Object Oriented Programming In Oberon-2




面向对象编程的基础知识面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,简称OOP)是计算机编程中广泛应用的一种编程范式,它将程序中的数据和操作封装到对象中,通过对象之间的交互来实现程序功能,具有高度的灵活性和可维护性。

1. 面向对象编程的特点面向对象编程具有以下特点:1.1. 封装性封装性是面向对象编程的基本特征之一。


1.2. 继承性继承性是面向对象编程的重要特征之一。


1.3. 多态性多态性是面向对象编程的重要特征之一。


2. 面向对象编程的核心概念面向对象编程的核心概念包括类(Class)、对象(Object)、封装(Encapsulation)、继承(Inheritance)和多态(Polymorphism)等。

以下分别进行介绍:2.1. 类(Class)类是面向对象编程的基本组成单位,它定义了一组数据和方法的集合,描述了一类对象的属性和行为。

类常用的定义方式是使用class关键字,如下所示:```class Person {String name;int age;void introduce(){System.out.println("My name is " + name + ", I am " + age + " years old.");}}```这个Person类包含了两个数据属性(name和age)和一个方法(introduce()),可以用来描述一个人的信息。

2.2. 对象(Object)对象是类的实例化,是面向对象编程的基本操作单元。


对象定义示例 如前例中,声明了一个名为 rectangle 的类,我们可以定义该
类的若干对象: rectangle r1, r2, r3;
对象定义说明 类的声明和对象的定义可以想结构体类型声明和结构体变量定
2- 15
2.3 类的成员函数
2- 12
2.2 类的声明和对象的定义
struct 换成class:
class 类名
{ private:
( member access specifier )
公共数据成员和公共成员函数; ( member access specifier )
C++中,对象的类型称为类( class )。类代表了某一批对 象的共同特性。前面已经谈到,类是对象的抽象,而对象是类 的具体实例( instance )。就象结构体类型和结构体变量一样。
C++中,我们先声明一个类的类型,然后再定义该类的若 干对象。对象就是类这种类型的一个变量。类是抽象的,不占 内存,而对象是具体的,要占用内存空间。
class rectangle { private:
int length, width,; int area, perimeter ; public: void PutArea ( ); void PutPerimeter ( ); void display ( ); }; void rectangle:: PutArea ( ) { area = length * width;}



什么是面向对象编程请解释面向对象编程的三大特征面向对象编程(Object-oriented Programming,简称OOP)是一种计算机编程范式,它的设计思想基于现实世界中对象的概念。



1. 封装(Encapsulation)封装是指将对象的属性(数据)和方法(操作)封装在一起,形成一个独立的单位。




2. 继承(Inheritance)继承指的是一个对象(称为子类或派生类)可以从另一个对象(称为父类或基类)继承属性和方法,并可以对其进行扩展。




3. 多态(Polymorphism)多态是指同一个消息可以被不同类的对象解释为不同的行为。








2025年软件资格考试程序员(基础知识、应用技术)合卷(初级)模拟试卷(答案在后面)一、基础知识(客观选择题,75题,每题1分,共75分)1、在计算机科学中,数据结构主要用来表示什么?A. 数据存储方式B. 数据组织形式C. 数据运算方法D. 数据处理逻辑2、下列哪一项不属于面向对象编程的基本特征?A. 封装性B. 继承性C. 多态性D. 静态分配3、题干:在面向对象程序设计中,类和对象之间的关系可以描述为()。

A. 类是对象的抽象,对象是类的具体化B. 对象是类的抽象,类是对象的具体化C. 类和对象是同义词,可以互相替换D. 类和对象没有关系,是两个独立的实体4、题干:以下关于C++中函数重载的说法错误的是()。

A. 函数重载允许函数名相同,但参数列表不同B. 函数重载要求参数类型或参数数量不同C. 函数重载时,编译器会根据调用时传递的参数列表来决定调用哪个函数D. 函数重载只能用于成员函数,不能用于全局函数5、下列选项中,哪一个是编译型语言的例子?A、JavaScriptB、PythonC、JavaD、C++6、在计算机科学中,栈是一种遵循什么原则的数据结构?A、先进先出(FIFO)B、后进先出(LIFO)C、随机存取(RA)D、以上都不是7、以下哪个选项是Java中的基本数据类型?A. StringB. IntegerC. DoubleD. Object8、在Python中,以下哪个操作符用于获取列表中最后一个元素的值?A. last()B. end()C. pop()D. tail()9、下列选项中,哪一项不是面向对象编程(OOP)的基本特征?A. 封装性B. 继承性C. 多态性D. 可行性 10、在计算机网络中,TCP/IP模型中的应用层对应OSI七层模型中的哪几层?A. 应用层B. 表示层C. 会话层D. 以上全部11、题干:在软件开发过程中,以下哪种文档通常用于记录项目需求?A. 代码注释B. 用户手册C. 需求规格说明书D. 测试报告12、题干:以下哪个概念不属于软件工程的基本原则?A. 软件质量第一B. 模块化C. 开放式系统D. 可维护性13、以下哪项不属于软件工程的基本原则?A. 模块化B. 隐蔽性C. 可维护性D. 可复用性14、在软件开发生命周期中,以下哪个阶段主要用于需求分析和系统设计?A. 开发阶段B. 调试阶段C. 需求分析与系统设计阶段D. 维护阶段15、在面向对象编程中,以下哪个特性不属于面向对象的基本特性?A. 封装B. 继承C. 多态D. 过程化16、以下哪个编程范式强调使用函数作为程序的主要控制结构?A. 面向对象编程B. 面向过程编程C. 函数式编程D. 事件驱动编程17、题目:在面向对象程序设计中,哪个概念表示将数据和行为封装在一起?A. 继承C. 多态D. 抽象18、题目:以下哪个数据库系统采用了关系型数据库模型?A. MySQLB. MongoDBC. RedisD. Hadoop19、在软件开发中,下列哪项不是软件设计的原则?A. 单一职责原则B. 开放封闭原则C. 李氏替换原则D. 开放封闭原则 20、以下哪个概念在软件工程中代表了一种文档,它用于描述软件系统的架构和组件之间的关系?A. 代码库B. 数据库C. 软件需求规格说明书D. 软件架构图21、在软件开发过程中,哪个阶段是需求分析、设计、编码、测试和部署等环节的起点?A. 需求分析B. 设计D. 测试22、以下哪种设计模式适用于实现一个系统中的某些模块可以被其他模块复用,同时保持模块间的低耦合?A. 工厂模式B. 单例模式C. 适配器模式D. 模板方法模式23、以下关于面向对象编程(OOP)的说法中,正确的是:A. 面向对象编程只关注数据,而忽略程序的行为。



