R596 文献标识码:ALate‑onset cblC‑type methylmalonic aciduria with homocysteinemia:A case report and literature review WEI Jingjing,SI Qianqian, NI Jun, et al.(Department of Neurology, The People's Hospital of Jiaozuo, Jiaozuo 454002, China)Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics and gene mutations of late-onset methylmalonic ac‑iduria with homocysteinemia.Methods We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data and genetic test result of one pa‑tient with late-onset cblC-type methylmalonic aciduria with homocysteinemia arising from MMACHC gene mutation. Relevantliterature was reviewed.Results This male patient initially presented with numbness in both feet, and gradually developed stiffness and weakness in both lower limbs, with nonspecific mental and behavioral symptoms before onset. Gene testing de‑tected a missense mutation, c.482G>A(p.Arg161Gln) in exon 4 of the MMACHC gene. It was a homozygous mutation, which was different from compound heterozygous mutations of c.482G>A reported in previous literature.Conclusion Methylmalonic aciduria with homocysteinemia is clinically heterogeneous, with a high possibility of a missed diagnosis or misdiagnosis. The diagnosis should be considered in the presence of mental and behavioral abnormities of unknown cause. Gene detec‑tion is an important basis for the diagnosis and typing of the disease.Key words:Methylmalonic aciduria;Homocysteinemia;Late‑onset;MMACHC gene;cblC typecblC型甲基丙二酸尿症(methylmalonic acid‑uria,MMA)合并同型半胱氨酸血症是一种常染色体隐性遗传代谢性疾病,与MMACHC基因突变继而引起钴胺素代谢障碍相关[1]。






【关键词】淀粉样变性;心力衰竭;心肌淀粉样变性;心脏彩色多普勒超声Cardiac amyloidosis: a case report Ge yanwen△, Lin tianbao, Mu yuzhu, Jiang xiaochun, Qiu yuangang. △Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310053, ChinaCorresponding author, Qiu yuangang, E-mail:180****************【Abstract】 Cardiac amyloidosis(CA) is a rare disease caused by the precipitation of insoluble amyloid proteins in the myocardial extracellular matrix, which can lead to progressive heart failure and various arrhythmias. In this article, the diagnosis and treatment of one case of CA were reported. The patient was mainly manifested as chest distress. After admission, imaging examination, electrocardiogram and echocardiography were highly indicative of CA, which was eventually confirmed by biopsy. This case prompts that clinicians should deepen the understanding of CA, aiming to lower the risk of missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis.【Key words】 Amyloidosis; Heart failure; Cardiac amyloidosis; Cardiac color; Doppler ultrasound心肌淀粉樣变性(CA)是一种心肌细胞错误折叠的不溶性蛋白质亚基聚集形成淀粉样纤维在细胞外沉积,并引起进行性心力衰竭及各种心律失常的罕见病[1]。



Intein介导的天然大腹园蛛MiSp重复区基因在毕赤醇母的表达研究的开题报告背景介绍:大腹园蛛(Missulena bradleyi),又称毒拉肚蛛,是一种生活在澳大利亚的有毒蜘蛛。






然而,关于Intein介导的miSp 基因在大腹园蛛中的表达机制,目前还没有深入研究。


研究内容:1. 通过文献调研和实验分析,确定Intein介导的miSp基因在大腹园蛛中的表达模式和调控机制。

2. 借助生物信息学工具,对大腹园蛛miSp基因的序列进行分析和比对,揭示其重复区域的特征和变异情况。

3. 利用实验手段,对大腹园蛛miSp基因在不同组织、不同发育阶段以及应激条件下的表达情况进行检测和分析。

4. 通过Western blot和质谱技术等方法,验证Intein介导的miSp 蛋白质在大腹园蛛中的表达情况和分布规律。





2、预防措施: ● 甲类传染病:鼠疫和霍乱。应在2小时内向 CDC报告,强制性隔离,加强国际性检疫。 ● 乙类传染病,但纳入甲类管理:人感染高 致病性禽流感、SARS(传染性非经典肺炎、 严重急性呼吸综合症)、肺炭疽。 ● 乙类传染病:麻疹、取得性免疫缺陷综合征 (艾滋病)。
易感者:人类是霍乱弧菌旳唯一易感者 传染源:患者和带菌者 传播途径:消化道:水、食物(海产品)
3. Each of the following statements concerning the pathogen(病原体)is correct EXCEPT A. It is a gram-negative bacterium B. It grows best at a very high pH() C. It is actively motile by means of a polar flagellum(鞭毛) D. It is spread by contaminated water and food E. It can induce an invasive infection
1.The most likely cause of her illness is A.Clostridium difficile(艰难梭菌)enterotoxin B.Vibrio cholerae (霍乱弧菌)enterotoxin C.Shigella dysenteriae (痢疾志贺菌)Shiga toxin D.Enterohemorrhagic E. coli(肠出血性大肠埃希 菌)Shiga toxin E. S. aureus(金黄色葡萄球菌)enterotoxin



