Urban Design Guidelines for proposed subdivision and rezoning
主要内容:1. 购物街景观设计原则:本文介绍了一些购物街景观设计的原则,包括景观形式的丰富性、人行道的设计和布局、绿化和景观元素的使用等。
2. 购物街景观规划:本部分讨论了购物街景观规划中的一些重要考虑因素,如人流量、交通流量、停车设施以及商铺和娱乐设施的布局。
3. 城市购物中心的设计:本文探讨了设计一个成功的城市购物中心所需考虑的因素,如购物中心的定位、建筑设计、商店和餐饮设施的选择等。
Translation of "Urban Shopping Street Landscape Design: Latest Translated Text"Abstract:This translated document is about urban shopping street landscape design. It provides an overview of how to design and plan the landscape of urban shopping streets. The information is useful for urban planners, landscape designers, and relevant decision-makers.Introduction:The design of urban shopping street landscapes is an important aspect of modern urban planning. With the acceleration of urbanization and people's increasing demand for shopping environment experiences, designers strive to create unique and appealing shopping street landscapes.Main Content:1. Principles of shopping street landscape design: This document introduces some principles of shopping street landscape design, including richness in landscape forms, design and layout of pedestrian paths, and the use of greenery and landscape elements.2. Planning of shopping street landscapes: This section discusses some important considerations in the planning of shopping street landscapes, such as pedestrian flow, traffic flow, parking facilities, and the layout of shops and entertainment facilities.3. Designing urban shopping centers: This document explores the factors to consider in designing a successful urban shopping center, such as positioning the shopping center, architectural design, and the selection of shops and dining facilities.Conclusion:This document provides an overview of urban shopping street landscape design, aiming to provide useful reference information for urban planners and landscape designers. These design principles and planning considerations will help create satisfactory shopping street landscapes, enhancing the attractiveness of cities and people's shopping experiences.。
Urban Design Guidelines(1)
Urban Design Guidelines1. IntroductionUrban Design2.Background3.Physical Design Content4. Basics and Attributes of Urban Design5. Scope and Application6. Urban Design Guidelines6.1 Checklist for General Urban Design Considerations6.2 Guidelines on Specific Major Urban Design Issues(1) Massing and Intensity in Urban Fringe Areas and Rural Areas(2) Development Height Profile(3) Waterfront Sites(4) Public Realm(5) Streetscape(6) Heritage(7) View Corridors(8) Stilted structures7. Guidelines for Specific Major Land Uses8. ImplementationAir Ventilation9. Background10. General Objectives, Scope and Application11. Qualitative Guidelines on Air Ventilation11.1 Key Principles11.2 District Level(1) Site Disposition(2) Breezeways/Air Paths(3) Street Orientation, Pattern and Widening(4) Waterfront Sites(5) Height Profile(6) Greening and Disposition of Open Space and Pedestrian Area11.3 Site Level(1) Podium Structure(2) Building Disposition(3) Building Permeability(4) Building Height and Form(5) Landscaping(6) Projecting Obstructions(7) Cool Materials12. Air Ventilation Assessment13. ConclusionUrban Design Guidelines1 Introduction1.1 To promote Hong Kong's image as a world-class city and to enhance the quality of our built environment, the Planning Department completed a study on the "Urban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong" (the UDG Study) in 2003 and the "Feasibility Study for Establishment of Air Ventilation Assessment System" (the AVA Study) in 2005.1.2Formulated on the basis of the findings and recommendations of the above two Studies, the urban design guidelines in this chapter cover both the major general urban design issues and air ventilation to shape a better physical environment in aesthetic and functional terms and at macro and micro levels.Urban Design2 Background2.1 Urban design in short is an art of designing places for people and is one of the important elements in urban planning, especially for a compact and dynamic city like Hong Kong. It concerns about the total visual effect of building masses, connections with people and places, creation of spaces formovements, urban amenities and public realm, and the process for improving the overall townscape. Urban design sets the framework for the physical and spatial arrangement and composition of built-forms and their three-dimensional relationship with the spaces around them and the surrounding settings for achievement of aesthetic and socio-cultural qualities.2.2 To create a high quality, sustainable built environment in Hong Kong, due considerations should be given to urban design concepts and principles in the planning and development process.2.3The Planning Department completed a study on the "Urban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong" (the UDG Study) in 2003. The UDG Study's overall objective is to prepare a set of urban design guidelines to promote public awareness on design considerations and provide a broad framework for urban design assessment. The urban design guidelines in the following sections are advisory and formulated on the basis of the findings and recommendations of the UDG Study.3 Physical Design Context3.1 Hong Kong comprises very mountainous terrain, many coastlines and a good natural harbour. This physical context has some significant implications on the urban form:(a) it has given rise to the elevation of our city around both sides of Victoria Harbour against a dramatic mountain backdrop;(b) the steep topography has channelled other urbanisation in various parts of Hong Kong onto flat and reclaimed land with the mountain ranges providing the natural landscape background to the urban settlements; and(c) the mountain ranges give Hong Kong a number of distinct viewsheds. Each viewshed develops in different form or density without necessarily affecting visual environment in the adjacent viewsheds.4 Basics and Attributes of Urban Design4.1 Urban design should focus on the basics of urban design which recognise the positive attributes of Hong Kong. The direction and concepts would be to preserve and enhance the positive attributes while improving aspects of the built environment that are less than satisfactory.4.2 Urban design attributes of Hong Kong include:Macro Level: Image of the City∙Natural setting∙Harbour∙Ridgelines∙Infrastructure∙Conservation∙District character and amenities ∙Axial planning∙Urban pattern and form ∙Gateways∙Functional districts∙Land use and activitiesIntermediate Level: Buildings and Space∙Composition∙Design and architecture∙Urban place and citysquares∙Streets and street pattern ∙View corridors∙Connectivity and integration ∙Massing and heights∙Landmarks∙Open space and parks∙Sidewalks and pedestrian linkagesMicro Level: User Environment∙Human scale∙Harmony∙Street furnishing∙Materials, colour, and textures ∙Transition∙Streetscape∙Advertisements and signage5 Scope and Application5.1Hong Kong has its own development needs and it is essential that anyurban design concept has to be specifically tailored for Hong Kong. The urban design guidelines should hence not be over-restrictive and prescriptive but encourage innovative design. Urban design should be actively pursued where opportunity is available in order to achieve the following objectives:Ensure high quality: To raise the quality of life by providing a high quality built environment commensurating with the natural setting.Embrace robustness: To give a set of robust guidelines on urban design enduring over time.Encourage dynamism:To encourage Hong Kong's spirit on pluralism and dynamism.Accommodate flexibility:To give flexibility for innovative ideas and possibilities.5.2As urban design is a multi-disciplinary subject and may involve values judgment, readers should also refer to other relevant chapters in the HKPSG where appropriate in applying the urban design guidelines and striking a balance among different objectives.6 Urban Design Guidelines6.1 Checklist for General Urban Design Considerations6.1.1The following checklist could be used in assessing the urban design implications of planning and development proposals:Macro LevelNatural●Key attributes / components of the natural setting●Direct and indirect impacts on physical and visual quality of naturallandscape, cultural or socio-economic assets●Compatibility with natural and landscaping settingMan-made●Urban context●Contribution to the cityscape in terms of adding legibility and creatinghigh-quality city environment●Visual impact and suitability of landmark feature●Suitability and visibility of visual features●Compatibility with landscape and development pattern●Compatibility with overall height profile and massing●Contribution to the local character●Compatibility with heritage settingIntermediate LevelNatural●Direct and indirect impacts on physical and visual qualities of naturallandscapeMan-made●Location suitability●Relationship with the visual corridors●Impact on penetration of light and air●Compatibility with street pattern●Visual impact and suitability of landmark feature●Compatibility with overall height profile and massing●Compatibility with local heritage●Impact on the surroundingsMicro LevelNatural●Functional appropriateness in relation to natural environment●Response to natural landscape in local contextMan-made●Contextual and functional appropriateness at street level●Contribution to pedestrian-friendly environment●Human scale and quality enhancement●Creation of spatial feeling6.2Guidelines on Specific Major Urban Design Issues6.2.1 Urban design guidelines are presented in the subsequentsub-sections for the following specific urban design issues.