面向对象编程思想1.面向对象的基本概念:面向对象编程(Object Oriented Programming,OOP,面向对象程序设计)是一种计算机编程架构。

OOP 的一条基本原则是计算机程序是由单个能够起到子程序作用的单元或对象组合而成。

OOP是一种计算机编程模式, 它将对象作为问题空间的基本元素, 利用对象和对象之间的相互作用来设计程序。

OOP的设计思想是以数据为中心, 自底向上, 逐步合并。

OOP的最核心属性就是其可重用性, 相比其他范式却并不具有明显优势, 但它更接近人类的认知模式。

OOP的核心思想可以归纳为: 以数据为中心组织逻辑, 将系统视为互相作用的对象的集合, 并利用继承与多态来增强可维护性, 可扩展性和可重用性。

2.对象对象是人们要进行研究的任何事物, 从最简单的整数到复杂的飞机等均可看作对象, 它不仅能表示具体的事物, 还能表示抽象的规则, 计划或事件。



因此, 对象的抽象是类, 类的具体化就是对象, 也可以说类的实例是对象.。


4.关系●继承一般和特殊的关系, 它指定了子类如何特化父类的特征和行为,继承只能单一继承不能多继承。

例如, 小米手机定制版是小米手机的一种。

✧继承的好处1)提高了代码的复用性2)多个类相同的成员可以放到同一个类中3)提高了代码的维护性4)如果功能的代码需要修改,修改一处即可5)让类与类之间产生了关系,是多态的前提✧继承的弊端1)好处的第三点同时也是继承的弊端2)类与类之间产生了关系,让类的耦合性增强了3)设计原则:高内聚低耦合●实现是一种类与接口的关系, 表示类是接口的特征和行为的实现。

发短信这个功能大伙都知道, 小米手机就实现了发短信这个功能, 而且苹果手机也实现了发短信这个功能。

1.接口的成员特点✧成员变量只能是常量:默认修饰符public static final✧构造方法没有,因为接口主要是扩展功能的,而没有具体存在✧成员方法默认修饰符public abstract2. 类与类_类与接口_接口与接口的关系✧类与类继承关系,只能单继承,但是可以多层继承。



Object- Oriented ProgrammingC++主讲成长生东华大学计算机科学与技术学院第一章概述§1.1 面向对象程序设计的基本思想C++是基于C语言发展的, 又冲破C语言局限的面向对象的程序设计语言。

它与Java语言都作为当前计算机科学的主流语言, 越来越受到用户的欢迎。

要弄清楚什么是面向对象的程序设计, 首先了解和回顾传统的( Pascal( 或C) ) 结构化程序设计方法及其设计思想、程序结构及特点。

SP(Structure Programming)是60年代诞生的针对当时爆发的所谓”软件危机”, 为此发展形成了现代软件工程学的基础。

SP的总的设计思想是:.自顶向下、层次化.逐步求精、精细化程序结构是按功能划分基本模块的树型结构, 使模块间的关系尽可能简单独立。

因此SP的程序的基本特点是:.按层次组织模块( 战略上划分战役).每一模块只有一个入口, 一个出口.代码和数据分离( 程序=数据结构+算法)归纳得到: SP把数据和过程( 代码、函数) 分离为相互独立的实体, 用数据代表问题空间中的客体借以表示实际问题中的信息; 程序代码则用来处理加工这些数据。

程序员在编程时, 必须时刻考虑所要处理的数据结构和类型。

对不同的数据格式即使要作同样的处理计算, 或者要对相同的数据格式作不同的处理都必须编写不同的程序( 如两个整型数和两个浮点数相加) 。

这样的编程方法, 即传统的SP方法设计出来的程序或系统其可重用的成分很少。

其次把数据和代码作为不同的分离实体时, 总存在着用错误的数据调用正确的程序模块, 或用正确的数据调用错误的程序模块的危险, 从而使数据与程序始终保持兼容, 已成为程序员的一个沉重的负担。

在开发一个大型软件课题中, 当工程进入到后期若用户改变了方案要求, 很容易使技术人员的前期工作受到摧毁性的打击, 使其前功尽弃。

为克服以上的弊端或者该SP方法难以控制处理的矛盾而产生了面向对象程序设计方法, 即Object -Oriented Programming――OOP。



OOP方案引言在软件开发中,面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,OOP)是一种常用的编程范式。





