Advances in Clinical Medicine 临床医学进展, 2019, 9(3), 341-345Published Online March 2019 in Hans. /journal/acmhttps:///10.12677/acm.2019.93052Analysis of Misdiagnosis of AtypicalHerpes ZosterYaping Zhang*, Cuiping LiuHospital, Ocean University of China, Qingdao ShandongReceived: Mar. 1st, 2019; accepted: Mar. 13th, 2019; published: Mar. 20th, 2019AbstractIn this paper, 4 cases of misdiagnosis of atypical herpes zoster collected from January 2015 to De-cember 2016 were retrospectively analyzed, to explore the causes of misdiagnosis of atypical herpes zoster. The clinical manifestations of herpes zoster were varied, and the lack of specific laboratory examination methods made it easier to misdiagnose atypical herpes zoster. It is sug-gested to improve the clinical cognition of atypical herpes zoster and avoid misdiagnosis.KeywordsAtypical Herpes Zoster, Misdiagnosis, Analysis非典型带状疱疹误诊分析张雅萍*,刘翠萍中国海洋大学校医院,山东青岛收稿日期:2019年3月1日;录用日期:2019年3月13日;发布日期:2019年3月20日摘要本文通过对2015年1月~2016年12月期间收集的4例不典型带状疱疹误诊病例进行回顾性分析,探讨非典型带状疱疹误诊原因。



论著·临床论坛CHINESE COMMUNITY DOCTORS肺隐球菌病主要由新型隐球菌和格特隐球菌引起的急性、亚急性或慢性肺部真菌感染性疾病,吸入含有隐球菌的气溶胶是人体最重要的感染途径。














·述评·AL 淀粉样变性心肌病诊治进展冯世栋 王妍 张明 孙世仁【摘要】 免疫球蛋白轻链(AL )淀粉样变性心肌病是由AL 异常折叠形成淀粉样蛋白沉积于心脏,造成心脏结构异常和功能下降。

AL 淀粉样变性心肌病是淀粉样变性心肌病最主要的亚型,其起病隐匿、临床表现多样、易误诊漏诊、导致诊治延迟,患者错失最佳治疗时机、病死率高,受到临床广泛关注。


该文将在临床表现、影像学检查、实验室检查、组织特殊病理检查、系统化治疗多个方面概述AL 淀粉样变性心肌病诊治进展,旨在提高AL 淀粉样变性心肌病的诊治水平。

【关键词】 淀粉样变性;心肌病;诊断;治疗Research progress on diagnosis and treatment of immunoglobulin light -chain (AL ) cardiac amyloi -dosis Feng Shidong, Wang Yan, Zhang Ming, Sun Shiren. Department of Nephology, Xijing Hospital, Air Force Medical University, Xi’an 710032, ChinaCorresponding author, Sun Shiren, E -mail:ningsun@ fmmu. edu. cn【Abstract 】 Immunoglobulin light -chain (AL ) cardiac amyloidosis is a protein misfolding disease inwhich AL misfording forms amyloid proteins deposited in the heart , leading to cardiac structural abnormality and functional decline. AL cardiac amyloidosis is the most common subtype of cardiac amyloidosis. The onset of cardiac amyloidosis is obscure with diverse clinical manifestations , resulting in a high misdiagnosis rate and missed diagnosis rate. Delayed diagnosis and treatment can cause a high mortality rate , which captivates widespread attention from clinicians. As the existing diagnostic and therapeutic techniques persistently advance , the early diagnostic rate has been signi fi cantly enhanced. Early diagnosis and treatment can considerably improve the clinical prognosis and quality of life and lower the mortality rate of patients withcardiac amyloidosis. In this review , the research progress on the diagnosis and treatment of AL cardiac amyloidosis were systemically summarized from the perspectives of clinical manifestations , imaging , laboratory and histopathological examinations , aiming to elevate the diagnosis and treatment of AL cardiac amyloidosis.【Key words 】 Amyloidosis ;Cardiomyopathy ;Diagnosis ;TreatmentDOI:10. 3969/j. issn. 0253-9802. 2019. 08. 001基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81600562)作者单位:710032 西安,空军军医大学西京医院肾脏内科通信作者,孙世仁,E -mail :ningsun@ fmmu. edu. cn通信作者简介:孙世仁,空军军医大学西京医院肾脏内科主任,学科带头人,主任医师,博士研究生导师,美国梅奥医学中心访问学者。



