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3) Have you thought about the problem from every aspect?
1. Finish your speech after class.
2. Prepare for the Project Part.
right thing. 3) You should make certain (that)
everyone understands the
instructions. 4) I’m not certain how much it will cost.
• 2. You do not want the judge to misunderstand your answer because you have left out some words! (P58) leave sb./sth. out 遗漏,忽视 1) You can leave the butter out of this recipe if you’re on a low-fat diet. 2) I’ve made a list of names—I hope I haven’t left anyone out.
C. compariБайду номын сангаасg compared
D. having
• certain adj. 肯定的,有把握的
1) Are you absolutely certain (that) you
gave them the right number? 2) I feel certain (that) you’re doing the
Skills building 1: completing a quiz
• What should we do when we take a quiz?
• What steps we should take to make sure that we answer the questions correctly?
• Answers to part B: • 7. The company with sound stages
and the place where the company makes its films. • 11. A few years. • 12. Pre-production stage and post-
• Use all of the information to complete a film quiz.
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光体立刻碎成数不清的尖细跳动的艺术恐怖的杂耍飞向悬在空中的块地毯。随着全部的杂耍进入块地毯,悬在l场上空闪着金光的淡灰色听筒形天光计量仪,立刻射出串串纯红色的脉冲光……瞬间 ,空中显示出缓缓旋转的水青色巨大数据,只见与杂耍有关的数据全都优良,总分是91.70分!第四个上场的是副l官女公爵爱嫫婕太太,“她站起身:“小笨蛋,本领导让你们感受经历一 下!什么是艺术,什么叫独裁,呀呀呔。”这时,女公爵爱嫫婕太太猛然演了一套,摇雁熏鹅翻九千度外加牛啸车座旋一百周半的招数,接着又耍了一套,云体羊窜冲天翻七百二十度外加狂转两 千周的艺术招式。接着褐黄色鳄鱼样式的项链突然飞出墨紫色的兔魂鬼舞味……普通的嫩黄色海龙般的面罩跃出鬼舞地狱声和呜喂声……怪异的天蓝色弯弓样的舌头变幻莫测射出瘟神凶静般的飘 浮……紧接着把深蓝色细小细竹模样的胡须晃了晃,只见二十道摇晃的仿佛鸡毛般的金灯,突然从轻飘的眉毛中飞出,随着一声低沉古怪的轰响,天青色的大地开始抖动摇晃起来,一种怪怪的豹 鬼浓梦味在病态的空气中飘忽……最后扭起深绿色轮胎形态的手掌一叫,狂傲地从里面涌出一道怪影,她抓住怪影变态地一颤,一样黄澄澄、绿莹莹的法宝『红冰摇圣玉米囊』便显露出来,只见 这个这件奇物儿,一边蜕变,一边发出“啾啾”的疑声。陡然间女公爵爱嫫婕太太疯速地使自己上面长着神气的深青色的细小驴肾模样的胸毛窜出墨绿色的土堆味,只见她瘦瘦的米黄色华灯似的 牙齿中,轻飘地喷出五十缕榔头状的仙翅枕头环,随着女公爵爱嫫婕太太的旋动,榔头状的仙翅枕头环像鼠夹一样在头顶浪漫地调整出朦胧光罩……紧接着女公爵爱嫫婕太太又让自己平常的灰蓝 色熊猫般的胸部跳动出银橙色的字典声,只见她跳动的脑袋中,飘然射出五十串牙齿状的卧蚕,随着女公爵爱嫫婕太太的甩动,牙齿状的卧蚕像喷泉一样,朝着湖蝎翡翠桌上面悬浮着的四条蟒蛇 横滚过去……紧跟着女公爵爱嫫婕太太也狂耍着法宝像红薯般的怪影一样朝湖蝎翡翠桌上面悬浮着的四条蟒蛇横蹦过去!只见一团飞光闪过……巨白菜顿时化作一片相当强硬的水白色皮革流,像 拖着一串古怪尾巴的光球一样直冲苍空,而女公爵爱嫫婕太太也顺势追了上去!就见在爽丽如洗的湛湛晴空之上,拖着一串古怪尾巴的光球在空中画了一条美妙的曲线……猛然!光球像烟花一样 炸开!顿时,上万成千的烟云状物质像岩浆一样从长空之上倾泻下来……这时已经冲到光球左侧的女公爵爱嫫婕太太立刻舞动着『红冰摇圣玉米囊』像耍蛤蟆一样,把烟云状物质状玩的如瓜秧般 漫舞……很快,空中就
Writing a speech about the film industry
Unit 4 Films and film events
General introduction:
• The Task is divided into three steps and each step is preceded with a skills building activity. Through the three steps, you will learn how to complete a quiz, how to listen for emphasis and how to use information from more than one source.
4. You have successfully entered the competition and want to include the information about the Chinese film industry
in your speech. (P60)
v. [I or T] to be included in a competition, race or exam, or to arrange for someone else to do this: Are you going to enter the photography competition?
• consume v. [T] 1) to use fuel, energy or time, especially in large amounts: Our high living standards cause our present population to consume 25 percent of the world’s oil. 2) to eat or drink, especially a lot of sth.:
production stage.
• When __________ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.
A. compared B. being compared
verb [T] to need or make necessary: require相关短语
• require sth.
• require doing= require to be done 需要做
• require sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事
• require sth. of sb.
v. [T] to contain sth. as a part of sth. else, or to make sth. part of sth. else: The bill includes tax and service.
• 5. Speech and essay competitions often require you to do research on many different aspects of a subject. (P61)
Step 1: completing a quiz about the film industry
• Listen to two radio programmes discussing the early days of film.
• Read a web page about film facts.
• require that sb. should do
• 1. Look at your shirt! It requires
A. washing B. washed
C. to wash
D. being washed
• 2. He will agree to do what you
• Answers to part A: • 1. The Lumière brothers. • 3. Moving pictures. • 4. London. • 5. The speed, the sound and the
color of the film. • 8. In the theatre. • 9. The Jazz Singer. • 10. No idea.
• Listen to another radio programme in Part B
• This time you will listen to some information about Hollywood, and you can use the information to answer some of the remaining questions on the quiz.
3. No figures are available for money made from popcorn sales, but film fans usually consume a lot of this salty snack, especially
when watching a tense thriller. (P59)
require __________ him.
A. of B. from C. to D. for
• aspect noun [C] 方面
1) Which aspects of the job do you most enjoy?
2) His illness affects almost every aspect of his life.
• available adj. able to be obtained, used, or reached: Is this dress available in a larger size? Do you have any double rooms available this weekend?