Object-Oriented Programming(一)

Object-Oriented Programming(一)

汽车类的派生 类的继承
继承是父类和子类之间共享数据和方法的机制,通常 把父类称为基类,子类称为派生类。一个基类可以有 任意数目的派生类,从基类派生出的类还可以被派生, 一群通过继承相联系的类就构成了类的树型层次结构。 如果一个类有两个或两个以上直接基类,这样的继承 结构被称为多重继承或多继承。在现实世界中这种模 型屡见不鲜,如:一些组合功能的产品像沙发床,它 既有沙发的功能,又有床的功能,沙发床应允许同时 继承沙发和床的特征。
3. 多态性 多态性就其字面上的意思是:多种形式或多种形态。在面向对象 编程中,多态是指同一个消息或操作作用于不同的对象,可以有 不同的解释,产生不同的执行结果。 在面向对象编程中,多态性有两种,一种是静态多态,一种是动 态多态。当在同一个类中,直接调用一个对象的方法时候,系统 在编译时,根据传递的参数个数、参数类型以及返回值的类型等 信息决定实现何种操作,这就是所谓的静态绑定。当在一个有着 继承关系的类层次结构中,间接调用一个对象的方法时候,也就 是说,调用经过基类的操作,这种调用只有到系统运行时,才能 根据实际情况决定实现何种操作,这就是所谓的动态绑定。
抽象是指对于一个过程或者一件物品的某些细 节的有目的的隐藏,以便把其他方面、细节或 者结构表达得更加清楚。
属性 顶点 边的颜色 填充颜色 方法 绘制 擦除 移动
面向对象编程,必须遵循的三个原则是:封装、继承、多态。 1. 封装 所谓“封装”,就是用一个框架把数据和代码组合在一起,形成 一个对象。遵循面向对象数据抽象的要求,一般数据都被封装起 来,也就是外部不能直接访问对象的数据,外部能见到的只有提 供给外面访问的公共操作(也称接口,对象之间通信的渠道)。类 是支持对象封装的基本工具,对象则是封装的基本单元。 封装的对象之间进行通讯的一种机制叫做消息传递。消息是向对 象发出的服务请求,是面向对象系统中对象之间交互的途径。消 息包含要求接收对象去执行某些活动的信息,以及完成要求所需 的其他信息(参数)。发送消息的对象不需要知道接收消息的对 象如何对请求予以响应。接收者接收了消息,它就承担了执行指 定动作的责任,作为消息的答复,接收者将执行某个方法,来满 足所接收的请求。



简单理解OOP——⾯向对象编程OOP:⾯向对象编程⼀. 什么是OOP⾯向对象编程:Object-oriented Programming,OOP,⾯向对象程序设计。





⾯向对象的思想:1. 是⼀种更符合我们思想习惯的思想;2. 可以将复杂的事情简单化;3. 将我们从执⾏者变成了指挥者。

⼆. OOP的特点1. 封装封装,简单来说就是将重复的代码通过⼀种⽅法,编程⼀个新的可以被我们直接调⽤的类,省去了繁复的编程过程。






2. 继承继承是两者或两者以上的类之间的关系。

顾名思义,继承就是⼦类包含⽗类所有的特点,但⼦类⾃⾝还可以有⾃⼰的特有⽅法(⼦类对象 is a ⽗类对象)。





OOP编程思想:封装、继承、多态⾯向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming)与⾯向过程(Procedure Oriented )两种⽅法都是编程中的⽐较常⽤的⽅法,从理论上来说,都能达到⽤计算机程序来解决实际问题的⽬的,只不过是其中所体现出来的思想不⼀样⽽已。





⾯向对象(OOP)的三个特征:封装(Encapsulation)继承(Inheritance)多态(Polymorphism)⼀、封装1、定义:Encapsulation in Java is a mechanism of wrapping the data (variables) and code acting on the data (methods) together as a single unit. In encapsulation, the variables of a class will be hidden from other classes, and can be accessed only through the methods of their current class. Java中的封装是⼀种将数据(变量)和作⽤于数据(⽅法)的代码打包为⼀个单元的机制。


Encapsulation can change the internal structure of a class without affecting the overall structure, while protecting the data. For the outside world, its interior is hidden, and what is exposed to the outside world is only the methods that can access it. 封装可以对类的内部进⾏改变⽽不影响整体结构,同时也保护来数据。



面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming, OOP)是一种程序设计范式,它将现实世界中的事物抽象为程序中的对象,并通过对象之间的交互来实现各种功能。




1. 封装(Encapsulation)封装是面向对象编程的重要特性之一,它通过将数据和方法封装在对象内部,隐藏对象内部的实现细节,只暴露特定的接口给外部使用,从而保护数据的安全性和完整性。