·临床研究·功能型垂体腺瘤患者并发骨质疏松的机制分析徐永强,刘鹏飞,孙雷涛,高文波,高阳,邢梦杨(滨州医学院附属医院 神经外科,山东 滨州 256600)0 引言骨质疏松症(osteoporosis,OP)是指一种骨含量减少,骨组织的微细结构被破坏,骨骼脆性增加,易骨折的全身性疾病[1]。



1 泌乳素型垂体腺瘤泌乳素是一种多肽激素,是一种由脑垂体前叶嗜酸性促乳素细胞分泌的单链蛋白激素。












2 生长激素型垂体腺瘤生长激素是由腺垂体分泌的一种多肽激素,通过脉冲方式分泌,有报道显示95%的肢端肥大患者是由于生长激素型垂体腺瘤所致[8]。



国际医学放射学杂志IntJMedRadiol2019Nov 鸦42穴6雪:704-706骨肌系统淀粉样变性的MRI 表现孟祥虹1王植1*马信龙2【摘要】淀粉样变性(AM )是由多种疾病引起的一组临床症候群,多见于肾衰而行透析治疗的病人或浆细胞骨髓瘤病人。


AM 累及骨肌系统较为少见,病变的MRI 表现不典型,容易误诊。

就AM 的概念、分类及其在骨关节及肌肉的MRI 特点及鉴别诊断予以综述。

【关键词】淀粉样变性;脊柱;关节;肌肉;磁共振成像中图分类号:R68;R445.2文献标志码:AImaging manifestations of amyloidosis in musculoskeletal system MENG Xianghong 1,WANG Zhi 1,MA Xinlong 2.1Second Department of Radiology,2Department of Orthopedics,Tianjin Hospital,Tianjin 300211,China【Abstract 】Amyloidosis is a group of disorders which caused by many diseases.Amyloidosis often occurs in patientsunder dialysis due to renel failure,or in patients with plasmocytic myeloma.The pathological changes of disease is due to amyloid deposits in the extracellular space of organs and tissues.Amyloidosis rarely involves in the musculoskeletal system,and has no typical imaging manifestations,which may lead to misdiagnosis.This review focuses on the conception,classification,MRI manifestations and differential diagnosis of amyloidosis in musculoskeletal system.【Keywords 】Amyloidosis;Spine;Joint;Muscle;Magnetic resonance imagingIntJMedRadiol,2019,42(6):704-706作者单位:天津市天津医院1放射二科,2骨科,天津300211通信作者:王植,E-mail:wz138********@ *审校者DOI:10.19300/j.2019.Z6816综述骨肌放射学淀粉样变性(amyloidosis ,AM)是多种疾病引起的一组临床症候群,由Virehow 于1854年首次提出。










关键词斑点追踪;心导管检查;缩窄性心包炎;限制型心肌病[中图法分类号]R540.45;R542.2[文献标识码]AValue of speckle tracking imaging and cardiac catheterization in thedifferential diagnosis of constrictive pericarditis andrestrictive cardiomyopathyTANG Zhongcai,LI Yu,BAI YanhongDepartment of Ultrasound Medicine,3201Hospital Affiliated to Xi’an Jiaotong University,Shaanxi723000,ChinaABSTRACT Objective To explore the value of speckle tracking imaging(STI)and cardiac catheterization in the differential diagnosis of constrictive pericarditis(CP)and restrictive cardiomyopathy(RCM).Methods Forty-eight CP patients (CP group)and30RCM patients(RCM group)confirmed by surgery and pathology in our hospital were selected.Both two groups underwent STI and cardiac catheterization,and the differences of STI and cardiac catheterization indicators were analyzed. The receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was drawn to analyze the differential diagnosis value of the two methods for CP and RCM,the Logistic regression model was used to obtain the combined STI and cardiac catheterization values,and further analyze their diagnostic efficacy.Results STI showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the circumferential strain(CS)of the apex,papillary muscle and fundus of the two groups,while the radial strain(RS)and longitudinal strain(LS)of the apex,papillary muscle and fundus of the CP group were higher than those of RCM group,and the differences were statistically significant(all P<0.05).Cardiac catheterization showed that the pulmonary wedge pressure,left ventricular diastolic pressure and right ventricular systolic pressure between the two groups were not statistically significant,while the aortic systolic pressure and pulmonary artery systolic pressure in CP group were lower than those in RCM group,the differences were statistically significant(all P<0.05).ROC curve showed that the area under the curve of apical RS,apical LS,papillary muscle作者单位:723000陕西省汉中市,西安交通大学附属三二〇一医院超声医学科通讯作者:柏艳红,Email:**************缩窄性心包炎(constrictive pericarditis,CP)与限制型心肌病(restrictive cardiomyopathy,RCM)具有相似的血流动力学改变和临床表现,故两者鉴别诊断较困难[1]。


Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis (2 of the following) • Abdominal pain (acute onset of a persistent, severe, epigastric pain often radiating to the back) • Serum lipase activity (or amylase) at least 3 times greater than the upper limit of normal • Characteristic findings of acute pancreatitis on computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging
Another electronic search of Medline was performed using the Medical Subject Headings “pancreatitis,”“acute necrotizing pancreatitis,” “alcoholic pancreatitis,” and “practice guidelines” to update the systematic review. Theshed in English between January 2007 and January 2014. The
Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis
AssessMent of severity
Supportive care
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MISDIAGNOSIS OF HEREDITARY AMYLOIDOSIS AS AL (PRIMARY) AMYLOIDOSISH ELEN J. L ACHMANN , M.B., B.C HIR ., D AVID R. B OOTH , P H .D., S USANNE E. B OOTH , A LISON B YBEE , P H .D.,J ANET A. G ILBERTSON , J ULIAN D. G ILLMORE , M.B., B.S., M.D., M ARK B. P EPYS , M.D., P H .D.,AND P HILIP N. H AWKINS , M.B., B.S., P H .D.A BSTRACTBackground Hereditary, autosomal dominant amy-loidosis, caused by mutations in the genes encoding transthyretin, fibrinogen A a -chain, lysozyme, or ap-olipoprotein A-I, is thought to be extremely rare and is not routinely included in the differential diagnosis of systemic amyloidosis unless there is a family history. Methods We studied 350 patients with systemic amyloidosis, in whom a diagnosis of the light-chain (AL) type of the disorder had been suggested by clin-ical and laboratory findings and by the absence of a family history, to assess whether they had amy-loidogenic mutations.Results Amyloidogenic mutations were present in 34 of the 350 patients (9.7 percent), most often in the genes encoding fibrinogen A a -chain (18 patients)and transthyretin (13 patients). In all 34 of these pa-tients, the diagnosis of hereditary amyloidosis was confirmed by additional investigations. A low-grade monoclonal gammopathy was detected in 8 of the 34 patients (24 percent).Conclusions A genetic cause should be sought in all patients with amyloidosis that is not the reactive systemic amyloid A type and in whom confirmation of the AL type cannot be obtained. (N Engl J Med 2002;346:1786-91.)Copyright © 2002 Massachusetts Medical Society.From the National Amyloidosis Centre and Centre for Amyloidosis and Acute Phase Proteins, Department of Medicine, Royal Free and University College Medical School, Royal Free Campus, London. Address reprint re-quests to Dr. Hawkins at the National Amyloidosis Centre, Department of Medicine, Royal Free and University College Medical School, Royal Free Campus, Rowland Hill St., London NW3 2PF , United Kingdom, or at p.n.hawkins@.YSTEMIC amyloidosis is the diagnosis in 2.5percent of all native renal biopsies, 1 and t he cause of death in more than 1 in 1500 people in the United Kingdom annually. Acquired monoclonal immunoglobulin light-chain (AL) amy-loidosis, formerly known as primary amyloidosis, is the most common form of systemic amyloidosis and can respond to chemotherapy directed at the underlying plasma-cell dyscrasia. 2-5 Scintigraphy with labeled se-rum amyloid P component (SAP), a technique for quantitatively imaging amyloid deposits in vivo, 6 has shown that deposits frequently regress after a reduc-tion in monoclonal light-chain production. 7 The chief consideration in the differential diagnosis of AL amy-loidosis is reactive systemic amyloid A (AA) amyloi-dosis, but this form of the disorder is always a com-plication of chronic inflammation, and amyloid A deposits can usually be verified immunohistochemi-cally. 8 Another possibility is hereditary systemic amy-Sloidosis, in which the amyloid fibrils are usually derived from genetic variants of transthyretin, 9 apolipoprotein A-I, 10,11 lysozyme, 12 or fibrinogen A a -chain. 13 How-ever, these autosomal dominant conditions, which are thought to be extremely rare, are generally not consid-ered in the differential diagnosis in patients without a relevant family history.The diagnosis of hereditary amyloidosis has implica-tions for prognosis, genetic counseling, and treatment,which may include liver transplantation to correct the underlying metabolic defect. Although most reported mutations causing hereditary amyloidosis show high penetrance, amyloidogenic mutations have occasion-ally been identified in asymptomatic elderly patients.In addition, population and haplotype studies have raised the possibility that two specific mutations asso-ciated with hereditary amyloidosis — one encoding the substitution of methionine for valine at position 30 of transthyretin (V al30Met) and one encoding the substitution of valine for glutamic acid at position 526of fibrinogen A a -chain (Glu526Val) — may not be rare. 14 We systematically studied patients with appar-ently sporadic systemic AL