NetVault 7产品功能手册




爱维云使用手册网利友联科技(北京)有限公司版本:V1.0.0目录帐户和套餐 (2)申请/注册平台帐户 (2)用户权限分类 (3)个人信息修改 (4)套餐分类 (4)按需购买 (5)订单管理 (7)续费管理 (8)交易记录 (8)账户充值 (9)常见问题 (9)互联网监控 (10)理解互联网监控 (10)查看互联网监控列表 (10)查看性能概况 (11)主机监控 (12)监控方式和指标 (12)爱维Agent原理介绍 (12)Agent兼容环境说明 (13)Agent配置环境(Linux) (14)Agent配置环境(Windows) (15)启动/停止Agent (17)Agent日志查看 (20)查看主机性能概况 (20)常见问题 (22)连锁店监控 (23)什么是链路探针 (23)探针兼容环境说明 (23)配置环境(Linux) (24)配置环境(Windows) (29)启动/停止探针 (36)探针日志查看 (39)查看链路探针列表 (39)添加监控 (40)批量导入 (44)查看监控设备性能概况 (45)采集时间表 (46)内网监控 (48)监控方式与监控内容 (48)爱维内网工具下载 (48)兼容环境说明 (49)安装说明(Linux) (49)安装说明(Windows) (52)启动/停止内网监控工具 (56)登录爱维内网工具 (57)操作手册下载 (58)业务视图 (59)理解业务视图 (59)查看业务趋势 (59)查看业务视图 (60)告警管理 (61)告警状态说明 (61)告警列表 (62)告警通知设置 (63)微信告警 (64)通过url发送告警 (67)数据源 (69)创建数据源 (69)zabbix接入 (70)成员/成员组 (75)报告管理 (76)邮件报告 (76)帐户和套餐申请/注册平台帐户可申请注册的帐户类型系统平台支持个人用户的注册,及服务商用户的申请个人用户注册您可以点击注册按钮后,点击个人用户注册,提交表单后,会向您的注册邮箱发送激活链接,激活后即可登录系统平台官网。


用于对网络上的所有备份工作的管理,包括介质及设备管理、域管理、NetVault 自身数据库管理、任务管理、排程管理、日志管理,安装于NetVault的备份服务器上。
3.每台备份服务器上需装入服务器模块Server Module:蓝色部分)
4.如有机器上接有备份设备,则需要安装设备模块(Device Module:粉红色部分)
5.图形操作模块可安装于服务器、客户端或任一工作站上(GUI Module:黄色部分)
NetVault 的服务器和客户端支持使用广泛的设备、操作系统及应用平台。(详细的支持列表情参考附件)
DB2 APM,Sybase Online APM,Microsoft SQL APM,Sybase APM,Sybase RMAN APM,SAP R/3 APM,Informix APM,Lotus Notes APM,MS Exchange APM,My-SQL APM,等。
如:Informix on SCO Open Server,My SQL on FreeBSD等
1.每台NV管理的机器上均需要有核心模块(Core Module:绿色部分)

蓝代斯克终端产品功能简要说明管理套件,安全套 件

蓝代斯克终端产品功能简要说明管理套件,安全套 件
管理员可以通过控制台制定企业统一的防火墙策略。配置防火墙设置(包括例外)、入网规则以及出网规则(用于服务、端口、程序)。支持Windows XP、2003、Vista的防火墙配置。



1.Symantec NBU 7.0主要功能介绍1.1 支持对ORACLE的表级备份业内其他的常规备份软件只能对ORACLE做物理备份,既对DATA FILE、CONTROLFILE、ARCHIVE LOG做备份,这种方式在ORACLE数据库发生介质损坏时可以做有效恢复。


因为,通过物理备份来解决这个问题时,需要对数据库全库做不完整恢复至以前的某一个时刻,这首先需要将ORACLE SHUTDOWN。




1.2 裸金属恢复Netbackup BMR(智能灾难恢复)在根卷(root volume)或操作系统无法运行的情况下,服务器的完全恢复对系统管理员来说是一个严峻挑战。