2. 继承(Inheritance)继承是面向对象编程中的另一个重要概念,它允许一个类(子类)继承另一个类(父类)的属性和方法,并且可以对其进行扩展或修改。


3. 多态(Polymorphism)多态是面向对象编程的另一个重要特性,它允许不同的对象对同一个消息做出不同的响应,即同一操作作用于不同的对象上可以有不同的结果。





c++ 信奥赛 常用英语

c++ 信奥赛 常用英语

c++ 信奥赛常用英语在C++ 信奥赛中(计算机奥林匹克竞赛),常用英语词汇主要包括以下几方面:1. 基本概念:- Algorithm(算法)- Data structure(数据结构)- Programming language(编程语言)- C++(C++ 编程语言)- Object-oriented(面向对象)- Function(函数)- Variable(变量)- Constants(常量)- Loops(循环)- Conditional statements(条件语句)- Operators(运算符)- Control structures(控制结构)- Memory management(内存管理)2. 常用算法与数据结构:- Sorting algorithms(排序算法)- Searching algorithms(搜索算法)- Graph algorithms(图算法)- Tree algorithms(树算法)- Dynamic programming(动态规划)- Backtracking(回溯)- Brute force(暴力破解)- Divide and conquer(分治)- Greedy algorithms(贪心算法)- Integer array(整数数组)- Linked list(链表)- Stack(栈)- Queue(队列)- Tree(树)- Graph(图)3. 编程实践:- Code optimization(代码优化)- Debugging(调试)- Testing(测试)- Time complexity(时间复杂度)- Space complexity(空间复杂度)- Input/output(输入/输出)- File handling(文件处理)- Console output(控制台输出)4. 竞赛相关:- IOI(国际信息学奥林匹克竞赛)- NOI(全国信息学奥林匹克竞赛)- ACM-ICPC(ACM 国际大学生程序设计竞赛)- Codeforces(代码力)- LeetCode(力扣)- HackerRank(黑客排名)这些英语词汇在信奥赛领域具有广泛的应用,掌握这些词汇有助于提高选手之间的交流效率,同时对提升编程能力和竞赛成绩也有很大帮助。



综合基础知识试题及答案一、选择题1.下列哪种数据结构不具有后进先出的特点?A. 队列B. 栈C. 链表D. 堆答案:C2.下面哪个选项不是HTML中的表单元素?A. <input>B. <select>C. <text>D. <textarea>答案:C3.下列哪种编程语言是静态类型语言?A. PythonB. JavaScriptC. RubyD. C++答案:D二、填空题1.CSS中用于设置文本下划线的属性是__________。






答案:正确四、简答题1.什么是HTTP协议?答:HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)是一种用于传输超媒体文档的应用层协议。



HTTP的主要特点是简单、灵活和可扩展,它使用URL(Uniform Resource Locator)作为统一资源定位符来标识和定位网络上的资源。

2.什么是面向对象编程?答:面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,简称OOP)是一种编程范式,它将问题看作是由对象组成,通过定义对象的状态(属性)和行为(方法)来描述问题的解决方法。





详解面向对象编程的基本概念和原则面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,简称OOP)是一种常用的编程范式,它的基本概念和原则对于程序员来说非常重要。


















面向对象编程的基本原则:1. 单一职责原则(Single Responsibility Principle,SRP):一个类应该只有一个引起它变化的原因。


2. 开放封闭原则(Open-Closed Principle,OCP):一个类应该对扩展开放,对修改封闭。



Python基础之类和对象(一)1、面向对象编程面向对象编程——Object Oriented Programming,简称OOP,是一种程序设计思想。








假设我们要处理学生的成绩表,为了表示一个学生的成绩,面向过程的程序可以用一个dict 表示:std1 = { 'name': 'Curry', 'score': 98 }std2 = { 'name': 'James', 'score': 81 }而处理学生成绩可以通过函数实现,比如打印学生的成绩:def print_score(std):print('%s: %s'% (std['name'], std['score']))如果采用面向对象的程序设计思想,我们首选思考的不是程序的执行流程,而是Student 这种数据类型应该被视为一个对象,这个对象拥有name 和score 这两个属性(Property)。

如果要打印一个学生的成绩,首先必须创建出这个学生对应的对象,然后,给对象发一个print_score 消息,让对象自己把自己的数据打印出来。



理解面向对象编程的核心原则与思想面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,简称OOP)是一种广泛应用于软件开发的编程范型,它的核心原则和思想对于程序员来说至关重要。




























一、什么是面向对象编程面向对象编程(Object Oriented Programming,简称OOP),是一种软件工程的方法论,它将数据的操作和数据的表示结合在一起,主要采用类、对象、封装、继承和多态等技术,在编程过程中以对象作为程序的基本单位。















Python的面向对象编程概念解析面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,简称OOP)是一种常用的编程范式,它能够更好地组织和设计代码。











例如,下面是一个简单的Circle类的定义和对象实例化的示例:```pythonclass Circle:def __init__(self, radius, color):self.radius = radiusself.color = colordef area(self):return 3.14 * self.radius * self.radiusdef perimeter(self):return 2 * 3.14 * self.radius# 创建一个Circle对象实例my_circle = Circle(5, 'red')# 调用对象的方法print(my_circle.area()) # 输出圆的面积print(my_circle.perimeter()) # 输出圆的周长```在上面的示例中,我们定义了一个Circle类,它有两个属性(radius 和color)和两个方法(area和perimeter)。