amyloidosis to determine whether any of the patients in fact had hereditary amyloidosis.METHODSPatientsThe genes for transthyretin, apolipoprotein A-I, lysozyme, and fi-brinogen A a -chain were studied in all 350 patients referred to the National Amyloidosis Centre of the United Kingdom between 1997and 2000 with biopsy-proved amyloidosis and a presumptive diag-nosis of systemic AL amyloidosis. All the patients gave oral informed consent for the genetic analyses. None of them were aware of any illness in their family that was consistent with the presence of hered-itary amyloidosis, and the amyloid in each case was shown by immu-nohistochemical analysis not to be the AA type. Serum and urine electrophoresis and immunofixation showed that 80 percent of the patients had a monoclonal gammopathy, a proportion similar to those in other series of patients with AL amyloidosis. 15In all the patients, clinical assessment included electrocardiogra-phy, Doppler echocardiography, and scintigraphy with 123I-labeled SAP , a method of imaging visceral amyloid deposits. Comprehen-sive immunohistochemical staining for amyloid fibril proteins wasMISDIAGNOSIS OF HEREDITARY AMYLOIDOSISperformed on amyloid-containing tissue from patients in whom potentially amyloidogenic mutations were identified. In addition, newly identified mutations in the genes for amyloid proteins were sought in 50 anonymous white controls from the general British population. Twenty-two clinically healthy first-degree relatives of patients with hereditary fibrinogen A a-chain Glu526V al amyloido-sis were also studied.Genotyping, Scintigraphy, and Immunohistochemistry DNA was isolated as previously described from samples of whole blood treated with EDTA.11 The coding regions of the genes encod-ing transthyretin, apolipoprotein A-I, fibrinogen A a-chain (part of exon 5), and lysozyme (exon 2) were amplified by the polymerase-chain-reaction assay with the use of primers, solutions, and cycling conditions that have been described elsewhere.11,12,16,17 The products of the polymerase chain reaction were sequenced with the use of terminator reagent (ABI BigDye version 3.0, AB Applied Biosys-tems) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Anterior and posterior whole-body scintigrams (Elscint Super Helix, GE Medical Systems) were obtained 24 hours after the in-travenous injection of 200 MBq of 123I-labeled SAP.6 The scans were interpreted by a single physician with extensive experience.Six-micrometer tissue sections were tested for the presence of amyloid by Congo-red staining and a search for pathognomonic red–green birefringence under cross-polarized light microscopy.18 Immunohistochemical staining was performed on 2-µm sections of amyloid-containing tissue with the use of commercial antiserum (Dako; Medix; and Helena Biosciences) against serum amyloid A protein, immunoglobulin k and l light chains, transthyretin, lysozyme, apolipoprotein A-I, and fibrinogen, as previously de-scribed.19 Positive control tissues containing each of these types of amyloid protein were also stained during each run.RESULTSOf the 350 patients with systemic amyloidosis in this study, 18 (5.1 percent) were heterozygous for a point mutation that encoded the Glu526V al substitution in fibrinogen A a-chain. This mutation was not present in the 50 healthy controls. All 18 patients were of northern European ancestry, and none were aware of any relevant family history. However, genealogic stud-ies performed after the genetic diagnosis revealed that two of the patients were cousins and that ancestors of two other patients had lived in adjacent villages. A fifth patient retrospectively ascertained that her dizygotic twin had died of renal failure at the age of 76 years. The other 13 patients had no such history and appar-ently were not related. The median age of the 18 pa-tients at the time of presentation was 59 years; the youngest was in her 30s, and the oldest was 78 years old. At this writing, the latter patient remains well at the age of 81, despite impaired renal function. All 18 patients presented with isolated renal dysfunction and proteinuria, and most of them had moderate hyper-tension. Spontaneous splenic rupture occurred in two patients. Twelve patients became dependent on dialy-sis, with a median interval of 2.3 years between pres-entation and the development of renal failure. All nine of the patients who were followed up for more than five years eventually had end-stage renal failure. The distribution of fibrinogen A a-chain amyloid revealed by 123I-labeled SAP scintigraphy was consis-tent. All 18 patients with the Glu526Val variant had renal deposits, and splenic amyloid was present in all but 1. Two patients, both of whom had initially pre-sented with renal impairment more than a decade before their participation in this study, had hepatic amyloidosis. Amyloid deposits in bone, a pathogno-monic feature of AL amyloidosis, were not