在这种情况下,必须执行Bare Metal(裸机)恢复,以重建机器配置,提供必要的操作系统组件,使NetBackup软件能够恢复相应的应用和数据。







BakBone NetVault 7 数据备份与恢复软件产品介绍说明书

BakBone NetVault 7 数据备份与恢复软件产品介绍说明书

The Advanced Data Recovery Solution for Storage NetworksFrom the experts in open systems data recovery, BakBone Software’s NetVault 7 delivers enhanced data protection and enterprise-class functionality that scales to meet the demands of any sized Vault’s flexible, modular architecture delivers proven reliability and high performance, with a unique combination of features designed to meet current and future data protection needs.Whether you are managing a few servers or a multi-site networked storage environment, there is a NetVault package designed to fit your needs.Key BenefitsIncreased AutomationNetVault 7’s event notification enhancements and policy based job management features are designed to provide increased automation, especially when deployed across heterogeneous storage Vault 7 enables administrators to define, manage and monitor jobs from remote clients, while the flexible notification feature ensures business continuance with the ability to define event contexts and triggers.Enhanced Administrator ProductivityPolicy based job management and NetVault’s enhanced reporting capabilities simplify maintenance of your data protection strategies.Many activities such as job definition and event notification can be defined and modified at a group level, making administrative tasks quicker and easier.Rapid DeploymentNetVault’s automated installation and device configuration features make it easy to add, manage or re-deploy distributed data management components throughout an ever-growing enterprise storage environment.With our Modular Architecture you can license only those components you need today, while easily expanding the system as your storage environment or performance requirements grow.Lower Total Cost of OwnershipBy dramatically simplifying implementation and networked storage administration, NetVault 7ensures improved data availability while reducing associated labor Vault can signifi-cantly lower your TCO and provide a return on your initial software investment in as little as six to nine months.Major FeaturesPolicy Based Job ManagementComprehensive job management tools help storage administrators create data protection policies that are used to efficiently define and manage backup strategies for all of your clients and critical applications.The Policy Management tools allow job templates to be created and easily applied to a single client or an entire group of clients, simultaneously.Once defined, policy-based administration allows you to monitor, manage and edit a group of jobs as a single entity.This ultimately improves productivity and reduces the human error associated with manual job management.User Level AccessT o ease storage administration, the User Level Access feature allows users to be defined with a specific set of privileges on an individual or group basis.For example, you may grant the ability to run reports and define backup jobs to your Database Administrators, while limiting all other users to restoring only their clients’er Level Access is ideal for extending a subset of NetVault’s features to other members of the IT staff as well as end users and helps free network administrators for more critical tasks.NetVault™NetVault Policy View showing color coded active policy status.FAST FACTS ABOUT NETVAULT 7Advanced SAN/NAS Support Command Line Interface (CLI)Comprehensive Media ManagementDirect Access Restore Disaster Recovery Disk-to-Disk Backup Dynamic Device Sharing Event Notification Exchange Mailbox Support Extensive Platform Support GbE Device SupportHigh Performance Data Movers Media Data Copy Network Compression Load BalancingComprehensive NDMP Support Non-Proprietary Tape Formats Open File ProtectionEuropean HeadquartersBakBone Software Ltd.Merck HouseSeldown LanePoole, Dorset BH15 1TW England P: +44-1202-241000 F: +44-1202-249000 ***************.ukPacific Rim HeadquartersBakBone Software K.K.Shinjuku Dai-ichi Seimei Bldg.11F 2-7-1 Nishi Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 163-0711 Japan P: +81-3-5908-3511 F: +81-3-5908-3512 ***************.jpCorporate HeadquartersBakBone Software10145 Pacific Heights Blvd. Suite 500San Diego, CA 92121 USA P: 1-858-450-9009P: 1-866-484-2663F: 1-858-450-9929****************NVE2029-01A 03/03©2003 BakBone Software, Inc.BakBone Software,the BakBone logo, NetVault and APM are thetrademarks or registered trademarks of BakBoneSoftware, Inc., in the United States and/or in othercountries.All other names and trademarks are theproperty of their respective owners.NASLANSANWindowsSmartClientUnixSmartClientLinux ClientNetwork AttachedStorageTapeLibrary SmartClientNetVaultServerTape DriveTape DriveNetVaultFC Switch Tape DriveSUPPORTED DEVICES& LIBRARIESMost existing tape librariesand tape formats (DLT, 8mm,4mm DAT, DTF and others),including the latest high speedtechnologies (LTO2, S-AIT,AIT-3, SuperDLT, DTF2, M2)from:ADIC, Breece Hill, Dell,Exabyte, HP, IBM, NEC,Overland Storage, Plasmon,Qualstar, Quantum, Seagate,SONY, Spectra Logic,StorageTek plus ACSLS,and T andbergSUPPORTED SAN/NASDEVICESAncor, Brocade, Chaparral,Crossroads, EMC, FalconStor,Gadzoox, Network Appliance,Qlogic and VixelSERVER AND CLIENTPLATFORMSAlpha Tru64, FreeBSD, HP-UX,IBM AIX, Most Linux Platforms,NCR MP-RAS, SCOOpenserver, SCO Unixware,SGI Irix, Solaris (SPARC),Solaris (Intel), Windows 2000,Windows NTCLIENT PLATFORMSNovell NetWare,Windows 95/98/ME/XPSpecifications and SystemRequirements subject to changewithout notice. For updatedinformation, please visit,/productsEnhanced ReportingThe improved reporting feature enables the administrator to schedule reports on many aspects of NetVault’s operation with several output types available, such as HTML or Comma Delimited. Reports can be viewed dynamically, printed and/or emailed upon completion.In addition, a powerful report-editing tool has been provided to allow user-defined reports to be created. Reports can be executed conditionally and/or on a scheduled basis.SAN/NAS SupportNetVault helps you leverage your investment in today’s advanced storage networking rge capacity libraries and high speed tape devices are easily shared within a NetVault domain.With DirecSAN™support you can share media and libraries between multiple nodes to distribute backup operations while increasing data throughput and reducing network load. NetVault automatically determines the best data path and handles shared device arbitration. Comprehensive Application SupportNetVault provides a full suite of Application Plugin Modules (APM™) to provide online support for your critical business database and messaging applications.Installed on the client, the APM communicates with these applications using a backup interface that is consistent with each application.Each APM’s interface automatically adds application specific components to your backup and restore selection criteria.About BakBoneBakBone Software is a leading data recovery solution provider that develops andglobally distributes data backup, restore, and disaster recovery software for networkstorage environments.BakBone delivers scalable solutions that address the needsof large enterprise environments and small to medium size businesses.Incorporatedin 2000, BakBone Software’s products are used by companies worldwide and aredistributed through a network of OEMs and solution providers.。





在软件启动的同时,INET I/O Server也同时启动,右下角的通知区域能看到INET I/O Server的图标。


主机连接区域控制器的方法有两个,使用主机的串口直接连接区域控制器的串口;或者通过诸如Xenta 731之类的网络控制器装置,由主机的网口连接到网络控制器上,再通过网络控制器连接到区域控制器上。


我们首先来看通过Xenta 731网络控制器设备连接的I/O服务器的设置方法。

双击INET I/O Server的图标,并双击Config1,进入I/O服务器配置界面,如图1,图2所示。

图1 INET I/O服务器配置文件图2 INET I/O服务器配置界面1在这里需要修改的有以下几处:Workstation type:如果只有一台工作站,则选择Standalone;如果有多台工作站,则根据相应的架构进行选择。


Enable access control和Enable CCTV:按照功能的需要,分别勾上相应的复选框。

Enable TCP/IP:勾上此处的复选框,这样才可以通过TCP/IP协议来进行通信。

Reference hosts:将主机地址的IP地址都填上。

I/O Server with no clients:一般选Maintain。

AC Reader Type:如果选用自定义Wiegand卡,则在这里要改成Custom Wiegand。

NP Routers:设置网络控制器。

按下NP Routers,如图3所示。

图3 网络控制器列表界面在这里会列出存在的所有网络控制器。



BakBone NetVault数据保护程序产品描述贝克软件北京代表处17时32分项目记录1 建筑工程设计思路在使用BakBone的NetVault之前,公司必须依靠其有限的备份程序来构建用于备份数据和信息的基础结构。


单位可以轻松扩展系统大小,性能以及对许多主要数据库应用程序的支持,例如Sybase,SAP,Notes,Sybase,Informix,Exchange 等。





1.1 NetVault基本单元在操作系统和其他模块中,它是主要的软件平台和通讯桥。



1.2 服务器单元它用于管理网络上的所有备份任务,包括介质和设备管理,域管理,私有NetVault 数据库管理,任务管理,日程表管理和日志管理,并且安装在NetVault Backup服务器上。