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OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN OBERON-2Hanspeter MössenböckETH Zürich, Institut für ComputersystemeABSTRACTOberon-2is a refined version of Oberon developed at ETH.It introduces type-bound procedures,read-only export of data,and open array variables.The For statement is reintroduced.This paperconcentrates on type-bound procedures which make Oberon-2an object-oriented language withdynamically-bound messages and strong type checking at compile time.Messages can also be sent asdata packets(extensible records)that are passed to a handler procedure and are interpreted at run time.This is as flexible as the Smalltalk message dispatching mechanism.Objects carry type information at runtime which allows dynamic binding of messages,run time type tests,and the implementation of persistentobjects. Oberon-2 is available on various machines.OVERVIEWIn1987,Wirth defined the language Oberon[1].Compared with its predecessor Modula-2,Oberon is smaller and cleaner,and it supports type extension which is a prerequisite for object-oriented programming.Type extension allows the programmer to extend an existing record type by adding new fields while preserving the compatibility between the old and the new type.Operations on a type,however,have to be implemented as ordinary procedures without syntactic relation to that type.They cannot be redefined for an extended type.Therefore dynamically-bound messages (which are vital for object-oriented programming)are not directly supported by Oberon,although they can be implemented via message records (see below).Compared to Oberon,Oberon-2[2]provides type-bound procedures(methods),read-only export of data,and open array variables.The For statement is reintroduced after having been eliminated in the step from Modula-2to Oberon. This paper concentrates on type-bound procedures and the use of Oberon-2for object-oriented programming.The other facilities are described in the Oberon-2 language report.Type-bound procedures are operations applicable to variables of a record or pointer type.They are syntactically associated with that type and can therefore easily be identified as its operations.They can be redefined for an extended type and are invoked using dynamic binding.Type-bound procedures together with type extension make Oberon-2a true object-oriented language with dynamically-bound messages and strong type checking at compile time.Oberon-2is the result of three years experience of using Oberon and its experimental offspring Object Oberon [3].Object-oriented concepts were integrated smoothly into Oberon without sacrificing the conceptual simplicity of the language.Object-oriented programming is based on three concepts:data abstraction,type extension and dynamic binding of a message to the procedure that implements it.All these concepts are supported by Oberon-2.We first discuss type extension since this is perhaps the most important of the three notions,and then turn to type-bound procedures,which allow data abstraction and dynamic binding.TYPE EXTENSIONType extension was introduced by Wirth in Oberon.It allows the programmer to derive a new type from an existing one by adding data fields to it. Consider the declarationsTYPEPointDesc= RECORD x, y: INTEGER END;PointDesc3D= RECORD (PointDesc) z: INTEGER END;Point= POINTER TO PointDesc;Point3D= POINTER TO PointDesc3D;PointXYZ= POINTER TO PointDescXYZ;PointDescXYZ= RECORD x, y, z: INTEGER END;PointDesc3D is an extension of PointDesc (specified by the type name in parentheses that follows the symbol RECORD). It starts with the same fields as PointDesc but contains an additional field z. Conversely, PointDesc is called the base type of PointDesc3D. The notion of type extension also applies to pointers. Point3D is an extension of Point and Point is the base type of Point3D. Type extension is also called inheritance because one can think of PointDesc3D as "inheriting" the fields x and y from PointDesc.The crucial point about type extension is that Point3D is compatible with Point, while PointXYZ is not (though it also points to a record with the fields x and y). If p is of type Point and p3 is of type Point3D the assignment p := p3is legal since p3 is an (extended) Point and therefore assignment compatible with p , which is a Point . The reverse assignment p3 := p is illegal since p is only a Point but not a Point3D like p3. The same compatibility rules apply to records.Objects which are pointers or records have both a static type and a dynamic type . The static type is the type which the object is declared of. The dynamic type is the type which the object has at run time. It may be an extension of its static type. After the assignment p := p3 the dynamic type of p is Point3D , while its static type is still Point . That means that the field p3^.z is still part of the block that p points to, but it cannot be accessed via p since the static type of p does not contain a field p^.z (Figure 1).after p x y zp := p3p3z yxFigure 1. Assignment between the extended object and the base objectObjects like p are polymorphic, i.e. they may assume various types at run time. The actual type an object has at run time can be examined with a type test:p IS Point3Dyields TRUE if the dynamic type of p is Point3D (or an extension of it) and FALSE otherwise. A type guardp(Point3D)asserts (i.e., tests at run time) that the dynamic type of p is Point3D (or an extension of it). If so, the designator p(Point3D) is regarded as having the static type Point3D . If not, the program is aborted. Type guards allow the treatment of p as a Point3D object. Therefore the following assignments are possible: p(Point3D)^.z := 0; p3 :=p(Point3D);For objects of a record type, the static and the dynamic types are usually the same. If pd is of type PointDesc and pd3is of type PointDesc3D , the assignment pd := pd3 does not change the dynamic type of pd . Only the fields pd3.x and pd3.y are moved to pd , and the dynamic type of pd remains PointDesc . The compatibility between records is of minor importance except when pd is a formal variable parameter and pd3 is its corresponding actual parameter. In this case the dynamic type of pd is Point3D and the component pd3^.z is not stripped off.The motivation for type extension is that an algorithm which works with type Point can also work with any of its extensions. For example, the procedurePROCEDURE Move (p: Point; dx, dy: INTEGER);BEGIN INC(p.x, dx); INC(p.y, dy)END Move;can be called not only as Move(p, dx, dy) but also as Move(p3, dx, dy).TYPE-BOUND PROCEDURESType-bound procedures serve