(1)Massing and Intensity in Urban Fringe Areas and Rural AreasUrban Fringe Areas6.2.2 An urban fringe is defined as the interface between developed urban areas and undeveloped rural areas. The general principle for development in a fringe area is to respect the natural environment, create an appropriate edge (Figure 1) and to provide visual and physical linkages between urban and rural areas. The linkages should be strong in order to promote the psychological well being of the residents and thereby contribute to the quality of life. Visual linkages should include major visual corridors to the surrounding natural landscape assets and should extend well into the heart of the urban area where possible.Rural Areas6.2.3For rural areas, building height, massing and built form should be harmonised with the rural setting and existing developments such as traditional villages. To avoid stereotype or monotonous development, diversity in architectural style should be encouraged. Out-of-context “sorethumb” developments should be avoided.(2)Development Height Profile6.2.4The predominant urban forms in Hong Kong is characterised by high-rise developments off narrow streets as a result of past incremental developments, small plots and maximised intensity. The ridgelines at Victoria Peak and LionRock are famous features which have provided panoramic views and natural backdrop of the metropolitan part of the city but now very much dominated or obscured by increasing high-rise buildings. Elsewhere, ridgelines and mountains in Lantau Island and the New Territories define the edges of new towns as well as vista points of the city and the country parks beyond.6.2.5It has been generally supported by the community that ridgelines / peaks are valuable assets and their preservation should be given special consideration as far as possible in the process of development. The main goal of a height profile in the Hong Kong context should be to protect and enhance the relationship of the city and its natural landscape context, particularly to its ridgelines / peaks. In order to preserve views to ridgelines / peaks and mountain backdrop with recognised importance around Victoria Harbour, a building free zone below the ridgelines would need to be maintained when viewing from key and popular vantage points. The Metroplan (1991) guidelines which recommended 20% to 30% building free zone below selected sections of ridgelines (Figure 2) could be used as a starting point, but allowing flexibility for relaxation on individual merits and for special landmark buildings to give punctuation effects at suitable locations.(a) Guidelines for Hong Kong Island6.2.6 The Hong Kong Island has a magnificent natural setting with thespectacular Victoria Peak overlooking Victoria Harbour and Kowloon Peninsula. Developments in the north shore of Hong Kong Island should respect the dominance of Victoria Peak and other ridgelines / peaks whenviewing from Kowloon side, in particular from the proposed West Kowloon Cultural District; Cultural Complex, Tsim Sha Tsui; and the proposed promenade at South East Kowloon Development (Figure 3). Uncontrolled building height for developments within the view corridors which may breach the building free zone should be avoided. Other suitable vantage points in a more local context could also be considered on a case-by-case basis.6.2.7 The fascinating juxtaposition of the mountains, sky and sea combines to form ever lasting images. Being one of the five most beautiful harbour cities in the world: Sydney, Vancouver, San Francisco, Rio de Janeiro and Hong Kong, panoramic view from Victoria Peak to Victoria Harbour should be preserved. Protecting views to Victoria Peak and the ridgelines from the waterfronts help protect the opposite view from Victoria Peak and other ridgeline areas towards the harbour and the city.6.2.8 For other parts of Hong Kong Island, development height should enhance the district character of specific localities, retain characteristic mountain backdrop and respect the character of neighbourhood. The sectional profile should echo the natural topographical profile. Gradation of height profile should be created in relation to topography. Relief and diversity in height and massing of developments should be provided in different localities (Figure 4). Low rise and low density areas should be preserved to enhance diversity in the urban core.(b) Guidelines for Kowloon6.2.9In Kowloon side, there is an uninterrupted stretch of ridgelines from Lion Rock to Kowloon Peak. The large mountain face of Kowloon Peak does produce very dramatic backdrop for East and South East Kowloon. Views to Kowloon Peak and major Kowloon ridgelines from the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre New Wing at Wan Chai; Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park, Sai Ying Pun; and Quarry Bay Park, Quarry Bay; should be preserved (Figure 3). Development heights within view corridors of these vantages points should avoid intrusion into the building free zone.6.2.10For other areas of Kowloon, considerations similar to those for other parts of Hong Kong Island in paragraph 6.2.8 would be applicable.(c) Guidelines for New Towns6.2.11Developments should be highest in the central part of a new town and gradually descend down to medium to low rise development at the edges. Out-of-context "sore thumb" developments should be avoided. New development should respond to theunique topographical and landscape setting (Figure 5) and should integrate with low rise neighbouring developments by stepping down building height. View corridors/breezeways to mountain backdrop or waterbody should be maintained. Where appropriate, landmarks at the civic/commercial centres or focal points should be introduced (Figure 6). Lower buildings such as community hall, schools, etc should be used as interface and as visual and spatial relief in the urban core (Figure 7).(d) Guidelines for Rural Areas6.2.12Appropriate height profile within individual viewsheds in rural areas should be protected to provide contrast to the urban areas (Figure 8). Where appropriate, diversity in building heights in new low-rise developments should be encouraged to add variety and interest to the suburban built form. Stereotype or monotonous developments should be avoided. Building height and mass should be harmonised with the rural setting (Figure 9). Forunspoiled and visually sensitive viewsheds, a maximum building height of three storeys should be adopted.(e) Guidelines for Mega Towers6.2.13The most recognisable cities in the world are often characterised by a number of towers which are generally notably taller than the general building profile. The towers with high quality architectural design and at suitable locations can help define images of the cities.6.2.14 The location of mega towers should be based on two main criteria:●Physical - The site or the locality should besuitable for a very tall building in terms of legibility and overall city form. Proposal should notconflict with other urban design objectives.●Functional - Proposal should relate to an importantfunctional aspect of city-wide significance, such as a transport hub, or should have social or cultural significance.6.2.15The southern tip of West Kowloon Reclamation and Tsim Sha Tsui area will emerge as a new major high-rise node and the UDG Study has suggested that no additional high-rise nodes should be designated outside this area.(3)Waterfront Sites(a) Vision and Goals6.2.16The Town Planning Board's vision statement for the Victoria Harbour is to make Victoria Harbour attractive, vibrant, accessible and symbolic of Hong Kong, to make it a harbour for the people and of life. The urban design goals would be to: ●bring the people to the Harbour and the Harbour tothe people;●enhance the scenic views of the Harbour and maintainvisual access to the harbour-front;●enhance the Harbour as a unique attraction for ourpeople and tourists; and●create a quality harbour-front through encouraginginnovative building design and a variety of tourist, retail, leisure and recreational activities, and providing an integrated network of open space and pedestrian links.6.2.17The Harbour is to be protected and preserved as a special public asset and a natural heritage of the people of Hong Kong. Reclamation in the harbour has to be environmentally acceptable and compatible with the principle of sustainable development and the principle of presumption against reclamation in the Harbou r.。
urban design 英语作文