GUI模块它在不同的操作系统(Unix,Linux,NT / 2000)上提供相同的图形操作界面,多域控制平台以及完整的远程操作功能。


1.3 设备控制单元(设备单元)它在连接到备份设备的每台设备上均已安装并经过验证,并且可以操作以下四种类型的备份设备:磁带机设备,磁带库设备,硬盘上的虚拟磁带库设备以及光学存储设备。



ERP软件部 NetWeaver7.0配置手册-初级版本 <内测版本>目录1.简介 (4)1.1目的 (4)1.2范围 (4)1.3定义、首字母缩写词和缩略语 (4)1.4参考资料 (4)1.5概述 (4)2.配置NETWEAVER (4)2.1为什么需要配置? (4)2.2BOUNCYCASTLE JCE (4)2.3更新ORACLE驱动 (6)2.4调整JVM参数 (7)3.配置系统运行日志 (9)4.安装部署FMIS服务端程序 (11)4.1配置FMIS数据源 (11)4.2更新FMIS服务程序包 (15)4.3部署FMIS服务程序包 (15)4.4卸载FMIS (16)5.常见问题(FAQ) (18)5.1为什么? (18)5.2为什么? (18)5.3为什么? (19)5.4为什么? (19)5.5如何? (19)6.附录A:如何 (19)NetWeaver7.0配置手册-初级1.简介本文档包括了NetWeaver7.0的配置管理以及日常维护过程中会出现的部分的解决方法。


确认方式:http://IP:端口/nwa 可正常访问。

2.1为什么需要配置?因为需要配置…2.2bouncycastle JCEFMIS 服务端借助bouncycastle JCE完成数据的加密解密功能。


例如:D:\j2sdk1.4.2_19\jre\lib\ext注:如何判断NetWeaver的java.ext.dirs目录?访问 http://IP:端口/sap/monitoring/SystemInfo,点击Instance的server的VM的SystemProperties,在打开的页面中查找“java.ext.dirs”。

VS7 无缝切换器 用户手册说明书

VS7 无缝切换器 用户手册说明书

版权所有©2019 西安诺瓦星云科技股份有限公司。








目录1产品概述 (1)产品简介 (1)产品特性 (1)2外观说明 (3)前面板 (3)后面板 (4)产品尺寸 (5)3应用场景 (6)4液晶屏菜单操作 (7)操作说明 (7)主界面 (7)屏体配置 (9)4.3.2 输出模式 (9)4.3.3 屏体结构 (9)4.3.4 输出设置 (10)4.3.5 输出接口配置 (10)窗口设置 (11)4.4.1 窗口分屏模板 (11)4.4.2 BKG配置 (11)4.4.3 窗口配置 (12)场景设置 (13)输入设置 (14)画面控制 (14)测试画面 (14)预监选择 (15)高级设置 (16)4.10.1 同步模式 (16)4.10.2 Fn键设置 (16)4.10.3 返回主界面时长 (17)4.10.4 工厂复位 (17)4.10.5 HDCP开关 (17)4.10.6 硬件版本 (17)4.10.7 设备自检 (17)4.10.8 关于我们 (17)通讯设置 (18)语言设置 (19)5 V-CAN控制 (20)6常见问题 (21)7规格参数 (22)1 产品概述产品简介VS7是由诺瓦科技自主研发的集视频处理,画面拼接,特效切换和多画面显示的高性能无缝切换器。


starsuite 7 office suite 安装指南说明书

starsuite 7 office suite 安装指南说明书

Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A. 650-960-1300 Part No 817-1815-10July 2003, Revision ACopyrights and TrademarksCopyright © 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054. , U.S.A. All rights reserved.Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to technology embodied in the product that is described in this document. In particular, and without limitation, these intellectual property rights may include one or more of the U.S. patents listed at /patents and one or more additional patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. and in other countries.This document and the product to which it pertains are distributed under licenses restricting their use, copying, distribution, and decompilation. No part of the product or of this document may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written authorization of Sun and its licensors, if any.Third-party software, including font technology, is copyrighted and licensed from Sun suppliers.This product is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group and The FreeType Project.Portions Copyright 2000 SuSE, Inc. Word for Word Copyright © 1996 Inso Corp. International CorrectSpell spelling correction system Copyright © 1995 by Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved.Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, Java, Solaris, Starsuite, the Butterfly logo, the Solaris logo, and the Starsuite logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.UNIX is a registered trademark in the U.S. and in other countries, exclusively licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd. Screen Beans and Screen Beans clipart char-acters are registered trademarks of A Bit Better Corporation.Federal Acquisitions: Commercial Software - Government Users Subject to Standard License Terms and Conditions.DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE DISCLAIMED, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SUCH DISCLAIMERS ARE HELD TO BE LEGALLY INVALID.版权所有 (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054. , U.S.A. 保留所有权利。


制定合适的数据备份策略,包括备份频率、 备份内容、备份存储位置等。
在数据丢失或损坏的情况下,能够快速恢复 数据,减少损失。
定期验证备份数据的完整性和可用性,确保 备份数据的有效性。
制定详细的数据恢复计划,包括恢复流程、 恢复人员和恢复时间等。
记录关键操作和事件,包括用户登录、 数据修改、权限变更等。
它提供了一套完整的解决方案, 包括备份、恢复、归档和安全功 能,以帮助企业满足其数据保护 需求。
1 2
NetVault提供了一个集中式的管理界面,可以轻 松地管理和监控整个网络的数据备份和恢复。
NetVault支持多种备份和恢复方法,包括全备份、 增量备份和差异备份,以及完整恢复和部分恢复。
根据用户的角色和职责,为其 分配相应的权限,如读取、写
设置不同层级的权限,如全局 、部门、项目等,以满足不同 组织结构的需要。
制定权限策略,确保不同用户 之间的权限不会产生冲突或重 叠。
定期对权限进行审核和调整, 以确保权限的合理性和安全性

NetVault需要安装在Windows Server操作系统上,并需要安装.NET Framework 4.7或更高版本。此外,为了实现备份和还原功能,NetVault还需 要与相应的存储设备或存储区域网络(SAN)进行连接。
下载并安装NetVault软 件包
从NetVault官方网站下载最新 版本的NetVault软件包,并按 照提示进行安装。

