Lesson 10 Photography

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Lesson 10 Photography
The word“photography”means“drawing with light”. Two things are essential —a source of light and a material that is sensitive to light called the film. A photograph is made when light reflected from an object falls on the film. A camera is used to control the amount of
light that falls on the film.(照片就是用光画画。



相机就是用来控制射到胶片上的光的) Imagine that you are going to take a black and white photograph with a single camera. First, you have to load film into it. Once the film is inside the camera, you turn a lever or key. This winds the unexposed part of the film into the right position to receive the image. Now
you are ready to take a photograph. (设想你要用普通相机拍一张照片,首先,你要安装胶片。



)You point the camera toward the subject of your choice , and snap—you press the button working the shutter . The shutter is a mechanical device that can be moved very quickly in front
of the film. It allows light to enter the camera for a fraction of a second. The light is usually focused onto the film by curved glass lens, which forms a sharp image.( 把相机对准你选择的物体,按快门。




Although you have taken your photographs, you cannot see them yet. There are several things that have to be done before the final pictures are ready . You cannot take the film
out of the camera and look at it—it is still sensitive to light. Usually, the film has to be wound back into the plastic container called a cartridge, before you can take it out of the camera. Because the cartridge can protect the film from light, the cartridge with the film can be unloaded in the



Next, the film must be processed or “developed”with chemicals. Most films must be developed in total darkness or in dark green light to which they are not very sensitive,otherwise they would be spoiled by light before the process is complete.(其次,胶片必须用化学药品来显影。


) First the film is put into a liquid called the developer. The picture on the film starts to appear. Chemicals on the surface of the film are changed by the developer. They become visible, forming the picture. But the film is still sensitive to the light, so it needs to be dipped in a second kind of liquid, the fixer. It makes the film insensitive to light, and also makes the picture on the film permanent. Now, when the film has been washed and dried, you can look at it in the light.(首先,把胶片放到一个叫做显像剂的液体里。





But your photograph is still not complete. The developed film is only a “negative”. If you hold a film negative up to the light, you will see that the light and dark parts of the original subject are reversed on the films . (到此,你的照片还没有完成,此时的底片是反面的。


)Light areas, such as clouds, appear dark. Dark areas, such as shadows, appear light. On a properly exposed film, most areas are various shades of grey. Only the lightest appear black. And only the darkest appear white .(亮的地方显示暗色,暗的地方显示亮色。


The negative must now be printed or enlarged to produce the final photograph. A
contact print is model led by placing the negative in contact with the photographic paper . A contact print is the same size as the negative. To make an enlargement, the negative is placed in a device something like a slide projector. This is called an enlarger. The light that is shone through the negative passes through a lens in the enlarger. The lens focuses the light onto the paper below. The light spreads out from the enlarger lens. The farther the paper is placed from the lens, the larger the image formed. (把相反的底片冲洗或放大之后才成为最终的照片。




) Next the paper is developed and fixed. This is done with the same kind of chemicals that were used for processing the original negative ( the chemicals are somewhat different) . When it has been washed and dried, your contact print or enlargement is complete.(接下来照片被显影和定影。