to implement abstract data types with dynamically bound operations. An abstract data type is a user-defined type which encapsulates private data together with a set of operations that can be used to manipulate this data. In Modula-2 or in Oberon an abstract data type is implemented as a record type and a set of procedures. The procedures, however, are syntactically unrelated to the record, which sometimes makes it hard to identify the data and the operations as an entity.In Oberon-2, procedures can be connected to a data type explicitly. Such procedures are called type-bound. The interface of an abstract data type for texts may look like this:TYPEText = POINTER TO TextDesc;TextDesc = RECORDdata: ... (*(hidden) text data*)PROCEDURE (t: Text) Insert (string: ARRAY OF CHAR; pos: LONGINT);PROCEDURE (t: Text) Delete (from, to: LONGINT);PROCEDURE (t: Text) Length (): LONGINT;END;This gives a nice overview showing which operations can be applied to variables of type Text. However, it would be unwise to implement the operations directly within the record since that would clutter up the declarations with code. In fact, the above view of Text was extracted from the source code with a browser tool. The actual Oberon-2 program looks like this:TYPEText = POINTER TO TextDesc;TextDesc = RECORDdata: (*(hidden) text data*)END;PROCEDURE (t: Text) Insert (string: ARRAY OF CHAR; pos: LONGINT);BEGIN ...END Insert;PROCEDURE (t: Text) Delete (from, to: LONGINT);BEGIN ...END Delete;PROCEDURE (t: Text) Length (): LONGINT;BEGIN ...END Length;This notation allows the programmer to declare the procedures in arbitrary order and after the type and variable declarations, eliminating the problem of forward references. The procedures are associated with a record by the type of a special formal parameter (t: Text) written in front of the procedure name. This parameter denotes the operand to which the operation is applied (or the receiver of a message, as it is called in object-oriented terminology). Type-bound procedures are considered local to the record to which they are bound. In a call they must be qualified with an object of this type, e.g.txt.Insert("Hello", 0)We say that the message Insert is sent to txt, which is called the receiver of the message. The variable txt serves two purposes: it is passed as an actual parameter to t and it is used to select the procedure Insert bound to type Text.If Text is extended, the procedures bound to it are automatically also bound to the extended type. However, they can be redefined by a new procedure with the same name (and the same parameter list), which is explicitly bound to the extended type. Let’s assume that we want to have a more sophisticated type StyledText which not only maintains ASCII text but also style information. The operations Insert and Delete have to be redefined since they now also have to update the style data, whereas the operation Length is not affected by styles and can be inherited from Text without redefinition.TYPEStyledText = POINTER TO StyledTextDesc;StyledTextDesc = RECORD (TextDesc)style: ... (*(hidden) style data*)END;PROCEDURE (st: StyledText) Insert (string: ARRAY OF CHAR; pos: LONGINT);BEGIN... update style data ...st.Insert^ (string, pos)END Insert;PROCEDURE (st: StyledText) Delete (from, to: LONGINT);BEGIN... update style data ...st.Delete^ (from, to)END Delete;We do not want to rewrite Insert and Delete completely but only want to update the style data and let the original procedures bound to Text do the rest of the work. In a procedure bound to type T, a procedure bound to the base type of T is called by appending the symbol ^ to the procedure name in a call (st.Insert^ (string, pos)).Dynamic bindingBecause of the compatibility between a type and its extensions, a variable st of type StyledText can be assigned to a variable t of type Text. The message t.Insert then invokes the procedure Insert which is bound to StyledText, although t has been declared of type Text. This is called dynamic binding: the called procedure is the one which is bound to the dynamic type of the receiver.Polymorphism and dynamic binding are the cornerstones of object-oriented programming. They allow viewing an object as an abstract entity which may assume various concrete shapes at run time. In order to apply an operation to such an object, one does not have to distinguish between its variants. One rather sends a message telling the object what to do. The object responds to the message by invoking that procedure which implements the operation for the dynamic type of the receiver.In Oberon-2, all type-bound procedures are called using dynamic binding. If static binding is desired (which is slightly more efficient), ordinary procedures can be used. However, one must be aware that statically-bound procedures cannot be redefined.Information hidingOne important property of abstract data types is information hiding, i.e. the implementation of private data should not be visible to clients. It seems as if information hiding is violated in Oberon-2 since all record components can be accessed if they are qualified with an object of that record type. However, hiding components is not the business of records; it is the business of modules. A module can export record fields (and type-bound procedures) selectively. In client modules only the exported components are visible. If none of the record fields is exported the private data of the record is hidden to clients.NotationObject-oriented languages differ in the notations they use for classes and type-bound procedures. We want to explain why we chose the above notation in Oberon-2.Classes. We refrained from introducing classes but rather expressed them by the well-known concept of records. Classes are record types with procedures bound to them.Methods. Methods are expressed by type-bound procedures. The fact that their invocation is driven by the dynamic type of an object is reflected by the qualification with an explicit receiver parameter. In a call, the actual receiver is written in front of the message name (x.P); therefore the formal receiver is also declared in front of the procedure name (PROCEDURE (x: T) P (...)).We refrained from duplicating the headers of bound procedures in record declarations as it is done in C++ [6] and Object-Pascal [8]. This keeps declarations short and avoids unpleasant redundancy. Changes to a procedure header would otherwise have to be made at two places and the compiler would have to check the equality of the headers. If the programmer wants to see the record together with all its procedures, he uses a browser to obtain the