NetVault 7.0 用户发布说明 - BakBone 软件说明书

NetVault 7.0 用户发布说明 - BakBone 软件说明书

NETVAULT 7End user release notesCopyright © 2003 BakBone Software, Inc.This document contains important end user release information on NetVault 7.0. It includes a brief description of the new features and faults fixed with the release. This document does not cover the full use of the product. The user guide information can be obtained from BakBone Software’s web site, at the address:/support/product_documentation/Section 1.0 – Introducing NetVault 7.0 (2)Section 2.0 – New Features (2)Section 3.0 – NetVault Version 7.0-specific APMs (2)Section 4.0 – NetVault 6.x Client Compatibility (3)Section 5.0 – NetVault 6.x APM Compatibility (3)Section 6.0 – Upgrading NetVault 6.x to 7.0 (3)Section 7.0 – Known Issues (4)Section 8.0 – Fault Fixes (4)Section 9.0 – Documentation Notes & Changes (6)Section 10.0 – About BakBone Software (7)Section 11.0 – Technical Support (7)NETVAULT End user release notesFrom the experts in open systems data recovery, BakBone Software’s NetVault 7 delivers enhanced data protection and enterprise-class functionality that scales to meet the demands of any sized environment. NetVault’s flexible, modular architecture delivers proven reliability and high performance, with a unique combination of features designed to meet current and future data protection needs.Features new with this release include those listed below:►Policy Management – The Policy Management tools allow job templates to be created and easily applied to a single client or an entire group of clients simultaneously. Oncedefined, policy-based administration allows you to monitor, manage and edit a group of jobs as a single entity.►User Level Access – The User Level Access feature allows users to be defined with a specific set of privileges on an individual or group basis. User Level Access is ideal forextending a subset of NetVault’s features to other members of the IT staff as well as end users.►Enhanced Reporting – The improved reporting feature enables the administrator toschedule reports on many aspects of NetVault’s operation with several output typesavailable. In addition, a powerful report-editing tool has been provided to allow user-defined reports to be created.►Event Notification – The Notification tool provides the ability to notify a user of a NetVault event, improving NetVault’s ability to support automated, lights out operations. This feature promotes awareness and reduces potential data loss by providing an early warning system.The Encryption Plugin – NetVault Release 7.0 introduces support for a new plugin module, the Encryption plugin. With the Encryption plugin, data is encrypted (128-bit) at the client, and the data remains encrypted while transferred over the network and when written to tape, providing unparalleled data security for NetVault customers. This new module is optional and only available with the release of NetVault 7.0 and onwards.The SnapVault Manager Plugin – NetVault’s plugin module, the SnapVault Manager, provides the capability to manage and monitor NetWork Appliance’s SnapVault technology. SnapVault, working in conjunction with NetApp’s Snapshot technology, enhances enterprise data protection by frequently backing up changed data from multiple storage platforms to a common Snapshot on a NetApp NearStore enabling faster tapeless restores. The SnapVault Manager is an optional item and only available with the release of NetVault 7.0 and onwards.For any NetVault Clients running on a platform not yet supported with Release 7.0, those clients may continue to use a NetVault 6.x version. Please note that NetVault 6.x clients cannot use the GUI to access a NetVault 7 server.NetVault 6.x clients will be administered by the NetVault 7.0 Server, however, they will not be able to take advantage of all of the new 7.0 features as described here:►Policy Management – the NetVault 6.x client cannot be part of a policy, but the Job/Policy management window will display that client’s job status, etc.►Enhanced Reporting – the NetVault 7 server will not be able to collect drive statistic information on the 6.x client.In most cases, 6.x APM’s are forward compatible with NetVault 7.0 and do not require an upgrade. Some APM’s are updated with each maintenance release of NetVault, such as NDMP, Adabas, SAP R/3, SnapMirror to Tape and Snapshot Manager. BakBone recommends upgrading when a new version is made available.In the case of 64-bit databases, NetVault 6.x 64-bit APM’s are not compatible with 7.0. From NetVault Release 7.0 onwards, a 32-bit NetVault core can support 64-bit plugins, hence providing 64-bit database support. If any 64-bit plugins are being used in a 64-bit NetVault environment they will need to be upgraded once the core has been upgraded to NetVault Release 7.0. Existing versions of the following plugins do not function properly with NetVault 7.0 (e.g. those installed and used with NetVault 6.5.3 and older) and must be upgraded. They are included in the list below:►Lotus Notes APM (this applies to all supported operating systems except Windows2000/NT)►Snapshot Manager Plugin►NetWare Thin Client PluginTo receive an upgraded version of these plugins that function properly with NetVault 7.0, please contact BakBone Technical Support.It is possible to upgrade any version of NetVault 6 to NetVault 7.0. As a general rule, a NetVault server can only support clients at the same or previous revisions of NetVault. So, a NetVault 6.x server cannot be used with NetVault 7.0 clients. When upgrading, it is important to upgrade the server to NetVault 7.0 before upgrading the clients. Also, a NetVault 6 GUI cannot domain control a NetVault 7 server, so if you are using domain control to control the server, this too will require an upgrade.For complete upgrade instructions, please refer to the Upgrading to NetVault 7.0 Guide in the Product Documentation section of the BakBone website.This section documents known NetVault issues.►Package add installations still have nv6server (client) as the package name, even thought it is actually a 7 package.►A cross-platform restore of the NetVault database is not currently possible, i.e. restoring a Windows NetVault database backup to a Solaris or Linux system is not supported. This section documents known issues that have been corrected with this release of NetVault.FaultNumberDescription18603 device management screen log tab should only start when tab selected 18592 nvsendmail couldn't accept multi line responses. 18336 Do not issue second inquiry for serial numbers to hard disks in NetVault 7 18313 Cannot add clients 18263 When trying to execute lsloop file "./lsloop: 6: Syntax error: "done" unexpected (expecting "do") is... 18179 nvreusemedia does not work on specific condition 18130 Deviceeject CLI command return successful message when usage is actually denied 18010 nvclientaccess typo 18009 nvclientaccess is not part of install 17925 Missing information box when removing device 17899 The plugins menu options within the txtconfigurator do not work 17898 File system spanned backup to NDMP client attached device failed at point of spanning 17861 The template of SuperLoader gets "device goes offline" on W2K 17852 NDMP Client Configure: Default size of screen obscures some of the tab text. 17830 Length of cleaning cycle in Generic Cleaning tab 17828 Auto cleaning doesn't work when we chose 2 of criteria in Clean Property. 17798 HPUX SCSI device nodes not created for high SCSI ID and LUN 17755 Time reading remains 0 17732 After selecting a non-distribution file for install the error ?the selected file iss not a valid module distribution file? 17685 Missing OK button from the Pling context window "Save to file"button 17676 Cannot stop processes on Solaris 8 INTEL 17645 Cannot Bulk Blank Tapes Labeled as 'ANSI' 17611 Change Exclusions so you can use paths rather than just names 17608 Windows GUI does not cope well if it has problems reading the columns file on logs screen 17519 nvopendoor can't handle library names with parenthesis 17518 NVDB Backup cannot span media 17453 NVConfigurator Trace Tab shows entry for old plugins. 17375 when using a virtual library- consolidation backup sets aren’t archived. 