urban design 英语作文Urban design is a crucial aspect of city planning and development that focuses on creating functional, attractive, and sustainable urban environments for residents. It involves the design of buildings, public spaces, transportation networks, and infrastructure to promote social interaction, economic vitality, and environmental sustainability.One of the key principles of urban design is connectivity. This involves creating well-designed streets, sidewalks, and pathways that connect different parts of the city and allow for easy movement of people and goods. Well-connected urban environments promote physical activity, reduce traffic congestion, and enhance the overall quality of life for residents.Another important aspect of urban design is the promotion of mixed land uses. This involves integrating residential, commercial, and recreational spaces within the same neighborhood to create vibrant and diverse communities. Mixed-use developments make it easier for residents to access amenities and services, reduce the need for long commutes, and foster a sense of community and belonging.In addition, urban design plays a crucial role in promoting sustainability and resilience in cities. This includes incorporating green spaces, renewable energy sources, and sustainable building practices to minimize environmental impact and reduce carbon emissions. By investing in sustainable urban design, cities can improve air and water quality, reduce energy consumption, and mitigate the effects of climate change.Public participation is also a key component of urban design. Engaging residents, community groups, and stakeholders in the planning and design process ensures that the needs and preferences of the local population are taken into account. By involving the community in decision-making, cities can create more inclusive, equitable, and responsive urban environments that reflect the values and aspirations of their residents.Overall, urban design is essential for creating livable, vibrant, and resilient cities that meet the needs of a diverse and growing population. By focusing on connectivity, mixed land uses, sustainability, and public participation, cities can create environments that enhance quality of life, promote economic development, and foster social cohesion. Investing in urban design is not only beneficial for current residents, but also for future generations who will inherit the cities we design today.。
城市和城市化2.0.1 居民点 settlement人类按照生产和生活需要而形成的集聚定居地点。
2.0.2 城市(城镇)city以非农不业和非农业人口聚集为主要特征的居民点。
2.0.3 市 municipality; city经国家批准设市建制的行政地域。
2.0.4 镇 town.经国家批准设市建制的行政地域。
2.0.5 市域 administrative region of a city城市行政管辖的全部地域。
2.0.6 城市化 urbanization人类生产和生活方式由乡村型向城市型转化的历史过程,表现为乡村人口向城市人口转化以及城市不断发展和完善的过程。
2.0.7 城市化水平 urbanization level衡量城市化发展程度的数量指标,一般用一定地域内城市人口占总人口的比例来表示。
2.0.8 城市群 agglomeration一定地域内城市分布较为密集的地区。
2.0.9 城镇体系 urban system一定区域内在经济、社会和空间发展上具有有机联系的城市群体。
2.0.10 卫星城(卫星城镇)satellite town在大城市市区外围兴建的、与市区既有一定距离又相互间密切联系的城市。
城市规划概述3.0.1 城镇体系规划 urban system planning一定地域范围内,以区域生产力合理布局和城镇职能分工为依据,确定不同人口规模等级和职能分工的城镇的分布和发展规划。
3.0.2 城市规划 urban planning对一定时期内城市的经济和社会发展、土地利用、空间布局以及各项建设的综合部署、具体安排和实施管理。
3.0.3 城市设计 urban design对城市体型和空间环境所作的整体构思和安排,贯穿于城市规划的全过程。
3.0.4 城市总体规划纲要master planning outline确定城市总体规划和重大原则的纲领性文件,是编制城市总体规划的依据。
The majority agreed that the refined urban design framework has generally satisfied the sustainable design principles 大部分回應贊同經優化的城市設計大綱普遍能滿足可持續發展設計原則
Design Responses 設計回應
• Concept B is recommended as a basis for further refinements 建議以概念B為基礎,作進一步優化 - simplifying the form of the landscaped deck 簡化園景帄台的形態 - enhancing pedestrian connections 改善行人連接道 - promoting visual permeability of the deck 改善帄台的視覺通透性
Urban Design Study for the New Central Harbourfront 中環新海濱城市設計研究
規劃署 Planning Department
Overall Urban Design Framework 整體城市設計大綱
The public were generally in agreement with the urban design vision and sustainable and balanced design approach adopted for the Study
providing guidelines on greening ratio and sustainable building design 為綠化比率及可持續建築設計提供指引
城市农业规划计划英语Urban Agriculture Planning: Cultivating Green Spaces in the Concrete JungleIntroduction:Urban agriculture is the practice of cultivating, processing, and distributing food within or around a village, town, or city. As urban populations continue to grow, the need for sustainable and locally sourced food becomes increasingly important. This article outlines a comprehensive urban agriculture planning plan that aims to integrate green spaces into the urban fabric, promoting environmental sustainability, community engagement, and food security.Objectives:1. To increase the availability of fresh, locally grown produce within urban areas.2. To promote sustainable agricultural practices in cities.3. To enhance community engagement and education about food systems.4. To contribute to the urban green infrastructure and improve the overall quality of life for city dwellers.Strategies:1. Rooftop Gardens:- Utilize underused rooftop spaces in commercial and residential buildings for growing a variety of crops.- Provide incentives for building owners to convert rooftops into green spaces.2. Community Gardens:- Develop community gardens on vacant lots or in public spaces to encourage community participation.- Offer educational programs on gardening and sustainable practices.3. Vertical Farming:- Construct vertical farms within the city to maximize space efficiency.- Employ hydroponic and aeroponic systems to reduce water usage and increase crop yield.4. Urban Greenhouses:- Build greenhouses in strategic locations to extend the growing season and protect crops from urban pollution.- Use renewable energy sources to power heating and cooling systems.5. Urban Livestock:- Explore the feasibility of small-scale urban livestock farming for eggs, dairy, and poultry.- Ensure that all livestock operations adhere tostrict health and welfare standards.6. Educational Programs:- Integrate urban agriculture into school curriculums to educate children about food production and sustainability.- Offer workshops and seminars for adults on urban farming techniques and the benefits of locally sourced food.7. Policy and Regulation:- Review and update local zoning laws to support urban agriculture initiatives.- Develop policies that encourage the use of underutilized spaces for agricultural purposes.8. Partnerships and Funding:- Establish partnerships with local businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies to support urban agriculture projects.- Seek grants and funding opportunities to finance the development and maintenance of urban agriculture infrastructure.Implementation:1. Assessment:- Conduct a thorough assessment of available urban spaces and their suitability for agriculture.- Evaluate the potential for rooftop gardens, community gardens, and vertical farming.2. Design:- Create detailed designs for each proposed urban agriculture project, taking into account the specific needs of each site.- Ensure designs are aesthetically pleasing and blend with the surrounding urban environment.3. Construction:- Work with contractors to build the necessary infrastructure for each project, adhering to sustainable construction practices.- Install irrigation systems, planting beds, and other necessary equipment.4. Operation:- Develop a maintenance plan for each site to ensure the long-term viability of the urban agriculture projects.- Train community members and staff in sustainable agricultural practices.5. Monitoring and Evaluation:- Regularly monitor the progress and success of each project, using key performance indicators such as crop yield, community engagement, and environmental impact.- Adjust strategies as needed based on evaluation results.Conclusion:Urban agriculture has the potential to transform cities into more sustainable, healthy, and vibrant communities. With careful planning and implementation, urban agriculture can provide a wealth of benefits, from fresh, local food to improved green spaces and community engagement. By adopting the strategies outlined in this plan, cities can cultivate a greener, more resilient future.。
Urban Design Guidelines for HK
Urban Design Guidlines for Hong KongUrban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong 1IntroductionUrban Design Guidlines for HongKongUrban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong2Urban Design Concepts and Principlesaffecting visual environment in the adjacent viewsheds. Examples to illustrate the character of physical context of Hong Kong include the setting of Central andSai Kung ViewshedUrban Design Guidlines for Hong KongUrban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong 3Urban Design Guidlines for HongKongUrban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong4Urban Design Guidlines for Hong KongUrban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong 5Guidelines on Design IssuesCommonly Encountered in Development ProposalsGarden EstatesUrban Design Guidlines for HongKongUrban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong6zDevelopments should be compatible with their context.Out-of-context “sore thumb”developments should be avoided, especially at the periphery of a new town.zWhere appropriate, adopt a coherent gradation in building height profile from the high density core area to the fringe /low density areas.zCreate landmarks at the civic /commercial centres or focal points where appropriate.High Density AreaLow Density AreaRural Area with Recreational ActivitiesUrban Design Guidlines for Hong KongUrban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong 7Urban Design Guidlines for HongKongUrban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong8zCreate an active waterfront with diversity in activities and functions including restaurants,bars, retail facilities, promenades and piers. Add well-designed landscaping and street furniture where appropriate.zEncourage diversity in building mass to avoid a monotonous harbourfront image. The massing should create points of interests and nodes.zProvide promenades along the waterfront and avoid incompatible land uses. Sites along the waterfront should be reserved for cultural, tourism-related,recreational and retail activities.View Corridors BreezewaysUrban Design Guidlines for Hong KongUrban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong 9A “Wall”Varying building profile, taller buildings inland and lower on the waterfrontCoastal Elevated Roads Inland TunnelCoastal TunnelCoastal Road Avoid locating roads on waterfrontSubmerge the road underground or under the harbour edgezEncourage well landscaped green open spaces that meet the functional requirements for active and passive recreational uses.zProvide