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由于我们的世界是一个运动着的世界, 而英语中的动词又不像汉语中那样可以 担任句子的多种成分,介词也就常常用 来表示动作概念,英译汉时,介词常需 译成动词。 He is at his lessons now. What is he here again for? He has someone behind him.
汉语中常见的兼语式中的后一个动词,除了可 以用动词不定式、分词等做宾语补语外,也可 以用介词短语作宾语补语,而且句子显得更加 简练。 他帮助那位老太太坐好。 He helped the old woman into her seat. 他带她走遍了整个市场。 He walked her all over the market. 他劝她改变了决定。 He argued her out of the decision.
介词一般用于名词或代词前,但在下面两种结构中的 介词,在非正式英语中,可以移至句尾。 1, 在以“介词+whom/which/what/whose/where”开 在以“介词+whom/which/what/whose/where”开 头的问句中: To whom were you talking? (formal) Who were you talking to? 2, 同样,在关系从句中,whom/which 前的介词也可 同样,在关系从句中,whom/which 以移到从句句尾,这样,往往就省略了关系代词 The person to whom I was talking The person I was talking to
不少人往往忽视介词的翻译,最常见的问题是按照英汉词典的定 义死译,如凡是from都译成“从……”,on都译成“在……上”等 义死译,如凡是from都译成“从……”,on都译成“在……上”等 ,忘了英汉两种语言的不同习惯。 在…领导下 Under the leadership of 在…帮助下 With the help/assistance of 在…条件下 Under the circumstance of In/under the condition of in/on terms of 在…前提下 On the premise of
英语中常常出现介词短语构成的排比结构,有 时同一个介词应译成不同的动词 The Party officials worked long hours on meager food, in cold caves, by dim lights. Calisle Street runs westward, across a great black bridge, down a hill and up again, by little shops and meatmarkets, past singlesinglestoried homes, until suddenly it stops against a wide green lawn.
Biblioteka Baidu
我们的房子安的不是保险丝,而是安全 电闸,它可以在线路超载时自动断电。 Rather than a fuse, our house is equipped with a safety switch that disconnects automatically when the circuit is overloaded. Instead of a fuse, our house is fitted with a safety switch that automatically disconnects in case of circuit overload.
有时要从反面着眼才能把介词的含义翻 译清楚 After you, sir.先生,您先请。 sir.先生,您先请。 There is an element of anger behind their eyes. 他们的眼光中流露出一种愤怒的神情。 The boat sank off the coast. 船在离岸不远处沉没。
英语 笔译综合
介词表示名词或代词等和句子其他词之 间的关系,一般放在名词或代词之前, 构成介词短语。介词短语作为一个成分 在句中作状语、表语或补足语等,介词 后面可以接动词,但是,除了but和 后面可以接动词,但是,除了but和 except后以外,介词后的动词必须是动 except后以外,介词后的动词必须是动 名词形式(-ing形式) 名词形式(-ing形式)
From是表示否定用得最多的介词 From是表示否定用得最多的介词 That was a far cry from what we had expected. Life is far from a bed of rose. They persuaded her from going steady with Tom. Yet her insanity had freed her from most kinds of anxiety and her face was unusually clear of lines and wrinkle, and her eyes were candid and direct like those of a child.
介词常用来表示原因 His eyes were red with crying. For a while he just couldn’t speak for laughing. As she sat at her desk, however, the pages of the education text blurred with her panic.
Introduction to Beijing Window on the world In his opinion The winter vacation begins on January 10th.
注意不同介词在意义上的差别 At the moment 眼下,马上 For the moment 临时,暂时 In the moment 一旦,在…的情况下 一旦,在… Of the moment 目前最重要的 On/upon the moment 当场,立刻 To the moment 准时,分秒不差 What’s in your mind? What’s on your mind?
如果发生紧急情况,请穿上救生衣。 Please put on the life jacket in case of emergency. 高科技开发区的多数商家去年状况良好,但就 软件业来说,猖獗的盗版活动使得各公司蒙受 了巨大损失。 Most businesses in the high-tech highdevelopment zone did well in the previous year, but in the case of the software industry, companies suffered heavy losses due to rampant piracy.
介词也可以表示否定的意思 His is above bowing and scraping. His accusation against us is beneath refutation. The bridge is clearly beyond repairing. What you have said is beside the mark. Most comets are extremely faint object, far below the limit of the unaided eye. She slept off a headache.