identified in any of the patients. The electrocardiogram and echocardiogram did not suggest the presence of car-diac amyloidosis in any of the patients, and none had evidence of peripheral or autonomic neuropathy. In addition, none of the patients had clinical evidence of hemorrhagic or thrombotic tendencies, and the thrombin time, prothrombin time, activated partial-thromboplastin time, and fibrinogen levels were nor-mal in all cases. Four of the 18 patients with a mutation in the gene encoding fibrinogen A a-chain also had low-grade paraproteinemia; in each case the level of paraprotein was less than 0.2 g per deciliter. The presence of these monoclonal gammopathies had re-inforced the initial misdiagnosis of AL amyloidosis, and three of the four patients had received cytotoxic chemotherapy without a clinical response (Fig. 1). Twelve of the 22 first-degree relatives of patients with fibrinogen A a-chain amyloidosis were heterozy-gous for the mutation encoding the Glu526Val vari-ant. All of them were more than 50 years old, and none had proteinuria or evidence of amyloidosis on 123I-labeled SAP scintigraphy.Thirteen patients were heterozygous for point mu-tations in the gene encoding transthyretin (Table 1); three of these point mutations have apparently not been described previously: Phe33Val, Asp38Val, and Ala120Ser (GenBank accession numbers AF485254, AF485253, and AF485252, respectively). All 13 of these patients presented with cardiac amyloidosis and variable degrees of autonomic and peripheral neurop-athy. In none of them did 123I-labeled SAP scintigraphy reveal any amyloid deposits in the liver or bone; such deposits have not been noted in transthyretin-asso-ciated amyloidosis. None of these 13 patients had any relevant family history.One patient who had presented with slowly pro-gressive renal impairment was heterozygous for an amyloidogenic mutation encoding a lysozyme variant (in which histidine replaces aspartic acid at position 67 [Asp67His]), and another patient was heterozy-gous for a mutation encoding an apolipoprotein A-I variant (in which arginine replaces glycine at posi-tion 26 [Gly26Arg]). A man who had presented with hoarseness due to laryngeal amyloid and a long histo-ry of sterility with testicular amyloid on biopsy and in whom 123I-labeled SAP scintigraphy showed sub-clinical renal deposits of amyloid was found to be heterozygous for a novel mutation encoding an ap-olipoprotein A-I variant (in which proline replaces alanine at position 175 [Ala175Pro]) (GenBank ac-cession number, AF485255).Renal-biopsy specimens were available from 17 of the patients with the Glu526V al variant of fibrinogen A a-chain (Fig. 2). In all specimens, the amyloid de-posits stained specifically with antifibrinogen antibod-ies, but there was marked variation in the intensity of the staining. There was staining for lysozyme and ap-olipoprotein A-I in specimens from the 3 patients who had mutations in the corresponding genes and staining for transthyretin in each of the 13 patients with a trans-thyretin variant. Robust, reproducible, immunospe-cific staining of amyloid deposits composed of these variant proteins required extensive preparation of the tissue specimens with the use of methods that includ-ed trypsin and microwave pretreatment.Intact monoclonal immunoglobulins were detected in the serum of 8 of the 34 patients with hereditary amyloidosis (24 percent), at levels of less than 0.2 g per deciliter, but in none of these patients were free light chains identified in the urine. By comparison, circulat-ing paraproteins or urinary free light chains were present in 273 of the remaining 316 patients with AL amyloidosis (86 percent). However, there was no spe-cific immunohistochemical staining of amyloid depos-its with antibodies to k or l immunoglobulin light chains in any of the patients with hereditary amyloido-sis or in 195 of the 316 patients with AL amyloidosis (62 percent).Figure 1.Progression of Amyloid Deposits in a Patient with the Glu526Val Variant of Fibrinogen A a-Chain Amyloidosis and an Incidental Monoclonal Gammopathy.Serial posterior whole-body scintigraphic images were obtained after the intravenous injection of 123I-labeled serum amyloid P component in a 48-year-old patient who was thought to have AL amyloi-dosis and who received high-dose chemotherapy, with complete resolution of his monoclonal gam-mopathy. The scan at the time of diagnosis (Panel A) shows a moderate degree of abnormal uptake into renal amyloid deposits (arrows). The degree of uptake had increased substantially at the time of a follow-up examination three years later (arrows in Panel B).A BMISDIAGNOSIS OF HEREDITARY AMYLOIDOSISDISCUSSIONThe identification of hereditary amyloidosis in al-most 10 percent of patients with a presumptive diag-nosis of systemic AL amyloidosis has several clinical implications. The single-gene mutations that cause hereditary amyloidosis evidently have variable