focal landmark features in open spaces to achieve orientation and create a sense of place.Cityscapea)Open SpaceszIntroduce traffic calming measures such as speed bumps and raised crossings to minimise the conflict between vehicles and pedestrians.zProvide safe, clean, accessible and interesting environments with due consideration to micro-c l i m a t e f o r p e d e s t r i a n circulation. Ease of access should be ensured for persons with disabilities.zIntegrate the provision of pedestrian linkages with that of open space networks.PedestrianisedLandscape BufferPedestrians SegregatedLinkage Bus StopzPriority should be given to controlling pollution at source. Measures such as the control of vehicles' emissions,provision of submerged or semi-s u b m e r g e d r o a d s , a n d pedestrianisation can help achieve this goal.zEncourage the provision of active street frontages and various street activities, such as shop fronts, bars,cafes at street level and human scale.Avoid locating mechanical plant rooms or “dead elevations” on these frontages.zIntroduce internal public circulation on “desire lines” to connect popular destinations.These linkages should be freely accessible to the public, should be of suitable scale depending on pedestrian flow, and should have natural light where possible.zDue considerations should be made for persons with disabilities in the design of crossings, tactile paving, braille information boards etc. Street furniture should also cater for the needs of persons with disabilities and the elderly.zRoadside planting should be encouraged. Provide attractive hard and soft landscaping to improve the quality of the street environment. Soften the hard edges with landscaping (e.g. tree planting and shrub beds where appropriate).Unobstructed PathDestinationInternalPedestrian Route DestinationDestinationSound Absorbing Road SurfaceModified Metroplan guidelines "Punctuation" of ridgelines at suitable locationsTo enhance the image of Victoria Harbour To encourage innovative building designDesign Guidelines for Layout PlanningVIEW CORRIDORS PEDESTRIAN MOVEMENT ROAD HIERARCHYBREEZEWAYSBUILDING HEIGHT PROFILEBUILDINGS ENCLOSE SPACEOPEN SPACE AND LINKAGESFOCUS AND IDENTITYCONTINUOUS WATERFRONT PROMENADEBREEZEWAYSOPEN SPACE AND LINKAGESSTEPPED BUILDING HEIGHT PROFILEPUBLIC ACCESS TO AND ALONG WATERFRONTVIEW CORRIDORSSEGREGATE VEHICLES AND PEDESTRIANS BUILDINGS DEFINE SPACE RECOGNISABLE NEIGHBOURHOODSLANDMARKS ON WATERFRONTClubhouse Main EntranceBuffer Zone toWaterfrontPublic FootpathUrban Design Guidlines for HongUrban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong 30MAXIMISE VIEWS ROAD HIERARCHY FOCUS AND IDENTITY PUBLIC ACCESS TO AND ALONG WATERFRONTRESIDENTIAL CLUSTERSPROXIMITY TO EXISTING VILLAGEBUFFERS TO WATERFRONT AND ROADBUILDING HEIGHT PROFILEVARIETY OF HOUSE TYPESUrban Design Guidlines for HongUrban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong31Urban Design Guidlines for HongUrban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong 32BREEZEWAYSROAD HIERARCHY OPEN SPACE LINKAGES MAXIMISE VIEWS OVER LOW INDUSTRIAL PARKSGOOD PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATIONLANDSCAPE BUFFER ZONESFOCUS / LANDMARKPUBLIC ACCESS TO AND ALONG WATERFRONTPOSITIVE IMAGEUrban Design Guidlines for HongUrban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong 33Urban Design Guidlines for HongUrban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong 34Implementationthe existing mechanism for implementing the urban design guidelines. The following approaches for implementation are recommended:achieving the objective of preserving views to ridgelines as administrative measureshave not found to be effective in the past. The Study suggests to accept the publicUrban Design Guidlines for Hong Urban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong 35or representatives of pressure groups and to invite their contributions in the urban design implementation process.co-ordinate the development of these projects while safeguarding public interest.Urban Design Guidlines for HongUrban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong 36。
Urban Design & Development Guidelines
Section 6:Urban Design & Development GuidelinesPrevious sections of the Downtown Plan present recommendations for the various functional subareas that comprise Downtown Round Lake. Each Subarea Plan includes a listing of recommendations related to building and site design that are specific to each individual subarea.This section provides a more complete listing of design guidelines and objectives for sites and buildings within the Downtown area.The guidelines and objectives address the improvement of existing sites and buildings as well as new construction, and are focused on promoting high-quality and compatible improvements and developments that will complement, enhance, and establish the traditional scale and character of Downtown. While the guidelines are specific enough to ensure design compatibility, they are also flexible enough to allow for individual creativity on the part of property owners, architects, and builders.Several of the design guidelines are illustrated in Figures 16 and 17, at the conclusion of this section.The Need forDesign GuidelinesDowntown buildings have traditionally been small in scale, with retail uses located on the ground floor and office or residential uses located on the upper floor(s).Most Downtown buildings are of masonry construction, have attractive entryway treatments and large display windows on the street level, and are characterized by earth tones in the red, buff, cream, and gray color ranges. Many have attractive brick and stonefaçade detailing, particularly on the upper floors.As Downtown continues to evolve and develop in the years ahead, it is important that improvements and new developments be compatible with the traditional scale and character of Downtown.While architectural styles need not be the same, Downtown buildings, particularly those within the same block, should be generally compatible in terms of building height, massing, proportion, materials, and color.Use and Application of theDesign GuidelinesThe guidelines and objectives presented here should be used by the Village to promote high-quality and compatible improvements and new developments within Downtown Round Lake. The guidelines should be used by Village Staff and Village officials in reviewing plans and proposals for new Downtown projects and improvements.Architects, property owners and developers should also use the guidelines as a reference as they prepare plans for new Downtown development projects.Guideline 1: Building HeightThe Downtown Core is composed primarily of two- and three-story buildings. New construction should respect the existing scale of Downtown and avoid extreme differences in building height.Two- and three-story buildings should predominate throughout the Downtown area.New buildings must be at least two stories in height in the Downtown Core. New one-story buildings are too low to maintain the urban character and “streetwall” effect and should be discouraged within the Downtown area. Corridor commercial and commercial services uses along North Cedar Lake Road and Route 134 may be appropriate for single-story construction (such as grocery stores, pharmacies, etc.).The mixed residential district in the Metra Triangle Subarea should consist of buildings that are 3 to 3 ½ stories in height, with pitched roofs and dormers.Designated rowhouse areas should consist of buildings that are 2 ½ to 3 stories in height. Both flat and pitched roof styles can be appropriate.Buildings up to four stories in height could be acceptable in select downtown locations, provided they are in character with the surrounding area. Upper story “setbacks” above the second floor should be encouraged.Guideline 2: Building Placementand OrientationMuch of the existing Downtown shopping district is characterized by continuous rows of commercial buildings constructed at the front property line. This development pattern creates a distinctive “streetwall” effect that adds visual interest, enhances the pedestrian environment, and establishes a “human” scale within the Downtown area.In the Core Downtown Subarea, new construction should be positioned at the front property line. On corner lots, new buildings should be built out to both property lines.In other subareas, buildings can be set back from the sidewalk, appropriate for the site and in keeping with adjacent uses in the district and consistent throughout each block front.New construction in the Downtown Core should occupy the entire width of the lot to avoid gaps between buildings and discontinuities in the streetwall, except where pedestrian access to rear parking is designed and planned for.Buildings throughout Downtown should face the street; the placement of buildings at odd or irregular angles to the street should be avoided. However, corner buildings might take advantage of their prominent locations with angled or recessed corner entrances or other small setbacks, particularly applicable to buildings fronting the roundabout.Where building setbacks, side yards and surface parking lots exist along Downtown streets, the “streetwall” should be maintained through the use of landscaping,pedestrian amenities, and decorative walls or fencing.Guideline 3: Building Bulkand ProportionOlder commercial buildings within Downtown Core have relatively small footprints and are located on lots with narrow widths. While many contemporary commercial usesrequire larger spaces, new construction should respect the existing