information. We believe that the working style of programmers has changed in recent years. Programs are written more interactively and high performance tools can be used to collect information that had to be written down explicitly in former days.The procedures bound to a type can be declared in any order. They can even be mixed with procedures bound to a different type. If procedures had to be declared within a type declaration, indirect recursion between procedures bound to different types would make awkward forward declarations necessary for one-pass compilation.Receiver. In most object-oriented languages the receiver of a message is passed as an implicit parameter that can be accessed within a method by a predeclared name such as self or this. The data of a class can be accessed in a method without qualification. For example, in C++ the method Delete would look like this:void Text::Delete (int from, to) {length = length - (to-from);// field length of the receiver is accessed without qualification... NotifyViews(this) ...// receiver is accessed with the predeclared name this}We believe that it is better to declare the receiver explicitly, which allows the programmer to choose a meaningful name for it (not just "this"). The implicit passing of the receiver seems to be a little bit mysterious. We also believe that it contributes to the clarity of programs if fields of the receiver must always be qualified with the receiver’s name. This is especially helpful if fields are accessed which are declared in the receiver’s base type. In Oberon-2, Delete is therefore written in the following way:PROCEDURE (t: Text) Delete (from, to: LONGINT);BEGINt^.length := t^.length - (to-from);(* length is explicitly qualified with t *)... NotifyViews(t) ...(* receiver has the user-defined name t *)END Delete;MESSAGE RECORDSType-bound procedures are one way to implement messages. Another way is to take the phrase "sending a message" literally and to view a message as a packet of data that is sent to an object. This requires message records of various kinds and lengths and a handler per object that accepts all these message records. Type-extension provides these two mechanisms. Messages are extensible records and the handler is a procedure which takes a message as a parameter and interprets it according to the dynamic type of the message.Consider a graphics editor. The objects in this application are various kinds of figures (rectangles, circles, lines, etc.) and the operations are drawing, moving, and filling the figures. For every operation a message record is declared which contains the arguments of the message as record fields:TYPEMessage = RECORD END;DrawMsg = RECORD (Message) END;MoveMsg = RECORD (Message) dx, dy: INTEGER END;FillMsg = RECORD (Message) pat: Pattern END;Next, the type Figure is declared, which contains the handler as a procedure variable:TYPEFigure = POINTER TO FigureDesc;FigureDesc = RECORDx, y, width, height: INTEGER;handle: PROCEDURE (f: Figure; VAR m: Message)END;The handler has two parameters: the receiver of the message (which is a Figure here) and the message itself. Since m is of type Message, all message types that are derived from it (DrawMsg, MoveMsg, etc.) are compatible. Note, that m is a variable parameter, so it may have a dynamic type which is an extension of its static type Message. Every extension of Figure (i.e., Rectangle, Circle, Line) has its own handler that is installed in objects of this type. The handler for rectangle objects might look like this:PROCEDURE HandleRect (f: Figure; VAR m: Message);BEGINWITHm(DrawMsg) DO ... draw the rectangle f ...|m(MoveMsg) DO ... move the rectangle f by (m.dx, m.dy) ...|m(FillMsg) DO ... fill the rectangle f with m.pat ...ELSE (* ignore the message *)ENDEND HandleRect;The With statement is a regional type guard. It has been extended in Oberon-2 to accept multiple variants. The above With statement should be read as follows: if the dynamic type of m is DrawMsg, then the statement sequence following the first DO symbol is executed and a type guard m(DrawMsg) is implicitly applied to every occurrence of m; else if the dynamic type of m is MoveMsg, then the statement sequence following the second DO symbol is executed where every occurrence of m is regarded as a MoveMsg; and so on. If no variant matches and if no else part is specified program execution is aborted. Using objects of type Figure requires the following actions:VAR f: Figure; r: Rectangle; move: MoveMsg;NEW(r); r^.handle := HandleRect;(*initialize the object by installing the rectangle handler*)... f := r ...move.dx := ...; move.dy := ...;(*set up the message record*)f.handle(f, move);(*send the message*)(*possibly retrieve output arguments from the message record*)The use of message records has both advantages and disadvantages.Advantages- The message can be stored in a variable and can be sent later on.- The same message can easily be distributed to more than one object (message broadcast). Consider the case where all figures have to be moved. With type-bound procedures, the caller would have to traverse the list of figures and send a Move message to every figure:f := firstFigure; WHILE f # NIL DO f.Move(dx, dy); f := f^.next ENDThe structure of the figure list must be known to the caller (which is not always the case) and the code for the list traversal is duplicated in every client. With message records one can implement the list traversal in a procedure Broadcast to which the message is passed as a parameter:PROCEDURE (lst: List) Broadcast (VAR m: Message);VAR f: Figure;BEGINf := lst^.first; WHILE f # NIL DO f.handle(f, m); f := f^.next ENDEND Broadcast;This allows hiding the list structure and keeping the code for the list traversal in a single place.- An object can be sent a message which it does not understand. It may ignore the message or delegate it to another object. For example, a Fill message can be broadcast to all figures although only rectangles and circles understand it, but not lines. With type-bound procedures this is not possible because the compiler checks if a message is understood by the receiver.- The handler can be replaced at run time, changing the behaviour of an object.- Message records can be declared in different modules. This allows adding new messages to a type when a new module is written.Disadvantages- It is not immediately clear which operations belong to a type, i.e. which messages an object understands. To find that out, one has to know which handler is installed at run time and how this handler is implemented.