17297 Licoln Electric NDMP attached LTO drive unable to load 17294 Auto-configure not displaying when selected manually 17286 Error generated when any snapshot manager job runs on sol 2.8 17275 Debugging - Change tracing to write to sequential trace files, deleting older one 17143 Duplicate plugin hangs forever if media error occurs during the phase 2 17140 New path-exclusion feature has too wide a text box in the Configurator 17129 nvverify hangs upon medium/device SCSI error 17118 Drive option causes restores to fail (Number of blocks to write/read at a time) 17023 Problem with the exclusion option on the File System plugin 16900 Scroll buttons for time selection in Filter Options-Logs screen (from & To panes) missing right definition16851 'nvreport -r ls' shows media located in EE port in the last slot16828 Exclusions - Need the ability to exclude specific items by a full path16827 Exclusions - Nodes that are above a real tick in the selection tree don’t get excluded16710 A datacopy will affect the retirement of the backup it was taken from16634 If setting MID and other target tab option, job status is waiting media.16605 Domain control problems when you do not save password16588 Operator message for event Job completed successfully - needs to state the job name16585 Event class Log Daemon, event Home Drive Becoming Full - only works under NT16579 Filter on device logs on Device management screen16546 Method "Modify" available from right click menu on standalone drive16526 Auto configuration - Scan clients for remote/shared drives - machine selector not fully visible16523 Add Library / Library Selection tab - Type dropdown selector control is shown gray not white16522 Client Management / Server Select dropdown control has gray background instead of white when dropped down16519 Job Management Toolbar Filter button pre-selected when JM screen opens16506 Consolidation of System configuration, Com+ database from Windows 2000 client on Linux server fails with "Invalid path&q...16476 NT and W2k NetVault windows do not retain size upon re-open16474 Local DAR forcing >1024 files in a directory fails when starting recovery from 2nd tape16450 Device Management's Add Menus have missing option descriptions on MP RAS16449 If drive goes offline while job is waiting for media, the job aborts16448 'Invalid message box' error when clicking 'X' button to close 'Edit Drive' window16433 After changing maximum log messages to 100 in nvconfigurator, more then 100 log messages appear.16361 filer attached drive not get unloaded before door is open16344 Capabilities listed under Domain Management properties centered - would be clearer left justified16341 Job Management screen - column headers partially obscured on default16329 Jobs scheduled "once" that are on hold at their run time retain "on hold" status in jobs tab16324 Inconsistent window titles between UNIX and Windows: Job Management and NetVault Jobs.16323 Selecting the Current Topic in Stand Alone Device window brings up the Add Library help file.16311 ulimit- file restore causes unexpected restore failure error.16303 File System plugin cannot backup a filename longer than 200characters.16299 Cleaning Support for HP LTO drive16265 GUI Main Window can be resized16260 SaveSet window has a gray background for entering text.16243 Optical library media is represented with question marks instead of media icon in media management16185 GUI text has caps on wrong characters when closing ee port and doing status on the library arm on W2K16184 Job Monitor window has Windows icon in top left hand corner, not NetVault icon16183 ndmp - restore fails when trailing / used in filesystem name16181 plugin string searches do not employ implicit wildcards16179 Auto configure device has incorrect 'status message' (bottom right corner of window)16149 backup option tied to saveset16146 Browse of a saveset containing a directory with 36000 files is a little slow16145 Restore from a 'No file info' backup does not have 'Restore single entry' options16130 nvreports will cause a "segmentation fault (core dump)" on Solaris 7 if run when a back job is running.16079 Job Management's filters button is not mentioned in help16073 'Add Standalone Drive' help brings up 'Add Library' help instead16069 Device Management View Menu's have Overview option instead of Configure16068 Device Management's Add menu has the same description given for two menu options16065 Backup window resizing is not saved16062 Killed process does not create a dump file16047 Data copy of an incremental backup should be allowed to write to a tape containing the full backup data16044 running nvblank media from an AIX client to a Windows server does not work16034 Need to use the mt driver on Solaris 7 as well as 816033 Job Manager screen leaks memory when left open15979 consolidate backup does not work when the save set contains registry data15975 Windows NetVault server postscript jobs running on clients of any OS hang through a firewall15919 NetVault is allocating 2 TAPES when backup > target > Ensure this backup is the first on media.15897 NT File system plugin reporting "Media error writing backup data" this is an incorrect message15861'if' spelt 'of' in Edit Drive-NDMP Configuration tab15858 Bulk Label: can enter media group manually in the 'Group Label' field but group label not applied to tapes 15855 Problem with GUI when using Domain Management15815 Configure Performance window does not display when selected on autoconfigure device. 15811 When opening the media diagnose window, nice for the 'reasons' pane to re-size as well 15791 Device configuration screen doesn't display the correct amount of drives successfully added. 15770 nvreadlog - sends blank email attachment on Solaris 2.7 with nvsendmail 15737 Large Data Hierarchies tally figures don't match up. 15736 Simple Backup and Restores tally figures don't match.15734 NVConfigurator -> License does not display "add new key" box.15687 Spelling error: Decision spelt Descision in Pseudo device-Edit Drive-Software Compression window 15656 Job Monitor window first focus key to 'Abort Job' button instead of 'OK' button15616 If a backup fails to write the correct segment information for the saveset, the backup status should show as Failed, not comp ...15593 You should not be able to save a job with no ticks15584 If using force job to blank tape, NDMP attempts to write index to blank tape as well 15572 Improper implementation regarding SMTP extensions 15570 2 X 400 slot libraries makes the GUI unusable15552 nvreport -r librarydrives crashes when no library added to NetVault 15468 Problem with NVSendmail using the -f option to send a file 15458 SMTP server does not accept 'data' method using nvsendmail.15452 Remote Configurator - after plugin installed tabs inserted at top level instead of sub tabs of Plugin Options 15441 'Load Job' in UNIX GUI can surreptitiously overwrite backup Advanced Options 15427 unix script plugin: pre & post scripts cause job to freeze in running state 15369 nvreport needs to be able to report on retirement dates of media15363 NDMP fails to get space left estimates from ULTRIUM LTO - DAT & DLT Drives 15322 When adding standalone drive, the default device name should not contain spaces 15317 Consolidate Filesystem Plugin fail including "REGSTRY" backup. 15273 A job stops with "Running: Job Completed" status15218 Bulk Group label field has lots of spaces in the field, so that if you type in a group label, the group label has lots of spa... 15214 Client install does not contain nvreadlog, yet e-mail notification requires nvreadlog when you select psmail_logs.bat script 15196 Re-scan for devices is not finding library drives15186 NetVault server will log excessively if smart client attached device goes down15184 Device Management - Logical View - lists tapes in slots by the first number - 1, 10, 2, 3, 4, etc 15145 NDMP: add server dialog click X control to close dialog backup window hangs 15103 End users should not be able to do a binary log dump from the Jobs window15087 nvsendmail does not conform to RFC821 standards, hence mail notification fails. 15050 Duplication non server duplicates series of intermittent fails of test script 14966 E-mail notification will attached blank logs from client14941 Raw backup & restore - need to unmount partition - not checked by NetVault or advised in Help 14929 After changing the refresh rate to every 30 seconds, the display only flashes when completed. 14922 Drive status has no cleaning tab14907 Setting cleaning tape lives, dialog buttons must be clicked twice causing lost lock error 14894E-mail notification does not give work correctly with Exchange 5.5 as the mail serverThis section lists any necessary notes and changes and supersedes what is shown in the printed version of the NetVault documentation. For the most current version of the NetVaultAdministrator’s Guide and Configurator Guide, log onto BakBone Software’s web site and access the Product Documentation page located at the following address:/support/product_documentation/From this page, all of the most recent versions of NetVault Documentation can be downloaded.BakBone Software is a leading data recovery solution provider that develops and globallydistributes data backup, restore, and disaster recovery software for network storageenvironments. BakBone delivers scalable solutions that address the needs of large enterprise environments and small to medium size businesses. Incorporated in 2000, BakBoneSoftware's products are used by companies worldwide and are distributed through a network of OEMs and solution providers.BakBone Software, Inc.Worldwide Headquarters Asia/Pacific Rim EMEABakBone Software, Inc. 10145 Pacific Heights Blvd.Suite 500San Diego, California 92121USAPhone 858 450-9009 FAX: 858 450-9929 e-mail:****************BakBone Software K.K. Shinjuku Dai-ichi Seimei Bldg.11th Floor2-7-1 NishiShinjuku Shinjuku-kuTokyo 163-0711 Japan Phone: +81-3-5908-3511 FAX: +81-3-5908-3512 e-mail:***************.jpBakBone Software Ltd.Merck House SeldownPoole, Dorset BH15 1TWEnglandPhone: 44-1202-241000 FAX: 44-1202-249000 e-mail:***************.ukWeb Site: BakBone Software is dedicated to providing friendly, expert advice to NetVault customers. Our highly trained professionals are available to answer your questions, offer solutions to yourproblems and generally help you make the most of your NetVault purchase. Log on to our web site, or contact our Helpdesk, for more information.BakBone Software Web Site: Helpdesk Support LinesNorth America Europe (EMEA) Asia/Pacific Rim1.877.955.BONE (955.2663) or 1.858.450.7153 +44.1202.244727 or +44.1202.244728 +81.3.5908.3511 e-mail:*******************e-mail:******************.uke-mail:******************.jp。