pene-trance, and most patients who have amyloidosis as-sociated with the fibrinogen A a -chain Glu526Val variant — the most common form of hereditary amy-loidosis identified in this study — do not have a rele-vant family history. Therefore, we now routinely per-form DNA analysis in all patients with systemic amyloidosis. This practice has already prevented the inappropriate administration of chemotherapy to pa-tients with a presumptive diagnosis of AL disease and has enabled potentially curative liver transplantations to be performed in four patients with previously un-suspected hereditary amyloidosis.The clinical manifestations of the AL type of sys-temic amyloidosis are extremely heterogeneous. Mac-roglossia and periorbital ecchymoses are virtually path-ognomonic, but they occur in only a minority of cases.Indeed, some of the characteristic patterns of organ involvement in AL amyloidosis are indistinguishable from those in familial amyloid polyneuropathy and hereditary non-neuropathic systemic amyloidosis. All patients with AL amyloidosis have an underlying clonal B-cell dyscrasia, but in only about 85 percent can a monoclonal protein be detected in the serum or urine.Because subtle monoclonal gammopathies are not in-frequent in the general population, 20 the detection of paraprotein in a patient with amyloidosis may be mis-leading, and thus it is essential to identify the actual amyloid fibril protein by immunohistochemical analy-sis whenever possible. Immunohistochemistry is usual-ly definitive in identifying or ruling out AA amyloi-dosis, but it frequently is not diagnostic with respect to AL amyloidosis. 8,21 In our series, AL fibrils were identified by immunohistochemical staining in only 121 of the 316 patients with confirmed AL disease (38percent). This reflects the failure of anti–light-chain antibodies to bind to light-chain fragments with an abnormal cross- b amyloid-fibril conformation and also reflects background staining of normal immunoglob-ulins in the tissues. Specific fixation procedures or the use of unfixed, fresh-frozen tissue may yield better re-sults, but ideally processed material is often not avail-able after routine biopsies. Although the stored biopsy material we studied had not been uniformly processed,extensive use of optimization techniques allowed im-munohistochemical confirmation of the DNA findings in each case.The most common of the autosomal dominant sys-temic amyloidoses is caused by transthyretin variants.Patients usually present with familial amyloid polyneu-ropathy, with progressive peripheral and autonomic neuropathy; involvement of the heart or kidneys is var-iable. More than 80 amyloidogenic mutations in the gene encoding transthyretin have been identified, 22 and we found 3 hitherto unreported variants. We also*Information on ethnic or national origin was provided by the patients.†Sites of amyloid involvement were assessed by echocardiography and scintigraphy with 123 I-labeled serum amyloid P component.T ABLE 1. C HARACTERISTICS OF 16 P ATIENTS WITH H EREDITARY A MYLOIDOSIS D UE TO A M UTATIONIN THE G ENE E NCODING T RANSTHYRETIN , L YSOZYME , OR A POLIPOPROTEIN A-I.P ATIENT N O .P ROTEIN AND M UTATION A GE ATP RESENTATION ( YR )P REDOMINANT C LINICAL F EATURESE THNIC ORN ATIONAL O RIGIN *S ITES OF A MYLOID I NVOLVEMENT †Transthyretin 1Val30Met 62Neuropathy Irish Heart, kidneys2Phe33Val 39NeuropathyEnglish Heart, spleen, kidneys 3Phe33Leu 57Cardiomyopathy, neuropathy Polish Heart, kidneys 4Asp38Val 58NeuropathyGhanaian Heart, spleen5Gly47Glu 45Cardiomyopathy, neuropathy, nephropathyEnglish Heart, spleen, kidneys 6Thr60Ala 54Cardiomyopathy, neuropathy Scottish Heart, kidneys 7Thr60Ala 65NeuropathyEnglish Heart, spleen8Thr60Ala 73Cardiomyopathy Irish Heart, spleen, kidneys 9Thr60Ala 67NeuropathyIrish Heart 10Thr60Ala 63Cardiomyopathy, neuropathy IrishHeart11Ala120Ser 62Cardiomyopathy, neuropathy Afro-Caribbean Heart, spleen 12Val122Ile 74CardiomyopathyAfro-Caribbean Heart 13Val122Ile 63Cardiomyopathy, neuropathy Afro-Caribbean HeartLysozyme 14Asp67His58Nephropathy English Spleen, kidneys Apolipoprotein A-I 15Gly26Arg 28NephropathyIrish Liver, spleen, kidneys 16Ala175Pro35Hoarseness, sterilityEnglishKidneysdetected a transthyretin variant in which isoleucine replaces valine at position 122 (V al122Ile) in two pa-tients, one of whom had amyloid neuropathy and car-diomyopathy. This variant occurs in 4 percent of black Americans,23 in whom it usually is silent or is associat-ed with isolated late-onset cardiac amyloidosis. A trans-thyretin variant in which alanine replaces threonine at position 60 (Thr60Ala) is also associated with late-onset disease, reducing the likelihood of a relevant family history.Patients with hereditary non-neuropathic systemic amyloidosis, which is caused by mutations in the genes encoding lysozyme,12apolipoprotein A-I,10,11or fi-brinogen A a-chain,13 usually present with renal dys-function. A mutation in the