scale, massing, and proportion of traditional Downtown buildings. Where new buildings exceed the traditional 20- to 30-foot width of Downtown Core buildings, the façades should be visually divided into bays, similar to the width of traditional Downtown buildings.Rooflines, cornice treatments, and the design and placement of columns, pilasters, and windows, should be used to visually divide larger buildings and help maintain the traditional scale and proportion of the Core Downtown.Guideline 4: Architectural StyleDowntown has been developed over a period of many years and its buildings reflect a variety of architectural styles. While the Village should not attempt to dictate architectural style, it should promote new construction that complements a traditional buildingfabric.New buildings need not be historic replicas, but should offer high quality and compatible interpretations of the traditional styles present within historic and traditional Downtowns.Regardless of style, new buildings should use traditional masonry materials and should reflect the predominant scale, height, massing, and proportions of traditional Downtown buildings.Improvements and additions to existing buildings with architectural or historical interest should reinforce and enhance the original characteristics of the building rather than apply new or different stylistic treatments.The distinguishing features of Downtown’solder buildings, particularly decorative cornices, columns, reliefs, and other significant façade detailing, should be retained and restored as required.Guideline 5: Building MaterialsThe building materials most common within traditional Downtowns are earth-toned brick and stone in the red, buff, cream, and gray color ranges. Ceramic tile and terra cotta are also used as ornamentation around doors, windows and cornices.New buildings should be constructed of traditional masonry building materials such as brick or stone; these materials should be used on all sides of the building.On existing buildings with architectural or historical interest, original materials should be maintained and restored.Rough sawed wood, aluminum panels and siding, rustic shingles and shakes, and plastic or metal panels should not be permitted within the Downtown area.Guideline 6: Doors & EntrancesDoors on Downtown Core buildings should provide an open invitation to potential customers, be attractive and inviting to pedestrians, and add visual interest to the street. However, doors should be appropriately sized and in scale with a building’s façade.The front doors of new buildings should reflect the scale, placement, and proportions of traditional Downtown buildings; recessed entrances should be encouraged.Main entrances should be at the front of the building and should face the sidewalk; corner buildings might take advantage of their prominent locations with angled corner entrances.New doors on existing buildings with architectural or historical interest should be compatible with the original style and character of the façade.Guideline 7: WindowsDisplay windows on the ground floor of commercial buildings in the Downtown Core are a distinguishing feature of Downtown. They allow passersby to see merchandise within a commercial building from the sidewalk. Windows on the upper floors of traditional Downtown buildings are smaller and less prominent, but often have attractive detailing and decorative trim.Large ground-floor display windows should be strongly encouraged in new commercial construction.Windows on the upper floors of new buildings should appear to be “punched” openings within a solid wall, rather than as continuous rows of windows separated only by their frames; curtain-wall window treatments are not appropriate within Downtown. Upper floor windows should be recessed, not flush with the surface of the building.Windows on new “infill” buildings should have similar size and proportions and should be aligned with the window openings of adjacent existing buildings.Window glazing should be clear or slightly tinted; dark, mirrored, or reflective glass should not be permitted.Where existing windows are important architectural features in a building’s façade, window size and configuration should be maintained; window openings should never be covered over or boarded up.Guideline 8: Rooflines & ParapetsThe rooflines of new buildings should be similar to the rooflines of traditional Downtown buildings in terms of shape, alignment, and architectural detailing.The roofs of most commercial buildings should be flat or shallow-sloped. Gable roofs, which are acceptable within residential areas, should be discouraged within most Downtown commercial districts.Roof parapets should be encouraged to create an interesting building profile and to hide vents and other rooftop equipment.In buildings with architectural or historical interest, the original roofline and cornice treatment of existing buildings should be maintained and restored.Sloped mansard, shake or shingle roofs should not be permitted within the Core Downtown Subarea.Guideline 9: ColorColor should be used to unite the elements of a façade and to highlight architectural features. However, the colors on individual buildings should complement and be compatible with the predominant hues of nearby buildings.The predominant colors for Downtown buildings should be relatively muted and subtle. The natural brick and stone colors of red, buff, cream, and gray should predominate. Darker or lighter hues could be used as accent trim.Ceramic tile, terra-cotta, brick, stone, and glass surfaces should not be painted, unless paint already exists on these surfaces.Guideline 10: Awnings & CanopiesAwnings and canopies protect shoppers from the elements, and are an inexpensive way to add color and visual interest to the street. Awnings are temporary and movable; canopies are permanent.Awnings and canopies should be integrated into the façade and should be in character with the architectural style of the building. The color of awnings and canopies should complement and enhance the overall color scheme of the building façade.Awnings and canopies should be positioned at least eight feet above the sidewalk.Awnings should be made of a canvas or durable fabric material that can be easily cleaned.Back lit awnings and canopies, shingle and mansard canopies, and metal and plastic awnings should not be permitted within Downtown.Guideline 11: LightingThe lighting of a building’s façade can help identify stores and businesses, promote a sense of safety and security, and highlight prominent Downtown buildings and building features.Building lighting should be subtle andunderstated; light fixtures should be designed and oriented to produce minimal glare and spillover onto nearby properties.Most exterior lighting sources should be concealed; where concealment is not practical, light fixtures should be compatible with overall storefront design.Metal halide lighting creates a warm atmosphere and should be encouraged for store identification and accent lighting.Guideline 12: SignsSigns not only communicate the nature of individual businesses, but also influence the overall image and character of the Downtown area.Exterior signs should be limited to business identification and description; advertising signs should be discouraged.The size, material, color, and shape of signs should complement the architectural style and scale of the building.Wall-mounted signs should be designed as an integrated component of the buildingfaçade, and should not cover important architectural details.When a building contains multiple storefronts, signage for all businesses should be compatible in design and consistent in placement.Raised, individual letters mounted directly on the building, as well as signs that use light colors for lettering and darker colors for backgrounds, should be encouraged throughout Downtown.Guideline 13: Rear Yards& FaçadesThe rear portions of all properties should be clean, attractive and well maintained, particularly where these areas are visible to the public.The backs of existing commercial buildings should be repaired, repainted, and upgraded as required; new buildings should have attractive rear façades that are “comparable” to front façades.Secondary rear entrances to stores and shopsshould be encouraged in blocks where public parking or pedestrian walkways are located behind the buildings.Trash receptacles, dumpsters and service areas should be located inside the primary building or be fully enclosed in small masonry structures.Outdoor storage and service facilities should be screened from view along sidewalks and roadways through the use of low masonry walls or evergreen plantings.Guideline 14: Parking LotsOff-street parking lots should be designed and located so that they are safe, efficient, and do not disrupt the traditional pedestrian scale of Downtown.Parking lots should be located behind buildings or at mid block; parking in front of buildings should be avoided throughout the Core Downtown Subarea.Access to parking lots should be provided from alleys or side streets wherever possible; curb cuts and access drives should be minimized, particularly along pedestrian shopping streets and arterial routes.Parking lots should be screened from view along sidewalks and roadways through the use of low masonry walls or evergreen plantings and decorative fencing.Parking lots should have curbed perimeters; landscaped islands and clearly marked pedestrian pathways should be encouraged within the interior of parking areas.All parking lots should be paved, well marked, sufficiently lit, and provided with proper drainage.Guideline 15: Residential AreasThe Downtown Plan recommends several sites for new condominium and townhouse development. Each of these areas should be characterized by high-quality design and construction, and sites should be attractively landscaped to serve as a “transition” to Downtown commercial areas. The height of new multi-family buildings that directly border or face single-family uses should be limited to two-stories in height.New housing construction should reflect the traditional scale and character of Downtown, particularly in terms of masonry building materials, colors, mass and proportion, and fenestration.New rowhouse buildings should be located at or near the sidewalk and aligned with and “face” the street.Multi-family sites should be attractively landscaped, particularly front setbacks and the perimeter of parking and service areas. Where possible, parking to serve multi-family uses should be located inside the primary buildings; if garages are provided, they should be located behind the residential buildings and should have access via alleys or side streets.。
