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学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、连词成句

1.Miss, is, White, This (.)

_____________________________________ 2.from, China, I’m (.)

_____________________________________ 3.play, We, to, like (.)

_____________________________________ 4.has, friend, He, a, new (.)

_____________________________________ 5.new, is, student, She, a (.)

_____________________________________ 6.a, is, He, teacher (.)

_____________________________________ 7.you, are, from, Where (?)

________________________________ 8.meet, you, Nice, to (.)

________________________________ 9.game, Let's, play, a (.)

________________________________ 10.school, back, Welcome, to (.)

________________________________ 11.my, Wang, This, teacher, is, Miss (, .)



12.today, We, friends, have, new, two (.)

__________________________________ 13.USA, from, I'm, the (.)

__________________________________ 14.new, He, a, is, student (.) __________________________________ 15.Good, girls, boys, and, morning (, .)

__________________________________ 16.is, this, Amy (.)

_____________________________________ 17.from, are, where, you (?)

_____________________________________ 18.the, UK, I, from, am (.)

_____________________________________ 19.Nice, you, meet, to (.)



20.pen your Show me (.)

_________________________________ 21.name is My Li Hong (.)

_________________________________ 22.have a I crayon (.)

_________________________________ 23.your What's name (?)

_________________________________ 24.I'm Hello Liu Xing (.)


25.is, Yes, she (, .)

_______________________________ 26.TV, Let’s, watch, (.)


27.I, my, brother, love (.)

_____________________________________ 28.is, That, my, grandfather (.)

_____________________________________ 29.Is, Chen Jie's, this, father (?)

_____________________________________ 30.Is, Amy's, grandmother, that (?)

_____________________________________ 31.to, you, Nice, meet (.)

______________________________________ 32.your, about, family, What (?)

______________________________________ 33.he, brother, Is, your (?)

______________________________________ 34.that, is, Who, boy (?)

______________________________________ 35.mother, is, my, This (.)

______________________________________ 36.you, to, meet, nice, too (, .)

______________________________________ 37.and, small, thin, It's (.)

_____________________________________ 38.fat, The, bear, is (.)

_____________________________________ 39.long, It, a, has, nose (.)

_____________________________________ 40.short, It, legs, has (.)

______________________________________ 41.It short is and fat (.) ____________________________________________ 42.so is tall It (.)

____________________________________________ 43.has nose It a long (.) ____________________________________________ 44.Look the elephant at (.) ______________________________________ 45.so, the, is, panda, cute (.)

___________________________________ 46.Is, your, on, desk, it (?)


47.my, is, toy, Where, box (?)


48.us go Let school to (!)

_____________________________________ 49.under, is, it, desk, the, (.)

_________________________________ 50.a, time, good, Have (.)

_____________________________ 51.on, chair, the, cap, Is, the (?)

_____________________________ 52.my, eraser, is, Where (?)


53.in, look, your, it’s, desk (!) (.)

__________________________________ 54.strawberries, some, have (.)

_______________________________ 55.like, don’t, oranges, I (.)

_______________________________ 56.watermelon, a, let’s, buy (.)

_______________________________ 57.you, grapes, do, like (?)

_______________________________ 58.some, I, can, bananas, have (?)

_______________________________ 59.bananas, Do, like, you (?)

_____________________________________ 60.ruler, Where, is, my, (?)