gene encoding apolipo-protein A-II24 has recently also been associated with hereditary renal amyloidosis. However, fewer than 30 families affected by any of these mutations have been described. The Glu526Val variant of the fibrinogenA a-chain25 has been reported in five families, all with clear cases of autosomal dominant amyloidosis. The present finding that the underlying mutation has low penetrance explains the previously enigmatic find-ing that haplotype studies in four of the families sug-gested that they had a common ancestor.26The distinctive clinical picture of amyloidosis as-sociated with the Glu526Val variant of fibrinogen A a-chain may reflect the tropism of this amyloid variant for the kidneys and its remarkable selectivity for glo-meruli. All our patients presented with apparently iso-lated renal dysfunction, and in contrast to the usual progression of AL amyloidosis, the course of illness was prolonged and relatively benign. In most of the patients, renal dysfunction occurred after the age of 50 years, but in all of them end-stage renal failure asso-ciated with progressive accumulation of amyloid oc-curred within five years. The decline of renal function may have been exacerbated by hypertension in some of the patients, but no other risk factors for renal dys-function were identified. In two of the patients, trans-planted kidneys failed within six years because of severe amyloidosis in the graft. Only one patient had clinically Figure 2.Renal-Biopsy Specimen from a Patient with the Glu526Val Variant of Fibrinogen A a-Chain Amyloidosis. Panel A shows that the glomeruli are strikingly enlarged and that the normal architecture is almost entirely obliterated by amyloid deposition; the vessels and tubular interstitium, in contrast, contain remarkably little amyloid (Congo red stain,¬100). In Panel B, the same section viewed under cross-polar-ized light shows apple-green birefringence (¬100). In Panel C, immunohistochemical staining with polyclonal sheep antifi-brinogen antibodies confirms the presence of fibrinogen withinthe deposits (¬100).A B CMISDIAGNOSIS OF HEREDITARY AMYLOIDOSISsignificant extrarenal disease, in the form of liver fail-ure, 15 years after her presentation. Another patient had subclinical deposition of amyloid in his liver 13 years after his kidneys had failed, and it is likely that the hepatic deposition was a late manifestation of this mutation. In this type of hereditary amyloidosis, unlike AL amyloidosis, cardiac involvement is not a feature. In the patients with amyloidosis caused by the Asp67His variant of lysozyme and the Gly26Arg vari-ant of apolipoprotein A-I, progressive renal impair-ment developed slowly, a phenotype similar to that in previously described kindreds.27,28The pat ient with the Ala175Pro variant of apolipoprotein A-I, a newly identified variant, had hoarseness due to laryngeal amyloid deposits, a feature that commonly occurs in localized AL amyloidosis and that has also been re-ported in patients with mutations that disrupt this region of the apolipoprotein A-I molecule.29,30AL amyloidosis often responds to chemotherapy that suppresses the underlying clonal plasma-cell dis-order,2-5 but chemotherapy has no role in the treat-ment of hereditary amyloidosis and is dangerous. The types of hereditary amyloidosis in which the amy-loidogenic protein is synthesized solely by the liver can be effectively treated by liver transplantation. This form of “surgical gene therapy”31has been successful in familial amyloid polyneuropathy associated with vari-ant forms of transthyretin and in amyloidosis due to the Glu526Val variant of fibrinogen A a-chain.17 However, the rate of progression of hereditary amyloi-dosis caused by variants of lysozyme, apolipoprotein A-I, and fibrinogen A a-chain is slow in many patients, in whom supportive measures and kidney transplan-tation alone are associated with an excellent outcome. Supported in part by grants from the Medical Research Council, United Kingdom, and the Wellcome Trust (to Dr. Pepys and Dr. Hawkins); by a Wellcome Trust Research Training Fellowship (to Dr. Gillmore); and byNational Health Service Research and Development Funds.for the patients; to Sheril Madhoo, Dorothea Gopaul, and Jayshree Joshi for participating in the care and study of the patients at the National Amyloidosis Centre; and to Beth Jones for assistance in the preparation of the manuscript.REFERENCES1.Davison AM. The United Kingdom Medical Research Council’s glo-merulonephritis registry. Contrib Nephrol 1985;48:24-35.2.Gillmore JD, Davies J, Iqbal A, Madhoo S, Russell NH, Hawkins PN. Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for systemic AL amyloidosis. Br J Haematol 1998;100:226-8.3.Kyle RA, Gertz MA, Greipp PR, et al. A trial of three regimens for pri-mary amyloidosis: colchicine alone, melphalan and prednisone, and mel-phalan, prednisone, and colchicine. 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