对译集合之三:201. 城市设计与文化遗产保护- Urban Design and Cultural Heritage Protection 202. 城市设计与城市更新政策- Urban Design and Urban Renewal Policies203. 城市设计与城市营销- Urban Design and City Branding204. 城市设计与城市治理- Urban Design and City Governance205. 城市设计与公私合作- Urban Design and Public-Private Partnerships206. 城市设计与土地利用规划- Urban Design and Land Use Planning207. 城市设计与交通规划- Urban Design and Transportation Planning208. 城市设计与景观规划- Urban Design and Landscape Planning209. 城市设计与建筑设计- Urban Design and Architectural Design210. 城市设计与室内设计- Urban Design and Interior Design211. 城市设计与环境心理学- Urban Design and Environmental Psychology212. 城市设计与文化研究- Urban Design and Cultural Studies213. 城市设计与历史建筑保护- Urban Design and Historic Preservation214. 城市设计与景观生态学- Urban Design and Landscape Ecology215. 城市设计与气候适应性设计- Urban Design and Climate-Resilient Design 216. 城市设计与生态基础设施- Urban Design and Ecological Infrastructure217. 城市设计与气候变化适应性- Urban Design and Climate Change Adaptation 218. 城市设计与雨水管理- Urban Design and Stormwater Management219. 城市设计与风工程- Urban Design and Wind Engineering220. 城市设计与地质工程- Urban Design and Geotechnical Engineering221. 城市设计与绿色基础设施- Urban Design and Green Infrastructure222. 城市设计与社区参与- Urban Design and Community Participation223. 城市设计与地域文化- Urban Design and Local Culture224. 城市设计与经济活力- Urban Design and Economic Vitality225. 城市设计与健康城市- Urban Design and Healthy Cities226. 城市设计与生态旅游- Urban Design and Ecotourism227. 城市设计与气候变化适应性规划- Urban Design and Climate Change Adaptation Planning228. 城市设计与未来生活场景- Urban Design and Future Scenario Planning229. 城市设计与人工智能技术- Urban Design and Artificial Intelligence Technology 230. 城市设计与未来城市愿景- Urban Design and Future City Visioning231. 城市设计与人类福祉- Urban Design and Human Well-being232. 城市设计与弹性城市- Urban Design and Resilient Cities233. 城市设计与公共卫生- Urban Design and Public Health234. 城市设计与无障碍设计- Urban Design and Accessibility Design235. 城市设计与自然灾害预防- Urban Design and Natural Disaster Prevention236. 城市设计与生态恢复- Urban Design and Ecological Restoration237. 城市设计与生态修复- Urban Design and Ecological Rehabilitation238. 城市设计与绿色建筑材料- Urban Design and Green Building Materials239. 城市设计与可持续能源利用- Urban Design and Sustainable Energy Utilization240. 城市设计与低碳交通- Urban Design and Low-carbon Transportation241. 城市设计与可持续发展教育- Urban Design and Sustainable Development Education 242. 城市设计与社区经济发展- Urban Design and Community Economic Development 243. 城市设计与水资源管理- Urban Design and Water Resource Management244. 城市设计与食物系统设计- Urban Design and Food System Design245. 城市设计与废弃物资源化- Urban Design and Waste Resource Management246. 城市设计与碳减排策略- Urban Design and Carbon Emission Reduction Strategies 247. 城市设计与智能交通系统- Urban Design and Intelligent Transportation Systems 248. 城市设计与建筑能效提升- Urban Design and Building Energy Efficiency Improvement 249. 城市设计与可再生能源利用- Urban Design and Renewable Energy Utilization250. 城市设计与生态农业- Urban Design and Ecological Agriculture251. 城市设计与生态工业园- Urban Design and Ecological Industrial Parks252. 城市设计与生态旅游规划- Urban Design and Eco-tourism Planning253. 城市设计与生态恢复工程- Urban Design and Ecological Restoration Projects254. 城市设计与生态廊道规划- Urban Design and Ecological Corridor Planning255. 城市设计与生态基础设施规划- Urban Design and Ecological Infrastructure Planning 256. 城市设计与生态红线规划- Urban Design and Ecological Redline Planning257. 城市设计与生态产品开发- Urban Design and Ecological Product Development 258. 城市设计与生态价值评估- Urban Design and Ecological Value Assessment259. 城市设计与生态影响评价- Urban Design and Ecological Impact Assessment260. 城市设计与生态修复工程实践- Urban Design and Ecological Restoration Engineering Practice261. 城市设计与生态审计- Urban Design and Ecological Audit262. 城市设计与生态产业园区规划- Urban Design and Ecological Industrial Park Planning 263. 城市设计与生态城规划- Urban Design and Eco-city Planning264. 城市设计与生态足迹评估- Urban Design and Ecological Footprint Assessment265. 城市设计与生态工程设计- Urban Design and Ecological Engineering Design266. 城市设计与生态补偿机制- Urban Design and Ecological Compensation Mechanism 267. 城市设计与生态农业园区规划- Urban Design and Ecological Agricultural Park Planning268. 城市设计与生态旅游产品开发- Urban Design and Eco-tourism Product Development 269. 城市设计与生态恢复实践- Urban Design and Ecological Restoration Practice270. 城市设计与生态工程管理- Urban Design and Ecological Engineering Management271. 城市设计与生态足迹模型- Urban Design and Ecological Footprint Modeling272. 城市设计与生态卫生系统- Urban Design and Ecological Sanitation Systems273. 城市设计与生态安全评估- Urban Design and Ecological Security Assessment274. 城市设计与生态服务功能提升- Urban Design and Enhancement of Ecosystem Services275. 城市设计与生态风险管理- Urban Design and Ecological Risk Management276. 城市设计与生态服务付费- Urban Design and Ecosystem Service Payment277. 城市设计与生态效率提升- Urban Design and Enhancement of Ecological Efficiency 278. 城市设计与生态适应性规划- Urban Design and Ecological Adaptive Planning279. 城市设计与生态智慧城市- Urban Design and Smart Eco-cities280. 城市设计与生态脆弱性评估- Urban Design and Ecological Vulnerability Assessment281. 城市设计与生态脆弱性缓解- Urban Design and Mitigation of Ecological Vulnerability 282. 城市设计与生态资源利用- Urban Design and Utilization of Ecological Resources 283. 城市设计与生态系统服务功能价值评估- Urban Design and Valuation of Ecosystem Service Function284. 城市设计与生态监测与评估- Urban Design and Ecological Monitoring and Assessment285. 城市设计与生态完整性保护- Urban Design and Protection of Ecological Integrity 286. 城市设计与生态工程教育- Urban Design and Ecological Engineering Education 287. 城市设计与生态规划师的角色- Urban Design and the Role of Ecological Planners 288. 城市设计与生态农业融合发展- Urban Design and the Integration of Ecological Agriculture with Development289. 城市设计与生态用地分类与管理- Urban Design and Classification and Management of Ecological Land Use290. 城市设计与生态影响预测模型- Urban Design and Prediction Models for Ecological Impact291. 城市设计与生态恢复项目实施- Urban Design and Implementation of Ecological Restoration Projects292. 城市设计与生态产品市场开发- Urban Design and Development of Ecological Product Markets293. 城市设计与生态保护地规划- Urban Design and Planning of Ecological Conservation Areas294. 城市设计与生态网络构建- Urban Design and Construction of Ecological Networks 295. 城市设计与生态友好型建筑材料- Urban Design and Eco-friendly Building Materials 296. 城市设计与生态多样性保护- Urban Design and Protection of Ecological Diversity297. 城市设计与生态系统服务供需平衡- Urban Design and Balancing the Supply and Demand for Ecosystem Services298. 城市设计与生态系统恢复示范工程- Urban Design and Demonstration Projects for Ecosystem Restoration299. 城市设计与生态补偿机制实施- Urban Design and Implementation of Ecological Compensation Mechanisms300. 城市设计与生态安全格局规划- Urban Design and Planning of Ecological Safety Patterns。
Urban design needs to fully consider the living needs and beautiful vision of the people.2.需要合理且有效地规划城市的土地利用,以确保城市可持续发展。
It is necessary to plan the land use of the city reasonably and effectively to ensure the sustainable development of the city.3.城市规划需要充分考虑生态环境保护和资源节约利用。
Urban planning needs to fully consider the protection of the ecological environment and the conservation of resources.4.城市公共交通系统需要得到充分的考虑和规划。
The urban public transportation system needs to be fully considered and planned.5.城市绿地和公共休闲空间需要得到合理利用和规划。
Urban green spaces and public recreational spaces need to be reasonably utilized and planned.6.城市设计需要兼顾历史文化遗产和现代建筑风格。
Urban design needs to take into account historical and cultural heritage as well as modern architectural styles.7.城市建筑规划需要符合国家相关法律法规和产业政策。
指南背景下值日生环创设计要求英文回答:Guidelines for Design Requirements for Duty Students in Environmental Creation.In order to enhance the environmental awareness and creativity of duty students, the following design requirements are proposed for their assigned tasks:1. Incorporate Sustainability: Duty students should focus on creating designs that promote sustainability. This can include using recycled materials, reducing waste, and incorporating energy-efficient features. By prioritizing sustainability, duty students can contribute to a greener and more environmentally-friendly environment.2. Enhance Aesthetics: The designs should also aim to enhance the aesthetics of the designated areas. Duty students can incorporate elements such as artwork, plants,and decorative features to create a visually pleasing environment. By doing so, they can improve the overall ambiance and create a more enjoyable space for everyone.3. Encourage Interaction: The designs should encourage interaction among students and staff. This can be achieved by creating seating areas, communal spaces, or interactive installations. By fostering a sense of community and socialization, duty students can contribute to a more inclusive and engaging environment.4. Consider Safety: Safety should be a top priority when designing the assigned areas. Duty students should ensure that their designs do not pose any hazards or risks to the users. This includes considering factors such as proper lighting, clear pathways, and secure installations. By prioritizing safety, duty students can create a space that is both visually appealing and safe for everyone.5. Flexibility and Adaptability: Duty students should design spaces that are flexible and adaptable to different needs and occasions. This can include movable furniture,multipurpose areas, or modular designs. By creating versatile spaces, duty students can cater to various activities and events, making the assigned areas more functional and versatile.中文回答:指南背景下值日生环境创造设计要求。