Vault 基本设置和应用

Vault 基本设置和应用

如果企业里,已经有域账号,则可直接导入使用,而且导入的账号和域账号之间保持关联。这样可 以避免维护额外的账户,登陆的时候也非常方便。

在导入账号的时候,可以选择“Location”, 选择群组导入,也可以 输入显示名(名+姓, 如Kelvin Hao), 通过 Check Name,找到预账号。 导入的预账号如果不需要了可以删除( demote) 对于非预账号,目前可以编辑,但不能删除
Web Client
Vault web client是通过IE浏览器登陆Vault进行文件搜索,查 看,打印等操作的一个模块。这个功能只有在Vault Collaboration 和Vault Professional中有。默认情况下, Web Client只能在局域网中使用,只要应用对象需要查看图纸 的是车间人员,施工人员等。

数ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ管理模式介绍
在客户端,可以利用已有账号登陆Vault. 但在登陆前要确保Vault 服务器和客户断都已经正确安 装,而且License已经配置好。 对于Vault Professional 2011, License和AutoCAD的网络版license管理方式相同。既购 买多少个license, 则并发数就有多少个。 独立的Vault客户端,和应用程序中的add-in都会消耗license, 但Web client则不消耗 license.
Autodesk Vault服务器
快速入门 数据仓库
Autodesk Vault服务器
利用Vault服务器可以进行的常用操作 :