- The compiler cannot check if a message is understood by an object. Faulty messages can be detected only at run time and may go undetected for months.- Messages are interpreted by the handler at run time and in sequential order. This is much slower than the dynamic binding mechanism of type-bound procedures, which requires only a table lookup with a constant offset. Message records are much like messages in Smalltalk [7], which are also interpreted at run time.- Sending a message (i.e., filling and unfilling message records) is somewhat clumsy.In general, type-bound procedures are clearer and type-safe, while message records are more flexible. One should use type-bound procedures whenever possible. Message records should only be used where special flexibility is needed, e.g., for broadcasting a message or for cases where it is important to add new messages to a type later without changing the module that declares the type.PERSISTENT OBJECTSOur implementation of Oberon-2 allows persistent objects. An object is called persistent if it outlives the program which created it. To make an object persistent, it must be possible to write it to a file and to reconstruct it from that external format. In Oberon-2, every record object carries a descriptor of its dynamic type. Among other things this descriptor contains the type name as a pair (module name, type name). It is possible to implement a procedure GetName which returns the type name of a given object, and a procedure New which creates and returns an object of a type specified by a type name.DEFINITION Objects;PROCEDURE GetName(object: Object; VAR typeName: ARRAY OF CHAR);PROCEDURE New(typeName: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR object: Object);END Objects.If x is an extension of Object and understands a Load and a Store message, procedures to externalize and internalize x are (a Rider is a position in a file and is used to read and write data)PROCEDURE WriteObject(VAR r: Files.Rider; x: Object);VAR name: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;BEGINObjects.GetName(x, name);i := -1; REPEAT INC(i); Files.Write(r, name[i]) UNTIL name[i] = 0X;IF x # NIL THEN x.Store(r) END (* store fields of x to r *)END WriteObject;PROCEDURE ReadObject(VAR r: Files.Rider; VAR x: Object);VAR name: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;BEGINi := -1; REPEAT INC(i); Files.Read(r, name[i]) UNTIL name[i] = 0X;Objects.New(name, x);IF x # NIL THEN x.Load(r) END (* read fields of x from r *)END ReadObject;More details on persistent objects as well as on optimization aspects can be found in [5].IMPLEMENTATIONIn order to support object-oriented programming certain information about objects must be available at run time: The dynamic type of an object is needed for type tests and type guards. A table with the addresses of the type-bound procedures is needed for calling them using dynamic binding. Finally, the Oberon system has a garbage collector which needs to know the locations of pointers in dynamically allocated records. All this information is stored inso-called type descriptors of which there is one for every record type at run time.The dynamic type of a record corresponds to the address of its type descriptor. For dynamically allocated records this address is stored in a so-called type tag which precedes the actual data and which is invisible for the programmer. If f is of dynamic type Rectangle (an extension of Figure), the run-time data structures are shown in Figure 2.f^One per object One per typePtrOffsets TypeName BaseTypes ProcTabType DescriptorNIL NIL Rectangle Figure Draw Move Filltype Rectangle fields oftype Figure fields off pattern border heightwidthyxtagFigure 2. A variable f of dynamic type Rectangle , the record f points to, and its type descriptorSince both the table of procedure addresses and the table of pointer offsets must have a fixed offset from the type descriptor address, and since both may grow when the type is extended and further procedures or pointers are added,the tables are located at the opposite ends of the type descriptor and grow in different directions.A message v.P is implemented as v^.tag^.ProcTab[Index-of-P]. The procedure table index Indexp is known for every type-bound procedure P at compile time. A type test of the form v IS T is translated intov^.tag^.BaseTypes[ExtensionLevel-of-T] = TypDescAdrT . Both the extension level of a record type and the address of its type descriptor are known at compile time. For example, the extension level of Figure is 0 (it has no base type), and the extension level of Rectangle is 1.Type-bound procedures cause no memory overhead in objects (the type tag was already needed in Oberon-1). They cause only minimal run-time overhead compared to ordinary procedures. On a Ceres computer (NS32532 processor)a dynamically-bound procedure call is less than 10 % slower than a statically-bound call [3]. Measured over a whole program this difference is insignificant.More details on the implementation of Oberon, particularly on the garbage collector, can be found in [4] and [5].AVAILABILITYOberon-2 was developed on the Ceres computer and has been ported to several other machines. Currently it isavailable on Sun’s SparcStation, on Digital’s DECstation, and on IBM’s RS/6000. The compiler and the whole Oberon system (garbage collection, command activation, dynamic loading, etc.) is available from ETH without charge. It can be obtained via anonymous internet file transfer ftp (hostname: neptune.inf.ethz.ch, internet address:,directory: Oberon).ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSOberon-2 is the result of many discussions among the members of our institute. It was particularly influenced by the ideas of N.Wirth, J.Gutknecht, and J.Templ. The compiler and the system were ported to other machines by R.Crelier,J.Templ, M.Franz, and M.Brandis.REFERENCES1. Wirth, N "The Programming Language Oberon" Software Practice and Experience, Vol 18, No 7,(July 1988), pp 671-690.2. Mössenböck, H "The Programming Language Oberon-2" Computer Science Report 160, ETH Zürich (May 1991).3. Mössenböck, H and Templ, J "Object Oberon - A Modest Object-Oriented Language" Structured Programming,Vol 10, No 4 (1989), pp 199-207.4. Wirth, N and Gutknecht, J "The Oberon System" Computer Science Report 88, ETH Zürich (1988).5. Pfister, C and Heeb, B and Templ, J "Oberon Technical Notes" Computer Science Report 156, ETH Zürich (March 1991).6. Stroustrup, B "The C++ Programming Language" Addison-Wesley (1986).7. Goldberg, A and Robson, D "Smalltalk-80, The Language and its Implementation", Addison-Wesley (1983).8. Tesler, L "Object-Pascal" Structured Language World, Vol 9, No 3, (1985).。