《2024年城市基础设施建设规范》英文版Document Title: "2024 Urban Infrastructure Construction Standards"In order to effectively address the growing needs of urban development, the "2024 Urban Infrastructure Construction Standards" have been established to provide guidance and regulations for the construction of essential infrastructure in cities. These standards aim to ensure the safety, functionality, and sustainability of urban infrastructure projects.The standards cover a wide range of areas, including transportation, water supply, waste management, energy distribution, and communication systems. Each section outlines specific requirements and specifications for the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure assets to meet the demands of a modern and rapidly changing urban environment.By adhering to these standards, cities can improve the quality of life for their residents, enhance economic development opportunities, and promote environmental sustainability. It is essential for urban planners, engineers, and policymakers to follow these guidelines to create resilient and efficient infrastructure systems that can withstand the challenges of urbanization and climate change.The "2024 Urban Infrastructure Construction Standards" serve as a valuable resource for decision-makers at all levels of government, as well as private sector stakeholders involved in urban development projects. By incorporating these standards into their planning and implementation processes, cities can build a strong foundation for future growth and prosperity.Ultimately, the successful implementation of these standards will contribute to the creation of livable, inclusive, and sustainable cities that can thrive in the face of evolving challenges and opportunities. It is imperative for all stakeholders to work together to ensure that urban infrastructure projects are built to the highest standards of quality and efficiency to benefit current and future generations.。
规矩计划方案的英语Regulatory Plan Scheme.As a crucial component of urban planning and management, regulatory plans serve as a framework for guiding development and ensuring the orderly growth of cities and towns. They outline the specific regulations and guidelines that govern land use, zoning, and building design within a designated area. This article will delve into the key aspects of regulatory plans, their purpose, and theessential steps involved in their formulation and implementation.Purpose of Regulatory Plans:Regulatory plans are primarily intended to achieve the following objectives:Promote orderly development: By establishing clear guidelines for land use and zoning, regulatory plansprevent haphazard development and promote a cohesive and sustainable urban environment.Protect community character: They safeguard the unique character of neighborhoods and historic areas by preserving architectural heritage and regulating the scale and density of development.Ensure environmental sustainability: Regulatory plans incorporate measures to protect natural resources, such as green spaces, waterways, and environmentally sensitive areas.Facilitate infrastructure planning: They guide the provision of essential infrastructure, such as roads, utilities, and public amenities, ensuring that development is supported by adequate infrastructure.Promote economic growth: Regulatory plans can stimulate economic growth by creating a favorable environment for investment and business development.Stages of Regulatory Plan Formulation:The formulation of regulatory plans involves a comprehensive process that typically comprises thefollowing stages:1. Needs assessment and data collection: This stage involves gathering data on the existing land use patterns, demographics, environmental conditions, and future development needs of the area.2. Visioning and goal setting: Stakeholders, including residents, businesses, and government agencies, come together to develop a shared vision for the future of the area and identify specific goals to be achieved through the regulatory plan.3. Drafting and public consultation: A draft regulatory plan is prepared, outlining the proposed land use zones, development regulations, and design guidelines. The draft plan is then presented to the public for feedback and suggestions.4. Revision and finalization: Based on public feedback, the draft plan is revised and finalized. The final plan is submitted to the relevant planning authority for approval.5. Adoption and implementation: Once approved, the regulatory plan becomes a legally binding document that guides development and land use decisions within the designated area.Implementation and Enforcement:The implementation and enforcement of regulatory plans are critical to their effectiveness. This involves:Development control: Local authorities review development proposals to ensure they comply with the regulatory plan.Monitoring and enforcement: Regular monitoring ensures adherence to the plan's regulations. Violations are addressed through enforcement actions, such as fines orstop-work orders.Plan review and updates: Regulatory plans should be periodically reviewed and updated to adapt to changing circumstances and community needs.Conclusion:Regulatory plans play a vital role in shaping the built environment and promoting sustainable urban development. By providing a clear framework for land use and development, they contribute to the creation of livable, sustainable, and prosperous communities. The effective formulation, implementation, and enforcement of regulatory plans require collaboration between government agencies, stakeholders, and the public to ensure their alignment with the needs and aspirations of the community.。
RedesignOfTheUrbanAreasOfPra?aDaLiberdade谷德设计网非常感谢Arquitetos Associados将以下内容授权gooood发行。
Appreciation towards Arquitetos Associados for providing the following description:在城市空间设计中,绝好的公共场所应该溶于城市脉络,精彩却没有强烈的个人主义,以一种让人群感到舒适的模式存在,为城市提供基础支持。
该项目位于巴西城市贝洛奥里藏特,主要任务是将该市最重要的Pra?a da Liberdade大道与相邻的公共广场重新设计,减少建筑周边停车位,增加场所的可达性和休闲性,引入更多人流,从而建立起一个有活力的公共空间。
The project of Pra?a da Liberdade stemmed from the need to reconcile the architecturaldesign of the Cultural Circuit of Pra?a da Liberdade and the publicareas which surrounds the square. It potentials the residual surrounding areas, increasingpublic use through its redesign, which reduces vehicle parkingareas, incentives indeterminate media ownership and the sidewalks suited to frequentpostures, accessibility and traffic."Space is the unequal accumulation of time."Milton SantosThe main goal of an urban project is to contribute to the establishment of an effectivepublic domain, less attached to consumption and more focused onthe understanding of the city as a public place. Rather than being understated, the urbandesign should almost dissolve, acquiring an invisibility that allowsto emphasize its potentials as a support and should offer the people possibilities not evenimagined previously. This premise allows the approach ofarchitecture and urban design to the infrastructure, which represents certainly the mostdiscreet works, providing “essential supports for theunpredictability of life”, as Le Corbusier said. The necessity of discretion avoids themonumental, individualistic work and gives attention to theconstruction of territory, the seam of the urban texture, the constitution of a public spacein fact, as well as to the recognition of history and time. Thissense suggests that the construction of a city can be only a collective work and an inter-generational effort. In addition, a new intervention in aconsolidated environment should stand as another layer among many others andincreasing the virtues of what was built before.Pra?a da Liberdade大道现状是融合了各个时期的建筑风格,从法国宫殿风格建筑到现代以及后现代的建筑,无一不足。