Quest NetVault Bare Metal Recovery 说明书

Quest NetVault Bare Metal Recovery 说明书

When you have fast bare metal recovery, rebuilding a failed server and keeping your users productive is a piece of cake. Unlike traditional data protection solutions — which don’t sufficiently protect operating systems, network and system settings, application binaries and disk partitions — bare metal recovery speeds the recovery of a failed disk drive and restores operations to ensure business continuity.Nothing delivers these benefits like Quest NetVault Bare Metal Recovery.It lets you schedule full image-level backups as an extension of your backup routine. And if a server crashes, you can boot the system using the minimal OS or live CD to initiate the recovery process. Once the environment is ready to be restored, the intuitive NetVault interface guides you in easily capturing the most recent system image.With NetVault Bare Metal Recovery, it’s a snap to meet aggressive recovery time objectives and service-level agreements because automation eliminates much of the manual intervention and guesswork in rebuilding a disk. By automating recovery of operating systems, network settings, system settings, applications, disk partitions and data, NetVault Bare Metal Recovery ensures a correct disk rebuild the first time.NetVault BareMetal RecoveryFast and powerful image-level backup and recoveryBENEFITS:• Helps you quickly recover aWindows or Linux system to similarhardware, dissimilar hardware ora virtual machine, and get backonline as soon as possible• Provides online full partitionbackups, offline block-level backups and WindowsVSS-based backups• Protects boot and system imageson Linux platforms• Recovers machines with nofunctional operating system• Lets you boot from a minimal OS orlive CD• Offers easy job scheduling• Complements and completes yourdata protection strategy© 2017 Quest Software, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Quest, NetVault and the Quest logo are trademarks and registered trademarks of Quest Software Inc. For a complete list of Quest marks, visit /legal/trademarks.aspx. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.FEATURES AND BENEFITS• Fast recovery — Minimizes downtime and ensures user productivity by dramatically reducing the time required to run a bare metal recovery, from what can easily consume an entire day to just a fraction of that time.• Deep-level protection — Safeguards operating systems, network and system settings, application binaries, disk partitions and data down to the partition level for retaining exactly what’s needed to ensure a successful rebuild.• Online and offline backups — Lets you choose between online backups (so a protected system can remain online and available to your users) and offline block-level backups.• VaultOS recovery — Enables you to use a minimal OS or live CD to recover a disk that has no functional operating system, ensuring access to data.• Automated value input — Manages the recovery steps for you automatically, inputting values in the correct order the first time to eliminate guesswork or risks, maintain current change or modified server configurations, and minimize user impact.• Seamless integration with other backup devices — Leverages NetVault Backup for automatic integration with a wide range of backup devices to regularly capture critical system settings and store bare metal recovery images off site; can also be combined with NetVault Backup plug-ins for optimized protection of physical and virtual systems.ABOUT NETVAULT BACKUP NetVault Backup is an efficient, enterprise-class backup and recovery solution that enables high-growth organizations to protect all of their data in growing and diverse IT environments. NetVault Backup supports all major operating systems and virtual environments, provides advanced protection for network-attached storage devices and databases (including Oracle, Exchange, SQL Server, DB2 and SAP), and allows you to back up to disk or tape.ABOUT QUESTQuest helps our customers reduce tedious administration tasks so they can focus on the innovation necessary for their businesses to grow. Quest® solutions are scalable, affordable and simple-to-use, and they deliver unmatched efficiency and productivity. Combined with Quest’s invitation to the global community to be a part of its innovation, as well as our firm commitment to ensuring customer satisfaction, Quest will continue to accelerate the delivery of the most comprehensive solutions for Azure cloud management, SaaS, security, workforce mobility and data-driven insight.DataSheet-NetVault-BareMetalRecovery-US-KS-25718Quest 4 Polaris Way, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 | If you are located outside North America, you can find local office information on our Web site.。

NetApp 7-mode常用指令教学

NetApp 7-mode常用指令教学

NetApp 7-mode | mycloudletters | Page 2
VLAN vlan create -g on <ifname> <vlanid> vlan create -g on e4 2 3 4 vlan delete -q on <ifname> <vlanid> vlan add <ifname> <vlanid> vlan stat <ifname> <vlanid> vlan modify -g on|off <ifname> VLAN ID 1~4094 ifgrp有support /etc/rc file設定期間會重新啟動 VGRP ifconfig e0b down
vif create single singig1 e0a e0c ifconfig singig1 netmask mediatype auto up ifgrp favor e0a ifgrp create multi multiig2 e0a e0b e0c e0d ifconfig singig1 netmask mediatype auto up ifgrp favor e0a
NetApp 7-mode | mycloudletters | Page 2
exportfs -z [path]road export and 從/etc/exports移除
預設file path with the rw and sFeoc=llsoyws export options



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《Netvault配置指南》幻 灯片
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• Intel x86 (32bit)
– Windows 2000, Windows NT, Solaris Intel, SCO Unix, FreeBSD
虚拟带库总容量 虚拟驱动器数 VaultDR灾难备份服务器 VaultDR灾难备份客户端 报价资料及价格
5 32 2 选购 不支持 不支持 选购 选购
NDMP Network Data Mover
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BakBoneNetVault产品介绍产品介绍贝克软件公司北京代表处二〇二一年二月目录1 体系结构设计思想 (4)1.1 核心模块(NetVault Core Module) (4)1.2 服务器模块(Server Module) (5)1.3 设备操纵模块(Device Module) (5)1.4 应用插件模块(Application Plugin Module) (6)2 多平台的支持特性 (7)2.1 集群的支持 (8)2.2 对磁带库、磁带机的支持 (8)2.3 数据库、应用及软件接口的支持 (8)2.4 文件系统备份支持 (8)3 NetVault的专门性能介绍 (9)3.1 网络压缩 (9)3.2 网络自动负载均衡 (10)3.3 硬盘虚拟磁带库 (10)3.4 增强的(TurboVault TM)内存磁带驱动器缓冲技术 (10)3.5 可调式文件区块大小 (11)3.6 自动合并备份(Consolidated Backup) (11)3.7 裸设备的备份与复原 (11)3.8 强大的NDMP功能 (11)3.9 系统的平滑升级 (12)3.10 灾难复原(VaultDR TM) (12)3.11 Windows下打开文件的备份支持(OFM) (13)3.12 自动化的备份治理 (14)3.13 最简易的操作界面 (14)3.14 对SAN和NAS的支持 (14)3.15 策略治理 (15)3.16 用户访问级别 (15)3.17 加强的报告功能 (15)3.18 事件通知功能 (16)3.19 Windows UniCode 混合语言支持 (16)3.20 加密功能 (16)3.21 任务优先级功能 (16)3.22 任务多次尝试功能 (16)3.23 介质要求超时功能 (17)1 体系结构设计思想在有BakBone的NetVault软件之前,企业不得不依靠自己有限的备份软件搭建数据信息备份基础设施。