建筑方案设计常用英语IntroductionIn this architectural design proposal, we present our vision for a new residential development in the heart of the city. Our goal is to create a modern and innovative living space that combines functionality and aesthetics. The project will consist of a series of high-rise apartment buildings, surrounded by lush green spaces and featuring state-of-the-art amenities for residents.Project OverviewThe proposed development will be located on a prime piece of land near the city center. The site currently consists of several low-rise buildings that are in need of redevelopment. The new project will consist of five high-rise towers, each standing at least 20 stories tall. The towers will be connected by a series of landscaped gardens and pedestrian walkways, creating a cohesive and inviting community for residents.Design ConceptOur design concept for the project is based on the principles of modernism and sustainability. The buildings will feature clean lines, contemporary materials, and large windows to maximize natural light and views. The façades will be clad in a combination of glass, steel, and concrete, creating a sleek and timeless aesthetic.The interior spaces of the buildings will be designed to be flexible and adaptable to residents' needs. Each apartment will feature an open-plan layout, with high ceilings and large windows to create a sense of spaciousness. The kitchens will be fitted with high-end appliances, and the bathrooms will feature luxurious finishes and fixtures.AmenitiesThe development will be designed to offer residents a wide range of amenities to enhance their quality of life. These will include a rooftop swimming pool, fitness center, spa, and communal garden areas. There will also be retail space on the ground floor, providing convenience and services to residents.SustainabilityIn keeping with our commitment to sustainability, the project will incorporate a number of green design features. The buildings will be designed to be energy-efficient, with high-performance insulation, triple-glazed windows, and solar panels on the roofs. Rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling systems will be implemented to reduce water usage, and landscaping will be designed to be drought-tolerant and low-maintenance. ConclusionIn conclusion, our proposed residential development offers a unique and innovative living experience for residents in the heart of the city. The design combines modernism, sustainability, and functionality to create a vibrant and welcoming community. We believe that this project has the potential to become a landmark in the city and set a new standard for urban living. Thank you for considering our proposal.。
内部道路改造英语作文Title: Revamping Internal Roadways: Enhancing Connectivity and Efficiency。
In contemporary urban landscapes, the significance of efficient internal roadways cannot be overstated. As cities burgeon with population influxes and vehicular density, the need for strategic upgrades and renovations to internal road networks becomes imperative. This essay delves into the importance of revamping internal roadways, elucidating the multifaceted benefits they offer and the methodologies involved.Primarily, the refurbishment of internal roadways fosters enhanced connectivity within urban settings. By optimizing the layout and design of road networks, cities can alleviate traffic congestion, facilitating smoother transit for commuters and goods alike. Through the integration of advanced traffic management systems and the establishment of dedicated lanes for public transport, suchas buses and trams, cities can streamline mobility, reducing travel times and improving overall accessibility.Moreover, revamped internal roadways contribute significantly to the economic vitality of urban centers. By minimizing bottlenecks and traffic jams, businesses can operate more efficiently, facilitating the seamless flow of goods and services. Additionally, improved accessibility encourages commercial activities, attracting investors and bolstering local economies. Consequently, therevitalization of internal roadways serves as a catalystfor economic growth and development.Furthermore, the renovation of internal road networks holds paramount importance in enhancing safety and reducing accident rates. By implementing modern infrastructure and safety features, such as roundabouts, pedestrian crossings, and adequate lighting, cities can mitigate the risk of collisions and pedestrian accidents. Moreover, the integration of smart technologies, including traffic cameras and sensors, enables real-time monitoring and intervention, further augmenting road safety measures.In addition to fostering connectivity, economic prosperity, and safety, revamped internal roadways also contribute to environmental sustainability. By promoting the adoption of eco-friendly transportation modes, such as cycling lanes and electric vehicle charging stations, cities can reduce carbon emissions and mitigate air pollution. Furthermore, the implementation of green infrastructure, such as rain gardens and permeable pavements, facilitates stormwater management and enhances urban resilience to climate change impacts.The process of revamping internal roadways entails a comprehensive approach, encompassing urban planning, engineering, and stakeholder engagement. Initially, thorough assessments of existing road conditions andtraffic patterns are conducted to identify areas for improvement. Subsequently, urban planners collaborate with engineers and architects to devise innovative design solutions tailored to the specific needs and challenges of each locality.Public participation and stakeholder engagement play a pivotal role in the road revamping process, ensuring that community concerns and preferences are adequately addressed. Through town hall meetings, surveys, and public forums, residents and businesses have the opportunity to voicetheir opinions and contribute valuable insights to the planning process. This participatory approach fosters a sense of ownership and collective responsibility, engendering greater support for the proposed road redevelopment initiatives.Furthermore, the financing of internal road revamping projects necessitates a judicious allocation of resources and the exploration of diverse funding mechanisms. While government funding remains a primary source forinfrastructure investments, public-private partnerships (PPPs) and innovative financing models, such as congestion pricing and value capture, offer additional avenues for financing large-scale road redevelopment endeavors. By leveraging a combination of public and private resources, cities can expedite the implementation of road revamping projects and maximize their socioeconomic benefits.In conclusion, the revamping of internal roadways represents a pivotal undertaking for modern cities striving to enhance connectivity, promote economic vitality, ensure safety, and advance environmental sustainability. Through a holistic approach encompassing urban planning, stakeholder engagement, and innovative financing, cities can rejuvenate their internal road networks, fostering inclusive and resilient urban environments for current and future generations.。
英语作文-设计服务行业推进城市基础设施建设促进城市发展The design services industry plays a pivotal role in advancing urban infrastructure and promoting city development. In recent years, this sector has emerged as a key driver in shaping the physical and functional aspects of cities worldwide. Through innovative approaches and strategic planning, design services have significantly contributed to enhancing urban infrastructure, thereby fostering sustainable urban development.Design services encompass a broad spectrum of disciplines, ranging from architecture and urban planning to civil engineering and environmental design. These disciplines collaborate closely to create integrated solutions that meet the evolving needs of urban centers. One of the primary goals of design services in urban infrastructure development is to optimize the use of space and resources while ensuring efficiency, functionality, and aesthetic appeal.Urban infrastructure encompasses various essential components such as transportation networks, utilities (water supply, sanitation, and energy systems), public spaces, and housing. Design services professionals work tirelessly to address the challenges posed by rapid urbanization, population growth, and environmental sustainability. They employ advanced technologies, computational tools, and data-driven methodologies to analyze urban dynamics and formulate responsive designs that cater to diverse community needs.Furthermore, design services facilitate the implementation of smart city initiatives. By integrating digital technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, urban infrastructure becomes more interconnected and responsive to real-time data. This connectivity enables efficient management of resources, enhances public services, and improves overall quality of life for urban residents.In addition to technical expertise, design services emphasize collaboration with various stakeholders including government entities, private developers, communityorganizations, and academic institutions. Such partnerships foster inclusive decision-making processes that consider social equity, cultural heritage, and economic viability. By engaging stakeholders early in the planning and design phases, design services professionals can ensure that projects are well-aligned with community priorities and aspirations.Moreover, design services contribute to economic growth by attracting investments, stimulating job creation, and enhancing property values. Well-designed urban spaces not only attract residents and businesses but also promote tourism and cultural activities. This economic vibrancy creates a cycle of prosperity that supports further infrastructure development and community enhancement initiatives.The role of design services in promoting sustainable urban development cannot be overstated. Sustainable design practices prioritize resource efficiency, reduce carbon footprints, and mitigate environmental impacts. Strategies such as green building certifications, renewable energy integration, and stormwater management systems exemplify the commitment of design services to environmental stewardship and resilience against climate change.In conclusion, design services play a crucial role in advancing urban infrastructure and fostering city development. Through innovation, collaboration, and sustainable practices, design professionals contribute to creating livable, resilient, and inclusive cities for present and future generations. As urbanization continues to accelerate globally, the importance of design services in shaping our urban environments will only grow, reaffirming their role as catalysts for positive change in cities worldwide.。