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美国贝克软件公司北京代表处 2004年2月19日 BakBone NetVault 产品手册目录一、公司介绍及产品的历史 (4)二、产品功能及体系结构说明 (8)2.1产品功能 (8)2.2体系结构 (9)1) 核心模块(NetVault Core Module) (10)2) 服务器模块(Server Module) (10)3) 图形界面模块(GUI Module) (10)4) 设备控制模块(Device Module) (11)5) 应用插件模块(Application Plugin Module) (11)三、产品的特性描述 (12)3.1 Simple-简单化 (12)3.2 Powerful-强大的功能 (12)3.3 Modular-模块化 (15)3.4 Maintenance-易维护性 (17)四、产品的功能描述 (18)1) NetVault Server Package (18)2) Application Plugin ModulesTM (APMTM) (20)3) Heterogeneous Client Support (21)4) Open File Manager APMTM (21)5) Office Data Share APMTM (22)6) Oracle Online APMTM (23)7) Oracle RMAN APMTM (24)8) Sybase ASE APMTM (25)9) Informix DSE APMTM (26)10) SAP R/3 APMTM (27)11) DB2 APMTM (27)12) Lotus Notes/Domino APMTM (28)13) ADABAS APMTM (29)14) MySQL APMTM (30)15) Microsoft SQL APMTM (31)16) Microsoft Exchange APMTM (32)17) NDMP APMTM (33)18) Network Appliance APMTM (34)19) VaultDR Disaster Recovery (35)20) VaultShare APMTM (36)21) SmartClientTM (37)22) DirectSANTM SAN LAN-Free Backup (38)23) Library Sharing LAN-Free Backup (39)24) Dynamically Shared Devices TM (DSDTM) (39)25) Virtual Disk Library (40)26) TurboVault (41)27) NetWork Compression (42)28) Consolidated File System Backup (42)29) Cleaning Cartridge Support (43)30) Disk Staging (44)31) User Level Access (45)32) Policy Management (45)33) Notification (46)34) Graphical Reporting (47)35) Encryption (47)五、竞争分析 (49)NetVault 产品功能手册一、公司介绍及产品的历史关于BakBone Software Inc. BakBone公司是一家国际性的存储管理软件公司。






BakBone公司的NetVault自动备份软件是真正可升级的、真正模块化的高性能备份与恢复存储管理软件,可在UNIX, Linux, NT,Windows 2000和SCO UNIX等开放式系统平台下使用。





NetVault的核心技术是由AT&T 贝尔试验室在1989年开发的。


 l在英国的多塞是NETVAULT产品的研发中心; l在美国的圣地亚哥是全球总部,同时也是产品的总技术支持中心; l亚太地区的总部位于日本的东京,同时也是亚太地区的技术支持中心 BakBone公司2001年3月份进入中国, 在中国的代表处设在北京,上海、广州分设办事处。



 BakBone公司虽然进入中国市场的时间很短,但由于BakBone 软件公司NetVault 自动备份管理软件出色的性能、保护用户原有投资、容易的部署和极短的培训时间以及最低的总体拥有者成本(TCO)赢得了中国市场用户的认可。

 NetVault产品的发展历史 从下图可以大概的了解到NetVault产品的演变进程时间线  在1989年的时候,美国AT&T贝尔实验室的工程师门遇到了一个棘手的问题,当时实验室内部有着非常多的程序和研发数据需要及时的备份到离线介质磁带上安全的保存。


但是外界的市场上却没有一个合适的产品能够完成这样一项艰巨的备份任务,于是有着全世界最优秀IT精英的贝尔实验室着手自己编写了一套可以运行在多种平台上完成数据磁带备份任务的软件,这样NetVault 1.0就诞生了。


 到了1999年,当时NetVault的几位主创人员从AT&T贝尔实验室分离出来创办了以NetVault命名的软件公司NetVault Co. Ltd. 这时的NetVault经过了脱胎换骨的主要架构改革,变成了现在的“搭积木”的模块化架构设计,让所有的产品功能都由一个个独立编写的模块来实现。

这就是第一次NetVault软件的商业化发布产品NetVault 6.0版,它的成功发布给平淡的备份软件市场带来了新的气象。






 产品的支持的操作系统平台: 1)NetVault 备份服务器支持的平台: AIX 4.2 / 4.3 / 4.4 / 5.1L/5.2L (32 bit/64bit) FreeBSD 4.0/4.2 /4.3/4.6HP-UX 10.20/11.00/11.11 HP9000/700 and HP9000/800 PA1/PA2 (32 )HP-UX 11.00/11.11 HP9000/700 andHP9000/800 PA2 (64 bit)Linux Kernel 2.2.xLinux Kernel 2.4.xRedHat Advanced Server 2.1NCR MP-RAS R03.02OpenUnix 8RedFlag Linux SCO UnixWare 2.13SCO UnixWare 7.01 / 7.1SCO OpenServer 5.05/5.06/5.07SGI IRIX 6.2/6.5 (32-bit)SGI IRIX 6.5 (64-bit)Solaris 2.51 (Sparc)Solaris 2.6/7/8/9 (Sparc)Solaris 7/8/9(Intel)Solaris 8/9 (Sparc 64-bit)Tru64 4.0b-f/5.xWindows 2000 All Versions/ Windows 2003 Windows NT 4.0 (Intel)Turbo Linux2)NetVault 客户端支持的平台: AIX 4.2 / 4.3 / 4.4 / 5.1L/5.2L (32 bit/64bit) FreeBSD 4.0/4.2 /4.3/4.6HP-UX 10.20/11.00/11.11 HP9000/700 and HP9000/800 PA1/PA2 (32 )HP-UX 11.00/11.11 HP9000/700 andHP9000/800 PA2 (64 bit)Linux Kernel 2.2.xLinux Kernel 2.4.xRedHat Advanced Server 2.1NCR MP-RAS R03.02OpenUnix 8NetWare 4.11 / 5.1 / 6.0RedFlag LinuxTurbo Linux SCO UnixWare 2.13SCO UnixWare 7.01 / 7.1SCO OpenServer 5.05/5.06/5.07SGI IRIX 6.2/6.5 (32-bit)SGI IRIX 6.5 (64-bit)Solaris 2.51 (Sparc)Solaris 2.6/7/8/9 (Sparc)Solaris 7/8/9 (Intel)Solaris 8/9 (Sparc 64-bit)Tru64 4.0b-f/5.xWindows 2000 All Versions / Windows 2003 Windows NT 4.0 (Intel)Windows 95/98/MEWindows XP Home/Professional欲获得最新的支持列表(当前所支持的设备,操作系统和应用程序插件),请访问我们的Web站点:操作系统支持列表:/docs/NetVault_Supported_Platforms.pdf应用程序插件(APM)支持列表:/docs/NetVault_Supported_Plugin_Modules.pdf设备支持列表:/docs/NetVault_Supported_Drives.pdf/docs/NetVault_Supported_Libraries.pdf 二、产品功能及体系结构说明2.1产品功能BakBone公司的旗帜产品 NetVault自动备份恢复软件是真正可升级的、真正模块化的高性能备份与恢复存储管理软件,可在众多UNIX, Linux, NT,Windows 2000和SCO Unix等平台下使用。
